How to lose belly fat

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Introduction Everyone is different but most people who want to lose weight generally would love the weight to target one specific area. That area of course is the belly. Mainly because this is the hardest place to lose it and if you do it makes such a difference to your appearence and life. The secret to losing fat is actually no secret at all. What it comes down to is this: Clean, balanced eating, consistent workouts and regular, restorative sleep. It sounds simple—and it is—but with today’s bustling lifestyle it gets harder and harder to shed unwanted pounds. While it’s very difficult and rather impossible (according to some) to reduce fat, targeting body fat as a whole is your best bet to busting that belly. So we created this book to give you the help you need.


T able of Contents 1. Get Rid Of That Dangerous Belly Fat ! 2. Lose Fat Easy 3. Get Ripped Abs And Cont rol Your Bodys Acid Levels 4. Lose Your Belly Fat And Show Off Your Six Pack Abs 5. How t o Burn Belly Fat - 3 Things You Can Do Right Away t o Burn Belly Fat 6. Get t ing Rid Of That Belly Wit h A Tuck 7. 7 Things You Can Do Today To Get Rid Of A Beer Gut 8. Lose Belly Fat Now 9. Get That Flat St omach Look? Get Rid Of Big Tummy, Pot Belly And Beer Belly Fast . 10. Women's Healt h and Fit ness - Reducing Cort isol Levels Can Help You To Lose Weight 11. Want To Lose Belly Fat ? Eat This Precious Spice Daily


1. Get Rid Of T hat Dangerous Belly Fat! Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE

It is a proven fact t hat belly fat is t he most dangerous kind of fat on t he human body. We have all seen people who are overweight in just t heir st omach region and appear fit in every ot her place. It is a st range t hing, isn't it ? It seems like we are all overweight somewhere or anot her, and while we all need t o keep t rack of our weight and be proact ive about maint aining a healt hy lifest yle, t hose who carry ext ra belly fat need t o be aware even more.

If you t hink about it , your belly is t he area t hat holds most of your most import ant organs. Having ext ra weight in your legs or your hips doesn't affect t he funct ioning of any major organ, while carrying belly fat can really hinder t he work of some of your body's most import ant part s. Because it import ant t hat our organs work well, we want t o do everyt hing we can t o prot ect t hem and not hinder t heir work.

I'll oft en have client s come int o my fit ness club and t ell me t hat t heir most annoying problem is t he ext ra belly fat t hat t hey just cannot get rid of. I agree t hat t heir belly fat not only is annoying, but it is also dangerous. I am surprised by how few people know t he dangers of belly fat , so I am always quick t o share wit h t hem t he fact s. It only furt her increases t heir mot ivat ion t o get rid of t heir ext ra belly fat .

Anot her large group of client s will come in wit h t he firm belief t hat t here is not hing t hey can do wit h t heir belly fat . They t hink t hat it is impossible t o t rim down, especially t he older t hey get . As a personal fit ness t rainer, I am convinced t hat get t ing rid of belly fat not only is possible, but t hat it is import ant enough t o be t ackled regardless of how hard it is t o accomplish.

Losing belly fat happens by a combinat ion of consist ent and direct ed exercise and a


Losing belly fat happens by a combinat ion of consist ent and direct ed exercise and a specfic diet . It is amazing how cert ain exercises are aimed specifically at reducing fat in cert ain areas of t he body. Cert ain t ypes of nut rit ion plans will also help t o t rigger excess fat in part icular areas of t he body.

If you have ext ra belly fat , you should be int ent ional about dealing wit h it . Make an appoint ment wit h a fit ness t rainer, a diet ician or a physcian. Let someone help you get on t he right t rack in dealing wit h your belly fat and making it hist ory. Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE


2. Lose Fat Easy Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE

Most of t he people believe t hat finding t he perfect diet will cause t hem t o lose weight in no t ime. Well, most of t he people are wrong. It is not import ant what king of diet t hey choose t hey always fail t o keep it in t he long run. The secret is not in select ing t he perfect diet but inst ead work on your eat ing behavior, t his and only t his is t he key t o losing fat easy.

Eat ing t herapy helps in losing weight and more import ant , in keeping it in opt imal range for a long t ime. The reflexes lead t o impulse eat ing, in addit ion t hat and bad eat ing habit s, lead t o a sit uat ion were food is being consumed wit hout limit s or any second t hought s. This is exact ly what t he behavior t herapy is t ackling, in order t o change t he bad habit s and t urn t hem int o useful healt hy way of t hinking and eat ing.

The t herapy is divided t o four part s:

*Measuring and describing t he current eat ing process.

*Describing t he event s t hat creat e t he need t o eat .

*Learning how t o cont rol t he craving for food.

*Eliminat ing t he old eat ing habit s, and develop new healt hy ones inst ead.

Act ually, most of t he t ime eat ing is t riggered by ext ernal st imulat ing and not as result of real hunger. They can be developed t o ment al and physicals. Ment al could be relat ed t o fears, st ress, t ension, disappoint ment , et c. Physical could be t he smell of fresh bread or t he sight of chocolat e cream cake at t he count er.


or t he sight of chocolat e cream cake at t he count er.

Mast ering eat ing behavior means not t o response t o all t ypes of st imulat ing. Inst ead, eat t hree main meals a day plus t hree light meals bet ween t hem. The t echnique is t o draw t he at t ent ion from eat ing t o ot her act ivit ies such as: t alking on t he phone, sport s, t alking t o someone, read a book, or play a game. What ever keeps t he mind busy and st ops t he craving t o eat .

Addit ional ideas t o support eat ing behavior t herapy:

1.It is best t o keep only healt hy food at home. This is an easy way t o avoid bad food.

2.Cut t ing down t he t ime of making food, will keep t he mind less busy wit h food t hought s.

3.Drink coffee wit h law calorie sweet en.

4.It is best t o drink lot s of nat ural t ea.

5.Eat ing slowly has t wo main posit ive affect s: t he food is bet t er consumed and t he hunger disappears when eat ing less food.

6.If you feel hungry 20 minut es pass meal t ime: drink somet hing or have fruit s.

7.Eat ing should t ake place at t he same place and not at random locat ions.

8.Shopping list should be prepared at home. The key is adhering t o it no mat t er what we saw lat t er on at t he supermarket . Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE


3. Get Ripped Abs And Control Your Bodys Acid Levels Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE

Keeping and maint aining a healt hy diet is key, can be t ough but like anyt hing, it t akes t ime and a lit t le sacrifice. Whet her you want ripped abs or you just want t o look and feel great , t aking prevent at ive measures will increase your overall wellness and longevit y. If at t imes you feel low in energy or simply fat igued, or even you just don't want t o get out of bed t o go t o work in t he morning. Knowing t he acidit y of your body can drast ically indicat e and warn you about your body's wellness. And it can also increase your levels of energy t hat we all so much desire.

Acidic pH level in human body fluids are a prime environment for bact eria, virus and ot her undesirable dangers. Your body is needs t o perform and In order for our body's cells t o funct ion at peak capacit y everyday , your body needs t o ensure t hat it s pH levels (especially your blood pH) are in slight ly in alkaline st at e (t hat means wit h a pH of slight ly over 7). Very import ant t o consider t he t ypes of foods you consume and t he amount s of plain wat er you drink. Acid forming foods are amongst ot hers meat , dairy product s, chocolat e, bread and all kind of ot her yeast product s, alcohol, carbonat ed drinks and coffee and t ea. Try t o avoid t hose foods, inst ead consume as much alkaline forming foods as possible, like veget ables, greens, sprout s, soy product s and most kind of seeds. Though being so many recipes all over t he Int ernet you shouldn't have any problems makings high alkalinit y meals you really enjoy.

PH (pot ent ial of hydrogen) is a measure of t he acidit y or alkalinit y of a solut ion. It is measured on a scale of 0 t o 14. t he lesser t he pH t he more acidic t he solut ion, t he higher t he pH t he more alkaline (or base) t he solut ion.

Acidic PH levels dest roy vit al oxygen molecules and creat e a breeding ground for diseases. PH levels in healt hy people as well as newborns is slight ly above 7. Acid wast e


diseases. PH levels in healt hy people as well as newborns is slight ly above 7. Acid wast e grows inside t he body due t o our unhealt hy lifest yles. If our int ernal environment is t oo acidic, disease becomes inevit able.

Alkalinit y can be increased by consuming less meat and sweet s and more veget ables and fruit s. Alt hough eat ing fruit t o increase alkalinit y may seem t o be a cont radict ion because some fruit s (especially cit rus) are acidic out side t he body, digest ion uses up t heir acidic component s, leaving an alkaline residue (ash). Alkalinit y should be kept t o 75. Alkaline-producing foods such as veget ables are eat en in much smaller quant it ies. St imulant s like t obacco, coffee, t ea, and alcohol are also ext remely acidifying.

It is recommended t hat you t est your pH levels t o det ermine if your body's pH immediat e at t ent ion. By using pH t est st rips, you can det ermine your pH fact or quickly and easily in t he privacy of your own home. Taking t hese prevent at ive measures can help you get t he body you want , whet her is ripped abs or simply great overall healt h and wellness. Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE


4. Lose Your Belly Fat And Show Off Your Six Pack Abs Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE

Have you not iced t hat most people will never fail t o include abdominal muscle exercises in t heir rout ines and yet somehow or ot her, t hey can never own t hat covet ed 6 pack abs?

Have you been religiously doing your abdominal muscle exercises? Is your abs showing t o your sat isfact ion? No? Why? Do you know t hat your abdominal muscle is one of t he easiest muscles t o build but yet why is it t hat most people have difficult y in developing t hat 6 pack abs?

Here is t he t rut h. Those of you who are working out your abs regularly do probably own t hat much sought aft er six pack. Yes, you do. The only t rouble is t hat your belly fat is covering t hem. Your abs will not show up well if you have a body fat rat io of more t han 12%. The more fat you burn off, t he more defined your abs will be. You will own t hat rippling washboard abs when your body fat is 10% or less. So if you have fat on your belly, forget about abdominal exercises and burn off t he fat s first .

There is anot her reason why people put in so much effort t o develop t heir abdominal muscle and yet t heir abs are not showing alt hough t hey have low body fat . Again, t here is a simple explanat ion. They are doing t he wrong exercises and working out in bad form.

Let 's t ake for example t he most common abs exercises, t he sit up and t he leg raisers. Everybody seem t o be doing t hese t wo exercises not knowing t hat t hese exercises really don't do much for t heir abs. Don't believe me? Ok...t ry t his. When you do your sit up or leg raisers, place your palms on your hip on t he area connect ing t o your t high and perform t he exercises. Tell me what did you feel? are get t ing it . Those muscles t here are doing most of t he work. Those are your hip flexor muscles. Since your


muscles t here are doing most of t he work. Those are your hip flexor muscles. Since your hip flexors are doing most of t he work, how can you develop your abs effect ively?

So you say, from now on I will do crunches inst ead. Well, I have anot her surprise for you. Most people perform t heir crunches wrongly t oo. Think about it . Why is t he exercise called t he "crunch"? It is because you must squeeze your abs so are t hat you are crunching t hem. In order t o squeeze your abs hard, you have t o curl up like a prawn and breat h out all t he air in your lungs at t he t op posit ion and t hen squeeeeeeeze t he muscles so hard t hat you feel a burn. That will t ake a few seconds t o crunch out all t he air before you lower t o t he beginning posit ion again. You can't do t his effect ively if you just go up, down, up down, up down rhyt hmet ically. So, if you have been doing hundreds of crunches everyday wit h minimal result , now you know why. In fact , it is almost impossible for t he average guy t o do t ens of properly performed crunches and not t o say hundreds of t hem. The same squeezing principle applies t o ot her abs exercises. t hat you know why your abs are not showing up well, so get on wit h burning your fat s and perform your workout in correct form. You will t hen see your 6 pack abdominal muscle in no t ime. Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE


5. How to Burn Belly Fat - 3 T hings You Can Do Right Away to Burn Belly Fat Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE

Do you want t o know how t o burn belly fat off? Well you're not alone. Belly fat can be at t ribut ed t o many degenerat ing diseases and we should make an effort t o t ake t he ext ra fat off.

Unfort unat ely, you won't be able t o direct ly t arget your belly t o burn fat . However, you can st ill burn belly fat off. The body has it s own syst em for burning fat . The way t o st art t o burn belly fat off is incorporat ing t he following int o your life:

Burn more calories t han you are eat ing.

One of t he best ways t o burn belly fat off is a reduced calorie diet . Reduced calorie diet s are ext remely effect ive in loosing weight and burning fat . The benefit of reduced calorie diet is t hat you do not have t o change t he foods t hat you eat , just eat a lit t le less.

You do not have t o st arve yourself wit h a reduced calorie diet . Even t hough a reduced calorie diet requires t hat you cut t he calories you eat , you should only cut down a lit t le. Cut t ing calories t o a point of st arving yourself will not work because t he body has a mechanism for keeping fat t o survive.

Cut t ing down on t he calories you eat is act ually simple t o do but it 's not easy. You should do is purchase a calorie count er book or look up common foods online t o help you. You'll see how much calories each food cont ains.


Exercise Regularly

Exercising complement s a reduced calorie diet because you burn calories wit h exercise. So, t he more calories you burn, t he more fat you may burn. While exercise is very import ant , you st ill need a healt hy diet t o opt imize your body's fat burning process.

Exercises such as weight t raining builds muscle. As you build muscle, you burn more calories. Muscles need food t o build, t herefore you burn calories. Exercise also makes your body t o work more efficient ly by increasing blood flow.

As you exercise more you get in bet t er shape. You can increase your met abolism which helps you burn belly fat off.

St art Making t he Right Food Choices

As I said above you can eat a lit t le less and st art t o burn belly fat off. However, I would like t o discuss t he t ype of calories you eat . If you want t o st reamline t he fat burning process you have t o cut out empt y calories.

Even if you are burning more calories t han you are t aking in, you need t o st art t hinking about increasing t he qualit y of your calories. Here are some easy changes you can make t o help you burn belly fat off.

If you drink soda, st art t o gradually cut down or eliminat e soda from your diet and st art drinking wat er. Soda cont ains a lot of processed sugar and can add unwant ed calories t o your diet . If you drink about 3 t o 4 cans a day. That is a possible 450 - 600 calories of unneeded calories per day.

Try t o cut processed foods for foods in a nat ural st at e. If you enjoy fast food during t he work day, t ry bringing in your lunch. For example, replace t he burger and fries wit h meat and a baked pot at o. If you use t he proper proport ions, you are bound t o save calories and you will be feeding your body bet t er.

While burning off belly fat is simple it may be challenging. As we discussed it is very hard


work since you cannot spot reduce a sect ion of your body. However, wit h some basic changes and persist ence, you'll be able t o t rim down your belly. Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE


6. Getting Rid Of T hat Belly With A T uck Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE

As we grow older, our waist lines oft en grow wit h us in an unwant ed manner. Fort unat ely, we can get rid of our belly wit h a t uck procedure.

Get t ing Rid Of That Belly Wit h A Tuck

Life leads all of us down a road of ruin for our midsect ions. Things we do not want t o droop go ahead and droop. Things t hat were once flat , now have definit e rolling waves. This last problem is known as t he every expanding belly and evidence of it can be found in increased pant sizes. Wit h plast ic surgery, we can t urn t ime back on t his part icular problem.

One of t he more popular procedures performed by plast ic surgeons is t he belly t uck. Oft en referred t o as a t ummy t uck, t he procedure will have you pulling out t hose old jeans and bat hing suit s you saved for years on t he chance you would lose some weight nat urally.

The procedure is designed t o accomplish t hree t hings. Obviously, t he removal of excessive fat is t he primary goal. Skin, however, may also be removed t o get t hat t ight look following t he procedure. Finally, most procedures will also focus on t ight ening up t he abdominal muscles a bit t o support t hat new flat st omach look you are aft er. The procedure t akes t wo t o five hours depending on what needs t o be done. It can be done under general or local anest hesia.

Following t he procedure, your recovery period will depend ent irely upon t he specific circumst ances of your original condit ion and you should speak wit h your surgeon regarding t hese. In general, you can expect swelling, bruising and soreness as t he body


regarding t hese. In general, you can expect swelling, bruising and soreness as t he body pushes blood int o t he area t o help t he healing. You should expect t o spend a couple of weeks off work, alt hough you should follow t he specific inst ruct ions of your surgeon. The act ual fading of t he scars from t he procedure will t ake a few mont hs as your body proceeds t hrough t he healing process.

As wit h any surgery, t here are risks associat ed wit h get t ing a flat st omach. Your surgeon can explain t hese t o you in det ail when he or she obt ains your informed consent for t he procedure.

While a st ressful life and eat ing on t he run can ruin your midsect ion, you can fight back. A t uck procedure will have you smiling and wearing t hose favorit e old jeans. Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE


7. 7 T hings You Can Do T oday T o Get Rid Of A Beer Gut Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE

There is much hype and misinformat ion surrounding t he subject of how t o get rid of a beer gut . If you can get past t he infomercials selling t heir ab machines, diet supplement s and magic pills you'll have a much bet t er chance of act ually seeing some proper result s and holding on t o t he money in your pocket .

Like anyt hing in life t hat involves hard work and desirable result s t here are no short cut s. A t ask such as t his requires some fundament al changes in how you live your life and exchanging bad habit s for good ones.

Here are 7 small life changes you can make t o your every day rout ine t o help t o get rid of a beer gut :

1. Park t he car a few blocks from work forcing you t o walk t he rest of t he journey every day t o incorporat e some exercise int o your daily rout ine. If you t ake t he bus or t rain t ry and get off a st op or 2 early (t ake a change of shoes for t his).

2. Try and avoid t aking lift s and escalat ors if t here are st airs you can t ake inst ead.

3. Swap coffee for green t ea.

4. Split your meals up int o 5 or 6 smaller meals t hroughout t he day, t his will increase your met abolism and t herefore burn more fat .

5. Drink lot s of wat er, part icularly when you get up and before you go t o bed.

6. Eat larger meals earlier in t he day when you need t he energy and smaller ones in t he


6. Eat larger meals earlier in t he day when you need t he energy and smaller ones in t he evening when ext ra energy will only end up being st ored as fat . Remember t his expression;- "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and sup like a pauper" but t ry and split t his int o 5 or 6 meals inst ead of t he usual 3.

7. Be conscious of how you sit at your desk or how you hold yourself during your day t o day rout ine. One of t he best ways t o develop a flat t ummy is t o exercise your t ransverse abdominus. You do t his by holding in your st omach (wit hout holding your breat h). Aim t o see how long you can hold it in for and bet t er your t ime every day.

Drawing your belly but t on int o your spine is somet imes referred t o as 'act ivat ing your core'. If you work at a comput er set a calendar reminder t o 'act ivat e your core' several t imes a day. If you don't work at a comput er set your wat ch or phone alarm t o remind you t o do t his. Tensing your st omach muscles and drawing your naval int o your spine is somet hing you can do sit t ing or st anding and in almost any sit uat ion.

These 7 t ips can make a world of difference t o helping you get rid of a beer gut if you add t hem t o your daily rout ine. Proper diet and exercise play an import ant part as well, however it is possible t o 'mult it ask' and lose your beer gut when you're at work and even at play.

If you combine t hese rout ine changes wit h a solid exercise and diet syst em you'll st art seeing result s a lot quicker t han you t hought possible. Of course you'll want t o make sure you're using t he right diet and exercise syst em.

For more every day diet and exercise t ips be sure t o check out my sit e for in dept h info on how t o most effect ively get rid of a beer gut and develop rock hard 6-pack abs. Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE


8. Lose Belly Fat Now Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE

The first t hing t hat people, who wish t o lose weight , t hink about is reducing t heir belly fat . It does not mat t er if you need t o lose t hose ext ra 15 pounds or a whole lot more. And it is exact ly where t hey all go wrong. This art icle will explain what t he biggest mist ake of flat belly seekers is, how t o avoid it , and achieve your desirable flat belly.

Belly muscles are designed t o give balance and coordinat ion for t he body's movement s. Const ant movement keeps it in shape. People used t o walk and move a lot just a few cent uries ago. These days most of t he people sit all day long at t he office and as a result t heir muscles weaken. At t his point t hey can't support t he int ernal oranges, allowing t he abdomen t o bulge.

The swelling causes people t o seek some drast ic act ion, in order t o regain t hat nice flat belly t hey st art t o exercise. This is where people make t he biggest mist ake in flat t ing t heir st omach: t hey st art t o workout very hard on t heir belly muscles and develop nice firm muscles but no one can see t hem. They are all sunken under a layer of fat . People are walking around wit h nice st rong belly muscles t hat are act ually invisible.

These people can not st op complaining about how hard t hey work, every day shaping t heir muscles but no visible result s are shown. This is t heir mist ake, t heir muscles are just fine. The problem is t he layer of fat which covers t hem.

The solut ion is working on bot h t hings at t he same t ime: on one hand work on your belly muscles, in addit ion you must reduce your fat percent age, Lowering your fat percent age will event ually give you t he affect you were looking for t he "six-pack" look. It is very import ant t o realize t hat lowering only belly fat is impossible. You must burn fat wit h by working and developing a higher muscles mass which will burn more calories even when


working and developing a higher muscles mass which will burn more calories even when you rest . Anot her import ant aspect is t o reduce fat t ening food consumpt ion.

There is an argument regarding how much and how oft en should one work on his belly muscles. It depends on you, your t ime, and how quickly do you want t o st art shaping your belly. It is recommended t o work once in t wo days for 15 minut es, work real hard t he n rest t he next day. It is possible t o work every day on t he belly muscles, cont rary t o ot her muscles, but it s best t o st art in t his moderat e manner and move from t here.

This is it t he big secret do not expect t o find specific exercises, it is not t he most import ant t hing t he key t o win your fight for a flat belly is in t he combinat ion of low fat diet and exercises which will end up in a flat belly. Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE


9. Get T hat Flat Stomach Look? Get Rid Of Big T ummy, Pot Belly And Beer Belly Fast. Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE

How t o get t hat flat st omach look and get rid of big t ummy, pot belly and beer belly fast ?

By exercising your Transversus Abdominus Muscle. This is t he muscle in your abdomen t hat holds your st omach in giving you t he flat belly look. This muscle act s like a corset around your t ummy by holding your t ummy in and if t he muscle is weak, your belly will be dist ended more easily making your t ummy looking much bigger t han it should just like having a beer belly. This is one of t he reasons why people have pot belly or beer belly besides simply blaming it on t ummy fat . This is t he muscle t hat can help you get t hat flat st omach look. If you want t o get t hat flat st omach look, you must st rengt hen t his muscle.

Just t o have a feel of how t his muscle work, t ry blowing out all t he air in your lungs and pull your t ummy in. There, you have just used your t ransversus abdominus muscle t o execut e t hat movement .

St art t he exercise by exhaling all t he air from your lungs hard. At t he same t ime, pull in your t ummy as t ight as you can and at t he same t ime visualizing your belly but t on is about t o t ouch your spine. Do breat he light ly in t hat posit ion and hold t he post ure for about 45 seconds. Then repeat t he exercise for a few more set s. You will t hen be t eaching your abs muscle t o cont inuously hold your t ummy in giving you flat st omach look.

The beaut y of t his exercise is t hat you carry it out everywhere and anywhere wit hout


ever going t o t he gym. It is so discreet t hat people will not even not ice you exercising even when you are wait ing for t he office lift or at your desk at work.

A more effect ive version of t his exercise would require you t o be on all fours in a crawling posit ion. Then execut e t he exercise as described above except t hat t his t ime, you are on your hands and feet . Do bot h exercises every ot her day and when combined wit h a fat loss rout ine of a proper diet , weight t raining and cardio exercises, you will get t hat flat st omach look in no t ime along wit h t hat glorious six pack abs. Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE


10. Women's Health and Fitness - Reducing Cortisol Levels Can Help You T o Lose Weight Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE

It is now known t hat st ress can act ually st op you losing weight especially around your middle. St ress can cause your body t o secret e high levels of cort isol hormone int o your bloodst ream, because of your body's "flight or fight " response t o st ress. St ress can be eit her psychological (ment al and emot ional) or physical.

Cort isol is secret ed by t he adrenal glands and is act ually import ant for t he regulat ion of blood pressure, t he immune syst em and many ot her funct ions. Cort isol can be good in small amount s but high levels can lead t o an increase of abdominal fat , which can lead t o heart at t acks, st rokes and can also increase your bad cholest erol levels and decrease your good cholest erol levels.

High levels of cort isol can also decrease your bone densit y, leading t o ost eoporosis and loss of muscle t issue, which will also slow down your met abolic rat e, and it can also increase your blood pressure along wit h ot her problems.

Each of you will react different ly t o st ress; some of you will produce more cort isol t o a part icular st ress while ot hers will produce less. It has been found t hat t hose of you t hat produce more cort isol will act ually eat more food as well, in part icular carbohydrat es.

What you need t o do t o combat producing t oo much cort isol is t o learn ways t o relax and also t o maybe change your lifest yle.

Relaxat ion can be achieved in a number of ways eit her by exercising, mediat ion, yoga or breat hing t o st art wit h.


Maybe one of t he easiest and simplest ways is breat hing. This is done by gent ly breat hing in t hrough t he nose, gent ly expanding your abdomen and t hen gent ly expelling t he air t hrough your nose pulling in your abdomen at t he same t ime. Whilst breat hing out t he air you need t o focus on t hat breat h. Aft er several breat hs in and out you should st art t o feel yourself relax. You need t o pract ice doing t his exercise a few minut es a day t o st art wit h building up t o five minut es in t he end. You can also pract ice t his when you are feeling st ressed or when t hings are get t ing on t op of you. Just a few minut es can slow your body down and help it t o feel relax.

Life st yle changes can be like changing your eat ing habit s for a healt hier diet , get t ing enough sleep, or even organizing your t ime more efficient ly so t hat you do not feel so st ressed. Also looking aft er your body will help your body t o cope wit h st resses t hat you come across during your day.

So if you are exercising frequent ly and eat ing properly but st ill not losing any weight especially from around t he middle t hen maybe you are suffering from high levels of cort isol caused by st ress. Look at ways t o solve t he problem and hopefully t hen you should see a difference in your weight and around your middle. Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE


11. Want T o Lose Belly Fat? Eat T his Precious Spice Daily Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE

Cinnamon can reduce belly fat ! Yes! That is what I said.

Cinnamon is one of t he oldest spices known t o man. In fact it was considered more precious t han gold. The early Egypt ians used it for flavoring foods and for medicinal purposes and it 's even ment ioned in t he bible.

Today most people only t hink of cinnamon as a spice for apple pie or sweet pot at oes and gingerbread cookies. But cinnamon is in fact so much more!

Quit e by accident t he Maryland USDA Research Cent er discovered t he wonders of cinnamon. They were conduct ing a st udy on how cert ain foods affect ed glucose (blood sugar) levels in t he body. When it came t o apple pie (wit h cinnamon) t hey expect ed it t o have an adverse effect on t he body. To t heir ut t er surprise, it lowered glucose levels in t he blood. This merit ed furt her st udy.

In December of 2003, t he Dept . of Human Nut rit ion in Peshawar, Pakist an, a st udy was underway t o det ermine how cinnamon affect ed glucose levels, t riglyceride and good and bad cholest erol on 60 pat ient s wit h t ype 2 diabet es.

The first group was given bet ween 1 t o 6 g of cinnamon per day and t he second placebo. Aft er 40 days t he cinnamon group had a reduct ion in glucose levels bet ween 18 and 29%. Triglycerides reduced by 23 t o 30% and LDL cholest erol 7 t o 27% and overall cholest erol 12 t o 26%. In fact t his group cont inued t o regist er lower levels even aft er 20 days of not t aking t he cinnamon! The placebo group had no real changes. This is good news for diabet ics and people wit h heart disease.


In a st udy done wit h rat s, one group was given a high fruct ose diet wit h cinnamon and t he ot her a lower amount of sugars. The end result was bot h groups did t he same. Even t hough t he rat s at e high fruct ose, cinnamon causes t he body t o lower glucose levels and manage insulin levels and making it possible t o shrink t he belly fat .

If you add cinnamon t o your daily diet eit her by sprinkling on foods or t aken as a capsule or liquid herbal t onic, t his may help you in t he bat t le of t he bulge. To speed up t he process, add an aerobic act ivit y or brisk walking, plent y of wat er and fresh veget ables and you'll feel bet t er and look bet t er.

Cinnamon is a delicious way t o help you lose weight . Happy eat ing! Lose Belly Fat Every Day HERE Get Rid of Your Belly Fat HERE Say Goodbye t o Belly Fat HERE Tips t o Lose Weight while Regaining Your Healt h HERE



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