The Cosnputer Paper / July '90
Friindlyware WE MAKE X T EASY t >.p>.:,~.'::
3499 KinNftway, Vancouver, BC VSR SLS
customers! We guarantee it!
Megaword Bible Software has been one of our best sellers since we brought it in a few months back Two of its most recent reviews explain why:
"Excelknt ... A Fine Redact!" (Muy 1990, Christiun CornputingMugaine). "Best Buyl" (Muy 1990, ¹tu England Church Life). Come in for a MegaWord Demonstration Diskl
COMTEX 386/SX PACKAGE • Monochrome Graphics Monitor • High Density 5.25 Inch FDD • Western Digital 40 Mb (1:1; 28 ms) HDD
Some of our options and upgrades: 0
• • • •
MS DOS 4.01 $95 Miniscribe40MbHardDrive tHigh Speed;Caching) $50 Mitsubishi 40 Mb Hard Drive $100 Trident Card and Hyundai Monitor VGA Package $499 A nd, if you need m orespeed than the 386/SX can deliver,then you can upgrade to Comtex's 20 MHz full-powered 386 for only $400 morel
Conquest of Camelot North and South
RailmadTymon PipeDream Prince of Persia Dragon Strike
$59.95 $39.95 $64.95 @9.95 $44.95 $59.95
Wibarm Ultima Vl: The False Prophet Circuit's Edge
$49.95 $39.95 $69.95 $79.95 $19.95 $69.95 $54.95
We also harreaN of the Official Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Computer Gamesin stock!
There's a NH% Fujitsu 24 Pin Printer! For Letter Quality text, the Fujitsu DL3400 has been the cream of the crop for yeara Now, Fujitsu has put their prmen technical excellence into the
design of a brand new entrant in the highly competitive home market. If you need a new printer, then you"ve really got to see the quality of this great
printer before you make your decision (so, this part of the ad was printed on the DL1100 at 180X180 dpi Resolution). Come on in and e'll be happy to show you more! • •
L t d .
NEED MOREMEMORY?' AST Sixpak+ 266 memory card
• LIM 4.0 Hardware Standard • comes with 512K RAM,expandable to 4MB
MEED BETfERMEMORY MANAGEMENT? Quarterdeck's GRAM, with Manifest p2oe for 80286 class computers Quarterdeck's QEMM-386 with Manifest
for 80386 class computers
Cardinal 2400 internal modem
si Vte guarantee fo buy back desktop computer systems bought froiii-u
any time within 3 years of purchase for upgrading to any new system of
yourchaice. feaII for detaIls)
Dot Matrix and Laser Printer Demos on Sale. Limited Quantities. We have thousands of games in Chessrnaster 2100 stock. Here are some of ourbest Microsoft Flight Sirnuhrtor4.0 Genghis Khan sellersl Bandit Kings of Ancient China
C omputer A u t o m a t io n
555 W. Hastings, Harbour Center Lower Mall, Vancouver, k Phone: (604) 6844146L Fax: (604) 684-8128
e are a service-oriented store with the city's largest selection ofbooks and software. Our system prices include the testing of all of the t hardware, formatting of the Hard Drive and installation of any software that
you purchase from us. The equipment we carry is neither the cheapest, nor the most expensive, that's available. We will supply you with a gpod quality system, fully set up and warrantied.. We speaaliae in thorougMy satisfied
s h i va
The many new titles we' ve been waiting for are here! Yo make room for the new arritvals, a wide selectionof oldhvorites, outof pint and
«4 •
haid to find amipuhxbooks
aIte nowgreatlyreduced!
Irresistible Frices!
Up t o 360X 360 Graphics Resolution. Acc e pts Pont Cartridges.
• • •
Fiv e Internal LQ Fonts. Tak e s 13 Inch Paper. Ext r emely Quiet.
Fiieadlyware Pri: $529
c ••• e
• •
I ' • •
• • •
I • •
I •
• •
The Computer Paper I July '90
gu j
19'TowerCasewith LEOdisplay, 5 Accessible Bays PLUS• 1.2MB oSerial, Game ib Parallel Ports
• Speaker• 101KeyKeyboard • 200WCSAPowerSupplyel/0 ard
388SX • 1MBRAM,Standard Casei -............................................ 999 398-25 Truew25MHzC&TChipset•1MB RAM,StandardCase$1599 39843C• Cachew1MBRAM, Stand'srd' Css........................... $2199 485-25 •NewestChip,1MBRAM,Standard'Case....................$4299
• Skttpower 800Watt lnverler ..............,, ..........$599 wManniz ingSX or25MHZPackages....................$99 • Small Minltower cases- Black • Mitsubishl monitor also shows TVI.................+$259 CampletnB.C.Chnrtsin VGAColour Sseiton 'Stnrdot Slsr' the Frith CD-ROM player, disks ...QHk Csnfz Marin RSSesrchBoat!
Mlulscrlbe OOM S10msVolcs Cos ...,N40 Nhuhleh lSOMSNmsVolceCo0...$0N Fu)0suNOMS tsawVohoCol ...„... $1NO Coauor NMSRsmsVotesColl...SFN Prhes tmluds 11Coatrossm
rs et
CsrdzTowerSX1MS muuC C s rdz389-251MB
BR~AM a SX yGA LApTop 7HE t;Ap 33 43M06
® 9 300-25wltb25MHzCITCblpset
• Runs all the new386 Software • 19' LED Towerwith 200WP/SCSA • Fast 42MBHard Disk • Optional 65MBMitsubishi 28ms Voice Coil HardDiskndd 4Ã
• 387 Coprocessor Socket •19'LED Towerwith200W P/S CSA • Fast 42MB HardDisk • Optional 65MBMitsubishi 28ms oic e Coil Hard Disk$99 add • Samsung VGA 14" Colour Monitor • 16 bit VGACard 256K • Focus 2001 Keyboard
• Samsung VGA14' ColourMonitor.31mm V • 16 bit VGA card 256K • Focus 2001Keyboard
®1999 $23ss
o42 MB HD, 1 MB RAM
• 2 hr internal battery/AC • VGA Display, runs ext. colour monitor • 13 Ibs., DOS3.3, manuals
• Canada'sbest price
0 :
• Northgate Keyboard
on a 386/VGALaptop
': $3899
2499 $2699 0
• 19" LED Towerwith 200W P/SCSA • Mitsubishi 65MB 28ms Voice Coil HardDisk • Morse SuperVGAMonitor 1024 x 768.28 mm • Ultimate video card 1Mb 1024x768 256 colours
306SX,PREMIUM QUALITY by Oaawoo(makesIBM'6monitor)
g Includes:
lf you buy aTrident or Paradisevideocard, your monitor can't showthe rich picture it is capable of in SuperVIL Only premium cardsdisplay 640x 480and 800x 600 in 256 colours, not just 16. You' realso missing features like ahardware zoom, non-interlacedsupport, or even256 colours at1024 x 768!
•19'TeweyLEO Casewith299W CSA Pie
Designed byXuan Hoang using advancedTseng Labsprocessorsfrom Japan,thesecardsbringyourealpowerand room for future enhancements.
$4299 PriCeI
• Noy lhgsle Keybosrd
Excelogi cVGM6
Tsanp Labs3000Series
• 640x 4$0, $00x 600 M 256colouls 1024 x 7N In 16colours • Psrl, scroll, hsnlwsIO zoom • non-Iotsrlscedsupport dwaw 612a SddsN
Fastest VGACanl TsenpLabs4000 Series
Made in theUSA
• 1.44NB Floppy Dyhre
Also includesSeiko 1440VGAMonitor Ultimate 1MbVideo Card Fujitsu 330 Mb18msESDIHD Ultrastor ESDI32K20MHzController
1NB RANsgns Expsndsblete15NB
• 1024 x 7N256Colours • Psn, scroll, split Screen • ACAO,Shads,GsnedoCAD,Wordatsr, WP,WIO366, GENI, senlnin 420 drhels, wln 00 dwsw w 4424xsddr • IAIOrlsosd ornon-Iotslhuld • 132 column.Oolssorlny,'till • AutossnsOSII6 32 I OSSSN
• Intel 488-25 Preoessoy,NewVersion
Made in the USA
Lease lorCswslwoath
Hl-RES ANALOG • .28mm w1024 x 7N
- ---"-s w"" $559
Co Pm'a. Mice, eh. CydxFasmslhCoprocessors
Modems Csrdlaal2400ModemsSANMNPO...........,............... 110 CsuSusl 2400HsrdwemMNPS.......,...,.„..................... 20 USR14AHsr....................,.....,...,....,......„..............., 20 MuRBachv.32........,......,.........................,....., ........ N TNS SOS SW18 Lbw....,.........,...........„,......,...,...,.... 20
SX-10..................,..... 420 O.N .......,....,.......... 30
Ssuwuao VSLCulour 30 mm....,......„...........,..... $13N Nloublahl No x ONNS, NTSC....................,.........OON llNRA 1024x780,AushO .................................... $$N llNMouoMIsyacRNersy... „..., ....,.... . . ... 20 SameimOO ENISsox 4N.RI mm .........................,
Summasmphlcs12x12,.........,................................. 10 Focue Keybosrd........,... ...................2001INO3N t18
Fester, iiiioler, lowpower, compatible. Intel 307series ahoavauable
llwt Moathrs
Leohsch ErooaomlcSerial Mouse.....,......,................,....SN LosltsehEroosomlc BuaMouse.. „.....,....., ......$1N
NedhoslO emuSsyKsyboauT ..............,...........,............
Newl Seiko1440
• 1024 x 768 .25mmDP • Mulllsync Ratter Screen • One Gon frinitron Tube
Naaao 10' 1NOuSe Noiiuhi7iiiei ....................$1SSO NEWI NlomeVBA1024x700.......................,....,........ ss NEWI AcerMulleyucVBADemo ............,. ....... 00 NEWIVlswpedectS1024x78SMu lsyprw............NSO Saay t304 14'Muwscaa...............,..................$1140 Mssuhlslo ttr 1200x1024 ........................,......$1700
NEWI SeBw1440NFS.Nmm .....,.......................,.$8N
Omulpaoe300. OCRSW ............................,.......,.........SON HPScsajel,lBMVF,SW(Demo) ...,.............., ........StNO Nswoteh3000W Color Scanner................................ gNO HP ScaajstPlus, ISMVF, SW .................,................... 300 Nlsublehl RNL~B ..
lbusuoo RNOX,40M$,%l ...............
Panasonlc1124 0439 w/sable
Souad Shsler MushCard....,...........................,.........,.. L
SamsuuOO EMMushyncNox No......................... N
NECRD14'1024x7N .......„....................,....;...,... N
Pdstsrs CShoaSSX-140 24pl uhohu r .............................,.......g Poaasonh 11 2424 plu,............................................„ HP Laser)stHI,....,...,............, .....................,......,.....$2000 NEWI HP laserJotIIP .....................,.................,........ IRN HP LssorJet IIO.....,......,............,...........,................... 800 Pauasoah 11N 0 plu .....,.....,................,....„,...,..$2N Parwsouh112424plu ...............-...............,........ $4N Cares 2OOS X0 plu ............,........................,,...„.....RRN
Laserjet IIP ......Q309
Your chance toowna commercial quality, fast printer — CHEAPI
DL1100 24pin 220cps..........................$439 DL 3400 24pin 288cpswide carriage....$599 Both haveColour options!
• 250 psgS tray ..........,...$199 • Extra TonerCartridge ..$129 • 1MB MemoryUpgrade$259 • 2MB MemoryUpgrade$359 • Postscript Cartridge ....$499
i 0
dSsse IV(Sealed) ........,.....,...............................„...,„.„„„„,„„„.„,...„...„.„„.„,„„,.$8N HP ScaajsScauuer. t IBMIIF,................,...................-..-.-...."...- ....--------$18N PsmdheOEMVldeo Card ........................„....,...,.„„....,...................,.................... 00 AMI Prohsshual(opeosdl .„.....,......,....,................,.........,...,.....,....,..............,. ....... N AGER ISNleyuc Monitor (demo)......,.......,......,....,...,.....,....... Supeives Mouser 1024x 788& mm (avalL late July),....,................,.......... ..... 30 BCIT ReraalComputers ....,....,.........................„„,.......,..........,............. .„....'......RIPA oe SIEKD L bol Nhhsr .........,..........,......................................................$1N . ,
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. . .
. .
. .
. .
. .
3 $ 8
JP 4S S C O M P V TE RS 2435 Burrard St., Vancouver, B.C.(Burrard St. at Broadway) Open: 10:00 - 6:00 Tues.- Sat. ClosedMondays
Ph. 732-8400 Fax 732-8412
$8 • • 0
• 4 HST 14.4 lines 734-5400 • 2 V.32 9600 lines 734-5800 • Full Online Store Text, OCRBased • Electronic Publishing• Philosophy
• WritBr'B HotstovO • lnlelloclual Issues
The Computer Paper / July '90
$86 5Ã
• ¹12 MHa, O.W2. • I MSX, Ma. 4% en Seed
• 2 asonden ¹oa, Hesdaeadnad • Oesk 2Cdonde aft SaScrySnoop
• 0N%20 CPII, ISSSSSta,CkWS.
• I MS ¹he Fad RAM ¹anry • Chnh 0 Cdade offr Ssary Sadnp ~onnn selcl 4 parandpore • 12hu TFAC ReppyObo • seedcase Onp¹co ced • AT Enheaal 1 df KcyKefbead • IC Mcnocheeo AadreMada • 1.'I hdcdone WAI. 42u Sha
• 2 Eosonda ¹ae
• Chnh &Cdade odfi Sdhry Saolep • Seas Said h ParWl parV • 12hu TFAC Rappy fhba • Ibehw OrcpMa Cal • AT lhhaseed101KeyKelbanl
*Oarn Selol 2 pe%I parV • 12 MS TFAERoppyfhla noaloene Ache Mnae • ATEnhaoodIOI KeyKcSbnnd • 12' ~ Andr e Mabn • 12 badoaeW.IL42%2ae • CWE YEARWAISIAKIY
• Real 22 ¹t ptacnwo • 12' llcnochnamhgt wka Mane • 1,1 hadoae WJL
Syslem Price:
2 ¹a s
NULTI7ERN PremiuuI NT48 6 AT
N ULTf U R N Pmfemium NT-$&6SX
! ysiwwn Price:
SIlshem Price:
• Mc¹hnn¹20&ISCPII.Sr12hdtnOW2, 1SSklbn.aMSXa Sant ~j ~ g~am
• Chhaggnao Ng AT ErhacedKrybeal • IC ~ Pape r WMV Mccee • 12 bdodoaa Vabe Col 42$ NneWINK Ceehs •TWO YFAA WAARAKIY
• I.t hadoae W O. a¹IS20ns • oNE YEARwARRAKfv
• 1.1 hnsrleee W.C. 4218 S ens
c d a densc sdaylv¹Rr
NULTFTKRN Premium NT-$$64 $DX
• O$2, KOVEII, XENbk ISSXReady
• fbe nl N N proynoo e
• 1C anocheeo Pape WhboMonlhe • 'l.l hdebee VdaCcd 4NSI SbnsWl¹¹ Ceda • TWO YFAAWAISINIIY
• M AIM 4 Ih lh M / I h 4 W Sane, Setd a Farad Pee
System Price
$$49S rofoedea Conaebr Shdhn ' V Il l ~ k MRIH OWL • hnsl 02002 20CachoConbofe n¹r 0OK fateecho RAM • Socket hohodr¹Sdrds e Webck 01dr Mafr Copneesnns • Reel ThneOock ad Cdance • IISI ef Fat lee AAM
• 12NI TFAC FlapPyfhfre • onodooes Oray¹ca ond Chhonydnrenose AlpsAT¹drsnced ~
• INN RoppyCeca • SnwtTane Case ner Olllsl opad dsffcy
• CcdkeWSif. XEHSCIINSI Asser
. IC~ I e a Wh bo Monbe • 1.1 lncdoereVobeCol eOISI 2lns WSSCCake • 1WO VFAAWARWKIY
• IC popecd¹e nnochnaeeabe
1.1 haodocna Vobs Cal 4NN lnnn Wlahn Cate •1WO YEAR WARRAKIY
NULTI'TRRN Premium NT-4$6-25C
Premium NT-$®6-$$C
Professional High Power Computer Station
Electronic File Cabinet
Ptofeselonal High Power Computer Statkyn
System Price:
System Price: $5499 NULTI'TERN Premium NT-$IÃ-2$C
• dNI040CPII, I MS ¹he Fad RIM Money a
• Aod Tha Cknk eel Cdade • IMS el Fat lee RIM • 12MS Reply fbhe • fhdnnoed101KeyKeybeed •~ Hese l ea syroddcn pdcde anni • I ¹ IhnechnaneAnne Vonlha
Syslem Price: 4IRIS
• lbdftnm Vehae Speed O25MHa,OW2.
'Cene. Sea 2 parWI Pea ' 1 22SW TFACRspyyIntone • MsnodaeaercpMaoal • CMoceydcpaooeNpsATSchaeel Kslboent
• sodet forhodrNfcfds a weha sist Msfr
em649 ~s
• Sane, Said & PeoddPcnv
• 1040Mlta, O.WS. o¹r 0OK fad eeno WM
Syslegn Price:
• Mdftan ¹XSSedsX, ¹Id¹Ha, OWdk ' IMSX ¹NS Ical RAM
• I 420MHA awdkeadOKfedcnae AAM • Sachet ho bofr NISIM e Webok SISI Msh Cofaaaoen • Rod flee Cknk ad Cdance • 1MS of FeatNso RMI 12MS Reply Orle • Enhaoed 101KeyKeyboenl • nodaseo Hesales ~ p d nbr aed
!system Price $XR99
SyslenI Price:
Sys4eIn Price:
Our state-of-thfHttts Image Processing System converts
paper documentssuch astekyx, fax, logos, shipping docu-
ments, legal into digital may index
contracts, and etc.
images. You
them in tabaseso
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them with of indexing Nioti such as
number, • Retd Time Chick and Calendar, • 1MB of Fast 80ns RAM
• Real Time ClockandCalendar M5 ~ - :*-'~-"-
• 1.2BMB RoppyOme • Venable Speedfrom2-25MHz, O.W.S.
•4MB ofFast80ns RAM • 1.2MB Roppy Dtfve • Smart Tower Case with dgital speed display
• Intel 8288543 Cache Conttoier wkh 64K fast cache RAIN • Socket hr both 80887-25or Weitek 3167 Math Ccpfttacessots • Smart Tower Case wkh dighsl speed dspkty
• ChiconyJapaneseAlpsEnhanced Keyboard
• ATI VGA Card with mouse • VGA Colour INonitor 1024x768 • 110MB 15ms 35' Vokxy Col Hankisk • ONE YEAR WARRANTY
• ChiccnyJapaneseAlps EnhancedKeyboard • Mcncchnme Herculesgraphics printer Iud • 14' paper whitemonochmmemonitor
• 1.1 Intstleave Voice Coil 40MB 28ms Wi32K Cache • TWO YEAR WARRANTY
Raven 9101 9 pin......................$275 Fulltsu DL3400 24 pin ...............$714
Roland LP1100 Laser...................$2299 Qume Laser Printer ......................$1999 NEO LG890 Postscript ...............$4249
A utuoeiren
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dress, etc.,
have referkey ineiher number
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a heal anm you may documents workstano need to of misiling tabase is the com-
and/or name, .-' document impear on your few seconds. dig ging in dark rooms or heavy nets. Ifyouhave netwotk system, distribute the to any of the
tions. There is
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becauseihedamaintained by puter. Oneopticalciskpktttsrcan store b e tween 20,000lo80,000 pagesof im ages, or the equivalent of TWO to EIGHT hur drawerSlingcabin est.
Pri'cd2$wbjcct To Chssgc Withofft ¹ticc. Ptc¹yc dec The V¹Rcofsrcr SHA for IRoct cdrrcrft tyriccc
CMS Computers Plus Inc.
S209'8th Ave. S.VV, Cetgefv. Alberta TBP OR2
Ta 403a37+s70 r
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102-1112 Nest Pender, Vancouver,B.C. V6E 281 Tel: 604-683-7587 Fax: 604-683-9210
Mukiteryytis a registered tradefyfarRfoDPE Electroy¹'es Canada Ltd.
The Computer Paper / July 'SO
77teComputer Aper S.C. EdNott • July 1080
ci e x
R e p o rt
$ $ $$ $ $ • $$ • $$$ • $ • $$$$ • $$$$ • $$$$$$ • $$$$ • $ • $$ • $8
Industzy heavyweights come out to play Pmm Nmultytes
Baekup Software .......................................24 Tips and reviews of Norton Backup, PC Tools, Fastback Plus and 6 more by Roety Gneen Re v l
e w $ P a g e M a l ce r 4 $0 $$ $ $ $$$$ • • $ • $• • $$$$ • • $ • $• $• $$32
A new Mac version of the classic DTP package.
Buying a Laser Printer................................33 Price and feature cornfnuison by Cathatynn LabonteSmith
Computers for Absolute Beginners............36 Excerpts from PC Crash Course and Survival Guide by JohnC. Duerah
The next Big Thing? ...................................48 Looking into hi-tech music, video and "transparent machines"
by OraemeBennett I - T e c h G l o s s a r y $$$ $ $ $$$$$$ • $$$ • $ • $ • $ • $ • $$$ • $$$$ • $$$$49
Brush up on your buzzwords here by the Gnsputer Paper Stag
Research Council in the field of Artificial Intelligence, and has had experience in
advertising sales and events management. She is our new accounts manager for Alberta. We hope to be offering Albertareaders the same consistent good information that they are used toaswell as some Our publication in Alberta reaches over 50 000readers in Calgary and Edmonton, and has been in publication for over a year there. Our new Calgary ofFjlce is: 4th Hoor, 714 1st St SE, Calgary, T2G2G8 with thesame phone number 405/262-5757. Astute readers may have noticed a change onour &ont cover last issue. Instead of the usua1 "BC Edition", it said "Lower Mainland Edition". We began an experiment this month in the BC edition of The Computer Paper. We printed two separate covers, the vast majority of them stiH said "FREE" on them, buta fewwere issued with a$1.95 price on them. As you are probably aware, this publication is an advertising supp>+ted paper. We can circulate it for &ee becauseour advertisers support our efForts through their advertising. We offer you something interesting to read, and you, the readers, buy the products you see promoted in our p sualcient quantities to keep our steady advertisers happy with us and in business. Wegeta steady supply ofrequests for the pubhcation &om outwf-town readers and distributors.. Our policy initially was fairly open — get the word out and give it to all who asked. The paper has been very successful. It gets picked up in great numbers. In fact, most months we have less than a 5% return rate of copies to pickup when we go
in tered newservices.
bySteve St-Leurent
This month, weare offering a change of pace with an excerpt &om a new book byjohn Dvorak This excerpt &om his new PC Crash . Course and Survival Guide is a response to requests to offer simple, introductory'information about computers for people new to computing. Pass it around to friends needing assistance in gethng started. Roedy Green takes a look at the new crop of backup software, and offers some suggestions on bulletproofmg your business against hard disk crashes. Cathallmn Labon~ th gi v es us the rundown on purchasing a laser printer. We have been through big changes at The Computer Paper this month. We have just completed the purchase of the Alberta edi+ w. 'g % tion ofthe paper &om our former partners in Calgary We welcome two new employees. Graeme Bennettbrings years of experience on a varie of cornputers to heiPout with editorial and desktop publishing tasks. PatriciaFitzGerald has worked for the Alberta
back out to distribute the next edition.
This success has brought its own problems however. We axe now needing more papers to circulate, and we don't have more. We plan a circulation increase for the fall, but we did not want to initiate one in the generally slower summer months. One obvious place to look was at our outmf-town-circulation. We decided to try and sell our outwf-town publicafions. We printed a number of these papers with the price tag of $L95. We will give this new "edition" a few month trial run. If it is met with favorable response, then we will be able to ofFer very efFective circulation through out BC. We apologize to those readers outside our main business areas, that we will no
longer be able to provide the edition for &ee outside our immediate distribution area.
Computer Calendar .....................................................................................51-55 Computer Classifieds .................................................................................56-57
We hope that you think it is still worthwhile to pick it up and read, even at the new (and we hope reasonable) price. Ifyou are a retail outletwhois interested in carrying copies of The Computer Paper, please cail our circulafion manager at 604/7M-5596. Enjoy the issue.
Index of Advertisers ........................................................................................58 Letters to the Editor..........................................................................................6
Masthead .............................................................................................................6 What'sNew ............................................. ......................................................8
Kirtan Singh Khalsa Editor/Publisher.
Newsbytes...........................................................................................................11 Commodore .......................................................................................... 12 IBM World ........................ ...................................................................15 BC Bytes.....................................................................................................15 *\ •
Coming Editorial Schodnlo
Canadian News .........................................................................................15 General ......................................................................................................21 Telecommunications ................................................................................ 16
Trends ....................................................................................................... 18
August 1990 Networbbut /uly M tuty1I September 1990 August 91 Comp u ter Tiututuy A mtu s t 1S August 17 October 1990 S eptember 20 O ST uud Accouultutt S eptember M September 10 October 19 November '1990 October S 1 A e l m t utteu Crupbtcs O c tober 11' November 20 ttecember 1990 November 30 Cbrbt u ul bsue N ove m ber16 December N Juuuuzy1991 O e c ember 2NSpeed, power Er CouuecttvttyQecember 12
Windows .................................................................................................... 14
World News .............................................................................................2l
Canada Computer Paper inc. Suite&, 3681 W. 4th Ave. Vanoouver, S.C. V6R 1PR • P hono: f0041 78$459$ FAX l8041 732~ 1 0
The Computer Paper I July '90 •
A Tale of TwoBackups
Shsreware Telecom: Tehx
One dida backup to VCR tape. One backedup 1Q megabytes of data in just 13 minutes. One paid only $5.QQ for a VCR tape which holds up to 16Q megabytes of data. One paid only $299.QQ for a stringently reliable tape backup system called Videotrax. Can you guess which one?
Ir i S
Susy Charges Dear Sir I saw a misleading advertisement for an information service called Suzy on page 15 of theJune 1990 edition of the Computer Paper.
aC N
ONN $ Phone How! (404) %61-1$N or 5-SN-6Q-917% Impaq TechnologyInc.
Enjoytheconvenience of having Ie ComputerPaper delivered toyour door.
' 635 for US. Subscriptions,660 for Ovetsess TheComputerPaper,Suites,3661W est4thhve., Vancouver, B.C. V6R1P2 Teh (604) 733-5596Pate7324260
'Ihe Computer Paper,I pay
issues. Thecomputer paper, suhe 8, 3661 Wealth Ave., Vancouver, B.C. V6R 1P2 TeL 604-733-5596
Cily, Pfav„posigl Code PAYNBIT Cl PaymentEndosad 0 VISh QMaslsrcafd Card Numhsf Mama on Ctsl
L hpliy Da(9
PHce'is$29.95. This price dont indude one hour o fPee connect time, additional timeis as mentioned abooe.
Where's the Turbo switch? I have an8088-2 processor for my computer, and I have no idea of how to change the processing speed. I have tried m any keysequences, but Ican find no results, from guessing or &om tips &om &iends. If anybody out there knows anytricks, oranysolulionsto myproblem, please reply to THE COMPUTERPAPER, or leave some E-mail for me on MINDLINK BBS. Chris Louth
IBM RISC System/6000 I
Dear Sir, I read Cord Stmmonds May 90 Telecommunications Column called Shareware Telecommunications Software" and was disappointed that his article omitted one of the most profound sharewaretelecommunications packages available.
Telix is the program he neglected to review. Telix, in my opinion, is one of the best written shareware programs available. Telix is written by Toronto native Colin Sampleanu and was reSuzy offers information on stocks, real estate an d a i r l i nes I t p r o v ides cently packaged withJohn C. Dvorak's book called "Dvorak's Guide to PC conferencing, EMAIL and hundreds of Telecommunications" in the form of "free" programs. All this for a mere Telix SE. A program this prominent $29.95t should not have been overlooked. Telix (V8.12) should be available on However,nowhere in the three quarter most bulletin boards or directly &om page ad do they tell you, that there is an EKIS Inc., P.o. Box 150, West Hill, additional charge of either $12 per hour Ontario MlE 4R4. Dvorak's book is peak or $10 per hour o6-'peak to use the published in Canada by McGraw-Hill Suzy program. Ifyou used Suzy for an Ryerson Ltd. hour aday,itwould costyou over $500 Sincerely, per month. I have seen two demos of the sokware. Iwasimpressed. IwishStratford Aaron Wass So&ware welL They havedone a fi rstSysop - Northern Lights BBS ratejob of making the computer easy to use. There isnoneed to stoop to trickery to get people to sign up. Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products The Smy ads state that the 'tyttrttductory
Keep up to date with the latest in the computer industry. Subscribe at $19.95 for one year (12 monthlyisues) andenjoy ?ateConiputer Paper deliveredtoyourdooreach month.
Dear Editor The "IBM RISC System/6000" article by William Barr in theJune 1990 edition of The Computer Paper was well done. However, the following statement "Not only did IBM choose to include its proprietary Micro Channel bus, it is differentfrom the one found in their PBM'6) PS/2 line of PC's." could be misleading. Although this is
true, the RISC System/6000 Micro Channel is, more precisely, an enhanced implementation of the Micro Channel that is compatible with the Personal System/2 version. Micro Channel adapters for the PS/2 will function in the RISC
NtrtrarShrub Ntrrdsrr
liawabytaa Ctsntrtbuting Editssra Wendy Woods, Wayne Yacco, Dana Blankenhorn Jon Pepper, Steve Gold, Peter Uekinis, Ken Takalmhi, Natsyuki Yazawa, Paul Zucker, and Grant Buckler Editorial Aaaiatant Gtaeme Bennett Contributing Writara Graeme Benneu,John C Dvorak, Roedy Green, Cathalynn labonte4mith, Steve St-Laurent
Proofreader Nenll Calvert
Office Ilanagar Dhann Kaur Khaha Cover Daaign a Artwork Graeme Bennett, after an illustration by Adobe Systems Inc.
Advarttatng Salsa Hari Smgh Khalsa Production Carolyn Howse, Graeme Bennett, Hari Singh Khalsa Diatribution Dayal Singh Khalsa Printer Vanpress Printers Subacriptiona
The Computer Paper is published monthly.If you would tgte The Computer Paper mailed directly to your home, please send. achetlue for 619.95 to Suite 6, 5661 W. 4th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. V6R IPZ Telephone
(604) 75$5596. This willcover mailing and handbag for I't iwucs in Canada American sutncripdons please send $55in US Panda Ovetseas pleasesend 660 Canadian. This is Volume S, No. 7 July, 1990 The Computer Paper, Western Canada's Computer Information Source, is published by Canada Computer Paper Inc.All righw reservccLReproducdon in whole or in part without the p of the Publisher is snicdy prohibited. Unsolicited material is gatefully accepted, butwe can't be responsible for retutning it unien it is accompanied by aselfoiddressed envelope. Prei'orred format on 5 I/O" Diskettes inA sai (teat) formator Mac disks.O ryou can upload your informs. tion to 'Ibe Computer Paper secdon on Mindliink BBS Alberta OIBcm P.O. Box 6144 Settion 'D' Calgaty A(berm TBP SC7 (405) 2624757
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Canada Computer Papor Ino. Suite 8, 5661 W. 4th Ave. Vaneeuver, B.C. V6R 1PR
Phone: (604) 7355$96 FAX 75MKO
Sincerely, Paul Strain
Type "ComputerPaper when signing on.
BBS Number. Mhtdlink 576-1214
I July 'eo
The Computer Paper
R ICOH OFFERS ADEN T O . MIILKK STANDARD FAX A PC SCANNER CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U.SA,, 1990JUN 4 (NS) — Ricoh was demonstrating its DX-1 Fax adaptor at the summer Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago. This unit allows a standard fax to serve as a scanner for input into a personal computer.
C HEKA C T E l 2
Ricoh Corporation is based in West
Caldwell, NJ. (Saul Feldman/19900604/Press Contact Mark Stanton, Ricoh Corporation,
to reunite them. Th e
l n t erport 586
laptop's ability to link to any Interport Station desktop unit without special set-
up routines is designed for multiple station/oaice operations Contact Ogivar Technologies Inc., Suite 590 601 W Hastings, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5A6 (604) 684-5220.
trailing edge of high technology," bought about 4,000 Lisas and took
5,700 on consignment.When Sun purchasedonly 1,000of the consigned units, the rest, 2,700, were carted by Apple Computer employees, to the load landfill.
i I
The print is actually blacber than original EP.
i •
i I
LO I IOEII LIFE40' — k more prints per cartridge. i • i
THE STROKE OF A PEN YORKTOWN HEIGHTS, N.Y. IBM researchershave advanced the leading edge ofcomputer-based character recognition by approaching the problem of how to recognize letters &om a new perspective. Their experimentalsye tern, called Paperlike Interfikce, employs a stylus Sc tablet to record handwritten
text. Whereas conventional OCR software takes scanned information and
compares discreet groups of strokes, or
characters, with existing templates to
with any order of
5 or more recharges For aSuperiorQuality Product on site
arid Hassle Free Service, Call
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100'snflaser8 OataPrndnctsly QMS authorized dealer Hewlett Packard R icoh U.D .P. 0y s a n Wa n g N.E.C. Okidata Genicom Canon Brother A p pl e Ep s o n Pa nasonic i.B.M. Kan zaki A very AII O ifigfIEII! Superior Laser Supply is pleased to introduceOflice Evoluiionas our representatives in the Qkanagan Valley. Pls call 862-3999 or 493-0555 for service. I
"recoypize" them, Paperlike Interface catalogues the individual strokes allowing x'ecognition of characters that run together or even overlap. The research effort has as its goal the computer recognition of cursive writing.Just as work is being donein voice recogniton where a computer is programmed to respond only to one person'svocalpattexns, IBM's ressearch promises a similar breakthrough forrecognifion ofanindividual's writing style. Beyond that horizon appears the potential for recognition of scientific or musical notation, even written gestures.
MONTREAL Canadian computer vendor, Ogivar Technologies, has launched Interport, a 586-based workstation with detachable laptop unit. Interport is available in 586SX (20MHz with six ISA slats) or in 586-55DX (55MHz with six EISA slots) configurations. The link between the 9.8lb.laptop and desktop units is cable-less, requiring only one motion
who essloganis "the
Sun Remarketing,
Y our Re c h a rge S p e c i a l i s t s
ConfactIBM Research Division, Yorktown Heights,N.Y. (914) 945-1265.
The decision to bury the precursors to the Mac anne after Sun could not meet Apple's price to buy the machines outright.
C.gckycl c,'ter'$
The systexn consists of a$799 45-pound hardwareunitand a $275 software package. This system is currently available for MicrosofLWindows. An MS-DOSversion will ship m two weeks and the Macintosh version will be available inJuly. With this system, users can scan single pages into their fiux and transfer the image to their computer. PC versions indude Hijaak,a graphics fi le convex sion program. The Macintosh unit requires no file conversions. The DX-1 will allow users to transmit files via fiux directly &om their computers. In addition, the system will let the fax serve as a printer. The DX-1willworkwith any Group Three fiix. It can use the computer's memory for background fiuc apphcations induding sequential broadcasting and storage of distribution lists.
CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA, U.SA., 1990 JUN 12 (NB) — Some2,700 Lisas went to their graves in Utah after a decision was made to bury the computers rather than rebuild them. Apple initiated the decision in concert with Sun Rexnarketing, a Logan UT firm which upgrades Lisas to the operational equivalent of Macintosh Plus.
Bellevue, Wash. Companies interested in a &ee listing in the annual computer industry guide Noyfhxueef High Tech should act soon. The publisher, Resolution Business Press,will mail out detailed questionnaires over the next few weeks to gather information for company profiles. These will be published in the 1991 edition, scheduled to
lfYOU DON'T SHOP AT DOPPLER YOU' RE NOT SHOPPING FOR COMPUTER PRODUCTS! Windows 3 99 PC Tools e Te Raven 9101 229 HP lip Laser 1949
be released at the end of this year
More than 1,200 software, hardware, and sales/service related companies &om Washington, Oregon, Idaho, British Columbia, and Alberta were induded in this year's edition. Companies not previously listed should
contact: Resolution Business Press at
11101 N.E. EighthSt., Suite208, Bellevue, Wa. 98004 (206) 4554611.
DoppLEpcoMpmEn ~a~w~sv.,A.. CFIRE
c z c cze<
I 80O~] $80(
Th e c omp u terpaper/ July'SO
Nzw Views '% %el ealle ewew
QQ R l a h e ll N O W O yl 4w N
ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Usta., 1990JUN 5 (NB) — Some in the media criticized the Spring Comdex show for the lack of attendance by big-name fltms like IBM and Microsoft, but a tour of the show floor found interesting trends in abundance.
For a simplified, intnitioe accounting system, fust & flexible reporting & cnnent information, then look ut
Nzw VIsws. • Visual approach to accounting Novices to Experts
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Key Tronic Corp. of Spokane, WA, best known for its keyboards, showed a prototype ofits%6SX notebook computer. The box weighs under 5 pounds, has a furze screen and keyboard, and runs on AA batteries. It includes an innovative "jkey mouse", which takes up the space of one key on the keyboard and can control a cursor on the screen. The two adjacentkeys to the "mouse" can be used as mouse buttons. The computer will be sold on an OEM (original equipment manufacturer) basis, meaning consumers will see it later this year with a variety of different nameplates. It may give Toshiba's Dynabook a run for its money.
e No Bmit to number of companies,
reports, «ccotmts or transactions e Complete audit-trails,
multi-level security ik automatic crash Tecovery
FREE Seminar
on new version 1.13
July 26, 1990 Auyast 23, 1990 September 20, 1990 Introductory NewViews 8r,
Intermediate NewViews Workshops held monthly. CalI for details. TXL 1Nauagement Systems, Inc.
6528A Victoria Drive Vancouver, B.C.. USP 3X9
Hewlett-Packard showed signs of chsdlenging the Japanese giants on their own unf. The company exhibited competitive products in markets the Japanese are used to dominating — printers,
Authorized Master Dealer Training Centre
Ph.: (604) 322-6198 Fax: (604} 321-6938
storage devices, and laptop computers. They were mainly arrayed kcing the nearby Sharp booth. Hewlett-P~ also demonstrated scanners and an erasable optical drive with 650 megabytes of capacity per disk, which is shipping now."Thecoreof thatdrive comes from Sony, Jack Huaman of HewlettPackard told us, "but we' re developing our own core." Hewlett-Packard isalso taking on Microsoft with its New Wave operating environment, which was displayed in the booth. For the Japanese, meanwhile, it was business as usual. Panasonic showed its line of printers, platters and PCs, but the biggest crowd in its booth was gathered around its opticaldiskdrives,which won't ship until November. They'read and write data up to 1 million times. Sharp emphasized color laptop technology in its booth, with a line which runs thegamut from the4-pound 6200 to the 28 pound MultiColor%6, which sports a fast Intel 386 chip, an 80 megabyte hard driveand 2 megabytes of memoxy for about $10,000. Still, larger crowds stood around a display of its TFT thin-fllm color screen technology. That TFF thin-Qm color screen is evexything it's cracked up to be, judging from crowd reaction to prototypes shown at the Comdex show. Hitachi, Sharp and Toshiba all exhibited the screens, which were razor-thin yet displayed incredibly sharp color, whether used as computer screens, overhead projectors or plain TVs.
The Japaneseare also becoming more savvy about the U.S. market, and upgrading their fax product lines. JefF Holloway of Hitachi said his company will introduce a hig~ p a c ity plain paper fax machine caned HiMail at the National Oflice Machine Dealers Association show in Las Vegas next month. Holloway satd the HIMad umt is like having your own post ofBce for national and international fax. Two European companies were also making their presence felt in the U.S. computer market at this show. Olivetti was demonstrating a full line of PCs in a room oK the show floor, incluchng a unitrunning the newIntel80486chip. Magnavox, a division ofN.V. Philips of Holland, made abigger splash through its new HeadStart division, which it purchased earlier this year. That unit introduced the 500CD, a $2,700 PC which contains a CD-ROM player as well as a floppy drive, Intel 80886SX chip, an 80 megabytehard drive, 2 megabytes ofmemoryand VGAgraphics. The CD-ROM drive, unfortunately, only conforms to the High Sierra text standard, and cannot run CDs containing graphics.
COMDEX SPRINGt WORDPKRFECT HOLDS BACK UPDATE ATLANTA, GEORGIA, U st., 1990 JUNE 4 (NB) — WordPerfect had planned to offer Version 5.0 of its
• •
e "
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FAX • Raven fax $1288
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- Sat. 9;30-8:00PM Due to the large volume of telephone calls yye receive we may Twx beable to discuss the details of a parlicttlsr package = please come in artd see us st the stnreMon, for a more detailed discussion
The Computer Paper I July '90 WordPerfect Officeprogram at this Spring Comdex, but decided to hold back owing to delays in producing the documentation. The package was promised for later this month, possibly in time for the PC Expo show inNew York In addition, the company announced it w ill soon issue an update for i t s DrawPerfect program, which first shipped last March. Version 1.1 features a runtime module for the distribution of
Norcross, Georgia displayed one unit which features the chip on a plug-in board. The motherboard contains a fast 586 chip. "We think this is the highlight of the show," said vice president~es John Morrison, who noted thatif the486 board breaks, the 886 can still run with noreductioninperformance. Other 486 vendors at this show indude Olivetti, Acer, and Systems Integration Associates of Chicago,which showed a 486 machine using the EISA bus.
onscreen slide shows, new presentation
advance options, a "go to" inenu which can help direct viewers to other slides, and otherdrawing features.The update will ship inaboutaweekandwill cost$15 for individual users who own veraon 1.0. Responding to increased interest in Microsoft Windows since Version 5.0 was released last month, WordPerfect announced it will develop a version of its flagship word processor for Windows before it develops a version for the Presentation Manager. This is a reversal of
its earlier position, and a victory for Microsoftover IBM. "We saw the light,"said spokesmanJdfAcerson, "and responded to our users. The company denied that delays in delivering Presentation Manager 2.0 weie behind the decision. Finally, Word Perfect demonstrated its
new "hold jockey" feature on its customer support lines. A disk jockey has been hired to monitor the company's 200 support lines and tell people how many peopleare waiting in hne ahead of them toask questions, and howlong they
can expect to wait, depending on the nature oftheir query. Background music plays in the background, and the announcer also reads ads for upcoming versions of WordPerfect products. (Dana Blankenhorn/19900604/Press Contact: Kathryn P o nd-Sargent, WordPerfect,801-222-5004)
COMDEX SPRING: WINDOWS, 486 ARE MAJOR COMDEX 'IRKG)S ATLANTA, GEORGIA, U.S.A., 1990 JUNE 4 (NB) — The two major technical trends at this Comdex show come Rom
companies which aren't even exhibiting, Microsoft and Intel. Microsoft Windows 8.0, which finally shipped late last month, has brought excitement back to the PC platform.
Existing Windows developers, indutbng Samna, report great increases in speed and performance fortheir products un-
der 5.0, which breaks the 640K memoiy barrier. "Version 8.0 truly makes Windows 'a viable platform, said Bill Jones of Samna. "The enhanced memory addressability makes applications run much fitster, and fakes full advantage of the PC hardware."Major vendors of connectivityproductslike DCAand Eicon also ported their software to Windows, and WordPerfect announced itwill now produce a Windows version of its flagship word processor ahead of a Presen tation Manager version. As for Intel, the promised 486 machines of last MI are now working all over the show floor. American Megatrends of
Perhaps the most interesting comments on the 486 came &om Patrick Lee, vice president of Pioneer Computer, Fremont, California. "The fastest growing end of the marketis theUnixworkstation area, and Intel knows that, he told Newsbytes. Lee says Intel told him they will ramp up production of the 486 even if they have to sacrifice 586 production
lit +
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Truly Low Cost Low Hassle Networking
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to do it
ANEWWAYTO L1<ANNTO PLAYTHE PIANO CHATSWORTH, CALIFORNIA, U.SA., 1990JUN 2 (NB) — Ifyou alwayswanted to learn to play the piano and were embarramed to be in a group and intimidated by a piano teacher, your golden opportunitymay have arrived. The Software Toolworks has introduced The Miracle Piano Teaching System that combines a special cartridge for your Nintendo Entertainment System, an adv anced e l ectronic k e yboard, a patentpending interfitce and artificial
intelligence (AI) technology. The system takes people of any age through customized, videobased piano lessons. According to the company, the system can have anyone playing one- and twohanded melodies within hours. The system uses a personalized assortment of drills, musical pieces and games (for adults and children) to teach piano technique fundamentals. Using AI, the system knows which key is being pressed and can isolate and identify trouble spots in note recognition, rhythm and fingering. As a student progresses, the system will offer to play one or both hands, slow the temp, display the keys being pressed, add a metronome oreven provide a full orchestral background to the exercise.
• 20MB Hard Drive 40msw/Card..$329.00 • 30MB Hard Drive 40mew/Card ..$359.00 • 40MB Hard Dnve 40 msw/Card ..$399.00 • KEI 16MHz ATURBO386 SX w/Monitor • Panasonic 1124 Pnnter w/cable ...$439.00 8, 4PMBHardDrive ( 28 ms).....$1,499 00 • Panasonic 1180 Printer w/cable ...$259.00 • KEI 12MHz ATURBOw/Monitor 8 • Fujltsu DLWpp printer wada ble ...$65$.00 40MB HardDrive....................... $1,14$.00 • 1200 Baud Internal Modem ............$05.00 • KEI 12MHz XTurbo w/Monitor .....,$599.00 •2400Baud InternalModem ............$99.00 • KEI 20MHz ATURBO3&6 w/Monitor
& 40MBHardDrive (28 ms).....$1,949.00
• Logitech C7 Serial Mouse ...............$70.00
wN& WONDER Qrd ........-..-.-.$6$9.00
• Logilech SS Hi ResSerial Mouse $05 00
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FREE DexxaTwo-buttonMouse with any 386 1139 E. HASTINGS ST. VANCOUVER, B.C. V6A 153
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The keyboard can operate standalone as well as with the system. The keys are fullsized and velocity-sensitive and there is a foot pedal to enable sustaining of notes.
The system comes equipped with stereo headphones for shy players who want privacyand can be connected to a stereo system for those who like to perform for a larger audience. Dudley Moore,the well known comedic actor who is also an accomplished pianist has been named official musical consultant for The Miracle Piano Teaching System and will appear in all the advertising scheduled to begin in the FalL The Miracle Piano Teaching Systein retails for $299.95. (Janet Endrijonas/19900613/Press Contact: Deborah Brown, HWH Enter-
Sale good value but quantities are limited.
' @~ '~ ~> ~IIE I~ IA IiII/g/g hh
Canada Portable Computer 204-2018956th Avenue, Langley, B.C. V3A 3Y6 . Telephone 604-584-6441 1- N 0 - 6 68-1061
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The Computer Paper / July '90 I
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If youshopfor thecheapest you'l probahlyfind it. gut low pricescomefrom cutting cornersonquality, saving
centsnow,hut costing dollars later —to say nothing of the hassleandheartache. Let StrachanComputersshowyouwhy it paysto invest alittle moreinequipment that wil endure.
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80286F system ---------81399 •
• s )
HO formolling — — -- — — - +$20 05E8 KEYBOARD UPGRADES Micm-tower (286,386SX) — — - + $89 Mini-tower (386) — — — — — +$99 Tower+$119
80386-25H system ------S2399
IIARD DRIVE UPGRADES 80 Mb24msvoicecoil upgrade — +$399
MaNITOR a VIDEOUPGRADES 14'amber TII. -+$49 White — +$59 44'dual videomonitor — -+$99
14'VGA white — — — — — +$229 V GA colour 640x 480 .41dp +$39 9 VGAcolour 640x 480+$529 VGAcolour 800x &00.+$629 VGAcolour 1024x 768 — +$ 1 49
MS-OOS --- — — ——- ----- — ———— —-$84 Eight-in-One -- —— ——----- — — -$S9 NS $Works--- — — ——- -- —---- — — -$149 f'tnesse — -------------- — --- — -$149 WordPerfect 5.1 — ——--------- — $32S PCTools—--- — — — —— — — -$99 ProfessorDO S— —— ——- ———— -$59 Wordfor Windows—— — — -- —— -$469 Windows 3.0——— ——— —— — — $129 •• s
80386-33 cache system--S3299
2-buttonmouse----$59 Joystick port — —-$56 3-buffon mous — — $99 Joystick -- —— — $S9
IZEimm 2400-boud int. ---$1 SS 2400-baudext. -$18S Cable ——————
——----- — —$1S
HKEH Raven9101---- $259 Raven 2465 — —-$689 Raven2417—— —$449 Cable—— ——-$1S Roland laserEP800 — — - - - — -$1 599 Roland laserI.P11IO—— ----- — -$1899
3.5-inch 720KRopJty drive --- — — — $106 3.5-inch1.44 MbRoppy drive —— —— -$119 e' : s e i ' I 5 .25-inch 360KRoJtpy drive — -- — $9 9 5.25-inch 1.2Nbloppy drive—--- — $119 Mono/CGA 14"——$225 VGA white —---$299 VGA 640 x 480 .41dp — — — — -$S39 oggeQ g ia VGA640x 480 .31dp — — $639 gondwel8310 l AT— — — $2999 VGA 800x 600multisync — — — — $139 gondwel8200 l XT $1299 VGA1028x 768——$919 Atmi Portfolio — $429 laser PC3 — $23S
mm Oatatrain — $699 Raven — — $1399
C I. E A R A N C E 5205Tfm — -- — — — — $389 •e •••e e 520STfm upgradedto 1040ST — — -$S89 T WO-Y E A R W A R R A N T Y Nicre saverAT(ESP) — — $199 Nonochreme monitor— — — $219 External 3.5-inchdrive 800K- — — -$299 saver386(ESP) — — — —— — $239 Colourmonitor——————$409 30-Nbharddrive $699 Micro laser printerSi.804(demo)— - — — --$999 50-Mbharl drive — — — $169 Powerbar — — — ———— — — $24 Portfolio — — ———— — — -- — $429 80-Nbharddrive — — ---- — — — -$1199 PRICESUBJEO'TO CHANGE Softwareat spedalprices!
Leam WordPerfect and other popular software packages
from as little as $1 0 a day. Phone West Vancouver store for details on courses offered. 986-6424 Mon-Fri t 2-5 p.m.
P ARTN ER S W A N T E O We are expanding and need partners for new store management. If trou are interested, please call Richard at 984-8500.
HEAD OFFICE 1445 MAIN STREET, V7J 1C9 MON - SAT 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. TELEPHONE: 984-8500 FAX: 984-6486
COQUITLAN LINCOLN CENTRE —.SUITE 106 3020 LINCOLN AVENUE, V3B 6B4 MON — FRI 12 p.m. — 5 p.m. (other times by appointmenO TELEPHONE: 942-0370
WEST VANCOUVER 202- 1760 MARINE DRIVE MON — FRI 12 p.m. — 5 p.m. (other times by appointmen8 TELEPHONE: 926-6424
The Computer Paper I July '90
APPLE APPLE AND AINIKICAN FILM INSTITUIX FORM PARTNIKSHIP CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA, U.SA., 1990 JUNE 1 (NB) — The American Fihn Institute (AFI) and Apple Computer will combine resources to integrate computer technology into the film and television community. Apple will donate over $1 million in Macintosh equipment to the newly created AFI/ Apple Computer Center for Fibn and Videomakers in Los Angeles.
In October, Apple is expected to unveil two new lowest machines:an under$1,000 entry-level 68000-based Macintosh,and a lowest 68050-based modular machine with a 40 megabyte hard drive and two megabytes of RAM.
on boards. Apple is expected to unveil two lowest laser printers in July designed to com-
pete against lowest offerings from Hewlett-Packard, among others. The
Personal Laserwriters NT and SC are expected to cost $5,500 and $2,500 respectively.
Various reports indicate the new lowcost machine, intended to compete with a slew of budget-priced IBMwompatible dones on the market, will replace the the-line Macintosh, and will have a built-
in hard drive, monitor,and a slot for add-
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 1990 MAY 51 (NB) — Austel, the Australian telecommunicafions authority, is to purchase a
Sculley reportedly says that a new laptop computer will not be among products to be introduced later this year, "but Apple is working in that area, he said.
Macintosh Plus, the current bottomwf-
Macintosh network for its administrative needs. The system will consist of SE/50 and IIcx workstations plus a DOS file server for the existing accounting system.
The Macswere chosen "because of their
Apple ChairaianJohn Sculley, on hand for the announcement, said the center will open thisfall, and proclaimed, "AFI's historywith and commitment to the tele-
vision and film community combined with the breadth and power of Macintosh technology, will provide the tools and information necessary to assist and inspire the visual artists of today and tomorrow." .
The Center is also expected to aid Apple in iis development of multimedia applications for its Macintosh line.
For Your Local Area Network, Connect Up With Network-OS~. A "TRULY" Affordable and Full-Featured Network Solution.
Specifically, the center will feature avariety of Macintosh systems for demonstrations, training, conferences, and research and development. The center will offer workshops that explore and integrate computer technology into all phases of the creation and production process. Workshop topics will indude issues concerning p r o d ucing, di r e c ting, screenwriting, annnation, editing, cinematography, production design, scoring, and music editing.
Network-OS is a I 00%IBM NetBIOS Compatible Local Area Network (LAN) operating system written for IBM PC-DOS/MS-DOS and 8088/8086, 80286 and 80386 based microcomputers.
Access to the center will be available to
devices in it or attached to it.
screenwriter, directors, producers, production designers, editors and all members of the filmmahng community. Announcing the new relaiionship, AFI Director Jean Firstenberg explained: filmmaking is grounded in a rich tradition of combining creative vision and technical invention. The institute is dedicated to providing the resources of the future for filmmakers so that they continue to challenge the elements of current technology. The AFI/Apple Center can play a significant role in supporting the synergy of art and science and promoting growth in the creative realm of film, television and video." Contacts: Emily Lashn, American Film Institute, 218456-7690; Patty Tulloch, Apple, 408-974-5449
Any program that operates in that environment will operate with Network-OS.
Network-OS supports thePC/MS-DOS and Novell operating system file and record locking schemes. Therefore, software written for Novell will operate successfully in the Network-OS environment. Network-OS is a peer-to-peer LAN, enabling true resource sharing. No dedicated file server is
required. Each station on a Network-OSLAN can be a Netserver, thereby sharing any or all
User "Personalities" are transportable throughout Network-OS. Any user can log onto any
available network station, and by utilitizing the User Registration system, appear to be working on their own computer with familiar disk drive, program and printer assignments.
Other Outstandin Features: • •
Supports all printers
attached to the network. Highly conformant to
Multiple servers permitted. LAN card independent
Over 50 network
Easy installation.
interfacecards supported
DiskCaching provided.
Supports up to 255 users.
cations support.
ISO/ OSI model.
Low cost - per node
Asynchronous communi
E-mail /conferencing Bulletin board/filling (optional) Bridging among two or more Network-OS. (opt.)
Call ustoday for your nearest dealer. A PPLE PRICE C UT S H N I S H E D "MORE OR LESS" CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA, U.SA.,
1990 JUN 12 (NB) — Apple Computer President John Sculley has said that his more or less for thisyear. His comments indicate that Apple will not further cut its margins on existing hardware before the fall introduction of its lowest-priced machines, which are expected to be priced competitively.
comp anyisfinishedcuttingprices "
SUPER PERSONAL COMPUTER BROKERS INC. Unit 3- 3671 Viking Way Richmond, B.C. Y6V 1W1
Tel: (604) 276-8386
Toll Free Fax Line: 1-800-667-0820
the Computer Paper / July '90 costwffectiveness when considering the total cost of an installation such as training, ease of use and low support needs," according to a statement.
The Macintoshes will operate in four zones, each with its own file server. The four zones will be connected through AustralianMeveloped Multigate gateways.
FINALLY asuper high resolution service specializing in
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U.SA., 1990JUN 4 (NB) — Commodore unveiled its Commodore Dynamic Total Vision (CDTV) at the summer Consumer Electronics Show. Rather than make a big splash about the new system, which is an Amiga capable of playing CDs, it was hidden behind partitions and not shown on thefl oor. There were not even press kits available for distribution in the press room.
POWERPO INPand manyother popular softwareprograms. Genigraphics®Authorized Service Bureau for PowerPointreSlide Imaging: • 8,000 Line Resolution. • Next Day Turnaround.
"..- Pricingstarts at -,-''-
• Same Day EmergencyService. • Custom Slide Design & Production. • Overheads & Handouts.
The system, with a list price of $999, consists of a one megabyte Amiga, a CD player capable of playing audio CDs, CDROMS, and CD+G (audio CDs with a video track). There is no keyboard; rather, input is through a lo-key, 20function infrared hand-held remote unit. The unit connects directly to a television set and a home stereo unit.
V ISION : Vision PresentationsInc. 200-1380 BurrardStreet, Vancouver V6Z2H9 (604) 682-4686 FAX (604) 6824792
Commodore's major selling point is the
CONTEX AT 286-12
0 I
::" • INTEL8038643 CPU
o33 MHz ::::;: • 0 Wait State
• 12' Hl-RES Monitor • Herc. compalibleMono Card • 1:1 HDD/FOD Controller • 1.2 MegRoppyDrhre • 220 WattPowerSupplyCSA • Serial, Parallel & GamePorts • Full Size TowerCase • 101 Enh.Ext.Keyboard
5 3199.00
TURKU-ABO, FINLAND, 1990JUN 13 (NB) — Soft Service of Finland has unveiled Postdriver, a printer driver for the Commodore Amiga that enables users of Postscriptlaser printers to use theprinter with all programs on the Amiga, whether the software supports Postscript printers or not.
oAMI BIOS :::,: o4MB exp. to 16MB
0 ~599 $~ ~ 9 5 HR 386-25 HR 386-33 BaseSystem Base System
",: • Landmark54.5 MHz! I
xT, . I
0 21$9
• 1.2 Mao Roppy Once • Serhl, pnralhl aGamePorta • 101 Enh.EnLKeyboard
BaseSystem Base System
We'lleellyeereld sempster
• 12' Hl-AES Monitor • Herc.compathhMonoCard • 1;1 HOIRID Conlroller
HR 386-20 HR 386-25
:,:::' ,• 64K CACHE I
Contact David Rosen, Commodore, 215431-9100
• INTEL 80386-25 CPU
':"' CONTEX 386-33
H,~lie d
Commodore is IHbsed in West Chester,
• 4 Meyexp.to8 Mey
With the addition of a floppy drive and keyboard, the unit can be upgraded to function asa fully functionalAmiga. The system contains y rear expansion ports and 2 f'ront ports for a stereo headphone and a personal RAM card. Commodore has notfinalize distribution yet but they will launch the product internationally.
• INTEL 80386 - 20 CPU • 20 MHz 0 Wait Shits
CDTVS release during the third quarter of 1990 and 200 titles by the end of the year.Software includes reference material such as a 180,000-word dictionary, cookbook,encydopedia,and atlasaswell as entertainment products from major game companies. Commodore will also manufacture a CD-ROM unit so that existing Amigas can take advantage of the new software.
• AMI BIOS • Landmark:23.5 MHz 1 M Ram exp. to8 Men
as lowas
CONTEX 386-25
titles to be available at the time of the
CONTEX 386-20 386SX
library of CD-ROM software that will be available for the system. They expect 100
$2 7 ?5
All abaveeyelemsinslude:
CPU,1.44MB or1.2NIB,PanaaonicFLDR,IDE HDDIFDDhostadapter, senalI parallel ports, 101 keylao0le keyboard,200 Walt power supply,CSAtotal systemapproved.
o l lt c r •
ontro er • 1.2 MeoFloppyDrive • Serial, Parallel &GamePorts • Full SizeTowerCase • 101 Enh.Ext Keyboard
• r' I
All AboveSystems 2 YSLR WARRANTY!
5 4595.00 ~~~~~ ~
~ ~ ~
SPECIAL:Samsoay14 VGA Color ......4479.00
~ ~ ~~~~
~~ ~~
4444llllainstreet,vancouver, B.c.
~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~
(604) 872-5599
H o urs:Mon.-prl.9-5 sat.10-5 sun.t1-4
The Computer Paper I July '90 Accordingto Len Nongard of SoftService, the software is the fiist package for the Amiga that gives users this capabihty. Pricmg on the package has yet to be decided. The software will slartshipping at the end of this month. Sofk Service daims thatPostdriver is fully compatiblewith Preferences (autTiityon the Amiga) and is therefore very easy to instaL Once installed, the program interceptsnormalprintercommands &om the apphcations software and converts it to Postscript connnands. Contact: Lan Norrgaid, Soft Service,c/ o Electrocity, 4th Hoor, 205ROAbo, Fm-
On GEnie, the program can be found by accessing, in this order, the following menuL Computing, IBM PC Compatibles Roundtable, IBM PC, Software libraries, then Download a File.
PHOENIXANNOUNCES 14 EISA IICENSEES NORWOOD, M A SSACHUSETTS, U.SA., 1990 MAY 90 (NB) — Phoenix Technologies has announced licensing agreements for its Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA) compatibility software with 14 computer vendors. Several more contracts are currentlyunderno~ los ureagreements, Phoenix added. The software, induding a ROM basic inputwutputsystem (BIGS), Video BIGS, Keyboard BIOS andEISA configuration utility, will help the vendors build inachines conforming to the EISAarchitecture.EISA,anval toIBM'sMi«ro Channel Architecture, is backed by a group of IBM~mpatible PC makers, induding
1OOOI of Shadow'are Procirams foI'
Asmore viruses becomeknown and new' versions of the program are available, they can be downloaded &om the Hilgr'reve BBS at 81M48-5915.
Best Prices en Blank Disks Too!
Hilgraevealso makes HyperAccess/5, a telecommunications programwith &ontend virus screening, for $199.
Ref+I Locatlolg 555 Clarke Rd.
Hovre: 10-6 %edit
Coqultlam, BcvsJ sx4
Contact: Robin Shepherd, 408-554.2441
(SQ4) 93844{N
Iand, Teh+%S-2145'le ( S xonly). Email via Internee info@SoS
Call Novo fora Free Catalo
;::,:; CALL N OW~ ..;:,.;,;,,-:: FOR
~~ .>Pj~r
:' • '0:
First there were desktop computers, Then came the laptops. Each offered something that the other did not.
'@~if@~?::":~i si,".
But now there's something that combines the best of both worlds. Because now there's s portable that's easy enough to take with you; yei powerful enough to double as your oNce computer.
i „l:
'-4 P~<x
':.C~Ow s $~g.
You may iuy that sounds like a split personality. We ssy it sounds like the new Altimu One.
Altimii One can run MS-DOS
snd OS/2 with ease. Plus it .feature san impressive80286 microprocessor that speeds to a full 16Mhz, without ever gasping for breath. And though it costs hundreds (even thousands) less, the Altims One comeswith featuresother
Compaq. The companiesnamed by Phoenix are: Advanced Logic Research, Altos Computer Systems, Asus Computer, Copam Electronics, Epson America, Intel, Micronics Computers, Mylex, NKC, Tandy (with its subsidiary Grid System), Tatung, Tulip Computer, Wyse Technology and Ztech Electronic.
12-5 Svn.
«~ uo~ ~ ~~ @ MIN
t erson '
Contact:Richard Levandov, Phoenix,
manufactures call options. Like a bmlt-in 2460 handmodem.And anoptomeebameslmomewith u compartment for storage. And a PC'compatible expansion slot. Altima even remembered to give youmore memory.Becausewith Altims One,you canexpand from one megabyte to five.
HAS VIRUS PROVKCI'ION MONROE, MICHIGAN, U.SA., 1990 JUN 1 (NB) — HCOPY, a fil copy utiTity designed to filter out viruses during file transfers in real-time, has been released to thepublic &ee of charge and can be found on GEnie, and other networks.
Add to this a stunning paper-white LCDbacklit display (you' ve gol to see it lo believe it!); s full function 101-key detachable keyboardwith numeric keypad; a 3.5" L44 megabyte internal floppy drive; plus a40MB baal dishdrive, snd you' ll soon realize why the Altima desktop/laptop is one heck of a computer. Or is it two?
HCOPY, according to its creators at Hilgraeve Inc., works like the COPY command found in the DOS operating system, and adds a level of protection against virus infections. HCOPY detects 68 different viruses by using data &om IBM and its Virus Scanning Program. If a requested file is infected with any of the known viruses, HCOPY disphys a warning identifying the virus and allows the user to abort the filecopy request before the virus has a chance toinfect the computer, according to the company.
"a (rue bargain" — PC Laptop "ialiillr hail/ k designs" —Carnpuier Paper erganarni<alii'. ir .i ilreain lime — PC Maga=inc
es lr. > mrna g
'"'""'" Westcoast Computers
1915 Lonsdale, North Vancouver, B.C. %6-7680
The Compwter Paper / July 96
• Iw
JUN 4 (NB) — At the software sumxait session of the Spring Comdex show, hosted by SoR'Letter publisherJeffxtey Tarter, the major topic of conversation was f'rom a compaay which wus not exhibiting at the shoar. Windows 8.0 f'rom Micxosok, Rod Turner of Symantec, Carole Patton cxf the ACKnowledge newsletter on Windows, Mark Eisner oF Sokbridge, Paul Grayson of and Cameron Myrxvoid oFMicrosoft all predicted that 14 millioa copies of the INIdulge will be in useby the eud of the year. But Tarter warned that xuay not be enough copies to make a worthwhile market, noting that 2 million Commodore Amigas are in use worldwide, and that Apple Macin» tosh software developers vrent hungxy when 2 million of those machines were in use. About 50 million IBM PC's and clones are in use worldwide, the panel
r It'.tr.z„e e e&.tp r
lit.i rrgfr~l'.t~ • . teat~~ ar
, p'.x,',','q~i,' taut
Get the full force of Data% ain on track for you. when you get on track wllh DRIRTrain, you ger more than built-in quahly at 8 very Ruraclive price. You get the full force of an entire product family lhst will satisfy the needs ofdemanding, et budget-conscioususes now, Rnd in the lure. Our fully compaffble PC family can be economicnlly upgraded lo meet the everchsnging needsof 8growing business.Prom the convenient laptop porfablllty of the 12 Mhz DPC-2s12 with VGA 2nd IMS RAM, ro the powefulDPC-3333, 33 Mbz and 4 MS ofRAM, lo the DNs-200 NetwRleo compallble workstation„ there is 8 DRIRTrain Product to suit the needs of vhtually any type of business.
Your businesswill Eppredate the quality and reliability of Dais Train prothuxsand the secuifiy of knowingeach modld is backed by a nonousense two year parts Rndsevice wsrrsnfy fromRolandDG Canada. Choke. 918/fty. Reliabilily. Exceptional warranty plus the integrhy snd secufily of RolandDG, CsnRda'6 fnnstQNPecled name in the micro-colnpurer Industry. The powetful forcesof the DataTrah family wN get your businesson crack for you...loday.
Data Train m e
'IRe Datnrrala Fata sy or 9tan atcemputerz
DPC-2812 Ltuttop, 12 Mlu, 60286,uls RAbt, LCD
AGAcusSU%Muss EQUIPNHIT 792-7417
COOIJITLAM Computer Departmentof LONDON DRUGS 939-4677
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Com puter
Defmnment of
DRAM' DNS-300ffenroASaSte, 16Mbz8038fiSX, I MSDRAM' Iftareoutetto ate IrtNe6r Ireraudt ~
coNcISE sYETmls 756-1604
Computer Deparlmenl of LONDON DRUGS 984-0461
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cxarn cxINFUTERE 73446N
inobennl 668-2380
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COMPUTER PLACE 688-2992 LCS LOGIO 299-1 231
Pattoa suggested Lotus Development may be in trouble if it resists Microsoft's suggestions on how to address fuactioas withia Windows, as users become accustomed to a standard way of using the environment."We have a contest developing between corpoxate America «nd Jim Manzi, aad I' ll bet on coxporate America."
msphy. voh
DPC-I000PC,8068, 10 M bz,768 ES RAM, DOS DPC-2200 12 Nu 80286 IMS RAM VGA VIdeo' DPC-2112 12 Mbz, 60286, 640KS RAM, CGA' DPC-211212 Nu„80286 IMR RAM, VGA' DPC-301616 Mlu, 80386SX, 2MS Rhbl, DOS' DPC-3325, 25 Mtu, 80366. 4MS RAM. VGAVIdeo' DPC-3333. 33 Mbz. 803$6,4MS RAM, 6486 fast tudte memaQ' DN9-200 Neustzk Salon, 12 Nu 80286. 640 ES
FDI' Inoreinformation onDataTrain products, call or visit your Ixtuthorized Data TrainDealer. CAMPBELL RIVER ODYSSEY COMPUTERS
As the number of%indows users dimbs in the next few years, however, new opportunities will be created for "breadaad-butter' business applications, the p anel indicated, and some of t h e industry'sbigaames could be in trouble. 'Two kmds of companies won't do vrell". those that don't recognize Graphical User Interfaces, or ~'8, and those who don' have t the know-how to develop the products well, said Turner. "The market won't just go to those who use the latest GUI du jour."
Computer Deperlmenl of LONDON DRUGS
Contact: John James, R05-964-9000;
TempReps, 801-'yS1-7005
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, 1990 MAY 50 (NB) — Microsoft Ward for Windows, the graphics word processor available for Wmdows KI I and above has a potentially serious bug which can cause problems when installing the package on a PC. Although upon installation Word for Windows recluestsat least $5 MB (megabytes) of space oa disk, the software's installation routines will proceed with installation even if this disk space is not available. When this is the case, installing the program wipes out the keyboard driver on the host system. As a result, Windows can ao longer be used or reinstalled, because the keyboard locks up when the program is booted.
Cmnpufer Department of
Brands endtrrtthtct namesidsnired by e areOttt8ttnarbsor rttslsbttadIrarnsnarka oI their eapedhe elttpanbtz
It has been reported that the bug does not occurwhen agenuine IBM keyboard is connected.The software company is worhng on a genexal solution but, according toarepresentative for Microsoft,
The Computer Paper / July '90 no decision on how to proceed has yet been made.
NEW' FOR IM: Network Courier SuIIIIortsWinIIows S.O
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, 1990 MAY28 (NB) — Consumers Software has announced that its electronic
mail sofbvare, The Network Courier, will support MicrosoftWindows 5.0. The announcement is not Consumers' Srst foray into Windows, spokesman Michael Shandrick told Newsbytes. Consumers sold a Network Courier version for Windows 1.0. The company also developed aversionfor Windaws2.1,which was provided to a few customers but not
activelysold.ButWindowsS.Qwasneeded to support what the company really wanted to provide. Consumers, which was a beta-test site for Windows 5.0, has been champing at thebit to get itsWindows 8.0 product to market, Shandrick said. "Our users obviously wanted to upgrade along time ago," he added.
",v Y
W ind owssupportrequiresaU8$595userinterface module which resideson the
network server along with the basicNet-
" „-
.L ~.,
work Courier software. i
:iv Y
Consumers also announced that Network Courier will interconnect with the worldwide Notice 400 messaging service operatedbyInfonet ofElSegundo, CahforniaNotice400carrieselectronicmail, facsimileand telex transmissionsto more than 100countnes, according tolnfonet.
Contact Michael Shandrick, ConsumersSoftware,60448W548; Infonet,218M54875
CANADIAN NEWS LOTUS CANADA SEGINS SHIPPING NOTES' TORONTO, ONTARIO, 1990 MAY 29 (NB} — Lotus Development Canada has begun shipping Notes, the company's big-ticket groupware product. KarlMeema, corporate marketing representative for Lotus here, said the Canadian arm has no Arm orders for Notes yet,but dedded there were prospects sufliciently promising that it was time to put the staff and marketing resources in place. "We had a lotof sales sites that vre looked at that we said we' ve got the opportunity to dose them," he said. Notes is designed to permit sharing of text, numeric aud gtuphic information through networks,both locally and over wide areas. In Canada, an initial license covering as many as 20Q seivers and worksuitionswimcostC$75,000. Licenses for further machiueswillcostC$559each. Lotus plans to sell the software d'uectly ratherthan through dealerL
I+ I
in the race far quality, speed and affordability„ the compact e q uipped to back up Raven's one year warranty with first dass Ravens Lp-800 personal Laser printer is way ahead of the pack. service. Outstanding feitures, prke, and support that will with a quiet printing speed of 8 pages per minute and its'.~~E translate into greater efficiency and savings for your business, Hpe Laserlet fi emulation mode, the LP-800 gives businesses F o r speed. Quality. Reliability. Nothing beats the Raven,. : »-,',:. LP-800 Personal Laser Printer.: -. the edge,without the high price tag. Superior paper tnanagement with a large 250 sheet cassette and an adlustible manual feed far enVelOPeS labelS and tranSParenCieSPine near LIVelISCriPt GiVeS POStSCriPtI9 SyStettt typeset quaiity {500 dpi} for clear, crisp graphics and type — is .
, -
: -. .
: .
' , .
standard with Raven.
Eleven built-in fonts and downloadable font capability aHDW T h is optional software package gives the LP-800 enuy level high quality word processing and diverse business output. desk t op pubhshing capabilities for considerably less cost than a Postscript printer. RavenScript provides A 512 KB RAM buffer is standard and 22 additional, scaieabie fonts, and the memory can be easily expanded to 1.5, abiTity to run all PC-DOS and MS-DOS-
2.5, or 4.5 MB,
Ail these features and more for nearly half the price of comparable units. And
basal software programs that output PostS cript® Ales, including: Aldus®
PageMaker®, Microsoft® Word, AutoCad®, with more than 1/2-million printers in the WordPerfect®, Corel® and more. Canadian market. Roland DG is the best For more information on Raven products, cell or visit your Authorired Raven Dealer. CAhiPSELL RIVER ODYSSEY 287-3311 VICTORIA ODYSSEY 598~2 ISLAND OFFICE ECUIPIIENT 384-7148 NEW HIA SOFIWARE 360-0821
Contact: Karl Meema, Lotus Development Canada,41697$8MQ
ODYSSEY 753-1133
2764XNB TLD 273-4700
CONTI CollPUTERS 734-0606
&ends end preduct nance idenhxed bys eIe trndennuks ar isNLNsrsdtrademete nt lbeir reepecthre eempeniea
Tte s Com purr Paper I July '96
Goin'ce j
The system managers handle services such as file access, printing and commuxbications for the functional modules, Schoutsen exphined. The general ledger and financial reporting module comes with a basic system manager. Windowing System Manager, which allows multiple Accpac Plus modules to rim in windows under DOS,is an option, as is System Manager/2,which aiiaiws the softtie to run on the OS/2 operating system.
GARDEN CITY, NEW' %)RK, U.SA., 1990 MAY22 (NB) — Computer Associates (CA) hasannounced thatitwill ship Version 6.0 of the Accpac Plus general ledger and fi nancial reporter module, and Accpac Plus system managers, in
TELECOM NEW FOR IBM: Fronted Ayplicationl Software for GEnie ROCKVILLE,MARYLAND, U.SA., 1990 JUN 12 (NB) — The GEnie online information service, &om GE Information Sexvice, now offers a&ee &anted applicationssoftware package for PC's.
The GEnie PC Aladdin software enables PC's to automatically iniiiate access to selected GEnie service online offerings such as GE Mail, RoundTable Bulletin Pxicesare US$895 for the genexal ledger Boards and software libraries at schedmodule, US$195 for the Wmdaiwing Sys- uled times or upon demand. It also altem Manager, U8$245 for System Manlows GEnie service subscribers to preibger/2 and U8$599 for CA's LbnPak pare messages "o6bne prior to GEnie ~d i a n prices are the same doihr fig- service connect chaxgeL ures iu Canadian currency. The GEnie PC Aladdin sc&emepackage ConiacLJohn Schoutsen, Computer As-.. can be downloaded by GEnie service sociates, 604-757=5522; Kristin Keyes, subscribers. at no cost, except for conComputer Associates, 40$922-2510 n ect time, f r o m e i t her t h e P C RoundTableortheAladdin RoundTable on the GKnie service. For more information, call 800/658-9656.
These are the firstin a series of releases expected tio bring all Accpac Plus mod« ulestoVexsion 6.0level by the end of this year. John Schoutsen, of CA's Micro Products Division in Vancouver, said there is no ofilcial timetable for releasing the other modules. The company said Version 6.0 fits int its recently announced CA 90s strategy for application poriabihty. Enhancements in the general ledger module indude redesigned data entry screens and the abiTity to create an unlimited number of
mo~mc~mmo NEVER COSTS YOU MORE RSYeA nabarraia m
HATES SHIPS ULTRA 96OO, UPGRADES SMARTCOM III ATLANTA, GEORGIA,U.KA., 1990MAY 29 (NB) — Hayes Microcomputer Products, the one-time kings of the modem business who have been su8'ering reduced margins and layoffs aver the last year„finallyshippeditsUltxa9600modem to North America. The modem, which follows the VUI2
QateTralo 5peteme .. .........CALL 65C'NA VGAiaiaoeync.. .. . .5575 NEC2Qbb oobor. ..$555 Neeaoxep ....................... CALL Som lae o12212 ....... 5 5 .
. .
ATI Gbt Woorter ................ . 1TG ATI VGA Wonderwl25IIK 0255 tterroaoo CompCaitt ..... ........550 Coalll PC QLX ..„....,....... . . .
IUUKA boeaboordiiST2ILTIQ .....
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modulation standard and V.42bis errorcontroland daiacompression standards, as well as Hayes' older propxietaxy standards, is priced at$1,199. Said President and Founder Dennis Hayes: "Ultra 9600 represents the success of our first truly global product design. We have already received BABT approvals for the United Kingdom and are moving rapidly to obtain approvals in 50 other countries." Hayes also announced upgrades for its Smartcom Ill program and Smartcom II for the Macintosh. Both products were enhanced to provide the V.42bis data compression and errorworrection algorithxus which bring th e e f f ective throughput ofa 9600 baud modem to 58,4N bits/second. The software also supporisthe Hayes Enhanced Serial Port, which amows for these Sist file transfers even on slower computers. Smartcom II
for the Macintosh Version 5.2 also supports the ZMODEM transfer protocol, which allows users to send files to an unattended remote system. Upgrades for Smarticom III to Version 1.2 will cost$55 starting June 25.
Upgxwdes for Sm artcomll for theMacintosh to Version 5.2 will cost $2$ starting the same date. Users who bought their software after March 1 will be upgraded &ee. Finally, Hayes announced a strategic relationshipwith Phylon Communications of Fremont, CA. The relationship has aheady resulted in the joint develop-
ment of a Axmycomphant CCITT V82 modem module &om Phylon, the PHY96H, which meets global requirements. The module is contained in the Hayes Ultra 9600. By working closely with Phylon in thedevelopmentand extensive testing ofPHY46H, we have asNxred our customers of a quahty CCflT V.52 modem with improved capabilities that meets Hayes performance standards," said Dennis Hayes. 'Our relationship with Phylon benefits the entixe industry by ofitcxmg a competitive cost and performance alternative to modem engines supplied by Rockwell.' Contact: Sharon O'Bxien, Hayes, 4N4494791
POLICY TO ENCOURAGE XNTIK.LIGENT NIITS WA%HNGTON,D.C., U.LA.,1990MAY 29 (NB) — The United States needs a national telecommunications policy that removes obsiades to mtelligent, digital, interconnected broadband networks, Northexn Telecom has told an agency studying tdecommunications. In a statement submitted to the Nafional Telecommunications and Information Administrafion (NTIA), the communications etluxpment maker argued that present policies inhibit the deployment
of new technology. In particular, Northern said, legal and relpxlatory restraints workagainstthe useofbroadhbndoptical flber for local service. Removing these reslraints would "set in place the in&asiructuxe for the significant economic benefits of an informa-
The Computer Paper I July '$0 tion4ased society," said Roy Merrills, president of Northern Telecom Inc., in the slatement.
Accordingto Northern, localfiber connections could cany cable television signals and other video progianis as well as voice, data and image services. The submission to the NTIAwas made in connection with the agency's Comprehensive Study of the Domestic Telecommunications ln&astructure.
hand, thesame technology can be used bycrhninalstounmaskundercover cops, and by abusive husbands to find their wives.
industry, and although the lists could be combined to create aprofile of your life, mostconsumers don'tobject to the prac-
To some merchants, AM isjustan extension of current mailing-list technology. If you give money to an abortion-rights group, for instance, you' ll soon get mail from feminist magazines. If you give to Pat Robertson's 700 Club,you' ll getmail &om lik — minded organizations. The same is true in packaged goods. Mailinglist management is a mu16billion dollar
ANI, in fact, doesn'tyield nearly the kind of detail on your habits that ~ ed &equent shopperprograms are picking up without trouble. Here, shoppers get cards which record their purchases, and inslantcouponswhich save them money. In return,relsilersleamwhatother goods their customers need, and sell this data to marketers.
Industry has already recognized this power m AM. The Direct Mail Associafion is campaigning against it, knowing that AM will create maiTing lists fiaster, and for less money. Illinois Bell is holding meetings this week with local businesses, helping them create applications for ANI. Dun 8c Bradstreet is selling its direct-mail subsidiaries to concentrate on the online businesses, and you can expect them to use ANI there in some way. Two phone companies, Telesphere and US Sprint, are already selling mam-
Contact: Frank McNally, Northern Telecom, 615-7544216
CALL'Elt I JX: WHATS THE PROBLEM? — Editorial by D. Blnnkenhom A~ B R A ,GEORGIA,U.KA., 1990MAY Sl (NB) — Judges in Pennsylvania have dealt the fiist major legal blow to the Caller ID service. Caller ID is the consumer offering of a technology called Automatic Number Identification. ANI was, in turn, at the heart of a technology called ISDN in the 1980's. Many people called ISDN "I Still Don' t Know" or "I Still Don't Need It," but as it's been rolled out nafionwide it comes to mean two things: digital and two-way communication.
First, each phone line will be digitized, with 2 channels of 64,000 bits/second which canbe used forvoice,fax,or data service. While most voice lines can take the whole 64,000 kilobit hne, voice can also be compressed, and some services have used compression to offer video conferencing within that bandwidth. A Sat madime can send a page every 15 seconds at 9,600 bits/second, and most PCusersare familiarwithmodemswhich work at 2,400 bits/second. Henceforth, all these devices can share the same phone line. The second meaning of ISDN is a twoway signabng channel, running at up to 16,000 bits/second. This is being used, first, to cany callers' numbers to the called party. That's ANI. When ANI is sold to consumers, it's called Caller ID. Until the Pennsylvaniadecision, themain threats to Caller ID were legislative, a California law mandating the right of people to block their numbers &om goingouton aper~ basis,andaproposal by Sen. Herbert Kohl, a Wisconsin Democrat, to offer blockmg nationwide. ANI is already being used, successfully, on three types of calla For emergencies, aservice called Enhanced911 sendsyour number to the police asyou call. This not only cuts out hlse alarms, but helps police find panicked victims, even if they can'tstate their address. On toll-free 800 and caller-paid 900 numbers, ANI is now creating databases and mailing lists so merchants can know what their customers are like, and learn of other likely prospects. Pohceagenciesare of twomindson Caller ID, On the one hand, the technology cuts crank calls, and makes the activities of crhninals easier to trace. On the other
THE SYMBOL OF GUAR A N TEED SATISFACTION AND SOUND SOLUTIONS FOR CORPOR A T E P RODUCTIVITY IMPROVEM E N T . Times are changing. Today' s corporate computer users deserve the best support and services in addition to quality products. As a Systems Integrator, Namtec offers
Specials of The Month Excellent Performance, Excellent Value
complete microcomputer and local area network solutions to any size of businesses, with guaranteed customer satisfaction. Our six years of dedicated experience will provide you with the best solution on: Local Area Network CAD/CAM Equipment Desktop Publishing Systems Complete Accounting Systems Complete Legal Office Automation Multi-user Database Management Systems Call us today to find out more on how to profit from Namtec's solutions to increase your company's productivity.
ACER 915P - 80286, 10MHz System 1Mb 100ns RAM, expandable to 2Mb 5.25" 1.2Mb floppy disk drive 3.5"Conner 40Mb 25ms hard diskdrive Built-in Hercules, CGA, MDA video Two serial and one parallel ports Four months on-site warranty by XEROX Ei htmonthsde otwarranty
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A386 S stem With A286 Price ATP 3$6SX - 80386SX, 16MHz System .. Chips & Technology "NEAT" chip set LM/ EMS 4.0 hardware implementation 1Mb 80ns RAM, expandable to 8Mb 5.25" 1.2Mb floppy disk drive 3.5"Conner 40Mb 25ms hard disk drive Monochrome graphic card and monitor One serial anemone parallel ports One year parts andlabour warranty MS S v 4 .01
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Namtec Systems Inc.
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808 • 1130 West Pender, Vancouver, BC V6E 4A4 Tel: (604) 682-8122 F a x: (604) 682 • 6031
Your Connection In Networking™
The Computer Paper I July '90 ing lists based on their comection of ANI data in 1400 and tolifiee 1400 calls.
OACICIX Computers HIGH QUALITY AFFOROABLE • PRICE • EXCELLENT SUPPORT Vancouver • Calgary • Edmonton • Seattle • LA. • Taipei • Bankok
To the industry, then, ANI just means better marketing, more targeted mes-
sages and less junk maiL Buthere's the beef. ANI is the laststepin a process which will make your lifestyle an open book to anyone who wan|a to open it. With ANI, every call youmike could put you into a database for resale. Using the advanced computers of the 1990's, anyone big enough to access a mainfraine, be they a politician, corporation, a private inves6gator or the government, could "profile your hfestyle with pinpoint accuracy, and, perhaps, use that against you.
With ANI, you'll have no secrets any
more. Thishasprivacyadvocatesalarmed. They see the past, and realize we' ve all lost the war to be le alone. They see a future of politicians blachnailed or citizens harassed because their consuming or calling "profile" matches that of some typeof criminal,and they'rescared. They want rules, now; to control ANI, and harshpenaltiesforviolatorsofthoserules.
Look! Our new, tactile, enhanced keyboards come with 3 templates: Lotus, dBase, Wordstar at no additional charge.
OACICIX? "Shnyly the Best" • Mandax has been in OEM market since 1981. • Proven records allow us to assure you excellent quality 8 support. • %'e do not cut comers by eliminating parity chips or using unreliable components. • Lots of dealers assemble their units by buying CZKAP pieces from different distributors. Who can really guarantee your warranty?
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Coxmoaitment to dealers, VARS A VADS • Directly from manufacturer without going through distributors • No hidden cost with installing or formatting hard drives • Steady and consistent supply with fast delivery • No additional charge for installing and formatting hard drives.
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SpecialEducational, Hospital, 4 Emp loyee Planpackagesavailable, pleaseaskfor details.
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Edmonton: (403) 438<229 Calgary: (403) 288-0833 Offic Hours: Mon - Fr: 890-5:30 Saturday: 9:30-12:30 (Oct. - Dec.)
The battle over ANI will be fought firsti places like Pennsylvania which are the mostfavorable rivacyadvocates. But ANI is also being rolled out in harsher legal climates, from Europe to Asia to La6n America. That's why the aiami is going out now. And it had best be made as loud as possible.
teni toryforp
X.400Gatewaya So&Switch K400 Gateways will connect Notice 400 users through Soft Switch Central on an Infonet dient's IBM mainframe. Sok Switch Central is a maikmchange pro-
gram designed to link 40 difserent Local Area Network schemes, including IBM's Office Vision, PROFS and DISOSS;
Digital's All-in-1 and VMS h4+ Wang
OFFICE; Hewlett-Packard's Desk Manager; Banyan's VINES Mail; 5Com's 5+Mail, Consumers Software's Network Courier; cc: Mail and Enable's Higgins Mail. Contact: Mike Radice, Infonet, 215-5552875; Jane Levene, MCI International, 914-9544480;Donald Fisher,SoRSwitch, R15440-9600
1990 MAY 29 (NB) — Intel Corp. is promising to eliminate all use of chlorofiuorocarbons (CFC's) by 1992, and calls its decision "one of the mostaggressive programs in industty." Citing the environmental damage of CFC's, which are known to destroy the earth's thin ozone layer, Intel Chairman
Gordon Moore proclaimed that his company, "has undertaken an aggressive worldwide program to immediately reduce CFC emissions by implementing good control andconservation practices."
Specifically, Intel isreplacing CFC-based E L SEGUNDO, CALIFO~ U .S A ., cucuit board cleaning equipment with machinery that uses an aqueous-based 1990 JUN 1 (NB) — Infonet, the packet networkwhichis25% owned byMCI, has deaner. The change affects faciTi6es in Oregon, Ireland, Puerto Rico, and announced that it will interconnect its Singapore. The new equipment is exNotice 400 E-mail service with Touch pected tobeonlineinallofIntel's systems Communications' Worldtalk400, which manuSicturmgplantsbytheend of 1990. will allow Infonet's NOTICE 400 customers toexpand theirreach to over 4 Intel says it instituted a comprehensive million E-mail users on local area networks (LAN's) or Unix-based systems CFC Tracking Program in 1987 to assemble data of itsworldwide usage. Since worldwide. that time, using control, conservation,
Touch Worldtalk 400 will permit NOTICE 400 clients to exchange messages through X400 gateways with users of UNIX STMP and UUCP. cc:Mail, Action Technologies' MHS, Microsoft Mail, QuckMail and TOPS' InBox Plus LAN K-mail packages. This announcement closely follows Infonet's announcements that it will interconnectNotice400messal~g service with MCI Mail and Atlas 400. Tests are a lso in p r o gress to c e r tify t h e interoperability of Notice 400 with SoftSwitch X400Gatewaysand Consumeis Software's Network Courier 400.
and alternative manuf'acturing methods,
the company hasreduced itsCFC use by 50 percent. Contact Howard High, Intel, 408-7651488
HP OFFERS TONER CARTRIDGE RECYCLING PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA, U.SA., 1990JUN 12 (NB) — Hewlett-Packard's efforts to recyde spent toner cartridges is designed to reduce the volume ofplastics going into landfills. Owners of HP Laserjet printers are being urged to return their spent cartiidges rather than throw them in the trash, and are being offeredf' ree postage for their efforts.
Notice 400 is based on the X.400 standard for passing messages between systems, approved by the Switzerland-based CCHT, and is accessible in more than 100 countries. Users may also transmit binaiy files via Notice 400 without first converting them to ASCII text.
The recyding program, which started June 1, is running on a test basis through December 51 in ll states: Arizona, Cali-
Infonet also announced it will interconnectitsNotice400servicewith SoRSwitch
Canada by 1991. Similar prognuns have
foinia, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Ne-
vada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. If successful, the progiam will expand nationwide and to
The Computer Paper/ July '90 recentlybeen announced in Switzerland and Germanyand HPplansto expand to other European countries in the near
The agreement takesthe form of a Memorandinn of Understanding regarding intiegration of the US. Global Positioning System with the U.S.S.R. Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System. Discussions began hst September a nd were concluded May 1 8 i n Leningrad. The agreementis forS years, subject toapprovalbybothgovernments.
The National Wildlife Federation and the Nature Conservancy will share a $1 donation for each cartridge returned through this program. Customers need to get a &ee toner cartridge recyding kit &om their HP dealer or resemer. The kit indudes instructions forrepackaging thecartridge, a cartridge returnbag,and a prepaid United Parcel Service shipping label.
CHA M P I O N your growing business
The Soviet participants will lean two sets of GLONASSairbornenavigationequi~ ment to Honeywell and Northwest The GLONASS equipment will be compatible with international standards. Delive ry of G L O N ASS equipment t o Honeywell and Northwestwill take place
HP intends to melt dawn the aluminum drum and recyde it as a raw material. Other parts wiII be removed and reused
CHANG ES nrtbegos tb...
In Decemberwlth 1Ilsrallanon in a Boeing
We are management consultant professionals in INFORMATION technologies/systems. • We specialize in TOTAL 8 INTEGRATED solutions for 8-64 users uitilizing UNIX open systems II UNISVS desktop mainframes. e Our methodology for solution development (eg. CASB ensureswe deliver a 'perfect fit' and yet very 'adaptable' business information system to you.
V4y &eighter next February. Ffight testing would take place from March4eptember 1991and acomplete reportwould be due in December 1991.
to make new toner cartridges.
Contact: Cathy Plant, 619-5924546
%~ ~ ~I
~~ ~~
GPS and GLONASS are satellite-based navigatian systems. Both are intended to
as a "sole means of navigation" perform for commercial aviation, providingaccu-
MINNEAPOLI, MINNESOTA, U.SA., 1990 MAY % (NB) — Honeywell and
For FRKK consultation appointmsnt Call 649-9661 and ask for: Mr. Tom Chiu. CSM Manager ¹209-8475 Ontario Street Phone (604) 321-0228 (Fax) 322-9353
Northwest Airlines announced an agree-
rate posifioning data in three dimen-
ment with Soviet aviation ofncials that cauld lead to a global system of navigation which is &ee of ground-based equipment.
sions, with similar levels of accuracy. Bath
systems will use 24 satellites in orbit, induding three spares,althaugh orbital configurations and other details differ.
fl r eee
Under the agreement, Northwest will become the first Western airline to testfly GLO144+ the Soviet satellite positioning system. Honeywell wins U.S. rights to develop GLONA% for commercial aviation.
Contact James Veihdeffer, Honeywell, 602469-2205; Bob Gibbons, Northwest Airlines, 612-'726-2551
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Namtec is an authorsed reselter ot Novell NetWare, SCO ® ® e XENtX'LtNtX . ACCPACPlus, Lotus 123, and others.
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N N E C T-I-0 N,,„.-I N I' N K T % 0 R K I N G,nr,+
11ro C o mputer Popor / July '00
TORONTO, ONTARIO, 1990 JUN 12 (NB) — Though Canada has nothad the strong government push toward UNIX that has boosted the operating system in the United States, Lotus Development Canada is optimistic about prospects for I 2-5 for Sy the latestversion of its spreadsheet software.
stem% ,
Colin Wyatt, general manager of Lotus Canada, told Nesttsbytes he believes Canadians mayactuallybe more aware of UNIX than their counterparts south of the border, though he admitted that xt's no secxtet that a large part of our push to UNIX has beenthe U.S. federal government" Wyatt said he expects some customers who currently use 1-2-5 on personal computers will be looking toward UNIX workstations in the future. In announcing I 2-5 for UNIX, which is
funcxionaHy compatible with I 2-5 Release 5.0 for DOS, Wyatt caHed it a critical part of Lotus's phn to supply spreadsheets across multiple computing phtfoxms. At the Toronto press conference, Karl Meema, corporate marketing representative at Lotus Canada, said 1-2-5 users have been asking Lotus for hetter network support induding Iransparent access to remote files, for cc?operative processing capabilities and for more coxn-
piete development tools. On the last point, he indicated Lotus has ambitious plans. Where Lotus will really be competing in the 1990's," Meema said, "is with what axe called fourthgenexation languages today." In Canada, the single-user edition of 1 25 for UNIX System V wiH sell for C$859. The multi-user edition, designed for a 586-based sexver and induding licenses for 10 users, will cost C$1,559. The additional-user edition will sell for C$599 with one set of documentation and licenses for four additional usexi. Extra sets of documentation will cost C$79. A French-language versionwiHbeavailable by the end of 1990, Lotus said. Contact: Karl Meema, Lotus Canada,41 69V94000
mM'S AIX SEEN AS WORTH $'l9 SILLION SY 199$ LOS ALTOS, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A., 1990 jUN 1 (NB) — IBM's AIX systems and software will be the heart of a $19.1 billion doHar marketplace by 1995, says a new' study by International Technology Group.
s I
JULY 3'lit
I • I I
Hewlett-Packard Laser Jet IIP Printer
The study projecfs that by 1995, AIXvriH representhardware and software sales of $4.4 billion in workstation-like applications, garnering 25.1 percent of the market; $2.72biHion in commercial multiuser applications, owning 14.2 percent of the market; $7.06 billion in PC sales (57 percentof the markxrt), and $4.91 billion
PA cKArto
A ul h o r f z e d D e a l e r NEW • Most affordable HP LaserJet printer a Publication-quality output • Wide range of HP LaserJetsofhvare and font support HIGHRESQNIID • Fast, 4-ppm printing 24 PIN PRINIER
• 180cpsdraft,60 cpsLQ • 4 built-infonts opaperpork • hiclion andpushtractor feeds • 390x380dpi graphicsresolution • costi to usecontrol panel SERG A 'NEW24
PIN SfANDARD Feolures:l92cps,sNLQ fants. Front,bottom lRrear feed, Poper Park,21r. warran . e
Laserprinter E • Compact and affordable • S-ppm upgradableto IO-ppm • Superb paper handling • Backed by IBM I year on site warranty
• •
- IIIIIIIIIIIII IBM 4019 Toner Corhidge U IIIU U U U IU U U U U HP NORD lllllllll »l PERFKCI' lllll Font llll HP IIP Toner.. . . '
in main&arne AIX sales with 25.7 percent of the market.
The report says that the RISC System/ 6000 fanulywxHbe expanded to mclude lowland diskiess workstations and multiprocessor systems. Multiprocessor configurations during the 1995 to 1995 years will realize performance of more than one biHion instructions per second (BIPS) with the capacity t than 2+00 users.
osupp ort m ore
IBM IMB Expans ion.. .
The IBM RISC (reduced instruction set computing)-architectured Sptem/6000, new AIX PS/2 machines,and an enhanced versionofAIX/570are expected to fuel the growth.
' •
• VANCOUVNIsxxttttstsroedrrrrfxss4NNW • NORIMVAHCOUVN Isys tsednesrkuSBN3$ oRASIVANCOUVERxsoexre tstxte.2914I779 • SURRASY ssrxensrtueresxostscttof ~11 • RICHNOIIO 4001~Sttord 2y6.24SS • SURREV10'ISSlanodesrge lhrSSNHI191 «COOUIIIAM teuxhurdml Samet thrf.484%8 • CLEARRROOK SXSN Soethfraser WatrNS4245
AH this information is in the pages of the company's report, 'IBMAIXMarketand Futures, whichcan obtained for $995 &om International Technology Group, 4984 El Camino Real, Suite 119, Los Altos, California 94022. Phone 41$8642565.
NEW FOR UNIX: Tool Offered For Motif, X Window Interfaces CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, U.SJL, 1990MAY50 (NB) — The Builder Xcessory is an interactive paint-like software tool to prototype, build, and test Motif user interlaces for the X Window System. Integrated Computer Solutions, its creator, says the prograxn cuts development time since testing and modifying of the interface can be done without
compiling. The Builder Xcessoxy creates graphical user interfaces in hours rather than
The Computer Paper I July '90 weeks, daims Peter Wmston, president of ICS.
HMNeSltlN IQllolNS
The Builder Xcessoxy also includes standard hbxaries to facilitate porting to other systems and modules called the Palette, Resouxceeditor, and Browser.
The Builder Xcessoxy, $2,500, isavaiiable for Sun, DECstations, DG AViiON, SiTic on Graphics, Sony N ews, a n d Macintoshes running A/UX. Itwill soon be available on the VAX/VMS and IBM RISC System/6000 as well. Contact Pia Bertelli, ICS,61T-54'74510
4 (NB) — First it was cartoons, then fulllength movies, later it was amusement
parks and hotels. Now Walt Disney is m oving into computer softti e .
In a private showing in a Chicago Hotel, the newly formed Walt Disney Software of Burbank, CA, demonstrated its new line of personal computer software. Initially the products will be in three lines: entertainment, education, and personal productivity. Products will be available for the Amiga; IBM-PC, C64, aud the Apple H. Initial productsare expected to be released during the third and fourth quarters of 1990. Disney announced that one of its first productswillbe a new hardware device: The Sound Source. The Sound Source is a three.mch speaker that attaches to the parallel port of an IBM-PC or compatible. (The port can still be used forpxintexs.) The device will genexate speech, music, and sound at much better quality thanthesiandardPC speaker.' Ihc Sound Source uses Disney's own proprietaxy system but the company is making it available to other software developers. The price is$84.95 and itwill be bundled
with some of Disney's initial release A representative from another software company did notwelcome the introduction of yet another sound standard into the PC marketplace and questioned whether his company would support it. Most were impressed by a demonstration ofDisney's animation package, The Animation Studio ($179.95). The program will be released initially for the Amiga followed bya version for MS-DOS computers and indudes a tutorial on animation using actual exaxuples from INisney cartoons. It uses onion<kin technology to allow designers to see the currentanimation celland the tbreebehind it.'IheprogramindudesapublicMomain projector so people can distribute their animation products to others. Also induded is a full range of sound effects from Disney cartoons. Contact Ralph Giufire, Marketing, Walt Disney Software, 818-56'7-5540
BRICIKIN AT SLATE U.SA., 1990 JUN 1 (NB) — Slate Corp.
Where are theBES Tcomputer deals in Canada?
has announced that Robert Frankston, codeveloper of industry-spawning VisiCalc, will leave Lotus Development and join Slate. The move reunites Frankston with Dan Bricklin, the other VisiCalccod evelo per. Fxankston and BricMin founded Software Arisin 19'/9and launched VisiCalc, the first electronic spreadsheet and the progxam generally attributed with the proliferation of personal computers throughout th e b u siness world. Frankston remained with Software Arts until its acquisifion by Lotus Development Corp. and was chief scientist at Lotus.
Slate is developing software that focuses on those computers such as the GRiD Pad which uge pen or stylus input rather than the traditional keyboard. Industry analysts say that Slate is working on software for coxuputers that GO Corporation will introduce later in the year. Bricklin, a cofounder and vice president of Slate, told Newsbytes,"I am thrilled to be working with Bob again. We have been dose friends for a long time and I am sure that Bob will make immense contributions to Slate's progress." Contact Dottie Hall, Shte,602445-'182st
BY USSR SUPREME SOVIET MOSCOW, U.S.SX; 1990JUN 11 (NB) — A new, Iongwwaited USSR Press Law has been approved by Sovietlawmakers. Under this new law, any Soviet citizen, for the first time m USSRhistoxy,will be allowed to run his own desktop publishinghouse. The law will also end decades of govexnment censoxship. According toparliamentreports, the new law, a draft of which had been seen by Newsbytes several years ago, is expected to be fully implemented within a couple of months. The new law, however, does not address what many journahsts say is a basic problexu inhibiting freedom of the press in the Soviet Union — the government xuonopolyon the limited supply ofprinting paper. There has been a chronic shortage of newsprint in the USSR and the government has been able to allocate supplies toprinters of its own choos-
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With Agenda. you neverhave to lose imponant information ar forget a good idea Yau csn record any thought,fact, or taskas it comes to you ... even
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and help you organize it wheneveryou' re ready. Thea, anything you add later will automaacally be
Fujifsu DL110024-pin Printer
filed, sorted and sifted the way you want it.
Agenda adapts to your style of working. You don't have to set up a structure before you enterinformation.
You enter items just like jot themdownonpaper.
Compactsize 240cps, g resident fonts. Optional colour kit available.
Two Venr Parts nnd Labour Warranty
Optional Lotus1-24 Bundle Buy this package andset Lotus 1-2-3 Release 22 for $369 ONLY!
Appliesto ALL componentsof your system.
your Package Cost
t Regular Price: $495)
Monthly payment is based on a $2,750.00 leaseover
Namtee SyStemS InC.
27 mouths and 10% buy out ai the 24th month, No down payment is required. System software instal-
lation included. Vserspecific conf iguration eznu.
The lawwas passed despite considerable opposition from members of parliaxnent who sought to keep newspaper publishing under the control of Soviet institutional and collective enterprises.
i130 West PenderSlfeet, Suite 808 Vancouver, British'Coiumbia Y6E 4A4 Tel:(604) 682 • 8122
Fax :(004) 682-0031
Authorized Dealer of:
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The C o mputer paper / July 'sa
RUSSIANS NET) COMPUTIQL INFORMATION MOSCOW, U.S.S.R., 1990 MAY29 (NB) — There'sahuge demand for computer books in the USSR and it's long-tern one, Boris Molchanov, director of the ComputerPress Advertising and Publishing agency told Newsbytes. Molchanov cited several examples. First, his ComputerPress magazine, which publishesreviews on computer hardware
and software compiled by his staff &om Western sources, is a monthly magazine with a circulation of more than 70,000. Copies don' t spend much time on newsstands or shop shelves, Newsbytes was told.
But amore interes6ng story iswhat happened withthe book for new IBM PC users written by Soviet protpainmers. As soon as the Iirst 500,000 copies were printed, theywere completely sold out in
Moscow within 5 days a8er sales began — Several new publishers are entering this andthiswithalmostnoadvertising. The m a r ket despite the paper shortages, second printing is in progress now, w h ich have been known to cause even Molchanov said. big national newspapers like the 20-milIiothcopiesa dayKomsomotskayaPravda Even problems with paper shortages to miss a couple of daily issues. Despite vrhich badly affect a new small publish- : the diaiculties, there's still plenty ofroom ing agencies don't stop the publisherL to publish in the computer and commuAccording to Molchanov's estimates, nications book market, Molchanov said. paper for his magazine bought abroad will cost him $25,000 per issue while Contact: Boris M ol c h a n ov, revenue from Western advertising will ComputerPress, phone+7095 1554540 total a bit less. Iax+7 095 288-9522
MOSCOW: WESTIRtN MAGAZINE Rls~ERS SERVICE WORKS MOSCOW, U.S cI.R., 1990 MAY51 (NB) — NewsbytesMoscowBureauconducted a research project concerning the effectivenessof Western magazines' readers service cards to U.S.S.R. addresses. Forty days later, the results are trickling in. Newsbytes sent toPC Wmkfby mail and Qtc magazine by fax, reader's service cards, otherwise known as the insert "bingo cards,"with requests for information Irom some 50 companies. The companies had been advertisers in the magazine; dassi6ed catalogs were not sought
ill' gtg eggIggtit ig
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Let our team of Systems Specialists conduct afree needs assessment. We will provide a custom tailored solution that will not only
Brings a computer Instructor to your home oroNce III s
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meet your accounting requirements, but your budget as well!
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Maklnp thedphtchokeeLeamlna OQSeLaura ' 12$ new releases)eWordparrecteWordperhndp.o • deaseIlla' • MSWordeWardekrr 4enkrra 4lulpmrdaedeaseIv eMSWorks. PFSBrat Chelae • AppleW orker AW-WordPracesslnp preadsheet AW-Oahdr aseeWordPerfecl • LeamYourAppk • PapeMaker eMSWardeExcel • learn YourMac
esr 5" -
a@QOO Sggggg
tp1594851 No.3 Road. Richmond, B.C. (604)2734700 FAX (M4)273.1950
~ ' Wa ATTENTION' Government AgenelesI "
LargeCompanies: Save on yourtrutnlngbillet
• s e
ss I
The Computer Paper I July '90 Discman and Electronic Book
e st numbers ar e d u e t o C a n o n ' s marketing of the machine as a worksta-
The Data Discman and Electronic Book
tion, not as a reasonably priced personal
Unfortunately, the PC 8'art/i card waslost somewhere on the way to the editorial office and Newsbytes Moscow got nothing &om their advertisers. This isn' t surprising, since oIIicial statisfics for hst year say that goods worth 400,000 rubies "were lost while shipping."
will be alsoavailable in electronic goods
But the Bytsfaxed page with circled numbersworked well because itbypassed the mail system.
Forty days after faxing the request, on April 25th, Newsbytes Moscow received the first reply &om British-based Tenset Technologies. More letters kept flooding our mailbox for more than a month. The Soviet postal service is very slow, and itcan be proven by the fact that European and U.S. letters take approximately the same time te arrive. U.S. first~ mail envelopes are as slow as other dassificaliens. Two envelopesviere found in Newsbytes' Moscow mailbox opened supposedly by postal o%cials. One possible explanation of why mail service is so slow is that few Soviet postal workers speak any foreign language; consequently addresses written in Enghsh mustall be readdressed, and arrive marked with somebody's Russian handwriting with the Soviet city and street address. This procedure is most timeconsummg. But how good is the reader's card service itself' Newsbytes requested information &om 50 Qteadvertisers and received 17 replies, or one third, in response. Only one, however, &om BIX (Byte Information Exchange}, was customized to fit our local Moscow needs. AII the rest were the same materials sent in the States or in Europe.
Sony's Data Discman, a portable CDmemory) ROM (compact player, may find a good market in bookstores. Maj or publishing industry distributor Tokyo Shuppan Hanbai is now selling the player as well as its CD-ROM softwaxe called Electronic Book to bookstores inJapan.
disk readily-
Electxenic Beck will appear in 18 titles
&om 14 publishers in earlyJuly. Priced at between 2,800 and 19,800 yen ($18.70 and $1M), the CD-ROM-based software is cheap compared te conventional, ratherexpensive12wentimeter CD-ROM
software. Tokyo Shuppan Hanbai expects heavy sales to people even without a knowledge efpersonal cemputers, which is why it is distributing the player in bookstores.
While Tekyo Shuppan has laid heavy emphasis on sales of several other media such as video tapes and compact discs, besides books, it has never entered into the hardware business befere now. Claixning that Data Discman has been received enthusiastically among its bookstore customers, the company antiapates successful sales of both Data
shops. Contact: Tokyo Shuppan Hanbai Co., Ltd, OM694111
COMPU'rKR IN ASIA, JOSS ATI'.ENDS SINGAPORE, SOUTHEAST ASIA, 1990 MAY 29 (NB} — SteveJobs has launched his NeXT computer in Asia with amajor presentation in Singapere, soon to be followed by the system's introduction in Hong Kong, South Korea, Malaysia and the Thailand markets.
FoundingdirectorofNeXT, SteveJobs, is personally demonstrating his new computer's capaMities. In Singapore, he also played host te a delegation representing Hong Kong information technelogy industry and educatienal
computer. Canon has sold an estimated
1,000 systems since marketing efforts suu ted in September inJapan. The geographical sales territory is being expanded now that a Japanese operating system for the machine is near. Overall host for the Singapore presentation wasJardine OfficeSystems,recently appointed by Canon Inc as authorized distributor of NeXT cemputexs in Hong Kong. Shipping will be handled via the disTokyo-based Canon. The tribution and sales configuxafionwill then be triangular — the machines are made at the company's Fremont, California fitctoxy, shipped toJapan, and then distributed to other Asian destinations.
com plete
In South Korea, Canon wiii introduce the NeXT Computer System in conjunction with Lotte Canon Co., a joint ven-
Hong Kong saw its Grst pxactical demonstxation ofJobs'new software system — Nextstep — at the unveiling efIBM*s RISC System 6000 earlier this year. Some industry observers, however, say they denot expect any dramatic jump onto the NeXT bandwagon in Asia. They suggest that commercial success, if it comes, is still at least a couple of yearsaway. They point to the progress of Jobs' latest etfort in the US and say that traditional Asian caution will cause
potential buyers to wait and see how well NeXT computers and software fare in the West.
If they do well there, potential Asian users are more likely to turn that potential into reality. On the other hand, the observexs say, NeXT's association with IBM will inevitablyactin its favour. Contact: Steve Lo or T h omas Wan,
Jardine OKce Systems, +852 565 2011
ture with Korea *s Lette, this year.
Canon, which owns 16.7 pexcent of NeXT Inc. with an investment ef $100 million in June, 1989, has the exdusive right to sell NeXT Computer Systems in Asia, and is marching with this flag into the Southeast Asian market. Canon expects to sell 200 systems in those countries each month. The mod-
Club Mac (SAMPLE PRICES) $2,643 Mac SE 1/0 2Hoppy Mac SE 2/40mb Mac SE30 2/40mb
Mac SE30 5/105mb MacIlcx 5/105mb Mac Iid 5/10Smb Mac IIfx 4/105mb Extended Keyboard Mac Portable 1/40xnb Color Monitor 13" Portrait Monitor GS
$3,286 $4,589
$5P35 $6,228 $7,893 $10,577 $2S1 $S,807 $1,051
$1,155 $661
Card for above 1 meg simms80ns
$103 $715
8 bit video card
APS Removeable 45 Cartridge for above Immagewriter 11 Laserwriter IINT Quantum ext. Nmb Quantum ext.105mb
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$114 $635 $4,840
AccountingAutomation Nor You Can Have Up-To-The-Minute Accounting Information With A Few Key Strokes -No More Manual Recording Hassles. The System Highlights
The ACCPAC Solution An Automated AccountingSystem Nemtee offers you anautomated account iossotuuoo with a host of time-saving features, so yoo can spend more time expanding yattr business, ratber theo managing your books.
You canrecord andtrackcustomers, vendors,end employee payrofl ittformetioa io subsidiary ledgers for accounts receivable, accounts payable, and payro!b The system contains ste sttttree journals: Cash disborsemettts, cash receipts, cash rexister. invoice, general, end merchandiseperehased. The system offers 8 modifiable sample chert of accounts, or letsyou build your ovvorrom sereteb. The system lets you have t 2 or 13 fltseel periods per etmom, end mebttein up to lfl opett periods at noe time. Yoo can ose the system to analyze bedgets that
yoa can compare to actual balances. The system also allows you to tailor financial
reports to meetyoer business' requirements. Yoo can obteto standard reports fiom tbe system sueb as Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Trial Balance, General Ledger. CustomerLedger, Vendor Ledger. Earning Report, Employee Ioformauoo. artd muchmore,
BEST gALL. lbe system is easy toteem ettd
ATP 386SX/l6 Model 40 rb floppy Complete 1Mb Xtt6SX system sv/ l.~ drive. 40Mb hard disk, and mottoehrome display.
MS-90S version 4.01
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Boilt-io 6/L. A/R. A/p, and Ceoadian Payroii. Separate modules available for extended features in A/R. A/P. and Ceoadiett Payroll,
investment protectionupsredable toAccpAc Plus with minimal opgrede cost end free data conversion diskettes.
Fulitsu DL-3400 Wide-Carnage Printer •
24-pm dot matrix w/240 cps pnntiog speed.
Two Year Parts and Labour Warranty •
Applies to ALL components of your system.
your Automation Cost $141.03/month o
$1,174 $566 $895 $994
30 DAY $$ BACK GUARANTEE e'er 1 YEAR FULL WARRANTY Club Mac isnoirm uuduwuat Appk Dealer
Monthly payment isbesedona$2,988.tO lease over 27 months tmd l0% buy out et the 24th motttb. No
down paymem isreqtdred. Systemsoftware installation iocloded. User specific configuration extra.
Namtec Systems Inc. 1130 WestPonderStreet, Suite 808 Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 4A4 Tel:(N) N 2 -8122
Authorised Oeater of.
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DIRECT QRDER 403/278-8198.
Fax: ( N 4 ) 6g2-6031
The Computer Paper j July 'SO •
To new computer users, I cannot stress enough the importance of backups.Ican helpyou recover from almost any mistake, dreapt Ruling to do proper backups.
I ilail to do...
First Heartbreak
When You Need It The Most Backup software makes copiesof the files on your hard disk onto floppy diskettes. Making backups is the nredf irrrpdrtarrt thingyoudowithyourcomputer, and it is aho the most boring. When you inadvertently destroy your original hard disk files, or when your hard disk fails,you can restoreyour files by copying the intact floppy diskette backup files back to hard disk l. Ifyou have'no backups you will lose uN the work you have ever donel 2.Even ifyou have doneyour backups, you will still lose all your keying since the last backup. Please ensureyoufullyunderstand those last two sentences. They are the unpleasant Stets of life.
QIN850 14" Color 33INHz 38$ AT Compatible Ilultisean Monitor
«»SS ~~~
• 0.28 dot pitcfr(up to 1024x76$} • MDA, Henxrles, CGA, EGA, VGA, 6514/A • Bandwidth 36MHS • Dtt =25 for analog, DB 6forTTI
DB-15 for VGA
PRODUCTS Morse VGA tstusMonitor 14'O.mt dot pitch 1024x766
GA 466L 25/66MHZ Wahak41IP Sodrar 12SK Cade
AMI Bios arp. teMB
INTEL ChipSat Norse 28$.12lalz AMI BIOS Exp 4MB Sunhrc Chip Sat
Norse 800 x 1000
2.1 6 1:1 Respeopliely
MSTMSI25MHZ Wraak41el Seder Ats Bios 12MB e4K Cade Eap 1SSt Full She Board 4 Way Inaarlsm
20 MHaCBTCup Bar
GA 266L 26/25MHB Full SizeBoard
GA 266SX 16MHB
Most people should be urong mag tape backup instead of floppy. To
• 0.26 dot pitch (1024x766)
• DB-15 for VGAsignals • Bandwidth SSMHz • Ultimate Design
Wlh 22MH! CPU
e4K Cade Eap 122K CPAeal Scaly raWahak Full Ske Board
GR AT288
AtnBee ap teMB
Life With Floppy Sackup
alllKO XT
256K 6 512K VGA Card
Norse 2000 8 $000 HDIFQ Controller
The truly unfortunate people manage to make it through their first five yearswithouta harddiskfaiiure. They are convincedthey areinvulnerable. Eventuamy the hard disk wears out and crashes. They lose everythingall five years' worth of work. Sy this time they are totally dependent on the computer. They lose all their financial records. Their businesses go bankrupt.
. Color Monitor
Othtqtss Arsftuss.
The Longest Day
QIN835 14aa
- Direct meinmemory dealonwidrno deomdmkrn In speedwhen cherxfnS memory apdone • Qn haled ' part so ta checknar tine hdhrreewith LED display • Phoenix 8 whh aet Isr anddteorurescteekeee
Aii aves imsuuaa
Irnal SOSBl endWahak 1187 a S1rry Cooraaeaaor . IMTKdaehe • Taint anhowdmemorycepadsr Ie SEMtf rrrrhra4N x S SSsd Cam ll hkr wllh DOSSJt S dent,06/2, PC406, SSS Windorre, UNIX, DR DOSSA, StÃ) , Nauel, AutoaH, CADCAM, SIXXII rmdether lie eenere • BUS speed =Shstz Itiigh); tdistx (krw)
Doing backups is less fun than going to the dentist. People naturally put off doing backups, or never even learn to do them at alL The lucky people have a hard disk crash in the first year of their computer career. They lose everything. Theyscream. Theygnash their teeth. They threaten to sue..Nothing will bring back the data. Ever after, they are careful to do backups. Ever after, they neverlose more than a day or two of keying.
W/64K Cache 888 25MHZ System
$88SX Systems 288-12NHz System 8088-12MHS System /tkf. OF yf/F ASOI/E yyryyfTNE IrOft.OWISSr
TTI VGA, Multisync 20 Color 1024x766
• Case 6 PowerSupply
MST 106SX/f 6MHS
• 1MB RAM onboard
Trident 512K VGA
Tactle Keyboard .1.2MB Roppy Drive • Multi I/o Card
The Computer Paper / July '90 explain why, let me tell you my own
How Do You Use Floppy
I used to back up my hard disk every Saturday, using FastBack, the forerunner to FastBack Plus. Even when I compressed my files before backing up, it took 90 diskettes. I would listen to the Metropolitan Opera broadcasts on CBC radio to avoid getting too bored. I would back up, then verify to ensure the diskettes were readable. Usually, after I had backed up 90 diskettes, and had just verified disk number 70, FastBack would discover an error. I would then have to start all over &om scratch. Usually I spent all day, every Saturday, doing nothing but backups, emitting blood-curdling screams of &ustration every few houra During the week I might lose a file and have to use my backups to recover it. About one chance in ten, I still could not recover because the floppy was unreadable. Sometimes the problem was that I had mindlessly inserted the wrong diskette during the backup. Sometimes itwas that I had not centred
the floppyperfectlyin the drive. Sometimes I had dirtied or scratched the floppy surface.
Life With Tape I neverconsidered mag tape backups because theywere tooexpensive. Then one day I calculated how much I was spendingonfioppybackups,givenwhat my time was worth in dollars per hour. I immediately bought a mag tape backup. Now I back up every night, not just once a week. I insert a mag tape cartridge thatlookslikeaheavydutymusic cassette. I type a couple of keystrokes, then leave the office. When I come back in the morning the entire backup is done and verifi ed. My own tape drive is quite slow. It runs only a little faster than a floppy. However, I don' t have to sit there, babysittmg it, feeding the diskettes in. When I go to restore a file, I have had 100% success recovermg. The average street price of a lo1tpcost mag tape drive such as the Colorado KE-10isabout$4RS. For businesses, or anyone witha drive over 60 MB, a mag tape backup unit is mandatory. For hard disks over 100 MB you would probably want a faster, more reliable, larger, i.e. more expensive, tape drive.
Is Floppy Bacjmp am that Basp. Ifyoucannotaffordamag tape backup, or if you have very little data — just
programs that could easily be reinstalled — you can get away with a program that backs up to floppy disk. Floppy backupreliability has improved since the days I used it The drives themselves are more reliable. The new AT1.44MB floppies con tain four times as much information as the old XT 560 KB floppies and their hard shells protect them better. You need only a quarter as many floppies to back up; this means only a quarter as many chances to foul up. Modern backup progragns record semi-redundantly to help them recover damaged parts of fioppies. Even so, tape is still much more reliableand fool-proof.
Backing up is very simple. You select which hard drive partitions (C:, D:, etc.) you want to back up. Then, within those drives you select which directories you want to Then, within these directories you select which files you want to back up. Then you feed in diskette aker diskette as the program copies the information to floppy. This sounds very simple. However, the designers of thebackupprograms, with few exceptions, have made this much more difficult than it could be. Because the process is intimidating, most backup programs offer "presets." A computer expert selects the myriad options, directories and files, thencarts the whole selection under a name such as "WEEKLY. From then on, anyone can run thewhole backup fiawlesslyjust
by typing WEEKLY.
Picldng Up The Pieces
MISys™ is a fully integrated inventory control system for small to medium sized manufacturing operations. Move stock through the stages of raw materials, %IP, and finished goods while maintaining accurate and up-to-date inventory records. A fully integrated purchase order subsystem creates, prints, and tracks Pos. MISys™ can be operated stand-alone or integrated with ACCPAC Plus.
If all goes well,you never have to restore &om your backup. However, if you corrupt or lose some files, you select the partitions, directories and files yo want to restore. The program then leadsyou to insertjust the disks it needs and it replaces the damaged files with your backup copies. The designers put most of their efforts into the backup side of the program since you use it much more often than restore. They sometimes leave the restore as an afterthought. So you wiII find, with few exceptions, restoring is considerablyharder than backing up.
Bacjtup Horror Stories I work with charitieL Here are some of their mistakes I hope you will be able to avoid.
MISys™ will provide the Manufacturer with the following benefits: • Eliminate unnecessary inventory. • Avoid production delays. • Prevent costly purchasing mistakes. • Reduce time required for physical inventory taking. • Full integration with the Accpac series of Accounting modules.
appa r
Another client saw an ad for the brand-
new FastBack Plus backup program. He decided to install it himself. He did not test his installation to make sure he was actually able to restore. He had a crash. He ran the restore, and fed the
diskettes through but nothing happened — his files were still corrupted. In a panic, he phoned me. Luckily, it turned out all he needed to do was set a special option switch, only available on the advanced menu, to allow the program to restore corrupted files. He abandoned the program and recyded the diskettes without reformatting them. Little did he know that FastBack Plus had hidden data in the boot tmcks of his diskettes, subtly corrupting them. He thought a virus had hit, since files would mysteriously appear and disappear &om these floppies.
Tacit" yes o f Irttellyence
7th (Limited stock left-price while it lasts)
286 AT
10 MHz, monographic card, mulg itO card, 360 K floppy, 20MB hard disk, enhanced keyboard, 12' ITL monitor
12MHz ................. $1045
Fire Drills
"Properly controlling your Inventory with hIISys™ will save you bosom line dollars. Call me personally for ntore details." Kevin Hull. Networh Products
And much morg...
Bacjting Up de the Crash
One dient had not done any backups for amonth. He had a crash. He felt guilty and did notwantme to find out thathe had notbeen doing his badtups, so he immediately did one the crash. What this accomplished was to copy corrupted files over top ofhis only good monthwld backup. Fortunately,, he had another backup that was six months old. He lost six months workl
"" v
Ii12MHz, 1MB RAM, monographic card, 12" TTL monitor, 1.2MB floppy, SQMB (28ms) WD hard drive, enhanced keyboard
6/18MHz ..............$1699
Cache 64386
tt4K Cache, 2MB 25MHz, monographic card g monitor, 12MB Roppy, 40MB(2ttms) WD hard disk, enhancsd keyboard.
No cache .............52395
Sharp Laser JX - 9500 Printer, 6 pages / minute NEW Sharp Laptop 5541 c/w1.6MB RAM,
40MB Hard Drive and VGA Grey Scale $3495.00 GRAPHICS C ROS
ATI Graphic EGA Card 16b VGA 512 K 256 K VGA 16
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14" MM101 Amber 14" MM101 BAY 14" VGA SCOT
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14" VGA CLUB AT $500 14" AT Mul5sync tsttnn$589
$45 (1024 x 768, 0.29 ) LEO 486 - 25 MHz C/W 2 MB RAM, 40 MB NEC H.D., 1.2 MB FLOPPY, MGP, S/P, I/O, 14" MM101 A MONITOR 4 CO.PROCESSOR
Sound Blaster Midi Box for abave
$279 $129
Altec Mouse Anko Trackball
$49 $99
TEL: (N4) 2?6-8806 FAX (604) 2764692
SURREY: 102$5KING taEORGE HWY TEL (604) 5834575
The Computer Paper I July '90
True-ColorPC-based graphics systems with 16.7 Million simultaneous colors Full Video Capture Video Input Video Overlay Video Output
Local Sales
Video Production Paint/Animation Photo Retouching
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FirStImage Group 112-1020Mainlandst.Vancouver,B.C. V6B2T4 684-958fp
MC Turbo High performance at low prices SSSeer top seller ...S.t.., ..O ...S S ..
386 SX .............81,899
366-25pOWerSyStem .......$2,299
U.S. made386SX-16 motherboard runs at20MHz.
Includes1MBRAM,40MB/28ms voice-coil hard drive, all i/0 ports, 14'paper-whlte VGA monitor.
Priced with1MB RAM, 4DMB/28msharddrive, 12' amber monitor. 1 Year Parts 8 LaboutWarranty
PC 2 (XT) ......................$865 PoNolio PocketComputer..$499 with 640K, 2 floppies,12'amber monitor Authorized Atari businesscentre. Wealso (MGA, CGA, EGA)DOSand GEMsoftware. sell Atari 286 and 386 computers. c eo • u e s u
• au• vct •
286-42 640K,40NB $2,247' 386SX1MB, 40MB $2,926' 386-25 1MB, 40MB $3,704'
Watranljr.2Veal Parts Nrd Labour.
1yearon-site se eiclrrg(GreaterVancouverartra) 'Leaa5% condor Upto 100%Finatliap o.A.c.
Does Mouse 40MSInsrallsd .........499 wist Pslntshow .......889 SOMS IttsttNed........87ls LorrrtschCsNlouss tttret CamprersPageScanner 8799 Rsssss ............... 81ss Copy II PCartrron rtssrtr8149 Lasirsch scsttmssptttswist DES cahlword ocR .......... sess VGAUPGRA csrd a Nstlsr Insrtttred il sl Mouse wirrtTurbocAD 840 x 480,.41dp.......809 rrrssl rstc .... .........srrs840x480, drt .....8699 Gttttnmssrt III withwattr rttr 8N x 699, 31 3r trrt.. ..8699 word ... .....8srr 1034 x768,.28 drt ....8709 .
SORWARE pc Toolsnewv.e............sss
CLEARANC E Oldarsetwareverslens
wottlPstittcr s.'r ......... ssrl a dernes S10-Sma•Sse Lucrd 3D 2.0 ..............875 Magazinebsskissses Ctobsrttlrt IV...............,81SS sndboelrsspte ottlcksn ....................-.Sss 75'A off Dsc Easy 4.1 Catt...........SSS from880 Supercslc6, ToCLE AReris Used printers Nllscellaaesas PC Aw ywhsttt III .........Srs
Q.oosII ...... ......
• • gg •
• o•
• e
backupsl Ifyou have to restore, don' t touch anything, call in competent help. It is wise to have someone ex-. perienced set up your backup procedures for you, and run through a fire drill to be sure the backup and restore works properly. Clearly label and number all diskettes ahead of time for each backup set, and make sure there aresufficientsparesin each set to handle growth. Make sure your fioppydrivesareproperlyaligned and dean. Finally, keep multiple sets of backups, and keep atleastone of them at a separate location.
The Choices Thereare aver a dozen diskette backup progranis to choose &om. I will be reviewing nine of the best known: Norton Backup 1.1 Central Point PC Tools 6.0 Fifth Generation FastBack Plus 2.10 Westlake Data PC FullBak Plus 1.12 Finot Keep Track Plus 2.1a Gazelle Back-It 4 Sterling Backup 5.21 DOS Backup 4.01 Lotus Magellan 2.0
Inte lligent
The Envelope, Please I won't tease you by making you read through my detailed analysis before telling you which I think is best. The winner is Norton Backup. It has a dear lead in speed, convenience and safety. Norton Backup is pscpt part of the Noiton Utilities. You must buy it separately. Most of Norton's rivals shoot themselvesin thefootin someway. Theydo all the hard things perfectly, then snatch defeat &om the jaws of victory with some blunder in the user interface.
Another charity noticed that they were
having trouble exchangingfloppieswith other computers, butthat their computer could read disks it had written itself with no trouble. They were tight on funds so they decided not to get the problem fixed. One day they bought a new computerand wanted to transfer everything toit. The new computer could riot
In real esrnte, it's "location, location
been able to use the lockup diskettes at
With 12" ambermonitor, DOS. Laser VGAsystems add$641*
At one large charity they would fob the boring backup task ofF on the newest, greeneststafFmember. There were 45 diskettes in the hbckup.set. That day there weresome new files on the hard disk, so now the backup had grown to need 48 diskettes. The new slaff member wasworking alone afterhours. She needed some new diskettes for ¹46, ¹47 and ¹48. The obvious way to solve the problem was to stick various diskettes into the computer until she found some it liked. That particular backup program would accept almost anything...
In this case theywere lucky, because they could repair the floppy drive and make new backups. However, if the old computer had died, they would not have
2ss-is1tss, estop s2,747'
Another dient lost six months of keying because she had done no backups atalL I restored &om a backup I had made. I exphtined the importance of backups and power conditioners, since she was in «n oldbuildingwhere thelights8ickered alarabingly. She told me she would take care of this herseK She re-keyed the entire six months, but still could not fin time ormoney forpower protection or backups. A power surge then scrambled the hard disk. She lost the keying a second time. I restored the files &om my backup a second time. She re-keyed a third time, and then lost it all a third time — again without backups. She was furious. She was quite right; this sort of thing shouldn't happen, but it does.
read the misaligned backup diskettes.
286-161MB, 40NB $2,497'
Never again, and again
Mis-Aligned Floppies
ATARI tss aos comp uttbtocomputer
Aajr Old Dislt will Do
• IIim •
I ended up writing a utility called SCAT to decontaminate all his disketteL The latestversion of FastBack Plus has.finally corrected the "unvirus" problem. Those who used some of the earlier versions of PC Tools were not so lucky. They could b fine, but the restore did not always work
all and they would have lost everything. OfFSite Backups Fmally, the heartbreaker. Happily, this has not happened to any of my clients. These people did backups every day. They dutifully kept grandfather, father and son backups. However, they made the mistake of storing all the backups conveniently near the computer. One night thieves broke in and stole the computer — and all the backupsl If they had kept an ofF-site backup, they could haverestored to a new computer provided by the insurance company. Having an ofFmte backup will also protect you &om the Lucille Ball novice who, in attempting to restore, backs up corrupted files onto all your good backups.
and location." In floppy backups it' s "speed, speed and speed. Because backing up to Qoppies is so laborintensive and so mind-numbing, you want to get it over with as quickly as possible. For my speed tests, I used a16MHz SX computer with a 1.2 MB floppy drive and a Mitsubishi MRS55 40 MB voice coil hard drive running MS DOS 5.5. Norton can back up about 2.75 MB per minute with verification turned
off. The other speeds are given relative to the first-place Norton. Inst 1N Norton Backupr.'r {proprieratyfortaati 99 Norton Backup1.1{Dos format) 89 Central Point PCTools 6.0 79 Rlth Generation FasSack Plus2.10 79 Wesrlake Data PCFullaak Plus 1.12 70 RnotKeepTrack plus2.la 63 Gazelle Back-It4 32 Srarlitts Intelligent Backup3.21 27 DOSBackup3.3 23 lotus Magellan 2.0 waist
Speed Tricks Why does Norton run so much fibste than the rest? It uses some advanced tricks. It compresses the data. It uses
The Moral
sector skew so it does not have to wait for the sector 1 of the floppy to spin
What is the moral of the story' Do your
around before startin t o w r ite the
The Computer Paper I July '90 next track Itusesa proprietary format that squeezes more data per track. Instead of using the slow DOS directory and FAT structure to read the hard disk, itbuildsits own index. Itoverlaps reading the hard disk and writing to Soppy using a technique called Simultaneous DMA. While you are busy swapping diskettes, it uses the time to get ahead on reading the hard disk The instant you put the next diskette in, it staris up without waiting for you to hit a key. Other backup programs use some of these tricks, but only Norton uses all of them.
Proprietary Formats The FastBack was the Srst fast backup program. Itwasa temperamental beast because it used a proprietary format. Itsqueezedan extrasector ofdatainto
each Soppy track To find room, ithad toshorten the gapsbetween the sectors. If your dnve speed was the least bit out of whack, FastBack would not work Proprietaryformats earned a bad reputation and Fifth Generation switched to conventional DOS format with Fastback Plus. However, Norton and PC Fullbak Plus use proprietary formats with larger sectors, and fewer of them, to cmm more data onto a Soppy quite safely. Since there are fewer intersector gaps, there is still room to make the gaps regulation size. Proprietary formats do have their drawbacks, however. The Srst time you use a diskette, it must be specially
formatted. Even though this is automatic, it makes the backup take twice as long the Srst time. If ever you decide to recyde a backup diskettefor use as a normal DOS diskette, you Srstmust use the DOSFORMATcommand. You need to mark your diskettes with coloured dots to track which format they are. If a proprietary format diskette becomes unreadable,none of the recovery urihties such as HDTEST, Norton NU or Mace will be of any use. Norton gives you a choice: proprietary format for extra speed, or conventional DOS format for extra safety. PC Fullbak Plusalwaysusesproprietaryformat. The others always use DOS format.
Norton Bacltnp N orton Backup works bestifyou have a mouse. You just point and dick at the options and Slesyou want, or point and dickatspacesona61Vin-the-blanks form and type. This is as easy to use as a Macintosh. Ifyou don' thavea mouse, the program is a little more complicated to use since
you must use the Arrow, Tab, Space and Enter keys to navigate and make selections. You need to read the manual to get the hang ofhow these keyswork, but onceyou understand that,youcan throw the manual away. The program desperately needs some on~creen prompting in the use of these keys â&#x20AC;&#x201D; especially during the instalL Norton marks the directories you lag to back up both with bold and with check marks. However, what it is really doing is marhng the ones you change bold,
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4 '/9g g
The Computer Paper I July '90 •
and the onesyou select with tickmarkL Thissubtledistmction maysound clever on paper, but it just causes confusion. Norton is remarkable in that you can simultaneously back up files &om your C: and D: drives in one fell swoop. Itlets you balance time against safelywith flve levels of vexification. It has four separate recovexy mechamsms when the backups themselvesare damaged. It has abundant on-line help.
Esj oy tke beaejfts Nstkogt tkerisks
Iaplope Available
As you are bachng up, the upper left
Ability :.'::, ::,:,,:,:,::,,::: CompQ+g Rentals
681-7032 D Daily D We e My D Monthly D or Longer Suite 1250. 789 W. Pender St., Vsxxcouver, B.C. VSC 1H2
window scrolls the directories and the upper right scrolls the files. This is a usdul check that you are backing up what you think you should be. The lower right window tellsyou which backup set you are working on. The lower le@ window tells you which dieketteyou axe supposed toinsextnextnicely' bolded and endosed in eyecatching blinking brackets, A thermometer shows you how fitr through each diskette you are. The countdown makes forspeedy diskette swaps. In addition, the bottom two windows are littered with decorative stalisficstwo percentages, four times, two byte counts, two file counts and two diskette counts. V4ypilotswill feelxightathome. However, for novices the screen is too busy and confusing. For them, you should have the option of displaying nothing but the name of the diskette set and the number of the diskette inserted now, or the one toinsertnext. The only two statistics of interest are: how many
diskettes will we need in total, and, how much longer till this is over.
Distributed Error Correction
OMNI 286-12 $i1258 oo
In 198'7, I invented an error coxrection scheme for Soppy disks that would recover from abullethole (the main cause of Soppy fitiluxe in Floxida), a big greasy thumbprint or apiece of grit that wiped out two complete adjacent tracks of data and partof a third. Ibroadcast my idea, and to my greatpleasure, the authors of Norton Backup decidedto use it They chose a slightly watered down version that is not as robust but that does not lake as much RAM to compute. Needless to say, I think the method is
splendid. Norton does much better than most progxams at handling the problem of preventingyou &ominsertingthewrong diskette. Whenever you insert a suspect disketteit telhyouwhatison the diskette end then asks your permission to overwrit it Y o u also have the option of trying a dmfexent diskette. However, Norton still has not got this quite right. What no vendor seems to undersutndisthatyoudorsglderbackups, time after time, backing up the same files to the same set of Soppy diskettes. The sets are preeumbered. When you do a backup, you should be inserting the same diskettes every time in the same orderl No backup program enforces this. They will let you accidentamy feed in diskette ¹8 before diskette ¹'7. They will let you accidentally feed in your monthly accounting backup diskettes when you are backing up your weekly word processing. They will even let you feed in the boss's httle black book dis-
Intra LT486SX
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OINNI 286.16 31398 oo OINNI 386SX $1688P OMNI 386 82388 oo
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Am ~a
• 1MB RAM(80ns.)
• 1 Year Warranttr • TEAC 12MB Iloppy disk drive
• 44 MB (28ms) VOICECOILherd disk drive • 1 Serief,1 parallel, 1 game rl • Enhanoed AT Keyboard (1P1Keys) • Mini AT Case
DTK Keen 2503 Intel 8N86-25 CPU • 64it/25$ Kilobyte seleergxe wrile4teekmemory. • 2MS RAMettpbndslNeto 888 cn board 18MBtotitl Ior system • 1~ TEAC lloppv drive. • 1:1 Interleave HDFO ontlcgerwithSSKcache. • 401tS hard drive 28metnxce coll. • SerialI Peallel /GamesPort • Real TimeGook 8 Cetendwtsith tbgiss chiPs • MonochromeHercules Gnaiggts PrinterCttrd • 14' Indt Paper white liat attstochtornemonitor • pul tgxe toteercase • Nerstrptletmntber 101enhwtced keyboard • $.15 NIPS
lhabNI 4 Annal hy Naell labs
You can useit toundelete files, compare files, compress files, view files with Magelhudike viewers, transfer files be. tween machines with a program akm to
Lap-onk, sort, prune and gra8t your directory trees, copy,deleteandreaame files, run a FAX or a modem, pretend to beacalculatior, schedule appomtments, cache your hard disk ax even encrypt your dala. Oh yes, I almost forgot One of its many Ialents is backups. Make sure you get Version 6.0. Earlier versions contain serious bugs. PC Tools isa snap to install. It is one of the fewpackages where the diskettes are plainly numbered I; 2 and 8 and all you have to do is type INSI'ALL and insert the diskettes in order. Hinu Before you start, type: CM3OSATTRIB -R C tAUTOEXEC.BAT CM)OSATI'RIB -R CXGONFIG.SYS
Whyo' PC Tools sneahly meddles with
your Autoexec.Bat and Config.Sys files.
Motherboards IQIIp $4gp S
Regular PriceIX
preerder price0
Cblawt LT~
• 80386-16 CPU 8 NEAT chip set,0 Weilsirde • 1 MB RAM ettxtendabie lo 4 MB,40 MB Herd rive O (28ms)Aulopark • 1A4 MB 3.5'loppy drive,external 525 FDD, Case&Cable • 640x48016gray scale large gas pkremadisphy CGANOAIESAcorr8telWsJ • Separate rsrmeih 6 multi4neNonenhareed • 2serial 8 1 psramel prinlsr port, one16 bit AT4tus half card skrt I • Carrying case with shoulder strap, usehr manual,Oallr 1$ANra
Cbimay LT4400
• 80286.16CPU NEAT chipset
• 640x 400 wilh4ray scales
but eat." It is hard to believe a package
OV1XESuper Seriee II, 1$ M8 RAM, 10 tttnttt, env. feeder SSSSS NEC LCSSO Demo Units• Full wenantr ..............................Ssstts
lych'a LT488SX • Inbrl80388SX CPU • 2MBRAM~ • 1A4 MB RoprrtfDisk Drive • 40 MB Herd DtskDrive 1 Swial 41 Parallel Port • 640x480VGAtwepktyw/16 gray scales • Up Io 3 howe use wldelaohagMeba8ely O Iy 10.9ibw lhhxuey
image of Opus the penguin watching TV "It smces; it dices; it does evexyihlng
QUIXE Cryetelprinl Publleber Htgh Perfonnance Pcextaipt Page Printer, SS fonts, AppteflSM compattbte, S MB RAM .......................................SS700 HP LASEXLIET Serlee II SPPM, 512K ................................SSSSS HP LASEXMET Seriee III-.....-=.-.. ...........-............---..S N SS OVIIE Cryalelprint Serlee 8 IHP Series II compat, 60% smaller than HP) .......................81500 NEC I.CSSO Poeleoripl Laserprlnrer S M8 RANI ...............84200 FllllTSU NX7100 Latter, Dual Hopper, 640K ......................81SSS AEO Olympia NP$044, 24 ptn,1stcol..................................8408 ALPS AIlegre SS 24 pin So col................ . 8400 Ogxen CSX-140 24 pin, 00 oot..........................................SSSS HP LASERJET bP(new) ...................................................81418' NEC P2SIOXEPUNTER: 80 ctxurtvts,24 pine,102 cps .....8408 NEC p6800 PRINTEIX: SO col •24 pins, SOKbugttr ..............8708 IXEC PSS00 PIXINTEIX: 1SS cot, S4 pIns, SOKbuffer ............SSSII
• 80385SX-16 CPU
• 200wass CSAapprovedpowersupply
When I firstlookedat the PC Tools box, Iburstoutlaughing. Thead copy on the rear panelof the box conjured up an
Printer SPEClALS
• 20MHz runningatOvreitsbrle
• Monochrome graphics card 8 TTL monitor
PC Tools
could do so many things.
h|sertiag the Wrong Dlsmtette
Norton has four levels of backup waxaing. The catch is thatwhen you turn on the warnings, it cries woK It waxns you for every diskette even though the diskette contains a perfectlylegitimate previous backup of the same set of files.
%01$ Buetnoss Hours:Monday-Satunlay100 PM Open Six Days a Week @
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«eSSSX-xegptlwlsr1MsaAM Mls&4S CPU vrlth OK RAM — N ss~ c PU wllh NK ceelte merrtety (xxtlt) — oool4$lp o e hh44(csshenanely oooMSISU ahh NK cmha eaa obnnhe
8088 SOS 81 8 9 8 N4%
Accessories Vtdee Seven Voa 818$ Tvoa 10N VIA Iud with 512K RAM ...............................QSI EVA 1NS VIA cenl with 512K RAM .............-..............-.-$ZSS tsgkech048erislMeuee . .— 809 LegRechSeen Plus withCatch Nard OOB ~0 0N8 Tape seebup .eSSa Sony1$04Muigsesn Men8er 1024 s78$,WON ply ....8118$ Cbrme836 VIA MertNer 1024 x 788..................................8N8 Oume NO Iltggetme 14" Vol, A dot pitch, 102l x 760 ....$NI 800s 800 Voa lfenler with Vtdeoseven estd 8SSS
3728 Main St., Vancouver VSV 3N7
(604) 872-1136
The Computer Paper I July '90 If,by chance, they are markeli ReadOnly, you will get only a cryptic "DOS error code 5. Like Norton, PC Tools backup runs a confidence test to ensure the install went properly by automatically hacking up and restoring a few files. The program requires a colour screen to work properly. In monochrome, you must have your contrast adjusted just right or you cannot tell which directories are selected for backup and which are not. Further, m monochrome, the highlighting used for the directory cursor is easy to confuse with the highlighting used to select directories for backup. PG Tools works best with a mouse. Haarcver, using the mouse is not as intuitive aswith Norton. For example, if you chck on the displayed drive to select the drive to hack up, nothing happens. You have to puH down the "Backup menu, and click backup From entry... O h reaHy? It «lso has its own uniqueway of using the Enter, Letter and Arrow keys to navigate and make selections. There are no prompts to help you along. However, once you understand the basic method, the program is straightfoyward. Wamingl PG Tools' Restore, by deBtult, restores your files to the wrong drive. Itdoes not remember where the files came &om originally. You must set the drive before you restore. Be careful not to invoke the "Start Restore" command until you have all your directories and files se lectcfL Itjust takes oil
tories to a hst by hitting the Ins key. If you add one by nuslake, tioo bad. If you
Fastiadt Plus
and delete files. It has an XCOPYhke function to copy a set of tagged files to Soppy. You might prefer this sort of program ifyou b a small number ofdifFerentfilesevetytime. Thediskcttcs are almost the same as XCOPY would produce.
man ually
FastBack was the original Iast backup program. FastBack Plus is a total i@write. It is the world's best~llmg backup pxogram. Make sure you get vernon 2.L Ear11ervcmons conbd11ed a serious bug. FastBack Plus has an inept way of speciiying which directories and files you want to nstead of simply fagging the ones you want, the way everyone else does, you add the direc-
want more than 2Q, fioo bad. You can
later, under a difFerent menu, edit the listandprune out the onesyou added by Baby AT 286 SV12 MHz mistake. 8/18 MHz) If you want to see something amusing, lry running FastBack Pluswitha mouse. There is nomouse cufsor, butwhenyou move your mouse right the highlight bar suddenly disappears and reappears • Not only the products, on the kjLside of the screen. Sometimes but also the company. itgets caughtin a box in the upper right corner. Using thee mouse is not practical.We manufacture and export high quality Like PC Tools, FastBack Plus runs hest fjflorooomputers, PC boardsBnd Addone. Every product is carefully built, tested Bnd in colour. Ifyou run itin monochrome, ' examined. We will burn in alj parts before lt confuses you by hlghhghtmg every- delivery. Haft Slee AT 286 thing EXCEPT the item you have cho(6/'l2 MHz) sen. This is not too had when you are With more than seven years'experience in the selecting &om three or more items, but PC industry, we ensure our products and services satisfy your needs end requirements. it is like tying your shoes in a mirror when you have to select between two.
PC FullBalt Plus
Baby AT 288 (8/16 MHz, Hardware EMS)
Please contact ue for further information.
PC Fullbak Plus is a plainJane backup. It has a menu system that works something like the Lotus 1-2-5 interface. It has no &ills, such a mouse or the abiliiy to select individual files to back up. Itis aimed at a technical user. For example, it asks you how many tracks your floppy driveshave. Notmanycasualuserswould know the answer to that question. The manual warns that FullBak should not be used to transfer files between difFerent computers, This is odd, since ifyour nukchine dies,youwould have torestore your files to some alternative computer.
KeepTlradt Phuj
KeepTrack Plus is not a real backup
program. Itis a DOS shell to copy, view
Iadt-It Back-It 4 did surprisingly poorly in the speedtests. I have been recommending the older Back-It S for the last few years as the most reliable and foolproof
Asbands nwnes srereglstemd tsdemsdw ot their respecthe owners, spsclseatlone we subject to changewithout prior nouns.
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The Co m p uter Paper I July '90
backup. Time has passed it by. Back-It 4 is a disappointment. The changes &om Back-It5 are nearlyaH show and no substance. Back-It stiH makesyoufeedyour aH your diskettes backin,whenaHyouwanttorestoreis a tiny file. The method you use to select the drives, directories andfiles to backup is evenmore obscure than it used to bet N a vigation left me s easick Thearrowkeysm ely~km e where I expected ta go. In theold Back-It, Restorewasa three-
stage process, with only certain commands vahd at eachstage. Happily that nightmare is gone. On the positive side, Sack-It is the only program with parental tags,so yau can teH the backupwhat to dowith any new directories that should appear. It was also one of the fewpragrams to correctly restore an empty directory.
~C Qg ~
g g c jtttp
Sterling Intelligent backup is a turtle, only marginaHy faster than the glacial
D OS ~
Like a spoiled child, it has an odd habit of writing only a few bytes on a diskette before asking far yet another &esh ane. I think it likes to start everyhrge 61e an a new diskette. The display during backup is somethingonlyanaccountantcauid love. It is nothing but statistics. IB is likea Tar Baby. It wiH takeyou about 20 keystrokes ta get aut of it. Aborting is almost impossible. On the positive side, it has a stxaight forward multiplechoice type menu
system. IB has one major point in its favor — it does insist you insert the correctly numbered diskette. Unfortunately, it muddles aH your backup sets into one.
DOS comes with a &ee backup program called BACKUP. I strongly recommendyou avoid using it First, DOS 5.5BACKUPisalmostfour times slower than a proper backup pragrauL The version that comeswith DOS 5.2 had 20 repoxted bugs. A Microsoft tech leman of MS.DOS." Even the latest 4.01 pxegxamiswithoutanysafetynetL If yau insist on using it, you may findyou cannot later restox e your files. I h ave written a replacement For the DOS RESTORE program to rescue you should this happen. I will send you a copy anywhere inthe world for $5. As with aH my diskettes,you are &ee to make copies and pass them on to your friends. Unlike theafBcialRESTORE,mine works under any version of PC-DOS or MS DOSandrestoresfiles backed up under any other version. Because of this feature, the Federal
repr esentativecaHeditthe"
k rrrrHK$1%r
Mage Ltn MageHan is nat a true backup Itfinds program. It i filesfor you when you cannot remember what they are called, when aH you remember are afew words that might be in the document. It can also find groups of files &om aH your drives and directories thatare related by topic. It lets youview those files in their nativemode. For example, ifyou peek at a spreadsheet, you don' t see hex gibberish, mstantly you see a real spreadsheet. Yau don' t have to bxingup 1-2-5 toloakatit I think everyone with many smaH files should immediately buy a copy of Magellan. Everyone else could wait perhaps a week. MageHan is the inastuseful utility I have come across in the last five years. As a lwlckup program, though, MageHan is pathetic. Its saving gxace is its magical ability to find
twat Satx
%P. tuNF~l I'
7. .
Aviafion Administxatian uses it to distribute software.
a set of 61es that meet some crite-
rion to back up.
r I
Q Vg
In the bad old days,if you backed up your root directoxy, then restored it, your hard disk would become unbootable, because restore would disturb two system f iles, IO.SYS and MSDOS~ . Happily, none of the true backup programs still have that problem. I found one smallbug common to Norton, FastBack Plus, PC FullBak Plus and I n t e lligent Backup. They aH failto restore a directoxy unless it contains files. Only PC Tools and Backitgot this right. InteHigent Backup did not work properly unless I pre-formatted the diskettesfor it. Ifyou aborta backup part way through, it gets
The Cemputer Paper/ July '90 confused, aad does not record the fact that the backup isnelongervahd. Protecting Yeurself From Bugs I have not had enough experience with any of these progxaxxis to feel. confidenttheyare bug~. You must protect yourself by testing the progxams yourseK They may work fine on someone else's computer, but net yours. AAeryou inst allyeurbackup program, backup some files, and make duplicates onanother part of year hard disk Deletie the eriginals. Then restore them and compare. If you find differences,report the problem to the m anufacturer. D o a *t trust the pro-
gram until you have done this with at least 10 diskettes full of data. Be especially careful of Norton (because it is new), and PCTools because of Central Point's history of releasing impreperly tested sofhvare. Terminology-Three Kinds OfBackup There are three kindsofbackups: full, incremental and differentiaL I rec-
which l fi eshave changed. Thisway you will he able to maintain several independent backup sets. They will track which files have been deleted, so that when you restore, all yourdeleted fileswen'tnecessarfiycome back to haunt you. All these wonderful things will come to pass as soon as the cost of mag tape drops lew enough te completely obsolete floppy backup.
Access The prices quoted here are average Vancouver street prices in Canadian dollarL -Peter Norton Backup 1.1, 100 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90401-1104. Customer service (215) 519-2010. Tech
This is living dangerously.
Future The next generation of backups will manage your backup sets, telling you which ones to hack up today, which ones to take offsite, which ones to bring into the office. They will allow incremental backups, hy maintaining their cxwn records of
C4Laaa dian
Pa@re m ~
Sf+ cofsP&flp 8 acceletfng is organized."
support (215) 51M020. FAX (215)
458-2048. About $120. - PC Tools 6.0, Central Point Software Inc, 15220 N.W. Greenbrier, ¹200, Beaverten, OR, 9V006. (505) 69M090. About $120. - FastBack Plus 2.10, Fifth Generation Systems, 10049 North Reiger Road, Baommend that you avoid incremental ton Rouge, LA 708Q9. (504) 291-V'221. and dMereatial backups. That is all Sales (800) 8754584. Tech support you haveto knew. For the curious, I (504) 291-7285. About $140. hope yeu will find this explanation- PC Fullbak Plus 1.12, Westlake Data dearer than those in the manuals. Corp, P.O Box 1711,Austin, TX, V8767. A full or d' a r t b a ckup backs up Telephone (512) 528-1041. About$75. all the requested files. Differential - KeepTrack Plus, The Finot Group, backups only back up files that have 259Q El Camino Real, Suite 5, Palo Alte, changed since the last full backup. CA94506. (415) 856-202Q. About$269. Incremental backups only back up - Back-It 4.0, Gaselle Systems, 42 North files that have recently changed, since University Avenue, Suite 10, Pram, UT the last incremental or full backup. 846Ql, (800) 2554585, (801) 577-1288. With a full backup, when it comes FAX (801) 5756955. Customer support time to restore, you have only one set (800) 7554585. About$90. of diskettes to deal with. With a differ- DOS Backup 4.Q1 - comes bundled as ential backup you have two. With an part of MS-DOS. iacrementalyoumighthaveaaywhere - Lotus MagellanV2.0 fil e manager, &om two to twenty sets to deal with. Lotus Development Corporation, 44 However, incrementalbackups are Cambridge Parkway, Cambridge, MA fixster than differential, which are ia 02142. About$150. turn faster thaa full. -Intelligent Backup DMS/IB 5.21, SterFor each file, DOS maintains the lingSoftware, 2255 Sheppard Avenue archive bit ~t notes whether a file East, Suite 901, Willowdale, Oatario, has changed since the last backup. M2J 5B5. (416) 492-5000. FAX (416) When you do an incremental or dif4924258. About $500. ferentialbackup,youonly backup the Access to Packages Not Reviewed Here changed files. When you do an increUnfortunately, the copy of Micro Intermental backup, you turn the bit ouse faces QaikSave2.45 was damaged in you won't back up that file again. shipment so I cauld not evaluate it. When you do a di8erentlal backup, Cere did not provide us with a review you leave the bit on so you will concopye tinue to back up all the changed files -~ i kSave 2.45, Micro Interfaces Corp, ever againevexy time you hack up. 18590 N.W. Avenue Suite 2QO, Miaxm, Onlywhenyoudoaaotherfullbackup FL55Q15. (505) 8254088. Aheut$240. do yeu turn eff the arduve hits. - CORKFast, Core International, 71Vl Why are incremental and differential North FederalWay, Boca Raton, FL backups dangerous) Unrelat ied file 55421. Sales (505) 977%055. Tech copying pxegrams may inadvertently support (505) 9774055. About $580. flip the archive bit and throw yeur Suxnxmay backup scheme out of whack Also, The newcomer, Norton Backup, is you should keep at least three backup number oae. It is the one I would sets. You would need to keep track of recommend. PC Tools is a bargain if all three sets independently, so you you want all the attachmea ts. FastBack would needthree archivebitsforeach Plusis the seasoned veteran. Ifyou can file. Unfortunately, DOSprovidesenly afford it, forget floppies and get tape. one archive bit per file. So, if you use Backing up to floppies is as exciting as incremental and differential backups, watc¹ing paint dry, hut you have to de yoli cail have only ONE backup setl
'Thanks te HELP
HELP Ganadian Payroll HELP Software |s one af Canada's bestselling payroll packages. Ic features suser txiendly hterhce, iatelcates with mast major scmuntiel packages invading hCCPhC, NewViews, KS end Client Strategist, and Reepsyour Revenue Canada seeoaexinbehiaco.8exibillityis the mune of the game in payxoll eottwaxe, and HBLpcln hancse up xe ten c15aent types af eamlngs aswell ss allewiett cen user de6nsble cNmpsny dechcsloes. h p res your Records ofRmploymesaand TA alitN ax year end end you can even changeycalsown Government xsxcables. Qds means NO year/ update feL Best of all the number af employees is limhectanly by disk space so asyaur mmpany grows, you won% outgcow HEIP. If you have ~ e m m psnlea, HKP can handle them alL RRP Canadian Psytell has been serviett biLaxiesees like your cnrn for the past fiveyessssod hasover 1,000 installed users so you can buy with the ccmfideacexhsxHELp weal bethere if yciu xxeectit. Thepam for thh package is only Q4cr.95. Talk to your Sheets, they are pxabably sheedI using HEIp Canachsnpayroll
For morc, informaCon call MKP So@ware at (604) 43$-6268 5487 Kiagsway, Burnaby, B.C. V58 2G1 Doator trupstrtos are rocteormoct.
Dealers have a lot of choices
Why choose Because ~e are reliable and trustworthy...and most important of all, we provide you withquality service andthe best deal! MINI TOWER CASE WITH DIGITAL DISPLAY COMPACT CASE WITH DIGITALDiSPLAY BABY AT CASE FULL SIZE AT CASE SLIM CASE (ONLY 4" HIGH) 2OQWac150W POWER SUPPLY ADO-ON CARDS AND MORE PRODUCTS TO VIEW
Call usNOWfor the best price in town!
About thoAuthor Roafy Grccnis president o f Canadian Mind Pmducts, ¹168 - 1020 Mainland Street, Vancouver BC, V6B 2T4, (604) 6846529.
• -
His cossparxy sdh badmphardroarc and •
soPxoarc for AT doncs. Hc has xorittcn oocr a hundred letters to the makers of hukccp soft roarer cPoltingbugs and ogirxng suggestionsfor ixx~ocxacnts.
The Computer Paper I July 'IO
T our Re c h a rg e S p e c i a l i s t s g': pr ',g
authorized dealer QMS PS010 Postscript 193.Nkonth H.P. Laserjet IIP 2MBRAIN/1MB ROM DMS ASAP Technnlogy for taster postscript proceSSing
laser print at anegordableprice
QMS PS010SKfoog
53. 12jlnonN
Lacerjet III 25 744/fnonNI H.P. 64.63/tnonfh Enhanced resolutinn / May beexpanded to Postscript
Expendable toSMBRAM/ 38resident scalshle typefaces 60% laster printing speedpnssible / SCSI interface
1MB memory(expandable)/8 PPM Scalahu typefacm
H.P. Laserjet IID Print on both sides ofpage
For multi userandnetworked printing TyyO papertrays /10,0N page monthly duty cycle
QMS PS020~ i
t hat de Nrordo/oI4,0 0 0 yagistordgtPqgeMfshdrlsdrs.
Applslalk, pamlbdandserial interlaces Maximum designfl exi bility
as aboveand
Suet: AQsgsCorp.
Above tuteearebasednn a42 month leasewith 20%buyout
option at30 MafmfS. Tax rmtinduded.
QMS COIOurSCript100 416.95/inonfh model 10
True Adobe PostScript oulput at 300 DPI Pantone Colour Simulation
UltraScript P.C;
U.D.P.Turbo25 FontCarlridye
Replacesyour old 2N sheetpaperhay to giveyou1.ND shuns of paper
(130 fonts) For (assr)etIII Forlaser)et II. IID, andIIP
Paper Traysfor
from $75
Toner Cartrid0e
$135 Iphmoxesn ngoi
torH.p.,cannon,Apple,DMBand more
3319 $269 IuaaeeoppUeernsrI
Pacific DataMemory8oards (Expectable)
(MB forBeretsn andIID 1MBfor Series III and BP
Naay mere predaata aad brands
Ask for Chris Small
•k Only 862.90/month $000x $000 dpi Plain Paper TYPESETTER
Turboneaeu personnel typeaenlna on year daafttepf 10$ typefaces are included.
2NB Controllers
61IB Controllers
Lepy Introductory Price r64A6/rnenfh
800 x 600 dpi CAII
4IIS Controllers
$00 aaoadpi
. IiS<>>-><>a I
000 x 000 dpi CAII
Syouest Removable HardDrive by Mfcrcnet Technclcayvu 60.5MKG CARTRfDGK 62. 14/Neath
~ g Dooktotp Siyiimokoro
Above ilems on a Sa monlh lease tuilh 10% buyout oplion. Tax not included. Alternalive purchase plans available; call for full details. Prices. subject lo change wllhout nollce.
• 80286-12CpU,0 wn • SS njaj Erj). le4MB Mljj 5 1/a'Roj)pyDrive • /jNII Hard Disk (28 fits) e11 jnjarjssgeOn)at)jjgr • ljjfntngaplie Cafd wi Prinfsr Pert Safajjgj, eafjgl, a namesport
• 12'TTLAMI)srMonitor • Ijjho CSA Powsr80
•so386sx-16cpjj, o wa • 1MS Rjaj Ofl hcaffl fg(j). to B jN • 12M85 fa'Roppy Dfjvo «46MB HMd9jsj((3jms) «I)jjoacefaj)jscsCanl
paallal, Sofjgl, aGamesPort • f2'TTLAmh)r j)tof)ifor
• 2(NjjjfCSAPower Supply • Enj)sansd syejl)gafd
megabytes. The accompanying resene Gle explains that memory swaps of program portions will slow performance on maduneswhich don'thaveenoughRAM to hold it alL Below 500K free it is inoperable; the rock~ttomminimumis 700K Runmng with 18Mb free (a 2Mb '020 Mac II with ATM and oodles of fonts and lola of INITs aud CDEVs performance is guise
Upgrade Your Laser Printer Numenics Gridmaaieren Slim Dlaititer Tablet 1000 lines per Inch 26.69/meath
he battle of the desktop publishing titanshasenteredanewphase with major releasesofbothAldus PageMaker and Qmrk XPress. Aldus Corp. of Seanle has waded in Grstvvith version 4.0 of PageMaker for the Macintosh. Version 5.0 of XPress, announced in March, should be shipping by the time you read this. We will discuss a few of PM4.0's shortcomingsand afew ofQmrk'sstrengthsa little later, but for now we' ll focus on some of the new features (and a couple of minor bugs) in what has become the tgygyuiPsygofgof publishing on a personal computer. The program is huge — more than 19
U.D.P. 65-N-One FontCarlrid0e 3229
SX En0lne
Other arrangementsareavagable, Please call for prulng.
Bi0 Bin 1000
Twopapertmys /8 PPM
321.64 /fmonth
Convert anyprinter (evenOot Matdix) tn poslScrlpl For 286/386 O.O.S,3.1 orhigher
9 e
The program is tidy about Sle placement. The installer now creates anAldus folder inside the System folder. Inmde it placesall the dictionaries, impart/export Glters and other goodies. As we await System 7's folder organization features, this approach is welcome. And, ao Sar, the program has flawlessly converted all publications created with version ej.02. Long-time users will recall the transition from 'R.D to 5.0 was not so
•sos86-25cpjj, 0 w.s. • fljjj RAM on hoardExj).tc SMS • HINFlcj)py Dljva
• /IOMB Hald Djsjf Ielms) • U InterleaveCcmrcjjsr • Njonojjfaj)hic Caid - • 12'Amj)sr Njfmitor
• pardjjsj, safiaj, SGamepert
smooth. The advance publiciiy &om Aldus Corp. in Seattle boasted some 75 new features in this version. Without a doubt, the most significant development is the new story editor and its related spelling and Gnd/change utilitieL Before this release only the foolhardy would have tried to use PageMaker without Grat running the copy through a word prxycessor. It was tmjicult to see whatyou were typing unlessyou were in 8N% view; you couldn't check spelling, search and replace and so on. The new story editor offers, in a separatie window, an excellent tool for writing, applying styles and other formatting, spe5checking, searching and repladng.
The story editor The stdyqreditor can be used to originate new material, to edit stories already placed on the layout, or to import stories and revisethem before they are placed in the layout. Click in any story in the layout with the text tool, hit Command-E, then it pops into the story editor. You can also do this with a t with the pointer tool. For speed the story is displayed in a single fjypeGtce of your choice. You can have a running display in a narrow lefthand column of all the styles being used,
• 8N86-25CjrU,64K Cache • 2MS RNyj onboard Exy. to18MB • 12MS Rcj)py Dfhfn
4ONjaHag(iIsjf (mjfns) • Monojjfsj)hjc Canl
• Pafsljgl,Serial, (LCamePort • t7Amhfr Monifnr
•Fulshe Cas e
• RNNPgtserSupply
«g- phbyr
g ph.
Make changes, press Command-E or-% and the story editor doses, composing
Continued on page 35
w/system ..........................SSSS Sljper %CA Pacijais upgrade (1024 x768) ..... S676 MS Nndonf $88...........4145
NI DOSVer.4.01 ..............$01 LalltecbHI-rez. Mouse (4Ndpi) ............................fife
SALES,SFRYICE, 5 SUN 'I'087 — 1082 Kingsway,Vancouver TEL: (604) 879-8823FAX:(604) 879-1485
The Computer Paper I July '90
Buying a Laser Printer
By Catltaiynn Labont&Smith
Laser's Edge provides
Enter The ElectronicJungle
high resolution output with up to 18" by 4'
Before me was a tangle of thick cables, alive with the glowing red eyes of power bars. I entered the electronic jungleM y safari had begun; my search was for
demonstrating their day-&ay behavior: printing text and graphics.
DPI — dots-per-inch; how many dots the printer can put in an inch. The higher the DPI, the denser the image. Laser printers organize dots to create characters and graphics. The standard laser printer prints at 500 x SOQ DPI.
spe ciesoflaserprintersunder$5000 (street price). This was the world of
silence and efhciency; no more was I to hear thecomforting wheezes of 24-pin printers. Now thatI have safelyreturned,
I am ready toguideyou through the wild world of lasers. Don't be alarmed — that flash of brilliance silhouetting the darkenedjungle was just a laser printer consuming a typical meal of electronic signals, which it spits out onto &esh sheets of paper. Don't be a&aid of the natives of this jungle — the computer salespeople. They are &iendly and please accept the glossy sheets of useful specs that theywill invariably press into your hands. The natives often tell entertaining myths aboutlaser printers thatmigrate to their area, myths thatnew species of printers are on their way here &om distant manufacturers. If we are lucky, we will get to see PGcompatible laser printers
Glmtaary of Laser Meter Specs lASER
Internal Memory — internal memory within the laser printer stores graphics and fonts, rather than the computer
capability, 2540 dpi and 150 lpi, to film or paper from our two Linotronic printers. For proofing and less demanding jobs, print to our two laserprinters. Full colour output from tile QMS ColorScript to letter or tabloid size, paper or transparencies is also available. • We support IYIac anLI 1'C environments, offering disk and file conversion.
doing so. Th e amount of internal memory in a laser printer afFects the printer'sspeed in processing documents and graphics, and the more graphics you plan to put on a page, the more memory you need. The bigger the number does n ot necessarily correspond to m o r e
memory; for instance, 512Kbyte (K) is half as much as 1 Mbyte (MB). Fonts — a font is a set of charactiers of a
particular design, size (in points) and weight (light, medium, heavy). For instance,the words you are reading are in 10 pt. New Baskerville.
Contact our sales department for expert advice on creating your own system. We offer great deals on hardware, software and accessories. For all your Desktop Publishing needs, consult George Field or Allan sALEs L a rson, We offer competitive prices in all areas of Macintosh and PC.
Laserprinter Cartridges • You demand the highest quality output from your laserprintec So don't gamble with refilled toner cartridges. Be sure to use new cartridges in your Hewlett Packard LaserJet ll or Apple LaserWriter II Laserprinter. CARTRIDGE
• Workstauon rentals are available for creating your own documents, with the software of your choice and the enure Adobe type library at your fingertips. • Logos, graphics and text can be scanned and saved in the format of your choice for Mac and PC. • Our in-house production department offers quality typesetting and design. • All this, plus helpful service with a smile. • Montlai to Friilav 9-5 pm anal Saturday 10-3 pm.
P A P E R T Y P E S E T T E R I I 9 s9 9 S
0 Har d w a r e C o m p a t i b ility 06 M e g a b y te Co ntroller O'I3 5 S cai a ble Typeface s fXT, A T , 366. PB/2. Mac I IPius Ail Of Your Current PostBcript Fonts) 0 Softwar e Compatibility I Windows, GEM, CAO, Venture. etc. I 0 Unbelievable S p e e d I 10-20 Times Fester. 5-20secfPsge] 0 H .I 3 . T o n e r . P a p e r R C a b l e s 0 Delivery, In s t a llation, T r sining 0 Unlimited S p e c i a l E f f e c t s
>129 8 8 tnvkilesupplies tastf
S 2 5 4 )4 4 2 FAX
QO Q d p i 92 S O 4 2 4
• Take advantage of volume discounts. Premium quality at unbranded prices, lifetime warranty and certified 100% error free. Meets or exceeds ANSI/ I:.C:RA specs. 5.25" also available. DISKS
Pkg. of ZS:
800 k capacity ~3225 Pkg. of ZS: 1.44 Mg capacity>49~5
Come to tk experts.
We spears from experience. Suite 8.30,789 lVestPeurter Street
S ER V I C E S 0 All DeskTop Publishing Services 0 DTP Systems Sales R Consulting 0 Laser V pie ades To 4 OO,SQO,SOQ R 1
Toner cartridges for the month of July at the low price of
Bulk 3.5" Diskettes
Vuu<sutIer, Britisth Cntuhubiu.V6C 1HZ Fax (6(14j 6h'1-2300 Atnchhu NI-.32713
V Laser's~ ($04) $$2 8774
The Computer Paper I July '90
Laser Printers cont. Most HP-type laser printers come only with one or sometimes a few typefaces; each variation of the font, so the specs would say that a printer has 14 fonts. Upon looking at a sample sheet, you' ll see that they are ail variations of the typeface Courier, for example. PostScript (see below) printers have a generous number oftypefaces that are
pressure; it needs regular replacement once again like in a photocopier. Main tenance of a laser printer is rtimilar to maintenance ofa photocopier.
typefac eisa
HPCL — Hewlett-Psrckard Command Language is the programming language that the computer uses to communicate with the Hewlett-Packard type printer. It is one of the two main htser-printer lan guages, the other being PostScript. Printers thatuse HPCLare referred to a HPwompatible printers. However, some of these printers can be upgraded through special cartridges to PostScriptcompatible printers.
scalable to unlimited pointsizes; the HPtype laser printer can have fonts added on in the form of cartridges. PPM — Pages (Printed) Per Minute is the way to compare printer speed. This number, which can range from S PPM to 20 PPM, is accurate assuming that the printer is producing copies of the same page of text.
o qX< o ~.-
0 $ @ 8~ Ap
(604) 26i8800 or GO' i-800-663-9272 Impaq technology inc.
OO qe|
l~hnpfagy wltll ImpaCI QflOlO
Toner — this is the laser printer's "ink" Sold in cartridges, most of which are reSIable, the toner is an extra cost In laser printers based on a Canon engine, this toner cartridge is exactly the same hnd ofmechanismfoundinyour Canonstyle personal photocopier. They are an additional charge in the operation of your laser printer. These cartridges cost about$1SQand aregood for about s,000 pages. The exception is the new IBM LaserPrinterE,whichprints10,000pages with a cartridge costing $199. Drum — this is the part in the laser printer which transfers the toner to the printer paper using heat and gentle
PostScript — This is the programnung language that the computer uses to communicatewith PostScriptprinters, which are the most expensive type of printer because of their versatiTity and the vari-
ety of the SS scalable PostScript typefaces, plus the easyaccess to hundreds of other downloadable sofbvare-based fonts. PostScript printers also excel at printing PostScript-based graphics produced by prograxnssuch asAdobelllustzator, Carel Dmw Sc Micrographx Designer.
Scalable — this term, used by typesetters and desktop publishers ahke, means that the typefaces can be made to any size. This gives you the abiTity to create a range of sizes, from barely readable (6 point) to the easy-reading standard (10 point type) to screaming headhnes (24-
48-'y2 point type).
• New "Sharp" engine • PostScript Upgradeable • Internal Paper Trays (up to 500 pages) ~ Up to 4MB RAM + 5 Emulations / Serial 4 Paramel • Optimal Envelope Feeder
Cbays Gmuy Is an Authorhed Distributor ror
Selecfed DealerAjps Available •
ContactShawn Ray fora Demo
TEL (604) 435-2900 iN (604) 435-9120
• Fast(6ppm) performance • Excellent C'ost/Performance ratio • Low consumabies cost • (50,000pages per cartridge) • Outstanding Paper Handling
Give yourself more than the edge with the newDATAPRODUCTS LZR-650,the laser printer with the world's smallest footprint. lt's like getting a whole new desk.
• HKK emulation control software ("Softcon 6") • ACEF FontManagement Software
(" Type Director" )
+ HKF Instruction Video
The Computer Paper I July '90 Survbal Strategr
Ifyou expect tobe able to pop down to your local laser-printer dealer and lewe with a trophy under your axm, you will be frustxated. Keep in mind these facts about computers and peripherals such as laser printers: l) Allow plenty of time for this adventure. Dealers keep their inventory to a minimum because of the expense of having inventory that may become obsolete as itsitson the sheK Dealers don'twant to stock what may not seII, and buyers don't want to buy what ian'ton the shelf. Patienceisrequired, then, for orders tobe placed, printers to be aet-up...
the revised version on the layout. With enough RAM you canhave several story windows open at a time, which lets you cut,copy and paste among them. You needn' t even place astoxywindaw's contents before saving and dosing the file. When the PageMaker file is next opened, unplaced stoxy windows pop to the fore. All of this is in addition to the ability to type and edit on the layout itself. The search/replace, find and spellchecker all function through the story editor. You can check the contents of the current window or evexy story in a publication. The speEchecker is fast, easy to use and smart: It will point out possible improper capitalization and double words — the infamous "the the." The one timethe program frozewas on a spellwheck of the whole publication. I suspect I had run out of memory. Any story in whichyou make achange during
2) Weekdaysare best to shop for laser printexs, because unlike everyother type of retail shop, many computer shops are dosed on Saturday. For instance, were it not for trapping an employee in the darkened and dosed Computer Shop section of the UBC Bookstore, who admitted that they had one but was under strict orders not to serve anyone on Saturday, Iwouldnothavefoundan example of a PostScript printer. 9) It is difficult to find examples of PostScript printers and color laser printers, as theyare in the highwnd market. I have notcovered color beers nor fully covered PostScript lasers as they are special- order items. You may want to call +MS directly to view their color laser Rarely in the electronic jungle will you find herds of on-line laser print- . printers. They have reps who will demo their more expensive printers for you. exs, just waiting to be bagged. The Be prepared to pay over $10,000 for boxed varietyare more common, but salespeople arenotenthusiastic about these units. 4) Make cerlain that your applications setting them up unless they have a support the printeryou choose. You can serious prospect I was more often refertoyour computer program'smanual directed to a lone ousted demonstrator grazing through its paper txays to see if it is compatible with the printer at the back of the store. But patience you are planning to buy. will reward the buyer withlower prices.
In t . Memory
HP LaserjetIIP 512K HP Laserjet IID 640K H P Laserjet III 1 M B NEC LC290 2MB NEC LC890 3MB Okidata Laser 400 512K IBM LaserPrinter E 512K
Built-in Typefaces+ 2 4 2 PostScript+t PostScript 3
Price" Handling
ri R printers
$2500 CSS
eature s
"All these f
$4880 $14N Env. 8t labels $18N Convenient (Basic front panel to model switch price) between trays 8r orientations
combine to nurke the New Gen Turbo PSl'4SOthe most impressive PostScript printer we' veever seen - period. " PC Publishing December 19I9
Until now, youhad achoice, compromiseyourgraphic slandards with a 300 x300laser, or compromiseyourfinances with a higher resolution prinler.
800 x 400 resolution Now there's the NewGen Turbo
PS/480 with astandard printing
resolution of 800x 400 dpi.
We studied these elusive, mysterious creatures until we learned how often they needtheirpaper trays changed, how their toner cartridges could be coaxed into printing a few more pag'es
Power usersaccustomed tonegotiatinga word document using the numeric keypad will be a little disappointed to learn that it is only partly implemented in the story editor. Command-9, for example, will takeyou to the top of a story butloses the insertion point; Command-5 goes to the bottom but loses the insertion point. This may be related to several new key-
"Seeingis Believing"
$1390 $3900
Prices aremundedoff to the nearest$10. Theseprices repreaent a maremedian pricethan discounted prices. "" Mesne printer cai print anbathsidesof the pageautomatically. + Fontsaredifferent vanationsoftypefimea;for instance, the HPLaserjet IIPhaa14 fontsbutthey are all the sametypefaxi. Crairier. Don't confuse fonts with typsfam. +i PostScript indicatesthat this printer camaswith all the available pbstscript fonts and typefaces (abaut 35typefaces).
Thus, our fingertips burnt from hot sample printouls, our handsblackened by toner, and our eyes made starry by the laser-beam lights,we complete our safari. We have placed our orders,and a lucky few are straining under the weight of their laser prizes.
Cursor controh
a global spe~eck stays open until you leave the spelMaecker and dose it Have no fear- the check picks up xight where you left ofK, These functions behave quite the same as those in MS Word with one important exception. You can also search/replace specific styles or other type attributes. This makes handling dingbat bullets a lot easier.
before being refilled (by shaking them gently). And, we witnessed the rapid evolution of lasers, for example, from HP genus, the simple HP Laserjet I to the new HP LaserJet HI. Aa we stagger back to our tidy offices and homes, we can hardly wait to tell our colleagues and 6Lmilieswhatlife is like out on the laser's edge. Pee.lrxrrcecol. Gxtpxex~LerfrontWmi& is rx PNter j mcxrtelixt in Vrxrrcouxrer. Ymct mack Puv rat224-5242.
That's over three limestheresolution of standard300dpi printers with prices well belowthe cost of typesetting machines. You gel the resolution youneed lo print fine-lined graphics and smooth fonls, andsavetime and money byprinting your own masters. At abouthalf the cost of high-priced imagesetters.
LaserJet II®, HPGLand Epsorx®emulations, and parallel/serial interfaces.
/BM®and Macintosh® compatibility
(800) 661-9860for a demonslration. And, find outwhy
The Turbo PS/480gives you plug and playMacintoshcompatibility - with LaserWriter IINTX compatibility, AppleTelk® interface, Adobe® downloadable font support end 35 Mac screen/printer fonts. IBM compatibility includesHP
"Seeing is 8elieving"!
It's faster, tool NewGen's dual-processor controller design, ublizing a20MHz graphics RISCprocessor, gives
jjx~gmluct esmes u~ep
To get the full story onthe highresolution, high-speedNewGen Turbo PS1400,call National Computer Products today at
SuggestedRetail Pricing Turbo Psl300, 300x300dpi $6,395 Turbo PS/360,600x300dpl $7,499 Turbo PS/400,400x400dpi $7,995 Turbo PS/400,800x400dpi $10,995
Nwte@lmrkrpesNe' o~ r
tie oitheirnepacfivecomp n d «gema ania Adobesnd
ncpvaeeuwr ucpcalxuy Nap Edmonm ncpToneto N a p uanlreal 14 weeaihAve, 'let,ria.12Avs.sw iinaa-117Aw, 5,151curiuuiew tk 100,7$xaplace vancower ca1aav. AB. Bh w nton, Aa. rfeNnIs.one a e IRoserahs acvavlna T x nany T5uawa uawSEr Anlou ouL 1HS( al eraxaieFaxHlia&(e agesF i~ea iIc1sFipviv sgeeipsss Imalera41xa 41$ (aixi4rsraax (6HIxxxaexe Fax
com puter ( UC5
NewGenthe fastest PostScriptcompatible desktop laseryou can buy. In fact, it will print most pages up tofive times faster than theApple LaserWriter®IINTX andblowthe doors off anything else in ils class.
The Computer Paper I July '90
PC - What's That' ?
d 0
1MB RAM,1s/1p/10 12' Monochrome monitor WD 40MB28msHD MonoGraphics Card EnhancedKeyboard
38820/25 NH
NHz 3 8 8 26 NHz ~ ~ swiss e>sss eirss 38825 e IIIo s i s s Igggl
• 200 watt powersupply,CSAapproved • 1 2 meg or1A4 megIoppy drive
• serial,parallel 8 g'arne ports • 101 key enhancedand tacole keyboard
R~ '~ 42 NB HARD DRIVE Minisoibe 28 ms voicecoil • Auto park • 82K Cache • 2 year Wananty • 1-1 AT IDE ctmboger HI-RES NONITOR • 12" Amber screen,monographics card
4319 Fraser St., Vancouver
computers, such as the Osborne I and The initials PC stand for Paxsottal Cows- Kaypro 11, were launched. pttter, the collectivenamegiven toawhole range of computers. This artide introA very significant year for the developduces you to personal computers, and ment of computers was 1981, when IBM a c assumes that you have no prior knowl- . launched its first personal computer. edge of them. Since then,computers have developed at a fitst clip. Today's personal computersare Stater,haveamuchlargercapacity, A Little HiStoay aud cost only a &action of a 1981 modeL The first electronic computer was produced as long ago as 1946. It was called Apersonalcoxnputerisacomplete system ENIAC,andcomprisedmore than 18,000 which can be placed on your desk, Itcan vacuum tubes, the kind used in oldperform a whole range of utsks at vexy fashioned radio and television sets. As high speeds. you can imagine it was a vexy large machine, occupying most of a whole building. Itweighed 50 tons, which isaboutas Many companies adopted the standards much as 50 small cars. ENIAC was in use set by the 1BM PC to produce their own for about10yeaxs, butdespite its colossal computers, which work in the same way size it could not do more than today' s as the IBM machines. These are often referred to as LBM cowsp sttibk computers, simple pocket calculators. v. or 18M dottsx. Both the IBM PC and its compatibles have undergone enormous In 1975, the first home computers were development, with improvements being launched. Among the first producers announced every, few months. This has were such faxniliar companies as Apple, resulted in newer models with names Commodore, and Tandy. Atari launched such as the XT, AT, 286, 586, and PS/2. its first computer aimed at both home These different models are discussed users and sxnall companies in 19'79, and later. about a year later the first small business
HOURS: INon. Csat. 10 A.IN. - 6 P.IN.
MOTOROLA 80008 • talk / standby time: r.5/16 hrs. • warranty: 5 years Cantel warranty
M OTOR OLA TALK M A N • talk / standby time: 2.2/30 hrs • standard package: low k standard antennas slim dk standardbatteries, A.C. charger & carrying case
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2$6-20/CGA (w/ L44 FDD, 20 MB HDDr t
2 86 - 4 0 / E G A (w/ L44 FDD, 40 MB HDD)
Both models mclude: • 640K RAM with LCD display • FREE 2400B internal modem, MS DOS 3.3 Ec G.W. Basic, MS works 2.0, disk cache software, carrying case. • 1 year Canadian warranty
The Computer Paper I July 'SO Mmt I's a Computer, ReallyP In simple termsâ&#x20AC;&#x17E;a computer is no xnore than an electrical appliance. Like your television, or freezer, it has been developed to be able ta perform certain taskL For example,youcan useyour computer as a typewriter for writing letters, as a pocket calculator to balance your checkbook, or as a VCR/TV combo to display pictures and drawings. You can also use it ta store teLephone numbers, play gameg produce technical drawings and developcameraready documents for printing. Computers can even be used ta run production lines. Just like any other electrical appliance, computers can and do break down and cause problems..However, be very skeptical when a mistake is blamed on the computer. In most cases it's a human exror that causes you to receive that nofice from the phone company that says that unless you payyour outstanding bill for $4,567,5M.15, your telephone wiII be disconnected. A computer is not some sort of supernatural, super~telligent, ahnighty machine poised to uxke over the world. A computer can not think for itself, it can only follow instructions. Itis notcapable of suddenly deciding that itwould like to have anicecream cone,or offeeling the desire to take a long vacafion on some sunny island beach. It can however, foIIowinslructionsand perfoxmpredefined tasks atan amazingly high rate: a million or so instructions per second. Assume thatyou have a list of telephone numbers stared in your computer system, and a program, or predefined Iisto instructionsâ&#x20AC;&#x17E;which can extract the right number fora given pexion. Ifyou ask your computerwhat telephone number Abraham Lincoln has, it will probably, after a shortdelay, tellyou thatit can not find his number. It is not capable, how. ever, of answering directly that Lincoln wasalive 8$yeaxsagoand doesnot, and did not, have a telephone.
because they do not understand what happens.They're womed that they can destroy the computer in some wayif they press the wrong combination of keys. This is not the case, however.
If you ask your computer to print out Rt5 m9, it will do so. Again, it is not capable of thixxking for itself and telling you that 2+5 does not equal 9. It also can't refuse to pmit lies. On the other hand, by giving the computer the right information it could, for example, calculate the wages for thousands of employees in alarge company in a matter of seconds. By giving a computer an appropriate set of instructions, it can very quickly perform a wide range of utsks. A computer is avery fastworki n, but completely stupid, machine.
The Monitor
0 0
5 I
& ~
lxIR R R R I a m~
The Different Parts of a Computer While their appearanre varies, the basic parts which make up a personal computer are the same. All computers need some way of allowing the user to give instxuctions or information (koybouyd), and some way of showing what's going on(yuonitoror screen).Other important parts needed are a pLace in which information can be stored (dixkxor hurddisks), and the mechanism that can serve as a traaic cop and control the flow of' information within the computer (systeot yxrut).You also need a means of making your data accessible to people who don't have a computer handy
Atypical IBM-compatible computer The keyboard is used ta send instructions to the computer and to input required information or dutu.Many beginners are slightlywaxy of pressing keys
The monitor is rather like a television set, although it does not function in quite the same way. Its display is the computer'sway ofshowingyouwhat's going on. Itcan also be referred to as the eideodixPtuy rescind (VDT), the xlideodisphy unit (VBO), or simply as the screen, There is a third term, cethekruy @de (CR7), which is often used sy n onymously with VDT and VDU. All of these terms are used to refer to the display unit on a comput . There are many hnds of monitors, but the main difference is between monochnnnemodels thatcanonly display images in varying shades of amber,green, or gray,and cofermonitoxsthat
NETWORKING YOUR BUSINESS In co-operation with Novell, Softxak Systems Inc. is pleased to present monthly seminars covering the basics of networking. Designed for computer novices, scheduled at convenient times and taught b y p r ofessionals,these seminars are th e p erfect i ntroduction to uetworking concepts.
The Keyboard The keyboard has a layout that's similar to a typewriter, but it has several extra
Contact Kathryn Kidd to reserve your space now.
Softrak Systems lnc.- eudgyes fo Inference
&03 - 1661 West 8th Ave. Vancouver, B.C. V6J 1V1
Tel: 736-3741 Fax: 736-6431
NETWARE/VMS Wouldn't you like to try it ... BEFORE you buyit'? FOR 10 DAYS OUR's IS YOUR's ... CHECK OUT OUR VAX 3100 PCI.ANservel
We install it, you evaluate it.
Call us today to reserve your test drive! Softrak Systems Inc.- pucgiyes of Intel1iyence %03 - 1661 West 8th Ave. Vancouver, B.C. V6J 1V1 Tel: 736-3741 Fax: 736-6431
The Computer Paperj July '90 can reproduce the Ml visual spectrum. A color moniter will often brighten up the time you spend working vrith yaur computer. On the other hand, a monochrome monitor costs less, is more compact and will often suf5ce for your
Ne are moving to: 101 - 2006 Kingsway (Rupert) Vancouver in Mid July Please come visit our new showrooml
The monitor is used to shaw information which your computer sends out such as a letter you' vetyped, the results of a calculation, or even a picture.
July Specials 80286-1 2MHz System: .. 80386sx-1 6MHz System 80386-2GMHz Ssytem::
: -
The System Unit
':::$1,189 '$1,59S ': $2,085
The system unit is the central part of a computer. All ether units, like the moni-
: ,-
tor and the keyboard,are connected to
and controlled by this unit.
All systems corno'with 1MB RAM, .1.2MB 5 1/4' floppy:drive, 40MB 28mii
hard disk,::14'.irrrinochrorrle mariner 0 101 inhancedkeyboad
The system unitprocessesyour keyboard inputs and controls the output to your monitor. Italso precessesallmstructions it's given and all relevant data For each taskitperfoxms.Allcalculationsare done within the system unit.
Mitsubishi AT Laptop 40MB HG ' '$2,559 dBA8E!v Carbon Copy Plus v5.2 Miciosoft.Works
The Computer's Memory An integral part of the system unit is the computer's memoxy, where text and numbers are stored.Fer example, a
We carryfull line of computers, monitors, printers, peripherals 8 software! 0
number can bestared in the computer's
memory and retrieved later to be used in a multiplication operation.
InfoSpec Systems Inc. 75M - 6th Street, BUmaby Fax 522-9711
There are twe vexy different sorts of memory: ROM memory and RAM memoxy. These are described below.
Tel 522-1122
ROM is a permanent memory. Data stared in ROM contains information necessaxy for your computer when you turn it on to ensure its correct performance. ROM stands fer Reed oral' Manrayy,which means that you can never change its contents. Your computer can only read and use the inferxnatien that is stered there. Information in ROM remains even when your computer is oK
RAM Memory
RAM is a nonpermanent memory and it's there that data is stored temporarily while yeu are working with the cemputer. Textand numbers can be saved as long as they are needed for a specific task, but they will disappear from RAM when the computer is turned off orwhen a different computer program is activated. RAM stands for BnndmeAccara Manroyy, which refers to the concept that data can be written te, and read from, this sort of memery at will.
Memory Size
The size of your computer's memory is measured inbytes,or AiMyras. Each byte is rhe same as ene character. Fer example, the text, "Hew nice you arel" would bake up 17 bytes, not forgetting the blanks and the exdamation point. A kilobyte is 1024 bytes, and it's sometimesjust called
ger Nk The important thing, from the user's pointefview, is the size of the computer's RAM-typememoxy. Progrxunsare loaded
ROM Memory
. .
' Xiii''jjiaxai::.paHe.S lahxsx eln ALL eliatosxnnl aiil::hiarnl::di4iii
• s
drag ranting
Qrnphbr Fax0NOB............$025 Logil echSeri alMouse..........$00 Lagitecb Bus Mouse .......$110 F ocus 2N1 Keyboanl . $ N BrevisJoySflcks..................$44 Smart hbel Printer ...,...$275 Sound Bhster .....$250
Sony525' DD/HD NLOS/$14.05
Sony 3.5' DO/HO ..$15.01$20.50 Kao SCROD/HD ....$0.50i$13.50 Kao 3.5' DO/HD....$14.05/$27.05
Bulk 720KDisks ....70 serio each lahshlaehdsa gnashSlheOnly,
Whlh Supyllsstssl)
Rohnd 9101 .......-.—.-...,$255 Rohnd 9104 .„,..............$315 Roland 2417 ........... ...$440 Rahnd 2455 ............. $525 Reland LPSNlaser.. ..$0% And eenynn nmnt:support:-" n'n.:::.:-::)ii'iltliiUlgti -"" Rahnd LPI110laser $1725 IanjjIme ':'':':'$4N Bmlg 0 your computerbeblleen metier hmerhm'5'ynuqo'rnarie'd':.:':.:,"ArcbkIo4@440'jot:::.'::' . '.::.':..-::. Fujilsu OL34N ............ .$NO 20MB inshiied $325 your computer:,unrrrnnly i<bonn.::,:,::Archers'SiH08'jnt=:.,::::,::,.::,:,.",:.,''.:",'.::"" $010 June 15andJune25 and get our Fujilsu DL11N .................$405 Epson LQ10%.....................$045 charge. Epson LQ850..................$700 rrra Yearnrarraaly aa Nayr HardDrhraa '
: :
- '
US Rabofics 12NB Int.........$107 US Robolics12NB Ext.. $140 US Rabolcs 24NB Int ...$19$ US Rabolics24NB Ext $2 35 Cardinal 24000lnt .............$120 Canlinal 24000Ext.............$105 Canlinai Fax/Nlodem ............$175
a•• •
The Cosnputer Paper I July '90 into ~ aa d h rger programs require (usually referred to as kigk density disks). larger RAM. If your computer's RAM is As an example, a 560K disk can store the too small, you will not be able to run equivalent of about 200 pages of pria ted some of the larger programs.
Most computers these days have 640K RAM, which is 640 h1obytes, i.e., about 640;000bytes(or,more exactly,655,%0 bytes). Older computers oRen have less memory; 256K, or 512K, while newer computers may have 1 or 2 rnegs orNb (million bytes) of RAM. It is possible to
increase thesizeof the memorywithaddoncircuitboardscalled rasnfsthatcaa plug inta your system's unit.
Data Storage One of the most important aspects of a computer is ite capability ta store and recall information. When you are creating a document, for erurmple, the text is stored in RAM, but this means that all
Floppy disks can be moved between computers, assuming that both computers are IBM compatible and have the same kind of disk drives. You can, for example,createa texton your computer at work, save a copy of that text on a floppydisk, and take ithomewithyou for use on your own computer.
Disk Drives The uee of floppy disks requires a disk drirra This is a unit that reads and records information on floppy disks. It'snormally mounted in the system unit, although it is possible to have a unit
freestan ding
information disappears when you turn thecomputer oK You can,however,make a copy of that information on afloppy disk or herd disk, This allows you, at a later
All computers have at least one such disk drive, and most have two. Units for 5.5" floppiesare becoming more aad more common, and you may see some PC's
time, to recall the stored information
that sport a 5.25" disk drive that can read
and load it into your computer again.
oaly560Kfloppies, a5.25" unit thatreads 1,2M floppies and a 5.5" unit that reads 560K, 720Kand 1.44M disks. If the owner is a maa, it's likely that he goes to work wearing both a belt rand suspendersl
You can thea extend, edit, or erase the
Floppy Disks Floppy disks, sometimes referred to as floppia or floppy disketter, are small phtstic wafers covered with magnetic parlacles that are used for storing information. There are basically two types of floppy disks, 55" and 5.25" disks„which refer to theactualdiameter of the disksinincheL
To use a floppy disk, you just insert the disk into the available slot. Most 5.25" units also require you to push a lever down or close a door to enable it to function properly.
5 iy4n aa
Harci Disks
Each disk can store a certain amount of hlobytes of information, but this does not depend on the physical size of the disk
A hard disk is a rigid set of disks that are mounted permanentlywithin the system
' I •
You don't have topay high prices toget ahead of the game. NSgi XT 040K-10MHz Mega AT tMI->2Mttz
Negi 386-20Me
• Amber Monitor 101 Enhanced Keyboard • 20 MB HardGrive
Amber Monitor • 101 Enhanced Keyboard
• 360K drive P.S.Q.PartsClock
i1.2 drive • P.S. Ports,Clock
12 drive • P.S.G.PorlsClock • AmberMonitor • 101 Enhanced Keyboard • 40MB Miisubishi voice coil harddrive • Completesystemanly
• Complete Systemonly
• 40MB MIIsublshi
voice eralhanldove • Complete syshrmonly
PR9101 orPanasonic $256wlcable 360K ..........................$65 Fuii lsu0L3400........,.$666wlcable 720K ..........................$55
XT IArB,..........,..........,$105 ATMIB ........................$275
1,2MB .......................$110
1.44 MB.....................$110
CGACard ...................$55
Mono Card....„„.........$52 ATI Graphics .........,.„.$165
Roland.................,.$6.50 Fujilsu ...............,........$1.50
2500characters .......$7S 13,000characters...4175
on completesgstoes
E~ T Ropgcs
VANCOUVER~ B C V8V $Itg FAX: (804) 876-8778
Although it is possible to remove a hard disk drive and install it in another computer, it is very unusual to move hard disks amund between computers. Havingsaid this, itisworth mentioning there are also portable hard disk drives, which use specially designed cases to make it easy ta remove and reflt them. A hard diekisasetofdisks, rtarrdend rorQekernhthatattowit to store and access verylargeamountsofdataveryquickly. A small hard disk can store 20M of data, which is the equivalent of about 10,000 pages of text. Lazier hard disks caa store anywhere &om 50to 500megs, and units
• 55" disks can store ~kj':,„"'"," %0K,720K, or 1.44Mb
(1440 K) • 5.25" disks can store %0K, or I' M
IfYOU DON'T SHOP AT DOPPLER, YOU' RENOT SHOPPING FOR COMPUTER PRODUCTS! Windows 3 , Qe PC Tools e 70 R aven 0101 2 2 0 HP lip Laser 1840
PEACE OP wae just one of the benefits I got for taking my partner, hard working Gus,to Ivtinttronks Hi-Tech Service's Summer Checkup event. 'Ihey did a full dhrgrraetic of all the vital signs
and organs tu Gus's guts, even a Viral Scan for hidden
gremlfns and neutrons. I am pleased ta say that Gus received a dean bal of health, and a report ta prove itl
,':~::jjok::&::j'ai::NIsss: :"",."."'; ".,".,';::,";::
W e offer repa l raud m aintertanae serviaes ta a
wide range of personal.aredbustueta computers printers end accessorieL • WE ARE APPOROASLE e WE ARE PAST • WE ARE EXPEL S e WE Im IT RIGHT
Oyeea afrrea~t
xokal eo asrw
mliliTROilll"S iq®$%1NCINAT
As' vscscaala D~vktecotrvta
8 7&3~ $
'"V~~~« ' " ""'
" 'e'
The Computer Payer I July '90 that can store several gigabytsx{biHion bytes) of data are rapidly becoming affordable. A computer that has a hard disk is much better equipped than one that doesn' t have a hard disk Many larger programs now require a hard dislr; and, smce they operate three to ten times faster than a ' Soppy drive, their use is habit forming. Onceyouuseahard diskfor somelength
of time, you*H never want to use a machine that doesn't have one again.
• Thefirstfloppydiskdrive iscaHed drive A:.
ABC For INk. Ihives
• The second Hoppy disk drive is called drive 8:.
or Soppy, (Remember our belts-andsuspender type users) are named D:, E:, i', etc.
Your computer wiH automaticaHy give a name to each of the disk drives in your system. The letters A:,8:, C: etc. are used. This is done so that it is possible to keep track of which drive the computer is working with.
• Th» first hard disk drive is caHed drive C:,even ifyou do not have a Soppy disk drive named 8:. • Subsequent disk drives, whether hard
Although a printer is not actuaHy part of a computer, it's the most common addition to one. You would not create letters and other documents on your computer ifyouwerenotable togetprinted copies of them. There are several types of printers, the cheapest and most common being the dot ma&is Pnnter.
• e I
Theprintinghead ofadotmatrixprinter has a block of pins. These look like tiny rods and theycreate ~ters with a dot pattern by hammering the correct pins against a ribbon and the paper.
Express Micro
Another type of printer is thedaisy arhwf prince; which works like an ordinary typewriter. Chaxacter sets are supplied on metal or plastxc pnnt ukssb, and these can be interchanged to produce difFerent styles of type. Thus, a ~ical office might have a Letter Gothic print wheel whose results look hke they were done on a typeaaiter, and a Satipt type wheel thatgxvmamoreinfoxmal,personallook. The pxint quality is better than a dot matrix ~ t e r, but a daisy wheel printer works much slower and is more expen-
is a proud sponsor
of the
Usexswhoareprepaxingdocuxnents that have to display the utmost in quality wiH usea hmrpeetsr,which givessharp, crisp images both for text and pictures. However,these are many times more expensive tbau dot matrix printers and most daisy wheelL 8ut they' re quieter and do abetxerjob than anyotherhndofprinser.
1990 Canadiin Special
Olympic Summer Games July 10th - 15th, 1990 Vancouver, B.C. 8
I PPO + ~
JULY 10-15 JUILLET 'l990
~ I ~ E
Inhj st prixxtsxsworkby shooting a fine et of ink onto the paper. The newest inkjet pxintexs are as quiet as laser printers and produce results that are comparable in quality.Yet these printers don'tcostmoxe than most daisy wheels or heav)Rcluty dot matrix models. After problems such as cloggingand limited types ofpaper stock have been worked out, look for these units tobetheprintemefMoicefor those that can't afFord laserL
Pjrogxxxxxhs Qncl Pl'ogl exxxx xtxllg x Lsxlgxxagel
WESTERN DIVISION 13960 Vanier Place, Richmond, B.C. V6V 2J2 Tel: (604) 270-8561
Fax: (604) 27m953
EASTERN DIVISION 88 Konrad Crescent, Markham, Ont. LSR BT7 Tel: (416) 479-5525 Fax: (416) 479-1834
Without instructions or commands, a
computer will stand stilL With an appropriatesetofinstructions, a computer Gm perform many tasks, both sixnple and complicated. Such a set of instructions is called a pmgnam. Progxams are designed to do specific tasks. The foHowingare the most common types of programs and what they do.
The Computer Paper/ July '90 Word Processing
creating texts
performing calculations and developing
storing and retrieving information
statistical models
creating brochures hcamera-readycopy
Desldop Publishing
with text and graphics
enerating complex engineering
rawmgs Communications
allowing your computer to communicate with others
creating statistical displays
doing invoicing, checkbook balancing, etc.
The "Sofrttiotller Buaisoss"Show
When creating programs, different progmmminglanguages can be used. The normal user will not create programs, but will only use ready-made programs developed by professionalprogrunmers. When running a program, it is not even apparent to the user which programming language has been used to create that program, but here is a list of the .more common languages used with PC's :in caseyou have heard them mentioned and wondered what they were:
What Can a Computer Do?
formation on the most common uses.
There are in fact several hundred differentlanguages. Eachlanguage has its own predefine setofcommands,and asetof rules on how each command can be used.
:DOS DOSis short forDisk OPerating System.It' s a collection of progranis that provide "you with a set of commands designed to help you gain access to your hard or floppy disk, and perform some other basic routines. All computers must have such an operating system. When you start your computer, this operating systemisautomaticaliyloaded into memory. For example, DOS commands can be used to investigate the contents of a disk, to copy or deletefileor topreparea new floppy disk for use.
Files Many different sorts of information can , be stored on a floppy or hard disk. For example, a letter, aword processing prognun, a diagram, agame program, a progranuning language, or an address list can all be maintained on a disk Each complete unit of information is called a file, and has its own unique name.
We have already hinted at the different taskswhichacomputercanperform. This section contains some more general in-
-> Basic - • Pascal •C • Assembly Language • Prolog
Filenames can consist of up to eight characters, followed optionally by a periodand upto three more characters,for example:
First, however, here's a summary of the four most basic things a computer can do: • receive information • process information • send out information • store information
By information we mean text, numbers, pictures, and even electrical voltage. Itis the combination of these four processes, controlled with the help of programs, which allow computers to be so versatile.
Writing The most common use for a computer is writing. You can create letters and mes-
MIhether you sell, service or market business productsandor technology you won't want to miss this opportunity to make a full year of qualified sales contacts in just two days. The 12th Annual CalgaryBusiness Computer Show this October 3 & 4 will host well over 5000 of the west's most influential buyers from busi-
ness, g overnmentand industry.
Featuring Everbyte '90. This special presentation of exhibitors will address the growing relationship between Computing and the Energy industry. Billions will be spent through the '90's on business and energy computing and Calgary will be Canada's focal point. Meet the buyers face to face now that drive this economy. Exhibit space is selling fast. Call today with your booking or for further information.
The 7thannual Edmonton
Business & Government Computer Show October 17 & 18. Featuring computing for Business, Industry and
Governm ent.
The show expands for 1990 bringing you buyers from the prairie provinces, highly qualified attendees seeldng solutions to their business
If your line ls hardware, software,
peripherals,office prod ucts andauto-'
mation, training, communications, data management, R gr.D, engineering, etc. over 5000buyerswant tosee your solutions for business. Vendor Seminars...A program designed to give you the opportunity to present your case in a private setting to a dedicated audience. Introduced for the first time in 1989. Space was completely booked within weeksof announcement. The 1990 Edmonton Business &
GovernmentComputerShow isyour
To book your exhibit space or for a complete information package call or write Gary Gow -Show Manager
best opportunity of the year to reach Edmonton and the Prairies, Business,
Government and Industry.
Call today tobookyouexhibttspace or for further information.
sages or write entire books. To write with
a computer, you generally use a word processing program, although some other kinds ofprogranis can also be Used.
After you type in your text, you can save a copy on a disk. Texts are easily edited by inserting and deleting words, or moving sentences and paragraphs around at will. When you make mistakes, you just
I • .' r
correct them without ever having to start
again, as would be necessary with a typewriter.
Drawing You can use your computer to create diagrams, pictures, and technical drawings. This sort of work usually requires a large RAM-type memoryand a hard disk
200-1015 Centre St. N., Calgary, Alberta, T2E2PS Ph: (403) 276-7881 Fax: (403) 276-5026in Edmonton (403) 460-2674
The Computer Paper I July '90
IIIOVKLL SISKLESS 5 USER SYSTEWI $52S4 28$ Novell 28612NHz Arsnet Topology Ethernet Topology::.:.:::.-:::: .NO;::Ot::::::,:::,::. : A r s net Topology D l skless Boot Dlskless Boot : : % 0NONIII "::::. Dlskless Boot
:::::kfliIINISil0 :::::::::::::::g:::::::::::::::::::::
$5254 6439 8736 9,910 11 107 12,297
$5 614 6935 9087 10,408
34697 35
36979 38301 39,620 40943 42,264
37,089 38 1
13,060 17,135
::::::::::::::::RR::::::::::::::::: Sk::::::-:::::::::: ::::::::::::::::Sk:::::::::::::::::
18 450
18567 19809 21 010 22242 23422 24 674 25854 27106 28287 29519 30727 32,296
$33 516
11 733
16,155 17387
2N12NHz Ethernet Topology Dlskless Boot
39,521 40,712
19794 21 104
22 425 23 757 25078 26400 27731
41 892
43082 44 262
46225 47 548
48869 50190
46 747 47 937
51 511 5 832 54145 55470 56795 58116 59,435 60,758
49117 50
51 549 52 740
30 74 31 695 33,375
55,162 56,352
â&#x20AC;˘ """ e"
FILE SERVER INT 286-12NIHz O.W.S., 2NI8,1.2MB Roppy, 40MB28ms Harddisk, Monochrome Display, Enhanced Keyboard, 2 Parallel & 1 Serial Ports, Arcnet Card. NNFIGURATION: Novell Network Operating System, File Servers under 8 usersare installed as NON-DEDICATEDfile servers. IIORK STATION NNFIGURATION
IN T286-12MHz O.W.S.,1MB (Max 4NIBonboard), INonochrome Display, Arcnet LANcard,1 Parallel, Enhanced Keyboard, diskless, 20' cable MS DOS 4.01 andGW BASIC.
Netwo rking Sotwaret
On-site hardwareinstallation extra 150INB17msESDIHarddisk upgradeon File Sewer S3 190 320MB18msESDIHarddisk upgradeon File Server S? 200 620INB18msESDIHarddlsk upgradeon RleServer S2 570 NIT-38625MHzwith 4INB RAINupgrade on File Server tl390 Remote FileServer/ Workstation Bridging $1500plus modems IBM Mainframe3272 5 host session SNAGateway Connection S3959 IBMMainframe 3270 40hostsession SNA GatewayConnectionS7550
daase iV 1stUser ......QNS eachadd Susers 00 40 ~- - - " - " ---~ Atn............. 00$0 WoniPerfect 1st User SSSO A/P ..................SNS eachadd.user ...........0220 trC ...................Stt00 MS Wonl 1st User .....8275 atE ............-.. 0000 eachadd.User ...:..8000 ~t '" Lotus 1-2C 1st User ..0020 LanPatr ............0205 eachadd.user ...........8010 Window Msr ....8105
We alsonetworkyour Novell, Xenix, Unixservers through TCP/IPso thatthework-stations can accessserver(s) of their choice, or, transfer files betweensewers, or accessall the servers at the sametime to perform multi-tasking andhot-key lo different sessions with i80386power. Theuser canaccess Oracle databaselocated in the UNIXserver(s) from the Novell Workstation without leaving theDOSapplications. The user canalso cross accessbetweenXENIXand UNIXwithout logging out
Authorized Dealer
WE ARE DEDICATEDTO NETWORK SOLUTIONS Pnost Subject To Ctrrurga Wittrout Notice.
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Mtthtann isa tw istarad tradtsnaric DPE Ekctronics Canada Ltd.
CMS Computers Plus Inc. 0KS 6th Ave. S.W,
Cslttary,Alberta TQP ORB Tet 403337OB70 Pruc ct03337OB71
The Computer Paper I July '00 Connnunications Communications pro~lrsans allow you to connect your computer to other computer systems. You can, for example, search for information in many of the available databases, or send and receive mail and files. .An imporlant extra when drawing is a mouse, This is a small object which you gmove around onyour desk. Asyou move it, a "televised arrow points out where .„'on your screenyou are currentlyaiming.
Accounting Many companies use computers for doirig all of their accounting functions. Next to word processing, this is probably the most popular application forwhich personal computers are
used m the workplace.Even in major or overhead transparencies that can be coxporations which have giant mainus ed atmeetings. frame systems to do their "official" accounting, many middle managers mainIedustmtl Production rain their own accounting systems on R com ~ es h ave~ udiedcomputer systems which conirol production hnes the funds theyhavespentandhaveyet to ineictories, and programswhich help to receive. design products. The latter are called GLO Pmgrxstssr, which stands for ComGrapbical Presentation puter Assisted Drawing or Computer Another group of prograxns is aimed at those wishing to produce graphic presentations ofstatisticalresulss. These are p]~ g Garnes typically produced in the form of charts
'Justclick one of the mouse's buttons and the cursor will appear at that point. If
bayou're maymg the cursor around your screen a lot (as when you' re drawing), the mouse is a lot faster than trying to maneuver thecursor using the arrow keys on the computer.
A mouse can also be used with some word processing and spreadsheet pxxsgrams, and it' s rettuired by several of the better desktop pubhshing prof pams.
Calculating A computer am perform calculations very easily and quicmy. It eskes just a matter ofseconds for a computer to count up to I million, a feat which a mortalhumanwouldhavegreatdi8iculty doing at alL
t eon t i n ou now a outnetwor sis ow
muc ou nee one... It xMR. ~„,.
Spreadsheet prognuns help you to organize numerical data for calculation. The numencal grid that a spreadsheet produces is sometimes called a modeL Results from one part of the model can be used in other parts. By cisanging certain entries, you can test different assumptions and produce the "whatif?" models prized by fmancial analysts and business school professors.
' • cp
Dalabase Database prograxns allow you to systematically oxganize and store information on — forexample — companies, products, or collectors items such as records, wine, or stamps. The information is immediatelyretrievablee, and can give you useful lists and analyses. In addition, the better daia base management programs are so sophisticated that they can be used to do almost anything a computer can do. Increasingly they' re being used in place of traditional pxxsgraxnming languages to do awide variety oftask@
Desktop Ptzblisbing Desktop publishing is the art of producing brochures, manuals, books, and the like on your computer. Such programs allow you to combine text and pictures, and to defme the layout and styles used. You can produce complete works or , camera-ready oxigmals that will be sent to a printer. Their most treasured feature is called W151WYG,which stands for "What You See h What You'Get." This refers to these prolp3xns' abiTity to show multiple fonts, difFerent print sizes and even proportionalspacing on the computer screen so that the author can tell exactly what the fmished printed copy will look like.
Call us. We make networks work. Ask our clients. Sales 732-6527
Service 732-44 15
3rd floor,1675 W. 8th Ave. Vancouver, B.C. V6J 1V2
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The Computer Paper I July '90
Wordperfect 5.1 ..................$284 Wordpeifect 5.1 Upgrades.$109 Office Wriler 6.1..................$276 Pro. Write 2.2 .....................$166 MSWordfor Windows.......$270 Multimale 4.........................$326 Grammagk IV ...................,....$60
Direct Access ........................%9 Suzy (Communicagons)........$19 Norton Utilities Adv...............$00
Xerox Formbase ..................$350 Xerox Extension ..................$440 Coral Draw ..........................$389 Logilech Mouse Ser..............$80 M/SBus/Ser.Mouse...........$110 Adobe CollectorsEd..............$02 Adobe Fonls ..........................Call Omnipage OCR .................$808
dBaseIV..............................$510 Dahipeil'act 2.1 ...................$310
Cobol Compiler ...................$579 Lolus123 2.2 .....................$306 Clipper ........,..........,.......... $405 VP Planner 3D ...................$187 BriefforD08.....................$208 Quallro: Professional .......$350
Targus CarryCases MAC+SEModeh ..............$59 MAC w/Exl. Keyboard...........$80
Lotus Freelance Plus...........$379 Micrografix Designerv.3.01 for the newWindows..........$559 Drawinirfsct ........................$310
INS WindowsVer.3.0 ...........$08 Desilvlew 386...................$140 QEMM386 & INanifest........$80 Lotus Agenda ......................$200
MAC Print ...........................$115 Focal Point II .......................$148 MAC Draft MAC.................$180 Wordperfecl INAC,..............$240 Pagemaker4.0 MAC...........$595 FullaNde Prof. INAC.............$298 Drawing Table MAC............$110 Omnipage INAC...................$619 PCTools MAC.......................$60 Bedford Acclg. MAC............$239 WingZ1.1 MAC ...................$200 Quicken MAC .......................$47
Symphony 2.2.....................$585 PC ToolsDeluxeVer. 6 ....,....$78 FmmewoikIII ......................$475 xTree ProGold ......................$96 MaceUfi lliesGold................$80 DESKTOPPUBLISHING Laplink III ...........................,$113 Pagemaker3.0 ....................$585 Spinriie V.2 .........................$79 Xerox VenturaPub..............$545
Pleasecall forinformatfon onour m anysoftwareproductsPC andMACcomputers. Delivery throughout BC and Western Canada Corporate &Gov.t PO'sAccepted. Prices in effect while supplies last. Hours: 9 am - 5:30 pmMondayto friday.
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C ==.m=.a.=U AT 286 SYSTEM Model 8-100
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42199 Above systems all include • 1MB RAM • 1.2MB FD
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• Mono Card • 12" TTI Hi-Rea Monitor
1027 BurrardSl., 3373AKlngswayBI. Vancouver,B.C. Vancouver,B.C.
PC V ecsSO ~el PC6RE 4'1450 + Iai. Pc2L 41'l55 + %I.
1Scd with periongf lixed card dialerIyltem
ONLY 41299 BusinessHours: 1857 LonsdsleAve. MondayN. Vancouver,B.C. 10:00AMSaturday -640PM
ao qlo|ooa omoI phd
Most people will try a game program at some time and some of you will get addicted. There are many differentsorts of games:adventure games, action games, fiightsunulators, chess, and sportsgames to name buta few.
can reproducegraphic images and they only cost a little more than the bargain basement MDA models. Thus these can be used in place of more expensive and bulky color monitors when minimal graphics capabiTity is needecL
Kinds of Computers
Among the color monitors, the choice is equallywide. At the low end are the CGA xfaxigixs which produce a full range of colors on what are called RGB rrrowiton. the sta eofthe-art Now, due to their relatively poor resolution, they' re hardy considered acceptable.
While all computers can essentially do the same things, the speedandversatTiity with which they run depends on what type of procarsorthey're builtarouncL The processor is the part of the computer which controls all other parts. There are four main processors used in IBM PC's and compatibles. In order of effectiveness, with the slowest and most hmited fi t,th~arethe8088,SmW,8OS86,and
8%86. An ordinary PC machine has an 8088 processor and no hard disk It is a comparativelyslow machine by modern standardsand itcan'trun many ofthe newer progxams that require hard disks. An XT machine has a hard disk, but in other respects is like an ordinary PC. An AT machine has an 80%6 processor which mates it quicker and more powerful than a PC or XT. These machines are almost always equipped with a hard disk and they can run almost all of the programs available today. Finally, 586 and 486 machines have the even faster 586and 486 processors. These are the machines power users dream about. A 586 with R' mega of RAM and a 150 meg hard disk is not considered unusual. Also, these machines are specifically designed to multitask, which means torun more than one program at a time. Thanks to multitasking, a power user can be worhng on a letter with his word processing program while, in the background, his computer is also chugging away at a statistical analysis that might take several hours to complete. IBM has also launched its PS/2 computer series, which is somewhat differen in design from the other models, but comes in models that use all 5 of the processors. Thus, their PS/2 Model 25 uses an8086 processor (a close relative of the 8088) while their PS/2 Model 80 uses an 80586. The PS/2's are mostly compatible with eiisting programs but use adiÃerentsetofaccessoriesandaddin circuit boards. Another area in which computers differ sharply is their display capabilities. For inslance, a monochrome monitor cancostaslittleasgl9ifitisanNDAdligrx, meaning thatit'smonochromeand can't produce pictures or graphics on its screen, or over $2,000 if it's a highxaxolrxtion des/ifoPPrxbtxshiug rtssigrxwith a 20" screen thatcan dearly reproduce 2 facing pages of newspaper classifie ads at their actual size. In beNreen these extremes are the popular HGA designs which are said to be Harcuks-comprsfibls. While these are monochrome, they can use shadings of their basic green or amber color to re produce awide range of tones. Also, they
Abo utsyearsagothesew ere
O n the next rung up the ladder are the EGA 4eigus. These are finer in resolution than the CGA models and can produce even awider spectrum of colors. For most people today, they' re quite sufScient. Finally, we come to the VGA sfarwkmL These are sofme in resolution and shading that it's easy to mistake animated presentations done on them with videotape or film. In a class by themselves are theLCD dis-
physused on laptop computers. These usually snxuhfs or make believe that they' re CGAmonitors, but they' re really monochrome displays that use shadings to reproduce thevarious colors much the same way the HGA monochrome displays do. The older LCD displays were horrible unless lighting conditions were perfect Now, thanks to what's called supexfxoisf fschxxotogy,aud the building of backhghtirxg into the better laptop computers, the displays are Fairly good. Nevertheless, using these displays for more than about an hour at a time can be considered crud and unusual punishment The display portion of a computer is called its grrxPhics srxbsys/srrr.This usually consists of a circuit board, called an arhPfsr awe, which is placed in your computer's system unit, and the appropriate monitor. Sometimes it also indudes a special software program called a drioer that's used to ensure that the images generatedby a program appear properly on the screen. There are now monitorsand adapter cards that can automatically switch betweengraphicsbandarda Thesearecalled nxulfisyrxcmorxitoxsund rsrhpfsrs, and they provideyouwilhatleastlimitedinsuxance that what you buy today won't be obsolete tomorrow.
What hnd of monitor should you buy? Thatdepeudsonyourintended uses and your budget. Today there are millions of users who are happily using inexpensive HGA monochrome systems and slightly more expensive CGA colorsystems.
But, ifyou can spend a bitmore, try togo for an EGA or multisync color system or — if writing and desktop publishing are your game — a smaller desktop publishing monitor. And if cost is no object, by all means go for VGA or one of those handsome 20" desktoppublishingmonitors. After all, you deserve them!
The Computer Paperj July 90
LEGa I N$8li~ II-,15, FEATURES: ' 1Mb RAM (expandable to 2Mb)
' 42Mb (28ma) HardDrive ' lA4Mb Floppy ' VGA Analog video ' Back-lit LCD display ~ 2.5Hr internal battery ' DOS 330 with manual
AII systems Include: iMb RAM
TEAC 1.2Mb Floppy Drive 40MB IDE Hard Drive (28ms) Serial, Parallel 8 Game Port Monochrome Graphic Card 12" TTL Monitor Labour 8 1 Year Parts Warranty not be esca as Nastreled
— MiniMicro VGA monitor & OAK VGA Card with 256K (640 X 480, 0.39 dot pitch)..........,.....................................$369.00 — MORSE VGA monitor & Trident VGA Card with 512K (1024 X 768, 0.28 dot) ............................,.........................$549.00 — NEC 3D & ATI VGA%onder (OBM) with 512K ............$799.00
— Teac 1.44Mb Floppy Drive ......,.............,............,..............$99.00 -- Mitaubishi 60Mb (2&ms) RLL Hard Drive with 1:1 interleave RLL Fd/Hd Controller ...............,.................$189.00 — Conner &OMbHard Drive ................,....,............................$299.00 — Rodime 100Mb Hard Drive ........................................'.......$379.00
1237%est Broadway, Vaacouver, S.C. Canada V68'167 Tel:(6Q4)738-3886 Fax:(6Q4)738-2881
The Computer Paper / July '90
PageMaker 4.0
board commands, but users of the nu-
Object Pro
the fact that the story editor, with its
Object Programming allows you to get from idea to prototype faster than with conventional programming.
Rapid Prototyping
meric cursor controls already know well that all Command-numbers are not equal. This minor shortcoming doesn't alter utilities, amounts to a huge leap in capability for PageMakerusers. This feature alone makesthe US$150 upgrade pricea great bargain. (Extended technical support clients can buy the upg'rade for
A threWay advanced introduction to Object Programming concepts with Peter Lount, an author and developer with six yearsexperience using Object Programming languages.
CaH 224-1997 forfull course dates.
Paradigm Design PERSONAL COMPUTERS PCS286-286-IMB-12MHz M290S-286-IMB-16MHz M300-386SX-IMB-16MHz VGA Vfdeo<OMB-27MSHDU LAPTOPSTOO...
trying to properly align the left-hand maqrin in the tabs/iadents box with the
and text for optional automatic updat-
actual maqpn on the layout. Itnow leaps into view already aligned. Hoorayl Styleshavealwaysbeenparayaph-based. Many Word users have wondered why
ing asIles are changed (greatfor workgroups), much improved on-line help, many new keyboardshortcuts and automatic highlighting of certain types of layout errors. Onedevernewitemis the Storylmporter, which letsyouview and selectivelyimport stories in other PM publications. Imported stories can be placed directly or via the Story Editor for dean-up.
More on styles and text handling
PM4.0 offers a hostof other text-handling features. In previous ver-
sions, one of the most annoying tasks was
more paragraph features were not in-
cluded — such things asrules, keeptogethers, orphan and widow controls„ spacing and so on. It's all here. The "in-line graphics" feature allows artworkk tobe insertedinto textin much the same way as in Word. Placed this way, a graphic moves around in lockstep with the copy with which it is placed. Adding the Option key to a Command-V
u ice PG 306 Laser Prifttar One Papertray fits all: tiay remains in the printer whenyou are changing paper. Envelopesandpaper Landscnape/Portrait 8.5x11-8.5x14 etc... Straight paper path for envelopesand heavy paper. Drum replacementat10,QQQcopies HP Laserjet II compatible
Otlilr features The improvements and additions in this version. are legion. Here's a partial list: table of contents and index generation, letter-width scaling, type rotation (unfortunately 1lnuted to 90degree mcrements), tracking, type sizes in truths of a point up to 650 points (instead ef the document length of up to 999 pages, book feature, linking of art
Allows you to: • Provide "proof of concept" to win contracts. e Implement "incremental software development" to ensure a future for your products.
paste accomplishes a kind of step-andrepeat function Ianuhar to XPress users. This paste superimposes a copy factly on top of the original. IF that copy is moved and option-paste is repeated, another copy is placed that distance away again. Nifty.
previou slay),
Old bugs scysashed All earher versions of PageMaker had the annoyingand unpredictable habit of
PHONE 872-0255
Smart Label Printer™ Tsxrm LABELs Ie 6 SECONDSFLAT
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Sales Supplies
Service Support
The Computer PBBper I July '96
bxugingselectedobjectstothe tophyer. This has been cleared up. Of course, nothing's perfect. The Command4 "go to page...'no longer remembers the page you were last on. Aside Sam this "non-feature",version 4.Q represents possibly the greatest jump in capability since PageMaker was Srst introduced in 198$. Itis the story editor that makes this such an advance. This is a thoughtful, ambitiousreleaeeofanalready greatprxxgilam. I Snd time I boot it
myse lfsuulingevery
PageIbeter vs. XFrcss Want to sfarta heated discussion among Mac publishers) Just raise the issue of PageMakervs. Qm'kXPress, Beforeyou know it, voices will rise as the two camps lob feattxres at each other. The gist of the debate is roughly this: XPrees has greater precision and Sner typographic controls; PageMakeris easier to use and what it lacks in Su~suing it makes up for in SexibiTity. For example, version S.Q of Xpress will allow rotafion of objects by hundredths (orisitthoueandths?) ofa degree. PM4.Q limitsyou to9Megree rolations. XPress now lets you group objects;PageMaker has long allowed selection of multiple objects in a wayQmrk didn' t.
XPress will print color separations from within the apphcalion, including placed Encapsulated Postscript Slea The new release will let users deSne the axuount of trap, or overlap, where two colors meet. PageMaker still handles only spot color, butcan print Post8cript to disk for color separation with aseparate package such as Aldus Prepress. Perhapswhat mostdistinguishes the two publishing powerhouses is not features but philosophy. The XPress approach is more precise, "scientific," even mechanistic. PageMaker, as a recent issue of MacWorld noted, is "more touchy-feely." (The author of thatarticie probably had just discovered how to drag-place textl) Qm ekandAldusappeartohavereached different conclusions on where their futureslie.The Denver gang apparently has optedkr even greater precision; the Seattle mob has struck a careftsl balance between capabilities and ease of uee. 8teue SLLesrnnt, once a nrmrsPapsr report and editor, hsarLs Holoin-the Wal Grfnmfsnicatsons a Voncoxxxrsrxrxddia corrrPany Hcis
a/so a I'//,xA/xxhsrtrainer. Phorse (6Ã) 2D92MEaxr (604) 255.3899. This artidePyst aPPsarnd in APPler 8. CNorns.
i rl • • I r • I r s
Some have great prices, little service and less support.
BUT...w. olfe.: Xl" s, AT' s, 3$6's, monixoxs,hard drives, cards, keyboarda, power
supp lierselc I.s
Q NRrrE WAKM I I U S Is you compuxexessential xo you opcmxions Then you might want xo collsidcx an onsiecwaxxanxyservice conxxacr.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE WORD PROCESSORS tg'/oxd Processorsdtax suppoxx mulxiple languagesand/or such
DTP stations or print sexviau available.
Pdlr.:.Disk:::: :::::::::44,®5-;::;Per,::.Disk:,:.44;95;Par, Disk::-';44.$5 psrgisk ®4.:- tml5 p Over 600 disks, many in archived format (compressthe information to permit more pxogmmsper disk), of the newest releases, direct from the author(s}, are avaihble in the SIM-COM Services Shaxewaxc Lxlnaxy. As an Assoc'mtion of ShaxewaxeProfessionals Associate (vendor) member, we are among the exclusive distributexe ofmanypxoyams suchasPC-File 5, P~c, PC-Type II, and many more, Look at oux competition's adds. If they are distributing programs such asPC-File:db, they are not only outdated, b utbecausethcyaxedisfxibuthtgsoftwarewlthout authox's approval, xhcyare notevenawaIe of the current statusof new/updated shaxewaie.(Buttonwaxe has xemoved this proyam from Shoreward and has xoiucsfcd that if no longer bedistributed.) You may paya little less,but you'xegetting a LOT less. Check the competition software's vexsion number befoxe you buy. A lot of people have bousht elsewhexe, and came tousfoxanupdatedversion.You don'tsaveanymoney ifyou have to buytwice.(SIMOOMServices does not update competitor's disksfor fxee but we doours, if the puxchasewasmade within the last three months.) Be WISH. Buy fxomSIM-COM 4xviccs FIRSTI For lhemonth ofJtdy,weareolferlng ourmembers a speed SL00 otfourregulardisk prices.
Super-Byfe Compufers Dic k Cuddeford Su r rey ComILSharewaro Xanth Data Systems Maple Ridge4634733 Tsawwassen 9434734 Surrey 581 4 03$ Sardis 8 5 84915
Computer Stores come and go. Some just disappear.
Word Prose ing, databases. spxcaxbhcets, mmunciaxions, necwoxking, DOS, cxc...
PROGRAMMING Cusaomittcd sofxwarc, and sof xwaxe support.
complex languages asChinese t~ htg from g49).
SINI-CON Services 35158 HighDrive, Abbotsford, BC VRS 4PS (8Q4) 854-DISK
NETWO RKING: Installed and Maintained.
12MHz AT 25MHz 386 4MB 486 ofRAM
1MB ofRAM 1.2 MBRoppy Bmell foabrrinf ease MonochromeManlier HetaulesVideocard 40MB 28msHerdOrlve 101Keyboard SerNIPamlleVGemes Port
1MB ofRAIN 12 MBFloppy Small1oolpilnlmee VGAMonlior VGAVideocard 40MB28msHardGdve 101 Keyboenl Serbl/PandlebG emmPort
1.2 MBRoppy Tomr case VGAMonitor 1024x788 VGAVideocard 512K BINS 28ms Hard 0dve 101Keyboard Serial/Parallel/GamesPort
•Int .14,400baudto5?K modem ..............................$399 9600 baudFAXUpgrade........................................$149 • 2 User (to 4j Network incl. Cards.............................$289 ReMemberChurchSoftware ....................................$495 oAd Lib Cards ............................................................$149
NEW and USED COMPUTER EQUIPMENT M 6$2 No. 3 Road (Time Square) P h o n e; (d04)278-89'86 Richmond. B.C. Fox: (004) 278-M09 VSY 2C2 888: (tN4) 278-0803 ner a complete xrl ar used ~ cax ee e number.
The Computer Paper I July 'SO CtxtcAR' n today'sultra-high-tech consumer electronics stores, you are sure to be boxnbarded (litexaHyl) byahuge
The next Big Thing' ?
variety'of electxonic musical instru-
Foruenk Into Se jhAee
ments, "user-&iendly" appliances, ceHulars, Smandassorted gadgetxy, each claiming to be "the next big thing. Everyone has a diPerent opinion and everybody has a diPexent set of critexia. With thatin mind, afewmaxixnswiH.give us a place to start naxrowing down the .
Bemk&cg the fhtaxeis ahelye dangeloixx.The xeoaQ4e eieionnry rsshsfolfing jfet on his prooerbial 'oM hot, or seufieg sm)bmctiedideus up hkesosaosetpiss in the eh). ThefeQowi~ itexae are this oixthor's piehfor soon to he vxeypoputer.
, .V,. „ „
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1) Itmustbe a revolution, notjustevolution. Axguably, even MIDI was merely evohxtionary; but as part of the digit revolution, it stands as a good example ofa technologythat forever changed the way many musicians compose and perfoxm. 0) It must be a price and/or performance breakthrough. CD's were a good example of a performance breakthrough; laser printers represented a
price/performance breakthrough that spawned an entirely new market: the desktop publishing industry. 5) The potential market must be horizontal; meaning that a wide segment of the population should be able to take advantage of it. MIDI is probably not a very good example, since the MDI interface is not often seen or used by nonmusicians. Nonetheless, it csin beused by non-musicians, just as a player piano could be played like a parlour game. Telephones, CD's, home video decks, cassette decks and TV's aH are xnore horizontal by comparison. Just as 1988 was the year when evexy respectable business hid to have a Sax machine, and 1989 is likely to be remembered asthe 'Year of the CeHular
explosion," 1990 will probably be re-
membexud for DAT and other l owland digital audio recordexs. I s (DigiuilAudio Tape) DATa~
tion ?
I think not.While the CD and highl
home stereo market is tremendously successful, DAT is only incrementaHy bettereounding than a good-quality analog tape deck, and aH tape-based systexns suPer &om the same problems: the media is easily damaged and is not randomly accessible in the way that a diskis. When aread/writeaudiodiskhits the mass-market (and it won't be long), DAT wiH be toast. A Digital Audio Disk (no, they don't call itDAD) system thatis rather remarkable is the Sound T ools system from Digidesign for Macintosh (SK/50 or II series) and Ataxi Mega ST computers. The basic idea is sixnple. Audio is digitally recorded at CD quality (44.1 kHz) by the Digital Signal Processor (I?SP) chip and is stored on the hard disk, or
manipulated invariousways bythe audio editing portion of the program. In con-
The Computer Paper / July '90 the average folks who don't know F mail from chain-mail. In many respects, it is because PC-based E-mail systems are so dumsy and hard to use that a devo sys. tem like fiax ever became a viable altercreate the electronic portions of the native. Someday, an easy-to-use and music. Then when an acoustic instru- widel~ompafible E-mail network will ment or voice plays, the Sound Tools prove that sending a low-resolution DSP "kicks in" and plays the audio tracks bitmap via FAX isn't the best way. stored on the hard disk Only a couple of years ago, this type of thing cost hun- A more likely course of progression fer dreds of thousands of dollars. Ataround future technologies is towards the transparent human/machine interface. Al$10,000 for a minimum setup, Sound Tools isn't exactly cheap, but for a fuuready, in the personal computer indusfledged digitalaudioeditingandrecordtry, we have seen the dominance of ing environment, Sound Tools is a hLr- Gxaphic User Interfaces and emphasis gain. But horizontal? Are you kidding? on ease of use. Let's keep loohng.... As voice input, optical character recogI predict that a few years from now, nition and handwriting recognition resomething like a video version of Sound place manual data entry in the informaTools (let's call it Video Tools) will belion centres of tomorrow, more and more come available. It will require enormous people will be able to communicate advancesin storage technology tehandle succinctly and quickly with their comthe incredible amount of d ata t h at puters. As higher-bandwidth telecom-
junction with cerlain MIDI sequencer software programs (cuxren tly limited to Opcode's StudioVision on the Mac and C Lab's Notator on the Alari SI'), the software controls MIDI equipment to
tomorrow's highAefinition TV will dis-
munications netwerksare installed across
play, but the net result will be something like this:
the nation, the. boundaries between computers, telephones, cellular networks and cable TV will become increasingly blurred. With thisintegration, wewill see the true implications of the information age; today's buzzwords — "Hyper text" ' and "Multimedia" — will become popularized and assimilated into the cultural mainstream. With this transition, "transparent computers"will be seen simply as
Your entire TV show will be digifally recorded, and you will be able to edit out commercials, nearly instantly flip to any place in the show, viewmultiple programs simultaneously and a myriad of other
special effects. Ho-hum, right? How about timecompressing that 2.5-
hour movie to 2 hours, xvithoxst affecting the pitch of the voices or music. The critics who complained about Ted Turner's colorization ofblack~dmhite movies will be going anMwhen they start seeing thisf But if you are considering the negative esthetic implications, waitl With digital time compression (already used in audio production to squeeze, for example a 51 second commercial into 29.5 seconds), the '%p side" is time expansion. TV networks will be able to dramatically compressthebroadcast,and your "smart TV" will be able to d~ompress the show out to it's normal lengthl So instead of completely altering the pacing of a director's masterpiece, your TV will stretch it back out to its correct length, or any amount of time that you have to view itl Is this hypothefical Video Tools unit revolutionary? Perhaps. Mass market? I doubt it For the forseeable future, the amount of memoxy required to store an
hour of full~ e n video is prohibitively (astronemicamyl) expensive. Only the most elite of video production companies are likely to have such tools for quite some time.
Neither is FAX technology a revolution, although it meets many of the criteria. It ix amazingly popular and represents a performance breakthrough over the postal system. Unfortunately, FAX is deevolutionary with respect to the idea of electronic mail, which computer users
have been using for yearswith vastly better benefits.
Until E-mail systems become as ubiquitous as telephones, fax will better sexve
the information they represent.
GLOSSARY of TERMS CDQualitys a 44.1 kHz (or better) recording. Sce also Hertz
Hertz or Hzx waveform cydes per second. The human ear can normally hear from 20Hz to 20kHz (Kiloherfz). HyperTexh a system ofcrose-referencing text or other data stored in a computer. Apple's HyperCard isawell-known Hyper Text application. MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital Interfixce, a standard method of transmitting information between differentbxands of electronic musical instruments. Technically, MIDI is a fast (51.25 kilobaud) serial communications protocol. Modem: a telecommunications device. Secalled because it MOdulates digital informafion into sound for telephone transmission, then the receiving computer DEModulates the sound back into digital form. Multimedia: Interactive computergenerated graphics, animations and sound sometimes integrated with CD ROM or
Quantities Last!
80286-12 $ 1 , 599 80286-1 6 $ 1 ,799 80386SX-1 6 $1,99$ 80386 20/25 $2,4$9
live-motion video to create interactive
educational or other presentations. Sequeneer:a recorder fer MIDI data,
eitherastandMone "box (hardware)or a computerprogram (software)
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82,999 HEWITTRAND HR 386SX-16 • 1MB RAM • Phoenix BIOS • 1.2MB Roppy Dive • 40MB Ouentum 1gmeHerd Drive • 84K cache • Semlron14" Rat screen Monochrome Monitor • 2 Years parle and labourwarranty
The Computer Paper / July '90 WHAT'S A PCF CONTINUED FROM PAGE 44
This is, of course, an extreme simplification of a market flooded with computers and accessories.
Computer Professionals (Micro/Mini/Mainframe) Technical/Network Support Personalized Training "Tdk @ N S~/ets///k e~ ~
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allow the computer to be used for so many rMerent tasks.
Points To Remember Parts of a Computer and Accessories: Disk drive Printer Monitor Progratns System unit DOS Floppy disk Mouse Hard disk
A Computer's Four Functions: • Receiving information; Processing information; Sending out information; Storing information Also: • A computer is a very fast, but stupid, electrical appliance. • It is the m u l t i tude of progratns that
• Each unit of information, stored on a disk, is called a file.
Efitor's note: It may interest some foour readin to learn how this artide was zsproduced Pom the book PC Crash Course We scanned the book's pagestwo at a time ieith an Appk scanner, using Omnipage Optical Character Recognition (OCR) so ftzeare to optically recognize the character shapes. Omnipagssuccetsficliy mad the text, italics, headhnesand columns, creating a textf ile whichuu then ioadedinto a word pocessing program for final deanup. Only msnimal sditingwai required. Out o f the thousands of characters success fa,lyrecogrmed, only one or ttoo charactersaaremisread, such as a lower case a as e."and a zeta 0"misieadas 0 . Notbadforastupid electrical appliancet
misidenti fied
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The Comparter Paper I July '90 BCIT, Sanaby. 434-1610. Mlcrasaft Ward SAAKEL Cetultlam 4644717 WardPsrfect, WbrdStar SUANASY SCHOOLSD„2994381.
Adsptivs CamputerTrainingfor Ohablsd
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Ward Pracenlng
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Mhrosch Wed Intra,Mieasch Want, Adv. Wardperlect 5.0, InuorAdv/FastTrach COASTWAY 2501 SpruceSt„Van?36-6039
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Chinese WP COMPUTER STN 2130 Surrard 7324621 NordRsrfsct, Wed, Ventura, COMPUTE RLAND8404300. Dhplaywme 4. MSWord5.0 MutiMate ~ II L e r. I, II Ward Perfect 5.0 Lev. I, 6. III
For $149wewil TrainYouToYourSatisfaction orwe'ligivayOua$300Refund.lt'sTh tSim ie!
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wardperhat, Muslnsus.word Displa?Wise 6
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WardPerfect 5, IntroJun18g9; AdvJun t el; Word Iraa Jun a. AdvJar gs;$149
Dhple?NNs, Want, WardPerfes PITMAN 1490W. Broadway?Mt 7848. WadPertscl 6.0, Wont$170, 30 hrs PRECEPT 735 Chrh 255-3198 Mhrasaft Nad, WardPerfecl PROF. TRAlhL502-1185 W Geargla 681-5903 N~ MS W a rd, Muhtmste STM SYSTEMSCORP. 684-7721
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STAACHANCOMPUTERS LTD. 4202-1 750 Mehe Drive, West Vancauver, S.C., 9284424 WcrdPerfect 5Jh Intra. Adv„ TLD COMPUTERS, 8150 5861 NL 3 Ad. WordPefscL Mhmsait Nord. VAN. SCHOOLBOARD?38-7241 MSWedLead 1 82, WordPsrlectLovel 1 8 2,
help you overcome many of these problems. We' ve written, designed, i/lustrated and printed software
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We offer 256 grey-level scanning, as well as typesetting, design and output to either RC paper or film. If you want proofs before going to lino on that large job, we' ll give you a credit towards your lino output, plus offer our special rates for larger, text intensive documents. You really don't need Shakespeare's brains to do the write thing. When you need help with any area of production, we' re right here with service and advice. Just give us a call.
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Unh: AnIn-Depth ~ wil nest be ollsrel July 18,17.18 at LsMeddhnHatsl, 8504s o, GeargspaIarl. course designerandInsllucta. Please phone928 UNIXf86491to rsgaslef.
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JUMP SYSTEMS8450450 WAtsL 283 568? AT5T UNIX, SCQXENIX PLATON CONSULT„Sumsby,42IHAO1. UnhrAOLMines to Mal~ UnhlAOLConcepts 8 Fund„UNIOXENIX TRAINIX 9294849
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Qualified individuals should send their ra a
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We require
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employee positions are available.
WOADROSE. THE2?0-1700 WardPsrhct, MSWed, Dhph?Wrse
develoPment Professionals tQ work with our ClientS. BOY? SAOrt and lang-term COntraCt and
DOUGLAS COLL,New West520 5400 WadPerlect tntra ArfvWonlPefect 6.0, Tissu8r?4rgt 8118 Adv WedPerlect5.0, June16 $105 Mhmsclt WardILOlem. June 6 $105 DRAKE 4801 SStWestPeehr 68%8?Ml Dhpla?Wdts 4. Ward, Muidmsts ~ Ne dp srlea 42%.$5.1: Legal;Smet Ward Procesing FRASEA VAL COLL Ahbatshrd, S J'. 85$7441. Inho. WanlPelect GUILOFQRD CONT.ED.,Sersy.589-2221. WedPerlea 5.0.I1621 $85 WadPsrlect5JI;Tips, TiNe, Traps. $65
in Vancouver, is looking for seasoned software
te): 682-5443 fax: 682-4103 bbs: 682-2387 716%est Hastings St. Vancouver, B.C. V6C 1A3
MuldnsasAdvances 0 $89 VAN. COMM.COLL, 250 W. PendsrSt.,Van.682-5844.ICali
Intra. ta MSWehs 2.0
You' ve seen it happen time after time. A fantastic product with almost unlimited capabilities - but no user's manual, so full potential is never realized. Worse almost, is the manual that confuses rather than enlightens. This can be caused by a variety of factors: sloppy writing, contradictory design, inferior graphics or a poor choice of printers. Our staff has a wide range of experience specific to the field of long document production; we can
reSumeS tO the attention of the Administrator.
The Computer Paper I July '90
USER GROUPS Sa ASSOCIATIONS Anfga UserG mup(PaNorAmn),BCIT, Rm129.1AGsnwal Meets 2ndWedTao; Prograrwrwm4h Wsd 7GO.Sl Wagstng, 587-1748
Ippkw B.C. CompuiwSockny.Confxaer User Chuupfor sg Appkr twerp Csl 2754983for Info Srm ArchlteO UserGroup (Mschrkwh). Cal Glen Schasr or Kal Ga, Byte orufwtsm 735atat. Astute-Ahtrl ST. 1stTuse TM Hasdngs ConxL Qr. Dennis
ATARI USEASIVantarl, P.O. Bcu3814 MainPost Ogkw, Van., B.C., VBBSVB.Bll Sulherlmd 988-1450, Don Ihuch 43$805IL
Mssts2nd WwL,yso, HassngsConsrx Qr., Snta E Hasdnas. Sewer Valsy Commodwe Qub, 1» Tues Mmmuse Schoot Lsrrary. Qdi JohnVlnk3874428 ILC.RegkmalUssmGwup Sochny of Hewbu+ackanl Uwnu, Cal Teny4201277.
ILCUnkr UsewGmupmens 4 dmss a ysw. GeorgePaled 985255a 2545 QtwensAve, Wbst VanV7V2VIL Bnner msegng,7%4W Chaleack CwnmcdweComputer Qub (C.C.C.C.)- $78, SupporangCwnnwdomAmies, P.o. Box 413, Sangs, B.C V2A 1A7.
Computer AkfedMlnlsbyScchny ofCanada (Chrbthm
Ckxuputeruses Group)nxnds mpacac Acndemy,ata Bmohmwe,Coqulhm g}ehlnd Mcoonald's, Noah fkL near Lcughsedlaal.) 2nd Thw„yen pm Daa ProcwsIcg Managenwnt ~ (DP MA). IXnner msetktgs 48 Tww. Stwdey PkPmdloa Cas Fmrxxw Dickson,
atoaagg to reghnsr wGall Nichrhr,gto8533 for krta NsxL' Jun SILSpeaker. Acd Nener, MkxosoaWkrdowL Greatw Vksorkt Penwnal thnswter Usem' Assoc PO Box, Saog, Sason B,VkxwhrVan 8$4 Gsrwnd meesng.Inst Wed'. Atm'specks tnt'eruct gnwpmsesngsaoaaaa-arse. Independent Compuiw Consukants ~ S e. 4 XL 1190 Mekrse SL Vrm.B.C.882-2747. Kaypro UserGrccplanccuvw PortcbleCompos Qub, Snl Mon„at KwsntkmCcgsge Igchmcnd (DOS5 Opia) 271-1519. Macwest computersockdy, 2monthly meetings for menswrs. pkw PD ocpysession. General Meetings -2nd Wed„739pm Madwest NewUserMesdng - Sd Wed., 8 pm, Gulktlonl Pub. Lsr. Sunny. PDCopysessions 5 meegng.Bob Scales,464-
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Mbmlog.128SWLUses Group, WoAshen Andwscn, 1055 MoosstnwSL,Perskton, B.c. Nlhskm Ounputer Uses Gmup,last Tusk,7 pm, Smlays Awuaurent, Mbslon. Maple AldgeComputerUser Gnwp, 2ndTuse cf every n»nth, NLfL Sr. Secondwy Talk J. Bmhman 4638318.
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Vawxwvw Odor Computer Chb. 3rd Tuesday, Dlscuvwy Park. 3700esnxxe Way. Bwnahy, Contacts: Jordan Dcbrcdn438. anat; Sewn La Favw4874882 Varxxxwer dsmw Uses Gnus, 2wl Wed. 7 pm 800.1190 Hcmby St.Vrm684631 t.
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Varxxxwer HecbonMPubLAssoc„252 E Wocdstock Ave,.
VaL Vgw iN> (nwg).ForWo,csl Kahtna Dennb.32t-me. Montuy meetings, apnx BCQub, Entsrprbe Ctr„2nd nrxrr. 750 Pacac Blwl. June4. Running a Deslcop Publishing Business". No mecdngs InJuly 5 August Bgtys only. varxxxww NehwueUsswGnwp, Les Lebbrant 27$66thL Mess 1st Mon. Varxxxww Porlstde Computer Qub (VPCC).AMO17, Jay Sisgel, 4251 Lancskn Dr, Abhmcnd,B.C., VTC4S4, 604-271161IL
Vancower PCUssmGmup, Scbnce Woddaudkcdum 830 pm,2wl Thura eau)rr.734OX8L Vm Sndslr Uses Gmup,TlmsxWinckdr, 2nd Frl, lollamey ConuL Qr„ewd Breunung9314509.
vmcarL Box3914MdnPon cNce, van., Bc ves 3YS. Judy Hawus873-1$41I DcnHatch 4334065; 2ndWsd. Hastings
If you like the way we teach at night... You' ll leve what me
can do for you during the day!
Comm Qr., 3086 E. HastlngL VenwCADUser Gnwp, 2nd Tues. Call CADDSolutbns Inc., 681~ for Info. Wang SystemUses,73$6841 wrt 227, J:P. Dclmn. West CowsComputerSoctsty, HassngsComm.Qr„ tst Wed, TAMIL Vbltow vndconm Teny 84$8105.
The finest in Corporate Training Solutions from the Consultants
CtwS endkhsm7Fort~ o nc ouwes and pwgmnw hnuwghxd Bcamlebewhm e(both onllrwandotl), ocnlact Qsnwwy TndnktaNsbmrk, a$-475 West GemglaSt„
Varxxnww VSB4M9,804t88$23N, or 14NISN t383 (tog.
fwe In BC), orplug hto thek &tetanus
who bring you Night Schooll
Shone (6O4) 6S~166%
~m (6o4) v34-ovvs
The Computer Paper I July '90
Hardware KAYPRO 16/XT.C/w 380K floppy drive, 512K RAM, GGA card, hard
drive controller, keyboard, unknown damage, $200. Also, CGA monochrome monitor, perfect condition, $1 00; Samsung amber monitor,
missing brilliance knob, $50. Call 4653162.
Used Barcode Equipment
TRITON ENFORCER:Basic Surge and Spike Protection with 20 minute
battery backup. $500.00 or best offer Office hours, call Wendy 946-2011. FOR SALE:Amstrad PPC 640, 640K, 2 - 3.5" Disc Drives, 20MB Hard Drive,
1200Baud Internal Modem, flip-up monitor, carrying case and Panasonic KX-P1180printer. Software includes professional word processor, database, spreadsheet, grammar checker, client management, and communications programs plus books and manuals. Asking $1500 OBO. Phone Francis (w) 688-23S8, (h) 255-6123.
Disease. Itslike
ha ' him knock the wind outof ou
every y.
As youreadthis 5millien Canadians m to catch
eu bah.
'I) find outmosconhct yourlocalLunghssociation. THE LUNG ASSOCMION
50- 80% OFF IN.S.P.
Soothe Your Eyes Today
0 t ' c oIIs ""'"'"""'" Reliever
TEL: (604) 439-1430 FAX: (604) 439-7115
Proven modern solution to the dtseom. fort oftension headsshes, stress, and eyestl'aln that collie froln staring at your
computer screen. Easy to use.
On Sale for just $39.95 2 EPSON SQ2000printers, wide carriage Inkjet printers. Fast & quiet,
Tel. (604) 596-2655. IBIN PS2Model 50 with 80287 co-
V3T 5L9.
Details Make The Difference dSASE CI EPPER POXBIASE LOTUS SMART Custom Software Development Existing Software Enhancements Design Programming Training ICD SOFIWAREDEVELOPERS (N4) 87249N
HAVINC COIISPlflER TROUBLES T If yes, perhaps we can help. FREE ONSITE InspectionScEstimate
Number d acme Send money outer to:
sta st tsrewel ' susen Frewr testumey, ewrey, e.c. vali ups
processor, PS2 mouse, 20 MB UD
8503 Monochrome monitor, $3,000. Peter 327-1972/ 666-6034.
text. A must for any business or club. Requires IBM-compatible (CGA+) and Epson-type printer. Send $15 to Nissen Ventures, Box 637, Surrey, BC
$500/each. 888-2926. WANTED: HP 75808 PENPLOTTER
PRINTLORD V.2.0.200 pictures and four fonts. Intermix and print with your
lt0 lSMCompatibles and dones • Fast Professional Service • Very Affordable Rates • Full Satisl'action Cuaranteed or your money back
Micro Plus Technologies Inc. 7296 13th Ave., Burnaby B.C.
PAGEMAKER 3.0purchased in error - as new - $360. Call Barb or Florence OI1 •
ToshiboTS2000-100with 4MB RAM ...$6495
at 538-3383 for details. INICROSOFT WORD FOR WINDOWS,$225. Kevin 432-4361, 9-5
AT 80286-12 42MB HD, 1.2, Mono ....$1 150 60286-12 up to 4 M B+ IMB RAM .......$260 VGA Monitorand VGA Card ................ $529 42 MB Hard Drive;..............................4320
design: mechanical, architectural. Your place or mine. Reg. 876-9590 or 5S8-9023.
• e• • • • • •
VGA Card (600x800) ..........................$129 Sony 720K lloppy with Itit ....................... $79 AT mull I/O ..........................................$29 Agilsr mouse, 3 button ............................$34
Mono/Graphic Card withP/P ................. $29
Comtech Dsitributors Inc.
1610 Iangan Avs. Port Corlultlam, S.C.V5A4E5
Tel: (65g 942-5549 Fctx: iN4 942-17N
• rytmnntthS
- Games, Graphics, Utilities, Windows, Music th Sound, Business, EGA/VGA, Aduh and more for PC compatibles. NOW - Library updated constantly. r disk - No membership fees. - Easy to use,has on-disk instructions. - LOW shipping andhandling fee. - Send Sl for catalog, $2 reftinded on purchase
• Commatrendy
Excellent Rates Excellent Service
$3 95 '
parallel and serial cards with upper and lower case keyboard. $600 o.b.o Phone Ed 277-5803.
:::::: ,:,'C-ii'i'Ng'ets'l'r'N'p~::::::
I:::;: ::::;:, -
:.::: ,:~:p®sa,:::,:.::,:,:,-:.;:,:,:.:;:.:.:,:..::,:,.::,',::.::.::.::::,::,::,:Qy~:,::;-::
FOR SALEcomputer with B & W monitor, 3.5" drive, GS-RAM with. 1MB, System 4.0 GS/OS software, $2100. Ph(403) 458-8638, St. Albert, AB.
g g g
••o •
64K ORIGINAL APPLE II one 5-1/4" disk drive, GP/M, 80 column video,
u Layout • Cmpbtns Oerttym • • toner yrlhtthe •
NEXISS IL)ISTR IBIING C3 Yes, I would like a complete catalog. Name Address CitylProv Postal Code To: Nexiss Distributing, Box 590, ¹103-6411 Nelson Ave, Burnaby, B.C., V5H 4J9
Professional Programming UcencedFoxbaseProgrammer plus C, Dbase, Forhan, Pascal, Prolog, Usp, Word Perfeot & New Views macros, etc.
Serving small & medium businesses for over fo years Robert Shelby, B.Sc. (Computer Pros.) pager 735-1145
The Computer Payer / July '90
Supplies PRINTER RIBBONS -Qume 1,3 L 5.
"::.$"::: .":r'
Offered below wholesale - Qume original $3 each; compatibles $2.Or
, sl'IISlslxe" gSI
• a, Caeey,tLc.
1ledmlaa lhxxdhmoe. ~ eaa tdon SataeAneduatbufdfmmas ds
Sprint, IBM 6240, Micom, Quantel, Redactron 8 Wordplex). 462-7057.
PROGRAMIIINGfor communication
and databases for UNlX, DOS & OS/ 2. Vancouver Online Systems. Gall Rick at 299-3340.
Keddoh Snanlk
Abacus Abacus
025jS 033.$5
Rahsrlnhe Knght
033AB $32IS
Shpson Ohou
Mcoraaf HII Oue
MhfosoaPtess Que
$31.$5 05.35
Sybex Que
Ushg INSWodrs IBM Worle forPC hfade Easy
Que MctanauHll
Mac Bide 2nd Edalon Walfng with Macintosh
BamaIHaytten Que
$33S5 025.$5
Curtis Dtar
Wfflo: Home tased ihisinnas QMcathMtCdt1lhs " $e 246-SlSS ittIIIt Road,
MasteringTuse Pascal5.5 Uahg Bash SIVIEASSIfnaytf
Using 1-24 RsL ae Spectal Edtknt Quhk ReL44 1 IteL aa
Mastsdng Wongtsdect43
031AS 031AS
Using Wonlpeffect 0.0
teono pytotssaien
HO% TO EARNMONEY WITH YOUR HOMECONPUfER Discoveraver 100ways lo rtncmcictl independence usins your home computer. ' Free datcails. .po
DOS. Call (604) 325-1921.
Reg. 876-9590 or 596-9023.
Andes DOSInside 5 Out Amlga Bash Inside5 Out AIIIOCAO Inside Autooad10 Ushg Ataocad 102nd Edklon SATASISS Understandingdeans IV dnass tlh Htaxaxek SENITOP INISIISHSIS Publish k MadeEasy UahgRaved Onuathe OOS RunningMSDOS Quick RsfemnceMSDOS RETWORISIO Mastering Novell Netsaue
NSCELLAIIEO VS Leamhg Bedkxd Mastedng PcTook Dshxe
Operating Systems: VMS, Unix, MS-
AUTOCAD.Increase your productivity. Advanced training, customization, AUTOLISP custom p rogram m ing.
Hardware: Vax, Cyber, IBM-PC.
~ Pox IN7ESIIAysnsopywARE
Experienced in: 'G', Cobol, Pascal, Fortran, Assembler, dBaselll+.
1tefnktg GSDaveHehtnn
take all 16 Qurne originals 8 12
compatible ribbons for $45. These ribbons also fit all OEM printers based on these Qumes (e.g. AES, Basic Four, GPT, Dennison, AB Dick, Facit
.'..i'::...'"~Y~ !'."':::.:".ll' 4e".'::Ii:: "". '"gr a N%:r."-Ai'i'NC'gy "'es""~"i'..: ..::..':::
Thh uolte apfnteeasdbyLO. ehreestmlaamoof otntnttw Books
Vtucouver B.O. 22547dt
2-3OOOLoughaod Hwy.,
Coqui gam 464-5515
eenravanaacaalsaatmmrfaem,nv aataafa adelttnacu
lbdtmond. LC VbY 3C9
or phone: 279-9264
hnage Digitizing Display any cnlor image Bncompuhtr monitor. imagesscannedusingvideocameraorVHSIdeoktpe. CenvelaiontoCGAlEGAi'VGA/SVGA d for m als. FII types inclnde: GIF,pN,
with a competitivecompany. Eligible
for federal rate subsidy. Contact Rudy 266-4451. COMPUTER TECHNICIAN.Top
student at Cariboo College seeks full time employment. Available August 27th. 579-9168. •
I •
' '
outlet for programming skills. Wayne
working at home with pagemaker on a Mac Plus, wishes the opportunity to assist you with your publishing needs, for example, brochures, newsletters, business cards, letterhead, invitations, etc. Have training5 work experience
in the printing industry & in the fold of education. Phone: 525-?685.
'a I
GIFTED MINDseeks challenging
I404) 222-2221 eHHean 1-N04N-
GRADUATED SUNIOR COMPUTER PROGRAMMER experienced in Cobald RPII, D-base ill+. Seeks job
Uoice Mail Systems
TRADING UP? NEED A TAX BREAKSThe Burnaby Association for
the Mentall y Handicapped needs used PCs for several special programs. Donors will receive a charitable tax
Nou Avanabte To1he Psbttc
• Easy to ansi • Plso tdatpcxbnL • Avaaabletbnm abcot Noah AtnaxicL Aloe pdccof
$9.95 per monfh
DIE Conatmsefs
Hntpirictc(dog) eath pili CODE geese
your home or office. Lotus 1-2-3,
NordPerfect, dBase IV, MS-DOS, File
Recovery, Compile 1-2-3, C or BASIC. Call (604) 922-2743.
Optical Scanning
Help Wanted dBASE PROGRAMMER.Nofthern
Micro - Online Services has position open for an experienced dBase programmer. Background in Mapinto, QuickMAP, or AutoGAD is preferred.
Will train the right person. Phone 403874-2420 and ask for Rozena.
Everything frommemoand letlers to books and magazinescanbe entered into your computer files at highspeed.
Text 8 graphics input can beconverted directly to any of 32different word processors, spreadsheet,ASCll andimageformats. File conversion alsoavailable.
Best Rates
50p per typewritten page(looseleaf) converted toASCII. Rate based on$15 perhour.
SCAN MASTER • 275-2986
is seefang an individual interested in desktop welk with communitygroups. Thisisan ideal opportunity for someone with desktop skills combined withers. aseity.Typingskilkr, Coral, scanning, and Ventura experienoe necessary. Workisona per pt%e basisat S16.Be)hour.Hours are nexible I awn computer preferreck Call Namcy atSB441tn for more information or mal resume to eee West Queens,lttorth Vancouver V7N 2LS.
• rx
We are a full service organization involved in all facets of the computer industry since 1977. &WE ARE AFFORDABLE %WE ARE FAST iWE ARE EXPERTS %WE DO ITRIGHT "YOUR PLACE OR OURS"
ITtiniTROniCS HI-TECH SERVICES 1986 Kingsway at Victoria Drive Vancouver, B.C.
The Computer Paper I July '90
Index of Advertisers Accounting TXL MsoagemcatSystems hc ...................... 8 Book WarehouseLtd ......................,.......... 2 Cody Barks Ltd ............................. .....,.... 57
Doppler ComputerCeattn ......................51-55 Sihcannect ionsBonk Stem ............. ........ 57 Sntxxr Saftwaxa....,... ................., . . ..57 Umhall CmnputerBacks ............. .36 Unbcamity Boakstoxe ............... .. . S7 CAD DEST Ccxnputes ............„............,......57 Dssklap Publishing .
. .
. .
• 12" Monochrome Monitor • Hercules Compatible Mono/Graphics Card • 101-Key Enhanced Keyboard • Serial/Parallel/Game Ports • User's/Technical Manuals • 1 Year Parts 8 Labour Warranty
Fnm hnase ............ ........................... 26 Laser's Edge Gr Ltd. ................ 33 One StopDcsktap .................,............ S4 ~i t m Zhdsn ....... ........................¹6SI .
rr/j I
....... 12
Vsicm Csnputcr GmphicsLtd .......
hdustrial Trad Shows ...........,...................41 PAX
WITH MONITOR • 1MB Ram • 12 MHz Clock Speed • 1.2MB Roppy Disk Drive • 40MB WD Hard Drive (28ms, 1:1 Interleave)
Alliance Business Computer ................ . 47 Alpha ~ Aat a maticn .....................2
Bsrsa-HarporGamp c ...........................$4 BCD Softwaa Dsvetoftes ............. ........ $6 Bmmaa Systems .... ...........46 Csmctot Camputaas ............. . . . ....... SS CampusCamputas ................................. Ss Canada Panable Ccxnpater ................... 9$$ Gmh Camputsas .......-..........-.-.-...-....--.. 3 CE Technologies . . .......,.............,.....49 .
. .
. .
. .
/// r 'I
a .
WITH MONITOR • 640K Ram a 12 MHz Clock Speed • 360K Roppy Disk Drive • 40MB WD Hard Drive (65ms)
. .
? ?
386DX-25NIHz 386DX-25N!Hz 386SX-16N!Hz WITH MONITOR WITH MONITOR Cache • Intel 80386SX-16 • Intel 80386DX-25
Computer Empixa ...
. .
. .
. .
WITH MONITOR • Intel 80386DX-25• 1MB RAM 'i »/" c 1.2 MB 5.25" Floppy Drive ?r/// /s .. a25MHz Clock Speed• Intel g/ ov/ 82385 Cache Controller• 64K Cache• Expandable to SMB
I/ @
p >0
• 1MB RAM • 1.2 MB 5.25" Floppy Drive • 25 MHz Clock Speed • Expandable to 8MB
.,„„))I' OPTIONS FOR 386 SYSTEIIS: .4„'r x20MB (3Bms) 40MB (2Bms) 80NIB()ems) ~~ " Seagate Western Digital Q u a ntum
®26544 ® 3 4844
Nu-Tck c Csnp utem... .................................5$
h5nhxcxricn of Canada Ltd ................,..3947 Nocto Tech Ccanputer Iac. ........... - 45 Naticmsl ComputerPmducts.... ........ 3$
................... 28
PAL Systems(Gmada) Ltd...... ...........?4 PC Compares Ltd ...................................25 Peep CmaputcrSystemsLtd...............,.... 36 Polytcch Ccxnmunicarions......................... 32 Prism Desktop Publishing Inc.................. 33 Roland DG ........... .......................... 14,15 Sam Soft dt Hnrdwae Suppart ......... . .....16 Sovo Ccanputer Ccsxe ................................ 16 Standard Computxaaim ..........................„.... 29 StxschanCcmpatsm .....,........................10
TLD Computes Ino ................... ............22
Umsys ............... ...................................53 Umversal Techaolosy ..... . . .... .. . . ... 29 Versatile Computapxoducs Ltd.....,........ 38 WcutcosstCanpmes .......................... 13 Netwerldng Cadence Computer DodgeInc ......................4S Camel Business Machines Ltd ...................... 9 Compater Csxdc ....,,......„.........,..............20 Namtec Systems hc................11$7,19PIPS Safuak Systems Inc .......................25g7,37 Vancouver NetwareUses Gmup ............54 Online Systems Mind Lmkl ........,......,......, .........24 Chris6naPcrsanael ........... . . .........53 Rentals AbtThy Computer Restate ............,.... „28
Affordable CcmtptnerSotuncss IxcL ........... S7 Hcetwaod Cammumcatioas ..................57
Sharewmn Gemim Madte6ng ................. ............13 Nexiss Distributhg .. ....................,...„...... 56 SmCcm Services........................ ....... 47 Supplies Superior Laser Supply................... ... 7~ Tralnhg Accrue Media ................., .................. ..50
Computer ConsuhiagInternational ........... 55 Duke TxainingCcntm ................. ....... 55 E ffex Data Services .............. . .....54
adtaspiaa College ... . . . . . . .. ....54 Masako Holdings Ltd ...........„. .....„..... 22 Quaxtcch SystemsLtd .. ..................--. 54 .
• 1MB RAM •1.2 MB 5.25"--Fioppy Drive • 16MHz Clock Speed . • Expandable to BMB
81688oo 81148oo
Micm bsse ............................................... 52
Ommnct Computer Ltd...
QubMac .........,... ....,............., ........, 23 CompatiblesPhs ................................... 53
...... .................... 8 CamputerExchange(BC) .......................... S9 Comtach Distribctas ............. .......... 56 Camtsx Miso Systcas Inc...................... 30 David Nares /DaoPsc.........................57 DBE ComputasCmp.................,............ S6 DopplerComputerCsatxo ...,..................... 739 DPE Ecctronicn ...................................4,42 ExpxcmMfcm....,..„....,,,„,....,................40 Fxxeadlywaxo Computas Inc............................ 2 F utme Shop ..............,.....,.........,........ . 4 3 Help Saftwae Senriccs ............................31 Impaq Tccfmology ............................. ..6,34 hfospec Systems Iac............ ...,...,...... 36,38 hncxtech Hardwae .................... ......... 31 IPC ...... Xfneric Eectrcuhs Iac............................,9 Labtop Computes ..................................... 21 Mainland Ccxnpates Plus ...,........,........,..... 47 Master Script Iac ..............................,........ 32 MC Micm CannaLtd. ........... 26 ..................................... 39 Mcg a tx o a ic a ... . ........ Msuck Canputcr Gup............................,.. 18 McmPias........, ...,...................,..... 56
WITH MONITOR • 1MB Ram (Expandable to 8MB) • 16 MHz Clock Speed • 1.2MB Floppy Disk Drive • 40MB WD Hard Drive (28ms, 1:1 Interleave)
VGA Package EL: • 640'480 Resolution • OAK VGA (256K, t6-bit) • SamtronSC~tV VGA Colour Monitor • 14" Monitor with Tilt/Swivel Base • .4tmmDot Pitch
VGA Package A:
• 640'480 Resolution • OAK VGA (256K,16-bit) • Hyundai HCM-401 VGA Colour Monitor • 14" Monitor with Tilt/Swivel Base • 3tmm Dot Pitch
® 7 9844
• • I I
VGA Package B: • 1024'768 Resolution • ATI VGA Wonder (256K, 18-bit) • TVM 3A VGA Colour Monitor • 14" Monitor with Tilt/Swivel Base • 3tmm Dot Pitch
• I I
S59800 INatiPOROLA PHONE$! 8000L...........>78844 Talkrnan..........®134844 PT 500 8 $44 8 4 4 Ail Iwotorola phones come with a 3 year Canadian warranty. All phones must be activated by Campus Computers and Cantel.
QPII/If SfE US ATUB.C. 2162 Western Parkway Vancouver B C V6T 1V6 HOURS:9:30AM-5:30 PM MON.-FRI;,10:00 AM- 4:00 PM SAT.
Sysaal/M scsup poxt......................................
OMPUTERS „,. 228.8080
The Computer Paper I July '90
650 Seymour Ph. 683-17$8
FAXorder line: 683-1333 BROADWAY
1041 N. BroBdwsy Ph. 733-1535 EDMONTON OFFICE 13222 118th A Edmonton8Alta.
(403) 453%844 ' kk '.' :~ i 8s m mem/>~:
SYSTBM I' I RkDBS ADD THESE ITEMS TO ANY SYSTEM PACKAGE AT THESE DISCOUNTS 1A4MB TEACRoppy Drive .....................Q1$.~ Mono/CGA 14Amber Monochrome Monitor Dual QA
at atrain DC507,.41mm Dot Pitch, 16 Bit
at a t rain DC509,.81mm Dot Pitch, 18 Bit
Yea pm''8'iiiiiii-iiaiiien7j. 3iTmm Oii Pash,
512K 16 Bit VGA) .. .............................46$8.~
« + + I 'mem
• Intel N388SX CPU • 18 MHz Clock Speed • Zero Wait Slate AMI BIOS • 1 MByte RAM• 12 MByte Roppy Disk Drive • 42 MByte HardDrive (28ms, Western Digital,
• 80386-20 CPU, AMI 386 BIOS
• 1 MByte RAM, 0 Wait States • 1.2 MByte Roppy Disk Drive • 42 MByte Hard Drive (28ms, Western Dytat, 1:1,HD) • Enhanced Keyboard • 180 Watt Power Supply (CSA Appr.) • Mini Footprirt Case 12" TPL Monitor and Herc. Adapter • 1 Year Paits 8 Labour Warranty
1:1, HO)
• Enhanced Keyboard • 1 Serai, 2 Parallel, 1 Game Ports • 8 Expansion Slats • 180 Walt Power Supply (CSA Appr.) • Mini Fcotprint Case • 12m TTL Monitor(LHercules Adapter • Ram Expandable to 8 MByte on Motherboard • One Year Parts & Labour Warranty
. "
: -
(with B.C. Cellular activation)
800Oi l
TSI I Q t l e n PT5 0 0 OK I
s aasausaasaeuaaaaesuuu u u e u u e a u u a s eg
)1 }388
s a aaeaasasaaausaueusaesssausassess
s a aasaassaasaaaaausesaasuauuussaaaaug 8
$18450 e e assuseeeasusaussaaasuaaeeeesee $1 8795
7 5 0 au s a aasaussussuuuasussuassssus
P3 00
Raven RFf 00 4 in1 Fax ................$1,199 Super Deals CA Fax..$799
CEX $86 25MHzCache 64 -
80888.88 CPU, 0 88a Sales
• 64 KB Cache RAM •
• 16l25 MHz Clock Speed
• AMI 386 BIOS • 4 MByte of RAM
• 65 MByte Hatd Disk, 25 ms, Voice-Coil, RLL • 1.2 MByte Roppy Drive• Enhanced Keyboard • 1 Serial, 1 Parallel, 1 Game Ports • 8 Expansion Slots • 1024 x 768 Super VGA Monitor wl 512K VGA card
• Mini Tower Case • One Year Parts and Labour Warranty
egiNB gag ~ griye Sdd $q95 * SSMHz System with same configuration, add Smftt
• Intel 80288 Microprocessor
• 12 MHz Clock Speed - Zefo Walt State
• 1024K f 00ns RAM• 42 MByte Hard Drive
(28ms, Western Djyihal, 1:1HD) • 1.2 Illyte SM TElC Roppy Drive • 101 Key Enhanced Keyboard
• Monochfome Graphics Card(Hercutes CompatiMe} • 12" Tll Monitor It Hercules Adapter
• Serial (RS232C), Parallel (Centfonics) & Game Port (15 Pin)• Mini Footprint Case • CSA Appfoved Power Supply
You Don't Have To Be A Rocket Scientist
To Appreciate IPC's New SlimLine Computers. i =6. I
ust A Network Installer. The Per&et Node- Takes Less Space Designed specifically for use in local area networks the IPC SlimLine stands only 4 inches high. Its compact, space saving design fits neatly on every desk yet it has all the performance and expandability of its bulkier cousins.
Amazingly Upgradahle The fact is, the smaller a computer gets - the less expandable it is.
To network workstations it's i to find the perfect balance of size, power, and expandability. The IPC SlimLine series does just that. The 286 system running at 12 to 20 MHz and the 386SX system running at 16 MHz can both be configured with 4 MB of
RAM and up to 200 MB of internal hard disk storage, They have both 3.5" and 5.25" floppy drives and come with five full size expansion slots. That's room for any video card, i -controller card with an I/O, a LAN adapter, and a modem/M card - with an additional full slot open for future expansion needs!
Completely Test Compatihle The IPC SlimLine series of computers are guaranteed test compatible with Novell, Unix, Xenix, PC MOS, and OS/2. They are built to Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) with Intel processors and are fully compatible with all current ISA based applications and operating environments. IPC SlimLine computers are i deal
members of any network you build.
Reliable NCR On-Site Service The standard IPC warranty - one year on parts and three years on labour-is as good as they come. But what about serviceI With more service units across Canada than anyone else, NCR's on-site service program is the best there is. And if they can't fix any problem on-site we have six stocking locations across the country where we absolutely guarantee a 48 hour turn around. Install IPC SlimLine computers and you don't have to worry about service. So call yournearest 3D Microcomputer stocking location and find out more about the new IPC SlimLine series. It's a cost effectiveâ&#x20AC;&#x17E; logical solution for all your networking needs.
SIIIUIIS "The Ultimate Intelligent %'or@station Solution
for I.AN or Stand-Alone Environments." VANCOUVE R
CO~+ U Ig+$
604 873 5595 Fax: 873 4552
C A L G ARY 403 2 5 0 2590 Fax : 250 3059
Alaanaa~i a
ED M O N T O N 403 4 8 4 015 1 Fax : 484 0180
I be smpsl sl sar lr eyrie awiat
613 3 8 4 8980 Fax : 3$4 89$1
416 4 9 4 5250 514 6 59 6522 Fa x : 494 5504 Fa x : 659 8109
M O N T l tKU