The Swanage Oracle - June/July 2015

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The Swanage





The independent directory of local businesses serving the residents of Swanage, Studland Worth Matravers, Langton Matravers & Ulwell

Delivered FREE to all homes & businesses in the BH19 area

June/July 2015

In this issue: Win a meal for two at the Bull & Boat Microchip your dog for free in Purbeck in June Local Business Directory Dorset Wildlife Trust: What wildlife can do for you Royal Volunteer Service Home Library Service Adventures of Nellie

Anvil Point Lighthouse

Photo: Julian Sawyer


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Swanage Oracle



The Swanage Edition 83


Published by:

Stephen & Debbie Corney and Martin Budden at Purbeck Publications

Telephone: 01929 408080 Email:

Copy deadline for the August/September edition: 3rd July 2015

Disclaimer: Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that data in this publication is accurate, the publisher cannot accept any liability to any party to loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. The Swanage Oracle does not officially endorse any advertising material included within the publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval systems or transmitted in any form, without prior permission of the publisher.

Proud members of

Dear Swanage, Studland, Worth Matravers, Langton Matravers and Ulwell! June, what a wonderful time of year. Gorgeous flowers, that feeling of anticipation of a good summer to come, maybe a holiday and time to get out in the garden with friends. Well that is what we all hope anyway! It definitely is a time for clearing out, cleaning, throwing away all those unwanted items, tidying up, replenishing, renewing and generally starting some projects. What better place than to look in your Swanage Oracle to find someone who could help you? The little glossy magazine is full of local trades people and businesses with skills that could make your life a bit easier and take away the stress of you doing it yourself, giving you more time for you, your family and friends... and hopefully enjoying the sunshine! As always the handy glossary at the back gives you all there is inside. If there is a trade not represented here, that you want to see, then please let me know. If you have a business and want to promote to the local community, just pick up the phone. The magazine is distributed to the whole of BH19 and I would love to hear from you. We also like to promote local events and activities and we do this for free. If you have a club or society that needs some extra support or has an event coming up then please let me know. There is also our popular prize wordsearch. The last winner was Kas Wright from Studland! Very well done to you and we do hope you have a great night out. Anyone can win, so do fill in your form. You may well be the lucky winner of a meal for two at the Bull & Boat. Yummm... tasty! Stephen and I wish the Swanage Fish Festival, “All the Very Best for a really successful weekend!� Please pick up your copy of The Swanage Fish Festival Brochure around the town. We created this together with the Festival organisers and it gives you all the data on what is happening when. Wishing you all well,

Debbie & Stephen Corney Useful Numbers Local Police Southern Electricity Transco Gas Emergency Swanage Hospital

101 08457 708090 0800 111999 01929 422282

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Train Enquires Wilts & Dorset Bus Wessex Water Emerg. Purbeck Distict Council

08457 484950 01983 827005 0845 600 4600 01929 556561


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Swanage Oracle

Community News


Free June dog micro chipping to go ahead in Purbeck Thanks to Margaret Green Animal Rescue, Purbeck District Council is holding a free dog micro chipping event Wareham this June. The Dogs Trust had originally planned to provide the micro chipping service at the event but, unfortunately, had to withdraw. Margaret Green Animal Rescue has agreed to take over which means dog owners can get their dogs chipped for free. The event is taking place from 11am to 3pm on Wednesday 10 June at the Recreation Ground, Worgret Road, Wareham BH20 4PQ Richard Conway, Environment Manager at Purbeck District Council, said: “Dog micro chipping will become compulsory in 2016 for all dogs, so why not take advantage of this event and get your dog chipped for free.” Richard continued: “Margaret Green Animal Rescue also stepped in and ran a dog chipping event for us in Upton in April, so we are really grateful that they are helping us again.” Richard added: “Almost 50 dogs were micro chipped at the Upton event which proves how much this means to local dog owners. Having your dog micro chipped is one of the best ways to increase its chances of getting home if lost or stolen.” Helen Chittock, Manager at Margaret Green’s Lincoln Farm Rescue and Rehoming Centre for Dogs, said: “We

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are very pleased to be able to offer free micro chipping for dogs in Wareham on 10 June and would urge anybody that hasn’t yet had their dog micro chipped to come and see us on the day.” Helen continued: “It is so important to us to help local owners and their dogs – having your pet micro chipped gives that extra peace of mind should something happen.” Don’t forget, the law also states that all dogs must wear a collar and tag, with their owner’s name, address and telephone number.



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Putting the fun into Father’s Day By Sue Gascoyne

With Father’s Day just around the corner, children in nurseries and schools around the globe will be lovingly making cards and gifts to let their dad’s know just how special they are. Wonderful as these glued and crafted creations are, as adults we all know that you can’t beat the warm glow that you get from spending quality family time together. This got me thinking about Father’s Day a few years ago when my husband, two children and I took a trip to the beach. “It’s like being a child again” said a granddad to me. Three generations of a family (women and all) had gathered by an inland boating lake, with their model boats proudly lined up in a row. The men cradled, cleaned and caressed their boats, an ocean liner, tug boat, yacht and speedboat, before lining them up, side by side on the verdant grass, waiting for their turn on the water. The women had come prepared with chairs, flasks, sandwiches and lots of patience and good humour. Although they feigned boredom they were clearly almost as hooked as the men, enjoying the playful camaraderie of the occasion. It being nearly lunchtime, my children sat on a grassy bank, sandwich in hand, captivated as they watched the spectacle unfolded. As each vessel was carefully lifted onto the lapping water the suspense (of whether it would sink) was palpable as each child (and adult) perhaps imagined himself the captain of a ship, travelling to some distant shore. With concentration interspersed with laughter and frivolity, the men proceeded to take it in turns ‘sailing’ their boats. It was in one such bout of laughter, creased over like a child with the ’full-bodied’ experience, that

Swanage Oracle

the granddad of the family explained to me how playing with toys made him feel. You could see it in his wide grin and eyes glinting with playfulness. The huge flashy speedboat (one of his son’s) had just had to be rescued by a tug (another son’s) in a dramatic manoeuvre, which clearly had tickled the father as well as the heckling women onlookers. Meanwhile my then five and eight year old (not to mention their Dad) sat watching mesmerised, drifting in distant shores judging by their glazed expressions. From doodling to sailing grown-up toy boats, even adults enjoy playing. Sat watching the adults and my children that day, it was difficult to tell the children and adults’ responses apart. It could so easily have been a game of conkers in the playground, the children carefully lining up their proud finds before making a selection and preparing for the ‘battle’. Play is all about the process and on that sunny day by the sea the process of play was apparent, as was the satisfaction, excitement and allure of distant shores. Whatever your plans this Father’s Day, make sure you make time for Dad’s to play. Sue is a published author, trainer, educational consultant and therapeutic play practitioner. She is the founder and Creative Director of Play to Z Ltd, specialist providers of award winning Sensory Play resources. For more fun sensory play activities, Sue’s latest research, resources and training go to


Community News

Jurassic Jaunt: Swanage East Circular Area: Distance: Difficulty: Access Restrictions?

Swanage 2½ miles Medium No

A 2½ mile walk with two short strenuous sections, but this walk is well worth the effort with great views of Swanage and Poole Harbour. How to get there: Grid Reference 022809; On approaching Corfe Castle from Wareham, turn left for Studland just after the National Trust car park. After 3 ½ miles, just before Purbeck Golf Club, take the right turn, signposted Swanage 2 ½ miles. At the next junction, turn right for Swanage and park in the lay-bye with the large stone plinth saying ‘Welcome to Swanage’. Information:Toilets are not available here. Walk details:On the left, near the start of the lay-bye, take the small swing gate, go straight ahead 100m to the path crossroads and turn Right. Continue along the path for 400 metres, taking you into the National trust Ballard Down area and continue ahead, giving you excellent views across Swanage to your right. Avoid any forks to your left and after another 400 metres you will meet another path from the right (here you will have a gate to your right to Swanage). Turn left here and ascend towards the Ridgeway of Ballard Down (250 metres). You have seats available at regular intervals for resting and taking in the views across Swanage and the bay.

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As the path levels off at the top, turn sharp left and walk up to the top of the Ridgeway. At the Ridgeway you will get a panoramic view of Poole Harbour as well as Swanage to your left. You now need to turn left and head along the Ridgeway towards the masts in the distance. Follow the path through the gate and drop down, past the Obelisk and follow the path down to the road (As an alternative, you can turn directly left here down the steps back to the lay-bye). Cross the road carefully and turn left, walking down the grass verge for about 300 metres. For the following 300 metres, you will need to walk on the righthand side of the road until you meet the road junction on your right. Cross the road into the small open area (signpost here for the Coastpath 1 ¾ miles), go over the stile, and after about 20 metres, follow the footpath sign to your right. Continue along the path for 400 metres, through the gate, and about 30 metres after the gate, fork right and follow the path down to the lay-by. 07790 474 478





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Swanage Oracle

National Trust News


National Trust in Purbeck The Living with a Changing Coast project has come to an end with an award recognising its educational work. The three-year project was highly commended in the 2015 Geographical Association awards. LiCCo resource packs for primary and secondary school teachers impressed the judges by making the issue of coastal and climate change relevant across the curriculum. The packs have been requested by more than 400 schools from as far afield as the West Midlands. Project Manager Elli MacDonald has meanwhile been looking back at the three years. “This project was a real learning curve for me in terms of how to make quite complex topics understandable and even entertaining to people visiting a beach,” she said. LiCCo, which officially came to an end in February, was a partnership bringing together conservation and government organisations on both sides of the Channel. Among its achievements, the project ran a series of workshops for Studland residents and beach hut owners, and produced a guide for householders on the likely effects of coastal change. “I think we managed to achieve a lot in a short timeframe,” said Elli. “I enjoyed the diversity of the activities we ran. We were talking to people about coastal and climate change, engaging

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with children and young people through nature trails and filming, and getting local people involved at looking practically at what we could do in the future to adapt to coastal change at Studland and around the Harbour.” Though the project is over, its legacy will live on. The educational resource pack will continue to be available to schools and a chapter from it has been included in a new Collins geography textbook for key stage three students. A coastal change engagement toolkit has also been developed to help others continue in the LiCCo project’s footsteps.

Elli MacDonald, LiCCo Project Manager Photo: National Trust


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Boilers installed Full Central Heating Systems Boiler breakdowns and repairs Boiler servicing and maintenance Full breakdown & maintenance work

Swanage Oracle


Wildlife News

Talking about Wildlife...

What can nature do for you? Spring has sprung in Dorset. Daffodils and primroses are adding colour to our landscape, butterflies are flitting around, and blossom is starting to bud on trees – a most welcome sight after a long winter. But what does being outside this time of year mean to you, and how does it make you feel? That’s a question we’re asking as part of the new Dorset Wildlife Trust campaign, ‘My Wild Life’, which asks: what’s your wild life? You may think you don’t live a wild life, but every time you step out of your front door, particularly this time of year, wildlife and outside space can shape your day ahead and change your mood, for the better. ‘Ecotherapy’ (being active outdoors) has been proven to improve health and wellbeing, and is a recognised method for helping those with mental and physical health issues. Flora, from Bridport in Dorset is a wild swimmer and loves spending time outside with her children. She also uses nature to help with projects for her stained glass art business. Flora said, “I get a lot of inspiration from being outdoors. As well as contemporary work, I do a lot of traditional work where stained glass panels often feature birds and foliage. Whilst I’m out with my family in Dorset, there’s plenty to photograph to help me with my work.” Beth, from West Bay said, “I absolutely love our coastline and we enjoy going out with the children. We build dens, we play in the sand and fly kites. It’s important to us to spend time outside with them, getting fresh air and exploring local places. Spending time outside makes me feel inspired, relaxed and invigorated.”

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You might have a story, or just a few words to describe how nature makes you feel. In Dorset, we are blessed with some fantastic views and locations to explore, and we want to celebrate the positive feelings and experiences wildlife can bring us, which we perhaps take for granted every day. Whatever your story is, share it with us at and let’s celebrate not just what we can do for nature, but what nature can do for us! Share your Wild Life with us on Twitter @ dorsetwildlife #mywildlife or facebook/ DorsetWildlife. By Sally Welbourn

Flora at West Bay

Photo: Katharine Davies




This Summer we are celebrating the 80th Anniversary of opening the Blue Pool Teahouse. Come and Enjoy the Peace and Tranquility of this magical spot and take part in the events planned over the summer. On Sunday 7th June our Anniversary Day, We are inviting you to visit the Blue Pool for 20p!! The Teahouse will be taking part in the Celebrations by serving Cups of Tea for 20p!! The Gift Shop is bursting at the seams with amazing and ingenious Gifts. The fascinating Wareham Bears will be waiting to tell you all about their incredible story.

Tel: 01929 551408

The Blue Pool, Furzebrook, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5AR

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Swanage Oracle


Money Saving Tips


LEWIS Car Insurance Car insurance prices have fallen 40% over the past two years, according to the AA. But with a rise in fraudulent claims, its latest index predicts an increase of up to 8% in 2015; others think 10% is possible. So to help you drive down costs, let me answer your most common questions… Q. Is this only something you can do if you’re at renewal? A. No, everyone should be checking their price right now, even if you only signed up to a new deal a few months ago. Unless you’ve claimed, you can usually cancel a policy for a fee of around £50 and get a refund for the rest of the year (though you won’t earn no claims for that year). It’s worth checking if it’s worth it. Q. My renewal’s only six weeks away, should I just wait? A. It’s likely if you did try and cancel and get a new policy now, the cancellation fee will diminish any savings – so that’s a bit futile. Yet there is another trick –, and quotes last 60 days, so why not grab them now and you’re effectively locking in those prices in case they rise in the meantime. Q. Are the savings that great? Can’t you just auto-renew? A. Never just auto-renew without checking elsewhere, often it just lets insurers smack a price rise on you, as it knows apathy means many will keep paying more and more. I’m not saying auto-renewing will never be your cheapest option, just that it should never be done without checking and comparing elsewhere first. Q. So it’s just a question of getting on a comparison site? A. That’s the route many use, but there are steps to really kick it up. It’s important to understand that there’s no one cheapest provider, so it’s a case of following a system. Never just do one comparison, you need a benchmark of a few comparisons to find out where’s cheapest. There’s a system to follow fully explained at carinsurance. In a nutshell… Combine comparison sites. They don’t all cover the same insurers, so combining a number of sites is the best way to really make a meaningful saving. My current top picks for a typical driver are,, and Check insurers that comparisons miss. Comparison sites let you compare 100s of insurers quickly but they don’t capture the entire market. The biggies, including Aviva, and only offer their products directly. More than one car at home? Comparison sites can only cope

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with one car at once so don’t include multi-car discounts. Therefore you should always manually check those that offer it. The big one is multi-car, but, and also offer it. I’m not saying they’ll win, but that you should check. Difficult to insure? Use a broker. If you’ve difficult circumstances (eg, past bans or big accidents) that make getting insurance difficult, a comparison site is less likely to help as these are mainly focused on ‘normal’ policies. You may be better off finding a local broker - see the British Insurance Brokers’ Association website (, as these can sometimes find a cheaper deal for you. Q. So it’s all pretty straightforward? A. Ah if only. Common-sense doesn't always do the job… - Third party's not always cheapest. Merely selecting comprehensive makes some insurers see you as a lower risk. So always check both. - Adding a responsible second driver can cut your costs. This can bring down your risk average and price ― of course, it must be someone who may drive your car. As Mazzyb5 tweeted: "Took your advice and added mum ― saved £500." - Tweaking your job description can cut costs. I'm not saying lap dancers should call themselves cabinet ministers (or vice versa, heaven forbid). But these days many people have such specific job descriptions car insurers don't list them, as Fabsternation tweeted: "Thanks. Changing from creative director to marketing manager saved £300." See my fun car insurance job picker tool - Beware paying monthly. A monthly payment plan for your insurance is essentially a high-interest loan. For example, if your premium is £1,000 but you’re paying an APR of 25%, your insurance will actually cost £1,140 once you factor in the interest. So either pay in full, or if you can't afford it, use a credit card with a lower APR or better still, a 0% credit card for spending, ensuring your repayments are big enough to clear it within a year. Q. And any special tips for young drivers? A. With the average premium for a 17-22-year-old at an eyewatering £1,194 per year, young car drivers can be priced out ― all the techniques above will help, but if you’re not getting there, check ‘pay how you drive’ (telematics) this involves a device being fitted inside your car that monitors your actions behind the wheel. Full info in




hen it Comes to Eco Friendly and Affordable Driveways, Resin Drives Have Got it Covered… even Celebrities Choose Them!No longer do homeowners and facilities managers have to resort to traditional tarmac to cover their driveways. Bradford based Resin Drives, the original resin drive company in Yorkshire, has unveiled its customisable, affordable and totally eco-friendly, resin drive solution, which offers robust performance without damaging the environment. It used to be that tarmac was the most effective way to cover surfaces such as driveways, paths and patios. However, being a relative of oil and coal, this black and sticky tar product is firmly lacking in green credentials and due to its chemical properties, is likely to melt in hot weather and crack in the cold. Resin Drives have created a solution that will not only keep surfaces smooth and even all year round, but it is also up to 10 times more ecologically friendly than its predecessor. The surfacing material is created by binding resin with a mix of coloured stones. The resin is made from organic materials that are resistant to weeds and naturally drains water. This not only means that it prevents puddles from forming on its surface, but

also that it adheres to urban drainage guidelines, so anyone wishing to surface their driveway or patio with this revolutionary new product needn’t apply for planning permission. The coloured stone mix that is used is completely customisable and not only do Resin Drives have an enormous range of styles and colours to choose from both on their website and in their showroom, but customers are also able to create their own designs to suit their own tastes. People are able to decorate the inside of their house in any way they please and now they can do the same with their driveway or patio. Resin Drives offer a seamless service from the initial design through to installation and after care. Their team of experts will not only come and visit each customer to help them choose the design they want, but they will also survey the area to be surfaced, dig up the old surface if needed and lay the resin bound finish. Unlike tarmac, which can be a long and drawn-out process, it can take as little as two days for the whole process to be completed, from inception to reality. This level of commitment to their customers’ needs has seen Resin Drives grow in the past 12 months and also adding celebrity homes to their client list. They have showrooms in both Bradford and Bridgend to become the UK’s leading provider of bond resin surface coverings and in Bradford they have Yorkshire’s largest indoor and outdoor showrooms for you to see, making it much easier to visualise which resin finish and colour would be right for your own home.

Have you considered how a beautiful resin surface can also transform your patio and paths, the aesthetic quality of resin has an immediate impact and will make you the envy of your neighbours, family and friends. They even recently laid a beautiful resin drive for Uri Geller and have had new resin driveways requested from a number of other celebrities…watch this space!

Here’s what some of their customers have to say... "We are very pleased with our new resin drive it looks amazing. From start to finish all staff and work teams were friendly, polite and efficient, cleaning everything as they worked. I would definitely recommend them." Mr and Mrs Robinson "Just had to compliment the installation team who did a great job on our drive and patio, the finished effect was instantaneous as soon as they started laying the resin I was totally blown away I have no hesitation in recommending" Mrs Jackson "My husband and I would like to say how satisfied we were with your surveyors and work men they worked very fast and hard and left us with a very good looking drive." Mrs Meakin

Phone today for your free quotation...

0800 007 5733

Visit our website to learn more & find our showrooms... 3 Swanage Oracle

Community News


Royal Voluntary Service Home Library Service Do you like to read? But find it difficult to get to the library to get new books? We might be able to help.

All Dorset Libraries have teams of dedicated Royal Voluntary Service volunteers who are able to visit on a regular basis, delivering the books you want from the Library to your home, free of charge. Large print books and talking books can also be delivered. This service is funded by Dorset Library Service, and delivered by the Royal Voluntary Service. It is available across Dorset to anyone who cannot easily get to their local library, and can be provided on a temporary basis as well as long term. All Royal Voluntary Service volunteers are DBS checked and receive ongoing training and support. As well as the Home Library Service the

Royal Voluntary Service can provide Befriending, help with shopping, and other things you might need – just get in touch with us and find out how we might be able to help.

If you are interested in receiving the Home Library Service please contact Maria Jacobson, Royal Voluntary Service Manager Dorset Home Library Service, on 07786 635154 or 01305 236666, or e-mail Maria. Jacobson@royalvoluntaryservice.

Royal Voluntary Service Local Volunteer Coordinator, Melodie Watts, delivering books to Mrs Doreen Nash

01929 408080


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Swanage Oracle

Cover Photographer


Purbeck Footprints: Introducing Julian Sawyer

I set up Purbeck Footprints a few years ago as a way of sharing the natural beauty and abundant wildlife to be found in this part of the Jurassic Coast World Heritage site. The Isle of Purbeck has some of the finest walks and views in the country and it is my privilege to bring them to you through pictures, guided walks and talks. Every season in this spectacular part of Dorset is different and the constantly changing landscape and wildlife offer an inspiring panorama for the photographer. Feel free to browse through the photographs on my website, or follow Purbeck Footprints on Facebook and Twitter to keep tabs on what I’m up to.

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Julian Sawyer Purbeck Footprints






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Swanage Oracle

Adventures of Nellie


The Adventures of Nellie The Purbeck Publications Camper Van We have so much to do on our doorstep. Here in Swanage we have our wonderful beach, as well as great local shops, Durlston Castle and many many fantastic restaurants. Now and then Nellie likes a bit of a ‘spin’ to blow the cobwebs away, so this month she drove us to Poole. Poole Quay is a vibrant place. There is much history, fantastic old buildings and many good restaurants and cafes for a coffee break, or even a full seafood meal. On arriving at the Quay you cannot miss the wonderful ... Sunseeker boats! Oh boy do they look magnificent. We are lucky enough to have Sunseeker based right here in Poole. It is in fact the flagship dealership for new and pre-owned Sunseeker boats and luxury motor yachts. These yachts make Nellie’s mouth water. They give the whole place a sense of wealth, extravagance… and how the other half live! Oh well, maybe not this lifetime but they are great to see anyway. The Pleasure boats! Now these are more like it. Nellie can afford this. Though she is

Nellie spots another old girl by the quay...

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Nellie loves Sunseekers! rather too large to actually step on board. (She really does need to go on a diet… again!). Brownsea Island is where these boats take you, as well as some trips to Wareham, or even back to Swanage and Old Harry Rocks, so for anyone wanting to have a pleasurable trip around the harbour, take in our glorious scenery, have a coffee on board and generally ‘while away the day’, this is for you! It is also for children as they usually love the sea and it is pretty exciting to watch the land move further and further away. Brownsea Island, which is magnificently set in Poole Harbour with spectacular views over the Purbecks is owned by the National Trust. Lord Baden Powell’s statue salutes you as you set off for ‘his scout’s island’. Our famous, rare, red squirrels can be spotted here so those with a good camera could get some amazing photos. There is also a café as well as a hotel, but only those lucky enough to work for the John Lewis Partnership can stay here, as it is owned by them. The data I have is that there is a long waiting list!

23 Back on the Quay, there are haunted pubs! The King Charles Pub dates all the way back to the 1300s when it was a wool house! Incredible. The Custom House, now a wonderful place to sit and have a coffee or meal, is famous for the smuggling episode some 250 years ago when 30 ‘savage’ smugglers forced there way in and stole 2 ton of tea. Those were the days… There is even an old prison, called Fish Street Gaol. Can you find it? Continuing past the Georgian House, Hotel du Vin, there are some very old Almshouses (a house founded by charity, offering accommodation for poor people) dating back to Henry V. In fact, if local history is your interest then the Poole Museum also houses the Local History Centre. It is based in the historic Town Cellars, where you can learn more about the history of Poole and its people. It is a fascinating place to visit, all free of charge and Nellie highly recommends it. For children on the quay there are amusement arcades, an illuminated pirate, crazy golf course which is indoors, above the amusement arcade, so ideal if the weather is not so good… and plenty of ice cream sellers!

The Almhouses from Henry V’s time

Swanage Oracle

One of Poole’s haunted pubs! We love Banana Wharf for lunch. The views are perfect, whether the weather is good or bad, so do give the manager a big “Hello” from Nellie! One last thing, the shops. Nellie loves “Pavers”, the shoe shop, and has more shoes than she needs, or even her cupboards can store, but hey that’s girls for you. We are well known for it! There is also our nationally and even internationally famous Poole Pottery. The large, open plan shop is great to look around, buy Birthday presents, gifts with “Poole” on them for those out of town, or just a special something for yourself. There is also a place for children to paint a pot themselves. Ideal for Grandma or Grandad. So, do take a day out to our wonderful town of Poole. It has a lot to offer for all ‘shapes and sizes’, all weathers and any time of the year. Nellie hopes you find something new and exciting. Where will Nellie go next…? By Debbie Corney

Community News


Rotary Bike Ride in aid of Prostate Cancer UK Sunday 21st June (Fathers Day)

This ride is part of a series of bike rides organised on Fathers Day by Rotary clubs throughout Great Britain in aid of Prostate Cancer Charities. This ride is an ideal training ride for our main Rotary Dorset Bike Ride in aid of Cancer Research UK on 6th September. The ride is 29 miles from Wareham Rugby Club through Hartland Moor, through Rempstone Forest to the Poole Chain Ferry.The ride continues round Poole Harbour and back to Wareham Rugby Club. Much of this first part of

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the ride is away from traffic. There is an option to ride from Wareham to Poole Ferry and back again thus avoiding the busier sections. Registration is just ÂŁ10 for adults and ÂŁ5 for children. Numbers for this ride through Rempstone Forest are limited so enter early to secure your place. Further details and to enter go to: Staggered start from 9am. Event facilities include free car parking, toilets at start/finish, full route marking, route marshals, pickup if required, free feed station, First aid support.


















This month, the prize is a meal for two at the Bull & Boat in Swanage, so please complete this page by 8th July and send to: June/July Prize Wordsearch Name: ______________________ The Swanage Oracle, Address: ______________________ 1 Moorlands Rise, ______________________ West Moors, ______________________ Ferndown, BH22 0JR Telephone: ______________________

Swanage Oracle

Prize Wordsearch

The Swanage Oracle Prize Wordsearch


on your Gardening Tips


Expand your horizons

Summer, sunshine and strawberries, June is a truly wonderful month! In this time of plentiful growth we take a look at making the most of your waste clippings by turning them into lovely rich compost to use next year, and also how to make the most of every inch of your space. Jobs for June:Take off the side shoots from tomato plants to avoid them becoming too bushy and overburdened with fruit. Water regularly. Garlic that was planted in the Autumn should be maturing now. Lift when the leaves start to shrivel and leave to dry in a warm spot. Keep planting - the moist soil, higher temperatures and long days are ideal growing conditions. French beans, courgettes and salad crops can all be sown now. Watch out for pests! Think about protecting brassicas before caterpillars start to become a problem.

Every year it amazes me how the plants respond so dramatically to the arrival of the warm weather. Anything sown or planted out in May seems to positively leap out of the ground and shoot skywards, in many cases quickly catching up with earlier sowings! Of course the lawn is no exception and if you don’t already have a composting system in place then why not set one up now and make use of some of those endless grass clippings? Ideally you want to have two (or even three) compost bins so that when one is ready to use for the garden you have another filling up and rotting down. You can buy allsorts of nifty looking, ready made, compost bins some even have clever devices that make it easy to turn the whole bin to help the waste break down - but you don’t need anything fancy. You can just start a compost heap in an out of the way corner, enclosing it with old pallets, or wire mesh wrapped around four stakes if you want to keep it looking a little neater. So what should you compost? Well any dead organic matter will decompose naturally but you should aim for a good mix of ‘green’ and ‘brown’ ingredients. Lawn trimmings, veg leaves and peelings provide the green element and you should add a reasonable balance of brown items such as shredded paper, straw, eggshells and even the contents of your vacuum cleaner bag. Turning the heap occasionally will accelerate the breakdown and covering with an old

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carpet when it is full will also help. Leave for several months and you should have some great compost! June is also the time of year when it is easy to start to run out of space on your plot. Everything puts on amazing growth spurts and you are suddenly left wondering where you are going to plant out those tomatoes that you’ve been nurturing in the greenhouse, or finding you’ve no room for the cabbages that you’d like to be eating later in the year. Time to expand your horizons and make full use of containers and of your borders. Look at the different varieties of lettuce and salad crops many of these, along with cabbages, can add a splash of decorative, coloured foliage to your borders (and be eaten too!!!). Grow bags are wonderful for crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. They’ll be happy in a sunny spot on your patio but do remember to water and feed regularly. Larger pots can house courgettes and pumpkins, with the exotic looking flowers adding a bright splash of colour. Even hanging baskets can get in on the grow your own act! Look for suitable strawberries or tomatoes and you could be treated to a bumper crop of luscious fruit tumbling down from above.


Suttles’ Key Sponsorship Enabled Most Successful Club Night Yet for People with Learning Disabilities Poole and Isle of Purbeck-based company Suttle Stone Quarries was the key sponsor of Big Night Out for the third time in a row, a night of clubbing for people with learning disabilities. The sponsorship covered all the costs of the event at Cameo nightclub in Bournemouth, with a record number of around 400 club-goers attending from across Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset. In addition, more clubbers than ever before stayed on the dancefloor until later in the evening due to organisers promoting the national Stay Up Late campaign. The Big Night Out is Bournemouth and Poole’s club night run by and for people with learning disabilities and features local learning disabled DJs the Mix It Up Kru. The Big Night Out is facilitated by Suttle Stone Quarries and organised by a collective of Dorsetbased organisations including local advocacy and disability rights charities, offering music lovers with learning disabilities the opportunity to go out dancing in a safe and supportive environment. The event attracted club-goers from as far as Sherborne and Beaminster, and the promotion of the Stay Up Late campaign meant that many evening care staff were able to adjust their shift patterns to help clubbers stay on the dancefloor for longer. Assistant manager at Bournemouth People First, Amanda Frost added “without the support of Suttle Stone Quarries, we wouldn’t be able to put on these amazing club nights! It brings people with and without disabilities together from across Dorset, meeting up with old friends and making new ones.” Paul Herridge, a learning disabled member of People First Dorset who travelled from Sherborne, said “The easiest and cheapest way for me to attend was to join People First Dorset on the train and spend the night in a Dorchester hotel. Without all the support and funding, I would not have been able to go, and I really wanted to. Thank you.’ Jonathan Wilding, a learning disabled member of Poole Forum said “the Big Night Out gives me a chance to dance away. I came in a minibus tonight

Swanage Oracle

– without this transport, I would find it very difficult to go clubbing.” Chris Suttle, of Suttle Stone Quarries said: “The evening was a great success. I have been passionate about trying to facilitate the sort of evening at a top club which many people take for granted, but is often difficult for many with disabilities and learning difficulties, such as my son James. Through Suttles’ sponsorship and the hard work of all the people involved, that dream has become a reality. I would like to thank all the groups involved for their enthusiasm and effort in organising such a great, inclusive event.” The Big Night Out is a partnership between self advocacy agencies Bournemouth People First, People First Dorset and Poole Forum with Borough of Poole Arts Service, Cameo Nightclub and sponsorship from Suttle Stone Quarries. The next Big Night Out will be going ahead on Thursday 8th October at Cameo. Suttle Stone Quarries is a division of the Suttles group, and has been part of the local stone industry since the 1930’s as stone merchants and quarry owners, introducing its sheet piling division ‘Suttle Projects’ in 2008. They are based in 3 locations across the Isle of Purbeck & Poole, and are a local employer of over 60 people. For further information about Suttles, call 01929 439444 or go to

Chris Suttle (back left) with some of the clubbers




BIOGRAPHIES Porsche Panamera Diesel

By Tim Barnes-Clay, Motoring Writer


It looks like a bloated beast and occasionally it handles like one.

car is available with rear-wheel drive and uses a highly efficient eight-speed automatic gearbox as standard.

The Porsche Panamera’s swollen exterior is more obvious at the back of the car; it’s too bulbous to look athletic. But there is no disguising the ability of the vehicle. Two enormous tail pipes jut from the car’s stern like horizontal steel chimneys; these more than hint at the clout that the corpulent car is capable of serving up.

For the majority of time spent behind the portly Porsche’s wheel, it pleases when its hefty haunches launch the car forward with as much effort as it takes to throw a dart. The formidable engine chucks the monster from 0 to 62 mph in 6.0 seconds, and carries it to a top speed of 161 mph. The 3.0 litre six cylinder turbo diesel car is made for touring that much is obvious. The 100 litre fuel tank and claimed 44.1 mpg will take you across a generous slice of the European continent without the need to stop for fuel. To give you an idea of its range in the UK, the German goliath is capable of taking four passengers from Lands End to Loch Ness without refuelling.

The front of the Panamera is far more Porsche-like, with its sweeping curved bonnet and ever-so-slightly ‘hang-dogeyed’ headlights. Approaching it from the front, or when peering down its long, wide, snout, its form starts to draw you in. Through its proportions alone, the Porsche Panamera stands out clearly in its market segment. It measures 1931mm (76.0in) in width and 1418mm (55.8in) in height, while its overall length is 4970mm (195.7in). And this particular oilburner model can be recognised by the lettering ‘diesel’ on the front doors. Step inside, and the plush cabin reeks of cowhide. The sumptuous seating-for-four and lengthy legroom, both front and rear, provide the comfort you would expect from a car costing over £60,000. Indeed, every Panamera, has a high level of standard specification. This includes Porsche Active Suspension Management, which adapts handling to suit your preferred driving style. In ‘Normal’ mode the car delivers a blend of performance and comfort, and then there’s a ‘Sport’ setting where the setup is much firmer. The Porsche also comes with vivid Bi-Xenon headlights; parking sensors; tyre pressure monitoring; automatic dimming rear view mirrors; touch-screen satellite navigation and audio controls, as well as cruise control. In addition, the

Performance and low consumption are accompanied by smooth running and low emissions. An additional contributing factor is the auto start/stop function, which is de rigueur. Porsche has never suffered from a poor image. Sure, like most automakers, there have been tiny blips in its history, but nothing detrimental. The arrival of the Panamera Diesel has definitely polarised the opinion of the petrol-headed purists though. Many don’t see it as a 'proper' Porsche, and its styling certainly doesn’t achieve universal acclaim. That said; it’s an awesome car to go long distance travelling in with three other’s to accompany you. You’re also bound to get lots of looks – but not always for the right reason.

FAST FACTS  Max speed: 161mph  0-62 mph: 6.0 secs  Combined mpg: 44.1  Engine: 2967cc 6 cylinder 24 valve turbo diesel

   

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Max. power (bhp): 296 at 4000 rpm Max. torque (lb.�): 479at 1750rpm CO2: 169 g/km Price: £62,922 on the road

PROS ‘N’ CONS Touring Range √ Power √ Space √ Economy √ Comfort √ Divisive Looks X


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Household �ps Cold drinks

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Index of advertisers

Your quick guide to everyone and everything in your Oracle... Accountants Ward Goodman.................................................... 5

Financial Services Ward Goodman.................................................... 5

Attractions Blue Pool............................................................... 15

Funeral Directors James Smith.......................................................... 19

Bars & Restaurants Bull & Boat........................................................... 7

Garage Services Hughes Workshop................................................ 31

Bathrooms C+C Plumbing & Bathrooms................................. 15 Jon Parry Interiors................................................ 21

Garden Services Green Scheme....................................................... 11 T D Landscaping & Fencing................................... 2

Blinds, Curtains & Shutters Ashley Blinds......................................................... 3

Health & Care Bournemouth Careline......................................... 7

Builders Purbeck Home Improvements.............................. 1

Kitchens Jon Parry Interiors................................................ 21

Carpenters Total Woodwork - Peter Albin............................... 29

Oven Cleaning David Chalmers.................................................... 5 Oven King............................................................. 3

Carpets & Flooring Peter Newman Flooring........................................ 11

Plumbers C+C Plumbing....................................................... 15 Gasways Heating.................................................. 13 Heatwise............................................................... 2

Community News Adventures of Nellie............................................. 22 Dorset Wildlife Trust: What can wildlife do for you?.... 14 Free dog microchipping in Purbeck in June.......... 6 It’s All Childs Play.................................................. 9 Jurassic Jaunts: Swanage East Circular................. 10 Martin Lewis: Car Insurance................................. 16 Motoring: Porsche Panemera............................... 28 National Trust in Purbeck..................................... 12 On your plot: Expanding your horizons................ 26 Purbeck Footprints............................................... 20 Rotary Purbeck Bike Ride...................................... 24 RVS Home Library Service..................................... 18 Suttles sponsor Big Night Out............................... 27

Removals Bournemouth Removals....................................... 5

Computer Services Whizzbits.............................................................. 29

Skip Hire A&D Skips............................................................. 29

Domestic Cleaning David Chalmers.................................................... 9

Taxis DMB Cars.............................................................. 13

Drainange Services Chelsea Drainage................................................. 3

Tool & Plant Hire Sydenhams........................................................... 19

Driveways Resin Drives..................................................... 17,32

Waste Services Philip Trim............................................................. 21

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Property Maintenance Total Woodwork - Peter Albin............................... 9 Puzzles & Competitions Honeycomb........................................................... 21 Kids Page.............................................................. 8 Prize Wordsearch.................................................. 25 Sudoku.................................................................. 20



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The Swanage Oracle

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