3 minute read

From the Bridge- Tom Bamford, DCAPT-W

Tom Bamford, District Captain-West

In the year 1492, a voyage into the unknown was a moment in me that has forever changed our world. When Christopher Columbus sent out on the voyage of a life me, he wrote in his journal,


“By prevailing over all obstacles and distrac ons, one may unfailingly arrive at his chosen goal or des na on.”

These were some of the most prophe c words wri en by a man about undertaking a journey into the unknown, into uncharted waters, where fear and trepida on were the distrac ons.

Who is that masked man? Judi Bidwick (center) accepts the District 7 COMO

In 1993, 501 years a er that Daniel Maxim Award for Excellence in Education presented Oct. 5, 2020. She fi rst voyage of Christopher Co- is fl anked by Toni Borman, current Division 8 Commander and District Caplumbus got underway toward a tain-West (e) and Tom Bamford, current District Captain-West. (United States Coast Guard Auxiliary photograph.) Note: Social distancing was prcticed new beginning- a new world as except for photos. it would become known, I too set off to fi nd my new world by had all signed on to carry out. However, those missailing solo from Manasquan, New Jersey to Sanibel sions with which we have been entrusted will s ll be Island here in Florida. I grew up loving to sail. The there once we all get past the health calamity facing wri ngs of Christopher Columbus were always an in- our na on. Our primary mission has always been to spira on to keep me moving forward on my journey, carry out the Auxiliary support to the Coast Guard. expressed especially by the quote men oned above. Ironically enough, if you think about it, the Coast Moreover, here we all are today facing another ven- and the safety of our families. They, too are dealing ture, another journey into the unchartered waters with the same struggles for all service members and of life. In these mes of our lives, it is undoubtedly their families. Safety is and will remain the number the most catastrophic life experience most of us one priority, no ma er one’s service affi lia on. have ever encountered. Sure, there have been many otherworldly events that have nearly brought our The Auxiliary family is loaded with very highly skilled worlds to their knees. I would venture to say that not members. We need to work together and draw on one of us in our wildest dreams, although Stephen one another for our common good to be crea ve, King might, could have believed the tragedies that yet remain within guidelines on ways to give back have unfolded during the past several months. to our shipmates and our communi es. I can say So fast-forward to our Coast Guard Auxiliary world of brought on board and pledged in affi rmed their motoday, 2020. I can certainly say without a doubt that va on of becoming a member of the Coast Guard in my 29 plus years of Auxiliary service, I would nev- Auxiliary was because of the desire to “give back.” er have expected there would ever be a me when our collec ve missions might not be executed, as we Guard is suppor ng us by trying to ensure our safety with great certainty, the majority of members I have (Con nued on page 16)

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