Family Album

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C h r i s N u g e n t

P a m e l a R i c h a r d s o n

H a n n a h R i c h a r d s o n N u g e n t

2 6 O c t o b e r – 2 4 N o v e m b e r 2 0 2 4


g a l l e r y


front cover: Chris Nugent Big sky over Leith, Edinburgh, Mixed media on treated copper, 30 x 21cm
above: Hannah R Nugent Saturdays, Acrylic and printed imagery on canvas, 30 x 30cm


In a first for Doubtfire, we present an exhibition by three artists in the same family as a focused group show Although we have shown Chris Nugent on a number of occasions – four of them solo exhibitions – this time he is joined by his wife Pamela and daughter Hannah, who are also award winning artists

t will be showing a new strand of work in this exhibition, using ination of metals depicting Scotland’s coastal scenes For this s, has has used primarily steel and copper that he has altered er time to exploit its textural and tonal qualities These pieces will be displayed with his familar and dynamic painted cityscapes of Edinburgh, where he lives and works Both styles explore the built and natural world.

ela Richardson is a painter and printmaker from Armagh, hern Ireland who has exhibited widely employing a range of s and media – sea and landscapes in oil, mixed media es and botanical subjects in watercolour. Her work in this n explores the dynamic interactions between flora and the built ent.

Richardson Nugent is a visual artist from Edinburgh. She Glasgow School of Art in 2018, winning the Mary Armour Prize for painting and was selected for the New Graduates Showcase at Battersea Art Fair in London. Hannah has since exhibited in several group and solo shows and currently works in gallery education. The group of work for this exhibition has been made using lithographs, screen prints and risographs made by the artist in Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Meet the family

At our opening event on Saturday 26 October between 2pm and 4pm

“ The works on canvas seek to convey what I believe makes Edinburgh so desirable – its energetic urban sprawl, contrasted with peaceful, green spaces that allow you time to contemplate With my metal works, I have sought to reduce the elements of land, sea and sky to simple horizontal shapes that evoke the changing atmosphere of the Scottish coastline.”

right: Chris Nugent Princes Street (Springtime) from the roof of Johnnie Walker, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 60 x 90cm

R i c h a r d s o n

B A H o n s

D r a w i n g a n d P a i n t i n g

E d i n b u r g h C o l l e g e o f A r t

“ Landscapes and garden imagery are the subject matter for this group of acrylic paintings, inspired by the view of my small city garden.

Memories, atmosphere, the seasons and time inform the works which are resolved intuitively through my use of material fragments, wallpaper patterns and relief support structures I have drawn upon a variety of sources for inspiration and imagery including plant specimens, reliquary, medieval books and foliage. I am also seeking a more sustainable approach to my painting and materials ”

previous page: Pamela Richardson Brocade Dance, Acrylic on canvas board, 21 x 15cm right: Incandescence, Acrylic on canvas board, 30 x 42cm

H a n n a h R i c h a r d s o n N u g e n t B A H o n s ( f i r s t c l a s s ) D r a w i n g a n d P a i n t i n g G l a s g o w S c h o o l

“ I am interested in the contrasting dialogue between retro digital imagery and hand drawn gestures. I use a variety of media – paint, printmaking, drawing and video –to explore the tension between intuitive marks and controlled lines.

I enjoy playing with colour, composition and layering to create dynamic, eye-catching works with a nostalgic edge ”

right: Hannah R Nugent Eyeliner, Acrylic, printed imagery and collage on paper, 15 x 22cm

Works are for sale on receipt of this brochure.

NB The images in the brochure are representative only, for display and marketing purposes. The full content of the exhibition can be viewed on our website, along with prices and dimensions

28 North West Circus Place, Edinburgh EH3 6TP Tel 07902 307147 email art@doubtfiregallery com www doubtfiregallery com

Opening hours: Wednesday to Sunday 12 – 4pm We are happy to make an appointment outwith these hours. Please email:

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