Training Zone 1
Creative Ideas for Ministry
Gospel-Centered Kidmin Led by Danielle Bell Room: DFW AB
Add Pizazz to Your Teaching! Led by Karl Bastian Room: Intl ABC
Elementary Sunday School/ Education
Aha! And Voila! Remarkable Science Experiments Led by Patty Smith and Gary Lindsay Room: Intl DEF
Bring Families Back to Church Led by Patty Smith and Gary Lindsay Room: Intl DEF
Family Ministry
Spiritual Formation in Families Led by Luz Figueroa Room: Paris
Family Ministry 101 Led by Sam Luce Room: Rosemont C
10 Mistakes Children’s Ministry Leaders Make—and How to Avoid Them Led by Ricardo Miller Room: Rosemont A
Keep Team Spirit Alive! Led by Kal Otis Room: United AB
Leading Volunteers
Win at Recruiting and Retaining Volunteers Led by David and Becky Staal Room: Hartsfield
Children’s Ministry Isn’t Just for Women Led by Ricardo Miller Room: Rosemont A
Outreach/ Growth/ Missions
Leading Kids Toward Spiritual Health Led by Steve Adams Room: Rosemont C
At the Heart of Outreach: What Children Really Need Led by David Staal Room: Hartsfield
Personal Growth
Soul Care: Abiding in Christ Led by Sam Luce Room: Rosemont D
Women in Ministry Leadership Led by Denise Muir Kjesbo Room: Paris
Preschool Ministry
Faith Growth Begins in the Nursery Led by Kal Otis Room: United AB
How to Create a Preschool Camp Extraordinaire Led by Luz Figueroa Room: DFW AB
Preteen Ministry
Building a Healthy and Attractive Preteen Volunteer Culture Led by Chad Hoffman Room: LAX AB
Launching (or Relaunching) Your Preteen Ministry Led by Chad Hoffman Room: LAX AB
Special Needs Ministry
Special Needs Programming, Problem-Solving, and Possibilities Led by Katie Wetherbee Room: Florence
Autism, Anxiety, and ADHD in the Church Led by Katie Wetherbee Room: Florence
Technology in Ministry
12 Tech Resources to Make YOU Look Like a Pro Led by Brandon Early Room: Rosemont B
Social Savvy: Partnering With Parents to Navigate the Social Media Landscape Led by Brandon Early Room: Rosemont B
Understanding Kids/Trends
Becoming KIDmissional Led by Karl Bastian Room: Intl ABC
How to Love and Work With Rude, Obnoxious, and Apathetic Kids Led by Les Christie Room: Rosemont D
Friends of God
Friends of God: Bringing Kids the Most Important Relationship of All Led by Thom and Joani Schultz Room: London
SATURDAY 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. #kidmin17
Training Zone 2
SATURDAY 2:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Ministry Area
Training Zone 3
Creative Ideas for Ministry
Developing Leadership in Children Led by Les Christie Room: Rosemont D
Incredibly Hot Games and Community Builders for Elementary Kids Led by Les Christie Room: Rosemont D
Elementary Sunday School/ Education
Elementary Ministry: Been There, Done That? Led by Patty Smith and Gary Lindsay Room: Intl DEF
Maximize Learning With Mixed-Age Groups Led by Patty Smith and Gary Lindsay Room: Intl DEF
Family Ministry
5 Models for Family Ministry Led by Denise Muir Kjesbo Room: Paris
Family-Focused Ministry Led by Danielle Bell Room: Hartsfield
Become a Leader People Will Follow Led by Steve Adams Room: Rosemont C
The A.I.M. Principle Led by Steve Adams Room: Rosemont C
Leading Volunteers
Leading Millennial Volunteers Led by Dale Hudson Room: Intl ABC
The Secret Formula for Building Great Volunteer Teams Led by Dale Hudson Room: Intl ABC
Outreach/ Growth/ Missions
Structuring Your Children’s Ministry for Growth Led by Ricardo Miller Room: Rosemont A
Amazing Things Your Ministry Can Learn From Public Schools Led by David Staal Room: LAX AB
Personal Growth
Burned Out in Ministry Led by Danielle Bell Room: Hartsfield
Improving Your Talents Led by Kal Otis Room: United AB
Preschool Ministry
Spiritual Development During Preschool Years Led by Kal Otis Room: United AB
How to Elevate Your Preschool Ministry to the Next Level Led by Luz Figueroa Room: DFW AB
Preteen Ministry
Stop the Tween Disengagement Led by Chad Hoffman Room: LAX AB
Preteens: Fighting the Entitlement Dragon Led by Rick Lawrence Room: Rosemont A
Special Needs Ministry
How to Include Children With Disabilities in Your Children’s Ministry Led by Ellen Stumbo Room: Florence
Understanding and Implementing Disability Ministry Led by Ellen Stumbo Room: Florence
Technology in Ministry
Using Technology to Expand Your Impact in Ministry Led by Brandon Early Room: Rosemont B
Leveraging Technology to Communicate God’s Message Led by Brandon Early Room: Rosemont B
Understanding Kids/Trends
Perseverance and Resilience in Kids Led by Rick Lawrence Room: DFW AB
Mental Health Issues That Affect Today’s Families Led by Katie Wetherbee Room: Paris
SUNDAY 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Training Zone 4
SUNDAY 2:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. | 1.800.635.0404