1990 12 The Computer Paper - BC Edition

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The Computer Paper I Dec 'SO

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The Computer Paper I Dec '90 o


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The Computer Paper I Dec '90

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• •

American POLYWELL 38S-2SCN - 80386DX 16/25MHz 0 W.S. - 32K cache - 4MB, max. 16MB onboald -1.2MB floppydrive - 10SMB 19msvoice coil hard -1014ey dick keyboald -14" Mulhsynccolor monitor 1024X766.2Bmm -MS-DOS 4.018 GW-BASIC

• LY


rarrmecsm "Rrc b s ocspsm tmrlt boicosa to bere os orborbts tms sert,"

PC tdcemdcsJctyJ990

Syltem Price: 44999 3 3NHz extra: 4 2 $ 0



NULTITERN MT-28S AT • N286, 8/12MHz, O.W.S. • 1MB RAM, MAX. 8MB on Board • 1.2 MB Floppy Drive • 40MB 28 ms Voice Cdt Hard Disk • 101 Click Keyboard • 14" Monochrome Monitor • MS-DOS 4.01 a GW-Basic

system Price: $13$$

w/14' Colour Vea $1779

NULTITERN NT-38SSX • N388SX, 8/1 8MHz, O.W.S. • 1MB RAM, MAX. BMB on Board • 1.2 MB Floppy Drive • 40MB 28 ms Voice Coll Hard Dink • 101 Click Keyboard • 14" Monochrome Monitor • MS-DOS 4.01 8 GW-Basic

w/ 14' Colour VGA $217$

White quantities lastl

Goldetar GS320 38SDX-20

•SOSOOSX, ' IOM Hr,0 W .S. • 2 MB IIAM, Maa OMS onBomd • 1.2 MB or 1A4 Floppy • 40MB 20 msVoice Co0HasdDisk • Datatialn 14' Paper White Monitor • MS DOS 4.01

On)y $g 'I 58 DATATRAIN DPC-3325 38S


• 80080, 26 MHz, 0W.S. • 4 MB RAil, Maa SMB onBomd • 04IC Stale Caste RAM • 1.2 MB or1A4 Roppy • 40MB 28 msVdce Co0HmdDisk • Dabdmin14' Paper WhneMonitor • MS.DOS 4.01 • TWO YEARWARRAlaTY

40386DX S/20MHz 0 W.S. -1MB of fast RAM

- 1.2MB floppydrive


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- Word processing, spreadsheet, database, E-mail software - MS-DOS 3.30


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N ULTITERN NT~ S D X • N488DX, 16/25MHz, O.W.S.

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Name brandGoklstarcomputer atTaityanese clone prie. Tlat's is a true 32bit 3S6, tact a 16bit 386$X.

DATATRAIN DPC-2112 AT • S02SS, 12MHc, I W.S. • 1 MB RAM • INMBor IA4Floppy • 40MB 20 msVolos Coll Hmd Disk • Dabdmln 14' Paper WhiteMonbor • MS-DOS SAI +TWO YEARWARRAHTY


system Price: 45299 33NfMR Entre: S1160 Fif/E YEARS LASOIIR, TIEO l%ARS PAIWS OH Nlllll rNPN SYSTENS. OHE Yet ON NOHryOR

RAVEN LP1110 8I LP800



-002068/I280fzOW.S.-fMtkmal 4MBenbosrd- 12MBfloppydrlre - 40MB 20matard disk- 101-baydickkeyboatd- 17 mansclrcmemonitor

System Price: 41049

w/14' color VGA $13$$ BTIIEtLENSX - 00800SXO/IShSRO WS.-1MB, max.SMBonbeard- 12MBfloppytktae - 40 MB28ma tard dhtt -1014eydNkeyboard- 17 mencdtmmemsnSor

System Price: 01399

wl14' Color VGAa $%$$$


- 80886DX IOJ2680tr OWS.- IMB,ne 8MBenbeard-12MBfloppyShe - 40MB 28mshrd dbk-1014y dtckkayboatd- 17 monoctromemonitor

System Price: 41$19

04K macho osc0rm' 200 3 3M66a wl804K caches 6 14' VGA color: 00 otrs vaamr~, r rso vsnmeaAsoanr ontmnsrsnrzsverssss


~ — ~ 2 86 Novell

286. 12MHz

AD - page 73 28612MHz

ince CMS Computers Plus Inc. 82OB 8th Aye. S.W, Celsetv, AIberce TEPOR8 Tel: 4034I37EIB70 Pmn 403037~71

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The Computer Paper / Dec '90


Christxnas time already, starting to wind

up another year.

The Compttfer latter 8.C. fdfffcsn • December NN

Databases This month we take a look at databaseL We start with a primer on databases, what

they are, why youseoul dwant oxie. We then asked four databasedevelopers why they chose the package they did to develop cus-

DATARASES A D S t l R I I B I f r I II I e r • 000000 00 • E • 0 • 0 0 0 0 An overview ofthe database world. By Peter Lincoln.

• • • • 0 • 0$ • 0 • • • • E • • $$ $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0


tom software for their ciiettts. Their re-

A dv4$ e e ck Re v e l I I t l o n • 00 • 000 0 0 0 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 0

sponses are insightful in choosing a database development package. Conspicuously


By PeterLincoln.

absent is an article on dBase itself. Perhaps indicative of the market turning its back on Ashton-Tate's behemoth last year because

CIIIrion Professional Developer .............................34

we found it di8icult to locate a developer

• s s s oso • 0 • 0 • 0 • 00 0 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 0 • 0

Even accountants can modify this system,

The lack of a graphic environment doesn't stop this &om being a powerhouse. By Peter Lincoln.

Cl• IPPe r • 0

0 0 0 • ••

$ 00 0

0 00


sss e e • • •

0 •0

• 0000 0 3 5

Progxauuningwith an accent

By PeterLincoln.

P araIIox ..................................................................36 As intuitive as Lotus, with the power of dBase. By Merry ZamotL 8 IIp e r h a e e 4 0• 0000000$ 0 0 • 00 0 • 0 0 0 • $0 $ $$ $ $ • 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 $ • A relational datalese fox Windows 8.0.

00 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • E • $ 0 0 0 $


who still used dBase. A humbled AshtonTate has subsequently releaseci a new improved and supposedly bugkree version 1.1 of dBase IV. Finally we close the database section with areviewof Superbase 4, a serious database for Windows 8.0, a look at Toolbook, an interesting but slow equivalent of HyperCard for the Windows 8.0 xnarket, and two Mac databases. Backdoing a Mr chunkof the writingon this feature is our old &iend Peter Lincoln, who did a feature on local area networks last year.

WIIIuiPeg Echelon We' ve been busy again, we are launching a new edition in Manitoba starting in January. We plau to do a distribution of 80,000 there, giving us a total circulation in Western Canada of 180,000 copies. We have editions that cover the major centres of

By Stephen Snnth.

F Ile Force

of the release of a buggyversion of dBase IV,

0 • 0 • • $$$$ • 0 • 00000 • • 0 • 0 • 0 • E • $$$$ • 0$0 • 0 • • OOOUO • 000 • 0 • 0 • • • E •

4th Dimension gets a little brother databas~

$$$$$4 6

as i e r to use, still powerful.

By JsirtanSt'nghlotatea.

FlIlemsker Pre .........................................................48 OS

The best selling flat file databaae on the Mac gets an upgrade. ByRoger Stafechis.

Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, and in ganuaxy Wmnipeg. (Bear with me dear readers,I am boastmg here to impress potential advertisers, It is for th ee folks in the East who think that the Globe and Mail, or Torontekased computer publications are the only ways to reach Western customers. We are encouraging them to take a closer


Complex North Next month is the Pacific Rim Computer 8c Communication Show, Vancouver's equivalent of Comdex. Many of the hot newproducts seen at Comdex will be available for local perusaL We will be incluchng the Pacilic Ritn Show Guide in The Computer

DIIts Perfect'a 486 EISA Computer ...........................

Paperin januaxy. KnJoy the issue.

A 486 Inakes a decent platforxn to run UNIX when &eed &om an AT bus. By Mlkayn Barr.

Christmas Gifts For vour CompIIter Friencle .........49 Santaware Will Soon Make Its Presents Known,

Editorf Publisher

By Cathatynn LabontMmith.

A te


r I • 0 • 00 • 0 • 0$ • • $$0 • 0 • • 0 • $$ • 0 •OO E E

• 000 • 0 • 0 •0 • 0000 • 0$0$ • 0$$ • SOOO E • 0 • $0$ • 000$

The need for speed.


By Graeme Bennett,

T he Ga m e s G a m e S ES 00 • 00 0 0•0 • E • • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • ssssso • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 52 An interview with Don Mattrick of Distinctive Software Inc, By Lynne Hnukrxon.

Adobe Illustrator 3$0 0

0 • 00 $ $ $ $ $ • • 00 0 00 • 0 • 0 • 0 • E E S O E • 0 • • 0 • O O E 0 $ 0 0 0 0 • 0

The Mac powerusergraphics program gets an upgrade.


By Graeme Ben nett. C om d e x

Pnhi lsherlsditol'

Kir tan Singh Khalsa

R e p o r t o 0 00000000 0•00E S S •

0 • • 0 • 0 $ $ $ 00 • 0 $ 00 E 00 0 0 0 • • 0 • $ $ • 0 • • 0 • 0 0

The Annual Electronic Woodstock live &om Las Vegas, Nevada.


Srrpm ¹zmbytdt. 0


Computer Calendar .....................................,.... .,.........,...,....................... 67-70


Newshytes Contrihtstisso Editors Wendy Woods, Wayne Yacco, Dana Blankenhorn @on Pepper, Steve Gold, Peter Vekinis, Ken Takahashl, Naoyuki Yazawa, Paul Zucker, and Grant Buckler Assists at Bditor Gtaeme Bennett Contrihtttiny Writers Graeme Bennett, Moray Eamon, Lynn Henderson, Cathalynn Labontkkmith, Peter Lincoln, Stephen Smith, Roger Stafeckis. Proofreader Neall Calvert Offseo Measgsl Dhatm Eaur Ehalsa Besefstionist: Suzanne Byars Cover Akt Granma Bennett, B.C. Ad Bales Hari Singh Ehalsa,John Oliver Alherte Ad &elm PatnYiarttzGerald Msnitsshs Ad Bahts SuzanneFttzGerdd Ad Prodssstiost Carolyn Howse, Graeme Bennette Hari Smgh Ehalsa IIlstrihtstioss Een Kemp gr Ko. Printer Transcontinental Printers, Printed in Canada

Suhstcriptlons The Geapater Pape is published monthly. If you would Qte Tke CsstPuter PaPermailed direcdy to your home, please send a cheque for $19.95 to Suite 6, 5661 W. 4th

Ave., Vancouver, B.C V6R IP2 Telephone(604) FSS5596. This will cover mailing and handsng for lt issues in Canath. hmetican subsctiptions pleasesend I55 in US Funda Overseasplease send I60 Canadian. This is Volume 5, No. I't December, 1990 TSE Cenpetcrt ruper,We stern Canada'•Com puterInformation Source. is published hy Canada Computer Fa. per Inc, All sighs reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the permission of the Publisher is snictly prohibited. Unsolicited material is gratefully accepted, but we can't be rcsponsibl»for rearm ing it unless it is hy a self0utdressed envelope. Preferred fortnat on5 I/O" Diskettes in MS-Worst or ASCII lteat) format or MS Word on Mac dhtn,Or you caa upload your informauon tot TluCenpaterPaper secuon on jtindlink)BRS. hlhetta Oatcet 4th floor, 719 1st St. Sg, Calgary etlhetta.

accom panied

TeL(605)t62N 75>Faz (C05itssd9yd.Edm onton TeL(605)dsik%54.

Cl~ l a ttoftl SO,OOO IBBN OB4OBBBB Rssd Class Postage Reg. Number 7718

Letters to the Editor .................,...„.....................................................................'7 M Amiga World .............................................................................................14 Apple World ....................................................... .....................................16 Atari World .....„.........................................................................................17

Desktop Publishing ..............,......................................,.............................20 General ........,.............................................................................................2l T T

ISSUE MSTIQBUTION TOPICS COPY January 1991 Dec 28 Sp e eds Power gs Comtecdvlty Dec lt Notebook Computeea, Netwodts February 1991 Jan 91 S p reashheets, Gmadian Payroll Jan 16 March 1991 Mar 1 Desktop i.'uhlishmg> Feb 15 Laser PHnseza April 1991 Mar R9 Telessnnmutdcadonse Fax Boards, BBS lkst 1Cay 1991 May I is e taonal lnForntadon Msatagezu

CAMElbt READY Dec 14 Jan 18 Feb 15 Mar 15

April ly

June 1991 May 51 488 Computers May 15 Canada CzsmPsster Paper Itse. Suite 8, BBB1 W. 4th Ave. Vanoonver. B.C. VCR 1P2

Phone: (SOS' 7884KBB FAX (BO4) 7BR4280 IIS ilutxtbes.Nind Link) (SOD) STM214

Kr~"~i% l











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The Compeltar Paper I Dec '90 e

Japanese%ord Processing Iworkfor aJapanesecollegewhIch, by

Y our Re ch a rge S p e c i a l i s t s

nature, does a lot of correspondence in

Japanese. To accomplish this task, we use adedicatedJapaaese Word Processor. With this machine, words are typed in phonetically, and the machine produces theJapanese characterfor that word. My question is this — are you aware of software (for the ISM) which does the same thing? We find that our Word

Retired Computexs? On behalf of the Burnaby Association for the Mentally Handicapped„ I would like to thank you once agaia for your kindness in continuing to run our advertisemeat fo r used computers. T h ese machines have made a world of difFerence to our clients aad staff, and we look


per. I r ead it every month aad usually find a lot of interesting facts, suggestions


and ideas. Keep up the good workl Keith Park


Hewlett Packard(e ac

ifyou could give me an address or other means of contacting this group. Once again, many thanks foryour ongoing assistance in helping us to

It was with great interest and subsequent frustration that I read the article

broaden the horizons of those less fortunate than ourselves. Catherine Wheeler Bumaby Association

"Survey of PC Accountiag SoftwmeAccounting forthe GSI'" by Graeme



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we' llsegyour eld comp(der

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cbsfse) of take It as a

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ae low as

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~Me ea9 • 2MI gm • 4MI W99


to even give mention of the software

Bore about it readers, anyone hnordnthc


I e

Seanett. In this piece, Mr. Bennett fails

For The Mentally Handicapped Burnaby, B.C.


N E C LC&00 series ~nie ce ~ mi > $119 pbiasmba aps

I III0fChafgld «I muemseea aN $74.95

TURBO 2S (15Oionie>

Great Pains


RemaillfaCtmed 511. pim~ • Reeharged@$.$5

Tfy Alliance Business Computers in Codtuithm; their tekphancnumber is 93de8088. It is caaed Easy Ward and sellsfar apprauimatcly$'1,0(N Perhaps our readers hnodafoothers.

ish Columbia. I would be most grateful


RiCOh TOner Kit 80 4DDD ,4DD1.415D

$158 $28 eeea

Okidafa LL6 minimumorder or2

Nelson, B.C.

ested in starting a similar project in Brit-

30 Resident Fonts/accepts popular Font Cartridges P.C. Magazine Editors Choice '88.'89

5 Printer Emulatione• Full Control Panels• Convenient Drum/Toner Cartridge POSTSCRIPTMODEL AVAILABLE

ognizes Japanese) Sy theway...thank you for a great pa-

am eager to learn more about this organization, as we at BAMH are very inter-

Big Ifether tc theHl<: CAB/CANlpplleatlone


If there is any information you can

them to nonprofi associations serving the handicapped in Washington State. I



A compact full featured letter quality and high resolution graphics page printer

offer, we would appreciate it. Also, are you aware of OCR software which rec-

our group homes and special programs with its own IBMwompatible in the future. I understand there is an organization in the Puget Sound area that acquires used computers aad then distributes

I.P. ii1688... BiithaveyaiiCO RSidereda e e

Processor leaves a bit to be desired and are searching for available options.

forward to being able to supply each of

. nI

e • I • il

All Above Systems 2 VHLR WNRANTYI


$I00000 CARDS



Celer ...... $470.00


4444 Main Street, vancouver, B.C. (604) 872-5599 Hours: Mon:Fn. e-5, eat. 10-5, Sun. byappointment

The Computer Paper / Dec '90 Great Plains is becoxning an increaiingly stronger force in the high end accounlmg xnax'ket xn Canada. They ax'e also ready and waiting for GSI' and will supply afree GST upgrade to any users who are on a Great Plains support plan. As Mr. Bennett states, "Consider that pfodlxct Irainmg and support nlay be a package'smostixnportant features." This is one of Great Plains'manystrongpoints. Info Worldsaid "The technical support representatives we spoke with were knowledgeable about the product. In addition, Great Plains seems to have the most cheerful and helpful technical support staK around.

Laser'aEdge is proud to mmouncc the opening of our second office, cnchancing our convenient, efficient services forall of your Desktop Publishing needs.

onel) of

G r eat Plains in th e L o wer

Mainlancl I have a full shelf of Great Plains demo software which I would be happy to allow Mr. Bennett to explore so

• plus, service Hastings Office: with a smile • Mac and PC worksration e Mon. m Fri. 9-5 pm and rentals 4' capabiiiry ro • self-service Sar. 10-3 pm • 830-789 West film or paper from lascrprinting a spcciabsrs in Pcndcr Street our Linotronic Imagcsetxcrs sales, advice and Van. V6C 1H2 Fax 681-2300 • full cofour support for DTP systems Modem 681-3278 1aacrprinter for • 716 West transparencies or Both OSccs: Hastings Strecr iahloid and letter • Mac and PC size paper environments Van. V6C 1A3 Tcl. 682-5443 / Fax682-4103 • quality design • disk and file I and t ypesetting I conver sions 'Q • sc anning for line • OCR scanning wrxxiixs for textfiles coNvxasoaa ari and photos (194) 8824774 Ponder Office: • fast, high resolution ourput with up to 18" by

that neither he nor The Cmrrputer Paper"s readers miss this excellentsoftware series

in the future. RichardJuryn,

finish calculating? Why not type a letter to Mom and Dad while you' re waiting?

I Can't Get No Respect I wasqiute surprised when in your feature article on 5-D rendering and

animation, you referred to the Amiga as a "budget machine" in order to explain the low software prices in the Amiga market. Unfortunately, I have found that prices for Amiga hardware mn be exorbitantly high. I own an Amiga2000 with 9 MBof MM, a46MB hard drive,an A2088 Bridgeboard (for MS-DOS compatibihty), a nd a Raven PR-9104 (~) printer, for which I paid a total of $4,950: Amigs 20N (1 MS RAM 880K drive ....$2,000 SupraRem 20N 8MB board, w'dh 2MS 450 S eagste SCSI ST157N heal drive..... 9 5 0 A2088 Bridgeboard & 5.25" ffoppy ...... 700


10848 monitor stereo speakers........... 5N

I don'0wentto

Raven PR-$104 Q~in printer ....................850 Tetef Ceet uuU~ l euE

miss aniN'ue<, "


a N rEI EEL @


Even if the cost of the Bridgeboard and the ~in pxinter is excluded (to find


the cost of the "basic" system), the total

sf~'gp~'~~'C~~ ~

cost is $8,900f I could buy a Macintosh LC with 2MB RAM, a 40MB hard drive, and a 12" RGB monitor for only $3,'700I In addition, the Mac LC has a 68020

.: ':„.:vi'

: ..iCC$

microprocessor at 16 MHz, whereas the

y®Wg ...,...,..,...,,,,i!il' R

1 want to Sll ~

R I S E and receive

1 R great issues cfThe Computer Paperl

ygSINS8 Acflfl&$$t


Postal ©wfe:

4 ops H R









Nal ro: Canada C omputerpaper,Inc. Suits 8, 36SX Wast 4fhAve.

have yet to see a M acintosh run two progxams together simultaneously, not just switch between them. T h e whole computer on wlule you wait 6xr it to

$u our Whet's Nnu section thLxnrerxthfor rrrrpreinfo orx Great Pkxins' acre versirnxthat irrtr GST and Canadian PayrelL I have suPP heard great things about their eusfoeer suPPorf axxeeR

lia r Nuideazx

'C.C "'

Unfortunately, OS/2 doesn't come

dose to giving the IBM worldmultitasking in as friendly a way as AmigaDOS does. I

point of multitasking is, why leave your

Vancouver, B.C

W Laser's ~

Nr. Ia

O t h e r vendors

.could do worse than emulate ifxi approach. We ratetechnical support excellent." There are a number of Qaali6ed Installers and Qualified Resellers ( I am

the Amiga line, one must go to the tog of-the%ac Amiga 8000, which, with a 68080 at 25 MHz, a 68882 match coprocessor at25MHz, a built~ 100MB hard drive, a built~ dosnterlacer, and a Commodore 1950 multisync monitor, costs $6,000, a price that is in Mac II territory, and which could buy a '486 IBM~ompatible. Again, I ask the ques. tion, which computer is the true budget machine? I would have to answer with either "Atari ST" or, even more likely; IBMwompa6bke." Despite the high cost of some Amiga hardware components Iam extremely satisfied with my Amiga 2000. As I axn writing this, DeluxeMusic is playing Bach'sFugue in G Mnor in the background. I c a n even use my word processor...Sculpt-Anixnate 4-D Jr...DeluxeMusic, etc., at the same time.

Vancouver, BG. Vsh 1p2 sreaNr (S04) 7338596 sar:(804) 7824280 PAYNRVF (8g9,88) Q Payment Encfossd (cheque or money sider) 0 V1SA I MASTERCARD Cxud Number Name on Card 51gnshne

Amiga2000hasa68000at7.16MHzf To rival the speed of the Mac LC, I would have to spend about $1,000 more for an antiquated A2620acceleratorto come to a final total of about $4,900 for an eqmvalent systemf I In addition, to solve the fiickermg problem in the Amiga's hi~ca modes, I would have tospendanadditional $1400: $400 for theA2MODisplaymnhancement Card, and$8M for the Commodore 1950 multisync monitor. Subtract the 1084S stereo monitor, and add the A2520/ 1950 multisync combination, and you get a total of$5,600for an Amiga system equalling the $8,'700 Mac LC system in terms of raw speed1 Which system is more "budget" now? 1? Interestingly enough, to get performance rivallmg the Ma'c II line among

The advantages of multitasking even in a single~ e n vironment are fairly clear I find it particularly odd the TheConxputer Paper hasonly one constantly running Amiga ad and vexy little Axniga coverage at a time when even PC heavyweights like Byreand Corrrpuferrecrldare beginnmg to treat the Amiga as a significant computer. Granted, the Amiga haa limitations and problems, but so do Macintoshes snd MS-DOS computers. I a m constantly amazed a t h o w t h e Macintosh could be touted as the "mul-

timedia" machine. Animation on the Macintosh is so unnatural andjittery that I fail to see how any good animafion could be made with anything less than a

Mac IIci with a 24-bit graphics board and special blitter hardware.

When Disney decided to release The Animation Studio, which computer version did they write first? The Amiga version. In fact, Disney used Amigas in the creation of "The Little Mermaid."

Axnigas have also been used in the making ofmanymovies, including "Die Hard" and "RoboCop II." Try more Amiga coverage,and you might fi nd more subscribers, more adverbsers, and a much

larger au+ence.

Franic Lui, Vancouver, B.C.

I xeould estimate fhaf you are annPrering the purchaseprice of your machirxeabout one yersr age to the suggeskd hsfPrice of a newly announced cxnnputer, the Mac I.C. This is appks to oranges, as lheIrricefomost cornpufers have conre douln substarxfia8y. The Amiga 500, xehich fofers lorAevel arxiniafion, is

defxrxifelyirx the h4xgueof xehatreeconsider budget nrachines, and xeesaxe that cmmPufer advertised this weekred a color monitorfor


We have rxxrxa fairly sfeady stream o f

articles on the Aniiga thrnxrghoufthe Past three years, and mill continuefo do so. Ifycnc vlarNxval depth o crrverage, nray xee

f Auriga f the w rathyg

suggest a subseriptiorx tooneo ood Arniga specxjx c magazines, or possibly Input nragexine out foEdnrorxton. The old probkm of frying toPleaseevnyme, leaves uswith the ' coridrrsiorx that xee should ta% the nraxt about

the com putersthat nroxt Pcngie have.The

nxarhet corxfinueslo be MOOS and hadst MacintoshcnnxPuters.

The Computer Paper I Dec '90

Faxo graphy Fremont Communications has begun shipping a US$99 software aden called Faxography~ LQ foritsFrecom Fax96 PC fax board. Faxography~ LQ lets users fax documents formatted with Epson h Q printer typogxaphic information. The program provides full emulation of 24pin graphics and hQ text, enabling any PC program that supports Epson printers and can "print to disk" to create a

Faxography file. When transmitted to another fax ma-

chine, itwill be prin ted at either 100x200 dpi or 200x200 dpi. Fax versions of all LQfonts (regular, bold and italic versions of two type styles in eight sizes plus five styles of proportional spaced type for each style) are includedwith the software.

The Faxographysoftware isalso available aspart of a new bundle &om Fremont, which includes their Fatt96 9600

bps Sm board and 2400/4800 bps MNP5 modem with software; 1-Limr, which enables incoming voice and fax calls to

be correctly and automatically answered using a single phone line; and FcmtQupP', newsoftware which couples astandalone fax machine tothe Fax96 board over standard telephone wires and allows bidirectional communications between fax

board and machine (including using a stand-alone fax machine's built-in scanner toprovide 200x200 scanned input into DTP programs,or allowing the fax board user to "print" to the faxmachine-

useful forpreviewing and keeping a hard copy of whatever is sent). Other software includes Fa&etchFazt,

which allows the 'user to remotely retrieve fax messages. The package, called the Frecom CommCenter, is scheduled

to shipin December, 1990 for US$495. Contact: Fremont Communications

Company at 41M38-5000.

i Qw

are couriered to the customer. Costs are $9 per slide,plus courier charges. In addition, SUZY online charges for this feature are 20 cents per minute during primetime, 17 cents per minute during non-prime hours. SUZY enables personal computers equipped with modems to retrieve and exchange information over telephone

lines.SUZYs other featuresinclude realtime stock quotations and online stock research capabilities, airline schedules

• t

and information networks on dozens of

subjects. New features are being added every month. One such feature is an online edition of The CotmputerPaper. Articles

&omcuxrentandbackissuesare available forreading or downloading. Just look in the area called Information Networks

for "The Gmtpukr Paper. Users incur no longWstance telephone charges if they calI &om any of more than 800 centres in Canada. Users

pay a basecharge of approximately 20 cents per minute for the time spent on the system, which is automatically billed to their credit card. There are discounts &om this base rate for nongrime hours and surcharges for some of the system's features.

In other SUZYnews, Harvard Graphics publisher Software Publishing Corporation has announced that it will launch its own information network on SUZYto communicate with its Canadian dealers and users. SUZY was introduced to the market-





DATA INN 2112-286 ... 1488 NITSUB ISHI INOP-286 52399 OATAl RAIN301d-38dtt 2099 DATA1RAINfAX .........$1299 KS386m ... .........1988 SENOEAX2400Nmitm ...5149 AI386/33MHz.;....6458 EOlORIOTAPEDUPINT..$899 AER486/25MHz ...... 8450 I'

MITSU BISHI40NB ...... d9 MAXIR BdOMD ...... 2195 EDNHER 1OOND .........795 MAXTOR660ND .. ....2975 RODIE llONB ......... 684 IMPRIN51.2GB ...... 5275 RODIME 210ND .........S1250 TEA E1.2M8...,...........586 MAXlO2R 00NB .„...51459 TEAE144NB............582

and hotel directoxies, national real estate

listingsincluding colour photos of listings, live multiuser online conferences


I''I' I



DISUBISH 85I14/A ...51175 DATAl RAINSUPERVGA ... d25 MITSU MSHIVQ .........5560 OATAR IINMO HOCNROME 125 TAlUNGVGA............$630 AOESUPERVQ-l024 ... 99 •



NSDOS 3.3/ 4.01 .........$89 ABASE,WP vtfttt, NND...,GLIl lOTUS 1. 23v.3Al.........5499 VAEONE ..................599 SIMWAY S ..„...........$55 PADII5HO WPLUS .........529 •

ROIAHD RAVEN2417......5409 fUH50 OlITOO .........S399 HP DE SXIET...............5789 NP 10HERGLRT .........5129 ROU LHOIP1110.........$1899 HP IEGN1RAY ............$65 I•

I' I

EOMPAO, IDDL,NK,HPIASHUET........................„....EAIE I

I . '


60 Second Treatment to Soothe Away Your EYESTRAIN, NECKPAIN, HEADACHES wHPtottt medication

NEW! FAST ,': RELIEF! 95 $218

pti'calls' At i@styL btttct 4$lwcf lo IQAIX'I Htobfettll of

eyeshain, beadacltel sati neck paia caused by TV, comytmvt or VDY aye atSLXtte.Rsjoy Sratttlac teMef in abottt 60 seeonh by ttsittS OPXXCOLLSS Instant Tension Reliever. This inttovative hiSh~h dseistt combines today's staff-the-art uthttolosy with sceient telaxation techni~ Many potplc have eqerionced Ste therapeumc

massageacson of OFIIcoLIs® vthicb belpst • Relieve eycslraitt aad besdacbes • Alkvlam tensiott sttd Ittetl

20 MB DR WE .....,......$195



• HISI ttecft pllltt, Dt sbfatets

• XLIMeve Comptttet or VM' eye Stsatm • Toss ttp fielal mttsclet

388llON SIIN .........SBB BUSVERSIDN ............598 PS/2 VERSIOH ,...........$95 SGLNNAH ...............$249 ATtt/NOH. UDfi rma. 5160 386w/MO ILDIspttma 5195

• Heal for borne,work or eavel • plerxtct for VDT opentotl 4 stsdettta

"Yov Ooz vo Iitv Iv To Bstzsvtt Iz." nts6tpzOF Gast v RtLm Rtmt BvtmvottL"

Onbv today. Same day dellvetX. lOday Money Saelt Ottatwatte. Rttttl on single AA Sattety(not inclttdefj. Senti yottv cbvtttte or money order of


ATI/OQRD........... ....$28 MOHOGRAPHICSQRD ......536 All VQGLR D ..... • ".-.S245 101RE YBDARDENHANCED...569


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g9.98+ $$ (Ibr S.& K+Tax) to:


OR PHONE: (604) 3274602

Mssufaeaer wehmaI 4soilaean 4 seailcss fie sw new, aohya, paee4 ad CasSa msde peba

place in April 1990. Two months later it was already one of the bestmlling software products in Canada. Recent dislculties in raising equity Snancinghaveresultedinseveral changes in senior management, including the resignation of president and director Alex L Morton, and vice-president of corporate development Terry R. MacDonald. Morton is replaced by Thompson J. MacKie, who becomes president at a substantially reduced sal-

SUZY Slide Service. BURNABY, B.C. — A new feature on SUZY, the national online information system,enables personal computer users ' to capture screen images produced with anysoftware andelectronicallysend these

images to be processed into 85mm photographic slides. this is a new no-hassle way to get high-resolution slides quickly and eco-

residen t of Spittin' Image Software Inc. of New nomically," saysKen Davies, p

Westminister, B;C., which developed the technology and operates the service on SUZY. The new SUZY feature is called Action Slides. A SUZY user first downloads special software &om a library on SUZY, then uses the so&ware to capture screen im-

ages. After the user has reviewed the images, they are compressed into one file and sent for processing via SUZY's electronic mail feature. Two business days after they are received by Action slides, mounted slides

ary. Thompson and Stratford Chairman of the Board AdrianJ. Robson own 60% of the company'soutstanding5.1million shares. Stratford estimates that it will take another sixmonths for the company to become profitabl. For further information: Spittin' Image Software Inc. (604) 525-2108 or Sharka Chobot, Marketing Manager; Stratford Software Corp. (604) 489-1$11.

Softw:ueB.C./CADAPSG Aunounces 1991 Awards For Excelence It's that time of year again to start thinking about entering the Software B.C./CADAPSO (Canadian Association of Data, Professional Services and Software Organization) Award of Excellence Competition. This award is significant recognition given to a B.C. company whose primary

business is software development, and

who best exempli6es excellence in the criteria established.

Entries should be made on company letterhead in the form of a two or threepage nanative addressing the main criteria for evaluation in this competition: company history, commercial viability,


• Seven Pounds, 80C286, battery powered • VGA/CGA/EGA/MDA backlit screen • 20MB Hard Disk (23ms), 1.44MB Floppy ® One of several excellent notebook computers available now. Phone today for free information and assistance.

Canada Portable Computer 204-20lSV56th Auerwe. Lonatty.B.C LCA 3Y6 TtXcphone 604484404l I48$4N-10SZ


The Computer Peper j Dec '90


80386 DX

• • • • •

• Intel 80386DX-25MHz CPU• AMI BIOSe 1MB RAM (80ns)

Intel 80386SX-16MHz CPU • AMI BIOS• 1MB RAM {80ns) CGT NEAT/SX Chipset • 1.2MB or 1 44MB Floppy DrivEL 40MB Voice Coil Hard Drive (28ms) 1 Serial, 1 Parallel, 1 Games Port Real Time Oock/Calendai • Monochrome Graphic/Printer Cai d

• 1.2MB or 1.44MB Floppy Di ive• 40MB Voice Coil Hard Drive (28ms) • 1 Serial• 1 Parallel, 1 Games Port • Monochrome Graphic Printer Card • Real Time Oock/Calendar • 12' Hi-Res TTL Monitor

• Mini Tower Case w/ GDD Display

• 12" Hi+as TTL Monitz)r• Mini Tower Case w/LED Display • 200 Watts Senstron CSA appr. Power Supply • 101 AT Enhanced Keyboard

• 200 Watts Senstron CSA appr. Power Supply • 101 AT Enhanced Keyboard



eoptiane: 3 Yeare Branded Warrurnty Add $150; 110 MS Herd Ortue Upgrade Add $395

• Oplione: 3 Yearn Extended Werc anltl Add $1 50; 11OMS Hard Drive Upgr ade Add $395

• 0

Int:ra~ LT-388SX An extra oompact design 386SX laptop (weight only4.8 Itg and 6 cm high), similar in dimension and p weight to a letter s)ie notebook pc, but much more powerful thana notebook. Compatible with 80x86 software, OS/2e, MS-DOSe, Unixe, Xenixe, Windows 2.xr3,0e, Autocade, Novella', Laplinke, Venturaa, DESQvtewe, DBase Iilllva, Lotus 123e, Carbon Copyo', and many more. High resoluson 640 x460 VGA display. Features a dot pitch of only OMmm. 16 grayscale, back-

ground reversable, supports external VGA monitor. battery life, keeps about 3 hours of continuous operation and with a fast charge funtdion of p Long within3 hours.

Display panel can be folded down to a flat position enabling you to directly see the external monitor's screen in front of you.

double sided SND subassembly technology to guarantee a high quality and reliability. AII p Uses internal parts manufactured inJapalt.

P Two full year warra+ on labour. One year on parts. •





'?g%, rtha h






80285SX Socket tor 80287$X 2INSRAM Sbadard Expandableto 8MB,eupport sSHADOW RAM

41MB 18me) IA4MSStik' 1P, 10,VGAMcnkor Port, Ext.D. Port, Ext. KrybcardPort

ENENX Socket lor ECNISX 1MS RAM Expendable to IEMS

NSNSX Becket ter N$$7SK 2MB RAM Expendable to 1INS

&02880X Sodret for SN870X 1MB Erksuxkele to5MB

4NIS I25me)

42MB I28ms I A4MS 8 tik' 1P, 10, ExLVGAPoa ExLD. Port

4NIS I28ms)

040 x 4N LCD0.27 Dot Pltcb,

trtdMBS tik 1P, 20 VSA INonltor Port,ExLD.Port, EsL Keyboard Port 2 Pmpdshry 8$ GASPLASMA- ISGmyeesle


SN x4NDstselablsSeme n


SINO NEN Bssery8 ACAdpbiReckarSer 124' x 1425' x a25'

1 Pmpdekuy SE Keys,

SNC NICad Battskr 8 ACAdplrilhckarBor 12.8' x 154' x 288' 108 lbs.


8-8/IS Sit Sht N Keys Dshcbeblo, GASPLASMA- 10 Gmyseele SN x480

1 Pmpdehry 82 Keys SN xdNL:0, 18smyserte SackCnxmd Recsrsable




$14N NICadSatlsryk ACAdplrjRe&uSer 12.T x 18.8' x SA' 145ka.

ACDntr 7.$'x15,TxttZ 21 lbs.

1475 krs.

I A4MB 8 tik'

1P, IS, ExLPALPorL ExLKeyboard Port









m •





The Computer Paper I Dec '$0 product development, customer service, export activities, technological innovation, and o r ganizational leadership.

Product and marketing literature may accompany the entries, but the material will not be returned.

This year's Award of Excellence committee is chaired by Dr. Dave Chowdhury, Dean of Engineering Technology at BCIT. Other members of the committee are David Hughes, David Rebak, Peter

Westwood, Norm Francis,and a representative from Digital Resources Systems Ltd., last year's winner. Entries will be accepted until December 20, 1990. Shortlisted firms will be interviewed during January 1991, and the award will be presented during the February Software B . C . / C A D A P SO meeting, Entries should be sent to: Dr. D.K Chowdhury, Dean, School of Engineer-

tions and three PC stations at the new Laser's Edge location: 716 W. Hastings St., Vancouver. In addition to black and white or color laser printing, lino output, scanning and other typesetting services, the new location will also feature an

centre, and an exclusive MacWorld sweatshirt. The booking deadline is De-

cember 7,1990. Call Adam Peripherals at 276-2326formore info.

Welcome The New Edge


I ~

V 2

• 1 I


• I




assets ofOsc Stop Desk+ and taken over that company's Hastings St location. The acquisition, which included several Mac II's and IBMwompatible computers and a Lino typesetting machine will now allow the first Laser's Edge location at Suite 830-789 West Pender to function as a full service production facility, while the u b lic can make use of six Mac sta-

ing Technology, BCIT, 3700 Willingdon Ave., Burnaby, B.C. V5G 3H2. Inquiries


I ~



.I U K

markets and joint ventures with foreign companies are also advised that September 22-25, 1991 marks the date ofthe a nnual S O F T W O R L D c o n f e r e n c e ,

sponsored in part by Sofhvare B.C./

P «Il l

I I~


I 2 Vl l P l I I I I .\



I It

2 I •


- 2

VUU 211 dill I ISN VV I III UU I I VVU 2

• I I I« I.


David Leeder realizes that literally hundreds of people out there who want to start really using their personal com-

puters don't even know where to begin l A new service called EASY DOS IT COMPUTING aims to assist users in the

oftenwonfusing process of selecting and using a computer system, custom programming, or solving individual system problems. An initial 2-hour house call is

only $39. Call him at 5358697. 0•

s 0 0 +' • Q d 4J SCo g


Maximizing Your Maximizer



s S i 'a td lg '


• i i.

s, •

Adam Sponsors San FranciscoMacWorld Ch'uter Fhght Adam Peripherals is organizing a charter flight to thenext MacWorld Expo,

January 10-13, 1991 in San Francisco. The $645 (4night) or $710 (&night) package~ e l udes round-trip economy class SLre, airport transfers, luxurious accommodations close to the convention

Carbon Copy Plus V5.22 Direct Access VS.O PC Tools Deluxe V6 Quicken 4.0 Suzy Word Prefect 5.1 Windows 3.0

$147.99 $79.99 $97.99 $44.99 $25.99 $279.99 $89.99

Logitech 3-Button Hi-Rez Mouse & Windows 3.0






bility to switch databases; print to file; security options; automatic backups and more. Existing Maximizer data files can be used. Another new Richmond product is MaxMerge, which is designed to allow


Smart buyers shop for QUALITY & SERVICE. InfoSpec Systems inc. is here to provide you with a powerful, flexible, yet affordable solution to your business: . Point-of-Sale . Accounting • Hardware Selection . Novell Network . Installation & Setup . Training & Support • Maintenance


start-up Macro; new list marking options;

Version 2.1 of Richmond Software's Maximizer Contact Management Software includes many improvements, including an automatic spelling checker;




Dan Boudoin, 662-3774.


i g i

U V 211 I V 2 I .


Profltek - RS Retail Sales System Profitek - RM Restaurant Management System Profitek - VM Video Management System Profitek - EB EasyBill Medical System Profitek Integrated Accounting Systems

New Service For New Users



ference is going to be held in Vancouver.

PC Relief and Software Services


ld I'

/I I".

Your One Sto Business Solution

CADAPSO. For the first time, the con-



¹101 - 2806 Kingsway, Vancouver, B.C. V5R 5T5 Tel: (604) 430-1223 Fax: (604) 430-5748 Business Hr.: Monday - Friday 9:30-6:00 Saturday 1:00 - 6:00

me d~op ers, information service providers interested in export


I--, -'. I

InfoSpec Systems Inc.

may be directed to the above address by

B.C. sofb>


related software. For more info, contact:

erations, having recently purchased the

mail, byphone (4324404), or by fax (432-1816).

IV:\ I



expanded retail selection of publishing-

Laser's Edge has expanded their op-

11 ~

Christmas S ecials 80286-12 VGA Colour System 12MHz 80286 Processor, 1MB RAM 1.2MB 5 1/4' Floppy Drive 40MB 28ms IDE Hard Disk 8 1:1 Controller 14' VGA Colour Monitor640x480.41mm 101 Key Enhanced AT Keyboard

$1,229 386SX-16 VGA Colour System 16MHz 80386SX Processor, 1MB RAM 1.2MB 5 1/4' Floppy Drive 40MB 28ms IDE Hard Disk & 1:1 Controller 14" VGA Colour Monitor 640x480.29mm 101 Key Enhanced AT Keyboard 19" Tower Case with Digital Display

$1,828 386SX-20 SuperVGA Colour System 20MHz 80386SX Processor, 1MB RAM 1.2MB 5 1/4" Floppy Drive 40MB 28ms IDE Hard Disk & 1:1 Controller 14" VGA Colour Monitor 1024x768 .28mm 51 2K VGA Graphics Card

101 Key Enhanced AT Keyboard


prices subject to change S while quantities hst



T he Com puter Paper I Dec '90

you to combine Maximizer databases.

MaxMerge runs from within The Maximizer. Called a "onewtep point-and+hoot operation" by Richmond Software, it does not require users to learn a script language, import or export files, or run a separate utility.

Voice FAX The acceptance of facsimile machines as a standard office requirement has led to over four million fax machines being used in North America; one million sold in 1990 alone. The VoiceFax Information Retrieval is an automated, unattended facsimile retrieval system for 9 8 6 -based PCs. VoiceFAX enables anyone with a touch-

tone phone to dial in and request product brochures or other documents available on the system. Documentsrequested are immediately sent out to the callers' facsimile machines. For a demonstra-

FARGO, N. D., Oc tober 24 - G r e at

tion passes.

release a new version of the Great Plains A ccoun t in g S e r i e s i n r e s p o n s e t o Canada's proposed new Goods and Ser-

• Landed Cost tracking also will be available in the Purchase Order module to accommodate full shipping costs of international orders. • Version 5.4 automates the complex process of tracking GST input tax credits and provides extensive reports required for GST remittances orrefunds.

. tion, call: VoiceFax, Inc., at (604) 222-

vices Tax (GST). An upgrade program

8444. For a real-life demo, iry calling the numbers in the Computer Exchange advertisement on page 75 of this edition. You can call up, punch in the code and get additional information on a variety of their systems faxed back to your own fax machine.

gives customers the opportunity to automate their accounting now and upgrade to the GST version when the tax legislation and reporting procedures areconfirmed. Product details of the plan in -

Great Plains Offers GST

and can be accessed when and if legisla-

Plains Software today announced it will

clude: • Version 5.4 of the Great Plains Accounting Seriesfor MS-DOS and Macintosh systems will include comprehensive

Update/Canadian Payroll

GST tracking and reporting capabilities. • Version 5.4 will be released inJanu-

For Mac And PCs

ary 1991 as an additional tax schedule

•A specialupgrade program provides customers enrolled in a support plan to receive Version 5.4with GST compatibility at no charge. • Automation of accounting systems that include GST and PST along with pointwfMe andinventorymanagement are fully tax deductible under the pending GST legislation. For more information, call (800) 4564025.

PC Sofbnare Controls Voice Mail Coastway System Technology has in-



troduced an innovative software program to the Vancouver market that acts as a computerized receptionist for small to large businesses. This software programs runs on a standard IBMc o m p atible microcomputer and links into most phone systems. It can answer the telephone (up to 32 c alls si m u l t a n e o u sl y) , r o u t e s c a l l s through to the right person, takes messages if they are not in (this feature is called VOICE MAIL). It can screen calls, broadcast a message over an intercom, even route messages through to people at an alternate telephone number such as a pager or cellular telephone to let them know that an imp ortant message has come through. The software program, called

VOKVIAMS 1.0, can workin conjunction with a receptionist or in a "hands free"

Now you canreallyfly. You' re probably familiar with the outstandingquaihy nnd t h e touch of n button.PR-9606 The is your ticket ro fast drnlL. reliability of Raven's narrowcardngeprinters. No}}r, youcan q u aHIy copy. ht 330 duuncrersjnx second in draft mode, this 0 pin wonder is a timesaverwirh logic seehng capability that ger the sameonrsmnding perfonnance, fLdl 2 year ~ skipswhite space between pages. backrd by RolandDG, plus expandedcapability with Raven's Built-in affordability, superior wide caningedot matrix PR-9606 nndPR-2465 priniers. quality...backed by a full 2 Raven's superior technologygives youellldent paper year warranty from managementwith push/pull nncrors, auto loading, paper Roland DG,Call us today parking,multiple paper pmhsnndnvariety of buRt-in fonts. From spreadsheet s to letterquality conespondence,Raven wide nnd we' ll showyou carriage printersntedesignedrolet you fly through your work. how you canreally Qy with Ravenwide Raven's 24 pin PR-246S givesyou true lener quality for cnrrlnge prhnels. professional looking documentson lener, legal nnd lmgesprendsheers. The easy ro useoperator panel allows you rocontrol features such as font, pitch and formlength with ' PR-2417 paper r}}eh she}}NL Ps5 emNInt

«}r pn-econanopn-s45, oui handling cap}er}t}iliesere equal.



mode handling all your telephone routing. The computerized messages, stored on thecomputer's hard drive,areeasyto record with your telephone handset. In fact, many companies use the soft-

ware for "AUDIOTEX" applications. AUDIOTEX is voice information on the company products or services accessible by telephone callers through touch toneactivated menu option choices. If a representative is not available, they retrieve specific information &om the computer. It is fully configurable to any way a company wants to handle calls. One of the most interesting program add~nsis a fax requestmodule (available

in the spring), which can fax the infor~


For more iniormntion onRaven productsand warranty, the Raven Authorized Dealer Program, oroiher Roland DG products, call: Calgary Ottawa Toronto Montrunl Vancouver (403) 277-1811 (604) 273-4453 (41 6 ) 624-5944 (51 4 ) 332-6371 (61 3 ) 723-0724 Brands and productnamesidentified by ®or, are rrademarks or registered rrademerks of their respective companies.

mation back to them at their request, again all automatically by the computer. For additional information contact Daken Ariel at 7 96-5059 ab Coastway

System Technology, a Vancouver-based microcom uter systems integrator.

The Computer PggperI Dec '90





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50 Disk Holder 3.5' ..........$10 Ribbons From .................. 9 Disk Head Cleaner 525' .....

Sony 525' DD/HD ..$8.95/$14.95 Sony 8.5' DD/HD..$15.85/$28.58 Kaa 525 DD/HD....$8.58/$18.58

Disk HeadCleaner 3.5' .......


Kao 8.S DD/HD ....$14.85/$27.95

Reland 9101 .................... 245

Reland 2417........,........• ., 420


Reland 2485.................... 05 RolandLPSQQ laser.......$1575

US Robotics 12000 Int ...3107 US Robotics 12000 Ext ..$140 US Robotics 24000 Int ...$109 US Robotics 24000 Ext ..g35 Cardinal 24000 Int ......... 120 Cardinal 24000 Ext .........5235

Roland LP1110laser .....$1075 Fujitsu DL3400,............... Fui!teu DL1100 ................

Epeon LQ105Q ...,.....,.... 035 Epeen LQ05Q ................ N Epeon FX050 ................... 520 Epson FX010 .....,........... 05 Epson FX1050..•......,....... HPIIP ..........,................51425 HPlll ............................gN05 (All printers with cable)

Cardina lFax/Modem ......3175

Toehiba 1100 ....,........ 1355 Toehiba T1200/F .......... 1100

Toshiba T1200FB ......... 1000

Toahiba T1000 ............... Kodak Diconix ................ 50


Reland PR1250..............$350

If yau're not happywilh your system, far whateverreason, return it within 7 daysfer an exchangear full refund. Madihcagonsmadewith no additenatsenricechargeduring the first80 daya.

Steetdng Stumets

Grnvie Soy Stick ...............344

Case of Paper...................

Computer Stand ............... Power Bare..................... 15 50 Disk Holder 525' ........ 'IS

AcepacEasy...,...,.......,.............$64 Carbon CopyPiusV.5.1 ...,........$145 Clipper V. 5............................$588 Copy II PC. ......, .......,--$85

Carel Dmw1.21 .............. — —.$888


AccPac Bedford .............,,...$126

Crosstalk ly/Xyl.„...,...„,.$140/$126 dBass III V1.1 ..„„,...„„.....,....,...$518

dBase Iy Y1.1....................." -$584 Desqvisw22/886 V8......$106/178 Direct Access 5 ...., ............,...$75 Eight In One........................... -$45 F18 Stimith Rghter ...................$57

Fast Back Plus .....„,..................$188 File Shuttle.........,...........--gt@ Rirst Publisher V8.0,.......,...,.....$128

Right Simulator 4.0 ....................$41 Form Tool........................ .$75 FormRiier V 8 „........................$108 p FoxbasePlus ............,...............$255 Gwnmatik IV .......,..., ....,.„„,.$68 Harvard Graphics2,8 (nsw)......$888 .$118 Lotus 128 V2,2/8.1 ...,...,.$895/$478 LaPIink III ................„....

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, .„ $ 2 95

PerFarm Designer8 Riler ...... $95

Lotus Symnhany ..„...., ..........$555 PnntmasterPlus,......... ,....$56 Lotus Freebaseplus,...„,.....„..$875 Procomm Pius 1.18 .................$64 ProfessionalWrite 2.2 ....,.........$184


...lss p aasassaans planvss .............$78

Mace Utilities 5 ............... Mavis BsscanTeachiiiTyping -$45 Q SA Wme 8. ------— -- 8 Mawmmir,.....,......,........ $166 Q u arterdeck QEMM 886V5.0... $68 Microsoft Qjjjek Basic 4... 5 $78 Microsoft Quick C Compiler V2.5 $78 Quattre pre Y2 0 ------.. '.. " $878 Mierosaft SoftwareDevNt„...$447 Microsoft Learning DOS ...

$4 8

Its p ldgie -.----- - - - " - - -- - $178

Raven ScriPt...,..-...:--- $185 MIeroscft Excel............... .,$270 Itefiex 2.0 ..........................$184 Microsoft Worki2.0... .$120 Microsaft Windows 8.0 .......$98 -M i erasaft P SideldekPius ........................ $156 ...$864 repiet40 ......... MIeresaft Quickgaw'4.5 c ........$78 Microsoft Word 5.0 ....,....„...$187 S piilrite ii Vu - —--------Microsoft Wenl for Whldaws .$270 Tetr12D ... ..- — -$28 nnt Shop (Blederbung „.„ $4 8 .................$124 Tu rbo C V2 0 ......... Typing Tutor IVPius..........-....$48 lteiton Commander 8.0..........$117 Ifartan Backup yt 1 ..'...".."..,„.„. 115 V entum 8 0 Windows ............... 0 Iforton Utllitiss Std4.S75.0..$74/t84 VP Phnnsr Pfus 80 .... . 1 77 WerdPerfectONce V8.0 ......... 118 pag emaker,...,....,....„..„.„ $585 Wordperfect 5.1 .................... $278 ....... $85/880 pamdox ."....".."....' .$580 X t~ e And mastogler titles...........CALL PC TealsDeluxeVS „„. „,„ g 5 PC Anywhere III V8.11..... $118

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The Cem peter Paper I Dec '90



: , , ' .

-::AIIIIQa Ififotltt:: ."::::

Commodore To Launch A1560 Amiga This Week Maidenhead, Berkshire, England, NGV 5 (NS) — Commodore will this

weeklaunch the A1500Amiga,aserippeddown version af its existing 2000 series. The machine — pricmg in at around the U.K 1,000 mark — will be sold through existing Commodore dealerL The Amiga 1500 is based around a 7.14MHz 68000 microprocessor with 1MS of RAM and twin floppy drives. According to sources dose to Commo-

dore, plans call for the machine to be bundled with software, much as is the

case with the existing A500Amiga in the UK Gne of the packages bundled with the A1500 is said to be a PC emulation package with DOS compatibility. As with the Amiga 2000 series, much emphasis is being placed on the A1500's expansion possibilities, with a total of eight Amiga Zorro slots available for expansion cards. Also fitted as standard are

Owners of today's small businesses face greater challenges than ever before. Like mininuzing taxes, developing financial controls and detemikiing business stmtegy and direction.


At Healey Seigneuret & Co. we work with you throughout the year providing objective advice and conscientious support to help you manage your growing business more effectively.

US$7 MiHien Earnings NEW YORK, NEW YORK, NGV 19 (NS) — Commodore International earned US@i million on revenues of US$200.5 million in its Srst quarter, ended September 30. Much of thecredit goes to the Amiga line of personal computers. The es c orn ared with a UR$6.5

Sewsbytesis written by Newsbytes contributing editors: Wendy Woods,

Janet Endnlonas,Dana Blankenhom,

John McGormick, Beth Goldie, Naor Wallach, SieveGold, Peter Vekinis, Ken Takahashi, Naoyuki Vazawa, Paul Zucker, Sean McNamara, Keith Cameron, and Norman Wingrove. CANADIAN BUREAU: Grant Buckler, 859 Kennedy Road, ¹203, Scarborough, Ontario, ph: 418-285-0844, fax: 418 285-5281. =

Accpac Bedford or Bpl installed fer Jan let



.,':i'„':.'ll:,::i''::,;:,Jacques Seigneuiet

video, audio and mouse interfaces, as well as the usus parallel and serial porta Although Commodore U.K's marketing plans for the Amiga A1500 have yet to be revealed, sources close to the company sufgest that the machine will bepitchedatboth businessandconsumer markets. To date, the A500 Amiga is marketedvexymuch as agames machine in the U.K while the A2000, 8000 and $500 series are pitched at the business


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The Compirter Paper I Dec '90





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AST Bravo 386SX Anniversary Bundle!

Don'f miss out on Siseront Dpportunitir trom A87! Limited Time and Ouantit(es Special IICLIIBES.


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• 80386SX microprocessor, 16MHz «2MB RAMMemroy (SIMMS) • 5.25',1.2MB FloppyDrive • EnhancedKeyboard(101 Keys) «AST VGA Graphics Adapter (800 x 600, 256K) • 40MB HardDrive • One Serial, OneParallel Port

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Bocaram ATPlus w/2MB RAM(EMSBoard) ...........$395 Hewlett-Packard LaserJet III Printer .....................$2,395 NEC LC290 Postscript Printer ..............................$3,595 NEC LC890 XL Postscript Printer.........................$5,195 Raven LP-800 Laser Printer .....................................$Call Raven LP-1110 Laser Printer ...................................$Call LotUS ProdUcts • • • 1i•••• •• •• I• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• Ist ••Il • I• •0•• •• ••00$Call

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ADD $395.00


e 0

I ~:i i


i ~ei :

The Computer Paper I Doe '90 million loss on sales of US$165.8 million in the first quarter a year ago. Ron Alexander, vic~ e sident of Commodore International, told Newsbytes that Amiga sales, which account for 50 to 55


percent ofCommodore'srevenues,grew 50 percent overthe year. Commodore's

Serial Network Truly Low Cost

Low Hassle

Networhng for AfS-DOS based eorrsputers ionwes aINNdssls e2L(O-2 nodes eIS.(O- Add5el nodes

Elle Tnun~ alone fs simply not enoggh. Shan; vlrtssally any

devloeple or rogram p ".

Ceatral8UiasessMachi()esLtd. 18 ttilntsheisSL YIaairer, I.G.VNI%I(II) SASS Deajer E r'riet Invited


T~(se~) zrs sess rAz(s()4)z7~ssz

10235 NNQ QEORQE HWV, SURIRY TRL: {504) 5584575

PRESENTS THE LATEST STATE OF THE ART The Nowae 488 - 25MHx $3,695~ 1MB RAM, 40MB Carne) Hard Drive, 1.2MB 5.25' or 1.44MS 3.5' Roppy, Parallel, Serial 8 Garne Port, Enhanced Tactile Datacornp Keyboard, 14' TTL B/W Rat Screen Monitor, Raven PR 91 01 - 9 pin Dot Matrix.

Same ae «howe bast<

NOVAS 388-25MHa Iaon-ca@he NOVAS 3888X-2OMHIL 18K othe LEO 388SX-2OMHz: zero wait state LEO 388SX-18MKa: zero wait state

$2,188~ $2,656~ $1,885~ $1,885~

Warren':LEO comes with 2 years: parts 8 labour NOVAS comes with 1 year. parts & labour

''::-"::VPCNMN5Isi::::."-" ':::::"."."''::::-'' -':""'-'::-'' -- ' VGA Mono 8/W Monitor g Card Super VGA Color Monitor g Card Muitiscan Color Monitor 8 Card BOMB (1 9ine) Hard Drive ODE) Mini-Tower Case

Tsssow TsssekTs -xz waxes ywcewer,NccbaMawseals -xMIs Lsl

• xs wag« lA4wcgsaysvdry

• x~ s ~ xgs e e ywl sss hys ~ A v k eybears - ss asg zswsses Aire - ssae ewBer ae4sseeahscewpglbh graybke ears • aaeeeaeenaesseosaeuntseeoseesueo$ '50

Contact: Ron Alexander, Commodore

International, 212461-1880

Suejget Axnilp Video Digitizing Systcnn Unveiled



MS-DOS machinesaccount for another 80 percentof itsrevenue and the popular but aging Commodore 64 makes up the balance, Alexander said. Favorable exchange rates for European currencies also helped improve Commodore's results in the quarter. "Europe is the strongest area for us," Alexander said. In the year endedJune 80, Commodare earned US$8.5 xnillion on US$887 million 'in revenues.


@99.00 @99.00

$ns.oo @0.00

LASVEGAS, NEVADA, NOV 16 (NB) — Digital Creaiions, an Amiga systems specialist &om hscho Cordova m California, has unveiled DCTV, a video displaydigitizingsystem for the Amiga. The system cosis just $495. DCIV stands for digital composite television and uses the Amiga's chip bufFer. The so&ware and hardware system creates a fullwolor screen imagewith the sameresolution as conventional NTSC television. Images can then be manipulated and edited as

memor yasits&arne Ieqmle(L

Like other video digitization systems for the Ausiga, DCIV uses the normal high~esolution display modes on the Amiga, butinterpretingthe Amigavideo signal to give — the company daims — a radically new image. Using a video compression technique, thedigitaivideo signal &om the Amiga's RGB port is converted into a fuSwolor composite video signal. A normal Amiga picture can only display images with a palette of up to 4,096 colors.DCIV removes the 4,096 color barrier and allows the Amiga to create images with several million

TOPEKA, KANSAS, NOV 22 (NB)NewTek has finally shipped its video toaster,an add~ board for the Com-

modore Amiga which offers desktop video effects like titling, production switching, and genlocking for $1+95. The boardreplaces a host ofdedicated machines costing$1$80,000, andean be used by both independent producers and cable1Vcompanies toproduce new' shows on the RISC standard used for broadcasting in the U.S. and Japan. Since the announcement of the Toaster, however, the Amiga platform has lost ground in the broadcasting market. This despite the fact that, unlike the Apple Macintosh or IBM PC, the Amigacan easily display broadcastsignals without the "antiMasing" problem en-

countered byother machines. Put simply, "antin g occ u rs becausemostcomputersredxaw,orre&esh, their whole screen 80 times each second.

TVsets, however, re&esh alternate halves of the screen 60 times each second. The

diKerence is ixxvisible to the naked eye„ until a picture of a computer screen is broadcast on TV — then you' ll see what appears to be a white bar moving down the computer screen, as the outmf~c dFect of an6efiasing is magnified. Bx'oadcasting executives interviewed by Newsbytes over the last few months, including thoseat anhnafion andspecialemectshouses,have noted an absence of meaningful support &om Commodore for bmrssdcast systems. These houses, and software developers like Linker Systems — makers of the Anixxsation Stand cartooning systemhave moved to the Apple Macintosh platform. The result, analysts say„may mean trouble for the Toast>+, despite the high praise it has won &om reviewers and other analysis since announcement, and despite the fact that it is generally agreed that technically, the Amiga remains a better platSoxm for broadcast enhancements than the Apple Macintosh 11. Contact Ixm Dondero, for Newtek, 202%594880.

colors. Also, because'DCIV uses &arne memory, fullwolar animations are possible. When demonstrated to Newsbytes, DCIV's system looked ixnpressive. The company dain+ that the system is substantially cheaper than, as well as being technically superior to, existing systems for the'Amiga. Contact Digital Creations


• xs Mia xss ex ytocaaar, slee ahss - Lz e xAsmegseers 4rhl • sat~x ~ x~ ser s - sIx Iree chases laybard sssegzsw heldrhe



' Aplelle NfoiiliN":::::"

PC Prcqpsm Reader. DOS M'ouster 2.0 SALT LAKE CHY,UTAH, U.LA. 1990 NOV 15 (NB) — A major upgrade to a Macintosh utility that gives the Mac enhanced access to MS-DOS files is slated for shipmentnextmonth. DOSMounter, &om Da a Communications lets Mac

Tel: 916/8444825; Fac 916/6854475.

Tsxses 2$ Msm385 ATs -zs MbaNsax4s ywceeer

'rhyme316sx ATs

- Maae awalhraalsrecahI ~

Newtek Ships Its Toaster

-xmcg ~ ~

sosws ggca haae4

-xa~hss~savv aee

-x serial, s pesM, x yea ywt

w sx sly s i x ~ carl

Mmegxsaehar4dtlea ~m

an ltsraad ss«cslcI omjNsble geaptdcI car4

$ 1730

• oonns e s aonaseoeeeeoeeewenss

The computer paper I n ~ec se usersworkwi'th DOSQles as though< y were Macintos f'les O r d inarily, 'ves c~ read


a special APPl~upp


. Version 20 of the

elude faster opera ' and the abih y o peration S -DOSdi ks t h M a '

Gold Disk is curren y m g . but'on ~ ements for the new so nesota4ased Ways ta ware, Westo d Co ntact: Lori Cross, r e c m troduced a numb o of CD G old Disk,714-752 R OM n f o r Macintosh users. New : NoM Am e ricanFAX House;Nation

~~ $ j75Q Fer MaC De ktoP ~O

RNI A NOV6 ( N B )

q to 1

clicking on a convention c ha

' t


d ~




edia drives, suc

V ideo has bee n the t h development of e bi n m a

'ble with compatible wi PCbased syitems. DVI Technology, whic

available on Decem ber 15 at a suggested

ca u se ~ t Pr~ o of them in PC format. Newsbyes estalked to y 't 'spresidentMarkEngle~ d learned that he and


ab tpnceo, f$495 co tains150'~ us fmnumb rs for , panies l o catedd in the compani •• C The CD Fun .

' tosh has announced the development of Mac-based p

a '


0 00 his

M.m k atsotoldNewsbytesth

oedit.,on of Theworld

F ctBookwillstartstuppmg the Front Page




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ta Technol-


rice of US$

US$ .

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Ataia Rolls Out


— Amid a plethora of existing products rolled out once again for the Comdex Fall show crowds, Atari has two new products up its sleeve - the Mega STE seriesandtheSLM605laserprinter.The M ega a STE series is essentiallyan existing STE motherboard fitted into a slimline TT~tyle case, and targetedatnew Mega

ST users who want a sleek low-profile case version of the Mega ST, plus an improved desktop user interface.

4MB of RAM, The standard configuratio includes a graphics accelerator chip plus a number of design

However,theresearcherssaythenews is not all bad. Some industry sectors, indudingsoftware,professionalservices, workstations, and personal computers, will continue to show strong growth in the next few years, according to Evans. Evans predicts the Canadian workstation market will grow at 24 percent in 1990, while the personal computer industrygrowsatl7percent.Softwaresales

When there's only time to do it right... Computer Generated: • Slides • Overheads • Print illustration

• Design

Full Production Fact%ties,

Complete Imaging Services,

are forecast to grow at 16.1 percent, and

24hr Modem6 Fax In House E-6 Slide Processing Full Optical Effects Department

pro f essional services at 14 percent. General hardware sales and processing seivices are the areas dragging the industry average down. Contact: Charles

Imaging for Software Files From:


>So™ W<l',OSnO

gISt Computer Show In T.O. TORO N T O , ONTARI 0

NOV 13

(NB) — With the first snowo the season on the ground outside, the Canadian

improvements over the previous Mega ST machines launchedseveralyears ago. Computer ShowandConferenceopened The SLM605 laser, ineanwhile, is its doors for the 21st year at Toronto's bundled as a DTP laser printer with the International Centre of Commerce on MegaSTE series.Asampleconfiguration November 12. This year's show, schedwith Mega STE, 50MB hard disk and uledoppositeComdex/FallinIasVegas, SLM605 laser will sell for $2,800. This was notable for the absence of some price includes end-user training as weIL m a jor players. Pricing on the individual Mega ST For the first time in recent memory, and SLM605 laser printer had yet to be IBMCanadadidnotexhibitatthisyear's confirmed. The systems will be out in show. Nor did Digital Equipment of time for Christmas, said a company repCanada. However, show organizers said resentatiye. Contact: Andy Marken, 400 exhibitorsaccounted for $55,000 Marlen Communications,408/296.8600 square feet of floor space. About 80,000 people were expected to visit the fourday show. If any theme could be seen in the first day of the show, it was connectivity, not justamongpersonal computers butkom InfOrmatiOn TeehnOlOgr pc tomain&amecomputersandremot TORO N T O , ONTARIO, NOV 12 databaseL In the keynote address, Fred (NB) — last year brought a steep drop Gibbons, president and chief executive in growth in the Canadian information of Software Publishing,said thecomputer technologyindustry,and 1990's fi gures industry must focus on decision manwill be the lowest since 1986, according agement and not just on data manageto E vans Rese a rc h a n i n formation inment. That means making information dustry research firm here. Evans said in 'd.. available to end users, he sai its recent Top 200 report that Canada's He said the software technologies that top 200 information technology compawill make this possible include Microsoft niesgrew atan average of9,1 percent in Windows and OS/2, the dynamic data 1989, down from 17.4 percent in 1988. exchangecapabilitiesbuiltintoWindows, In another report, Trends and Foreand Hewlett-Packard's New Wave softcasts for the Information Technologies ware. "We think that we have now, wi Industry 1990-1994, Evans forecasts those technologies,theabilityto take the overailindustiygrowthwillstaybelowl0 software products to the next generapercent forthe next four years. tion."

The World's Best Portables When n you want wan the uncompromising power and flexibility of a desktop, but need the convenience of a portable, there ls only one choice. Albma. Altima portables are the only portables with a detachable, 1Q1-key keyboard (induding a numeric keypad). And standard features that are expensive options on other portables. Like a built-in, 2400 baud modem. A PC expansion slot. A 40 MB hard cmsit. Industry standard memory expansion slots. And.a mouse too. Add to this a stunning paper white LCD display®ou've got to see it to believe it) and a price tag hundreds (even thousands) of dollars less than the competition and you' ll see why Aitima portables are simply, the best you can buy. Period.

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The Competer P aper /See '90


tract to supply what may be the world' s . fastest computer, the Touchstone Delta System, which hasa peak speed of 32 gigaflops, or billions of floatingyoint operations per second, to the Cahfornia Institute of Te chnology in Pasadena,

Calif., nextyear. The system will be used by 14 institutions which were expected to form the Concurrent Supercomputing

Consortium on Tuesday; among the 14 are LawrenceLivermore NationalLaboratory, the National Science Foundation, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

On a lighter note, the WSJ on Thursday reported that International Business Machines'Deep Thoughtbarelyretained

its North American Computer Chess Championship title over rival Hitech.

Missouri Brings Computing to Journalimn COLUMBIA, MISSOURI, NOV 8 (NB) — ElliotJaspin has moved daily newspaper reporting into the computer age. The 1979 Pulitzer Prize winner is now teaching a technique called computer assistedreportingat the University of Missouri, one of the nation's top journalisin schools, which involves aualyzmg mamfraine tapes of public records on personal computers, then following up with interviews.

Jaspin, who never went to journalism schoolhimself, isnow executive director of the Missouri Institute for Computer Assisted Reporting. He daims he is not a computerjock, and only became interested in computing out of boredom. "I was in a bureau where I could do all my work in half a day. Then the company brought IBMPCsin. Iwasso bored l read the manual.Then I wrote a program which played "The Moonlight Sonata" on my PC while everyone ehe worked near deadhne.l decided thatifcomputers could do this, perhaps they could do real worg too. Jaspin soon got his chance when his newspaper, the PmvidmmJaunaaMtdk-

tie in Rhode Island, learned there had been a rashof accidents involving school busesrunning down children. "We had a list of all 1,200 school bus drivers in the state. We matched it with a database of

600,000 traKc violation records, and found some drivershad IO-RO in a threeyear period.Then wematched the names with 500,000 criminal court records, and

found some who were drug dealers." The analysis took less than a week, but Jaspin adds, he then con&onted the drivers with what he brew. "The worst stories you can write are where you just analyze a tape and start writing." The CARtechniqueinvolvesonepiece of softwareJaspin helped develop, called 9-Track Express, which can download data &om a main&arne tape into the hard disk of a fast M6kased PC, &om which analysis can be done with conventional databases. "I tahe pains to explain thereare other software packages you can use for this," he adds.

Jaspin saysthat about 50 reporters

have taken his course, which costs$500-

oO The computer thathas EVER YTHllYG for only • as easyto use asa Macintosh • more powerful than theIBMP8/1 •...and we are giving one away FREE! + Ensemble gra phlcsgives


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all made very simple. • 12 MHz

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Two tncluded Itlcluclecl

in electronic form, it'afar more accessible to you. You can do things that, until now,

have been impossible. Government is mcreasinglyusingcomputers to mamtam information. Willie Sutton robbed banks

because that was where the money was. Computers arewhere the information 1S.


• 40 Mb hard drive • 5.25 and 5.5" drives

Ing, drawing,modem and information management

was done by course alumnL He condudes,"If you' re able to get information

Patent For Fax4peech

Computer Floppy Drives Hard Drive Slots Available Mouse 6 Modem VGA Colour Software Warranty REFAIL PRlCE

on IBMcompatibles. Writing, desktop publish-

Jeurnet Atleast one TV reporter has also iaken the course. A recent 85 Jstudy of the savingsand loan scandal,Jaspin notes,

Berkeley Speech Chims


1,000 and takes about a week, including some &om ¹auwhy and The Wall Qrwt

lYO PurChaSe neCeSSary.


New York, New York, NOV8 (NB)Berkeley Speech Technologies says its patent application for a system which converts afaxed messageinto speech for delivery has been approved. The announcement is important because it will allow far more integration between fax,

which is becoming a preferred method of sending electronic mail, and the mil lions of executives who now relyon voice mail to get their messages. The Grstapplication of the new technology will be in a program called ReadOut Message Center, being devel-

oped by the company's Bestspeech Products unit. ReadOut Systems will translate both electronic mail and fax

into voice messsages for delivery to remote locations. BST has been working on text<ospeech conversion technologysince1979, and the new patent is an extension of its


Bestspeech textsystem. The company notes that some products already in use can create recorded voice

announcements which notify recipients of an incoming fax, but that their system actually reads the fax back to the recipi-

ent. BST said its fax-tospeech capability will be designed into custom chips for use in fax machines, and these chipswill be distributed in 1991.

"' I • I




202-1 760 MARINE DRIVE, V7V 1 J4 LINCOLN CENTRE-SUITE 106 MON-FBI noon-5 p.rn. 3020 LINCOLN AVENUE, V38 684 (other timesby appointmenO MON-FRI noon-5 p.m. TELEPHONE: 926-6424 (other times by appointmenO TELEPHONE: 942-0370

The Computer Paper I Dec '90 he said. The machine has a 20-megahertz 80886 processor, two megabytes of standardrandom~ccessmemoryexpandable to 15 megabytes, and a 1$4negabyte hard disk It will be available in the first

quarter of 1991 at a price between C$10,000 and C$20,000, Robins said. Sharp also announced two new models of its pocket electronic organizer. The IQ8100 and IQ8300 oKer more memory, bigger displays, basic word processing built in, andQWERTYkeyboards. The 64K-byte IQ8100will sell for C$449, and the 128Kkyte IQ8900willcostC$549. Both will be available in mid-December, saidTim Sample,head ofSharp Canada's IQ, divisi'on. Sharp also launched the+-9700, a 16-

Sharp Unveils Color

Laptop, Orgaaslzer, Laser Printer TORO N T O , ONT ARIO, NOV 14 (NB) — Sharp Electronics of Canada launched a high~ eed laser printer and

an improved pocket organizer at the Canadian Computer Show here. But the star of Sharp's introductions was the PC-

8501, a laptop computer with a thin~ transistor (TIrT) color VGA display, a computer called the Colorstar in the U.S. The PC8501 displays 256 colors from a palette of 256,000 on a 1 0 i nch flat screen. Malcolm Robins, national sales

manager for system products, said the new machine is "second generation in several respects."

The PG8501 weighs 16 pounds and only runs on AC power. Robins said Sharp's research showed potential buyers of color laptops were more interested inportabilityand color than in the abiTity to run on batteries, However, a battery-

powered version is possible in the f'uture,

At Campus Computers We Did Our Homework!! I ANATOMIC «24 :4.::: :0:.80::,':.:.':.'::.:.:'.'.::.:.;::.":.::'.,":'.:'::,:,:.:.':.;.'::,-':.

page-per-minute laser printer. Robins

said the new machine will be priced at around C$4,000when itbecomes available earlynext year. "We' re not providing a PostScript version of the machine yet," he added. Contact: Mary Ferguson, The Communications Group for Sharp Electronics,4164474591; Sharp Electronics,416890-2100.

SC&41 V G A ,:::::: :-:%/kni'Ieii

Bold Point ShipsTMan 1.2, Gets IBM Boost VANCO U V ER, BRITISH COLUMBIA,NOV14 (NB) — Bold Point Software ofVancouver has begun shippingVersion 1.2 of T-Man inventory accounting software. The company has also received a boost &om IBM Canada, which will refer customers toT-Man as part of a new effort to offer PS/24ased pointwfMe systems to small business


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. 24

The Comp u t er Peper I Dec '90

Kerry Johnston, president of Bold Point, told Newsbytes he developed TMan to integrate with Bedford Account-

ing software, then sold by Bedford Software ofVancouver, around 1985. The software was designed to enhance Bedford'sinventoryfunctions,he said. Computer Associates acquired the Bedford software last year. CA is now supporting T-Man asacompanion product to Accpac Bedford Accounting,

Johnston said, although the software is notpartofaformalcompanionproduct program becauseCAdoesnothavesuch a program forthe Bedford products."If you phoned them they would certainly tell you all about the product and where

to get hold of me," he said. IBMCanadarecentlylaunchedan effort to offer PS/2 based systems for small business,explained PhilScharf,personal pointwf~e project manager at IBM Canada in Markham, Ontario. IBM is offering hardware including a PS/2 Model30-286orModel55,acashdxawer, and a specialized retail printer. Rather

its personal pointwfMe project. The company simply suggests a package such as T-Man and tells customers that it knows

the software will run on its hardware but that customers should evaluate it them-

selves, he explained. Contact: KerryJohnston, Bold Point Software, 604687-2000

ALR Intms PowerM

than offer its own application software,

SchaxftoldNewsbytes,thecompanydecided to seek out third-party offerings. TMan is one of those, he said.Johnston

Systempro Challengers W ashington, D.C, NOV 9 (N B) Advanced Logic Research has announced five new families of ALR Powerpro (Compaq Systempr~ompatible) computers at 30% lower prices than

was "one of the first guys I talked to,"

Schaxf added. Scharf stressed that IBM is not for-

art of

mally recommending software as p -'



comparable Compaq systems. The lowestgriced system ($7,495) features five megabytes (MB) of memory, a 33 megahertz (MHz) 80486 processor, and no hard disk, but can be upgraded with a second 486 processor and up to 49 MB of memory. Other new ALR Powerpro computers

come with 17 MB of memory standard (expandable to 49 MB), 12 expansion slots (eight-EISA or Extended Industry Standard Architecture), up to 130 serial ports, over one gigabyte of hard disk storage, dual 486 processors, and 512 kilobyte (per processor) memory cache. ALR's Chairman and CEO says that the highend dual-processor Powerpro computers can reach 40 million instruc-

tions per second or MIPS processing speeds. Contact: Dave Kirkey, ALR, 714-5814770


Intel Offers Real-Time Video in Smallest Package Princeton, NewJersey, NOV 9 (NB) — Intel's newest multimedia processors,

introduced earlier this week, represent the first time full multimedia capability has been available using just two computer chips, according to Intel. Applications for the i750 Video Processor chip set are not limited to PCs, said Karen Andring, an Intel spokeswoman in Princeton. "We expect this

unti -: 1 Educatioyn yal 8-ici Iulne.disco i

stuff to be designed into almost anything thatcontainsmicroelectronics,"she said.


Full service departtnent with towrates .

' .'. .


, ,


. :


. ,


. '



, "

." ,

" ,

The chip set is designed to work with a variety 'of central processing units (CPUs), includingIntel's80x86line, she said.

Multimedia enhancement boards for PCsare among the potentialapplications, she said, but so are multimedia enhancements to automated teller ma-

chines,fastkood drive4hrough systems, and highl raphics workstations.


In an industrial education environ-

ment, Intel said, employees can use a computer for training. Instead of read-

ing how to prepare a hamburger or cali-

-; Spe '

.,:::;-.The UNrnate Sound Board ............;:.:;:.~::::: -,'.:.:::.~.,;::' '








brate a machine, they can watch and

: "




interact with the process, improving retention. In a travel agent'sofilce, travelers can "walk through" rooms at various

.'QIillIIIIIIIQNlIIII! ""':..:: "' "'

hotels to choose the right one for their

'. Op.. BUNDLED wl 51 2K SVGA Card

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tastes. They can also review sites and activities to finalize their schedule of

." IPIrnlllUPrlt - AIRlllllr Nllr i

: .',; INYEK 386SX - 16MHz 1 MB RAM exp. to 5MB . .

events. '

:..' 4gllg IFI ITIN gClegl Il ININl&lg IIN g4lr:::":: 1.44, 40MB Conner 2serial, parallel, 11".VGA.'::: :."::::,and carrying case ............;......'...;...~ :.:FD/HD controller 8 kit.:Fast thniputl.~.,:...,. ..:...::::: o

Hard D Ives are Maxtor 80MB 19ma IDE.............. Rodime 110MB 18ms IDE.............. Rodime 210MB 18ms IDE.............. Maxtor 380MB F der n Card 0 0 /2400 16ms ESDI ........... Maxtor 660MB 'Zoltrix 9600 Baud Fax 17ms ESDI ........... 2400 Modem .................

V~ldeo C ds 360K 5,25" ......................@9~ Trident 1MB SVGA ............................ 12MB525".................. ~ Acer 256K 720K 3.5" ........................ $125 VGA exp. 512K....... 1A4MB 3.5" ....................~ Oak 256K Prioes include bracketl VGA ................................. Roland ............... Fujitsu ................


u ~al Boa s 286 - 12MHz .................P~~

288- 16MHz ................. S~~5 $675 386SX - 16MHz .............®25 386 - 25MHz..................S7~ $1195 3&6- 25MHz cache ......P~ $1925 386- 33MHz cache .... S>®5 486 - 25MHz cache .....@ $2895

GATRONICS . in St. at 19th, vancouver B.C. Vsv 3MS

3243. 'e ' (904) 9?9-9955re": (904 979-9779


alon.Sat 9:00sm-7:00pm Sunday... 11:OOsm-5:Oopm ... OpenSundaysfor your Christmas season sho in needs

Samples of the i750-video processor areavailable today. Production quantities will be available in the first quarter of 1991. The cost of the i750-video processor is US$105in 1,000unitorders, US$85 in 10,0004xnit orders. Contact: Karen Andring, Intel, 609-


Moneloyce, A Speech Program Las Vegas. Nevada, U.S.A. 1990 NOV 16 (NB) — First Byte has announced a new version of Monologue, a program for the IBM PC which gives it the power of speech. It's a memoxyresident utility which can read back word processing documents so you can check spelling and grammar, readoffspreadsheets so you can find missing decimals and digits quickly, or sift through electronic mail in a background" mode, so you can be reading a newspaper and actually listen to your e-mail instead of having to stare at a screen to read it.

Developers can also use Monologue to add speech to any application, presi-

m aser rin er

With Small Footprint

Olivetti PG$06

) •




,~~~/ j"...PP+sy,,,

1495" PG$06 512K Expandable to 4.5MB 6 pages per minute H.P. emulation

One pa er tray does it all (150 sheets) 8)12 x 1, 8 il2 x 14, A4, BS Prints 15 envelopes at a time

2184" PG306 2.5MB Postscript 13 resident fonts; 22 soft fonts

2595" PG306 2. MB Postscript 35 resident fonts



The Computer Paper I Dec '90 dent RichardJacks said, using standard programming languages to write text to a speech driver.Monologue can also be used to help the disabled speak, turning

/// '






: : :

thecomputer into a communication tooL




Featultng ~ LCDICFLbluepanel screentechnology • SupportsVGA / EGAfCGA/MDAmodes • High speed 20MBHDD2.5' formsize(23ma) • Internal3.5'-144MB FDD highdensi ty

Other applications include orderentry, telephone support and generaiyurpese input and verificati. Monologue does notrequire additional hardware, using a PC's original speaker, and requires just 256,000 bytes of RAM, DOSS.oor higher, and a hard drive. Contact: RichardJacks, First Byte, 714482-1740.

• 16 bit tt0C286 CPUoperating at12.5MHz • 1MB RAMonboardexpandableto5MB EMS

• Removablrr/rechargeablbat e tery with ACadaptor

Recehrables Modules

• MS DOS 4.01/GWBasic 3.2 included

Garcfen City, New York, NOV 5 (NB) — Computer Associates has announced upgrades to the accounts receivable modules of both Accpac Plus and Accpac BPI Accounting. Both upgxades indude improved tax collection trading, induding features necessary for handling the Canadian Goods and ServicesTax, scheduled to take efFectJanuary 1.

• Dimensions:12.25' x 10' x 2' • Wieght 7.0 lbs.



John Schoutsen, marketing manager

WIty clan't you call

C pelt C p



Cemputer FroblemsP


for businessapplicationssoftwareat CA's Vancouver, British Columbia offlce, said the improved tax tracking features arose out of the need to modify both packages to support the new Canadian tax. An upgrade toAccpac Bedford accounting, CA'sentry4evel accountingproduct, will appear byyearwnd tohandle the tax,he saicL Scheutsen added that while the tax changes are the principal additions to Accpac BPI, the Accpac Plus upgrade is partofabroader plan toaddnewfeatures to the Accpac Plus product. The release of Accpac Plus Accounts Receivable 6.0 follows the launch earlier this fait of Version 6.0 of the General Ledger module, he saicL The new versions allow Accpac Plus torecord and report more

detailed accounting information than before, he saicL Contact: Computer As-

sociates, 604-787-2258.

Supercomputer Santa Clara, California, NOV 7 (NB) — Intel will announce the develepment and installation of the world's flsstest

supercomputernext week, according to the San Fr as cisco Chroaicle.The supercomputer, installed at Pasadena, CatiforniaInstituteofTechnotogy,issaid

to be ef the massively parallel variety installed with 512 i860microprocessors. The report quotes Andrew Grove, Intel's chief executive, assaying that "It' s arguably the highest-performance supercomputeranybodyhasever shipped in the industry" during an October 25


second, faster than the previous record

set by NCube, with 27 billion floating points per second operation.

SSSkased Notebooks From Samsung SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, NOV 7 (NB) — Samsung Information Systesns America has rolled out the NoteMaster 8868/16, a $4,499 notebook~ed computer weighing seven pounds, equipped with Intel's 82+it 16enegaherts80386SX nncfeprecesserStandardfeaturesindude a 20snegabyte hard~kchive and LapLinklilsoftware from Traveling Software. The display is controlled by a new chipset f'rom Chips 8c Technologies, billed as offering users a near~hotographic quality VGA graphics display that can keep up with a cursor, moved by a mouse, without the "ghosting" efFect.

The notebook machine is also said to offer Salable Smart Sleep, a proprietary Samsung feature in which the CPU monitors screen activity as well as keyboard activity. This allows the CPU to complete processing tasks that do not

involve the keyboard before going into the sleep mode, eliminating the need to constantly touch the keys in order to prevent the sleep mode from activating, the cempany says. Contact: Patty Liebscher, Samsung, 40$4845505.

Microsoft Sbrd K 5.5 Redmond, Washington, NOV 7 (NB) — Microsoft has issued a new version of Microsoft Word. Version 5.5 for DOS systernsfeaturesagxaphicaluserinterface and compatibility with other members of the Microsoft Word family, the company saysi

The visual interface design of Microsoft Word Version 5.5 is based on recent research which found that visual

Intel To Unveil Fastest


meeting with analysts. The speed is30 billion floating point operations per

interfacesare easy to learn and use, provide better access to features, and giveusersexpandedftexibitityandpower, the companysays. The newversion ofFers such MacintoshkkefeaturesasputlAown menus, dialog boxes and other visual aids used for formatting. Contact: Lisa Wilson, Microsoft, 206/


Lotus Offers$1S.S4/Share For Samna Cambridge, Massachusetts, NOV 8

(NB) — Lotus Development's North Subsidiary Corp. has launched a tender


Management and Technology Consultants to the Legal Profession • Infozmation Tecfmology P1anning• SIrecification and Standazda De6nition

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The Computer Paper / Doe '90 offer for all of Samna Corp.'s outstand-

ing common stock at $18.84 per share. The offer follows a merger agreement

signed Nov. 1 between the two parties, unanimouslyapproved bysamna'aboard of directors.

Lotus will provide North Subsidiary Corp. with the approximately $65 million of funds required for the offer and the merger. Lotuswill obtain these funds f'rom cash on hand, or borrowings under its existing credit lines, the company says. The First Boston Corporation is serving as dealer manager for the offer and Georgeson & Company Inc. is serving as information agent for the offer. Press Contact: Susan Yeomans, Lotus,



286-16 w/40MB HD 12" Monochrome Monitor

pound notebook. computer with built~ hard disk and diskette drives, to its line of

notebooks portables. The new entry, which lists for $2,499, has a 9.54 MHz (megahertz) 80C86 processor and runs forthree hours on astandard removable, rechargeable slim4ine battery pack and has an optional second battery to extend battery life to five hours. The T1000LE is the third member of Toshiba's 80C86kased notebook computer line and brings the total number of notebookmodelsavailable from Toshiba



91skettes "


Toshiba Adds Another Laptop To Line I rvine, California, NOV 8 (NS) Toshiba has added the T1000LE, a 6.5-

Laser Su l i es

Arete 3863X-16MHz........41,350 Arete 386-25 MHz ...........$1,699 Arete 386-33 MHz ...........$2,250 OPTIONSfor 38$

SYS; Data Cartridges:; ~m

me ; . . ..

1) 40 MB(19ms) QuantumDrive 64K cache......................,......... 9405 9) 90 MB(19ms) QuantumDrive 94K cache ..., ...................... ,..9795

to six. The introduction of the newmodel was coupled with the announcement of

XC1429CH ; 940 x 4DD; 028mtn (det)

lower prices for other models in the family. The T1000SE single diskette drive model hasbeen reduced from $1,699 to $1,499 while the T1000XE, with a hard drive,has been reduced from $2,599 to

Ta Y/pi@&

' ) %AS



Reach For The Diamonds

AutoResume to save time and battery

power byremembering where the user was when the system was turned off, and

PORT E.if@ .

hypertext online documentation. Con-

GEnie Adds New Disabilities RT expensive Public Forum to a new Round

We took a ktak at many ofthe POS systems on ate matket right down Io Ihe cade and found there is ne single standout. Some wauldbe effechve here, but usektse there. We' ll help you determine which system providesthe right tools for your retail or distributicn business. WNI help yau implement and troubleshoot yaur change to automation.

new pricing policies and the fact that they can't afford Prodigy's high e-mail costs.

GEnie Starsservicesincludeunlimited I'ree access time to many services, including e-mail, for a single monthly subscription fee of C$5.95.

UK: Alfa Systems Unveils First 'Disk Fax' System

aimed at people who need to transfer files between sites, but who are afraid of or mystified by telecommunications. The

Diskfax system workslike afaxmachine-

Mits'ubishi's diamond quality engineering b.@xtsUAK dr~+' . i mp act for your presenta:. ~ ; : 'UeS1~ ) to' facilitate multi-media ur computer or VCR, p~ ta t tons;.from yo v~lr$$~~ tung 33" and 37" colour ";::.'Itloliitors bring life to your boanlmom. :-".~mbishi helps you bring the big "jj~c' e to your audience.


' '*NTCC(TV) an S®


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e Boardrooiii'juali


ation@ base.


XC3310 Mottitar with Optienai BaSS




(Iacludias lahels)withthisceultsn


sapability c

* IBM,,VGA, EGA, Pcs fr and'


We un4Ierstan4I POI

London, England, 1990 NOV 8 (NB) — London+ased firm Alfa Systems has launched Diskfax, ahardware product

And Get The Rig Picture


~l e d hy-'Iholnt4f'®NII®f .

of the new RT's members have mentioned that they made the move from Prodigy because of dissatisfaction with

XC-5715CMonitor with Optimtal Bass

Local Area Network provides flexibledisk and printer sharing fer DOS cempuling without the complex management requiremeida af high priced LANs. Ether dedicated Ne servem or workstationfservers canbe configured at any nade. All with an icon end menu driven inter-

W ashington, D.C., NOV 7 (NS) Mari Shepard hasrecently moved her disASILITIESconference from the more Table covered by the new reduced rate GEnie Star*services system. A number

s r <n< t~~g~~


4 aarrsualsHI ~a Lscvaoeties

Features induded in the latest model are sidelit LCD display with 640 x 400 pixel graphics and A T 8cT mo d e ,

tems, 714-583-3925.




tact: Toshiba America Information Sys-


: m me <


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Th e corn puter Popes' I Dec '90

insert a disk in your machine, diat the

correction and automatic fallback to

number ef a remote diskfax, and allfiles &om the disk are autamatically trans-

slower speeds where requirecL The modem is an OEM (erigmal equipment manufactured) device and was chosen

ferred to the remote machine. No computer is involved. Two versiorrs of the machine are being praduced. ASoppy disk version has both 5.25-inch and 8.5-inch drives.A

hard diskversion addsa 20 MB hard disk, making it passible to receive files on an unattended basis, without the need for

someane te be there to feed a Soppydisk into the machine. Controls consistof a fax machine4ike keypad and twAme LCD message screen. The system is based around a 9,600 bits per second fax modem, with error

have beensetatUKP 995 for the Soppy version and UKP 1495 fer the hard disk machine.Contact:081455h022

Messetipnp '9O Show

to meet the telecemmunicatians stan-

dards andregulafians ef asmany countries as passible.

New Yerk, New York, NOV8 (NB)The theme ofthe Messaging '90 conference, which ran &om November 68 at the New York Hilton Hotel, turned out to be the integration ef messatjng technologies inta a simpler whole. The shaw wasproducedbyInformation Pubhshing

Alfa has traditionally developed products for ether companies — its best-

known oKspring is the MainLAN networksystcmitproduced forsage. Disklax is the first product thatwill go out under the Alfa badge. Alfa claims the Diskfax creates a completely new market, and that it doesn' t cempete directly with conventional fax and tclecam equipment. Initial prices

ef Houston, Texas.

At one conference session, NCR executive Vincent Russo proudly displayed today's state of the art. "I have a one.

pound Peqet Computer with an even smaller modem I use for electronic maiL I can da serious business &om the road with our corporate voice mail system, And I keep a desk diary filled with business cards and appointment schedules, &om which he can fax messages whileon the read.

But all that is changing, as exhibitors attheshowmadeClea.Berkdeyspeech's faxepeechpatentwill bringfsxmessages to voice mail systems within the next few

years. Nearly a dozen companies naw offer phon~clivated fiur delivery systems, which will replace mail~ cards in magazines and allow for faxed broadcasts &om anywhere.

Hotelecopy and Joe Franklin Enterprises are both bringing public faxing to the fore, the former with cainwperatcd machinesin hotelsaadairlrcuts, the latter with plain~ p e r emits at copier stores

whichcan replace couriers. Manyaf those faxAelivery systems will be placed an new 9tOcrumbers, which have finally been purged af sex hnes and are now being used for consumer contests and


the selling of cereaL Voice mail and interactive voice technologies used in the 90Q numbers are also being integrated by companies like


Vaicetck of Chelmsford, Massachusetts.

1 1S ge

~ig)4%l QQX

That campany's new Gerrerations software will let voice mail systems deliver customized information to customers as

well as employees through a ~ af prompts, which will help tuxn voice mail systems &om a cost centre to a prafit


ge @„ ol (.a SloW



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Contact:Joe Bergeron, Vaicetek, 508250-7981; Information Pubhshing, Linda Wilson, 718-9744r687.

Gartner Group Predicts

W e have thesystem to help you. Rim ComputerShowJanuary 14-16,1991. Bring this advert andget aFREEgift. Also enter to win adaily prize of an IBM Proyrinter or IMPACT software.

weather the storm.

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Are you ready for it? Avoid a Gigantic Software Trauma. Get Syspro Tax. Visit us at booth 556 at the Pacific

cenlre. Few people interviewed at the shaw by Newsbytes questioned that a recession is taking hold in the U.S. But they all expressed the hope that integrating voice mail, voice response, fsx and electronic mail will increase whi~ellar productivity and help at least some companies



262 4190 LougheectHwy., Bsrnsby, LC. VSCSYS


Stamford, Connecticut, NOV 8 (NB) — The Gartner Group Inc., a major consulting and research group, says that over thenext fi ve years,major changes will take place within the computer and telecommunications industries. The revelations, made at the firm's recent conferences, include a prediction that

the U8. information systems industry, slowing ta a7 % grewth rate atter several years of growth at up te 20%, will climb back in midMecacfe if vendors solve connectivity problems, indigestion (improper assimilation of existing

system s),

arid cr'cate ncw tcchlleleglcal dlrvcrs. The Gartner Group forecasts that the

hot praducts of the decadewill be palmtop computers, wireless phones, image abject~riented programming, speech recognition, RISC and parallel processors, optical disks, fibre optics ancil SONET. Worldwide micro, mini and main&ame computers will grow &am about $%0 billion this year ta almost $700 billion by the year 2000, the company predictk Further, the gap between micros, workstations and main&ames will widen 24percent each year aver thenext ten years, resultingin 700 more MIPSfer each $1 spent on microcomputers vs.

m anagem ent,

The Computer Paper I Dec '90 mainframes bythe year 2000. The Gartner Group saysthe under$25,000unit price market sharewill grow

ATILT has been said to be shopping for a computer company almost since 1983, when the FCC's Second Computer Inquiry ruling allowed the company to get

from 45 percent in 1990 to 52 percent in

1995 and to 57 percent by 2000. In the operating system arena, the company predicts that those which are "open" in the DOS, OS/2 and Unix arenaswillbe purchased for 60 percent of total systems by 2000 — up f'rom about 45 percent now. The big winner of the '90s, it predicts, will be Fujitsu/ICL, which will secondbest IBM and strengthen its grip on the

into the computer business. Over the

years, AT8c T has been linked with Apple Computer, Digital Equipment Corp., NCR, and others, but no purchase has even been consummated. ATSc T's experience going it alone in the computer business has been mixed. Despite winning an increasing number of major public and private sector contracts, and despite the growing accep-

number-two spot in the world-wide data processing industry as it increases its

48/24 • DOC Approved • Group III

tance of its Unix operating system, ana-

lysts say ATScT's computer business

market sharetwo-thirds by 2000.

continues to lose money. Companyofficials appear determined to make the computer business work, however, on the grounds that data net-

Conract: Kris Dale, 208-9644096.

working is the wave of the very near future, and that Abc T is well positioned

AT8cT Dedines Comment

to take advantage of that trend,

Qn NCR Rumor

NCR, for its part and like AT8cT, is an old line firm; it was NCR that Thomas Watson quit to create IBM. Like ATScT, NCR has reinvented ilaelf several times. It was a second-tier player in the mainframe market and hasfi nall y achieved some prominencein the "open systems," or Unix, market. Contact: Don Ferenci, ATILT

Morristown, NewJersey, U.S.A. 1990 NOV 8 (NB) — AT8cT has dedined comment on the latest rumor of acqmsition talks between ATILT and NCR Corp. NCRis a prominentmanufacturer of Unix computers. The Wall StreetJournal reported Thursday that the two companies-were

discussing several difFerent acquisition schemes. Under one reported plan, ATScT would buy NCR. Under another plan, ATkT would spin ofF its computer business into NCR and buy a stake in the combined company. "As a matter of policy, we can't comment on rumors of acquisitions or mergers," said ATScT spokesman Don Ferenci.

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The Computer Paper I Dec '90 •

Something that you can't miss...



byPctcr lincols In the"paper" world, recordkeeping is very visual. You write something on a piece ofpaper and then you put the piece ofpaper somewhere. You want to see thepiece of paper again, you go to wherever you put it and pull it out. You can buy all hnds of products that keep the pieces of paper together and make it easier for you to find themfiling cabinets, file folders, alphabetical stickers, etc. It's all very physical and

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' •

Learning anewdatabase program can sometimes be quite time-consuming.

Now it was possible for several people to look at the same Sle at the same time without crowding around. In database terms, this is called simultaneous access. Then all the viewers independentlyof each other could change the contents of the espy of the document they were

filing cabinet, there would be multiple versionL Which was the latest? Winch one was right?

compatibility with all your files...")


i) i

copies of the documents back into the

interfaces...true userkriendlines...100%


holding. Of course, when they put the

beyond the skimpy 2-0 graphical user

Call ui now for


A Database Primer

er...uh...intuitive. (I'm surprised some marketing type hasn't come up with ads showing huge Sling cabinets under the

• 200% CSA power supply • Baby AT Case • Full Size AT Case • Compact Casewith digital speed disphy • Mini Tower Casewith digital speed display • Full Size Tower Case

In the traditional paper file world, when you take a flle out of the filing cabinet, security and multiuser access is built in — nobody else can get the file. If you want more than one person to see a

Where to put the documentwas Surly easyinthisworld.B came alterAand you just pushed all the other files aside and

Sle, they have to crowd around. The first intrusion into the world of

terms, this is pkysiad and logical ssy¹e¹-

paper recordkeeping was the photocopier. You could very easily have multiple copies of a document. (Can any body really remember the world before photocopiers? Howdid theygetanything done? Was stufF really retyped?)

A Sense Of Order shoved your document in. In database tial storage the records are stored se-

quentially by alphabetical arrangement and the physical arrangement is identical to the logical — A comes before B physically in the file. Ifyou were a real keener, you would

C ail us o n L an t a s t i o N etw o r k i n cl

04 - 11460 Voyageur Way Richmond, S.C. VIX 3E1 f el. 270-SS67 or 240-7297, Fax. 2704 S2 1 S pecial SSSSX L a p t o p 40MB Voice Coil Self Park HD VGA Gas Plasma 1MB RAM 16MHz CPU

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The Computer Paper / Dec '90 put nice labels on each file falder and so when you went ta look for a file, you looked at the labels, found the "R" section,for example; and then, ifyau were

really organized, you wauld have the R's broken down toa, and you would quickly spot the label you were looking for. Your eaess technique on the sequential file was not sequential — yau didn' t

fiip through every folder to find out where the R'swere — youused an msfemarf lookup. Your desk, by contrast, would pile up in a different manner. After you 6nished working with a falder, youmight throw it ta one'side, and then do the same with subsequent ones.

Random order Here you were storing the folders in rsrrrrfem arder and if you had to get ane, it might not be as smooth an anair ta find it.So maybe yau color-coded your 6les

— all your topsecret documents were in blue files. Thus, if you had been working a little while earlier with a memo, you would look at the pile of folders on your desk, spot the blue one and pull it out. In elect,you were using an index but one that might not be apparent to anyone else — "where does it say that am the blue folders are memos?" With an apology ta database purists,you were usinga special type af index — hashish. In hashing, you give a record a unique code, and then you canSnd thatrecard very quickly, in what ostensibly looks like a mesa (Gf course, this depends on there heing only one blue file, so to keep on thinking along the lines of this analogy yau will have to think in terms of superMuper VGA — I zillion colors &om a palate of ane jillion colors. Thus each folder is uniquelycolorwoded and, you, having perfect polychromatic ~ mem o r y, can look at the big heap and find the one you are laoking far.)

Slips The computer's "electronic paper" mode changes the wayrecords are stored and accessed. Your document is a series of magnetic blips surraunded by other magnetic blipson your harddrive. People looking at the recards never see the blips — they only see copies of the bfiipa If you store the blips in physical se-

shoving, and one big push and all the cards come dawn. For this reason, most recardetarage techniquesput the record in the next free apace an the disk re-

gardless of whether it's in the right place "logically" and then use irrsfsawd lookups

Secret hagredieats Record~rage, indexmg and hashing techniques are some of the secret ingredients that separate one database &om another aa that even though twa languages such as dLLse and Foxbase

may look alike when you create a program, Foxbase may run SLster — it has

m ore eKcientstarageandretrievaltechrnques.

Besides eancernirig themselves with how informatian is stored, databases concern themselves with retrieval and marupulation — this is the programming

part that most of us see.

Relational Databases The paper world's corresponding t echnique m i gh t b e te r m e d a "procedure"; e.g., "If you want to figme out an employee'ssalary, go to the green Sling cabinet in the back offiee, pun out the drawer marked Payroll,fi nd the employee's time card in the section xnarked Time Cards and then ga to the secfion marked Personnel anrl pull out the employee's file. The rate that the emplayee is receiving is marked on that carrL Multiply that rate with the number

of hours on the employee's time card to come up with the gross. Make a note of the deductions the employee is entitled to and then go the 61e marked Income Tax and in it you' ll find a table with the

lightest, brightest and smartest SHARP compact computer on the marketl

Fautekp • Paper wlite LCD nrnrrwdfsehneirrgy • VGA/EGAOaANDA eeuhdim 848 x 4N pixeiswith 18shadasof gray • fg~ N 2 8$ CPUnmningai 'l2MHx ~1~M BRN expanrhdfsxlsndsdman»ry • Supsrlght2.8'-2NS HDD(23»s) • Rechargeable haihnissaiS AC adapter • IS DOS4.01huillin RON • Din»niens:SS'x 113P x 1A' • Weight4Alha


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1888IrigSiifgyit ViifgfIaOIIII S, Vi IISOilei

In databases, procedures to aeeess and

manipulate data are carried aut by pragrams and databasesthat can be compared on the ways that their programming module allows data ance entered ta be manipulated and farmatterL In the above example, various files

Reach For,afhe Diamonds Kith The Brilliant C @~+A",Monitor %ith MemorY

had to be matched to get the end result

"'nfQ&nranl-:5can microprocessor-based taum display size, position

The time card was used to look up the payroll histaryof theindividual and then, given some information on the payroll history, the table in the Revenue Canada is aswfatiorrll srructure.

If you have several 6les and you' ve crammed them on the drive, yau're gaing ta have ta da a lat of pushing and

Introdudng the smallest,

deductions thatshould be taken for each

Sle was checked. In databaM: terms, this

squeeze irl.


gross pay leveL..".

quential order in this magnetic world,

that come before orafter are going to have to be elbowed aver one so you can


ar hashing to find the record.

you run inta a problem — you can't just shove the record into place. The blips


+~+ '-:sit' :M+j ikpldc modes. The 20-inch

p' rs'piIrzr + ;srioz

;3L'ahd I ' * '+ ) NLvedigital scan modememory ;shat::wiitr'anati~,'eljusts the screen size and posi~~ ~ ~ monit o rs with memory, clarity andbrdiuuic'e" ,jiakerhebrilliantchoice with the 20L and':~ jnarrir6is fmm Mtsubishi.

Boxes Swished, The majority of databases eurrentlyin use allow for this type of matching so that you can look up twa files at once. In alder, jfet jifcsystemsyau couldn' t relate 61es in this way. Flexibilities in these

1Q. OBASS) ,~+ hei'iiiyiii~

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20f';9K~QNJ '.

ountainviemr Orks



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The Com puter Paper I Dec '96 like there's some English in there with a smidgen of algebra. This is dome so asto

types of choices must be considered in the context of the learning curve.

Yes, anything can be done, but how easy is it to do it, how long will it take? How easy is it to make the classic "little" change once you' ve dome things one

way? The above concept might be considered aspeed type ofvariable— the speed ofdevelopment time. Earlier wediscussed the access methods and the part they

play in speed of access. A third consideration ofspeed is how fastthe program

make lt easier to write programs.

When programsare actuefiyrunnimg, however, they have to be translated into pure computerese — on~dwff mag-netic patterns = for the computer to understand them. This is the work of eesPiVera Databases can be compared by whether they are intterpreted on the fiy, which means every English/algebraic sentence is translated into an appropribmps before the ate series of next bit of work xs done, or whether the programs axe compiled ahead of time so

mime tic


All modern pregameate written in

langue'- it looks

some semblance of a

that when the program is running, there is no "simultaneous" transhtion. The analogy here would be whether Gorbachev's Nobel acceptance speech was being translated as he spoke eo you were always a little behind or whether it was dubbed in so that the canned speech and Gorbachev'slipsstoppedat the same time. ggnor» the fact that the lips never shaped what you actually heard — that' s a fact of pohtics as much as translation.)

Dd G

'3h I g

So different databases have different pmgrams and store their data in different ways. What if you wanted to get at


somebodyelse's data with your program? Or you wanted to do the same thing as thatprogxam did withyour program and youdidn'twamtto buy thatother program because youjust forked over for yours and it does a good many things that the other one doesn't? Ah," the database consultant drools,

"You' ll need a conversion module. I just happen to have...". Data convertibility or portability is a real problem in the world — how do you get am your customer files on the PC in AccPac over toyour Mac's version of Word soyou can do a fancy mail merge? Well, there'ssomethingcalledASCII and a lot of progxams can pmduce an ASCH file or read an ASCII file. Also, because Lotus and dSase are so popular, a lot of progxams canread/create filesbased on these standardL Still, it's all very haphazard — alittlemessy. Solution: database

sexvexs aud SQL

Adatabase server isbasicallya powerful

PC with some special software thatallows it to dish out amd take in great amounts of records in no time fiat in a network

environment, Ail your files ge stored on the database server and the database sexver takes care of the storage techxmrlues

SQL is the language with which you talk to the database server. All your pmgrams will, someday soon, have an SQL component thatwill allow them to talk to the da~ se r ver as the database server will only respond to SQL talk S'IL is a more English~ l a nguage than most audwill, in theory, allowyou to download your accounting datafrom your SQL server into your spreadsheet or yourda-

Databaea COntlnueaNext |sale E


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Shoenoom' STANDARD COMPUTER CENTRE Shop 8448, 1/F., Golden Computer Centre, 94 Yen Chow Street, Kowioon, Hong Kong. Tel: 360 2N8, 386 8276 Fex: (852) 725 1422

Carwh OHlce snd Warehouse UnB LN, Csrnhddge Industdsl Cenlre, 18988 Cemhle Read, Richmond, B.C. Censde. Tel: (694) 278 7888 Fex, {894) 278 7889


e • s

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• . •

ss ~

The Computer Paper I Dec '90

The Portable Stock

Advanced Revelation

Data Quotation Terminal REAL TIME DATA FEED

Product: Advanced Revelation 2.0

Publisher: Revelation Technologies, 3633-136th Place SE, Bellevue, WA 96006, (206j643-9698, Fax (206)~ 7609


Les Leibrandt, president af Calema Consulting, Inc. has been in the software


experience with several database pro-

8ome databaseshave largermanuals than others. Environmental Sonding


boasts. (It would be an even dumber programmer that would let them, an

unidentified saurce retorted.) Calema'sprolpammer, Aiden Massey, lists his favorite aspects of Revelation as:

Active Data Dictionary Unhke traditional data dictionaries, an AREV dictianary does nat define the physical structure af a file. Instead, the is a view that is apphed to data as it is accessed. The dictionary allows the developer to define a field, set up


validation criteria, assign attributes, de-

fault display lengths, justiflcation and ,column headings.

Variable Length Records AREV recordscan holdup to 64Kwith any number af variablelength SeldL The record only takes up as much sFice as the actual data

Multi Value FieMs AREV allows repeating data in a Geld.

For example,you@anhaveasmanyphone

AREV has the ability to read/write data and maintain indices in foreign flea This is an actual read/write, not a

Text FieMs Text is handled like any ether Seid with a 64K limit You can edit, index ar search an text just like any ather Seld.

Database Con't from PaNe 32 tabaseaf customer namesinta your word

processing package. In the bestmfM~par worlds,you will be able to access this by choosing Retrieve or Load File from your File menu choice, click on the SQL server choice, choose a file from the list shown residing on the SQL server, see a list of the fields that make up the file, highlight the Selds you want ta work with, select certain subsets

of them — over 40, sen6vegetarian, latent pseud~tellectual — and then dick to retrieve — and here it is naw — half the population af KitL Sounds tao good ta be true) It's herel

The only thing missing is — say, how good are yau at entering, with unerring accuracy,endless pages of last names, 6rst names, middle names, social insurancenumbers,addresses,zip codes,Axes, phone numbers, heights, sexes.... Boy, have wegat ajob foryoul

. . „



An SQL assistant allows you to easily build SQL queries. AREV's SQL can be used against any file AREV has access to, nat just SQL files.

Window Generator PAINT allows you ta use the active data dictionary to generate windowsin a very short period af time. Input validations, output formats, defaults and look upscan becreatedwithnaprogiamming. If additianal programming is required, the window has 48 differentpain tsin the

window processing to run your subrace

oi 84ss.aa. $ 200.00

. .


REAL TME bid, ssk snd trade informs-

tlon at your Gngcrtips 24hours aday,7 days sweek.In yourhome croffice,sdda


:-. @:,$lze

chuN call IIIMN2 III VallcOuver Or II59-7>00 III Abbotsford. The portable stock data quotation termlrial couldhe the hest InvesllllelN Qou'll ever Illllke QOata Systems. inc.

printer snd you rcccivc live news iclcssc lrsnsmsslun No mare calls te check cn the market.

No moieusing for infcnmstian.

Vancouvercall 881-2402. Abbotsford call 859-7100.

No more busyiclcphonclines.

Reach For Tge Diamond And Get Colour:grWance In Printing


gf~-~ .'==".~. '



. u islii 04~

bril l i a nce ensures thermal transfer life t o your picscntsti ons. Tile * epact 63 IO:-':IO.:.sbd,thc crgonomicslly styledG650-10 'i d eal,S'f~ aOpk@ations such asgraphic arts snd „':";,:=.„"-' ',;.=;:" 4''cicnMc/cnginccring piesc ntations.

< '"' 'g'4ik ' ~ g~


C370:10.'.;:.'::.-"~:'for .';:. near photographic quality :.:..'",';.@i4iur printing, the 8340-10 is the icr printer on the markct. For '.',:;mipsiallclcd quality in thcimal transfer " printing, Miisubishi is the brilliant choice.


Alternatives y


i "'M :


" ' «'Print

®''I4.7'inilhon',colours enl argement fj@"~ y P'::;pi (~g~~~ :,,' : ~

(2 - 3 timesori~





likel ychoicefora

systemis ccirrcntly in iissat racy than 40sitss cNncincf Nmth Aineicci. For addifional inforni4sticii, cull Aidsn ciI 299-7795.

'. :

Now . with ' „BID/A$K .

For a detailed IhforNatIOn hro-

AREV use of the linear hash filing system and background indexing results in consistent recordwccess time regardless af database size. There is no degradation in data entry time notwithstanding database size ar number af indices.

cricitmf a P,ltdPatted acccn intiiig sysfsni





cisingAdiINncccf Rcvstciticn. This ciccaunfing

; .


LAN Manager, Banyan VINES and PCMOS. AREV uses true record lacking on data and index SleL

If AREV disappeared, Calema's most database engine would be Advanced Pick, which is not released yet. Aidsnjfasisp is ciPcirInsr ia theGikma CensuNng GmuP Ccincatn, Inc.Giknni has



based netwarlis such as Novell, SCom,

As fast as AREV is, Calema would like it ta be faster, particularlywhen it comes ta window refreshing.

: .


AFFcanASLs pRlcs

Netwo rking Support is provided for most DOS-



ANSI Standard SQL

AREV includes a fully'eatured, structured programming language. Also included is a documentation calling internal AREV system subroutines.

calculated at time af display. These values are calculated by a program that may range f'rom a single lme to 8RK.

' .

system that csn fit into your briefcas snd bring you the latest trading hifomstion &wn


instead af actual data their values are


Imagine an easy-to-usc, fuHyportable

out defining additional 6elds. Symbohcs act like any other Seld but

data transfer.Bands are avaiLAle for ASCII, dBase, Lotus, various CAD programs and Microsoft's SQLServer. There is a bonding toalkit available for you ta write your own bond. Such a bond has been developed locally far ACCPAC

numbers for a contact as yau want with-

Symbolic Fields


+,,'" ..':„,':„;, :;-: "=.'::.-;:":.:.=': ': 'M



business a cansiderable length of time. As a professional accountant, he had grams before settling on Revelation. Revelation was chosen because Les saw the Sexibility inherent in a data dictionary driven system. "Even dumb accountants can modify the system," Les


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The Computer Paper I Gee 'SO •

FOCUS FK-SOON Gives You Mete 130 key US version PNP82 Keyheiarc5 Nore Nobility

Nore Fiioatleoel

«Irowheyeagoweyo«o Z anteeffuncgon Ieya en:-.' , mnvefhecuraoranywhare upper amlIefr poaIon - one . ' on fhe ecreenqulehly. In&whmyourN gemu~ cludee dhgon@ eewellae fofind themlnagregvelyand horlxonfal and vertical enelher eer remain In fhe movement. lbere's myeeloelefor f Nein Temp~ orlglnal poaltlonfor exlra A built-ln, dual-power,sofar Calendar and S ofthe most , epeed odcula tormaineneverhavlng pcpula rfuncgcnheytemplaree " tochanc aunmderfng caleubrare Included.Tlwneweat ver,' for again. Duel powerdesign ebnofdgaaelv,lchn1-2-$, . Wordperlect, Wordamr,Oym(baeenj Included) beepa the NtculatorfuncgcnaIatellflmeL phony.Ad tuahbleangleforeaey,: , '













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'"' j

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Clarion Professional Developer Andrew Wilson, one of the partners in

Varitek (father W'ayne Wilson is the other), described the process of choosing Clarion asa &irlypainful one. Varitek had been doingdevelopmenton another package which seemed to berunning out of juice, so they had to look for an altexnative — hopefully one that would be able to allow for a fairly smooth transition path for their old customers and stillprovide the6exibiTiiythatwasneeded

to stay coxnpetitive.



incorporated as many reviews/demos that Varitek could get ifs hands on. One



:, ,


of theproblemsAndrewfound, however, with most reviews, was that they were based on small Glee and did not give an accurate picture of performance on big,


real world 6les. A huge chart was drawn up with all

FK-300'I . >>'>>g y>q .., ,~

L g

The search for an alternative paclrage


W ' |i


the desired atfributes and the slots were 6lledin over an extended length of time.

Enh a ncedKeyt~w l B u iit-inCaicuialorl 111Keys, JapanALPS'T~leCltcir 'Xeys. ASKaboutputttngyourownLOGOonl


Clarion didn't come up in the initial studies. Itwas only seeing an ad for it and the features it touted that made Varitek take a skeptical look at it. Once they saw it, however, they liked it and have now been working with it for two years.

OmniKey/102 Enhantmf f02Keys, f5FuncltonK

JapanALPS'Tabs Cfick'Key

Inverted T'CursorPad


I WHWWg&GKACCg i~i »

O anniKay/U lt r a Enhanced f f9Keyg,28etsFundfonKey8,CveorPad, IlMm/faqge NeCN,AC CapsLocklteya

C T-100 Mack S a l l ~A 'Elfatshahg 180OPI,Gzqm&b AfS8eN-2buNort, hflousesys.-3tyutton ConnectstoR8-23&FKSenesKeytroeds

— a translator allows the creation of

.EXE 61es — no run-time licensing fee which allows for considerable cost savings for the customer — network support is built in so there is no extra fee — rock~lid data 61ea; experience with other database programs that may have performed somewhat faster left Andrew' skeptical about their abiTity to maintain database integrity

High Power 28'OVV Output


for Tower Case l










the Designer module, which acts

like a program generator, allows for the quickcreation ofhirlycomplexprograms in a short tim~ a m e ; these can then be

flnoduned within the regular Clarion programming environment — overlay support — good support from Clarion and an active and cooperadve developer base for mutual support

— reasonable learning curve Andrew particularly likes the support for language extensions. This feature

allows Clarion to get other languages to do things that it doesn't do well or as well as might be desired or doesn't do at ajjl.

You can thus make,for example, a Croutine that you create that does some-

thing particularly brilliantly, part of the Clarion language.

Where's The Seefst' Andrew's major beef is memory management — he constantlybumps into the 640K limit. The other complaint is that Clarion is not graphically orientated. As Sir as alternatives to Clarion, Andrew is always looking and stresses that it

is important not to grow too attached to a database system. In this area, Varitek

has looked at the Windows-based Superbase 4 and Toolbook (they would solve the graphical problem) but eo far Other more traditional possibiTities

include Orade,Data6ex, and Advanced Revelation. Clarion still carries the day,

however, at Varitek, and the firm is busy utilizing it to create a fax/voice-mail connection. Varitch has been in business for five years, ogiring consuming, customprogramming in thc DOS and Novell environments with ver-

tical appkications support utr'litiesand r&'d. Applications dcvcloped have ranged p ananrsal planners to colorpelkt manufactur-

orn f

ers to accounting and church so ftware. GeneraQy, Clarion has gravitated to those pnj j~

which have an accounting aspect to these, Vari te Systemsitd., Suite251 -8232120th St., Surrey,EC V9W9N+5964999.

fin 'I ACCTFinancial Accounting Series

S TM 42 5 0

J '+m

Andrew, with a background in Basic, C and Assembler,.has a ready list of his favoritefeaturesof Clarion. Theyinclude: — the variety and integration of the support utilities: the editor, compiler, sorter and scanner are only a hot key away from each other — help is never hr away and is infor— adebugger is built into the xunfime

Enfenesdf07Keys, 15Fultf~Key@GumarPad,


been promising.




the performance parameters have not

@'gjggpg .-' M ..', Enhanced 101 Keys, DouMelnjecttian Caps Fave Features JapanALPS'TactileClick'Key&Itches Spec/'algrrlfonaiOUSTCOVERafrallabfe

— the report writing offers powerful, ad hoc reporting &om a variety of data-



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The Computer Psper / Dec '90 •


Clipper byPeter Lincoln Dave Chowning is a senior programmer/analyst in the systems department of an international engineering firm: Sandwell Inc. In addition to writing articles and software reviews, Dave is alsoa beta-tester for database software and

programming libraries, as well as a parttirae college lecturer and programining instructor. He works with dBase, Chpper, Turbo, Pascal, and Modula II. He is

currently writing a dBase programmer's editor with database utilities in Turbo

Pascal and preparing a college seminar/ course on Relational Database Theory

and SQL using dQUERY. Dave works in the dBase or xBase

languages, mainly in the Clipper dialect. He started with dBase II, and has written

applicationsin dBase II, III, and ID Plus before concentrating on Clipper at his ciurent job where he has written the

folio~ a p p lications: Library Catalog System LibraryJournal Tracking System Records Management System Computer Time Billing System Print Shop, PhotoCopy and Misc. Services Billing System


With An Accent Dave prefers the Clipper dialect of dBase (or xBase) due to the great num-

ber of professional applications libraries available. Additionally, Clipper's UDF's (userAefined functions), read cocle, use of Intel OBJ file format, and general industry standard dBase file format make it hard to beat Dave's petpeeves with Clipper are its high pricefor what amounts to a bare-


/ondo'n'tbuvetobeu gled%('9

to cunt one fotbe neto Sued9I(pteboog Computersl Senenstons:

bones compiler with no integrated de-

1825'g 10"gZ" %tfefgfis About 7 Pound'sl AQ COSH'Rl&SCK

velopment environment or tools (CASE, design, documenters). Clipper thirdparty library prices are rising above the U8$20O price as well, making Clipper prohibitive to inany progrunmers. He also distrusts the possible directions that

Nantucket is taking the language (leaving the dBaselanguage in favor of another type of C). For professional database development, Clipper is stiH the only game in

town, since neither Fox nor Ashton-Tate have dehvered on anEXE Compiler, and Borland has not announced anyplans to jump into the dBase market Asa second choice, Dave prefers Turbo Pascal with TOPAZ for database development, allowing use of dBase language syntax and file formats, coupled with the speed and integrated environment provided byBorlandlanguages. He also uses interface and string routines from Technojock's Turbo Toolkit. Favorite development tools indude: Editor.+Edit, Cheetah; Documentation: Snap, Narrator (by Dave); Charting. EasyCase,EasyFlow; dBase Development: dCLIP; SQL Development: dQUERY; Screen Generator: SCRirnage.

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The Computer Paper j Dec '90

Paradox by Morey Eamon

Why Paradoxt Most of my users have little money for software development and yet may still need a relationai database system that can offer them extensive features.

Paradox is as programmable as dBase but also can be driven interactively ("in manual transmission mode") by any reasonably interested staff member because the interface is as intuitive asLotus

with the same hnd of basic menu structure and far &iendlier. The basic overhead of index control and initial input and output formats are done automatically so that users can obtain results without having togo through a confusing setup procedure. This means that if money is short, the client can either specify the initial structure and

have his/her staff design the reports and input forms themselves or call me in to do it If thereis more time, I can continue to design and automate the system incremeneally as resources permit. As well,

users tend to change their needs spontaneously, and Paradox allows a amount of fundamental structural change without having to rip apart the whole system. The programming language is straightforward with excellent high-level commands and the Borland documentation is very good and quickly accessible. Run4me enginesare available and a program generator with .built-in

— interactivity allows powerful use by novice and experienced users — high4evel programming language

documenter is included at no extra cost

RAM (which is mostly dedicated to caching) — no easy access by external programs (like dBase call command)


Best Features:

commands and extensive utilities

— dear manuals.

Disadvantages — screen editor is a little slow — no memo field support — "table" concept is complex. The disk gets a big workout without lots of

— smaller user base than dBase, so

less local support

%md ChoiceFor A Database Depending on client preference, I would probably hold my nose and recommend dBase only because the local support is abundant. Other database's

might leave the client high and dry if a complex project is programmed and there is no support. M. Eamon and Associates(tI203 - 1556 Charles Street, Vancouver, B.C. V5L 2T1 Phone. 2554779Fax: 685-2956) has been in business since 1980 providing customised support servicesfor singloesser PC environmentsmostly in smallopces. Servicesprovided include: crisis hardware and so ftware maintenancet user needs analysis; worhstatioa in-

stal/ation, upgrades and conpguratima; operator tutoring custom programming. Hardware specialties: 1B a n d compatibles.

Many moderndatabases are menudriven.


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D atabaseprogrammers use a variety of tools to create their database programs and the following is a brief summary of the types of tools that database developers grade their packages on.

Debugging facilities — this is the equivalentof a grammar checker/dictionaryfor program code. If the word the programmer is using is not in the lingo or it's being used out of context, the debugger will pinpoint the problem. Sorte~ t a b ase programs are always rummaging through the data, first in this direction then in that, and rather than havedatabase programmers make up the routines to do this, database programs come with sorters that take the burden off theprogrammer. Ifyouwant, you can go toany technical computer libraryand find thickvolumes produced


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The ComparerPaper I Gee '90 •


Raising the industry standard



Superbase 4 A Database for Nlndome hy StePhen SnuN

Product:Superbase 4 Windows Publisher:Precision Software, 8¹04 Sterling Street, Irving, TX 75063

System Requirements: Any IBM-PC

and rectangles, boxes to select colors

2.11 or above.,Not copy protected. Price: C$835.

and Sll patterns, the abihty to place bitmaps in forms, the abiTity to place database fields within the form (&om different databases) and an ability to link Selds (kom different databases).,

Windows environment. I t i n c ludes a form and report designer that allows the

inclusion of a lot of graphical features and fancy text formatting in the building of database applications. The basic database engine is based on

an extension to the cUhse IIISle format. The program iscapable of reading and writing dBase iles directty, however if you limityourself to dBase iles only you lose some functionality (such as picture fields).

VCR Interface


=-"= Perfect

138-13982 Cambia Road, Richmond, S.C. V6V 2K2

Teh (604) 270-3282 Fax: (604) 270-9178

usingasimple query-buildingdialog box. Although Superbase's Query Language (which is deceptively abbreviated SQL) has some of the functionality of IBM's StructuredQuery Language (SQL), itis not the same and not as powerful, so beware. The form designer allowsyou to build form or report templateL There are some simple drawing tools such as lines

Compatible runningMicrosoft Windows

Superbase 4is a quite Hashy relational database package for the Microsoft


You can also build queries to select only records that match certain criteria

The main Superbase 4 program allaws you to browse through iles using some built& formats or using forms designed with the formsdesigner. It has a VCR4ke interface, where Playgela the next record„FastForward through the Sle, etc. Itis very easyto use.

star tsstepping

You can also use any font Windows or

your printer supports, as well as have easy access to italics, bolding and underlining.

Database Language To build complete apphcations with Superbase 4 there is Database Management Language (DML), a language that is based on Basic, but has several extensions to perform database and other Superbaseepecific functions. DMLprograms can be run &em the main menu or Windows buttons can be placed in forms that when pressed either cause a singe DMLstatement tobe executed, or call a DML subroutine.

Documemtatien The documentation consists of two

large threesbinders,a tutorialguide

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The Computer Paper I Dec '90 .. ' Soicise-.OjeeedaerndprenalAyiidrnnm'rdlrnrmr nelieoe npCL I rile add accord irrecoss

oem' , .-::::.:, '..I j-p no~lp.

CALLmloe Pup S4.

pa Cp ie,' 2eco View



• MH W


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Froid solordiod... Fl

uposlop u ShowField scores , Syslemnpeaos... prlelerSelap...



Moaher Format.. note Fodoot:.



~ ei

AT 286-12 NHZ (Modei S-SSX)


Selocr coluriteor res ls


~~ ~

~ ~

~ %

and a quick-reference booklet. The binders are a bit over6tted and tend to

pop opere easily. Theyinclude user manuals,reference

Inanuals, guideto supplied applications, and several other guides (such as using LANs). Thedonunentationisquitegood and quite thorough, just a bit too bulky. The stock trading/ciientmanagement

sample apphcation that comes with the package demonstrates its power, ineluing such things as the client's photo and signature (as TIFF files) in the client database. It performs extensive calculations

(portfolio and currency} and easily relates several databases.

• DesktopCase • 1NIB RAM • 40 MB HardDrive With Controller



SQL Also, DML perhaps could have been based on the dBase language or, more hke 4GLs, based on true SQL The ability to importandexportdBasc: databases is some comfort. O therwise,

oft MB RoppyDrive

• Mouse With Pad6 Hohler • Coior Emulation CardWith 1 Game,1 Parallel and1 INouee Port o TTLMonitor

e101 EnhancedKeyboard

most applications would have to be written from scratch, and moving them to another platform would be a lot of work Overall, Superbase4 is an package. It is extremely easy to use, and very attractive loohng if care is taken in setting up the forms and reports. The package is also powerful enough to build very sophisticated applications that use the full power of the Windows environ-

Not exactly as shown

AT 386 25 MHZ (Modei 8'-2305)

impre ssive

• Mini TowerCase

• 1MBRAM • 40 MB HardDrive With Controller o1.2MB RoppyDrive • 1 Parallel, 1 Serial 61 Game Port


l lealplalai


Not True SQI. One drawback of the system is that it does not use many existing standards.

Ideally its SQL would have been true

2 86- 1 2

Anyone looking for a database package to run withWindows or looking for a database package that allows graphical


• 101 EnhancedKeyboard

$1 SS5

VGA UPGRAQE (540X480) $2ci5 SVGA UPGRADE (1024 X 758) $475

content should consicler this one.

Stephen SrrNh is a software developer in Vancouver, 224-5242.

• Mono Card • TTL Monitor

NitsuhiehiaytOP L (MP286L) • 80286 ProcessorRunningAt12tg NIHz • 640K RAIN

•40 MBHardDrive

• 1.44 MB 3.5'RoppyDick Drive

• FuII Function86KeyKeyboard • NumericKeypadPart • Externai Diskette Drive Port

• LCD/CGA NonochromeDiephy • MS-DOS OperatingSystem


96/24 • GroupIII • Send/Receive MdrSASL A

MP 288L



, rrewperp



I 'Lh

Moterole Tallatlal

RavenLaserPrinter 11 plrn, 1.5MB RAM

Poetecript Emuhtion

s 5



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The CompIEter Paper I Dec '96 a

Here today, Here tomorrow ln a market cbarad~ed by aggressive

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«sparknce in the Imperthg ami shstributmg

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mandate to develophigh qualify Canadian)adit computersusing the best bnperted stateebtlle.

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Then we cembhe this technology with eur hmevathre cfrcuiuy to supply cur end

with anunpssaMed standard ofquality. %idle wemanuhehmeur PC h Canada,we sesuchtheworld for thelatest tecbnfdegy. OnTm wehaveretsfevTuf a p

user udthunparalleled equipment.

ote ntial

cosupceent it is rdentkesiyscrutfrdzed te

At OataPerfect its eur belkf that a Ittle

hmevatkm,snfnmstive nseatchand hard wart are what it tahN to maba a good idea agreatideL

ensute it meetseur esactmgstandards.

138-13982 Cambie Road, Richmond, S.C. U6U 2K2

Tel: (604) 270-3282 Fax: (604) 270-9178





TaalBaoh -TddtdffES.TBL

Filo Edil rod




HyperCaI'd Foi'

his haa

NlhcloMII P

I ad

rape r

GLAQEA PEAL AOUTES lp.ifl'iitlia l


byLITsaisl Ij(


hooI d Paah Claacof


eas t af tla cleacer, aslapthe slaps of aeraiae Stealer aad the cteoeer to the app ar edfe af toa) diacler.

• ictare

For approach see ahtta poach dicer


Prodtlct: TOOLBOOK Yersion 1.0 Publisher:Asymetrlx Gott., P.O. Box


Flic Edh Teal Pope


frail. fraa the north side af the aeltaatel lade heal'apslopr ta the

"pointers"around in our heads or scat-

40419, Bellevue, Washington 980040419 (206) 455 3071

tered acrossmany sheets of paper, we can lead a user through many different paths to information and knowledge

Syetefn Requirellente: wlndows-

vthich may not be possible with conven-

ready,lBM PG or compatible, lots of speed„ lots ofRAM. Requires Windows 3.0 to run.

Quality is our cornerstone

t ional linear modes. Whether or n o t ToolBook is the ideal set of tools for the transportation of knowledge is secondary to the fact that it is A set of tools, and can be used as such, quite easily.

Price: Us $395.

ToolBook is a "software construction set", allowing the author to construct

You May Already Have This Program

"hypertext" documents which can be run under Windows 3.0. It contains ail the

You may have already stumbled across ToolBook if you recentlypurchased

necessary tools to build a fully functional information vehicle that can combine text, graphics, links to existing databases, video/laserdiscs, and other sources. Its

Windows S,0. A run-time version and a

main value is its ability to allow the user

sample application (called DayBook) are shipped with it. With the popularity of

to navigate through a multi-layered, "multi~ e n sional" volume of information which otherwise might not be pos. sible. With the advent of the concept of hypertext/multi~ edia, information consumption has taken a giant leap forwarcL Similar to the invention of writmg, tools like TooiBook potentially deepen our ability to understancL Rather than having to carry our overall information

'installed base of potential usersout there already, and it's growing daily. As well, ToolBook applications can be dislributed free of any charges, which should greatly encourage authorship. The requirements forrunning and developing ToolBookapplicationsare; a PC with a 80286 or higher processor, Microsoft Windows S.0, DOS S.l or higher,640K+ 256K extended memory

Windows S.0, this means there isa sizable


• a








SERVICE SALES 80386DX-25MHz VGA SYSTEIN • 80386OX-25 «PU, zero wait state • IMS RAM expandable to SMB on board 'l2MB 525' floppy drive • Mitsubfshi 62MI hard disk •

(voice coil 28ms) • I l Interleave RLL controller • 16bit VGA card Q56K) P 14' Y6A paper white monitor (640X480}

• Parallel, serial and game port • IOI40y enhanced keyboard • Compact case wi2MW CSA


ENTRY I.EVEL 288 AT P 80286 «PU, 12MHz, O.VV.S. • 1MB RAM en board P 1.2MB 525' floppy drive • 40MB hard disk (IDE 28rns) • Menegraphlcs card P 12' amber TTL menechteme monitor P Compact case wi2MVV aA power supply p 1014ey enhanced keyboard • Parallel, sarlal and game pert

'ISNIHm SISSX SYSTEM • 80386SX-16 CPU, 0.W.S. P 1MB RAM expandable to SMB • 1.2MB 525 f leppy drive

• 40MB hard disk (OE 28ms)

monochrome diSpjey & 49MB hard disk (28ms} 41675

• Menegraphks card & 12' amber TTL monitor • Parallel, serial and game pert • Compact case Tssr20INV CSApower supply • 1014ey enhanead keyboard

cache on hoard $2015


* Above system with e Above system with 64K

OPHON)AL UPIRADKS (ADD TO-SYSTEM PRICE) P Addltlenal 3.5' 144MB et 5.25' 1.2MB floppy drive ...............................SBS • Miuubbhi 62MBvel«e coil (28rns) wil:1 interleave RIL apnbeller ...............SSSB p CIuantum 80MB IDE (19ms) Tis%4Kcache S280 p Redlme 110MBIDE(18ms) vsr64Kcache.0$75 • Redlma 2'I0MB IDE(18ms) wi64K dadte. S850 . • Mentor 210MBIDE(15ms) wi84K cad» .S025 • Samtren (by Samsung) 14 Eeler VGAmeniter (640X480) wiOAKVGAcard (256K) S285 p Samtren (bySamsung) 14' Euler VGA monitor (640X480 0.31 dp) wOAK VGA card (256K) ................... ...........8366 • MiniMiae Super VGAmonitor (1024X768 IL28 dp) wiparadisa VGA Lard (OEM) (S12K) .............................,.$465 • Salke SuperVGAmonitor (1024X768 MS dp) wiparadisaVGAcard (OEM) (512K) ................. ................. 8765 • NEC 2AVGAmonitor(800X60002$ dp) vsrpamb VGAcard(OEM) (256K) --" S648 o NEC BD Multlsync I meniter (1024X768028 dp) wipamdlseVG A card(OEM) (512IO .-S888 • MRsubbhi DiamendScsn20' (HL6905)

( fmw024ndsorA34N(6MIPs) .. M f

Pftfidtsas Iwifff cafftas} • Reland Raven 9101 or Panasenic KXP-1180 (9-pin) ............ $235 • Reland Raven 2417 (24-pin) ........... $415 • Fujitsu DL1100 fast printer (2~1n, 80 eel.) (New) ................... $395 P Fujitsu DL3450 fast printer c>

(24yln, 132 col.) (New) ................... $559

P Hewlett4pactard HP Laseriet IIP ... $1375 a Hewlett4haskard HP Lasedet III .... $2350

ACCESSORIES • LegltachHI-rez serial meuse ...... ... $95 • Legltech serial mense w/Nndews 3.0 ................................ $1SO • Legltech serial mouse wiPalntShew ...... . . .................... $115 • 2400B internal medfpm ..................... $97 p M~OS V4.01 w/GVV-BASIC ............. $75 . • Microsoft Windows3.0 ..................... $97 P PC7eels Deluxe 6 0 $97

MATH CQPROCESSOR • 80287-10 math ceptecesset ...,..... $295 P 803875X-16 math ceprecesser ........$42S • &03870X-20 math ceprecesser ....... $525 • 80387DXQS math ceprecesset ..., $575 P 80387DXN3 math ceprecesser ....... $725 • Cytià 33MHz mathcepl'ecesN .... $595


The Computer Peper I Dec '90


• •



SelectionS Installation


Application Software

AnalysisS Selection


Maintenance Operation S Procedures Selup


InstallationS Training


Setuy 4 Supyof t Package • Comment line for instructions or comments • Quick response as P.O.S. • Add new customer data to master Sle while invoicing • Quick list for customer and item

• Add new itemdatato master Slewhile invoicing

::- EXCELLOR® BUSINESS IIACHINES Leading edge in technology, powerful 386 and 486 based computers for business and engineering applications.




s he

POINT OFSALE • Recall customer by ID or from quick list • Select item by ID, bar code, or from quick list • Easy modiTication of Dah

A 4c


• Password security for different IDs • Cash drawercontrol


• Real time credit limit check for accuracy

• Real time updatefor accounts receivable andinventory • Cost disphy on screenoption • Cost accessoption • Recall order or invoice for enquiry • Modify invoice with full audit trail • Enquiry for sales history by customer, item, or salesperson • Print customer list • Prtnt price list • Enquhyand reports • Sales reports by customer, salespersonanditem • Print invoice andpayment journal

• Print or reprint receipts


• Accept different paymentmethods • Accept multiple deposits andpayments


• Integrated to accounts receivable

• Handles P.S.T.andG.S.T. • Cashier reports • Handles discounts bypercenhge or amount 4

SERVICEIRENTALS • Order type for service andrenhl • Quick searchfor service andrental • Easy to locatebyoutstanding or completed status • Automatically integrated to salehi sstoiy and accounts receivable

• Quick smrch for backorder • Backorder report by item

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE • Quick paymentandediting • Full integration with sales • Real time updateaccuracy • User specNiedaged balance receivable data • Interest charge function andreport • Paymenthistory statistics • Print receivable statements

• Print receivable summmy and call list

GENERALANDADVANCEDFEATURES Point of Sale Order/Backorder Invoicing Inventory Control Service Management

Rental andReturn

Acoounts Receivable


'OQER: :S':,OO:,:fgIINS,:::,' ooFmooo


Lspllsk III


iiie:S%%i'.iliiS::i~I|I i','.;.; ::,:, jI.".:I,::: :4I'::::.:@,::.g@yg::Og:ge::::-

Fcimwusix Lotus tn Vsr.3




g •

Lctus 123Vsr. K2 Call ACCPAC Phs G/LVer. 5, sic $619 ACCPAC Grsphlc Report Dpt'n $109.N ACCPAC Bsdlerd $169.N Chock ItVsr. 2 $1N.95 Corsl Disw $410

ALL BOOK S $1599

• Automatic order numberandinvoice numberfor audit trail • Allows modification of dahwith audit trail • Full sales report for management • Single entry from order, sales,andaccounts receivable to accounting • Multi-user option for growth • Dah integration protection features

Single Enlry Operalions Full IntegratedSystem Real TimeUpdateAccuracy Mullipla Level PasswordSecurily Quick UslonDatabase Mulli-user Expandable •

286-12MHz 386GX Evsrsx Step386 DshTrsln 2112 DshTrsin 3016 AST Bravo386 AST Premium286 AST 486 EISACUPID Aisrl Porttalls



Pcrhble Power $195 (Cosvwtfram12DC-110DC Volta) Mlisublshl 286-20MB $2330


Mlhublshl 28840MB $2999 Toshlbs T10NXE -20MB uohbk$2649 Teshlbs T1200XE -20MB blohbk$4045 Dshtrsh 28640MB SCs5

PAINTERS/DIGITIZERS/PLOTTERS HP LaserIIP $1389 RavenLaserLP800 SCs9 Clmsn120GX $265 Fullisu DL3450 $660 Summsrskstsh12x12 $4N R oland DXY11N IDsmo) $ 1 1N

The Computer Paper I Dee '90 (1.5MB memory recommended), one 1.2MB or 720K disk drive and a hard disk, VGA, EGA, 8514, HERCULES or other Wmdowecompatiblegraphicscard and a mouse or other pointing device. If you plan to build sizable applications, you will want to have lots of free disk space,. especially if you work with many graphic files.

become proficient.Some examples of script terms are; Value, Variable, Operand, Handler, Function. The rewards of learning this scripting language are the creation of such things as information management systems, applications prototypes, customized fron tends for existing programs, shelhj for use in computer public~ccess kiosks, etc.

innovation andquality. The foilowingihls speci5catians nnd

Open script

And Now The Bad News

performrmce characteristics of both

1.2MB 5.25fi oppies,four 720K 8.5 Hop-

The 386pc and 486pc.

Combining innovation, quality and dedication. h 1988, wemadetwosignificant

The secondwesthe introduction of a486 basedpersonalcomputer.Boththe386and

canrributbions to the personal computer industry.

the 486regect Dstnpetfect's dedication to

The grot wasthe replacement af the . standard 286chip with an unscsle 386. Therebyofforbtg386spesd at a286price.

Included in the package are three pies, a quick reference guide, getting star tedguide, using ToolBookguide and a using OpenScript re5erence and introduction guide. OpenScriptis the ObjectOrientedprogrttmminglanguage (OOP)

IhdnIrrtrr 386PC • Highspeedhtel80386mrcroprocessor • Aeseabreln3$MHzand33MHz • Standard with 64KCachememoir @ %C ache Controeer) • Rzpandable to 8MB RAM on moherboard • Kzpandalble to 16MBRAM wehmemcrycard

Sehctsble he rboard



138-13982 Cambie Road, Richmond, B.C. V6V 2K2

Tel: (604) 270-3282 Fax: (604) 270-9178

8%4T (Q -1MS RAM] . io INI)

-1.$$6 % Drive M NR Hmd DNi (Sgme) Ioe Card SeNal 4 Qamee Prat -1t 1Tl. Amber Manlier ~N CSA Power Supply -Enhanoed Keyborrd


~b Hard DUrk

-1:1 Utterleatre Corrbeler -Mono Card wJPrbreerPert -PnregeL Serbrl6t Qamee Pert -1t' TIL Monber -NOW CSA Power ~ -Enhanoed Keyboard

• r3 6eze geelz

~ Q"RR', 640 x 460 164rlt SiSK Y8 Nr 1 0S6 x 766 164rlt 266k, W DP

developer. Second installation was on a 386-16 Mhz clone with 4 megs of RAM,

if necessary. What makes a hypertext

same storageand graphics card/monitor

(ToolBook) application so useful is the abilityof the user to "backtrack" through a path of inquiry to a branch which they sawearlier,and then take anewdirection. Or ro6racea path of inquiry and to be back at a point they passed through earlieri This looping is part of the learning process and is an important part o f t h e h y p e rtext c o ncept. OpenScript is a higher4evel language which, even if you have never programmed before, can be mastered without a degree in computer science. But,' keep in mind that using OpenScript is not a weekend chore, it requires an amount of dogged determination to

combo. Running the demos a second time produced a barely perceptible increase in speed and response. If the intended user group happened to be highpriced executives, the life span of a Toolbook book would be rather short. Again, from a user perspective, ToolBook offers a very attractive envi-

ronment On a 640 X 480 X 16 color screen, itis a pleasure to browse through books and pages of books looking at and readingabout various "things".A screen of that resolution is spacious and allows for thelayout of a page to be complex withoutbeingclutterecLThisisimportant from the developers' point of view, be-

Softwar®: Pwserder

Nl S376 S 4 36 S1OO 8300

a '-'cw: ' iK%!%!assn'":iaH ar """ "'~H$!::.":i':-"-'i"'ll'-n '.

ABC. Advance Technology International (CanicIa), Inc.

Oem Urlye eebrotktn



up Io 45%

-1US iIAM ( . to 1SMS) -1 W 6 Ã Ddrro W MS Hard 4hnogmphker Cmd 4salagrd Serial 4 Qamee Pert -1P W Amber Monhtr 420N CSA Power Supply -101 Keybomd

W hR Hmd Dhk (Shne)

-MontNpnphksoCrud -Plagei Serial 6 Qamee Pert -1F TTIL Amber Monbor -RSW CSA Power St6rplir



AT io Card

N36 4 0 NS glma HD 8476 1 2 - 6 ~ T E AC

38MS, 84K Caohe 80N74

%$ 1 3 ' TIL MonNor grt79 14' TTL Rai Keyed Ext. Cord SRO7 14' VQA Mono S467 14' Cobe 640 x 460 S336 Monbnr Etrt Cord 14' CzNor 1N4 x 766 Prbreer Cabin VQA 164rlt SSSK S130 Full Sba Caen 16" SN6 A l lVQA Nbnder 266K Sggg wl Power Supply

38M6 i@hard 803fr7SX 8036740 60N746 6036743


1 A 4- 3.6" TEAC



I 1 2 Mogrertroard 386SX-1S Nhmrd ON?-10


496 - Siihz

-1lNI RAM ( . lo ShS) - 1.3MS QS' Drit ro M NB Hard (38ma) -1:1 UrterlewtseConrrelbrr 's 4hnogmphhe Cmd Auagel Serial 6 Qemee Port -12 4 Amber MoHtor 4NN Power Suplly



34 Pin Prlrrbrr

refreshes was not mind numminglyslow, but it was very noticeable. Apparently, there is no compiler for ToolBook, and this could be a problem for the serious


-1NS RAM -18$ 6 .36 PURNr Drhe

Itin Prbrbrr

applications the response time for screen

For theconveyance of fi nished information, a OOP prograauning language ventional, such as "C" or PascaL OOP is a means of grouping instructions into "objects"so they can be used repeatedly

lhdrtpeo 4$SPC

= =

and monitor. When running the demo

which is the heart of ToolBook. is a more effective method then the con-

• High speed hteleer86 ndcroprocmsor • Avslrabreh 3$MHzsnd33MHz • Urerrsdsbleto LIK Secondary Cachem'emcrr • Rzpandable to leMB


The only really bad thing one could sayabout this product is that for the user, it is S-LO-W This reviewer flrst installed Toolbook on a generic 286-12 Mhz AT with 4 mego of RAM, 65 megs of storage, and 640 X 480 X 16 color graphics card

S31S S80

Serbtl Port Chip Set


8 6.r w AS


We SERVICE what we sell! 48 Eeet nrtmdwny {m Ousbeo St.} VanooNtnr VST 1V4 Tol: (N4) 8754858 FAX (604) 875461$

The Computer Paper I Dec '90


How long haveyou been in business? Floppy Disk Drive —What Brand? Hard Disk - Voice Coil? Monitor —Dot Pitch? Ram Chips-?nS'econd


check withthe system motherboard Quality S Reliability R Compatiblity

loPie Aii, +t. Cyg + ~


etc~®l ~

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Micro System Licensed Aw ard BIOS, 33MHz i486 Microprocessor with integrated copr ocassor and cache controller with 8KB internal cache RAM Optional second-level cache memory with 128KB RAM configurations: 2,4,8,10,16,32 or 64MByte,Eight expansion slots: Six full-sized 8/16/ 3 2-Bit EISA Slots Two 8-Bit ISA slots Corprocessorsocket for Weitek 4167

$5 , 4 9 9

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CCS 386/25MHz System Canadian Designed 8-layer most reliable mother board Licensed Phoenix BIOS, Intel 80386-25MHz CPU Supporting80387-25 or 80287 Math processor

CCS 386SX/2OMHz System

CCS 286/12MHz System 80286 CPU, Licensed AWARD BIOS, Up to 4MB RAM On-brd

499 pp

• 1MByte RAM installed e 1.2MB Roppy Disk Drive •40MB/28mS Harddisk • 16Bit 1:1 Controller


• I/0 Porta • 12 " TfL Amber Monitor

• Enhanced101



DetailedTechnical Spec Brochures Performance IndexCompared to Named Brands R End-users'Reference Available

e a







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All Above Systems include:


Intel 80386SX True 20MHz CPU, Licensed Phoenix BIOS Canadian Designed6-Layer most reliable motherboard RAM expandable to BMB onboard


The Computer Pe)per I Dec '90

1y)elaptop to suit city life.

Ixhm Clack Ccpnxem Meme ry


When you first start ToolBookapplication, you "open" a book Each bookhas some number of pages, and on each page therecanbeanynumberoffields,buttons and graphics. Fields would typically be text, buttons could be for moving to other pages, accessing other information or changing fields, and graphics could be for illustrating concepts. In addition, words or groups of words within fields can be "hot" - that is they can branch off to other text (fields) or other pageL Eachof these elementscanconnect through to other pages within the book

11SaWVIC snihhals ScmInk hnnahsQRch) Sinsshns

yiamlsas In SSS4.0leychmdhk

SknamaruSSSS mnsls yskOheell iydhk ynnelkas Qpreem (Nnlss) Ssmnnhmlmcnaxycasrnah dhsscneu enkmadmnnmynsmde SxhaadSSFmSS' Fmr

This make the most dilficult part of a

ToolBook application the planning of an application! Since ToolBookescistswithin the Windows user interface, access to all the aspects of Windows is within easy reach. When writing scripts for ToolBook,

Q Al-NS shh,Sacmipakls)

the author has access to a debugger to


= . = == = = = eusINESS co)alsuTKRS

r exec>

138-13982 Cambie Road, Richmond, B.C. V6V 2K2

Tel: (604) 270-3282 Fax: (604) 270-9178



-h4 ' a

386 SX-16MHz




• 1.2MB Floppy • Serial/Parallel Ports • Clock/Calendar • HD/FL Controller

• • • • •


40MB Hard Drive Enhanced Keyboard Mono Card Monochrome Monitor Compact Case

VGA UPGRADE:$475 14" VGA MONrmR, 1024 X 768, 16 BIT VGA CARO, 256K


COMPUTERTOO SLOWS liow us touilraae yourexlstlnl systemtoanATor386 machine. FOR A LIMlTED TIME ONLY OR


Mieeobase Systems Inc. Fairchild Square, 4404400 Hazelbridge Way, Richmond, B.C. V6X 3RS

Teleyhone: (604) 270-882S Fax: (604) 270-8098

help with the syntax and logic problems that are inherent in any programming language.Some of the other advantages ofToolBookare the abilityto use Dynamic Link Libraries, external code. libraries and code created within other windows compatible languages. Also supported is windows Dynamic Data Exchange. Certain features available in spreadsheet programs are available in ToolBooksortingpages based on a field forpages withacommonbackground,forexample. For technical support Asymetrix offers 90daysfreeandyearlyadditionalsupport for a fee. Also, a BBS is available for the exchange of information and ideas. Finally. ToolBook has the capabiTityof satisfying even the most demanding programmer with tools to create outstanding hypertext applications within a rapidly growing user interface. The success of ToolBook will really depend on two things; one is the overall acceptance of this programming environment over others ofils had, but the mostimportant is - Asymetrix's commitment to continuouslyupdatmgandsmprovingsts product based on the comments and suggestions of its existing user base. If they follow the demands of these earlyusers, manymore will follow.

Daniel Werger provides image scanning services in Yancouver. Contact: (604)736-9624




n lI t

t e l > a>> I'» I>> $rte > SkIMI 9>>»»> %IWg >>» l>>»O

>wNrkac l»>r> • t»ial>e



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' i'".w 74 0> > ,~ i i %a»

a n ">

»>»»'»> » »>>" m>w» >Q > »>»»» » » »»».".>»:

File Force by Jerirtan Singh Iocaka

Product File Force Yersion 1.0.1. Publisher: ACiUS, 10351 Bubb Road, Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 252-4444. System Rettulrsments:File Force 1.0

requires a hard disk and a Mac Plus or higher running System 6.0.3 or later. MuitiFinder compatible. Multiuser-ca-

pabie on networks such as AppieShare and supports automatic record locking. Price: US$395.

Sammy :

Fik Force is aneuytousc rekstional database that inherits nsuch foits design and capabilities pens thc company's jlagshipproduct,4thDimension2,0. Targeted at thesamc market as Chris's neyeFikMehcr Pro, FikForce can create jiling a system using up to 10 fiks and relate them autrrrnats aly. 4th Dimension'sisconsideredbymany to be the best of the relational databases

available on the Macintosh. It has a true relational nature, a graphicatructure editor, and a powerful programming language. File Force brings relationaldatabase capabiTities to new users who might have chosen Filemaker for their needsaswell as users who have outgrown Filemaker's "ftatWe" capabilities. File Force is less demanding than 4th Dimension because it eliminates the potentiailybewildeiingsetof design choices that 4th Dimension gives you. Featuresinchsdeverycompactfile siz; extensivedocumentation; asophisticated forms generator with disks of clip art; facilities for generating quick reports, maiTing labels and business graphs; numerous data~

da t i on tools; multiuser

transaction management; automatic record lochng.


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pack age

cause if the application is not comfortable or visually stimulating for the user, it won't get usedi

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HOU RS: IIort.+at 10 A.ll. - 6 P.IL

The Computer Paper I

Less Is More You can create reports &om yaur data

in File Farce either by using a layout or with the @sick Report editor. The latter creates tabular and textual reports, but

these can contain nuxed fonts, sizes and styles. Reports designed in the layout editor can contain graphic elements and data in almost any fermat.

Documentation File Force has extensive documentation. It includes four coil-backed manuals and three thinner stapled beoklets.

File Force has fewer commands available than daes 4th Dimension, which is good news and bad news The good news is that it makes things simpler for new users. The bad news is that it limits the power af the database tools available. The designexs ofFile Force seem to have chosen a good middle ground for the needs af users.To really tweak the maximum perfonnance ef a relational database, userswill probably want to go up te its more expensive sister product, 4th Dimension.

The documentation goes a long way to explaining things, including the nature

File Force has built in multiuser capabilities. Unfortunately, unlike Filemakcr Pra,you are forced to huymultiplc copies

This deluge of manuals can be a little disconcerting to the beginner at database creation. Fortunately, the company

to gain additional serial numbers ta access this feature. (Filemaker Pro also says that you sheuld purchase additianal

has includcct a number af already built applicatians to play with and add an to.

They cover awide range of the mast

User Reference and Design Reference

copies, but you do not in fact need thc additional copies to access the database.) Switching between modes is simple but notveryintuitive. Itrectuires thatyou hold dawn the mouse butten when you start up File Force. It would have made more sense te indude the multiuser made as a menu option. As itis, you have

manuals. Accessing this mass of information is made easier by the inclusion of a

to hunt through the manuals te find out how to turn it on. In multiuser mode, the

common uses for databases, so there is a good chance thatmere than half af your

ideal database is already built, and all that yeu may have to do is customize. If you want deeper explanations of File Force features, you can turn ta the

Glossaxy and Master Index volume.

program prevents two users from changing the same record at the same instant but still lets the secend user view the record.

Clip Art File Farce includes a bonus set ef art offerings ta help polish your database. HypnCard, you get several pages af useful clip art, including stylishly designed buttons and headers faryour database

Nt. $i % A. "pp%%



' .~g®


&am the structure ef the data. It creates

two separate files: a structure file, and a data file.) Filemaker Pre is somewhat fiistcr than the elder Filemaker, however its data files are considerably larger. Once the data was in place, file aperations were slower than with Filemaker, small database, this is nat an issue, but if yau have a database of afew thousand

records, you could have problems.

Ifyou fin dyaurselfneedingm orefiex-

ibiTity in programuiing than File Force

provides, you can convertyaur File Force database directly into a 4th Dimension

application without recanstructing the file structure ar dealing with record impart and expert.

All Is Not Rosy The worst problem with File Force is that it is a confusing and non-intuitive environment far designing layouts. It scemsredundant that theprogram forces


the user &om 4th D i mension's structure.




Q~ :


. ' .;."%%~+j,.$~


print like they would on an Imagcwritcr in dxaft mode, and bitmaps come out jagged and inconsistent. We printed the same graphicsin Pagemaker, and they worked beautifully. The program's good documentation would have been made even better with an an%ac help system. The prognun stops short of allowing users to create their own menu items, a feature ~ le &em e t h e r d atabase

venders such as Double Helix and even Filemaker te a limited degree.

The Sig Picture probably design a simple Filemaker database witheuteven cracking the manuaL F ile Fo r c e , de s p i t e what t he advertisements say, is nat in the same

league.Be prepared todo some reading. Patentialpurchasexs ought to be aware

of the direct and indirect casts involved in using such a complicated product Buyers sheuld carefully evaluate what they really need in the way of a database. Relational features can be wonderful if

you really need them, but if they are optional, they slew dawn both speed ef development and inthiscase,speed ef actual use.

File Force is net earthWattering inits potential, but it does offer a good set of tools to build custom database+ The

toolsare there, theyare a hitcanfusingto use, and the perfannance leaves something ta he desirecL

428 DealevySt., VIIcoever


j h. .. ;.'~~

printed graphics, in either bitmap or vector graphic form, uplooking awfuL Fonts within vector graphics

Anotherproblem we experienced has to do with printing graphics. When we

Nor H INrd sar: "

47 ~

The average Macintosh user could

Ups ~

File Force as in 4th Dimension.

O ur tests afFile Farce showed itto be fiurly stable and predictable. We com-


smaller. (File Force separates your data

you to use separate screens far datainput and output. A simpler approach would have been to emulate Filemaker's strategy, which allaws you to beth enter data and print it aut &om the same screen. Acxuswas Batvcrysuccessfuiin shielding

There is Be run%Hie cnvix'Qilnicnt faf

Similar to the "Button Ideas" included in

The files created were considerably

often considerably slower. If you have a

Multiuser CapabiTities

of relational databases

pared File Farce with FileMaker H and Filemaker Pre with regard to some basic operations: ixnporting text files, searching and sorting. File Farce excelled at imparting text



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%ppet Ssxvhea


staHatha and cnatem pr ~

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dBA%,upper, 4eaa l~ hr amsgmedlmn hushea

The Compglteg Panger / Dec '90 •


















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occesseflell fef foe "mecfneoefl ION!Icefno I'essmeres ! Se belt 1 eleneb • Star

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associated tooIL FileM;Lter can nowzoom

i•I f

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• ta<ttabb • baa a<a<a re<a

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sat<ra< bat<a<b,base! b!

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jeces. Rulers have finallybeen added and window allows for the an precise positioning and sizing of objects.


~ macabre! eafbeaaar

The text component in FileMaker has f eel

m l Qmflme

Qbnnnner mn Qcelceleoenmc QOnle O O Q flme m l

Q f e nm»IO OS

~ ~


~ O CCebb..


~ C en e

Held deiinWonsare easier and more Nexible

srrenge Formol Scrryeo ullnde tfengn eo arid SV e PRO erlduneo llulero I-Squoroo Nr Size SomneoOats 4' Rll'leone Ieue Roundorieo Refine Pores... »'Fiend Reunderees Layout eefeeonc <ending ObJects Ruler Settee s... Non-I'rioting ebJecec Non-Printable Rreo

8creen layout is vasty improved.

FileMaker — the ctueen of beauty in fiatWe Macintosh databases. Easy to use, easy to understand, beautifuL She has been known as FileMaker, FileMaker Plus, FeleMater 4audlatelyasFileMaker IL But time is cruel to thmgs ofbeauty. It ages the exterior andtakesaway the fire that burns within. Luckilythereisamodern~ysolution to the problems of time. Clonmg, mutalion and cosmetic surgery have come

to the rescue hke a knight in shining armor. Our beauty' issaved from a fate worse thon death — to grow olcL

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f'rom 400% to R5% to analyze detaiilor perspeceive m any mode. These maglllfication settings are retained even when switchingbetweeu modeL Manipulating an object (fields, graphics, lines) is now much easier. Common draw commands like grouping, Iockingandtayer controlhave been included. Objects can be automaticaUy aligned with a graphic example as to how the command will afFect the ob-

• taa • ata cata

The Past



FileMaker Pro;Absolutelynewto itis the MacDraw4ke interface and some of its



• !'ta

Filemeker Pro

Would youlike to lteeyele yourtoner cartridges, but had a badexperiense in the past? Doesyourtoner cartridge leave bfask lines or senudgesalong the side of the page? Is your toner density too light? 5


A New Leaf Thenewlyrenovated programis called

always been weak so a speu-checker is a welcomed addition. It includes a userdefinable dictionary and will be interchangeable with other Claris dictionaries (most notably MacWrite's). Brand new also is the addition of onscreen buttons, i la HyperCard, that perform scripts, menu commands or navigate toalayout. More button support comes in the way of check boxes and radio buttons that accept specific user input as field data. Unfortunately there

is no sczipting language built into these buttonsor anywhere else in the program.

OMer And 8etter A lot of work has been done in the area of layouts.They can new be named nnd navigated to through apopoep menu. There are more formatting options available to display fields, with the most notable work done with custom~te formats. Fields can now be individually manipulated as to how they slide and in what taborder they're placed. On»screen visual aids like arrows and numbers help to edit their designationsa

Lines and fills can be added directly to fields as an attribute. Nonyrineable objects are now supported. Field definitions are now sortable and allowformanualpositioning. Dropdown lists have finally gained scroll bars to facilitate the editing of long lists. Unfortunately,you have to navigate through miles of dialog boxes to get to the lists to mate a minor change.The repeatingfield option has likewise been buriecL A newfield typ, time, hasbeen added with aeoochted formatting options. Saipt commands have more fiexibilityand ca be manuall arran ed in the


• 4OMBHardDrive40 enew/Card ...... casa.ee


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• Logltech 07 SerlalMouee ............. ere.ee e Logitech Se HlReeserial Mouse----g~ ....... eaa.ae MS'JYC Rop+DlskeIIO1.2Rri ...S1'l.eg/aox O T ~ ~ ig • S.e'JVCROPP>Nslroae'lA4M S g,gg/sox ,ae t ol g~ g lnonltorw/ATIVGAWonder Card .....ea2e.ee

AII Arirreo Systems cane utrth IMB R4N, 1.8NBRoppyDAff, 40ie$2ems VokrfCoil Handlhfve, f2'Alonochrume Monitor & Ig r-Key Fnhoocod Keyblfrd,

FREE Oexxa Tyro-button Mousewith an 3S6corn uter Ijrcieassd. Xf39 E. HASTlNGS ST,


TEL.: ss 253-2070 w 2Si-73~4

The Cemputer Paper / Bee '90 menu. The commands themselves have

more options. The Find and Sort commands cannow pause for input, thereby enabling for interactive scripts. You can choose which named layouts to navigate to and can print with or without the print

dialog. Some impressivework has been done with the security access to the database.

Group layering as welt as password protection is now supported. The system is tightly integrated throughout the program and surfaces in field and layout design. The end resultis an intricate and comprehensive security system with lots

of flexibility. The preview mode now shares the same functionality as the other modes with active menus, etc. Overall performance has also been enhanced and

things move along a little zippier than they used to. The Import and Export commands now support Ctaris'sXTEND

technology, therebyincludingFileMaker in their product integration scheme.

SuCCeSSM FaCelift It's a wonder what medical science can do these days. A tuck here, a lift there

and Yoitaf a new program. FileMaker Pro is a thing of beauty and has stood the

test of time. I just wondex what her children will look like.

Roger Stafeckle is president of MacSupport, a company specializing ln support services for the Macintosh, induding consulting, on-site instructIon, and database and Hypercard development. (604) 737-69M

Santawrare Will Seen Nake Its Presents Known Santa N'Elves Development Corp. has announced that Santaware is complete in time for this year's gift merge. Santa consented to lend The Compute'Pepsrh'xs gift database for computer enthusiastL He wants us all to remember, that the

best gift you can give to computer users is one you don't have to buy. What every computer user dreams of is having a positive, supportive environment to free them to work and play without guilt.

R i'pIitt'a::ett Corrijii'seive:~ : t It: ftxs. ; ' ' IIj'ix'v,RteiI'@er 't IsiiI'xtas9'exsf'ae'fI't'iiiijilii ~::,::: ' iIIljtit;:)IeIx'e:::,Axiliwi:jiieta;.':.', '::.;:.'.:,:' : 'jEiii?ipiiethiisxrfiio +jijxstx IIetitII't@fP:,. "



:. -

' :


: : : : :



a or a


Our summaxy is organized by price range, convvertedfrom North Pole dol-

lars to loonies using VixenCalc, but first, a preview of Santaware. Santaware is a combination of hardware and so8twme that promises to deliver presents to all good little girls and boys all over the world by the morning of December 25th. The powerful XMAS&, ¹c kwamed "The Gift," is wrapped in a bright red case with flashing Christmas Iree lights. XMAS90 not only is responsible for the database XMAS-List that includes everyone on Earth, but also handles Elf-Mail so children can modem in their Christmas wishes (555-WISH). As well, XMAS90 has run the robotic team of toymakers throughout the year in preparation for the new automated Christmas Gift Merge. The Naughty Or Nice sofbree is vexy user friendly. Santa does the master list

:AN,li:;nit ttreN lit."P,.

a in n e w ec noo




CanadianCom uter Show, Toronto, November 1880

Continueci on Page 50


VPL Goes Online Hocnayl The YANCOUVERPUBLIC LIBRARYis new acceptxng calls to its online catalog, giving access to the VPL databases.

'; ':"ttilvjs ilotholkiktpa)txtisxxsxvitti'ipNJptxto's':.

' Si:'$i tiiiriha'e,.~ : etxtshcetteii)''.t~i'eifi'ki PN,'::ipii.':::::,:Foitiinatety.:::::-:iF 'si'exti;,eoti y."."et::,:ttte

'P',tfjii'ef,::::::ÃiQadi,::eii':::e'xexx pted:,es,::'fick,:'xN t:, : kii'ex't,:, : shiit:::come Aiycete-:'bio'e'eii ' ,:.,! 0iiim'y;. ttie::co~i i N,:.'; ~

:.~ -:xiii;

: "eiottect::ikey'%:fiti-::te.:txeo,'exii(eixtkikis: ::, (thi'rp::'.NN",:. :ilh'Nit:,:,t%::;%Its.:idix::,'::O''e.-"':,-'towtxp



' 'tttefje't:,tti'if'ye'ii:oixx::ajjiiis'eif~.:~

'% i f .,

'" "VIthitIIIe'sexrxxcii~ei jtSeiitittxatxtls'::

' i j'to'od::kh''at'e' x.,Ix'aik-iIp::ycie':xxttstln'O:di''sib'i'ex'.;,

You can callfrom a personal computer at 500, 1200or 2400bps. Presently they emulate a few terminal types in-

eluding ANSI,VT52, VT100,Wyse, ADDS Regent. (I6ndVT100worksbest,setting my end with Tehx for VT-102). Plain TIYemulation won'twork,asclearscreen

and reversevideo codes axe used exten-

sively. The number: 665-5010 (24-hrs/day, I believe). Hit enter a couple of times if system doesn't respond after "Connect." You can reviewborrowers' recordswith a valid YPL card number (barcode numbers). At present, you can't place holds or leave email to librarians with inquiries, etc., but apparently that's due "real soon now.

oo' I

Overall, I fmd it reasonably g

can 6nd out when my holds are in for pictuxp several days before the lettercarrier brings the printout. If you want to tr y out a d i f Ferent emulation, then choose 11 (Log~ff) but

instead of hanging up, hit "enter" and you' ll get another txy.

:tie:::FiIeiixatwr ,:tt,:,:,,' : ;,:. "::::-.'-

hyGcny Parj ca oia Mind Liwkl


Tel: 604-273-3838 Fax: 604-278-6368 B.C. 8 Alta Toll Free: 1-800-663-KAMA(5262) DEALERS ONlY I'ERASE • •


T he C o mpllter Paper / Dee '90

using the advanced sound synthesizer of the XMAS90, When a name is selected with the Not-Even-A-Mouse,Santa'svoice instructs the elf with either "Ho-Ho," which prompts a pe~p menu te display a het4nk &om the gift table, or "No-No," which xneans there is ne more work to be done for that name. The XMAS90 is much mere accurate

printer{made by Reindeer Technologies, a close cousin ef the lasergrinter) prints out the gift label and the package is processed by the Gik Bundler, that sorts by postal code and packs the gifts into red velvet bags. XhGWIist keeps an accurate count ef the gi&s, se girls and boys can be assured that there will be no Nintendo

than the farmer, manual, "Chectung It

shortages,asmay have happened in the

Twice" system. The computer can be relied upon by Santa for those very lastminute updates, hke when a "nice" child tiu ns inta a "naughty" child or vice versa,


When the gift order is confirmed with

Santawareincludes The Nutcracker software security program, as there are mischievous computer users out there

a password, er perhaps, by a Gnger

whe would love to break into Santa's system to: 6nd out what they' re getting

alongside the nose, then a color Comet-

ahead eftime, change "Ne-Nos" te "He-

Hos," or to tamper with their gift data. On Christmas Eve, navigation of Santa's sleigh will be handled by an onsled computer linked by satellite te the XMAS90. As mentioned above, the computer can advise Santa of a status change &om "naughty"to "nice" even

Eve. Santawarehasgreatlyimprevedthe laborious, theugh always-merrily~pproached task, butwill never replace the jelly one. In an interview with The Computer Papsr, Santa said that "Applicatiens for Elf softwarepmgrammers and hardware

while on a rooftop, though he won't be

engineexs will be taken starting Boxing

carrying the computer down the chimney

Day. We have much work aheadto pre-

with him, so there's still a small margin

pare Santaware for next year. For in-

for exror. Has Santa lost the spirit ef gift~vmg te an impersonal computer? Does holly really mix with high<ech? Don't worry, Santa will still xnake that important personal visit to each home en Christmas

stance, in your country alone we have to upgrade for the GST. As well, we pmject many New Year's babies, so we-will improve eur Mistletel chip fer increased memory demands. Twelve Days of Christmas' by heart, and be willing to relocate to the North Pele. Look for the XMAS91 te be ready for next Christmas.

New, have yeu all been good little beys and girls this year? Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas."

I • ' •


"Ap plicantsmustsingthe '




COM PU TER R NETWO R K ING 3328 Fraser Street, Vancouver, B.t . VSV 4C1

Tel: (604) 872-8468 Fax: (604) 872-848

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, $3599.00

diskette case as a giftbox.

Cemlmter Paper — In keepingwith the evergreen season, give recycled tracterfeed paper. Printer Ribbo — Aclone4ype printer ribbon averages $6.25. The best way to get the exact ribbon for their printer is to "borrow it and take it along to the stere.

Pf / f t fft/f/PC/f////JC/j/JJS/lpga


"::, $1349.00

ss O'Herculns Hi-Res monitor ~s O'WD HDD/FDD IDK controller

Dlske~ rege o dstocking~tuffers. But, unless the stocking is very large, don't try to atua a 5 1/4 o disk into a stocking or yeu win damage it; stick to the S 1/2 o kind. Diskettes can be purchased in boxes of 10 to 100, or individually &om bulk bins. They come in basic black or seasonal pximaxy colors. Take a sample disk to the store with yeu if you have to get the right kind ef diskette. If you want te splurge, you could buy a

rrrrrrrrrra / ss // / / / /////////////////////F/


, Additional Upgrade •

y ~1MSRAM s PVY VGA 6Nx480

$95.00 $139. si TVM VGA 88lx600 $449t TVM VGA 1024x768 $549. ,' 5 V4" AM Floppy Drive $89.00 ~ 3 V2" 1A4M Floppy Drive$$9.00 < <Rodime 80M IDE HD Q39. i ~Mitsnbishi AM MFM $99.00 y MS-908 4.01/3.30 $79.99 s sDexxa Mouse w/Paint Q4.99

Perhaps, the printer ribbon might even come in a color version; just ask and you may brighten up someone's life. Document Holder — Santa's partner,

Ma Claus, recemxnends The Curtis Clip or The Thingi document-holder to save the computer user in your life from sore necks, headaches, and backachescaused from bending over copy like the crayened letters to the North Pole Ms. Claus must enter into San taware. These inge-

nious inventions with their velcm strips are easy to install en the computer manitoxs. They come in left- or right-handed models, some with brightlycoloredclipL

Others s Citkaen ~X 9 - pin


sssCitizen GSX-14024-pin $ 439.



Gifts Under $100 Wmdewa — Microsoft Windows V. 3.0 appeared on many wish lists, according

The Computer Paper / Dec '90 to KNAS-List stats. The Solitaire Game that comes with the program would keep even theGrinch contented. Please note that these are not the hnd of windows

you spray snowflake patterns onto with canned snow. Meme — A mouse is a good present,

but Santa warns, "Do not expect it to stir

on the Night before Christmas." So that the mouse of the house won't suffer harm from spilled eggnog and cookie crumbs, throw in a textured snouse pad. Beoke and Sulsecripsione — On Boxing Day, the computer bookstores Gll with people searching for books and snagazines to help them enjoy the new software and/or hardware they got &osn

a generous gift er. Computer bookstoresissue giftcertiflcates; they' re a onesize-fltsell, low-risk gift that is sure to be a surprise. A computer bookstore is also a good place to look for magazines that you might want to give subscriptions to;

popular ausgazines with computer users include, Byte, PCMagcszissr„Horns OjjScs

Cesss pssting, Mesc@ 'os, Unix Workhand,of

course,The Computer Paper. A book that

Santa recommended was The Ant fo Hu-

srsass-Coepsctcr Isstcr fms Design, Brenda Laurel (ed.). Here is a list ofvancouver's specialty computer bookstores: Book Warehouse Ltd. - 872-5711

Cody Books - 525-9850 Doppler Cosnputer Centre -8754261 Friendlyware Computers - 437-$118 GranvilleBooks -687-221$ Siliconnections Books - 222-2221 Strider Cosnputers - 276-9697 Super Software - 278-7688 Unihall Cosnputer Books - 682-7842 UniversityBookstore (UBC) -2284741



Gifts ader $500 Modem — Your cosnputer users could

• Discount prices for group purchase

modem in to Elf-Mail nextyear if you get

• Provide Mly authorized dealer to

a2400 baudsnodesnfor them. Amodem

will keep everyone busy while Christmas dinner is in the oven; in fact, they might

ghreyou the best support, service

not get around to eating it until next Christmas. A BBS program called Ssszp

and training • Free presentation and demo

(Ssratford Software) is around $15 and would be much appreciated by new modem owner. Ssssyeven has back issues of Ths Gmiputcr Paper tobe perused. Just

on your site • 7-day money back guaranteed

be careful to watch the time, as you are

charged additional for computer time. Agift that keeps on giving throughout the year would be a subscription to BIX, an electronic conferenceservice that lets the user contact computer experts, journalists, and provides thousands of

&eeware programs. Fax Board — For the same price as a modem, a Gas board will let your computer kids send real faxes to fax machines&om the flles they create oa the computer. There are fax boards that can

share telephone lines, and can distinguish between Sax, data and voice trans-

.,';.= ;;:.:'"„".;:.:

"A commitment fo success"

:- , '








VDT Health

Hazard Solutions

Are you concerned about eye strain.• .focusing problems ... controversial research linking VDT usage to pregnancy and birth problems' ? So are we. We believe the most effective product available to address the above problems caused by prolonged daily use of computers is ...1he "NoRad" Shield.The screen reduces E-Field Electromagnetic Radiation through the face of the screen by 99,999L Shield Imporft'ng Ltd,imports these quality screens into Canada, and would be please to accept Visa or Mastercharge orders at (604) 682-5325. Yes,waukl I like to receive a NaRadShield far my judeo DisplayTerminal. Enclosed kcheque or

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Many of you have been satisfied with our commitment to the PC market, we always try our best to serve you better. Now, we would like to introducea widerrangeofindustry-standardPCs. From a low-cost, entry level 286, Laptop386SX, to a truly hot, high performance 486 model. With a wide range like that, if you can't find the PC you are looking for, please give us a call. Please be aware, shop wisely as the Editor of this paper advised in August Issue,Cheapest price is not the best policy. Shop around and look for these logos, or call us for an authorized dealer near you.





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moneyorder for $174.00 plus@.00 shlpplng cash, add 6%tax for B.C. residents.






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: .

— Albciti-::,-.(40S)::.'-488.-",4229::




Th e corn puter Paper j Dec '90

missions; or you could give the computer user their own telephone line to receive electronic information. T h e F r e com Fax96 board starts at under $800. Santa

treated himself to an early Christmas present, the SatisFAXtion board &o m

Intel, and says he will be using it to contact all those "bad" little boys and girls with fax machines to warn them that it' s not too late to change their ways. Monitors — Monochrome m o nitors aad the Herculesgraphics cards are inex-

pensive. Nowwould be areallygreat time to upgrade aloved one's monochrome to VGA — okay it won't cost you $800, but


spelling. A very use&el tool for writers, students, and business managers. • Microsoft Power Point for Windows — Presentation software to create stunning slideshowa • Microsoft Word for Windows — A

Windows Software — There are many

ward-processing program that is sure to keep those letters to Santa coming. • Microsoft Game Pack — A selection

you could get started for about $500. Printers — Not everyone can afford to give away something like the Cometprinter, but there is a very good selection of dot matrix printers available. Don't forget to give some computer paper with this one, or you' ll have to wait for Boxing Day to try it out. new Windows applications available that would be appropriate for a Windows enthusiast. Here is a list of what will be

popular with Windows users, and a brief description: • Gramenatik for Windows — Does for

of game software for the PC user; these toys don't need batteries or assembly. • Microsoft Excel — A spreadsheet

program that will be upgraded in the New Year, so itcould be a good dealright now.

grammar what spellwheckers do for


The Games

Com utef'8




80386 33c64KCache 80 Mb HD 19 Msec.+~'35o 4 Mb Ram 1.2MbIc,1.44NlbFloppy Drives ATIYGAWonder w/512k . 1024 768 U UltraYGANlonitor .28 sRY42bi MM spicial'$799.99 Dexxa 2ButtonMouse 19" TowerCase w/ DiD irol Disploy 101 KeyKeyboard


$I99 .QQ





naries, thesauruses, atlases, etc. Invest-


486-25GAMB RAM, 40MB HD VoiosCoil..$2999 LAPYOPI 388-25 1MBRAM,40MBHD.................$1597 Mitsubishl 286L-40 ........,.....,...............$2%9


12' Papeywhite YGA5 Card.....................$199 14'84D x480.31 ..........................,.....„...$399 14'640 x 480.28 .. ................,.................$419 14'1024 x 768.28.. ........................,......$449

Computers — MacIntosh and IBM have come out with more reasonably priced versions of their products: the Mac Classic at under $1500 and the PS/ 1 atjust over $2000 make good presents Yet, with a little work and many hints &om a potential computer user, Santa says that you could put together a PCcompatible giftbox &om only $1000. Still, many users would want a 886 machine under the tree. NeXT Computess have also lowered the price of theirdistinctiveblackgiftbox. You would have to be very, very, very, very good as well as very lucky to get one of these$5000+ machines. Notebook Computers-~o d things still come in small packages. Notebooks start in the $1500 range, and with a copy of Microsoft Works on board, they could help generate New Year's resolutions. CD-ROM — This is a CD player for the computer." a device thatreads CDs filled with. electronic encyclopedias, dictio-

)l I ' I

Upgradeto 80MB$190

Good Girls 8t. Boys

if you want to stick to name products.


Don Mattrickis ia the games game. As

co-founder of Distinctive Software Inc., 26-year~id Mattrick has come a long way &om his Burnaby North high school

Gifts For Very, Very, Very



An int erviewwithDonMattrichofDistinc-

tive So @were Inc. by Lynne Henderson

Bondwell2Noppy....................................$929 Choice ofKeyboards Modem9600 baudV.32 V.42 MNPS ........$67T Fax 96012400Modem............................$555

PRINTERS HP IIP/HPII/HPIII ................$1349/1749/2357 VGA Cards with258K.................... from $89 Fujitsu1100/3400 .............................$449/409 $24 ..................,....$249/419 YGAGardewtih 512K......................from $159 Panasonic1180/1 VGAGardewith1MS .......................from $209 CitizenGSX140 .....................................$411 Star NX1000/2410 ...........................$234/349 WLRQ OANEI Sound Slaetsyl .......................................$219 Mitsubishi......................;.........................$379 DeXXa/LagiterD hMOuae ........................ $SI33 IDE 40MB .................................................$333 Radime100NIB......................................$777 Call II also InAbbollfonl now Il4-43865 Rodlms 200MB...........,.........„...,.....,.....$1277 LlmlOOye 872-NN. Fuletsu 640INB...................................,..$2677

ing in one of these could give you gift suggestions for years. Laser Printer — Since this is a wish list, let's make it a color laser-printer. Seriously, though, laser-printers have come down significantly in price over the past year, so give HP and the gang some thought. ®Santaware is the registered trademark of Santa N'Elves Development Corp. Unauthorized use of this trademark will result in lumps of coal in your Christmas stocking;

Cathalynn Labont~mlth ls a Vancouver freelanoe writer. She has written recently for theVancouver Sttn High Tech season onspace-age sewing machines.

days and his first business success with

the computer game, Evolution. Now, as the chairman of B.C.'s largest computer game development company, hepreseatly devotes 60 to 70 hours a week to games and entertainment software, his

growing business that yielded $8.2 million revenue in 1989.

Nautical But Nice His 4th~orey view oflice, decorated with a large Metal Art fish sculpture and a spectacular wall-to-wall tropical fish tank, is reminiscent of a captain's quart ers in a luxury yacht It is a Nem~ u e haven apartfrom the madcap oKces of his Rand D group where creative license is apparent with high<ech toys, MIDI equipment,arcade games, and graffi ti on the "playroom" walls. Mattrick speaks modestly of his successes which have inJanuary 1990allowed him to takeover theentire14,000orquarefoot fourth floor of his building — one step toward even greaterfuture expan-


"We' ve had a lot of successM ventures

asa company. I think some of the most important accomplishments thatwe have are the client base that we work with at

this time... companies like Walt Disney, Koaami, Electronic Arts, Accolade,

Brssderbund, NEC, IBM... companies that publish products throughout the world and are in the top ten in our

indus try." Mattrick cofounded DSI in 1982

with a partner, Jeff Sember. The two: severed their relationship three and one half years ago. The company has growa steadily in the past few years and em-. loyees number dose to 80 at this time. he average ageis only 27. Mattrick is proud of his unique team. The creation of software is very timeintensive, he explains, and projects tsrke manyman-years to complete andrequire specializedshlls, teamwork,patienceand dedication to be successful. "We have adiverse group of people that have specialized shlls and bring...a spark to the artistic side of what it is we

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And whether you' re practicing the art of business or the business of art, your ,'@@i,..." P'' masterpiece belongs on a CTX monitor from COMTEX. Reproduce a stunning palette of color true to the VGA standard in resolutions unfaltering to the most critical eye. A distinctive, elegant case design and effortless tilt 'n' swivel base are trademarks of the CTX monitors. Hlend their timeless a.'sthetics with the technology of APS (Autoswitching Power Supplies), ASC (Auto Sizing Circuitry) and dot pitches ranging from .39 to .28 mm and you have a video display for the most discerning artisan. Purchase your CTX monitor at an authorized COMTEX dealer today.

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COMTEX MICRO SYSTEMS INC. (in)I I100-13281 Mavtteld Place, Richmond, HC, Canada V6V 2GH Telephone: (60q t 273-8088 Fax, t60at 2, 8-28)8 Toll-tree Fax: 1-800-663-02 "1

The Computer Paper / Dec '90

ome see ... r r '


- '

- ' "


' They' ll all be xepxesented. The people who stand on the cutting edge of computer and communications technology. Shouldn't you be there to connect with them? Find out if desktop publishing is for you. And which supplier is writing the book on it If your multi-mediapresentations are leaving people cold, learn about the tools that will electrify them. The haxdware. The softwaxe. All the exciting possibilities. Network with the networkers. Be knocked out by the punch that's being packed into today's portables and laptops. Open up to the possibilities ofUnix. It's no longer confined to the zealm of lazger firms. And moze. From office automation to portable communications to professional seminaxs sponsored by the Car@dian Information Processing Sodety (CIPS). Come out and connect with the people who axe putting thespeed, power and connedivity into today's computing and communication.


IINPIIHR I IINNUNINIIONOIISI Jan. 14, 15, 16, 1991 Vancouver Tradeand Convention Centxte Show Hours: Monday, January 14: 11 am-8 pm • Tuesday, January 15: 12 pm-8 pm • Wednesday, January 16: 12 noon-6 pm For Show information call Southex ExhSitions at 433-5121. For ClPS Seminar information call 681-2796. Absolutely no admission to persons 16 years and under.

The Complster Paper I bee '90 wide range of experience who could bring diKerentideas &om past experience and also understood people. And I thinkwith all the experience that Tarrnie's had, that's a minimum description of his skill set." Matlrick is enthused about the future

directions his company could take. 'The emergence of optical disks, CD ROM, CDI, DVI and CDTV all lend themselves to a number of exciting future prospects. Outside of that you even have the development of new technologies like virtual reality."

DataPerfect's Almost-Perfect PC: A Substitute


- • EH e



FULLYCQlllflGUREDSYSTElIllS Anyonecanadverbsea cheapchne, butwhen you add inthe exlrasyou really need, the final priceisn'tcheapany more. S Year Popular optionswe Include are: • faster processor Avaihbie

sponsibilities with a high degree of in-

eaXtnamemlyfOr maXimumperfOrmanCe • Iarger hard drives for demanding appIications • Boih 5 1/4" and 31/2 fioppy drives for flexrMily • VGAvideo instead of older obsolete sbrndards

tensity, Mattrickdenies the adage that all

• Mouse forsee of usewith the latest soltware

All Work And No PlayP Although he a p proaches work re-

work and no play make him a dull guy.

• MS-DOS4.01 inslaikrd with full documeniahon

Equally important are friends, sports, car racing,and travel.For December, he

MC Turbo 286-16 386SX-29 386-33t:

plans to combine Spanish beaches with his European work schedule, which includes visits with Mindscape, Software Toolworks, and some friends at companies such as US Gold and

Memory 1M B RAM 2 MB RAM R oyyy Drives 2 2 HardDrives 40 MB/28 ms VC 60 MB/28 ms VC Nouse, DOS i nc i . inc!. Payer WhiteVGA $1,495 $2,195 Color VGA t.31) $1,7?5 $2,475

Infog rararne.

When asked about rumors of his re-

tiring at ay: 3Q, this computer veteran jokingly replies, "I' ve booked my flighti" He looks forward to a time when his business could function without him. "That still leaves me four years and


microcomputer. INanufacturer; DataPerfect Systems,

$138 —13982Cambie Road, Ri chmond, B.C. V6V 2K2. (604) 270-9178.

Fast Technology has announced the for the Atari ST. Turbo 03Q is designed to Gt in a MegsbST or any ST placed in a "PC" style case. Turbo 030 features 32Kbytes of 30ns CMOS Cache Ram, 100ns TOS roms (25Mhz) or 45ns TOS rome (3350Mhz), a Motorola 68030 CPU and optional 68881/2 FPU. Available in 25Mhz, 33Mhz, and 5QMhz versions, Turbo 030 is designed to be upgradeable in both clock speed and features by the um r-

The Turbo 030 Includes a 68000 chip

comp atibilityandaversion

for bac~

of Atari's operation system ROMS (TOS 1.6) modified to work with Turbo 030. Also included is a 32-bit expansion bus for futureenhancements to the board, like high speed video and 32 bit ram.

tr m~ 8 0286-12... .

soar ze' 8 0386-25 80386-33.




% 10 2 9



— 4 17 9 9 ~ 2149


Drive, 49 NB 28 me Hard Drive,1N Key Keyboard, Nollilor Product: DPS 486 EISA architecture

Turbo 030, a 680304ased accelerator


$3,395 $a,575

COnflltlred Wil11 NB RNI,1 FIOppy Atarr pcftfoi!0,..........,....,....,............$399

probably a lot of hard work and long evenings between now and that future point."

The Need For Speed

4 MB RAM . 2 80 MB/IQ msVC

by Wigiarrt Barr Thc' .'486 currently occupies an interesting niche in the PC marketplace. At once, it is both too powerful and not powerful enough. Running MS-DOS on a '486 is like using Secretariat as a thaught horse. On

the other hand, the 80486's immediate redeeming feature is in revealing the

ACT386SX,1MB RAM, 40 MB Hard Drive, VGA.............$3349


rsb 12biHz12'Amber Mobitor ......$999 386SX16 MHz12'Amber Monitor $1449 386 25 MHz, 12'Amber Monitor ....$1799

XT lO288and 285 lO 385

Options: VGA Color (rePiacingAmber) .. from $299 w/mouse orloystickfrom ------ 29~9 w/DOS 3.3 or4.01 .......................... $85

Super VGAcolor 800 X 600 from $689 490MB/28ms efor286/386fom $449



Nt' TURBQ286 with above options, paper while VGAmonitor, printer, accounting, backup and utility software,

floppy disks, paper,powerbar. g

995 Set up your accounts before Dec. 31st.

true antiquity of the AT architecture it

rests on. VisionsofFormula One engines in Model T's come to mind. MS-DOS aside, the two fundamental

problems with the AT architecture are

theAT BIOS and the AT bus. The BIOS (Basic Input Output System) is what the hardware and softwareuse to talk to each

• •

BE READYFQRGST! System provided ready to run with software inetaiied: GL, Receivables, Payablee, Inventory.


I •


b -

b • •

b l

other. Fo r lack of a better term, the

BIOS is an interpreter. The bus is the device through which you connect thmgs to your computer. One part of the busyou are most familiar with are the expansion slots. You cau

Intelligent Soluti o n s HewlK ~IM Rafl(l 103$ll-25 $2049

Furniture & Workstations Material imported from AUSTRIA "ROGER"

K~P3 rbtbcKebrao Sal b o r ( b r d


n ro (r r



I' C-211Z $1M6

Legend 1024x768 28mm -~ Pab l ishing e/bv 1024x768 VGA Caret ..4569 -On Site Consalting and -1MB RAM -12hCS or L44MB Teae Drive Mitsarbishi 65MB 28ms....4399 Tramms %esrernDrrrltnlzsms. S 339! -Mac/1BM Data Transfer %3MB Hard Drive 28ms Qaantnm 84MB 19ms 64K...4689 -Free Delivery -12 Mene Monitor and Card -lel Enhanced Keyboar d hdra ssd Cordless Moose.. 899 ~stem Confisnratien -AT IBID Gmr 1F, 18, 1G FUJITSU SL34ae - ~ 191 -Free Phone Sappet -AT Sine Case HP IrF/IIL ~ 1365 / s2299 -One Year Manahetares - 3XrW Fewer Saprdy CSA Rela nd DP800 Laser 814 8 9 Warranty on Parts andLaheer ..4249 -Software, Cases, Boards, RAM, SpsehlUFSrssh nnd Ibaehb ae Rolawl9101 9Fm Reland 2417 24Pm ~ 9 Controllers, and morel Frreas Avnrhlbhrr

Call X30-3436 Ner additional proriucta or an apyoiatment. (Fax 03-5994)

E-I Chipboard overlaid with Anti-Acid, Anti-Alkaline and Fire Retardant Melamine.

Its design conforms to humanbody structure. Stylish comfort and Convenience Easy to Assemble Durable and Attractive







b• b


The Computer Payer / Gee '96

fdtt7ed,' S dutheer, "7f(m'd g ----'----- STUPID MAC TRICKS ----"---. The computer equivalent of whoopie cushions, birthday candles you can't blow out and screaming golf balls, Stupid Mac Tricks puts the fun back into using the Macintosh. The perfect Christmas gift for the nerdy programme r, tense corporate executive, grouchy boss or deadpan employee, this book/disk package is sure to enrich and enliven the lives of all those who work on a Macintosh. Stupid Mac Tricks includes such gems as: Neltrrown • Select this disk accessory and watch your screen melt into

oblivion. Totally harmless, but amazing to behold.


If you are an obnoxious sort of

person, you can have this disgusting wretching noise every time you eject a disk. If not, install it in someone

ebe's Mac and find a good seat! SON ygdmuster: Train your Mac to say " Watch where you' re



sticking that thing, " when you insert a disk. Have the sound of breaking glass when you shut the computer down.

And much, much more...!

Aten'PtyrtSlio Super orrlanizer



ptraer bstyoursngsrdpswidrdwotart ftsrtfnlto . Eewcisgyatlhis rtttBTtntt Strtthte 888-I3OSfo Cenipntthtn. lawpuce. Chtmrttl tgntrtgoamla hffnwtt Addtnna Soott • Asuperorgeniler with an edge. lhe ybrtfcllo is big OOS' compatibletao lIrseasysr use,massa sdning s whir, organidng a Appollttrrlttfthf trtnrtra Cnttathrtttra Lttatsn snap endforgablng anm posssitdlity. plus nb gotponaufut bulb in sofbaamto enoserall ytuuneeds. fbrfersfwrsraoulims, unitorssy 1-Nb Rln Camtpndhhf SpnandSheet • students sndenglnasrb At Ate ri,an harl d tbu ere POWSr because Wl llumrl buernlu'a. 88nrstorty nnd Pongttnrt outdo


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59.95. The new student •

package is also here-call us now about this really

high-powered package!

Call Friendlyzoare Computers


The Computer Paper /Dec'$0 plug video cards, disk controllers, serial ports, etc., onto the bus.

One Problem Solved The main problem is the AT bus. The "industrystandard" AT bus is 16 bits wide

and has a speed of 8 MHz. The slowest 80886 is 82 bits wide and has a speed of 16 MHz. See the problem? P utting an A T b u s o n a '486 motherboard is just like fimnelmg 10 lanes of traffic onto th e L i ons Gate

Bridge. It's clear that the AT bus was originally designed to work with computers no faster than the original 164it


However, we now have an alternative

to the AT bus. The new EISA bus runs at 88 MHz andcan adequatelykeep up with 80+ MHz '486's. It also has a 82+it-wide

A '486 Unix Workstations

tion. For most of the tests, we used the mon~ a p hics mode at a resolution of 640x480 (a limitation forced upon us due to lack of device: drivers in the Unix software we used). We had a 16kit Ultrastor ESDI controller for the disks. In my opinion, this is a great conlroller because it makes setting up a hard disk trivial. The setup utilityis both comprc,hensive and easy to use. There was a 1.2 MB floppydisk drive and a Fujitsu 880 MB (16 ms) hard disk installed in the system. As longaswe stuck to character~d applications,system performance was outstanding. When we fired up the GUI, performance was both &ustratingly slow and comicaL Screen re&eshes were choppy, background tasks took forever,

datapath. The EISA bus actually gives you the

PCs at a reasonable price. At a suggested retail of $6500 for a basic machine with a

Ihave always been skepticalofbenchmarks. The only real way to compare machines is to do real work with them, not run a few sterile, tightly coded prograins against the system clock. Nevertheless, I found the Data Perfect '486 came in at 15.05 Dhrystone MIPS and 0.96MFLOPS (DP Linpack), on average. Intel rounds the numbers off at 15 MIPS and 1 MFLOP. The standard AT bus is 16 bits wide and has a peak throughput rateof 8 megabits/second. It averages at around 6. On the other hand, the EISA bus has a peak performance of 88 megabits/ second with an average speed of 15. The EISA bus is also 82 bits wide. In general, with database or graphics applications, you can see an increase in throughput by a factor of 8 with an EISA machine. And the difference is noticeable. • • Data Perfect builds a good machine, and I hate giving it back Their DataPro line comes with a + ear parts and labor warranty, and that's well worth the few extra bucks. Any complaints I have about

install X-windows, a window manager, and the visual desktop metaphor &om Visix (a product called Looking Glass). Regardless of what the vendors say, Xwindows is a pig and you need to squeeze everylast MIP out of your machinel With the additional load of awindowmanager and a GUI, you will want 8 MB of RAM.

The Machine So we could have astandard for comparison, we first installed Unix on an AT

clone. It was a 25 MHZ 80486 AT with 8 MB of 82+it RAM. We had the cache on the '486 enabled for the whole test.

The VGA video system that came with the computer was an Ahead 16-bit super

VGA card with 512 KB RAM and the monitor was capable of 1024x768 resolu-

management consulting firm.

Dq De

The OperatingSystem

look like a workstation, we then had to

William Barr is asenior partner inBarr,

McCormick& Associates,a Vancouver

though Data Perfect'sEISA486wasup to the task, I'm not sure most people would be. If you like to tinker and aren't easily frustrated, it's a good learning experience. If you need to getsome work done now, think about getting a Unix worksta-

The Bencbmarks


graph i c workstation, Data

Perfect builds a machine that can do the job.

installing a GUI is no easy task Even

floppy drive and 4 MB RAM, it's a deal.

For the review,we decided to run Unix. The idea was to see if a '486 EISA box would make areasonable workstation. We used INTERACTIVE Unix 2.2 which is based on Unix System V. 8.2. Once Unixwasup and running (that' s a topic for another articlei), things became... interesting. To make the system

a singl~

Buying a '486, installing Unix, and

Using an EISA Western Digital disk controller did wonders aswelL We could actually make use of the 15 MIPS and 1 MFLOP the CPU is capable of.

American suppliers to offer '486 EISA

I' ve always had my reservations about running Unix on a PC. Until the advent of the EISA bus, I had been justified on the grounds that a PC didn't have: the throughput that was needecL The idea of using a PC for a workstation brought up even more skepticism. However, after seeing what an EISA '486 was capable of, I think that a PC running Unix can work well. If you need

administration tasks easy and documentation is well written.

mance increase was dramitic.

PC compatibles, is one of the first North



sub-'286 level when we enabled 4 bit planes to give 16 colors. I attribute most of theslowdown to the AT bus. When we replaced the AT motherboard with an EISA model and used the EISA VGA card, the perfor-

throughput necessary to run networks, multiuser systems, and graphics applications. Until recently, you had to mortgage the house to buy a '486 EISA rnachine &om Compaq, Zenith, HP or Tandy. Data Perfect Business Computers, a Richmond+ased manufacturer of IBM-

tion &om one of the big vendors.

A'486 would make a good Unix workstation, but only when a few caveats are kept in mind. Unix is a big operating system. On a well~aintained and supported system, a person can get around handful of commands. Installing and maintaining a Unix system is a completely different matter, and it's not a job for novices. A novice would be able to get a barebones system up and running, but it wouldn't do much. There is a good reason whyvendors charge afair pile of moneyfor their Unixworkstations. There is a high degree ofvalu~ded programming that is done to make system

and moving the mouse would visibly slow down the execution of an application on screen. System response dwindled to

57 ~




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the entire setup are not the fault of the



The CompIIter Paper I Dec '90

WAy Pay Note Else whette

g g/

d'or 100%

Same Compu-Narc?!


A typical micro-computer is not a "N'AGIC BOX", just confirlured by some name


brand pre-Suilt devices,,as: pro cant

rddeo eaF4


Floppy dtlvo


286/12 MHz AT System

386SX/1 6MHz System

386DX/33MHz w/64K/25ns Cache

386DX/25MHz System

386SX/20MHz System






RAM (Per Mega Byte) ............................$89.00 Add Rppy Disk Drive .;........................... $85.00 (1.2M/5.25" or 1.44M/3.5")

-1 MB RAM (expandable)

-1.2MB/5.25" TEAC Floppy Disk Drive

-40 MB/28m$ w/1 6-bit F/H Controller -I/O Card with 1 Parallel/1 Serial/1 Game Port -High-Resolution 12" Amber TTL Monitor -Small Foorprint Case/200W power supply

Ver 4.01


80MB Hard disk.................................... $299.00 Mono VGA 14" 8 Card ...........................$90.00 Color VGA & Card ................................$349.00 (640x480 16-bit 256K) 1024 '768 16-bit 256K Card.................$499.00

-Enhanced 101-Key Keyboard

'Customized configuration on request One Year Parts & Labor Warranty

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9-pin printer ..........................................$199.00

Mitek 366SX-16MHz

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• 2 Hr. Battery NOT HER SOARD 2N-12 $120 388SX-1 8 $490 386SX-2 0 $509 388-25 $750

MODEM/MICE FLOPPY DRIVES . $N 2400 Int 1 .2/5,25'TEAC $8 0 Loglte sg $00 1A4/3.5'1EAC $85 Mouse Pad $5. 2 5 3 6 0K/5.15' $75 720KO.5' $75 HARD DISKS 30MBN'ctrl $340 I/O CARDS IINATH CO-PROCESSORS 4 0MB/28ms . $2S 9 AT I/O Card .$25 80387SX-16 $42 9 MR535 $340 S erial Port Chip $ 1 2 80887-2 0 $539 80MB/10ms $620 80387-25 $590 100MB/10ms $NS IISONITORS 8088743 $%9 200MB/19ms $ 1 140 17TTLAmber $N 14'TIL btw $139 1 7 Mono VGA $ 1 0 5 PRICES DROPPllll5 OAILV 14' Mono VGA $130


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Editable PostScript


The Computer Paper I Dec '90

ensky purrPaper)is the only other program I

ancr ease e o ~ ~ c pr oftheimage. Indeed, thenewHlusirator's feature list bodes well for its' success in corporate America.

Mo::::::0':":".. •

When an Adobe Hlustrator document is savedwith an EPSF header, it can be imported into virtually any desktop publishing program, much as may be done with most other PostScript drawing programs. What makes Illustrator unique is

that the EPSF image may later be loaded back into Illustrator, and still retain its editable control points. r',$;;..:,.;: .


ColorStudio's new Shapes annex (described in the Oct. '90 issue of TheCowa-

know of with this ability. Most other programs that can load EPS files, such as FreeHand, Corel Draw, etc., only allow the EPSFimage tobeplaced on the page as a single object, with the individual control points no longer available. Hence, these other programs require you to save an art fil (for future changes) as well as export an EPSF image. (Incidentally, FreeHand users may discover what appears to be a bug in the new mustrator'9 Export as Illustrator I.I formatoption. Unlike exportedfile sfro previous versions of the program, FreeHand cannot load the I. l

o u tput files

saved by Illustrator S.O.The fix, however,

99 ~

is simple: just chocee the Include EPSF header option, save in I.I format, and FreeHand has no trouble). Another Illustrator advantage is in the rendering of on~een text effectL Undoubtedly because they developed the Postscnpt language itself, as well as the Adobe TypeM anager program (whichis now included with Illustrator 8.0), Illustrator is much more accurate than Free-

Hand at rendering large text sizes onscreen. Othertexteffects,such astextoutlines, are not shown on~een with FreeHand, but Illustrator properly displays them. Unfortunately, not all PostScript effects are shown on screen.


Illustrator 3.0 by Grecme Bsaaca

Product:Adobe Illustrator 3.0 Publisher:Adobe Systems, Inc.,1585 Charleston Road, P.O. Box 7900, MountainView; CA 94039-7900. For

or or

more information call 800-344-8335. System requirements:Any Macintosh

with 2 MB of RAM and a hard drive,

System 6.03 or newer, Adobe Type Manager 2.0 (included). A PostScript printer is recommended, although draft output is possible on many nonPostScript printers. Price: C$695.

Oxford Eterna classic Typewriter New YotR Deco Avant Guard Gibraltar Boa®o Iloah ObeliskCourier Tymes Roman Pres ti.g e

Letter Gothi c P CL ine Draw Baskerton UniversityOrnate Buchinl~ +am Rallflmtyt COppeeSeld Ce n t ury P a l atine Ga ramand Carnegie

Garamand Condensed HelVeniCa COndenSed Roddand 7oulliard

All-In4ne In the blu~ t e d world of business, where artistic aspirations are budgetconstrained and the the operative mode is "good enough," the typical office's printers are not PostScript printers, but Hewlett-Packard Laser Jets, orsimilarlowend non-PostScript laser printers. It is a world of corporate letterheads,

progress charts to plot, the company logo on the fax~ut form, and reports

that last year 'were printed from a word processor, this year kom the new desktop publishing program that everyone was supposed to learn. It's no wonder that so many people can't find enough time to learn a highwnd graphics program. This, I suspect, may have been Adobe's motivation in shaping their IIlustrator program into an all-inane general~urpose drawing, graphing and page-layout program for text and graphtcs.

A wide variety of charts can be automatically created simply by importing spreadsheet data. Modify the data, and the graph refiects the changes. For those who don't draw, Illustrator can automatically trace and incorporate scanned photos or other bitmapped source materials. The new Type tools allow the importation of text in several formats, multi-

column text fiow, control of tracking, kerning, and scaling, the wrapping of text around objects, even the conversion of text to editable outlines (Ooh, ahhl). And, with the inclusion of Adobe Type Manager, users with non-PostScript printers can also produce the scalable

fonts that LaserWriter owners have long gloated about Andwhile the bestresultsare obtained with a PostScript printer, Illustrator's g raphics, too, print well on n o nPostScript printers, especially when printed at 25% of the original size to

Futuri Ka trina H e lvenica Ae r o So uvienne Q Y ~.f> «po Greek Poowio Poo Cooool Gettysburg K~ h agrur Script

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PC Magazilne, Junc 15, 1989. • ...opere a combination of featutcs attd • 824 Clearview Avenue v e pafomtance that is unavaihble elsewhere. Llki postacdpt, Glyphix generates fonts fmm outlines, on the ny, and settds them to the ptiater ae • + London, Ontario, Canada N6H 2N2 they ace needed" Computer Buyers Guide ettd Handbook AND USERS • (519) 6574406 ®FAX: (519) 472-2951 AGREE • "Your appmadt to font generation is the right one4cttcr thea nitsttcam, More Fonts, you name it. c.s. • "1>e now beett using GLYPHK o.owoowons'eoeao.o.. .tcould 'tbehapple wroth IS99999 • SSSSSSS999 • 9SSSSSSSSSSSI quality, case of use, and, most of all, printed output of tbis pmduct." C.C. • YacttscALttsau@Ettea'aisa pc,ittxrpsisacompaatowstoeioiotoaolsiatbRAN,atootttak, ilptotiacbmaaloaatiatettademahaettaiiistaredttadetaatka afthairteopedivscomitaaies. •

Starterkits alsoavailablefor Microsoftlordand venturaPublisher.


The Com puter Paper I Dec '90

In fact, in the booklet galled "Beyond the Basics" which comes as part of the excellent documentation that accompa-

nies the Illustrator 8.0 program, the description of an efFect called Transparent Type confidesthat "the dFect of overprmting is not visible during preview or composite printing. The file must be color separated to show the dFect" Good griefl And thisis&om the people that put Display PostScript on theNeXT computer?

A Stroke Of Genius The four Illustrator 8.0 disks come in

a compressed form, meaning that you must use the supplied installer program

to install them onto your hard disk. In total, the program, related templates and sample documents occupy 8.8 MB of s pace, although by removing non~ n tial files, you may reduce that by about half. When the application is first started up, you are required to personalize your

copy by entering your name (and optionally, your company's name). As with recentversions,the 8,0 version requires 2 MS of RAM, and starts up with no onscreen tools visible. Sy selectingNew, I noticed the first in aseriesof small delights. Previouslypesky annoyances like the need (in earlier versions) to always choose a tracing template or dick None can now be by-

passed by holding down the Option key. The None buttonitselfnowhasalabelled Command-Nshortcut, hence CommandN-N quickly opens a new documentwin-

dow. (Illustr ator88alsosportedthislittle-

known, unlabeled shortcut.) Once a window is opened, the program's considerably~nhanced tool palette appears at the left side of the screen (see Figure I). In a stroke of pure genius, the program's designers have created a description panel iri the lower leftcorner of the main documentwindow that describes the function or mode of the currentlyeelected tool. Sy pressing the various operator keys (Command, Shift, Option and Control) or selecting

various tools &om the palette, the description panel describes the function that will be performed. I would like to see all Macintosh programs adopt this obvious, butrarely seen feature. (Calamus, a desktop publishing program forthe Atari ST, uses a panel like this to goodeffect).

Curve Ball My Least Favorite Feature is the fact that Illustrator still can'tworkin preview mode (FreeHand users love this feature, even though itslows down thatprogram's operation tremendously). However, at least you can now preview part of an Illustrator image with the new Preview Selection command. Another boo-hoo is the inability to create simple gradient fills for objects. Illustrator's Blend tool can certainly

duplicate the FreeHand fountain" look, butnotaseasilyorquicklyasthatprogram

We come e To t e Macintos Fami


While I'm griping, I'm not too crazy about the number of steps it takes to

create a graph design with Illustrator 8.0's new Graph function. By my count, it is thirteen steps, a few of which are downright tricky. Luckily, over fiftypages of manual (I) and tutorial are devoted to the graphing process.

Spot Color Bug '

Now Affordable Colour! he release of the

T Macintosh Classic on

October 15 has already changed the world-wide micro computer market. The first few weeks saw more Classics sold than all of the

Mac Plus sales of last year.


ow available is the brand net LC.

Macintosh at a rice ou


c an afford. Supply is

and orders will be processed on a first in, first out basis. Call early to reserve for

Lurking amid the wealth of new f~turesin version 8.0isanastybug. Custom colors, which worked great in '88, no longer work when files are exported to other applications. A properly defined spot color, when placed in XPress 8.0, for example,no longer separates properly as a spot color. It ends up either on the blackplate orprocesaseparated, even when no process has been specified. An Adobe technical rep admitted they had been flooded with calls, about this defect. She would sayonly that "we' re worhng on it." She suggested saving an '8&compafiblefi le and defining/applying the custom color there until a bug-fix is available. If you choose this route, remember thatyou can'tuse compounds to create "doughnut holes." It's back to the old splice and overlap. (Thanks to Steve St. Laurent of Imagineers for reporting this bug.)

Open Saturday thru December 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.

Christma s!

Authorized Dealer 01%9hpple~ ,

In c. Apple,hpple de logo,and ~ a

Thevoluminous documentation (over 650 pages in teal) is nothing short of excellent, and includes aQuck Reference Card,Color Guide (forthe accompanying Adobe Separator 8.0 program) as well as the aforementioned Tutorial, User Guide, Adobe Type Manager and Beyond the Basics booklets. As with all Adobe products I have seen, registered users are entitled to product updates for 90 days and Adobe's excellent. technical support I have had occasion to call Adobe tech support severalti mes, and have never yet been put on hold while "all lines are busy," or found them unable to answer my questions.

Reportedly a new version ofFree-

Bm COMwmas

2151 Burrard St. Uanmuvcr, B.C. 738-2181

2(I1A Douglas St Victoria, B.C.


Hand (developed by Altsysfor Aldus) is beingreadiedformarket, but fornow, at least, Adobe reasserts its position as the PostScript drawing tool for the Macintosh.

prominen t

The Coyyhpeter Paper I Oec '90

Cemdex: An Electrenic Neecisteckt was createdand named, he said simply, "COMDEX is a phenomenon." When the man who builds something can no longer explain it, it's time to take stock COMDEX drew over 150,000 visitors plus 1,800 reporters and 1,800 exhibitors this year. Its pro6tslet Adehon's Interface Group buy the Sands Casino, and new it's building what could be the

The Phenomenon by D.Blankcnhorn LASVEGAS, NEVADA, NOV16 {NS) — Sheldon Adelson didn't hesitate, but he didn't shed any light either. When asked about the meaning of COMDEX, which keepsgrowing despite the demise of the small computer storesfor which it

Papeo+ «ty corrtpurry'e ciemeeSeg D

ergeefxed." ...f ' ps';:„:.; :';":.:;.,:::i

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HBLp aoftosrehoneof CanmkA bcstssflhepsyr oypsdmfkse. Itftntur ess uccr Nendkyhmrytca, htekftmas wfrh tntwt mjor sottaunhg pscfmgss hchdiuy ACCP kC, Neer%sea, IS stuk CBmt kttsctSht,sndftecpsyuurluvetumCsnstfsscteutahbsfsnoLPfesihyftyfstbansnmehheystaeh psytokksckkwsse,end HBIP csnksuufhup totenckffytunatypssef tmunhffsssusdkasaffowhy tan ussrdafhshhceayaaycfokotthnLhpthts your BeconfsofkbupkoytsentsntkTAsffpsmynsretuk sntkyuu csnevuncklayeyouroon6evmm~ntsxtshkcs.'ktdsnmsnsNOyustfyupdstefos. Ihtt of slthenutnher cf employees hfhdtstkonfybydhh spscesossyaur amnpsnyStows, you wtut't outyrowHBLP.. Ifyouhsvo audtfpkeoutIpsnles, HIP csnhsndfekemsfL IPQtnlfhnpsytofk hssbeensstvfuy busiusssesffheyosr tnvnfurrhepsstfkvuyasts amkhasovur 1,NOh«sffsdussts soyoucsnbuywnhthectmffdstuatbatHBIPwykbethstolfyuuuosdft, 'Ihoptfeofurrhlspschsye Is only 834p f6. Tslhtoyour ftksnds, dtcysteptuhshkysfteNkyushgkkmP CaolffsnRqwaK

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ffe, weareacta rshy store. Ws are fully a ihsaccdvafuc addedrcsclltr bllnyhy you: 1) Schc5sn-Over5,0ffy produchl 2) Ths fewestpossibfsprices 5) Ths bestlfuaiy products directly to your home oroNce. Our psstonsfoaofooae sslvfcc feahrcs free ia4ems oroNcsdclfvcly, setup, and iashlh5onofsyshucs.DayoraiyhLWe bsliwe aocascsntoucbeurdcdha5onto servicesadIfaaffly Consalhlhns k systenuanalysh providedfor businessesloocfdeyto aufomcte. Lscslay h avaihbh onall prtxluch that weselL NIN Sllh dkph faasvdfcas yyyCutftm«s Yes, wehave beenoN4ne sincethe cld SSS cmshedin the spriny, usta j miner harddrlve hdfure. We are offering epechl prlclny conshleralon lo all of our oldSSSusers. Just our wayof aaylnythanksfor your myelin the past yveyeara Wewill be rslwnhy in1891 with fheworld's most awesomeSSSaverf Featuring super~eel anlmalhm,sepamieEnterhdnmentand Businessseclons includlny on-line orderfny and supporLRumorshaveit that Shl h huffdfny a4SS,and tmdfny off the ofdApph. Shytunedforfmthsrdevelopments. WOW .I can't walL The INanayemsnlut Phase 1Systems.

uter Paper I Dec '90 largest show Eioor in the world. The Sands Convention Center was, beyond anynew technology, the unquestioned star of this show. Right now, its

600,000square foot floor der& that of the mainLas Vegas Convention Center, where the show has been for nearly a decade. Rut that's just the start of it In 199248 Adelson will "Ehp the plans," doubling the size of the floor. Later, he can endose the downstairs gaxages and have 2 million dq. feetunder one roof, at a cost of$100 million so far, plus construction costs over the next 5

years. One's feet get tired just thixxktxxg about it.

The Sands, unlike the assortment of 10 hotels the show has been forced into the iadt fewyears, givesmore exhibitors a level playing Seld — Taiwanese circuit card makers and major players like Hyundai and Kodak It makes comparisoxls eadxera

But what is the phenomenon of COMDE3V It has become too big for any one person to take in. You have to specialize, in certain products or trends, to make any sense of it. Everyone has their own COMDEX, as Adelson noted xn his Newsbytcs interview. Some exhibitors still dealt mainly with computer store managers. Others talked mainly to corporate

I o u care about t

l a t est gumte releases/ rlces

and uvui ubikty, calltheVal ing

g ellosu Pages 439-3311 und

press or speu:

(e.g. WING COMM/VJDHt, the 3-D Space Combat Simulator from ORIGIN $49.95)

Txddttact isn OT Sdlegpergsrt 1



20 30


5. 6.


O. O 18.

2O.N 25.95 32.N

115.N RlloiEil SET Ritden Set - Appt BNI 1945.N SENICE Service Barge - ii 861 N.N


Csst~r hde Csstmr irhpde OdtgtaallltR


Ret a i l %I.N


Jia Sells SMRH212



Glgtear ig pagldR bg Cash.


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3517.85 21 I.OT

Sale Total


inST Tat

COMDEX ha s become an a n nual

Electronic Woodstock, "our penance for being in this business," in one book author's words. It's the one week when just about anyone in the industry makes

themselvesavailable,regardless oftheir

specialty. From Ml Gates to St. Silicon, .everyone plays their own'part in their owxl wSfo

A few yearsago some people, including me, thought folks would just tixe of COMDEX, opting instead to cool their

feeti nthenewhigh~eh "trademarls"in

Dallas, Atlanta and elsewhere. We were wrong. In fact,other industries have been "COMDEXed," Irom sporting goods to cable programmers. It's y east more eaxcient for evexyone to take one week out of their calendar aud see it all," gaining the contacts for the nextyear's business,

than to traipse about the country, and now the world, seeking out customers.

As the world increasingly becomes a stxlgle marketr suclx large shows becoxne even more important.Given the new Sands centre, and LasVegas' status asthe largest source of hotel rooms in the U.S., this assures a bright future. Sheldon


niinrrn+ + n nsi5. tw no nrd p nirinn ~nrniniih4 ~ ™ utter" ~ c e tsr .


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Retail Sales and Inventory Manaleinent Made Easy PONT OF SALE: Sahs, layavhtys, Refunds, Qgt Cerdgoths, SpXITerahr, @ST snd PST Cabuhthn,

CustomerTricking, Serial NumberTracking, Comphh Dally BalesHlshuy,SalsspemonPertonnance, Cash Out andTenderSummmy, CustomerLhlng, Customer Delslt A/R Report,Aged CustomsA/R




QShop Keeper

Tits Qephepdx Iheekrdt itm Qlm Gxttster

Oddcri lsn Size 12N Electntlsx Oven EIKH 31N Trivial irbrsslt E 1 31 51N Ltp:rd Rgsdldg Sbgr I. 75N ital'8 Selt MINI Ogttgg Ogtdl httpg I@

buyers, exporters, or importers. Everyone got a fair chance to make their case to their chosen audience, whichwasthe point.


GST Ready! 51,995

NVBNTORY:Autcmagcallyupdated witheach sale, Dehllsd Sahs HistoryandAnalysis ol Inventoryby Item, Department, Suppler or Qmup, axa/Cohr TracNny, Sertal NumberTracking, Packaging, NonIwentory Revenue1Rsnhh, Servhs llama, Consuang), ~ r R eports, McsyLoast PmgtableIlonw Report, Automatic Dlscounllng byDah Range, Purchase Onhr Syshm, Sales Dock Inventory Rsporl, 8ummary/Detail Inventory Report,twenhryMaqpnnspoiLPackagedllsms Report, ServiceItemsReporL Discounted InventoryRope/L LowSales/Lrnvhlargln gems, ItemActlvlty Rspo/L MonthlyBales Hlshiy, Supprer Protttatsay, DepartmentProtltahaty, Supprer SalesSuemmy, DepartmentSalesSummary. PLIedINtle Order ACCOIINTS PAYABLF Fully Integratedwith Inventory and Qensnrt ledger, Autcmadcadyhscks QSTomdltsonpaysbhs, Full orpaNal paymentsonlwohes, Mulgph two'» ACCbS. FIOOalNe payeonl, Pilnh chequeswith details otpaymsnl on shb, Reports whhhlnvohes am tkm Inthe cunint week, Tnsckssupplordlscountsandreportshmglhoflme mmalnlngtotake advantage oftgsccunh, Aged ACdS. Ihaehllbh lmelco Summary, Detalhd lmrolooRsport, DiscountAvalhble Rsporl, Paymenl Due Rspo/L ACCOIINTS RECEIVABLE:FullyInhgnrtod,showspardalpaymonh, Pdnh Customer Ststemonh, Aged A/R SummmyReporL A/R DotagIrwohs Report,Customer DetagA/R Repoik Cushmer A/R Summmy Cemyhte FlileOll Rspo/L QENERALLEDQErL Fully Integmted„Nways ln balance, Full SankRsconcaalon, BankTmnsacgon Report,SlngleandMua-pertodMancesheol, IncomestatemsnLTdalsahnce,AccaartlodgerRepotls. Qetwmt JotnnalRepmt, Prtnhcheques. INstrlbuted by: PAYRCLI Fully lntogmhd, thrr»mhs paychequeswithshb dolags, ProducesOctad«ml Sumnnsy RR ttttitar Fhanelal Iyatslaa LttL Rsports'lexanyellis pellorL Iallglng borndstsgot each Itxskhhsl poychequeto a colllphte year-~ (SOS summmy,

SASH% IMPOSE% Poht of Sale Inven toryCorbel

Genes] Ledger

Null User H~

What the crttlss are saying: %ntertngaotee,Inverts/y,orAccoungnglnhtrtna1lonhpslnhes.Automathatycogach cttgctdhventory, salaspenen,custotmrtandgonerttlhdgar hfortno5an andoqptnhos Into snotyalsmpcrh andflnanchl statemaine.' The BOTToht UNE, Msy tgee

> 732-7074


The cornpeter Paper I Dec '90

Adelson has done as mph to build Las Vegas for the 1990s as the 1940s mobsters who first carved it out of the desert,

or Howard Hughes' Mormons who worked to clean it up in the 1960a Pass the foot powder.

Laptop Communication

Then@ Picks UP 1 V egas, Nevada„WOV 16 (Wa) Companies with new, smaller modems, some of which work on cellular radio I'requencies,were a major presence at both the new Sands Convention Center and the Riviera Hotel. At the Riviera, Xecom of Milpitas, CA =

showed the LspPort 2400 modem family, a set of internal laptop modems and fax/modemswhichcan beupgradedwith new firmware. "We can send the new code on a floppy disk and you upload it," Cheng Eng of Xecom told Newsbytes. "Mth other laptop modems, you cannot change the firmware ifnew standards emerge, like V.82bis or MNP 10. Gur modem will never be obsolete." Versions of the 2,400 bit/second LapPort for the CompaqSLT and LTE retail at$849, while versions for the NEC ProSpeed, Toshiba 1600, Z e nith SuperSport, HP Vectra.LS/12 and Macintosh Portable cost$299. Fax/data modems, which can move 4fax pages

per minute, cost $549499. Also at the Riviera was Fremont Communicafions of Fremont, CA, makers of the Frecom line of' lowgriced laptop modemsandfax/modemL For thisshow, Fremont announced the Frecorm Fax96

CommCenter, which combines a 4 page per minute fax board with a 2,400 bit/ second modem, a "Wiaer"which lets the laptop fi rx/modem share a phone line with a phone answering rnachine; FaxCupl, which lets the fax~ard scan and print to a fax machine, using Fremont's Faxography LQ printer emulation software, and other software to

run the fax board and include typographic information on faxes. The prod-

I ostScvipt Power To Ihe People! The QMS-PS' 410 Printer. Developed by the greatest minds in the industry... Yours.

uct will be priced at under $500 retail, butlike other Fremont productsitdoesn't followany of the emerging standards of the firxindusuy, like Class One and Class Two. Nor does the modem follow the V.82bis standard recently approved for fast modems, using instead the older MNP5 data compression standard. At the Sands, Touchbase Systems in-

troduced a V.82 laptop modem, the WorldPort 9,600 V.82. It's compatible with major communications packages like Smartcomm and Pr oconun Plus, offersMWP 4 error correction, and weighs just 8 ounces„or .2kg. The product will retail at $899. Jack Cohen of T o uchbase told Newsbytes the companywill in the future add MNP5 to the line, but has no plans to follow V.82bis, a new data compression standard which should become an integral part of most 9,600 bit/second modems over the nextyear, given thatmarket

leaders like Hayes and U.S. Robotics have endorsed it and engineered itinto future prodllcts.

Also at the Sands was the Faxpak, an internal laptop fax/modem costing just $250 which comes bundled with the Mirror communications software. It' s from Advanced Microcomputer Systems of Fort Lauderdale, FL In ternational

C omp uters'Communicationsdisplayed the IC~ ax, a fax card which plugs into the optional I/Oslotofa Hewlett-Packard LaserJet printer„ turning it into a plainpaper fax machine.

Before creating the (}M S-PS 410,we performed one very important task. We listened. Then weook t everything we heard, added a few surprises, and built a revolutionary laser printer with a - «~~=-- ~ ~ ~ suggested retail price of just$3995l'

Contact Paul Masters, Fremont Com-

munications, 41~8-5010; Cheng Eng, Xecom, 408-9454640; Touchbase Systems, Michael Beraard, 516-2614428; Advanced MicrocomputerSystems, 8059'754515; International Computers ee Communications, 2134864946.

a~ +


I •


You said mate itAdobe® PostScript. So we did.And now you can enjoy the design flexibility only PostScript offers as well as 45 resident typefaces and thousands of PostScript software applications.

What 1995%91 Be LikeIhqmrtS PreChCt Las Vegas, Nevada, NGV 16 (NB)The Fall COMDEX of 1995 will feature not just new full~olor LCD displays, but those capable of photoreahsm= 8000 by 2,000 pixels with an image as fine as a

Yeu said mate it rehable. So we used th e Canono LX print engine manufactured by the world leader in high-quality, easy-maintenance print engines.

photograph. Therew ilil also be'486based machines that will fiti the purse or shirt

pocket, not just for computing, but for communication, doubling as phones. These were two of the many forecasts at a panel discussion among distinguished experts. At COMDEX's "State of the Art Tech-

You said mate setup easy.So we made it truly and completely plug-and-play. Out of the box, it connects to IBM® PC and compatibles, Appleo

Macintosh® and mini and mainframe computers.


You said mate it flexible. So we added HP' Laser Jet Series II emulation to support non-PostScript printing

applications. •

You said mate it simple. So we gave the QMS-PS 410 th e intelligence to actually "think for you" by automatically switching between emulations and interfaces! This printer has ESP (Emulation Sensing Processor) technology,' which interprets incoming data and automatically chooses the appropriate printer language. And you can send datasimultaneously to its AppleTalko, serial and

parallel interfacesf There's no need to change switch settings or send complicated software commands. You said mate it fast. So we created a super-fast mntroller with a 68020 processor and third generation QMSo ASAPnr {Advanced Systems Architecture for PostScript) technology, which incorporates the latest in component and controller design. Yo» said mate itexpandable. So w emade a variety of options available, including an HP-GLo emulation card, Adobe typefacecards, HP-compatible font cards, memory upgrades and extended paper handling capabilities.

Caii Now sul let the lgSW410 Ubepate Nii - Justr3$8iil

nologiesfor the Mid-1990s" conference,


1-800-$$'I-8812 You see, listening to you gave us the insight to develop a printer that offers real world solutions to real world problems. And the QMS-PS 410 delivers PostScript power to the people by giving yeu more solutions than any other printer on the market. Affordable. Reliable. Flexible. Solutions that set you free!

QMS Canada, Inc. Thelgrole v ee eadanwhe arey'baaedaadanwls d ~ espeahe ~ Q l h,re |areloin, tR&%ee ASApd Qm, lsepswe SM elInewonal Buhsas ra%no, ~ AN I e. p oe5olpl and ee Iesl passalpi loco d Ache ~ ~ canon alcaenv8A, ~ I ppl e, Apphris md ~ a Apph l camper, imerpeasd. Hp,IF4L aadlaerJal efHsslaeadagl cansany.

'cretan aussie wpeasaeI vuel pNdny

Robert Carr of Go Corporation, a comcomputing system software which IBM has already hcensed,outlined thefour majorchanges we' ll see in computing products in middecade, all of which point to the product he's developing. Fu3t, he says, the physrcal form factor will change. As a 486 computer is finally reduced to a single chip, the size of the unit will get smaller too. "One vision is already on the floor," he said, referring to the presence of the i~ mud Poqet computer atCOMDEX. Sutcorrventional computers are hmited by the presence of a keyboard. 'You can't shrink the keyboard," he said, suggesting that a penbased input system will be the best idea for the smaller~ uni t s. He said that 1995's computers will feature variable screens from standard page to notepad sized screen and input surfaces. Secondly, "computers need a social form factor," Carr stated. "Today's diskbased keyboards are not used in social


pany building p

The Computer Paper I Dec '90 situations. The pen-based computer can be ~ d u n o btrusively in a meeting situation and your eyes can focus on your customer, not your computer."

Thirdly, we' ll see digital computers working with more analog information. By 1995, he says, a wide variety of analog information will be used: digitized voice, images, and video, all of which are dif6cult to mix today. Costs will come down and operating systems will be able to support this variety of inputs. The seamless integration of multimedia, he suggested, would usher in a new way of using comp~ers. "Desktop computers are productivity devices today," he said. "When they' recarried around all day long they' ll become communication devices." The emergence ofcomputers as comm unication d e vices will m ea n t h a t "electronic mail will bhtr into voice mail. There will be a single interface to manage all of them." This theme was echoed by HewlettPackard's William Crow, manager ofNew Wave Systems Technology, who showed off the New Wave operating environment as the architecture which will make possible the changes to which Carr referr'ed. He said that "objects and agents" will work together, objects being the iconbased technologyof graphical interfaces, and agents being methods by which users can link diverse analog and digital input sources. He showed a videotape similar to

Apple's "Navigator" video, which portrayed a neatly dressed executive of the future conducting a telephone conversation, viewing a real-time video picture of his associate on a window of his laptop.

In another window is a spreadsheet, and during the course of conversation they are jointly working on the file, transmitting new screen shots to each other, each

in separate windows on the PC. Agents, for example, will enable full~ation video to be included in a w ord p rocessing document and will open desktop calendars and automatically insert dates, he sard. Pat Geisinger of Intel's Platform Architecture Group reflected on the change

The Everex Family

of the past ten years, recalling when, in 1985, a 10 megabyte hard disk was considered stateaf-the-art, black and white displays were the norm, and all PC users had to use DOS commands to run their progf ams. 1995, he said, will be the year we' ll take for granted fullwolor LCD displays, 3-D graphics, multimedia, high resolution approaching photorealistic quality, continuous speech recognition by computers, and the further humanizing of interfaces.

Just about anything you can plug into o isC — ond the pCo to boot

— PC Nlagazine

Digispeech IsNew Speech Synthesizer For IBM


Las Vegas, Nevada, NOV 16 (NB)Digispeech says its DS201 Audio Adapter unit for IBM PCs and compatibles has

been formally endorsed by IBM as its answer to the problem of making computers talk.Zeev Shapiro, an engineer

208%701 Granville Street Vancouver, B.C. VSII 4J7

Phone: (604) 261-7899 F ax: (604) 261-8999

with Digispeech, told Newsbytes the product is aimed at the education market, and is compatible with the older

add-in boards formerly delivered by IBM, as well as the software that goes with them. But the Digispeech is much better,

a I.ltlrusa cntnct



• QSI,



colour VGA system

* DataTrain DPC-2112 • 80286 "A1" compatible • Null 1MB RAM • Fast 12MHz dock speed • 1.2MB 5.25" floppy

Data Train

Mono System

* DataTrain DPC-2112

* Seagate ST157A

• 80286 "A1" compatible • 640K RAM expand. 1MB • Fast 12MHz clock speed • 1.2MB 5.25 floppy

: * Data Train DC507

* Seagate ST157A

Colour VGA monitor ! •• 14" size, .41mm dot pitch

• 45MB hard drive • (28msw, 1:1 interleave, 32K cache)

• 45MB hard drwe • (28ms, 1:1 interleave, 32K cache)

* DataTrain y244A • Amber monochrome monitor • Hercules graPhics comPatible


* ParadiSe


ComPatible • VGA colour graphics card

It~~ ~ '





• 1024 x 76 ~z)( re



XT with 640KRAM • Standard case with four 51/4

Drive Bays • 150 Watt Power Supply • 360K DS DD Floppy and Floppy Controller • Multi I/O (parallel, serial and game ports) • -84-Key Keyboard • Monochrome VideoCard

ABOVEWITH 10MB HardDrive......$499 20MB HardDrive ......$589 30MB HardDrive......$629 40MB HardDrive......$679


MONITOR UPGRADES 12' TTL Amber Monitor ............. 14' CGA Colour Monitor 8 CGA Video Card......................... 14' EGA Colour Monitor & EGA Video Card ......................... 12' Paper White VGAMontior & VGA Video Card......................... 14' VGA Colour Monitor & VGA Video Card .........................

$69 $89 $299 $175 $439

OTHER UPGRADES 101-Key Keyboard ................. 1.2MB Double Sided High Density Roppy ..............

from $25

ADDITIONS 1.44MB 31/4' DS HDwith 1.2MB Upgrade ..................... 1.44MB 3 1/2' DS HD without 1/2MB Upgrade ........ 720K 3 1/2' DS DDFloppy .... 1200 baud Modem ................ 2400 baud Modem ................

........ $89 ........ $49 ......$1 09




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The Computer Paper I Dec '90

LET'SPROFIT TOGETHER We uxxnt you to proftPom membershfp fn our argantrrrtfon


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• Keep in touch with Canada's largest soflkware industry • Learn hem professionals in the Sell at monthly meetings • Expand your audience and contacts

here open atB:30p.m., BaNel dinnerat B:30p.m. Geest speakerat7:I p.m. gl members; Bi0 nen-members


• SOSware developers • Large multi-purpose Sans • Service companies • Any group interested in contdbuting to the so%ware industry.


said Shapiro, because it's easier to install and offers high~uality speech with a great amount of data compression. A complete I(@minute lesson can be saved on a single 3.5 inch, 720Kfloppy. Shapiro adds that patents are pending on the speech technology, but, "we' re in production now" and shipping in quantity. The device took 30 months to design, Shapiro added, and carries a retail price

of $159.95. Schools can et g itin uantity, q however, for $110 each. Contact: Zeev Shapiro, Digispeech, 4154914141

GeoWorks EnsembEe

Winning Rave Reviews LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, NOV14 (NB) — While the rest of the IBM world moves

on to graphical user interface (GUI) intensive products running on higherpower PCs, GeoWorks (formerly Berkeley Softworks) hae one for all PC users that iswinningrave reviewsat COMDEX.

The Berkeleybnsedcompanyannounced it is shipping Ensemble, a desktop/GUI-

How to Join:

Wrfte or Call Software B.C. at 500 - 1190 Melvflle Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6E 3Wl (604) 662-2034

style $200 suite of software designed to

run on almost any PC. The centrepiece of the program is PCGeos (graphical environment operating system), a multitashng graphics &ontend that leads into seven integrated software modules. "Our goal was to deliver the benefits of high-performance technologyfound on expensive workstations to the full range of PCs in use today," explained

Brian Dougherty, Geoworks chief execu-

=:,' <, @~".., I,W~ techneloQY' vvithloadingedge quality control afld.':-':.:-;" ', '."".: '-:~'-'-";-'-:.': ; Stf3ight forward All Caftadiafl style of.serv/ce. ' ' .

Systems are pre-configured and quality tested before they are shipped from our well stocked warehouse. Express Micro understands that time is the edge in business success. All of Us at Express Micro would like to wish you the very best during this holiday season. Thank you for your support.



: -



131NVsnler Pbae, ann1N Wchmon4,OC VW LI1 Tehphone SN270%N Psn «N 27045$ NKenrsd Cresset Msrnlam, Ches<le l%l817 Telsobonee1a4%4525 Fax 410 ala.18$4 llodel No. Express 3025D 80386 at 25 MHz 1 MB RAM, Expandable to16 MB Memory Drive one 5%" 1.2 MB Roppy Drive one3Va"External Bay; three 5Va"External Bays Storage Performance Lan d mark-35; MIPS Test 4.6; —Norton SI-28 Expanefon 2x8- B itSlots; Sx16-Bit Slots; 1x32 Bit Slot Aa names ofproduch and soawlo menaoned above. aw teglstewd trademarks ol thelr owners. Abova ~n s ar e subject to chsnae wllhoul noace.

The newversion runs under Windows 3.0 and includes additionssuch as:custom character recognition, where the user can add unique charactersin realtime; verification window; deferred processing, where the scans can be stored

for later processing; multiple zones, where the user can do things ling choose random sectionsasin am agazine page; interactive spell checking and more. Recognitionspeed for the new version is typically 1000 words per minute, depending on the system. Fontsizes &om 6 to 72pt are automaticallycovered, with the user only having to train on unusual fonts or chaxmters. Systemrequirements include a 386 or better processor, 4MB

of RAM, 8MB of hard disk, Windows 3 and a mouse. The original Omnipage for both Mac

and PC has been reduced to $695, and the new professional version is $995. Contact: Caere Corp. 8lXh535$CA¹

West Hall Sports Hype, Unusual Products LASVEGAS, NEVADA,NOV13 (NB)

— For this year's Fall Comdex, the West Hall wae a festival of hype and unusual products. Among the unusual products

Geos, the foundation for Geoworks En-

software earlynext year, so anyone can

semble," he added. Key featuresof PGGeos indude an object oriented progr:naming (OOP) language, a Postscriptetyle single imaging model for a what you see is what you

produce an interactive compact disc on

get (WVSHAG) display, and a high~-

the most prominent hitcher to be

The seamen modules feeding &om PCGeos indude: Geowrite (a word processor); Geodraw (a graphics drawing package); Geomanager (a DOSreplacement file manage); Geodex (addressindexer); Geoplanner (appointment/scheduler); and Geocomm (communications software). PCGeos Ensemble runson a PC, &om 808$4msed on up, equipped with 512K of RAM, a hard disk, mome and CGA graphics capability or better. Contact Geoworks - Tel: 415/6444883. oasshge ahohoael la


f~ Clandcm

• F' m

groups throughout the U.S. and internationally (both for PC and Mac version). The company has now dramatically improved performance withthe release of Omnipage ProfessionaL

was UVC,whichpromisesto deliver video and audio compression boards and

Open Software Foundation.

~,-,-. , E xpress Micro builds COITIptfters . ' that cofllbino ifldustrysIENldafd comporieflts and ';~~~..".-„.~<,g~t:,

awards &om a number of magazines and

tive officer. "We spent threeyears of researchand development creating PC-

formance virtual memory management system. The GUI &oat end is also compliant with OSF/Motif, the indusiryetandard user interface developed by the

Happiness during the holiday season is the knowillg that your Express Micro Computer gave and gave throughout the year. @„

terna, and hasrecentlywon bestproduct

8~ aa — a

aa — b

- e xraar. < u =P

Is — I

• lysi

) ~a a

~g ajyg

their own.

UVC is backed by theJackson family, whose musician members indudeJanet and Michael Jackson, although Tito is found in the UVC booth. But UVC was not the only unusual offering in this festival of things that are difFerent

Have you ever wanted to make big bucks as ahi gh s PR man? Well, now perhaps you can. Daniel Janal has written a book entitled "How to Publicize High-Tech Producfsand Services,"which claims to tell all the secrets of this great

career. The book promises to tell you all you need to know about writing press

releases,question~d~ snrer aheetsand other materiah, how to speak effectively to reporters, how toarrange press tours and press conferences, how to gain publicity at conventions, and how to

position products and servicea "It can't be a bad book," saidJanal johngly to Newsbytes, "you' re writing about it" Seriously, it has recommendations &om Jeff Tarter, publisher of SofteLetter, and Chris Shipley of PC Computing Magazine. It costs$49.95 IfChinesegivesyou trouble, Globalink of Fairfax, Virginia has come to the rescue, publishing an automated ChineseEnghsh dictionaryconfaining over 7,000 Chinese Hanzi characters linked to over 20,000EnghahwordL Theproductretails for $245, and shows Chinese words on a PC screen using simplified characters. Dictionarywords can be changed or new ones added by the user. Globalink also


OCR Improved LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, NOV 14 (NB) — Caere systems has long been acknowledged as the leader in PC'Maned optical character recognition (OCR) sys-

provides translation services &om English into French, German, Spanish and Russian.

The Computer Paper I Dec '90 •


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STRACHAN COMPUTERS LTD. ¹202-1760 Marine Drive, West Van, B.C.9264I424 • Bedford SURREY (NewtonConL Ed.) 594-2000 Bedford $85 SYSTEMUNK, 6004KID W.Pander,%5-2528. ACCPAGPlus 8 add~ns — custom training. TXL MANAGEMENT 82241 98 Newviews IntroSem inar Free VCC, 250 W. Pander SL, Van., 882-5844

$149 $105

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TEL: (604) 685-5508 c o~a ~




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Bedfotd, ACCPAC AccL udthLabia 144 $150 VCC CONT. EO. Catt!5cate Prag. 8246822 Intro to Bedfotd, $160 '$160 AccountingwithACCPAC, VAN SCHOOLBOARD:73an41 ACCPAC Plus $90 Bedfotd Acctg. $90 NewviewsAccounlng,

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BURNABY SCH. BD, 2994861 $160 AutoCAD CAMDSUN COLL, Victotfa $850 AutoCAD COQUITL'AM CONT. ED. 98642S1 AuloCAOLev. I 6 II $90.00 DEST COMPUTER, 591 4650 Camputet Aided Design, GenedcCAD, KWANTLEN COLLEGE, 5884411. $800 AutoCADLev. I, Richmond $145 AUTQCAD Intro. bL SUNN ENGINEERING266-5380. AutoCAD Intro, Intetm., Upgmde $600 VAN. VOCATIONALINSTITUTE 882 CAD (AutcCAO ) VANCOUVER SCHOOL BOARD,786-7241. AutoCAD Release10 Level 1 & 2 $180

VCC CONT. ED. Cet66cate Ptog. 324-~ Intro to dBase III+, lntelmed. dBase!!!:. Inbo to dBaseIV, Ptogmmming IndBase,

BURNABY SCH. BD, 2894361 $90 Weal Petfect 5.0, Level 1, CAPILANO COLL N Van9844901 $70 Desktop Publisher CIRRUS ENTERPRISES, Vfctotbt, 38M844. PageMaker, Ventura COASTWAY, 206-2501 Spruce St. 736-5039 PageMaker, Ventura, Coral Draw COMPOTERLANO 640.8900. (DOS) PageMsket, (MAC) Pagemaker, COMPUTER EMPIRE 8794162. $145 Ventura COMPUTER STATION, 2130 Bunatd SL, 7824I821. Ventura DTP, $180 CORP. PUBUSHING LTD., 1600-701 W. Georgia St. 887-1 140.


Baatteah SystemsLtd Developers and Consultants

Suite 202 1909 W Broadway Vancouver BC V6J 'IZ3

Telephone 604 734 3117 Facsimile 604 734 8380

Ouartech Systems,a computer systems development and management consultingcompany in Vancouver, is looking for seasoned software development professionals to work with our clients. Both short and long-term contract and employee positions are available. We require experience in:

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$440 $483 PageMeketSkills L. S,S evee,M on/Wed 8280 DOPPLER 101 W. 5th 87M261 Ventura, Pagemaker •








For $275wswillTtsinYauToYourSsIsfaaIan otwe'Igivsyaua$500Rsfund.It'sTh tSim ei LwdtbwtwdbarArawtmredrabbS



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PageMaker 3.0 LI, ~e t 3. 0 LJI, Ventura 2.0 LII, COQUITLAM CONT. ED. 9864261 Ventura orPageMaker DOUGLAS COLL New West. 527-5470. OTP Att Ptogtams {10 aves.) DTP Intro to Gtephkxt (10eves. )

BCIT, 8700 Wflllngdon, Bumaby, 484-1810 DATA BASECONCEPl8, $70 $193 USING dBASE -Level 1, BURNABY SCHOOLBD. 2994361. $80 dsase SI+ Level I CALEMA CONSULllNGGROUP, 299-7795; AdvancedRevebt6on— Authothed Tndnfng Centm. Intro, User, Pmgmmmlng 6 Advanced . CAPILANO COLL N Van 9844901 dBase III+ COASTWAY206.2501 Spruce, Van 7364038 dBase IV, 12 hours COMPUTERLAND, 6404800. dBase IV Level 1 82 COIVStUTER EMPIRE 8794162 dBase SI+(call fot dates) $145 COMPUlER STATION7326621 $180 dBase III (Intm), onrequest CORPORATE PUB.GROUP, 1500-701 W. Geotgla, 687-1 140. dBase IS+dBase IV Level 5, call for dates $195 COQUITLAM CONT. ED. 9364281 $60.00 dBase (Intto, Inter.) DOPPLER 101 W 5, 8754261 dBase Intro, dBaseAdv.

$160 $160 $180 $160


CI O N ®






eo)'g s


101 Wsst6thAve e MsnltabaSt.

A tfiusntssdf

For $149ws willTrainYouToYautSstsfscion atwe'llgiveyaua$300RsfuntL its Sim el ttwabwtwdharASOwteeadrabttt


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%'ejust wanted tosay thang ttou to each o our customers,

' nds und suppliers tycho have

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eyht years.

Eral a/frf at at ytmttttljrrarr



101 WeetSthAve

tgt MstaobaaL

DOUGLAS COLLEGE NewWest 527-5472. dBase III Plus TheEssentbds, DesigningSyst. with dBaseIS+ DRAKE 6601888West Pander6884788 dBase III+/IV, Smet, Symphony,Pewhx JUMP SYSTEMSSuite450650W. 41st,Vancouver, 2634S67 dBASE III, RBase KWANTLENCOLLEGE, 5884411. $75 dsase III+ Inbo LANGLEY COLLEGE, 53IHI41 1 Dahbme120 hts $800 LANGLEY CONT. ED. 5334227. $85 dBase III+ NCROAGE, 3801 W. 18th Ave. 222-1010. dgase III, IV, $175 PBSC TRAIN 1850-1140 W. Pander 889.7272 cSee III+ L1 44 $175 $100 PCTI 6204gy73dBase IV PITMAN 1490 W. Broadway788-7848 dBase III+ dBaseIV, $180/$120 PROF. TRAIN., 502-1185 W Georgia6814903 dBase IV,L 1 , $850; dBaseIII to IV, $ 1 7 5 ROSSI, DEGROOT 6 ASSOC. 1099450 W. Geotgla, 688~ dgase IS+ Inbo 6Adv. SFM SYSTEMSCORP. 884-7721 dBase III 8 Inboductlon $17S UBC CONllNUING ED., UBC NfictoconTtutet Lab, 8224251 AdvanceddBase IV;Ptognsmming Tech. $895 Effectiv DatabaseDesign„ $57S VANCOUVER SCHOOLBD., 786-7241. cSase IV, $90 Patadox 3.0, Inbo., $90

386's wllh VGA color Graphics Professionals •

Ventura1M,PageMaiternc, ( Otal DnsVV~ Iltdad Vstdons)

601 - N9 W. FonderSI.


=„669-8789 GUILDFORO CONT. ED. Centre, 14577-106A Ave., Surrey, 589-222I. Msc PageMaker, $85 JUMP SYSTEMS Suit e 450.650 W. 41st,Vancouver 2834887 PageMaker, Ventura KWANTLENCOLL Surrey, 5884411. Desktop Publ., VentumDTP Intro LANGLEY CONT. ED. 5384227. PTP IBM Intro., 4 sess., 3 hts. $105 O TP With PayN&et, $70; Msc Inbo $ 6 5 DTP with PageMaker $72 McKAY 21 S1Butmtd 786.7221 Desktop Publ, GmphlcAtts 12 wlw MICROAGE 3609 W 18th 222-1 010.

Ths Ccruputer paper / Dec 'Sa Aldus PaaeMskorPt. 1, 2 NAVIGATORTRAINING,870-5427. PageMaker, Freehand, Xpress, lllusbator, NORTHWEST DATA, 0854400 PBSC 1350-1140 W. Pendsr 680-7272 PageMaker 1 Call for info $450 PCTI 520-6873 PsyAhker $100 PITMAN 1400 W. Braadway 738-7848

PageMaker8 Ventura (days/ evea) $180/120 Van. Desktop Publishing Prag. 12 wks. PROF. TRAIN. 502-1185 W Georgia 681-5003 PageMaker, Ventum $350 ROSSI, OEGROOT 6 ASSOC. 1090450 W. Georgia,

6834020. PagoMskor, Ventum SELKIAK COU, Castlegar 1-$65-7292

Electronic Publishing, Graphh Design SIMON FRASER Downtown6874255 Intro to Ventura Publkrhor $160 STM SYSTEMS CORP. 384-7721 PageMaker $320 STRACHAN COMPUTERS LTD.0202-1760 Marine Drive, West Van.9264I424 PC PageMaker, CorelOraw Intro, Adv., Private/group lessons TLD COMPUTERS, 8150-5851 No. 3 Rd.,Rhhmond Pagemaker Basic $250, Advanced $300 VAN DTP CTR 1150 Homer 681 4161 Venture, PagemskerVAN SCHOOL BD 736-7241 DTP IBM PageMaker 3.0, $135 DTP Ventura 20, $135 VCC, 250 W. Pander St, Van., 682-5844 IBINBMCompaRle Graphic Dotdgn for OTP. $75 Intenned. Design for DTP $75 PageMaker (Intro, Intenn), $160 DTP Workshop (PageMsksr) $375 Intro. to Ventura, $160 Adv. WordPerfect DTP, $160 VCC CONT. ED. Cert Prog, 324-8322 Intermed. PageMaker DTP, $160 Adv. PageMiker OTP, $1 60 Fast Tmck PageMaker OTP, $300 Intro to Ventura DTP, $160 Adv. WordPerfect OTP, $160

7314282 PACIFICA FORUM1901: Innovation in Publbhlng Msy 20-30, 1091. The Cdn. Contre for Studies in Publishing, SFU at Hebour Centre, 515 W. H asSngs St 201-5073. T~ eve n t showcasing innovalve Ideas andexperiences ln all facets of publishing indusby. PUBUC LEGALEDUCATION SOCIETY. Free class on computers and the law for sellem, buyers and userL 43IH041. RECOVERING LOST ORDAMAGED DATA, OatsTech Institute, VancxsNer, B.C. Dec 6-7, 1090. UBC Executhre Pmgmms.The Executive's Computer, Dec. 5 8 6. $550. Labe 1-24 3-D ComputerAnlma3an, 12mook Intro coursestets Jan 14th„12 week Intermediate coursetsarts Jan 15 BCIT andOlgipen 4$4-1610

'lNY%6IIATIO CIRRUS ENTERPRISESVksorla, $868844. Framework II Intro, Advanced CONPUTER STATION, 2130 Burrard St. 732-8621. Msximizer - Contact Mgmt. Software, $180 DRAKE8601880 West Pender 6894789 Smart, Symphony GUILOFORD CONT. EDUC., 14577-1 06AAve., Surrey, B.C., 589-2221 MS-Works $89 STM SYSTEMS COAP.884-7721 Symphony $290 SURREY (Newton Cont, Ed.) 504-2000 Ngcrcscft Works TLD CQNPUTERS, 81504851 No. 3 Rd. Microsoft Works, $200 UBC Cont. Ed., UBC N$cracomputerLsb„222-5251 MS-Weks: Intro, $195 VAN SCHQOL BOARD 736-7241 Framework Ig, MS WorksLov. 18 2, SymphonyLev. 18 2 $80 VAN. COMM. COLL, 2SO W.Pander, Vsn. 682-5844 Inboto Microcomputers, $180 Inba to Excel, $160 Inba to MS-WORKS2.0, $160 Intenned. MS-Works, $160

::::::: NFfINORKS:::

: ,: :

. KVKN73;:.": '

: :

: . '


CENTRE FOR ADVANCED PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION, Oats Cammunhstion Systems, Dec 17-19, Vancouver, B.C. COMPUSALE,IndustdalTrade 8 Consumer Shows lnc. (416)252-7701 toll-free 14$-SH887 or fax (416) 252-0&48. March 8,0 610, 1001 Automotive Bulkfing, Exhilttion Race, Toronto DEAUNG WITH VENDORS AND SUPPUERS,Delta River Inn, 3S00 Cessna Dr., Richmond, B.C. 2781241, $205 per person, Non-Profit Feo - $26S psr person. OMA BC Direct Market Association Christmas Luncheon.Thum. Oec.13. HyattRegency Hotel, 6S5 Burrard st. Members-$30.00; non-members$3S.00. 732-181 0 HOME BASED BUSINESS SEN$NARS byH.A (Buzz) Bezanson. HOMEMADE MONEY(HawTa Successfully Start a HomeBased Business). North Vancouver 9864888, EDUCATING THENEXT GENERATION OF PUBUSHERS: ANINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, Cdn. Contre for Studies ln Publishing, SFU at Harbour Centre, 51 5 W. Hastings St. Msy 3A, 1091. Brings together leaders in publishing industry and professionals engaged ln teaching of publishing. 201-5096. HANOSON TROUBLESHOOTING PC'S, LEVEL 1• Reglstratke: Single $1205, Vancouver, B.C. Jan. 7-9, 1001, Hotel Georgia, 001 W. Georgia St, KANTER ON MASTERING THECHALLENGES OF THE 00s, Dec. 6, 1990, Hyatt Regency Vancouver, Register with MICA Management Resources. 1980-1066 W. Hastings St., 681-1722. LEADERSHIP ASSESSMENT, Dec 4 and 5, 1000, Pan Padfh Hotel, Contact MICA Man~ment 1000-1068 W. Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C. 6821722. ONUNE/UVE DEMONSTRATIONS demosof Compuserve, PC Magazine, Consumer Reports etc., BBS's, Suzy. Four SEason Hotel, Tuesday Oec 11•6:30 PM to 040 PNL $90 Gordon L Harris

S I0eCia l C ' . l u ri StmaaS ~ 9 -Pi n P r i n t er

$198. 8 038 68 X




&0385SX-I6 MHx I MB, expandabfa to 4 MB 12 MS Rcypy Disk Drive AT y/0, Parallel, Serial, Game Pet IDE Control)sr Gad Real-tbnc Clock k. Calendar I01-key Enhanced Ksybeud AT Case with 200-watt Power Supply Mly AseemMad and Tested


: :

BCIT, $700 Wlllingdon, Burnaby, 434-161 0 CQNP 286, NovellNetware 286, $ 100 CENTRE FOR ADVANCED PROFESSIONALED. (600)3454240 Troubleshooting lANS CIARUS ENTERPRISES, Victoria, 3864844. Intro. to LocalArea Networks CONPUTER EMPIRE 6704162 Nstwoddng Sys. Instsl. $245 DRAKE 8601 680 West Pender 6694789 NetwareSystem Manager for Novell JUNP SYSTEMS Suite 450-650 W. 41st,Vancouver 26$-5887 3Com NetsorkAdmln., Novell Netware NETWORK SPECIAUSTSInc.,3226 Bets Ave., Bumaby, 204-5855 or 1400463-1 514. Various networkand Novell courses N$CROAGE, 3601 W. 16th Ave., 222-1010. Novell Syst. Mgr. $695 ROSSI,DEGROOT 8 ASSOC. 1090-650 W. G 6834020.Novell Network, Systems AdmlnlsbaSon, Network Opeatlons. SOFTRAK SYSTEMS, 1661W.8th,736-3741 Novell. Call for info. TLO COMPUTERS, 81 504851 No. 3 Rd. Novell Sys Msn„ $200 UBC CONTINUINGEDUC.,222-5251 Local Ares Networks, $85 Novell Admlnisbate'9 Workshop, (S Thur) $20S VCC CONT. ED. Cordficate Prog.324-5322 LAN NetworkManagement (1) $190


ADVANTAGE 535 Howe St, 6856227 Macintosh Level I, Oec. 3, 10 Msdntash Level II, Oec. 3 and 10 Msdntash Level III, Oec. 11 MS Word Level 1, Dec 4 and 11 MS+xcel Level 1, Dec. 4 hgcrosoft Word Level II, Doc 5 kgcrosoft Wed Level III, Dec 6 Nycrosoft Excel Level II Dsc 7 MscDraw Lovel 1, Dec 12


FileMsker Level I, Dec 13 FlleMsker Level II Dec 1$ BCIT, 3700 Willingdon, Bumaby,434-1610 CONP 190, Meet theMac,12 wks $200 BURNABYSCHOOLBOAAD, DeskTopPublishing, $85 NgcrosaftWed on the Msc. $00 BYTE CONPUTEAS 2151Burnsd St, IntroMacintosh $85; MSWorks $149 N$crogalt EXCEL$05, Bsdfed $140 Wed QS, PagoMskor $140 CAPILANO COLL N. Van 0044001 Basks of Ngcre4omputes $18S DRAKE, 8601 880 West Ponder 6604I780 Wed Inlro, Excel Intro FOLKSTQNE DESIGN,806<502 Nleagoft Word, PageMskor, Excel GUILDFORD CONT. ED. Surrey, 590-2221. Intro. Io Msc., $89 LANGLEY CONT. ED. 888, 5334227 Msdntosh Intro $65 Msdntosh Painting 6 Drawing $65 M crasoft W ~ nta s h $65 MACSUPPORT 7374I085 On&to insbuctlon, consultation, development. Msc intro, Wed, Excel, Weks, MscDmw, SuporPalnt, PageMaker, H~ , Rl e Msker, Foxbase, 4thDImansion. SFU DOWNTOWN, 201-51 00 intro. to PagsMsker $175


Msc Inbo, PageMaker, Excel, Wed, MSWeks, Bedford, WordPerfect, SuperPalnt $80

::::: ',:::::I 'NU'I'l + Nlbl:::::: ::::: ANNEX HIGHTECH MUSICAL INSlAUMENTS, 1250 Granville St., Van 8824689. NSOI Mush Tech, 6 aves. $150 PeaveyDPM 3 Digibd Wek StsSon. Performer N$DI seq., C-Lsb Notator $$5 E-MUProteus Voto Crostkm, $35 Yamaha SY77 Digital Warkstation $$5 CARILLON MUSIC LTO., 81608171 AckroydRd., Richmond, B.C.276-2$83 Insbuctlon on manypapular Music progmms Including Cakewalk, MusicPrlntor Plus, Personal Composer Verskm, The Final Cut Band-In+Box. Four(4) hours for $00.

BCIT, 3700 Willlngdon, Bumaby. 434-1610 Computers in business, various prognunmlng languages. Call for informstkxr. BURNABY SCHOOLBO,2004$61. BASIC I $48 BASIC II $6S CARIBOO COLL, Kamloops, 820-1016 Intro Mhras $105 CIRRUS ENTERPRISES, VIctorh, $664844. Course Devel. servhss, intro to SAS LANGLEY CONT. ED. 368, 5$$4227 How to Get Started with Your Computer Managing Your Had Disk $85 Eam Money with Your Computer $50 LEARNING TREE IN'T., 1400-267-1624 Project Management, HaNax,N.S.,July 24-27. SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY, Burnaby VSA 1S6; fax 291 %051.

Digital Cellular and Personal Telecommunbathns Gettinga Grip on Knowledge Processing Simulation, $50 Introduction to Neural Networks, $250 Design8 Fabrication ol Analog Integrated Circuits Using the QutckChip Protctyplng Facility, $600 Fibre OpticsApplkxdtons, Dec. 5 $50 VCC CONT. ED.CertIScato Prag.324-5322 Intro. to Modukt2 as 9 2nd Language Fundamental Concepts cfCcmpu3ng intro. ta FormalTopple in Camputlng Science SoftwareEngineermg Intro. todigital Circuit Design Opeatlng systems1 Info.Systems Management System Development Prafocts

Systems aftd Parts Carry a Two-year Labour & One-year Parts Warranty

M H z SY ' S T RM

863&6-25 CPU I MB ~ expa ndable toMB 8 I2 MB Happy Disk Drive AT QO, PsrsBcl, Serial, Game Pet IDE Cantrafter Card Real-time Clock Jr. Cahndar IOI-koy Enhanced Keyboard AT Case with 3X)-watt Power Supply Fogy Assembled snd Tested


ACCSYS Sake 203, 535Thudow St, 88S-5$42 Labia $150 BCIT F/T4324410, P/T434-1610 BCIT, 3700 Wllllngdon, Bumaby, 434-1610 Framswodt II, Latus 1-2-3 Comp 115, Spreadsheet Concepte, $70 Camp 180, Lotus 1-2-3- Level 1 • $106 BURNABY COLLEGE, 4$7-5711 Lotus BURNABY SCHOOLBD, 2904$61. Lotus 1-N, $05 CARIBOO COLL, Kamloops8$8-1016. Spreadsheets $150 CIRRUS ENTERPRIBES,Victoria, 3804I044. Lotus 1-24, QuattroPro Intro., Excel COASTWAY 2501 Spruce, Van 736-50$0 VP Planner Plus 12 hrs, Lotus 1-2-3 12 hrs CONPUCOLLEGE Van6824NO Bby 435-2424, Rhh 2734$7$. Mhro BusinessAppl. CONPUTER EMPIRE 870<18R. Latus 1-24 (call far dates) $145 CONPUTER STN 2130 Burnud 7324621 fntro to Lotus 1-2-$, $180 Intermed. Lotus 1-2-3, $180

Intro to Msc $85 UBC CONTINUING. ED., UBC Microcom puter Lsb,

110 - 1 1 18 0 V o y a geaar Way, R i c h m ond, B C , V 6 X 3N 8 PhOne: (604) 27$-5151. F a X: (604) X1$-5122 ~ 8$8 ~ X) 8 0386 -2 5

Database Systsne and Structures Info. systemDesign Digital Circuits and Systens Ngcracomputer Hanfware Workshop

SURREY (Newton Cont. Ed.) 504-2000

222-5251 Getting started with your Msc VAN SCHOOL BD736-7241.

8 03 8 6- 3 3 M H z SY 'S T E M 80386-33 CPU with 64K Cache Memory I MB, expandsMs to 16 MB 12 MB Roppy Disk Drive AT l/0, Parslls1, Scrfsf, Game Poat IDE Contragcr Card Real-time Clock dk Calendar IOI-key Enhanced Keyboard AT Case with 200-wstt Power Supply Fully AssemNed aod Tested

99 ~

Illow IItIIII>l

for PC Siport ACRO-CO (@AS ~

d' ~ racls au Q.~p




-$4yoddnS yb

• COSSIlltmg

• InStallatiOn • • IbdLCh15g • Maintenance •


{604} 669-9760

S I$eeial

C h r i f Btnaae P H e e

$335.~ 8 0286 -1 6

M H z SY S T E M

16 MHz CPU I MB standard, expandsbfs to 4 MB 1.2 MB Happy Disk Drive AT 7/0, Psrsgcl, Serial, Game Port IDE Costmflsr Card Real-time Clock /k Calendar IOI-key Enhanced Keyboard AY Case with 200-watt Power Supply Mly Asrembled and Tasted


The Computer Paper I Dec '90


to register, or Gall Nhhols 660-9533 for informagon. Greater Victoria Personal Computer Users' Assoc., PO Box 530$, Station8, Victor» V8R 6S4. Genend meeting, last Wed. Also, special interest group meetings 604-882-3934. Independent ComputerConsultants Assacktdon, Box 820, Station A, Van., B.C. 682-2747. FAX 9261386 Kaypro Ussr Group/Vancouver Poriable Computer Club, 3rd Mon., at KwantlsnCollege Richmand (OOS 8 CP/M) 271-1 51 9. Madntosh Owners ABCCS contact person: John Nailer 433-1795. MacWest ComputerSociety, 2 manthly meegngsfar members, plus PD copy sess»a. General Meetings - 2nd Wed. • 780 pm. MacWest NewUser Meeting - 3rd Wed., 8 pm, Guildfonf Pub. Lgt., Surrey. PD Copysesshns 8 meeting. Bob Scales, 464-3645. Rolf Drummer. 941478$. Microfog-128 SWLUses Gmup, c/o Robert Anderson, 105S Moeselaw SL, PenlhtonB.C. •

Ngsshn ComputerUsersGroup, »st Tuse.,7 pm, 38845 SecondAve., hgsshn. Rabin L McGormhk, 826-9SOO, John Gale orClndyMscGreger,826-

8800. Maple Ridge Computer User Group, 2ndTues ofevery month, M.R. Sr.Secondary7:30,J.Brohm an 4689318.

NEC APC Users Gtaup, Lee 980-5825. NewViews User Group, 322-6198, POCO, 1379 Laurier, Hyele Creek Centre. PaciTic Information Exchange, P.O. Sox 67866, Station O, Vancouver, VSW 3T1. Pori Coq. Gomputer Club—Commodore, Amiga 8 IBM, 1st 8 3rd Tues 790, Rm. 104, George PearicesJr. Sec. School, 1390 Laurler Ave., Part Caquitlam, liuke Evans942<286. Smart User Group, Brian Wiebe SSM065. Society for Technhal Communhation. Call 688-2655 for info. Software B.G., 3400-1190 Melville SL, Van., B.C. 684-7432 meetings at Benedht's Restaurant, 1177 W Pender St., Vancouver, Third Thursday af the month 590 PM. T.I. 99/4A ComputerB.C. $9sr UsentGroup, Every Thurs 7 - 10 pm, Cameran Rec Ctr., Bby. Ron: 6222598. 1st Thurs Tutorials, 2nd ThursGeneral, 3rd Thurs Tutorials, 4th ThursCopyingPtctg. TRACE (RhhmondAtarl Club), ThompsonComm. Cire, 272-5789 1st 8 3rd Mon. 780-980. Vancouver AutoCADUsers Society, SCIT, Sdg. 3A, Room 110, 1st Wsd ot the month,7:30 pm. Conbtct Pave Toews, 530-6426, for info.


PC LOTTO CLUB BBS (604) 479-718$ Canada USA winningnumbers. On lineJackPotHelper.

A1010externaldiskdrive$100.00A1000cornputer(51 2k) $3508tarboad 8 memoq/b oardwith1m eg (expandable to 2 msgs) $299 cagRon at732~6$. ATARI NKGAFILE 30sdth wananty$500. Spectre GCR, Mac emu»ter $400 Call 2644744.

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MAC II 4 MEG 80 Ital HD Apple Full page dhplay 16 shades gmy ExtKeyboard.Letsafsottware$7900.8765790. Image Writer II printer $5N. Gall 876-5790.


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800-1190 Hornby St., Van, 684-9311. Vancouver Color Computer Club, 3rd Tuesday, Discovery Park, 3700 Gilmore Way, Bumsby, Cantacts: Jordan Dabrlkin 420-6081; Steven La Favor 467M23.

Vancouver daase UsersGroup,2nd Wed, 7 pm. 80011$0 Homby St. Van, 6844811. Vancouver Electronh Publ. Assoc., 1115 W. 11th, Vancouver, V6H 1K4 (mail). For info, call 783-9080 (»ave msg). Illlhum Ream,B.C. Club, 2ndfloar, 750 Pacith BlvcLS. Oec. 10. Hosted by Adobe: ATM tor PG'sandether AdobeProducts. Vancouver Netware Users Group,LesLebbmnt 2758684. Meets 1st Mon. Vancouver Portable ComputerClub (VPCC), AMO17, Jay Siegel, 4251 tunceht Dr, Rhhmond, lhC., V7C 4S4, 271-1519.

Vancouver PCUsersGroup, ScienceWorld auditorium, 600 pm, 2nd Thurs. $2styr. 7844t$0. Van. Sinclair UsersGroup, Tlmex agndair, 2nd Frl, Klllamey Comm.Ctr., Gerd Breunung931-550$. Vantari, Box 3614 Main Pt»t Offhe, Van., BC V68 8YS. Judy Harcus878-1941; Oan Hatch 4884065; 2nd Wed., HasgngsComm. Ctr., 80$6 E. Hastings. VerseCAD User Group, 2nd Tues. Call CADD

Solutions Inc., 681<686 tor info. Wang System Users, 78641841 ext 227, J:P. Dairon. GAN'TFIND IT HERE? FOR INFORMAllON ON COURSES AND PROGRAMS THROUGHOUT B.C. AND ELSEWHERE (BOTH ONLINEAND OFF), confact Discovery Training Network, 300-475 West Geotgkt SL, Vancouver VSB4NS, 604/8602808, ar 1400/688-1388 (tell-free in B.C.), or plug into their database.

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Irsnet Topology



635,658 36,9re 38,301 39,620

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BOndWOII 8$0 42 prices sd>/scftsfhrsryr

30MB XT D)iVe 3 99 V G A MOnitOr 1024539 2998 40MB-28)T)S-32l(/C 375 C OIOrSCanner >78 105MB-18)T)S IDE 799 COPy II OP(. Bd. 105MIMms Card 1099 USR 14A Modem 788 209MB-18ms IDE 1299 288 Mother Board 179 339MB-14ms ESDI 1998 366-16 Mother Bd 619 650MS-1st)T(S E8DI 2998 388.25 MOther Bd 919


TAPE Drive 40/120 39() 8S8-33 MOther Bd 1298

Iu 0


Ct R gl IB

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2 8 9 Sp e clels oneters P


TheMostExtensive Cmnyut eePealact

COMpUTERCFNTRE Imlecm())liny(jjjljmre

Desqvlew 2.2/385 v3 ..............100/110 Desqview Companions .....,................ 80 Diet Salsneer .......„....„.........„,.......... 50 Direct Access 5 (menu)NEW............. 70 Disk Op8mlzsr v4.0 ..............,............ 85 Disk Technician Adv........................ 139 DO34.01 ..........................................00 . 08 D ouble Disk . Double Das v6.0 (run twice) .........,.... 8$ Drsflx Cedd (Windows) ..........,...... 579 DrawPerleet (faiWP5) NEW............ 330 Dream House .......................,........... 10 Dream House Prafesskrnal ................ 80 Eight-In4)ne (Intergrated) ..............,... 69 Steel Microsoft ..........,......,.............. 27$ FamilyFari une ...,... Family Reunion .................................. 59

Lmtery Trend Analyws ....................... 19 Lotus 123 v2.2/ v3.0 ................3NI4/9 Lolus 123 v3.0 Lan/nods ....,..... 8$9/308 Lalus2.2 Netserk/Nade .......,... 629/259 Lotus v3.1 Windows ......................... 520

Cllckert Publications ....,... .............. 59 Ciicksrt Windaws Clipsrt ...,. .......,89 Clipper Summer 57 ........ ' ................529 599 Clipper v50 new Case UpCustamer ...............,......,. t89

Class {IpNehyark(8 ussr) ....„„....„730 Close Up Supfran .......,.....,...........Ety

Cabal 3.0CampllerMS ..„,....,........ 749 Color Your Spread Sheet ....„.......,..... 3$ Cam pussre Subseri ptionKk ....,.:....,:37 39 Cack Book (Ialllastlc food) Copy II PC v5(COPY ANY PRG) ...... 39

CopyWrxe (NEW version) ................., 89 Carel Draw With Wdeo .................... 3N

Corporate Ladder 76 Cricket Windows ................... „....,.... 159 Crcwstalk MK IV / XVI ...........,.,179 /144 Crosstalk Wiridtkl/s,.„„„, , „...„„, 1N

Cubit (comp/ssfr Lotus) .„,....,......~„„88

Current IBM, ...........................,.....209 Dsc Easy Accaunsng 4.0..........,... 149 Dsc Easy Can. Payroll Dataesss (Great Product) .............. 659


. .

Fsmsy Tree (mskw) ........................... N

85 Fsnlsvielan Fastback + (the best) ......, ...........,.. 130 FaslPao Mali ....................., ..., ............ 79

Rie Shouts gsptop or PC toPC) ...... 100 File View (dale layout) ....................... 23 Financial Calculator (Tables) ............. 44 Financial Farecast (power up) ........... 79 130 Rnesse Publisher First Apps {Windaws) ....,..............,. . 78 First Chofee................., ................... 139 First Publisher .................,......,........ 129 First Publisher Cap-ionia . .....,........ 30 39 First Publisher Clip Halidays First Publisher Clip-leisure .................39

Fire! Publisher Clip Publications ...,.... 39 Five weeks ta Winning Bridge ........... 3$ Flight Simulator4.0 ................., ........ 4S Floor Plan ...,.................................... 56 Row Charing ill (NEW) ................... 195 Fontecy ...............................,............95

FarmFlle(powerup) ...,..........,..........44 Form Filler (title forms) ..................... 131 Form Finisher I power up) .................. 59 Flxnibase (Database fart>Is),........ 428 Formtaol(create fonna).....,..........,... 89 Fortran v5 Campiler MS ................,. 369 Fox 386 ........................,................,.. 379 Fax Graph . . .. . 239 Fox Runtime/FoxPro RunTime .. 349l3$$ Faxbase+2.1/LAN ..... ....270/3$9 FOXPRO / Foxpro LAN........... 590/S19 FoxPro RF Runtime....................... 3$8

Fremewark III (new)........ „............ 499 Freedom of the Press,........ .......... 350 Freelancev3.0 ...........,....,..........,.. 38$ Friday Night Poker .....,...................... 38 Generic ' 3D Drafting,...........,....... 289 120 Generic ' cad Level II ... Oenere ' Cad Level III ........ .........229 Generic 'Csd LevelV NEW .. ........ 298 189 Generic ' Eshmstor .......................... 219

Generic ' Cad Starter Kit

Oenenc Arehrleclurs Landscape ...... 59 Generic AutoConvert,....,.„...............79 Generis Baal HOma Oeaign ............. 5$ Generic Bathroom Deslgrr ................ 59 Generic Hams Landscaping ...,........ 59 Generic Kitchen Design ......,....,...... 59 Oerisrlc Raslderitlel Frairilfig ............. 59 Generic Type Pants I ..........,.............. 59 Oenwie Type Fonts II ....„.......,......,... 50 64 Gofer2 0 Oramrnstik IV (Grammar chit) ............ 19 Grsndview (organize/ track .....,...,. 220 Graphic Faims,....................,....,....... 26 GreetChst,sMssterll „........,..........66

Grid Designer (power upi .........„..., .. 35 Harvard Graphics v2. 3 LAN,. 830/'I28$ Harvard Praject Mgr 3.0... .......... 479 Harvard Screen Shaw ..........,........... t29 Headltoam v2 0 ..............., ...., . . 66 Horizons Genealagy......,................. 40 HotWlrs .......,................,.........„.....,. t tg

Hyperpr)d v2 (ie Hypsrcard) ....„..... 135 InfoSsiecf, ..........,„...,....,„...,.... 98 Jet Propulsian (speed up Lsserl ....,. 98 Labels Unlimitted (pewer up) ............ 5$ Language Master {Franklin) ......„,... 119 Lap-Link Ill (laptop files ...............,.. 11$

LlfeSlyles Design .......,....,......,......... 21 Look 6 Unk (for Lotus) .......................79

Lucld3D2.0(i prated) ............,.......N 169 Msc Unk Mace Utilities INO .......................... 119 Maoro Assembler 6.1 MS ................ 129 Magellan v2.0 (NEW) ......,...........,.... 120

Magic Mirror ........„......................,..... 90 klanaglng Year Maney v8 ............,...170 MS Windows Udllties New,.... „....,..... 69 MS Windows Entertalnmenl .............., 38

Mafiiis clipt(Letua)..... .........---- ... 359

Methead 2.6 (new version) ....,........ 315 Mavis Beacan Teaches Typing ......... 54 170 Maxlmlzsr (sales Irscker) Memory Mate .................,.................. 70 Melro (like Sldsluok) .......,......,...,...... 19 Micro Kitchen Carnpanfon ...........,..... 39 Moduklll, ...,......,...„.....,....„.....,..114

MousePmgnunmlngReference ...,....30

Move Em (RAMControl) ..............,..... 75 Muirimate Adv I 8 v4.0 ...................... 369 Name Tag Kit, ............................... Ss Nswsmsster II ...................................85 NewsRaom ..'........................., ......... 19 NewsRcamPre .........,...... - ........39 No Squint (laptop curser) .................. 42 Norlan Backup ................................ 149 NorianCommander NEW ............... 119 Nertcn Editar,....., .....„......„,.......,..... 75 Narlon Utility 4.5/Adv v5 ........... 75/135 Novell Netwariung ............,............... call One Person Ofsce ............................. 89 Oplune (drive checker) ..................... 89 Ory Plus Advsresd 120 PageGarden (psge5 tant eontrd) . . 159 PsgsMsker ........., ...........,.....,........689 PainlShaw Sogllsch) ...,..................... 28 Paradox 3.0/388 ..........,......... 549/6$9 Paradox Engine.„.....,.......,.............470 Paradox Network .............................780 Pascal MlcroS,....,.....,....,....„ ......... 269

PC Anywhere IV New ......„......„.....„180 PC File .........,.............................129 PC Glebe 3.0 .......,...., .......................69 59 PC Globe USA (version) PCKwik Pawer Psk ............, ......... 129

Pc Kwik super Disk Accelerator ....... 59 PC Nations (for PC Globe) ........,...„.„25 PC Paintbrush 4 /PLUS .........,...,. 99/I 75 PC Tools Deluxe v8 .........,................. 00 PDOueue ...............„,...............,......64 PerFonn v21/PRO Windows .. 219/379 Perfect Addition ....................„.......... 4$

Personal Lawyer ........,.....,...........,... 69 Personnel Policy (power up) .............. 82 Picture Perfeci ................................. 220 Pixie (new) ......,.............,.............249 34 Play Bridge w/Sheinwold

PapDrap Plus (TSR manager> ........... 80

Power Pent ....., ..............,....,....i...... 470 Present Il (power u p), „..., ...,....,....,62 Print Masler, .........,............................. 41 Print Right ........................................ 69 PrintQ v4.0 (buffer plus) ................ 115

Prlntshop (TopSeller> ...,.........,.... 49

Print step Companion ......,.................44 Printstep Graphics Parties .............. 35 Printshap Graphics Sampler .„....,..... N printshap Graphics Sehaol/Business 35 ProCv2.0 ....,......,......,.....................8$$ Piaeomm PI'us'vt"IB (I'h'e bes'I) .:,.:.... 8$ Pracomm the Works ......,.............,.... 39 185 Professional Rle Prolessianal Plan ..............................10 1&5 Professional Wme v22 nevr Protect Wedows Microsoft ............ 589

OA Plussystem ( snsllzer) ......,.....,. 169

QEMM 368 (expanded Msm Mtm) .... 50 Oualro Pro Station ..................,....2N10 Ouatlro PRO,.......,........................„. 370

Oua8ro Version U redo .............,.. 'IN Quick Basicv4.5 MS .........,..........,....10


Ques C wkh Assembler NEW ....... 169 Quick Pascal ...................................... 70 Quick Schedule Plus (poww up) .......N Quicken (best value seeing) .....,.„.... 46 SN RBass forDes R&R 3.0(Repart Writer) ................,.. 130 ykLR Clipper Foxgase MadIrie 14 0 R&R Cods Generator ...................„„13g Rapldlile (mail database) ...... „,....,25g ReadWrke (Top OCR) SN Refkw2.0 .......................................,. 2(0 Resume Maker ( by Indkridual) .......... 44 Revelation Adv IRunkne ...........888/170

Rlghtwrlter 3.0(Grammarotuek ..„.... 80

SCO Xenix Dsv ENI 388 .........575/675 SCOXenix O/SYS286/SN ....... 540/SN Stew Parker FX v3.5 ........,.....„.... 2N Sdeklck I Sdeklck Plus .............. 85/180 Sideways v3 2 ..........................,......... 60 SSaak (Automayc backup) ....,......... 00 SmallTalk/288 ...,....................99I1N

Smart System(nsw Vsr.) ................. 88

Smsrterm 220/240 .................. INI240 Soft Type Wltxfows ....................-, 188

SoflSsfe (system security) ....,............88 Saflwsre Bridge (wp Canvert), ........110 Sotiwsre Camusel V4.0 new .............. N Spinrks 8(lncrse HD spd) ..........,..... 08 Splash VGA ....................................... 89

SQZ Plus ( NEWj (eampress) ............80 stedmansLegalfxesonary ............89 Stedmans MEDICAL Delenwy ......., 79 StresmUns (vealars Scsnrwd} ......„348 SCCCaaaIna ....-,....„...,......,.....,... ...8$ Super Base 2I 4 uxndaws „...„. 259I408 S upercslc50(supw value .... 3 8 9 Su pprojsct Expert/Pica .......... 525/SN


SwlmW are (makes calendars) .....„,... 19

Symphony 22 ..............................,... 585 Take Control ot chalesterol ........ .... 30 Timeline4.0 with Grsphlas . . 549 Timesllps ill(time blllin ............„.. 240 '


Timesllps Rw nate (TBR) ........,......... 70 419 Tool Beak (Ior wlndasw)

Top Priority (Fe» Planner) ....,......,.... 7S Touch Up ....................................... 180 Trsdiny Places (lsr Dbass) .........,..... 80 TurboC++ .....................,.............125 Turbo C++ Pralesslonsl ...,........,.,219 Turbo Debugger Toals,....,....i....., . 148 Turbo Llghlnmy ................,.......- .....90 TurbO Pakeaf 5.5 IPmf ......,.......128/210 Type (Brodwbund) ...... „.................... 42 Type Foundry .................................., 419 Typing Tutar IV Plus (NEW) ............. 40 Ultra vision ..........................,...,...,... 128 UkraSe rlpt(paskerpt) ..........., ....... 490

Vaccine (Virus Prateclcr)


VCR Dampsnian .......................... .... 52 Ventura v3.0 Windows ................,. . 828

v/deo Companion ......,..„.....„....,...,.30

VlewLink,.„...,.....„,....,.........;.„,.......130 Vfsk 4 Astlaktgy VP Planner 3D rinfa/Expri .... 218/$4/190 Watch Dag (NEW) security, ...,...,.. 220 Who What When (llrrw menayer) ..... 180 Windows 3 Dmelaper ......,...........,... 4$6 Windows 3.0„..., .....,.....,....„...,... 119

windows Express v3 Wine Companen



WingZ ter Wlndeea ................,....... 450

Ward 5.0 ...,......,...........„...,....,.....200 Word For Windows, .............,, ... 205 WardPsr/isct5,0 Fmncn .......„, ..„,. 329 WardPsrfect 6.1 .....,.........,....,,....... 279 WordPerfeat 5.1 f(ede... .............. 200 W edpbv8laas 48 )P(8888B 1 4 8

Publiah (Ready Ware) ......„.....,....„,. 25

WordPerfecl Okice ....,................... 119 Wordsku Professional 80 ....,.......,., 265

0 RAM .......................,....................... 7$ O5A Network ...........................,....... 2$$ 18$ QSA Write

XTree ProOald ................................ 10$ Zing 3D {3D Graphics II!) ........,..... 152

Publlah lt I LXS,. „... „.... „,.........,. 'I7$/59 O 5 A 3.0 .....,....,.... ....,......... ... 270 Q Dos II (great features) ....,............... 7$

Worlriny Hours (power up),.„,,;;;,- ', 79 Works 20 (wirldows) ......,...,.„...,.. 12$ WorkSheet Uslgss .......„.....,.„...,.......81 Xerox Pressnls .....„........,......,.......... SN

18 R

Serving the Homeand Once for 9 Veersl ® 754$H

Laser Talk PC(ptetscrlpl dev.) ........ 280 Laz/Susan ........................................39 Le Menu(easy menu) ........................ 79 Learning Des (Microsoft) ........,.....,.... 44 Laker Perfect new.........,.................170 Letters On Une ..................., ............ 49

Desk.Link (mini netwOrk) ................. 139

0 S


619 dBase III Plus 959 dBASE IV dev. editen dBASEIVvI.I /LAN .........,,,539/189 dBrlef v3.0 ...,.....,............................. 160 Deluxe Paint ii/Enhanced ......,.... 60/110 Design (Ready Ware) ....................... 8) Designer (Micragraph NEW) ........... 549


T27 4 4 14


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