Graphic & Illustration Design Portfolio

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“Searching”, Procreate, 2023

Doris Lau Design Portfolio

Graphics | Visualisation | Illustrations

Selected Work 2017-2024

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Commercial Design
Technical Drawing

Commercial Design

/ advertisements / brands / products

dough & mough
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Product Mockup
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Unique By Grace Cafe Campaign Mockup

dough & mough

In 2023, dough & mough was officially registered as a small online business in Denmark in selling pastries. Founded by my French friend and myself, our designs and products aim to promote a fusion of French and Asian styles. The brand allows me to experiment all kind of digital drawing tools including Adobe Suits Photoshop, Illustrator, Procreate and Blender.

#EA5F5D Raspberry #EBAE47 Mango #F4F6F1 Cream #0F7274 Pine Concepts & Graphics Website Mockup 4
Product & Packaging Mockup
Visualisation on Blender (ongoing)

Unique By Grace | Unique Café

Logo / Trasnformed from 2022 to 2023

Interior Design / Constructed

Opening Event / 1st March 2024

Social Media Layout

Unique By Grace received a charity funding to expand its store to a coffee shop in 2023 June. As one of the voluntary co-founders of the project and a designer, here is my work and proposal for Unique Café
GraceKbh Blå Kors Denmark
Latte #AA7329 Toffee #6F5B42 Coffee #1A3C1F Forest #FAC02C Honey #9FBA8C Avocado #EE7C79 Peach #F8E4D4 Pale Cream

Coffee for Two

a cup with a purpose

Mood Board Exercise

Product Mock-up |

Coffee & Coffee Beans

Referencd from online images, the design ideas are to create a clean and eye-catching packaging for the coffee beans as a re-branding strategy to sell coffee beans from donations.


Digital Technical Drawing

/ MAA/ architect / architectural drawings/ collage

3D modelling

cemetary Santa’s
1 2 《里》Li residential neighbourhood 3 4
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Library infrastructure

Santa’s Cocoon

A Project Dedicated to Our Mother-Earth


We hereby introduce the new toys producing system at Santa’s toy workshop. Kids visiting him could collect natural resources and put them into the machines to produce Christmas gifts. these toys would contain the smells and textures of nature. I hope that this could encourage children to enjoy being in nature.


To fight against climate change, we introduce the terrace system found in Igloo in Santa’s house. The warm air from the fire place would rise to the middle and upper level to create a warm space.

Also, we connect the space to facilitate linkage between programmes. The main activity space is linked with other functional space so that a clear pathway is created. the domeshaped rooms form a cozy space.

Volume Zero 2019 House of Santa Architecture Competition 3rd place Teammate Victoria DOng 1

The prjoject aims to provide a playful and sustainable library for busy city context. We interpret library as a mobile and reachable facility where people can escape from busy life to enjoy some reading moments alone or with other people.

Volumn Zero Tiny Library Competition 2021 2 Reading
by the Bridge

Dear Grandpa

Non-Architecture Competition 2019 / Dying


#FamilyRoot #DNAncestry #DigitalUrn #RememberMe #WeLove

This project proposes an alternative of reconstructing the genealogical topography of the city, by decoding DNA sequencing of a deceased person remains. Death isn’t an end, but a continuation of spirit in a family.

After cremation, ashes are analysed for its sequencing. The nucleobase codes get decoded into binary code that can be translated into a digital signal. Our portable digital urn allows an individual to trace his/her family history across the world, e.g. cross-national for people of mixed ethnicity or complex immigration background.

Families can worship the deceased members not only in their homes, but also in inflatable ceremony space installed in leftover areas (e.g. under bridges and flyovers), as a holistic, operational gathering space, softly lighting up for their deceased loved ones. Once it is occupied, an overview genealogical topography of the world is displayed, and a family-specific signal will be emitted within the neighbourhood searching for counterparts, passing on the memorial of their related ancestors.

Teammates Victoria Dong & Michael Ng
3 Digital drawing / Overview of Digital Urn Digital drawing / Mapping of Digital Urn connections Digital drawing / Explaination of the procedure and concept 12


里弄 Li-Long is the most Traditional Chinese and Shanghaiese

Housing Community found in Old Shanghai District. Houses are alligned on the two sides of the allyways and form lines of regular patterned communual space. As the city develops, high-rises are built on the surrouondings of these communities or simply replace some communities.

Hoping to sustain the communual spirit found in Li, shared spaces are designed as plug-ins to high-rises. It is a sanguine concepts and experimental project that applicable to residential towers.

Vertical Shanghai Communities 2017 Spring HKU BA (AS) III Advisor Oscar Ko/ Groupmate Gavin Ng 4 《里》


/ Instagram @doriodoodoll

/ digital illustrations

/ physical prints

Map of Copenhagen
iii 14
2 Years Anniversary in Copenhagen
/ Muscles / Mood
/ Daily Life
/ Workout
Comics / Seagull Comics / Wind 17

hand ink illustrations / Individuals

Series / Nature in Hong Kong

Stay Connected (+45) 5268 9549 @doriodoodoll (Instagram artwork) @doughandmough (Instagram self-employed brand)

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