Daily Excursione Programme - Crowne Plaza Stabiae Sorrento Coast

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CONDITIONS The programme can be modified owing to compelling forces. The Travel Agency organizing the present programme declines all liability of any damages which may occur to Clients and their personal effects during the course of the excursion of this programme the liability being on those who transport the passengers. The Travel Agency organizing the present programme also declines any liability for any additional expenses owing to delays or other irregularities occurred to means of transportation. Entrance-fees for optional visits at Client’s expense. Notice: According to the Italian Regulation N° 332 same of dated 27.6.1985, Italian citizens who are under 18 or over 65 years old, are entitled to free admission to the State Monuments, Museums, Galleries and Archeological Excavations. This facility is also granted to foreign citizen on reciprocal basis. The entitled party must shown passport or identity card at the entrance to the monuments. Children 02/12 years 20% of discount (except supplements). No refund can be given on trip cancelled less than 24 hours before departure. If you should need to cancel please advise your rep, so as to avoid the guides wasting valuable time looking for you. If you cannot see your rep, please call Goldentours on 081.878.1042 - 081.878.1450 081.878.2206. In the unlikely event that a trip is cancelled by us, a message will be left in your pidgeon hole the night before and you will be offered an alternative day or given a full refund. CONDITIONS Le programme peut etre modifié à cause de force majeure. L’Agence de Voyages qui organise le programme n’accepte aucune responsabilité en cas de domages au passagers ou à leur proprietés, subis pendant préavis l’excursion, ce qui pendant peut-être regularisé, selon la loi, par la Compagnie chargée du transport des voyageurs. L’Agence de Voyages qui organise le programme décline aussi toute responsabilité pour dépense supplémentaires causée par retards, interruptions au panne des moyen de transport. Les entrées pour les visites facultatives sont à charge des participants. Dans le cas ou vous annullerez votre réservation aprés 24 heures avant le départ, il n’y aura aucun remboursement. Chaque annullation devra parvenir 24 heures avant le départ et communiquée rapidement à votre représentant ou agence correspondante Goldentours - Tel. 081.878.1042 - 081.878.1450 081.878.2206. Si à cause de force majeure nous devrions annuller une visite, vous aurez la communication directement en hotel et on communiquera un date alternatif ou on vous remboursera.

BEDINGUNGEN Das Programm kann wenn noetig, abgeändert werden. Das Reisebuero, dass das Programm organisiert ist nicht verantwortlich für eventuelle Schäden oder Verluste, die Teilnehmer waehrend des Ausfluges erleiden sollten. Die Eigentuemer der Transportmittel sind haftbar. Das Reisebuero, dass das Programm organisiert, ist auch nicht verantwortlich fuer eventuelle höhere Kosten, die durch Verspaetung, Unterbrechungen oder Schaeden der Verkehrsmittel entstehen koennten. Die Eintrittskarten fur die wahlfreien Besichtigungen sind auf Kosten des Kunden. Keine Rueckerstattung kann gegeben werden fuer stornierte Ausfluege 24 Stunden vor Abfahrt. Sollten Sie stornieren, moechten wir Sie bitten, ihren Repr. zu informieren, so dass unserer Reiseleiter nicht wertvolle Zeit verliert, Sie zu suchen. Haben Sie keine Moeglichkeit Ihren Repr. zu sehen, rufen Sie bitte Goldentours an Tel. 081.878.1042 - 081.878.1450 - 081.878.2206. Falls ungluecklicherweise der organisierte Ausflug von uns storniert wird, hinterlassen wir Ihnen eine Nachricht im Hotel in Ihrem Fach am Tag vor Beginn des Ausflugs. Wir bieten Ihnen entweder ein Alternativdatum an, oder Sie erhalten Ihr Geld zurueck.

CONDIZIONI I programmi possono essere modificati per cause di forza maggiore. Nessuna responsabilità assume l’Agenzia Organizzatrice per eventuali danni che dovessero subire i partecipanti alle escursioni di cui al presente programma o le cose di loro proprietà sui mezzi adibiti alle escursioni medesime. Per tali danni dovranno essere chiamati responsabili direttamente i vettori. Nessuna responsabilità potrà attribuirsi all’Agenzia organizzatrice del presente programma per eventuali maggiori spese causate da ritardi, interruzioni o guasti dei mezzi di trasporto. Gli ingressi per le visite facoltative sono a carico dei partecipanti. Avviso: In conformità alla Legge 27.6.1985 N° 332, ai cittadini italiani che non abbiano compiuto il 18° o che abbiano superato il 65° anno di età, è consentito l’ingresso gratuito in alcuni Monumenti, Musei, Gallerie e Scavi Archeologici di Stato. Tale facilitazione è riconosciuta anche agli stranieri, a condizione di reciprocità. Gli aventi diritto hanno l’obbligo di esibire un valido documento di riconoscimento all’entrata dei monumenti. Riduzione bambini 02/12 anni non compiuti 20% (escluso supplementi). Il cliente che dovesse rinunciare all’escursione 24 ore prima della partenza non ha diritto a rimborso. Si prega, quindi di avvertire in tempo utile tramite il punto di prenotazione o telefonando alla Goldentours - Tel. 081.878.1042 - 081.878.1450 - 081.878.2206. In caso di cancellazione da parte nostra vi sarà offerta un’alternativa o il rimborso totale della cifra versata.

I contratti di viaggio di cui al presente programma si intendono regolati dalla legge n. 1084 del 27.12.1977 di ratifica e esecuzione della Convenzione Internazionale relativa al Contratto di Viaggio (CCV) firmata a Bruxelles il 23 Aprile 1970. La responsabilità dell’organizzazione del viaggio non può in nessun caso eccedere i limiti della legge citata. Ai sensi dell’articolo 13 del decreto legislativo 196/2003, codice in materia di dati personali, si informa che il trattamento dei dati personali, raccolti da Golden Tours S.R.L. o comunque forniti allo stesso, è finalizzato unicamente allo svolgimento di compiti strettamente relativi all’attività di viaggio ed escursioni richieste; gli stessi verranno trattati dalla Golden Tours srl presso la sede nel Comune di Sorrento in via degli Aranci 25/b con l’utilizzo di procedure informatizzate e anche senza l’ausilio di elaboratori, nel rispetto dei principi di necessità e pertinenza; i dati potranno essere comunicati ad altri enti pubblici o a soggetti privati nei limiti previsti da leggi o da regolamento; dei dati potranno venire a conoscenza di dipendenti e collaboratori anche esterni dell’ente quali incaricati del trattamento; il conferimento dei dati è in genere facoltativo; il titolare segnala in casi in cui i dati devono obbligatoriamente essere conferiti; in ogni caso i dati sono necessari per portare a termine le attività e i procedimenti che lei chiederà alla mia azienda; la mancata indicazione comporta che non avrò la possibilità di portare a termine il servizio da lei richiesto; agli interessati sono riconosciuti i diritti di cui all’articolo 7 del citato Codice e in particolare il diritto di conoscere i propri dati personali, chiedere la rettifica, l’aggiornamento e la cancellazione, ove consentita, se incompleti, erronei o raccolti in violazione della legge, nonché di opporsi al loro trattamento per motivi legittimi: Le richieste per l’esercizio dei diritti possono essere inoltrate al titolare del trattamento, Golden Tours s.r.l. Via Degli Aranci 25/b – 80067 SORRENTO (NA) tel. 081/8781042, fax 081/8071745 oppure al Sig. Stragazi Luigi (responsabile del trattamento)








Spend an unforgettable day discovering the amazing landscapes of the Sorrento coastline and swimming in blue waters of Capri: the dream Island. The pick up is directly at your hotel in Sorrento (or nearby areas) and our driver will lead you to the port. The first part of the day will be dedicated to swimming and to snorkelling in little typical bay of our coast. The snack will be consumed on the boat on your way to the Blue Grotto, then you will visit this suggestive grotto and admire the Faraglioni. In the afternoon you will arrive in Capri and you will have 4 hours to explore the island. On your way back to Sorrento on the boat there will be an Happy Hour with tasting of limoncello. At the end of the day our driver will accompany you back to the hotel. Tour Details: - pick up directly at the hotel - snack and drinks on the boat included - Equipment for snorkelling included - Wi-fi on the boat - Entrance fee at the Blue Grotto non included



Spend a day with us in total relax in the unique landscape of the Amalfi Coast. In the morning our driver will pick you up directly at your hotel and lead to you the port to sale for the blue water of our sea. In the morning you will swim and do some snorkelling in little bay of the Amalfi coast and near the famous “Li Galli” islands. During the tour you will land in Positano and Amalfi to discover this wonderful and characteristic towns. In the afternoon you will stop to visit the suggestive Smeraldo Grotto. On your way back to Sorrento on the boat there will be an Happy Hour with tasting of limoncello. At the end of the day our driver will accompany you back to the hotel. Tour Details: - pick up directly at the hotel - snack and drinks on the boat included - Equipment for snorkelling included - Wi-fi on the boat - Entrance fee at the Smeraldo Grotto not included

Don’t forget swimwear, beachtowel and sunblock

A show that lasts around 75 minutes, it reconstructs our traditions through songs and dances in a scenography of costumes that change several times during the show, all embellished by a colourful and joyous atmosphere. Entrance at 9,00 p.m. guests will be offered refreshments on the theatre terrace before and after the show. The Sorrento Musical begins at 9.30 p.m. ending at 10,45 p.m.


Learn how to cook the Italian way …in only one day… 3 hour hands-on cookery lesson in English followed by lunch with beverage included Monday through Saturday 10 am – 1,30 pm


Discover, with local guide, the splendors of the Correale Museum, renowned to be the “most beautiful provincial museum of Italy” for its incomparable natural surrounding and above all for the variety and richness of the works of art that are exhibited in the 3 floors of the Palace. From the archeological artifacts, intricate inlaid woodworks of the 19th Century, paintings from the 17th Century neapolitan school of Posillipo to the fine porcelains and clocks. The walking tour continues through the narrow cobble stone streets of the old town of Sorrento visiting the most important sites: the Cathedral, the recently restored city walls with Greek foundations, “Sedil Dominova” seat of nobility, St. Francis church and cloister and the church of St. Antonino, protector of the city. A truly wonderful experience not to be missed! Meeting point: 9 am Correale Parking. Entrance fees included.


The “Amalfi Drive” is said to be the most spectacular road in Europe and from Sorrento, the winding cliff top road offers breathtaking panoramic views at every bend. Each spot is a world of its own, a fantastic world which dazzles the imagination and inspires unforgettable impressions. Then on to Amalfi, which gives its name to the whole coast on which it lies. Once a thriving Marine Republic, powerful and prosperous and now a thriving holiday resort. The unmistakeable cluster of white tightly packed houses rising up the hillside is dominated by the beautiful Cathedral which stands superbly on the top of a great flight of steps leading up from the main square. Housed in the magnificent Cathedral are the remains of the Patron Saint of Amalfi and also Scotland - Saint Andrew. From Amalfi we visit Ravello which nestles eleven hundred feet above the sea in the hillside. We visit the Villa Rufolo which gave the musician Richard Wagner the inspiration to create one of his most famous operas, Parsifal.

SALERNO/PAESTUM About an hours drive south of Naples is another important Italian Provincial capital Salerno. In medieval times Salerno was the world capital of medicine, the Monastery of the Benedictine monks who probably founded its medical school, offered the best education then available. One of the most famous medical texts of that time was the “ Regimen Sanistas Salerni “ written here in Latin and translated into almost every European language. In more modern times Salerno is best remembered for the Allied troops landing on its beaches, during the Second World War. To the east of Salerno, after the headlands of Pontecagnano, Battipaglia and Eboli, is Paestum, which is one of the most important archaeological sites in the country. Here you will see some of the best preserved Greek ruins, architecture and monuments, such as the Temple of Poseidon (Neptune) and the Basilica dating from the 6th Century. In the museum you can admire the Tomb of the Dive a magnificent example of Greek painting, representing a funeral banquet. The did of the tomb depicts a young man diving into the water. Look out for the buffalo that you will see grazing on the roadside during the drive!. FREE AND REDUCED TICKETS FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AND STATE MUSEUM

Important recommendations for the excursions. All citizens of the EC over 65 or under 18, must be in possession of a valid ID to visit the archaeological sites like Pompeii, Herculaneum, Paestum etc.. and state museums In this way you will be entitled for free entrance. Furthermore, the European Community citizens between 18 and 24 years must be in possession of a valid ID enabling a reduced price of entry. Teachers within the European Community carrying the ID card that proves their profession will entitled to reduced tickets. In case you forget your ID we are sorry but we cannot guarantee these rights.


This is a unique opportunity to visit the “Eternal City” one of the greatest capitals in the world and the centre of world Catholicism. Rome is a bustling city with fabulous shops and boutiques but, amidst the hurry of everyday modern life, beautifully reserved buildings and monuments stand out on unexpected corners, a constant reminder of her glorious and sometimes turbulent past. The day has been carefully planned to include all the most important and best known places and monuments; Villa Borghese, the River Tiber, the Palace of Justice, St. Angel Castle and the Roman Forum – due to traffic restrictions these sights will be seen from the coach. The guide will also leave you at St. Peter’s Basilica where you will then have some free time. After visit to the Coliseum the most important monument of the ancient Rome. Arrival time at the hotel expected 11.00 pm. Reminder: legs and arms must be covered when visiting the churches.



POMPEI/ ERCOLANO POMPEI & ERCOLANO SELECT Full day guided excursion by coach, to the famous archeological sites of Pompei and Herculaneum. Pompei holds an intense fascination for visitors today. Following the eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius in the year 79 AD, Pompei lay buried and forgotten for hundreds of years. The town is high on the list of Wonders of the World and the excavations begun in the 18th Century are still being carried out today. Our guide will take you slowly throught some of ancient streets of Pompei where you can see Baths, Forums and Villas built by the prosperous Roman in the year 80 BC. Marvel at the fabulously preserved Frescos which adorned the walls and floors on the Villas. When the catastrophe of 79 AD occurred Herculaneum was submerged under a torrent of mud and lava that hardened into a soft tufa (a kind of course rock) that preserved many of the wooden parts of houses and household objects which can be seen today. A large part of the town is still buried, and certainly many art treasures are still to be found. Return to Sorrento in the afternoon.

Pompei holds an intense fascination for visitors today. Following the eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius in the year 79 A.D., Pompei lay buried and forgotten for hundreads of years. The town is high on the list of the Wonders of the World and the excavations begun in the 18th Century are still being carried out today. Our guide will take you slowly through some of the ancient streets of Pompei where you can see Baths, Forums and Villas built by the prosperous Romans in the year 80 B.C. Marvel at the fabulously preserved Frescos which adorned the walls and floors of the Villas. Even if your interests do not lie in history, this is an archeological site that cannot fail to impress you. Mount Vesuvius dominates the Bay of Naples. It is the only active volcano on the mainland of Europe. The slopes were once covered with vineyards and woods and provided an innocent looking backdrop for the bustling town below. The coach will take you to within 1.000 metres of the top of Vesuvius and from here you can walk to the very top and admire the splendid panoramic views across the bay. (From the blackened crater rises a single plume of smoke, a reminder that the volcano is only sleeping for now...) Reminder: Comfortable, closed in shoes and your camera.

Full day excursion by minibus, exclusively for 15 people. A great opportunity to combine two fascinating archaeological sites in one day. These diverse towns were frozen in time for over 1.600 years following the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. Pompei preserved in ash, is a superb example of a roman commercial city. Herculaneum, by contrast preserved in mud, war a quiet seaside town. Both are brought to life by our guide’s commentary. Light lunch in Pompei is included.


Take a journey into the past on this brand new excursion for 2012. The day teams up a visit to Monte Cassino Abbey, and the nearby war cemetery and World War II museum. Your first port of call is just outside the town of Cassino, where we’ll head to the historic abbey. Set on a hilltop, it dates all the way back to 529BC when St. Benedict of Nursia established the first monastery here. During it’s 1,400-year lifetime, it has been destroyed and rebuilt four times – most recently following the 1944 battle of Monte Cassino in World War II. It has been beautifully restored, and highlights include it’s ornate basilica; decorated in stucco, and mosaic relics; both of which survived the bombings. Plus, the views over Cassino and the surrounding countryside from its grounds are nothing short of spectacular. From here you’ll head down to the Commonwealth War Cemetery. Many of the thousands of soldiers who fell during the battle are buried here. It is wonderfully well kept, with pristine gravestones, and sits at the foot of the abbey. After some free time for lunch, your last stop is at the World War II museum. Inside you’ll find a collection of fascinating exhibitions, which commemorate all nationalities that lost their lives in the battle.


This full day trip – brand new for 2012 – has a duo of delights on the agenda. You’ll kick the day off in style with a guided tour around the beautiful Caserta Palace. It’s no wonder this royal building has earned its stripes as a World Heritage Site. Built back in 1752 for the Bourbon king Charles III, it took 90 years to complete, and was one of the largest constructions of its time. Be prepared to do some walking. Inside, you’ll find 1,200 rooms including 24 state apartments, a library and a theatre. And outside, you can wander the pretty gardens and woodlands filled with flowers, fountains and waterfalls. You may well do a double take while you’re here – the palace has featured in films like Star Wars, Mission Impossible and Angels and Demons. For the second part of your day, we will whisk you off to the nearby McArthur Glen outlet for an afternoon of retail therapy. This attractive shopping complex has around 140 stores, including designer brands Prada, Cavalli and Valentino, and high street favourites like Billabong, Gas and Levi’s. Plus, we’ll give you a special 15% off discount voucher, exclusive to our customers.

ON REQUEST We can organise special excursions PLEASE APPLY TO THE CONCIERGE



Pompei holds an intense fascination for visitors today. Following the eruption of the Volcano Mount Vesuvius in the year 79 AD, Pompei lay buried and forgotton for hundreds of years. The Town is high on the list of Wonders of the World and the excavations begun in the 18th Century are still being carried out today. Our guide will take you slowly throught some of the ancient streets of Pompei where you can see Baths, Forums and Villas built by the prosperous Romans in the year 80 BC. Marvel at the fabulously preserved Frescos which adorned the walls and floors of the Villas. Even if your interests do not lie in history, this an archeological site that cannot fail to impress you.


Half day tour escorted by guide and by de luxe motorcoach. Pick up from the hotels. Excursion by bus to Mount Vesuvius up to 3.000 feet and then on foot to the crater. Visit of the Volcano. On return to Sorrento we will be stopping to visit the Mineralogical Museum of Vico Equense.



Our journey takes us along the coast road through Castellammare di Stabia and out along the motorway to Herculaneum. Herculaneum was destroyed along with Pompei in 79 AD, and was rediscovered in 1709. It was a residential town without Pompei’s commercial importance, surrounded by the villas of wealthy Romans. When the catastrophe of 79 AD occurred, Herculaneum was buried by a torrent of mud that hardened into a soft tufa (a kind of course rock) that preserved many of the wooden parts of houses and household objects which can be seen today. A large portion of old Herculaneum is still buried under the modern town and even today excavations are going on to discover what treasures lie buried under the rock.


With a wide programme of excursions and over 50 years experience in this field,

goldentours international is your “best choice”.

• Group excursions, shore and private excursions • Wine and food tours and itineraries • Incentive - Business tourism - Congress - Workshops • Boat and helicopter trips • Coaches, mini van, car for transfer and tours of last generation and well equipped • Very expert local guides in most of the previous spoken languages • Tour escort Italian, French, German, English speaking

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