doTERRA AUNZ BOGO October 2021 eBook

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Bring on the sunshine! Here you will f ind an amazing combination of dōTERRA products to brighten your day and lift your spirits while celebrating the diverse and majestic wonders of Australia and New Zealand. We want to connect you to the aromas of Summer, with our exclusive Australian and New Zealand native oils and bringing you closer to our indigenous flora and fauna as we showcase the distinctive treasures of our land in preparation for the season that def ines it – Summer. Get ready to explore wildly beautiful essential oils and take your senses on an evocative journey with this easy to use and informative e-book. We want you to get the most out of these oils by giving you access to useful info that might inspire you to try something different and experiment with new blends, alternative uses or interesting DIYs. Enjoy!

d ōT E R R A Coa st O cea n Bl e n d i s exclus i ve to o ur Au s t ra l i a n a n d New Zea l a n d ma rke t !

Be transported to the wild and untamed expanses of Australia and New Zealand with our all-new dōTERRA Coast Ocean Blend and dōTERRA Rosalina essential oil.


ocean blend 15mL


essential oil 5mL

Bright and beautiful Australian native Rosalina essential oil is sourced f rom sustainable wild harvest in Flinders Island, off the northern shores of Tasmania. Its aroma is unique to that region and differs f rom Rosalina oils found elsewhere. How to use:

The beach in a bottle. Imagine waves crashing against rocks, a warm, gentle breeze in your hair and sand between your toes. Our dōTERRA Coast Ocean Blend transports you to the vast and wild expanses of our coast, reconnecting us with our true Australian and New Zealand spirit. Featuring a unique combination of CPTG ® essential oils including dōTERRA Magnolia, Lemon Eucalyptus, Cedarwood and Douglas Fir, the evocative and expansive aromas ground, uplift and relax your soul, helping you breathe deeply and revitalise, as though you’d just looked out across the sea. dōTERRA Coast Ocean Blend is exclusive to our Australian and New Zealand market. How to use: Enjoy the relaxing and joyful aromas of dōTERRA Coast Ocean Blend by adding 3-4 drops to your favourite dōTERRA diffuser. •

Diffuse to create a grounding and relaxing atmosphere.

Diffuse during meditation.

Diffuse to enjoy a delightful ocean aroma.

For aromatic use only.

Start your day with the distinctly bright and ref reshing aromas of Rosalina.

Try diffusing 3-4 drops in a diffuser.

Dilute in a carrier oil and use as part of an invigorating aromatic massage.

Rosalina essential oil blends well with citrus, floral, wood and herbaceous essential oils, making it a versatile ingredient for diffusing. It is especially beautiful paired with dōTERRA Lavender essential oil and dōTERRA Bergamot essential oil. Get creative and try these beautiful diffuser blends containing your new dōTERRA Rosalina essential oil.

Daylight Breaks Diffuser Blend •

4 drops dōTERRA Rosalina essential oil

2 drops dōTERRA Lemon essential oil

1 drop dōTERRA Lavender essential oil

Summer Sunseekers Diffuser Blend •

4 drops dōTERRA Rosalina essential oil

2 drops dōTERRA Lemon essential oil

2 drops dōTERRA Bergamot essential oil

1 drop dōTERRA Eucalyptus essential oil

Get ready to experience the beautiful and uplifting aromas of Summer with our blissfully floral dōTERRA Jasmine Touch, dōTERRA Lavender essential oil and citrusy dōTERRA Citrus Bloom ® Touch springtime blend to your collection. Discover aromatic beauty in full bloom this Summer with this joyful combination of personal f ragrances and our truly iconic dōTERRA Lavender essential oil.

Jasmine Touch essential oil 10mL

Boost your mood with the naturally aromatic scent of Jasmine. The soft floral notes with natural sweetness make Jasmine the perfect personal f ragrance for Summer with aromatic benef its. How to use: •

Renowned for its skin benef its, dōTERRA Touch ® Jasmine can help reduce the appearance of skin imperfections and promotes a healthy-looking, glowing complexion.

Regarded as the “King of Flowers,” Jasmine is prized for its highly f ragrant aroma, making dōTERRA Touch ® Jasmine ideal to use as a personal f ragrance throughout the day.

Try rolling dōTERRA Jasmine Touch ® on your neck and allow your body heat to interact with it to create an alluring personal f ragrance, entirely unique to you.

• •

You can also roll it on your bedding, pillows, or diffuser jewellery. Apply to bottoms of feet and pulse points in the morning to help create an uplifting start to the day.

Citrus Bloom ®

touch springtime blend 10mL Creates an uplifting and sunny atmosphere with a combination of oils that positively influence mood. dōTERRA Citrus Bloom ® Touch combines the brightness of citrus peels layered with f resh cut florals. How to use: •

Roll on your pulse points to start the day for an uplifting, bright and sunshiny aroma.

For a mid-day boost, roll Citrus Bloom ® Touch onto your hands, cup the face, and inhale.

Apply to neck and wrists for an enticing personal f ragrance.

Lavender essential oil 15mL

Cherished for centuries for its unmistakable scent and versatile application – the Egyptians and Romans used Lavender for bathing, relaxation, cooking and as a perfume. Its bouquet of f resh, floral and clean aromas instils peace, eases tension and promotes a calm and comforting environment. How to use: •

Relax and recover. Create the perfect environment for a restful and quality night’s sleep by diffusing the peaceful aromas of Lavender in your bedroom.

Keep a bottle of Lavender essential oil on hand to soothe skin.

Freshen your linen closet or room by diffusing three or four drops.

Use in cooking to soften citrus flavours and add a flavourful twist to marinades, baked goods and desserts.

Add a few drops of Lavender to pillows and bedding for a calming aroma.

Tr y l ayeri n g J a sm in e Tou ch on yo ur skin w i th M a gn o lia , W h i s p er, Pa ssio n o r an oth er d ōT E R R A Tou ch ® p ro d uc t to m ake yo ur own p ers on al p u re - f um e .

It ta kes app roximate ly 1 . 5 kg of Tea Tree leave s an d 1.5kg of C i tron e lla p l a n t m atter to make a 1 5 m L b ottl e of ea ch e ssenti al oi l .

Are you craving an escape? Be inspired to get outside and explore our beautiful country with a practical combo of essential oils – the perfect outdoor companions. Say goodbye to annoying bugs and bug bites and hello to relaxing days in nature with bugbusting dōTERRA Citronella essential oil and pure, antibacterial dōTERRA Tea Tree essential oil.

Tea Tree

essential oil 15mL

Tea Tree essential oil has over 92 different compounds and limitless applications.

Citronella essential oil 15mL

With powerful benef its, Citronella essential oil is an ideal companion for camping, hiking and trips to the great outdoors. The oil components include citronellal and geraniol, which are known for their cleansing properties. How to use: •

Diffuse while enjoying the outdoors.

Apply to skin with Fractionated Coconut Oil.

Add three to four drops in water for an aromatic surface cleanser.

Diffuse 3-4 drops to promote a cheery, optimistic environment.

Use in shampoo and conditioner for a crisp, ref reshing aroma.

How to use: •

To cool and cleanse. Tea Tree essential oil is known for its antibacterial properties; it can be applied to the skin when necessary.

Tea Tree essential oil contains a compound known to naturally repel insects.

Tea Tree essential oil’s antibacterial qualities make it a good alternative to traditional cleaners. Add a few drops to a spray bottle with water and use on surfaces around the home.

DIY Bug Bite Treatment

DIY Insect Repellent •

50mL Glass spray bottle

20 drops of dōTERRA Citronella essential oil

10 drops of dōTERRA Peppermint essential oil

5 drops of dōTERRA Tea Tree essential oil

Top with cooled, boiled water.

Combine all and spritz lightly on skin as required.

10mL Glass Roller

5 drops dōTERRA Lavender essential oil

5 drops dōTERRA Tea Tree essential oil

DIY Diffuser Insect Repellent

Top with Fractionated Coconut Oil

5 drops dōTERRA Lavender essential oil

5 drops dōTERRA Tea Tree essential oil

3 drops dōTERRA Eucalyptus essential oil

3 drops dōTERRA Citronella essential oil

Roll over bites to soothe skin and help with itching as required.

Add to a diffuser to help keep the bugs at bay.

Love lemon myrtle? We do too! Get ready to celebrate this distinctive aromatic treasure of Australia. The perfect way to appreciate the ground right here beneath our feet, the relaxing aromas of lemon myrtle evoke memories of time spent in the Australian landscape. Enjoy the calming aromas of dōTERRA Lemon Myrtle essential oil on its own or infused in a silky and hydrating hand lotion. A nurturing way to connect with native Australian plant life. dōTERRA Lemon Myrtle & Tangerine Hand Lotion is exclusive to Australia and New Zealand.

Lemon Myrtle essential oil 5mL

Lemon Myrtle & Tangerine hand lotion 75g

Native to Australia, Lemon Myrtle has long been used by Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people as part of their diet. Lemon Myrtle essential oil is distilled f rom the citrus scented leaves of the subtropical lemon myrtle plant. Lemon Myrtle essential oil has a calming and relaxing aroma. How to use: •

Try diffusing 3-4 drops for a calming and relaxing aroma.

Add a drop or two of Lemon Myrtle essential oil to your water for a ref reshing taste.

Get creative and try this beautiful diffuser blend containing your new dōTERRA Lemon Myrtle essential oil.

dōTERRA Lemon Myrtle and Tangerine Hand Lotion is a silky hydrating lotion infused with Lemon Myrtle and Tangerine CPTG ® essential oils. This lightweight formula contains moisturisers that nurture hands, leaving them feeling soft and supple. The distinct calming and relaxing aroma of Lemon Myrtle essential oil combined with the enlivening aroma of Tangerine make this an indulgent aromatic experience. How to use: •

Ref resh hands as needed to leave them feeling soft and smooth.

Take a time-out to enjoy the calming and relaxing aroma of Lemon Myrtle.

Convenient for travel, home or work.

Summer Fresh Diffuser Blend •

3 drops dōTERRA Lemon Myrtle essential oil

2 drops dōTERRA Spearmint essential oil

1 drop dōTERRA Peppermint essential oil

Blend in a diffuser, for a ref reshing, Summer aroma.

I n di g e n o u s Austra l i a n s h ave l o n g b e e n u s in g l e m o n my r t le in c ui si n e a n d for h ea l i n g.

dōT E RRA Le m o n M y r t le & Ta n g e ri n e Han d Lo ti o n i s exclu s ive to Austra lia an d N ew Zealan d .

Pe pperm i nt o i l has b een tra d i ti onal l y use d i n A rom ath erapy to rel i eve cou gh, su p por t m ental f u n c ti on an d h el p rel i eve t h e sy mp tom s of mild tens i on h ea da ch e .

Ref reshing and uplifting, these essential oils will leave you feeling cool and minty f resh just in time for Summer with revitalising dōTERRA Spearmint essential oil and perky dōTERRA Peppermint essential oil.

Spearmint essential oil 15mL

Get ready to put the pep back in your step with this incredible combo.

Peppermint essential oil 15mL

Minty, f resh and herbaceous, top-selling Peppermint essential oil has f requently been used in toothpastes and chewing gums to support oral hygiene, but Peppermint essential oil can also help alleviate occasional stomach upset as well as ease headaches.

Sweet, minty, f resh and uplifting Spearmint essential oil is widely used in gums, candies, and dental products for its minty taste. Its sweet, ref reshing and cleansing aroma promotes a f resh and invigorating atmosphere. How to use: •

Diffuse 3-4 drops for an uplifting aroma. Blends well with Eucalyptus, Cedarwood and Tangerine essential oils.

Add a drop or two to flavour any salad, meal, dessert or drink.

How to use:

Get creative and try this diffuser blend containing your new dōTERRA Spearmint essential oil.

Add three or four drops to a diffuser

Stress-buster Blend

Use a drop with lemon oil in water for a healthy and ref reshing mouth rinse.

2 drops dōTERRA Spearmint essential oil

3 drops dōTERRA Lavender essential oil

Add a drop to your favourite smoothie recipe for a minty f resh twist.

1 drop dōTERRA Wild Orange essential oil

Place a drop in your palms and inhale for a mid-day pick-me-up.

Dilute with a carrier oil to minimise skin sensitivity if applied topically.

Sp earm i n t es s en ti al oi l h as tra di ti on al l y b een u s ed i n arom ath erapy to eas e di g es ti ve di s com for t , redu ce com m on col d sym p tom s an d s ooth e an d cal m th e n er ves .

Our dōTERRA Koala Diffuser comes all bundled up with three of our favourite essential oils – dōTERRA Lemon Eucalyptus essential oil 15mL, dōTERRA Clementine essential oil 15mL & dōTERRA Citrus Bloom® Springtime Blend 15mL.

Lemon Eucalyptus essential oil 15mL

Citrus Bloom ® springtime blend 15mL

Citrus Bloom ® is the perfect essential oil fusion, combining the brightness of citrus peels layered with f resh cut florals. Uplifting and energising, it can help reduce feelings of tension, calming and soothing the emotions. How to use:

Lemon Eucalyptus essential oil is derived f rom a lemon-scented blue gum eucalyptus tree. It’s known for its ref reshing aroma, ideal to create a clean-scented and invigorating environment. How to use: • •

Diffuse 3-4 drops to encourage a positive environment and a bright, f resh scent. Add to diffuser blends to balance the sweetness of floral or the intensity of citrus aromas. Use to create DIY cleaning products.

Lemon Eucalyptus Mul ti-Purpose Spray

Diffuse 3-4 drops throughout the day or as the perfect start to your day.

Put one to two drops onto your wrists or diffuser jewellery for a constant bright aroma.

For a mid-day boost, rub one to two drops of Citrus Bloom ® between your hands, cup the face, and inhale for optimistic and energised feelings.

Add to your dōTERRA Hand & Body Lotion for an uplifting massage experience.

Dilute with carrier oil to minimise skin sensitivity if used topically.

Get creative and try these beautiful diffuser blends containing your new dōTERRA Citrus Bloom ® Springtime Blend.

500mL Glass Spray Bottle

1 Tbs dōTERRA On Guard Cleaner Concentrate

10 drops of dōTERRA Lemon Eucalyptus essential oil

4 drops of dōTERRA Citrus Bloom ® Springtime Blend

10 drops of dōTERRA Spearmint or Peppermint essential oil

2 drops of dōTERRA Spearmint essential oil

Half a cup white vinegar

Cooled boiled water

Add the essential oils and the dōTERRA On Guard Cleaner Concentrate to a glass spray bottle. Then, add the vinegar and top with cooled, boiled water. Shake gently before use. Use to clean surfaces.

Happy Morning Vibes Diffuser Blend

Hawaiian Bloom Roller Blend •

20 drops of dōTERRA Citrus Bloom ® Springtime Blend

10 drops of dōTERRA Hawaiian Sandalwood

Top with Fractionated Coconut Oil in a 10mL roller bottle.

Clementine essential oil 15mL

Clementine produces a versatile, sweet, zesty and f resh citrus essential oil that has an array of benef its. How to use: •

Diffuse 3-4 drops of Clementine essential oil for a f resh, uplifting aroma and to help cleanse the air of unwanted smells.

Add a drop or two of Clementine essential oil to your drinking water for enhanced flavour.

Add a drop to a facial cleanser or shampoo to boost cleansing.

Incorporate into your home cleaning routine to enhance cleaning power of surface cleansers.

Dilute with a carrier oil to minimise skin sensitivity if used topically.

Get creative and try these beautiful diffuser blends containing your new dōTERRA Clementine essential oil.

Summer Days Diffuser Blend •

2 drops of dōTERRA Clementine essential oil

2 drops of dōTERRA Spearmint essential oil

1 drop dōTERRA Citrus Bloom® Springtime Blend

Balanced Morning Diffuser Blend •

2 drops of dōTERRA Peppermint essential oil

2 drops of dōTERRA Clementine essential oil

2 drops of dōTERRA Balance essential oil

Th e dōTER R A Koa la D i f f u s er i s a grea t g i f t for you r ch ild ( o r you rs el f ) a n d a lso l ooks g rea t in a ny room ! Featu rin g 2 , 4 or 8 h ou rs of m ist in g, 4 p ea cef ul m usic s etti n g s a n d two am b i en t l i g h t o p t io n s.

doTERRA Wombat diffuser

Meet the star of the show! Our all-new, musical and aromatic, limited edition, dōTERRA Wombat Diffuser! This peaceful and gentle diffuser can stay busy all night long soothing and settling your little ones into a blissful night’s sleep. With two ambient light setting, four unique music options and a soothing, ultra-f ine continuous or intermittent mist, this adorable Wombat Diffuser burrows straight to our hearts, beautifully complementing the nursery, playroom or kid’s bedroom. Features Include: •

Volume control and pause playback

4 x Music options with volume control

Continuous mist: up to 4 or 8 hrs & Intermittent mist: up to 16 hrs

2 x Ambient light options (dim and bright warm or none)

Timer Function for up to 4hr/8hr/16hr

Suggested Room Size 25m2

Automatic safety shut-off

12 Months Warranty

©2 0 2 1 d ō T E R R A. Al l ri g h ts re s e rv ed. E xcep t a s in dicated, a l l words with a tra dema rk o r re g i s te re d t rad e m ark sy m bol a re tra dema rks or reg is tered tra dema rks of d ō T E R R A H o l d i ng s, L LC. AU N Z B O GO eB ook 22102021.

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