The Drawing Board, issue 163

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Roxanne Kehr

Culture is weird.

The Big Bad World

Gordon Brown

Also depicted: the job market for English majors...

Page 2 | The Drawing Board Room 500


Issue 163: February 6, 2014 Beth Knight & Laura Stockdale




Katie Parry

“The weather outside is frightful, and classes are so delightful....” err. uhmm.

Issue 163: February 6, 2014

Page 3 | The Drawing Board

Apples and Axes


Mega Packs are the greatest thing to have happened in the history of dried meats.

Steve, the Insensitive Reindeer


Steve is definitely knitting, and not performing genital vivisection on himself. Why ever would you think otherwise?

Sad Boss Comics

Luke Doty

Page 4 | The Drawing Board

Issue 163: February 6, 2014

What Evolution Forgot

Wesley Payette

“Royals” is by Ella Maria Lani Yelich-O'Conner. A song I am particularly fond of.


Katie Parry

That's what the middle's for.

Issue 163: February 6, 2014

Page 5 | The Drawing Board

Page 6 | The Drawing Board Freshman Friendship Struggles

Issue 163: February 6, 2014 Whit

We wants it, we needs it. Must have the Precious.

No But Seriously

Izzy Higdon

And the Leisure Studies majors sit there toying with their carabiners.

Little Pieces

Allison Wolfer

Rough translation: “Thanks be to God.� Thank you so much to the Junior that decoded the mumble language for me!

Issue 163: February 6, 2014 Misadventures of the Myriad

Page 7 | The Drawing Board The Gadflies

Now what did we learn from this?

The Man With a Hat on His Finger

In the Public Eye

Harold Beardington

Arië Naitya

“He's not my pickle. I found him that way!”

Page 8 | The Drawing Board

Issue 163: February 6, 2014

Double-You Double-You Jay Dee

Evan Yeong

Matthew 6:34

With Apologies to the Mature

Leah Doty

for those people


Bobby Mauger & Jim Vitale

Editor’s Panel Valiant compatriots, Purple? Or gold? Whatever your affinity, we at The Drawing Board are rooting for you and your team with the best bipartisan goodwill. You are so gonna win. We just know it. As it happens, this week also brings two very special guest comics. Firstly, let us chuckle together at the thoroughly fictional invention by the illustrious Izzy Higdon on page six. Then, four comics later, we will find ourselves stunned by the lavatorial ponderings of one esoteric Arië Naitya. You too, diligent reader of comics and comic-related blurbs, can join the elite ranks of these funny little ragamuffins, simply by sending your submissions to CPO 100 or leah.doty14. We will be waiting. We are very patient. Hey, while we’re chatting, we just want to wish you, personally, a happy Thursday. Just a really good day is what we want you to have. Let us know how it goes. Colorfully, Leah

Leah Doty Editor Emily Marie Morrow (MLE) Co-Editor Laura Stockdale Treasurer Roxanne Kehr Distributor John Rhett Faculty Advisor

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