1990 11 The Computer Paper - BC Edition

Page 1

In This Issue: Power point Charisma Show Partner Harvard Graphics Demo II Amiga Vision Persuasion 2.0

The Computer Paper /Nov '90

.-= Friendlyware =... Computers,.,



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The Composer Paper/Mov 'OO



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10 Tower Casewist LEDtilsplay, 6 Bays PLUS: 1.44NB Floppy• Serial, Gamea Parallel Porls • Speaker• 101 KeyKeylloarti •200W CSA PowerSupplyoIIO Card • All RAN 00ns or feeler

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. .






Video Cards

Monochmme Graphles CantFennel perl ....................,.$89 DFI Premlum MoncyrepMa Card.....,....,.......................,080 SVGATddent18 0$1024x7N 258Exp512k............OIN Pamlee OEM VGA25yk Exp. 512k1024x785 ........BIN

with 64k Cache


Fax Machines/Fax Cards

crdx Ceprnawon

Sharp 230psxLCDdlophy, Spud Dhl, demo............SN0 Sharp Styno LCD, haepeporcuner, demo................SBN CompleteFaxCmd Nyye ............................-.......,.......NN

CmnlPaye 300OCA 8/W ................,.....,........................OSN LoylTee hEryonemtcSedelmouss,......,.............,.........syy HP ScanJst,Iwd I/F,8/W{Demo) ....,....................$14N LoylTee hEtsonrwh euemauee......,..................,......OtN NerolekSNSWCdor Scanner......,.......,..............OSNS Ssnmaynphln.52 x12 .................,..........„.......,.....$510 HP SeanJelPlus .....................................................$1890 Selko DlyyhlnyPad...............................,..............$4N lsm Tw Keybmud idhk) ..........................„......................59 FocusKerboom........,...,....2N5/$80 30014110 EN1/$140 Nodhyate OmnlKsyKeybmml.............,.......................SIN hyleuhlehl 2NL.20MS CGA........,.......,................$2490

Hard Drives(bare)

VGA Monitors

NECSDt4'1024 x 758 ......,...........„.„...,...............SBN NEC in 18'1024 x 7N ..................,..........,................01 891 Nanao18'1280 x800Noninterfaeed .........,...............g500 Mono VGAtymx780..............................................8510 Acsr MuusyncVGADomo ..............,.................,.......$539 Sony tN4 54'Mulyenn ..........„„„......,.....,....„...OI540 hytsublehl 50' 5Nyx1024 ...................................$1700 wuwr Belko1440M IS.25mm ......,......................$720 wml Selko 1450M/$.25mm NonIntedaeed...„........NN mwl Selko 205020'.31mmNcn Inhdaced....;.......$2700

fhmnor 208MStyms 3.5' IDE..................,................OISN

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Furteu 1$SMB 25meSCSI S.5'IDE ........,...................8040 Fupteu150MSNme FH ESDI200kMBTF...............SINS FuPtw tywys 20ms BCSI35'IDE ...........................81101 Furteu 830$IB 1SmsFHESOI 20ur MBlF ..............,....Sl SN Maxtor 15MIB14msESDI ................................$1359 Idaxtor 2NMB tyne B,S'IDE ...................... $15N Mmdor 2NMS15me $5' IDESCSI ............................Ot 200 taudor 15NIS54msESDI..............................,...OIN0 Mwdor $3NIS 14me ESOI ..............................„,......,..$19N MmdorSSSMS14msSCSI ....... . . ....,....„..........$1009

Laptops Printers

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6ppm 2MB

PSST...7he LC9f) has Mebetter Minoite enginefordarker blacks

Clyxen200GX0ph ...,.................................., .....NN

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FuplaaBetel Sdh of thesefnt. hlyh queybrpdnlcrs lave ookwropyonsl Furteu DL11N 24 pin Siycps .......,....,........................$4N Fuilt w DL34N24 pln200cpswblseanlays..„....,...,...$4N

Sapor Vya nl-reeAnalog Monitor

.2&mm1024x768 ................................................................

with Pixel U)ttmate1MB Card.............................................. 67

Newl Selko144D Monitor

1024x768.25mmDP, Multisync, latter screen........ Sale 5729 with Ultimate1MBVideoCard .............................................5078

Selko1450 Monitor

Hell Shr 24 ph prhter ..................,...................,...OSN

Ae above,non-interlaced...........................................4900

Laser)et IIP ..................41389

Star 24 Pin Printer 39l

25MINCK .....,...................,........... .......$0SS UHnwtor2anH$ESOICasks Flcpnr supporl ..........,.. 82IEI 2S MHr,CacheCK.............................................,..SINS SSMH$,CaehecK ....,.....,.........,.................................$1240 4N 25Mlh 0 120KCache.....................................82700


•1MB RIM SSNS Expandableto16MB • 1SP Tower LEO Casewith 288W CSA PjS

Mlhubleu 28040MS ECA .........,................Sslyy



• Intel 486-28 Ptuceseor, New Versio

3888X, 40Mb, VGA....,..........,....................................$$200

• 250 pagetray .........................................8189 Inmdm yyede 18msESOI ......„,....„.....,.......,...,... $28N • Extra Toner Cartridge.............................8109 Saund electorMusie Cmd....,..........,.....,....... TawsrCase10'8 kryo 200WPiiwer Supply .............. jt N •1MB Memoly Upgrade..........,................4250 Hard Drive Controllers 13MS or1A4MB Teacnappydrives, cable ..................ON •2MB Memoty Upgrade...........................8349 b'xlm senal Port ....„..„...,..................,.........,.........,$10 IDEo H stAdaphr (contnyer}18bn,HD/FD,Cable.... $40 Fuhn DomainSCSI18 bit SCSI,Hover Ddver ...,.... OI39 • Postscript Cartridge ...............................8499 Khrpslonln HD/FO HLLWDCupesl ........................$120 • Laserjet ll Postscript, 2MB.....................S599 SX-180K ...,......„, .„...„.„,.....„....„.„...,,„. ... -..SSN NCL NDI HD/FO1SmH$1N ....,........„.......„...........0230




Compayble,fewereydn, yyear wammty Intelsodaschlps aleoavayeblo

ExnLoylc VGA1024x70S,tynbeN In208col.scorn ,St80 AllVOA Wcnder5024x78825ykno mouse ......,........$2$0 Bouml Blaehr MushCard...............,..................$225 All VGAWonder1024x78825yk wnhmouse............82N Pixel Uumate1024x780258 colors 1MBmommyInel, OSN Pixel 0514A1280x1024 ...,....,.......,.......,.... ......OISN Expand memoyrfnm 258kto 512k.................,........ $40 Westerndlyltal 40MS2$me$$'with tn ......,......,.OSN Teec43MS 23ms$5' 5/Sht IOEVohs Con .„.;,.......$420 hyteubleM 42MB(85MSHLL) 20moVoice soll .......... OSN SameunaVGAColor 39 mm...,.....................................SS70 Rodlme00I$818ms 84kCache8.5'IDE.................., SSN Leaend5024 x78838mm ........................,................. $440 nadlme 10SM010ms 84lr Cache8P IDE...................,.$7N Nhublehl Syy x 800NVB,NSC ......................—......... ON0 noome 200M$19me yik Cache$.S' IDE„.. „....,OIN0 TVM 3A1024xTN, Analoy .........„,.......,......,............85N Cennor00MS25msSs' IDE ................,...,....„...........$748 TVM MeneId/syne258any....,.....,.„,...„.. .....„,.....0$20 Connor104MB 25ms 8.5' IDE.............,.....,.....$840 SamsunyOEM840 x 480 ...........„...,......,..................$4N

Samsuna OEMIdulyevnc............................,..............$4N


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12$ ddvsn, aynseddunh 1024xTNI

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• Bectronic Publishing Philosophy • Writer's Hotstove «Intellectual issues


The C o m p uter paper/Nov 'SO



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only: 81870 Quality that

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System Price: 42330



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$ 1 49O

D ATATRAIN DP~ 0 1 6 S X • 80006SX, 16 MHz, 0 W.S.

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• 12 MB or 1A4 Floppy • 40IVSt 28 ms Vche CoS Htud Disk • Detebaln 14 Monochmme Monitor • MS-DOS4.01 • TWO YEARWARRANTY ONly

• 80386, 25MHz, O.W.S. • 1 MB RAM Max, 10MB on Board • 1.2 MB or 1.44 Roppy • 40MB 28 ms Vokxe Col Hend Dbek • Datatrain 14" Paper White Monger •TWO YEAR WARRANTY, ONE YEAR ON MONITOR


NULTITERN NT<86-25C • 80388, 25MHz, O.W.S. • 1MB RAM, Max. 16MB on Board • 64K Cache RAM with Intel 82385 Conboller • 1.2 MB or 1.44 Roppy • 40MB 28 ms Voice Coil Hard Disk • Datatrain 14 Paper White Monitor •TWO YEAR WARRANTY, ONE YEAR ON MONITOR

only: S2999 NULTITERN NT-386®3C • 80386, 33MHz, O.W.S. • 1MB RAM, Max. 16MB on Board • 64K Cache RAM with Intel 82385 Controller • 1.2 MB or 1.44 Roppy 40MB 28 ms Voice Coil Hard Disk • Datatrain 14" Paper White Monitor •TWO YEAR WARRANTY, ONE YEAR ON MONITOR

only: S3270


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Hard Drives

Mlnhcrlbe,40MS/28ms $ 4 4 8 Imprlmls135MS/15me ............$13 Mlnlacrlbe,80MS/19ma.............$800 Maxlcr 2NMB/15ms .. ........$169 Conner100MS/25ma .......... $020 Fuillau 330MB/19ms ESOI.......$1 Fujltsu 600MS/l6msESDI.....$336


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The Computer Peper I Nov '90

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The Computer peper /Nov 'ee







available a list of locations where Ths GrmputsrPepsrcanbe found? I'd even be prepared to payfor a subscription so as to ensure regular delivery to my addressassuming the cost is reasonablel Rob Mayhew Vancouver

Would youlike to Recycleyourtoner cartridges, but had a badexperience in the past? Doesyourtoner cartridge leave black lines or senudgesalong the side of the page? Is your toner density too light?

In averting that you should esh about en

• I •


on-line vdrsiono fl'he Computer Paper. Ws era currently worhing on en on-linc edition with Suzy, the ndw Canada-wide mc4ns informetionsystsm. Itshould bseveibsb/servund ths sems time this Publicedon hits the strdsts. The Computer Paper is also eveilabtset

Freezing In The Dark I am writing from Hamilton, Ontario

pressed by its contents that I distributed a copy to my doctor friends in the hospital where I work. They have thought very

highly of your paper. I would be very grateful if you mail every issue of this computer paper to me for a fee. I can send you all the mailing and handlingexpenses. Iam sure some of my friends would like to be on your mailing list. Nur Parpia

Ooyouwishsomeonewouldmakeatonercartridgetolast longer? Areyoulookingforacompanythatstandsbehindtheir products100%? Onethatyoucandealwithinconfidence?Looknofurther. Hewlett PackardTonercartridge

SPA Sales Up e


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seriously. Greg Slade via Susy

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deliver bund/ss to hag' corporations which havethem available to intsrvstsd employees. Wsalso offdr e one year subscriPtion to The Computer Paperfor $19.95. For mors information about distrsbution, prsesscell us et 793-5596.

efForts to get users to creat copyright



Your Recharge Specialists

downloadable files on Mind Linkl? Alternatively, could Mind Linkl make



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lecyclYe ourlonerCorlrife

I wonder how much of the increased sales in software reported by the Software Publishers Association (Newsbytes, Whette Can I Get'Ihe PaIperP October Computer Paper) is due to their I'm interested to note Mind Linkl's auditprogram. I am particularlyamused apparent connection to The Gnmputsr that one of the biggestjumps in sales was PaPer, which I do enjoy reading. Howin games, which tend to be heavily piever, finding a copy is a bit haphazard, rated. I f t h e audit program is in fact even working in the downtown core. scaring some users "straight", then I apWould it be possible for at least some of plaud the SPA in their much maligned



most o f the Nlec's convsniancdstores, Public libraries, ndwsstends,boohstoras, comPuter

so faraway because I have liked your computer paper so much. I am so im-

ae lowau





HR 386-20 HR 386-25 BaaoSystem




HR 386-25 HR 386-33




Cache $27?5


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{504} 872-5599 Hours: eton.-Fri. 9 • 5,Sar. 10- 5, Sun.byappointment


The C omputer paper/nov '$0 Where's The ambo SwitchP In a previous issue, a Mind Isnkl trial user, Chxis Louth, asked about solving his problem of locating the coxrect key combination for toggling Turbo mode. Unfortunately, he Sailed to outline what BIOS chips he haa..as Turbo mode requires a special set of BIOS chips (e.g. ETDK). Phoenix 8c Award BIOS do not support Turbo mode, to my knowledge. Lastly, I use CTRI ALT-'«' (minus key on numeric keypad) on my system. Alternatively, one could use PC TOOLS to look at his system coxdxguration...Turbo ROMS can be seen as additional ROMS located separately &om the main BIOS. Anonymous via Mind Linkl Note: If you should print this letter, please keep it anonymoua..I don't want

IllII Integrated Accounting IIII»"" I> os aItiea II

cusarrsos Its


I o

Mult i u-ser or Single user




InVentOry INanagement

a I a I

s I '


I I '













for the GST — Survey of PC Accounting So&ware," however, shows that sometimes it takes more than an individual eKoxtandamorepxagmadcapproachto evaluating software. Obviously Mr. Graeme Bennett spent a lot of time researching the Price Waterhouse Reports in PC Magazine,and Morochove 8c Associates Computerized Accounting InFormation Networkon Suzy, andvarious other sources. The one thing he might not have done is to have handkon worhng experience with the various

„.,=.".,"-"' Imllap Technology Inc. 261 1800(von coovor)or1400 6634272 ~gg <


II' "Wet@ rechnolaur wist Inaler end l4


SBTisGSTready, NewViewsisGSI'ready and most of the other accounting software mentioned is also GST ready. Although he suggestedthat the readers contact the companies for further infoxxnation on the products and plans for theGST, the readers would be very disappointed to read the arlide for GST to Snd out that they have to do the leg work themselveL The one paragraph about NewViews Accounting is most misleading. Besides recognizIng that NewViews is the topselling micbrange accounting program in Canada, Mr. Bennett went on to comment on the Time and Billing Addmns for NewViewa NewViews is more than just Time and Billing, it is one of the mere flexible accounting programs so Sar discaxssed in his artide; it can be adapted for any business induding businesses who need order entry fianction. Aden products to add the mulli~

delivered toyeuvdoon KeeP uP to date With the lateStin the ComPuterin-

dustry. Subscribe at $19.95 for one year 02 monthlyisueS) andenjoy lee Computer Paper dehveredtoyourdooreach month.


' 8$ ror US.~o ns, $60 for Ovtussss 'IbscomputerPspsr, Su ceo,3661Wea4these„ Vancouver, ILC. V6Rxp2 Teh (88) 255-SS96FN075X4XCO

le II m~

I ) nams


a ccess and order e n try fi m ction t o

fust 019.95 for 12 Iaontbly

NewViews have been available for quite some time. To quote a competitor's comment about NewViews is the most interesting

hvo., Vancoalver, B.C. Vtla 1P2 T0L 604-735.5596

hear anyk'mdword&emSaddam Hussein

Yes, I want Io slabscrlbe to ~

issues. vltcompuht raoar,s~ 8, 5&e vaa 4h I



e Ilostll Cods I N », Prov PIIIIIT 0 PaymentEndssed 0 VISA OMastsicanI Canl Number Mme anCsnl



The title of the article is "Accounting fer GST" andyetonlyACCPAC, DacEasy and Orchard Accounts isGST ready, according to the author. As far as I know,

Eqioytheeonvinilnco ofhavinI The Com puter Paper

I I col v Ms I

ate a n d a ccurate informa-

software. Your article on "Accounting

Call now for your free demo disk




soorceror Iater,sothe rucommendatima that thc

reader check withthe vendors is still a good ukcL Westasd bekiscl mcr attempt at looking at aukat othershave said cm theProdaccta Asyou

New Views On NewViews tion on both computer hardware and


What rue wureattnnptingwasasnapskot of the accounting sojtwcsrudevekpers and their' Policics osGST. By deja silos, the naatcrial rtuickp goes out of date AN accmcnti ngsojtruare vardon who are serious abmct the Ca nadian naarket wIN have todeal with GST

agree that thc commentPom the competitor was a Nttkoff tke waN. Scc page 41 for more

I must commend your eIFort in providing the end user community with the

• I

Timothy Suen TXL Management Systems Vancouver

MS-DOS machines.

most u~ I


well know, pecp pkspend years bccominge+crt in each o f tke venous accountisg program@ Therucrru veryfcrupeopkwkokave aperspective on aN fothesa, sowepelit is a vakd of ipraach

my&iends tokuowI use (letalone 'own')

• •

don'tneedacompilationofvaxiouswriteups &om other magazines and technical

part of the write u. Do you expect to

for George Bush? To call NewViews a super general ledger is like calling Lotus 1-2-8 a super calculator, ignoring the databasefimction, esentation function and so on that is xnduded in the Lotus spreadsheet program. My suggestion to the paper is that, pleasegiveusaSrat4andexperience for anyhardwaxeandsoftwareproductL We

the grap hic p

to try and summariseauhat others have said. I

ma this matter.

CPU Syndrome I wonder if any of youx'readers has this problem. I bought a computer in April — 6 weeks later I had lost 20 lbs. My throat and windpipe were very sore. I couldn't digest food. Then I went away for 8weeka My health returned. Icame home and as soon as I started worhngon my computer my health problems returned. I'm curious to know if there are others out there hke me. Audrey Gerein TkuAugust1990edr'tioso fMacWerld has an a&ck ccled HealthHasanL Is Your ComPuter I'sNing Your auhich taRs about potent/prvbkmsauithekctiomagnetic emissioesPom monitora Zkcir recmnmendatimas inchcde buying onc of the cmissionsjree namaitorr auhickare cvming onto the market. (They were PI'uncured is Sweden, and are avaa7abk at a PremiumPmn some monitor vendors). Another alternative is seeing a laptop ruith an LCD screenwhich apparnatly donot have tkc same emissions pro bkma

sugg ested

"Computer Dummies" Ido enjoyyour paper immensely. I am a new "computer" person, and there have been a great many articles that I have read with interest. I do wish however, thatyou ceuld expand out into the Maple Ridge area.Many other people have askedwhere Ifound outaboutyour paper. It would also be very helpful for those of us that are new to "computing"

if you could print some arcades for us "dummies. I am particularly interested in modems — and whether or not you requirea program with which to run a modem properly. No one seems to be able to give answers for the "new com-

puterL" Ido look forward to my future papers

coming, as I read them with great interest

(Miss) Loralee Elliocaon Maple Ridge, B.C, In myopinum, thereisnosuch thing asa computerdummy, mcbtpeopk with more to karaLWe do plan a steady stream focwticks

for computernooaces,And yes,you doned a

modemso Pucee program togetyour computer totaR toyournaodcm. Twoo fthepngramsaru caNedTekrcand&ucxrmnLCheckyoursoPauaru rutaikrfor otkerL

The Computer Pap e rlNev'00

For Your Fax — Fmm Stand Abne to Sllper Mailbox Just Fax Ltd. of Calgary, Alberta is currently distributing EMI's SmarterFax FaxExpander and Mailbox Manager for stand&one &xmachineL Thesetwo addins allow those whogotinto faxing before fax machines got sophisticated to catch up with the tames. "Insfsdlable on any make or model faxmachine," the Fax Expander allows for batch and broadcast transmission of faxes on a delayed schedule to take advantage of OE~ phone rates. It also has speed~ and redial functions to facilitate sending to &ealuent4urer destinationa The MaHbox

Manager incorporates the Expander's

our south. Itwillbe ofinterest to software developers who need to know how to generate and follow up leads in the U.S. For more information, contact International Market Access at(604) 6874516.

Wmning The M Game Also of intexest is a seminar called "Winning The Ad Game" which takes placeNovember 14th at The Four Seasons in Vancouver. In it Robert Cohen, CEO of The Cohen Group Inc. and foxmer business professor at Trent and

York Universities, will demonstrate how to stretch promotional budgets while creatingwinningstrategies. Semixmr time is 6 p.m.-lo p.m. and the cost is $135.

and AUTOEXKC.BAT Bles,and ehminates the need to re-boot between memory'-hungry applications. The U8$39.95package comes with a manual containing handy tips for improving memoryutihtion. Contact Adlexsparxe 8c Associates at (604) 384-1118 or FAX

No Need To Reboot — TSR's Gn The Hy

(604) 384M63.

Adlersparre 8e Aunciates of Victoria has announced a new product — Dynamic Mexnory Control — designed to enhance DOS by allowing dynamic loading aud unloading of memoxyresident progxaxns {such as TSRs) aud Device Drivers. DMC eKectivelyremoves the need to have multiple CONFIG.SVS

lected &om a directory on the display screen for printing or retrieved &om a remote location, all with security code protection. Mailbox Manager can also be confxgured to hold mcommg tranemissions in up to 100 "mailboxes," creating a super mailbox for fax machines that are used as "general delivery" drops. Contact Just Fax Ltd. (403) 221-7329 or FAX (403) 221-7330.


cessors, PC capabiTities have increased to called on to serve multiuser functions.

Shcpid Mac 1HcAs Bob Levitus is at it again. The former editor of now-defunct MAGxsinc has produced a book/diskpackage called

Staid Mac Tras, Aimed at those Mac

Heads and other f~~ umdr o ppers who never made it off the Antelope

Freeway, SMTindudes "15insanelygreat programs to make your Macintosh more fun anduseM." Yeu too can watch your screen Melt or swim with the ELRL

8tupid MacTrickx listsfor $27.95. 112 pages. Contact Addison-Wesley Publishers (416) 447-5101.

SeRinI, To The U.SW Two marketing seminars of note to the computer industry take place in Vancouver this month. The 6rst, on November 8th, is Direct Neil/Mnrketixxg To The I J.R This on~y s eminar is designed specifically to assist B.C. companies in penetrating the large market to


Garamand Condensed Helveaica Condensed Rocmand, Joulliard Futuri Katrina Helvenice Acre Souviennecar~.fZe.tpt

the pointwhere a greater number are

UMX/X EM X software. Contact DPE Computers at (604) 683-7587.

mer Don Bentley, SARAW is being

Letter Gothi c P CL ine Draw Baskerton UmvasftyOrnste Buchingham Ramlffmtllt CoyleerSeM Cen t u ry P a l atine Ga ramand Carnegie

With theadvent of 386 and 486 pro-

extensive assortment of o f f-theahelf

instructor Pat Hodgson and program-

Oxford Eterna Classic Typewriter New Yerk K)eCo Avant Guard Glbraital Boll' BIaah Obelisk Courier T ymcs Roman Pres ti g e

Multiprocessor Systems in Local PC Compatibles

processors (386 and 486 CPUs) and support up to 64 MB RAM. Designed for up to 256 users, the 486/smp runs an

a demonstration of the Speech Assixaed Reading And Writing (SARAW) system. SARAW is a talking computer program designed to teachseverelydisabledadults to read and write. Developed by literacy

ca e er e en

sions. These transmissions can be se-

memoxy. It can run &o m two to t en

Team ingDown The Mans On Oct. 9th Capilano College hosted


60 pages (1 Meg) of incoming transmis-

high speed Genusfor shared processor


ContactCathexme Lynch at The Cohen Group (416) 8868086. Advertisers in Tkc ConsPufcr PaPer can contact us for &ee invitations to this seminar at (604) 7384596. Or at our Alberta office (403) 262N737 or Edmonton (403) 45$8554.

functions with memory enough to hold

Compaq's Systempro brought the multiprocessor solution to the PC network arena with its dual processor PC compatible approach. Local PC compatible maker DPE Computers hasintroduced a moxe powerful PC compatible multiprocessor system based on the 486/smp &om Corollaxy Inc.„developers of the the multiprocessor UNIX kernel extensions usecl by the Systempro. The system uses a dmkhus architecture, featuring an AT bus for peripherals and a separate



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LSCCS Xs» iataraLaaarJsl Rus,Seriaa II, IIC, IIPIII aaaampaeh yrinhraae atsneadaaaaNIt

Starter kits alsoavailable for Microsoft WordandVentura Publisher.

The Computer Peper / Nov '90


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The Computer Paper/ Nov '00 implemented in a pilot project that will link 12 disabled adults with Capilaao College instructorsin a cross' literacy program. While the federal and provincial governments helped get the project goinqwith acostMared grant, additional funchng is necessary to make SARAW accessible to those who need it most

Backup, Restore, What, Mel%eryP Ever wonder why businesses pay their own staff fo attetapt to secure thetr data only to have it go unsecured because it was the last item on the toclo list It So did the folks at Coastemy ComputertL They are offering data security with a unique s ervice to i n sure p eace of m i n d . A Coastway technician will visit accounts on a regular basisto back up data, finetune the PC system, aad store the data onsite in a fire p r oof vault, all at aa

economical price. Aad if a hard disk crashes, the tmh will attempt to revive it and restore the data at no extra cost Seats redoing the chart of accouatL

Contact Gerard Glowka, Technical Sales Manager at Coastway Computers (604) 78$5089.

Elesys Intros C'edges For HP Deskjet Phas Elesys Inc., designers and maaufacturersoffontcartridges,haveintroduced one of the first ultracartridge product lines for iakjet pxinters. Called Elefont Desk Cartridge, Elefont Headline Cartridge and Elefont Cartridge Plus, these eas) ptosastaii font cartridges lauvide the Canadianmarketwith thefirstalternative

for HP Deskjet Plus owners. The Desk Cartridge provides foats for generalpurpose business documents while the Headline Cartridge contains larger font

sizes plus an extended character set for scientific and math symbols. For more information contact Calcon Business

Products 2614477 or 14004654157. rwecv


Amiga World Unix, Graphics Caml For Amila At European Trade Show BRUSSKIS, BELGIUM, Oct 10 (NB) — The new A2410 graphics card and Unix Vvetllon 4hasbeen demonstrated on an Amiga 8000at the EfiiciencyBeurs in Amsterdam. Amiga Unix (ATSDT System V version 4) is currently being beta tested byuniversitiesin the U.S., Canada, Australia and the N etherlands aad is expected to be released at the ead of the

The A2410 graphics card is an Shit card using the Texas Instruments TI-

84010 graphics processor, and provides a resolution of 1024 by 1024 pixels aad 256 colors from a palette of 16 million. On the Commodore 1950 multiscsn monitor a resolution of 800 by 800 is possible. Richard A. hfiner (no relation toJay MnerofAmigafirme),researchmaaager at Lowell University Imaging Research Laboratory, where the AR410 card was developed, was on the Commodore stand, showing an impressively fast graphics detnoruaningwith X-Windows in the Unix environment He tiold Newsbytes thataversion ofXWindows designed to run in the aative AmigaDOS operating system was also beingdevelopecL The price of the A2410 card hasyet to be fixecL The Ealciency Beurs (exhibition) is an annual Trade Fairfor offi ce,informatioa and communication technology which runs frotn October 8 to ll. To emphasize its trade character, the show closes on the weekend. 480 companies from atoundtheworldwererepresented, and with 15,000 visitors passing through the turnstiles in the first two days, a total ofaround 100,000wasexIrectedbyshow's

ONLY Attn'/brthlio™

$uper Dnpanizer Rdl Text SMng MS4NS® Ccxrrpedbhr c Gwerty Keyboerdc ~ Ach h ess Sooh tsppolrltmeats fieryc Ceteoistorc Lohrs 1-2-3+ Re Competible Spread Sheet • Memory end proSrem osrch

ptrwwiseyrnugngenipswhhdeneri terrdoce .Espactettyethis tow price. Asupararymierwithanedge.dettrrdotio isMS-DOS'

cornpatibietoo !nbeasytouse,nugaeerggngawhinorganisings snap snd bugetgng animpossibiihy. plusicbgot powefui buiitan software to sneer eii yrwr needs.Purtarafor weetices. unirersity students end engineers At Atsri, «ehend ynu the pewer because «e mean business.


Vicleo Toaster Ships TOPEKA, KANSAS, Oct 8 (NB)NewTek is shipping its longawaited Video Toaster, a US$1595 video produc-

Available at your local Compucente

tion card for the Amiglg. The card has

seven~put switching, digital video effects,frame grab aad store, character

Oh What A Nk ® t,

What A Gaalen CN Delight! Art Vancouver 90, a display of Vancouver artists being put on at the

Robson Square Conference Centre,Friday November 2, will have a blast of digital art along side the regular analog stuff. The r ealms of fractals aad hypennedia are explored in an exhibit of digttal artist byJohn DeweyJones. His work has appeared in Sciershjk Araertcssrs, and on the cover of Cygrrerb So&oas ortrf Fractafs. For more informatioa contact

Joseph Roberts at R248978. Whileyouare down therelookaround for an exhibit by The Brmac CaÃey, (telephone7874867,2227Gsaavillest) a new Vancouver gallery specializing in bronze and stone sculpture. The Bronze Gallery ls owned by our fozlner distribu-

tion manager Dayal Singh Khalsa. Very analog, but virtual reahty pieceL

geaeratiaa, I+bit frame buffer, 8D aaimation, aad 24bit paiat capabilities. "Ihe Video Toaster really puts the equivalentof US$100,000worthof video equipment iato a desktop paclrage for less than US$5,000 including the computer. And it's true broadcsst qualitynot digitized like the boards for the

Macintosh. This will revolutionize the video industry, bringing the capality for professional video effects to an affordable leveL With an A/B roll editing system, the eatire package can be put

NeWSbyteSiS Written by NSWSbyteS COntrlbutlng editOre: Wendy WOOdS,

Lmghst Shsha OsspshrsllL Csgshittrttts Csstaha SISLhrdsAta iSN- 2 0lNSSbAta LSSt)StSCNO SN) StHN1 Sarhsl Csspuia UL 17SIL W. l¹hsor. ASSSrmlLIL (SN) 81SStSI St1 YIISShst LSN}%5-14l

1SSS.W.i¹ieDr. AN)%14112 Csmpasrs 1%-1NRW.SssrhtSI LSÃllzl4R ~WStsCsrs hs 11SSelSmdwy gÃ) 5541$

Syrh Csstslr Siehss 1SN'ShSGtsrysHwy. Ssrlss tSÃiSN-1314 ASSSrsadll. 1CtRI-1SQh Sad fSN) 5S-7$9

JanetEnddlonas, Dana Blankenhom,

JOhn MCCOmtiCk, Belt GOldie, NaOr WallStch, SlevStGold, Peter Veklnls, Ken

Takahashl, Naoyukl Yazawa, Paul Zucker, Sean MCNamara, Kelth Cameron, and Norman Wingrove. CANADIAN BUREAU: Grant Budder, 859

Kennedy Road, 4203, Sauterough,

Ontario, ph: 416-2854644, fax: 41686-5261.

M fa


SihflitsssshrsUL 144ihhS¹d ~S I SSI

TsrsssdSshsssLiL RN-1480ssShtSL ttÃiSM45



lttslsrCssssha Bsr116 1SSldsshssDr. gS) IN'!8I


The C e mputer Paper / laptev '90

togetlher for under US$10,000," company representative Steve Peterson tells

Newsbytes. The Video Toaster is designed to integrate functions that h ave traditionally

been performed by separatepieces of equipment — character generator,

switching, &arne grabbing, and digital video effects.

Four years in the making, the video toaster is the creation of Tim Jenison,

p resid entandfounder ofNewTek, whose previous product was Digiview, a 24kit slow scan video digitizer which retails for US$199. The software is now on version 4.0. For m or e i n f o rmation, contact NewTek at 140(M434 934.

Apple World Teenager Admits%ritiug

The roadtoapprehension ofthe teener began when computer consultant ark H. Anbinder of Baka Computer,

York, the local district attorney's of5ce announced that it will not file charges against the author. In r eturn for this nonaction, the author is said to have committed to cooperate with the police,

And Releasing Viruses

Inc. in Ithaca found the CDEF virus attempting to i nfect a c lient's system.

ITHACA, NEW YORK, Oct 8 (NB)A 16-yearold high school student has

Anbinder told Newsbytes: "I have an antivirus program, Vaccine, installed on my

assistin future investigations andprovide

clients' Macintoshes. I had a call &om one who encountered a Vaccine alert

analysis. New York State Police investigator Ted

confessed to New York State Police in-

vestigators that he has written three computer viruses which have recently surfaced on Macintosh computers in upstate New York The teenager, whose name was not released, admitted to writing the CDEF,

MDEF A (known as "Garfield" ) and MDEF B viruses as well as another variant of the MDEF virus which had not been released.

that a program was trying to install a CDEF on the system. We stopped the virus &om infecting my client's system and, after analyzing it, turned it over to authorities who eventually traced it back to the author." After interviewing the teenager and determining that the virus had apparently not spread beyond upstate New

source code &om his viruses for expert

Palmer told Newsbytes that the viruses had been spread &om single computer

to single computer through diskettes. Palmer pointed out that the fact that they had been spread this way, rather

than by uploading to national computer bulletin boards, was a reason that the viruses had been confined to a single geographic area. Palmer also said that the investigation had not found any data loss caused by the virus, "While the infected parties had to spend time and, therefore, money to remove the viruses, we did not find any financial loss due to the viruses destroying firms' data." Palmer also told Newsbytes that one of the installations hardest hit by the viruses

was Cornell University which maintains a number of Macintoshes for public use.

Atari W o r ld Atari Taiw'I Indicted

, I"L

On Software Copyright Charges

r~ v'TrTrej~TrTLT'rl r

TAIPEI, TAIWAN, Oct 19 (NB) Within days of a raid on a Taiwan firm allegedly distributing thousands of bogus copies of MS-DOS, Taiwan is in the spotlightagain in anewpiracycase. Atari's Taiwan subsidiary has been indicted by

e% epee~


Taipei District Court on charges con-

nected with the alleged illegal copying of Lotus 1-2-3 and dBASE IH Plus software for internal use at the plant. The case was initiated by the Business Software Alliance (BSA), a Washington, D.C;based organization funded by 8 leading U.S. software companies.

The public prosecutor in Taiwan charges that the illegal copies were used in performing company business and were found to be "scattered throughout

the company's quality control and finance departments and in its computer center," according to a BSA statement. The violation carries a potential three years in jail for the accused parties and

Get the full force of Data% ain o~ track for you. Whenyon get ontrack with Data Train. you get more than built-in quality at a very aamtim price. You get the full force of lnl entire product fanllly that will satisfy the needsof demanihng, yet budgetconscioususers now, and in the fuhue. Our fully compatible PC family can be economically upgraded to meet theererchanglng needsofa gtowmg bushens.From thecornanient laptop po tablTlty Ofthe l2 Mhz DPC-2812 with VGh aml lhtS RAIN, to the powerful DPC-3333, 3S htha aml 4 MS of RAM, to the DNS-2M Netwateo conqratible workstation, there is aGataTrain product to suit the needsof ~ a n y type of buslnesL Your businesswKIaypredate the qua5ty anti rehabliity of DataTtaht prmhrctsanti the security of

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fines up toUS$600,000 under Taiwan law, according to one BSA source. In addition to indicting the company, Atari Taiwan, the public prosecutor indicted Kuo Mao Hsing, chief of Atari's computer center,and Atari employee Chen Jian Chung, who, the statement says, "admitted to bringing a Soppy disk containing an in&inging copy of Lotus 12-3 to Atari and copying Lotus 1-2-3 and dBASE III onto a computer." "The indictment of Atari Taiwan and two of its employees sharply illustrates the risks to an organization when there appears tobe a lack of control and managementof softwareresources,"said Tom Lemberg, chairman ofthe BSA board of directors and general counsel to Lotus

Development. For its part, Atari has reportedlystated

that the unauthorized programs were used by two employees without the company's knowledge and against its

policy. "Being a computer company, we are very sensitive to the software community," said August Liguori, vice president of finance, in a published report. "We fight Gus kind of (piracy) all the time. It

The Cempagter Paper / Nev '90 would befoolish for us to cheat our own peers over afew hundred dollars. Contact: Lori Forte, BSA,202- 787-7060

CanacBan Firms Pair

Statistical Data, Analyst Software


News ~ STM Systems Acquires Apricot Distributor TORONTO, ONTARIO,Oct 19 (NB)

— STM Systenis, a subsidiary of Inter-

national Semi-Tech Microelectronics,has

acquired AIC Computers, the exdusive distributor for Apricot computers in Canada. AIC, which does business as Apricot in Canada, will continue as a separate sub-

sidiary of STM, said Ray lancashire, an STM spokesman. The purchase price has not been disclosed. Lancashire told Newsbytes the move was the first step into hardware distribution for STM Systems, Canada's largest computer service bureau and systems integmtor. He said he could not speculate on the possibility of further moves into that area. I would image that a lot will depend on how we do with Apricot," he said. AIC has distribution rights for the Apricot line only in C anada, and Lancashire said there is no immediate prospect the deal will lead to parent International Semi-Tech distributing the BriYish~ade computers through its international operations. International

OTTAWA, ONTARIO, Oct 8 (NB)FirstMarkTechnologies hereand Tetrad Computer Applications of Vancouver have agreed to sell each other' s software. Tetrad's PCensus and PSearch provide Statistics Canada census and survey data, while FirstMark's KnowledgeSeeker is a tool for analyzing databases.

is ~

under their original names, he said, al- fi l e L Contact: Barryde Ville, FirstMark, though FirstMark and Tetrad have had, 6 1 8-7234020 discussionsabout how theproductsmight evolve together. Mssion Cynas "On Ice," Though both companies are seehng to expand in the United States market, Hoping For Early Thaw de Ville said he expc:cts more success in VANCOUVER, B.C. Oct 17 (NB)Canada with PCensus and PScarch iniMission Cyrus, launched last year with tially, smce the Canaambitious plans to sell highs perdian. But he said it will be useM to sonal computers to the North American FirstMarkin the U.S.market tobe able to niarket, has suspended operations and demonstrate its product working with laid off most of its employeeL But the

data theyprovideis

"We hnd of have a competition in

statistical databases hke Tetrad's. Tetrad

coinpany hopes toannounce a refinanc-

place right now to see who wjll sell the

has plans to produce products for the U.S. market, he added. KnowledgeSeeker also works with dBase, Lotus 1 24 and Microsoft Kxcel

ingdeal within days, spokesman Balunan Sanii told Newsbytes.

other's softwme first," Barry de Ville, new products director at FirstMark, told

Newsbytes. The packages will be sold

First there were desktop computers. Thencame the lsptops. Each offered something that the other did not.

aaaawlleueS ~':;,'..''.-..".'::.:,'

$3995 ~~'.:, .,::,:":.".:":,':,. ~l

Sanii, who said he is a consultant re-

tained to keep the operation going undl

But now there's something that combines the best of both worlds, Because now there's a portable that's easy enough to take with you; yet powerful enough lo double as your oAice computer.

J-i g:v

You may say that soundslike s split personality.Wesay lt sounds like the new Altnns One. Altims One canrun MS-DOS snd QS/2with ease. Plus it features an impressive 80286 microprocessor that speeds Io s full 16Mhz,withoutever gasping

Semi-Tech also manufiictures IBM~ompatiblepersonalcomputeis. Contact Ray

Lancashire, STM Systems, 416-97$8900

for breath.

And though lt casts hundreds (even thousands) less, the Altims One comeswith features ether

SCOM Gets Contract

For NehmxkTo Sagest GST OTTAWA, ONTARIO, Oct 10 (NB) — Polls suggest most Canadians aren' t thriBed about the Goods and Services

Tax (GSI'), a broad4ased vatueedded nsx due to take dfect January 1. The people at &Corn Canada probably like it better than most, though. SCom hasbeen

chosen toprovide software for a 9,000workstation network that will help Revenue Canada administer the tax. SCam 5+Open LAN Manager software win be the primary software for a network that will connect 54 sites across Canada, the company has announced. The network will give Revenue Canada's staK access to a central GST da~

t erson


manufactures call options Like s buil t-in 2A00 hnud modsm. And an optomschsnlral mouse with a compartment for storage. And a PCcompatible expansionsleL Altima even remembered to give youmore memory.Becausewith AltimaOne,youcsn expand from one megabyte to five.


a main&arne computer in OttaurL Remuera, an Ottawa-based faciTities

management consulting firm, designed the network. Peter Hyne, president of Remuera, told Newsbytes his company choseLAN Manager because of its supportt for multiple protocols, its openness and its growing popularity. SCom's promise to provide support for X.400

Add Io this s siunnmg

psper-white LCDbacklii display (you' ve goi io see i( to believe

it!); s full function 10i-key detachable keybssrdwiih

standard for electronic mail exchange

numeric keypad: s 3.5" 1.44

was also a factor, he said. Since the network will be connected

m egabyte internal floppy drive: plus s40MB harl disk drive,

to an IBM main&arne, Hyne said, using LAN Manager will allow the use of IBM's NetView network management system. The workstationswill be 886SXkesed personal computers running MS-DOS. More than 100 network servers, mostly

M6 PCs, wiU also be part of the system. Philips Information Systems of Montreal aud Trillium of Waterloo, Ontario, are

to provide the PCs, Hyne said. Contact: Loretta Lam, T h e

C o m m u n ications

Group for 3Com, 4164474591; Peter Hyne, Remuera, 613-235-N21

snd you' ll soon realize why the Altims desktop'lsptop is one heck of s computer. Qr is it two? "ci (rsr harqsi>r" — PC L@pimp ".iolidli built 4 designed" — Cnmpuier Pirper "err,nnomi< uftr. II'.c cfreunr iiinr" — PC Magu:inc

"'"""'" Westcoast

a lti m a Computers

1915 Lonsdalc, North Vancouver, B.C. 986-7680


The C o m puter Pap®r / Nov '96

newmcsney cauld be found, said Missiou Cyrus hoped to announce a deal with a

f'ram a Sritiohbankfell through. Contact. Sahmau Sauii, Mission Cyrus, 6044M-

Vancouver~eminvestorin about aweek.


"A local party has presented a proposal to the shareholders and creditors," he said. Sanii added that Farad Azine, Missiau Cyrus'founder and,president, retains his position as chief executive but will give up his stake in the company. Investars in Mission Cyrus included the Discovery Foundation, au agency of the British Columbia provincial government, and at least ane Canadian bank. The company found itself in troubleearlier this year when expected fmancing

eral manager afstrategicmarketingprograms at Keyverord, told Newsbytes his company will also continue selling the software About 80 percent of direct sales of Keypak are far Digital


Keyword, Digital Announce Marketing Agreement

hardware,Demca said,though versions of thesoftware also exist for MS -DOS,

CALGARY, ALBERTA, Oct 15 (NB) — Keyward Oaice Technologies here has auuounced an agreement under which Digital Ecluipment will resell Keyword's Keypak document interchange so&ware. Digital will sell the version of Keypak that xuns on Digital hardware to ils custamers worldwide. Denis Demco, gen-

Macintosh and Unix. Versions for Hewlett-Packard minicomputers and

IBM mainframesareooan tobereleased, Demco addecL Demco said the agreement with Digital builds an a cooperative marketing relationship in which the two companies worked together ta sell Keywaxd's saftware with Digital's haahme.

Keypak translates word processing documents among avarietyof farmato an ~ ty p es of hardware. Contact Denis Demco, Keywoxd, 408-R50-1770

Desktop Publishing New Aldus PC Pagemaker Neat Mon& TORONTO, ONTARIO,Oct 19 (NS) — Desktop publishing pioneer Aldus wants its aagship Pagemalcer product ta accauut far no more than half its salesby 1992, according to the company's founder and chief executive,Paul Brainerd. Speaking to repoxters in Toronto, Brainerd said Pagemaker and rebated products account for some 70



and he wants that figure down to 50 percent iu twa years as ether products

develop~ Bramerd also said Aldus will be paying more attention ta the ISMwampatible PC market in the future. He said Version 4.0 af Pagemaker for the PC is almost ready for release and 'will be shippingwithm 80docya" Aldus Preprint software, currently avaihable for the Macintosh, hae been made ta run on a PC withiu Aldus, he aclded. The arrive of Microsoft Windavvs 5.0 earlier this year was a key to perking up Aldus' efFort on the PC, he said. "We were x'edly having to wait for Windows

Main storemoved

1~h blocks west to 1336 Main

5.0 ta get inta that market

1I as


I •

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~ $.1 PCTosh Pmfiwr00$ Wenl farWm doas Wmdms Nl

lilmHHIH% Busveiiom—

549 sa™ C mus — I Busversom— $129 fersodc $$9 lersoch part— 5$4 $1$0 IIQII I RR 40Nh lat.— 5439

CISE I HEYIOIHOIIPORIOES Nial.tower {Mdf Team Ecvleml upom do

+$99 +$129 mk

NAHO OHIVEIPNIMS I PIOPPY NIVES BB Nh2BcmNTNuporodo +$299 BB Nh I pmscia miluporedo — + 19I otllmsgeh~ 200 Nh tpmsuporade ' + 9$0


SONlNN I VIOEO NPOHIOB Seven 9101— 523$ Hosea 244$— $$99 i r~ fl { TIL Econm 24IT — $419 Ccdde 51$ 14'while 14'kelso wailer 109 Gemamhmr 14'YSA whee Ecdmdhaca IPN0 YSAccd eca440x 4BO52dp ll'9 Bcdoad hacaIPIIIO YSA ccdom440x 430.3tdp $$9 HP ImmfetHI YSAndomIB24x 74BPNp






laser12BE E/2 Ncw/CSA 14' — 522$ Eatoracd URah dim 1$9 YSA440x430 .$2dp Eatcamd 3$lmh drive{Net aeyalkl — 299 N-IEEBB4 YSAd40x430 .Bldp $2 Noae meater — $144 fohmrmooeca- 30 Beadael0l310AT YSA1620 x 14028dp 2$4EAlcmBANepormle BoakmllBWIEf Iamr PC4 — 5299IasmKB — $199 I • o I I Nicm sever A T{6PI Ealamef2$4mhdttsa BBBE 299 Bcoatmi— a 9 Hearn — 51399Microsever334{SPI 304h hanldim 93 pow er{m r $04hhmd chloe 9 BONh herdktvo $1003 ~ ae ya lik proem $429





— P4mmmm


29 BBBT-I — 49' EMIT-10{ANB)9 9 BB307-20 — $49 19 BOBB TSEo$49 NBBT-25 — 99 B BBBT-33 — 29


'199 2400{amd hit 239 24004amd cact $24 2400head. co ct. NNPS


OM ss e


NNSIT EEEL ENCEBEBIIEE 312-1 760 Marine Drive V7V 1 Je MON- FBI 11 ss.m. - 5 p.rss. tother times Isy ssptsoirstmers8 TELEPHONE: IA264424

CEB4IEBITLANN UNCOLN CENTAE -SUITE 1{IS SM UMCOLN AV84UE, Y3B 084 INQN - FBI 12 p.rrs. -5 p.ns. {other tlmcssby eptsolrstrncsrsO TEL8%0NE 042-CPO

Sramerd emphasized theimportauce af trammg and support In many respects we have xuare products aud more technology than we know what ta da vtith," he said. Aldus is warhng with consultants and other third parties ta develop better trainiug programm, he added. Noting that Pagemaker is currently solcl in some 50 covmlries in about 14 languages, Bramerd pointed to promising international markets. In particular he singled aut the Soviet Union. The Soviet government publishes huge amounts of material, he said, mostly using outdated ectuipment The Soviet Communist Party is couunitted to moving to PCbased publishingaver the next five years, he told reporters. Contact Aldus Canada, 4169RW288

Microsoft ShipsPastScri jt Clone Language REDMOND, WAQIINGTON, Oct 5 (NS) M i c rosoft says it's shipping to

developers its TrueImage page descriptionlauguage (PDL) vervsion 1.0,software designed to compete with Adobe Postscript. The softwaxe offers fan{as, open architecture, campleteAdobe PostScript compatibility, and a cheapn pxice than Adobe's original, says Micrasok, Cal Bauer„general xnanager of the printer business unit at Microsoft, says OEMs already are i n corporating TrueImage into their printers. They'indude Graphics Edge, Intel, mnd Advanced Micro Devicea Intel and AMD

have parted TrueImage to their 52-bit MSCprocesooxs, theIntel i960audAMD Am29000. LaserMaster TechnalogieswiN uee it in its personal typeeetters and printers.Microtek, a pioneer scanner manufacturer, hasanuounced shipment

of its TrueLaser printer — the fxrst laser printer using Microsoft's Truelmage.

The Computer Peper I Nov '90


i i •


• •



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The C o m poaer Peper / Nov '60

Contact: Kathxyn Hinsch, Mcrosoft,2068824080

Corel Schedules 5sd Annual Design Contest OTTAWA, ONTARIO, Oct 16 (NB)

— Corel Systems has announced the


Design Contest, deigned to promote its Windows-based graphics package CoreIDraw.. The companywill give out more than C$800,000 worth of cash and prmea Karen Evans, contest cxpordinator said last year's contest drew more than 800

e n t r ies from 12 countries, ranging from Supermac, Kbldius fine art to corporate logos and business Announce Graphics File cardL The winner I'rom each country willreceiveaC$1,000prizeandbe among the finalists for a grand prize to be SANJOSE,CALIF' Oc t 4 ( NB) — The two Ieadingmakers of Macintosh awarded at a ceremony in Ottawa on May 16, 1991. monitors haveboth announced software The grand prize consisni of C$10,000 to compress video imageL in cash plus a complete PC system. SecRadius and Supermac Technologyinondand thirdpxizesandawardsofmerit troduced software based on the Joint will also be given out. Photagxaphic Experls Group, orJPEG, Cord,also announcedthatCorelDraw compression standard.JPEGallowscomfor OS/2isnowshipping. The suggested pression of video images at a rate deretail price is US$595or C$725. Contact: scribed by Radius af up to 50 to 1 and by Karen Evans, Corel Systems, 618-728- SuperMac of up to 80to 1. Compression 8200 is desirable because Iaxipvscreen 24bit

Com passion



color images can easily take up several megiibyteL A four inch 24bit ixnagedigitizedat do t stakesupapile of disk space.

JPEG isanevolvingintexuational stan-

dard drafted by the CATT and ISO. SuperMac said it will include its Supexsqueeze compression softwarewith all color cards and disk systems beginning in January 1991. In addition, purchasers of SuperMac products after October 1 will receive the product free when it ships. SuperSqueeze will also be generally available for US$49. Radius aha announced JPEG compression software. As yet unnamed, the softwaxe will be available in November for US$800. Both announcements came shortly after GCube Microsystems, San Jose, Calif, announced software which allows developers to incorporate JPEG compression in their programa That software, called Image Compression Inter-

face (ICI) will be available in November for US$195, the company said. ICI has I •

been adopted byAdobe,Quark,Alacldin Systema, Electronic Arts, Salient, and Autodesk SuperMac said SuperSqueeze willuse theIClsoftware. Contacts: Mauxo Bonomi, GCube,4088444800;Jennifer Delamare, SuperMac, 408-778-4408; Jeneane Harter, Radius, 408484-1010


• •

CALGARY, ALBF3LTA, Oct 8 (NB)Canadian4ased Image Club Graphics has reduced the price of its LetterPress CD-ROM byUS$1,000 to US$8,999. The LetterPress disc contains 600 fonts in PostScript type 1, type 8, and outline formats. Image Club also offers the same Macintosh fontcoRection on adiscwhere the fonni are unlocked individually as needed by purchasing passwords for the individual fonts. Contact Brad Zumwalt, Image Club Graphics, 408-2624008

• I


Image Club Dmps Prices On CD-ROM Font Se®



General News Software Industry Factbook

What do aII of the above features meany They ils the factorsthat making the 100% American made OMNHEL 386-33MHz Cache motherbeud easy to service and upgrade,reliableand powerful. They arealso the reasons thatyou should have the OMNITEL motherbeud to be the heart of your

Makingof Slayer dry film deslgnand thick 12mil tracesbyusingashteof~ technique, OMNITELmothexbeud ismeesuperior in reliability whencompnring tomsny386motherbeuds that made witha4or61ayer wet film design and fine 6 mii traces.

Power Engine.

For long term reliability, ail componeatson board have beenpie-tested aadburnt-in. Weaxesoconfidentofitsreiiabiiityand we are proud to offer you the best reason to choose the OMNITEL motherbeud: 3 year manuhctuxur warxuntyI

With the sophisticated PHOENIX BIOS on board, OMNITEL motherboard gives you extensive run time diagnmtic check, faster boot-upaad Neater mmpatibilitywith awiderangeofhard drives and operating systems: MS-DOS, OSI2 (including V1.2), PC-MOS, CONCURRENI' DOS, 3-COM, UNIX, XENIX and NOVELL lis unique LED Diagaeitic visual aid helps you trmibleshaot your computer more efficiently.

Pei Systems (CanadaI ltd

Please call now to leam more about the OMNITEL Power Buster, which leaves ail other 33MHz motherboards inthedusti


~ 8I 'ea„

Vancowsr ONce: 1$®-13882 Cambia Road, Imchmond, B.C. V6V 2K2 Teh (604)2?iNSN Fax: (N4)2704389 Toronto ONee: 113-70 Sliver StarBlvd., Scaxboxuuyh, Ontario Slf Y 4VS Tel: (4$8)3214538 Fax: (418)32MT04 Callaiy Senr. Center: Computer llarket Bay 106. SSR1-fath St N.E Caleaiy, Alberta T2E CV Tel:(4a3)2054%0

STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT, Oct 17 (NB) — Digital Information Group of Stamford CT has announced the availal i tyofits "SoftwaxelndustxyFactbook" This is a 46page 12whapter book for the software industry that helps executives write business plans, look for acquisition targets, make initial stock offerings, and optimize the performance of their businesseL

The "Software Induizry Factbook" is

priced atUS$895. Adiskwithrawdatain the Lotus 1-2-8 file format is US$495. ContactJeff Silver.itein at 208-848-2751 for moreinfo.

Syquest, h5crotech Sue Each Older Ovcu Drive


EAST HAVEN, CONNECTICUT Oct 4 (NB) — A major hard~ man u facturer and one of its prime vendors are suing each other — the manufiicturer claiming and the vendor alleging non~ xma n ce. Syquest Technology, Fremont, Calif., has ceased shipment of its removable cartridge dxivemechanismsto Microtech

nonpaym ent

International, ofEastHaven,Conn.,and

The Computer Paper/ Nov '90 issuingthevendor for US$851,000itsays is owed it. Microtech hasresponded with a US$1 milhon lawsuit, daiming that Syquest failed to meet quality targets. Delona Lang, Microtech's marketing c ommunications m a n ager, t o l d Newsbytes that Syquest had promised earlier thisyear that 5percentor fewer of its drive devices would fail, with thatlevel dropping over time. Iong said that in a letter dated September 6, Syquest President Syed Iftikar "admitted that he M.ed

to live up to his assurances." Joel Levine, Syquest's vice president of marketmg, noted in an intenriew wit Newsbytes that his company provides drive mechanisms to "at least 15 to 20"

companies. "Each of them places the mechanism in their own box and with their own electronics. When you put all thepieces together, some customershave

low return rates, some have high return rates with the same" mechanism.

Lang said that Syquest would continue shipping drive mechanisms for rep air an d r e p l a c e m e n ts, a n d t h a t Microtech would continue to honor its

warranties. In addition, she said, Microtech would offer to replace defec-

tive.syquest~d driveswitheithercon-

ventional drives or removable-media drives based on a mechanism built by Ricoh.

Motorola Announces Settlement With Hitachi In Patent Suit SCHAUMBERG, ILUNOIS, Oct 9 (NB) — Motorola has announced that a satistactory settlement has been reached with Hitachi, Ltd. i n t h e i n tellectual

property and technology disputes reg arding Hitachi's H/ 8 a n d H / 1 6 microcontrollers and Motorola's 680% and 88000 microprocessors, Terms of the settlement were not dis-

dosed. Motorolaindicated thatitwillfile joint motions with Hitachi in the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and the U.S, District Court for

Statesand Canada from Medical Technology International of Scotland. The Bioclok has been sold in Britain for about eight months, Fax told Newsbytes. The first shipment recently arrived in the United States. The price is US$129, with an introductoty price of US$99 until December SL Contact:Jennifer Fox, The Marketing Clinic, 605852-9886

PapubackSokwaae Responds To LottIs SeNhanent CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETl'S, Oct I'y (NB) — Lotus has won a major and final victory in its longest-running "look and feel" suit against a maker of a

competing spreadsheet product. Lotus Development says that it has reached an agreement withPaperback Software and

Stephenson Software, its development partner, for the violation of its Lotus 1-25 copyrights. In June, U.S. District Court Judge Robert E.Keeton ruled that Paperback

of Berkeley, Calif.,and Stephenson Sokware of Vancouver, British Columbia, violated Lotus' copyrights in 1-2-8 by copying substantial elements of the soRware program'suser interface. PaperbackSoftware,agreeing to paya US$500,000 settlement to Lotus Development and promising to remove all its copies ofVP Planner from the market, will not go under as a result of the loss of the costly fourgear suit, according to Michael Burdick,vicepresidentsalesand marketing'. Burdick tells Newsbytes, "Reaching a settlement with Lotus allows us to concentrate on the marketplace andnot the

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that you chose Canadian.

courtroom. It's in our best interest to tahe the settlement."


The US$500,000 finewillbe paid by insurance companies, soitwill not afFect Paperback Software'sfortunes. "Our in-

1slss vanIsr placelns180

tention was to continue to make a soft-

warebusinesa We still feel that thejudge's decision was wrong but this was our best

I~ w


wcama s e.c. ver m Tehshons: sss 27sssst

Facsss27045$ ssKonedcreaant ssaNwn,OnhsolsR s17 TIIeshonI: 41 847$ssss FaL 4 0s?s-1sss

business alternative. Suits like this are

Express 3025D

better fought by people with deeper pockets." Burdick says Paperback Software

Memory Drive Storage

80386 at 25 MHz 1MB RAM, Expandable to 16MB one 5%" 1.2 MB RoppyDrive one 3%" External Bsy; three 5'k" External bays


2xs- B itslots; Sxls-B|t slots;1x32-Bit slot

the Western District of Texas (Austin Division) requesting that all pending cases i nvo l v in g " " '," Hitachi's hasn't worked out the details of how the micr~ontrollers and Motorola'smicrothousands of unsold copies of all three processors be dropped. versions of VP Planner will be taken ofF In a prepared statement, Motorola the market. The programs arecarried by Semiconductor and Products Sector distributors and retailers worldwide. President and General Manager,James PaperbackSoftware, founded byAdam A. Norling said: "We are very pleased Osborne who is now the firm's single with this settlement. Our unwavering largest shareholder, has about a dozen goals in this legal action were to protect employees. Osborne has not taken an Motorola's intellectual property and to active role in the company since Februassure our customers an uninterrupted ary, opting to put his time into an entersupply of Motorola's leadership micro- prise which is making PCs in India. Steve processors. Thissettlementachievesboth Cook is the firm's president. those goals." Contact: Tim Kellogg, Burdick says that the company will Motorola, 708-5764642 carry on without its Lotus 1-2-$ done. "We intend to solidify and exploit our position as the numberwne provider of expert system development tools for PCs." KEENE, NEW HAMPSHIRE, Oct 16 (NB) — Researchers say the best way to He says that VP Expert is the expert system with the largest installed base in fight je lag, other than staying home, is the world. carefully timed exposure ta light and darkness to adjust to a new time zone. A small Britishdesigned computer, now available in North America, is designed


Landmark-35; Mlps Test—4.6Nortonsl—28

All names of praduas and software mentionedabove. as eglatee4 trademarks oftheir ownera Above specitlcaNare are subject to change wNevl nOlke.


Block Fights Jet Lag

Doppler Computer Centre offers a full

selection of hardware, software and

supplies. Dollar for dollar, product for

product, Doppler Computer Centre

offers students the best values in Greater Vancouver. Find out more by dropping in to Doppler Computer Centre today. Or give us a call, 875-026t.

Lecal Area

to help travellers adjust. The Bioclok calculates the right times

for a traveller to be exposed to light and dark, based on the local times of departure and arrival, length of fight, and direction travelled, saidJennifer Fox, a partner in The Marketing Clinic here. The Marketing Clinic has acquired the rightsto market the Bioclokin the United


LAN Hmes Goes Twice Monthly WASHINGTON, DC, Oct 16 (NB)Starting with the October 8 issue,

McGraw-Hill's LAN Title will be pub-


Tashha T1000

Toshiba T10008E Toshiba T1000XE Wener286-12


1$ 4I 3 $$4 1$4$

t01 West 5th Ave © Maniloba St Vancouver, V5Y1H9 OPEN EVERYDAY 8750281 Vidori a7274414 TOIIFree SXH51-285 BBS277-9920


The C omputer eper/ p Nor 'SO

lished twice each month and be simpliSed by the addidon of new sections and of th editorial mf mation.

Editor~r e f

D avid J. Buergersays

in his editorial that the change wasmade to improvecoverage of an "avalanche of new PC LAN products." With an eye to the environment, LAN Tiatpshas dropped the plastic polybag mailer which had been used to ship the publication. Contact: David Buerger, LAN Times, 801465-1060

Network Problem Catches ce TORONTO, ONTARIO,Oct 15 (NB) BankofCommercecouldnotchecktheir bank balancesfor severd days recently due toproblemswithanetworkcannecting the bank's branches. Rob McLeod, a spokesman for the hank,saidanetworkconnectingtellers in the hank's branches developed problems after a new program was instsllecL The hank decided to shut down the net-

work temporarilywhile the problem was corrected, forcing tellers to record transactions manually for about three days in the Srst week of October. The network was shut down from Wednesday, October 5 to Friday, October 5, McLeod saicL When service was restored, it took most of the weekend to update bankbalances kom the manual recorda Until that was done, customers using automated teller machines could not obtain current account balancea

Occasional system problems are normal for any hank, McLeocl said, but he admitted "this was certainly longer than normaL" Contact: Roh McLeod, Cana-


dian Impexial Bank of Commerce, 41698080$8





with o 360K Floppy • 640K RAM • Multi VO• Keyboard • Monochrome Card + Monitor • 10MB hard Drive

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EGA Monitors

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Upgrade to 1.2MB Floppy ......................$99 1200 baud modems ......$49 Mice from ......................$23



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Phone: 298-0486 or 936-8088


AUSIIN, TElGLS, Oct 5 (NB) — Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) says it has created two highly integrated microprocessors that incorporate all the components o f t h e o r i g i nal I B M A T motherboard on one CMOS integrated circuit, to accelerate the move to smamer, cheaper, and lightei~ i ght laptops and other computing devices. The single chip, the Am286ZXTM, contains a CMOS80286 microprocessor and ATcompatible peripherals, induding DRAM control logic, two DMA controllers, two interrupt controllers, three counter/timers, a real4ime dock with CMOS RAM, Sexihle clock generation logic and an enhanced bus controller. Supportis also provided for LIM4.0EMS memory management. The chip is said tobe the &nctional equivslentof an IBM ATmotherboard that previously required up to 175 integrated circuits. It also fea tures battnyeaving techniques targeted at the expanding notebook PC market. In a development akin to the "just add water," approach to mahng cakes, a PC maker needs to throw in one integrated processor, a keyboard controller and

adhv elopmentexpected

20MB ....................•.....$599 30MB ..........................$649 40MB ..........................$699

upgrade•.......•...... • $225 .

AMD Offers New Laptop43n-A~p

And CheCkOuttheSe feahrOS:One megabyte OfRAM. eXPandableta 5 Mb,a 20 Mb internal hard diak drlVO, anOXtemal 3.5 inCh 1A4 Mb Soppy disk drive and an IC card slot. A 10 inCh eleCtrO-lumineSCent backlitLCD scroeon provides up to 20 per cent greater VieWing area OVerOurComPS5torS. For professionals who require power, Potability, and eXCellent graPhiCS,the NEC Ultralite 28sv is the only laptop that provides full fundion compuzng on the got

Toshhs T1000SE Tashiba T1000XE


ass 4101 SISS 2SSS



101West 50 Ave@ Manilla Sr.Vancower,V5Y1H9 OPEN EVERY OAY 8750261 Vidoria 7274414 TollFee SNHi61-2805 BBS277-9920


external memory devices in order to

completethe PC components tomakean entire system. AMD says samples will be available in this quarter while production is slated to start in the'second quarter of 1991. Both processors will be offered initially at speeds of 12 and 16 MHz. Pricesin 1,000unit quantities range &om US$69 for the Am286ZX-12 toU@S9fortheAm286LX16. Contact David Frink, AMD, 5124624860

NEC Launches Tiniest Pahntop PC TOKYO, JAPAN, Oct 19 (NB)-

Japan's personal computer giant NEC is leading the personal computer industry into new tecritory with anew, superhght, personal computer, Handy98, which is roughly half the size of a current notebooMized computer andweighsonly 1.1 kilograms despite having a standard

MS-Works, an integrated software program includingJapanese word processor, dautbase, spreadsheet, business charting,and communications comes standard in the memory card. A schedul~ age m ent software program is

available in ROM (read only memory). Handy98 sports NEC's 10 MHz lait V50 microprocessor, which is an upgradedverslon of the VSOequippedwith its previous notebook 98Note. A standard buihsn battery pack allows the computer to run for as long as seven hours and, together with an optional batterypack, for lS hours. The chsplayis a 6.$mch LCD with a 640byy~ i x e l resolution. A resume function which recovers data last viewed when switched on comes standard with the unit. By attaching an optional 50,000 yen (U8$$90) Dochng Station with a builtin S.i nch FDD (Soppy disk drive), Handy98 can run about 500 application software programs for NEC 5C98LT laptop computer, which isincompatible with Japan's de Seto standard NEC PC9801 personal computsra With an optionalRS.282Ccahle, however, the handy computer canshare data with PGQSOL Handy98 is priced at 198,000 yen or US$1,520 and becomes available late this month. NEC expects to sell 200,000 nails in the initial year. Though a Japanese industry report says that NEC will market an IBMcompatihle version of the machine for the overseas market in the future, an NEC spokeanan did not provide any details to Newsbytes. Contact: Mr. Kato, Public Relations CMRce,NECCorp.,08-7984511

Compaq Intros Notebook With Aerospace Technology NEW YORK, NEW YORK, Oct 16 (NB) — Compaq Computer has introduced a powerful new notebook~ computer that it daims is the most powerful computer of its hnd in the world. It is the Srst computer to use a printed circuit board technology known as "RegalFlex,"which wasoriginallydeveloped by Teledyne Electro-Mechanisms for aerospace and defense industry applications such as missile guidance systems

and stealth Sghter instrument panels Regal Flex was initially developed to save space and weight and to ensure greater reliabiTity of circuit boards by eliminating separate, detachable cables in favor of Sexihle interconnectionL Compaq used Regal Flex to create a single, central circuit board for the new notebook system, designated the Compaq LTE 886s/20, that starts asan 8 x 11 inch sheet, snaps apartatkeypoints and folds into a compact, multiplaned part that ends up at a size of 4 5/4x 6x 1 I/O inches.

The Compaq LTE 386s/20 has a 60 MB (megabyte), 5/4 inch high Sxed diskchive,creditcardsizememorycards, and a miniature (about the size of a

packageofchewing gum) power supply.

The drive is also available in a 80 MB capacity and the computer has optional 1 MB and 4 MB memory cards that can QWERTY-type keyboarcL be used to expand memory to 10 MB. The miniaturization owes much to The suggested retail price for the 60 ~ tech n ologies, such as the incor- MB model is US$6,999. For the 80 MB poration of an IC (integrated circuit) model, the list price is US$6,499. The memoxy card and a 1.25 MB (megabyte) suggested retail price for an available RAM (random access memory) drive for desktop expansion base is US$1,499. The storage. There is also a smaller LCD new notebook computer is expected to (liquid crystal display) and a smaller keyship before the end of this month. Conboard. The motherboard is alsc more tact:John Sweney, Compaq Computer, highly integrated. 719-574.-1564

The Computes' Paper I Nov '90

Ogivar Technologies Iatros 286 Laptop MONTRKtkL, QUEBEC, Oct 15 (NB) — Ogivar Technologieshas introduced alightmeightnotebookcomputer called the Internote 286. The system features a

VGAwompatible LCD display, a full~e embedded keyboard and a 20 MB hard disk drive. Without the battery, the unit weighs only 4.8 pounds. The system employs an 80C286 microprocessox' and has a 12.5 MHz (megahertz) operating speed. One MB (megabytes) of RAM (random ac-

cessmemoxy) issrandard and itisfactoxy-

formed into a powerful desktop machine with the utiTization of three

types ofdesk-

top units. The PCY-85INR will provide a 8.inch FDD (fioppy disk drive), CRT (cathode ray tube) intexf'ace and power the notebook computer. The 852NR will add a half~ed slot on the basic unit and the 858NR will add an Ethernet interface on the features of the 852NR. The prices of the Desktop Unit xange from80,000yento 220,000yenor US$615 to U8$1,692. Contact: 8ony Corp., 08448-2200

mr@pl yfor

IBNI World

expandable to 5 MB. The screen is highdenaity supertwist i&arch LCD with 460 x 480 pixel resolution. There is a video

'Wordstar, President Resigns

adaptor that is said t o " i ntelligently convert" colorsinto 82 shades of grey.

— Fotlowmganotherconsecrxtive quarter

The company saysthat the keyboard has thefeelof a desktop computer keyboard with 82 full~ k e ys and 1014ey emulation For programs written to use a full-101 key keyboard. The ovexall footprint of the unit is less than 1 square foot. It has a removable, rechargeable NiCad battery pack thatis good for two hours and a standard AC Adaptor/Qaick Recharger that plugs into an AC power source.

The Internote 286 is available immediately atalistpriceofUS$2,999. Contact: At Safaxikas, Ogivar Technologies, 514787-8840

Red GenerationNotebook PC From Sony TOKYO, JAPAN,Oct 15 (NB) — Sony has announced its first notebook personal computer, QL/Note PCX410NR series, based on the AX architecture, and says the machine is more advamced than the current generation of booksized computers in terms of ability to handle large apphcations and ita pexformance on lANs (local area networks). Expected to be released next spring, the machine of the seriea, the NR7, ia so aophisficated that it can nm Microsoft Windows 8.0, and it has a 20 megahertz i8868X CPU (central processingunit),40MB (megabyte) ofHDD (hard disk drive) space and 2MB of main memory expandable to 6MB. The Lowerend machines include a 16MHz CPU version with 20 MB of HDD and 1MB of main memory expandable to 5MB. The three machines are 815 by 262.5 by 45 millimeters in size and weigh 8 hlograms. Sony promises that the builtin battery allows one hour of continuous use when futly charged. Sonyalso bundles variousapplications with the machine: MS-DOS V.8.21, Mi. crosoft Windows V.2.11 andQUKM 't86 V. 5.1 expanded memoxy driver, which was developed jointly with U.SAmaed Quarterdeck Office Systems. 8ony has also given the units what it calls a Ball-Mouse = an unique device featured on the upper right side of the keyboard and which functions like the trackball on Apple Computer's Macintosh Portable. The pxice of the lowed machine is 898,000 yen or US$8,060 with increases in 100,000yen or U8$770incrementsfor each higher~nd model. Shipping is slated for the first half of December and Sony has no plan to ship the machme to overseas markets at this hme. Sony has also made the handy note-


book computer so that it can be trans-


Red Ink Still Dogs

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NOVATO,CALIFORMA,Oct5 (NB) of losses, Wordstar, formerly Micropro, has lost ita president, Gari Gxym, and its generalmanager and chieffinancial officer, Jim Dalrymple. The firm, once a high fiyer in the world of word processing software, suffered a net loss of U8$457,00QonrevenuesofUS$9,982,000 for its fourth quarter ended Aug. 81. This loss is smaller than one suffered this timelastyear,when thefirmreported a net loss of US$798,000, or 6 cents per share, on revenues oF U8$11,817,00Q. For the fiscal year ended Aug. 81, 1990,the companyreportedrevenues of U8$87,879,000 and a n e t l oss of U8$4/85,000, or 88 cents per share. For the fiscalyear ended Aug. 81, 1989, WordStar reported revenues of US$48,157,000 and a n e t l oss of U8$8,084,000, or 22 cents per share. Regarding the reaignafions of Gari Grimm andrim Dalrymple, the board of directors issued a simple statement, saying that it believes Grimm had accomplished the task of r educing the company's operating expenses, and her decision to resign was amicable on both aides The company says the disappointing results are due to lower sales in North America, a problem anticipated when the company instituted a coatweduction progxsm esrher this year. The challenge for the coming year, according to companyoKcials,will be to improve revenue and unit sales, introduce new productsand continue the


aNewestLCDpaper whitedisplaylachnohgy • VCAGWCGAIMDA emuhhen• 840x480pixels a Socketed fof 802878Kmath cepfocesser

sHighspeed40MSHDD11. 44MSFDDinduded • Rechargeablbat e leries withACadapter • 2MS RAM en heard, rwpanrhbh to 12MS • MS DOS 4.N indudedsWeight 14Ihe

$1IEIENam NICE PC-5741

II.TRA Nlll'ACI QSHl NlNTER • Semiceududor hsertechnology • gppmpdntspsxl,nut300x300dpl

• INulgqrinhr emuh gononboard •512KRAM expandableto4.5MB

• 250sheetfugrer tray Induded • Mini fedprint(13.3'wx 14.0'I x10.5'h) $ MEITEELE NICE

conduction program.

Contact:Jane Catelani, Wordstar,4158824000

Keep hck Of Clients With French Version CX MCuilgiser VANCOUVKR, B.C. Oct 4 (NB)Richmond softrum hasannounced that Version 2.0 of its contact management software Msximizer is now available in French. Janette Peters, a spokeswoman for Richmond, said the program code is actually biTingual and cau be switched between French and Kriglish at will The difference between the versions is the language of thedocumentation,she said. Because of the extra cost of adding French capabiTity for a smaller market,

she added, the French version costs C$895 for the ainglouaer version and C$895 for the network version, versus C$295 and C$695 for the Enghsh4anguage ver%on. Richmond has ofFered French editions of previous versions of Maximizer.


OKIDATA 400 LASER 17 Irderrud Fmds 5 Year Warranty PC Magazirro Ecgtl's Choioe

101 Nest 5th Ave© ManitobaSt Vancouver, V5Y1HQ OPEN EVERYOAY 8754261 Victoria 727-3414 TollFree 8OIHI61-2805 BBS 277-9920


Tho co m p o rorPaperIMov'SO Freachkmguage support usually lags about six months behiad new releases ia

English, she saicL The company also offers Dutch aad Geananvexxioasof Maximiserin Europe, Peters said. Asked about another kind af translation, she said their are no ixnmediate plans for a version of the software to run en the Apple Macintosh. Richmond has also begun offering training for Maxamizer users. The company held its first courses in Vancouver


ASK g>cs>eA>5 N 0 v E L L Qntatraia

and Teronto, aad plans ta expand ta all

major North American dties. Conlxact. Janette Peters, Richmond Software, 604. 299-2121


AkhIE IaheS PC Ihrllulim 2.0 SAN JOSE, CAUFORNIA, Oct 4 (NB) — Aldus Corporation has rolled eut a


p „'S'rV ~ ~

• Ealwlcsd

version of Persuasion 2.0, its desktop presentations pregram, for Windews. The program can make overhead, 85mmslide,anden~een preseatationa, It iactucles tools far outlining, wardprecessing, chawiag, chartiag, and formatting, aad can praduce black~d-

-Oaa Year Wammly

white ar caler presentations, as well as


:.:;. ; -

-80316 mloropraossssr, 33 MHz 1 BpallSIOa Shtx

(1/I. ®1,4828ll)

- r salal (rs~). \ raelel 4 MB RAM

speaker notes aad audience handouts. Presenters choose a design — either ane ef the predesigned shde or overhead templates that come wixh,the product, or

one of their own



their ideas inta the outliner, and Persuasion

rr err IwÃH?R R


automatically formats the entire presentation. 1s Ns, Lxs'



® 9.395.0 '„g@KTQp:4:88A;j,";o~~: CH

'A%i . ~

*,' . g:. " . " :~m.

' j j4 < p :

The program's ward processor allows users te specify type, colar, automatic text wraps, and line and paragraph spacing. Theyam also searchandreplace words and phrases, check their spelling, and mix type styles, faces, colors, and sixes within a text block. Pexsuasiaa far Windows also includes automatic kerniag, aad, at the user's discreifen,

everyone. Nearly aII pepular SaftWare runS On a netWOrk, So the transition is straight forward. NetWOrkS SSVe you time,

...cell for a quate

money, and money. CallFred Stearman at Doppler for

101 Wesl8h Ave@Manitoba 8L Vancouver,VSY$H9 GPENEVERYQAY 8754281 Vichria7274414 TcIRee8NHiN-2805 %827749K


ef that memory space, he said. In some cases, Tarlowsaid, PS/2 users have been unable ta u se expanded m emory because there was aat 6 4 K

availablefor a memory page frame. The BlueMax software removes the

OS/specificcede, built~ power~

BA SIC and s e l f ' ca d e ( w hich is never

used after the machine starts up) from thememory, freeing between 80K aad 84K~ , Ta r low said. Due te begin shippiag September 25, BlueMax will carry a retail price af US$155. Those wha awn Qxalitas's 886Max or its other memoxy management productscan upgrade ferUS$25. Contact Paul Tarlow, Qmlitas, 801-



18 (NB) — Borland is shipping an up-

New features of Qmttre Pxe 2,0 indude "SolveFor,"a technologythatselves

HILLSBORO, OREGON, Sep 28 (NB) — Intel's Personal Computer Enhancement Operation announced SatisFAXtion, its second~nexation PC fax board, succeeding its successful Conneciiaa CoProcessor. Like its predecessor product, SatisFAXtioa iadudes a 2,400 bit/secend data modem, but sends faxes. at 9,600 bits/second, or 4 pages per minute. The new board works ia the background, and ean send files f'rom any applicatian which can print to an Epson FX85 printer. Epson fonts and formats are presexved, the company said, as are Windows screen fonts when the product is used with Microsoft WindowxL SatisFAXtian also supper@ the Intel/ DCA Communications Applications Specificati on, a proposed standard fer effering faxserviceswithin applications. An optional hand scanner is also available.

complete detaih - 875-0261.

exsof ether systems that reserve only 64K

Intel Ships SatisFAXtion Fax Board

Peripherals, like printers and mademS, CEn be Shared by

BETHESDA, MARYLAND, Sep 25 (NB)~ u a l itas, a developer of memox management products here,has announced a memory manager designed especiallyfar IBM PS/2systemsbasedan the Intel 80886 chip. Paul Tarlaw, a Qmlitas spokesman, told Newsbytes the PS/2 hae reserves 128K of memoxy addresses between the 640K and on~egabyte levelsfor ROM BIOSfunctions,indudiagbumt~ BASIC aad cededesigned farnmaiag the OS/ 2 operating system. This has put PS/2 users at a dixsidvantage compared tous-

speaker notes, and indude time, date, and filename stamps. To createa chart in Persuasion, users simply type their figuxes into ils data sheet or import them from spreadsheet programs such as Lotus 1-2-8 and MicrosoftExcd, then chooseachartfexmat Contact Jane Dauber, 206/6284674

S us-XSNV}eel War, FVSvssvL+SVSV Cil, i%La CSSQ NS-4N. FSSa pSCl SFO.Saa


EspedamyFor PS/2

gradecl version ef Quattre Pra. Version 2.0,UK$495, incorporates features and presentation graphics capabilities not fouad in any other DOS spreadsheet program, accardingte Borland. According ta Dataquest, a Saa Jose, Calif.-based market research Grm, Borland's spreadsheet market share in units increased te approximately 25 percent in the first quarter of 1990, up from about 5 percenthtstyear.A study conducted by Vista Marketing Research indicates that over 80percentof Qmttxo Pro users were previously Lotus 1-24

can automatically number slides and

pscss sssJEci xo cHINxs wITHQUrNcxTc E,

Memory Manager

The SatisFAXtien beard retails far US$499 fer IBM PCs, US$549for PS/2s and other computersusing the Micra Channel plugarchitecture. The Hand Scanner costs US$899. Contact Intel, Mary Brawxxlag, 505429-7469

"whatM sceaaries; database eanaectiv-

ity, which lets users access and xnanipulate data in Borland's Paradox database program and in SQL servers; enhanced presentation graphics, including the abiTityta create "branching" slide shows,

measienal graphics,color 8&cam slide support and additienal clip art images aud import formats. The Qmttro Pra LAN pack far network useretailsfor US$295. Registered awaexs ofQxattro Pra 1.0 may upgrade directly fram Borland ferUS $79.95. The ProShaw Power Pack, a celllectioa of graphic enhancements designed fer users of Pro 2.0, provides a four~alorslideshowguidethatdescribes the best techniques for creating slide shows and shows you how ta implement these techniques when creating slide shows m Qxattra Pra. The ProShow Pawer Pack will be induded in versions af Qmtlro Pra 2.0. Far a limited time, users upgrading teQuattre Pra 2.0 from Quattra Pro 1.0 or competitive spreadsheets maypuxehase the PraShow Power Paekfar U8$89.95,saysBarland. Call the fixmat40848$8400. Contact Catherine Miller, Berland, 40$489-1614


The Computer Papowl Nov'$0 uarteakeck Unveils Q1<MlN With Wmdows St: New Descpiew CHELMSFORD, ENGLAND, Oct 17 (NB) — Quarterdeck Office Systems has announced new releasesof its Qemm expanded memory program, as well as the company's nagship Desqview and Desqview S86 packages. Called Qemm 5.1, the new release of Quarterdeck's popular expanded memory managerand processor centrol program providesa number of toolsfar integrating the current installed hase of DOS packages into the Windows S.O environment. According to Quarterdeck, Qemm 5.1 will allew Windows S.O users to load terminate aad stayresident (TSR)


Sante EeMedia M

A Multimedia Database

LONG BEACH, CALlFORNIA, Sep 20 (NS) — HSCSoftwareof Santa Monica. CA introduced the Santa Fe Media Manager, a multimedia database far the PC that has been developed under the company's SantaFe User Interface, a multimedia environment for the PC. The Santa Fe Interface is a graphical

environment thatallows twoendusers to

remotelyconnect PCs over a 2400 bps


pragrams, drivers and DOS resources

inta high memarywhea runningin either

real, standard or enhanced modes(high memoryis between640and 1024K, areas of RAM which are usually unavulable ta

user interface (GUI) that runs in Shit SVGAup te 1024 x 768 x 256 colors aad in 16-and 24kit T~ omp a tible environments with the same interface and supporting most SVGA and Targacompatible cards. Significant multimedia product development underthe Santa Fe UserInterface has already been accomplished including hardware controllers from Sony, Sharp, Roland, aad Pan asonic. The Santa Fe User Interface takes advautage of the expanded memory available within a PC and is the only

ductmarketresearchbefereitsexpected commercial launch of the productin the latter half of next year. Contact: Sony Corp., 0344M200

600 megabyte capacity, allowing storage of about 7,000 natural scenes or 16 national languages of aatration for one hour.The CD-I player also can playback an existing musical CD. The monitor is a baclit four~ eh color LCD (liquid crystal display) incorporating T$T (thin Sim transistor) technology. The portable CD-I player measures 1S6 by 54.5 by 160 millimeters and weighs 850 grams except for batteries. Sony claims that the smaller size and lighter weight enables playback of CD-I softvram virtually anyplace and anytime. Sany intends ta snake the CD-I player much smaller aad lighter as well as cen-

21 ~






"Every Windows S.O usc:r who intends to run DOS programs under Windows will want te usc:Qemm 5.1 te provide access to high memory, said Therese Myers, president and co-founder of Quarterdeck,announcing the new releasea Alongside the new version of Qemm, Quarterdeck has unveiled V2.S af Desqview, which it says will load and run Windows S.Oepecific programs running


The staff at TLD Computers would like to take this opportunity to thank eachof our clients for making September and October our best months ever! We look forward to serving you in the future.

in real or standard modes, such as Word

for Wmdows, in Desqview windows. "For Desqview users who want to nm Windows S.O programs, Desqview 2.S pravidesanenviroamentwhereWiadaws S.O applications can run aloagside existing DOSprograms,"continued Myers. "With this revision, Desqview retains its position as the mast powerful and flexible operating enviromneat far PC users. With Desqview '2.S, users can run DOS programs, 286 DOSextended applicatiens like I-24 Release S, and S86 DOSesrtended programs hke Paradox S86 and AutaCAD S86 sidekymde with Windows 2.0 and Windows S.O applicatians," she said. In Europe, the newversions ofQemm and Desqview are available ta end users immediately. Qemm costs UKP 65,while Desqview retails for UKP 99. Desqview 586 sells for UKP 149. ExistiagusersofQuarterdecksoftware can upgrade for various priceL Qemm upgrade pricing ranges from UKP 15 te UKP SO, while Desqviewupfpades range from UKP 15 to UKP 40. Upgrade pricing is subject to a shipping charge af UKP 5. Contact: Wilham Poc:I, Quarterdeck UK- Tel: 0245496699

Nlultimedia Sony Develops Portable CD-I Player TOKYO,JAPAN,Oct5 (NB) — Japan's top CD (compact disk) player manufacturer Sony has develeped an experiental portable CD-I (compact disk ineractive) player with a small color monir, a device which Sany hopes will cape the popular imagination and spur cation of CD-I titles by software maks.

CD-I is a nextgeneratiaa consumer edia which Sony proposed with Nethlandebased Philips, and it is designed o extend the capabilities of the current

usical CD. A CD-I software disk has a

mr g=.

N NQ V E L L 0




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a •

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The Computer Paper I Nov '96 modem and control each other's screen in real time. Santa Fe Media Manager is the first costwKective multimedia progxam that allawsdatabases to store andretxievestill images, videa, audie, and text. Users caa viewPCX, GIF, or FLI (the staadard file far Autadesk Animator) graphics with a I/4 screen viewing window or in full screen. Itispossible to search for specific records based on text, values, graphics, or audio information. Photorealisticstill images and videe can be selected &om the database,sectuencedandplaycd back in order far apresentatien format. Users can view still images or videe while simultaneously hearing sound associated with the images. Thiis so&ware can be used as a &ont end to all the leading datalxase products and is fullycompatible with Paradex 9$ since it uses Borland's Paradox as the underlying engine to

96/24 • Group III •

S end/Receive

create a fully relational database.


Newsbytes spake with John Wilcxak, CEO ef HSC Software, who saich "Up until new, multiaiedia has been hype and premise and shert on delivery becausewhile the haxdwarehasbeen there, the computer people and the audie and video people have not had a unifying sokwaretabmxgail thecompanentparts together." "So&ware is what wilL bring multimedia together aad we want to be the leader," Wllcsak continued. "We ~ in the imaging 6eld. Photo graphics was missiug at the84it calar levelwhexe the massmarhetissowedeveiopedaKaxdable image processlngsoftwsm to fillthisgap. Nowwearemavinginto multimediawith the Santa Fe Environment af which the Saata Fe Media Manager is the 6rst applicatian. Our cnvixaamentgoesdirectly to the card without layers ef software to ga through. It emulates the caalrols on regularVCRs and other products people are accustomed to using so it doesn' t farce pcoplc to learn all xlcw operations We even chase the colaxs far the saRware en screen te be '&iendly.'" WiiczaktaldNewsbytesthatnowisthe

Comp1ete with Bitfax the most advanced featured communications software

For the name of th e nearest dealer offering this amazing price contact 3D Microcomputers.


4 0 3 -250-2590 403-484-0151

Reach For The Diamonds

And Get The Expii~gp, Flexibility of the


time for multimediaprochicts to move in

realistic directions -

product has been in developxnent for over 10 yeats — it didn't "just happen." HEI; with its Santa Fe Intnfam and Santa Fe Media Manager was the cmly software company chosen to join Compaq, Truevision, and Autadesk in a

soE/2 eomystIwe-and am be a LAN server m

' 'work. ,kith DOSf" The high perfmmance KMP3860$hssaine expansion slots, making it an ',gdesl xnulti.-taskeg, multi-user system. Reach for :the Mitsubishi MP386/25 - the power user's pcfsonsj computer for the active work 4 envtxanment. * 2M8 RAM


c' 1.2MB or 1.44MB disk drive

'~@.~„,D)ecijiiiiiiijj g italy

jixMaih'i&.-::,'p::,cache'g 9 exp~lail, p'. + pour'additional slnfs '-~j>'r:.g-.-.''g ,':;.::~g: statal dev ice

NIITSVBI$HI ELECTRONICS + Colour Monitors + Coalyuters + Printers + Drives y




VANCOUVER Paci6c Charge Arete



bc+ ernepracticalfor

the user. He noted that the Santa Fe

gMitsubishi.',a..4uniind quality technology is

road shownisscressing the United States for demonstrations to 1500 tep dealers.

'They did invite other h~ e cam panies to go along, but we are the only '

softwarecompaay. Of course we run 8;

16; and 24bit in the same techuelogy." The Santa Fe Media Manager will be available an October 5 far a retail price of US$895 through major distxibutors, selected OEMs and VARa Contact: Michaela Brehm, Miller Coxnmunications, 21$822-4669


Japan Yelecom Offers International Video Phone Service TOKYO, JAPAN, Sep 27 (NB)-

(604) 322-903,'4, (604) 731-0592


(604) 430-1223

VIDEOCOMInternalional,thevideo and infoxmatiaa arm ofJapan'sinternatianal telecamgiantKDD,star tedavideaphone scxvice using aa interaational ISDN (integrated sexvices digital network) in October. The sexvice involved the iasialla-

tioa of KDD's calar motion picture videophone mto booths in the U.s.,

Smgapore, anclJapan.

The sexvice is based in Tokyo, and later will be extended to major metropolitan areas. The ovexseas booths are in Los Angeles and Siagapaxe ta start, and

eventually will be installed m New York and London. A f i fteen-minute c al l e a the videaphone &am Tokyo casts 5+00 yen or U8$89 ta Les Angeles and 6,700 yea

ar USES to Singapore. VIDEOCOM decided to oKer the service publidyfellowing a favorable test of the e x p erimental i n t e r national videophone service. In the six~oath test, which started in September, 1988, callers could make videophone calls for &ee between Tokyo and New York Contact VI D EOCOM I a t em aiional

Corp., 09405-1811

Telecom Mitsubishi Offers Smimest, Lightest CelMar Phoae TOKYO, JAPAN, Oct 11 (NB)hfitsubishi Electxic has announced the availabihty ofwhatitdaimsis the world's smallest and lightest cellular mebile phcme unit for die overseas market The fixm says the phonewill be available next week. Thecellularphone,named Mihaxbishi Haadheld Cellular Mabile Telephone, measures 160 by 56 by N.5 milhmetexs or about210 cc,and issuperlight at279 grama Itis smaller and one gram lighter than the entreat lightest and smallest

Handy Phoae Minimo developed by Matsustula Communication IaduslrM The phone &am Mitsubishi has mauy hmctions,iactudinga telephone number memaxy capable af storing more than 100 numbers, and a 2&digit alphanumeric display. It also has Smctians such as abbreviated pre6x dialing, battery power level indicator, and electric 6eld intensity display. The world's smallest and lightest portable telephone conforms to AMPS (advanced mobile phone system) specificatians of U.SAmsed telecam giaut ATILT. It will ga en sale this month in Australia, Canada, Hang Kong, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and the U.S.,where the AMPS systemisused. Mihaxbishiaimstosell200,000 units in a year. Contact: Mitsubishi Electxic, 05-218-2552

America Online Enhances APPle SerwieeS — ReadieS IBM Service VIENNA, VIRGINIA, Oct 19 (NB) America Online, Quaatum Computer Services' online service for Apple II and Mac owners, has enhanced ils xange of scxvices, ancl coafirms plans to publicly launch an IBM service later this year. Among the sever6 new forums available for Apple II and Mac users are those &am Fifth Generation, Salient Software,

Softek and Working Software. In addition, a new menu catalogue is now available online. This service listsxaare than 15,000 software package fer the Apple II and Mac, as well as MS-DOSkased comOn the MS-DOS access &ant, Naacy Bechnan, a representative of America Online, told Newsbytes that there are plans to introduce an IBM PC and com-

The Computer peper I etov 'ae patible service soon. ,"There have always been plans to launch an IBM service. We are working towards that," she said. In the meantime, she added, MS-DOS computer usexe can access the Apple II and Mac service using a package f'rom Geoview, which drives the America Online system software. The software is being bundled with laser Computer's Laser Pal 286, a machine intended to compete directly with the home computers recently announced by IBM and Tandy. America O n l in e i s

a c cessible via

Telenet and Tymnet in the U.S., as well as via direct dial. T h e

s ervice costs

US$5.95per month, which includes one hour of usage and unlitmted toll&ee telephone support. Hourlyfeesin excess

of the initial hour per month are US$5 evenings and weekends, and US$10 during office hours. Newsbytes' access on America Online has been improved. Readers can select the various sections such as Apple, Business, IBM etc., oint and shoot"graphical user interface. A powerful keyword search facility has also been introduced. Contact: Quantum Computer Services-Tel: 703/448/8700

usinganicon~en "p

UNIX Toronto Firm One Of Informix ts First Marketing Partners TORONTO, ONTARIO,Oct16 (NB) — Windstar, a Toronto maker of productivity tools for Informix's Unix database and fourthgeneration language software, has signed a joint marketing agreement with Informix. Informix s p okeswoman C a t hy Donohue said the agreement is one of the first two such deals Informix has

signed. The other is with FourGen Soft-

NewsbyteL Though she denied that service has been a weakness for Sun, she saidthe agreement would "expand and extend our hopefully already good service." Xerox hes more than 1,800 field service engineers across Canada, and pro-

videsthirdlysexvice under contract

with a number of hardwaxe vendorL Contact: Carol Smith, Sun Microsystems of Canada, 416477%745; Harry Cogill, Xerox Canada, 416-78$4410

Sun Unveils New Low&ost Laser Printer M OUNTAIN VIEW, ~ ORNI A , Sep 26 {NB) — Attempting to break out of the engineering market into more of the mainstream ofixce computing market, Sun Microsystems haa unveiled an

aggressively priced, US$2,695, 12 pageper-minute laser printer capable of Postscriptwompadble output, which it plans to ship in the fourth quarter. Also unveiledwasnewsoftwaredesigned to allow Sun' s SPARGbased computers to output pages to a variety of popular printers: Epson, Apple, Hewlett-Packard, Seiko, C anon, F u j itsu, K o d ak , X e r o x , Mitsubishi, Okidata, Raster Graphics, Talaris, and Versatec. Sun's Newsprint software, still unpriced but expected to cost around US$700, is designed to depart from the standard printer setup in which the escripprinter itself harbors the pr tion language, for emmple, Postscript, andfonts. TheNewspxintsoftwareresides in the Sun computer, or SPARCstation, and it enables any output device hooked to the Sun system, from dot matrix or laser printers to thermal printers and plotters, to produce Postacriptcompatible output, the company says. The Postscript compatibility is obtained with a clone of Postscxipt, not the real thing.

'VSanks to Hl~~ Caaaadhae PepeoHt

«cp coacpNte J 'e nccoeetfng D orgunfxed."

HELP Canadian Payroll HELP Sakwarehaneof Canada's hestseElogpayx aEpadmlas. Rfeatur as user a Shadyhtec Etce, hxelpates whh most major aceoumhg padncEes hdudhE hCCP hC, Nea&etss, XS and CEeat Euatelht,aedheeysyouraeveaueCaaadaaaeumhbalanoe.Heslbllhyhthenemeaftbelemela yaycolksalhmte, aad HELPcaabaadhup t tea userdeBaahhceuttyattydeducthaa Epchtsyoux ~ af l m p laymentaadTRsEpsatyearead and you caneemtchengayciuraaut &ncamtnacataxtabhs. Thhmeatl NOyeadyupdatefee. Beet afaEthenumher of mttplayeesh lhnbedaalybydldc spaoesoasyaur campenyltows,you went't autEtowHRLP. lfyaubaee muldphccunpanhs,HELP caahaacEetbcmalL HEIPCanedhnpayxoE hasbeeasecvhE hushesseslEteyouxaaetfacthepaatfheyeam sad has aver 1,000leaelMueets soycatcaahuywttbtheccutldenoethatHELP wSbethamlfyouneedlt.%epdceforthhpachtEe hoaly 034y~ TaEccoyotlfdanchr they aceycobablyabeady uetaE HELPCanacEaa PaymlL

ateda lseteattypeeofeamlnlsasweEasallawhg

For more hafonmttlon call HELP Soi4yare at(604) 4354268 $487%nIysway, Bilrnahtpp,ILC. V$H 261 Lhtxler Aeqlixtht csxeettekatttetuf.


ware, a maker of cod@generator software.

Brian Conrad,chief executive officer at Windstar, said his four-year+id companyhas focused mainly on the Canadian market to date, though it has sold its software as far away as Turkey. The Informix deal will "give us a bit bigger exposure," he told Newsbytes. Informix will bundle WindStar's WindCode, adata entry code generator, and WindPaint, an i n teractive forms

design tool, with Unix versions of its Infoxmix~L application development t ools and it s I n f o r m ix-OnLine a n d

Informix clE database engines. Informixwill sell the bundledsoftware worldwide, Donohue said. Conrad said his company, which

• •


Sounds Gooder Roland' s Dave Woodworth wrote in to point out that in the chart accompanymg the article Sotcacls Good on page 4647 of our Oct. issue, I refer to the ADC

(Analog to Digital Conversion) rate of an audio CD. CD's, of course, use a DAC (need I explaint ) to convert the digital information stored on the disc back into analog audio waveforms. I included the

CD reference merely to allow less musically sophisticated readers a common started out as a consulting firm, chose audio source to compare. The ADC rate the Informix software as a basis for develshown for CDs is, of course, the rate they opmentbecause itwas"the bestdatabaee are recorded at product out there." Windstar's software Mr. Woodworth also pointed out that is designed strictly for use with the Roland'sCM-52LandLAPC-1 have some Informixproduct,hesaid. Contact: Brian additional soundeffectsnotfoundin the Conrad, WindStnr, 416495-7967; Cathy M T-S2, even though theyare advertised Donohue, Informix, 415xl2641651 to "share all the features of the MT-S2." This is approximately what I thought I Sun Canada Calls In Xerox said when I wrote "[they] share the same specs asthe MT-S2." Iapologize for the To Improve Service inadvertent misuse of the word SPECS MARKHAM, ONTARIO, Oct 9 (NB) when I actually meant FEATURES. It is — Sun Microsystems of Canada has signedadealwherebyXerox Cenadawill my hope that readers will take features and specs with a large: grain of salt and let provide service on Sun hardware across their earsbe their guide when itcomes to Canada. choosing musical options for their comUp to new Sun Canada has provided Thanks Devel all service on its hardwaxe directly, com- puter. -GrasmcBcnase pany spokeswoman Carol Smith told

23 ~

•~ ~



The Computer Paper/ Nov '90 s

• s

High-Tech Dog & Pony Shows A guide to PC & Mac service bureaux by GraemeBeenel ... yt/I/henthe time comectomahe theirProPoe ah, the two managersecgchmarch into the president'soffi ce. The fcrst pulk out a pg7e of papers, fgiaeclwith figures.Toomany numbers, the bosecan't absorb it ak Sonyl In formation ocferhucch y; she'g hagye to thinh about it. The

seconcloee presents hie boss with call his depigrtment'sfigures chepkcyecl gcccphicalt/ in eyocatchingpgechartea nclmlecfulbargrapha The botge isabk to cfeagbt see the points he is tgyieg to get acyugs He kactesher with a handout sgcmmarising his presentation.

"Hmm, she thinks. "An interesting propocaL...

of solid m&rmation, a well thought out game plan and strong personal presentation skSls. Icingis after all, onlyicing, and if the cake is no good,it stays on the plate.

the actual computer video. Aninmtions,

Paraphrase, by aS means, but verbatim

8-D graphs and complementary handouts to illustrate key points are the icing that can help make your presentation truly memorable. Whether you are looking to prepare a bar chart to show

duplication of your on~een message is strictly ho-humi 5) Up until recently LCD panels that allow you toproject an image of your computer's screen on an overhead projector have produced generaSy poor results. Available with a plug~ video card adapter for PCs and Macs &om many equipment rental outlets, the biggest problem is that their images tend to fade

ch For We Diamonds And,,GK'The Big Picture

nd quality engineering 491pact for your presentaCtieyy, t ee.'e„s qua w facilitate multi-media ur computer or VCR, the %~":; +~c@~~ "'',"."'"""""Wng 33" and 37" colour b~ bring l ife to your bosutrorsn.

: ~~WQi'ibishi helps you bring the big '":,;.'-~1re to your audience.


=' '-i'' :~


App1eMigN'IittcSh::,5:-::c~@ible * Boardr~-~ 'i ht II"epti01IIILI'base

NITSUBISHI ELECTRONICS + Colour Monitors + Computers + Printers + Drives 0





VANCOUVER Pacific Charge (60 4 ) 322-9034 Vertimac Doppler Arete Computer Centre (604) 875-0261

as they get warmer. Even the ones with Sans that I have seen exhibit visible displayqualitydeterioration over the course of anhour or two. New technology may improve this field. 6) For truly professional results, you are going to want to use a 85mm slide projector, and uae your computer to prepare (in advance) some killer presentation graphics. To do so,you'Swant to use a program such as Harvard Graphics, Applause II, Microsoft PowerPoint or Aldus' Persuasion (etc.) thatiscapable of generating output to a film recorder (eee the aceompanygngartickein thisiseccejor more informationon PC pregentation padtotgag).

Manyof theseprogrcunshaveprMefined color schemes and "mockup headlines" that help even no n e s c r eate slick, powerful visuals quickly and msily.

Sliding To Fhst Film recorders typicauy connect to the

parallel port of a PC or the SCSI port of a Macintosh and make color 85mm slides. (Polaroid makes an instant 85mm slide film that is perfect for aS you last-minute


W hat? You don't own a $7000 film recorder/slid~ ing systemP Relaxi Just

Continued On Page 37

ere e 'ces on emo ac's! prese computers, from various sources must be liquidated to make room

for new inventory. All sales

'+ÃISC''~ 8 - ~ "' 54gability

*'I' BM 'CGA';-:-'g ;=pA'-";""Ppp':sl


natch) or color laser prinQ on acetate.

out pages summarizing your presentation while youare making it, people will shm ahead, and lose interest in what you are saying. And condone agrees that you should never "read &om the screen."

and under budget Thisisnot to downplaythe importance


While inferior to slides, color at least adds a bit of pizzazz. 8) For the budgetmse, it maybe worth a try if you have a color plotter handy, to tryfeedingyour acetattsg into it, and hope

overhead projector,a few pieces of acetate and some pages that you could photocopy onto them. Today's audiences, accustomed to fast paced television images, expect to see 85mm slides, as well as

your next presentation come in on time

. :."


I) Avoidtheold "photocopiedacetates

for the best 4) The eicperts agree that if you hand

room, here are a few tips to help you make

" ' ' .

on the overhead projector" schtick Likewise, lose thehand4etteredaignsandplainJane typewritten noteL We' re going for impact herel 2) If you absolutely must use an overhead projector, consider trying color photocopies (of coloxful subject~atter,

It wasn't too long ago that aS you needed to make a presentation was an

your banker, or wow them in the board-

s;,'f "


(604) 688-0696 (604) 731-0592

cash, Visa or NC

Call now! Supply is limited! M ac SEmb, 4 2-FDHDdrives, demo Mac SE 1mb, 2400K drives, kybd used Mac Classic, I superdrive Mac IIcx 2 mb, 1 floppy drive, demo Mac Portable, 40 mb HD,demo Laserwriter IInt, demo Other SpeciaEs OutboundMac Laptop

Mac Simms, 1 mb, 80 ns lifetime warr.

$2 4 6 5PhoneNet by Farcallon $1500 PhoneNet Clone $1249 Ragterops 24 bit video card 264 $ 4 0 94 Sicko 14" color monitor $499930 mbexternaldrives $399580 mb internal drives, 22ms AbatonFax Modem 12/48,demo Mac Pfo Extended Keyboards

$29 $19 $750

$999 $545

$699 $199 $175

$3799 Syquest Cartridges $99 $77 19" Grey Scale Monitor for Mac IIw/ card $1999

G-raphiComp Services Phone (604)854-6757

Grnpbicomp is the trade name for SBM Ggnphicomp Services Inc. SBM Ggaphicomp Services ate. is not, by connntt orinfengd, an authorized Apple Dealer. Otherprodttct ttgmes are ttmdemgrks ofdteir~ e hol degg.

The computer peper I Nov '91 •


Applause II



Harvard Graphics

g •

Power Point For Windows

Ss ~ i



Show Partner F/X eeoai



l4NME I •

woodThde Roatas

c m ~i I\~


Product:Applause II business presentation graphics software. Publisher:Ashton-Tate,20101 Hamilton

Avenue, Torrance, CA, 90509-9972 Avallablllty: Available at most retail outlets. Of Interest To: Executives who must prepare their own presentations quickly. System Requirements: IBM PC or 100% compatible, 512 KB RAM, MSDOS V. 2.1, Hercules, CGA, EGA, or VGA display, Printer, plotter or film re-

corder Price:$635 Key Features: Easy to use; Mouse driven; 400 Pizzazz-clip art drawings; Ashton-Tate Graphics Service.

Overview Applause II is a graphics presentation package. With Applause II,you can create your own worksheets or import your raw data &ommostspreadsheetsor databases

and create graphs or charts &om this data. Onceyour infoxmatian ispresented graphically, you can jazz up the presentation with Pizzazz chpart pictures and drawing tools. Text can also be added to thepresentation, with differentfont types available. A slide show can be created using a script editor and shown on other computersor the images can be printed, or sent ta Ashton-Tate'sown slide sexvice through a built-in communication utility.

by Gcoxife Skhfc

Product: Harvard Graphics V. 2.3 Graphics and presentation package for professional business presentations. Publisher:Software Publishing Corp. 1901 Landings Drive, P.O. Box 7210 Mountain View, CA 94039-7210 Avallablllty: Available through most retail outlets.

Of Interest To: Marketing professionals who wish to create multi-media presentations. Corporate executives who needto presentideasand concepts to large groups. Entrepreneurs who wish to use their own computer for their marketing and presentations. System Requirements: IBM PC or 100% compatible, 512K RAM, CGA, EGA, VGA or Hercules moncchrome display board Price:f719. A LAN versionis available for a retailprice of $2,295. Key Features:Hot key in slide shows; Spell cheddng; Slide shows; Lotus data import; Freehand drawing; Overnight slide service.


Installation is a snap and takes less than 20 minutes. Once installed, the program is extremely easy to use. Our experience with other presentation packagesdid not keep us &om catching on to Applause xluicMy. The whole system is menu driven and set up for a mouse. In my opinion, even the most inexperienced of users could achieve quite nice resultswith Applause II.

Harvard Graphics is a full functioned presentation graphics package containing most of the functions which one would expect &om a professional presentations package. The only functions we found missing were included in a companion packagecalled Screen Show Utilities which sells for a retail price of $199. Haxvard Graphics will allow the user to produce output on slides, transparencies, laser printers, colour laser printers, plotters and send the file to an overnight slide sexvice. The overnight slide service, Autographix, offers a $100 start-up credit to test them first. One note — the Toronto phone number in the brochure is wrong, the actual phone number is (416) 5874161. For us Canadians, it is nice to see a map of Canada included in the symbols.

Reports 8cDocumentation

Set Up and Ease of Use

We are tued of computer manuals being bulky. And we are also tired of software publishers thinhng thatyou are oing to sit down and read the manual

The installation process is a simple one that is completely governed by an installation program. It takes anywhere &om r minutes for a pragramanly installation on a4864ased machine (most of that time is spent changing the 10

Set Up and Ease of Use

over to cover before using the program.

Continued On Page 39

Continued On Page 27

dw i " ~ ~ ~




by Stcxlc Mdhuuia

Product: PowerPoint For Windows. Desktop presentations program. Publisher:Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 980526399 Avallablllty: Available at most retail outlets.

System Requirements: IBM PC or compatible with 286 or 386 processor (386recommended) ' Windows 3.0 ' VGA,EGA,8514/Aorany video adaptor

suppoitedby Windows 3.0(except CGA) ' Mouse'1MB RAM Hard drive Key Features:Imports data from Lotus 1-2-3, Lotus Symphony, Excel,W orks. Built-in word processor and spell checker. 16 million colors. On-screen slide show. Uses Bitstream fonts. Of Interest To:People who do a lot of presentations using slides or overhead projeclors. Price:4699.

Gverview PowerPoint is a presentation package specializing in creating slide shows and overhead projector shows. With PowerPoint, you can create your own worksheetsor impoxtrawdata&om other spreadsheets and create graphs and charts &om this data. You can enhance your presentations with 400 color Genigraphics chpart pictures and easyto-use drawing toolL Text can be added with a word processor and edited with the aidofaspellchecker. You can create handouts togo resentations as welL Slide shows and overhead projector shows are created and edited with an editor, You can print your pre sentations or send them ta Genigraphics slide service using a built~ driver and communications utility.

alongw ithyourp


Set Up and Ease of Use The installation is done in the stan-

dard Windows S.O fashion. The set up is simple to pexform and one is given options as to how much of the package one wants installed. Available disk space is monitored as you select what options to instalL This is particularly handy when


Product:Show Partner F/X. Presentation package specializing in screen effects. Publisher: Brightbill-Roberts & Company, Ltd., 120 E. Washington Street, Suite 421, Syracuse, New York 13202 Availability: Available at most retail outlets.

System Requirements: IBM PC,XT,

AT.,PS/2 or 100% compatible; 320K of

memory (256K available); One or more disk drives; MS-DOS 2.0 or later; A

system with the following graphics adapters or 100% compatible: CGA; EGA; Hercules Monochrome; MCGA; VGA (Object Editor does not support Hercules Monochrome); IBM Personal Computer Display, IBM Enhanced Color Display, a display monitor from the IBM PS/2 series, or 100% compatible; MouserequiredfortheObject Editor.

Of Interest To:People who can utilize

self-running or interactive demonstra-

tions and presentations. Show Partner F/X presentations can be used for train)ng, tutor)als, sales demonstrations, marketing projects and presentations of all sorts. Price.$469

Overview Show Partner F/X is a presentation software package that specializes in creating self~ n i ng shows. These shows a re greatly enhanced with the ~ tch ing special effects provided by Show PartnerF/X. Screens from other appli-

cation software packages can be captured, enhanced by Show Partner F/X, and then axranged using a Script Editor to create professiona14ookmg presentationL Captured screens are saved as separate text or graphics files thatca be enhanced bya Text Painter or Graphics Editor to spice up screens or add titles andexpianations. Aniamtion sequences can be created using the script editor or with the aid of an Object Editar. Presentations to be run on other computers are

put together using a Script Editor. A Slide Shaw Editor is used to create slide shows.

one is low on disk space (as most of us

seem to always be). Installation takes anywhere &om about halfan hour to

Continued On Paae 28

Continued On Page 30


The C omputer eper P /Nov 'BO e •



were using to review Cltarisma was a 16MHz 586 with 2MB of RAM and a

Charisma 2.0 hy Steps Mdheiss &" Getup Simk

20ms access drive. Micrografx states that

tures and toIpof the@ac drawing toolL Text can also be added to the presentation with the 41 difFerentfont typesavailable. A slide show can be createdwith a slid+show editor and shown on other computers or the images can be printed, or sent to a slide service through a builtin communicafion utility.

Product: Charisma, a graphics and presentation package for professional business presentations. Publleher: Micrografx Inc., 1 303 Arapaho. Richardson, TX, 75081. Phone (21 4)234-1 769. Of Interest To:Marketing professionals who wish to create mulI-media presentations. Corporate executives who need topresentideasandconcepts to large groups. Entrepreneurs who

Set Up and Ease of Use

this could be used on a 286. If yeu choose this option, I hope you like to drink a lot of cofFee. It would be inter-

esting to compare anon-Windowaversion of Charisma to see if the performance improves without the sluggish overhead of Windowa Charisma is packed with opfions. Itis so packed with options and fimctions that if it did not have a graphical user interface the package would be almost impossible to use.

The set up and installation of Charisma is not a diffitxsit process, but it is

very time consuming. There is also ne warning before you begin as te just hew long it will take. Budget at least twe hours just to copy all the files to your disk If you are going to use all the ClipArt and samples, then budget 5 - 4 hourL To conserve disk apace yeu have

wish to use their own computer for their

marketing and presentalons. System Requirements: 80286 or

80386 based system, 1MB RAM, 20MB

free disk space, Mouse or digitizing pad, OOS 3.1, Microsoft Windows 2.1 or 3.0

the option te install only the fonts and

ChpArt you want The installation is not a standard windows installation. The installation program is run &om DOS and the fi les are unarchived &om the

KeyFeature: 2200 Clip Art symbols; On-line context sensIve help; Macros; Bezier curve edlIng; 41 edilable fonts; 16 million colors. Price: $595.

fiep 'ea

has a standard Windows interface. Surprisingly, it is slow in its operation. This in itself makes the operation of the program more dilicult and &ustrsstmg. One reason which could account for the hLckof speed is the size of the package due tothe abundance of options and functions. To illustrate the lack of speed, it took 5 seconds per letter to type a hnewith a ~i n t font (Yes... 5 seconds a le~th is is not a typo.) We must at this point note the computer we

Overview Charisma is a complete graphics solution for the business user using windows. With Charismayeu can create your own worksheetsor importyourravr data&o m most spreadsheets or databases and create graphs or charts &om this data. Once your information is presented graphically, you can jazz up the presentation with 2200 difFerent cl~rt pi c-

Reports 8c Documentation The documentation is gootL it is nice to see that the documentation is not

overbearing, considering the package is so large. The documentation mcluded a handy quickweference chart,learning guide andreference manual. There are also many useful tips in the manual on hew to create efFective presentations,

such aa the proper background design to suit cerlain types ef screena The number of options available to you with this package allows yeu to create somepre + slick presentations.

Ermr H ttlmisg ScLimiLttions Clsariama traps errors efFectively and did not crash during any of our testa There are few limitations to what Charisma can produce. However vre feel the package's main limitation is in its speed (or htck of it). Other than speed, the program is c~ yno t lacking m other areas — 6 million colors, 4.2 million data pomia, 41 type fontL

Conclusion Chazisaus has all the functions one

expects &om a professional presentations package and more. The limits of Charisma are so broad that fewuserswill reach the barriers of the capabilities of

this package. One word of caution. Most people who are inexperienced with marketing or presentations tend to try to pack as many options as possible in one presentation. This same problem came about when desktop publishing flrat arose. If you don't have the shlls to create a good prestmtation, this will not help. If you aheady have good marketing skills thisis a very powerful tooL If you are in the business of mahng presentations 8 hours a day, 5 days a week andyou can afford to have thebest and fastest hardware and peripherals

(we recommend that this package not be considered for anything less than a 55MHz 586), Charisma is what you should invest in.

Ratmle Pezfozznassce - 2 - Sluggish at best even on a 586. Should not be run on a 286based machine. Usefulness - 4 - Has every fimction you can think of. Masnsa1-5.5.-Not everbearing for the size of the package and is laid out nicely. Avallatsmity-5.5-Not in all stores, but major dealers will have it, Average - 5.25

(Rii5ngs ifs based on a scale yf:.'1 Ioeolt to 4 higheat)

Reach FOr 7 rhg DiamOndS

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The Colnputer Paper I INov '$0 Herverd Oraphice Continued From Page RI

Dan Sricklin's Deme II

disks) to 2.5 hours to do a complete installation on a 4.77 MHz IBM PC. We would not recommend a person with a

4.77 MHs machine attempt any form of presehtation graphics regardless of the pmgrtun, thus we would not consider the time for the installation to be a problem. Most people using this package would have a 286 or 986, which have an installation time ofbetween Mand 60 minutea Before the installation proceeds, the system teilsyou howlongitwill be. We found this very convenient~

you do not start an hour long process with only a half hour of time available,

Harvard Graphics installed on our test machine as is. All other presentation packages required achange to either the hardware orthe software con6guration in order to run. The machine it was tested on has an odd coneguration of hardware but Harvard is universal enough to handle it. One functionwe appreciate on apphcations new, is the ability to set a data directory; Harvard Graphics allows thia The reason we appreciate this is that it allows one to configure one's system in such a way that one drive is used for apphcation software and another drive is used fordalu. This isneeded more and more todaybecause applications tend to take up a lot of disk space. Harvard Graphicsiscompletelymenu drivenand a good number of the functionscsn be masteredwithoutlookingat the manual. Context sensitive help is available. Thus if one gets stuck there may be no need to pull out the manuaL

Reports 8e Documentation There arenoreportswhichcomefmm

Harvard Graphics, just the output for your presentations. T his output is nothing less than spectacular: videodriven slide shows, which can be displayed with a video projector, 55 mm slides, overhead transparencies, laser-

printed presentationbooksorpamphlets, and large graphs done with plotters. In every case the output is impressive and enhances presentation.

The documentation is verywell done. Not only is the manual complete and indexed well, but it is presented in a mannerthatconumnncatesideascpnckly and esssly.

Error Handliug 8e Limitations We were notable to make the product crash in any test situations. There are a $ew things to note which we discoverecL In the very rare case where you are operating an EGA card and a monochrome

monitor, draw partner does not support this configuration. Th e installation missed settmg up the swap 6le path in the Applications Menu.

T h i s m e ant

settingthisoptionmauuallybefore using the opdons With these two limitations noted„we founcl no other limits to HaIvsrd Graphica

Conclusion H~ Gr ap h ics is an excellent presenlations package. One thing to take

Q Coatee Itstfe

PIoduot: Dan Brtckiin's Demo II software protolyping and demonstralon PfogfalIL

PIlhllaher: Sage Soflware, Inc., 3200 Tower Oaks Boulevard, Rockviile, AT or compatible; Monochrome monitor; DOS 2.1 or greater. Of Interest To: Systems analysts wish-

ing tocommunicateanewsoftwareconcept either to end users or programmers. Secondly, anyone interested in demonstIIII~, marketing or teaching software programs to others through a PC.

Features: Capturesscreensfromappiication; Creates screens with Demo II's editor; Programmable key events.

Feattlrial: Windows 3A) driver Real dnle video capture Runs all existing TARGA software NTSC, RGB, SVHS in and out Intarhce Sc uou-iuterhce modes

VGA pass dtroulh and overhy Upgradable lo TARGA 328r,64 On board dighal knyer Overhy graphics on live video High and low melunou modes

Reduced prices

AT and PS' versions



% ain i ng

FftgtINNgtGrrPNp 112-1020Msmlamlst. Vancouver,B.C. VSB274 6$4-9586

Qvceview Demo H allows the user to capture screetm from a preexisting software applicadon and then program them together into an interactive or self~ruung demonstration of the application. This would be the mostcommon use of Demo II, yet it could also be used to create screens and keyevents for an application t to beproducecL Athirduse for Demo would be to create screens which demonslrateto ormf orm usersof anonsoftware pmduct. Iior the purposes of this review, we focused on the softwarerelated application of this productdemonslrating an existLng product or the prototypeof a new pmduct.

Set Up and Ease of Use Demo H isinstaiiedsimply by copying the distribution disks to your hard dislr. Demo H isnot aprogram intended fora novice user and, in faÂŤt, the primary users of Demo H would be software developers. Perhaps this is why it is not the mostuser4iendlyproductwe haveseen. Once Demo H is installed, you go through the taskofcreatingyour screens and setting run%me functions for those screenL If youare creating a demonstration of a p~ c i sting product, you can save a little time in capturing the screens from the application and importing them into Demo H. If you are prototyping, you are able to create the screens with an editor in Demo H, In both situations, the most diKcult and tim~onsuming task is setting up all the appropriate run%me actions for each


An effective demonstration takes several hours to plan before starting to use Demo H. Each screen of the demo takes up to 15 minutes to pmgram the runtime actions. An effective demonstration wiII contain upwards of 200 differentscreensor more. Thus50 to 60hours of solid work is rettuired to complete an effective demonstration.


Continued On Page 28

Continued On Page 21


P L A I N P A P E R T Y P E S E T T E R I s9 )9 9 9 0 S Megabyte Ca nt r alle r 0 1 $5 S a a lable Typefiacea

0 H ar dwa r e C o m p a t ibility IXT, AT, Sas, PS/a, Mnc l

[Plus Ail Of Your Gunman P~Pc Fotsa] 0 S c R w a r e C a m p a t i b lilty 0 Unbelievable S p e e d l Windtnne, GEM. CAD, Vencurs, sec. l Is -RQnec/pass] 0H .U. Taner, Paper R C a b laa 0 Unlimited S p e c i a l E f f e ct a 0 Ina t a g a t i a n R , S y a t e m T r a i n i ng 0 Fre e D e l iver y p Okm radius) 0 O n- Li n e T e c h n i ca l S u p p c r t


Fre e D e I i vory, installation RTr eining

S QO clpl Cent m i l e r 0 0

6 M a ga by t a a c r oI M e g a b yt e s 1 3 5 S c a l a b le Typalecea Gn-Tha F l y

SQQ dpi Duplemln o I oner aller 0 0

40 0

6 M e g a by t e s 1 3 5 S c e l a b le Typefaces Qn-Tha-Ry

c l p i C csntr cslter

0 0


Graphics is the topeelling presenlations package. Usually when reviewing a top-

t h a t H a r v ard

Introducing the new TARGA+Pont Trueeieion

Maryland 20852 System Reqttlrslnenta IBM PC, XT,

The doannentation for Demo H is complete and concise, yet it is not written in a manner that a simple user could understmd, Simple users will not be

into consideration i s

% ue-Color PC/Mac'Amiga basedgraphics systems with 16.7Millionsimultaneouscolors

SSSD 0 0 0 0

2 M e g a by t e s 3 5 c r 1 3 5 S c a l e ble Typefaces On-The-Fly


S S M H z / R S S K c a c he S S oS CI S Q Q 0 1M S S uperVGAvideo ca 0 Q.RBmmSuperVGAma '

4 I V lagabytea Ra m 111 M S 1 6 m a HO 1 . 2 M S R 1 A 4 M S D r ive a MS DO S @.01


0 Lc gl t a c h Su a m c u a e 0 T o w e r C a s e with TImerj 'C l~


0 All DeakTcp Publishing Servicaa 0 DeskTcp Sy stems,So&were , Sa lee G Consulting

B RS - Q 4 4 R

~Ax 82 5 - 0



The Computer Paper / Nev '90 t?eNIo II Continued From Page 27

PowerPoint Continued From Page 25

using this product, thus the writing for-

approximately two hours if all options

mat is not a concern. Given the intended user, a programmer or analyst, the documentation is adequate.

of the easiest of all the presentation

Ermr HIIMIIing 8eIknilafions Demo H is a very solid product from an error4andling point of view. It was impossible for us to set up a situation which would crash the product. The only wealmess to the product from an exror-handling point of view is that you can create an error and the system will trap the error. There were xarely error

:'1l -',IMflltoii


':::1l -XQKii EI


mesmges to explain the error, thus you


would have torely on your experience with the pachhge to identify the exror. Again, considering thesophisticated user

this package is intended for, this is not a major limitation.

gg3xgt th'Ogjtgthtg

Therearea fewlimitationswith Demo

"2 g'Adelh



II. The capture buffer is limited to the



available RAM left adter the application is running. Captured screens are saved in RAM one after the other and the capture bufFer is not cleared until you run Demo II again. Try to get more than 5 screensout of Ventura running on a network. The next limilstion we ran up are the transitionoptionsbetween the screens of your presentation — there are only three. The hst of limitations grows when comparing this to other presentation and demonstration products. However, when you look at the intended use as a prototyping system, the limitations seem insignificant.



:,-:,,'.,IIIIII, ' ' " -


4' " '



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Demo II ftLmctions most successf'ully as a prototyping product, and is not as successful as a presennxtion or demonslration product. If used as aprototyping tool, Demo II is very efFective. For use by a systems analyst to present a prototype system to a progxamnxer, Demo II is a very effective product. Take Demo 11 into any other area where it cauld be used, and you will find it somewhat limiting. Considering its limitations, if designing systems as a consultant, either internally in an organisation or on contract, one tool we recommend is Demo


Ratmll Perfoxxnaxxee-L5 -Itbecomes cumbersome as the presentation gets larger. Usehlaee - 2e5 - Limited to a small vertical market (systems analysts and software consultants). Manual-9- Highly technical and not easy to read, but it is complete. Availability - 2 - Must be ordered through specialty profp:mxning stores or direct from Sage Software. Avexsjge - 2.5

Harvard Graphics Continued From Page 27 semingpackage,we fi nd the reason for it

being the tasselling package is marketingrather than avastlysuperior pr oduc

This is not the case with Harvard Graphics. We found no significant function which a competitive product featured that was not availaMe in Harvard Graph-

are chosen.

Most people will find PowerPoint one packages to use. Its slick Windows 5.0 design and logical screen layout allows users to grasp the program quiddy. We reviewed PowerPoint with a group of other preseniation packages. It was the last package we looked at and even atter .being loaded with a number of biases from the previouspackages, we found PowerPoint quite ref'reshing. Not onlyis it easy to use, it is, in this reviewer's opinion, the nicest looking and best designed of the presentation packages we reviewers Italso allows you to create new presentations easily by cutxing and pasting from old ones. Unlike morocomplete graphics presentation packages, PowerPoint sticks to

one area — slides and overhead projector shows — anddoesthisquiteeffectively. It is not packed with opfions that make the program overbearingand sluggish. We did our testing on a 12 MHz 286based machine and this did not hamper performance in the least. There isvery little waiting while charts on the screen are beingrefold b y the program (txyrunning Charismaon a 286). Unlike other graphic presentation packages that boast the "complete" solution to one' s presentation needs, PowerPointisgeared around producing slides, and the user interface refiects this.

Reports 8c Documentation Shde presentations produced with PowerPoint are quite impressive, although not quite as spectacular as other more sophisticated p~ s can p r oduce. The documentation isvexygood. The manual is hard cover and is attractive and easyto read. A reference section oudinesallmenuoptionsin the program in alphabetical order. A quick reference card for creating presentations is also induded.

1hxer H'Indhng 8eIimhltlme Errors are trapped efFectively and the progxam did not crash in anyof our testa PowerPoint is not your "total" presentation graphics solulion. It lacks a few options that are present in other

One cannot import as many package file typesasother presentationpackages, although you can import ASCII files, data from soxne spreadsheets, and most types ofgraphicL One caxmotcustomize line thicknesses in the program. When creatingcharfsor graphs,one canchoose to autamatically display the percent or label or value of a data point, but not a combination of the three. Thus they have to be added separately if you want more than one. As well, PowerPoint does not support CGA. One significant limitation is the lack of a stand&one slideshow utility. One can view shows directly f'rom the program,but thisisnotstandMone,so shows are not easily dispLayed on other computers. Thus it serves mostly for practisingg your presentations. There is also only one iransition between slidea This is aho a sifpaificant hxniiation if you want to display ~ a t c hmg shows on other

machine sas demonstrationsor salespre-

Continued en Page 30

Continued C mn Page 30

The Computee' Paper/ Nov '90







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PowerPoint Coatinued From Page 2$


C lassified 2 7 3 - 9 3 7 3 F ree Ad 2 80 . 1 0 O O Display Atl 273-1571


PewerPaint specializes in prochxcing slide shows. Thisitdoeseasier andfaster than anyether package we have seen. If we had te recommend a package thatis a "complete" graphics aud presentation solution, we would not recommend PawerPoint. However, in all fairness to Microsoft, it is net touted as a complete

solufien bythem,norisitfair to compare itwith mare total selutien" packages. If you need to produce presentations quickly, easily, ancl professionally and yau find the medium of slide shows effective, de net be without Microsoft Power Point.

RldmNS Performance-8.'7 - PowerPoint operates very quickly, presenting no unreasonable delayL a 286based machine. Ne did not find this in ether presentatien pac~ Usefulness-8-Nottoomanypackages will produce as effective slide shows as easily ar as qcuckly. However, it lacks a few featureL Manual - 8.4 - The manual is very goodL The abundance of screen shots is helpful. Avaihhility - 4 - Most retxtil outlets caxxy PawerPeint in stock. Average - 8.5

Runs effectivelyan

Show Partner FX Continued Flem Page 25

Set Up 8c Ease of Use The installation is automatically run by an install program. There are only a few options for installation, and thus itis quite a simple procesa The program is somewhat cumbersome to use initially; as moving areund the pmgxams and selecting menu eptionsseexuitebealitQeunconventional. Ahro, each pmgram locks different and operates slightly different fmm the next ene, makingthe package harder to get used to. Once used te Shaw Partner's little quirks, we found the salware easy to move around in and actually quite fast. Entire scripts or parts of scripts are easily. viewed ~ ht f r o m the Script Editor while yeu are creating the script. This malres editing a snap. Te learn Show Partner F/X, one should definitely use the tutcmal and experiment with the sample scripts, as this is the best way to grasp the program. The manual should be used more as a reference when one gets stuck. This is definitely a package that can easily &usirate an inexperienced user. However with a httle patience, a few hours learn-

ing, Show Partner F/X produces quite

to learn the package and use the manual mere as areference. This is a package that requires the user to cxeate and thus themanualcsn benamarethan asimple reference tool outlining and explaining features.

mggor Handih)gpeQgmlahons

Show Partner handles ermrs quite effectively. In the Script Miter, upon exrers occumng, fields are nat updated and the previouscontents are restored. The script editor did crash a couple of times while working with sample scripts, though it never chd cxash when creating aur awn. Thus we cannot conclude if i tins%as the pfogxanL s fault er eur ewn unfamuliariiy with the pregxanL The Gxaphics Editor isnotassophisticated as other drawing pmgrams alxd it was a little disappaintmg. The best bet is ta create special screens in ether drawing programs and then capture them with Shaw Partner F/X. A system using CGA is the best bet ta

createpresentationsonbecausethefinal product can be viewed by mast other machineL One major hmitation is that shows produced on EGA/VGA can not be seen an a lesser machine, unless ene uses text screenL Amajor improvement would be to enable Show PartxLer F/X ta pmchxce CGAkssed showson EGA/VGA machinea


The versatility of Show Partner F/X's Script Editor and the mac af creating and editing scxipts is unmatched by any other presentatian software package we have seen. E~ tc h ing special effect are easily used to bring in each new screen in a show, greatly enhancing presentations. Shaw Partner F/X's strength is its Script Editors, whereas it cannot createfancy graphs er pie chaxts as easily as other presentation packages can. Thus itleansmere towards creating showsbyusmgandenhancingscxeensar drawings from other software packages. Based on this alone, Show Partner is a must fer those interested in creating tutorials, demanstrations and presenta-

Rainy: Performance-8.R-Show PartnerF/X operates very quickly, presenhng no unreasenaMe delays. Heveevex, it has a few little quirks that hinder performance

shghcfy. UseMness-8.5-Thispadcageprovides excellent functionality. It fills a market niche that has little competition. Manual -8 - The manual is average. Availability - 4 - Most retail outlets carxy it in stock, Average - 8.425.

Harvanf Graphics Continued Fren Page 28

stunning presentations'


Reporhs Se Docaunentation

PexferxuaxLee-8.5-Harvard Graphics operates very quickly, presenting ne unreasonable delayL Uaefulnee-8- This package provides excement functionality but it loses one point because the price is substantial (particularly the LAN version). Mamxal -4- The manual is excellent Avalabillty - 4 - Most retail outlets caxxy Harold Graphics in stock. Average - 8.6

Completed presentatians can be run using FXSHO% — a special runtime module. Yau are free to distribute to BrightbillRoberts 8c Company. The documentation is dear and complete but we found the manual's index poor. Once again, one should experi-

FXSH OWwithoutroyalties

mentwith the tutorial and sample scrqLts

The Golnputer Paper/ Nov '90 •





iena ie nneephnepeannehn ennea hnape, eepleen an • hhnap. Penaeehn heePnoHand Ihe Snesnn Sl aepahpaee

Persuasion by Peter Milburn

Product: Persuasion 2.0 Publisher: Aldus, 411 First Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98104

(206) 622-5500 System Requirements: Any Macintosh with at least 2 MB of RAM. Hard

Drive and Color Mac recommended. Price: US$495.

Aldus Persuasion is one ofseveral presentation packages available for the Macintosh. Others indude Cricket Pres ents, M i c r o soft

P o w e r P oin t a n d

Symantec's More. Each package has gone throughatleast two major upgrades that have resulted in added features and improvements to the user interface.

nne Iene Peannehaeeapenee ne 4 nPIOr, whhh aen eehnn le aPeehean inhnenNeinNn ineneeeSnesnnISe.

Master Pages Background masters act much like

master pages in a publishing program. They give your presentation visual consistency &om slide to slide. With Persuasion however, you can assign multiple masters.

You can nowcreate overlaycharts &om any of the 10 chart formats in Persuasion. A drawing module is helpful for accenling your slides with rudimentary graphics. Otherwise you can import clip art m various graphic formats. For those who would rather switch than fight, you can import PowerPoint presentations through the Scrapbook. Use the Export command to transfer

your Persuasionoutlinestoproductssuch as Acta and More.

and gives the presenter more control. However, the person using this software

Y ou can spruce up your on~ e e n slide presentations by using numerous transition effects (e.g., glitter, dissolve, curtain, etc.) Automatic "builds" are possible, where the image components appear over several &ames. For those who don't have the talent to create effective visuals, Aldus includes a dozen Autotemplates (six in black~dwhite, six in color). These templates have been created byprofessional designers to help give your presentation greaterimpact on your audience. Persuasion comes with two manuala

must also have the abiTity to assemble

One is a new features guide for these

efFective visuals.'

already familiar with version 1.0 and the other is a complete user guide. Aldus also packages a handy desktop reference

Presentationpackages help us organize our ideas and create visuah through several mediums which assist in formal presentations. Before this software became available, presenters had to coordinate the efForts of several individuals within an organization. For example, a slide presentation would require the in-

put of the presenter, artist and photographer. Like desktop publishing, presentation software streamlines this process

Installation As with all Aldus products, Persuasion comes with an installer utility that lets

you customize which files you want to include with the program. You have the option of installing autotemplates, tutorial files and dip art. In all, this lakes about 4 megabytes of disk space. One of the nice features of the installer utility is its ability — if you choose — to run a set of

diagnostics. It can check your system configuration (including INITs, CDEVs and RDEVs) and check for font damage and duplicate font IDs. It then writes a report to disk that can be opened as a TeachText document The entire software packagecomes on a setoffive 800K disks. Version 2.0 is a major upgrade that contains major enhancementii. One of

the most significant is greater flexibihty in the outliner, a writing tool which assists the presenter in organizing ideas. Y ou

c al i

n ow


m ul t i p l e ,

nonwontiguous selections of outline items. Thismakesiteasier topromoteor demote items as well as change their

order. Because of the dynamic linking to your slide view, you can also use the outline as a slide sorter. Version 2.0 also permits you to format the outline text ao you can use it as a handout.

Laser's Edge provides high resolution 18 INOHUNC output with up to 18e4 by 4' capability to film or paper 12 INCHLINC from our two Linotronic printers. For proofing and less demanding jobs, print to ouf two IAEER Laserpnnters. Print full colour letter or tabloid output from the QMS ColorScript to paper or transparencies,

• We support


Mac and PC environments offering disk and file conversion. • Workstation rentals are available, with the softwareof

coNYE RsloNs you

and the entire Adobe type library. ptsEEIE@ • Logos, graphics and text recognition (OCR) can be scanned and saved in almost any format.

in the form of a flip chart. The software has a context~nsitive onhne help system similar to PageMaker 4.0. Persuasion supports many of the lowend film recorders which can connect to the Macintosh. For those who don' t have their own in-house slide recorders, the documentation includes booklets describing how to prepare your presentation for Aldus packages a Chooser~lectable driver that enables you to format your presentation for output at any Autographix Centre. There is also a manual that explains how to tweak your presentation for output to a Crosfield Dicomed system. This software has only one major drawback Using a Laserwriter NTX I experienced problems with printing handouts. Processing was unacceptably slow andsometimesplaguedbyPostsmpt errors. This is one area where Aldus definitely haa to improve this product Otherwise, Persuasion is a solid offering which ranks among the best of any presentation packages.

highlan dservicebureauL

Peter Mllburn is president of MAConsultants, an independent firm specialiting in high-end support and training. Suite 300, 555-4th Avenue

S.W., Calgary, Alberta, Tel (403) 2625734; FAX: (403) 266-1837.

• Our in-house

production department offers quality typesening and design. • All this, plus OCR service with a smile. • Mon. to Fri. 9-5 pm and - Sat. 10-3 pm. 830-789 West Pender St. Van., B.C. V6C 1HZ Fax (604) 681-Z300 Modem (604) 681-3278

NP laser'sage ($04) 86$4774

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FINALLY asuper highresolution GENIGRAPHICSservice bvreauspecializingin POWERPOlNPand manyother popularsoNwareprograms. IBNI COMPATIBLE






Full colour slides,overheads,andhardcopy. 24hrturnaround, plus custom designandproduction. 8000line resolution.

VISION : Vision PresentationsInc. 200-13N BurrardStreet, Vancouver VSZ2H9 (604) 682&86 FAX (604)6824792


The c o mputer paper I aov '$0

Amiga Vision

0 •

IhilaVI sionAuthorial Syrte Qns jg ic„,t„p„f;„,f,„ o itlttl

• tui'DtiuI. 'I;fxecfltcAluItlN ilk c

e Discount prices for group purchase • Provide-fuHy authorized dealer te gbreyou the best support.,service and trairdng • Free presentation and demo on your site • 7-day money back guaamteed by Naacy Deoitt Lorieacc

:: jp"'™Acommitment to success"

Ptoduct: AmigaVlsion for the Amiga Publisher: Commodore Business Machines Ltd., Canadian Address: 3470 Pharmacy Avenue, Agincourt, Ontario Mf W3G3; Telephone: {4f6) 499~2; FAX (416) 494-9795 Systlm Requlretnente: Compatible with any Amiga; 1 MEG chip RAM stronglyrecommended;addiTionalRAM nDcommended;A3000tecommsndedfor full power. Price: C$179;bundledwlthAmiga2000, 2500 and 3000s.

A. HyperCard History -.r

Many of you have been satisfied with our commitment to the PC market, we always try our best to serve you better. Now, we would like to introduce a widerrangeof industry-standard PCs. From a low-cost, entry level 2&6, Laptop 386SX, to a truly hot, high performance 486 model• With a wide range like that, if you can't find the PC you are looking for, please give us a call. Please be aware, shop wisely as the Edi r of this paper advised in August Issue,Cheapest priceis not t e best policy. Shop around and look for these logos, or call us for an authorized dealer near you.

xL~~ X~~ NLi NLi 286 386 386SX 486 M ENTEK M E N TE K

M E N TEK M E N TEK Thank-you.

Alittlemore than twoyearsago, Apple Coiporationrockedthecomputingworld with the introduction of HyperCard, a popular software erector set" for the Macintceh. Packaged with the machine, the program createda great deal ofexcitement among Mac owneis because, for the Srst time, ordinary users could create programs without the necessityof having to master a complex language or operaiing system. HyperCard works, something like a card Sle. What you sm on the screen is a card which might hold words, pictures, sounds, animation, and/or controls. These cards can be manipulated like index cards in aSle box, Groups of related cards are called stacks," and Mac owners have used it for evnyttiing kom address books to complex databases to interactive annual reports. Among its limitations, HyperCard is slow when handling animaticm, there' s no color or stereo sound, only one card at a time can be viewed, and the size of the cards can' t be larger than the size of the Mac Plus or SE screen (512 x 842

pixels). Youcan also, generallyspeaking, perform only one HyperCaid function at a' time. Pcrsicm 2,8 of HyperCardjcst


ef pstomckbessacaayo ftheseprobfesca

It eaa have bigprsisecf eorcrsaad oPea mdtipk stack@Check out Voaeocccler's ocea ADDh&tioapoochMoaWceksprHyperCaef aaiacations — 2~ d .)

AmtiNLGets Hyper Within the past year, Amiga developeishave begun to challenge the Mac on what Apple has come to regard as "its own ground," with such hypermedia "deckkased" products as Intuitive Tech-

nologies' Uliracard Plus, and the excremetyslickCando byInovatronics Corporation. New, Commodore itself may have taken that ground with icz AmigaVision authomig system. Targeted mainly at theprofessional, training,and traditional education markets, the program allows theintegration of CompactlXiskstitl and video capacities, four~hannet/Skit internalsound, MIDIeidemalsound/light 8c other systems, genlocked video, inter nalgraphicsand animation, the Amiga's built' computerspeech functions,and mouse, keyboard,joystickand/or touch screen input into full interactive instructional, informational, and/or educational applications. The program also has bmlt~ database construction capabilities compatible with dSaseotyle data. Diskkased run-time modules can be created automatically which pull all elements of the presentation into one pro-


Although it's essentially a programming language, the command lines, ob- . scure words, and cryptic statementsof traditional programming are gone, replaced by symbols and icons in what C ommodore refers to as an "obiectmrie nted" system. O n b o o t in g u p AMIGAVISION, the user or developer is confronted by a visual chart symbolizing the logical Sow of the operation. Sy manipulating these ~ is ,and associating with them a series of relatively logical commands, you can assemble pictures and brushes, digitized sounds or binarymusic Sles, animation, speech, video, text and data Sles, to build programs which can be controlled interactively by the end user through virtually any input device. With AREXX, an interprocess communicadons and control environment

developed by William S. Hawes (now sold independently but induded with ~ the Amiga's Version 2.0 operating system),youcannotonlyrunother sofhvare (including Cando) as if it were an AmigaVision module, but you can control and communicate with it, and, with theAmiga'smultitaskingcapsbiTities,you can have ~ piec es of software runningwhich also interact with each other.

Icon-Based Interface AmigaVision's interface is very easy to


Ths e o mpocsr pspsr I SLov 'SO

use. Ao.'er dicking on the icon, you are

The b u ilt~ editor allows you to crecon&a%ted by a grid. To create a pro- a t e "hot spots for input, either invisible gram, you build a symbo14ased flow- (perhapsoveragraphic),asan outlined chart on that grid by dragging icons or b o x containing text, or using a "brush" symbolsontothegridfromasetofmenus (a small graphic created in a paint prolocated at the bottom of the screen.

There are icon~ccessible menus of other icons for branching or logic control, interrupts, data access and manipulation, waiting for specific input c onditions, audio/visual access, and module (and submodule) types. As in various subroutines in detail, and then combine them into modules.

system developed for any machine, it is

structions. Soth tutorials, although informative, are simply explorations of previouslywonstructed userapplications. There is no opportcmity for the user to work step4yetep through the all~portaut process of program creation. .JdF Evans,productmanager ofAmiga for Commodore Canada, admits this shortcoming and says negotiations are nowundexwaywith an independent fimL to produce amanual of detailed tutoxials for applications of different types. Still, the necessaxy information is there, and a determined novicecan progress to "expert," although the learning curve is steep. After reading the first three sections of the manual and working my way through the tutorials,I was able to produce a simple application for ixLstmcting young children on the capabilities of the Amiga, as weil as on its use and care. It

not without its shortcoxxlingL

Foremcmple, although Candoisciearly the lesser program in termsofrawpower, you easily can create some applications gxaL m and then layered over the back- in Caudo (for example, a "master cong r o und text), and you may allow the trol" user intexface cxr a ample game) i n put device to change from one brush which might be diKcultin AmigaVLsion. t o another part of its operation. It could be said that simple program construction of the "card shufning" type g P O~ O~ O~ g g is, overall, much easier in Cando. M ost o f

Although AxnigaVxsion may be the most flexible and powexfcxi authoxing

t h e r e a so n f o r t h i s i s

AmigaVision power, and the fact that the manual, while comprehensive, does not go fsLr enough in providing detaileci in-

j ostScript Power To ThePeople! The QMS-PS' 410 Printer. Developed by the greatest minds in the industry... Yours.

took me several hours and a lot of crass.

referencing, but the process was fun, and my next application will be a little xnox'e alxlbitiouL

The AmigaVision Authoring System comes on four non~opyprotecteddisks (two of which are tutorials), and is extremely attractively packaged, The editors of the manual have leklots of room in themaxginsfor notes (andyou'llmake them), and there's room for insertions,

as wem.

As part of i t s i n t roduction o f AmigaVaion to Canada, Commodore Canada is offering the program to members of o%cial user. groups only for the unbelievable price of $60, A letter has beenemtout toallCanadianusergroupa The offer expires November 15.

Before creating the QMS-PS 410, w very important task. %'e listened. Thenwe took everything we heard, added a few surprises, and built a revolutionary laser printer with a suggested retail price of just$3995I'

':;Ps'ee'Aielta ' 8000e... %el, Smt 4Ã..:.

You said make itAdobe® PostScript~. So we did. And now you can enjoy the design

:. -" Accorchng::to': Jeff - Kvans, Amiga

flexibility only PostScript offers as

well as 45 residenttypefacesand thousands of PostScript software applications.

~ ~

Product Manager forCommodore Canada, the company is behind the : prociuct (and of course the Amiga) aRthe way and is putting its money,

~ os

You said make it reliable. So we used the Canon® LX print engine manufactured by the world leader in high-quality, easy-maintenance print engines,

and itS prOduCtr On the lllle tO prOVe

it The obj~ tobu xlda wide base , of recogiuzed apjL'liccitioxxs'. for the. A8000:tljLrough.AmigaVxsion.

You said make setup easy.So we made it truly and completely plug-and-play. Out of the box, it

The,.cclmpaLny,::hei,:ahesafy. un',,

connects to IBM® PC and compatibles, Apple~ Macintosh® and mini and mainframe computers.

You said make it flexible.So we added HP' Laser Jets Series II emulation to support non-PostScript printing applications. You said make it simple. So we gave the QMS-PS 410


Call NswsnLitst tiLsliMS-PS41$ Uhevatl VoN-Just'3888

the intelligence to actually "think for you" by automati-


cally switching between emulations and interfacesl This printer has ESP (Emulation Sensing Processor) technology,' which interprets incoming data andclutomatieally

chooses the appropriate printer language. And you can send data simultaneously to its Apple Talks, serial and parallel interfacesl There's no need to change switch settings or send complicated software commands. You said maire itfast. So we created a super-fast controller with a 6802Q processor and third generation QMS® ASAPrM (Advanced Systems Architecture for PostScript) technology, which incorporates the latest in component and controller design. You said make it expandable.So we made a variety of options available, including an HP-GL® emulation card, Adobe typeface cards, HP-compatible font cards, memory

upgrades and extended paper handling capabilities.

mg) avsLrietyof dcvelopERentpcJOLts in.ll~te'rn GsxL'atda:'(xxxetudmg the previo'usly-.mentioxxed:::::::tutciria1

.thi,.development:::of innovaiive

kmjpV xsion 'for:

. jLroJectLL.:nLT1 LLixxg:-

You see, listening toyougave us the insight to develop a printer that offers real world solutions to real world problems. And the QMS-PS 410 delivers PostScript power to the people by giving you more solutions than any other printer on the market. Affordable. Reliable. Flexible. Solutions that set you free!

support,:;::: ,:;:,-: inati:ilia,.::::::. maxxuxLIs,


couNLeWafe, jlafdware ancl sof tcsare ,: Among: tise::posLahle apphcanti 'xnxght .,bi,:: buslnessei, independexxt ~e L NersclftralxnxlgprograLmsr and

: .. The. jIgogxcxm::m vvcLlves loaning. an

'Alga SN8 tcLthe developer for S.to

4 months:(with:possible extensioas)'

QMS Canada, Inc.

The Locsringareshhnaars |r bolsteredvsLrrscs of Loir erpsdhrecampaws: 0MS.the ocs logo,

QMS-PSandASAPof OLLS,l ~ fBL L of I lema5onsl Sustorr LLach'or„ lncorponM. adobe, aslscript and 5e AdaLoporl8cript logo ot Adobe syrhms, Irea|LoratoL caron ot canceUSA, l~ Appl e, Apple Tak and acinlosh afAppleCoepulsr, InorLootoL HP, MP4L andLaserJrt of HewlrL.PrckardCompany.

-@ore Su'sixcess Machines Head once in Toxonto, oi the Vancouver olice::: . at 4kl~ Sr In Alberta, contact the:

'CanadianSuggss& list Lrice uLSL ~Patent Pending


ey in ::Ciljpiiy at2554888.

Microsoft® Windows 3.0

Now Bundled With Every IPC-386 And IPC-486 Computer Imagine a baker selling plain dry cake. Meanwhile the baker down the street is dressing cakes up with the most talked about icing of the last five years. At IPC we know the meaning of addedvalue so we' ve arranged with Microsoft to bundle Windows 3.0, the most talked about software in the industry, with all of our i386 and i486 based computers effective immediately.

IPC-386 personal computers and the recently released IPC-486 are powerful machines designed and built in Canada for the most intensive applications. IPC offers dependable high performance in an industry standard design at a price we know you' ll find attractive.

IPC 386 T-ower interface has revolutionized MS DOS computing. It supports multitasking, networking, dynamic data exchange, and breaks the 640K barrier all in an icon based environment. And IPC personal computers support it perfectly!

— =-



Whichever IPC system you choose you can count on our comprehensive IPC warranty {one year on parts and three years on labour) and the excellent support and far reaching — NCR service that makes IPC

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Th e Computer paper INoe 'QO

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0 0

0 0

The Computer Paperj Nov '90

Presentation Graphi cs Senriees Cont.

- • EH

Craphloally Speaking

Qur 7lh year

MC Turbo,.... .







In Buelaeee

Aeh shoat Employee PumhaeePlan Pnchng ue


FllU.Y CDNFIGljREBSYSTEMS Anyonecail adveftlseachNpclone,bUtvvhen you addintheexbasyou feally need, the final priCeiSn'tcheapanymote. sr5Year Popular optionsufeInclude are: • edfa memofyformaximum performance • largerharddrivesfar demandingapplicahons

Contact: Patrick Parentsau 682-5500 308-1111 W Georgia R., Vancouver, VSE .3G7 Offering sffds output from: IBM: AutcCed (DJ07, Zenographics, Harvard,Freelance,Autographics, Dnnv Plus, Ccrel Draw,etc. Mac: Picket, Persuasion, PowerPcint, PageMaker, FreeHand, illustrator, QuickDrew slides, PostSoipt color pnnfs andacetates, DTP Craphlc Rssouttcs Croup Ltd. Phs) Contact: James Holland 869=2116 or 669-9137 100- 1237 Howe St., Vancouver, Y62 1R3 IBM, Mac: Corporate presentation graphics, DTP, slides,ovedieads, phohgraphic, art direction. Meet presentsfian packages supported, Including Appluse II, Harvanf Graphics, PC-SINe, Ccrel Draw, Lotus, AuhrCAD, Excel, etc. 24 br turnaround. No minimums.

Efdeuded Wannfdif

Bath 5 1/4"and31/2 floppy dnvesfor flexibility

«VGAvideo insteadofolderobsoletesfundafds « Mausefor easeof usewit thelatestsofhere MS-DOS¹.N insfallsd wilh full documenhCion

M C Turbo 286 Nlemety 1MB RAM F lsppy lhlvse 2 Its@I Irhfee 40 MBi28 me

386 8 X


2MB RAM 2 60 MB/28 me

80 MB/25me N enes, NB inu L incl. incl. paper WhiteVGA f1,477 5,187 4S,2S7 Csler VGA(.81) 41,792 $Z,¹82 $3,582 PRICEI IICLIIQE14" MQNITQR, 1 YSN NIARRAITY




with abnve uptinne, paper-whiteVGAmunitnr, Systemprovidedreadytc ranwith euftware printer, accounting,backupand ulity g q ~ ~ I ; inehdled :GL,Receivabhie,Payablee, euftwaie, tfuppydfehe, paper, powerbar. upi S s 995 fnvenfcry. Set upycur accents befcie Oec.31

e y ggg •

Contact: Dan Boudoin 882-3774 or 681-2300 830-789 West Pander, Vancouver, VSC 1H2 Mac end Ateri: DTP, color laser prints, transparencies, Ijno.

from $¹89 from 8689 I m8¹¹ g

II 447 VGA Colorcard8 monitor ~'+ ® Super VGA color800 x 800 ¹ 0MB/28mekttfcr285IMS



Ccforimagesscanned gf2 per im age. GIF, PC4 TGA output. .LaentOata INsdia Services Ltd. Contact John Hudson 885-7879 or 885-153$ 500-115S West Georgia, Vancouver, VSE 3H4 Presentedion graphics

Laser's Edge CT Ltd.

Canfiguml asMCTufbowilh optionsabave, POIIfllll ................... QII 71MB/29ms HardDrive, Color (640x 480} VGA, PC Tools, D08, andFull 2YearNaifaaty. UPGRADINI? SNgN 12MHr 1MB RAM g L , IN XT to 285and285 to 388 288tIX, 16MHz,1MBRAM ...... prices onreiluest. .Q,N4 Ii llfljIE 15MHt 2MBRAM I' M 25MH 4MB RAM

Image Ogttialng 73&9624


Porlalvlsw Productions Jeff Lseee 887-7380 310-118 Alexander SL, Vancouver, VSJ 1B5 Mac: video capture,prssentsfion graphics uses Photoshcp and RssterOps 384 Ctulcksst Craphlcs Cordact: Don Tarris 88LS733 44 Blood Alley, Vancouver, V6B 1C7 Mac: DTP, lino, color scanning.

Tomorrow'e Craphlos 4334438 3615 Kingsway, Vancouver, B.C. V5R SM1 Macintosh rentals, gray scale scanner, Montage film recorder, Cerlox binding machine, laminafing, Kroy Kolor, Canon color laser photocopier. Ysloblnd Contact: Dick Price ~


Suits F 101, 1280 Homby St., Vancouver, V62 1%2 Binding for handouts Vision Computer Craphlos Ltd. Contact: Allan Cooks 882~ o r862-0792

200-1380 Surreal, Vancouver, V62 2H9 IBM and Mac: DTP, custom design and producffon,Gerugraphics service

hueau,slides, overheads, hardccpy. 6000 line camera. 24 hr «unarcurrd.

WYSIWYC Craphlcs Contact: BryonLawss

884-5¹86 or 884-5485 400 W Georgia SL, Yancouvsr, YSB 123 IBM It Mac Linctrcnic L300 output, Chromalln color keys, cokrr laser prints color scsrenng,DTP services, no MV laser prints.

o er a e i n riner is or .


JCtRRlll allows more

fonts to be downloaded and higher resolution graphics to

be pmcessed.

Wbat otherprints print onadesk,it Inints anywlune.

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Compatible with: HP Laser Jet IIP and HP LaserJet III

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ss ~

The Computer Paper I Nov '90

Applause 0 Continued From Page 25 Like most people we know, we onlyconsult the manual when the program crashes. Applause hassetup theirmanual as areference guide and there is only one page in the manual that is not in a referenceguide format (the introduction). The output is, needless to say, very impressive. Note that screens can be saved in the GX2 format which is the same formatused by Show Partner F/X, a very slick slideehow and special~ t s package. Combine these two padrages, andyoucau createstunningeelf~nning presentations.

&XerHIn dlhsg®elamlmiimtS All errors were trapped correctly and reported with a message and a beep sound. One item of noteis thatwhenwe used Applause H with DesrIView, the mouse action tnNrnflcantly deterioraterL We are not sure whether this is an undesirable feature of Des@View or Applause H. We found less deterioration with Harvard Graphics and DestlView,


functions of the package. Applause H is not as sophisticated as Harvard Graphics or Charisma, but for the executive, Applause H has all the functions and power needed, Applause H is a nice package and is probably our second choice in presentation packages. The price is lower than our fustchoice. Ifonedoesnotneedlots of advanced functions, Applause His the rightpackage because of price and ease of use.

Here today, Here tomorrow In a marketchtuactetfaed byeipessive pricoelasbhg, wehavefocusedour efforts on developingthe highest qualty productL

Our preeidkntendCEOhaseabmstvc eepkrlenco h theInqtoltingand dbttrfbutfug of poleonalcomputerL AsweIIhe hasserved as TedmicaIAdvbor in the with computer hotsputa Datspedkct vne crested with the

mandate todhvktopldghquslly Canadianbugtcomputamusbtg the best hnpmtedstateoftha avt components,combined wlhhnovatfvechcyltvy.

Ratings Performance -8- The package is very fast and there is very little delay in the r o n se to user action. aefutnea - 8s5 - For the intended user the package is very useful but a certain percentage will fmditlimitingin that they want more functionL Manual -4- Probably one of the best manuals we have seen so far."s Avamabiltty-4-Available atmostretail


QuaIIty Ia our cornerstone 'lhsnwecombhe this technololr with our hnovattvachcuhytosupplyan end ussr wshunpeageledkqulpmsnL At DataPerfsctlt's ourbsBsfthat alttle htnevatkrn,km dteuetfva tvaeatch andhard warkme whet B tahvs tomahea ssed bfea agreetideL

We schlemunparalMelcturttnnsr satlsfecthmbyptuvidhrgour cuetomea with anunptutdMedstandtud ofqueBty. W ldlevve meauhttdureour PCh ~ w e estuch theworid for thelateet technology. Once wehaverehievsd apotsntfel component it isrklentiesslyscruthdaedto ensure itmeetsourknacthgstandardL


Average - 8.625

Geotle Slade Is president of ISR Softwee Review Corp.(604) 538-0517. This review and olters done by George are available online from Suzy.

Applause H is best suited for the busy executive who needs to quickly set up a presentation and has little time to learn a more powerful package. Within minutes one can create impressive charts, graphs, and simple presentations. After about 2 - 8 hours any reasonably competent person will be able to use all the




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The C o m p uter Paper /Nov '$0 0 • • •

• •




More On The GST: Accounting Update




• •

by&nesne Sensaee In our October edition, we looked at severalCanadian accounting packages and discussed some of those companies' stated plans for GST. What may not have

' •


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garding their GSI' plans. Several other companies not mentioned in that artide also have GSI'capable accountingsolutions. Again this issue, we don't have room to mention

them alt, so if your favorite package isn' t here, it doem't mean we' ve forgottenl Just drop us a line telling us vrhat you' d like to see.

Bedford,Avantage also offersa &e e program that can transfer their ACCPAC Bedford accountingdata to Avantnge. Avantnge has several interesting options, induding a computer interface to Products Integrated Accounting a Sanyo/Uniwell System 17%5 Cash Publisher: Avantage Software Inc. Register, and optional scanner interface. Distributed inWesternCanadabyImpaq Up to.99 cash registers can report to a Technologylnc...5212MackenzieStreet, single PC. Vancouver, B.C.V6N1G9 (800) 663-9272 Avantage's weak spots are its limited or (604) 261-1800 online help, and lack of tutorials. However, you do get a sample: general ledger The Frenchversion of Avantage wns chart of accounts to help you practise written in Quebec approximatelyfour your shlls, and the company offers &ee years ago and has been widely distribtraining coursesin its offices. In uted there. The English4anguage ver- addition, for a one-time fee of $100, sion has been marketed in Ontario, but users gain access to unlimited toll-&ee is just starting to make an impact in telephone support. There are two numWestern Canada. Appropriate for small- bers; one for English Canada and one in to medium~ e d b u sinesses, Avantage Quebec. Thecompany saysthat 809o of


CHAPLET LAPTOP COMPUTER 80286-12MHZ, 1MB RAM, EMS 4.0 support, Shadow RAM, Page/interleave mode, Supertwist backlir LCD display (640 by 400) with external monitor connection, 40MB (28ms) Hard Drive, 1A4MB Hoppy, 2 Standard 8-bit expansion slots, 2S/1P Ports, Internal nicad battery pack, AC charger gt carrying case, MS DOS 3.3 8't GW Basic. 1 Year Warranty .........................$2288 Special prieeS On 10$HfR4 EOptapS rcfax/Stadent / bOardS fOr «N htptapS.

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has several innovative features:

• Database files are exposed (dBase compatible), allowinguserstowrite their own applications. • True multiuser LAN capability at a lower cost than competing products. • Point of Sale and Cash Register Interface (with GSI'). • Toll&ee telephone support directly to end users and dealers. • Forms generator and mailing list manager in addition to the basic accountmg functionL ForuserswhohaveoutgrownACCPAC

the questions are answered on the spot,

and theygtraranteesameMyanswers for the remainder.Avantage Software Inc., promises 100% customer satisfaction, or a full refund within 30 days of purchase.

Product:Summabon Pulzllshor: SUMWARE Corporation At $5000 for a complete system, Summation is decidedly upscale in the accountingsoftwam arena, butbased on its

features, it is just the thing for those looking for superlatives. According to Sumware, Summation is:

ftn'tACCTEinanciat Accounttng Skirl'ds

with 40 MB Hard Drive 0 NLQ PRINTER • SOFTWARE:

the companies have stated their programs' definite GST upgrade policies and/or features. It is, however, safe to assume that the companies will produce a GST upgrade by the time the new rnx passes. It is, after all, going to be a required part of the accounting process. All Canadian accounting systems will need GSI'capability. As before,we advise






.. permits a wide variety o f pay types with interdepartmental expanse allocati on. .



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Toll-free hotline: 1-800-663-1520 Telephone: (604) 662-7868 Fax: (604) 682-0346

MISE Iscalranl English Sr French versions available

Theeompnmrpeper/Ztov'90 • the fastest accounting program available. In their words, "No other General Accounting program even

The 386pc and 486pc.

Accounting Imbalance

comes close."

• The most complete online help syst em available. The entire text of t h e

manual has been incorporated wordkor-

Combining innovation, quality and dedication. In 1988, wemadetwo significant

word into a contextmnsitive online help

system. • Crash proof. While they can't claim to be totally crash proof, the program is designed so thatitisalmostimpossible to corrupt the data Gles due to a loss of power at any time. • Built~ t ext editor. View, edit, print ASCII text at any time.

• Multiple printer support, spooling,

What some readers of the Oct. issue's

Editor, or live (by recording actual key-

accounting article have asked is: why did

strokes as they are entered).

the marketing directorof one company

periods may be stored (or any combination of the two).

e 3 levels of Passwords useful for restricting user access to sensitive areas of the program (primarily the G/Land the utilities). • Word processor-type input line editing like Delete-line, Beginningmf-Line, Endwf-line, Next~ r d , PrevioutPword, Undo Changes and Paste make updating any information within Summation a snap. • Networking is accomplished by simply running an included utility program and assigning each station a separate node number. Usersstarting off with a single station can network their system as the need arises. • Searching can be accomplished within the update, screen display, and report generatorprograms in the Receivables, Payables and Inventory Systems. Searchescan beconductedin either direction and may be cas~ensitive. Options indude a barcode reader, electronic cash drawer and cash receipt drawer. Alimited demonstration version is available for $150 that does everytl ting the full system does, but onlyfor 60 days. The price is refundable against the purchase price of the full version. Then just transfer over the files, and away you goi Provincial differences as to whether PST should be applied on top of goods already taxed at the GST rate, as will be done by Ontario, @xebec. P.E.I. and New Brunswick, or charging PST on the total sale without the GST added on, as is the policyof B.C. and Manitoba are both possible with Summation. Contact SUMWARE for more detaila

The second wss theinlrodudion ofa486 basedpersonalcomputer.Both the386snd

hdustty. The Srst wss the replacement of the

the 486 regsct Datspetfect'9 dedication lo innovation and quality.

standard 286chip with an unzcale 386. Thereby omering386speed at n286 price.

perfonnance characteristic of both

The followinglists spscificatians snd

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print to disk.

strokes may be entered via the Macro

41 ~

( Tn.aae~

ll m )

• Expandable toSM BRAM on motherboard • Expandalbleto 16MBRAM wlthmemcry card

get to take a swing at the competition, as MurrayAston ofBusinessVision did when we quoted hi m a s saying "They [NewViews] don't have an orderwntry function and most businesses are in the business of taking orders and selling something." Oops. Amazing how these wordprocessorsletyoucutandpaste text into the most embazrassing places. After a couple of well~ e d daggers were received atour ofBce,we spokewith Murray MacCausland, Director of Communications for QW Page Associates, distributors of Newviews. Isn't it true, we asked him, that NewViews does stot have an order~try function. He explained that NewViews is non-modular, and hence does not have separate modules for functions like Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Payroll or Order~try. Although the program does not have an explicit orderwntry function, many companies happily use it for doing just that. (Yes, but are these the same companies that use WordPerfect as a database? No daggers, pleaseiJust johng.) He also pointed out that our review focused primarily on the functions of nvTIMEBILL, and left the general im-

Ihtfaiite 486PC + High speedhtelSSN6 microlnocesstr • Avallable h 25Mlh and33 MHz • Upgradableto 128KSecondary Cache memary • Expandable to16MBRAM on motherboard • Selectable heyboardspeed

4~ ===== =-Perfect "


13S-139S2 Cambie Road, Richmond, B.C. V6V 2K2

Tel: (604) 270-32&2 Fax: (604) 270-9178

GOLDNAN NATHIESEN Barristers and Solicitors


pression thatNewV iewsis "speci6callyor

exclusively designed for the accounting requirements of professionals such as lawyers, architects, engineers and accountanla" Mr. MacCausland says "Although NewViews does indeed address these requirements extremely well, it is in fact a complete accounting program which can be used byalinost any kind of


Cotpemte 8 Bushess Law Cammelchl Utliathn

Contact: Philip 8elliman, B.Comm, LLB. 1260-1176 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, Brithh Columbia VSE 4A2 Telephone: (604) 682-6181 Facsimile: (604) 683-5723


To paraphrase Ricky Ricardo, we' ve

Continued On Page 43

ltn'l ACCTFinanciat Accounting Series



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General Accounting with GST

(G/L, A/P, A/R with SQLReporting) CBM CBM CONSULTANTS INC. Toll-a hotl : , I -SeW - I S20 Teleyhote: (604) 662-786S Fax: (604) 682-0346


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The Computer PaperI Nov '90 gaiad Cualiaaara





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For a siddcpllftect, ixctaitme eeaoxcdxlagac/staged , fgcat 5' ftaccndtenporNdcg & cscrreat

3 MO.... 6 M O....O PEN TERMS

iefondcdxtiodc,fhedc look ist

hhw Vxsxxa. • Visual appxoach to acccaxabag Novices to Ibcpsrta • Uxunatchsct power ScScsceMity • No addihonal moctuiea te puxehaae • No limit te number of companies,



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multi-level security Sc



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I amlaataaa a a a l t a t

e ddaa liam


p dalaag e 4QIiaard

mm Igmaamd

Pmluct: atOncel Integrated accountIng program. Indudes GL, AR, AP and payroll for the Macintosh Publisher:Peachtree Software, 1505 PavtTion PI., Norcross, GA 30093; 4045644800

System RetIulremente:Apple Macintosh Plus System 42 or higher. Price: US$395.

aao gea S~a

Qeetmi 44P44444

QPHI Iaoedaam am ao44~% atmeaa Ia ~oa44 mrna Inca ~I



~ dagdi

g dgldla

Serg up customers for the AR module allows for considerable custom/sation of each customer galet Imalcm 44 • 1


• Gnnplete audit-trails,

p ~

~ I aaass~

by Gxexsxxxxx 3xxith


d/II 44aaad

aa a m l e m


CAlL 133-5596 NOWF0RDETAlS.

Furniture & Workstations Matoxial imported fxoxn AUSTRIA "EGOER" E-l Chipboel overbid with Anti-Acid, Anti-AIMne and Fixe Retardant Mehmine.

Originally published by Layered Inc. of Bosten, MA, which was receatly taken over by Peachtree, atOncel is an easy@ouse cuxuxI14uainess accounting package with some rather unique and handy featurea Onedongmiaepinmiad,hoeaeer, is that the package comes from an American fir and while they were very

a ~ ~ P • met 'ma pte atatet .aeatea, id mtp

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gm»mori Iea I

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• Imlaea Imam lop I



thorough in providing tax and payroll data for each of the states, there is no Se l ect/ng a name in the Qistomer corresponding Canadian information In r iu/ry window'automatically drops all available. In addition, the companyhas of the relevant customer information no plans to produce a GST uptpscle fer — name, address, discounts tares ita Canadian customera payable, etc. — into theinvo/ce. One of the reaseas people choose Macintosh cemputers is because they t r ack of account numbers, customer expect the software to be easy to uae. n a m es and numbers, inventory item atOacel lives up te this eapectation in p r i cesandtaxstatus,aadsoon,can bea both set up and ongoing usage. In acl- c h ore. But when the program asks for dition, over three megabytes ef Hyper- i n fcxrmation like this — an item's name Card stacksareincluded teguidethmugh a n d unitpxlceforan invoice,for instance not onlytheuse of the program, but also — a command-F brings up a hst of all through the entire accounting process i tema Choosing an item from the list — what and why it ia automatically places it in the invoice. There is also an extensive online help Acc o unt templates aho help the protemwhichisaccessedbyholdingdown c e asing of transactiona When setting up e command key iad dickmg on the c u stomer or vendor information, or window or item that is confuamg yexL s p e cial journals, you can designate sugatOncel haa all of the standard ac- g e s tedaccountstowhich thetransaction counting software features iaduded in c a a be posted. As a transaction is being four integrated modules: general lect- e n tered,theaeaccountswillautomatically ger, accounts receivable, accounts payand can then be either used or able, and payroll. You can work in any or i g nored allofthemodulesatanytimeandchanges I f y o u want te protect your fiaancial made in anyone module — the renam- i n f ormation from prying eyes and finingorrenumberingof aGLaccount, for g e rs, atOncel offers a multilevel security instance — 'are immediately available to ~ Up to t en users can be defined, all other modulea each wxth an mdxvxdual passwercL Each Up to 20 ~ j ouxnals canbe de- usercan be given setup, enter, and/or fined and the system allows yeu to post p r int access to any combination of the transactioas te 26 fiscal perioda four modulea atOncel is a onevrxite system and Ther e are over 40 different reports, processes transactions online:- transac- l i sts, and items that the system will print tioas are posted te the geaeral ledger f o r yeu. The standard financial reports immediately,asoppoaedtewaitlnguntil (trialbahmce,balancesheet,andinceme ahLrgenumbereftransacfionsareready ~ eat), budget information, any of and then posting them in a batch. your j o u rnals, check register, mvoices, One of the unique, handy features of statements, cheques,A/RandA/Paging atOacel is its inqxary system. Keeping r e p orts, customer and vendor ledgers,

show up


Its design conforms to human body structure



'-~' j:::,::,:Ce::my,i


• 30MB HardDrlve40msw/Card ....$3N.N 3N System..................................$10N.N • 40MB Hard Dri40 ve mew/Ccud .....$3N.N • KEI10MHr AlljRB0 • Citizen GSX140 Printer w/Cable ......$420.00 Printer w/Cable ....... $24RN 3N SXSystem ................,.„,......,$1d4N.N • Ilaven PR-0101 •Fu) Neu DL4400Printerwadable.......$000.II • KEI 12M+ A IIIRBpSystem $1SN N • 1200 BaudInternal Modem....,...........$00.N • KEI 12MHz XTxubo w/Monitor.......$0N.N 2400 Baud Internal Modem...„...,.......$N,N

Stylish comfort and Convenience Enny Io Assemble Durable and Attractive


• 000x000MII Supereyno 2AVGA • Loglteoh C7Serlal Mouse... a...........,.AS.N monitor w/ATI VGA Wonder Card.m..$0N.N • Logiteoh N Hl Res Serial Mouse.......$00.N • 20MB Hard Dxtve40 mew/Cant $320N PDeoaTwo ButtonSerialMouse.........$30.00 At/Alblte Qetenl come wl/x 1NBRAM,12NBSypy Dke, 40I//B2kna VoiceCall HardDde, 12'Naeehnune Monitor & tN+ey EnhancedKeyboed.

FREEDexxa Twp-buttpn MouseIf/itit an 386 corn uter t/chased. 1139 E Kit.STINGS ST.


TEI m 2$3-20FO

w m - y3S4

T he Comprmor Popor/Noa'SO etc., are all available. For those who want to print out a aeries of reports, journals and lists, but do not want to have to wait for each one to finish before beginning the next, an ImageWriter print queue is supplied. Printing to the queue is very fiuyt and when you have printed all the 2~ 1 you want to, you can send them to the printer and walk away. While manyof the reportscomeoutin apresetformat, invoices, statements, and cheques can all be cuatomizedL.. to a certain degree. The system allows items on these forms to be moved around,


added, anddeleted. You can addgraphics and choose the font and font size that you wish. However, field sizes cannot be changech thearea on the invoice form for entering items sold, for instance, is set for an 8 1/2" by 11" invoice form and cannot be changed.

While the program follows the Macintosh interface quite closely — which contributes significantly to its ease of use

— be carehylof the Undo function which rarely operates and even then in a rather bizarre manner.

Cameron Smith is a Vancouver writer and desktop publishing consultant specializing innewspapersand magazines. He has written frequently for The Vancouver Sun High TechSeclon.

'IIfe laptop to suit city life. 11m mmrhd erpmdsblsle18$ 1xL%'8$1.lee

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Vea COIi'liam



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Hewittm Rand

Imbalance Continued From Pale 41 "got some splainin' to do." During the writingandeditingprocess, the sentence that refers to "the product" was moved to apoaitionwhereitreferencedNewViews, when actually it was meant to describe nvTIMEBILL To summarize (and apologize), N ewViews is the to~ l l i ng mid~ g o program inCanada, appropriate for reiailers, manufacturers, nonprofi organizations, banks, Fortune 500 companies, as well as professionals and accountants. (Mmm. Mighty tasty crow.) Still, in information pubhshed in the Suey's Online Computerized Accounting Information Network, the general tone of the information regarding NewViews is that it is most appropriate for "professionals," i.e., serviceoriented businesses, as opposed to productwriented ones. Interestingly, the provocative quote from Murray Aston was found on this network Another reader wrote in tosay"calling NewViews a super general lodger is like calling Lotus I-M a super calculator." (But, but... I-M is a super calculatorl) We chose to include the quotation from Mr. Aston because, during our research, we determined the infoxmation to be a reasonable opinion, and found it to be "eminently quotable," i.e., conciselyworded, and thought~rovoking. As it turned out, itwas a ted more provocative than we had anticipatecL However, the key items: not multiuser, and no explicit order~txy function are both verifiably true, and the "not for neophytes" implication of Mr. Aston's commentis echoed independentlyby Richard Morochove, an accountant lumself. Asatways,weencourageyour feedback, and thank those ofyou that tookthe time to write to tell us your views on this


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The Computer Paper I Nov '90

Silicon Graphics: With The Emphasis On Graphics by WiNam Brxrr

special effects in their daily news broad-

SGI Sets The 5-D Bendunark

The automobile has succeeded in If you watch television, you have seen decreasingtraveltimebetweenlocafions. what $ihcon Graphics Inc. (SGI) cornGraphic models of the real world, supputers can do. The "pseudopod" special effect in the movie, 7%cpbyxx,was de- p o r t ed by S-D computing, decrease the time between concepts. Word processigned and animated on an SGI cornaors are familiar to most of us, but I like puter. The animated Crest toothpaste to think of these machines as idea pro"SparkleGel" commercials are another cessors. Ifyouhaveaneedforreal4ime, exampie CB$ also uses the video pro three dimensional computing, SGIis the cessing capabilities o f $GI hardware for

standard in workstations. Most of the major vendors have intro-

trying to imagine what a mathematical

duced graphics su&systems: DEC, HPApollo, Evans 8x Sutherland, and Sun. They all recently released graphics co-

ues. The real advantage of computers is the ability to turn these numbers into meaningful pictures, quickly. But some-

processors for their workstations to com-

times, this is not enough.

pete in the emerging fields of data visualization and virtual reality. However, SGI still remains the company to beat Even IBM bought SGI hardware for its new R/6000 series of workstations. Rumor has it that Apple is considering a

As the material and personnel costs of prototyping increase, more companies are searching for ways to build simulations and models. It follows that a more dynamic and accurate model will yield a better analysis of the concept. Link that

simile purchase, too.

advantage with the abiTity to change the model (whatif we did this...) without the

Cempeting'IbN0uI@Gampufing To most of us, rows and columns of

numbers are pretty meaningless, This gets even more complicated if you are

function looks like over a domain of val-

need foractuallybuildingsomething, and you have a vexy powerful design tool at your disposaL Imagine being able to lake your customers on a walMxrough of a high~ before the lot is even purchasedl You could even show them various hues of Boor finishes in photorealisuc detail. Maybe youare a marine engineer designinga newhull. You could placeyour CAD surfaces into a simulator and see the fiow of water over your hull design without building a real scale modeL Between coffee breaks, it's possible to test ~ iterations.

To stop belaboring the point,% corn='r pu11ngsaves design time (between 20and 40%,according to an independentstudy), decreasesmaterial costs, and allowsfor an

inexpensive way for more ideas to be tried. As the saying goes,youhavetopainta clearer picture to g idea. $GI justhappens to provide the best hardware for rendexing that final image.

et abetter

%hasp' of Mu16Pmcessing

S • Y

S •

T •

E •



g Lag,

New Calyry %arehouse

All SGI machines use the MIPS series of RISC CPUs. This ensures binary compatibilip (programs don't have to be ported or recompiled) between applications on different pLxtforms within the SGIline, The POWERSeriesofmachines axe capable of symmetric multiyrocessing. Furthermore, the IRIX operating systemwillautomaticallybalance the load over the number of available processors. At the low end of the product line are three uniprocessormachineL These vaxy with increasing CPU performance and graphics subsystems. An entry4evel Iris would give you 10 MIPS, 1 MFLOP, Shit color, 8 MB RAM, 19" color monitor, Unix, 200 MB HDD and a 150 MB cape drive at a cost of US$20,000. Double the price, and you get: 24bit color, 24bit Zbuffer and S times the graphics performance (200Kvectors/sec, 24Kpolygons/ sec). The other two systems give enhanced CPU and/or graphics performance. The three lowe d

systenis axe

designed to be personal workstations. The rest of the line consists of the

TAKING CARE OFBUSINESS COMTEX MICRO SYSTEMS INC. Unit ¹100-13751 Mayfield Place, Richmond, BC, Canada V6V 2G9 Telephone: (604) 273-8088

Fax: (604) 278-2818

Toll-free Fax: 1-800-663-0291

Calgary Warehouse: Bay ¹7 3610 - 29th St. N.E. Calgary, Alberta Telephone: (403) 250-3386

Fax: (403) 250-8092



ABC COMPUTER 4444 Main St. Vanocuver


271 24 Fraser Hwy., Aidersrove

WIZARD COMUTERS 6082 Fraser St., Vancouver


BEAR FACTS COMPUTING 115 - 32988 S. Fraser Way,

FRIENDLYWARE COMPUTERS 3499 Kingsway, Vancouver


Bourquin Plaza, Abbotsford SEAR FACTS COMPUTING

I.Q. PLUS 1083 Marine Drive, N. Van



45834 Cheam Ave., Chilliwack


853-7007 792-3909

POWER SerieL All the computers in this line can be equipped with a graphics package capable of 1 million vectors/sec and 1 million polygons/sec. The base machinein the POWERSerieshasasingle 25 MHz CPU doing 20 MIPS and S.S MFLOPS, The series tops olf with a unit with 8 x SS MHz CPUs doing 200 NIPS and SO MFLOPS (sustamedl). The highend machine costs US$265,000 (without disks). Considering what the competition is offering in the same price range, the SGI is a bargain. Since the POWER Series uses symmeiricalmuliiprocessing,youassign CPUs as you need them.

F o r i nstance, you

couldgive8 processes their own CPU, or, one process could use all8. However, hardware alone does not make pretty pictures. Software is what makes a machine worthwhile using.

The Cemputer Paper / Nev '90 While most of the software packages for the SGI machines are outstanding (two

of the best are Canadian; Alias and VAPS), there are only400of them. There will probably be an application package to do what you want, but there wen't be the variety available oa other vendors' machines. You may also face higher software costs.




Crosstalk fer Windows by Sean McIvatnasss

PowerM Co-processing

Product: Crosstalk for Windows

Graphics calculations are very processor intensive. Sy delegating a subsystem to do the graphics processing and using specialized throughput hardware, even theslowestIrisbecomes agraphics speed demon. In the personal computerworld,

Alpharetta„GA30201<t 99. Phone40444M000

it's well known that an Amiiga and a Mac

with equal CPU's don't handle graphics with the same speed; the Amiga is faster. This is because the Amigauses a graphics subsystem.

Publisher: Digital Communlcalons Associates, 1000 Alderman Drive, System Requirements: IBM-PC compatibles running Windows3.0 Price: U$$195 - Free upgrades will automatically be given toregistered us-

386 SX

286 -12

ers of version 1.01. Rating: 3.75on a scale of 1=lowest to 4=hlghest

• atsatsas- -n

SGI uses 5 custom VLSI chips on the motherboard to direct graphics siiptals

and processes. This specialized hardware ensures that the CPU doesn' t waste

any time being a traKc cop. On the graphics boards, SGI uses 10 proprietary VLSI chips to manage all the video processmg. The graphics boards range in power from 20 to 128 MFLOPS. These speeds are attained using TI 74ACT8867 chips as a "geometry engine." The subsystem has a specialized processor and storage mechanism for everydefined calculation the system will have to handle. Such

a degree of delegation (combined with lets of memory for buffering information) allows the high-end graphics package to store 268 bits of information

per pixel(l ). Combine thatwith Zbuffers (a method of storing z~s information to facilitate hidden line removal) and other custom circuitry, and SGI computers become formidable 3-D engines.

The Graphics Niche When the founders ef SGI set out to

find a demand that needed fulfilliag, they didn't build just another hot box. For several years, their computers have been setting the standard for 5-D com-

puting in a wide variety of applications: molecular modeling, movie prcsduction, virtual~eality systems, CADD, GIS, and simulations.

If you have aproblem that caa be' solved byseeing the resultsofmaayhours of number crunching, leek at an SGI machine. Seeing is truly bdieviag.

William Barr is a senior partner in Barr, McCormlck8 Associates,a Vancouver

Crossta& performs just about all the normal telecommunications (comms)

functions users expect today from such highlevelcomms packages. The diff er-

'Model S 10081488~

ence really comes ia the fact that, run-

ning under Windows, the program looks very nice and acts very well. There's really not much use talking about transfer

protocols (Crosstalk has'7) or such commoa features, as Crosstalk prettywell has them all, so I' ll concentrate on the way the program does its job aad how the user sees the job being done.... The program uses "phone book" files to record options for the regularly used

386-25 llll llllllllgII IIII IIIIIIIIIIII

services. Within these files, the user can save aot only comms software, but also

displayoptions such as the foatand coler ef screen items. Important comms set-

tings are displayed in status bars at the

'Model S1-2505$2488~

tions keys can be displayed and used with the mouse as buttens or with the normal

key combinatioas. Options are many when it does come to the mere common setimgsforcomms. Most dialog boxes have a "Mere" button which displays more optioas for further fined:uning the comms sessiea. There are preentered settings for 35 modems, allowing the user te choose the correct settings (and edit them) for each modem. Beyond the generic settings for each modem, which are used by all phonekaok entries using that modem, each phene~ k e n try can also have various settings modified te allow for differences between services.

Upgradefrom above systems: VGA card Ez VGAColor Monitor (640x 480) .....$285 Super VGACard EzSuper Color VGA Monitor (1024x 76S)....................................Q95 Mouse ErWindom Ver. 3.....................................4188 Raven laser Printer .11 p/m, 1.5MB RAM Postscript Emulation Kd Included

Crosstalk lets the user know what' s


happening at all times. When a session

InteEyent 80286-12..................41029 803$6-20 . . . .. . 4 1699 803$6-25 .41799 80386-33...........42149

All models indude: • 2MB RAM a 1-1.44MB FD n 110MB HD 64K Cache 18ms • AT I/O Card • Mono Graphic Card • 12" TTLHI-Res Monitor

top and bottom of the screen, and fane »


management consulting firm.




HewittmRand, 80316-25 $2649

Roland Raven9104Printer ...................................4320 Fujitsu DL3400 {24Pin) ........................................$699 Citizen GSX140w/Color Kit (24 Pin) ..................$525

K~P3 tsacnaao d ulhor i



ed V e h t e





DPC - 2112 $1356

Wgcnd 1024x768 28nnn -Desktop Pnblishing c/w 1024x76$ UGA CanL....4369 -On Site Consulting and -IMB RAM Tiannng -IAMB or 1A4MB Tcac Drive Mitssbishi 65MB 28ms...4399 Western Slgltnl ggnss, t8 39! -Mac/IBM Data Transghr 43MB Hnni Drive 28ms -Fice Delivery -12" Mono Monitor and Card Quaetutn $4MB 19hns 64K .~9 .899 ~t o tn ConSIpnation In&need Congess Moose. -101 Enhanced Keyboard FUJITSU DL3400 $519 ! -Fice Phote Snppot -AT I|O Corti IP, IS, IC3 HP IPIIG . 8136 5J$2299-One YearMansfaetnrss -AT Siss Case Roland DP800 Laser... -81489 Warranty on Parts anti Labour -2%W Pnner Supply CSA Speclal Upgsnde anti Pntjtnga Roland 9101 9 Fin...........4249 Noltwase, Cases, Boards, RAM, Rolassi 2417 24 Fin ........4449 Connnscrs, sssInhorci Prbstn kvnanbk! I

Call 236-34% fer adctitional yretlacfg or aa appoisdment. (Fax Q3-5994)

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1927 Ieranl 3373 Kialleay ISST LoIINIII Yaneolver, B.C. Vaaeouvlr, I.C. I. Van., I.C. TII.:?36-8461 TII.: 435-TI$7 Tel.: IN-9123

The Computer Paper I Nov '90

FK-500 1

K ayboarxl


Suilt-in Calculator 8 I-way Arrow Keys. 12 Kincls of Repeat Rate.'Our Beet Unl

FK-300% Enhancad Kcyhoartt wl Built-ln Calculator! 111 Keys, Japan ALPS'Tactile Click' Keys. ASK about puttlny your otNn LOGOon!

FK-2001 1IIC O h l 1t l K V , II hl hl II C p : 'tPB4 etS Ja p an ALPS 'Tactllo Click' Kay Swltchoa SpecialOptional DUST COVER aralbrble

OmniKeyll 02

begins, a dialog informs the user of progress, for example, dialling, connecting,etc.When transfersare in progress, a dialog once again is called up to inform the user of progress. The status bar will

with Crosstatk~ne for general use and one for the scripringlanguage, Although

let the user know the transfer is taking

sort out any problems without too much

places If thc user mlIlnnxzcs the Crossrsttk window, the details below the program's icon indude a counter of clusters received/sent to allow the user to see how the transfer is going even while using other program@ The scripting language is extensive, and would allow the user to script mundane tasks to be run as needed. There is even a "Learn" script which observes the

hassle. AvailabxTity: 4 Cmsstalk is widely distributed through the normal channels.

user's actions and creates a new ~ t based on these actions for later use. Not

beingmuch of an expert commsscripter,

STM 4230 I


Perfexxnancet 4.There are many fea-

tures gargeandsmall) in Crossratkwhich help the user to perform comms a lot easier than some progxaxxNhave allowed in the past. Overall, 'the program perfoxxns nicely, with a consistent user intexface which lets the user get on with commtL UBCMnexw: 4. For comms users who

ment for most comms needs.

MaxnxaL $. Two manuals are provided


FOCUS SYSTEMS A DlVISION OF FOCUS ELECTRONIC (CANADA) INC. rtr103-11511 BridgeportRoad,Richmondvancouver), B.C.,CanadaV6X1T4 Fax: t'604) 271-8435 PhonL {604) 273-8086 Hours: MonFri10AM - 6 PM

• LCD fCFL bluepanel screentechnatagy wSupportsVGA/EGA/CGA/MDAmades BHigh sped2OMBHDD2Z farmshi {23ms) wInternal3.5'-144MB FDDhighdensity

• 16 bit NC286 CPU aperating at 12.5MHt

• 1MB RAM onboard srpandabteta 5M8 EMS wAemavabtej/rechargeablebattery with ACadapter

product takes us a little more than half way toward a real home computer while IBM gets us about 40% towsrd the same goal. This is not to say that the machines won't sell well — or even to say that purchasers will make a mistake buying them. They should sell well and many teIl be well served by buying them for they are attractive lottpcnd computers

and, in the case of the IBM entry, have enough bundled software to let a workat home person (or, in author Norman Schriber's delightful terminology, a

"home ofhcer") eaiciently put a computer to use. But do they, by their introduction, create a hoxue markett Are they'

586 SX-16MHz

S xgss



generaL h seems to us that Tandy's




on the systems themselves and on the

NOVEMBER C CE S CQmplete Sy AT 286-12MHz


Editoyirxl byJ & 8 McMyd/se NEW YORK, NEW YORK, (NB)-

whole subject of home computing in

wouldlike toworkin Windows,Crosststlk provides ahigh~ormance environ-

High Power 23OW Output for Tower Case

CONPIIIIn klllYllnftl

would xneet the needs of most uscrtL For

meet those needs for quite a long time.

O mniKay/ U l t r a


and we' ve had.time to re6ect somewhat

but as the user needs more from their comms sofjtware, Crosstalkwill be aMe to

Enhanced119Keys,28ets Function Keys, CursorPad, InterchangeableCtrl, Alt, CapsLockkeys


Overall, Crosstalk is a well~unded and powerful comms package which

inverted 'T CursorPad

Enhanced107Keys,15 FunctionKeys, CuteorPad, InterchangeableOrl, Alt, CapsLockkeys


The dust has mttled on the IBM and Tandy "home computer" introductions

users who do not need high~vlered features, itnught be an overhll to buy it,

OmniKay/P lua

easy to Gnd the information needed. Most users, however, would be able to

however, I' ll leave a review of this aspect of Grosstalk to a more able body.

Enhanced 102 Keys, 15 Funcion Keys,

Japan ALPS'Tactile Click' Key Switches,

generally clear, it is sometimes less than

58&2 5 M Hz

Sl s2 s

® 40MB Hard Drive

• 1.2MB Ploppy e Serial/Parallel Ports • Clock/Calendar • HD/FL Controller

• Enha n ced Keyboard • Mono Card a Monochrome Monitor • Co m pact Case



COIIPUTEgTOO g.~P Allow us toupirade yourexisting systemteanAT «r386machine.

• MSDQS4.01/GN Basi c3.2included wDimensions 12.25' x 10' x 2' • Wight:7.a lbs.




Min Qbase Systems Inc. Computer Hurdrtetw 6 Sojhvare Fairchild Square, 440-440Q Hazelbridge trtray, Richmond, B.C. V6X 5RS

Teleyhone: (6o4) 270-8828

mm (6o4) 2vo-soys

Ths Computer Paper l Nov '90 so perfect a fit that every home will find

The benefits ofhaving a computer may

that itmust have atleast one? Will they be

well beworth the expenditure to persons

chosen over VCRs by the person that has neitherand can only purchase one? We

such as these but they do not HAVE to have a computer. Computexa will only become acommoditywhen theybecome an essential home item and we' re not

think notl

Doomed To Failuxe? For years, most in the industry have been convinced that there is a great uptapped home computer market and, as soon as powerful systems could be made affordable to the mass market, there would be jillions sold. Yet, as industrywatcher Stewart Alsop haepointed out, every computer designed +ecijkully for the home has failedl Think only of the IBM-PCjr, the TI99, the Sinclair. Certainly, there have been many computers well used in the home but these

Tandy seems to understand where we have to go better than IBM — or, so it seems &om the recent introductions. The user interface and associated programs provide for such routine household items as "leaving notes on the re&igerator" and developingshoppinglists &om recipes. Tandyalsorealizm that the

to maintain an insurance inventory of valuables. These functions are built~

forwhateverreason,used theminahome

features of the interface and associated prograxxm. On top of that, there is a common user interface through Des&hte. The user only has to learn one setofcommandsand theyare rather intuitive. IBM, on the other hand, bundles Microsoft Works with ita PS/1. The user has to leaxn how to uee a program to do any. of the mundane functions listed above. Certainly one can produce a more sophisticatedbudgetorinventoxyon Works than through a canned utility, but do most of us need this power? We doubt it — particularly if we have to learn a program to do itl The PS/1 does, however, have one aignificantadvantage,in ourjudgement, over ita Tandy counterpart It is heavily communicationsbaeedwithconnections

.tronic spreadsheet, but they were used

exclusively by programmers and engineers or by computer enthusiastspersonsforwhom computers became a passion in themselves. We did not find, however, Altairs, Puts, IBM 5100sor even Applesin corporate officesunti SofLware Arts introduced VisiCalc. With that in-

troduction, computers (in this case, the Apple H) became firstueefu devices and thennecessifiesincorporate offixces. They revolutionized the way firms opexated and now, less than 12 years after the advent of VisiCalc, we find very few firms of any size that do not have some type of computer.

Who Needs It? We do not have a similar compelling reason tobuy a home computer. Certainly, it's helpful for persons who use computers in a business to have a similar

computer at home to work on. Likewise, it simplifies a student's life to be able to use a computer at home for papers, online research, etc. But these people could make otherarrangements — work longer, go into school on weekends, etc.

WE-257 6 Drive Bays,Easysnap-In floppy drylve installation


average user will not want to have to

1000s and Macintoshes — all generalpurpose computers whose owners have,

What many agree is lacking for home computers to become a "mustAuy" for most conmnners is a VisiCalc type product for the home. There were small or personal computiersavailable before the introduction of VisiCalc, the first elec-

Full Size TowerCase 6 Drive Bays,230watt PowerSupply Ideal for NetworkServer

Tandy vs. IBM

have been Apple IIs, IBM-PCs, Tandy



there yet,

learn 148 or Excel to prepare a simple budget, or to master dBASE or Paradox

6 Drive Bays suitable for fug-alee ATor babyATboard

SXH-4203 200W CSAapproved PowerSupply Outlets for 6drives Power-GoodSigma(

SQH-4203 200W CSAapproved PowerSupply Outlets for 6drives Power<ood Signal

SEH-4203 200W CSAapproved PowerSupply Outlets for 6drives, Power<ood Signal

toshoppingfiiicilities, technical assistance

and phhin fun things. We think that this feature is extremely important and should have also been an integral part of Tandy's design. Tandy can, of course, point out that communicafions can easily be added to ira unit, but that's not the point. It's not part of the soul of the machine. Where do we go &om here? Well, for one thing, the hunt will go on for the compelling application. We tend to believe that it will be found in the kitchen, which has become the central room of

FOCUS SYSTEMS A DIVISION OF FOCUS ELECTRONIC (CANADA) INC P103-11511 Bridgeport Road,Richmond(Vancouver), B.C., CanadaV6X1T4 Fax: (604) 2714435 Phone: (604) 273-8086 Hours: Mon- Fri10AM-6 PM

the ~ ed nuc l ear family. We feel that intexfaces must beimproved even more


r •

• re


L olicom®8O386 DX • rxlnh(aaf anhaerI • ffrOMemmr,dnrrfffedgrhelDE • 12 IOReryr


Logicom® 8O38$ IX • 16Wr PÃleahemrI • fha fdearey, Oaoffed lYseIDE

47 ~

Loglcom® 80286 AT • lxlahraa oahowl • 12harlerrr


• fgfEnhse/nrrhh emd



SSIIAooolb SI4efeooNI ~ plhas



• leam eall hr i%a eeawehe


eorfwa ffx nxuTAI.AvAffAels 10

Raven2417printer .............


Logitech Oafofa Mouse........

....................... s28

Pana onelg 1180Printer ....... Genius Mouse w/Dr. Halo III GmylJn eysbob....................

• fiw hheemy, OM fhedDrheIDE

• @6Poar


s weh ma manes

Dynam360KDiebeaee ........ Dyeam72NDiebeacs ........ eony1.2 Diebattee.............. eony1A4 Dbflafaes............ FaroSbrr860KDlslaNee ..... Rye Sblr 720K Dleballee ... Rve Sblr1.2 Oiebeltee ........ Five Sblr 1A4 Diebeaee ......


..................sa.ea ................s15.ee ................s15.98 ..................s2$.ea

Many computerelnaonnryonsale at law, lowprices. paper, pawarbare, alan*, ribbons,sables 4 boobs. CALL NROUI DAILYNal pIIICE$2SMaee. UPSIQIE Illa N Nl Xr ......S1ae ayalam 10 0powertul 12MHxATrer oaly. or 10 e 886SX .................. .. ..fur oiily Sane 1 YA partsa fafrasr warrarrfy. rfra arradfanra ~fnNM a stern«efrrrfaafeareraa .

poufoo aoppLYoopnor .............................s»

................se.ea ..................$11.9a

Moollol IIEPAol .............................------ sor oy$%M ola oooorlacoNplHK .....................s1c


114lla aoAVICE .......................................... sea

terhfcfiwllI beaaempbrdwli workdone)

. ................s1D.ea

INSTAUATIONPNITo ....................................saa

oard w/ laouaea gad eerhrffdr S ad Mloroaoa Worha t 1 ge 3aaoe/64KCache S137SPanaaonfo11ee, $ 2 2 8 Meaubhrhl4afegMB ceca AT RLLController1:1 sf Ze Cardinal24008 nlodem 118 S 11a Ma Gufok Pascal S e a 386-25 Seee Raven ofel $24$ T EIC1.2Roppy ee Xr n f RN Controller S e e. INNP le s13e IIP Toner sea hreWordfor Wfndowa agee 3ee-1a SX VLSI 4 4 N Raven ZNr T EAC TAdFloppy SS X r RLL Cordrollsr S N Cardinal24eee Eidamal)148 ChfoosyKIB sag Gloria Joyauck eeeg(eyearwarr.) )ree ComputerDesk3 Leeehr$1ea PrlraarOrrlfohBox Q a ee IDE Cofdroller ada GVC Ma Eifoelfor Windows $28$ eaeeX-16NEAT cafe CluxenGSX140 Ze TEACSeoK GVCPockethx !Zea Swlfeh Boxes t2$ 2es-12 $13e FDINauDLedee TBC 72ex 85 $13 DOS4.01 agee-12 S ee Hp LaaarJat III tze g e OAKVGA S1ae 4$ay Slide fZaa See GVCPooherModem $12e PowerSara eye ATIVGA WonderZgax $2le 4 BayCompactCase Prlnlar Shed te W ardPerffer 51 Sm f d +> LOGICOai 442ae-8 tLSD HP LaaerJfd uP $ 1 8 80 iageacfr aohamaa Pl u s S24e ATI Sfeehh aol u uon SN wi th Pfe LEO S 1 48 CPU Sand S16 Lanlh 12e Seen DRAM,SIN, SIP S a aSar OX1ege e248 ede p/e LED e14e LoglfaabMouseaerfhl See Copy Holdera ae AacPacSPI pace alar Rainbow Color teze AT I/OCwd A ccPac Safgbffl S1 3 8 S H A R P OK 3D Monitor S e a t ConnerNI8 104 Klt S y n EvarfafXTMera.Exp. 4128 84ayalldeCase age LegltechMouseSua S1og Printer fubbona 'Sa LogffechTreokmaaBua $11$ Cabhra 14'VGACalor Monitor C o nnar40MS fur g ee EvaraffATMeaLRap.. $178 Mley Tower Case PC Aayaihefa Ol Sga L eglf aa h Tmc f u aa a ae r h de 10 9 weh p/s lE0 $1ee GenderChangers t e PC Taola Deluxe peg w/card tefe fulahgrfbadghre Nr Ieee Logltecb Dados Mouse Sze Hl-OBI Confroller Dlakeuea 10i b ox $5 Defurrtaw S11a 12 TTL hroaaor t fe e 2e fan e $328 SN 150WCSAPN Sfl 4-Portcorareller Genius frhruaa egeg+ Sea Paper ego(Pack $5 Mfcraaoft Wladowa3.0 14' VGAP/WMonitor t188 eaaaate aTZ51Bare 0425 e ge 2DOW CSA PIS t e e 101 Enhanced Keyboard eye F ax Paper wlur Logltacfr Iuouae(a)01ee 14' RalPIW Monnor e14e Kalok30MB fraea AT MRuCoaeoalr 1:1 S10e cafr. Aog t e • •


I • • •






The C omputer eper/ p Nov '90

for a machine to be successful in the kitchen~andthatPENtechnologycanbe of importance here. Tandy, through its GRiD subsidiary with pen technology alreadyinplacewiththeGRiDPad,seems to be in an excellent position to move in this area. Another point that seems important to us is the intent i on with other home electronic devices. Why should people have to have both computer and television screens or both computer and stereo speakers? Some may wish to, but

thosefimitcdbybudgetorspace,suchas a college student, should not have to duplicate c o s t a n d sp a ce . I f modularizarion isavailaMe,itmustnot be as di8icult to hook up as a good stereo. Perhapsvideo andaudioconnections through wall jacks will become common in homesl Evcn t ualy the computer should become the home controller — with a screen, perhaps, right in the rtjrigerator and a pen dangling next to it This home controller will be able to set the

microwave,sendmessagestootherplaces in the house (wherememberscan access them on the television screen through a pressing of a remote control button), retrieve information from a remote data base or from a more rzadititmal PC elsewhere in the home, order items automatically from selected star~ etc. In short, do in an improved manner all of the tedium that always used up the homemaker's time. Itmustbe done with pizzazz, it must be done inexpensively and it must be easy to usef It can all be done — but rm cwtaiop area't tirreu yell

UPGRADET JUST SAY HO! Editorial by John McC prrnick I am about to speak heresy, so be prepared. I have the latest computers made, the latest software on my shelves, and spend my worhng life testing and writing about computer systems, yet, despite that background, I seldom upgrade mypersonalworhngsofNrare, the programs I use to make a living. It seems as if computer companies are

alwaysofferingnewer,faster,bigger,and fancier software, some ofitincorporating impoxtant changes that manyusers need but usually just adding some ex tra

chrome hereand there or changing the shape of the tail fins. In a neo-Pavlovianresponse, many users automatically start droohng when

theyread the fust announcement of an upcoming update of their favorite program and leap to place orders with no thought as to vrhat the new version will do that their old one won' t. I can tell you what the newversion will probably do, even without knowingwhat program isyour favorite. New versions of old software will generally run slower, have new and exciting bugs, retprire users to learn new ways of doing old things, need more memory, possibly better video, and, oh yes, might justhave some new feature you are desperate for. For myself, I still have a wonderful relationship with WordPerfect 4.1, even though 5.0 sits on my hard disk, tested, reviewed, and found very good. Wo rdPerfect made som e g reat

changes to the way the program uses macros and Igive them high marks for the changes, but, since my hundreds of oldmacroswould all have to be rewritten

Top 5featureswhich an idealSuper VGA package includes: — 2$6colom in 640 X 480,$00 X 600,1024 X 768 resolution. —able to run Windows 3.0 in high resolution modes. —superior high speal parfarmsncc. — display in Jgrnrn super-fine dot pitch. — whole VGA package with the above katnres must bevery affordable!!

NOW, WE' VEGOT IT ALL FOR YOU! We' re proud to present the TRICOM Super VGAAdapter and LEGEND 14" Super VGA-Monitor, the package which turns your dream into rcalityl Call us now for detailsand get yourselfready for the new VGA era.

Pal Systems (Canada j I.td. 118-1'3962 Csmbie Road Richmond, B,C. V6V 2K2 Tel: (604)270-18N Fax: (604)270-8389

AUTHORIZED DEALERS: Computer Exchange Cards 650 Seymour Sruet

Vancauver, B.C.

Tel: (604)6N-178L Fax: (%4)6N-1333

1435 Burrsrd Sreet Vancouver, B.C. Tel: (604)732-8400 .Fax: (604)732-8412

More+tech Comm. Ine. 1237 West Broadway Vancouver, B.C. Tel: {604)738-3886 Fax: (604)738-2661

to run under Version 5, I haven'tlot any place for it in my daily working fife. Despite new features in WordPerfect, mostly relating to desktop publishing, I havenotupgradedmybasewordprocessor for years; why should I? After all, I don'tneedanyofthosenew featuresand would lose some usefir ones I need dally. WP 5.0 waslarger and didn't add a single feature thatI wanted, butl am not pichng on that fine software in particular; most upgrades tend to add bulk and new features that few. users want, often added merely' to outpace the competition. lVhile many upgrades are basically harmless, that isn't always true. One past upgrade of Norton UliTities added a bug that would wipe out hard disks with larger than standard partitions dBASE 1Vwassuch agreatupgrade idea that it nearly broke Ashton-Tate. The list goes on, but you get the idea. And, some software should have been upgraded more oftenbut wasn' t Why? Simple; I have gotten used to WordPerfectand the effort to become proficient in WordStar again would cost me too much productive time, so my only usefor WordStar isas a fullword processor that will run on a laptop or other small memory machine, and the old version runs comfortably in under 100 kilobytes of RAM.

The computer p a per/nov '80

MathType hy Sean McNemara

Product MathTypefor the Mac and MathType for Windows (two separate packages, each running on its appropriate platform) Publisher:Design Science, Suite 392, 6475-B E. Pacifi c Coast Hwy, Long Beach, CA90&03. Phone213-4334685.

System Requfrements:MacintoshPlus

andhlgherand IBMcompatibles running Windows 3.0 Price: US$149 for Mac version; $249 for DOS Rating: 4 (on a scale of 1=lowest to 4&lghest) Summary: MaihType is an equafion generator fhat allows equafions to be

MathTypc; is one of the best equafion generators on the market. The whole program allows theuser to get theresults he/she wants, while the ease of use is not partofa tradooffforpower. The program has been well thoughtmut, with a profeasional4ooking and performing product being the aim and result.

Ratings Performance/Prices . For a relatively low price, MathType delivers the goods for equation generating. The overall in-

roduct m akesit worth-

telligence of the p

InfoSpec Systems Inc.

compatible devices.

8101 -2606 Kingsway, Vancouver, B.C; V5R 5T5 Tel: (604) 430-1223 Fax: (604) 4$h5748 Business Hr.: INonday - Friday 9:30- 6:00 Saturday 1:00- 6:00

Equations Processing

theg reatestlimitationsof

One of wordprocessing and page layout programs at the moment is the area of equations. Itis too often very cbfficult to achieve professional results in complex equations in a way which calls for as few hairgulling sessions as possible. For the professional (and the not~high4evel) user, Design Science has released MathType, a very powerM equadon-generator. Whether working on aMac or a PC, MathTypegivesyouthesamepower,and can even open Mac MathType file s on the PC and vice versa. Additional fonts are supplied to allow for a wide selection

Your One Stop Business Solution PROFITEK SYSTEINS

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of mathematical situations. Multilevel

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lower hmits, and the function to be in-

tegrated. By simply inserting the appropriate values in these slols, the user ends up with a professional4ooking equafion with a minimum of fuss. For repetitive situations, "strips" of symbols, templates, and equations allow the quick insertion

of these by dicking on them. Nineteen pop-up menus provide the full range of symbols and equation templates, each of aparticular group of symbols or equation

The prof pram has ahandy feature of

recognizing functions like sine, and automaticallysetting them tonon4talicized

[variablesare automaiicallyset to italics]. Any part of an equation can have its type style and size atiributeschanged, or these can be changed for all equations, allowing the easyintegrahon to an established publication style. Spacing and mmsurement attributes can also be modified.

Files can be saved as EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) or PICT on the Mac, ancl EPS or Windows Metafile (WMF) on the PC. Equations can also be copied into the Windows clipboard as WMF or Tex compatible, which allows equations to bepasted into Tex files fo output On the Mac, MathType can be run as a Desk Accessory or under Multifinder for use while the page layout program is being usecL On the PC, MathType supports Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE).

bo t hered to look at the manual. Most u s ers would be able to start creating eq u ationsright away, but it is recommended that you read the manualt h ere are many worthwhile, not~ b v i o u s features in the program. Avai l ability: 3.9. MathType is only a v ailabledirectlyfromthemanufacturer. I t c an be obiained by caihng 21MS30680 (sorry, there isno to5&eenumber) o r w r itingto thecompanyaddressshown a b ove. There is an additional charge for os tageandhandlingthatwillbeadded t othe price of the program.

is a great boon for those who can't be

while for anyone who needs to show

incorporated into word processing and layoutprogramsforoutputonPosScript-

equations are and even the most complex equation can be on the screen within a few minutes, ready for p orting to your favorite pag~ y o ut program. The program worksbypresenting, for example, an integral sign with dotted outline boxes (" slots" ) for upper and

complexequationsintheirprintedmatter.Amustifiargequantitiesoftechnical material incorporating equations is produced onIBM or Mac systemL U sefulneae: 4. The portabiTity of files and general ease of use make MathType anabnostessentialadditiontothetechnical material producer, while also allowmg the lower4evei user to achieve professional4ookmg results. ManuaL4. ThemanualsforMathType are well set up and allow users to gain a high level of proficiency on the pro- p gram. The context~ t i v e on%ac help

48 ~

+ Software Specials Carbon Copy Plus dBase IV Dac Easy Accounting V4.1 Direct Access VS.O File Shuttle (Laptop to PC) Lotus 123 V2.2 & Quicken 4.0 Lotus 123 V3.0 Microsciff Works Noiton Backup Norton Commander V3.0 Norton Utilities Adv V5.0 PC Tools Deluxe V6 Quicken 4.0

Suzy Word Prefect 5.1 Windows 3.0


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The C o m poser paper/No» '90 a strategic alliance with MicrosoA. The two giants planned tointroduce anew alternative to Adobe's PostScript, and with it, a new font standard, then called Royal, later known . a s TrueType. Adobe, in- . . dustry pundits predicted,

Seybold '90: Apple Fritters, NeXT Revs Up In Gutenberg's Garage by Grcsdlad Beeadtt

Apple Abandoning STD The pastyearhas seen many software developers and publishers exIMess increased frustration at Apple's seeming abandonment of the Desktop Publishing market, a market they almost singlehandedly created with their 1985 introduction of th e Srst Postscript Laser

printer. At the expense of their focus on pub-


lishing, a worldwide market of billion eachyear, Apple hasinsteadgpent much energy pursuing the larlelycunproven market for

M u l t imedia and

Desktop Video production. Many of the companiesthathave helpeddevelop DTP on the Mac feel that Apple is squandering its technological lead in the printed graphics arena. Not surprisingly, many of them are for the Srst time considering developingproductsfor other platforma

amounts of Adobe stock and announced

• 1shg a>hM -LS serg erLeemcgacyyp&les - 1 cerhl> 1 yacaacl,1 seem yacc

::::i:':":;"'::: :, r..,

a:-~ ..~~...~~....,..~®

che ram Pachael Ispec>heheeeIs >ehns Ies Se eeeeese)mphee s Oseceas eesm e



• Ismeg Ss asbsc44rlee - Maa mesaer sadaccwleseemysgbhgraybba card


c ~


"outline screen fonts" far smooth on-

type repregentation

screen atanypointsize (according to reports, the new Sys. tern 7 won't be ready until mid-l991), Adobe counteredwith a product ready

Talscsc3$6SX AT:

Taucgc 25 Mm 3$6 AT:

. 14 Sam SSI gz precescss>uhg a>us .LgerLdemcgaeppydrl>m .

-1 mcgadbL upyad&h l o gangs mbssr4

SS Mba MISX-SS peoceessr -LS er lAImeg depyy dries es ecrlsl> 1 ycenlhb 1 ~ pere 441 bers cabsnce4bcybsard M meg sans bard dries -Meaomealhr aml acscnlesomysgbh Napbhs card

-1 mrhl> 1pscagd>I.e++ pere - lg1 bcysenh>nmberbcscd

- 141 hga eahmeed ST bcpbescd

l ~ ~ mp a p

Is >beee>heel as oh>esemesccm s>hse ehees ae ce>aN eeeorna>scshe>ac Poh

In essence, Adobe was forced into this new openness by the Apple/Microsoflt competition. When Apple announced their Ssture system so~ w o u l dsupportTrueType

events there the year before. At that time, Apple had just sold off huge

11 Mbs SM Cacscset) scrgdmbh le 4 lam


crea speciScations for the

chsst had settled from the tumultuous

Tacgw Tsaso ATI

oeee fee e

Adobe president John Warnock stood up and announced that he would pubhsh the previously~

At this year's Seybold '90 Publishing Conference in San Jose, much of the



was toast. Th >

SeyboM This Year And Last


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The Comyulor payer/Noe 'a a far market itatrnafielcly. It was Adobe Type ber,three new modelswere reedy.Warp Manager, Srs t far the Mac, later for9, indeedl PCs running Windows. In retrospect, the Thor Heinrichs-Wolpert, technical past year's events helped cansohdate support person far the Vancouver oKce Adobe's positfon as undisputed marhet af NeXT Inc. told me that while board leader in font technology. defect rales are typically around one During all af this mayhem, you can bet thousand defects per million at other that SteveJobs was especially uneasy. His computer companies, at NeXT's robotcompany, NeXT, Inc., is inextricably en- controlled factory the defect rate is only twined with Adobe in a uniquely intimate PusPe'atiliera, This amaunglylow defect fashion. NeXT computers use Pastscript rate is possible due ta the fact that at not only for their printers' page descri- NeXT, computers are completely manuption la nguag,but alaata dispiaycucy rrhirtg factured and optically ettatained by tirean the screen.For ance, the famottsacrolessly precise zabotL nym WV81%VG tmly applied As detailed m Thc CoepPulcrPuPcA With the c onsolidation af A d o be's ecL 9 0 ~ e (p p . 5 8-59), the new PostScriptaspreeminentin the DTP mar- NeXTstationsarepoweredbyMotorola's ket, it is more likely that buyers will per- new 68040 microprocessor, boosting ceive this as a selling point in favor of the perfarmance by N0-500%, and are NeXT. Even better, with the slaw accepced extremely attractively at tance af OS/2 by the PC world, and con995 US far a camplete system with 8 fusion surroun ' A p p l eand Microsoft's MB af RAM, 105 MB hard drive, I.8 MB unavailable True tec h nology, buyers floppy drive {capable af reading and a re more l i k ely t a c o n sider n e w writingIBM'7ÃK, 1.4MB,Unixar 2.8MB alternatives...especially if they' include NeXT formatted Sappies), and monoelegant system software and powerful chrome monitor. A colorversion af "the multitasking abiTities. Is it anywonder the slab," as it is referred to, is available far NeXT computer, with its integrated $8000 more. The 16bit color version PastScript imaging, also includes a VGA~ m o n i tor conhuge megapixel display, and nector an the back The bighead M+i t ered operating system sofbsare gained color option is anly available as a considerable pressin the past year. Ncaa%'buscard which plugs into a N eXT cube. It 'provides 16.V million colors, Super-VHS and composite video in and The usual complaints heard about the outplusRGBoutfar the color MegaPixel original cubeehapedNeXTcoznputerwas display,builtm genlock,reaI4ime image that it was too slaw, priced too high, had compressionand decompression hardno Sappy disk drive and no color display. ware, and an Intel i860 graphics accelNot surprisingly, NeXT Inc. has moved eratorcapable of processing images and quickly to address these issues. InJanuary interactive 3-Dgraphicsinnearreal time, of this year, development began on a or — as SteveJobs demonstrated at the project codeaamed W~ k By Septem- NeXTdimension introduction — playing


screen~p rinter


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We SERVICE what we sell! 4$ East Bnuutwa (at Ctuabac at.) Vancouver VST tV4 FAX- (N4) 87548$1 Tel: (N4) 9


The C e r etrrrhr • Paper I Nov '90

back ful~otion video direct &om disk Also included is a near version of NeXT'saward-winning NeXTStep operating system, plus a substantial suite of other bundled sofbsare.

IdealPuhiliihhkg Hatfoml? For publishers eyeing the options, the Seyboldconference showed thatNeXT is picking up steam. While Apple was present at the show, their sparselyrat-

tended booth vms at the back, ancf apeared largely unfocused. By contrast,

eXT's large booth (playfully called Gutenberg'sGarage) was &oat and center, right near the entrance, and was

em~pped with a plentif'ul supply of

the new NeXTslations.

Inside, Adobe showed Illustrator 8.0

r unning in color on the new color N eXTsiation (ooh, ahh), and displayed a beta version of their NeXT Xpress to the eager throngs. Frame showed a new version of their powerful FrameMaker pubLthingsoftware,which is already shipping. Several scanner and other peripheral manufircturers.also released or announced NeXT versions of their hardware. The NeXT booth was packed with people even when the rest of the booths were comparatively empty; many folks


who were prepared to be unimpressed came away with a sense that NeXT is

TIFF or EPS files. NeXT mail can even indude digitized voice annotations, us-

coming on slrong.

ing the computer'tr built~ microphone.

Stealing Apple's Thunder

Instant Software

One oftheslickest thingsaddedto the new NeXT system software is a geaeric fitx modem driver. This allows you to plug in a regular Macintoshaype Srx modem, such as the popular Model 24/ 96 made by Abaton, and sead or receive firxes &om any NeXT application. By simpkyinvokmgaa OCRoption, the con-

Largely because of the NeXTStep developmentenvironment,NeXTsoftttrare is unusually easy to write. Using the NeXT's Application Builder, a fullyfunctional user interfirce can be developed in minutes, aever mind weeks or montha In fact, in the words of one of the developersof WordPerfect for the NeXT, "Our development cycle is one

tents of the incoming fax am be converted back to editable text in an mstant,

whileorphicelements can be saved as

third of the time it normally takes."

Similarly, in their October 1990 issue, Byts magazine says, "Lotus had their own reasons for choosing that platform, not

the least of which is the killer develop-.


ment environment that comes standard .. on the NeXT." Of the results of Lotos' STANDARD


Byte callsImprov"

Manufacturers Exporter



eForht, astounding... a ' spreadsheet for the ninetiea" I hack a chance to test Improv, and 1suggestthatanyoae whoregularkyuacs l-'

2-8 or Excel on those "other machimme ' take a few minutes and try Improv for yourself (Improv can read and write' „ standard Lotus I-2-Sfiles). Itsdikferences &om the usual post-VisiCalc spreadsheet . model are so striking, yet it is so simple!; . and obviously a bslsr rsrry, that I predict ' that in five years, this will be theway spreadsheets are. For now, though, it is;.; clearly one of NeXT's unique ~ :, tages. As a special offer, NeXT has announced that a copy of Lotus' spreadsheet Improv vrill be sent &ee of charge ' to allnew system purchaserswho sendm '




their registration card between now aad

Dec. 51st, 1990. Largelydue to NeXI"scommitmentto the higherWucatioa market, the origi-'rr nal cubes have been available for sale at . SS.U. and inthe U.B.C. bookstore for.over a year already', and U.B.C. has acquired a NeXT lab consisting of over™r ,.:,t fortycubeL Even U.B.C. musicprofKeith~'.,„, Hamill, author of Macintosh music pro,,"'';: grams NoteWriter and NoteWriter II;; hasboughthanselfaNeXT.Atuniverskty ';-.',: prices, it's no wonder. An education~~,," only NeXT pricelist seen at the U.B.C.""-.;" .



bookstore s h ow s t h a t t h e 8 M B: : ;; NeXTstation sells to faculty or students ';.'

for under $4500 Canadian. A roughly.,' comparable Macintosh IHx system(with.' "only" a 68030) wouldcostnearly$12,000.; .'

Local Ad vantage With the announcement of the new


machines, NeXT has inked aa alrre~ : mentwithArkvantage Computers tomar-.. '„ '



ket NeXl'solutions to businesses, andin.""'-'-

Vancouver NeXT has iis own oIBce. oa..,'.".'' Gxanvtlle Island where the rest of us can-,".'-, purchase a unit. ( of the new ';.'


models areexpected around the end of':;

November.) Asmentioned above, higher-,;" education studentsare entitled to spedal';.:.; discounts,asare thosewhobecomeNeXX.'::-, commercial software developers. Foi"-„' people lucky enough to have a NeXF-;,=':, already, the NeXT users' club meets at," the company's of6ce on th e l ast'.„ W ednesday of each moath. (Tel. 604.. ","'-' ,


68$s)199) Head ONce 8 Factory: Unit B1, 11/F., Block B, Hong Kong Industrial Centre. 489-491 Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon. Hong Kong, Tel: 785 7783 Telex: 48719 STDCC HX Fax: (852) 785 8056

Showroom: STANDARD COMPUTER CENTRE Shop 84%6, 1/F., Golden Computer Centre, 94 Yen Chow Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel : 360 2038, 386 8276 Fax: (852) 725 1422

Canada ONce and Warehouse: Unit 333, Cambridge industrial Centre,

13988 Cambia Road,

Richmond, B.C. Canada. Tel: (604) 273 7886 Fax: (804) 273 7889

TIrrsrrks to Scott Anderson anrk Tlrorr, IIsinricks-Wolpert foNsXT Inc. for their rss-" sistaacsiN tjrs preprsrrrtionfothis crrhck;:. '




The c o mputer paper I Nov '$0 •



Uncrippling Hyper card 2.0

==-Rl.— . I Im~

kacscs ~ .~ kcascsa c ka cscskss4a.hh aass~ lachkdscaa~

k ss ~Tl s ~

ka sccm cyle s's

isa lssa~k a ~ das h d lll4ealcccccc kaa syy4 ~ a J ~

buttons below the text that says CLICK THE USER LEVEL YOU WANL 8) Press COMMAND-M to call up H)pexCaxd's Message Box. Type SET USERLEVEL TO 5 and then press RETUR¹ 4) Bingoi Nowyouwill notice thatnew menu optionshave appeared, and the program is fully enabled. You do not have to SAVE the changes you made. HyperCard saves its changes automahcally.

Here is how to uncripple HyperCard 2.0: I) Copy the HyperCard application and Home Stack&omyour floppydiskto your hard drive or another Soppy. Store the oriy'nai in a safe place. R) Doubl~ c k the copy of HyperCard that you just made. If a message appears telling you thatfonts are missing R om your system, ignore it for now and dick OK 8) When the Home Card appears,just for interest's sake, you can examine Apple's attempts at keeping you out of the upper levels of the program bypressing CURSOR LEFT, then pressing COMMAND aOPTION to see the hidden

ii 3 - i 2 8 3 8 CLARNE PLACEBO RICHllOIIDg R.C. L%M 2HS T EL: (QN ) 2 7 8 - 7 6 i 8 F AX: (684) 3 2 i ~

aa a csa

cdLf ckaks talc ca laIpkcs 4 ~ k a a a s amp-caasakcs kca ee4 as c cas cc~

they "cfisabled" the program so that you cannot access all of its capabiTities.



kcaassoMFallE~ c cskaa Wc'~ kcsc c s sa s scs'~

the features if they were Iek enabled, so



Wclaocccs tk HypssCaccl

ers" wouldn't know what to do with all

Cc c

lckksskssa ~

Shipping with the new Macs is version 2.0 of Apple's hypertext toolkit HyperCard, which is now aKcially a Ciaris product. (Ciaris is Apple's moreor4ess whoily~wned software company.) Because Claris wants to sell HyperCard 2.0, the decision was made to ship a singledisk version with new systems, as oppceed to the full threMisk version that had previously been included with every Mac. Unfortunately, Apple (or Claris) management decided that "average us-



5) All thatyou have to do nowis press

COMMAND-TAB-TAB and click the mouse in the large rectangular area that appears below the words CLICK THE USER LEVEL YOU WANT. Press DELETE (or backspace if you have a Mac Plus). An invisible box (technically, it's a button) will be deleted, andyou will 6nd leveh 8,4 and 5 underneath. Similarly, d ick on and delete the rectan


below the words OTHER SE GS, and guess what you' ll 6nd there... 6) Havefuni Oh, by theway, don'tbe surpriied if when you choose ABOUT HYPERCARD frem the Apple menuthe author's credit makes you think

you' re losing your mind. And tryit while holchng down the OPTION key...carimL



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The Computer Paper I Nov '90 l- l l I t

l l- I e .'. ll i! l I t'f.'.t! c".I


n cfcccccc ccv cntu Cenv


Clhh rhe nvr Cvelfw weh

memory feature of next year's System fr (or this year's A/UX, Virtual from Connectix, and others). All other current Mac models include this feature, hence it is likely that LC and Claaic leftbehind"in thisregard. Also, the LC does not include a math coprocessor, which is standard on all other '020 and '080kased Macs. It is possible that this may introduce some mcompatibiTities,asidefrom the obvious performance degradation that users accustomed to Macs with math chips may


buyers m aybe " Qtrreurert le Cl l euv s weutwea

eel nil ltvl




~ programming Language m

7 ~ The ¹ x t Generation

notice. ouh lhOnut~ ~

The LC has built~ Shit video RGB output to Apple's new 12" RGB Display, and does notrequire a separate video carcLHowever, ifyou connect a higherresolution AppleColor RGB monitor, it only produces 16 colors unless you expand the LC's Video RAM. Similarly, on

I ut fl


m' " """" nv eu

the new Macintosh 12rc Monochrome lh~

ii i ll'

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l nl»et,l


Display, the LC's outputs four+it video unless expanded with more VRAM. Interestingly, this VRAM expansion increases the 12a RGB Display's performance, too, allowing $2,000 colors. Like all currentMacs, the LCindudesApple 6 new 1.44MBSuperDrive,which iscapable of reading and writing 8.5" MS-DOS, Macintosh and Apple II ProDOS disks. The LC also includes a processor direct slot (PDS) to provide for future expansion. The slot is not compatible with those foundin anyother Macintosh. An Apple IIe emulation card has been announced for this slot, hinting that Apple plans to target the school market heavily, where the ageing Apple II's are plentiful. An Apple representative said that the card would run 95% of Apple II software on the market.

VS Trilogy offers a New Dimension

VSTrilogy is a newprogramming language which integmtesDatahme andPN)cedural programming with a powerhl DECLARATIVE Logic Handling Engine. Any C, or Pascal, or Prolog pmgranuner can lonn VSTrilogy quiddy. The fast in-memory compiler links to C orAssembler, and also makes stand-alone SXE files. Code is slructured and modular with unique data types.

Programming Power

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SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER: $395 Send usyour Prolog or LISP disks and Receive aSSO dieeofmt Fax to(604) 688-8479for infonnatlon 8 technical specs. Contact us on our user support BBSat (604) 925-4238 or order by calling (604) 925-0321 VeNcal SeNwaIeLtd. fl4- NS Clyile St. WestVaacewer, I.C. NT 18



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> s

(Through Nov. 30th, 1990)



• &0286 CPU, 12 MHz, O.W.S. • 1MB RAM expandable to 4MB • 1.2 MB 5.25' Floppy Drive • 40 MB Hard Disk (IDE 28ms) w/IDE Host Adapter • Hercules Compatible

Mono Graphics Card

• 12' Amber TTL Monitor • Compact Case w/200W

CSA Power Supply • 101 Keys Enhanced Keyboard • Parallel, Serial, Se Game Port

16MHz 386-SX • SOSSOSX-16 CPU, O.W.S. • 1MB RAM effpandable to BMB • 1t2 MB 5t25' Floppy Drive • 40 MB Hard Dbk IIDS 20ms) wl Host Adapter

• Mono GraphicsCard a

12' Amber Monitor • Parallel, Serial, a Game Port • 200W CSAPower Supply • 101 Keys EnhancedKeyboard

$1405 25MHz 386DX • SOSSODX-20 CPU, 25 MHz, O.W.S. • 1MB RAM effpsndsble to SMB • 1.2 MB 525' Floppy Drive


• Logitech Hi-Res Mouse $95 • MS Mouse w/PaintBrush $107

• MS Mouse w/Windows 3.0$159 • MS DOS 4.01 • MS Windows 3,0 $9V • PC Tools Deluxe 6.0 $91 • Roland Raven 9101 or


Panasonic KXP1180 $2$9 • Fujitsu DL1100 24 pin NEW $425

SYSTEM UIBORADES (Add To System Price) • 3.5' 1A4MB or 5.25' 1.2MB Floppy Drive

• 40 MB Hard Disk (IDE26ms) wl Host Adapter • Mono GraphicsCard a 12' Amber Monitor • Parallel, Serial, a Game Port e Full Size Case wf200W CSAPower Supply • 101 Keys EnhancedKeyboard

• Mitsubishi 60MB Voice Coil 28ms Hard Disk (RLL) $150


28ms Hard Disk (MFM) $210

• Microscience 80MB Voice Coil

• Conner 84MB Voice Coil

2 5ms Hard Disk (IDE) $ S 6 0 • Conner 212MB Voice Coil

15ms Hard Disk (IDE)


• MiniMlcro (by Samsung) 14 VGA Color Monitor w/oak VGA Card

(640 x 480, 256K)


• MlniMlcro 14 Super VGA Color Monitor (1024 x 768) w/super VGA Card (1024 x 768 512K) $480 • Morse 14' Super VGA Color Monitor (1024 x 768) w/Trident TVGA Card

(1024 x 768 512K)




The C o mputer Paper I Nov '90

Hsi • The Macintosh IIsi is Apple's replacement for the alsocfiscontinued Mac

IIcx (released in June of. 1989, this discontinuation must set some kind of newrecord for rapid obsolescence.Justa few months ago, the IIcx was Apple's most popular modell). The IIsi, like the LC, features an inte-

grated microphone for audio digitization, allowing the recording and playback ofvole~, alert beeps and other audio input in various programs. The IIsi features a 20 MHz 68080 CPU (five

times fasts than a Mac Plus), onward S-bitvideo, and aPDS, which can double

as either a NuBus slot, or an SK/80 PDS using optional adapters. (Apple warns that due to space, power supplyand CPU performance considerations,notallcards

may be compatible.) The adapters also provide the IIsi with a 68882 math coprocessor, which is lackmg on the standard model The computer, with built-in 8-bit RGB video output, is priced similarly to the recent 16 MHz IIcx without a video card, which demonstrates its rela-

tively good value. Still, at $5277 for the 2MB RAM/40MB hard disk model, calling this unit a lowest Mac is clearly stretching thing+ A 5MB/80MB hard diskwquipped model is also available for $6897. Unlike the Classic and the LC,

IIsi aresoldseparately.

keyboards for the

Lower Cost, Lower Res

• Along with the new Macs, Apple's duoofnewlowerwostmonitorssupplants their earlier butsteeplypriced ofFexings. The 12" RGB Display, an $889 Mitsubishi-manufactured moni-

highlyw egarded

but is said to not work with older Apple video cards. Also announced but not yet available is a new 12" monochrome dis-

play priced at $419.

Do You%ant ColorP Overall, the question of which machine to buy may not be as simple as

tor has a .28 mm dot pitch and a resolu-

" How much m oney do you want t o

tion of 512x884. On the market since 1987, the sSl~ l a b le Trinitronkveed . AppleColor RGB model has a resolution of 640x480, a.25mm dot pitch and a street price of $120041800. The new monitor w'Il work on any Mac using Apple's4+8,8+24or 8+24GCvideo cards, or the built' circuitry of the Mac IIci,

spend?" although the price is, of course, a contributing factor. With th e M a c

Classic selling for around $1800, I don' t see a significant difFerence between the target audience for it, and those that

recently would have paid a similar price for a Mac Plus (which,now discontinued, can be found for significantly less). Of the two machines, the Clasiic ofFexs a

25% speed advantageover the Plus, as well as increased disk capacity and fiexibility. Chalk one up for progresL The bigger question is really "Do you want color?" because unlike a PC,Amiga or Atari you just can't add a color monitor to a Mac Plus, SK or Classic. It is a decision thatmustbe made at the time of

purchase. And unfortunately, there is a sizable subset of Mac programs (mostly graphicsrelated) that do not work without Color Qaickdraw, which, as you may guess from the name, is not available on the monochrome-only 68000-based Macs. Hovvever, acolor-oxpabkMac, such as the LC or Ilsi, even if it only had a grayscale monitor, would still be able to run these programs, albeit in shades of gray rather than glorious living color. It . is a way of keeping your options open.


The richest market segment that I see

opening up for Apple is the buyer who wantsalovpendcolor~pable Mac. These folks previously may have gone out and priced — perhapseven purchased — aPC, Amiga or Atari ST computer to sate their desire f'o r a colorcich graphical environment Now, vxlth the Mac LC (or a 886SX running Wxndows 8.0, but that' s another story), these buyers have an opportunity to own what they may not have been able to previously afFord. lf anything, I expect Commodore and Acari mustbe feeling the crunch of everlower PC and Mac pricea The "big guys" are homing in on what has long been


he wait is over. Finally, Apple has introduced a Macintosh the entry level usercan afford.Imagine,aMacatan IBM Compatible PCPrice! The word is now out! The consumer demnd is exceeding the supply of Classics. If you wish to reserve a unit, give Byte acall. As the units becomeavailable, you will be given the first opportunity to buy at our best price. Decide once you see it but assure yourself a place in line.

Come in andseeademoof the Macintosh Classic and you could be on your way to another dassic,The Grey Cup(in Vancouver on

'0 h

their terxitoxy.

However, I'm not forecasting doom yet. The Amiga and SI' computers have been thrivmg foryearswith their share of loyal enthusiasts, particularly at the low end of the market, where their feature sets comparevexyfavorably with PCs or ATs. And those companies are pretty tough, because the low end is a tough place to be. IBM realized that in the early SO's, when the Commodore 64 stomped all over their PCjr. Apple may not realize it yet, but what sells Amiga 500's or Acari STK's is often



Novem ber 25),asaguestof Byte Computers. Come in for further details.

the simple fact that the customer gets a computerwith agraphicaluser interface, thousands of colors, stereo sound and a

meg of RAM for seven or eight hundred dollara The Mac Classic can't touch that, especiallysince beginnersmaybe unable

BYTE CoMPUTERs Authorized Dealer 0198hpple Compu ter, Inc. hpple, theApplehgo, andMacintosh sre myaaed tademsrh afhpphComputer,Inc. C45slc 8 1~

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2151 Burrard St. Vancouver, B.C. 73S-2181

200 1 A Douglas St. Victoria, B.C.


to perceive the subtleties that contribute to the superiority of the Macintosh user interface.

Still Classy After All These Years There is, however, little question that the Macintosh offers one of the most elegant, intuitive computing environments available today, and these new

products (and a reputed forty mitliondollar advertising budget) should help Apple bring that message to the people.

The Computer Paper I Nov '00

The Everex Family

~@ -Ã1CIttt04CLIhSiC,.:: „=-Bitte'St 34tt ft res rt/utt.~t




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p 4 bi er' 0 $rrt Izrrts fthrtt ~ ,; . Pt i ttc St7s91zwtsitAIItt; ~ ' „. ' teak fiteadh tieertQhrlttrAM„'"::, <':,:! . + : ~ , ikdi t dail;.did%rttsar:Gab IS 4 4 z i tttl f~ '. m, 4ttMtl HC; ltttttttt Q tuuiI,~ . SOr tra Htt, rteeQedt4 4ftr4t tl,.ltZO Direct Stot,Syhacii + 'tto"~ 'tntiy.~ i e xhitit ih'ott "e po'a~w-. i ' ~ ': . "' pasiaewny ~ corot " corot,~ roi,~ ; @are'p. thtt Moc pitttattd%.„ .; rttrt4ea tftttrntptctat thti~ W ~ ~ rb~ tlittttrbiiilr

Just about anything you can plug i nto e PC en-d the PCs to hoot j g — PC Magazine

+ Newsbytes Dn The New Macs ,

Apple Fixes Operating System Bugs Shipped With New Macs CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA, Oct 18 (NB) — The discovery of bugs after the last minute has forced Apple Computer to rush-release an upgrade to the oper-

ating system software shipped with its three new computers. The Macintosh Classic, LC and IIsi all

were to have shipped with System Software 6.0.6. Developers had been seeded with beta copies and were advised to test

dated in Apple's auditorium. Of those who did get in, the majority were highly enthusiastic merchants, reseHers, educators, and key buyers, who filled the &ont rows and sides of the auditorum during this warm and Octo-


ber day. Punctuating speeches by Apple brass were remotes by Apple cameras.

6.0.6. Five daysbefore the new computers

students to create the first school news-

sometimes caused keyboards to &eeze. Sy the time the new Macintoshes were

announced, Apple had fixed the problems and published version 6.0.7, but

QuidSfail TaRcs On Apple's

some of thenew machines were packed with the old version.

Apple is advising customers who got version 6.0.6 to discard it and use 6.0.'7

instead. Like all system software upgrades, system 6.0.7 is available &ee &om authorized Apple dealers. The problems with version 6.0.6 is not the first diKculty Apple has had with the

System 6.x series of operating systems. Several years ago, System 6.0.1 was hurriedly recalled for bug fixes after its release.

Apple Multimedia Extravaganza Launches New Macs FREMONT, CALIFORNIA, Oct 16 (NB) — With the slick production of the best American game show, complete with wild audience applause, flashy multimedia onscreen presentations, undulating spotlights and prominent Bay Area media personalities, Apple Computer has launched three new computers, including two of its lowest cost models. The October 15 show, based in an auditorium and on the assembly line of the company's Fremont, California factory, was viewed simultaneously by an Apple-estimated audience of 100,000 and included satellite broadcasts from five other sites, even East Germany. More showed up to attend the 11 a.m. presentation than could be accommo-





employed by the computer~ t e rate paper in 45 years. Most of the children, we weretold,had never seen acomputer and onlytwo had heard of Apple Computer. They created their newsletter in two days.

ever,Apple discovered acouple of bugs. One bug a6ectedApple Talk; the other

Phone: (B04) 2B1-7888 F ax: tB04) 2B1-8898

Apple'sSingapore factoryrepresentative where the Classics are said to be rolling off the line smoothly. There was also a remote featuring a politically timely visit to a high school in East Germany where t he company ha d p l a n ted six f r e e Macintosh Classics. The machines were

were announced and put on sale, how-

268-5701 aranville Street Va01oouver, I.C. VIN 4JV

One recorded, live, a presentation by

ments of the new computers included

their applications with it. The first ship-




HIWhtISII>d C ub Nac

for PC Support

WEST DES MOINES, IOWA, OCT 18 (NB) — CE Software has announced thatQuckMail, the company's electronic messaging system for the Macintosh,



~ps Att


supports the Sound Input Manager of System 6.0 rtmttmg the new family of

Macintoshes, the CIA , LC and IIsi. With System 6.0.6 running on the new Macs, QuickMaH users are able to take advantage of the built in sound digitizing and playback capabilities to record and playback voice attachments. According to Brad Sharek, director of amrketing at CE Software, this implementation of QaickMail with Apple's Sound Input Ma n ager "makes sound

recording and playback an integral part of the QxickMail interface. Voice support allows users to add an extra level of clarity and emphasis to their electronic communications." Richard Skeie, president and CEO of CE Software added: "We see voice mail as a natural extension to electronic mail. We believe that apple is setting the stan-

dard for multimedia personal computing and we intend for QaickMail to take full advantage of this platform — leading the way in bringing multimedia communications to the market." Contact: Sue Nail, CE Software, 515-244-1995

oi '

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External Drives (add $1 78) Syquest 45MB Removable Drive .$1,101 Syquest 45MB Cartridge ................. $120 Apple RGB Monitor 12" ...................$788 Apple RGB Monitor 13" ................$1,140 The Data Desk Keyboard ................ $277 Apple Extended Keyboard .....,......... $272 Full line of Mac software ................... Call Full line of Hardware and Software Authorized Dealers for QCC and Micrctec Club Mac is not an authorizedApple Dealer

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The Computer Paper / Nov '96 I •

QOUGLAS COLLEGENsw West 521-5412. dBass gl Plus TheEssenthts, Designing Systwith dgass ill+ DRAKE 6601 888 West Pander 6$Ht789 dBsse III+/IV, Smart,Bymphony, Paradox JUMP SYSTEMSSuite 450450 W,41st, Vancauver, 2334887 dBASE III, RBase KWANTLENCOLLEGE, 5884411. dBase Ill+ Inhe $75 LANGLEY COLLEGE, 530441 1 Dahbsse 120 hrs $300 lANGLEY CONT.EO. 5334227. dBsse lii+ $85 MICRQAGE, 3691 W. 16th Avs. 222-1010. dsase III, IV, $176 PBSC TRAIN 1350-1140 W. Pender 889-7272 dgase III+ Lt -2-3 $175 PCTI 520-6873 dssse IV $100 PITMAN 1490 W. Bresdway 738-7648 dgsss Ill+ dBase IV, $18O$126 PROF. TRAIN., 5624186 W Georgia 681-5903 dgsse IV, L 1 • $350; dgass ilt ta IV, $175 ROSS, DEGROOT 8 ASSOC.1I850 W, Georgh, 8834020. dsass ill+ inca 8 Adv STM SYSTEMS GQRP, ar4-7721

dBase III 0 Inheduc3on $175 UBG CONTINUING EQ., UBC Microcomputer Lsb, 2224251 AdvanceddBase IV;Programming Techniques Wed-Frt, Nov. 2840 • 9 a.m.4 p.m. $396 Eflectlve Database Design, Nav.21M, $5 75 VANCOUVER SCHOOL BD„736-7241. dgsse IV, $90 Paradox 3.0, Intro., $90 VCC CONT. ED. CertIStwte Prey. 324-5322 Intra to dBsse Ig+, Nev. Ml $160 Intsnned. dBase III+, Ncv. 23 $160 Intra to dBsse IV, Nov. 7,11 $160 ProgrammingIn dBase, Nav. 18 $160

DESKTOP I UBLISHII6 BURNABY SCH. BD, 2994361 Wenf Perfect 5.0, Level 1, $90 CADENCE 300.1881 Chestnut, Van., 733-1638 PsgsMsksr, Ventura CAPILANQ COLL N Van9844901 DesktopPubiisher $70 CIRRUS ENTERPRISES, Victoria, 38M844. PsgeMaker, Ventum CQASTWAY. 296-2501 Bpruce St. 736-5039 Pssehhker, Ventue, GerelDraw COMPOTERlAND 640-6800. (QQS) Psgehhker, (MAC) Pagemaker, COMPUTER EMPIRE 8794162. Ventura $145 COMPUTER STATION, 21 30 Surrsrd Bt, 732-8821 . Ventum OTP,Nav. 3,24 $180 CORP. PUBLISHING LTO.1509 • -701 W. Georgia St 887-1 140. PageMaker 3.0 LI. Nov. 13-14 $390 PsgeMaker 3.0 LJ, Nov. 26-27 $390 Venture 2.0 LII, Nov. 5-6 $390 CQOUITLAM CONT. ED. 9364261 Ventura er PageMaker $80 DOUGlAS COLL New West 521-5470. DTP Art rogram P $440 s (10 aves.) DTP Intro ta Graphhs (10 evss.) $433 DTP PsgeMskerSkiih (t2), (5 sve.) Man SWed Ncv. 28-Oec. 12. 7-10 $260


JUMP S~ Su 6 s a 6 50 W. 41st, Vancouver 283-5867 PageMaker. Ventura KWANTLEI4 COLL Surrey, 5984411. Desktce Publ., Ventura DTP Intro LANGLEY CONT. EO. 5334227. DTP IBM Intra„4 sesL, 3 hra $105 DTP WIth ~ er, $70; Msc Inhe $65 OTP with PageMsker $72

McKAY 2151Bunsrd 738-7221 Desktop Publ, GmphhArts 12 wks MCROAGE 3609 W 18th 2224010.

Ahfus Paae5Msr Pt 1, 2 $175 NAVIGATORTRAINING, 879-5427. PageMaker, Freehand,Xpress, lllushwtor, NORTHWEST DATA, 8854I468 PBSC 1356-1140 W. Pender 889-7272 PageMaksr1 Call far Info $450 PCTI 55HilP3 PageMaker $100

Electronic Publishing,GmphhDesign SIMON FRASER Downtown6874255 Intro toVentura Publhher $160 STM SYSTEMS CORP. 684-7721 PsgeMsker $320 STRAC)fAN COMPUTERSLTD. ff20R-1780Marine Odve, West V~.926-8424 PC PageMsker, CorslDrsw Intro, Adv„prlvatelgreuplessons TLD COMPUTEFS, 815&@$1 No. 3 Rd., Rhhmond P agemaker Basic $256, Advanced $36 6 UBC CONTINUING ED., UBC Mcracarnpu!sr Lab, 2224251 Using the Letrsset Ehctrenic Studio Uns (2Sat) Nav.3817,9am-nconsnd(3Tuss) Nev. 6-20, 7-10pm $386 VAN DTP CTR 1150 Homer 681 %1 81 Ventunt Pagemaker VAN SCHOOL BD738-7241 DTP IBM PageMsker3.0, $136 DTP Ventura 2.0, $135 VCC, 250 W. Pander St., Vsn., 682-58I4 IBINBM Compatlbh Graphic Designfor DTP, $15 lntemted. Designfer DTP $75 PageMaker (lake, Intsrm), $166 DTP Workshop(PsgeMsker) $375 Intra. to Ventws, $160 Adv. Wordperfect DTP, $166 VCC CONT. EQ. Cert Pmg. 324-5822 Intermect Pagehhker OTP, Ncv. 27 $169 Adv. Pagehhker QTP, Nev. 27 $180 Fast Track Pagshhker OTP, Nav. 24 $366 Inhe to Ventura DTP, Nev. 3 $160 Adv. Werdperfect QTP. Nov. 14 $160

BUSINESS 8PROFESSIONAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE. One dayseminar, Vancewer, Nav, 2, Technkiues forCollecting AccountsReceivable. CANADIAN MANAGEMENT CENTRE. t Ah~ programDechhreManagement,Vancauver,Nev, 26-28, Hatsl Meridian. GOMDEXIFall '90, Nav 12-16, lss Vegss. EMBASSY OF THEUNITED STATES QF AMERICA. U.S. Tmds Day Series. Vancouver, Nav. 27, RabsenBquars Cenfenmce Gentre,800 Rcbsce

SEhgNARS byH.A. (Buzz) Bszansan. HOMEMADE MONEY (Haw To Successfully Start a HomeBased I I





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GUILOFQRDCONT. ED. Centre, 14577-106A Ave., Surrey, 589-2221. Msc PsgeMaker, $85

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PITMAN 1490 W. 8readaay 738=7848 PageMaker 8 Ventura (daysr evss.) $180rt20 Van. Desktop Publishing Prag, 12 wks. PROF. TRAltL 562-1 185 W Georgh 881-5903 PageMaker. Ventum $356 ROSSI, DEGRQOT 6 ASSOC. 108IHI56 W. Georgia. 883~ . ~e r, V e ntura SELKiy(K GOLL, Castlegar M85-7292

St., Vancouver VSZ 2CS 860-2630. DOPPLER 101W HOME BASED BUSINESS

9eveloplnl Tour Computer Neracy Today Means GeNnga Head Start on Tomorrow.

Business). North Vancouver 9864I888, LEARNING TREEIN"L PROJECT MANAGEMENT: ContactSusan Lankferd (813} 748-7741. Varcower. C AdvancedPmgrammlng 5 Data Structures, Dec. 11-1 4 LocalArea Networks: lmphmenlstlan 8 Conggua@on,Dec. 18-21. LeadershipSkills: Bulldlng Effective Teams snd OrganlzsSons, Ncv. 20-23. hgCA ContinuousLearning far ths Adaptive Mansgw, CrssthnTy 8 lateral Thinking, November 7 snd8,

Vancower. Pan PaclfhHotel. PACIFICINFORMATION MANAGEMENT INC. InformationEngineering Tmining, Vancouver, Ncv. 2, 12-16, 26%6.

PUBUC LEGALEDUCATION SOCIETY. Free doss encomputers andthe lsw for sellers, buyers snd users.4384941, SEMINAR CENTRE. Effective Time Management, Vancouver, Nov. 26, Holiday Inn, 1110 Howe Bbeet, Vancouver.Gsil 4164}28-1078. UBC ExecuthrePregnuns. The Executive's Computer, Dec. snd 5 6.$556.Lotus 1-2-3 Fundsmentsh for Executives, November 7, 8. $550.


CIRRUS ENTERPRISES Victada, 386-8844. Framework li Inhe, Advanced GOMPUTER STATION, 21 30 Burrsrd St, 7324821. Msximizsr - Contact Mgmt, Software. Nav. 10$180 DRAKE 8601 889 West Ponder 6684789 Smart, Symphony GUILDFORD CONT. EDUC., 14571-1 06A Ave., Surrey, B.C., 569-2221 MS-Works $89 STM SYSTEMB CORP.884-T/21 Symphony $280 SURREY (Newton Cont, Ed.) 594-2006

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The Computer Paper I Nov '90 •




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7-000 p.m. Wordperfsct 5.1: Intenned.Skills VAN. SCHOOLBOARD736.7241 MS-Wold 5.0 (lb@ MS-WordS.O(IMB) Lev. II MS-WodS.O,Bua App. Mulgmaie4AILevelII WordPerfect 5.1 Intro, Wordperfect 5.1 Level II, WosdPerfect 6.1: Bua App., DTP with Wosdpesfect 5.1, WosdPerfect 5.1: Msclos, VAN. CONBiLCOLL, 250 W. Pander SL, Van 5844. (Call for dates) Wosdperfect Inkn. 8 Fast Track, Interm Adv. Wordperfect, WordperfectS.O WedPerfect for PowerUsers MS W'old Intra, Inter., Adv. Intro. to MS Works 2.0 WoidPsnfsct for PowerUsers WORDROBE, THE, 270 1700 WordParfcct, MS Word, DisplayWrita VCC CONT. ED. Celtlcsle Prog. 324-5322 Intro to WonIParfact, Nov. 7,1740 Intenned. WordPelfect, Nov. 7W Adv. Wordpsrhct DTP, Nov. 14 Wordpafact for PowerUsers Macro Programming,Nov, 16 Inbe to MS Wont, Nov. 7 Intennad.MS Word,Nov.28 Adv. MS Word, Nov. 2 Inho to Wont for Windows, Nov. 21 Intro to MS-Works2.0, Nov. 4,15 Intenned. MS-Works, Nov. 15

Tsinlsy WasnunUsdvassis)ris an avanaslhat Cbrisliss mdvassisywilh sbamimicn "so develop gsugyCbrisdsn lcadms."Candidatesfor ths pasixica w'ill be fully auppasdvaof dssmission andwill be able sofancdonafrccdvaly aud wish fulfilhsans in Ibis anvhumnans.

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Reposing sa Iba Manager of Acccunfing Sasvhcs, lba ptusnciat SystemsAnalyst will ba saspesibla fbr dsi daedutnnanlp be~la don, aud mrinmnssnc of snsnclri sysmmssad casbah. Ha/sba will aanssh paritunllng Snanai l saviaws of oaivasrisy departments, camplem salalad pmjasis, ssd plsvide bast-up la sba compulsr psugramsuar

Tbe Candidate 'Ihs casuhdatawill parsecs auaispsacambinalioa of passsasoehsy sduaadon sadaxterisuaa m acceuunsgand

aampussr pmgrammfng, Bmullmaat in a msoguhsd aaaunshg piugsim, aomphnon of ibsen colhga level psuttsasmnnW carnies, phe ymsrical axpcricsna ia Snsnrisd sysssmsma dssirabla. Supariar saalydcal, comme. asdsaam player shills ssaasscnriaL Ha/ihs wgl possessan im peccablechuacssr asdmpus sdcs, asd adarim ss salvaiaw orir,cbm ab,fam ily,and

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DRAKE 6601 889 West Pander 6N+789 UNIX: Overvksnr,Intro.; SvsLAdmin. JUMP SYSTEMS 8450450 W. 41 st, 263-5867 ATaT UNN, SCO XENN PLATON CONSULT., Bumeby,4i04I831. Unhr/AN: Mknoc toMainframes, Unix/AIX: Conceph 8 FueL, UNIXIXENIX TRAINIX 0288649 Geolge Paiari SCO XenixSysAdm„ 81 295 SCO UnixSysAdm., 81295 ROSSI, DEGROOT 8 ASSOC. 1IXKH50 W. GeonlIa 6934020. SystemsManagement


Amigo UserGroup(PaNorAmA), BCIT, Rm129-1A General Meets2ndWed7:30; PsogInmmem4th Wed 7$0. Bill Wagctaif, 507-1746. Apple//ABCCS Meetings' locathn: BumsbyLake Clubhouse, Bumsby Sports Centre, 8 pronSt. 8 SperiingAve. Apples B.C. ComputerSochty. Computer User Group for ail Appleusem,cail 2754983 informationline; formem bership Info:Kiyo Mnsuda,4374935. Architect UserGroup(Macintosh).' Call GlenSchiiier or Kni Glii, Byte Computers, 738d!181. Astute-Ahn ST. 1st Tuea, 750 Has6ngcComm. Ctr. Dennh 4208710. ATARI USERSI Vantari, P.O. Box3614 hhin Post ONce, Van., B.C., V6B 3Y6. Bill Sutherland0881450, Don Hatch4334055. Mesh 2nd Wed., 7$0, HaagngsComm.Ctr., 3096 E. Hacgngs. Beaver VeilhyCommodoreClub, 1stTuse., Mcntrose School Ublmy. Call John Vink 3674428. B.C. RegionalUsersGroupSochty of HewhgJsacknid Ussra Call Teny 420-1277. B.C. Unix Users Soup Fall DinnerMsethgc. Call 6814473.

ChiiitwnckCommodoreColnputerClub (C.C.C.C.)076,Supposgng Commodore Amiss, P.O. Box413, Sudh, B.C. V2R 1A7. ComputerAidedMnkstrySochty of Canada(Chlisthn ComputerUsersGroup) mesh at PacNcAcademy, 518 Bnsckmere,Coqui~ lem. (near LougheedMaII.) 2nd Thur., 700 pm. Daks ProcessingManagementAsccchthn (DPMA). Dinner mee5ngs 4th Tuse.,every month,Stanley Park Pavilion.Nextmee8ngNovember27 wgh speaker Ed ihyant on'De-Qystil'ylngWorkstnthns and Their Use inData Processing. Colrhct Fnunxss Dhkson 6604KIN to mgisler, or Gait Nlchoh 860. 0533 for Informcthn. Gmctar Vhtorh PersonalComputer Usem'Assoc., PO Box 5309, Stages B, Vhtorh V8R 8S4. Genaml maethg, hst WsnLAho, spcckdInterest group meetings 6044824$34. Independent ComputerConsultants Assochthn, Ste. 400, 1100 Mcivliie St Van.B.C. • 682-2747. Kaypro UserGroup/VancouverPortable Coinputer Club, 3rd Mon. • at Kwantien CollegeRhhmond (DOS & CP/M) n71-1510. MsdntoshOwnem- ABCCScontact pemon: John hiller 433-1795. MscWect ComputerSociety, 2 monthlymeetingsfor membcm.piusPDcopysession. General Meetings -2nd Wed.,7$0 pm. MncWestNewUser Meeting-3ni Wed., 8 pm, Guiidfold Pub.Ub., Surrey. PDCopysessions8 meeting. BobScales, 4646645. Roif Drenmen 941 47N. MicloIog-128 SWLUsersGroup, croRobsst Andemon, 1055 MoosejawSL, Pontoon, B.C. MissionComputer Uses Group, hst Tuse.,7 pm, 33345 SecondAve., h3sshn. Robin L Mcconnhk, 8284I500, JohnGale or CindyMacGregor, 8263800. Maple RidgeComputer UserGnsup,2nd Tuse of every month, M.R. Sr. Secondary 7$0,J. Brohmnn463-


0318. NEC APC UsersGniup, Lee 980-5825. Ncwvicws UserGnsup.322-6108, POCO, 1370 Lausler, Hyele CreekCentre. PacIcInfolmeson Exchange,P.O.Box 67366,Shsgon 0, Vancouver,V5W3T1. Post Cog.ComputerClub-Commodore, Amiga 8 IBM, 1st 8 gni Tuse 780, Rm.104, George PeadsasJr. Sec. School, 1390 LauderAve.Port Coslui3am, Mike Evans9424288. Smart User Group, Brian Whbe 58M085, Soricty for Technhsi Communicagon.Call 8N-2855 for Info. Softumre B.C., 8400-1190 Melville St., Van., B.C. %4-7432. 3VUG: SCOMVan. UssnsGroup, informed, meets Fd 3 pm, at CadenceComputer, 1681 Chestnut, Van. Contact: Sylvh Taylor, 733-7638 or DanSchiiier, 6634110.

T.l. 99/4A ComputerB.C. 09er Uses Group, Every Thurs 7-10pm, CameronRacOr., Bby. Ron: 5222598. 1st Thurs Tutorials,2nd ThumGenemi, 3rd Thum Tutorhis, 4th ThumCctsylng Psog. TRACE (RhhmondAtari Club), ThompsonComm. Ctre, 272-5789 1st 8 3rd Mcn. 7$0-090. Vancouver AutoCADUsers Society, BCIT, Bldg. 3A, Room 110, 1st Wad cf the month, 7r30 pm. Contact Dave Toewc, 5306426, for info.

NETWARE USERS GROUP November 5, 1990

December 3, 1990 STANLEY PARK PAVILION Call 683-VNUG


Information 8 Confirmation GUESTS: Bring this coupon to get Member Discount Vancouver Clipper DcvelopamAssoc., 1st Tues, 7 pm, 800-1180 ¹mby St., Van, 684-0311. VancouverCohr ComputerClub, 3rdTuesday, Dhcovery Park, 3700GilmoreWay, Bumaby, Contacts: JordanDobrikin420-N81; Steven Ln Favor 4674928. VancouverdBaseUsers Group, 2nd Wed, 7 pm. 8001190 Homby SL Van, 6844811. Vancouver Electronic Pubi. Assoc., 1115, W. 11th, Vancouver, V6H 1K4 (mail). For info, cail 733-N90 (leave msg). lliihim Room,B.C. Club, 2ndfloor, 750 Pacif h Blvd.S.Nov.26 toph:Looking Good on Paper (hser printem 8fonts). Vancouver Netware Usem Group,Lss Lebbsant2758884. Mash 1st Mon. VancouverPortableComputerClub (VPCC), AMO17, Jay Shgel, 4251 Lancelot Dr, Rhhmond,B.C., V7C 4S4, N4-271-1510. VancouverPC UsersGroup,Scienoe Worid auditorium, 6SO pm, 2ndThum. 828/yr. 78440N. Van. Sinchir Usem Group, TimexAindair, 2nd Fri, Killamey Comm.Ctr., GsndBreunung031-5508. VantarL Box3614 Main PostOISce, Van., BC V6B 3Y8. Judy Haroun 873-1041; Don Hatch4334055; 2nd Wed., HncgngsComm. Ctr., 3N6 E Hasgngn. VemaCADUserGroup,2nd Tuna CallCADD SolugonsInc., 681~ for Info. Wang System Users, 7364841 ext 227, J;P. Doiron. CAlrrFIND IT HERE? FOR INFORMATION ON COURSES AND PROGRAMS THROUGHOUT BC AND ELSEWHERE (BOTHONLINE AND OFF). conksctDhccvsnyTraining Network, 3~75 West Georgh St, VancouverV6B4M9, N4/NO2303, or 1~/683-1363 (telWree InBC), or plug into their database.

Nonhwess hforssrios Sysusa phone:(ssQ 68$-6N6


The Computer Paper see subscription form

on page 8

The Computer Paper I Nov '90


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Arcn et Topology I I I skless Boot

28612NHz Ethernet Topology Dlskless Soot

6,430 8,738 9,910 11,107 12gl7 16,155 17W7


12 13 14

10,800 21,010 22g42 23,422 24W4

10 17

No. of Workstnlons

Arsnet Topology Olekless Soot

35,614 6,935 9,087 10,408 11,733 13,060 17,135 18,450 19,704

833,516 34,697

2$,757 25,078 28,400 27,731

48,747 47,9$7 49,117

39,%1 407I2

41,8rar 43,%2


48,225 47,548 48,869 50,190 51,511

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The C o m p uter Paper/ Mov 'OO g,.


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101 Macro'sLotus/WP5.1 „.........,......59/69 386 To TheMAXv5.0 .............,......,......129

Above Disk(Create LIM4) .....................69

ACCPADBPI (per module) .................,. „219 AccuseEasy....................,....................,69 ACCPAC+5.1 IC/JC/OE/BI+a ............CALL ACCPAC+5.1 PAYROUSales ...............FOR ACCPAC+6.0 GL/APS.IAR+a ...SUPPORT/


'Iu ..' 1(w I P



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0 ', U



'I '

ACCPAC+6.0Windaw/LAN ............PRICE

ACCPACBmgord .................................129 Ad (sales tracker)........,......................289 Ackon Planner(powerup) ........................89 Address Book Junior (powsrup) ............. 79 Adobe illustrator,............,...................469 Agenda ........,......„....,....,....,.........,318 Altways tor Lotus/Symph ...,..............119/1 29 Ama/IIIo SfirnPoker, ..............................45 AmericaCoolw Chinese...........................17 Ameriea CooksFrench ...........................17 America Cooks italian...........,.......,....„....t7 America Cooks Mexiam.......................,...17 Aml Pmtesslonalnew ...........................399

Amortize(Canadian Loans) ............,..., ..69 Animation(DduxePant) ...........,. „.........129

Animstor{Autodesk)(try it) . 299 Apptmue (LriwHsrvanl) ........................99 Art Gallery (prinlmasler)...........................29 Artwritecfipart I/ II .......,...................69/89 Asksam4,1 .............,.........................229 AulosketchV3.0 ..................,.............2.09 BanrmrMania .....................,................34 BartendersGuide ..., ..........................32

;.;, SCHOOLjSPKCIAI,S ' OUFSP(baial Fall PriCeS on Warner 286 aTTd 386 COmPuterS and TOShiba MI© QSQQQIL'f g4L,)'f P ' IaPtoPS /e Selling.a iE)t of thXXS hOW it WOrkS: COntinue, angry, are V) ',, JS.,«' „ ,„ , « curn „ m , „ , ~v ~ ', „ ~,'',':,':~8 co p~~. • s pmpmmmmej ~; L Student SWithprOperI.D.CanpurChaSeaWarner Computer SyStempriCed.:,',,IWmnk* „ f' ,

"'" P/zr

~~:,wri„: further ay)d (nCludeS T)ightSChOOIStudentS and teaCherS i)T their SpeCiELI Offer. fiI ThiS Offer )S.tao gOOd tE3PaSS UP) ...eon//rued pape fy' damehalIVSS lpnthatm meaaurea)uu 9"tvy12by1,7; :. FXQ 'x p o wer.vGNAgaphm /es,arglsnhancedmgsssmape m " ,





is first again




LAIE88 gsllgNTEgl

OKIDATA 400 17 tunsi Ollhowd



2 Fiepuv Drives ' 006


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BO N DW E L L 8200 CO M 8 aV8SLE aaBB

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VGA 1 4n Monitor




88> 8868®4>go+

New pvx/r/n

1446iuvxa xvmdssReseu


1024 xyee



Tfsaerhni TSSOO


NEC 90

>25$8 TQSH8$A Vg 003EE

L/()Ip TOp 20 MB FIIEE

xr~ /upsmw.4/stunm


W ordPwfed5,1 „„„.„„--,--279 AmhlvsXLTa Drive ............399 ToshlbaTtgNSB.......,..........I749 Comt D«w "-- --- -- - - - 389 30 MB Drwfy(riutlroller,..........,398 Toshlba T1000XB/20 ......,....,4185 Toshiba T1600/40 .............,...,4795 Page M aker30........................5N ' Tashiba T3100 SX/40 .....,.....,5765 DBsselV V1.1 ....,.........,.........SN 3 Word5.0 ..............................'Igg NEC Utbdile V288......,....,.....AIN 0 II NEC386SX/20.„,.„....,.........5695 Bwdlord ....,.„.„„„,.....„„.„„„,125 3 0 QuickenV4,0 ...,.....,.....,......,...Ag . ...xmnf/nuad page 1 p

NOVKLL HF TWORKS Th(f)N )IOW f)IUC)t fytore G(ficiertt your OffiCe VVOU)d be if

all your cofytputers were working togG(heR Netvvofking is ftow the fastss( growing segment of the computer induStry Gnd it'S mOre affOrdable than you think. Entry 0LLI leVel SySteme Start GS little GS $1 000. NetWOrka Can be Set UP OOeXiating COmPuter SyStpm i and eVen laP(OPS z CBh be plugged in tOthe OffiCe netwOrk. Oy ,. continued page 20




DOS 4.01,.„...................,.........,.........99

Double Disk .........................................98 Double Dosv5.0 (run twice) ....................69 Drakx CaddIWindows) ........................ 579 DrawPerleet(lorWP5)NEW ..................339 Dream House ......,........,.....,...,............19 DreamHouseProfessional .....................69 Eighl-inri)ne (intergraled) ........................59 Excel khcrosoft ......,.............................279 Family Fort une.......................................59 Family Reunion .....................,............59

Family Tme (maker),.............................69

Fantavlsion,..........,.............................65 Fastback+ (ths best) ...........................139 FastPac MaiL.................................,...,.,79 Rle Shuttle(laptop to PC)...................,... 109 Financial calculator (Tobias) ...................44 Findal Forcasl (powerup).......................79 Finesse .............................................129

FimlAp ps (windows),................,............78

First Choice3.0 w/Quicken ...,...,............139 First Publisher v3.0 ...,....,......,............. 129 First Publishw Clip-fonts ......................39 First Publisher Clip-Holidays ....................39 Firel Publieher Clip-lelxure 39 Flrsl Publisher Clip.Publications ...............39 Five wselis to WinningBridge 39

Fligh tSimulator40..............................,..48

Briief v3.0..............,............................209 Brooklyn Bridge ( NEW ) .....................,..119 Budget Express,................................125

Fortran vfi CompilerMS ........................369 Fox 386,.........................,..................379 FOX Graph................. .....,......,......239 FoxRunsmsiFoxProRunTime .........349/399

Certificate Maker .................................39 Chain ol Command ..............................127 Charuma .......................,..............,..A29 CharismaNode..........,.............,...........299 Chert(Microsoft) ...,.............................319 Check WntePlus (Tab/as).......................47 Clarion Developer ......................„.....,...165 Clarion Pmfessional .. .,.......................499 Clkkart BusinessImages ........................69 Cllekart EPSBusinessArt .....................129 Cllckart EPS glislralions ......,.................129 CllekarlHolidays ..,., ./,....,..................,.,89 Cllckarl PersonalGraphics ...,....,...........69 Clickart WindowsCllpart,................. „...69 Clipper Summer87 ..............................529 Clipperv50new ..„,....................,.......599 Close Up Customer .............................. 169

Close Up Network (8 user) ...............,..739 Close Up Supparl ...,......,......................218 Cobol 3.0 Cempller MS,.......................749 Color Your SpreadSteel .....................39 ComposersSubscription Kit,.........,..........37 Cook Book (lantasucfood)............, ... 39 Copy0PC vfi (COPYANY PRG) ..........,..39 CopyWnls (NEW version).... „.............89 Carel Draw 1.21With Video ..............,.. 389 Corporate Ladder ........,........,....,........,.76 Cricket Windows,................................159 CreaelalkMKIV/XVI ...........„„„„„119/144 Crosstalk Windows ..............................169

Cubit(compresslotus) .............,.............68

Current IBM „...,......,....................,.....299 Dac EasyAccounting 4.0...................,...,149

Dataesse(Great Produd) .....,...............659 dSase gl Pius.... „................................619

. .



. .


Formbase(Databasefarms) ....,..........439 Formlool (createforms) ...„....„.„...„,.......89

FOXbaSe r 2.1 r LAN ....................279/399

FOXPRO/ FoxproLAN ..................599/879 FoxPro RFRuntime,.............................398 Framework gl (new) ..............................499 Freedom ofthe Press .........................359 Freelance v3.0 ....................................389 Fndsy Night Poker ......., ............,..........38 Generic ' 30 Drafting ...........................289 Generic' Cad Level Il,..........................129 Generic ' CadLevel gl .......................229 Generic ' CadStarter lut .......................,169 Generic ' Estimator ..............................219

Generic Architecture Landscape .......,...,... 59

Gsnerrc AutoConvert ...,. ...,.................89 Germ/to Basic HonwDesign ...................59 Generic Bathroom Design ................,...... 59 69 Generic ClipArl Generic Com/ResElectrical ......,.... „........59 Generic Com/Res Furnishings ..................59 Generic Com/Res Plumbing „..........,.......,59 Generic Electronics I ...........................,.59 59 Generi Home c Landscaping Generic Iqtchen Design .........,.......„.......59 Generic Residential Framing.....................59 Gofer 2.0 ,............................................64 Grammalik IV(Gramma chki .......,....,.....79 Grendvisw (organize/ track ....,...........,....229 GreatChaf.sMasterg ........................ 66 Grid Designer lpowsr up) .....,.... ....35 Harvard Graphks v2,3 LAN ...... „....339/1 289 HarvardProted Mgr 3.0 .....,...............479 Harvartf ScreenShaw .........,........., 129 HeadRoomv20 ............,....,.....,.........„.89 HotWirs .....................,.........,.............119 HyperPad v2(ie Hypercard) .......,........135 IntoSelecl ....,........,......................,.......99

Jet Propulsion(speedup Laser) ......,........98 Labels Unlimiltsd (powerup)..........,...,..., ..59 LanguageMaster(Franklin) ...., ............119

Lap Linlr pl (laptop tiles ........................119 LaserTalk PC(postscript dsv.) ......,.......,269

L a zy Susan


Le Menu(easymenu)..........,................,..79

LearningDos(Microsoft) .........,............A4

Letter Perlecl new ..............................179 LeltersOnkine ..................................,A9 Look 6 Unk(tor Lotus) ...........................78 Loamy T/imdAntdysfs ...........................19 Lolus 123v22/ v30........................399/479 Lotus 123v3.0Len/node,..........,....,.699/398 Lotus 2 2NetworlvNode, ..........,..., ..529/259 Lucid 3D02(top rated) ...,..............,........98 Mac Link .............................,..., ......... 1 N Macs Ustdes 990 1 ..............................1 19 Maao Assembler 5.MS........................129 I Magellan v2.0(NEW) ...........................'129

M agi cNlirrorYour ..... .......,............,....,....,...„179 ,99 klanagmg Moneyvg

Manuscnp!(Lokis),.......................,.....399 Madt Cadd ..........................................399 Mathead2.5 (newversion) .....................375 Mavis BeaconTeachesTying..................54 Maximizer (sales Iracker)........................179 MsmoryMale .....,................,...............79 Metro v1.1(like sidekick) ......,........,......79

Micro KitchenCompanion,.......,..............,39 MouseP/ogrsmmingReference . „.........,.39 Move Em(FIAM Control) ...,...,..........,.....15

MuNmale Adv glv4.0 ..........................389 Name Tagkit .....,.....„............„„.„„„„,N Newsnuwiw 0 ......................................,65 NewsRoom ......,.........................,.........19

News RoomPro,.........,........,................39 No Squint (laptopcursor) ...........,............42 Norton Backup .......,............................149 Norton Commander v3NEW ..........,...,...119 NorlOn Editor ........,....,........................75 Norton Ufi tri y4 5/Advvfi...,...,........75/I35

Novefi ..........,.....,.............................call OnePsrsoriOigce ......................„........,69 Optune(drive ehsehw) 89 Org PlusAdvanced ...,..........................129 PegeGarden(page6 tent control) .......... 159 PageMaKer 3.0/OS/2 .....................5N/699 PaintShow (logilech) ........................, ..28 Paradox 3.0/386 ...........................549/Ng ParadoxEngine..............................,....,479 ParadoxNetwork .........,...................,...789 Pasad v40 MS,...................,...........,...269 PC Anywtwre glv3.11 ...................... „„,119 PC File .........,...................................129 PC Globe 3.0 ...,...................................69 PC Globe USA(version ...........................69 PC KmkPower Pak..............................129 PC KwikSuperDishAccelsmlor ...............89 PC Nations(for PCGlebe)...................,....28 PC Paintbrush 4/PLUS ......„.............99/175 PCToolsDeluxev6 .........................„...99 Per Form v21 ...,..........„..............,.....219 Parted Addiaon ....,......................,.......49 PerumnelPolicy(powerup).....................62 Pioturs Parted ....................................229 Pbie(new) ..........................,........,....249

Play Bridge w/Shelnwold,....,....,.............34 PopD rop)'lus (TSRmanager) .........,...,..89 PowerPlaint .....................................449 Present It (powerupi ................,......,..... 62

Pnnl Master ............,............................47 Prin Right....,...........................,............69 Print Vision .„.....................................,.65 PrintQv4,0(bugerplus) .........,....,.........116 Printshop (Top Seller)..............................49

Prlntshop Graphics Parties .....................35 Prints hopGraphics Sampler.......,.....,....,.35 Printshop Graphics SchooySusl...............35 Pro C(NEW) V2.0 ....,,...,,.....,....,........399 Piocomm Plusv1.18 (thebest) ...............85 Procomm TheWorks ......,..............,........39 ProfessionalFge ..............,................,.185 Professional Plan...,....., .......................... 19 Professional Writsv2.2 new ........,. „......199 Project v4.0 Microsoft ...........................365 Prelect Windows ...,........................„..589 PublishIt/Lite...............,.................179/59 Q 6 A 3.0 ......,...., .............................279

Q Dos l9great features)...,......................79

DRAM NEW ...................,...,......,......79 Q8ANetwork.............„...,.......,...,.......299 Q8A Write,....,, ............„„,.„.....,.......Igg

QA Plus(systemanallzer),.......,....,.......169 CIEMM 386(expandedMemMsn) ...........89 Qualro ProStation ..............................269 Quearo .........,.........,.........,.„....„,.....119 QuaamPRO „,.....,..„„....„,...,...,......,..379

QualtroVersionUpgrade........................ 139

QuickBasicv4,5MS .......,.....................,78 Quick CAsssmdsr ..............................135 Quick C v2.0 ............,....,...................„79 Quhkpaseal ..............,........................79 Quick SchedulPkm e (powerup) ...............68 Quicken(bastvalue seeing) ....................AS R Basefor Dos ....................................&99 RSR30(ReporIWriter) .....,..................139 RSR ClipperFoxBaseMadule ........,......149 RSR CodsGensrrdor ....,...,,...,...,...138 Rapkfitfe(magdatabase) ..........,.............259 ReadWrke(TopOCR)...,.......................SN Rsgex2.0 ...............i.............,............219 ResumeMaker (by Individual) ............,.....44 RevelafionAdvJRuntme .............,....SN/tyg Rightwrlter 3.0(Grammar chk .......,.....,....89 SCQ Xeni xDev286/396 .......,.......575/675 SCO Xenht0/SYS 288/366....,..........549/SN Show Parbwr FXv3.5 ...........................2N Sdekick / Plus ......,...............,.......85/fgg Sidewaysv32 .......................................59 SIBack(Automagcbackup) .................,...98 SmagTslk...,..,..,....................,.........,...gg Small Talk 286 ....................,...............169 SmartMoney .......,......,.....,..„.„.......,...S5 Smarl System (newVer.)........................6N Smsrlerm 220/240...........................158/248 Soft Tye IMndows ..............................188 SokSa'fe (sysuunsecurity)........................88

SoftwareBridge (wp Convsrt).....,.........,..119

SaltwareCarouselv3.0 ...........„..............79 SoftwtueCarouselV4.0new............,........69 Splnrita 9(lncrse HD spd) ........................88 SplashVGA .......,.......„.........................88 SQZ PlusNEW) ( (compress) ..................99 Stedmans l.egal Dictionary ...........,.........88 Stsdmans MEDICAL Dbtonary...,..............yg StreamLine........................................34S Success Inc .„.....,.......,.....,...,........,......89 Super Base2/4 windows 259/595 Supercstc 5.0(super value,..............., ....349 SuperKey .............................,..........,...98 Supsrprojed Expert/Plus ...............525/299 SUZY .............................................,..29

SwimaW re (makescalendars) ....,............,18

Symphony22 ....,...............................585 Take Contml al Chelesterol .....................39 Timeline 4.0 withGraphics.....„.....,...,....549 Tlmeslips gl(dmsbiling,.......................249 11meslipsRamate(TSR) ........................79 Tool Book(for windows) .......................AIS Touch Up ..........,......„.......................189 TradingPlaces(tsr Dbase) .............,.......69 TurboCvv .........,........„.....,...„...,...125 Turbo C vvProfessional .....,...............,..219 Turbo C2.0/ Prof....,.........,....,......,.125/219 Turim DsbuggerTools .......,.........,.......148 Tud» Ughlning .......,............................99 Turim Pascal 65/Prot .....................125/218


Type (bradarbund) ..........,.........,...,.......A2

Type Foundry...,...,.............,.............„.A79 TypingTutor IVPlus (......,.................,....Ag Ultra Vision„....,....,..„..........................128 UlbaSalpl(postscript) ............„,...,.......Agg Ultravlslon VGA................................... 1N Vscdns (Virus ~ ... . ....................77 VCR Companion ....................................52 Ventura Prot.Extengon ..........,.............489 Vemurav3.0Windows..................,........689 Video Companion .....................,...........39 VP Plannsr3D/nfo/Exprt ....,...,...219/W1N Watch Dog(NEW)securi ty............„.......229 Who WhatWhen(fime manager) ............ 169 Windows Devel 3 oper ...........................498 Windows3.0,........,.............................118 Windows Exp/see/Managerv3 ............65/85 Wine Companion............. „...............,.....49 Wlngz Windows.............,.......,.............A59 Word 5 0 ..............................,..............1 98 Word ForWindows ... n...........,...........,.299 WordPerfect 50 French,.......,...............329 WordPerlect 5.1..........,...........,.............279 WordPerlsct5.1Node.........,.........,.....,.209 WordPerlsct 51LIPGRADE,...,.....,...,...149 WordPerlsct Ofkm (new),.... „......,..........118 WordPertect oNcetst Stafion................,.2N Werdstar Protesslonal9.0 ...,...,....,...,2N



WorkShest Ufiiilies .................................81

Xerox Presents ...,...,......,........,...,........399

XTrseProG old .........„...,..„...,......,......109


z0 u U

87&028 1

I 2 7~


f %00%8%-2805 4(zagmttdbawe Btt Ik(gk


zEE 0

Deluxe Paint 9/Enhanced ..................69/119 Designer (Miaograph NEW) ..................549 Desk-Unk(mintnetwoe) .............,..........139 Desqvlew 2.2/386 v3 ..........,..........109/179 view Companions ...........................89 Diet lancer ..................................,....59 Direct Access 5 (menu)NEW......,..............79 Disk Opkmuer v4 0.......................,........65 Disk Technidsn Adv. .........,................139

Floor Plan,.....................................,.....58 Flow Charting gl (NEW) .......................195 Fonlacy ... ..,........„,.„,......„, 95 Form File fpowerup) .............................44 Form Filler (fills forms) ..........................131 Form Finisher (powerup) ........................59

Business Plan(power up) ......,................79 C Compiler v6 Microsoft ...................., ..369 CalendarCreatorPlus .........................,.43 Calorie Counter,....,....,...............,.....,29 Carbon Copy Plus 5.2NEW ..................149 CatchwordIOCRReader NEW)...............179


:; ...conf/ruad Page 18



• •

BasicCompilerv7.0MS ..................j....379 Battery Watch(extend lite)........................39 Betneve .............,.............,...,.............199 Silstream WP 5,1 Install,......................... 69

Blacks LAW Dicuonary ......,...................89 Bon Appsfite..........................................44 (Kidoe Bsnon 0 ..........„.....................,.49

considerably lower than the regular retail price. Toshiba has gone 8 step


dBASE IV dev. edition ...........................959 dBASE IV v1.1 / LAN .....................535 789 / dBriel v3.0,...,......................,....,.„,...,.169

are® t

FWI ' ai'VVBrr




rner 3$8

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1MB RAM Mb wi Cache

fi)tyI 1MB R 4OMb wI

/9 /fardwarr/

gQ @ S x QQgm


, Full Y

I rs




Leplope ..„.„,...,....„...16 Breakthrou(th ...........19


SKKcflNAIYNHE% 304 huwst Szhmk agmwNwbmSsu Sywwwouuwv


" ~iI Bpptu M


YR7~ 44

ioi v r I xrx~ „


Sroste(w y

109 West Bkh mk NwwlfiobmSku hymwuwuuws



A Monthly Newsletter Fr o m


eer-to-peer networks are going to be the driving force this decade as the small business connectivity tool. By offering users a cost effective, yet p owerful a l t ernative t o server-based LANs such as B Y TOD D Novell Netware, Microsoft D RAH O F F LAN Manager, and Banyan Vines, peer-to-peer networks are here to stay.


A peer-to-peer network is simply a group of PC's operating under MS or PC DOS, linked together via interface cards and cabling (see figure 1). They allow users to share filesand programs, expensive hardware resources such as laser printers or CD-ROMs, and communicate via electronic mail.

Although peer-to-peer DOS-based networks offer good value th most definitely not about to dethrone mighty server-based LANs. Designed to meet the connectivitp' needs of larger workgroups, LAN operating environments such as Novell's Netware still offer a highergrade of performance and expandability. From a price/performance standpoint, however, peer-to-peer LAN's offer ex-

ey are

ANO Of6ce Automation

ceptional value for sm all workgroup environments running word processing, spreadsheet, and small database applications. T he ability for users to transfer files, backup all network drives from one station, utilize electronic mail, or share expensive hardware could end up paying for itself very quickly.

antasy Lan

"LANtastic's peer-to-peer network is notonly easy to use,and packed with features, it also won 't gobble up your precious RAM"

A BEST BUY In a recent poll by a major American computer publication, LANtastic from Artisoft, a Tucson, AZ based company, wasselected as the second most sought after network operating system on the market today (Novell's N etware ELS Level I I


number one). PC Magazine, Byte, and PC World (to name just three) have also garnished it with awards as the best low-cost choice for small

DOS-based LANs. No wonder we selected it as our peer-

to-peer network operating system of choice. One of the easiest to use,

LANtastic is also one of the most feature

ri c h.

M ost

importantly it doesn't gobble up a lot of your base memory when the network drivers are loaded in. The main station

uses lessthan 40K of RAM,

while just under 12K is required for each workstation. Utilizing the optional ROM daughter board can reduce the amount of base memory used on the workstations to OK. Artisoft offers two v ersion of LANtastic. The most cost effective option uses a proprietary 2Mbps card designed for low traffic, work environments. The second, is an Ethernet version which fully complies with the IEEE 802.3 and NETbios standards for Ethernet connectivity. One obvious advantage is that users looking at possibly expanding into a full serverbased network in the future, won' t have to throw away their investment. As well, it offers maximum throughput on the network of up to 10Mbps - 5 times that of the proprietary version.


W ORKST A T I O N S For usersthat do not require a floppy or hard drive at their worksta-

tion, LANtastic also directlysupports diskless. workstations. Essentially, a diskless workstation is a PC with a monitor and keyboard, but without any storage devices. When the system is turned on, the user is automatically logged onto the server via a module which plugs into their network interface card.


One of the most under utilized featuresofLANtastic, from our experience anyway, is electronic mail. In a nutshell, electronic mail (email for short) allows messages to be sentback and forth between users on the LAN. E - mail can be used for phone messages, quick conversations while on the phone, internal memos, or however you need to communicate without getting your message lost in the paper shuffle. When you send a message to a user, the message will pop up onto the users screen. If the user does not respond within a defined length of

Artisoff's LANtastic Peer-ta-Peer Nett/troklng

Diskless Workstation

Laser Printers

HD Equipped







Dot Matrix Printers

CD ROM Drives

HD Equipped Workstation

Electronic/Voice Mail

Figure i. IA N t astic offers optimum use of resources at an affordable price.


N O V EMBER 1990

time the message is saved for future reference. The message will state who it is going to, what the message is about, and who sent it. E-mail, when used properly can be an effective tool for streamlining your offices communications system. One of the most impressive features of LANtastic's e-mail system is voice mail. Acting as an electronic answering machine, userscan improve the effectiveness of their mail. Such features as sending recorded m essages, and chatting back and forth over a phone hand set plugged into the optional voice card, as well as the ability to erase, rewind, forward, pause, or even broadcast a message to a multiple list of u sers, make LANtastic's e-mail facility a useful business tool.


The first thing that will astonish you when you open the package is its lack of documentation. This is not a sign of how lazy Artisoft is, rather it is a reflection of the systems simplicity. Initial installation is quick and straight forward, via a completely automated routine with p lenty of support available through an on-line help function. Of course the faint at heart should let a professional do this, as DOS based systems tend to have mish mash CONFIG and AUTOEXEC files which tend to complicate matters. Once theserver and workstations are setup, the systems menu driven a dministration facility all ows f o r quick setup of system users and res ources. Each user is setup wi t h predefined permissions which restricts access to sensitive data or hardware resources. After the applications software is setup, users can then share common files and hardware resources spread across the system.


station requires a network card, Don't go running out and cabling,and a Tconnector tosplit buying any network without first the line. investigating your existing apThe 2Mbps version is an 8-bit ISA card which supports XT, 286, plications to see if they are network compatible.For example, 386, and 486 compatible systems. if you decided to link together Artisoft's16-bit Ethernet version, the accounting department runalsosupports these standards by ning ACCPAC, you would have sensing whetherthe system bus to purchase a Network manager expansion slot is 8 or 16-bit. For users with IBM PS/2 pack for every 4 users that will LANtastic's resource shurin means no.lineu s. MicroChannel systems, Artisoft be sharingthe system. Although WordPerfect5.1 is supports Western Digital Ethalready network aware,you stillhave to purchase workernet Plus/2 adapters via an optional software driver kit. station modules to link in the various stations. Other apSimply plug in the card, load the driver onto the PS/2, and you' re in business. This must be used in corespondence plications, Lotus 1-2-3 and dBase to name just two, require with the Ethernet version of LANtastic. you tobuy a fileserver version plus the necessary workstation packs. Other options available include a ROM daughter card Of course, if your intent is simply to transfer files from to helpreduce the amount of base memory used by the netstation to station, or utilize electronic mail, then buying work drivers,a boot ROM daughter card for diskless network versions is usually irrelevant. workstations, voice adapters for voice mail, and "The Network Eye" LAN management software for the more adI N GENERA L vanced system administrator. As we explained earlier, there are two version of Overall, LANtastic is a smooth running, cost effective, LANtastic-2Mbps and Ethernet. Each can be purchased feature rich system designed for the small workgroup. as a starter kit which includes the LANtastic software With the minimal investment required, your productivity which supportsup to120 users,two network cards,one 25' Cna gains will soon pay for themselves. cable, and two terminating resistors. Each additional

• E

E W 8 E

A ST GOES 1-800 AST Research is now offering end-users in the United States and Canada a new tollfree telephone number with extended service hours. This makes AST the first major nondirect manufacturer offering this level of support. The new technical support telephone number is 1-800-727-1278. Other current support programs for end-users include a technical publications subscription service and a 24 hour electronic bulletin board which offers technical bulletins, software utilities, switch and jumper sett ings, press releases and product specifications.

W P UN IX AU T H O R I Z E D We are proud to announce that the WordPerfect Corporation of Utah, has officially authorized ANO Office Automation to






5 8


resell their products in the Unix environment. WordPerfect, the number one selling word processingpackage, brings to Unix userswhat DOS users have enjoyed for years!

S UPER BUN D L E Brace Yourself! Thanks to an exciting new promotion, buying the award-winning PC Tools from Central Point Software's about to get even better. Between now and December 31, 1990, customers who buy PC Tools can receive free, a full featured copy of 386MAX 5.0. The newest release of Qualitas' acclaimed memory manager for80386 and 80486 based personal computers... a $130 value!


backup units operating under SCO Xenix 386. The drivers allow for data compression up to 2 times what the normal tape is capable of storing. For example, the Colorado Jumbo tape drive with a DC-2000XTD or DC-2120 tape will store up to 120MB of data on a single cartridge. As well, you can link multiple volumes, andeven archive DOS and Xenix files on the same tape!

W ELCOM E A B O A R D ANO Office Automation is pleased to announce the addition of Mr. Imad Zahrawi to ANO's sales team in Richmond, B.C. !mad is an experienced systems analyst, specializing in networking personal computers under +n< j both Novell and Banyan Vines.

Colorado Memory Systems is now offering a driver for their Jumbo and QFA tape NOVI-:MBF I< 19<i) ANOVATION

TECH • TALK Q. What is meant by the term "low level format" for hard disk drives? A. Essentially, low level formatting is a process whereby a raw hard disk is prepared for use before the operating system is loaded on. This is done by way of a t h ir d p a rty software package such as On Track's Disk Manager, or through the hard disk controller itself.

During this process the hard drive is primed and a bad track table, which is simply a list of the undesirable spots, is created and embedded in the

initalization track. When DOS, OS/ 2, or Novell is loaded onto the drive, the low level format makes sure that you don't write data to the bad portions (note that Xenix and Unix hard drives, although they must be low level primed have their own table which you setup during installation). Let us compare this to baking a pie. Before you put your dough (the operating system) into the pan (the hard disk), you usually grease it with butter or lard (the low level format). If the pan is not greased, the crust will char and stick, thus creating a rather

Business today has come to rely on its PC vendors to offer top notch service at a reasonableprice. To many thismay seem to be a contradiction of terms, but to us at ANO it is a reality.

In response to this demand, ANO offers a comprehensive support package geared to meet every level of business user. Starting with our Connect Support Program, every user can take advantage of complimentary telephone support. This program allows users to call us up with queries on their spreadsheets, database, desktop publishing, or even communications packages without worrying about receiving a bill for support. For the corporate user looking at stabilizing expenses, and reducing billing headaches, while, receiving top notch onsite service and support, we offer our Security Support Program. Since billing is done once a year, there are no worries • g





Our doFdiifiiiie 9

reduced, ffius our

, producfiuity y

pathetic pie. One important rule about low level formats, is that they do not last forever. Which is why you should consider either bringing your system in for a PC Tune Up, where we redo your hard drives low level format (DOS systems only), or consider purchasing a software package such as Gazelle's Optune 2.0 or Gibson Research'sSpin Rite II.These packages will reconstruct your hard drives low level format without damaging any data. Should you have any questions for Tech Talk, please feel free to send them to: A TTEN T I O N :


c/o ANO Office Automation 110-11100 Voyageur Way Richmond, B.C. V6X 3E1 •E t


about reconciling your support bills or going over budget. As well, security subscribers receive priority service over nonsubscribers. Since, security is on-site service, there are no delays in shipping your system for depot service, The work is done in your office by a trained service technician. One added variation ANO provides its users with Security Support, compared to other on-site service organizations, is best put into words by Mr. Derek Godfrey of Molson Breweries, who states that "the people at ANO take the time to analyze a problem over the phone before rushing out to help. This means that when they actually come to our office they are prepared to resolve the problem. Our down time is reduced, thus our productivity is enhanced." Sr'er'irr Orr Tlrr l lrt continned on prrge5



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If your organization is looking for specialized training, or require

fully equipped dassroom facilities, let ANO give you a ha your ANO repforfurther information. ,. +Pjhte~91@nMt«rd".otW,/ .Q 4 5 n d + I i5 ,wgdotuna + T = Toronto • E

Call BCIT at 434-1610 to register.

Call your nearest ANO office for further information.

ServiceOn The Fly continued from page 4

The Security Support Program also extends to local and wide area networks. Our fully qualified support staff offer not only support for existing and new equipment, but we also offer installation and training for Novell„Banyan Vines, and LANtastic. So, whether your starting our with one PC, or twenty PC's, we will be there every step of the way. "Service and support have been the pillars by which ANO stands on.", states Mr. Ken Wong, Service Manager at ANO's head office in Richmond, B.C., "without service we cannot expect customer satisfaction, and without customer satisfaction we would become a memory like many of the discount operations we' ve seen in the past." Connect and Security, two support programs to fit both your budget and your needs.

" VC Tmne-IIII; Believe it or not, computers are like cars, , they require a fane up once in a vrb/fe, ., Before your system cells it quits daa.to, " ' n engqst bring itin fOrafull 24 huui nfdffte-.;~ over,' ll may bethecheapesf investn5ent: you'g ever make. "




: jjmlly $75.66 ~". ' laser ff IPrfnfer rune Upsalso available


R g

N EW PRODU C T ! AST Research Premium II 386sx/20 The most recent "hot" product to hit the streets this year has been personal workstations powered by Intel's new 80386sx-20 microprocessor. In keeping with a commitment to offering the latest in PC technology, AST Research is proud to announce a new member of its Premium familythe AST Premium II 386sx/20. Built around AST's patent pending CUPID-32 architecture, this new power house offers a built-in migration path to allow performance upgrades as your needs grow.

CUPID ARCHITECTURE In a nutshell, CUPID-32 (Comp letely U n i v ersal Processor I / O Design) isolates those components most likely to change with technology (microprocessor and math coprocessor) on a replaceable processor casd. Buying into this technology leaves the option open to a simple upgrade to the next level of processing —be it386/25 or 33, 486/25 or 33, or even the 586 (when available). •Q


Todd Drahoff, manager of ANO's Corporate Systems Group, exclaims that "One of the main reasons we chose AST for our clients is the commitment AST has shown to the future. They are realists. They know that since technology changes, and users needs change, so should their computers be able to adapt to the times."

M AXI M U M E XPANDABI LI T Y Designed to offer full expandability, AST built a Super VGA adapter, mouse port, floppy controller, hard drive host adapter, and the I/O ports right into the oard. Freeing up expansio'n slots for LAN boards, modems, mainframe emulation, and specialty cards is just another way AST is looking out for your future.

system b

MORE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK There's a lot of power packed into the AST Premium II 386sx20.

Besides a dedicated CPU b o ard loaded with the 20mhz,80386sx processor, two full megabytes of ram, sockets for up to 16MB of memory and support for80386sx math coprocessor,you'll also find AST's cache memory architecturefor increased performance. "Since the inception of the Intel SX processor," Drahoff explains, "we have seen a massive migration in the business community away from 286 based systems. A c cording to our clients, they see the SX as a more stable technology t hat p e r fectly compliments applications such as Lotus 1-2-3 Release 3.1 and Microsoft's Windows 3.0. In our opinion this new offering from AST will become the benchmark for workhorse personal computers!"

H APPY A N N I V E R S A R Y ! Apart from this new release, Fall 1990 also marks the 10th anniversary for AST Research. Way back in 1980 AST was a pioneer in PC expansion technology. Over the nextdecade they have maintained their commitment to expandability. Such productsas theirCUPID-32 architecture, h i g h p e r f o r m a nce memory expansion boards, PC-toMainframe links, network interfaces, and the development of what we now know as theLIM EMS 4.0 expanded memoryprotocol,provethattheyare truly the leader in extending the life span of personal computers. Congratulations AST for a job well done, and our best wishes in your next 10 years! NOTE: A lorig 'with this intro--. 'duction AST has also announced,. substantial price reductions on~" its Premium 386sx/16. >'





Business Systems



Available in a 12MHz 286, or 16MHz 386sx model,these systems offer reliability and performance to get the job done right.

72 MH 286 only $1,045' 7 6MHz 3869X only $1,495


High performance is the name of the game here. This line packs premium power into a well designed desktop case. Five drive bays mean optimum expandability now or in

Ideal as a Unix console, or Novell file server. ANO's Business Tower series of personal computers add the group to work group computing. Connectivity in an attractive 6 drive

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the future.


20 MHz 386 only $1,795'


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CANON BJ-10e • Only $575.00 • T ruly Portable Less Than 4.5 Lbs. • V ery Quiet • H igh Quality Output

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W ide Carriage Fast k Quiet Superior Text Fabulous Graphics


Attention all Mac desktop and portable users! Announcing the affordable alternative to high priced Apple printers. With GDT Softwork's JetLink Express, you can now quickly and painlessly hook your Mac into any of Canon's powerful Bubblejet or Laser printers. JetLink Express is as simple to install as it is to use. Package options are available for both types of printers, which include the necessary cables and software. Compatible with the Macintosh Plus or higher, operating under System 6.0.2 or higher, you can take advantage of high quality output at a more than attractive price. Mac portable users will definitely appreciate the portability of the Cannon BJ-10e which offers exceptional resolution in a

light weight package. More sophisticated CAD users, or those wishing for peace and quiet even while they print, the Canon BJ-130e promotes

superb text and graphics at less than 45dB - in other words it' s quiet. Not to be left out, Canon's laser printers will leave you breathless. Whether your needs are small and compact (the LBP4), or big and complex (the dual bin/duplex LBP-S111 T), Canon has a printer for you. Designed with strict adherence to Apples interface guidelines, JetLink Express will work wonders with whatever your application. Including but not limited to PageMaker, Adobe Illustrator, MacDraw II, WordPerfect, MacProject, Wingz, and

even Adobe Type Manager. GDT and Canon - changing the way Mac users express themselves.


Reader Response C ard I

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Contact: Position:


Com p any: Add~ ~ .



City: Prov: Phone: F

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Postal Code Local:


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nd, S.C. V6X sjil;„ $604),276-8t5lt.

~> 'Attli9''tlat''IUvsSL." 81%h840 Home Street " VanoOttster, B.C. V6Z ~1'

.+Pli:, 1604) 68141651 -: "-

"' tMttO VANCOUV% jt,1

Please send me ANOVATION monthly: Please have an ANO Rep contact me: Plea s e send me more information on:





NCH Wl0.1n00 Voyasettr Way-

Q Canon BJ-10e/BJ-130e Artisoft's LANtastic Canon Laser Printers Q AN O Office Automation AST Premium 11 386sx/20 Q AN O Training Q Co lorado Tape Drives JetLink Express

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Aber of8ei's itt Kelottrttli4,

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exon IIei Iiiem Dexton Enterprises Incorporated consists of ateam of

highly tralnel leslgn speciallsls anl Electrlcal Engineerswhotarget small andmediumsize businessesandguidethemthrough their automationphase professionally. Through its "solution oriented" service,Dextonprovides

its userswithcomputers, software, anl training from ONE source (atbetterthanmarketvalues)— a complete solution. This results in amoreefficient, effective andeasier to operatesystem. It also providesgreater consistency in thelevel ofexpertise andafter

sales support.

IIC. "The DEXTON computer is top quality and allows usto utilize someofthe best softwareapplications onthemarket for IBM PC'swithout the necessity of undertakingthe purchasecost ofthe brand name unit." Grace M. McCarlhy October srd,1989

Dexton is theparent companyof the ArgonneDevelop-

ment Corporation.Dexton'sspectrumof products andservices is diversified. It ranges from simple worl

precesslnganl latabase systemstoleveloplng lual link terminal anl telescopeInterfacesfor the Universltff of British Columbia.It also extends into supplying the I.E.E.E.student brancheswith computing equipment tofacilitate parallel data processing, installation of the first Canadianremoteinterface tothe United Airlines Apollo terminal, anddeveloping customizedsoffware for ICBC agents in their

pilot program. Dexton's intensecommitment to projects suchasthe Shad Valley program,theCanadian Centrefor Creative Technology, theArts, SciencesandTechnology Centre, and the Variety Clubtelethon hasgarneredsignificant

profile for thecompanyboth inthecorporateandacademic environment. It is just asmall portion of our lell-

catlon anl commitment tosociety that pavesthe way tobecominggoodcorporate citizens. If you require anymore information regarding thecom-

pany ortheline of productsandservices, please feel free to contact usat 433-9000 ortN7-0077. We will be morethan happyto help.

"My experiencewith DEXTONbegan over twoyearsagowhenI boughttwo separat emachines.Onemachinewas applied tostandardoffice work, book-keeping,text-processing and terminal emulation. It hasworked flawlessly fromdayone.Thesecond machine wascustom adapted(by DEXTON, ataminimal charge)to the application ofcontrolling UBC'slargest telescopeatop theGeophysics and Astronomybuilding. Themachineblew a powersupplydueto an electrical short some14months after purchase. Even thoughthis waspast thenormal warranteeDEXTONcameout and replacedthepower supply at only labour cost.Everything hasbeen fine since. I would behappyto allowa demonstration ofourDEXTON machines toanydnewho is interested. I recommend thefirm without qualifications asfarasmyexperience is

concerned." David Vogt,Curator University otBritish Columbia December1,1987


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SEXTON ENTERPRISESINI:. 101 3790Ca((aria Way Burnalty 8 C VSG IGA 11L 4-OEXEON IA33 9866) (A37-0077fAX a33-230I SVSTEMS MAV NLI i Ht LXACELY AS ii LUSI Hnr t 0• I BADI iNS Wf L COME

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