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zero chair








Welcome! DORO Design MAG is a free magazine introducing The DORO Design Lifestyle. Our MAG will include issue by isssue the DORO Lifestyle and its products. We're capable to work and inform you on everything you need to know to be on the now, from Fashion to Interior design world. DORO Design Mag is pure Italian design with different contaminations thanks to our multiethnical group of work, that forms DORO Design Team and gives things and ideas the right shape and soul. Modern, Fresh, Stylish and Free (in both editorial and spirit sense).

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The ZERO Chair was born to be the expression of our

MANIFESTO: “essential design”.

What does this mean? Less is MORE. And what better way to go about these ideals using technological advances in laser cutting to create a single-part chair that would be beautiful, functional, sensual and 100% green.

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The process is very simple for this concept A standard sheet of aluminum is put under computer controlled laser where it receives three cuts. First the external border, and the 2 internal cuts that creates tongues. Then it is places in a press and receives 2 bends. The first turns the lower tongue into the base. And the second creates the seat and backrest form the respective tongue and border. Simple.




8mm thickness of the chair is direct response to the

maximum safe cutting depth of the laser (in addition it puts extreme wear on the cutting head) and the minimum thickness needed to hold up a human without permanent deformation of the legs. The width of the legs has been extensively studied to offer the perfect ‘bounce’ to the chair without sacrificing solidity. The common radius used for the bends creates a formal harmony completing the look.

...sensuality The chairs

2 legs offer the sensual lean of the chair.

When you sit on it, the chair absorbs your weight and keeps you suspended in the bend of the legs. This completes all aspects of the project. Creating an essential object that offers

maximum pleasure

with a clear conscience.

A piece of Art modelled on Your needs handmade with a traditional taste and passionate spark. Exclusive in its deep concept, available in a special price is forged, shaped and hot- worked considering requests in a limited edition of 100 items.

Life cycle The mono-material nature of the chair goes hand in hand with the


ideals. Less parts means less molds to make and less assembly time.

Having one piece of aluminum simplifies the recycling process.


needing to be disassemble and differentiated to complete its life cycle. 100% immediate recycling.




Dario Olivero DORO Design

Founder Designer

Stefano Ollino DORO Design

Founder Designer

Sensual MELTNESS” - MADE IN ITALY SHOOTING BY DANIPHOTODESIGN All Right Reserved Copyright 速DORO Design 2011

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