Dot and flow look book 2016

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Yet another co l l ective? We hear you cry. Wel l... yes, but we’d like to think that Dot & Flow Des ign goes way beyond just that. We are a quir ky, creative and tal ented bu nc h. We thrive on creating fresh new surface des igns for licens ing and sal e. Our co l l ective portfo lio is b rim ming with cute c haracters, lush l ettering and an array of beautifu l patterns. More than just a co l l ective, we are a com mu nity. Our des igners have access to key trend information, tutorials, te mplates and des ign c hal l enges to ensure we continue to develop, grow and re main ins pired to create stu nning new art. Look out for us at SURTEX 2016 booth #244

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Natalie Wil liamson Hel lo, I’m Natalie. Surface Pattern Des ign, Il lustration and Graphic Des ign is what I do. I love l ettering, lush co lour com bos, and pretty patterns. I love getting m essy with b lac k and co loured inks, wor king traditional ly to start, before turning to Il lustrator and occas ional ly Photoshop. Coming from a bac kgrou nd in fashion retail with pos itions u nder my belt suc h as Visual Merc handiser, Online PR & Social Media Executive, Manage m ent, and Mar keting, I b ring a happy mix of this ex perience to everything I tac kl e.

nataliewil liamsondes hel lo@nataliewil liamsondes

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Hollie mc manus Hi! I’m Ho l lie. I live in Hampshire, Eng land, and can normal ly be fou nd doodling in my littl e stu dio in the garden. I am ins pired by nature, peopl e and patterns and a love for ex perim enting with textures, co lour and c haracters to create whims ical, co lourfu l, fu n des igns. I stu died Il lustration at Univers ity and s ince then I have been wor king as a freelance des igner and Il lustrator and can’t imagine doing anything else! I am also a graduate of the ‘Art & Bus iness of Surface Pattern Des ign’ course, where I ex panded my knowl edge and love of pattern. When I’m not in my stu dio, I am mainly hanging out with my horse, Pepper or atte mpting to bake/do yoga/ grow veggies in my al lotm ent. ho l lie mc ho l lie mc

EGLE Petraus kaite My nam e is Eg l e Petraus kaite and I wor k u nder OnaHonour Surface Pattern Des ign and Il lustration stu dio. I’m Lithuanian-born, raised in Scotland from ear ly teens, res ided in Eng land in the 20s and now s pending a few years in Shanghai, China, gathering lots of As ian ins piration. I’m a trained screen-printer, stu died in Du ndee (Du ncan of Jordanstone Co l l ege of Art and Des ign) and London (Central Saint Martins Co l l ege of Art and Des ign). I wou ld love to screen-print everyday, but currently stil l re mains as a dream. Digital surface pattern is what I’ve been wor king on ever s ince I graduateD. HELLO@ONAHONOUR.COM

NATASHA KIRBY Hey, I’m Natasha. A painter, surface des igner, printmaker, and lover of al l things floral, b right, and beautifu l. I’m s lightly obsessed with flowers. I love to surrou nd myself with the m and they form the main focus of my wor k. After stu dying a Fine Art degree, I went on the stu dy Printmaking and Surface Des ign and fou nd my most happy place painting b right, bo ld, co lourfu l pattern landscapes in my stu dio at the bottom of the garden. Ins pired by nature and al l things flora and fau na, my des igns are created us ing my own s ignature painting styl e and original tec hnique of pouring and manipu lating paints together to create a variety of effects, al l organised u nder one big floral u m b rel la. My dream is to b righten u p the wor ld and cover every surface imaginab l e with beautifu l co lours and captivating patterns! NATAS HAKIRBY.CO.U K hel k

SAREKA UNIQUE Hey there! I’m Reka and I live and wor k in Mic higan. I stu died Graphic Des ign at Bowling Green State Univers ity in Ohio, my pass ion for art, des ign and making pretty things l ed m e to the wonderfu l wor ld of surface pattern des ign. I enjoy turning my doodl es into beautifu l prints and patterns. My styl e can be described as bo ld, co lorfu l and u nique with a tribal flair. I enjoy seeing my patterns on hom e decor, stationary and gifts. My hopes is that my patterns wil l b ring a u nique touc h into peopl e’s hom e.

sarekau reka@sarekau

BETSEY HODSON Hel lo! I am an il lustrator, des igner and creative prob l e m so lver living and wor king in Minneapo lis, MN with my husband and two kids. I make art for kids and others who don’t take the mselves too serious ly. My styl e is whims ical, lighthearted, quir ky -- and my des igns never take the mselves too serious ly. My il lustrations feature hand painted motifs, geom etric patterns and b right bo ld co lors. Why wor k with m e? I have over 15 years of des ign ex perience wor king in-house at a variety of prestigious retail companies suc h as Wil liams-Sonoma, the sak and bebe. This ex perience has given m e an intimate knowl edge of both the product and consu m er viewpoints. I am availab l e for licens ing, com miss ions and other projects!

ADRIENNE VITA Hel lo! I am Adrienne Vita and I’m an artist in Portland, Oregon. I love living here and have for over a decade now. Growing u p in Connecticut on Long Is land Sou nd, with frequent trips to New Yor k city, were big sources of ins piration for m e. I began stu dying animation and graphic des ign at the Sc hoo l of Visual Arts with a career doing just that. In 2007, I opened u p my own shop and began sel ling my art online, in boutiques, at art shows. As I’ve gone further on this journey, my love of painting my u nique animals, environm ents, c haracters, hand l ettering, co lor com binations and repeat pattern has b rought m e into licens ing my wor k. It’s been a fu n door to open to a wor ld of seeing my art on soc ks, objects, books, magazines and so muc h more to com e. When I’m not in my stu dio I’m taking wal ks, riding my bike, ex ploring nature and being happy. My wish is for my love of what I do to extend over to you.

METKA HITI Hi! I’m Metka, a professor of mathe matics who fel l in love with surface pattern des ign and il lustrations. I wor k from Ljub ljana, S lovenia. Since I was a littl e gir l I was drawn to sewing, DIY projects, drawing, making things with c lay, but these things have always been just a hobby of mine til l now. In 2015 I took ABS PD surface des ign courses, S kil lShare courses and made a lot of patterns. My styl e is hand drawn, layered and I also use paint b rushes, stamps, wax crayons‌ I hope you enjoy my wor k. ign m

Say hello!

Instagram: Facebook: Email: Webs ite: SURTEX: Booth 244

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