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The Computer Paperj Sept '90
Friendlyware %E QAKul IT EAST}
C omp u t e r A u t o m a t i o n Lt d .
3499 Kinssway, Vancouver, BC V5R5L5 (604)437-311 COMTEX3S6/SX PACKAGE • monochrome graphics monitor • High Density 5.25 Inch FDD
• Miniscribe 8051A 40MB hard disk
htS.DOS 4.01
drive (32K cache; 28ms) • 2 year parts and labour limited warranty
555 W. Hastings, Harbour Center Lower Mall, Vancouver, a Phone: (604) 6844 146a Fax: (604) 68st-81 28
DA7A7RA IN nsek to nsek to Worki 3863X COmputer Settttott with VGA video
LOW PRICED 80386 COMPUTERS Comtex386-SX • 80386SX-16 cpu, 16 MHz • AMI bios • AT HDD/FDD IDE host adapter • 200 watt power supply
D esktop Model S mall FootPrint
$119 9 $11 4 9
Mini Tower
- 886 SX 16NHz - 2 MBRAM - 40 NB Hard Drive - Novell Certified - VGA%deo with MonochromeVGAMonitor
-2 yearswarranty, parts andlaholr
• 80386DX-25 cpu, 8MHzf25 MHz • AM bios • 1:1 interleave HDD/FDD controller • 220 watt power supply
DesktopModel FullTower Mini Tower
$1899 $1995 $1949
+~~j,'.-:+~~~~o <j
Orily$22?5 BackedbyRolandandAlphaComputers ZOON IN7ERNAE SEIIIOFAX............................$f49.95
VERY HIGH SPEED COMPU'IXRS Comtex386-25 Tower • 80386DX-25 cpu, 25 MHz • AM bios ' Cache Controller with 64K cache • 1:1 HDD interleave conttoHer
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Desktop Model Full Tower
Comtex386-33 Tower • 80386DX-33 cpu, 33 MHz • AM bios ' Cache Controller with 64K cache • 1:1 HDD interleave controller • 4 Mbyte RAM • 220 watt power supply
$2295 $2395
Desktop Model Full Tower
$2795 $2895
Aii of theaboveCOMTEKcompatemiactude2 year iimited partsandiaboururananly, 101enhancedTactnehsyboard,L2 Mbyte ttoppydish driv sachet formathco-ptocnnor chip 1Mbyte RAht(esrcept9sihtbnmodei heelhtcttsbyt e) CSAapprovedpourersupply, real ttmectoch(catendarurithbattety,sedai, parstlet,and Sameporte
Ourbuyersbavesentus695 lbs.ofripped,tomandshopwornbooks.
NEWPRODUCY ANNOUNCEMENTl!! For thepartfew years,ALR Inc.hasbeen a leaderin high-performance CPU technology, proving their ezcellence with the VE/SA and
-+;w s" <V»
PowerFhex machines. Now ALRis delivering a low priced model unde
family, the BusinessIrEISA 386/33srousl soL,o
C ou
e Intel 33-MHz 386 1 Mb RAM
• pnranci port
u mouse port
motherboard • 12 MB 5.25" floppy Phoenix BIOS e Small foot print
• four storage bays
CrushingBlow! Thenicest thing abottt this 33NPscomputerisits lovts priCe. ASurpriSing$2589t! Monitor andbard drive notincluded
To com plete thesystem,wesuggest: Maxtor200A hard drive,207MB, 15 ms,32Kcache, IDEintetface, installed -$1495 NEC3D multisync 14" monitor, wargantied by NEC Canada - $969 We are authorizedALR dealers.
The CoNIPISter Payer I SePt. '90
iai c a(ezmcrk
19'Tower Casewltlt I.E9 display, 5 Accessible Bays PLUS:1.44MB Floppy4Serial, GameQParallel Ports
• Speaker41Q1 Key Ieyttoanl • 2QQW CSAPower Sopqly • I/O Canl
365SX.1MB RAM, Tower Case.„...„„„,.........................'..., ....8899 386-25 True.25MHz CST Chipset•1MB|tAM,TowerCase....61399 366-33Cmcachem1MBftAM, TowerCase.. ........., ....,....61799 466-25.NewestChip,1MB RAM, TowerCase ..........................63999
CARDZTeeer 386-251MS
« ttuns all the new 386 Software • 19'LED Tower with 200W P/8 CSA • SSMB Mitaubishi 8hns
8%46 wilh 25MHE Chlpset
387 CoProcessorSocket 19' LEDTower with 3IW P/8 CSA
m65MB hfitsnbiehi 28me
Voke Coil HardDisk oVGA1024x768 14' Monitor .8hnn • 16 bit VGA card 256KExp512k oTactile Keyboard
Voice Coil HardDisk VGA 1Q24 x 766 14' Monitor.SI ms • 16 bit VGACard256K hp 512k • Tacbte Keyboard
Fax Machines/FnxCards
CyrhFesmalb thlasanoer
Fustm, ceehr. hwpaws; compsndu Inhl 307wrhs cblls ahomulhNo Lellreck Ereanomh Serhl awse ......SN Lellrecb ErnanamhSuemeum .SIN SummaSne &s 12x 12. gfe Nonnsbnuns empbks CantWalhl port. SN DR PrenlwnNanc ohn dneyad..... SIN emyldwCwd . SN Sale l h n Tan xayhwd tcndO .50 SESATddsnl 10bt1024XFN EaeExp518r 20 Ksyb oed .. 2001ION82tfl fD PmmlssDEN VSA$8k lpe.512k1024x780 N Foes nmtblde D mssy Keyboard N hcstnghVSA1024afea Ixhlmh EmcoL zaam, 00 i8$5 SeumfIsahr MwhCsnl., = . Afoul VSAWoods 1024xrN $8 no news All Vek Weeds1024xrNSESkwlb mmw $00 Phal Unmsh1024xfNIIS cehm1NS mommyIrsL F20 TINSSSSSW 10Uw .........,......„........
Video Cards
hyandmasry fern 2glkto 518l
VGA Monitors
Sansrmnveb thhr.ll mm .. . ,. ... NhuMA $0 x NO NEkNfac .. 1VM SA 1084a7N~Anshe ...
. ..
Sberpslefaslcorlayhy,ayesdchl ..
D20 D.
Ms Nfcrcbual .....
Personal Werfltation 4Mb
888-33 msbe
Hard Drives(hare)
Wsehmdllhl4N02&nsMr wlb Hl,
Twc 438003nssa' tlsw 1DE VoboColl . Omrer4N82lmss.s'ICEVeheColl .
...g .
7 0 Isublsbl 4288 (85NS ntL) 28msVohecol ...,...„. nodlns Inm tlns04rcsclsSE IDE ... N
Iwp21See LCD. bw yeysrcuOer............. Nsrp FD330wab LCDmal payeryxahr.. ...., Sf tN NlsubhNFA-770 fer wlb ctahr andfeeder ...,...$1340 CmnyhhhecsnlNNS .. —.-. - — 8 80
scanners/DC R
OmnSP alssNOCKSW = HPScanhL IISUF. Sw {Domo} . Ncpohk3NSWtkdarSwear HP Saasht Pbs, l8N Of. SW .....,,
-- - . 8 0$
1MB W e rldbeater
• bdel 486-25 Presessor, aew Vetele
«1MB MINns hpandable to16MB
o19 Tower LED Casewilh288W CSA Pla
• IAOS Floppy arise
$3 ggs
Awtbbh wlbSole1440VSAMonlhr USmats I NbVideolhrd
Co Pro's, Mise, ete. D-25
. Best Graphical User Interface • Best Quality Mouse
I CAD 33
• 48$ HD • Nelemenlcr
' 'mp
Windows 3.0/ Microsoft Mouse
• 19' LED Towerwith 200W P/8 CSA • Mitsubishi 65MB 28ms Voice Coil HardDisk • 1024 x 76828 mmeuperVGAMonitor • Ulfimate videocard 1Mb 1024 x 768 256celours • Northgate Keyboard
1 999 st7agg 82499
CardledMO IhdwsSWNIIFS. namt Canlnal0NOB VSEMSFS..........
QI% reoeK cmrcKmacmsm
fhptbesh Kaybosnl
Lease for $250/Month
3863X Laptop PlasmaVGAor LCDVGA 4Q MBHard Drive
Sopor uaa HI-ronAnalog Sonttor
Xemm 1024x768... .......„....................... $3Q withExcelogic512k1024x768. ............................... QQQ ,
. .
New! Saiko 1440 Monitor
Ipyeoypp epmmOF Mcnmenemmrscreen ......Sale Sl
Nlsubh1028MN$ESA, ........- .-
.... g
Ikxlnw tNMS 10nweckcmbs3.0'mE ........ NN ClbenENSKOyh .. Rodbae EOIN81lns04kCecbeaa IDE $12N SSK-14I acpbgkahm., Cwnar080825mss.tr IDE ...8740 Cnzen 112424ph — .— -,- - - 8 4 8 omnm 1048825amss'IDE. .....80» Parssmh Lesmbcut -823N Canier8KN810nsSS'IDE .. $13N HP 8EWI HP Iwordat SP .SISN — $15N Fu NI$25ma SCSI 3. 8' I DE . SON ool m l le. —,... 8550 mms 13$$25msSCISS'IDE .. Soooos11nlern.— . $ 3 0 Ry 1NI$23ns ...-..-, mcl fH ESDI 8Nk amff . 10N .
with Ultimat81MB VitISDCard ...
......................- ....-$$
Exeelogie Video Card 256k 1024x768................S180
I EC35 04' 1024N7 Nance 18' IENerne Naa4lerhced .. NoreeVSAI024xfN . .„,...,.. Asar Nulhyrsveb Domo Ssnyfmcfc Nulhcsn.. ... .
, .-.m m mncne m,--,.—,...,,,...— Ir r m Inrsso.
33 ISIS. thyds OK ... 4$,25 NHz OK
Sf tel mhnbhN IS'18N 1024 x .. . - .. . SITN fu 1 N I $ 25ms8CSI3,5'IDE .... nws Sale 1440078 ~,. ..........., — . 8740 F n 330I$10msFHSODI822rlmfF Medor 15$$14ns ENX n ewt Sole 14NN8.25nun nunlntsrlmed . . S N O MsdmaENSIgnsaa'IDE ... Msdar828$ tlrwas'ICE SCI. Nader 15NIS tens ESDI. • enmlwaslmNuehCsnl .........., ..........888 Maxler33NI814ns ESDI. TrmmCaas10'0 bays8NW PowerSupply . ell e Mextm 33MIS tcyw SCN ... 1288or 1,44MSTw:Sopyysbteoe, cable ...... . .800 I hxhryNNI014ns 882 . . .. , . . E ydraSmhl Perl. „„...., ........ . . . . ,...810 URysdo hick Cede h 25nahsyslsms ...,......SIN
NN . „, . . . N l IEN
f 4N
... t 1l330 $0
. .
, .„,SION . SOON
Hard Drive Controllers , .
. .
L240 0 lmster20mnzEsol cecbsRopyyeupyait
Fetlhn Snlel erdb aftbssefmLbilk helly ydmsmlsw cohmapllarsl Fullsu DLttmscyln 240cpe........ . 84N Fuilhu DL34824 pbt200cpswah wnhea -- — -30N
Laser)et IIP ..................Q389
o250 page tray ......,....................
• Extra TonerCartridge ............................,8109 • 1MB MemoryUpgrade............... ;,......8259 o2MB MemoryUpgrade . .... F.......S369 $2$ • Postscdpt Carbidge ............„...,...........,.8499
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Kxceloylc VGAflQ
Tseng Labs300DSeries • 04krcm, 000yemin 255cokmm,1024IINla 18 cohue • Ftnz sxnl, hudwaremom moses In the ttsa
PIXel Ultimate Fastest VGA cards TrlCOm TwuILss «Nahmse e w
n1024x700In255cobmm mPan.ocml.soIlscreen • ACAD,Inde. Ssnorh CAD.Wonlhsr. WP. Itgn388, SEM.Ysnms.
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The Computer PaperI Sept '90
Cons ultmg • Installation • System Design • System Pro
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The Computer Paper/Sept. '90 •
close to an hour and 'TVdiskettes to backup my drive. When I went to restore one directory it cross-linked two files. When I inslalled the program. it choket,! on mv M6 and asked me to slow it down. What scares me most about Norton is its
proprietary format that prevents recovery utilities from working. I went 'back tc my other backup program which doesn't mind mv586 and is Norton Rules> easier to install. It took 26 minutes and I must take exception to Roedy Green "5 only 54 diskettes. The user interface is choice of Norton Backup aa the best just fine, thank you. It is dear and prebackup program. With Norton, it took sents all the relevant information on
Your Recharge Specialists .Loser's Edge provides high resolution
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• INTEL 80385-25 CPU • 25 MHz 0 WAITSTATE • AMI BIOS
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The Cosnpllter Paper / Sept '90 screen.There iseven a detailed backup log I can refer to later if I want. Oh yes, the progranit It'sFastBack Plus 2.10, the most popular program on the market. Barry Macdonald
l""lilt] In tegrated Accounting w)II '
I • I
' I •
Multi u-ser or Single u-ser
I e
r I
I •
c I I ' I
compessxonturned og I tastedsockof thc pacfhrgsx withthc option 'coscpmNfor spell
'""'-;;.;„.,;:::; -' Iinpaq Technology Inc. •
Tacttnctcsy talttt Impact amt lO
Enjoy theconvenience of having
rcpeet thc dctaik to thc authecs. Fina@, thc distributed crmr cmmction mdundancy method used in the Nmton proprietaxyformat is safer than using plasn DOS
I havejust read an article on installing Windows 5 by Roedy Green in your August issue with considerable interest His asides and insights are, as usual, thought provoking and in many cases vexy helpful. When I came to the section on 'Variable AUTOEXEC.BAT' files it seemed like quite familiar territoxy. In order to run Ventura in expanded memory my system needs QEMM 586on board. Windows can't tolerate it. The solution was a sharewareprogram (available for &ee &om the CD-ROM disk in the main branch ofthe Vancouver Public Libraxy System) called RECONFIG. Reconfig. amows one to maintain a miniature database of up to 100 difFerent C o nfiig.sys an d as s ociated Autoexec.bat files. This can be added to, deleted &om, created, edited, selected, etc. &om a very usable set of pulldown menus. Once you have picked the combination required, the progxaxn modifies your files and asks if you want to reboot the system. Very smooth. Perhaps Roedy Green's ofFer of a 'Variable Autoexec disk' is a minor example of 're-invention of the wheel'. David AM Cull
Backscp to corruptany of my disks. Pkase
The ComputerPa er delivered toyour oor.
fmmat and mcooery with traditional tools. In
KeeP uP to date With the
More Backup
a sense, coerythingis mcordedtwccx,sothat if one part is damaged„ it can he mcmcstructed pmn the undamaged part. I f ymc want to be molly safe, usetheredundant distributed erro ottrcction and DOSformat.
In his article on backup software in the July issue, Roedy Green says "Norton gives you a choice: proprietary format for extra speed, or conventional DOS foxmat for extra safety. PC Fullbak Plus always uses proprietary format. The others always use DOS format" Apparently he did not notice that PC Tools also provides for the optional use of aproprietary format. I would be curious to know how PC Tools would fare in the speed comparison when used with its "Standard Format" option turned ofF. Sincerely, Andrew Shaw.
latest in the computer ind uStry. Su b scrib e a t
$19.95 for one year (12 monthlyiSueS) and enjoy The Computer Paper deliVeredtoyourdooreaCh month.
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The Computer Paper, I Fty muxcmtsittutllIssxlsmsux sesslsmmlwl j s suoa. The comptttetpaper, suite 8, +61 west 4h hve., Vancouver, B,C. V6R 1P2 TeL 604-735-5596
I I Nxine I City, prov., postslcods
turnedon. ti. It also sounds as though youmayhaec had onc of thetimoconeuming Nmton eenfccution kctelxturned on. I did scytexts with all eeiPcation og It is possibk Nmton Backup1.1 did corruptyoxcrhanl dxsk BccauscNoetenissoncw, in the artick, I warned psopk to test it especially carcftdlybefon mlyingo»it. Hotceocr,it is also poscihk your FAT could haec btun damagedbcforeNortoneocnwent nasrit, and mxttwingfiks J'uct brought totisting trmcbk to the sur face, I haec not beenabkto get Nmtmx
261 1800(ifanto wir) or1 800 6634222 gg 3II~iaCS.
PAYMBIT n PaymentEnclosed n VISA nMastsrcatd Card Number
BPity Date L~~
NameonCard Signahte
woman crying, saying "backing upishard
to do" only served to reinforce the stereotype that all women are computer illiterate. Again, the artide on backing upwas extremelyinformative, butI think Rocdynopondsi you could have chosen a better (and less If it takes 54floppics to back upyour hard sexist) cover layout (the pink didn'thelp diskyou should buy a mag tape.I' ou have sugcmdlong enough Howcocr, to answer either) . It is notjust the female secretaries who lose all their data because they your ciiticcsms. When I did my timings, I checked them don't know how to or have forgotten to back up. threetimes. Here aresmnepossibkreasonswhy And having the title of the artide ymcr results and mine werc sodigercntl 1. Did you haec any TSR's or unusual "Computers for the complete beginner" right next to the woman on the cover dcoiccdriocrsncnningt BackuPswork batt in aspartan enecronmcnt wtth nothing tointer- suggested that women are "complete beginners" when it comes to computers. fem or skrto things dowrc. 2. Did you ulkeo for the fact that propri- Not that the artide itself was biased in etatyfcemats takeforcoer theFIRST time ymc this way (and I think it was a good article backup, and only run atfull tilt on subse- to include in the paper) but hopefully you will be more conscious of your covquent backups to thc same flqhjbiesy ers, and of sexist stereotypes, in future 9. Did you tdso try thc Norton Backup in editions. Thank you. standard DOSfmmatf It gives youtheoption Suzanne Reimer of standanl and proprietary. E-Mail received &om Mind Linkl 4. Do you haoean unusual BIOS, DOS or hard dish contrrdkrt If ymc do, the morc Point taken — this xuas not an sntcntional ssatsveFastBockPlusis a goodchoicebecause cmabination fotitlar. And we had no datim to its authorchaec had time to karn about the opnd or to pcr kcs commonhardware, rtctrutc stereotypesfowoolen withthe imeNx used. 5. It smcnds as thmcghyou had ¹rton
l»entory Management
tion) in it However, I was disappointed in theJuly1990 cover. The picture of the
Reedy mxpondx: Oops! I dsd indeed fail to notcccthc 'standard fonaat optioninPC Took that youturn turn on the proprietary format. Ijmt
opto henchmaxhed PC Totdsin proprietaryfmmat mode. That mooed it into second ptaox a hair behindPontvunner Nmton. If Nortonnxtex 100, then PC Tools natesfl6.
1%e comPuAe PePer sexist? I really enjojl 1%e Ceeputcr Paperthere are many useful things (informa-
I am writing to thankyou for printing information &om our COMDEX Spring press conference in your July issue. We get very little coverage in the Canadian market and weare appreciative of your efforts to let your readers know about our products. Kathxyn Pond4aigent Corporate Communications WordPexfect Corp.
Windows 5.0 Article
Reedymspondx: t'ust as thc wheelwas ineenasdin many dement ptaccsatmanydigcrsnt tcmaxon the planet,manypeopkhcroeworkedmx sohctions
to thceariahk AUVQEKC.MT pcebkxtc. Itfy solutitnc is quiteohLI htcoc been using eaxiations mx it commenially since 1983. Ae adeantagcs of xtty particcdar scheme
vha comparer paper/sept. 'ea
I •
Ijipliaatton SelectionI
hwhiia ran Selection Instatlallon 8 Training Qperation & huseduraa Setup
Setup 4 Support Package
Leading edge in technology, and 486 based computers for business and
engineering applications.
prese nts a
s I
vrtth Dot INntrjtx Prtnter Chan-up Just $19.95 extra {iagntsr $49.95) Pnatar ~ aedpmcal~
h iat er Qaaap hh& n e at Ctarkup
preter ural &map
rtraar/Omar Ssiiar Jtraiaue
Get a MooseCr 95 Dr. Halo IV GraphicSoftware Reg.5110~ with purchase of DataTrain DPC 2112Computer oIntroduction to Computer oDataTrain 2112 Computer oMonitor and Hard Drive + 2 Year Warnmty
COMPUTERS EveraxStep386 DahTrain 2112 DahTiain 3016
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$1.N9 Call $899 $1,688
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Using AssemblyLanguage Clipper ProgrammingGuide IGngsQuentCompanion Turbo CBibh Using Pagemaker Using 06/2 Inside Xeah Wmd fnr Wimhw Novell NetwareMadeEasy
Portahh Power $185 (Catwartfram 12-110Volts) I Nihubishi 286-20M B $2,2 9 8 hfttsubishi 28&40MB $2,795 TashibaT1NOXE -20MB Natabk $2,649
ToshihaT1200XE-20MB Natebk $4,045 B ondweg 310-286-40MB $ 2 ,N8 Dahtrain 8&IOMB gALL
$17 56 $2680 $2836 $23 g6 $2876
$23 16
NEC laser 2NPaslscript Raven laser LPSN HP laser IIP HP LaserIII ClgzenGSX140 Fujitsu DL34N Summemketch12x12 Rohnd DXY1100 Demo
$4 , 099 $CALL $1,389 $2,499 $415 $6N $449 $11 10
FAX/ MODEM Fax DATA/PhoneVoice Detector DahTrain DF1050 FAX
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Limited Qaefftitidg 286-12MHz 386-SX
Back to School Special with
• Disaster Prevention • optintize Hard Drive Performance eExtend Computer Life Tune • Regttlar Clean-up 4 Maintenance System Vatean Clean Keyboard aCPU~ aeaa Hopptr Drive Heads Perform D~ on: Memtxy Chips, Hoptsr Drives Video ~ Pha tar Interface, Hard Drive Opthmm Hard Drhe Ftagutmtatfon Replace Internal Battery IGt
yoweful 386
$N $599
Arlaar INach. Raven Fax/Answer Mach. Mutate Mf 200
Zenith Rat Intension NECSD14' NEC4D18' NEC5D20' NEC 2AMulthync TVM SA1024x 768Analog
SN9 $889 $1,790 $3,396 $N9 $899
Sf,fgg $660 Cardinal 1260Inhmal Modem $79 CardmalSendfax/INadem $199 Sharp -230 Fax $NS
SOFTWARE G rammagi-Windows k Maximizer
$79. 8 5 $185.85
Supeical 5
PCTooh Ver. 6 $99.95 MS Pageview $39.00 Daskview $129jm Laplink III $89,95 Copy II PC $29.95 Formwaix $196.N P C PaintbrushPl 4u s $15 9 ,N Lotus 123Ver. 3 Call Lotus123 Ver2.2 Call ACCPACPlusG/LVer6,elc. $5N.00 ACCPAC Graphic Report Opt'n $1N.N INS-NORD5.1 $210.N Coml Draw $3N.N $59 t5 Spstw QuestIII Helicaphr Sm. $99.95 Police Quest2 $59.95
The Computer Paper It Sept '90
Introducing the INTRA™ LT-3S6SX Laptop Just COMPARE the FACTS... INTRA LT-366SX CPU
Co-Processor Memory Hard Drive Floppy Drive Interfaces Expansion Slot Keyboard Display Power Supply Dimensions (WxDxH j Weight
NEC Power Mate Portable SX
80386SX - 16
80C386SX - 16
Socket for 80387SX
Socketfor 80387SX
Socket for 80387SX
Socketfor 80387SX
2 MB RAM Standard Expandaleto 6MB, supports SHADOW RAM
1 MBRAM Expandslbe to13MB
2 MB RAM Expandable to16MB
1 MB RAM Expandable to5MB
41 MB (18mS)
40 MB (25mS)
1.44 MB 3 1/2n
1.44MB 3 1/2"
L44MB 3 1/2"
1.44MB 3 1/2"
1P, 1S, VGA Monitor'Port, Ext.D. Port, Ext. Keyboard Port
1P, 2S, VGA Monitor Port, Ext. D. Port, Ext,Keyboard Port
1P, 1S, Ext. VGA Pon,Ext. D. Port
1P,1S, Ext.l'.D. Port,Ext. KeyboardPort
3 - 8/16 Bitslot
1 Proprietary
40 MB (28mS)
1 Proprietary 88 Keys
% Keys
93 Keys Detachable
82 Keys
640 x 480 LCD 027 Dot Pitch, 16 Grayscale, Background Reversable
GAS PLASMA - 16 Grayscale 640 x 480 DetachableScreen
GAS PLASMA - 16 Grayscale 640 x 480
NiCad Battery dc AC Adptr/Recharger Banery /k AC Ad echarger apter/R
640x 480 LCD, 16 Grayscale BackgroundRcvcrsablc Nicad Banery 4 AC 4tdptr/Recharger
12.8" x 12.4e x 236"
12,25" x 14.25" x 3.25"
7.6" x 15.7" x 112"
12.'/" x It.6' x3,4"
lb.9 Lbs
14.75 Iks
21 Lbs
14.5 Lbs
Suggested Retail Price Selling Price
$4,950 $3,598
u Dealer enquires
c) An extra compact design 386SX laptop (weight ONLY 4.9 kg. and 6 cm high), similar in dimension and weight to a letter size notebook pc, but much more powerfull than a
notebook. a Comgatible with 80x88 software, OS/2, MS-DOS, Unix, Xenix®, Windows 2.x/3.Q®, AutoCad®, Novell®, Laplink®, Ventura®, DESQview®, Daase lllll®, Lotus-
123®, Carbon Copy®, and many more.
a High resolution 64Q x 48Q VGA display, Features a dot pitch of ONLY 0.27 mm. Supports external VGA mqnitor, 16 Grayscale, background reversable.
Long battery life, keeps about3 hours of continuous operation and with a fast charge function of within3 hours. a Display panel can be folded down to a flat position enabling you to directly see the external monitor's screen in
Exclvsive INTRODUCTORY Special
3,598.00 /Ms oos4.oi OIINgi~
( Ort4PU7ER 0 D
front of you. a Usesdoublesized SMD subassembly technology to guarantee a high quality and reliability. All internal parts manu-
factured in Japan.
®eek o pedam e l 88l Hou Sjx Da3rS a d Mond r. sshl dar toe rd ~
{lg04) 872 q q36
The C omputer paper l supt 'So Intra I.T-Power and Price NEC Introduces UltraLite R86V Targeting "Information Opporttnusts, NKC Canada recentlyintroduced the UltraLite 286V, a 6&lb, 12 megahertz battery-powered notebook computer. It is designed for professionals seehng inthe-briefcase portabiTity. The original NECUltraLitevirtuallycreated the notebook computer category. The UltraLite 286V takes it the next step. Pricing is $5,799for a 20 megabyte,25 millisecond hard drivemodel. Conlact: NEC Canada,
v .5o "S.
First there were desktop computers. Then came the lsptops. Each offered something that the other did not.
~pq' ~g: j , " ,
. .
But now there's something that combines the best of both worlds. Because now there's s portable that's easy enough to take with you; yet powerful enough to double as your office computer. •
Intra LT-586SX Computing power is coming in i ncre a singly s m a l l packages. The Intra 586SX comes with a 16MHa, Owait state 80586SXmicropra cessor,2 megabytes of RAM, a 40 megabyte hard drive, and a 1&grayscale 640X 480 LCD VGA display. Pricing starts at $4950 and is available from Qmninet Computers. Dealers inquiries are welcomed 604/872-1 156
Vision Does Windows VANCOUVER, B.C.— Vlsioxs Presentations Inc., has announced that they now can produce color% mm shdes and overheads from MS-Powerpoint for Windows 5.0.Vision expects demand for this service will become very popuhr as the support for %indows 5.0 grows. According to Evans Data ResearchCorp., estimated sales of business graphic software win grow faster than aly other software category, Vlsioii is an aliHate of the world's largest computer - ~phic organization, GenigraphicsCcxrporation. Contact Ron Jacklin, Vision Presentations l nc., 604/682~6 .
. Y o u msy ssy that sounds like a split personality. %e say it sounds like the new Altuns One. Ahms One can runMS-DOS and OS/2 with ease, Plus it featuresan impressive80286 microproces sorthatspeedsto a full 16Mhz, without ever gasping for breath,
And though it costs hundreds (even thousands) less, the Altims One comes with featuresother
t Person
manufactures call options. Like 2 built-in 24fNbaudmodem. And anoptomeehonieolmousewith s compartment for storage. And a PC compstib)eexpansionslot. Altims even remembered to give youmore memory.Becausewith Altimu One, you can expand from one megabyte to five.
Add to this a stunning paper-whiteLCD bscklit display (you' ve got to see it to believe it!); a full functton 101-key detschoblekeyboard with numeric keypad;.2 3.5" l.44 megabyte internal Aoppy drive; plus s40MB harddisk drive, 2nd you' ll soon realize why the Altims desktop/laptop is one heck of s computer. Or is it two? "a true bargain" — PC Laplop "s»!idle bvill tft designed" — Cornpuler Paper
"ergono lni«ally. il's dreant lime" — PC Maga:ine
a l I.im a
"""'"" Westcoast Computers 1915 Lonsdale, North Vancouver, 8.C. 986-7689
North Shore Continuing Education Offers Full Schedule ofComputer TlNlning The proliferation ofnewaud updated software on the market today can be daunting. Wordprocessing,spreadsheet and accounting progrontsoffer a sophisticated zange of belh and whistles that seemed uninmginable only two or three years ago. Many lack the time or patienceto wade through a fi ve-pound software manual. One opfion worth exploring is the wide variety of coursesonered through North Shore Continuing Education. when NSCE entered the'computer training market six years ago, it quickly became one of themost progressive and weEequipped public f'acihties in the Lower Mainhmd.NSCK uses stat+of-theart tedmology — all three IBM labs conlain only286or586computerscomplete with mice, 2 inegabytes of RAM and at least a 60 meg hard drive as standard equipment. There are also seveml Mac labs available ao NSCE through its aHiliation with high schools in North and
West Vancouver.
AII instructclsatNSCKarealsoprivate consultants or tutors in the computer
field. They have theindepth knowledge that comes &om using prof psuns on a daily basis. So thatyou can havealookat the computer labs and courses of5ered, and meet the instructors, NSCEishaving an open house on September 11th be-
The Computer Peper /Sept. '90 tween 7aud 10pmatLucas Centre, 2152 Hamilton in North Vancouver. Visitors are invited to tour the labs and lake advanlage ofongoing lectures on currentsoftware. Fordetailscam9864888or
Standard International Honored by SCO SlandardlnternationalSystems (SIS), SCO'sAuthorized Education Centerwith centers in Edmonton and Calgary, has been recognizedfor HighestAchievement in an Authorized Education Centreu for 1989, the firstyear that the SCO Authorized Education Center Program has been in operation. William Berry, president and SCO Authorized Instructor for Standard International Systems, has trained more users and resellersof SCO products than any Authorized Instructor in North America. Hegetsconsistentlyhighmarks f'rom his SCO training customers in the Prairie Region. Contact: Standard International Systems in Calgary 405/2660695 andin Edmonton, 405/4284558.
quarterly, and will attempt to bridge the knowledge gap by reviewing the latest
software, outlining optimal system configurations and giving tips about everyday desktop publishing use. Contact: Resolutions 604/685-1599.
Database Details Canadians' $3$4-Billion Annual Spending Spree A software developer specializing in desktop demographicshasreleasedaPC database that tells how Canadians spend their money and what they own. Previously this information was only available
for provinces or large metropolitan areas," says Wilson Baker, President of Tetrad ComputerApplicationsLimited. "Now, by combining Statistics Canada's Surveys of Family Expenditures and Household Equipment with detailed census data, we are able to derive family spending and consumer goods ownership patterns for the 42,584 enumeration areas in Canada." Tetrad's FAMEX databaseprovides a new source of marketing data for users of Tetrad's desktop demographics software. Define anyarea in Canada and PCensus describes how the money isspent PSearch software finds where Canadians live who spend
'la ~
o r own "the most" in over 140 categories. Con t act: Mari-Lou Shoulak, Product S p e cialist, Tetrad ComputerApplications L i m ited 1400465-1554.
First Advertising Show To Be OfferedIn Vancouver With a slowing economy, many businesses are looking for ways to maxitnize their advertisinginvestment.AdVantage, a new adver6sing show hopes to offer small and mid sized companies a chance to expand their knowledge of advertising. On September 6 Sc 7, AdVantage, the first Western Canada Advertising
Dataport Opens Richmond Warehouse A Canadian wholesaler of computer supplies has opened a warehouse in. Richmond to accommodate their western customersmore efficientl. Dataport stocks most -major OEM name-brand products. Dataport is also introducing what they feel is an industry first — the Instant Rebate Chequebook. In conjunction with leading manufacturers, Dataport is offering resellers Instant RebateCheques before the order isplaced. Each cheque is for a specifi dollar value per manufacturer product line, deductible at the time of invoice payment to Dataport. This program is in effect from September 1st through November 50th 1990.Conlact:Dataport 604/688-2555.
gp e Scg
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Postscript ''
Recyded Non-Clilorine Bleached Computer Paper A Vancouvercompany specializing in recyded and unbleached officeand printing paper is now offering continuous-feed,fin+edg computer paper madefrom100%recydedpostwonsumer newsprint. Because itismade from100% recyded fibre and is not bleached with chlorine, this is one of the mostenvironmentally sensitive papers available today. According to Paper Choice, although the recyded sheet is softer and requires alittle more care in tearing, these papers do perform to.the same standards as non~ecyded products. It is available in all standard sizes and formals and is reasonablypriced. Contact Paper Choice 505F 6thAve. Vancouver 604/&75-5700.
New Newsletter Aims to Demystfdy Desktop Publisliing A free newsletter aimed at making desktop publishing comprehensible to executives was launched today by Vancouver-based Resolutions Enter-
prises. According to Resolutions staff, the gap between desktop pubhshing's promises and actual fulfillments called for an unbiased pubhcation which explains DTP concepts, methods and product to coqxmte users in plain English. The newsletter will be published
Ventura Scoo
Now you cangive your
RavenPrinter"postscript"'capability Now you canhavethe incredible versatility of PostScript languagewith your non-PostScript laser ORdot matrix printer....at a sPecial introductory price. Ravenscript boostsyour printer' s flexibility, giving you that ability to 'dress up' your documentswith shading, outlining, scalable fonts, halftoning and more. Plus, RavenScript givesyoufull PostScript documentcompatibiTity with 22 licensedAdobee postScript Typefaces.
Easy set-up andconfiguration are buflt in with menu driven software that loads into your computer's backgroundmemory for maximum application flexibility and transparent operation. And with the addition of RavenScript to any Raven printer, you canrun virtually any PCDOS software, You' ll get professional looking documents....without making a substantial investment in a PostScript laser printer.
'Dressin g up'has neverbeen easier.W ith RavenScript, you canhave instant " xib"ty an " ' atflity o P stScript language...at a very affordableprice. RavenScript means affordable PostScrlpt
When youpurchasea Ravenlaseror doi matrix prinur, you' il rerehre xaveeScrlpi for the low price of$149.95.Oryou can updateyourpresentRaven panier with aaveesaipt for sugsesiet utail puce of just $199.95. Contan yourRavendealer for more details.
ayen For more informafion on Raven products and warranty, the 8aven Authorized Dealer Program, or olher Roland DG products, call: Vancouver Toronto hlontreal Ottawa Calgary (604) 273-4453 (416) 624-5944 (514) 332-6371 (613) 723-0724 t403) 2l7-1811 Brands andproduct names identified by ® or, are trademarksor registered fradeinarks of lfieir respecgvecompanies.
The C o m puter Paperj Sept '90
Show, will bring the buyers and sellers of most prestigious advertismg awards.The advertising together on common ground Cmnputer Pojerwill have a booth at the at the Vatxcouver Hyatt Regency HoteL Advertiser's Warehouse. For more inThe show is sponsored by an ad agency formation, contact Joe Makrovitch, and Pacific Press. Campbell, Mithun, Esty Ltd., 604/876A series of seminars to help sales and 0064. marketingpeople become better advertisexs will be offered. In addition, the CADKEY Training exhibit floor will become a full-service Advertiser's Warehouse where a broad Comes To B.C. The Pacific Marine Training Institute range ofcompanieswilldisplay the divers has recently acquired Training Centre advertising options they ofFer. To top things ofF, AdVantage will also Status for CADKEY, the first in B.C. feature the premiere screening of the CADKEYisa54hmensionalComputer 1989 New York Festivals and the 12990 Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) CUOS-two of the world's largest and program thatisaimedprimarilyatmeet-
ing the needs of the mechanical engineering market. It is versatile enough to be used in civil and electrical drafting and haseven been used in the design of knitting patterns and stage production layouts. CADKEYwas voted Editor's Choice in March by PC Magazine. "No otherpackage offersthe blend of 2-D functionality, 5-D versatihty and ease of use that CADKEYdoes." the magazine said. Contact: Pacific Marine Training Institute: 265 West Esplanade, North Vancouver 604/98546RR
AIVIIGA More Red Ink COMMODORE INTI9tN'ATIONAL reports a loss of U.S.$55 million for the fourth quarter which ended June 50, 1990 on revenues of U.S.$198 milhon. For thewhole year,however, the com-
panyreports earnings ofU.S®5.5 million on revenues of U.S4I887 million. Irving Gould, chairman, dud, "Sales of Amiga computexsincreased by 40 percent during the fourth quarter while unit sales of C64 and PC XT systems dedined.
Commodore USA Throws In Monitor With Amiga
WEST CHESTER, PENNSYLVAMA, AUG 16 (NB) — Commodore will give
away a &ee 1084S color monitor, list U.S.$599, with every purchase of a new Commodore Amiga ROOOHD or Amiga %00/50 computerthrough September
Commodore Business Machines, which isrecovering &om a recent quarterly loss, xs tahng a stab at the smallbusinessmarketwithitslatestpxomotion. Commodore Director of Business MarketsDavidArchambault, says, "While the Amiga 5000, our newest and most powerful model, is ideal for advanced applicafions, the popular and costMfective%00 series models are well suited for the small-business/work-at-home audience as well as the first time buyer." The mulfitaskingAmiga hne includes the Commodore Amiga 500, the Commodore Amiga RQOO, two enhanced products — the Commodore Amiga 2000HD and the Commodore Amiga 2500/50 — and the Commodoxe Amiga 5000.
' urer "Nr
1OTAl. 5AI.I .'I IN I%ILL! Iie'. %fi iIII/1r.li !
"r! r
JUL 27 (NB) — Apple Computer Vice
President, Advanced Technology, Dr.
' •
0' I i t
' •
' '
i I
• •
r ' •
David Nagel, testified Wednesday in Washington in favor of bills which call for additional funding for research on ELF (extremelylow &equency) radiation, and said thatAppleis prepared to donate research money. The testimony comes as Apple has been criticized for radiation levels in its monitors, House Bill HR4801, submitted by Congressman Pallone ofNewJersey, and the amendment to House Bill HR4875, submitted by Congressman George Brown, were the objects of testimony before the Subcommittee on Natural Resources, Agriculture, Research and Environmentin the House of Represen-
• I ' I
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Dr. Nagel stated Apple's position calling forcomprehensive research on the effects of ELF and VLF (vexy low &e-
quency) emissions, and called for the
computer industry to adopt protocols for the testing and measuxement of VLF and ELF. He also called for aconsortimn approach to conducting research,in which government, academia, and industxy collaborate. Nagel, an Apple vice president, noted the 'recent indications in electroxnaa-
The Computer Paper I Sept. '90 netic science...promptmg observers that more attention should be given to the issue. He said the National Academies of Science and Engineering is uniquely posifioned to call on preeminent scientific and engineering resources to conduct areview of the entire corpus of reserachconcerning the problem. Onbalance,however, Dr.Nagel stated Apple's pmition that the body of scientific evidence gathered to date supports the behef that VDT's are safe for people using them. Apple Computer was featured in an artide about the heath hazards ofVDT's in theJuly edition of Macteorfdmagazine. The report stated that the AppleColor High Resolution RGB Monitor had the highestemissions of ten monitors tested. The report suggested that users keep this and all monitors at arm's length &om their bodies in order to lower theirradiation exposure. The magazine plans tohave follow upreportsin itsNovember and December issues.
ATARI Computer Friends lint Hand-Held Atari To Macintosh and PC BOSTON, M A S SACHUSETTS, AUG 15 (NB) — Computer Friends, Inc, at Mac%orld Expo/Boston, announced the availabiTity of the Ultimate Portablefor the Mac, a configuration lvhich links the 1-pound Atari Portfolio hand-heldcomputer to a Macintosh. The package indudes the Message Mover software which runs on both the handheld unit and the Macintosh and provides intemigentfil transfer between the two systems. The Ultimate Portable for the Mac package contains theAtari Portfolio with 128k memory, an AC PowerSupply, the Atari Serial Interlace, Message Mover SoftwareforthePortfofi io,Message Mover SoftTIIare for the Macintosh and a cable to connect the Macintosh and the Port-
folio. The suggested retail price for this configuration is U.S4599. An optional 2400hps(bits/second) Hayescompatible modem, listing for U.SQ189, allows the Portfolio, using the same Message Mover Software, to access remote telecommu-
nications systems and transfer informafion. Computer Friends' Calvin Smith told Newsbytes that although there is a simil ar configuration, a lso l i sting f o r
U.S®99, for a Portfolio/MS-DOS connection, the Macintosh connection is
more elegant.
"It' s not really to do with our product. It's rather that the user interfilce on the
Macmtosh lends itself to more transparent connections. On the PC side, we transfer text files to be loaded as ASCII mto any word processor that supports text file input. On the Mac side, text can be moved directlyinto MSWord format-
Netfifabytes is utrNert by Newsbytes
contributing editors: Wendy Noods, JanetEndn]onas, Dana Blankenhom, Joie hilcComick, Beth Gotdle, Naor Walhch, SteveGold, PeterVekinls, Ken
L' "
=-" @ equipped to back np Raven's one year warranty with first class -' -1n the':race for' qLIatity, speed and affordability,'-the compact-' '='Ravens LP-800 Personal Laser Printer is way ahead of the pact' Servire. Outstanding features, price, and support that wilt;,:. =..„.;':.-:With a quiet printing speed of 8 pages per minute and its -..-'-; translate into greater efficiency and savings for your.bLIsiness.--.= ~:-'Hpe Lasertet Il emulation mode, the Lp-800 gives businesses F o r speed. Quality. Reliability. Nothing beats the Raven -'the edge, without the high price tag. Superior paper-, : -..» .~ LP-&00 Personal Laser Printer. - >mairagemsnt with a large 250 sheet cassette and an 'adjustable, ..''. .'--, manual feed for envelopes, labels and transparendes ptas near RaVenSmyt giVeS PpStSCriptB SyStem' ="-': "'typeset quality (300 dpi) for clear, crisp graphics and type is ' 0 p standard with Raven.. This optional software package gives the LP-800 entry level Eleven built-in fonts and downloadable font capabiTity allow dIBktop publishing capabilities for considerably less cost than high quality word processing and diverse business output. a PostScript printer. RavenScript provides A 512 KB RAM buffer is standard and 22 additional, scaleable fonts, and the memory can be easily expanded to 1.5, abmty tonm au PC-DOS" and MS-DOS-2.5, or 4.5 MB. ~ 4 j ~ ' ~
.' -
All these features and more for nearly
Cameron, and Norman Ningtove. CANADIAN BUREAU: Grant Buckler, 859 Kennedy Road, ¹203 Scarborough, Toronto,ontario,ph:416-285-0644,fax: 416-285-5261.
based software programs that output
PostScript® files, including: Aldus® PageMaker®, Microsoft® Word, AutoCad®, WordPerfect®, Corete and more.
For more information on Raven products, call or visit your Authorized Raven Dealer. SUPER SVTE
ODYSSEY 598-4342
Takahashi, Naoyuki Yazsjuta, Paul
Zucker, Sean McNamara, Keith
half the price of comparable units. And with more than 1/2-million printers in the Canadian market, Roland DG is the best
MAPLE RIDGE 483-8733
2764896 TLD 273-4700
Brands and product names identifiedby e or, are Iradsmarks or registered trademarks of Blair respective companies.
The computer Paper / Sept '90
ted documents — documents that can be dicked on to process just like any Word document created on the Macintosh." There is also a connection product, listing for U.S.$249, for hoohng into either a Macintosh or MS.DOS system forthosewho mayalready have an Atari Portfolio. The Portfolio is less than I" in depth, weighs 1 pound and runs on S AA batteries. Contact:Jimmie Moglia, Computer Friends, 509626-2291
BC Bytes advancedGravisTo Get Loan From Logitech VANCOUVER BC AUG I'7 (NB)Mouse manufacturer Logitech International has signed a letter ofintent to loan C$840,000toAdvancedGravisComputer Technology. Advanced Gra~ based here, makes joysticks, other input. devices and a line of portable hard disk chives. Lagitech is a major manufacturer of mice and scanners with headquarters in Freiuont, California Dave Reid,vice-presidentandgeneral manager of Gravis, told Newsbytes his company buysLogitech technology for use in its own products, and the companies also share an interest in sound technology for personal computers."We don't compete with each other, we tend to cotuplement each other." While remaiimig separate entities, he said, the companies plan to work together in a number of ways. The loan is to be secured by a threeyear convertibledebenture, Gravis an-
nounced. The loan stBl depends on final agreement by each party on the form and terms of the debenture and warrants.
The debenture will be convertible, at Logitech's option, into 1,500,000 units of Gravis, at a price of G$0.56. Each unit will consist of one share of Gravis common stock and one nontransferable warrant entitling Logitech to purdiase
an additional share at C$0.'swithin five years &oin the date the loan is advanced. Exercising this option would give Logitechabout 54 percent ofAdvanced Gravis on a fully diluted basis and make Logitech the single largest shareholder. Reid said he expects this option to be exercised, although "I couldn't tell you when."AconnectionwithLogitechcould help Gravis in several areas, such as improving its distxibution in Europe, he said. Gravis will also give Logitech a first right of refusal to purchase any further securities it issues, except for any currently outstanding righis to purchase securities and employ incentive opfions. Proceeds&om this private placement will be used to repay a $500,000 (U.S.) bridge loan made by Logitech inJune 1990 and to supplementworkingcapitaL Mth this inveslment, Gravis' working capitalposiiion willbeimprovedandwill allow the company a better opportunity to meet the strong expected demand for its joystick products this fiiil. Reid said the original bridge loan was obtained to "keep our business rollingat the level it is now." By exeseising its option to buy a stake in Gravis, Logitech may help meet future capital needs, he said.
• 1 ssml, 1 tursM, 1ysmepart • 10) fists • 46 MS28msHardDrivs • MonoMonitorand Hercsiles compatiblegraphics card 8015$00
enha nced' hyboaiil
0 0 • i • • I • $ 0 0 I $ i i 00 00 • $ 0
• 80288-$2CPU,0 ws .GAMBANN Exp.toGAMB • f.2M85 ve' Roppy Drivs • 49MBHaidDisk(28ms) • 1:5 Intertsavs Controller • MssagraphicsCa@ I wl Prhhr Port • Pardhl, Serial, 4GamesPort • 12' TTLAmberNonilar • 8Nw CSA Power Supply
Network Courier
Battered Mission Cyrus SeekingNew Financing
Gateway for MCI Mail VANCOUVER, BC, AUG 14 (NB)Consumers SoftwarehasannouncedThe Network Courier Gateway for MCI Mail, which links its Network Courier electronic mail software to the MCI mail network. Those using NeiivorkCourier on DOS, OS/2, Windows and Macintosh systems can exchange messages with MCI Mail subscribers anywhere in the world, or with remote Network Courier users also linked to MCI, Consumers said. They can also send facsimile, Telex and paper mail messages using MCI Mail. Network Courier users cansetup distribution hsts containing MCI Mail addresses, allowing them to queue mesuiges for transunssion to MCI with three keystrokes. The gateway also allows sending text or binary files as atncchments to ruail messages, and wiH address a reply to an MCI Mail address automatically. Users can get automatic notice when a messagearrives, thanks to Network Courier's memory-resident software. TheNetworkCourier Gatewayfor MCI
Mail costsU8$695 orC$900per gateway, plus US$200 or C@60 for each additional Network Courier post office (server) • It works with IBM, Novell, SCom, Banyan and other MS-Netcompatible networks, andrequires agateway
• 16 MHz386SXpracsssor, 1NsgRAIN • t2 NB sr1.44MSlopy Drwe • 1ssrial, 1parallel, 1 gameport • 10$ keys snhanmd tceybosnl • 40NB28msHanlDrive •MonoMonitorandHsrcuhscsmpalhh lrsphisscard
•12MI art.44M Bfl oppyOrivs
I 00
PC with at least %0K bytes of memory 'and a fully Hayescompatible modem. Contact: Michael Shandrick, Consumers Software, 6044S84548
Tasow 316SX AT
. TRISON TUllIO AT •12MHt 286processor,suilshabh ts8 MHr • 1Nea SN
• 0 • 0 • $0 $ 0 0 0 0 •
The transaction is subject to approval by Gravisshareholders and regulatory authorities. Contact: Dave Reid, Advanced Gravis, 604-454-72'l4; Tim Zier, Logitech, 415-7954500
• rsaeeroonr er rere eeeeererew re se eeeeeeo g45 D aN
VANCOUVER, BC, AUG 14 (NB)With many of its employees laid off and manufacturing severely cut back, PC maker Mssion Cyrus is scrambling for new financing. Tania Klvin, the firm's marketing manager, told Ncwvsbytes Mission Cyrus
l ost expectedfunding&ornaBritishlxmk earfier in the year. Elvin could not confirm the ainount, which has been reported to be C$5 million. She said Farad founder and president ofthe company, is currently in Briuun seehng more fiinding. The company has obtained a court order restraining its creditors &om taking further action before October, Klvin said. "Obviously we' ve cut right back on our opera6ons, she admitted, but some units are still being sold &om inventory. Azima, founder of the upscale British stereo equipment maker Mission Electronics, founded Mission Cyrus last year. The coinpany launched a series of Intel 80586-based PC's, ranging &om a portable to a file server, at Comdex/Fall hst November. Azima's Mission Group, at least one Canadian bank and the Discovery Foundation, an agency of the British Columbia provincial g are among other investors in Mission Cyrus. Contact: TaniaElvin, Mission Cyrus,604-
overnm ent,
Teso125 Nsz 381 AT
• 25 MHt3889X-5 prscssssr • 1 Qui RAMapgiadabls te 8 Megsonbaaicl • 12M1 sr tANBflopjt Orive • 1se&, 1 paralIel, liame port • )A twysenhseef ksybosnl • 40 MS 2$msHanl Dws
• Nona Monitor andHsreiihs compa5btegraphics earct • soeoeoooooeeo seeoee • ai saeeoeeooQD50oOI
• 803888X-16CPU,6 ws. • 1INBRAMoned exp. Is 8 MS • 1.2M85vc' RoppyDere • 40MB HardDisk{28ms) • Monoeraphicslhnl • Paraisl,Serial, 5 GamesPort
• 8M88 N25MHz,0 ws. • GAMB IlANI osboardhp. to 8MS • 1.2INBRopyyDrira •40MB HardDisk{2lms) • 1:1 lotsrlansContralhr
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• Parallel,Serial,&GamePort • Full SizeCase • 220N PowerSupjily
• 12'TTLAmbsr Nonilm
• MsiicOraphicCanl
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• 8N86-25 CPU,84KCache • 2MS RAIN onhoardbp. to 16MB • 1.2MBRoppyDwe • 4NB Had Disk(28ms) •MonsOisphicCud • Psrlsl, Serial, 8 Game Port
• 12'AmisrMsslor
• Fui SheCase • 22Nt Power Supply
• Eabmwd oybaanl
YGA Package Ilplrade wlsystem ..........................4350
leper VQIFaclale
upgrade(1024 x768) .....$625 NS Wlnlow 386...............g4S NS OOS Ver.4.01 ..............$81
LogltechHI-fez. Mouse
(400dpi) ............................$115
SALES,SERVICE, s SUPPORT— 1082 Kingsway, Vancouver TEL: {604) 879-8823 FAX:(604} 879-1485
The CoII9p93ter Paperj Sept. '96
CA-Access Updated VANCOUVER, SC, AUG 15 (NB)While continuing to roll outVersion 6.0 of its Accpec Plus accounting line, Computer Associates has updated its CA-Access development system. John Schoutsen, Canadian product marketingmanager in Gl's Mi cro Products Division in Vancouver, told Newsbytes CA<ccess is a MI development system with its own programming language and application program mterface (API) to Accpac Plus. Some 600 developers worldwide use CA-Access to create companion products for the accounting software, Schoutsen said. The new release indudes increased database capacity, improved file sortan merge utihties and an. extended API providing internaiional and mul&currency support and better screen input/
output and print controL Apphcations developed with CA-Access can run under DOS or OS/2, on local~ n e t works orin ComputerAssociates' own window environment with
recompiling, the company said. The suggested retail is price is
USQ,695, or C$1,995 in Canada. Those whopur~ the p reviousversion after May R2, 1990 will receive a free upgrade. Others may upgrade for US$200, or CENO in C anada. Contact: John Schoutsen, Computer Associates, 604-
Canadian News
gal <
Long Distance Competition TORONTO, ONTARIO, AUG 8 (NB)
Arete 286-1 2MHz ....................$999 Arete 386SX-20MHz............ $1,350 Arete 386-25 MHz ............... $1,599 Arete 386-33 MHz ...............$2,259
Send us your PC or Mac Postscript files via modem. Call our special BBS phonenumber at738-8895.Have yourcreditcard number handy.Pick up or courier service. •
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• sect price t'erterreeece
f0f 386 Illtj 286+S'IGNI: 0
e ExcljjIg atiljgy
1) 40 MB (19ms) QuantumDrive 64K cache ..................;....,.....5405 2) 80 M8 (19 ms) QuantumOrivs
e CO+jiatjbjjjt„
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We took a look at many of the POS ' systems onthe mslket rightdowntothe
POR TI L L,lf8 .
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The Computer Paper I Sept. '90
e • gg
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The C o m puter Paperj Sept '90
seat or a hotel bed during Las Vegas' biggestconvention become more arduous, with most showgoexs increasingly forced tobookresexvationsfor their travel to the show a year in advance.
GENERAL Cornell Vision Study
Eyes Bad Lightiaa'
— A new study &om Cornell Univexsity says indirect lighting can dramatically reduce eyestrain among VDT (video display terminal) workers. The study, involving 147 workers at a Syracuse, New York Xerox plant, compared groups worhng under indirect, "bounced fluorescentlightingand those working under conventional computerarea overhead (parabolic) fluorescent lighting. The workers in the overhead-lit area had RS% higher rate of complaints of eyestmin and said theylost15 minutes a day because of trouble focusing their eyeL In contrast, only one percent of the
computer users working under indirect lighting lostmore than 15 minutes a day because of focusing problems. Cornell's Department of Design and Environmental Analysis, which 'conducted the 1988 study under the direction of Dr. Alan Hedge, returned to the sitelastyear tofind thatemployeesworkingunder the overhead, parabolic lights had modifled nearly half of them to txy to improve their visual environment. The conlguration most appreciated by the employees was the indirect lighting, consisting of lensed indirect fluorescent lights which direct light upward toward the ceiTing, something called
,uplighting. The new type of lighting is being used bycompanies such asAT8eT, USWest, IBM and other companies that rely heavily on computerwquipped workstations, according to the Cornell research team. 71 percent of the employeesworking under the indirectlight preferred it, while 74 percent of those working under the parabolic system preferred uplighting. Dr. Hedge said, "This is an over-
whelming preference.We didn'texpect able parts of the demonstration was the to see results this on~ided, especially ' chanting by the crowd of the Hex Chant, "something we composed last week" It given that the parabolic lighting was designed for computer axeas." Contact: goes like this: "14$4; Kick that lawsuit out the door — $4-74; Innovate, don' t Dr. Hedge, Cornell, 6174$5-2168 litigate —x3A-BC; Interfaces should be &ee — D-E-FQ — Look and Feel has got Radiation SuperShield For to go." 19-Inch Monitors Staihxxan also told Newsbytes that a SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA, Lotus employee came out tio pick up AUG 6 (NB) — NoRad corporation has material and stickers and told LPF introduced the NoRad SuperShield, a members that "while there was support radiation, glare and reflection shield for the League within Lotus, managedesigned For 19-inch and two-page dis- ment had instructed the personnel to play monitors induding the Sony 1950, stay away. the SuperMac 19o Display, Radius TwoTom Lemberg, general counsel For Page Display, RasterOps 19" Display, Lotus, was quoted as suggesting that the Megagraphics Rival, Hitachi Superscan protesters should also picket stores that Plus, Sigma Lasexview and other simisell books and records since they, like larly sized and shaped monitors. software, represent the expression of an According toBruce Sperka, director idea, 'The underlying question iswhydo of marketing, the SuperShieldwasdevel- we have copyrights," Lembexg said. "We oped in response to the growing dehave copyrights to protect creators, to mand For higher-resolution, larger dis. provide incentives toinnovate."Contact plays."VDTradiationlevelsincreasewith Richard Stalhnan, LPF, 617-2454091 the size of the display, the level of resolution and with color. And, as larger monitors, especially those with cuxved bezels,become more popular, itmade sense for us to extend ourproductline to take advantage of the Nxo-page display ARMONK,NEW YORK, AUG 2 (NB) — IBMhasannounced thatithasformed market a new wholly owned subsidiary which The new shield measures 17-5/8 consolidatesIBM's typewriter, keyboard, inches by 15-5/4 inches &om kame to kame with a usable display area an inch intexmediate and personal printers and supplies business in the Unit@i Statea It less in each dimension. The fabric is cut on a bias to eliminate the moire patterns also announced that it will work with ClaytonScDubilier, Inc. to form an allithat can be a problem on some color ance under which Clayton Sc DuMier monitors and the shield is attached to the bezel by velcro tabs. The kame is will become the majority equityowne of shaped to confoxm to the horizontal the new subsidiary. curvatureof the bezel. IBM Vice President Marvln I M ann will become chief executiveofhcer of the The SuperShield is now available through NoRad and its dealers at a sug- new company which includes IBM's InformationProductsbusiness,largely&om gestedrelailprice ofU.S4549.00 ConIBM SLcilities in Lexington, Ky., and tact: Michelle Hartzell, NoRad CorpoBoulder, Colo. The new company is ration, 800462-5260 expected bythe end of the year to have 5/00 to4,000 employees. Protest Held At As a result of this announcement, eliLotus Development gible employees in will be CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, offered the opportunity to voluntarily AUG 6 (NB) — A protest march, orgaresign,retire or begin a fiv-year prenized bythe League for Programming renrement leave with an incentive payFreedom (LPF), was held on August 2 at ment Lotus Development Corp.'s Cambridge, IBM spokesperson Mac Jeffexy told MA offlces to protest Lotus' recent legal Newsbytes that the formation of the new activities concerning copyright issues. subsidiary and subsequent selling of it is League President Richard Stallman "another phase of the overall slimxning told Newsbytes that the protest went exof our workforce asannouncedearlier in tremely well and that all demonstrations the year." He said that, now that step 1, were performed ina peaceful manner. the spinoK had been completed, IBM "We had about520 people according to hoped to conclude the sale by the end of our count We formed atabout 12:50 at the year.JCIFexy also told Newsbytes that MIT and began the march about 1:00. a name had notyet been chosen for the We got to Lotus about 1:15 and then we new firm. had shortspeeches byPatrick Winston of Rick Martin, Prudential-Bache's MIT's AI Laboratory, John McCarthy c omputer i n dustry a nalyst, t o l d &om Stamford,Javellin Sofbvarefounder Newsbytes that he felt the sale of the new Stanley Kugelandmyself. We then began entity would benefit both IBM and to picket and finished up about 2 p.m." Clayton kDubilier. "Ifyoulookatit&om Stalhnan said that the main puxpose of IBM's side — This business brought in thedemonstra6onwastoheighten public somewhere between two and three bilawareness and to attract interest &om lion dollars in revenue resulting in Congress. U$475-150 million in net income — or Stalhnan went on: 'There were some 15 to RS cents per share. The impact on very innovative signs in the picket line IBM is tiny. Even though thatsegmentof suchas'Can LasVegasSueAtlanticCip?' the business has growth potential, the and 'Lotus Says IfYou Can' t Beat Them, time, energyand money thatwould have Sue Theml'and'Drop the Suit, We Have to be put into itis, in IBM's case, much You Surrounded k'Thepointofall this is better spent on nxain&'uncs or PC's. thatwe don't believe thatanyone has the As hr as Clayton Be DubiTier is conright to own a user interface. The public cerned, however„ the business potential invests too much time and resources in is enormous. The unit being acquired is learning auser interiace for anyone to presently profltable and the staff reducdaim ownership of it. tionswillmakeitevenmore so.AdditionStallman said that one of the enjoyally, it has a market that IBM never had,
IBM Smms DownLSpins CMF
NETWORKING YOUR BUSINESS In co-operation with Novell, Softrak Systems tnc. is pleased to preseat monthly seminars covering the basics of netwoxkiag. Desigaed for computer novices,scheduled at convenient times and taught b y p r ofessionals,these seminars are th e p erfect i ntroduction to networking concepts.
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OPEN EVERY DAY 8756261 Vict oria727-3414 TollFree800861-2805 BBS277-9920
Lexingto n
The Computer Paper / S~. 'SO the market to 6rms other than IBM and software application, without any need the poten6al looks vexy good there. For for an intermediary utility program — a instance, IBM has a laser printer that is breakthrough in input devices. The Caere Typist, U.8$695 for the Canon-engine compatible and is RS% hster. The new firm should be able to Mac versionand U.8.$595 for the PC generate addi6onal market share with version, is said to have true 500 dpi CCD input array and lets users scan informaproducts like that." tion mtoan application at the rate of500 Martin saysIBM's Lexington plant, which goes with the deal, is one of the w'ords per mmute, Larry Miller, Caere's vice president of lowestwost production lacili6es in the world and can produce commodity marketing and sales for oIIice products, products such as keyboards at as low said thisin prepared remarks: She Typist productcostasanycompanym theworld. setsa new standard for speed, eff"The new Srm shouM become akctor in use, practicahty and versatility, and its the world marketplace for these com- pricepoint — under U.8$700 — makes page recogmtion vexyaIfordable toindimodi6esand beoneof thefewU.8.6rms that can outperform Far Kastexn rivals . viduals as well as all sizes of businesses." Designed speci6cally fox page recogon a cost basis. In short, I think it's a nition, the Typist uses Caexe's AnyFont helluva deal,' he said. Aspokesperson for Clayton 8eDubilier opticaldiaxxicterrecogni6on technology said the company is a private investment to recognize text regardless of the font founded in 1978. Since that date, it has style or the number of columns on a acquired 15 businesseswhose sales total page, the company says. This enables users to take information &em almost around USQ75 billion. Its normal manner of acquiring business has been any hard copy source and put it directly into word processors, spreadsheets, dathrough investment indivisionsof large tabases or other applica6ons. corpomtionswhich are no longer conCaere's Typist enables the user to inxsdexed part of the core business. ConxactL Peter W. Thonis, IBM, 914-765- putsamned,recognized m'iterialdixec6y 6565; Thomas C. Franco, Clayton 8e intjo whatever application is currently running on 'the user's computer. This DubiTier Inc., 212-742-1282 bya design direct inputis made p methodology which interxup|s the keyDelHsa OEers board opera6oq'and allows data to enter Windows 5.6 Fax Drivers the application via the keyboard buIfer. TORONTO, ONTARIO, AUG5 (NB) Caere's sofbsare is capable of recog— Delrina Technology has announced nizing mul&columned pageos one coltwo kx drivers for Microsoft Windows umn at a time. To prevent column 5.0. overlap, the Typistrecognizes thecolumn One version works with lax boards thatisin thephysical center ofthescanner complymg with the GAS standard, in- and throwsaway theincomplete columns cluding those hem Intel, Pure Data, on either side. The hand scanner also Spectrafaxandotheil. The otherversion automa6caHy discards repeated text workswith Sxmodemsthatuse the Sierm which occurs when two sans overlap by Semiconductor Sendhx chip set. Both comparing the ASCII text of the hst line versions inchide a driver that looks to of the Srstscan with theASCII text of the Wmdows bke a regular print driver, so Stat line of the second scan. This proceusers of any Windows application can dure is commonly referred to as 'stitchsend a fax as if they were prin6ng a mge document, Delrina said. Contact:Josef The Maantosh version of the Typist Zancowicz, Delrina, 416441-5676 requiresfour megabytes of RAM and a Macintosh SK or any mexnber of the Macintosh II Sunily. It will ship in Sep8hmP'ISoftProduchRdeIIies tember. 'IbeMIIjcPahqe1.1 The80286and80%6versionsrequire BOULDER, COLORADO, JUL 29 IBM PC or compa6ble with an AT bus or (NB) — The Malp'c Package, version 1.1, a Micro Channel bus, 640 hlobytes of has been released by Simplsoft Prod- base memory, two megabytes of exucts. It consists of The SuperCalc Macro panded/extended memory and ahard. Book pubrished by Scott, Foresman, Inc. disk. They are expected to ship in the and MacroMagic, publishedbysimplsoR fourth quarter of 1990 . Contact: Larry Produce. Miller,Caere, 408-595-7000
computers, computers...
Are you in the market for a computer for your home and office but don' t know where to go or who to ask? Come to th e e x perts at By t e Cemyuters. The trained staff will see that you get a system that will increase productivity and enable you to do the things you want and expect from a computer.
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Using Computer Associates' major
enhancements tosuperCak5, The Magic Package takesadvantage of a powerful spreadsheet macro language providing users with the applications and tools to create applications that no longer look like spreadsheets. Lester Kaxptus,presidentof Simplsoft Products, has told Newsbytes that while The Magic Package is a comprehensive macro and application libraxy, it is nota conversion of other spreadsheet adcbon products. The Magic ~ e, w r itten by Lester KaxptusandKd Karl,required superCalc
Database Information Fxem Free 8$8
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, AUG 8 (NB) — Data Based solutions, Inc. (San Diego, Cahf.) has made its electronic bulletin board &ee of charge to all caHers. The bulletin board, which addresses database management topics at the PC/ LAN level, was previously available only for a U.8.$19.95-per-yearmembership charge. "We wanted to make things as easy as possible for our readers, says David 5,Revision Candisavailiablein both S.RS Kahnan,editoHmchief. Whenyouwant inch and 550 formats for U.S®9.95 the souse code homa magazine artide, Contact: Lester Karplus, Simplsoft you wantitncer, not tomorrow. Nowyou Products, 50$4444771 can get it, kee." The buHe6n board is dinrided into a general board and four conferenceL GMIe Hln88cammr Far PCs
BOSI'ON, MASSACHUSETI'8, AUG 9 (NB) — Caere Corp. (Los Gate+, CA) isshowingoffa hand-held scannerwhich it says can place text directly into a
compilers (Clipper and Quicksilver),
dBASEKmexald Bay,andanewFoxBase+ and FoxPro conference. Users can accessthe board using any Hayescompat-
Students with proper I.D. can purchase
a Warner computer system at a considerable price reduction. Toshiba has gone a step further and |s wiliing to
include night school students and teachers in their special nNer. Find out
more by dropping in to Doppler Computer Centre today,
Toahha T1CN TastNa T16NSE ToahhaTIOINE Nhmr8&12
13$ 1141
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101West ah Ave@ Manitoba S. Vancower, VP(1H9 OPEN EVERYDAY 8750261 Wichita 7274414 TollFtee 800861-3MI 888 2774920
The Computer Paper/Sept. '9 0 announced at this year's Fall Comdex in Las Vegas, but the leading players in the industrywiilstaywithproprietatydesigns until the market forces a change. That' s theview ofDale Bandy, a vice president of Silicon Systems Inc., which is designinga chip set that will implement the socalled EIA578 Class One standard. That product may reach the market by the end of this year, or early in 1991. Bandy told Newsbytes the Class One standard, which won final approval in February, is "a basic definition for the control of fax functions in a PC environment," but it's limi'ted and requires an integmediate driver before it's installed. Standards work is continuing on two levels — an extension of the standard which would be called Class Two, and a more complex interface between modemand fiut Seing worked outin the TR% group. This work was stimulated by Hayes Microcomputer Products of Atlanta, Bandy said, which offered an enhanced version of its own AT command set "It holds promise, but it's not final," Bandy said. Despite the continuing work on standards, theleading piayersin the fikxboard business continue to release Iyroprietagy designs, Bandy s aid, i n c l uding G~ ax, S pectrafiuf, and The Complete PC, which cunently is the sales leader.Datagace of Texas is one of the few with a Class One product on the market, Bandy said, but more may be expected in time for the Fall Comdex show. The significance of all this is threefold, Bandy said. An established standard would let software developers insert fax capabiTityinto base applications. Itwouldallow for thecreation ofstandard hx applications running with any fikx board — a fax version of "Crosstalk" or "Procomm Plus." Finally, once a standard is implemented in chip form all board manufacturers could use it. Contact: Dale Bandy, Silicon Systems, 714-
Hitachi Recyeles Paper, Shuns Wooden Chopsticks
Motorola Intmduces Wristwatch Pager SCHAUMBURG, ILUNOIS, AUG 1
(NB) — A n e w study fr'om ACM Siggraph's special interest wpoup on computer graphics predicts that com-
(NB) — Ata New York news conference, Motorola introduced awristwatch pager weighing just 2 ounces, or 57 giams. It willretail for U.S®00andbe distributed, at first, by existing pager companies. MotoroLa also announced a distribution agreement with Timex, the leading U.S. watch distributor,whichwillputthepager into the mass market within two years. The announcement comesjust weeks aRer the debut of the film "Dick Tracy," based on a comic strip whose hero uses a wristwatich TV. And Motorola won't be alone in the market — ATScE of San Fgancisco has already introduced a similar device, andJapanese companies are also expected to enter the market Motorola has protected its pager with 11 patents, induding one for an antenna which runsaround the watch face and through the watchband. The Motorola wrist pager is water-resistant, spokesman Bob Wah told Newsbytes. 'You can wear itjogging, but Iwouldn'tjump in a swimming pool with it," he said. "I wore it in the rain in New'York yesterday with no problems." The Motorola unitalso actsasan alarm
puter graphics and high deflni6on tele-
wristwatch, and can store up to 8 me8-
Trends SIGGRAPH Predicts HDTV, Computer Graphics Will Become One NEWYORK, NEWYORK, AUGUST 7
vision technologies will soon converge, as HDTV shifts into niche markets Over the long term, the study adds, HDTV could significantly influence the evolufion of desktop workstations. ~ HDTV is most fagniliar as a consumer technology, pushed by Japanese manufacturersas a way to enhance ordinary TV reception. At the March convention
of theNationalAssociation of Broadcast-
ers, a number of Japanese companies
demonstrated HDTV systemswhich op-
erate within existing bandwidths. The Siggraph studypredicts that HDTVstandards will be built into tomoaow's mat screens for workstations, and used in the production of so- called vlrhial reality" interfaces, in which users can interact directly with computer~eatid images as though theywere in the picture. Con-
tact: Fred Rachnil, for ACM Sigggraph, 2124214044
TOIQO, JAPAN, JUL 24 (NB)Hitachi's plan to use recycled paper, and to abandon use of disposable wooden chopsticks, arejust two of the measures it has instituted in an effort designed to help save the earth. Hitachi's Green Center is a new &cility staffed with 60 researchers whose job is to design methods to combatacid rain, the greenhouse effect, the destruction of ozonelayer,aud other environmental issues. Hitachi says it currently consumes 1.7 million business cards, 05 million envelopes, 1.5 million interoffice mail messages, one million copies of press releases, 59 million sheets of copy paper and 4.8 million computer pages annually. It also estimates total consumption of paper is 10 times larger when all its of6ces in Japan are taken into account. Hitachi will switch to recycled payer in September and disposable chopsticks have already been replaced with plastic chopsticks at its cafeteria. Contact: Hitachi Co., Ltd. 05-258.1111
sages. It is compatible with all existing US. radio paging systems. The spokesman said that new device falls near the high end of Motorola'scurrent pager price range, and paging companies can be expected to rent it for about U.S425 per month, including service costs. Motorola executives told reporters there are currently 9 million pagers in use in the U.S., but 150 million watches here is are sold evegyyear. " the shape and form4actor," the spokesman added, "the way you use the pager. Obviouslywatches are user-friendly, and this may open up new markets. At the press conference, Motorolasuggested parents may use the watch-pager to keep in touch with their kids. If granted local regulatory approval, the watch pager will be introduced in 'Canada, Britain, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan by the end of theyear, Motorola executives said. Contact: Bob Walz, Motorola, 708-597-5000
22 ~
SCS ¹809- FORMGEN SCS ¹805A- BOWL 101h tmnalstors (bipolar drFEPs), sadampli6era V4.0Fsst, powerful, easy to usepackagefor Bowling league managementproyam, menu Meau drivenandhandlesupto 40nodes,no desisting andprinting businessfonn dci venwith poPup help, Handlcs3or 4 Ib mt on number of mmponenta Priat outa Festunu automsgc line drawmg,boadrawing games pcr eight, saba,manor mh (negative) -ASPSCS ¹808A- SPORTS ART shading tuu poddonkg snd hg screen h a ndicap,hae andaasigsmenta Goodfor g Fiasan dip art imagesin.PCX lonaat editor. Epsom,IBM, HP printer support. o r 1 0pin aswcg ssduckpia -ASP- vCDNv SCS ¹SA- ICONS SGAMES fea toring sports sarcrrmsora lndudcdarc SCB ¹179A,100A- CC4URVEYOR Ninety (00) differentkon fo MSWmdows bowgag,nmomogscubadMng p'mgpong skydiving, teoois,sailing golf, skimg,and V40 Includescompassruk edjustmenL Sai n dudingamcp gamca Norton Util, vertide curvesdrgndcs, cable- sacssnd P C rorda Quattmpro, Commuaications, mora Fgghtgim, Basic,andmany mrna SCS ¹488A - FORMFILL insertions, DXP sle transfer, data collector file import/csport, gae tangent to k on hhmsgec- managing systemfor icona VL3 Use FormFill to fill in sad print cunie, stations dr olhets, olhet intersection, IconDraw ~ror for cokur32a32 phel icons. pre-printed forms or FonaGen (SCS¹N) snd EGA support. Nowindudessmall CAD PBIcon- crests/modify iconswith Paintbrush forms. Pnde6ne seMswith iafo, date, time, Klots- game offagingpierue simihr to Tetris sertuentisl numben, automatic adcuhtion plot pmgrsm. Taipei - Mahjonggfor MS Windows2+ (totals). -ASP- 'CDN' SCS ¹252B - ANTI-VIRUS Viruscan-scans forpyknowncomputer Auaoids- Aatemidcgame SCS ra489A - BUSINESS COLLECTION Wonnwsr- Centipedegame Over70,pce-designed businessforms. virusessndatnuns(total 1dyviruses). NctScsn-scansnetworks for samevicusca Pussle-Siding tile game Purduue Orders, Invoices,Eapcnsea VSbield - protectsegaiost virusea SCS ¹88A - MS WIN UTIL 0 1 inv entory, Applications, work Orden, snd more. Customizet oyour CksnUp- destroyslmowavirusea Utilitics foc MSWindows3 com pany's VCopy- replaces DOS COPY conuasndda MetsLock-V12gecurity program. specificstions with FonnGen (SCS¹60) or checksforvirusesssitcopiea Dialer-V20 Pop upspeedtelephone dialer use FormFig (SCS¹488).-ASP-'CDbP File Sbiebl-sbiebk csucutsblefilesfor virus dt supports Dynamia DataEmhanga SCS ¹490A MOME COLLECTION detenion (for softwaredevdopen). Runner - V101 aunapplicationssndslee Fi fty s ig ned forms forhome usa Score sheets, soorplaos,maps,scheules, ~ SCS ¹889A, 808A • GAlAXY riu i ddy in Wimlowa V3.0Wordprocsssoriodudcs lull mouse U mcom- VL4 Commpmgramfor Windowa end more, Customizewith FormGen support, pugdawnmenus, andcontest Org a nise-V1.1Penonsl information (SCS¹dp) or useFonnFil (SCS¹400).-ASP'CDN' • casitive help.Open upto 10wbrdowa me Manager with uscedcfmedcategorie, multiple fonta Suppons180printers incl H o t l cy- Aaugns applications keya to 'SCS ¹808- EXTENDED BATCH Laseryea Reriubes 2Soppydrivea-ASPM o use Driver-Set of drivers for MSBUS LANGUAGE - PLUS SCS ¹855A- PCCAI SCS ¹00A- SPACE SHADES V4. 0 Adds powerful featuresbatch to fdee V2.0PCAumputcc AmistcdInstructor allows VLOA3D spaceSghtumuhtorASCB bc y ondwhat DOS pnwidea Colourful crsstkn of computer drivea tutorisk, tests, gama You competesgabut the computer for wimkwswith bouncebsraelcctioa, popcrpa and demos,.pCX graphics,animation, cokur contml of tbe univmsa Ocplayvis modem Sg-in sdd blanks, sndscion baca - Agpagainst s friend.Rcrpdrca340IL aad sound.RerIS1K -ASPscs ¹85TB - coMMAND posy SCS ¹00B - RESUMESHOP V7.0 Ncw version ofCommsndPost VL1 Aids you indevckpinge pmfessionel integmtessll WmdowWere pmgcsmsinto resmna You csn have nlimitcdresene glea ona Cdr is spowcrfW Se msesgcrand Sup plies biats, sids, sndhelpscraena custommenusystemfor MS Windows3.tk SCS ¹04ASSA-ONE NIGHT IN SWEDEN ~+.~g;::-':::::.~S: .~... Miff ':.' "..". Uses abeachfde/bask typehngusgefore V L OA munkr mystery mh phymg Buna
powerful Windows meau syatcra-ASPFe a tures high res Mbvgraphicsendmusic -,::;:: ,-++OfiuCff)@specuu,;.. SCS ¹4ITA- TRACK MAN snd s dilfercotNues each ri m eyou pky. '4'ary' 'S,:SB'd'4X)M'ih'ik'sm'aimeeabi'ishj'2' Rccordingdatabsac for thoroughbrcdssad S C S ¹220A- BATTLE FOR ATLANIIS bsmcss ning Helpsacket horacelikely to , VLOSmuhtion, strategy war gsmeedth BGA fucygrkpgg+NS0S drH'uhrf'ddt''thr'Snisb in the'money'by trschngpsstper- g r cpbica Rcriuires BiGA. fonnaoccsaadwsigbting Set, Hard Drive, S C S ¹ 258A- INFORMATION PLEASE nupcctaulhol%.righmnscu8scbdiun Hsrnem Hsadicapper-V3.0 V2.00n-linc referrme'uGof allyour 'IhoroughbredHandicapper - V4,1 informsrionsnddata. hfmwith gmpba, SCS ¹478A- MEIZ WINDOWS p i c tuoas, or pmgnusa Rerprbva320KRAhL .
Several utility pmgmmsfor MS Windows SCS ¹288A, 287A • SR4NFO cnvimnmcnt, SupportsWindorm 3AL Databasehngusgeupdated fmmVP-Iafa V2A3Desktop Navigator-gk msnsgemeat Full featured commandhnguage, dBaseand
& directmynavigatiora
~~ cack : ab Ihist vCDI4sDeiola'arcana''A'tnh'or' :
dipper compsri ble.
V3.12 Desktop Msosger -menusystem SCS ¹288A - WAMPUM V3 41 Frcemem-displaysfree memory V4 1fraad usa pop28K'IRL up Fully V331 Phones- name,address, phone cehtlonal, menu drivendBasecompatible number storagewith autodiaL Eachmtry can DBMS Regubm 312Ksnd beni disk.-ASPhave up to 3phonenumberscnd300 scs ¹2T4A - Pc-EGAP cbsracaen ofsddidonal notca VL82AC circuit analysispmgrumfor V241 Time- digitd time display. resistors, cspaciton, ieductors, tnuufonnms,
:.:.::;: :.:SIM- "COM."Set'ace'S:.":::Mbotgfoftj," SC':-V28:4P6; :: -''::..::".';:-::.:jggj854:D rljg.
Associationof Shareware Professionals -Vendor Member Slaty'Cosmp.Sburem tare Xtamih Dufra Systems Ma le Ridge4634733 Van/S.oejf8 688-1127 Surrey 58 1 4035 Safdjg 8 5 84915 Stataar-Byle Complaints V taacotaver Shtatcvvtaru
TssjIIB7IN06E T88NSITIMNE Taghhi T12$NE TasNelRNBX Shap55418 %08866)(New
101 West 5th Ave O Manitcba St. Vancouver, VSY1H9 OPEN EVERY DAY 8754281 Victoria 727M14 TDIFree 8$661-8N5 BBS 277-9920
The Computer Paper / Sept '90 Booik-To8iRRafio For
SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, AUG 14 (NB) — The closelywatched indicator of the health of the US semiconductor industry, the book-to-bill ratio, fell inJuly to its lowest level to date in 1990. According to the Semiconductor Industry Association, the xatio fell to 1.0 in July from 1.6 in June. The book-to-bill xatio compares incoming orderswithoutgoing shipments. A ratio of 1.0 means that incoming orders are equal to outgoing shipments.A ratio of less than 1.0 is considered unhealthy for the industry. The Semiconductor IndustxyAssociafion attributes the lower ratio at least in part to a seasonal slowdown in ordexs for chips. The ratio is calculated using a rolling three-month average. Both average monthly bookings and average monlhlybillingsstood atU.SQ1.19billion for the three-month period.
Express Micro recognizes that to
be successful today in business you need to us ,;".more left brain than ever before. The art of business-s irt o f -creative thf'n wking.'
InJuly,averagemonthlyboohngswere down 6.4 percent fromJune and average
ets M r'riucre,'les:~fnpu~ t
. =; 4'll + 5 v;fi t ly'j jig'sta nCad'4'efnponents",Brig ",;;;-'.„'~<;.'< .;~~ >'+-~. r" ntity"control and '.;.'.;-;;,;," technology w ith leading edge'qua
. ' "
,'".' ":-'; =':.',-; ""- straight forward All Canadian style of service.
- .
Systems are pre-configured and qualitytested before they are shipped from our well stocked warehouse. Express Micro understands that time is in fact the
edge in business success. Call Express Micro for your nearest dealer when selecting a computer and be satisfied
that you chose Canadian.
monthly billings were off 1 percent, according to theassociation.Actualbillings
were down 16.7 percent inJuly as comparedwithJune while orders were up 5.5
percent from July 1989 and shipments were down4.9percentas compared with
a year ago.
HiTechQoee8bdf Llbdbag Syslea Minimizes Enaas SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, AUG 14 (NB) — Bull/TCGis tointernationallymarket a new Australian invention for retailstore price ticketing. The system uses store lighting to carxy the price information to intelligent price tags. Called ILID (indaor light intexactive displays), the system consists of small
VC%A I%%% Micro 13160 Vanier Place, unit 160 Richmond, 8C V6V 2J2 Telephone 604 270-8561 Fax 604 270-4953 50 Konrad Crescent Markham, Oniario L3R 8T4 Telephone 416479-5525 Fax 416 479-1834
liquid crystal display (LCD) modules,
Express 3025CD 80386 at 25 MHz (Cache) 1 MB RAM, Expandable to16 MB one 5tritn1.2MB Floppy Drive one 3%n External Bay; three 5ysn External Bays Lan d mark-42; MIPS Test-5.8; Norton Sl-31 3x6- B itSlots; 4xl6-Bit Slots;1x32 Bit Slot All names otoroduotsandsohwme menuonedabove,meregistered trad emarhs oftheir owners Above streolffoationsaresublers to shares without notice. Memory Drive Storage Performance Expansion
complete with a photo4fetector, microprocessor and storage. The shop lighting is. modulated with information on price changes. The data is detected by each price module and when the processor recognizes its code, itupdates the pxice stored in its memory, and displaysiton the LCD screen.This means that prices on the shelves should always match those charged at the check-out from the
product's barxode. The modules are self~ontained, with the minimal power requirement provided by a solar cell which also keeps a battery charged so the modules can hold dada for more than 7uh hours of darkness. In addiiion, the labels can be used for purposes such as displaying stock numbers for stock-takmg, or shelf-replenishing datafor after-hours shelf packers. The system is not limited to retail sales but could also be used in warehousing and storage situations.
Pro~ynun To Manipulate The EfFects Of Physics Unveiled MOSCOW, US.S3L, AUG15 (NB)-
Save an eXtf3 1$Ye al'f
our alfisadydLseourHed educalon softgiraret
101 West Qh Ave @ Manilnba K Vancouver, V5Y1H9 OPEN EVERYDAY 8754261 Vidotia 7274414 TallRtee SXHi61-2805 BBS 277-9920
A pxogram that can help tie together various theories of physics to solve com-
several experienced prognunmers. The Metod c~p is oneandw-half years old and employs about 50 people. The newprogram can showusers how to find the right process through which to convert one physical efFect into another using a proprietary physics efFects array. It links difFerent gerieral laws of physics from a 1,000-piece library together and shows a series of connections between the resulting effects in plain language. According to Svetlov, "Even thesmartest people usually can't work with more than 200 effects simultaneously. Our prognun uses 1000 of them and works much faster.Of course, you have to be smart enough to give the computer the proper command.
tem of this type in West Gexxnany but we think our product utiTizes a much better algorithm for searching the knowledge base," Svetlov exphtined. The package is available immediately from Meted, whichcan be reached at P.O.B. 455, Moscow 119048, U.S.S.R. It c asts 10,000 roubles {U.S~ by t h e market rate)per one copy-protected diskette. According to Svetlov, Metod
still is having problems opening hard
currency accounts in the only Moscow bankallowed tohandlesuch lransactions but theywelcame foreign orders even though the pxiceindollarsmaybehigher than the one translated by the marketdriven exchange rate. Contact: Nikolay Svetlov, Metod, +7 095 dl454507
Unix SCO Unix System V/586 Release S.R V.2.0 SANTA CRUZ, CALIFORNIA, JUL 29 (NB) — The Santa Cruz Operation is
shipping SCO Unix System V/586 Release 5.2 Version 2.0, which is said to offerimproved speed and new features that make it the most advanced Unix System developedfor586 and 486 PC's. SCO says its new version supports all 586 and 486 computers based on Industry Standard Architecture (ISA), Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA), and Micro Channel Architecture. It's also the foundation of Open Desktop, SCO's graphical operating system.
SCO Unix System V/586 Release 5.2 Version 2.0 adds several new features to the earlier version, including I/O performance improvements, simphfxed managementof Cdh-level trusted systems,
job control under the Korn shell, support for several new peripherals, and support for extended memoxy. SCO Unix System V/586 Release M Version R.Q is available now on S.RS" and 55" diskettes and on cartridge tape from damestic SCO Authorized Distxibutors and Resellers for a U.S. list pxice of
U.S.$595 for a two-user license and U.S.$895 for an unlimitekeser license. An update package forusers of SCO
Unix System V/586 Release S.R is available through these same channels and from SCOataU.S. listpriceofU.S4150.
SCO Shipping Micmsoft
bythe Moscombasedcooperative Metxnh Nikolay Svetlov, c~ p c h ief, told
Word For ATSeT Unix
Newsbytes that the program, called "Pxincip deistwiya' {the principle of the
(NB) — The Santa Cruz Operation is
action), is the result of teamwork by six PhD's in several fields of science and
SANTACRUZ,CALIFOlMA, AUG7 now shipping Microsoft Word 5.0 for AT&T SBR/400, SBR/500 and SBR/600
25 ~
The Computer Paperj Sept. '90 for archiving andretrieving documents. Microsoft Word 5.0 for UNIX Systems is available now from SCO authorized distributors and resellers in the United Statesand Canada for the ATSIT SB2/ 400 at a U.S. list price of U$.$1,495, for the ATSIT SB2/500 and SB2/600 at a U.S. list price of U.S.$2,S95, and for the ATScT6S86rtmningATScTUNIXSystem V/S86 at a U.S. list price of U.S41,095. For further information on these products, call 1400/SCO-UNIX (726. 8649) in the United States and 1400/ 461-%62 in Canada. Contact:Janet Morton, SCO,408/425-7222
computersrunning theATEcTSB2UNIX OperatingSystem, and for ATILT 6S86 computers running the ATILT UNIX System V/S86 Release S.2 Operating System. The UNIX System version is functionally similar to the MS.DOS version, induding menus with prompts, as well as speed keys for bypassing menus. MicrosoftWord 5.0 requires fewer keystrokes than otherword processors to set tabs,margins, headers and footers,orto execute other routine processing lasks, SCO says. Microsoft Word 5.0 provides a full set of workgroup productivity tools, all of which are designed to work with the powerfulmulfiuser,multitasking features of the UNIX System. They indude links to other applications, so that graphics and spreadsheets can be integrated into word processing documents; style sheets that ensure consistent, highquality output; an advanced outliner that makes it easy for groups to brainstorm and restructuredocumentsquickly; annotation and redlining features which take the confusion out of editing documents within a workgroup; and advanced tools
Lolicojlo SNIj IX
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011 einomb .SINmomh
comphhwSh lsnldrhe, monIor endlsybasrd H PLsmrAIRP .. ., . . . . . . . S ITSAnomh IhrpsmhteaoemPloasoeaShr FREEesSmmss SOFIWARE RERTALAVAIIASIE
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Microlytics Encyclopedia BOSTON, M A S SACHUSETTS, AUG 8 (NB) — Microlytics Inc. has announced an electronic version ofThe Random House Encyclopedia, which uses the company's existing Inside Information retrieval engine. The new encyclopedia, announced at the MacWorld Exposition, will be available both for the Macintosh and the IBM PC, company ofEcials said. It is scheduled to ship in October and cost
U.S. $119.
The Random House encyclopedia is broken down into nine categories: Geography, theArts, Science, Sports Sc Leisure, History, Philosophy/Religion/ C snlhal24NSModemNIRP 1 8 CanInal24NSExternal 50 08 GVCO ~ON Sgsrwarr.)
00alacrIs 40 MS Kh
Pmseonh IIN Rmsn0101 Rmsn241T CIhsn GSK 140 FoasoDL84N HP Laser Jet SI HP LassrJst SP Shr SK10N Ssr Ihhbow Cohr Conmr104ISSKS Conmr40MBKl
ATIOm aha SohKon Esemx Xf Mma hp. Ewex AT Mma hp.
40 TS
I84ER ConlroSm +Fort Conlmlhr AT MRICenbaIer11
101 Enhmcad Keyboard
Kaybom dwramoco0sosware 30 CompnlarDssk3tmsls SlN
IDE Conbobe r
4sayComp~ act wShPISLEDSI
Sikh Gee TowmcssewbhPISIED 8 150 CSA RS
2ml Serialkb SP Toner
4 18
Our software support list goes on 8 on... .........$88 .......$298 .......$398 .......$289
OOS 4.01,............... WordPelfect 5.1 ....., Lotus 1,2,3 .....„,...... AccPac BPI .............
AccPac Bedford......... PG Anywhere III PC Tools Deluxe ....... Oesqview ...................
WordperfecL Lotus,AccPac BPI AuthodzedDealer. Free training &usersupport toyoursathfaction or MONEY BACKGUARANTEE Ir
GVCPocket Modem ATI VBA WoadmENK
SEC SD bhaSor td' VGA Calsr MoNorwhmnl 1r TTL Monitor
MASSACHUSETI'S, AUG 8 (NB) — Boston's MacWorld Expo opened with an address by Apple CEO John Sculley and a legion of new product conintroductions. The tradeshow and ferenceran from Wednesday, August 8th through Saturday August 11th. Among the companies introducing new products at the exposition was Acius, Rc. (4th Dimension, V 2.1), Adobe Systems, Inc (Illustrator S.O), Animus (24-bit color scanner), Avery (MacLabelPro), Caere Corporation (The Typist), I.S.M, Inc. (Life ScDeath II - The Brain), MacAvenue (Protege external hard disk), Motion Works (AddMotion), OCR Systems, Inc. (ReadRight), Orchid Technology (OrchidFax modem forMacPortable), Spinnaker Software Corp. (Plus), TGS
tnglcotm SNOS02
Business Systems (GraphMaster) and XOR Corporation (MacSki). Contact: JeKArcuri, Mitch Hail Associates, 617/ S614000
Major New Products
442800 DRAM,SM, SP
Asà •
MacWorld Expo
SSMSE45 Cade 3%05 SSO-20 388-10 SKVLE SRSK-IS SEAT 2%-12
0 0 0
• EFIBFsds • lmaelmCeqabble otuhhmodKIOb smd
Systems (Prograph 2.0) and Visual
m •
' I ' I
• I
uying or e ing?
Fr .
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We have over 150 ada per week in our Computer Section
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We' ve got the selection, price and quality, and yes we' re open seven days a week to serve you. Discover the Doppler difference!
101 West 5th Ave O Manitoba SL Vancouver, V5Y1H9 OPEN EVERY DAY 875-0261Victoria 727-3414 TojFree800-661-2805 BBS 277-9920
The C o m puter Paper I Sept '90
Mythology,Social Mence, and Law and Government. Each category contains several subcategories and artides. Like Inside Information, the encydopedia uses a revers~ctionaxy technology calledRWord Nerd, developed by and licensed from Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). Mark Homuth, national sales manager for th e P i ttsford, NY-based Microlytics, said future releases will indude Strunkkc White'sElementsof Style and the Bible. In addition, Microlytics officials said the company is licensing a stylechecker and copy editor for indusionin other companies'products. Writers Suggestions and Reminders is available for the Macintosh, IBM PC and Unix envixenmentLNopricewas stated. Contact: Bob Lang, Microlytics, Inc. 716.24M150;MaxiaPignataxo, Conners Communications, 2124514500
Quickmfps Upgrade Due
WEST DESMOINES, IOWA, AUG2 (NB) — An upgxacle of the popular Quicaeys kejkaard mane utility for the
Macintosh will be swailable in mid4ep. tember, CE Soffvutxe officiah say. Q6CKeys 2 is new entering beta test-
ing, said company spokeswoman Sue Nail. Suggested retail pxice win be U.S. $149.95, with upgrades costing U.S. $49.95.Usexswhobuythecuxxentvexaion afherAugustl will beable to upgrade for
U.S. $29.95. QsicKeysisapopuhrutility used to assign single-keystroke equiva. lents to many Macintosh fimctions, induding mouse movements and dicks, menu selections and system funcffons. Among the new features, Nail said, will
be learning mode. QuicKeys 2 will let users show the program the desired functions, replacing the currentmethod of teaching the program with a menu system. Contact: Sue Nail, CE Software,
the agreement is a posi6ve development forthe company and we're happy to be doing business with Apple's blessing. Customers who might have had any concerns in this area can now be assured of Outbound's continued presence in the market." Contacts: Christopher Escher, Apple, 408-974-2202; Jane Rubinstein, Outbound, 505-7869200.
515 224-1995)
Apple and Outbound Reach Property Rights
CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA, AUG 1 (NB) — Apple Computer, Inc. and OutboundSys~ l n c . haveannounced that theyhave reached an agreement concerning intellectual property issues revolving around Outbound's manufacture and sale of a Macintoshwompatible laptop computer. SpeciSc details of the agreement were not released. The companies issued idenffcal press releases on the agreement, saying only that, 'The agxeement allaws Outbound to offer its products without violating Apple's intellectual property rights. Apple and Outbound believe the agreement will be beneffcial to Apple, Outbound and their respective customers, asitprotects Apple' ermitting Outbaund to pursue market opportunities for its system."
srig htswhilep
Christopher Escher, Apple, spokes. person, expanded on the release to Newsbytes. "We are not, contraxy to rumors, buyingOutboundSystemL Weare not licensing our Macintosh ROMS to
$20 (+ U.S. $7.50 shipping) . Registered
owners can also choose, foran additional U.S.$59, to receiveany typeface package from the Adobe Type Library of font software. Commenting. on the announcement, Kathy Englar, Adobe group product marketing manager, said: "Many customers want to build their own personal type libraxy but have not been able to. make the investment Now, this special package offers a large collecffon of our •
AdobeImlms Qluslrattm3.0 MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA, JUL 24 (NB) — Adobe Systems an-
most popular typefaces at a very afford-
nounced that it would demonstrate Adobe musuutor5.0, anew version ofixs Macintoshdrawing pxogram,atBoston's MacWorld Expo,August8-11.Italso said that the program, scheduled to ship in
able price. Contact: LaVon Collins,
Adobe, 4154614400
New Ways To Talk To Your Computer
August, will have a suggested reeul paice of U.S. $595.
BOSTON, M A SSACHUSETTS, AUG 15 (NB) — The sight of people
Enhancements tothepxeductindude text4andling capabilities and graphing toola The product also indudes a redesigned version of Adobe Separator, Adobe's colar separation sofhvare and provides compatibility with Adobe Photoshop Slea
Mi ng to their Macintosheswill become more commonplace, if the promises of a Massadxusetts company are fuISmed. Articulate Systems, Inc., Cambridge, MA,announcedanddemaustxutedVoice NavigatorlIlastweekatMacWorldExpo. The new preduct is scheduled te be available at the end of this month for
Aho bundled with the new version of Adobe Illustrator 5.0 will be Adobe Type
Manager (ATM) Version2.0,announced
US. $595.
concurrently with the new version of Illustrator. The upgrade will have a sugested standelone reuul price ef U.S. and will aha be demonstrated at MacWorld Expo. Adobe states thatits testing hasshown ATM2.0 tobe uviceasfastas thepxevious version and pxavides type quality improvement in screen display. ATM 2.0 is •
Voice Navigator II is a scaledown
version ef the original Voice Navigator. It has all the capabilities of its predecessor except audio output and the ability to control telephones — two features only supported for third-party developexL New sofbnm makes ihe product easier to train and to use. Articulate also announced and demonstxated Voice Link, a speech digitizer
Outbound. Outbound will notbe manufacturi ngunits tobe soldunder theAppl name." Jane Rubinstein, Outbound spokesperson, told Newsbytes, "We believe that
on August 8 and registered ATM owners can upgrade tothe new version for U.S.
scheduled to be available for purchase
I ':.:.".:.,"..,';:.:C.:,:,';::;::'; . ',; .;.;:." ,
1.2MB:8$::.::' ::;:-'."';:::,':::-':.:':;:;.:::,' labor on ALL systems anxlpiiiiiikjNi4%'xt, :;:,'::;;:.",'..:;:;,.';::;;::;:;;::,.:;:::;:,:;:;;:.,":,":;;:-,"",:','::.:",:,::-".,.:".::,:'.:.";:.'::: .':;. •
Complele Fax9600B............4625 LaiitschSerialMouse......... $$0 Looitech BusMouse........4110 Focus2001Kavbturd ..........NN
8 •
::::;NIW:: K:'ark%:!4'4'::Rgb::~i>i
GrsvisJoyShyers...,....,..........SN SmartiabslPrinter ...............$2ll RRosd9101 ...-....-............No
RsLstd0104 ........................ 305 Roland24$7 ............,........ 4RO Rohnd2485 ....... RoLstdlNOOlaser............SCANS RohndLP1110laser..;......,tf NI FsjilsuDL34tN ......;..........$6% Fgitsu DL1100............. E psonL$050 ............. 0 Epson L0850 ....................... I Epsos FN50 .................
.:.:CSANINNSNO:----- ...QNN:,.Amlly Tiw(sutsrj .... :usulttyyyg:.; :;:,:,:-:
Epson 8$10 ..............;... S
Eyson FX1050 ............. ~. EpsonLQ2250...................SIDS (All pris@ca with cable)
. .
• el@IT "'.~ gffyN pCIC ~i': "':'';::"'"::::.::::
o shr w card .............IN . 7MH2Aw/ATIVGA 258K,......47N
Lstss Aissds. ... $2$5 w srdpeclect5.1 ... - $ 55 5 W O AI fOf WlfldOWS. .. 2 70 :"~ ~ . ; ,,',;,....',,,;...~gppà l L Ohls Spllpllvllg ...... ~K ItS Seel....... . $2lD W ordpeNet Execuxvs . 1B4
MS Word 5.0 ... M SWsrks
. ... . .... $12
N rve/Pro ................X%48Q INO N08TOlllil TIRES
2• •
e o
, .
The Computer Paper I Sept. '90 designed' to compete with Faramon's MacRecorder. VoiceLink contains a Texas Instruments Digilal Sound Processor and supports the Macintosh Au-
dio Compression/Expansion (MACE)
standard. Unlike the MacRecorder, Az ticulate oaicials said, Voice Link perfozms all its digitizing itself, leaving the host Macintosh &ee for normal taskL Support for the Voice Link was announced by CE Software, publisher of QuckMail, and by Microsoft. Both companies also h ave i n t erfaces to Mad4corder, allowing users to attach sound to electronic maiL Voice Link will be available at the end of August, company ofiicials said, for
U.S. $269. Contact LaurynJones, Articulate Systems, 40$5704949
New PixelPaint Professional Introduced BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, AUG 9 (NB) — A new, completely rewritten version of the PixelPaint Professional color painfing program for the Macintiosh has been announced by publisher
SuperMac Technology. The program is scheduled to be
available in October at a price of U.S.
g99. Upgrades &em PixelPaint Professional will cost U.S. $1%5, with free up-
gzadesforuserswhobuyversion 1.O'er
August 1, Upgrades &om PixelPaint to ' PixelPatint Professional LO will cost U.S. $%99. Cont(tct: SuperMac: Kim Tarter,
415-59k760P'Jennifer Delamare 408. 7754405.VideoLogic;Karyn Scott:6174944550
Ventura for the Mac
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, AUG 9 {NB) — Ventura Sofhvare, San Diego, has rolled outa Maantosh version of its
p opu larVenturaPublisherdesktoppublishing program, which it says hasbeen
completelyrewritten for the Mac. Sated to be commercially available in fourth quarter, 1990, the product will retail for
Introducing the smallest, lightest, brightest and smartest SHARP compact computer on the marketl
U.S. $795.
The programwillbe able to exchange files or chapters" with PC versions of Ventura: PC GEM version, Windows 5.0 version, and the OS/2 Presentation Manager Version, a Ventura spokeswoman tellsNewsbytes. Thiscapacitywill be demonstrated publidy on September 50 through October 2 in SanJose, Califoznia, at the Red Lion Inn, site of he 1990 Ventura Publisher Seminar. New features for the Ventura Publisher, Macintosh Edition indude spell checker,undo/redo, apply/cancel with dialog box chaining, movable dialog boxes, 500 on-line help menus and file import/exportcapaMities, theconitrmy
fecWkp •PapaiwhifaLCDnewestlschnology • VGAjEGACGAjMDAemula5on
640x460pi xebtelh16shadesofgray •Hi~ 60286 CPUrunningal12MHz • 1MB RAM expandedfexfsnded memory
•Superlight2.5'-20hSHD D (23ms) • Rechargeablebaftariesiith ACadaplar • hi DOS4.01 builtdnROM • Dimensions:8.5'x 11.0" x1A' • Weight4AIbs
saye rs Although theVentuzuPublisher DOS/
GEM Edition is the basis for some 100 eytistmg third~ enh a ncementpxoducts, the Macintosh edition has but one so fitr. SNA Inc., manu{actuzer of VP Toolbox, a file and style sheet manager for the DOS/GEM environment, will be
Also introducing the new SHARP PC5741 80386SX20MHz Laptop with 40MB HDD and outstanding features.
shipping a Macintosh version upon release of Ventura Publisher, Macintosh Edition. Ventura Software says it is ac-
tively building a following for the
Macintosh Edition. Contact: Judith Tarabini, Hill and Knowlton, 408/496-
6511; Ventura Software,619/6754172
r t .c j t
r gzi +<'a'
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S r'
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- " ARCnet / ~ s ~ Ettlterttet® /
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ATP 386SX,16MHz 1MB RAM,12MBfloppy 40MB harddiskdrive monochrome display MS-DOS version 4.01 ESP powerconditioner Aslon-TaledBaseIV or Fox Pro (add 6100)
All leases arebased on a 21 monthlease with a t5% buyout opion at the24thmonth. Leaserate is subject to change withoutnotice. All hardwarecompleted with a two year parts andlabour depotwarranty.
ATP 386SX, 16MHz 1MB RAM, 1.2MBfloppy 40MBhard disk drive
monochrome display
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$120.52/ month
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PU B L I SH I N ATP 386SX, 16MHz 1MB RAM, 1.2MBfloppy 40MB hard disk drive
$g3894/ mOnth
monochromedisplay MS-DOS version 4.01 ESP powerconditioner Logilech serialmouse Aldus Pagemakerv3.0 or Ventura Publisher v3.0 (add 3100)
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1MB RAM,12MBfloppy 40MB harddisk drive monochromedisplay MS-DOSversion 4.01 ESP powercondilioner ACCPACBPI General Accounting
The G o m puter peper I Sept '$0
'Vkanks to HELP Canachan
How To Get The Most Out
Of Computer Courses y",:-'~~+'",~j
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accostingis organixed."
HELP Canadian PayroH HELP Software is one ofCanada's bestselling payr oil packages. It featur es auser friendly inter face, intetlmtes with mostmajor accounting packages induding ACCP AC, Newviews, 1GS andClient Strategist, andkeepsyour Revenue Canadaaccount inbalance. Flexibility isthenameofthegsmeln payroll software, and HELPcanhtndleup to ten difftxent types of e arning sasweilas allowing ten userdetinable companydedutxtons. It printsyour Records ofEmploymentand T4 slips atyear end andyoucaneven change yourown Government taxtables.Thism eansNO yearly updatefee.Best of allthe number of employees Islimited only bydhk space so asyour company Nows, you won't outgtow HELP. Ifyou have mukiplecompaniea, HELPcanhandiethemalL HELP Canadianpaytoll has been serving businesses likeyour own for thepastflveyears andhas over 1,000 installedusers so you canbuywithtbecottmencethatHELP wlllbetheruifyouneedtL Theprlce forthis package is only g349.95. Talk to your &lends, they am probably alreadytling HELP Canadian PaytolL
For more information call HFLP Software at(604) 435-6268 5487 Kingsway, Surnaby, KC. V5H 261 Dstslsr 5nqss5P5arasststekomed.
The fewer the better. Ten should be themaximumforahandaonstyle course. On~ nunc training should be reserved for when the learner has a very specific need.
Will each student have their own computer in the cjassP Learning a computer software package takes practice. Sometimes, though, it's useful to have a partner when figurconcept makes it easier to remember. At certain points in the course, an instructor may put you in a team to let you practice.
How many students will be in each dassP
ing out problems. Talking through a
by Robert Fmd In many businesses, computer training is considered a special event. Often it's difficult to get a training budget that matches sta8' needs. When choosing courses, make sure thebenefltsarewort the effort and money. Successful training begins when you are choosingthe computer course vendor. When comparing priceswatch for various features:
Canyoumeet SminslrIIclar(s)P If you hate the sound of their voice, you may not listen enough to learn anythmg»
Axe the instructors exp eriencedP The best teachers are the ones who have plenty of experience but are always surprised by what their students ask.
CorrIpa I'a a IAI' P r i c e .sl S V S T E M S =
(INCLUDE 1 MB RAM, Enhanced Keyboard, 1.2 or 1.44 Floppy Disk Drive,
Full or Small size Case, 200 watt Power Supply, Serial/Parallel/Game Ports.)
286 - 12 MHz Base System ..............................$605.00
386SX-16MHz Base System..........................s $55.00 386 - 25 MHz Base System..............................$1,559.00
386 - 33 MHz 64K Cache Base System ...........$2,373.00 Dp HarIs Mono Card & 12" Monitor ..............................134.00
Floppy Drive Controller ............................. 4 44.00
512K 16Bit VGA Card ..............• •.• •... ••... • ... •..192.00 VGA Mono Monitor 14" .................................169.00
258K 16Bit VGA Card ...................................1%3.00 512K 16Bit ATI VGA Wonder ....................... 254.00 VGA Color Monitor (640 X 480.39) 14" .... 384.00
40 MB Hard Drive & Controller. •..•.......•... • • • .•.412.00 80 MB SCSI Hard Drive & Controller ............593.00
70 MB IDE Hard Drive & Controller........... 71?.00 MS DOS ........................................................ 89.00
VGA Color Monitor (640 X 480 .28) 14" ........440.00 Option Installation Charge ............................. 40.00
VGA Color Monitor (1024 X 768.28) 14" .. 519.00
All Equipment Carries a One (I) Year Parts & Labor Warranty
C al l I
T E I = (6 0 4 ) 4 3 6 -3 6 0 0 !
The Computer Paper/Sept. '90
hlb d Will the decor turn your bxain oSP Are there windows' Natural light is better, butare the fuchsia drapes offensive' Adults have an averageattention span of twenty minutes. Ask how often breaks occur. Sevexal short breaks are better
than a couple of long ones. It is always a treat if the vendor feeds you at breaks, but watch out for too much sugar and cafFeine. These give you a quick "high" but, when it wears oiF, you may feel draggy during dass. Fruit and juice are better snacks as they don't give that "quiC--fi" sensation. {Besides, 87 muffins will ruin your figure.)
Are the other students in
the dass at your leveh It is frustrating to be in a dass where thepxtce eitherlagsordashesahead. This the hardest fitctor for a vendor to cantrol. Pre+lass surveys help, but the humble people underrate their skills and the overconfidentsay they know more than they' do. In addition, every one has a difFerent learning speed and style. A person who knows nothing may be so quick that their inexperience is irrelevant. An experienced person may find themselves trying to unremember their company's old computer system.
How many hours or days is the course compared to competitors' courses) Make sure you are allotted plenty of pxuctise time.
Do you have a computer to use when you return to the of6ceP
Put a Roland Synthesizer
If not, the training could be a complete waste. A computer course is often just the start to being able to do your work To retain thematerial of the course,
apply it right away.
What does the course coverP Does it match your needs' Will you be able to do what the boss wants you to do?
Inside Your PC
Once you' ve found a vendor that suits your personal and financial points of view, prepare for the dass. Ask. yourself whatitisthatyouwanttoknow. Thismay seem an odd question; if you know what you don't know, why are you tahng a course P No course will cover every aspect of a computerapphcation. For example, the Lotus 2.2 manual has about 500 pages, excluding appendiceL A one-or urroehxy course won' t. cover it aIL Nor should it The job nxsks you have to complete are what matter.
Yes, a whole orchestra-full of the same sounds as in the Roland D-Series Synths, the favorites of professional musicians world wide. The RolandKAPC-I Sound Caak ®Stereo outputs for your Home Stereo System «Supports many Computer Games • Installs in standard PC Slot
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If you don't know, quis cxHvorkers and see if they can desmbe how the company uses the product you're learning about. If you are arxunging courses
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+ C O N N E C T IO N
The C o m puter Paper I Sept '90
for others, make sure you tell the students what is expected of them. In addition, tern the course vendor what you want people to leam from the course.
%hat ihouldyou expect &om the instructorP An instructor should have patience, dear speech, usefulhandouts, flexibiTity and a sense of humour. Unless you are taking an advanced course, a trainer will assumeyou know nothing. Sometimes, a course will have 'homework" to do before arriving at the dass. If this is the case, do the work And, if possible, don' t complete it moments before dass. The point of suchmaterial is to mstke your brain ready to receive new information and ideaL
You shoum alsophysicallyprepare for the course. Get a good night's sleep and eat breakhst.
%hat do you do once you have chosen a course) So, you' ve picked the best course and are in the dass. Now whats Sit there and hopeP In a dass, there are means to help yourself learn more. Make it easy for an instructor to teach you. In a learner, an instructor likes: o Enthusiasm. Nothing makes an instructor more depressed than teaching a class of disinterested slugs. Bring a desire to learn to the dass. • People who ask questions. A good trainer will mod@ the course content on the Qy to suityour needs, if the needs are known. This is the purpose of asking questions. If you are a shy person, try hard to think ef a question to ask. The instructor may ehcita question Rom you
to see if you are following the material. Thosewho talk a blue streak, make sure that you let others ask questions. Vfhat
they say may assist you m yom own vrork. • Don't aak Yes/No questions. To get the most of the instructor's knowledge, ask "what do I have to do to make the computer "o
• Note4xkmg. Some people daim to learn better when they jot down notes. Others Snd itdistracting. The instructor should hand out booklets that outline what is being covered. TIanscnbing ev erything will slowyou and the chas dawn, and having no notes is fataL A compromise is to mite ideas down in the handouts themselves. Rarely wiii avendor ask for the handouts back. >Relevance.As the course pragresses, take the examples presented and imagine how they could be made to St into yourwork Ifyougeta good idea, write it down. If you wonder if something is possible, ask the trainer. In many cases, the answer toyourquestionmayhaketoo long. If instructors defer questions to a break, be aggressive and don't let them forget. Also, remember. the instructor maynotknoweverythmg.Ashlled trainer will admit a lack of knowledge, promise to get back to you, and then actually do
Have Punt All of these ideaswill help to make the computer course a useful experience. Also, make sure you have fun at the class. This is valuable, as relaxation and laughter let your brain absorb more information. If you have fun, you will associate a pleasant experience with the course and consequentlybetter remember the skills you learned.
euct, ruse:mrnemonlc:.devvicea:::If yoii:;:::: ,::::,:,:::::.:,:::,::.:Imagine youar re: oiutgolhiiguiiidyou iod
ve:::a:vksual:nnage.:::,and;::,'stoic.:, with::::a,':,:,'::,:make:,.licit";:a:::had.::::shot,:-':that::you"bend
'jnemory.I'orexample,"iaIsotus I-:2-8,'the:. functkon-,keys ill.ha nve.iPecial riames.'.: To:::,:.::.:,','.F6.
: :
unr remember~ y o u canmike uikstorkes::: :-':-::,:,;:-::::sea'.:F5'key,'y'ou see':icmij:g enre:bej about what each:nigher::looks bke.: Vv:::: ,:,','::::handcuffed.':,':.::.You,.'wint' to':::,.~: their snatiae nuinbers.l:: through:10' .': ' I a-pen, R aswan,-5'. handculfs,'::-4:::' .:::,:::,:.:,::,::,::-:,:-,::The',:memory,.:ii.,-striiig re 'tbmg,-':.it':is open ::-:,::,-:':-::,'ea'ster.'.-"teremember'mo ri e iteirii they' %sill boat,'5aho'ok sar'golf club'jga~ - '';='.:: r pipe," I'9'.i:bit::.:: :.:',::;:,:h'ave:qiiiiky."associations tied. an. '=:":-':'='=:-"-: Banhourgli'ss,9'aimokmg
''and,ball. Hei t,:have-a,story to, aiaociater
Forget Computers. Forget Networks. REN!EMBER SOFTRAK! lun Proser, lVehrorkProducss
Kevin Hull, IVenvurk Produrss
You have a problem to solve. That's the issue. Whether or no t the solution requires
computers or networks, we'd hke to talk. Our people make the difference. We have Exclusive Solutions for: ~ Legal Accounting ~ Retail Point of Sale + Rentals
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The Computer Paper I Sept. '90
R~ R ~
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All models include: • 1MB RAM • 1-12MB FD • 40MBHD • ATVO .
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Upgradefrom above systems:
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Give your child an edge for BacktoSchool. The Atarie 520STfm ™ isloaded with everything you want huge colour paleue. and dozensofeducationaland
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RAVEN Laser Printer. 11 pages per minute Postscript Compatible
INCLUDES BONUS SOFIWARE Software bonus indudes: General Store Equation Builder •TypingTutor MagicalAnagram MagicalMatha • Magical Math la Crack'edc Planetarium Neochrome • Super Breakout
.$519.99 .. . . . ...9633.00
Super VGA Card and sNElIits RavenSuper VGA Monitor.........
in a home computer- simple to use, plenty of power,
entertainment software to choosefrom.lt'stheedge that every child can use. See your dealer for a complete demonstration.
Only $1875.00
RolandRaven 9104Prtnter.........................................................@ 20.00 / Fu)ttsu DL3400 (24 pin) ........................................................ . $699.00 /i C V 1 et A fO et Ct~en uz GF%140 G~ ~140 (24 pm) ) .........n.....................................................4475.00 •
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Iilcro Vision Computers
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Canon Fax
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Strachan Computers 1445 Main Street North Vancouver, 984-8500
Faxphone 15CD
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4568 Kingsway Vancouver, 439-0223
At B Sound
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Lincoln Centre - Suite 106 3020 Lincoln Ave. Coquitlam, 942-0370
Strachan Computers 202-1 760 Marine Drive N.
Nest Vancouver, 926-6424
641 Yates Street Victoria, 385-1461
Werner Computers
Acorn Nlustc 122 Lakeshore Ddve Salmon Arm, 832-8669
Wizard Computers
Infinite Graix 3471B No. 3 Road
Richmond, 278-2099
148 Lakeshore Drive
Salmon Arm, 832-3288 6082 Fraser Street
Vancouver, 321-7144
$1588.88 51375.00 $1250.00 $815.00
• Stores 150 Phone/Fax Number for automatic dialing • Of'fera built-in appointment calendar. s Functions as a stanttelone calculator
$1198's Faxphone 26 • High speed transmissioa • Send up tn 15 pages (automatic)
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• Assure reception of both phone calls and hcsimiles with FAXflKL auto switchover. • Automatic document feeder (up tg 15 pages)
1927 Burrard
3373 Kinisway 1857 lonsdale Vancouver, B.C. Vancouver, B.C. I. Van., B.C. Tel.: 736-8408 lel . 435-7067 1'ei.: 988-9823
The Computer PaperI Sept
IBM PS11 Targets The Home Market bpLyursx Hcadsrxma Pxoduct: IBM PS/1, 10 MHz RS6 personal computer. Manufietuxer: IBM Canada Price: Suggested Retail (dealers may selt for less) Monochrome model, single diskette drive C$1,299; Color monitor single diskette drive C$1,899; Color monitor and $4negabyte hard drive,
Target: The Mass Market With the new PS/1, IBM has taken a huge leap into the home computer market. According to Bill Machrone, writing iu the August edition of PC Mcrguxlsr, ISM has identiSed an incredible number of households which can afford a PC, as many as 66 million. Researchhasindicated thatrhissection
of the buying public wishes to buy compurersasitwouldastereoorVCR,namely at a department store which remains open late on Thursdays and on weekends. Studies show that 70% of all home computers are bought at this time (Le., after work, not on bankers' hours.) Consumers do not wish ro spend time at a specialty store. This means that they are still computer~obic and are reluctant tosallyforthintonewtemtory. They apparently want to buy from stores such as Sears, The Bay and Eatons. When the PS/1 is turned on, KM presents the viewer with a four-quadrant screen display. Simpliciry is the name of
the game. Clockwise the user moves the
mouse tolrs forsuslicas{top left) MS-Wmks
(top right) PROS (bottom right) and YourSojhuara (bottom left). Thelnfoxmarion sectionconrainsboth System and Works tutorials where the most basic applicadons are explained step bystep. The new user has the option just to read the informadon displayed or to do elementary exercises jn order to become comfortable with the pxogram. MS-Works is a bundled with the computer. This pxofpam includes word processing with the aid of a spell checker, spreadsheets with varied Snanciatapplicarionssuchasbudgers,8at4le databases and a telecommunications packagewith the built-in Hayescampatible modem up to 2400 baud. PC.DOS displays a xnenu of useful tools known as the DOS ShelL The added feature here is that one can use commonDOScommandswithouthaving to know more esoteric DOS command language. Lastly, Your Softwaxe allows the user to locate and run his own software. The screen illustratesfourareas:Drives,Open Folder,Other FoldersandFuncrions.The softwarecan be organized and customized to St the user's needs and wants. On the whole, IBM has crossed its t's and dotted its i' s on the new PS/1. It has answered the needs of a newly deSned brcusd-based market. The manuals and literature have ampleillusrrationswhich
If you consider a video adaptca that can give you 16 colors in 1024 X 768 resolution ro be a super VGA card,let ua introduce you the IRICOMI MEGA Ultra Super EnhancedVGA Adapter! 3@I I C O M /MEGA board is a state-of-the-axt video adapter that offers features and functionality equal ro, and beyond any other in theIICOM dass. The IRICOM/MEGA Adapter features include: Superior high speed performance... Speed up 700%. 1MS Video Memory on board. o Automatic monitorsensor... Color/Gray shade conversion. Downward register-level compatibility with existing EGA/CGA/MDA and H ercules graphics standards.
makes for ease of assembly. Even total novices can have the computer out of the box, assembled and running within half an hour. The texminology is directed to Srsttimebuyerswithamodicnmof compursxese under their belts. The costis reasonable, particularlywith the topendmodelwhich indudes a color monitor, thereby ~ ing many consumers. ISM in this instance, has underlaken to meet irs public in the doinain of the Shopping MalL It is rumored that supportandserviceswillbeheavilypromoted ISM's goal is to become a household with the use of diaMirect 800 numbexs word as well as word processor for the thatdeal directwith IBM, not the retailer 90's. With VCR's, microwaves and if there is a problem. camcordexsin manyhomes, the topbxass is counting on Slling that niche called The Down Side "indispensable". The PS/1 is not for the On the other hand, there are options aScionado who reads industxy maga and for MIDI which will cost about $249 but attends users' clubs, the PS/1 is dearly a "hmily" home computer that can satisfy asyetarenotavailable. Therearememory expansion cards as well as 5 slots for the needs of wives and husbinds workadding adapter cards to the system. Un- ing after houxs outside the,of8ce and fortunately, these upgrades are limited their childrenwho neededucational and and the maximum of 1MS cannot be recreational sofiNxaxe. A success stoxy? incxeasecL The monitor and keyboard Time will tell. are also bothexsome in several ways The screen is fraught with excess flicker un- Lynne Henderson is a humanitarian less the Brightness/Contrast controlsaxe who hasspentanumberofyeart'working muted into opaque tones. Although the for the Red Cress as wel-a0.50 years keyboard still outperforms many other selling real estate. She was chosen for brands with irs good tactile response, the this review because of a self-avowed dicking noise generated during exten- lack of knowledge about computers. sive word processing is annoying and excessive.
o Extended graphics resolution modes providing 640x480, 800x600, and 1IO4x76gj, 2$6 eotoxs dasptay. o Drivers for running exrended text modes in Lotus 1-? 3 and Symphony; and extended graphics mode drivers forAutoCAD, GEM, Microsoft W mdows (indading PAn-
dows8},andVentura Publisher's lf aH the superior features mentioned cannot impress you, please give.us a call, you de5nitely will be aired by the down to earth price that we ofter for this superb TRICOM/M<WA Adapter. ~Iotas 1-2-3. Syaqkoay, hsuCAD, GEM.Mica+of wisdoea, wis4owQ Iic Ycssa paMia&c an 4c cay'Aaed Twlcamla of Sair EoMan.
r al systems (cauacra j Ltd. Vancouver ONce: 118-13982 Cambio Road, Richmond, B.C. V6V 2K2 Tel: (604)2 I NN Fax: (604)27MNSS Toronto Oftice: 113-70 Silver Star Blvd., Searborough, Ontario INIV 4V9 Tel: (410)321~38 Fax: (410)321-SF04
The Comparter Peper I Sept. '90
486-33 EISA HAS ARRIVED!!! Please order nova LIMITED TIME OFFER:FREEmrdless mouse with each 386-33 cache, 486-25 8 486-33 purchase.
Raven 9101/ Panasonic 1180
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3400 IN, . y of you have been satisfied with our commitment to the
PC market, we always try our best to serveyou better. Now,
Raven 2417/ Panasonic
(1924x768, .28 Dot Pitch)
AMPUS OMPUTERS 2162 Western Parkway, Vancouver, I.c. V6T 4V6 HOINI8: 9:30 AM-5:30 PM MON:FFII., 10:00 AM- 4:00 PM SAT.
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we would liketo introducea wider rangeof industry-standard PCs. From a low-cost, entry level 286, Laptop3865X, to a trulyhot, high
performance486 model.
With a wide range like that, if you can't find the PC you are looking for, please give us a call. Please be aware, shop wisely as the Editor of this paper advised in August issue,Cheapest priceis not the best po/icy. Shop around and look for these logos, or call us for an authorized dealer near you.
The Computer Paper l Sept '90 a greatly enhanced version of the existing Tandy DeskMate user interface, The
enhancements to the system include the
Tandy Introduces Home Computer NKWYORK, NKWVORK,JUL25 (NB)
— Usingaplush New Yerk Cityapartment as a backdrop, Tandy Cerporation introducedthe Tandy 1000 RL computer, a system designed to be used in the home. The 1000 RL is available immediately at authorized Tandy dealers and comes in four modelswithpticesranging &am U5. $749.90 to U.S. $1,56.90.
bundling of 24 built-in progiams, all accessible through DeskMate, to carry out activities which Tandy has determined, through focus groups, are those most desired in a home system. When speaking ef the ease of use of the new system, Roach said: "The Tandy 100Q RL is so easy to use that it guarantees success. Even the novice user can be productive with the 'RL' after just 15 minutes. In a conversation with Newsbytes, Roach explained what he meant by guaranteeing success, saying. We have
Inirodudng the new system, Tandy CEO John V. Reach stressed that the 1000 RL is the first Tandy computer designed especially for the home and that it sheuld be looked at as a combina-
tion of software and hardware together rather than as simply a piece of equipment. Roach toM the assembhge that the newsystem user interface is based on
spent considerable time training eur
entire Radio Shack station all aspects of
'the 1000 RL We expect customers te have little diSiculty using the systems right &em the start. If they do, however, the staff of their local store will both be able to answer questions and arrange training dasses. If the question tunas out to be something beyond the store persennel's knowledge they will have a hotline in Fort Worth to question — and the hot line wiii be up during U.S. store business hours. Additienally, chentswith modems will be able to go right in to a Tandy technical information center in Fort Worth for answers. Finally,ifwe ever have to give up on a user — and we don' t expect to — we' ll take the system back" Demon~ tmg the machine at its introduction, Howard Elias, Tandy vice president of computer merchandising, pointed out that the system does not contain a Sin. "We use a very low-power consumption unit and have utilized sophisticated sleepprocessing toshutdewn
the system iiself and an instilled hard
disk Kfias then took those present through the 24 built~ pregriims. The programs are divided into f our c ategories, DeskMate Productivity Programs, Personal Solutiens, Kitchen Solutions and Financial Solutions. The hLst 5 of the 4 categories are all grouped together en a DeskMate screen called Heme Orga-
As Elias went through thc applications, which i n clude - checkbook recordkeeping, checkbook balancing, diaiy, expense analysis, travel planning, home inventory, cookbook, groceiy list and menu planner, he called attention to the fact that all apprications were graphically oriented and were rather intuitive to use. Elias also said that purchasers can utTiize am standard MS-DOS software with the 1000 RL and that the DeskMatecempatible versions of Lotus 145 and Symantic's +&A St in most comfortably with the user interface. Roach aho pointed out that the 1000 RL is the Srst personal computer to receive the Good Housekeeping Seal. Roach then brought in Elias who described the system as an 8086 unit with 512K of tandem access memory (RAM) and Tandy enhanced graphics. KdJuge,Tandy directorof marketing
i nferma6on, l a ter d e m onstrated t o
Cadence's challenge to VNUG for a showdown between 3Com 3+Open LAN MANAGER V 2.0/1.1 vs "NW V 386/2.15 was not taken np. And even the rats are leaving theproprfetmy NW ship. Isn't it time for Cadence to migrate yon over tostundurds bused LAN MuwugerP
Newsbytes that Microsoft Works, a program bundled with IBM's PS/1, loads slightly6ister on the 8Q86-based 1000 RL ' than on the 80286-based PS/1. Juge attributed the doseness in speed to the fact that eui' enhanced graphics adapters
/• e
e I I ee
while dose in quality to IBM's VGA en the PS/1, operates much faster and overcomes the speed differencesbetween the two chips. The pointis net thatwe're slightly&sterbut thatyou have to loekat the oveiall question of which system accomplishes the task bettersather than at the isolated technical issues." The lowest-priced model, at U.S.
$749.90, containsa 5 I/O" 7MK Soppy
drive and a monochrome monitor. The same unit with a color monitor has a suggested price of U$.$899.90. The monochrome monitor version with an additional 20 MB (megabyte) Sxed disk is listed at US. $1,149.90while the top of the line % MB color unithasasuggested price ofU4. $1,299.90. Contact: Fran
McGehee, Tandy, 817-590.5487)
You Don't Have To Be A Rocket Scientist
To Appreciate IPC's New SlimLine Computers.
ust A Network Installer. The Perfect Node- Takes Less Space Designed specifically for use in local area networks the IPC SlimLine stands only 4 inches high. Its compact, space saving design fits neatly on every desk yet it has all the performance and expandability of its bulkier cousins.
Amazingly Upgradable The fact is, the smaller a computer gets - the less expandable it is. To network workstations it's important to find the perfect balance
of size, power, and expandability. The IPC SlimLine series does just that. The 286 system running at 12 to 20 MHz and the 386SX system running at 16 MHz can both be configured with 4 MB of RAM and up to 200 MB of internal hard disk storage. They have
both 3.5" and 5.25" floppy drives and come with five full size expansion slots. That's room for any video card, a controller card with an I/O, a LAN adapter, and a modem/FAX card - with an additional full slot open for future expansion needs!
Completely Test Compatible The IPC SlimLine series of computers are guaranteed test compat-'
ible with Novell, Unix, Xenix, PC MOS, and OS/2. They are built to Industry Standard Architecturet ISA)with Intel processors and are fully compatible with all current ISA based applications and operating environments. IPC SlimLine computers are i deal
members of any network you build.
Reliable NCR On-Site Service The standard IPC warranty - one year on parts and three years on labour- is as good as they come. But what about service! With more service units across Canada than anyone else, NCR's on-site service program is the best there is. And if they can't fix any problem on-site we have six stocking locations across the country where we absolutely guarantee a 48 hour turn around. Install IPC SlimLine computers and you don't have to worry about service.
So call your nearest 3D Microcomputer stocking location and find out more about the new IPC SlimLine series. It's a cost effective, logical solution for all your networking needs.
Ilimoee "The Ultimate Intelligent Workstation Solution for LAN or Stand-Alone Environments." V ANC O U V E R
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The C o m puter peper/Sept 'OO
A Dozen Things You Should Know Before You Buy Your Software
call OUI' OVe
Software Overview For Novices
ar a
Whet it comes
byRaedy Green
ndied Novellpanner abauerbusiness
ymu LocalAnu
We OIfer y ou a compleuand by siaingdowa wuhyoa, exacdywhat your LAN Scmce
The most common phxase you will Buyyoursoftware Srst. Mostpeople are under the delusion a computer is something hke a CD stereo player. They expect to be able to play any program on any computer. They don'tstart thinkingaboutsoftware until afterthey h'ave already purchased the computer. By then it is too late. The software they want may not work on the computer theyhave purchased, or they may havealready blown the budget on hardware andhave nothing leftfor the necessary software. A computer cannot do anything (except hum) without software. This month I will give you an overview of the various hnds of software.
myco lumnsis "
read in
bensive Novell LAN bmhussandhelp suppolt Icqlhcmcu Is alc.
:4",.'k': .
Well pmvideyou withcorn ' ' Sforevery pm hensive nanun sadf. AndweII cantmue ' tosuvice your LAN wldl on No manarhow IMay Mdcs or Iuw nlachlncs youIMy
- '
. =';.-'»;,:
in Novell LANService, weos'er youhue plomAmZ IndudmgAcer. Compaq,Svcm What's mmc,in addihon Io muplovcncxpclhlc, wc caa ~ sddl houal budaum andPC ' statla&M Jffor anymason,your LAN shouldexperience pmbbmm asimplecall to our Nov ea LAN Hodhu will have aservice cchnicbm site immcdbuel y. IS Xaox Nova II LAN Suvice hxnhoasmoss Canada, you candepend Mm wbucver So, for Nov all LANService youcanreally salyon call Xcmx. Nom ine can dupscamtbe quality of our Aad thu's a
1. Commercial vs. Freewiire vs. Sh Irewdue a
You buymost Gyssmcrcia/programs at a store Theyrange in price from $20 to $5,000. If you don' t like them, or if they don' t work on your particular computer, you are often le&
in a shrinks box.
without recourse. Usually there is no guarantee and norefund. So, itisimportant to consult with accountants, salespersons, or people who already own the packages how they like them — before you buy.Another good source of information is software reviews in computer publicationL You are notallowedtomake copies of commercial programs to pass on to yourfriends.You are not even allowed to make copies to run on other computers you may own. Fmfeupsprogauns are the other ett.
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The Computer Paper I Sept. '90 treme. Theyare completely free. You can copy them aud pass them ea. Be careM where you pick these up. Unless they cmne from a commercial source, they might be infected with a virus. Sometimes Freeware authors make a request thatyeu denate to a charity or send them a postcard. 8Aeysrtrtweis a middle ground. You are allowed to make cepiesand pass them on to your frieadL You are allowed to use
the pregtam for a (rial perio, usually a
menth, fer f'ree. Then, if you grant to continue using the proglam, you must register by sending a fee (anywhere from $$ to $60) to the author. Normally the authorsends you some goody in return, such as a spilier version ef the program, a printed manual, the source code, or a version with the advertising and delays removed.
L Which Word ProcessorP Whether you think so now or not, you willend upusingyom computer forword processingmore(haaanythingehe. Word precessingletgyoucreatelettegs,minutesv aotes, reports, manuals er form letters. The beautyefwerdprocessingis thatyou caa go in at any time and make some small chaages to your clocument, then print out a new, perfect copy with the changes seamlessly incorporated. Most word processors will checkyeur spelling. Auxiliaty Progxauksv such as Graanmatlk, will check your gratatutkar, too People are fiercely loyal te their word processors, no matter hew old-fashioned and slew. Itis more hkely for someone to change spouses than word processors.
roce ssors'If
How do you pidr. aword p
yeu are in an office, you should use the same word processer as everyone ehe. If you don't,youmaynotbe ableteworkon each other's documents. Many of the popular word processing progrants new let you read and write to the file formats of thea competitors. These convemons are not always flawless. It is wise te check them in a "real-life" situation to see hew well they work. Try the conversiens in both directions. It is possible to start the equivalent of a religious war in many onices simply by stating that word processor X is-better than Ybecause it has featureL So de not be surprised when you find experts who disagree with everything I am about to
MS Word MS Word is a good choice if yeu plan to der ccrmplex fcvrm letters. It in also a
good choice where you have ene expert whe can set up complicated macres and
style sheets for a group of typists. The unskilled people can get perfect results using only a little cheat~hect ef style codes without having to unders(and very much ef hew it all works.
Werdpeffect WordPerfect is common in lawyers'
oKces. There isa free-help phone line if you getin trouble. WordPerfectis eccen-
s For Fast gervirs call orrr Order Der(u Sam- Spmhbf a Gam- Spm gat
tric in its use of keys. This can be confusing if you uge both WordPerfect and
{604) 5$l)4222 ilablic lstssla Isflesra t Ibsrsusre' lar RII™ 4 ests(tstlblss. Oss™ L1 er iIEber
other DOS pregranls. WeldPeffect ls
better than MS Word at handling grids and columns effi gures. I%Write XYWrite is common in the boolr. pub. lishingand newspaper industry. Itis easy te send XVWrite files directly to the typesetters. XVWrite commands are wordy, but there is a way of crea6ng abbreviatiens chlled macres. XVWrite is the fikstest word processor, but one of the hardest to learn. MestXHVrite users only tap a small part of i(E power.
Nota Burne
Nots Bene is XYWrite with a coat of paint te make it friendlier and easier to use. It is popular in the academic community because of the way it can handle complex footnotes, bibliographies, etc. MS Werha MS Works is a strippehdown version of MS Word. Italso contamsa simplifie spreadsheet, a miai4arabase, and a modem program. I often recommend it as a starter. You will probably outgrew it afterayear and graduate to MS Word or Word For Windows. ÃultiMate Long before the personal computer, Wang dominated the word processor marketwith dedicated madkmeL People famihar with Wang systems feel right at homewithMultl ate.Mestetherpeople find it slew and antiquated. Desktop Publishhkg The dislinclion between a word processor and adegktop publishing pregfskm gets blurrier all the time. Desktop publishing gives you finer control of the posifioning of text, a larger assortment of typefaces,and greater ease mixing text and graphics. Ventura is the most popular program for books and reports.PageMaker is better for short newsletters and advertisements. Professional desktop publishing requires special large-screen displays, fikgt computers, and higbead PostScript laser printers. However, you can dabble with it en small computers using an inexpensive program like Fi-
UTIL)TIES 0 2155 Sashay WhftlL1 -An easyto we, nsnu drhsn lsckup sadnstmaymgramfar yourlwd drhs. 02125 Vins GetestmA - cogrcgonsf mlaw dseigmd to prclmtyoursyshmtmmvbusos.IndudscRu-Mwl+. 0 R138 pawsrmsss -A wcrfrlssgynem tnugsm wldchslows mmss taOGGcemnsndsandymgmmswlh theteach of
Q117 yncascbs-Ahoss financeprogmmgst helycmarsgs TranctwpdlrgerasanLcrara cashsld hadgeL 0337 pahhw ~ ctt • (3dhls) emyto An ucs ccaunEngpmgmmIlsl fechass It. Adl, AIIL knsfcbCLcheckprbelng aadmora
0745 play 8Leam-Sheduccganalgamester chil!snaps
24),(ÃA) 0 518 RWryufm-Ansnurhksmdmshg~ t h r t h ssr Messyowlskngs toMecyalnL (UsmuhnGmyhhc Q758 Fsaaeh 8 Ssctsh-Afunwaytotamhcmldmnbash Canl, fnh, crEGA) nulh chas. D757 sckaebcgem-Ansnurhhanbscktotsskscduccthrsl 0527 FONF5 -(cdhks)ysasrfMd~ y r a gmm wN capml. (CGAsrEGA) bstfsret dkbenagm 4anduy (CGA) D tggg gasserMneraaawruc- Twoyregmmathat nsls 0 755 ftntrhuayuurtdagAncosyta uwrsnsrdcrhad bsnnsa sfvadouselylsc4snm . ctteh mstom mapgcrsratoramlgeegrsyktcat OAMES lnrmalkm yrocessor. (CGA) 01153 FC Fsetyts -Thshect typhglnslrucgon prngmm
sound,Lsammtsmownyacc (fnb)
02225 NrrarurfsctLGLaamlagsyshm- (Rrgcks)tnnmhow to uw~ 5 3sss ly and quhfey wl thh th •acsgent hdorlsL(grp 5.5 notfhn'4) Uydstedl MORO PEOCEGMHO IOATABAGE
05N Rle Ekprws4.8- (2 dhls) Amoratdrksndshkms nsnagsnsdymiam pst uccr-frhndly.hsl arel pancrtag 0 RR18 FOhTrN5.85-(3 rgds) tknwst vsskmoflhh very yopahr fugfeshnodwmdpmcossor pmgramwgh yrlnhr cuypmtsndsyelchecker. Qmg FC WdMLSs-(Rdbks)Atrknmsdwrchnol the ynyuhrFCctlrgewantpmcescor. Anidealword Fr~ f o r Iapfop ~ and nllsm WN gulled
D 825 RMeopnkerWlma Rttwo - olthe bestpoker aml heck)cckehenammgsnw ssgeble. 0 Nt Mano Game1 -A weacgm ofgsnw ttstdonTnnyrks
gmphks orcekmrmenhus
0855 Csylsla Cosh -Glnthr to thslthdo gros, wlh mull
knsls, treat cohur,andwnsdcgsch. (EGA ) 0858 Seas Tom-Aflshlngtourrsnwlgmshwftchyrmlsw cnntml ofa luly rkgyaf bossbust, (CGA or EGA) 0%7 Grwndn laLendm- RsereAssgthassycnseaml honm ellhs original nevsL (CGAor EGA) HEW USTIHOS
0554 Edb Chas-Acfsthnghg maltnpndedchessprogwn Ihst feshms nwllple torchofylay. D get FC Smgll - (2disks) Cnsteyamawndrawings andcap ed for yogcfrhhn.vsrtwa Fubishsr,andtthrdysrfmt 5.1s.t (CGA) Q I OR CemyshrSober• Conhlm 55 redpssthatarevwy rtuhk amlsmyto prcparn Ihnu drhsn.
cnmpuhrsycbaw( 15GKtoacgtr)
Clly: Phone paymentVISAO MashrrCbrd 0 Cheque/MnncyOrder0 Exp. Cafe: CardNC c Slt)nature: Saupfa: {Rdhfrags Llgtlfg Soylwsnc, Bux dsgt), 8481-1 20 87.. DEL TA,BC V4E3G3 P«
C ata(fr()trs: 0 E1. 5 0 (){bb alen: E 1/4 Q 25LSS ftsr Disk Disk Sinn: 3 1/2 0 EG.SS pnr Ns)t Igu.ufOlsks x t $~ Cgbtlbt)ue a$ 8CResfdentpadd6%bgt t 3.00 Ship pint) I f(endgnt Tutti t
Reach For 'fhe Diamonds And Get 2 M8 of StaaWjjrpplemory in the MP386s ~(Nm-'-';='"-,:-'.,-,
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'-'=7' .k.--'-=:
* 2 MB RAM o 6 cxpsttslott slots
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DOS, MS OQ2, 1-'':Vfindovtrg/386fk Xenix :scompatiblC . ikiihv1e 4llliSv5" ~i .
S. A Text Mitor, TooP
for 8/16 - bit .
.. XT/AT Canh ~r OM B fixed disk . drive : „.'Small 15" {W) x "-l$" {0) foot{)rint
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A text editor is a strippedMown word processer. It cannot do beld, italic, etc. Yeu will need a text editor te edit the
p lain AS C I I file s s uch a s AUTOKXKC.BAT aad CONFI( .SVSer other s.BAT files that you use to kickofF Word Fer Wmdecua your variou programs. In a pinch, you Word Fer Windows is a Maantosh- can use your word processor. If you are hke, mouse-based word processor that going to be doing a lot of suchwork, yeu runs under Windows. It is one ef the might like a tool fine-tuned just for that simplest weyd processors te learn, and jeb. also oae ef the most powerfuL The big I use theNorton Editor AK QDOS DOS advanfsge of WFW is that the screen shell comes with a little editor called always looks very similar to the final QKD. Brief iS a fanCy editor fOr prefesprinted page. sional profpsmmers. DOS comes with In the "70'5, comedian Hip WiIsen cre- the world's worst text editor, called ated a character called Geraldine. Her KDLIN. PG Write and QEDITAdvanced sigaature phrase was "What you see is are shareware that will serve as both a whatyougetl" Computer specialists have text editor aad simple word processor. shortened it te WYSIWM' (pronounced {h)Edit is the most popular of the free whiRE)ackfig) Go describe such accurate text editors, followed by E, EDT, MEdit, screen displays.
VANCOUVER Pacific Charge (604) 322-9035 Arete - (604) 731-0592
I n f osI)ec (Q}4) 43Q-1223 A r e t e {694) 731-0592
The c o m pgrter Paper I Seipt '90
Ted andVDE. Microsofthaspromised to indude a simple text editor with the new DOS S.Q.
courses on DOS commands, the students often look at me as if I were joking when I explain the peculiar "gotchas" of some of the DOS commands. In a word, DOS is un&iendly. A DOS shell is just a computer program that acts as an agent to shield you from DOS. It talks to you in some reasonablysane way, then it does its best to trans1ate your requests into the arcane forms that DOS likes. Using a DOS shell, in under a day, a rank novice can learn the basics ofcreating, deleting, copying, moving and viewing both 61es and directories. However, even after a week of instruction,
4. Sadmpf In theJuly issue of Thc Compute Paper, I devoted a whole column to backup software. Backupisabsolutelymandatoxy. Running without backup software is like skydiving without a parachute.
5. 908 Shells DOS was conceived back in the days when evexyonewho used a computerwas alsoa computer progranuner. DOS has not changed much since. When I teach
thing in raw DOS are still befuddled. Popular DOS shells indude @DOS, XTree Pro, Norton Commander and PCTools. XTree and Treeview come in shamwareversions. I usually recommend
+ DOS tostartbecauseitis the fastest and simplest. The myriad features of the Smcier packagesoften overwhelm novxcesi
Lotus Magellan is a DOS shell, but it does much more. Magellan is like a secretaxy who remembers where you put ereything You don*t have to remember the cryptic names of the directories and 6les.Youjust give Magellan some vague
most novices attempting to do the same
hints, and in a few seconds, it produces a list of candidate 6les — induding some related ones you had forgotten all about. With a single keystroke you can instantly look at each 6le, whether it is a word processing document or a spreadsheet. With another keystroke you can start up the appropriate word processor or spreadsheet program to edit the file. You can use Magellan to create new 61es bypasting bits together &om others. Magellan can also let you store your 6les in compressedform, which saves disk space.Magellan has one major drawback — on ordinary tasks such as launching a program, or deleting a 61e, it is much slower than its competitorL
Magellan letsme automate all kindsof boring tasks in ways I never thought would be possible. Every day I 6nd new uses for it. %mdows
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Windows M may be one of the most hyped programs of all time. You can look atitasjustan elaborate DOS shell. Itacts asaplatformforothereotbvareprograxxN, providing a rich environment for other progxwxns to run ln. Ordinaxy programs can usually run under Windows, but there is not much advantagein that. Only special Windowsaware programs cantake advantage of the mouse, windows, menus, multiple typefaces, standardized printer and screen drivers, and especiamy the enhanced access toahuge RAM memoxy. If you have enough mexnoxy, you can even run several prograxxis simultaneously, though they may run more slowly than if you ran them separately. You can dabble with Wmdows using a smaller madune, but to use it seriously you should have 4 MB RAM and at least a 16 MHz SQ586 SX computer torun best
i ll
— — -------$509 Word pracessia0/Database/Spreadsheet PageMaker————— — ---$$9 Poslscnpfpnnter upgrade————— —- $$$0 Bght-in-Ono ---- — ------- — $130 MicrosoftWorksOesktoppahlishiag SPREADS HEETS? F'messe---------$149 lotos 1-2-3--— -- — ---$420 BIK — —Nac4ke operatiai system
Aulosketch----- — --------- — - —— —$19$
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Even if you could squeak by with a 2 MB RAM, it would not be wise. Why? Every month programs get bigger and bigger. Having extra RAM installedwhen you buy your machine will cost you little extra when you purchase a computer, but later you would have to pay insialla tion charges which could be larger than the cost of the extra RAM itself. Experts can tweak and tune their machines to extract every last byte of performance out of it, but if you lack this expertise, throw a bunch of RAM at it and watch it fly anyway+ There are only two Windows spreadsheets today, Excel and Wingz (just announced). You have a choice of four word processorstoday, WFW, Ami, Ami Pro or Legend. Many super VGA cards will not yet work properly in high-resolution 25&color mode m Windows. One notable exception is the Video 7. However, the future for Windowslooksbxight Not only the marketing people, but the techmcal people too have hailed it as a »
tour de force.
6. %hat is A Spreadsheet)
• •
„ III l II •
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Spreadsheets were originally called Magic Blackboards." They are like a blackboard with asuperimposed grid. In each squareyou can write a number. In some squares, instead of a number you write aformuia, such as thiscelicontaino the sum of the 6ve cells ixnmediateP above it. ' Then laterwhen you change any of the numbers, the formulas aueomatically recalculate to display the new
How would you uoe a spreadsheet to h ei
e yo u r income tain If u
3$ ~
The Computer Paper/Sept, '$1 made acorrection to one ofyour deductions, the spreadsheet formulas would then automaticailypropagate the change throughoutall the afFected sub-totalsright dawn to the bottom line ofhow big your refund should be. You can play "what if" games. What if I deducted Granny as a dependent? What would happen if I got a $200a-month raise? Lotus 1 2-5 was one of the first spreadsheets. It is still the best-known and bestselling. It has maintained its earlylead byendearingitself tocorporate users. Lotus has been stable so that users need not make any changes to their spreadsheets when new Lotus 1 2-5 versions come out Lotus runs on many other computers besides IBM ciones. There are two versions of 1 2-5:fi m cy (version 2.2) and extra;fimcy (version 5). Version 2.2 can squeak by with a megabyte ofRAM. Version 5 requires 2 MB RAM to run comfortably. It is designed to work with a RS MHz 805S6 DX. Few peopleever leam touse theadvanced features of version 5. Version 2.'2wantsonlyexpanded RAM. Version 5 wants only extended RAM, and will not tolerate the presence of a memory manager likeQEMM. Later in this article I will cover RAM memory managers. Lotus's many competitorsaresuperior in different ways. VP Planner, written here inVancouver, ismuch lessexpensive, and runs quickly even on small machines. Microsoft Excel runs under Windows and produces graphs that you can import into other Windows programs. Borland attro Pro is a nnnble spreadsheet that has advanced "what if" features to try out various possibilities automatically. It also prepares graphs thatrival Harvard Graphics. SupetCalc 5 excels at 5-D. PC Mugnutis reviewed spreadsheetsin the Apri12, 1990edition. If you decide you want to switch spreadsheets, you do not have to start all over. Competitors often offer tools to convertyour spreadsheets totheir format. Lotus has been successfully fighting back at its competitors by slapping them with lawsuits claiming their products look and feel too much like Lotus 1 2-5. The ironyis, Lotus is itself a carbon copy ofan earlier spreadsheet called VisiCalc.
7. So You%ant a DatabaseP A database is just an automated fihng cabinet.Justas building your own house is a undertaking only for the exceptionallyintrepid, building a custom database pragrun is best le@ to professionals. You have a good chance of success buildingadatabaseofonlyafewhundred records,butwhenitgets larger, the thing will probably collapse under its own weight A few errors in a small database are easily corrected manually. That same error rate in a large database makes it unusable. One of the easiest ways to construct a small database is to use a spreadsheet, especiallyonewithdaeabase extensions such as VP Planner Plus. I write my pralpiuns in BBL/Abundance, though other progrannners may choose C, dBase IV, Foxbase, Paradox,
Revelation, etc. Ifyou hireaprofessional to write a custom program for you, allow him to use the tools he is fiinnliar with.
8. Modem Softwarea Window on the%orld Ifyou have amodem,you can dial into the global electronic conferences like
BIX, Suzy and Compuserve, and local Bulletin Board Systems (BBS's) too. Thereyou will meetexpertswhowill give you &eeadviceon every topic under the sun. You will need some sort of generic modem program to get you going. Shareware Telix, written right here in Canada, is the one of the better shareware telecommunications programsavailable.
Unicorn is a shareware telecom program that runs under Windows. It is still a new progratn, but it shows promise. Other commercial telecommunications software offerings include: Crosstalk IV, Crosstalk for Windows, and Procomm Plus (formerly shareware).
9. Do I Need A Memory Manager P If youhave 2 MB or more RAM and you have an 80586 SX or DX, you need a memorymanager. Memoiymanageisare hard to understand because they do so many different things. The two most popular are QEMM and 586Max. Memory managers ensure that two different programs don't try to use the samepieceofRAMatonce. Theyalsoplay fancy games with advanced memorymapping features of the 80586 chip to kee up moreroom foryour programs to work in. The most important thing a memory manager doesisconvert some of your extendedRAM into expanded RAM. This implies there is not much point in having amemory manager unlessyou have a megabyte or more of extended RAM. In the August issue, I explained the difference between conventional,expanded and extended RAM using the tapestry analogy. Some programs such as Lotus 1 2-5 version 2.2 cannot use extended RAM directly. They need it predigested as expanded RAM. A computerhas 640 Kof conventional RAM.Above thatis a584-Khodgepodge. Some shadow RAM is in thatregion. The video RAM that describesthe picture you see on your screen is in there. The BIOS program that controls the keyboard, disks and screen is in there, but mostly it is just empty space. A memory manager can find the little pockets of empty space in this hodgepodge region and back-611 them with chunks of extended RAM. Then later it looks for device drivers and small TSR (pop-up) prograins, and instead of running them in the main conventional
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memoiy, it stuffs them in one of the pockets.
Whyis this a good thing? This &ees up your conventional RAM to run really big programs. Italsogivesordinaryprograms m ore room to breathe so theyrun faster. Last month I talked about shadow RAM and how the invisible extra 5S4 K speeds up your BIOS. Normally, about 520 K of the shadow RAM goes to waste. A memory manager recydes the wasted shadow RAM. QViM and Move'Em are memory managersfor80286computers.However, the 80826 cannot pull off nearly as many tricks with memory as the 80586 SX or DX. If you have the Chips and Technology NEAT chip set hardware on your motherboard, then a memory manager can convertsomeofyour extended RAM to expanded for you and can recycle some of the shadow RAM.
10. Disk Caching — The
Lowest Way to a Fast Disk Because people don'tundersland disk
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The Com p uter peperl sept '$0
caching, they usually overlook the cheapest way to a meteoxic hard disk First, let us dear up the distincfion between the two kinds of caching: static RAM caching and dirk cactung. For $800you might buy a 82 K st atic RAM ctichc option to go between your RAM and your expensive 55 MHz 80%6 DX CPU. The purpose of this the hst SRAM cache is to hold duplicates of the numbers that the CPU most &equently examines, so that the CPU does nothave towaittoget them &om the slower RAM. The CPU can fetch a number in 25 nanoseconds (billionths of a second) &om the ~ but i t takes 80nanosecondsif it must get it &om regular RAM. Static
RAM cache thus speeds up calculations. It has no effect on the disk. Heavy4uty ap p l ications like AutoCad and PageM a k er desktop publishing benefit most &om SRAM caching. For $90you might buy one megabyte of e x tendedRAMtouseasadiskcachaOn a p e r-byte basis, static RAM cache is 284 tim es more expensive than disk cache. K n o wing this will motivate you never to c o n fuse the two again. You then need a u t i l ity program called a disk cacher. The purpose of the disk RAM cache is t o hold duplicatesof the parts of the data th e CPU most frequently examines, so th a t the CPU does nothave towait to get them &om the much slower hard disk.
The CPU can getinformation &om RAM in microseconds (millionths of a second), butit takesa thousand timeslonger to get it &om hard disk Data base programs and spell checking benefit most from disk caching, though nearly every program will show some improvement Multisoft PC-Kwik is the most respected commercial caching utiTity. It can exploit any combination of conventional, expanded and extended RAM. Peter Norton hasjust announced a caching program. AdCache is the best of the shareware cachers, though it can handle only expanded RAM. EMMCacheis &ee, butitcannothandle DOS4.01 style large
disk partitions.
11. What Is A Defragl pr? DOS is about as good a housekeeper as Peg Bundyon Mtsnied With CMdvstL If you use a tool such as Norton NU, you can see how she scatters files and directorieshaphazardlyall over the hard disk. One chunk of a file might be near the outer rim, and the next piece near the centre "beach," and the rest broken into little &agments scattered like confettL When you go to use the file, the disk arms must thrash back and forth over the hard disk finding all the pieces. This slows things down. Also, DOS does notlike to take out the garbage.Ifyou'closely examine a directory, you will see it is dogged with remnants of old files you deleted months ago. Further, DOS keeps her directories
of iles in higgledy-piggledy order.
no ec
A de&agger is a maid — a housekeeping utility to run aker your daily backup to tidy up after DOS. It sorts the directories alphabetically and squeezes out the old deleted iles. It moves the directories to the prime real estate near the outer rim next to the FAT — the File Allocation Table — which is the master table rei!ording which parts of the disk are in use and by whom. Then it collects am the &agments of each Sle together in one contiguous
s em s n c .
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The Srst time you run a de&agger the result is dramatic. Your madiine feels full of pep. Subsequentusesdo nothave asmuchefiectbecauseyourdiskisaheady mostly tidy. ORG is the Sistest de&agger. Mike G reve of Switzerland wrote i t a s shareware. PCKwik Power Disk is a Sist commercial de&agger. The Advanced Norton UtTiities come with a pair of utilities called DS (Directory Sort) and SD (Speed Disk) that together do the de&ag slowly but surely. PC Tools has a progtam called Compress. Paul Mace calls his Unfrag. Gazelle has Optune.
12. DOS $.3, 4.01? Before your computer can do even the most basic things, like accept a keystroke, paint a chaxacter on the screen, or read the Soppy disk, it must have two programs. One is called BIOS, which comes burnedintosiTicon EPROM chips onyourmotherboard. The other is called DOS, which comes on Soppy diskettes. Microsoft make a version called MS DOS,and IBM makesaversion called PC DOS. The two axe almost identicaL Every year or so, they jointly issue a new version. DOS 5.0 will be next DOS S.S and DOS 4.01 are most common right now. Which should you use1'
If you put a group of DOS experts in a room and bring up this question they will soon be at each other throats. My short answer is, Srst timers with hard disks under 'N MB should probably stick with MS DOS S.S, and advanced users
who have disks over 100 MB should go with MS DOS 4.01. MS DOS 5.5 is increasinglyrare, and may costyou more
money. Microsoft has ofIicially announced that they are not making it any more. Most new computers are be-
ing shipped with MS DOS 4.01 • The Case For DOS S.S DOSS tl has been around for agoodly while. It has few bugs and those it does have are well understood. All progranis will work fine under DOS S.S.
The Computer Paper I Sept. '$0 The Case Against DOS 5.8 DOS 89 is rather clumsy handling very large hard disks and it has been discontinued by Microsoft. The Case For DOS 4.01 DOS 4.01 allows you to treat a giant 150 MB chive as one big piece. Ifyou used DOS bayou would have to split it into 50 MB &agments called partitions. If you have expanded RAM, DOS 4.01 can exploit it by putting DOS buffers and FastOpen caching in it, thus freeing up your conventionalmemory. Ifyou have IBM brand equipment, you should use IBM PC DOS. DOS 4.01 contauis a number of small improvemexlts, sllch as a better method
of defecting when you have changed floppy diskettes and of allowing you to put remarks in your CONFIGSYS files. The Case Against DOS 4.01 DOS 4.01 is larger than the other DOS versions, leaving you even less room for your programs. However, if you have expanded RAM, DOS 4.01 can grow into it, thus having mininuil impact on your pfogfauls.
The DOS 4.01 mstal can occasionally be complicated and timeconsummg. Some users may find the DOS 4.01 shell prograni, thatbydefiiult takes over, is too slow and confiising to be usefuL The Futuxe of DOS When DOSS.Ofinallycomesout, itwill beleanerand faster than DOS4.01,which means there will be more room for your own programs to run. Itwill also be moxe configurable, so that experienced progxammexs will be able to prune out the partsofit thatyou donotneed. Microsoft is currently beta testing DOS S.O. It is not yet publicly available.
Access Any computer dealer will be able to get you any of the commercial progxanis I mentioned in this artide. You can find a8 the sharewareand &eeware on the BIX electronic conference. Much of it is also available on local bulletin boards or &om the Vancouver PC User Society at
(604) '1544060.
Admowledgements This artide was an international collaborative effort. Using the BIX electronic conference, the following people helped gatherinformation and weed out errors. From Ontario, Canada: David Dunfield and Michael Saxgent. From SwitserlancLJensAugustiny,Jau Sinstadt and Mike Greve. From the USA, Randal Barnes, Michael Covington, Ward (XModem) Christensen, Sean Curry, Ira Emus,JeffGoMberg, David Harvey, Martin Heller, TexxyHofhnan, ThomasJones, Ross Nelson, David Nye,Jcnuxne Shortell, Jay Vanderbilt and Dave Williams.
Reedy Green is president of Canadian Mind A@ducts,acornpanythat seiisand installsATcomputetsandsoftware. You can reach him al Canadian Mind Ptoducls, %68 - 1020 Mainland Street,
Vancouver,BC,CanadaV882T4, (804) 684-6529.
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calkd WinmaiL (Ymc canalsouseotherinter-
facee htheMacintosh, charxu~4uud DOS, 08/2 and Lotus. ) In an intercri cearit Mihe Shandrich at their hssdqrcaxtcss xshichie gvuuringShe yeast in sugar ueter — he described Gseeam-
erxSoPuaxs'e ruk i» the nexo Epopt ops techncriogy hhe this:
MS: It's like a rural delivery, someone walks the mail to the local postoffice, it' s sent to the General Delivery, main city, center post of6ce and then it's distrib. uted. TCP: To their central post of6ce and
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then it's sorted...
MS: And then it's delivered. In the simplest terms, that's how it works. The reason X.400 is popular is largely because you have many different mail systems within a corporation. What many companies do, is use them for intrawompany communications. TCP: Like memos? MS: The users will have different mail systems in different departments, and it could be a vexy large corporation and have thousands and thousands of users. So they bridge it — so this can be wide area communications — &om one end of the country to the other, or you can have it within a company, «nd you have different parts of the company with different E-mail systems. TCP: Are you talking in the same location? MS: Yes, a campus or a hrge corporafion, that uses different mail environments, they would use X.RS to link these c6fferent departments. TCP: X.RS is similar to X.400? MS: That's the leased line, the communications platform which tfxen takes the packets of information and intersperses them. You don't pay for the time, as it' s sent in packets. In an environment like this, X.400 is the bridge between all of these environments. In Qus case, the X.400 Gateway on a Network Courier
system, the gateway sofbeire resides on
Roedy is oNering one-day overview the LAN. The post of6ce resides here courses oncotnpNer software. The first ion another terminal next to the LAN will be onSaturday, September 15. Call dedicated terminal] now they' re all Net684-6529 to register. work, Courier. You have a post of6ce here, a post of6ce here, etc., all sending
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18,567 19,808 21,010 22,242 23A22 24 674 25,854 27,106 28,287
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8 '736 9,910 11.107 12,297 16,155
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each add. 5 users .......8848 NordPsrfsct 1st user.e358 each add. user .......8220 MS Nord1st Ussr .... 8275 each add. user ...........8200 Lotus 1-24 1st Ussr ...8820 each add. user...,...4$10
NR .................$688
OIE ..............,..8638 Payroll ..........st56 LenPak ...........8285
We alsonetworkyour Novell, Xenix, Unixserversthrough TCPlP sothat the work-stations canaccess server(s) oftheir choice,or, transfer files betweenservers, or accessall the servers atthe sametimeto
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perform multi-tasking and hot-key to different sessions with i80386 power. The user canaccess Oracle database located in theUNIXserver(s) from the Novell Workstation without leaving the DGSapplications.
WE ARE DEDICATEDTO NETWORK SOLUTIONS Priots S ubjects Tot tutuge Without Notice.
' '"" ""' DPE COM PUTERS 102-1112 West Pender, Vanceuver, B.C.V6E 281 Tel: 604-683-7587 Fax:604-683-9210 Mdtitertttis s registered trudstttttrtt of DPF. Elec@'attics Canttdtt Ltd.
CMS Computers Plus Irtc.
Seee attakva 8 W~ rueeupSykl4a4a TaaIIIts T eh 46646T4urrO Faut 4I%4$f~ l
The Cosnputer Paper / Sept. '90 mail ta aaly aae X.400 gateway. These others are what we call downstream past eKces, addressing components, so we only needone X.400 gateway te bridge thatwhole network, butif thereare other mail systems (if every post office has a different mail system), thea you have
diffexentMTA(messagetmasfer uait).-
in that case, you use X.400 to bridge these different mail systems. American Airlines is very much like this; they have difFerent mail systems throughout and they will have up ta
14,0tO people using different mail sys.
tems in different locations across the USA,eveawithin their awaexlpaization, soitmay be NetworkCourier here, Data General here, DEC here, then they have a LAN with another mail system here, and ever here maybe PROFS, so they' re using X400 to cennect those very different environments to send messages back and faxth.
L'Biles hsecL X400 offersgreat potential, but there axe issues raised Addxessing the coxnplex SOclsaxacter address string required tia send Email through K400, may be mtimidating te poteatial useas, however Cansumexs argues thattbissystem couldbe quite manageable afhm the initial entering ef the addresses and aliases. The network adxainislxatar, a clever eng r o r e ven Coxssumers So&ware could enter the address protocol and then all the user ever sees is a simple fist of networks aad the indxviduals' addresses on that network. True, once the addresses are assigned all the user has ta do issel~ the ahas on the menu tetany insulated fram any complexity but ls xtas easytiomaintain as Consuxners chunk Long, complex address weuM seem to increase the possi; bilities for exxaxs. If the user had Consumers do the initial addressiag, haw will they deal with updates and changes made to theoriginaladdressabases tobe seat to the xnaia databases A less convoluted method would eacaux3ge users to
install this system. Consumers Soiree
Is calapassag a directaxy ef all fhe addresses iaduded in their system, which brings us to the next topic: X500.
X500 is the equivalent af a phone beak aa E-phoae beak that will be a companion ta the X.400 addressing system. When you think ofhow such a directory cauld be useful, think of tele-
phone directories aad haw often you need to pick them up. Will X.400 provide a dixectaxy that a user could query) Adirectoryassistaace service when there is a new numbers The possibility exists far frequeat updating, because af its electfaxlic fatal bllt it just xaay be ~
passible ta keep up with new addresses, especially since X.400is stilin the initial slages. KSQQ has been in composition far quite a few years. Consumers will offer the Brst available commercial use of X.500 in North America, and they're cxeztfag a user's manual of X500 terxni-
nolagy. KSQQ wim be a very valuable business teolasfarasprevidingan acces. sible global xaaxket.
X.400 m. Medems What advantages does X.400 ofFer us.
exs avermadenH~adem caxaxnunicatiaa as a WAN?
1) Stareand-forwaxxf technalogy-
X.400 cansend out any number of mes-
sages simultaneously, or at individually specified times, after they have been selected from the address menu, without ~g
u p telephaae fines.
2) Leased lines - using the X.R5 leased haes, the user pays only for the nuxnber of messages, which are seat in packets, instead of paying for the time the transmission takes, avoiding costly tall charges aad hardware likeFAX and telex machines, and their maintenance, er evea saving the cost af having a modem in each sexxainaL 5) Seclmty and integrity of dataWhen you send messages through X.400 Ihe inherent secunty m the E-mail progxam is xnaintaiaed, induding features like password protection aud inscription schexnes. Also, yau caa only transmit your messages to specific addresses in-
stead of having your xnessagehap fram
terminal to terxninal looking for a free line. You may alse send xuessages as registered mail and the program will return with the thne the mail was epened, so you canbesurethatyourpxxvatemessages afe lecexselL
Staat up colts of X.4OO The initialcostsefX.400faramultiple LAN enviroamentareabout$5$00. This would include Network Courier Iateraetwark software fram Censumexs and the X.40Qg software; then all you would needto add would be a dedicated terminal, then perhaps yeu would have te ald the monthly charge of an K25 leased line if the volume of calls is suf5cieatand forextexnalmessagiagacbarge for public carrier like Envoy 100
(Canada}or USSprint (USA).
Far aae neaxark Esnail system in an oxgaaization with no extexxxal xaessagiag, the user could buy Sngle Network
vexmon for$695/newark Other gateways besides X.40Q could be added if necessaxy, like PROFS (IBM's large host-
based E-axail), Unix-based SNTP (far Unix}, MCI, SNADS, and even FAX
WRl X.406 Catch OnP In July, Consumers Software in conjunctioa with USSpriataad Eicen Technology of Montreal launched a series ef seminars oa LAN-te-WAN Global Coaaectivity in seven major US. cities: Chicago, Dalhs, Saa Francisco, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Washington, D.C.,and New York The purpose ef these seminars was ta wao major corporate aad mstitutiaaal players ever ta X.400. This was their first major steponto that vast satellite of consumers, who orbit in iaterest around the strong pull af their telecommunications technology. Consumers Sofbvare has a reliable, attractive, cost~viag line af products,sa their future success will depend on a solid xxlrketiag strategy in a very competitive field. If the trend caatinues m ward global coauauaicatioas, aad if companies continue todeceatralizeinte telecoxamuting nodes, X.400 will be ready ta provide the meaas to these trends.
Reach For he Diamonds And Get A Ftdl:M . @Nay ia a Laptep clarity yxovides one of the testdfsplays available an any hptap. . attest, bxfglx .eMitiaxIâ&#x20AC;&#x17E;.@e.snp@6L, doesn't coxapromise on xxmdabslstJ J;;:speed or expandabihty for the sake of portability. It s Ole big computer in a small package.;," - " +s, =.'
12 MHz 802N Hard Disk, EGA * 1 1 " Neutral Twisted *. 4..exPaasIaa,slotS, N enxa@c blacks white ~By:t 140MB fO s
Jt,i .
Coa'sumers Software. (1989). The
Network Cauxier 2.0. XVM Gutecey. Handout. Belliagham, Washington. Fisher, Sharon. Uuae 1990). Byte, vol 15,na.6. TAzLatcstot3IMP.McGraw-Him Information Systems, pp. 21M18. Meeks, Brock M. (December 1988). Byte, vai. 15, ao. 15. X400 Gsoais Up. McGraw-Hill Inforxaatioa Systems, pp.
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The Computer Paper I sept. '9o x ~ •
Everex Excel Stream125 Tape BackMp
Q Drxrrief Wcrlsr
Product: Everex Excel Stream-125 streamingtape backupunit. Price: Backupunitwith controiier and 1 DG600Atape$2695, DC600Atape cartridges SS5 I consider myself fiuxly normal, and normal people do not read manuals. I unwxappedall thebitsandpieces,opened my PC, found one last slot and carefully inserted the interfixce card, connected the power and cables, dosed my eyes and turned on the system. No smoke — no sparkL Cood signl Installed the software and ran 'TAPE . Software runs and a menu appears. Iselectedmstall/config&om themain menu and then discovered that I should have installed the sokvme first to check the dip switch and jumper settings. No harm done — just meant pulling the interface card out and chechng the set-
the main menu and do a "compare." This function reads the data off the tape and compares it to the data on the hard disk If a discrepancy is found, it is reported and you would choose to ado the backup or ignore it.Once your backup andcompare are complete, you can confidently delete those files from your hard disk. When you need afile to be restored, justload the backup tape, run the "tape" program and go to the right column, which is for restoring a full "image or selected files. Finally, a streaming tape drive has
a network, this device is sturdy enough to handle the volume and the abuse. If you' re looking for a unit to be shared amongst many stand&one users, this device is simple enough that even the most technophobic user can do regular b ackups hixnself w i thout m u c h handholding. So, given the increasing size ofhard disksthese days, can you continue to ignore the probability of disaster striking your system?
more uses than just system backup. It can be used as a third storage medium (the ies and har disks) other two being fl opp und archiving data which is not needed on a day-tcxhy basis, but can be restored quickly when needed. O ne of thegreat advantages of a removable storage medium like streaming tape is thatit'sphysicallysepaxated,which makes cataloguing easier. The Everex Stream-125 is an excellent device. Instalbnghardwareandsoftwareisabreeze. The documentation could use a little work, but overall it's adequate. Ifyou'relooking fora backup unit for
Daniel Nerger provides image scanning services in Vancouver. Contact: 604/736-9624
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If I had been astute, I would have known which IRQs, DMA's and ports were appropriate to use. But I wasn' t, so I used the defaults and nm the tape system test (alsoin themain menu). I got an error immediately. No cartridge in the drivel Thiswas the only time I had trouble; I couldn'tfigure outhow the tape actually mounted into the drive. At that point I read the manual from cover to cover and nowhere did it tellme how to put the tape in. Finally, logic dictated that since there were no levers, dooxs or latches it must get sucked in somehow. I finally remembered using a streaming tape drive years ago on a Unix mini, and with the right amount of pressure the iape locked into place. At hst the drive made a chipxnunk sound and it worksl At thispoint, everyihingisloaded, I' ve run the streaming tape software by typing "iape", and I'm looking at the main
45 ~
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menu. There are nine menu items; the
top six are divided into three columns of two selections each. The middle column is titled "backup." There you choose to back up on to tape either an "image or " byfile."Image refers toafullend-~ n d snapshot of a logical drive such as ci drxve. The sub-menu asks for the disk drive letter and whether you want to append or overwrit the tape. Selecting F8begins the process and a second prompt checks to make sure you want to overwrite cthe contents of the tape. Very simple! A panel appeaxs at the bottom of the
screen and a bhck bar progresses&om 0% to100% indicating thepercentageof backup completed. Also displayed is informadonaboutthe tape andthe current 'dahLset . Each backup performed has a headerwhichconuunsinformafion about type of backup, dataset number, total size, date, time, etc, When the backup is complete, it is a good idea to move to the lek column of
GENIUS provides the latest technology and support in its complete line of products. Continual research and development, full service tcchnical support, 24 hour bulletin board service, free driver updates for one year... It's no wonder wc' rc the leading input device specialists worldwide. Give us a call today and we' ll be happy to send you more information on any of our products. We do it the right way... The Geuhm wayl
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The Computer Paper I Sept '90
Studio/8 for the Macintosh N-bxt "true color"P Even xf you have an 8-bxt video card now, you can still use a R4 bitcolorpaintprofpaxnsuch asAdobe Photoshop or SuperMac's PixelPaint Professional. In defence of Studio/8, Ihave found that in practice itfesre better than most other Mac graphics applications. It is a decidedly artistic tool that many graphtcs aficionados wil prefer overprograms with more color capacity.
Electronic Desktop Publishing Service Bureau TINlerolaser PS17tiif/ATM SO Nb HardIrlves $$95ss and PlusFonts Q895" a Topdrive TD80F • EMAC 80DL
• Cutting Edge 80Mb • Micronet 80Mb Micro Pak
,:e w 14" Clr NOnitnrS$799 • MitsubishiDiamo nd Scan14 NEC MacSync14o
• Installation ....................$35.00
xsxrxextfstttrar Gtuemc Bennett
Product: Studio/8 1.1 Publisher: Electronic Arts, 1820 Gate-
• PageMaker 4.0 ..........,.$599.00 ~Quark XPress3.O .........P 49.OO
® DesignStudio..............$499.00
2.02..........,..$375.00 5 ~„ar.FreeHand
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c»les forabove ----"".-.-.>@00, . Iustrator<,9.3~~.,@7S.00.„% c
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,;."-'® Ras'terojs 264 Mac il bncIrd,24 "-"+@dobePhot()
bit coloor for Macll .:.'..0740.00
)6/r5 gj".-<
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'.: .htckRj4yeSfJ00. ' ., ';:Q900Itg tmlraC rarlttrtk-
Sales 688-5733 -k8 ,@s~vbjs~W k i N ~
-~ f@h i ~
Lsser Su l ies '::
Ribbons '
System Requirements: Mac II or SE/ 30 series computer with at least two megabytes ofRAM, harddisk, and 8-bit color board. Not copyprotected. Price: $495 US
SYS: Data Cartridges
Comyuter . Accessories ' I
When you open Studio/8, you' ll immediatelynoticemmyfiuniliarMacPaintstyle tools in the tool palette at the left side of the screen. What isn't immediately obvious is that many of these tools have popout sub-palettes that can be "tom os and placed anywhere on your screen. The rectangular color selector box in the lower left corner of Figure 1 is o ne of these of f etre s .
The Macintosh, with its mouse and Graphical User Interface, almost single-. handedlychanged the face of computer
• friars rnaarrr
ra Daaaa ar aa ar Qoararaa
graphics, largely due to Apple's decision to indude "bundled software" with the machine. Every purchaser of the original Macintoshes received a word processor called MacWrite, and MacPaint,abitmapped graphics program. It was these progxanxs that amply demonstrated the computer's easeef use and power to integrate text with iHustxations, charts or logos. Best of aH, this power was obvious, intuitive. The Macintosh seemed to encourage creativity, and Apple spread the message: If you can point, you can use a Macintosh. More than any other progxam, MacPaint exemplified that message. After a few dicks of the various MacPaint tools, the answer was dear. Computers could &xakfsf create art.
Beyond MacPaint When MacPaintwas released, itestablished a set of standard graphics tools known as a toolbox that has become
Diskettes '
way Orive, San Mateo, CA 94404
Keyboard Shortcuts
common tomanyMacapplicationL Such tools as the pencil, eraser, paintbrush
and spraycanhad usesthatwere immediately obvious to the artisticaHy inclined, if not everyone. These, and the other tools of the MacPaint Toolbox have become a de fixcto standard for user-interface design ofmanyMacintoshproiptams. Of course, when MacPaint was introduced,therewere no color Madntoshes. But since AprH, 198'1, when the Macintosh 11 was introduced, color has been
growingin both importance and capa-
biTity on the Mac desktop. Studio/8iswhatisxeferred to as an "L bit" color paint progr'un. This means that, unlike MacPaint's I+it (monochrome) bitmaps, the paintings created
by Studio/8can have asm any on~een
hues as "0 to the power of 8," or
(O'O'O'R*F'O'2*&256) coloxs. Twoand
sixteen color modes are also available. These colors can be chosen from the Macintosh's 16.8 miHion~olor palette. One question that must be consid-
ered, though, is why should anyone invest in an 8-bit color piofpaxn, when the trend in Macintosh graphics is tofrfard
• oar SNS~
a arel Q~ Qllla
aaar ~ l o ~™ Q Sr~ l l elmh a h rararrr
Another nicety shows up in the file selector dialog (Figure 2). A small Picture Preview is shown for each picture file as you chck on its name in the file selector. Note the. actual image dimensions listed below the picture. One of myfixvorit features of Studio/ 8 is that virtually every tool can be accessed with a single key keyboard shortcut. 1Kis may be a concept inspired by EA's groundbreaking Deluxe Paint program for the Amiga Apple IIgs and IBM, where B is for brush and F is for fiH (etc.), or it may simply be common sense. While the thought of a keyboard-intensive paint program may seem an unlikely advantage, in use it is a dramatic
improvement over the typical approach of using Command-8 for this axxd Command-F for that. This is one area in which Electronic Arts should be commended fordaring to deviate from the standard. Itshouldbenotedthatseveral commandsare accessedwith thenumeric keypad, therefore users of Apple's EASY ACCESSutihty should turn itoff to avoid conflicts. Studio/8 loads MacPaint, PICT and TIFF files, and saves in color PICT and TIFF formati. Itcomes with five disks: program, fonts, textures, brushes and backgrounds, and a slideshow called Gallery that allows you to assemble customizable presentations withavarietyofdissolves, Sdesandwipes. -",
Several example pictures showoff the various possxbxTxties. One picture is of a lighthouse,andusingatechnictueknown as colorcyding, the scene can be made tio animatei Color cyding is a very easy
and fun type of animation,'appropriate for images like rain faHing, water flowing, tires rotating and other types of repetitive motion. A snapshot FKEY called ColoxCam is
The Computer Papery Sept. '99 also provided to allow you to easily grab screen images &om other programN.
k •
47 ~
Himhlighls There really isn' t room in this review to give a blow4y41ow account of all of the features of Studio/8, so I' ll stick to the highlightsg 1) It comes with a great library of useful brushtslkapes and backgrounds such as clouds, wood, satin, marble and granite. These are welexecuted Shit PICl' images and have proved to be extremely useful as backgrounds in other programs too. fk) The welhvritsen manual is an impressive-looking hard cover book. (Shouldn'tprogxarxl thatcost this much
money aa have this quality of manual?)
5) The gradient fill tool is simply the most elegant one of its hnd that I have ever seen. Of course, I just lstgttttthose gradient fillsi 4) Studio/8 is justly fitmous for its mashng functions which allow you to mask selected objecrs or the last object created; to mask individual colors or ranges; or even tosave the masks forlater use. With ~ you c an easily create solid objects with airbrushed textures and other layered and stencil. type effects. 5) My favorite feature though, is Define Perspective/Plane. By setting the angles of perspective of a small grid, you can map any selected object ontfo a perspective plane. Indeed,you could fill the entire plane with a marble texture to create an elegant "fioor"I Overall, it is the "feel" that distinguevhes Studio/8. It feels comfortable
L quick, Iikeagood pair ofsneakexs. It is also fikftrly easy to leaxn, and many will find the PIC'textures,backgroundsand brushes to be terxific additions to their publishing arsenals.
Wish List Studio/8 does not directly produce color separations, so if you want to publish your color mastexpieces, you' ll need to import them into Qmrk XPress or Aldus's new Separator utTiity for PageMaker. Photoshop, Colorsxndio and a few other "high end" progxaxxl can also produce color separatlona Nevertheless, I was able to open several fullwolor pictures simultaneously. Macintosh users with less copious amounts of RAM will prolagbly not notice this slight anomaly. As alway with
Multifinder, increasing the apphcation memory size helps.
Other EA offering
ElectronicArts also hasamonochronxe pxogram (intended pnxxkaxily for the smallvxcreenMacintoshes) called Studio/ 1 that shares many of Studio/8's featuresandcomakands. Studio/1 includes sound and animation features not present in Studio/8. EA has shown beta versions of their next~ e r ation SR+it "true color" paint prognuncalled Studio/8'R, thatsupports the full 16.8 miliioacolor palette of the Macintosh. It is expected to compare fixffrorablywith 244itcolor programs like PixelPaint Professional and Adobe Photoshop. Look for a review of Photoshop and Color Studio in an upc~ iss ue ofThe CoxyyIfrufcr Paper.
Electronic Desktop Publishing Service Bureau ealesgowico
Production • quality imagesetting to photographicpaperorfilm at 1200or2400dotsperinch(dpi)
Info-Select by IfybbxtParent
Product: Info-Select — is a program for tracking randominformation. Publisher: Micro Logic Corp., POB 174, 100 Second St., Hackensack, NJ
System Requirements: IBM PC, PSI 2 OR IBM Compatible Price: $99 US. :
Have you ever tried typing information straight &om a phone convexsafion into a database? You wiII often have to ask the caller to wait while you decide how to categorize the data, find the appropriate field, and then key in. It can be &ustrating even after a lot of practice. This is because most information coming in &om the real world is random, while the database will accept only structured information. It would be much easier to type the info straight into a word processor. But atter a while this can become just as &ustrating. Howwillyou findaparricular conversation that was recorded months ago amongst hundreds of others?
+j0vaftabteatanaddedcost tomcat desktop -
07602, USA.
Database or Word ProcessorP
• the mostcompetitive pricing on qua l ity products for the M a cintoshcomputer. • the bestsoftware support inthe 1...«.vquickturnaround on"REGULAR" industrybyprofessionals who e -'-orders-"RUSH haveover5yearsexperiencein service is
';;„~~„Slots Cf fhadbffr4:-.-:,nore,;:--—,- graphics. ; $750per1200dpil7ittsr-sized j, vthe bsstoneononstraining " n otograpfpoipaperIk$1300psrj4".:> svsilableforkespinggraphtc r,.=~~ r „0hge!Sfsfa' tfffmatg~, ;: ; -;-jP~~O adiezkrtptOdateiesineir -, ".:'",';:,,;,,"'.' r roPeinfs. "~v, uiiiei5isbbuntsavsffabls.--fa.",, :,:,: si'iflsrsIsdevet taltatinsa~~ ' ,' +RE-HUY -',paCkageearaalei 4 nCnmz phteturn fkeyma c .
:;"';-:,-~ @is1la5~ysur jf'bg ucffon~""~~incfsdlfsf'cbnsuxsgbo. bar~i; =' ~ andsdgvrare .; shby iijfbie3%.,':: in iffon arfffg' '
. , -
~~gr8ln~-. ak' w'v~
A Hybxid Severalyeaxsagoalittleprogxam called Toxnado Notes came on the market to solve the problem of tracking random infoxxnation. It feels like a word processorand actsmuch like a database— only it' s easier to use. Tornado's descendant, InfoSelect was released several months ago for the sameprice. Itdoeseverything Tornado does and more. You can load Info slelect as a regular application or as a TSL If you want to store a lot of darxkin it then I suggestyou use a little utiTity program that comes on the same df'fsk called SWAPIS made by Innovative Dala ConcepiL This swaps InfoSelect between RAM and your hard drive-reducing Info@elect to less than %, of RAM when not in use. Unfortunately it takes vf seconds to load on our NovellNetworkandsometbnesjusthangs up the work station.
Installation is easy and you can customize the color scheme and a few other features. You can make use of it straight away usingonly a few commandL For example, ifyou load lnfo8electasa TSR, you could be working at your word processor when a caller phones. To record any kind of information,just hotkeyinto Info8elect and press N" (f or "New Window" ). This brings up a little blank window whereyou can type in whatever you wantin whatever order you want to
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The C omputer paper r Sept $0
INFO-SELECT CON'T FROM PAIE 47 type it. Then type [Escj twice to put this new window on top of the stack with any other windowsyou have and hotkey back to your word processor. Nothing to it.
Even Easier Trc~nl, Your caller may phone several times over the next few months. At any time you can get a record of all conversations you have had with that person almost immediately, like this. After hotkeying into InfoSelect, type "G (for Get"), then the caller's name. All windows with that naxne in them will appear on the screen. If there are too many to f'it on the screentogether,you can move through this pile of phone notes one at a time by using the Dcpam and Up Arrows. Then add new notes and put them all back in the original stack by just escaping to your word processor again. Another useful featureislnfo4etect's abiTityto eGrab (Le„Copy) your screen and save it in a window or Put (i.e., Paste) data from a window straight into your application. You could save repetitive typing by pasting addresses stxaightfxomyouraddresssiackintoyour lettexson your ward processor or do the same with a collection of template paragxaphL Infe$elect makes, them easy to fmd and quick to insert
Use $tructtmred Forms Too If you want to set up template forms which prompt you to fill in the blanks, you can easily do this, too. Use the program for jotting down ideas, making "te do" lists, and creating reference materialofanykind. Wheneveryouwantto track down some info, type "G" and any word(s) you think are contained in that same window. Any windows in the original stack or a selected pile can be summaxized, joined together, exported to another application, or printed. Your RAM will limit the number of windows you can keep in one stack The smaller the windows, the more you can have. You can quickly flip to another stack and can have as many stacks asyou like but each stack acts like a separate database and only one can be stored in RAM at a mme.
Other Feattmm In&@elect also has 5 ways to see overviews, hypertext (make your own info base), line drawing, date tickler, and phone dialer. It is efficient on portables and allows 61e locking and sharing on LA¹L These and more features can be accessed from putt<cern menus. This program is unique, easy to learn and doesn't cost much. But I use it because I can trackall kinds of information without wasting time ttiinking about it Don't you hate to waste time thinking?
Robert Tarrant is principal of Office Evolution p67-6206)
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• j
TEGL Windows Toolkit byStephen Strath
Product: TEGL Windows Toolkit
Publisher: TEGLSystems Corporation Suite 780,789 West Pander Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6C 1H2 Phone: (604) 669-2577 Fax: (604) 6689530
System Requirements: IBM PC compatible with VGA or EGAcolor graphics. The current version requiresthat you program in Borland's Turbo C or Turbo Pascal. A new release, that shoukl be ready by the time you readthis, will also support Hercules and CGA graphics and allow you to pegtamin Microsoft's Quick C or Quick Pascal. Price: $99.00 Luge companies like Lotus or Microsoft can spend tens of millions of dollars hixing dozens ofprogxxunmers to add ~ xt f o r different graphics dis-
plays, differentkeyboards, differentmice, diFerent processors and differentprintera But what's a small single programmer going to do, often progxanuning at
nightwhile keeping a dayjob? Or what
about someone who just wants te play with some simple graphics, without having to read and understand three 500page manuals? The progranuner needs to concentrate on just progxsgcuning his idea; that is all he has the resources for. So how does he compete with the big
A Bigger Level
The answer is to use a higher level than stxaight C under DOS. Microsoft offers a solution with Windows and Presentation Manager; however, these can cost $1000 to set up to program in, and the progranuning is extremelycomplex. TEGL offers a low cost solution to the
e • •
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problem ofgraphicsand input (through ;
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FuiIII Wa'meted 8 much'::more;:,';::::, ',
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set of five games as shareware that are all '
: ;
written using the toolkit These games give a good indication of the capabilities of the toolkit (the games are Monopoly, Klondike Solitaire, Big 2, Mahjong, Sohtaire and Mille Bornes). TEGL also offersagame toolkit forwritingcaxdgames. Progxanuning using the TEGL toolkit is relacxvely easy. The toolkit includes routines for displaying menus, drawing windows, inputting from the mouse and keyboard, drawing icons, handling events, drawing text (in several fonts), perforxnmg animation and pexforxxung a set of special elects. Also provided in the toolkit is an icon editor for drawing bitmapped icona The next release of the toolkit promises to add dialog boxes
M be-
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mouse and keyboard). In fact, I found TEGL tobe as simple as many text-based menuing and windowing packages. The TEGL Windows Toolkit is a su& rouiine libxaxy and a number of utilities that allow a programmer to easily write graphicallybased programs thatuse both the keyboard and mouse. TEGL offers a
Imiap''4;.:IaatjatIII'xiii;..:::" ' calF, xiii!:::aaxat'r'iw'iced s'eiktilciarIs:,.xiii!'.FREE:tatc . ":; Hard.Oriv'tat R)/3orr40MIB erIil r'Ip.'''ttiurrIarII'Bijicatcsor''r'.::aI Iath:.Chili.'pie'ir': '::, ... Sup jtisa aiid-:AddQri 8IIerda;.:vIfs bee'u tul: stxtacur.'.diijit'' icr priirtti xiii vi@ jsma' ItuaRty..surctt'm:whh xiii:iihiji:..rtetuL;-:Sew'el the.liiitIN,.Me'elind fir',:4:: '
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The documentation is excellent. The package comeswith a R00-page manual on disk which documents all the subrou6nes and explains the overall programming methodology. The toolkit also
comeswith complete source code for the entire TEGL toolkit. This is ideal for programmersinterestedin knowinghow a modern windowing system is mitten. Also, if TEGL was to disappear, the progrunmer could fix any bugs that were laterdiscovered or could add new featuresas needed, and hence would notbe left out on a limb.
Event Driven Generally, as in many windowing
packages,y ouw riteyour codeinanevent-
driven manner. In this case, instead of polling the mouse and keyboard for input aud then figuring out what to do based on the keystroke, mouse button state, and mouse cursor positicm, you set up event handlers, so that when certain events occur certain routines in your program get called. For instance, if the left mouse button is dicked over a specific icon, then a routine in your is called txt perform theaction. ' could besomexhing like chcking the "save'button in the file menu, causmg the routine in your program to save the current user's work to be called. Working with this sort of methodology makes the progxaxxuning of highly interactive applications much easier, as they become more h a ply structured, and thusmere xnaixxiainable.
No Run-Time Royalties TEGL produces a stand&one progaun that requires no speaal environment. This means you do not have to distribute any sort of run-time environment, nor pay any additional royalties when you sell your prograxn. For games protpaxnmers this is a must, since they cannot rely on home users having packages such as Microsoft Wmdows, or even having computers powerful enough to run Windows.
Nothing,'s Perfect On the down side, TEGL offers no prmter support (however, other packages are available for printer support only); you have to use one of the supported Luiguages, and the end user must have a supported display driver (when Hercules is supported, this should not be a problexu). With the introduction of Microsoft Windows 5.0, which indudes very high quality graphics, printer support, multitasking, advanced virtual memory management andavery large user base, much of the graphics market is going to
go to Wmdows 5.0; but, hopefully, there
is still a niche for simpler, les@expensive packages suchas TEGLWindows Toolht.
Stephen Smithis a computer programmer in Vancouver. 2244242
Thecoruputer PeperI Sept.'90
All the latest do-dads by Cesemc 8ennsu
version. With this new znode, the scanner
Amiss R4-bit Color for Axon@
Thebiggestnevrslheznd rumble through the Amigeid community this month is an amazing aew graphics enhancement known as HAM-K &em a company csHed Slack Belt. Basicallya video card thatplugs into the RGS outputef any (yesl) Amiga, the HAM-K device can generate up te 16.8 million colors, while maintainingfuH compatibility with Amiga genlodrs andother video output options. Priced at a remark-
able US $500 and already attracting support &om most key Amiga graphic software developers, HAM-K looks like a sure winner.
Amax II Also newsworthy is an ad placed in the latest AmigeWurfd znagazine by Canadian
can digitize pictures in 16 true gray scales, er 51 apparent gray scales, as weLL as the diithered patterns available in the beta reLease.
The advantage of Izue gray scales becomes apparentwhenyea resizean im age. If the different gray shades were saved as
Sxed pattezasofdots, these dotsw iLL "clump together" when the image is shrunk. However,with gray scales, the gray areas
are saved asactual "colors"of gray. Hence, when the picture is resized, the grays stay
gray'. The actual dots are rendered by the euzputdevice,m this case theAmigaprinter
driver. Iadeed, Touch Up 1.0 was weH worth the waitl
ACQI'I R emovableStorage for ST
Also kichngaroundisapatch thataHows owners of earlier Amigas te usethe new WerkBench t.0 thatis shipping at this time only with the aew Amiga 5000. The ealy catch is, Amigaowners with ealy 512K ef "chip RAM" wiH Gnd that the new Work= bench and 0/S patchleave them with a marginal amount ef usable RAM, at best.
TQQch Up Newshippingis themuchMLayedAmiga vermea ef theMiGraphhandscanner,with version 1.0 ef its Touch Up zeflzvare. The MiGraph scanner with Touch Up has fer some time been the premiere scanner package for the Atari Sl" market. Teuch Up is also available for IBM
comp atibles.
, With the abiTity te load and save pepular
IBM and Mac gxaphicformals such as TIFF, MacPaint and PCX, Touch Up is a useful ; tool for desktop publishers. When liirstgot thescaaaerafew months ager lt seeals that MiGraph management
said "Ship it anyway," because the Amiga version's box said "Beta Sofhvare 0.9Free upgrade to1.0when it'sready." What this means is that, ifyou purchased ene of
Sketch includes a bevy of features that
So, did it survive the traxislation? Hap-
will delight hackers, Like the ability to load in several contiguous screens to make a scrolling background, output graphics as source code, even send graph-
pily, yesl The North Ameriam version does not suKer &om theQWKRTYanomaly
supe rcharge
noted in Sketch, ner does it lack the features of its Macintosh counterparts: multiple fonts, graphics, footers, headers, speHing checker and multiple
ics eut the serial pertl Yeu can customize
printer drivers (if yeu dare), and Sketch includes direct support for scanners, with
document windows.
customizable "dither matrixes." There' s
even a59 object editerand animater.
Script, like Sketch, requires an Atari ST,
STKor Mega computer with monochrome
Gh, yeah, you can sketch with it, toe.
Sketch comes with a giant multi~een "Lifesize" demonstration picture of a, er, buxom young lady in Iairly revealing garb that' s a big hit with the guys at the software stores, at Least.
When I 6rst installedScript, I had the strangest sensation of Deja vu. N%are hsd 1
seen this before? Sure, it was based on the original (German) Signum Write, which in turn was derived &cun the powerfuL (anti technical documentprecespricy) Signum sor, but mere thaa anything else, Script besrsanuncannyresemblsace teMacWrite. From the rulers to the menus, this program
onitor and a minimum of one megalzyte
of RAM. Both programs have also been tested successfuHy en Atari's new TT 050 computer. The manual waras that ST users with 1 meg may want to skip the speHing checker if theywant tense several fonts. Sketch comes with one highguality family ef fonts, aad (you guessed it), an orderform forlotsmore. If you' re an Atari SI' user with monochrome meniter, at least one meg of RAM (preferably znere te take advantage ef aH features) aad want easy~use pragxaxm with unbeatable print quality, Sketch aad
Script are well worth a Look
is clearlyan Atari done of MacWzite5.0 (or possibly WriteNew 2.0)
Fer the last few months, I have had the
pleasure of working with Atari's new Mega6le44,aSyguest+ased 44 megabyte
company ReadySoft promoting Amax II/ Plus, an upgrade te their previously seso removable haxd diskfer their SL' series ef Mac emulator. And what an upgrade it isl computers. This quietunit has perfoxmed W ith an Amiga 2000 or greater,you can . flawlessly, and is quite speedy, too, with an new read/write MacdisksonAmigadrives, appreximat» access time of 25 ms. printdirecttioIslerWriterseverAppleTalk, The supphed software allows formatting, connect Mac SCSI devicessuch as scanners, babecctor mapping (mine had none), hard drives, etc. Amax 11/PLus also suppartitioning, autoboeting and parking ef ports Mac MIDI, Mac digitized sound and the hard drive. Better still was the news the ability te use partitions on most existthatinside the Mega6le 44'sattractive case ing AmilpiDOShazd drives.Nethad for a is aH the circuitry, connectors andprivrer machine that also has an ISN'T cempatnecessary to conaecta secend hszd drive. ibiTity option.
Ot ~
Even the mounting brackets and power
Hght are right there, ready for a standard PC-type SCSI drive and cable tobedropped inl Reportedly, the next version of Spectre GCR, the papular Macintosh emulator fer the Atari, wiH be able to read and write
Syguest platters formatted on Mac drives, much «s the Spectreequipped Atari transparently handles Mac floppy disks. At the moment, the Megafile 44 works Gne with the Spectre, usmg the Spectre's proprietar disk format.
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but also the company. We manufacture and export high quality
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Every product is carefully built, tested and examined,We will burn in all parts before delivery. Haft She AT SSS (6/12 MHt)
With more than seven years' ex perienmin the PC industry, we ensure our products and servlozs satisfy your needs and requirements.
(s/ts MHt, Hardware BMS)
Please contact us for furNnr information.
Prints Charming "New tio North America" is a pair ef
programs that have been popular in Germany for about two years. Created by Ap-
plicatioaSystems/Heidelberg, the German titles STnd and Signtzra Wtitehavereached eur sheres «s 8ketrk and Snipt. Marketed
here by MegalNax/ASD, each nen~pyprotected, monochrememnly program
features apleasaatly Low price of around a hundred bucks, a completely rewritten manual and includes printer drivers for 9,%+pin,iakjetaadlaserprinters. Happily, the print quality is nothing shert ef spec-
these "beta releases,' instead ef several of
the eperatioas described in the manual, a dialog box popped up sayinguStiH Under Gmstruction." Luckily, all the scanning functions worked Bne, with up to 400 DPI resolution. After sendiag in the registration card, theBnal release arrive recently, with aH of the pxogram's advanced image manipulation functions active, and an extra surprisel 'Ihe Amiga 1.0 version of Teuch Up features a "true gray scale mode" unavailable in the Touch Up beta or the Atari
The only bug Iceuld Snd was in Sketch, where a special function keir command allows you to load super4igh resolulen
Signilni ox Script font$e Altllough the
All hrende eence ere ~
tionsefSketchwerkpreperly, the high~s text feature exlzoses the program's German origin. When you type the letter Y, yougetaZ character,because of Germany's QWKRTZ keyboard Layout. Ofceurse,the work amund is simple. Just type Z instead ef Y and "Jed's a miHionaire."
ZsrtuiStrohrrer a SrqrpSer
regulagraphic andtextwegraphicsfuac-
tre danwlietheir of ieapeelhe ouneia. Speozleesoes eie subjectte ehansewisout prhr notice.
sxalnass COMPUTN
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94 Yen chowsveeh Kowloou. HongKong. Fax:(ssz) 3-7251422
The c o mputer papeo I sept '00 ®
Ly Lany DcF~
The Illusion of Movement Animation is the illusion of move-
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eyeL Traditionally, this progression of and recorded en Sm for subsequent
,.@C ~:,:;:-.':.
':~i!<.':::jg-"".-'>~~<. ' projection. As computersgarnered
-' ''' ;,::::: or
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': : :,
: : : :; -
'-"':::-',~"'~:'''':.'g~powerin c~ themid'70's, this emectwasalso simulated an computer screens. But, because ef the tremendous amount ef iuemoiy required, animation was rel-
,: : ; , . : :; : ; "
egated tothe demain of main&arne
computers. By the late 1970's Apple II, Commodare Pet, and Radio Shack owners were animating images by writing routmes in Basic. Even though the pixel chunks were big, they moved acress the screen, but itwouldbe a number ofyearsbefore microcomputers would be able ta compete with the big league. To be of much use fer television, images must he in celor, af a reasonable resotutian andcempatihlewith the NTSC output standard. Those requirements dan'tcome cheap. A typicalbroadcast
quality video animatien workstation in the early 80's commanded a price tag well into the 6 or7 figurebracket — a topof-the-line video post production suite can stN cost that much today. The focus af this artide will he on salufiens for IBM-PC and compatibles, Macintosh, Atari and Amiga computers.
Render Man RenderMan is a procedure, or more correctly, a setaf software algarithms for assigning color textures, volume shading, depth af field, motion blur, and envirenment daaa to objects in a 5D s cene. T he t e c h nique u sed b y RenderMan is mare efficient and precise than other methods of
attributes to 5D objects and has been
accepted as an industry standard. Developed by Pixar of California, RenderMan describes how light sources emit light, how surfaces refiect and transmit light, the scene and haw even when lights, cameras and objects change positien. The program assigns the attributeswitheutincreasing the size af the file in which the original 5D objects were created. The RenderMan algorithm are called shaders and can even be used to praduce special environmental effects such as rain, anew and wind. Pixar's animated short Knickknack and the seawater creature in the
movie "IheAbyss aregood examples of
SUMMATION, is a complete, fully integrated system for retailers and wholesalers! Unlike other programs, SUMMATION, is a one keystroke system with no clumsy add-ons or modules. Every transaction in this powerful, easy-to-use POS sytem is immediately reflected in your inventories, accounting statements, purchasing requirements, shipping documents, sales tax liabilities and commission payments.• .WITHOUT RE-ENTERING, BATCH PROCESSING, TRANSFERRING OR RE-LOADING ISDATA REQUIRED.
$5995.00! • •
• p
l p pp
oe o e
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Is e
• •
what RenderMan can do. We can expect to see a grmjvmg number ef 5D modelling and CAD progreuns which will be supporting the RenderMan method of generating photerealistic scenes.RenderMan toolkitpackagesare availableforunder $1QQQ but,check for compatibiTity with your existing rendering software before you rush out to get it. Your 5D modelling program must be able to save files in a RIB (RenderMan
Interne Bytestream) format in order to be compatible.(See 'The RenderMan Campanion — A Pregrmtimers Guide to RenderMan", Addison Wesley for mare information.)
Graphias8meds for SeeMac
High-resolution yaphicsheards&am third-party suppliers have been slow in coming, due in part to Apple's lengthy delay in defining the criteria fer their color ~ kDia w " screen writing descriptions. Broadcast quality output has therefore anly recently been possible with the Mac. Truevision's52-bit NuVista+ graphic hoards which include a 52-bitprocessor, 1,'2 or 4MB of video memory,4diannels 1 of digital-to-analog conversien and genloch, are aow acailahle for the Mec. ~ They can capture res&me video and indude the capabilities of Truevision's previausly optional Vidl/0 box in order to convert video signals. The NuVista+ boards list fer between $4,00049,000 depending anwhich model yen choose. The Colorcapture graphics beard &om Data Translation has 16-bit color (52,768coiors), which isabout the effective limit of television video. Unfartunately, it is not adjustable to adequately handle pralpmns which only have 8-hit color. It sells for around $4$00. RasterOps, &om Santa Clara, California, preduces a series of high~uality 8te M-bit boards starting at under $1,000. Their 564 heard combines 24-bit video output with real-time video capture eu
The Computer Paper/Sept. '90
V6H ~07 Tel:?38-3886 Fax: 738-2881 Mon-Fri:9:30amA:00pm
Standard Features for all systems: -1 MB RAM (80 as) -Teac 525" 12 MB floppy drive M MB hard drive (2$ ms) w/ 1:1 16-bit XHD/RF9 controller -AT VO w/1 serial, 1 parallel, 1 game -Herculescompatible monochrome graphicscard desktop case with 200 Watt CSA approved power supply -101 keys enhanced iactile click keyboard
SYSTEM UPGRADES: (Add to abovesystemsprice) -1 MB RAM upgrade -3.5" 1A4 MB or 5.25" 1.2 MB Soppy drive
-Mitsnbishi 40 MB (28 ms) voice coil hard drive -Mitsubishi 60 MB (2$ ms) voice coil hard drive (RLL) -Seagate 80 MB (28 ms) voice coil bard drive -Miniscribe 80 MB (19 ms) voice coil lmd drive -Fujiitsu 90 MB (25 ms) voice coil hard drive -Conner 80 MB (25 ms) voice coil hard drive -Conner 100 MB (25 ms) voice coil hatd drive -Conner 200 MB (19 ms) voice coil hard drive -1? inch paperwhite VGA monochrome monitor w/ VGA card 256K -14-inch paperwhite VGA monochromemonitor w/ VGA vsrd 256K -14-in@ (640x480) colour VGA monitor w/ VGA card 256K -TVM Supersync2A colour monitor (800x600) w/ ATI VGA. Edge 16 card (256K) -14-inch(1024x76$, 28 dp) colour VGA monitor w/ Paradise VGA card (OEM version) 512K -Seiko 1440 (1024x768, .25 dp) multisync monitor w/Paradise VGA card (OEM vetsion) 512K -NEC 3D (1024x768, .28 dp) multisync monitor w/Tncom MEGA/1024 VGA ca@i 1MB
$99 $60
$120 $165
sh & carry o
$350 $315 $315 $450 $950 $100 $150
$365 $525
Featuring: -Intel 803&6SXCPU at 16 MHz; Intel 387SX math-co support -1 MB RAM expandable to 5 MB -3.5" 1A4 MB floppy drive w/ exteznalfloppy port
-40 MB hard drive (28 ms) (opt 100 MB HD avail.) $795
-two serial; one parallel; external VGA ports -81-keys keyboard with external AT keyboard connector
-VGA graphics at 640x480 -ยน C ad rechargeable, detachable battery pack (up to 2 hrs)
-Carrying case; MS DOS 4.01 -weighs 11.5 lbs w/o battery
-great laptop for "people on the go" Accessories: BMC cordless mouse Logitech Hi-res serial mouse Micmsoft Hi-tes serial mouse w/ paintbrush
Microsoft Hi-res serial mouse w/ Windows IMSI serial mouse Dexxa serial mouse(QomLogitech) w/ mouse pad Gravis analog joystick Oudinal 2400 bps internal modem w/ MNP 5 software
Microsoft DOS 4.01 operating system PRICES MAY DROP WITHOUT NOTICE
Inttoducing the NEW Video Standard
$90 $165
TRICOM MEGA/1024 Super Enhanced VGA Adapter -Superior high speed performance: up to 700 /o -1 MI video RAM on board -unsurpassed256 colours at 1024x768, 800x600 4 640 x4$0 -132x25/28/44 extended editing 8'c termainal emulation
-interlaced and non-interlaced display
-auto monitor/bus sensing -MS Windows 3.0 driver available
54 ,
The Computer paper l sept '90
BRAND NAMEXT's......................................,........$419 T'a ATs Ts ...... •.•.... • • •..•...... • . •. ••..........•.... • .•.........from $597 386-20/25 .....•.... • •...... • •.......... • .•.... ••.•........from $1299 VGAwhite/color/multisync...........................$129/399/5$9 TAPE BACKUPSColorado ..•...... • • .••••••••.•. •••••. •.••.....$319 MODEMS 2400/I 200 ..........................................$99/59 D OS 3.3/4.01 .......................................................$88 K EYBO ARDS .................................—................$20 5 up STARPRINTERSin stock ............................Call for prices PRINTER ASDataSwitches .....•.... • ••.•. ••..•••.•..•••••••••.$1$ LASER text printer NEC.........................................$999 DESIGNER color casesupgrade•......... • ••...•....... • •.......$69 RAN DRAM or SINNS ... •.•..... • •••••••••••.. •.••.. •.$98 per meg PRINTERS from . •.••..... • .•..... • •••••.. •••.•.... • • .. •..•.......$150 POWER BARS..................................................$12.75 U NIXfrom.........................................................$499 ComputerDesksfrom.... • .•..... • •...... • •••.•. ••••.•••.•.•.....$88
341-G North Rd., Coquitlam, B.G. V3K 3V8 Phone: 298-0486 or 936-8088
+nimipen BCIT and DigiPen are pleased to present 3D COIPIJTERANIMATION
Micr oSystems
Not Quite Prime Time... If you plan on using your animation for in-house, educational or home videos, you probably don't need professional quality output. With the correct NTSC signals out of your computer, you can send your animations directly to a video recorder, in real time, withouthaving the expense of costly controllers and VTR's capable of single fnme recording. By not mixing computer animation together with hve video images, you also won't need Same grabbeis or some of the other costly graphic boards necessary for high quality output. Interestingly, the standardMacllvideo card can be programmed to output a notguite-broadcast-quality RS-170A composite video signal using a littleknown utility &om Apple called "Video Card Utility."This &eeprogramincludes simple instructions for building the necessary cable for connecting a VCR or composite monitor. Though officially unsupported by Apple, this utility may be found on many Mac BBS's.
Mac SD Modelling
A 12-weekintroductory course starting September 10,
1990 (MondayandWednesdayevenings).
A. variety of powerful SD modelling prognuns areavailable for the Macintosh, including the SoftVisions' RIO Sc TOPAS programs mentioned earlier.
Swivels&omParacompin SanFran-
cisco is a medium priced SD rendering package that has texture mapping and anti-aliasing. It was initially developed for simulating objects in a CyberSpace
Course covers:
• Sasics of computer graphics theory • Unix Operating System basics
• Animation production
(CyberSpace is a SD computer generated environment where the user inter-
- 3-D modelling
- creating colours, textures, lights
acts with objects in the simulated envi-
- renderingandrecording.
Upon successful completion OIthe course, students will possess the skills to producesimple animation Usingthe basic capabilities of a professional graphics/animation Pt'Ogfafll.
For those whowant to advance their skills, this introductory course will provide backgroundfor intermediate andadvanced 3Dcomputer animation courses available in January andMay, 1991. For more information, or to register, call (604) 434-1610.
DISCOIFJl == =— =:
ronment through sensors that are worn on the body or h ands such as a DataGlove.) Swivel SD allows users to define complex camera paths by tweening between multiple keyframes. The rendered &ames can besaved in a number of file formats or saved in a Sctapbook for subsequent import into an animation program. It has shadow casting, texture mapping, an6iiliasing, a variety of ren-
dering and shading splesand has ahierarchical linking option. It retails 'for
British Columbia Institute of Technology 3700W iil ingdon Ave.,Bumaby,B.C. VSG 3H2
tllE N E IF = =
one board. As a result, you can have fullmotion video in a window on your Mac screen while you worM (RasterOps is also well known for their monitors and accelerators.) ColorSpaceIIi 8 is a24-bit color board &om Mass Microsystems. The board can be set to display Mac graphics only,video only, and adjustable levels of Macgraphics and video. It can't capture video in real time like the NuVista board does, offers acompanbut Mass ion board,the ColorSpace FX priced at $4,000, which will allow flicker-&ee fullmotionvideo. The ColorSpace IIiS board sells for about $2,700. There are now dozens of graphics boards to choose from for the Mac, induding a couple of new 8- to 24 bit cards &om Apple. A buyer should carefully examine theoperationalcapabilitiesofa board to be certain it will be compatible with the software they' ve chosen.
= =
: —=
about $450. The nextupgiade to Swivel SD, Swivel SD Professional, is scheduled to ship by the time you read this. The Professional version promises to be 24-bit compatible, support RenderMan and AutoCAD DXF (Data Exchange Format) flles in addition to having a number of new
features. AnotherpopularSD program for Mac is StrataVision SD ($650), whi was used to create the cover of the J . issue of ThcComputarPaper.StrataVisi featurescomplexmy-tracing, reSection texture mapping and smooth phot realisfic rendering, including the ex port of AutoCAD DXF and RenderM RIB filea MacroMind Three-D, soon to be r leased, is made up of a set of three modules: SDWorks, RenderWorks, an ImageWorka SDWorks accepts files &om SD mod cling packages such as Swivel SD and other CAD programs and then allo
the wire&arne objectsor camera to be
moved inthreedimensional space an berecordedaskey&ames. RenderWor adds N-bit color, shading and texture and allows scenes to be exported m RenderMan fcmnats. ImageWorks pro. vides and saves the in ' vidual &ames in a PICS file fo
anti aliasing
Single &arne videotape controller
which handle the memoiy intensive Mbit images are available &om Diaquest, Lyon Lamb, and V ideomedia. MacroMind Three-D will list for abou
Sculpt SD, &om the Byte by Byte Corporation in Austin, Texas, offers powerful photorealistic 5D modeling progrun for the Mac. In addition to the
standard wire&arne, hidden liqe r
moval, an6eliasing features offered by other SD programs, Sculpt SD also has full-image ray-tracing and a number o color and light sources. It retails for around $1800. Dimensions, &omVisuallnformatioq Inc. in California, has a set of SD design modules that can read and write files t a number of CAD formats and produc high resolution animation for film o video output Itwill supportupto M bi ofcolor (16.8million colors) and has optionalRay Tiacingmodulewithbuilt in marble, wood, metal and other corn mon textures. The Dimensions Pr senter, Ray Trace, Design, and Inter retermodule pricesrange &omaroun 500 to $2000.
RD Animation V ideoWorks I, &om MacroMind, one of the first popular animafion pr gxams for the Mac. Clips created wi
thisprogram have appeared on net work television bug due to the jag black and white nature of the' outpu only as part of program content. MacroMind Director is an upgrade &om the earlier version VideoWorks II which is rumored to end publication. Director isapowerful Shit color animal tion program which supports MIDI sound, imports MacMnt, PICT, and PICT2 files, and contains a nice pain) prognim. However, hke its predecesj sor,itrequires8MBofIAM to run large files properly. Version 2.0, due to be released soon, will support 52-bits o color and have drivers to control audid and videotape' and video disk pl
recorderL List price is $800. (A no
inteerhiigncsisur that sssheing nssr &as, spar that hfasrallfsnd aws mhiasing Pmgmss ghatssouldamoaranilietimss oped oaa Mncis Dietor, to he pkyed
MotionWorks in Vancouver, is about to release AddMotion, their 2 animation program which is design to work together with Apple's new ver
The Computer Paper I Sept. '90 sion2.0ofHyperCard. When an animation is created with AddMotion it is simply saved as a stack Aplayer XCMD for viewing the animation is also saved in the stack together with automa6cally generated command scripts and buttons. AddMotion extends HyperCard's graphic manipula6on capabiTities with many features such as scaling, transition effects, auto-transform, multiple path animation, four voice sound, and the option of 24-bit color. The progxam will retail foraround $290. A fully loaded Macintosh FX with a Motorola680$0CPU runningat40MHz with co-pxocessoxs, a RAM cache card, accelerators, virtual memory, and a 80 MB hard drive together with ahigh resolution 19" color monitor, rivals the capabiTi6esofworkstationscosting many times m ore thanthe $20,000 you willpay for the Macintosh system. (A basic color Macintosh starts at around $N00, and less powerful Macintoshes can be purchased for much less.)
The Aedga When Commodore released this Motorola68000-basedcomputerin1985, it was the first microcomputer that included the necessary built-in video circuitxy, to produce reasonable quality', NTSGcompa6ble video graphics. This, coupled with the capacity to eliminate (overscan) the borders around the active screen area makes the Amiga par6cuhirlyappropriaxefor titbngandother output to video. The Amiga series of computers have acquired, since their iniroduc6on, a dispropoxtionately large base of artisticallyindined use. TheAmigapioneerscame because of the machine's (then spectacular, now unrexnarkable) hardware capabiTities; the others came for the graphics sokwme that has grown steadily in quantity and quahty. Today's Amiga artists are blessed with a seemingly endless supply of SD editors, video titling, paint and animation programs.
the cost of the AT BxidgeCard.) Nonetheless, according to the Amiga's product managerJeff Evans, Amiga has alreadycaptured over 60% of the lowend video graphics market.
Growing Pains The Amigawasn'twithout its growing pains. The genlock cards (controller hardware whichsynchronize incoming video signals with computer graphics) were along time in coming and developers were slow to produce enhanced graphics boards for the platform. Today there are a number of broadcast~uahp genlock systems to choose
&om, the most popular of which is the SuperGen &om Digital Creations — it retails for $1,400. A company called NewTek is due to release "Video Toaster" — a 244it, &arne grabber, s~tore, character generator, video switcher, digital efl'ects board which has four built-in processors. The video graphics board will be bundled with SD and paint programs and will sell for around $2,000.
Software for the Amiga As any computer widow can tell you, the cost of the hardware is by no means the major por6on of your long-term
5-D Software For Amiga The third genexation ofAmigagraphics are almost, but not quite here. A smattering of Amiga programs such as Turbo Silver (SD rendering) now support '24-bit color, o r r e solutionindependent output tn fiim recorders and other ultxa4ighquality output devices, but there axe few higherwesolution oulput options other than those that plug into the IBMwompa6ble slots found in theAmiga 2000 and above. These slots can be used with an IBM emulator called the BridgeCaxd, which enables the use of most PC ~ e and
hardware aeons. (An ATwompa6ble version is also avaihhle, although cynics point out thatyou can buy a xuxl AT for
key &arneanimation, mo6on blur and support for single &arne tape control-
There is more to networking than "Plug & Play..."
Amigagxaphicsprogxamshaveevolved &om the firstgenexa6on progxaxns like Deluxe Paint, Aegis Animator and Deluxe Video (each with a maximum of M colors) through the secondgenexa6on hold-and-modify "HAM" programs (DigiYiew, DigiPaint, Deluxe PhotoLab). With a maximum of 4096 colors at M0*400 resolution (or slightly higher with overscan), HAM. is a big improvementover the Amiga's 52 color "low res," but still hres poorly when compared with IBM or Macintosh 24-bit color opgxaphic technologies).
computer investment. Software usually represents the lion's share of the money spent. Luckily, the Amiga fares quite well here. Because it is perceived as a budget machine, software prices tend to be low; compared to IBM or Macintosh. There is a good selection of software for the Amiga.to choose &om today. Sculpt-Animate 4D &om Byte to Byte (the same people that make Sculpt SD for the Mac), make a nice SD modelling and animation package. It has features like: metal, glass and mirror textures, selectable phong shading, ray tracing, unlimited number of lights,
tions (themselves, third~ e n era6on
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The Computer Psper I Sept '90
FK-500 1
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Built-In Calculator & 8-way ArrowKeys. 12 Kinds of Repeat Rate.'Our Best Unit" b-":-'=:~-:-::,;~' '".';.;=-+' .
,: Enhanced Keyboard wl 'Built-In Calculatorl -"""""- .-'-.---'---'"' 111 Keys, Japan ALPS Tactile Click' Keys. ASK about putting your own LOGO on! -
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FK-200% Enhanced tot Keys, Double lnIectlon Caps JapanALPS 'Tactile Click'Key Switches Special Optional DUST COVER available
OmniKey/0 02 Enhanced 102Keys, 15 Function Keys, Japan ALPS 'Tactile Click' Key Switches, Inverted 'T' Cursor Pad
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S TM 42 3 0 High Power 230W Output for Tower Case
lers. It lists at $600. Turbo Silver, another SDgraphicsaud animation program &om Impulse, is prefered s o me for its ease of use. It retails for $250. The Director, &om The Right Answers Group, is a display and animation
language for the Amigo This program allows the user to choreographanimated SD scenes with 2D scenes, add text, sounds, and video ofpresentation styles — it retails for $115.
for av ria ety
Speedy Animations Partly due to the Amiga's specialized graphicsco-processors,notablyitsBlitter (Block Transfer) chip, and partly due to its relafively low resolution and number of colors, animations axe speedy, even on alowend 7.16MHz Amiga.As Macintosh owners who upgrade to graphic boards with millions of colors will tell you, many colors and higher res make for slower graphics performance. The Amiga is we@equipped to act as a presentation vehicle for animated graphics and soundtracks. The new AmigaVision authoring software currently bundled with higherwnd Amigas is a good step in bringing "multimedia to the masses." AmigaVision makes it relatively easy for a non-artist to create sophisticated visual effects, presentation graphics and animations. The package will also be available sepaxately to current Amiga ownersandis expected to sell for under $200.
Roll 'em! WithanAmiga, video camera,genlock and aVCR, virtually anyone can afFord to produce theirown video extravaganza. The Amiga is a cost efFective solution for desktop video and, like the Macintosh, provides current users with an affordableupgrade path &om their older machines. '
FOCUS ELECTRONIC (CANADA) INC U.SJL.BRANCH FOCUS ELECTRONICS CORP. 8080Telsstt Ave., 4604 El Monte,CA. 81781 •U.SA Fax {818) 2IO4728 Tel: (818) 2804418
IiI103 -11511 Bridgeport Road,Richmond(Vancouver), B.C., CanadaV6X1T4 Fax: (604) 2714435 Phone: (604)273-8086 Hours: Mon- Fri10 AM -6 PM
The Art of Computer Graphics •Architectural Rendering •I llustration and Animation - ' :
computer graphics to yotL • Complete Design Services • 3D Rendering 8r, Visualization • Video Graphics & Animation • 4 Colour Print production • Computer Graphic Sales • Consulting. Training. Support
Digital Medi a
Decidedly more popular in Europe than NorthAmerica, theAtari STE share much in common with the Amiga. With its animation-enhancing Blitter chip, stereo sound, a maximum of 4096 colors andbuilt-in compositevideoandgenlock compatibiTity, Atari has dearly designed the STE as a competitor to the Amigo An STE with color monitor sells for around $1400.
A few aden graphic boards for the
ST computers exist, notably a unit &om Parsec that supports 16.8 million colors.
Image Systemshasahigh-res (1024x768) *: ...
•Product Presentation Digital Media brings the world of
The Atari ST and STE
card with4096 colors and another com-
y called JRI sells a lowest (under
100) board thatincreases the 512wolor palette of older ST's to the STE standard
of 4096 colors. JRI also produces a genlockfor the ST for around $800. Sevexal companies also supply realtime video digitizers for the SI'. The best digitizer/software combo for the SI' appears to be Color ComputerEyes and
Trio Engineering's DigiSpec software. With thiscombo, any SI'can digitize fixH-
color,512wolor pictures &orna composite video source.
4-Colour Design 8 Prin Special
Call and discover why full colour prlntlng ltas never been this available.
Soft>mare for the ST A group of graphics prof paxnscalled
the Cyber series are currently the best
such applications available for the Sl' series computex. CAD SD, Cyber Studio and CyberSculpt are SD graphics editoxs, Cyber Texture isa texture mapping
utiTity for CAD SD/Cyber Studio, Cyber Control is a proceduxul language to assist in the creation of complex SD Cyber Studio animations. CyberPaintisa2D/SDanimation and paintprogram virtuallyidentical in commands and functions to Autodesk Animator for theIBM (notsurprisingly, both were written byJim Kent, who also wrote Aegis Animator and Zoetrope for the
Amiga.) Spectrum 512 and UniSpec are second~neration512colorpaintprogr'uns much like the Amiga's DigiPaint. Cyber VCR allows an Atari ST to rem otely control certain DI N p l u g equipped SonyVCRs, allowing the seamless splicing together of complex animations &om the'above-mentioned products. A handful of other Cyber utilities round out this well-integrated and extremely inexpensive library of graphics and animation utilities. (As an example, Cyber Paint sells for less than $100, compared toAutoDesk Animator's price
of nearly $400 )
New Phase Interestingly, several of the programmers thatoriginallyworked on the Cyber series of programs for Antic Software have left that company to form a new venture called Lexicor SoftwareInc. They are, by the time you read this, slated to release a series of "nextgeneration" imaging and animation products. Called "Phase4," the series consists of four modules: ROSETTA SD Object viewer, CHRONOSKeyframeAnimation Studio,PRISM Rendering Package and KENITC Player Package. Phase4features math coprocessorsupport and resolutions up to1024x768 in 4096 colors, using the above-mentioned colorboard &om Image Systems. The Phase4 prognuns at~ support an application dala exchange protocol that provides output of RenderMancompatible RIB files and six other formats. This allows Ataxi artists to use their equipment as om-'line workstations and then have the images transmitted to higher-performance machinesfor fi nal photo-real rendering. IA:xicor is reported to be initiallymarketing the Phase4software bundledwith Image Systems' above-mentioned hi-res color board.
The Mac Option Another option for ST owners is a f700 cartridge called Spectre GCR that enables the Atari to run most monochrome Macintosh propos induding animation softwaresuch as Super SD, VideoWorks H, Macromind Director, Studio/1, HyperCard, SuperCard and others.
IBM and Clones IBM and done usershaveanumber of low-priced, mouse-driven animation programs to choose &om, the most popular of which are GRASP and Autodesk Animator. The Professional GRASP animation program &om Paul Mace Software in
Oregon sports an acceptable on-board paint package. Animated dips can be accessed &om within other applications
through external commands;however,
scripting is required in order to animate imageL It sells for about $150. AutodeskAnimator &om AutioCAD is probably the best of the lovtpcost anima.
The Compaater Paper l Sept. '90 tion pxogrants for IBM DOS VGA platform. It is compatible with Autoshade end AutoCAD 6le formats and it will supportAmiga,Arari, RenderMan, Targe and PCX image files. It sells for approximately $400.
to produce. When dealing with multimedia, a wide vaxiety of problems can
The High End
Higher End
The leadingedge in video and computer technology is at best a tenuous place tobe. Some of the largest sad best computer~imarion houses have had to dedare bankruptcy. Is the big league woxxied about microcomputerscreeping iato their lairP No, the networkswill always be able to afford the best. AHarry Suite withQuentel s~ e c a n do just about anythingyou can ever imagine withvideo. Ia Vancouver the Harry Suite costs$800 per hour and TV show producers and major corporate TVadvertisexs won't mind paying for it. It's the manufacturers of mid-range machines, between the dedicated highwnd systems and the new breed of micros, that are probably womed.
I recently spoke witha localcomputer animator who had purchased one of the
Which way to go)
Micro Advantages Some of the advantages of the lowerpriced microcomputer systems like the Macintosh, Arxuga, Atari or IBM are that they support the integration of sophisticated MIDI or internal sound playback with the aaimation,allow for SMFIE time coding, have relatively shallow leerniag curves and, probably best of all, have a large installed base. This means that the software will be less expensive to purchase and, when you have a problem, there are a lot of people who cen help you+
h igh er'axachineswhichwasruxming expensive software that had been developedinEurope. Hesaidrhathehadjust spent an hour talking to someone in France m an atteinpt to solve the problem he was having. If your softsare/ bsxrdware support line isn't in the same time zone, at least it should be on the same continentl Rendering individual SD images with assigned texture maps, antiMasing, shading,andshadcrttpcastingfxamesfrom an animated sequence require a lot of computer processing capability and memory. A smgle kame of broadcast quelityenimauon can take 15 minutes to process even on a Sun workstation. (That's '75 hours of processing time for 10 secoads of axtixxtatlon). To render a single fxame of a complex, ray-traced image oaordinary microcomputers can take hours. Once processed, the &ames are stored as 2D images each of which can beup toe few 100Kia size,so even a few seconds ofhigh-resolution color animation will require asubstantial amount of storage space. Regardlessofwhich type ofrendering and animation system one decides on, it is recommended that you purchase all the nec~ com p onents well in advance ofthe projects they are intended
If you need to include memory-intensbre special effects in your pxeseatations then the higher', dedica ted animation workstations are probably the best bet because hxgh+uahty anxmatioa ls what they axe designed to do best. However,ifyou want ao use the madune for other things like desktop publishing, accounting or word processing, then the lower-priced microcomputers bke Macintosh, Amiga, IBM or Atari are the way to go.
Bus Pass To paxaphrase Chipp Walters from Design Edge, You can either get on the bus,getrun over by the bus or,watch the bus go by. The fmal chapter on computer animation hasn' t been writtea yet, so the bestyou cea do is determine what itisyou would like to do withe computer and then nnd a package that will do it with the dollars you have to spend.
Larry DeFehris president of ArtBase, a computer graphics, desktop publishing and software devehpment fire. He is also a partner in GraphicText Applicathn Inc., a company that developed ConvertUnits for the Macintosh.He has produced bath conventionalcell animation as well asanlmathn
created on a variety of computers. He is
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SEH-4203 2MN CSA approvedPower Supply Outlets for 6drives, PoweMood Signal
FOCUS ELECTRONIC (CANADA) INC U.SJl.BAANCH FGCUS ELECTRGNtC8 CGFIP. 9OSO Telstar Ave., SSO4El Monte, CA. 91791, USA Fax (919) 2$H729 Tel: (919) 28044te
fp103-11511 Bridgeport Road,Richmond (Vancouver), B.C., CanadaVSX1T4 Fa)(: (804)271-8435 Phone: (804) 273-8088 Hours: Mon- Fri10N -8 PM
currently the aft director for the TV science series %reekthro h".
80286 SYSTEM
8088 12 MHz SYSTEM
(ii12 MHz 1 MB satadard,ezpaadablelo 4 i)tS 1.2 MB Phppy Disk Drive ATIN, Parallel, Serial, GamePort
4.77/12MHz Xl' with (i40K 360K Hoppy Disk Ihive Parallel, Serial, GamePert Real-time Clock dt Calendar 101-key BahaacedKeybomd XTCase wirh 150-walt PowerSupply My Assembledaad Tea(ed
&03868XSYSTEM S0386SX-1(i MHz 1 Mm, ezpaadable to4 MS 12 MB IfioppyDiskDrive AT lQ, Parallel, Serial, GamePort 1DE Coreroller Cmd Real-f'artsClock Sr Calendar 1014ey EahtatcedKe)rboard AT Gee w@ 200-wtat PowerSupply Fully Aaseaibled aad%sled
;q4W% %~gPq ++if~+>aI
IDR Coaholler Card Retd-Time Clock dt Calends
1014ey EahaacedKeyboanl AT Case with 3)0-watt PowerSupply Itoily Assembledaud%a(ed
80388-25 MHESYSTEM &(886-25CPU 1 MB shadard, ezpaadable h S hS 12, MS Floppy Disk Dave AT Io, ParalM, Serial, GamePtrrt IDH Cordroiier Gad Real-time Guet ik Calendar 1014ey BahattcedKeyboard AT Gee whh 200-waft PowerSupply Mly AssemMedaad Tested
80386-33 MHE8YSTI 8038(i-33 CPUwight 64K Cache~ 1 MB, ezpaadaMS fo 16 MS 12 MS Happy ATIQ 1S, 1P,16
IECm'a 'Ce
Real-lime Cock k Caieadar 1014ey RahaacedKeyboard AT Case w/ 200-wtetPowerSupply FuRy Assem bled dt Tested
80286-18 MHz SYSTEM lfi MHz CPU 1MB ~ e~ leh 4 MB 1.2MB Pirrrpy Disk Drive AT Io, Parallel, Serial, GamePort IDB Cteroiier Card Reaikme Qnck k Caieadar 1014ey HahaacedKeyboard AT Case with 200-wtet PowerSupply Fully Assembledaad Tested
I Corllulter Payee /Sept 9 6
index of Advertise IeelrS
Sock itttrekouseLef CodfBoohs Ltd Datsttsr Conetuter Ceres
Super Softaatm. tfnhhelsfttr 8oeRatae,
RCS CADD Savkhts ..., „ DESTCon(taurus
. .
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85 5 &dt 8$ 85 SS
SNccut necttensSaokStsre.... ..
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45 $5
GrsphtCtutSP,.....„, ...,..., LosersEdge tST Laf. ... P nrndfftmDsst0n...., .„....,....., . .
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...,.....4$ . ... 4 4 2
Aghn Oonnpurtn Adomglgn .
Auuf(Csnsdat Corp.
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Sann441upsrdroup, SCD Softntue~
.. Buy5 Sell Prns Ltd...... .....,....... STTEQwyuters,, = , , = = Camstat Computtn .......................
Canada PortsttteCemfnner,.
Canndtsn Mind Produraa Cantz Consnrtnrs Ctutr Mnc (Agnuttd . . . .... .
$4 .......25 . 21
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DftE omputersCrap, = .
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lAne Tech Cnmtuaer., Nsw Ctnnnttts ~ Sys c hHste ~ gtfo nnstttm Nu-Tek amputers . . ClrudDetsSuppfr Cntntnet Congtuter (tne Setnce PAL Storms. —
PCComputetsLtd .
EIE— I82 85 85 82 28 10 42 22 47 82
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The Computer PaperI Sept. 'SO 'a<a S
CEX 386 33MHz Cache 64,
s 1eMHaOeck Speed • Zem Wettaarte. AN B{OS
• 80388-33 CPU, 0 Vtfait States • 84 KB Cache RAM • AMI 3&8 BIOS • 4 MByte of RAM o85 MByle Hard Disk,
• 12 ttatyte Happy Didt Dnve o42 Ntyte Hea4~ ~ioor
leans, Western attest,1:1, HD) • Enhencert Keyhaanf 1 Seial,2 ParaIel,1 Game Parts • e Exaanstan Sets s1ee WaePatter Supply {CSAAppr.) • hfint Faatpnnt Case o12'T rL Menhera Hercules Attatner • Ram Espenrtahte tas MBtrte an Ma~ • thre Yea parlea Iaheur N4rnanty
25 ms, Voice%oil, RU
VGA Card) ................................................$345.®
VGA {Datatrain DC509, .31mm Dot Pitch, 18 Bit VGA Card) .........,...................................$45Lm
• Enhanced Keyboard
• 1 Serial, 1 Paralktl, 1 Game Pons o8 EXpansion Seta • 1024 x 758 Super VGA Man{ter wl 512K VGA card
VGA (MQFISE Multi-frequency, .28mrn Dot Pitch,
512K 18 Bit VGA) .....................................$599.m
• Mmi Tower Case
-One YearRees end Labeur Wrrretrty
a eee r esecrrrree %reacted
ADD THESE ITEIISTO ANY SYSTEM PACKAGE AT THESE DISCOUNTS 1A4MB TEAC Roppy Drive .......................$99.ce MortoNGA 14 Paperwhite Monitor ...... ...$139.m VGA {Dalatrain DC 507, .41mm Dot Pitch, 18 Bit
• 1.2 MByte Floppy Drive
)I yee ~
„;" SUPER c„',„,„
• intel eeeeeSXCpu
• a '
~ K A % & ~ ~ ~ I ".
eeBCCellular The Preterred ttetwark
• a • Iosai • I • • a • • • oa • • • oa
• a{tees-20 cpU, AN ses atos
• 1Nttlte RAM, tt Welt Beans 12 hSye Floppy DhrkDrhnr • 42Ntyte Hant Drive Nares, WeerernGtgM,t:r, HDf
• intel ee2tut Micrapracessar
(with B.C. Cellular activation)
oo sssssssssssosssssaossasssssssosssoooNSO •
PT5 0 0
$1r1 50 oss s sooasaossoosooooosooaoooosososoooossao $1 488 oooaaoaaaoaoassaaooaaoosooas
tee Watt Parrer S
upply{CS AAppr) • Mll Faatprint Case • 12'TTL Menltar anti Here. Attepter . t Year pertea Lsbaur l errrrrrrry
4 in S Fax........------- 8 , 4 99 SuPer Qeals CA FaX ........$799
> ACCPAC~ ~gg
680 Daytneur Fb. 688-1788 FAX miter line: 688-1888
1041 W. Sreatttttay Ph. 788-1L%
Sold to: ABC Co., 1234Main8t., Vancouver, B.C. I
1 00
I 'l
' I
1 N e twork/Server
lmfelca 18.101
From 85MB to 100MB
CEXSeeSX@1NHZ, 2NI 8 Hard Dick Drive 12IS Flappy Drhre, Keyhaanl, 4 ptst passive huh, 2 Primer,2 Serhl CEX 2ee 912trets, 1MB RAM menxxy, 12IS Printer Manlarr, Arcnet 4 user Ntnnttl Elsl Sotseere
Cable 8 on-site w a re fns allation extra -' Commmlta:
' 4 IIDir NehaOrk System ' Printer Execu
From 85MB to 320MB From 65MB to 620MB
8875.00 8995.00 81,579.00 $8,799.0D
from 4 User to 8Users (Max) From 4 users te 100Users (Max) 8 Porta activeHUBunits (each 8 users)
8720.00 g855.00 8899.00
60MB TapeBackupUnits 150MBTapeBackupUnits APC UninterruptablePowerSupply 520ESwith monitor card
855D.DD g,495.00 8769.99
Frem 85MB to 200MB
$995 $750
Sub-Total $5,734 Salas-Tax $344.04 CHARGE DUE $8,078.04
'@Do O
a @'
. ovneK: Ilecycled Ribbons 18
@@ .~ tna@g~gtg
Service Upftradea Computer Training 2O
Student Discounts 2f Doppler SSS 22 23 Laptopa 24 Education Sale Discount Hardware25
r.• I
®' ~
(I f' meT';;,.=v 4' Ix,,-;,$.. rf ac~+
S Y S T E M S 28 6
Why settle for less'7 When you can buy abrand-name Warner 286 or386 system from Doppler Computer Centre. Unlike some systems, you don't have to worry about compatibility or warranty service. Every Warner system
comes with a full one year parts and labour warranty, plus a com patibility guarantee that will pay you $500 if your Warner systefn does not run your ."Dmpatible software.
Before you make a decision to buy any other system for your office, smali flusjness or home, refnember you' ll save hundreds or even thousands of
9ollar s on a brand-name WarnerSystem 286 or386,designed in the U.S.A, Nainel 286 Warner 286 Warner 386 T/Itis 1MB RAM 40Mb w/ Cache STUDENT PRICE Fuff Year Warranty Parts & Labour
40 M b w/ Cache 40Mb w/ Cache B usiness SX g ...Muchmore
j I4yS
Full Year Warranty
Parts & Labour
I' 386WarneI'
25 h u b o 1 B
$ I 198 $2 2
Full Year Warranty Parts 8 Labour
. Ultimate 33 1MB RA e 40M D w/
Full Year Warranty Partstt Labour
Full Year Warranty Parts tt Labour
' 0SI L I I •
Check out Doppler Computer Centre's full range of quality products at savings of up to 50% off the list price:
systems, boards, video
cards, RAM chips, scanners,
and much more.
t (alan ~
V) HEW . . . . . ......Tt9
NortonIUSO745IAdv,..„....,..... .75f119 Cpiuns (dmw danker i ....,........... ..89 Ctg Pius Arhancm! ................. ... 120
Paradm 3.D I 386.....................545rycs PmcdvloMS ............................2IN PC Anywhere Ul, ........................ 12S
ACCPAC BPI(Pernwdvwi
ACCPAC+ 6 D GL 'AP ARwn 560 ACT(contact managm) ............... 2[N Arrs/Protsssenai ....... „.........IBF429 Amorszs ICansriar Loww) ...........69 Anvnmor(Autodeskigiy ai
PCKwkPorno Ak 129 C l(vrkSuper Oak Acoaterarcr,..... gg pmnbtfudr 4 IPLUS ..............Mal
Toom Dowxs v6
Autodrelcn 2.0 (good buy}
... continuedpage 25
Basic Compiler v7.0M B Bedford (NEVR Bnet .. .2 C ++ (Borianc) C r T[IRBO (Bortmrd) C Compssr v6 Waosok 150 Carbon CopyPius 5 2 NEW Cmchwad (OCR Reader NEW) .......179 Chwixma NEW ......,........... . .
BACK TOSCIIOL it's a fact that rrost computer users use only a small fracbon of the potential power
") their soffware. The key to unlocking yaur employee's productivity is computer
. .
The fallout continues from the Cofnpuler Comer's untimely demise. Doppler is doing ali it can to help former Computer Corner
. .
. .
. .
. .
OvectAocass5(menu)NEW „.........70
PnntshrUI(Trp 34am)...............,...... AE Prccomm Ptuc (Uw bast) ..................78 PRO C NEW ...........................l70 OSA30r Wrae ..................275t160
dv. ......,.„„ . . . , 149
Uwpototsa (tmwps) yew,. „....,..339 Esca( tkacn~ c. I Faasmtkr (Ihe taut) ...........,.... .- 139 'Ilg Fie ~ Ia PC) . . .......,...... RrstChowe 3.0 wrcuwken ............. 130 First Publisher v3.0 .................... 13S Fartmn I 61 Campier kl6 ......... .359
Fcvbamr 2.1 y(AN...........~ y 3 00 tot(PRO I Foxpro LAN . . . 5 96870
systemsand Toshiba laptops generated a phenomenal response. Here's how it works: ... continued page 21
. .
. .
XTree Pro rGIM (naw) ...............89iIDS Copy SPCOptwn Eowd................ 170 Ebony 0(aatmt Bkmm i ..................266 Bmnouii Dnvs 44MD Erk ........... . 2(UEI Fax 9$N .................... 275 One ( ram Fm 416 Id C airo wrcafd........,........cgg
m one HP Font Cetridge .........376
Parpam v2.1 NEW..................... 229
Formbsas(Datxbsa kans) ........... 48) Fonntaot (chnua Nrms) .......,........,..8(i
discounts onWarner Computer
1 HP RAM Cad(~189 ........... 299 Pago Scanna ....... ........ 950
Oewamriiaograp NEW) ......,... Uat
DakT~ A
get out. Our specialstudent
Inwt 80257-10 Ikon CNP ..............3Ã N EC 290Post3cnpl NEW ...—......3!N D 109 lilausah Mouse IWmdows 3
PC Tools 6.0 99 Tradonan Tradstss ..........139 Ajj Games 15% OFF logaach Sketch 12 x I ............. ......530 HP llP Laser 1 3 8 9 Summa ATI 24DD MNP Int Ikwhm 230 24(6 MHP ExtModem.......... . 289 Wordperfect 5.1 2$9 ATI NEC 3D Mukeync Morses .... .. NN 4W 256K DRAM Chip 5 F versoDL1100 (rmnt 1Mb DRAM Chip 15 UBASEIVr LAN ... .. . . . . ...... 559f789 IE)ASE Ivdev. sation ...,............. 990 1Mb 286 Board 39' Cdor Input Cad(PU) ....... . 5% dBHII v3.0 ......... .....................160 Raven 9101 2%' Vdeo 1Mb Cdor VCACe re (newt Deems Paint ( ~ .. .... . ....(Nr 119
repaired under warranty with riO
lt didn't take long for the word to
.. , , 7 49 Cobol 3 D CompiurMB „. Copy tl PC v5[COPY ANY PRG) ..... ..30 89 CopyWnte (NEW vwsiaii Coral Draw I I (102 fonts) 429 Crossmlk Wvxtcxm ..................-.-169 te9 Oac Easy Acccunbrd4 0 Damsase (Groat Pradua) .........,..... WN
Decklfrk hnifv' rislwrvk) ........... ... 1 49 110 I 179 Qewlinew 2.2$Ni NEW
cost for parts to customers. Call us if you need help.
TurbO Paaoal 5 54rrd.... „....,. 135IEI 9 TypingTula IV Plus [NEW) . ..49 VwiluraPvbtehar (NEW) 3 0 749 96 Windows3 Wore 5.bi For Wirdova ...,...,., 238320 ........,....289 ~ 5. 1 .. Wonhaa ~ 6.0 . ........ 289 Warks2.0(windows) ............., ... 129
. .
CuetOrnterca. SO far, We' Ve
m anag edto have fifteen systems
F 40
ripper ........................,..........529
educati on. A small~wnc tnt in proper training now can pay big dividends later.
Dappler'S Camputer EduCatian Centre ~nn aive yau the neaeSSary training ta dramarically increase your productivity and efficiency. Doppler offers full-day courses in afl the major software programs,;ncluding basic DOS, Word processing, Desktoppublishing, Accounting, Spreadshee/s d more. Our one-thousand squarefoot afr-cortdftfoned classroomis fully equipped with 28(3 computers, oneforeach student,and fsopen f ive daysa week.—conf fnued page 80
• uppLU • B
GeaancCad(mat tlt,......,
Gmmmagk (V{Grammar dtk) ............05 Henrwd Graptics V2.3 NEW ............359 llp-unk • I [tapkbr Bm ................ 123 3%k'470 lotus 123 v22I v3 0 Macetydrbrw 1000 ............ .........119 MaauCnaanbtm5.1 MS ...,. ......„. 129
Mavis BeaconTeadms Tyang ..... , .. 54 Mmcmizer(samauadwr I ........ ..... t 79 MulknsNAdva.o(NEW) ........,.........39
ORAht NEW ...
. ,
. . .
. . .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
CA Rus [syalmi anegzer) ..............168 OEMM 306(axpandec Morn Man) ... .79
Partial listof Hardware on page 25, call or (Rstt for mare complete r(Sting. t faff)cform™ u purchase Orders accepted.
fauamOPRO .............(28rUIN
Oukkc Aasenrbw ....,....,......„,...,155 Dunk C v2.0 MBrpmcd..............79f79 ....,...144 RAR30(Rapca VSUert .. ResumeMa ker(by 59' nskef) ........ 29 ovelatkmAyvynuntme ............IUUK179 .
5COXeaw Dav296 I 386. ......575I675 BCO Xmia OIBYS2W3[N ......548IS(N
Shaw PammrFKv35 .....................2(N Sdaways v32 ........, .,.........,....,.85 Epinmsa(vasssHo rpd) .... ............e! 5oewntkm(v acwm 5aumad ) .......340 Bupsr Base 2I 4 mndows ...... 255605 Uupsrcdc 5 0 (super vakm .............349 SUZY (new)................ ............... 29
Tub[ecch 68aasoE .......
. .
. .
, . .
Thetres syd(EIR o)tkNBrarwayne Duval
Bdd 888)gdttt BQO)N()2)ne
Did you know that the Doppler 888 is one of the largest, free dial-in cotnputer systems in the country? We now handle over 15,000 calls per month. Our 33 MHz 386 Warner computer runs sixteen modems at various speeds and has over 800 megabytes of free information and services available to any computer user with a modem. ... contin(yed page 22
VRF ~ 44 Rem t)yfjafhd jet
Nake fI[l N.&lao
4® 0 4 6 4-2865
AnpffffA)fffe itff) ta)f'
101 West etlt et aI6665lk69tga et., Va69e565nrer • r••
The edwas cwated m ks enbrety afar corer Draw, pageuakm 4, windows3 0 runmng Dn4 warner Systenw 38633 For reeve intonnabon call us
hen theproposed
Goodsand Serv-
'• ~
• • I
L L J • % a ~
I • a
$ ~
• R If
• I LI I e e I I I \ I I
J I W a
ANO Automatlou PTancouver) Ltd.
A Monthly Newsletter From
J4 I I
• a a
1 • • I 'O'1 a a
a a
q ~
• •
I W a a
a ~
ices Tax passes Senate and then t he first a n d second readings in the House of
whether it be by hand or by keytroke) into one which handles the GST, Computer Associates will provide an outline on how the GST can be implemented into ACCPAC (the number
Commons, Canadian business
one selling modular accounting system in North America), while for first timers, or those lookingataddingnew computer e q u ipment,
will venture into a time of confusion and uncertainty.
Although being well informed is one part of the solution, it is important that the information coincides with a
ANO Office Automation
strategy for implementation. Whether you' re a professional, a farmer, importer/ exporter, sell commercial or residential real estate, or simply manage a small retail store, the changes will be paramount. In a move to aid business in this
which to tap will be available. Such
will be presenting guidelines on selecting the rightbusiness system for your needs. This agenda will be repeated for
respected names as Peat Marwick the afternoon session, except for
Thorne,Computer Associates,Canon, ANO's discussions, which will focus AST Research, and Roland DG, will on networking personal computers. be onhand totackle your concerns, Whether you're requirements be a transitional period, ANOOffice Auto- and present you with some fresh two station LAN, a full scale multimation has brought together some heavy weights in the industry, for a one day only look at the tax itself, how it will affect you, and ways to combat it in a computerized environment. A wealth of information from
ideas. station/multi-purpose communicaThe seminar, aptly titled "Auto- t i o n s system, or somewhere in bemating The GST", is broken into a t w e en, no stone will be left unturned. m orning and an afternoon session to Befor e , d u r ing, and a fter t h e
fit your busy schedule. In the morn- seminar, you will be able to see some ing, Peat Marwick Thorne will dis- o f the most state of the art equipment cuss migrating your existing system a v ailable on the market today - in-
( ONPUTER® •SSOCIAZES Software by design. superior
Peat Marwick Thorne W " Information Systems Group ~
5 $
. ••
R e
Cont'd on page3.
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)
ANO Professional Training
Noro aoat1able in ANO Richmond
" Course
D u ration F e e
6 wk s .
$ 241 .
Sept 15
Intr o . to DOS
Sept 12
Word Perfect 5 Iev. 1 49917
4 wks.
$ 161 .
Sept 29
Intr o. to Word Perfect . R/ K
Sept 13
L otus 123 lev. 1
5010 9
4 wks.
$ 161 .
Oct 13
In tr o . to DOS
Sept 11 d Base IV lev. 1
4 wks.
$ 161.
Oct 27
In tr o , to Word Perfect . R/ K
Sept 10 A CCPAC G/L
4 wk s .
$ 161.
Nov 10
Intr o . to DOS
Oct 15
4 wks.
$ 161.
Nov 24 .
In t r o Word Perfect
Sept 10 Exploring DOS
R/K/T . R/K
R = Richmond â&#x20AC;˘ K = Kelouma â&#x20AC;˘ T = Tonmto
Call your nearest ANO office forfurther information.
Call BCITat (604) 434-1610 for more information.
SMALL WONDER Problem: You would love to have the same quality print on the road as you get at your desk.
combined with the optional battery pack (add another .6 Ibs) this little beauty can be brought anywhere you want it to go.
Utilizing Canon's incredible Bubble Jet technology,
Solution: The Canon B J-10e. Problem: You can't afford to buy both a printer for your desk and a printer for your portable computer. Solution: The Canon B J-10e. Problem: Most portable printers are okay for rough
also available on the BJ-130e (a full size wide carriage version), the BJ-10e will make you look good without making a whole lot of noise. The 360by 360 dots per inch
output makes text and graphics quality absolutely phenomenal. Another option which makes the BJ-10e excellent as a desktop printer is a multiple page, automatic document feeder. Simply clip it on when you get back to the office
drafts, but you need something you can make and you have a full blown, ready to go, business printing presentations with.
If you think this little puppy will cost you a lot of Solution: The Canon B J-10e.
money, well you' re in for another shock- ANO has priced
the BJ-10e at only $575.00 Canadian. Plus, you won't be Problem: The portable printers you' ve looked at require special paper which costs a fortune.
Solution: The Canon B J-10e.
spending another heap load~ b ucks on consumables.
The 10e uses regular everyday plain paper (letter, legal, A4, orenvelopes), acetate paper for overhead presentations, and the dry ink itself costs only pennies per page. Quiet, portable, and inexpensive - the Canon BJ-10e.
This may sound too good tobe true,but the Canon BJFor further information, or if you would like to ar10e Bubble Jet printer is truly a printer made for both the range for a demonstration, simply call the ANO office desk and theroad. Smaller than the Vancouver White nearest you.
Pages,weighing in at an impressive 4.4 pounds, and Advertteina Supplement to theComputer paper.
Cal1ing A11 Computer Corner Customers
Kith the recent closure of the
Computer Corner chain of stores at theend of June,m any of Computer Corner's customers have been without warranty support for their systees. Limited salvationis now available. Due to a recent agreement with some ofComputer Corner's former suppliers, ANO Office Automation is now able to offerpartialcoverage for Computer Corner customers who haveequipment which should still be covered by the manufacturer's warranty.
Our service division will not be able to offer100% coverage,butwe arill be able to replace defective parts onsomeitems which are still covered by the original manufacturer's warranty at discounted rates.
When we asked for HP LaserJet Series II compatibility, Roland listened. When we asked for dual font cartridges, Roland listened. When we asked for additional memory expandability, Roland listened. And when we asked for a manual paper feed slot, Roland listened. Now, after listening to our requests, Roland is acting. Recently previewed at the VAR show this spring, Roland and ANO are now shipping the LP-1110- the offspring of its highly successful LP-1100. The Raven LP-1110 is a feature rich 11 page per minute laser printer. Its advanced paper handling, multiple emulations, and font capability meet all of your business laser printing needs.
Two 250 sheet paper cassettes mean less paper refilling and easy printing of large jobs. An adjustable manual feed provides even more paper flexibil-
them previously. lfyou havea system rohich w as purchasedfrom Computer Corner,
ity. The LP-1110 prints on letter, legal, and A4 size paper, transparencies, labels, and envelopes. HP Laser Jet Series II, dot matrix, and Diablo p emulations ensure compatibility with today's most popular software. Plus the 512KB RAM buffer is expandable to 4.5MB so as to handle complex graphics and desktop publishing jobs. The LP-1110 produces output at 300 dots per inch (dpi) for clear, crisp text and graphics. Thirteen built-in fonts and the downloadable font capability create high quality business output. There are also two font card slots to
arul require servicing, bring your system to the Service Department at our Richmond location, or telephone
Scorching speed, uncompromised compatibility, and smart looking ou tput make the LP-1110 a must see! ad
Labour charges urill still apply, but we are hoping to be able to offer
ComputerCorner customers a level of support and service unavailable to
accommodate any of the 5 optional font cartridges.
us at276-8898, Automating The GST Cont'd .. eluding Canon's impressive BJ-10e, Roland's comprehensive line of dot matrix printers, and AST's award winning CUPID computer systems. As well, representatives from all of the companies will be available to answer yourquestionsand demonstrate their wares. As seating is limited, we recom-
mend that you register early. To register, or for further information,
September 19, 1990
Pa nPacific Hotel Pavillion "A" 999 Canada Place Vancouver, B.C.
830 a m - 12:00 pm
AFTERNOON: 1:00pm -04:30pm
please call ANO's Western Canada Head Office at (604) 276-8898. If you attend only one seminar this year, be sure this is the one. We look forward to seeing you there! PS..... Don't tell the boss, but we will also be givirtg away some very attractive door prizes after the morning and theafternoon sessions, plus there will be plenty of ref' reshments so you don't starve!
.'..:<~A5.'l.5,<:~X5::t.."..Y5,'H <,Y5,). a hybrid of the 80286, that combines all packed into a case which won' t
internal 32-bit processing with a 16- hog your desk space. Priced dose to most competitors means that it is capable of using less 286 basedsystems, the Bravo also expensive 286 technology, while boasts AST's shining track record for providing 386 compatibility. New award winning computer systems. If your concerned about price, applications such as Window 3.0, Desqview/386, and a host of other but don't want to be left out in the 386 programs are already capable of cold a couple of years from now, the taking advantage of the SX's capa- AST Bravo/SX is for you.
~~Pc (it~.s 4 )pN s.:w~.s:w~rA
bit interface to the rest of the PC. This
, s,'„>.:~~".sr~,5..~.'s.-V5;!,5.~ ~~s„(s.i,~ .,~.)c
One hardware manufacturer that's cashing in on the SX band"Out with the old and in with the new" seems to be the motto of the
wagon, is AST Research with its affordable Bravo/SX personal work-
Intel Corporation, the largest manu- station. Where the Bravo really make its facturer of PCbased microprocessors impact, other than a truly brilliant in the world. With 3&6 technology beginning performance rating, is a host of stanitsdominationof thePCmarketplace,
Intel is making great efforts to move buyers into selecting its nearly two year old 386sx microprocessor, over systemsrunningthesixyearold 80286 chips. In a nutshell, the 80386sx chip is
dard features which make it irresistible. 2MB of RAM (expandable to 4MB without additional expansion boards), the powerful AST VGA Plus
video adapter,serial and parallel ports built right into the system board, and
an impressive16MHz clock speed,
Reader Response Card
issue of ANOVATION, arenomaoailabic mith a tue yser parts and labour marrunty..... Mscrtor is off ermg an optiomd 5 year parts and labour marranty on most foits line of highesIksrmancc/ high capacity hant disk drioes.. . . . I f your company or organization is hsoking for classnem space to conduct computer trainmg and can' t afford the $1(hsslsour askedby many,gme the ANO office nearest you a call for injbnnutionon our a/lordable, /idly equippedchtssnmens - you' ll bc plcasmtly surprised.
os~ ~
I • ~
Company: Address. City: Prov:
Postal Code:
ANO VANCOUVER S1$64)40 Howe Street Vancouver, S.C V6Z 2M1 Ph (604) 6816165 ANO VANCOUVER ISLAND
tt2-1026 Johnson Street
Victoria, B.C. VSV 3N6
Ph: (604) 386-2204
I P lease sign me up to receive ANOVATION monthly:
Please send me more information on:
Unit «1 2nd Hoar 2268ena Park Drive hfarkhatn, ON I3R 183 'Ph: (416) 479-1308 "
AST Bravo/SX
Canon BJ-10e
ANO's GST Seminar ANO Training
Plus Impulse Hard Drives
Maxtor Hard Drives
ANO RICHMOND 4110-11100 Voyageur Way Richmond, BZ V6XSRI" Ph (604) 226-tttt08
A U T OM A T I Ore
Please snail to the ANO office neseeat yoes
I C ontact:
Plus mpul I sHeard Drioes, featured m the'August
ANO Office Automation Roland LP-1110
Other offices in: Ke)owns,S.C.
Surnaby, S.C
Edmonton, Alta.'