Roxanne Kehr
Sundays are sort of like this, but backwards.
The Quiet Riot
Emily Raczelowski
Now hold my coffee and watch this!
Page 2 | The Drawing Board Room 500
Little Pieces
Issue 157: November 21, 2013 Beth Knight & Laura Stockdale
Allison Wolfer
Issue 157: November 21, 2013 cough
Conspiticy Theory
Misadventures of the Myriad
Page 3 | The Drawing Board MLE
Medi & Kali
The Gadflies
“I'm sure I'll always have enough ammo in my gun.”
Page 4 | The Drawing Board Non-descript
Issue 157: November 21, 2013 Katie Parry
In comparison, though, how often do doormats get attacked by birds?
The Man With a Hat on His Finger
Harold Beardington
*dramatic music swells*
Fred is Dead
or is he?
Issue 157: November 21, 2013 Apples and Axes
Page 5 | The Drawing Board Dray
You've been warned, buddy. You've been WARNED.
I Can Whine All The Time
Page 6 | The Drawing Board
Issue 157: November 21, 2013
The Minimalist Maximist
Keith Reinsel Jr.
One of the Guys
Carli Anderson
What Evolution Forgot
Dead Serious
Wesley Payette
Eli Knapp
Buy a shovel, you can dig for both.
Fringe benefits of living in Fracking Country.
Issue 157: November 21, 2013 Sad Boss Comics
Page 7 | The Drawing Board Luke Doty
Steve, the Insensitive Reindeer
Freshman Friendship Struggles
To each his own (or her own)
Page 8 | The Drawing Board
Issue 157: November 21, 2013
Rated PG
Evan Yeong
The last time this guy showed up was last year, when I threw a wad of money in his face.
With Apologies to the Mature
Leah Doty
“and then pop the air freshener into her mouth, okay, it’s not that hard”
Animals Doing Things That Humans Are Usually The Ones To Do
Eli Wallace
Editor’s Panel Fingers, Frackers, Freds, and Fattened Filipinos, You look tired. While I cannot imagine why this might be, you have my pity and permission to curl up with some warm fuzzy comics and take a brief doze. Perhaps this will lighten up the rings under your eyes and turn that lethargic frown upside down.
To aid in this pursuit, we’ve brought in the reinforcing power of two new artists: Wesley Payette and Sabermetrics. Please, if you’re still awake, rouse these two with an energetic round of applause. We at The Drawing Board have been laughing amidst our snores thanks to their contributions. Be informed: there will be no issue next week due to Thanksgiving break. We wish you a slumbrous and thoroughly comatose holiday. No offense, but you look like you need it. Soporifically, “If you snip my ear, I'll wring your neck with my... paws.”
Leah Doty Editor Emily Marie Morrow (MLE) Co-Editor Laura Stockdale Treasurer Roxanne Kehr Distributor John Rhett Faculty Advisor