Dorset Spotlight - September/October Edition 04

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SPOTLIGHT Dorset B R I N G I N G T H E D O R S E T C O M M U N I T Y T O G E T H E R T H R O U G H S P O R T , H E A L T H & W E L L N E S S , A N D S U P P O R T I N G L O C A L C H A R I T I E S SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2022 ISSUE: NO 4 ENGLAND ROSE NETBALL STAR GEVA MENTOR CBE WWW.DORSETSPOTLIGHT.CO.UK ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Steve Bernard Foundation Jacques Bernard | MIIKO Lana Culley | K4 Global Joseph Ashford Ellis | Hot Radio - Jay Ratchet & Natalie Linford | Sprinter - Sophie Oliver | Aerial Hoop Sydney Coxon, plus Dorset's fantastic fundraisers!

Dawn P.s don't forget to subscribe through the website and follow us on your preferred socials. Always grateful for your support."

"What a summer it has been - the sun has truly spoilt us with its presence. The commonwealth games were held in Birmingham this summer, and some of Dorset's best athletes were there. In this issue, we had the pleasure of chatting to England's superstar netballer Geva Mentor CBE about her career and time at the games. We also check in with Dorset's Beach Volleyballers Jess Grimson and Daisy Mumby. Jacques Bernard talks about the fantastic work the Steve Bernard Foundation is doing and we delve deep into MIIKO owner Lana Culley's health and wellness journey. Bournemouth's super investor Joesph Ashford Ellis chats about the fantastic boxing events bought to the area, and shares his thoughts on giving back to the community We speak to Jay Ratchet and Natalie Linford about our fantastic community radio station Hot Radio and Dorset Spotlight Kids roving reporter Xander, talks to Sophie Oliver about her running talent and to Sydney Coxon, about her love for aerial hoop. With the kids all heading back to school, Jasmine Navarro shares her ten steps to beat anxiety when starting secondary school. And if all that isn't enough, we celebrate our fantastic fundraisers in our charity section and share with you upcoming charity events. So, sit back , relax and enjoy our new issue. See you again in November!

Dawn Exley Editor WELCOME TO DORSET SPOTLIGHT CONTACT US: | Tel: 07793 725008 | Follow us on Instagram: @dorset_spotlight COLLABORATE | INSPIRE | CONNECT | SUPPORT


CONTENTS 02 07 11 15 17 18 22 27 29 38 Geva Mentor CBE England Rose Netball Star Jacques Bernard Steve Bernard Foundation Lana Culley MIIKO Healthy Recipes Team Grimson Mumby Commonwealth Games Update Joseph Ashford Ellis K4 Global Jay Ratchet & Natalie Linford Hot Radio Sophie Oliver Poole Runners Sydney Coxon Aerial Hoop Charity Focus 02 06 11 18 22 D O R S E T S P O T L I G H T DORSET SPOTLIGHT | SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2022 | ISSUE 4

"THE HARDER THE BATTLE. THE SWEETER THE VICTORY." | 03 For more motivational quotes follow Dorset Spotlight on Instagram @dorset spotlight 1 Dorset Spotlight, september / october 2022 dorsetspotlight co uk



Geva has won many accolades for the clubs she has played for. A standout moment was with the English Roses at the 2018 Commonwealth Games, securing a stunning victory over favourites Australia to claim their first ever gold medal, scoring in the final second to win by a single goal, 52-51.

GEVA: “This was my sixth Commonwealth Games, and being an old hand at what to expect, this Games was like no other, with the Covid restrictions playing a massive part The Games should be inclusive of all sports and nations at this Games we were separated over four different villages in Birmingham and by staying in a hotel instead of university accommodation we missed out on the experience of having the whole of Team England in one area Our village was at the NEC with the badminton, table tennis, weightlifting and boxing teams. Living in a strict bubble, wearing masks and not being able to get close to friends and family was tough


DS: Hi Geva, what a few weeks it’s been being part of the English Roses netball team at the Commonwealth Games. Can you sum up your experience at the games? How is the team feeling?

Geva was also awarded a CBE after being named on the New Year Honours list for 2019.

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We have some of the best sporting talents in Dorset, and Geva Mentor, 37, is a shining example The extraordinary athlete was a champion trampolinist, but by age 12, she was 5ft’10” and outgrew the sport and moved on to netball. Her netball career took off, and when she was 15 years old, she was selected to play for England, and her career went from strength to strength The 6ft 2 defender took the leap and moved to Australia in 2008 to play for the Adelaide Thunderbirds so she could develop her skill and play in the best league in the world She now lives in Melbourne and plays for the Collingwood Magpies.

The English Roses have just competed at the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games We chat to Geva Mentor about her incredible netball career, her charity patron work within the Dorset community and much more.


The English Roses were crowned Team of the Year and were voted by the public as the Greatest Sporting Moment at the BBC Sports Personality of the Year show in 2018.

In term of the competition it was phenomenal The English crowd turned it on. I heard that the atmosphere at the netball was the best at any sport put on at the Games. We had 9,500 people in the crowd, plenty of St Georges crosses, people appreciating the game and really getting behind us throughout the whole competition we really felt that from the public.

The two games we lost at the end meant that it didn’t go our way, which left a bitter taste in many people’s mouths, as it was such a phenomenal experience playing on your home court in front of a home crowd I’m going through a mixed set of emotions we are all gutted and devastated, because we did expect more from us, but we didn’t perform in the last two games as well as we should have I can only describe the feeling as a bit of a bad breakup you know in time you will heal and be good again.”

3 Dorset Spotlight, september / october 2022

DS: You’ve had a phenomenal netball career; what has been your favourite moment?

GEVA: "There are a couple of standout moments... 1st my 100th cap and getting to walk out on court with my two sisters in hand on UK soil 2nd going back to back in Suncorp Super Netball league with the Sunshine Coast Lightning team as a premiership captain and doing the double in 2017 & 2018. It was a brand new franchise set up from scratch. We didn’t have sponsors, a name for the team etc. Then to go through a season and win it, then do it again the following year is what dreams are made of But what we achieved in 2018, in lifting the profile of the sport it was bigger than you or I it was massive!"

DS: You are an athlete for generations to look up to in the Netball world. What advice would you give to anyone thinking they would like to be a professional athlete?

GEVA: "You need to enjoy what you do, as there will be highs and lows, injuries etc But if you put in the hard work, you will really appreciate the special moments. I’m not just talking about winning. I am talking about the memories you create being in elite sports with your team and family. Stay true to yourself, trust yourself, enjoy what you do and stay humble!"

DS: As a Dorset athlete living in Australia, it says a great deal about your lovely personality that you are involved with Dorset charities. Tell us about your relationship with the Steve Bernard Foundation and the Dorset Children’s Foundation?

GEVA: “I’m so grateful they are happy to have me on as a patron and ambassador, as it keeps me connected with the area Going up through the pathway, I used to write letters, apply for grants, and seek support locally The Steve Bernard Foundation helps individuals or clubs with providing small grants to help toward equipment and fees for competitions etc. This help makes such a difference. I found that in my pathway early on. It is unfortunate circumstances with what happened to Steve, but the family are lovely and are doing phenomenal work and have raised over £500,000 It’s a fantastic foundation to write to Dorset Spotlight, september/ october 2022 d4 orsetspotlight co uk

GEVA: “Many people have inspired me along the way, so it is hard to pick one. Volunteers always inspire me people who put in so much time, effort, and passion, doing it for the love of it my mum, who drives me all around the country, or my dad, who gives me the advice I need over the phone. The volunteers at the Commonwealth Games greet you with a smile, they often know your name, and they are passionate. Those are the people that inspire me as they are not only there to make you feel better so you can have a smooth ride, they give perspective, as you also bring so much joy to them ”

DS: Who inspires you and why?

19 GEVA MENTOR CBE 5 Dorset Spotlight, September / October 2022 dorsetspotlight co uk

My mum and I have done a lot of work around disability. The Dorset Children’s Foundation is another fantastic organisation The foundation has three charity shops where you can buy clothing and equipment. The money raised is used to improve the lives of children with disabilities within the community, so please pop in and buy a few items as it all helps they do fantastic work ”

DS: What do you miss most about Dorset?

GEVA: “At this time of the year, it must be the beaches in the morning before the tourists arrive, it’s a real tranquil spot. For someone who travels a lot and lives a busy life, it’s nice to settle on the beach and be at peace We have the seaside, the town, and the New Forest it’s a beautiful triangle of everything you could want.”

For more information about Geva, check out her website, or follow her on Instagram @gevamentor. You can also purchase her book Leap through Amazon, World of Books, WHSmith and Waterstones.

"it all starts with belief." For more motivational quotes follow Dorset Spotlight on Instagram @dorset spotlight dorsetspotlight co uk Dorset Spotlight, SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2022 6

JACQUES:"Well,thischallengecameaboutafter ourcharity'saccountant,Robin,sadlypassed awayfromcancer.Robinplayedanintegralrolein startingupthecharitybackin2006andwasthe firstpersontodonatetothecharity

DS:Yourecentlytookpartinanepicchallenge running5kmfor54days thatisalotofrunning tofitaroundyourbusyjobasaprimaryschool teacher.Tellusabitmoreaboutthis-howdid yougeton?

JACQUES BERNARD i n s p i r a t i o n dorsetspotlight co 7uk Dorset Spotlight, SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 2022

DorsetSpotlighthadthepleasureof chattingtoJacquesBernard,a dedicatedpatronofafoundationset upbyhisfamilyinmemoryofhis sport lovingbrotherSteve,who tragicallypassedawayinacar accidentinNovember2005. InFebruary2006,Steve'sfamily formedtheSteveBernard Foundation,raisinganincredible £500,000 supportingmorethan400 projects,coveringmorethan30 differentsportsacrossDorsetand theSouthCoast.Thefoundationhas alsofundedoutreachprojectsin Thailand,Uganda,andKenya.

DS:HiJacques,telluswhattheSteveBernard Foundationmeanstoyou?

JACQUES:"Hello!Simplyput,theSteveBernard Foundationmeanseverythingtome.Mybrother wasmybestfriend,sotohaveacharitysetupin hisnamemeansthatIamabletomakesurethat hismemoryiskeptaliveforaslongaspossiblein theformofhelping/inspiringasmanypeopleas possibleinsportasthiswasmybrother's passion."

We have also recently provided a racing wheelchair for a local teacher to take part in the London Marathon and cycling equipment for an up and coming junior cyclist. We have funded a gymnastics coach to complete her level 3 coaching qualification and a custom built paddleboard for people with any disabilities to use to be able to access the water. It has been busy!" The Steve Bernard Foundation has raised over £500,000 for charity.

JACQUES: "It still blows my mind to think that we have raised over half a million pounds. One big project that we will be opening in November is a new, free to use, outdoor fitness park at the beach This will allow people to access lots of gym equipment for free whilst being out in the fresh air at Bournemouth beach and does everything positive to promote the benefits of sport and exercise, both physically and mentally

DS: The Steve Bernard Foundation has raised over £500,000 since 2006. Tell us about the fantastic projects you have been supporting recently?

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I wanted to do something to celebrate his life and to put the money raised into something in his memory. Robin was a big Leicester City football fan, so I came up with the idea of running the distance, in 5km blocks, from their stadium to where we have our charity meetings, which worked out at 54 consecutive 5km runs. I made the challenge harder by committing to running each 5km in under 25 minutes, so there was no let off As you said, being a teacher made this challenge even trickier, working long hours. I ended up doing the majority of runs after work, some ended up being at 10/11pm and mentally, it really pushed me knowing that I 'had' to run every day without a choice I did manage it and ran them all in under 25 minutes (just!), and raised over £1600 in the process, which we will discuss at our next meeting about what project we want to put the money towards in Robin's memory "

DS: It was fantastic to see you representing the Steve Bernard Foundation as a batonbearer in Bournemouth on the 4th of July; for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games Queens Baton Relay How did you feel when you discovered you would be part of such a brilliant event?

DS: So, what is next for the Steve Bernard Foundation? Do you have any events coming up?

JACQUES: “There is lots in the pipeline As previously mentioned, we are opening the new beach fitness park in November We also have our Fancy Dress Fun Run on Sunday 18th September down at Boscombe Pier which we hope to get a great turnout for, and next year we have a group of us cycling 1000 miles from Bilbao to Faro in a challenge called 'It's too Faro'. I have a personal challenge lined up for next Easter, but for now, that is being kept under wraps!

JACQUES: “It was such a surreal experience When I found out I would be part of the Commonwealth Games down at Bournemouth beach, I felt so proud that I could represent the charity It was bittersweet knowing that I was doing it because of my work with the charity having lost my brother, but I was running it with his memory truly at the forefront of my mind. It was just so incredible to be able to share the moment with so many of my family and friends, plus loads of the children and staff from my school came down to show their support, which was the cherry on top!”

9 Dorset Spotlight, SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2022 dorsetspotlight co uk JACQUES BERNARD Wehavealsowelcomedtwonewtrusteestojointhe charity,whichisexciting,bringingnewideasand energytoourfundraisingefforts!Whoknows, hopefullywecanhitthe£1millionraisedmark,as thatwouldbetrulyspecial!" FormoreinformationabouttheSteveBernard Foundation,pleasecheckouttheirwebsite www.stevebernardfoundation.comorfollowthem onInstagram@stevebernardfound

it won't change you" For more motivational quotes follow Dorset Spotlight on Instagram @dorset spotlight Dorset Spotlight, SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2022 d10 orsetspotlight co uk "if it doesn't challenge you,


worked on the deck on a superyacht completed two snowboarding seasons in Canada and had become a qualified instructor ranked 1st in the UK Amateur Women’s Kitesurfing Championships came 2nd in an Olympic GB qualifying kitesurfing comp

MIIKO – Lana Culley’s Story

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From the age of 13, Lana Culley was obsessed with kitesurfing. Her talent led to fantastic opportunities that saw her competing worldwide and with an exciting career ahead of her. But life dramatically changed after she sustained a significant shoulder injury, and her ambitions and dreams came to a halt. If that wasn’t enough to deal with, she was then diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, IBS and a B12 deficiency. As the constant exhaustion and joint and muscle pains kicked in, she could feel her body shutting down, her immune system was low, and Lana was desperate to feel better. The pendulum started to swing in her favour after Lana’s dedicated mother researched the possible causes and discovered that gut health was the key. They explored natural alternatives to help with the pain acupuncture, reflexology, holistic food testing, and even venturing as far as Sri Lanka to attend Ayurvedic medicine retreats. After removing refined sugars, dairy, and gluten from her diet, Lana’s energy returned, and she began to live her life again; and by 20-years-old she had: Lana’s story shows that anything is possible when faced with adversity, but her story doesn’t stop there - at age 23, MIIKO was born!

DS: Hi Lana, what an inspiring story you have you have shown a true strength of character, to have it all, lose it and fight back through educating yourself and changing your lifestyle.

DS: What advice would you give to someone going through something similar? 19

How did you feel when you realised that eating nutritious whole foods was the key to changing your life?

LANA: “Definitely try and go down the holistic route. A massive turning point for me was attending a 3 day course called The Lightning Process I found it enlightening as it teaches you about the strength of your mind, how it can create physical pain, and how you can overcome it.”

What is the Lightning Process?

LANA: “Whilst I was recovering from my shoulder operations, and we were unsure of why I was so exhausted and had an issue with my stomach I wasn’t too much fun to be around and suffered with anxiety. I have my mum to thank for pulling me out of it. She discovered alternative methods to help with the pain acupuncture really helped An allergy/food test highlighted that my body didn’t like dairy, refined sugars, and gluten. Removing these from my diet impacted my life in such a positive way, as my energy levels started to return I was strict with my diet for a couple of years, then slowly over time, I started reintroducing some of the foods I removed, and now I can have a little bit, every now and then ”

The Lightning Process is a training programme that teaches you to change the way your nervous system controls your body Its empowering tools involve gentle movement, meditation like techniques, and mental exercises. With practice you’ll learn how to switch on pathways which promote health and switch off ones which aren’t so good for you DS: Tell us about your Nourishment Bar MIIKO and the community you have created?

LANA: "I wasn’t sure how the area would take to MIIKO being vegan and gluten free, but the community we have built is fantastic We bring together like minded people, some of which are going through something similar thing to what I did, professionals in the holistic and wellness industry, and customers who are looking at being healthy It's great to meet them all "

13 Dorset Spotlight, SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2022 dorsetspotlight co uk

DS: Tell us about your active side and your kitesurfing, are you still competing?

LANA: "I’ve always been sporty, I love adrenaline, and I’m a bit of a tomboy, wanting to be like my brother. Living near the coast I was always in the water either wakeboarding or kitesurfing. I got into kitesurfing in a big way, I was competing and teaching, it was my life I don’t kitesurf as much now, but I surf at any given opportunity along the south coast There is nothing better than being in the water surfing is my stress buster and my guaranteed way to switch off "

DS: What is your favourite MIIKO dish?

LANA: "The dish I’m most proud of is the French Toast Banana Bread! MIIKO banana bread soaked in sweet spiced almond milk and fried in coconut oil. Served up with vanilla whipped coconut cream and topped with caramelized almonds, coconut flakes berry compote, coconut fried banana, agave nectar and peanut butter." Visit MIIKO at 33 Salterns Road, Poole, Dorset BH14 8BL open every day 9 am 3 pm

LANA CULLEY Dorset Spotlight, SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2022 d14 orsetspotlight co uk

Smoked Salmon & Strawberry Salad #GETDORSETHEALTHY Serves 2 What you will need: For the salad: 4 handfuls lamb’s lettuce or rocket, or mix 100g smoked salmon, torn 10 mini mozzarella balls, torn 10 strawberries, halved handful basil leaves For the dressing: 1 tbsp. honey 1 tbsp. olive oil 1 tbsp lemon juice 1 tsp honey mustard What you need to do: Divide the lettuce leaves between two plates. Add the torn smoked salmon and mozzarella balls as well as the strawberries and basil leaves Mix all the dressing ingredients and drizzle over the salads Season with freshly ground black pepper and serve Prep: 5 mins | Cook: 0 mins | Kcal: 302 Fats (g): 19 | Carbs (g) 16 | Protein (g) 19 15 Dorset Spotlight, SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2022

Vegan Crème Brulee #GETDORSETHEALTHY Serves 4 What you will need: 1 vanilla pod 200ml canned coconut milk, full fat 400ml almond milk, unsweetened 4 tbsp brown sugar 2 ½ tsp. agar agar What you need to do: Cut the vanilla pod with a knife lengthwise Scrape the marrow out with the tip of the blade and set aside In a pot, bring the coconut milk, almond milk, half of the brown sugar, agar agar, the vanilla pod and the marrow to a boil while stirring often. Remove from the heat as soon as it boils and allow to cool to room temperature. Remove the vanilla pod Divide the mixture over 4 dishes and leave to set in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Sprinkle the crème with the rest of the brown sugar and caramelize it with a burner torch Prep: 10 mins | Cook: 1 hour | Kcal: 138 Fats (g): 9 | Carbs (g): 15 | Protein (g) 1 dorsetspotlight co uk Dorset Spotlight, SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2022 16

FOLLOWING ON FROM THEIR FEATURE IN OUR LAST ISSUE... We still can't quite put into words the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. The experience and support we received were unbelievable. The pride shown by our supporters for our country and sport was overwhelming to see and be a part of. Hopefully, it gave beach volleyball some great exposure, and people have experienced how amazing our sport is and that England can play. An exciting time for Team DJ and our sport!"





The rest of the card was superb, with local fighters Joe Pigford and Lee Cutler taking to the ring along with Olympians Ben Whittaker, Frazer Clarke, Caroline Dubious, and fighters Hassan Azim, Mikael Lawal and Stevie McKenna. What turned out to be an epic battle on the beach saw Billam Smith win, in a unanimous decision, 117 111, over the 12 rounds a truly magnificent night for ‘The Gentleman’ and Bournemouth as a

I am fortunate enough to say that by working hard money is no longer an issue for my family, but the pandemic opened my eyes up to how it savaged our local community. I saw all sorts of people in all sorts of predicaments, including a couple of little old women who live down my street who didn’t have anyone looking after them, it was just terrible It made me think instead of looking at helping nationally or globally, I wanted to help the people who live locally I am a strong believer in karma and helping people the ‘ more good’ you do in the universe, not wanting to receive in return, the more the universe looks after you in abundance in a way you're not looking for ” Dorset Spotlight, October 2022


JOE: "I have had a turbulent life I lost my mum, dad, brother and sister from an early age, the whole family got wiped out. My upbringing included a bout of starvation and having to steal food out of a dustbin, so I can sympathise with people's problems probably better than most because I have been through the mill myself, but that also made me relatively guarded.

Dorset Spotlight had the pleasure of chatting to Joseph Ashford Ellis a highly successful investor, property developer and media mogul from K4 Global, and the financial influence behind Battle on the Beach.

I had a financial influence in the event. I have a good relationship with Sky and Boxxer, and there are some amazing people behind the scenes that people don’t know that make this all happen. The event was better than expected Chris Billam Smith was an absolute warrior the fight was a war Hats off to Chamberlain he broke his eye socket, and to Chris, who damaged his hand they are soldiers, absolute warriors, and they fought tooth and nail From start to finish, the show was epic, and the community loved it. On Sunday, I had calls from all the powers that be, saying when are we back?”

DS: Your Instagram post intrigued me when you said, "I am a marmite character, you either love me or hate me, but all I can say is since the horrendous pandemic hit us all in March 2020, it opened my eyes a lot to the people struggling in our local community. I am fortunate enough to be in a financial position to help thy neighbour, so from now on I am going to go above and beyond to help put a smile on the people’s faces in my local community through any number of means.” Tell us a bit more about this.

JOE: “I thought that Bournemouth would make a fantastic venue for a boxing event as we have a great beach and community, and Bournemouth is a great town It was a bit of a gamble, firstly, because of the weather, as the open workout, press conference, and weigh in were all located on the beach, and secondly, to see how the town would accept it and whether it would be a success.

DS: Hi Joe, so tell me about Battle on the Beach? What was your role in putting on this momentous boxing event with Boxxer in Bournemouth?


DS: A little birdie told me the next event might be at AFC Bournemouth stadium; is there any truth in that?

DS: How else are you looking at helping the community?

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Joe: “Draft contracts are out for world title fights to be happening here, and we have a date at the BIC toward Christmas release date coming soon, and we are in talks for mid next year at the AFC Bournemouth stadium it will be amazing! Boxing is back in Bournemouth, and I will do my utmost for it to stay. I hope it brings support, jobs, and infrastructure to the community and puts Bournemouth on the map "

Instagram: @joek4global


DS: Why do you like to give back through boxing?

JOE: “Amateur boxing gyms can be in rough areas but are great at bringing kids off the street to learn the craft and to learn discipline There is a certain amount of education and culture you get in amateur gyms, that is charity led and a microenvironment of people who care and support each other My 14 year old son is learning to box, and it does wonders for him it's bringing him up to be a lovely young man. The events with Boxxer and Sky TV are a platform to show these young people what they could do and that anything is possible ”

JOE: ”I am an investor to the core. K4 Global is an investment company, that invests in businesses locally, nationally, and globally. I also invest in sports, music, and people including local boxers Joe Pigford and Lee Cutler I am genuine about helping anybody in the local community, so please reach out, and I will see what I can do to help ”

"if you're going through hell, keep going. never, never give up." For more motivational quotes follow Dorset Spotlight on Instagram @dorset spotlight dorsetspotlight co 2uk 1 Dorset Spotlight, September / October 2022

Natalie Linford about what makes Hot Radio so special.

DS: Let us go back to the beginning… so how and when did it start?

At the heart of our community is a vibrant local radio station sharing its upbeat music and positive vibes across Dorset and Hampshire. The not-for-profit radio station is home to over 100 volunteers who commit their time to bring you great music on air and at fantastic local events.

Jay: "Hot Radio began in 2007 However, a new team took over in 2018, headed by our current CEO Kevin Scott, of Voice FM Radio. Also on our board of directors are Martyn Harris and Sue Bright. Everything was well until the pandemic hit we lost 27 advertisers in one night We managed to get through it and keep the station going, all whilst supporting the local community by keeping them updated with local Covid 19 information and providing a bit of light relief with the music "

Natalie: "Our Hot Radio audience is 18 45 year olds, playing upbeat music from the late ’90s onwards. We have also recently launched Hot Gold, playing music from the ’70s, 80s and ’90s "

DS: Tell us about your audience and the music you play on Hot Radio.

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Dorset Spotlight had the pleasure of chatting to Acting Station Manager Jay Ratchet and Marketing Manager

DS: "Hot Radio is known throughout the Dorset community as you attend many local events Which events have stood out and have helped put Hot Radio on the map?

Natalie: "Tune in to 102.8FM. You can find us on digital radio and DAB across Dorset, Hampshire and the South coast "

Natalie: We are always looking for more superb volunteers. If this is something that would interest you, please sign up through the form on the website." R E H O T R A D I


dorsetspotlight co 2uk 3 Dorset Spotlight, September / October 2022

Jay: Being part of the Bournemouth Air Festival has been incredible, and we have now become official partners of the air show we record live from the show, and over 250,000 people tune in "


Jay: "We couldn’t do it without our fantastic volunteers. We currently have over 100, all over 18 years old, from different backgrounds, including those with disabilities. We provide support and training, building confidence to progress in whatever field suits them best

DS: Jay, tell us about your work with Dorset Mind and how this supports your volunteers. Jay: "I delivered a programme for Dorset Mind in schools this is where I became interested in being a mental health first aider and champion. I regularly train with Dorset Mind, so we have aligned my work with them with the Hot Radio volunteers I will check in with the volunteers regularly, and if I notice they are not okay and extra help is needed, I will signpost them to Dorset Mind "

DS: How can people listen to Hot Radio?

DS: I am sure many people were unaware that Hot Radio is a not for profit organisation. Tell us about the fantastic volunteers you have working with you and how people can get involved.


How can the local community support/donate to Hot Radio?


Natalie: It is great to be part of local events recently, we were at Upton Food Festival and the Poole Harbour Festival Kevin and Martin featured on This Morning at this year’s Dog Masters Festival. Come and see us at the Bournemouth Air Festival, 1 4 September 2022, and at Run Bournemouth on the 8 9th October 2022 Spotlight, september / october 2022 d24 orsetspotlight co uk

DS: Tell us about your recent events and what you have coming up in

Natalie: "As a not for profit organisation, we are always grateful for donations These can be made via the website, or pop along to one of the events we are attending and buy some of our merch kids love the stickers and balloons! As recently said, we are always looking for more volunteers, so please sign up through the website Lastly, we use lots of large equipment we must transport to different venues, so if someone has a spare van that they could donate to us we would be extremely grateful " For more information about Hot Radio, visit




PRACTICE WITH PURPOSE, PLAY WITH PASSION. For more motivational quotes follow Dorset Spotlight on Instagram @dorset spotlight Dorset Spotlight, september / october 2022 d26

Her ambition, talent and work ethic at such a young age will most definitely see her go on achieve greatness. Sophie joined Poole Runners a year ago and is already competing in the U13 category, she has recently been ranked 9th in the UK for her age and is part of Team Dorset.

27 Dorset Spotlight, september / october 2022 dorsetspotlight co uk


DS: Hi Sophie, tell us about your running. When did you first realise you were good at it?

SOPHIE: "I joined Poole Runners one year ago and took part in endurance and cross country races. Around Christmas time I changed to sprinting and track and field 75m, 100m, 150m, 200m and 70m hurdles I prefer this!" Sophie with her trainer Les

Running is the fastest way for an animal to move on foot. In the animal kingdom, speed can mean the difference between life and death. The cheetah can run from 0-60 miles per hour in less than three seconds, making it the fastest land animal in the world. For a human, being the fastest can win you medals and set records. In 2009, at the IAAF World Championships, Usain Bolt broke the 100m world record, at 9.58 seconds. He also holds the world record for the 200m –making the Jamaican, the fastest human in the world. Here in Poole, we have a young talent with the makings of a future star. Sophie Oliver, 11, undoubtedly has a raw talent for running.


SOPHIE: "In Year 3 I took part in the school cross country races and won, that’s when I realised this was something I was good at."

DS: Are you a sprinter or a long distance runner?

SOPHIE: "I like to be active, chat with my friends, go out on our boat and play with our dog " DS: What are your future ambitions with your running?

SOPHIE: "I’d like to be a professional athlete and one day go to the Olympics." Poole Runners welcomes new members of all abilities, ages, experience, and aspirations From racers to casual and social runners. Session available: Beginner’s, track, speedwork, club night, endurance, track and field.

SOPHIE: "I train twice a week, but I might start training on Saturdays too " DS: How do you stay motivated when you don’t feel like running?

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SOPHIE: "I know I must keep training to get better. Dad also encourages me to go."

Juniors – Quad kids – age 8-11 (school years 3,4,5) U18’s 11 17 years (school years 6 13)

DS: Do you have any competitions coming up?

SOPHIE: "I have four events left until the end of the track and field season in September " DS: What do you like to do when you’re not running?


DS: How often do you train?


DS: Hi Syd, Aerial hoop is not your typical sport for a young person to get into; tell us why you picked it over other sports and how you got into it.

Have you ever been to the circus and watched in awe as the performers demonstrate their acrobatic skills? Now think of an enlarged hula hoop suspended from the ceiling allowing the artist to carry out spins, drops and tricks the combinations can be fast and thrilling, making aerial hoop a fantastic sport to watch. Sydney Coxon, 13, has been learning the skills on the hoop from the age of 9. The talented athlete is now helping other children within the kid's class whilst progressing to the adult class herself. Sydney chats to us about her love of hoop and why you should think about giving it a try.

SYD: "I wanted to try aerial hoop after I had seen Zendaya spinning in a hoop in the Greatest Showman That got me looking on YouTube for gymnasts and aerialists, where I found a girl called Sofie Dossi who has her own YouTube channel and was also on America's Got Talent "

FEATURE 29 Dorset Spotlight, september / october 2022 dorsetspotlight co uk

DS: What is next for you with aerial hoop? Could we see you performing on a big stage somewhere soon?

SYD: "It wasn’t really that hard for me because I was already doing gymnastics and dance at school, which helped me with my balance, core and flexibility "

Pole Crazy is run by Katie Henry where you can learn aerial hoop, pole dancing, and have personal training. Venues: Pole Crazy, Primitive Gym 262 Ringwood Road, Beta Centre, BH14 0RS and #SWAG Fitness Studios, 11 15 Station Road, New Milton, BH25 6HN

Dorset Spotlight, september / october 2022 d30 orsetspotlight co uk SYDNEY COXON

SYD: "I will hopefully continue to help teach the kid's class and carry on learning hoop Maybe one day there will be hoop competitions that I can enter, and if I get really good I’d like to perform with Cirque Du Soleil or in a show somewhere."

DS: What advice would you give to someone thinking about trying it out?

DS: Tell us about the basic shapes you learned when you first started.

SYD: "I would suggest looking online to see what hoop is about and how other people do it. Also, speak to Katie or Katherine at Pole Crazy about coming along to a class. Then go for it and have fun!"

DS: You have progressed to putting together combinations and performing? What has been your best aerial hoop performance so far, and why?

DS: Ariel hoop takes a lot of core and body strength; did you find it hard when you first started?

SYD: "There are lots of different names for the different skills. Sitting on the hoop is called Stag Seat, and The Man in the Moon is when you lay back on the hoop with your leg extended to the top of the hoop then when confident you can let go "

SYD: "The Christmas show is the only one I have done so far because of Covid 19. It was my first year of hoop, and I was excited because I had really progressed with my skills and was looking forward to performing my routine Plus, I got to dress as my favourite Disney character Belle and perform to the song Tale as old as time from the film "

Starting secondary school can be daunting, and it is perfectly normal to feel a bit anxious about it. Here are some tips to help keep that anxiety in check.

1. Talk about your fears Find someone you trust and tell them what is on your mind. They don’t have to be an expert, just someone who will listen patiently. Talking it out can take the pressure off, help us put things into perspective and feel less alone.


This might be easier said than done after months of summer holiday habits But if you can do this a week before school starts, it won’t be such a shock that first morning when you have to rip the covers off and get out of bed early Having a full stomach will mean you will be more relaxed and personable, helping you make those vital new friends, rather than being the hangry monster that everyone avoids! TO BEAT ANXIETY WHEN

3. Remember that change is inevitable Big changes can feel scary, but they are an inevitable part of life. Coping with big changes gives you new skills that are valuable throughout your whole life. Stable, comfortable situations are relaxing and make us feel secure, but they don’t really help us grow. Without change, we would never learn or become better people. So, try to remember that change can be positive because it offers opportunities. These include socializing, learning new skills, becoming more mature and creating new memories

2. Plan for it Get prepared by getting organized If you have never had a structured morning routine before, now is the time to start one! Create some good habits like keeping your school bag and homework in a designated spot, planning what you need the day before and keeping your space organized so that you can find things quickly

4. Go to bed early and eat breakfast

STARTING SECONDARY SCHOOL JASMINE NAVARRO 31 Dorset Spotlight, september / october 2022 dorsetspotlight co uk

6. Write down what you are excited about Shift your mindset from nervous to excited by making a list of what you are looking forward to. These could include getting involved in a school play, going on camp, learning a new subject, improving your grades, or making new friends

8 Don’t compare yourself to others or put yourself down.

A bit of gentle exercise is another great way to calm nerves Exercise helps relax muscles that have become bunched up from worry. It also releases the feel good brain chemical oxytocin which will give your mood a boost, helping you feel more positive about the challenges ahead

7. Get Involved Getting involved in school activity can help ease anxieties It can be easier to make friends in these situations and it is also a great distraction. If your school offers an orientation program, make sure you go as it will help you from the outset.

There are several great mindfulness activities that you can learn that can help relieve anxiety in an instant My favourite one is called ‘The 5 Senses ’ All you must do is pay attention to what is around you and try to identify: 5 things you can see · 4 things you can hear · 3 things you can touch 2 things you can smell 1 thing you can taste. It only takes a minute, and you can do it anywhere anytime without anyone else noticing Try it now!

Peer pressure is common at this time of your life, and it is tempting to look at what other people are doing and think they are doing better Instead of comparing yourself to others, try comparing yourself to yourself a year ago. Seeing how much you have matured should make you feel more secure 9. Try Mindfulness

Jasmine Navarro is a certified family coach and helps adolescents and their families learn coping skills that can help them through transition moments like these and many of life’s other challenges. www withnava com

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5. Help someone else You won’t be the only person at the gates with first day jitters. Studies have shown that helping other people can reduce our own nervousness So, if you are brave enough to flash someone a smile and ask what their name is, you will not only be helping them by showing some support but also helping ease your worries.

10. Get Up and Get Moving

with a beautiful mindset" For more motivational quotes follow Dorset Spotlight on Instagram @dorset spotlight 33 Dorset Spotlight, SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2022 dorsetspotlight co uk "a beautiful day begins

EVENTS UPCOMING EVENTS P O P T H E D A T E I N Y O U R D I A R Y C O M I N G S O O N LOCAL Dorset Spotlight, july / august 2022 31 dorsetspotlight co uk

Purify Festival Tickets Available P U R I F Y F E S T I V A L 2 1 2 3 A P R I L 2 0 2 3

FOCUS SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL CHARITY U p c o m i n g C h a r i t y E v e n t s F a n t a s t i c F u n d r a i s e r s CHARITY Dorset Spotlight, september / october 2022 d38 orsetspotlight co uk

I also want to raise as much money as humanly possible to support MYTIME Young Carers. Working for MYTIME has given me more fulfilment than I have ever known. I work alongside an incredible team of people who are 100% committed to doing everything they can to support these exceptional young people and give them all the opportunities they deserve MYTIME days are the best days " All donations greatly received Krista Sharp is fundraising for MYTIME Young Carers (justgiving com) MYTIME YOUNG

"I'm running the London Marathon on Sunday 2nd October 2022, to fulfil two ambitions I have been to watch the marathon so many times and it always fills my heart; the courage of the runners many of them new to running, the warmth of the crowd and the incredible atmosphere make it impossible not to want to take part.

CARERS Fantastic Fundraiser 39 Dorset Spotlight, september / october 2022




What’s the challenge?

Get Involved The beauty of our Face Your Fears campaign is that you can make it your own. You choose your challenge, pick your date and set your fundraising target. As an extra incentive, if you raise over £500, we’ll send you a very special MYTime hoodie.


Face Your Fears for MYTime Young Carers!

Think of something that scares you. Then ask your friends, family and communities to sponsor you to face your fear.

Dorset Spotlight, september / october 2022 d40

Spencer is a young carer of just seven years of age. Most days, Spencer provides personal care for his mum, administers her injections and dresses her wounds. There are many other things he has learned to do over the years how to perform CPR, how to manoeuvre his mother into the recovery position and make a lifesaving call for help Having to provide care for a loved one is not for the faint hearted, and young carers demonstrate extraordinary courage, resilience and strength every day That’s why, at MYTime, we invite you to face your fears in support of young carers

At seven years old, Emberly Heppenstall, is the youngest ever ambassador for MYTime Young Carers promoting MYTime's work over the last two years through the young carers focus group at her school and in a TV interview. Emberly has been a young carer since she was five years old after her mother, Jen Heppenstall, acquired a brain injury. Emberly completed a four hour dance a thon, smashing her target and raising £1,560 for the charity MYTIME

Visit our page: ‘Face your Fears for MYTime Young Carers’ Click on the ‘Start Fundraising’ button Set up your fundraising page, and that’s it! You’re good to go Once you ’ ve got your Just Giving page up and running, we’ll be in touch to support you Contact or call on 01202 710701, if you need any help.

Fantastic Fundraiser


Wimborne Flower Festival returns to the town centre in September.

FOREST HOLME HOSPICE 41 Dorset Spotlight, september / october 2022 Fantastic Fundraiser

Congratulations to the Aldbury Dementia Care Home, from Poole 22 residents have together walked the distance of 93 25 miles and raised £160 for Forest Holme Hospice

Organisers of the Wimborne Flower Festival have announced details of the first event in the town for seven years which will be supporting both Forest Holme Hospice Charity and Wimborne Minster. The festival, which runs from Friday 2nd to Monday 5th September, will take place in the Minster Church of St Cuthburga as they mark the 900th anniversary of the start of the building as we know it today The original foundations go back to the year AD705 and the 1300th anniversary was celebrated in 2005 when a host of events were held, including a flower festival

The festival will be open on Friday, Saturday and Monday from 10am to 6pm and on Sunday from 2pm until 6pm. On the Sunday, the Minster will be celebrating its Patronal Festival and the new Bishop of Salisbury, the Rt Rev Stephen Lake, will preside and preach at the 9.30am parish Eucharist when he will also dedicate the rebuilt Minster organ

Entrance charge to the festival will be £5, with no concessions, but children will be admitted free of charge. All proceeds will be for the everyday costs of running the Minster together with a donation to Forest Holme Hospice. They will also be serving cream teas with one of the local traders kindly donating the cream teas There is disabled access to the minster and coach parties are welcome Any further details required please contact Christine Oliver on 01202 888703

Christine Smith, from Christchurch raised £1,144 doing her first (and possibly last!) ever skydive. Christine is also a volunteer for Dorset Blind Association, helping out in our Christchurch charity shop, so she is an absolute DBA superstar


Dorset Blind Association's Motor Show at Lulworth CastleSunday 18th September

Fantastic Fundraiser


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The only motor show to be held on the picturesque grounds of Lulworth Castle returns for its 6th year. The event, sponsored by Dorset company, Hendy, is more than just a motor show. It is a family fun day with stalls, live entertainment, kids' activities and rides, food, and drink The last event attracted over 3,500 attendees with 200 cars on display. This year promises to be bigger and better than ever, so stick the date in your diary and get ourselves down there! For more info, to book cars to display, or stall pitches, email The event is FREE for the public to attend; the showground is open 11am 4pm.

DIVERSE ABILITIES 43 Dorset Spotlight, september / october 2022 dorsetspotlight co uk Fantastic Fundraiser's Milldown Academy, in Blandford Forum raised £3,000 through hosting their own minithon

DIVERSE EVENTS Run Bournemouth is an epic running festival, with eight distances to choose from, all with a picturesque finish along Bournemouth's beautiful coastline. With every step you take, you will be transforming the lives of children and adults living with physical and learning disabilities in Dorset Date: 8th / 9th October 2022 (depending on which route you choose) Full details bournemouth It’s time to run for Diverse Abilities!

Hoburne Group Support, in Christchurch raised £3,000 hosting a golf day at Bulbury Woods Golf Club. Gala Ball Date: 26th November 2022 Venue: Lighthouse, Poole Cost: Table of 10 £800, Individual ticket £85 00 You’ll be treated to glittering drinks reception ahead of a spectacular night of fine dining, great entertainment, exciting prizes and much more. Diverse Abilities is a disability charity that operates across the whole of Dorset. Bookings will be guaranteed in writing upon full payment Menu choices and seating plans to be submitted by 20 October 2022 Full details - Gala Ball — Diverse Abilities | Dorset's Disability Charity | Children & Adults




DORSET MIND Dorset Spotlight, september / october 2022 d44

"I'll be walking 50km in memory of my nan Mavis Bell, who we recently lost. Some may know, that she was living with dementia for many years before she passed but that did not stop her from being feisty, hilariously funny and remembering all her families' names which meant so much to us all. She was always so resilient and showed this right until she passed So, this challenge is to test my mental resilience and raise vital funds for local people who need support with their mental health the most £200 could provide 8 counselling sessions for one young person (one person will attend a course of 6 8 sessions on average) "

Dorset Mind supports people with mental health challenges Its mission aims to educate about mental health conditions, challenge mental health stigma and inequality, and promote recovery by empowering individuals to develop resilience. The charity’s support services help people regain social skills, confidence and self esteem. It currently also delivers educational well being programmes for schools and workplaces.

45 Dorset Spotlight, september / october 2022 dorsetspotlight co uk


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