Roxanne Kehr
On an unrelated note, I set a new personal low this week by bribing/rewarding myself with peanuts. I am a comic-drawing circus animal. Nothing more.
The Quiet Riot
Emily Raczelowski
Page 2 | The Drawing Board
Issue 151: October 3, 2013
Animals Doing Things That Humans Are Usually The Ones To Do
Eli Wallace
They're wearing black dress shoes.
Caleb Hallead
Katie Parry
Disclaimer: This may or may not be what I envision every time I hear, "My nose is running!"
Issue 151: October 3, 2013
Page 3 | The Drawing Board
I'm looking at you, bud.
The Man With a Hat on His Finger
Back Stage
Jane & Kat
love letters
Page 4 | The Drawing Board
Issue 151: October 3, 2013
Hey, you with the beautiful face! Yeah, you heard me. You are rocking that expired haircut and untrimmed mole hair. Have you ever thought about modeling? This Saturday, during the Fall Festival on the quad, The Drawing Board will be offering free caricatures of your face, to your face, even on your face if you’re not too ticklish. Stop by our table anytime from 10 a.m. till noon and you will walk away with a unique depiction of a very special person: YOU.
merp & berp
nine and three quarters fingers
Well, this is awkward.
The Minimalist Maximist
Keith Reinsel Jr.
Issue 151: October 3, 2013
Page 5 | The Drawing Board
Misadventures of the Myriad
The Gadflies (illustrated by Unfinished)
You can't prove he didn't have the flyswatter before.
The Drawing Board is proud to present the 2013 Honorary Alumnus of the Year award to Broc “Beardo” Verschoor (2011), whose contribution to the farcical world of real-life emoticons, jointly achieved with his pal Hans “Dreads” Hokenson, stands to this day as an inspiration unto the generations. SGA, can we get these guys a plaque or something?
Page 6 | The Drawing Board Rated PG
Issue 151: October 3, 2013 Evan Yeong
You've never seen Breaking Bad? What, were you born in a cow house? You know, where they live. The cows.
With Apologies to the Mature
Leah Doty
Editor’s Panel Oh, you’re back! Wait, you were gone? I mean, of course you were gone, you...graduated? Yes, graduated. Of course. That will explain the pit of despondency I’ve been in since, probably, the time I last saw you. Which was last Thursday. So happy to see you again—big hugs all around. How have you been. What with Homecoming and all that this weekend, reunions are just part of the joy to be beheld around campus in these coming days. We at The Drawing Board are excited to participate in the festivities by drawing caricatures on Saturday, so make sure you share in the fun by coming by our booth to see what you look like! We’re basically mirrors! Please also join us in applauding the 2013 recipient of the freshly fabricated Honorary Alumnus of the Year Award, Broc Verschoor, for his and Dreads’ newfound fame, and, presumably, fortune. Vacuuming out the welcome mat, Leah
Leah Doty Editor Emily Marie Morrow (MLE) Co-Editor Laura Stockdale Treasurer Roxanne Kehr Distributor John Rhett Faculty Advisor