Breeze, Newsletter District 7 USCG Auxiliary, Issue 2 2019

Page 8


Flotilla Health Checkup By Roy Cri enden, Past Division Captain* 2

Is the elected leadership actually leading by example or simply going through the mo ons? The flo lla membership knows the difference.

Does your flo lla have a monthly newsle er? The purpose of newsle ers is to report to the membership the ac vi es of each department and is especially helpful to members who may miss a flo lla mee ng. Newsle ers are also published records of flo lla ac vity.

(*This office is now called Past Division Commander) Flo lla Morale •

How is a endance at flo lla mee ngs? Do at least 35-50% of your members a end regularly?

Have you chosen the best day of the week? Some people don’t like to give up their weekends since that may be the only me they have to spend with their family. Patrols and radio watchstanding already take up some of their me away from home on weekends.

Do a vast majority of the flo lla staff officers submit ar cles to the newsle er regularly? If they don’t, they may not be doing anything produc ve for the flo lla or, even worse, it may be an indica on that they do not care or take seriously the job they pledged to support.

Have you chosen the best loca on for your flo lla mee ngs? Does it offer quality food at a reasonable price? Remember that this is a great opportunity to par cipate in the fourth cornerstone of flo lla ac vi es, Fellowship. The meetings should cover Auxiliary business but should also offer the opportunity for some levity on the part of the membership. Mee ngs should be fun to a end so people will look forward to coming. Think for a minute how such a pleasant atmosphere affects visitors or prospec ve members.

In the selec on of staff officers, is a conscious effort made to match the skills and interests of an individual to the job? The officer is put at a disadvantage if the match is not a good one.

Every effort should be made to incorporate new members into the flo lla as soon as possible by helping them achieve a qualifica on whereby they can contribute to flo lla goals. Specialty courses for personal development can come later.

Is me being set aside at flo lla mee ngs for training or some educa onal experience? Attendance increases if members think they may learn something if they a end.

How well a ended are flo lla par es and Change of Watch ceremonies? Is proper a enon given to planning and adver sing to the membership? BREEZE

Issue 2


(Con nued on page 9)

Newsletter for District 7 USCG Auxiliary


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