Building a Youtube Ready Set-up
Your setup is a big portion of a successful video. It will likely change do to advancing technology and the way you will be using your setup.
Cameras Cell Phone
The cheapest camera is likely sitting in your hand or in your pocket and that is your cell phone. If you have a smartphone with a camera. You have a video camera you don’t need to buy.
GoPro A GoPro Camera is going to be you best quality action camera you can get on the market the knock off ones are not as nearly good as the real thing. Click Here
Studio Camera
A studio camera would be used exclusively for indoor use and stationary use very minimal movement. A webcam can be used for this. `Webcam Click Here
On Person
A on person microphone is a good option if the camera is a long distance away from the person talking or if the camera that is recording has bad audio like the GoPro. This would usually be a lapel microphone that clips to your clothing and plugs into your phone or another audio device that can hold recording. Click Here
On Camera
A on camera microphone there is a more costly item but worth the money if you buy the right one. The microphone mounts on the top of the camera and records in front of the camera with a lot more power if you are not a fan of the lepels. C lick Here
Accessories Accessories that are great to have and make the production easier to make, Here's a list of some great quality accessories on Amazon: ● Sturdy Tripod ● Bendable Tripod ● Phone Attachment ● Car Mount for Phone ● Car Mount for GoPro