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From the Bridge - John Holmes, DCAPT-N, DCOS (e

Greetings from the District 7 Chief of Staff (e)

John Holmes, District Captain-North


As your new District Chief of Staff , I am both honored and excited to serve our USCGAUX family in this new responsibility. The collabora on, coopera on, and par cipa on our members display in our mul ple missions is noteworthy and mo vates me to achieve all that I can for our members every day. Our new and outgoing Commodore set the bar for placing members fi rst as our primary focus; con nuing this philosophy and enhancing it is one of my highest goals. The true contributors that I call the real heroes are the men and women who every day fi nd ways to serve our Coast Guard family and the boa ng public under constantly challenging circumstances. The sa sfac on they enjoy by knowing they made a diff erence is, in many cases, their only reward, and it is this founda on we rely on for our con nued success. The new EXCOM staff ’s transi on will be very smooth as we all have worked together as a team for the past several years. Our new District Commodore Pat McMenamin is ac vely solici ng applica ons for a mul tude of district staff posi ons, and I encourage you to apply as we need fresh ideas and talented staff in many posi ons.

The return to opera ons normal may take a while, but it will happen! Our District Conference will become an annual event once again, and sharing changes of the watch will bring memories and leadership changes well into the future. As the fi nest volunteer organiza on in this na on, we will con nue to lead the way to a safer boa ng community because you, our members, expect and deserve nothing less. BRAVO ZULU ALL. Ω

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