7 minute read

Commodore Gary BarthFrom the Helm

Historic Times

Today we are witness to something that has never happened in our lifeƟ me - a global pandemic (the unseen enemy) that will impact everyone. Please follow the safety guidelines distributed from the Center for Disease Control and the Coast Guard. You, our members, are our #1 priority and asset. I hope that each of you stays safe, healthy and prepared to “get back to work” as soon as possible in support of the boaƟ ng public and our Coast Guard.


What a great start to the New Year we had! At the end of the fi rst quarter, we were up 9% in membership from Jan. 1, 2020. Unfortunately, we had to stop the momentum of our regular acƟ viƟ es, but the health and safety of all members are of the utmost importance. District 7 tried to keep our members as acƟ ve as possible, for as long as possible, by performing Program Visits and Vessel ExaminaƟ ons. Due to a conƟ nuing increase of COVID-19 cases within District 7, the decision to stop PVs and VEs was made for your health and safety. Program Visits and Vessel Exams were the last regular acƟ viƟ es to come to an end.

Now we have online training available for our District members. FloƟ llas and divisions who did not have the electronic meeƟ ng appendix in their Standing Rules currently no longer have to request a waiver to uƟ lize this format. If you do have a meeƟ ng and have a quorum, please vote on and pass the electronic meeƟ ng appendix and add it to your Standing Rules. You do not need to rewrite the Standing Rules; just add the electronic appendix to them once approved. Remember to send a copy to

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Admiral Karl Schultz, Commandant of the Coast Guard addresses Coast Guard and Auxiliary present at an “All Hands” meeting at Sector Key West, Feb. 21, 2020. Members of Division 13 aƩ ending the meeƟ ng are pictured behind him. (United States Coast Guard Auxiliary photo.)

the Director of Auxiliary and a copy to Carl Motes, District Staff Offi cer-Legal Parliamentarian. Don’t know what to do during this “downƟ me”? Try to catch up on any online training that is needed. Have you completed the BQII course? Is your CORE training up to date? What about the introducƟ on to Risk Management? How about reviewing the Auxiliary Manual? Many courses are available for you to conƟ nue your competencies and training during this downƟ me. Even more training is being made available to you from naƟ onal, District 7, divisions and fl oƟ llas. Thanks to those members who responded to the call and have donated blood during this crisis. The district has also received a request to help make face masks for the acƟ ve duty. This will help ensure the safety of our acƟ ve duty partners, so a big thank you to those members who are making masks to donate. Auxiliarists want to help, and the Auxiliary and the acƟ ve duty greatly appreciate your assistance in this endeavor. One of the best ways to help is to pracƟ ce all the safety precauƟ ons, as stated by the Center for Disease Control and the Coast Guard. When this crisis is over, we need our members ready and able to resume all normal acƟ viƟ es. According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC), social distancing also applies to recreaƟ onal boaters.

RecreaƟ onal Vessel Update:

ExecuƟ ve Order 20-09 has been enacted to refl ect direcƟ on from Governor DeSanƟ s, the Florida Department of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control and PrevenƟ on. Eff ecƟ ve immediately, all recreaƟ onal boats must be at least 50 feet apart. Each recreaƟ onal vessel must not have more than 10 people on board. Currently, many of the boat ramps throughout the state remain open to the public. The FWC’s Florida Public Boat Ramp Finder is updated every 24-hours to include informaƟ on regarding boat ramp open/closed status. Before leaving on a trip, it’s essenƟ al to check with local, county, and statewide emergency orders and with the managing enƟ ty of the boat ramp if the FWC does not run it.

Commodore Gary P. Barth

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Below: Division 1 Change of Watch in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Feb.29, 2020. From leŌ are Robert Sherman, District Captain-East; Ramses Rodriguez, Auxiliary Sector Coordinator Sector San Juan; Juan Vazquez, Division 1 Commander; Aracelis Mass, Division 1 Vice Commander; COMO Gary Barth, District 7 Commander. (United States Coast Guard Auxiliary photo.)

Recent Events

In February, I, along with CDR Briggs, Robert Sherman, District Captain East and Vickie Aponte, Auxiliary Aff airs Assistant, had the privilege of aƩ ending the Division 1 Change of Watch in San

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Juan, Puerto Rico. We also aƩ ended meeƟ ngs with CAPT King, Commanding Offi cer of Sector San Juan, the Auxiliary Liaison and Chief of Response. We also had the opportunity to meet with some Division 16 members. Much was accomplished during this trip. A big thank you to Juan “Hache” Vazquez Division 1 Commander and Ramses “AUX-UBER” Rodriquez, Auxiliary Sector Coordinator San Juan. What a great event for us as well as the members in Division 1!

I also had the privilege of aƩ ending the Commandants “All Hands” meeƟ ng with Division 13 at Sector Key West. Ed PraƩ , Auxiliary Sector Coordinator Sector Key West, gave a great tour of the Sector. If you have not been there, it is interesƟ ng to see the storm surge height from mulƟ ple hurricanes marked on one of their buildings. Admiral Schultz gave an inspiraƟ onal speech and thanked the Auxiliary for all that “we” do throughout the Coast Guard. There was an excellent showing of Division 13 members. A big thanks go out to Claude Bullock, Division 13 Commander, for his hospitality.


As of now, the Auxiliary Data System (AUXDATA) is offi cially closed for the migraƟ on of data from the old system to the new AUXDATA II. Please have paƟ ence during this criƟ cal transiƟ on to the new system. Expect that there will be some “bumps in the road” as we update to this more modern and advanced system. Previews of the new AUXDATA II appear much improved, with many posiƟ ve changes introduced in the future for members. Training will be scheduled in stages, starƟ ng with InformaƟ on Services offi cers and then fi ltering down to the members.

Presently, NACON and D-TRAIN are sƟ ll being planned, and work is progressing on both. Watch for ElecƟ ons for naƟ onal, district, division and fl oƟ lla offi cers will be happening soon. Have you considered running for an elected offi ce? Are you eligible to run for an elected offi ce? How about an appointed posiƟ on? Mix it up! Try to get out of the “FloƟ lla rut” where the same offi cers are elected and rotated almost every term. There is a real need for more members to step up to leadership roles – both elected and appointed offi ces. Do you have good management skills? Are your personal communicaƟ on skills with other members good? Do you have a good understanding of the Coast Guard Auxiliary and the Auxiliary Manual? If the answer is YES, please, consider running for an elected offi ce. There is a need for “new blood” at all levels of the organizaƟ on.

District 7 now has a “Unit Pride” ballcap that is an offi cial uniform item and can be worn with the operaƟ onal dress uniform (ODU) uniform. They are $25 each with $5 going to “Campaign for Zero” (deaths on the water). To order, please contact me with the size you need, medium, large or extra-large. The sizes are the same as inside of your current ODU ballcap.

Once again, please follow the Centers for Disease Control and PrevenƟ on and Coast Guard guidelines for safety during this COVID-19 pandemic. We want everyone to be able to resume normal acƟ viƟ es as soon as permission is granted.

I wish you and your families health and safety during this crisis. Ω

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