Dot and flow Surtex look book 2016

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Yet another co l l ective? We hear you cry. Wel l... yes, but we’d like to think that Dot & Flow Des ign goes way beyond just that. We are a quir ky, creative and tal ented bu nc h. We thrive on creating fresh new surface des igns for licens ing and sal e. Our co l l ective portfo lio is b rim ming with cute c haracters, lush l ettering and an array of beautifu l patterns. More than just a co l l ective, we are a com mu nity. Our des igners have access to key trend information, tutorials, te mplates and des ign c hal l enges to ensure we continue to develop, grow and re main ins pired to create stu nning new art. Look out for us at SURTEX 2016 booth #244

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pattern fill box

Natalie Wil liamson Hel lo, I’m Natalie. Surface Pattern Des ign, Il lustration and Graphic Des ign is what I do. I love l ettering, lush co lour com bos, and pretty patterns. I love getting m essy with b lac k and co loured inks, wor king traditional ly to start, before turning to Il lustrator and occas ional ly Photoshop. Coming from a bac kgrou nd in fashion retail with pos itions u nder my belt suc h as Visual Merc handiser, Online PR & Social Media Executive, Manage m ent, and Mar keting, I b ring a happy mix of this ex perience to everything I tac kl e.

nataliewil liamsondes hel lo@nataliewil liamsondes

mock up image

Hollie mc manus Hi! I’m Ho l lie. I live in Hampshire in Eng land, and i can normal ly be fou nd doodling and painting in my littl e stu dio. I am ins pired by nature, peopl e and patterns and a love for ex perim enting with textures, co lour, c haracters and fu n typography to create whims ical, co lourfu l, fu n des igns. I stu died Il lustration at Univers ity and I have been wor king as a freelance des igner and Il lustrator s ince then. i have been very luc ky to have wor ked on a variety of exciting projects. i have a real pass ion and love for il lustration and surface pattern des ign and cou ldn’t imagine doing anything else! i am availab l e for licens ing, freelance wor k or other lovely projects,

ho l lie mc ho l lie mc

EGLE Petraus kaite My nam e is Eg l e Petraus kaite and I wor k u nder OnaHonour Surface Pattern Des ign and Il lustration stu dio. I’m Lithuanian-born, raised in Scotland from ear ly teens, res ided in Eng land in the 20s and now s pending a few years in Shanghai, China, gathering lots of As ian ins piration. I’m a trained screen-printer, stu died in Du ndee (Du ncan of Jordanstone Co l l ege of Art and Des ign) and London (Central Saint Martins Co l l ege of Art and Des ign). I wou ld love to screen-print everyday, but currently stil l re mains as a dream. Digital surface pattern is what I’ve been wor king on ever s ince I graduateD. HELLO@ONAHONOUR.COM

NATASHA KIRBY Hey, I’m Natasha. A painter, surface des igner, printmaker, and lover of al l things floral, b right, and beautifu l. I’m s lightly obsessed with flowers. I love to surrou nd myself with the m and they form the main focus of my wor k. After stu dying a Fine Art degree, I went on the stu dy Printmaking and Surface Des ign and fou nd my most happy place painting b right, bo ld, co lourfu l pattern landscapes in my stu dio at the bottom of the garden. Ins pired by nature and al l things flora and fau na, my des igns are created us ing my own s ignature painting styl e and original tec hnique of pouring and manipu lating paints together to create a variety of effects, al l organised u nder one big floral u m b rel la. My dream is to b righten u p the wor ld and cover every surface imaginab l e with beautifu l co lours and captivating patterns! NATAS HAKIRBY.CO.U K hel k

SAREKA UNIQUE Hey there! I’m Reka and I live and wor k in Mic higan. I stu died Graphic Des ign at Bowling Green State Univers ity in Ohio, my pass ion for art, des ign and making pretty things l ed m e to the wonderfu l wor ld of surface pattern des ign. I enjoy turning my doodl es into beautifu l prints and patterns. My styl e can be described as bo ld, co lorfu l and u nique with a tribal flair. I enjoy seeing my patterns on hom e decor, stationary and gifts. My hopes is that my patterns wil l b ring a u nique touc h into peopl e’s hom e.

sarekau reka@sarekau

BETSEY HODSON Hel lo! I am an il lustrator, des igner and creative prob l e m so lver living and wor king in Minneapo lis, MN with my husband and two kids. I make art for kids and others who don’t take the mselves too serious ly. My styl e is whims ical, lighthearted, quir ky -- and my des igns never take the mselves too serious ly. My il lustrations feature hand painted motifs, geom etric patterns and b right bo ld co lors. Why wor k with m e? I have over 15 years of des ign ex perience wor king in-house at a variety of prestigious retail companies suc h as Wil liams-Sonoma, the sak and bebe. This ex perience has given m e an intimate knowl edge of both the product and consu m er viewpoints. I am availab l e for licens ing, com miss ions and other projects!

ADRIENNE VITA Hello! I’m Adrienne, an artist, des igner, illustrator and dream er from Portland, Oregon. Coming from a bac kgrou nd in graphic des ign and animation, illustration has always been a part of my life and wor k. I specialize in watercolor mixed with digital for surface des ign, editorial, wall art, fashion, pub lishing and open to so much more. My wor k cons ists of storytelling both in art form and des ign, with a playfulness but also an interesting edge with how I choose color, subject matter, abstract shapes and character illustration. I have a lot of fu n illustrating and des igning and I’m excited to connect and collaborate with you! Let’s make som ething awesom e together.

METKA HITI Hi! I’m Metka, a professor of mathe matics who fel l in love with surface pattern des ign and il lustrations. I wor k from Ljub ljana, S lovenia. Since I was a littl e gir l I was drawn to sewing, DIY projects, drawing, making things with c lay, but these things have always been just a hobby of mine til l now. In 2015 I took ABS PD surface des ign courses, S kil lShare courses and made a lot of patterns. My styl e is hand drawn, layered and I also use paint b rushes, stamps, wax crayons‌ I hope you enjoy my wor k. ign m

Say hello!

Instagram: Facebook: Email: Webs ite: SURTEX: Booth 244

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