1991 12 The Computer Paper - BC Edition

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Froln the Ed@or


N.C.Edition • Dec. 1901

t has been said: "The computer you really want costs $5,000' And,.for many years-tmd many buyers-thin has been true. Over the pastdecade, $5,000 or so bought a s t a t e ~ f - the-art c o m puter.

(Typically, the fully loaded, leadingwdge machines weonly dreamed about owning cost more like $10,000.)

Features Soc you

w a n t t o b u y a p r ln t e H se eesaeesseeseseessesssoseoseeeeseasoeseeeesssssesA4

From dot mauix to color laser, there are more choices than ever. ByOmemeBcnnctt.

li ooking a PC printer to a Mac....................................................51 How to do it~d why you might want to.' By One Bcnnctt.

S eftware Pe~ cnpt Emulation ..................................................52

Read this if you don't hswe a PostScript printer. ByCnteoteBennctt. computer forunder $5,000 including GSI'. A P r l l l t e r G I O S Sa r y e eeeeeeeeessoeneeossseseeaeaeeesesseeoeeee saseesoeeeaaaeaeeeesessseeees55 That is amazmg — amachine with enough Betterthan a buzzword decoder ring. By Qnwne Bcnnett horsepower to run a bank or a g easeseeeeessseeses • ss ee e e a e ea56 ten years ago, can now be purchased by a 0 Vorak S G u i d e t o P C G a m e s eseeeeeeesesaeeeaeeeae An excerpt from a new book and a gamer's hall of Same.ByJohn C. Dvonrk and Pc!or Spoor mere m wit h a little extra room on their Visa card. Despite the considerable merits of lb e lest and Worst of 1991 ........................................................62 Three eagles, a turkey and.... By RocdyOncn. other computer platforms, Intel-based machines have once again redefined the What to get the computer user who has everything ..............68 marketplace. Banish boring gifisl Here are some ideas that even Scrooge would love. ByGnaws Bennctt.

Today, you can buy a complete 486

overnm ent

These machines are capable of awesome


thingL An individual running AutoCAD on a 486 becomes limited only by his or her imagination. The hardiaire is no longer a major obstacle (although there will always

be power users pushing the envelope,

ArScles Show Report: ComdexlFall'91 .....................................................2$

More news from Las VegaL FnanNoncBytoL c hallenging the u p per l i m it s of t h e machine's — and their own — aMities). This kind of power changes the playing field for COm d e x R e p o r t oan se s ossseeeseeseessseeasssessseseeeeaeesessooeeasesesseeeeeaesssaesoeeesa 92 roduct development. Now, designers can create thre~ ena i onal renderings that are so Las Vegas has its own version of the Walkabout. By16rtnn Singh ffhaha. ' elite that they are using the computer~ e l oped images in-their marketing campaignsas if they were actual photographs of a thing which only exists in the mind of the designer. Th e Enabled Computer.......................................'.........................28 Computerized Braille and telecommunications bring the world doser. ByJohn McGessick This significantly shortens the development curve, by allowing marketers to test more ' T eChnll l ue S aesseaasoeeseeeaaosoeeseeeessasoeeeeasassseeeeeeesaeessseoeeaoeaaeeesaae'aeseeeseee 102 realistic representations of a product on their target market, How the cover illustration was created.By QnsomeBenncN. Today, a 486 computer has the horsepower, connectivity and sofiware that, ~te liteiamy. can be measured in a business' bottom litic. PCs can now act as document arduving systems, Co mputel based lTaining ............. . ..........................................96 voicemail centers and major multNne bulletin boards or information networks. Instead of Research discovers how different personality types respond. ByFntns Fanfcy. costing mimfons, we are talking about tens af thousands of dollarL Networked to the world

via the Internet, Compuserve or GEnie, your potential customer base expands into the hundreds of thousands. In the '90s information is power, and people will pay for in5mm ation. How about your database? Lots of records you say? At Comdex, I saw a demonstration of

FoxPro 2.0(Fox Sofia'e 4194744162) The gentleman doing the demo was searching a

Reviews WordPerfect for Windows...........................................................72

The definiiive word in Windows word processing? ByCathayLafontoSssitL database Sle vnth virtually every address in America for streets-millions of addresseL If you bBnked, you missed how long it took to Snd things. Word For Word ..n.........................................................................75 These are just a few ideas that occur to me in my short ponderings about what people A conversion utility for converting word processor iles. ByPs McNwy. can do with a powerful computer. I think we are at a time very much like when Gutenburg and his friends had Snished their movable type printing press. Books stopped being rare, IN eos si INoney..........................................................................76 Home Financial Management software for%endows.By SacPheaSonth. handweproduced oddities, and became massonarket ite~ hea p , readily avafiable and IN ie o s o f t P u b l i s h e r eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wide~ g i ng. This development probably had the same effect on popularizing the ideas of eeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoe 77 Easy to use and inexpenave, it promises-and delivers-good DTP value. ByDanicf the Renaissance thinkers that Sx machines had in the recent Soviet coup. Information * moved more quickly. I believe that these morepowerful computers have the capabih ty to A ut o ( A O r s1 1 e e e eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeo 78 quite literally change the way we work, by giving us, as Bill Gates has said "information at our The new release is easier to useand provides impressive 5-D alities. By E8 Tcichcoeb Sngertips. A Taking this kind of quantum change into another area, if you could buy a used Datsun RenderMan shaders add reallfe textures to CAD modelL By Erl TcichfooL pickup in 1981, then this year — for the same $$,0NL-you could buy one of those monster G e n e r I C CA D D S eO ee e eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesoeeeeeeeee'eoooosoeosseseoeseoooo earthmovers with the 1$foot-high wheeh that are used to haul tons of earth. 82 For those who don't need the power of a high~d CAD system. Bye Trichcock The hardware is awesome. The software is catching up. Are you using it to your best advmtage? Do you htow what it can do for your business? Interesting times — very exciting So ny Laser Ubrary ..................................................................... s85 and empowering. This CMtOM collection gets topmarks. Is it the library of the Siture? ByLinda Rehrbough. Add another $1,000to your $5,000 486 and you can have a MDl keyboard atid some I ntel H a n d S C a n n e r asassssassssasaas aasnsaaaaaasaasosssssassssssassssssassssssaaaasssssaa 86 software — your own personal recording studio. This combination has the ability to produce This add~ fos the SatMAXiion board adds versatfiity. By T. BNcc. the sounds that you had to pay an entire orchestra at union scale 10 years ago.



For another $1,000 (and up, up, up), you can add Simcnoiion video and imag~pture

capalities, opening up the world of multimedia and-hmm, it seems we' re back at $5,000. Well, maybe next year. Enjoy the issue.

0 uiCk l N


a i l 2 . S e eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeee

The system administrator sends a message explaining the upgrade. ByCtnemeBcnnett.

R4slial Schedule


Mozbea .

Masthea4 WhaA Ne.. ~ Neaabyeeo

mrtan Singh mialsa-

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Feb. 12


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Copy Camerl Ready O l glrlbuf Ion noo, 18


Jan. 31








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Publisher / Editor Kirtan Singh Khalsa Mana in Editor

' ja'

Graeme Bennett

Contributin Writers Graeme Bennett, Roady Green,Unda Rohrbough, Cathalynn Labontk-Smith, Stephen Smith, Erl Teichroeb, Daniel Werger. News8ytas Canadian Editor. Grant Buckler

g gc,

Proofreader Neall Calvert

Cover Art

"The Night before..." by Graeme Bennett

W c'ac H~ 0 ~

National Ad Sales


John Oliver (604) 733-5596


B.C. Ad Sales

(vT~~ ~ ~ ri004~

Hari Sing Khalsa 604) 733-5596

Alberta Ad Sales Patricia FitzGerald (403) 262-5737 Tanya Bielestein

Manitoba Ad Sales Suzanne FitzGerald (204) 949-7720

Production Mana er

«JDER~ We continue to deliver superior workmanship and performance at an unbeatable

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HEAD OFRCE - BRITISHCOLUMBIA Canada Computer Paper lnc. ¹8, 3661 W. 4th Ave. Vancouver, BCV6R 1P2 Phone: (604) 733-5596, Fax (604) 732-4280 BBS Number:Mind Link/ (604) 576-1214 (Log on with the name "Computer Paper" ) Circulation: 50,000


Production Kim Fedor

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Janis Sterling


Subscri ons To have 12 issues of The Computer Paper mailed directly to your home (in Canada), send a cheque for $24.95 to Suite 8, 3661 W. 4th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. V6R 1P2 American subscriptions please send $40 in US Funds. Overseas please send $65 Canadian. This Is Volume 4, No. 12, Dec. 1991 77ieComputer Paper is published monthly by Canada Computer Paper inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the permission of the Publisher is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed in

Dharm KaurKhalsa

Ken Kemp & Ko., Stands Unlimit

Printedin Canada ISSN 0840-3929

Printer Transcontinental West Printers

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to 105MB hard disk, Quantum 19ms to 135MB hard disk, Fujitsu 20ms to 210MB hard disk, Maxtor 15ms to 14' Nl Amazing 1024 x 768 to 17' Nl Samtron1024 x 768 to 20' Nl Mltsubishi 1024 x 768

Happy llew Year • •


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llailbex -.-. 'Op ~+






Religious Reading

I think that your Computer Paper is one of the best publications I have readl I anticipate it monthly and read it from cover to cover. I am s o i m p ressed with i t t h a t I religiously send copies to friends and relatives back East Peter R. Bain

N. Vancouver

Ersatz Windows

in iktail on page284 of thc DOS 5.0 reference vuin«ai. 17wrv ic agoodchance that thc bad sectorsos your hanf drive arcindeed bad, and reclaiming thc dish space just icos't work This is quite common os himf drives, asdformatting prvipumc win "lock out thc bail sectors co that fhc operating system wiN not acckkstafbp hy to save anything to them. Sce the N~ coc tion in thiiissue(in the PC Worfd section) asd Cordon Young'svinu artick fact isiucfor the namesfothc top PC virus utiTitici.

Ae for Disks although I do nof personally

ucc it, my umkrrtasdisg is that the option you mention is merely giving you a chancetocave hut clusters to af ile. Whik this is, of course, so substitutefor ngufarfy boding «p yourimportant J'ul is thc case fo f iki, and is not particularly uce euccutabk cede, it anddhoprecover trert or ether daas, whkhyou couhf thes euamine with a tait editor or even thi DOS Shel's view option.

And I thought nothing could top the article written by Mr. Barr on "A Brand Ncw OS/2" of the August issue, but the arlide Where can I get Canofilet written by Graeme Bennett on "Ersatz In the October '91 issue of 1%eComputer Windows: The Future of DOS" was the best Paper you describe a document storage yet. And by the way, Ihave heard many system (the Canofile) manufactured by or people talk about Deikview 586, how does it disuibuted by Ano Automation. compare to Windows S.O? Keep up the Unfortunately, nowhere in your EXCELLENT workl description do you give thc address of the Ai-Kao Chang company or any other means of contacting Port Moody them. Could you supply me with such information? Windows Allan L Aizenman I read Thc Computer Paper each month Medical Director with enthusiasm. Your artide on "How to Brandon General Hospital Get the Most out of Windows" in the Brendan, Manitoba

Optimiz ing


i I

Wo uld you Dke to recycle your toner cartridges but had a bod experience In the past?

Aso Automation's head oga'is in Richmond, Real Mode on my E86-12MHz, 1MB RAM B.C., (604) 2M48 9 8. They have a storein

computer. I am pleased with its present

perform ance, In the article, however, you listed the

configuralion for Windows on the 586SX, 58MOMHz and SOS M H z but neglected to list it for the 586DX45MHz with 2MB RAM. Is it the same as on the 586SX? Another point I would like to raise is that in the General Optimization Tips, item 5, it was recommended that the liine STACK&O, 0 be induded in CONHG.RS to save some

Edmonton as uuN. Yoii might also call Canon

directfora local dcakr (604) 2y8 ILL

Does your toner cartridge leave black lines or smudges along the side ot the page?

I n a r e p ort t hat a ppeared i n t h e NewsBytcs section of the November issue of the local Computer Papers, Innosoft International daimed to have developed the frat multimedia electronic mail application. This is a gross liel NeXT users have enjoyed the benefits of conventional memory. Could you please multimedia e-mail for almost three years. explain what does STACKS mean7 The NeXT m ai l a p plication uses the I would appreciate getting some answers standard transport mechanism on the from you with regard to the questions Internet. It can transport images, sound, below: and text. Besides NeXT mail, there are 1 . What u t i l ity p r o gram d o y o u several other multimedia ~ stan d ards recommend using to correct bad sectors on on the Internet; the Andrew mail system ia an XT's Hard Drive to make the sectors one of them. u sable? I performed the Sprinrite II ' a If Innosoft is to retain ita credibiTity, it Thorough Analysis but waa not successfulto must pubhdy retract that Be and give credit , correct the bad sectorL where credits are due. 2. What Anti Virus sofivirnrc program do Joseph Chin you recommend using on an XI' to prevent Wordcrnfh Systems Corporation infecting the computer with the [stoned] Vancouver virus without havmg to slow the computer down? Insoco ft Istcrsatfosaf naposdci S. Re Diskfix utility, PCTOOLS Deluxe Dear hfr. Chio: Ver. 6, to detect and correct problems Unfortunately, y ou have vic at a encountered on the hard dislr,. When disadvantage is that I have not read sor ifo I Diikfix analyzes the Lost Chistera and finds hove avaifahk to mc the reportPws thc NewctPptec errors, I am given the option of deleting section o f the November issuefoThe Computer them or converting them to Slee in the root Paper which yoii have cited. d irectory, e.g., P C T O O O O . F IX . M y lssoco ft mahccso claims of dcvefopisg thc .question is: How can I determine which irst multimedia o'neil system and youaiv indeed f 'Slee I lost and from what Directory? Can I concct in citing ¹XT asd Andrew oarail cycteorc convert or rename the .HX files to make as caacipks of e-mail systems ivhich support them usable again? If not, what is th use of mu~ oa ia i f. No te,horcvvw,that you arv convcrung the lost duaters to.HX Slee? inconectin daiciing the NcXT or hndew cyctcvN Ilookforward to heari n &em you. to be ctandank kt alone Internet standards. For Raymonde Jabaji thcoi to bv standards, you must be abk to cite Vancouver documents iufif iaf by awcogsiscd ctandank body iehich describe the stasdanf. I can assure you Onaeow Bcssc¹ ivpfkii 17ie Wiiukuu aitick that no such docuciest caisfcfor ANF multimedia had a section calkd "A special notelor 986SX oarail systemother than Xdot? which, beyond Syctevl that ako sscntioscd"machines with 2 back teat body parti, admits osbpimager in the ;MB of RhM or lera In these cares,wc recommend form offaccimikc. Note that the viultioiodia you uic Stasdanf meek cufcscioscto the Internet messageformatsusedbp 1%cSTACKS parameter in the CohFIC.SYS the NeXT and Andrew ocnaif iycteou have sever f ile sets thc amount of M M t h at MS-DOS boasimplescstcd in other ocnail syctcmci thus, reservedfor procarcing hardware interrupts. Ifc ymi can only aichangc NcXT multimedia oarail uce in connectionu¹th Windouu9.0 ii cuphriscd with other NeXT machines, and hndrcw



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Is your toner density too light?


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g g SailerqealgpSmphiesIhae ww O.E.M. Ommralefor d 40,NOpepsi.Sameprise

• asO.E.M.eeueadddbe.

The print iS aCtually' blaCker Gucisnlccdfor slleccl g trouble free rechsigec - 40'/o longer life then O.E.M. t han the ori i n a / E P Government and Corporate Perctfaae Ordera are Nelcomedt I I

gross Lies

Do you wish someone would make e toner cartridge to last longer?

October issue helped me to properly

configure and opthnize Windows S.O in the


I •


• • I . • •


ae ove e. Dq I Laser' s Edge has moved to new and expanded streetlevel offices in downtown Vancouver. We' ll be bringing a whole

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Your Bectnwic Adrlishsucente

& THE COMPUTERPAPER DEC '91 Engineetiag Task Force meeting this month ia Santa Fe. This draft standard has two coefsthorsr Nathaniel Borcnsfcin o f Bemcoreand Ned Fyecd of Innoso ff. It might interest yoa to know that ¹f wasonc o f thc architects o f thc Aadrnu c-mail system. Thc staadard being anthoyedby Nat and Ned draws,among other things,fnrm Nat's extensive ~encase with thc f tke Asdyeru oesail system. However,fhefonsat o

About a year ago, tkc Interact Activities Boenl mrdtimsdia oefsral seith other Aadyerusystsvas. At best, thc ¹XT asd Andrew e-mail systems are dccidcd that thc Internet comvnsnity necdcd a "propn' story'staadards: ¹ X T does not even stasdanlfor the exchange ofmaltimcdiaomaiL docfsmcnt their standanl, alfkoagh it is easy A working grofsP to strsdy this Problem ruas esongh fo rcvcrse-cngiaecr and extrcmcly chartered. 77rcksbors fothis gesfsP are only now dqbesdeaf ePos the ¹XTPletfons end oPssafiag coming iofnsitioa. A PnlPossdstandard turs bess system; Carnegie Nielloa does «ot ia phses for seveml months as a "drerf stasdayd docfsmeat the Andrew messageforesat bart will aad with lfsck will be' advanced thc next step along the standards track at the Interact prmride yofswith thc soayeecode.

lys iversify

esnltiescdia messages need by this proposed staadanl beers little rcscmbhssce to tkc message fonsets needbtf either the Andrew or NeXT s mail system, which both have massy severe shortcomings which after time have befsrmccvidcsf. Now, ia the Internet wmQ, them msrst be at least fwo distinct, working implementations fo a draft staadard before that standard will be adopted as a fell standard. Lest October,


ce ss


s arise a


os% 'qp"









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Moatreal Ottawa Sault Ste. Marie Hamiltof Q ue tree@ y .: 2661 (418) Qk4755 ($02)468-7$37:,{li0@ {416) 47010I1 (410) 708.7042($13) 2324074 (705) $46 2744 (410) 7055040{$14) 334N00.361450S 14004@4505



THE COMPUTER PAPER DEC '91 9 Innuco P shucuud at IstucOp '91 thefmt wurbiccg impkmunascionof this nucu pcvpaccd mcdcimudie ucnccil standardfor thu Intunut. Ther westhu cnscncof accrdccim to thu wutid end ic ic haccay disincte bi@ If yocc wish to continccuthis discccsciocc, might I cccggmt that wc coetinccu it via ~a l ly M y Inturnct addrussis den©ineocofl.sum end my NZXET ccddceN is deneymir.bitnut. Dan Nucumen Gunurel Meaegur InncNo P Intcrentsonel Inc. Cfocumont,Ccdifarnia

Graumu Bcnccuw cuplkcc Purhaps occuthis gunfkmen's friunck can kt him know that wu did, infact, hccuusuuurel scoriae cuith mention fothu Amige in then in uccr Nuv. '91 issccr, on pagw IS, SO, SS, S9 ySencl 76. Amige unthccsiasts will eko went to rued abocct thu Amige's pmmiccunus at the CyburActs fair, ruPoctcd icc this ksccus¹cucBytac suction. A disccccsiunfo AmigePrinter dcivccs eko appcces. in shu "Su yacc went tobccye Printur) ertick sterling on Page44

Vancouver, B.C.

Another love letter

Lost Connection

As a new member of the community, and a new modem user, I w o ul d l i k e t o c ompliment you on y o u r fantastic publication; it beats anything in the USA or Europe. Thu Compcctcr Paperhas brought a grassroots amount of knowledge to myself, my wife and kids. Please keep it up. Bruce Morrison,

Several of our readers had a hard dme trying to call "The Print Connection" listed on page 17 of the B.C. Nov. edition, in the article about the OhLaser 400. In the artide, it says to look on pg. 36 for The Print Connection's ad. Unfortunately, there was no Print Connection ad on pg. 86. To complicate matters, it was listed in the index u n d er "T," as in "The Print Connection"and tumed up on page 59.The

Virus Article A splendid article on computer viruses and what to do about theml I'm cutting it out and putting it into my files. Ted Hird E.V. Hird gc Associates Ltd. Vancouver

Easy Reading for NonComputer Wiaards Recentlysomeone in my once brought to my attention a copy of your publication. My congratulations to you — Thu Computur Papur i s n o t o n l y p r o f e ssional a n d informative, it's highly readable, even by non~ pu t er whards like myseK Sandy Mitchell Polaroid Canada Inc. Rexdale, Ontario

Czech Program for Hydrocerbons


During a visit to my home town of Prague in Cxechoslovakia, I talked to a group of people interested in computers and progranuning. Now, abouta year later,: I'm receiving some of their work I' ve been' asked for some help as to disuibution of and: acknowledgement of these programs.': Considering the endless struggle for a good: introduction to the market and their efiort, I would like to help them a little. As a steady reader of 7%uComlncter Paper, I'm endosing a sample disk for your evaluation and



possible help through your magaxine. I

myself am not interested in any kind of profit from this venture, but if you could mention some existence of this program and where to get it, I'm sure that would make the programmers in Prague very

happy It has been a few years since I went to school and my days of chemistry are totally forgotten. However, this program about Hydrocarbons seems like a good program for high schools or universities and I think it would be beneficial to some students interested in this field. All the necessaty details are induded on the enclosed disk. If you could publish something about it, I thank you on behalf of the Gtechoslovakian progracnmers. If someone is interested they can call me at (604) 8594168. I c ould try to obtain more information for them. Michael Hadac Abbotsford

NOW, as your business grows, Q systems grow with you! Q modular systems offer a CPU, Math Coprocessor and HI4peed Cache all mounted on a spectacular modular board. Q letsyou Step-Up~ to the system model you want. For instance, start -with a 386/25 and upgradeeasily and affordably to a 386/33, 386/40, or even a 486 system with incredible speeds of up to 50MHz and user memory of up to 64MB. Experience the benefits of this new architecture brought to you by award-winning manufacturers at surprisingly affordable prices. With two motherboards, three case styles (including our popular Slim model!) and sevenprocessor modules, Q gives you the choice of 21 upgradable systems! Decide on the amount of processing power you need today and with'it, get the option to Steep ~ to otherHi-Speed CPUs tomorrow. It's that easy! And just another way that Q continues to bring you the answers.

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Q Business Computers. Quality by Design. Awardwinning. FCC, UL and CSA approved. Novell® 3.1com patible. See us at our downtown showcase (Suite 304. 700 West Pender Street), or visit an authorized reseller today.

No Respect, Number 549 I have a couple of beefs to air about your newspaper. I used to read your paper religiously, but I won't read another until you rectify these problems: when you are counselling a person about buying a new computer, the only platform you mention is ' the IBM (clones) (this is in reference to an article that came out a few months ago), and

your coverage of the Amiga has gone from

spotty to nonexistent. I feel that a computer newspaper or out a majorvendor of machines in companson~ting is like a ca r m a gaxine leaving specific manufacturers of cars out of their reviews, cosnparisons, misc. artides.

maga zineleaving

Barry Fence vie Mind LiaM

Q Modular Slim 386/486 Q488/33Cache 03B6133 Cache Q386/33 Slim 0286/f2 Slim

0 Modular Cache 386/486 Q486/25 Cache Q386125Cache


r, •


in British Colwnbia and Alberta, eall TOU HKE 140046$4181. The Business Computer that Means Business Javccl Enterpriscc interenionsl, ssc -700wee pendw assist, vaneower S lhh ~ Vsc IB S Tehphc(804) SeS taaS F (Sall%Mell

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Track Data levcccc occcAMDlcAcapital corporcclon/ncouccuc comoscorn putcusales 4 Buslnecsservices In Fet st Jbhn ER Jellicus 4 AscodatecInc k vernoncsEeloencc PCM Systems. In PcweltRiser. TJ. Computers.In Sipsvnich:HoweSoundData Clinic.


DEC '91


stfils, animation and special effects. For more information about Multimedia OR Padficcontact Jat Cole at (416) 66M491 Ontario have developed a program called or 14004674595. ZipCode Software that recognizes both

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their postal codes. ZipCode has a database of Local Solutions to the 850, p o stal codes to draw from, and usersDreacfed Commute find that it is taster than searching through In an effort to practise what they preach, big postal code directories. B.C. Tel, along with Bentall Development, ZipCode users say t h at u s ing t h e has launched a 1&snonth trial of a satellite office in Langley, B.C. Fifteen employees program reduces the amount of mail returned due to the wrong postal code being who live in Langley but normally commute written on the envelope, as typists can often to various B.C. Tel offices are now doingthe make mistakes entering postal codes same jobs from this satellite office that is manually. dose to their homes. The company is projecting sales of B.C. Tel and Bentall Development hope $1,000,000 within the product's first year. to address some of the roblems associated ZipCode Software Ltd. may be reached at with daily commutes, like traffic j am, lack P.O. Box 15986, Nepean, Ontario, KRC 8SS, of parking, pollufion, road maintenance telethhone: (618) 2804889; fihx: (615) 250- expenses and the high cost of mass transit. SFU's Burnaby campus has developed another solution to t h e p r o blems of commuting: computer carpool software Multimedia 92 Pacific called Ride Share. Ride Share matches Exposition and Forum Professional Photo Video TraCe Shows people together to form a carpool, taking into consideration registrants gender, and Ltd. and Design Vancouver are hosting an whether they are smokers or non~okers. exposition of multimedia desi~ issues and To parficipate in the program you need equipment called MultimeCka 92 Pacific Exposition and Forum. Multimedia 92 will a valid library card, and then you type in your name and where you live and when you be held at th e V ancouver Trade and like to commute, and then Ride Convention Centre February 27-29, 1992, would Share prints a list of people within five during Design Vancouver Week. DigiPen Computer Graphics Inc. will be hlometres of your home who also want to

to campus. showcased in a display called "Multimedia carpool The response has been phenomenal;" Window into the Future," where they will demonstrate 8-D computer graphics for design on workstations. Demonstrations will be given in creating computergenerated 8-D

said Ralph Yeomans, manager of traffic and security. 'Dozens of people who want transportation alternatives have formed carpools in the first month of operations."

WordPerfect So1 •• •••••••••••I • • • • • • • • • eo • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • to $264s99 Co rel Draw ..•....•.......•.............. • •............ • .•...•...•..........$409.99 d Base IV .....................................................................$499.99 .................................... $400.00 Cardinal 9600 Internal Modem Cardinal 9600 lnt. S/R Fax wl Winfax .........................$1 99.00 S oundblaster ..................................•...•...•...............•... $1 35.00

C anon Bubblejet 10E ..............................................,...$395.00 S canman 32K .........•......................•.....................• • .•...$199.00 S canman 256K•...•...• .. •.••...•.....•................•.........•......$349.00 Logitech Portable Trackman ........................................$1 30.00 Z-Nix Cordless Mouse .................................................. $99.00

Darius 386SX-2ONIHa • 60MB HDD • 1.44 FDD • Carry Case


• Motorola DPC 888 ...$1150 Olo 900 I • eoeae •• I•• • eeeoa • o$1050 o • eo • • soo $999 NEC p300oooooo

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$®0-18h afreet,

• Motorola Ultra Classic $704

Neer Westminstei', S.C. CanaNa V31I 4K3

• Motorola 8000M ..$355.00

lel.522-NOI Fax 522-1121

THE COMPUTER PAPER DEC '91 11 Listed at $645, the The BJ-10ex can be with a battery pack that makes it Impact on Res Laser Race purchased ideal for laptop and notebook computing. Canon h a s ex In April of 1992, the B.C. Homekescd Parallel PoM It also has an optional SO+hect paper feed. Business and Opportunities Show will be p anded i t s p r i n t e r ContactCanon Canada at 604/278-1451. Impaq Technology is product line with two held in t h e n e w T r a dex b u ilding i n distributing a universal, new laser beam printers Abbotsford. The show will give home4ased zero-slot e x p a nsion that achieve improved Taxbyte Takes aBite Out of business owners an opportunity to meet chassis which plugs resolution of approximately 1200xSOO dpL Personal Taxes suppliers and manufacturers of office directly into the parallel port of any PC. FLS Research, a Toronto-based tax equipment, b u siness services fi rms, The Lightek ex-Port expanaon chassis turns The LB' M ark II Plus ($2895) and the LB ' P l u s ($1695) both use the Canon software developer since 1987, has released franchisors, m u l t i -level m a r k e t ing any notebook or laptop computer' into a Taxbyte Tl L Y I 'E, for p r eparation of companies, direct sales firms and a number fully configured PC by allowmg peripherals Printing System Language IH (CaPSL Ill). Canon is also offering a new version of personal tax returns by tax preparers, and of homekased businesses in the market for like external hard drives, tape backups, d istributors, sales people o r h o m e - network, cards, scanner interfaces, floppy its portable Bubble Jet Printer. The BJ-10ex Taxbyte T2 LYrE, for preparation of manufacturing assistance. weighs a scant 4.6 lbs, but this portable federal, Ontario and Alberta corporate tax drives, S270 emulations, or the IEEE488 The show is aimed at those already in i nterface t o b e a d d ed . For m or e printer is no bintamweight when it comes to returns. For information 'contact FLS home~sed businesses or thinking about information, please call: Joyce Gordon, features. It prints highquality 560 dpi text, Research, 505-150 Consumers Rd., North starting a home-based business. Practical Impaq TechnologyInc. (604) 261-1800. and can also print out scanned graphics. York, ON M2J 1P9 (416) 4908997. advice will be offered on how to write a business plan, and how to finance and market a fiome-based business. For more information contact Stan Sauerwein or Ken Grant (604) 985-1145.

Home-based Business Show in Abbettsford

Canon Joins Hi-

Impaq Has

Window on Business Silow

has Booths for Home45ased Entrepreneurs As we went to press, Wisdow oa Besiaoss Skoro was stBl accepting applications f'rom B.C. home-based businesses that want to participate in a booth in the Pacific Rim Computer and C ommunication Show January 14-16, 1992. Th e b o oths for Vancouver's largest computer show are available to first~e h ome4esed exhibitors at amuchweduced booth fee.Contact SheBa O'Keeffe or C a thy H e p pner, I m p act Communications, telephone: (604) 5205720, Fax: (604) 854-5087, toll-free voice message: 14784155.

with StyleWriter Printer RClaris Works Integrated Software.




Nines Qe —a Compute


generated Animation Video

Fans of animation festivals will find the new v i de o of com p u t er-generated animation, M i n d' s Eye: A C o m puter Odyssey, by Miramas, a taste of what, animation can potentially become beyond commercials and cute dips. The 40ednute video was created by 500 of the world's top computer animators under the direction of Jan Nickman. The video is very New Age: a meditative series of animations set to music by James Reynolds. Themes of the video include: Creation, Natural States, Desert Vision and Canyon Dreams, a romance called Love Found, and Heart of the Machine. Th e o n l y s h ortcoming f or computer fans is that it doesn't tell you what kind of computer systems all the great animations were done on. The video is available in Canada directly from the distributor, Noor Imports (416) 5574695.

Easy Retail 3.0-POS Software for Small Businesses Easy Retail v. 5.0 is a software program that turns a PC into a point~ e te r m inaL Small retailers can use an XT or higher computer to made GST calculations and print receipts. Easy Retail's features indude Cash Drawer that works like a cash register, an inventory control feature, and a sales and payments accounting feature. Easy Retail is avafiabie at software dealers with a suggested list price of $299.

Laser's Edge Makes a INove Nr

Opens DTP aallery

Laser's Edge, a desktop publishing service bureau, moved to 1112 W. Pender (at Thurlow) in late October. The firm is also ushtg part of its new space as an art



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Create Your own cly and walch what ittettdible ettlnlz take

place. ForMac or IBM.

inviting artists to submit their electronic art — contact Teresa Lynne at the new Pender ofiice for more information. Phone

604/6624774. •





gallery featuring artworks done with desktop publislling technology. Iaer's Edge is


Apple, Apple Logo, aad lttiaolnlosh are reglelered aademarNe of Apple comptder

With Som ware...

3>Oennui(8 BOXOFIO .......

MOUSE - -ee " PAD ................... SH OllR LARGE SILEOIION


~VANCOWER 1322 Weal Broadway 7~565 • MORTH VANCOUVER 1078 ltiarlne Dtlve 980~ • EAST VANCOINER 2800 East 1st Ave. 251-6779 • BURNASY Slallon Squate 6200 ltfcKav 435-5111 • RICHMOND 4975 ¹3 Road 278-2455 ~SURREY 101 86 King George Hwy. 588-81 Sl •COQUITUNIILauaheed and Barnet Nuy. 464-5636 • CLEARBROOK 32895 SoulhFtasar Woy 863%848


'91 agreement to include the coupon is an lateran arrangement, Adobe said, in effect

Conlrsl taael

Adobe TyprMurayv.

until Adobe Type 1 font technology is d elivered to A p ple customers via i t s inclusion with a future version of Apple Madntosh System7 software. The four fonts included with ATM in the

AlN r e al cocle current coupon arrangement are Adobe ®u ~ Oe Garamond regular, italic, semibold and pov ~I p o ~ ee which Apyle will include a coupon for a See semibold itamc. copy ™ Q irel-I@Illaw syne ha0ryaaw of Adobe Type Manager'(ATM) Adobe said ATM sofbeee under System lS Njhs ONevH. ~ P a sSny. software and four Adobe fonts with new 7 rerphes a minhmnn of 4MB of memory, Adobe, Apple Start ATM Apple pcoductL and under System 6 users should have at (800) 5R1-1976, extension 4400, which is the Coupon OHer Cor Iwac Users Apple is including the oottprm with new least 2MB of memory installed-on their number isrhtted on the coupon, Adobe said. MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIIPORNIA, OCr Apple printers and Macintosh computers computer. A $730 shippmg and handling fee will Sl (NB) — Adobe Systems hasannounced an with 4 megabytes (MB) of random access ply to each order placed in the U.S. or U.S. and Canadian users may get the agreement between itand Apple under m emory . (RAM), Adobe said. T h e ATM coupon bundle by calling toll-free anada, while the international English versionisUSD $50, the company added. •



Localised versions of ATM software for

European counuies and Ean ri ATM soibvare forJapan are expected to be announced ata later hate, Adobe said. Adobe Systems is headquartered in Mountain View, California and its ATM software is designed to gbe the user on the computer's display screen exactly what will print on the pdnter, caned What-You4eeks-

What-YotsGet t(W%IWIto).

Contach Patrida Pane, Adobe Systems, Tel: 415962-3967, Fmc415-961-3769.

arith Boohs Prom

INicroseft Releases Word S.O REDMOND, WASHINGTON, NOV 15


(NB) — Microsoft has announced vermon 5.0



LOTUS 1-2-3

'Ihe Easy series is a line of hpw-tp books that guarantees fast and easy computer instructipn. This innovative new series is four-colour — making it easy for ypu tp immediately spot key infptmatipn.

Using the new drag~dMop, words, sentences and paragraphs can bc; moved by

clicking on th e h i ghlighted text and dragging it to its new location. The company says the feature most requested by Word users was grammar









'Ihe Basics provides an outline of general information about the hardware, keyboard layout, hpw tp begin the program,move within the document and get help. TAsKIRKvixw Here readers learn hpw tp perform specific tasks. Numbered steps and simple text

Q TTRO"-:',j;„,.„,PRO,,:,-

make learning fast and easy.


Ipcslcpmputcrbppk retailer Callus fpr

hke in Lotus 1-58. Vendors can provide ada in products. For example if you wanted tc

extend the program to do something i i

didn't normally do, somebody could write 0~

2-7 9 8-2


your ftec catalogue at($00) 465-2518. MACMILLAN

manager that lets the user locate Slee even if they can't remember the Sle name. The search can be by title, author, date, or k eywords. D o cuments ca n a l s o b e previiewerL Print Merge Helper is a graphical on. screen feature which assists in the steps necessary to perform a mail merge. The Helper guides the user through the creation of a form letter, then helps to create the data Sle, link it to a form letter, and inseri Information.

The upgraded pro@am introduces plug

Contained in this section is a glossary of common computer and application terms as well as a quick reference page of the most important application commands and keystpkcs. 048022~

checking, and version 5.0 obliges them. The program also has a Find File document

i n m o d ules, w h ic h S e n io r V P f or Applications at Microsoft Mike Maple> exp~ed to Newsbytes."It's the concept oi a vendor being able to provide an extension


look for Que's Easy series titles at your

an integrated grammar checker, draveend-

drop text, and a new Print Merge Helper. Veraon 5.0 was developed to run under the Mac System '7.0 operating system, induding Balloon Help, Truetype fonts, Publish and Subscribe, and support for AppleEvents.


TTIjs section pfpvides a basic overview of the software.

of Word for the Macintosh. The Srst version of the program was 'originally introduced in 1985. The company says new features include

Prices subject to changewithout notice. Ail products or brand names are the trademarks orreghtered trademarks of their respective ovveeru.

an extenmono said that Word for the Mac 5A has a suggested Ifst price of $495. Microsoft maintains a toll&ee numbei


(8004280400)forproduct infonnadon.

Ciotttach Sarah Charf, Miaosoft, 20MB24080 o Miaosoft Canada, 416-5684434, fax 416-568 1527.


Microsoft Announces New 6-Mail Products

REDMOND, WASHINGTON, NOV 15 (NB) — Microsoft has announced several new gateway programs, as well as a free program for Microsoh Mail for Appletalk customers, and new Microsoft Mail for the Macintosh andOS/2. The seven new gatewaysinclude those for IBM Profs, Fax, X.500, SMTP/Unix, Novell MHS and MCI Mail. A gateway to IBM Snads is also shipping in conjunction with Softswitch and Linkage. The gateway programs allow users to connect their electronic maO programs to another network which uses a dmferent protocoL Aho announced is the shipment of new Microsoft Mail workstation software for the Macintosh and for OS/ 2 P resentation Manager. Mail for the Maantosh now has resizable windows, customixable fonts, and the ality to have multiple message screens open at once. Microsoft daims that when using release 2.1, users cnn save messages in hierarchical folders, managing their messages in an intuitive fashion through th e use of subfolders. Messages can be saved by being dragged and dropped into folders,and users with hited hard drive apace have the option of saving locally clr on the server hard. disk The program aho allows users to share information with others on their post o8ice by using shared folders to create bulletin boards for speci6c topics. A post onice is a system with a mailbox for each local user. Shared folders can be established with specific levels of access for each user, induding read, write and delete. The program includes the ability to attach multip)e ales to messages, and has a view attachment which lets users open and read text fBes attached to messages. The program also uses mulrilevel address lists and personal address books, and the addresses can be combined into personal groups for Opttcker mail tranmnisaion. For a hmited time, customers can get a

free copy of Microsoft Schedule+ when they buy Microsoft Mail version 5.0 for Appletalk networks. Schedule+ allows users to add group calendaring and scheduling to their electronic mail program. If you buy a Qve- or 20-license pack of Mail version 5.0 for Appletaik, you will receive a coupon in the product box for a Bee Sve or 2&evorkstation pack of Schedule+.Complete the coupon and send it to Microsoft, and they vnll send you the program. Although Schedule+ ia I'ree, there ia a $5.50 shipping and handling cost Contact: Microsoft Canada, 416-568-0454, fax 416-568-1 527.


Intros Icon CreetIn9 Software

WEST DES MOINES, IOWA, NOV 5 (NB) — CE Software has announced it has started shipping Tiles, the company's newest software product for Madntosh computers. Tiles automatically creates and assigns graphic icons to documents as they are open elL (Icons are picture representations of programs or Qles, used on computer systems with graphic interfacea.) Uahtg TQea, the icon call be selected b}l the user to be representative of the Sle, e.gae a picture of a tree for a document pertaining to forestry. CK Software daima that Tiles is compatible with its buckeye

o •




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haah a0/

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0et(sex ®03®0+N One+plus I I I I U I I I I I I I U H I I I I I U I I I I I I I I I I SBIVB om • 0010aee 000 Brleear . . 0700 CardlneI24NHaudlnL.. 888 e-paar wmevan8}F) US Robo8cs HST 14A lnl 8625 4Prifelmr» 0 enonittse» emma wlkh 8aou II



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Velaa8{e Cnm)xdar Pmduch now o{iafasilt Call{adenfor oll spsciol occasions.Andlnmake 8» k(oaowmmoreasracSuo,%faaSle wI add5%

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for other Prfoln((Lnddllonal comp8nlnnfnry aouhdo eo: 467-8652 or 4634813 or from North Van731 $783

Ce(}lor Nai}aof acedural, pa)e97

and Qricknnnl version 2.5, and canopen «ll of the documents and apphcationa that were being worked on when the computer was last shut down, just by rebooting. Tiles is compatible with th e m o st

recently released Apple operating system, System 7, and has a suggested sel}ing price of USS90.05. ContaeL Sun Nail, Cf Softvuafn, 51 5-Z24-19$5.



• I I

• •


Outbouncl Lowers Its IIiac-

Compatible Notebook isrices

New Fer Nlac." Alias Sketch!

Qregon College To Sponsor NacNorthwest Show

Design Software Debuts

1'oN get all this irs jmcr Ceuxpxcter frere Eoyaal

B OU L D E R , CO L O R A D O . NO V 1 5 (NB) — Outbotrnd Systems has lowered the of prices on it s whol e lin e M acintoshcompatible p o rtables. T h e decreases in pxice average about 10 percent fer the line of four models. The Outbound R050/440 went from SALEM, OREGON, NOV T (NB) — What $5,999 to $5,499. The R050/441 is new $5,649— dawn from $4,099.The 2050/460 is is being described as the northwestern dawn from $4,299 te $5.899. And the United States' largest display of Apple 80386SX 8N 86DX 2000/440 has gone f' rom $5,299 te $2,899. M acintosh hardware and software i s 16 NNs • St269 2S Nits c Sl299 scheduled for April 2'y-28, 1992 at the The 2050 designation means a Moterela 20 NHs c N299 I M H s - Stà arche c SN99 2S Nlrr • SlN9 6 0 NI& - 6th' roche cSlS99 68030kasc.d machine. The 2000 is based on Portland Convention Center. Sponsored by Chemeketa (an Indian a Motorola68000. The 440 moniker means SQ486 4 megabytes (MB) of RAM and a 40 MB ward meaning "place of peace ) Community 33 NHx - 64E cache o $1H9 disk. The 460 indudes a 60 MB hard College, the public exhibition, called 33 NHx - bfK cache - EISA o @'249 hard disk. A "1" at the end of the model number MacNorthwest, will include products that UPGRADE MrrhlORY a SS9 Ssr rxtrb(aaas) allow users to mix video, animation and denotes the presence of a 68881 math compact disc«quality sound with traditional ceproces sar. Catt us for prices oo computer text and graphics, and will be an Company otSdab claimed three main hurd disks reisons fer the price reductions: volume opportunity for Apple Computer to show rsorsitors the public new multimedia okexmgs. shipments are allowing for better pridng Merc than 100 companiesare expected dot rrsatrix urrd arrangcmcnts from the suppliers; Apple to shrsw preducts at MacNarthwest, and Notebook pricing has new been firmly tuser prsrrters established; and demand for lower prices sponsors say it is the only such show in the fax ssruchisres ceuntxy to be sponsored by a community &u» customers. fax cards According to the company, demand is comege. The show will xun concuxrently with uà other peripheruts very good although exact information an the "Communicate: Technology fer the the munber of units shipped is not available. I nformation A g e ' c o n f e rence. T h e Cunam AsscmtaersCamrxeea Ot O aery raasonabie pace The company daims that all employees are conference will f e ature sessions and 'I «I • working overtime and an entire unit of the workshops demonstrating Mac technology y y y company is involved in the search for used in the areas of education, corporate training and business communications. Madnteshes so that the ROMs can use. Intr processor and 1Mb RAM(80ns) 19' rosser case, 5 bays, 2(OW CSA 12M 52b and 1A4M 3S' (ksypr sgak drivcs 52M, Vsns, Quantum IDE bard disk 14' AOC CM435 VGA ealor maruror, 28mm 512K Oak VGA canl(uy ro 1024 x 25$ yixels) 1 paragel, 1 game and 2 seria parse Focus 2000t enhanced AT keyboard Mlcraaoit MS-IX)8 5.0


packages. T he software r e quires a n A p p l e Madntosh II er MacintoshQmdra machine with System 6.05 or higher, at least 5

megabytes (MB) af memory, and a 40MB hard disk drive. It costs US$1,995. Bell said Alias chose to develop the software for the Macintosh because of the Mac's stronger graphics and widespread acceptance in the design field, but will do a camparable product for Microsoft Windows in the future.


ContactLeighAnne Sutton,Out bound, 303-7869200.

Contact: Mark Levanson, for Chetnekota Callcgo, Contact: Arthur Sell, Alias Research, 416-362' 9181 oxt 312, fax 416-3624)630. 503<52~ .





8136, $751 Orayhar Rci«r (near No. 0) RichsnontL I.C. Canagia V6W 1HS . Tel: 004-27$-31SI y, , I Fax: 604-278-6368 Toll Free: 1-800463-KAMA (5262) .

T O R O N T O , O N T A R IO , OC T 2 9 (NB) — Alias. Research has unveiled Alias Sketchl, a I'ree-form, three «dimensional illustration and design tool far the Apple Madntosh. Arthur Bell, senior vice-president of Alias' Stylet division, told NewsBytes that the ' package might best be described as a threedimensional version of Adobe Systems' -Hlustrator package. It is not intended for the same purposes as Alias' existing Alias Designer and Alias Stylel software, he said. The software can be used as a f'rant~ to workstation+aced design systems, Bell said. Alias Sketchl models can be re6ned into designs for manufacturing, or used in creating animation. A variety of import and export formats are available. When using Sketchl, designers will work in a three~ e n sienal workspace. They will be able to create free-form curves by sketching anywhere in three«dimensional space. Thc software also provides a Curv+GMatic tool for creating mor» predse curves. Alias Sketchl uses nan-uniform rational ~ b-spline (NURBS) mathematics, which the company claims will let users create data from a design that will integrate with twodimensienal spline-based illustration

Tel: 731-2828 Fax 731-6789 Tel: 7$4-{}606 Fax: 734-1 195 T( I S7$6668 Fgx. 873-O8O8




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Distributor IIas INemory Cards For Atari Tl030

can choose to be a monster on the streets of arms and hands about, reaching and responding to "nothing." The user's actions Tokyo, under the ocean, or a pa rtidpant in were usuallyenough to draw a crowd of an Indian powwow.In this setting, the user spectatoIL wears three«dimensional goggles powered by Other displays used similar technology, the computer that enhanced the viewer's but users stood against a dark background perception of a television screen viewed and actively participated. A display from through the goggles. NewsBytes understood Enter Corporation and the University of the goggles themselves cost approximately Michigan Comm Tech Laboratory offered $1,500. Participants are given a white lab thre~ ens i onal games in which the user coat to enhance the contrast with the

scene but sound effects as well, it is quite engaging. The user's perception is that of having "moved into" t hat computerCALGARY, ALBERTA, NOV 15 (NB)New Horixon Computer Syitems, a twayear- generated worllL From a spectator's viewpoint, the user old Atari dealer, has acquired North American distribution rights for the new looks like he or she has taken leave of their MIC Profiline TT/ 5 2 FastRAM upgrade senses. The spectator cannot see the screen boards f'rom GE Soft Computersystems of to which the user is responding and the user Germany. The boards allow Atari TTOSO is isolated against a dark background, owners to add as much as 52 megabytes obviously deeply engaged and wavmg their (MB) of extra memory to their machines. New Horizon claims it is now accepting "preorders" to gauge th e i m m ediate responseand for longcerm stock planning. The company expects to receive the first boards within days, said Keith Brooks atNew Horizon. The company maintains that the board will be useful with new software specific to the Tl'050, with both Atari System V Unix and 5.06 Multitasking TOS. Using current four~egablt single inde memory modules (SIMMs), it can be populated with four to 52 MB of burst~ode RAM, Brooks said. He added that the board is expected to work with higher~pacity SIMMS as they become available, increasing its total capacity further. The board attaches to the existing TT FastRAM bus, Brooks said. Brooks said New Horixon is the first distributor to stock the board in North America, and so hr the only one in Canada

File E dit

The company is primarily a dealer for Atari computers and related products, with a f ocus on t h e b u s i ness market a n d applications such as computermded design a nd d e sktop p u b l i shing, h e sa i d . D istributing t h e T T / 5 2 boa r d s i s "something we decided we wanted to try," he said, but does not necessarily signal a move away RomNew Horizon's main focus. Prices range Rom C$589 or U8$500 for an unpopulated board to C $ 5,589 or UPS,050 for a full populated board with 52 MB of 70-nanosecond RAM chips. New Horizon claims it will be installing 70nanosecond RAM chips from Samsung, Toshiba, and NEC on all populated boards. Boards are available with no chips installed or with 4, 8, 16, 20, or 52 MB.

Y i evr Insert F ormat

Dli& Q « fso foal 5No jooll Feaoos Tsolo Tssio %Mew I&t

Qsr m


• ~ z

(+~ a • Cse

fsdoloiil ee isfmmohos ToolotoeeosoboolforoCbmk

Contact Keith Brooks, New Horizon Computer Systems, 403-225-1160, fez 403-271-1398. I

Yoa sly join lie






Cyberarts Show Combines Art, aames, Virtual Reality (NB) — The second annual C yberarts International Exposition and Conference opened fora preview last evening before the show's oifidal opening today. Several of the displays included opportunities for users to step into a television and actively participate in a virtual reality worid. Part of the show is a gallery of computergenerated art, some of it using virtual reality. User~lected poetry was the focus of the art display "Life On A Slice,' where the subject sits in Ront of a television screen with a video camera mounted on top. The video camera picks up the subiect's image and by contrasting it with the background,


Augusta- soolIoioo Saylaksr l - ll

U« o«

IO« « W «IKII o



nil 1M



7% nra


4 I 4 Tahle


hOL h



the computer (an Amiga) separates the image Rom the background and displays the person on the t elevision with images ' generated by the computer. The user then, by moving, can touch images on the screen that represent choices as to where the poem will go next. So Rom a seated position more than 10 feet away, the user's movements activate the computer, just as a user might touch a touchscreen to make choiceL From the user's view, though, it is easy to move in ' and become part of the experience. Newsbytes tried the poem and found the experience is like moving into the computer world. When the user s movements and image are displayed on the screen, and movement causes not only achange of



' cl

2%c Sojjeroosisroesosoeko~ iaotoeoosorurdi», ch'ck, ojrok


THE COMPUTER PAPER DEC '91 17 background «nd lots of space in which to move around. The computer~nerated images on the screen respond to the user's actions, and the user's image i s d i s p layed i n the environment. Swimming motions, for example, are r e quired i n t h e o c e an ' environment where one can also catch fish swimming by. T h er e i s a c o m p utersimulated shark which comes along now and

then, and irequently swallows the user. But at that point, the user can look around in the shark's stomach and try to get out through an opening in the top through which the ocean environment can be seen. A small octopus also participates in the scene and likes to attach itself to the user, and the user has to shake it off. Obviously, users have to be quite physically active to successfully partidpate in the game.

The Vivid Group's commercial version While the images were much like home used similar technology but without the video with crayon-type drawn animated goggles. Here, users play virtual reality characters to represent the imaginary parts. drums, with the appropriate sound effects, like the octopus under the ocean, the or a video game in which two users, standing sharks' stomach, o r t h e d r u ms, t h e side by side, hit a virtual reality ball back and experience is so engaging that most users forth trying to get the ball into the goal, gave up their time only grudgingly when which was a white square behind each user's asked to let someone else participate. head. The video reproduction of the user is called chromakeying and the screen display is referred to as 8-D stereoscopic video. The software, called the Mandala Virtual Reality (VR) System, runs on an Amiga 500, 1000, 2000 and 8000 series systems and allows users to create interactive environments that can be entered and controlled through the use of any video camera, said Vincent John Vmcent of the Vivid Group. The Vivid Group claims the software was only available as a $20,000 system until recentlywhen the price dropped to $495. The Vivid Group was offering complete VR d evelopment systems i n cluding t h e computer, software and video camera starting at $7,800. More information is available from the Vivid Group at (416) 8409290. Contact Vincent john Vincent, The Vivid Group, Tel: 416-340-9290, Fax: 416-348-9809; Carne Heeter, Comm Tech Lab — Michigan State, Tel: 517-353-5497, Fax: 517-336-1244; 8everly Reiser, Ufe On A Slice, Tel: 415M2-2482.


I Table

Wi n d ow H e l p

Nem tor Amiga: Enhanced Harlequin Video Card

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For more information, call Microsoft Canada at: 1-800-563-9048.

EDINBU R G H , SCOT L A N D , NOV 1 (NB) — The Amiga Centre Scotland has announced an enhanced version of its Harlequin 82+it kame buffer system for the Commodore Amiga. According to the centre, the Harlequin has rapidly come to be seen as the premier professional Amiga graphics card since its introduction in February, 1991. The new card — called the Harlequin Plus — supports full PAL an d N T S C b r o adcast color specification without the need for an external synch pulse. The requirement for synch pulses usually pushes the price of video graphics cards up substantially. According to Martin Lowe, managing director of the Amiga Centre, pricing on Harlequin Plus will be decided when the card ships at the end of the year. Existing users of the card w ill be offe red t he opportunity to upgrade to the new version at a piice to be announced. ContacL TheAmiga Centre, Tel: 031-557%242; Fac 031-557-3260. • •

Gates To Keynote PC Windows/Canada

TOR O N T O , O N T A R I O , NO V 1 5 (NB) — Bill Gates, chairman and co-founder of Microsoft, will be the opening keynote speaker for the first PC Windows/Canada s how and c o nference. Th e e v en t i s scheduled for March 28 to25, 1992, and Gates will speak on March 28 in the John F. Bassett Theatre at the Metropohtan Toronto Convention Centre. Gates and Paul A l le n c o -founded Microsoft in the 1970s. The company had worldwide revenues of $1.18 billion in 1990, and Gates is reported to be the secondrichest person in t h e U n i te d States. Microsoft is also, of course, the maker of Windows, on which the PC Windows shows and conference is focused. The PC Windows/Canada conference rogram will also include sessions on ardware and software migration issues, networking, e n t e r prise c o m p u ting, multimedia, evolving hardware platforms,

and a special wrap-up panel with representatives of Apple, Microsoft, and IBM discussing issues in the effective use of Ceatitsstsd otsPeig» 19

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1-800-387-3867 ".--.s ated Retail Prrce)- Dealer pricesmay vary. Contact your authorized HP dealer today. e MSRP (Manufacturer'sSugg

THE COMPUTER PAPER DEC '91 19 through its Strategic Planning for Applied Research an d K n o w ledge ( S PARK) ln16ative. Wolfgang Strigel, coordinator of SPARK and interim director of th e software productivity center, told NewsBytes a recent change of goverrunent in the province — the New Democratic Party was elected toreplace a Social Credit Party government — has disrupted the process somewhat, but government ofBcials have assured him the Contact Roland Klassen, IC+E, 416-5814797, fax plan is among their top priorities and he 416-591-8539. expects the money to start flowing in four to six weeks. Strigel said British Columbia's software companies, most of which are small to 722 percent of the

current and future technologies. The show and conference is produced by International Conferences + Expositions of T oronto a n d I DG W o r l d E x p o of Framingham, Massachusetts. IC+E, World Expo's Canadian representative, also producesMacWorld Expo/Canada and Sun Solutions Expo.'World Expo produces PC Windows shows in the United States,Japan, Australia, Germany, and Sweden.

medium-sized, have little time to think about boos6ng productivity. The Software Productivity Center would employ two fulltime software engineers who would act as a sort of "methodology department" helping those companies become more productive, he said. The center would also arrange seminars and courses as demand arose among its members, Strigel said. The program is initially expected to have a staff of four, including a n e x e cutive director, an administrative support person and the two software engtneerL The provincial government is to supply half the program's funding initially, with the

rest coming from membership fees that would range from C$350 to C$4,500 per year depending on the size of the cotnpany. The Sdence Council plans to sponsor a two<ay conference on software quality assurance in February, and assuming that the software productivity center is in operation by that time, it will probably become a co-sponsor of the conference, Strigel said. Contact: VVoifpang Strigel, Science Council of British Columbia, 604-436-3574, fax 604-4366564.

workstation users surveyed are using commercial applications such asgraphics and desktop publishing.


Canada: Rapid growth In Workstation Market T ORO N T O , O N T A R IO, OC T 3 0 (NB) — The workstation market is growing at better than 20 percent per year in Canada and will probably continue doing so, according to a new study from International Data Corp. (Canada). Th e study also pointed to growing commercial use of what once were technical machines. About '72.2 percent of the workstation users surveyed are using commercial applications such as graphics and desktop

Contact: Mark Pettettier, IDC Canada, 416-3690033.

Sritlsh Columbia Software Productivity Center Approved


( NB) — T h e

p ro v i n c i a l g overnment o f British Columbia h as given a p p r oval i n ;:principle to funding for a new

'provincial software produc6vity

center. The center is a project of the Science Council of British Colulnbia,



Everett Anstey, general manager of Sun Microsystems of Canada, said recently that commercial workstation sales are growing "at least twice as fast as the total business. They will comprise about SO percent of Sun's business this year, Anstey predicted. According to Tom Vassos, marketing programs manager at IB M Ca n a d a , commercial applications account for a larger portion of IBM RS/6000 worksta6on sales in Canada than elsewhere. About half of Canadian RS/6000 sales are for commercial use, Vassos said, while in the rest of the world RS/6000 sales are between 60 and 70 percent technicaL For Digital Equipment of Canada, the commercial market is "rehthrely small today versus the technical area, but growing rapidly," said Kevin Bona, workstation product manager at DEC in Toronto. IDC found Hewlett-Packard the market share leader in Canada, with 46.8 percent of phmned purchases in the Srst half of 1991. But it said Sun Microsystems would move into the lead by year-end, taking 43.6 percent of purchases in the second hagtf. I DC a lso w arned t h a t w h il e t h e workstation market's growth is strong compared to most parts of the computer industry, customers who already use the machines may be buying fewer of them in 1992. The survey showed only 89 percent of current workstation users in Canada plan to buy more machines next year. This means workstation vendors will need to work on developing new markets, IDC said.

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2Q THE COMPUTERPAPER DEC '91 include purchasing agreements with chipxnaker LSI Logic of Calgary, and KaoDidak, a diskette manufacturer in Arnprior, M AR K H A M , O N T A R I O , N G V 1 1 Ontario. The company also has strategic (NB) — The Canadian governnient has alliances with the Ontario Institute for granted "rationalized" status to Apple Canada. The distinction gives Apple an Snxdies in Education, the British Columbia advantage in s elling it s p r oducts to Ministry of Education, and 10 university faculties of architecture across Canada govexnment departments and agencies. In 1989, Apple Canada set up a Strategic Rationalized status means the Canadian Sourcing Office to look into buying and government approves ofthe amount of opportunities in Canada and manufacnxringand purchasing a coxnpany manufacturing to create supplier development programs does in Canada. Under the terms of the agreement with the Canadian government, with existing Canadian suppliers. Apple is to increase contract manufactudng, Contact: Edward Gould or John Elias, National software development, and research in Public Relations for Apple Canada, 416-8604180„ Canada. fax 416-860-1094; Sonja Gundersen, Apple Apple's existing rehtionships in Canada Canada, 416-513-5527.

Apple Canada 6ets io-Ahead For Canadian 6ovt Sales

essentially chains of smaller ones — can produce new polymers with some properties of each of the originals. Xerox's original KINGSTON, ONTARIO, NGV 4 (NB)R esearch at a X e r o x r esearch lab in interest in this research lay in developing new toners for printers and copiers. But the Mssissauga, Ontario, has produced insights into the separation of DNA molecules that process of coxnbining polymersis similar, in reverse, to the process of separating strands in turn produced a new product for a sxnall of DNA, the genetic material that carries biotechnology company here. Q-Life, a three-year old firm with its origins at human characteristics from generation to generation. Queen's University, is now selling software When Xerox researchers realized they that uses algorithms Xerox researchers had something that could help in DNA discovered while looking for ways to research, they contacted the National combine polymers. Research Council of Canada, a federal Dr. Joseph Wright, vice-president and research granting agency. Since the DNA manager of the Xerox Research Centre of work was not related to Xerox's main Canada, told N ewsBytes that mi xing interests, the company wanted funding and p olymers — large molecules t ha t a r e help in finding a partner to develop and commercialize the technology. The NRC put Xerox in touch with QLife, which has developed a device called AutoBase that controls the process of separating DNA strands. This is done by passing controlled electrical impulses t hrough a g e l c o n t aining th e D N A , explained Sydney Pugh, president of Q-Life. Q-Life ha s t a ken t h e a l g o rithms developed at Xerox and put them on a series of readily memory (RGM) card,s that, used with the AutoBase device, can control various DNA experiments. Pugh likened the ROM cards to those on which software for Nintendo and other games machines are sold. Their purpose is much more serious, though: Pugh said they are expected to play a role in the Human Genome Project, a 15-year efFort to map the human gene. ) AutoBase was launched in late October at the Human Genome IH conference in San Diego. The National Research Coundl will continue to fund joint research by Xerox and Q-Life on DNA separation. Canada's Ministxy of Industry, Science and Technology is also providing money over the next year.

Xerox Research Leads To Biotech Advance

Contact: Dr. Joseph alright, Xerox Research Centr» of Canada, 416-823-7091, fax 416-6956987; SydneyPugh, Q-Life,613-384-8&50, fax 61 3-3844636.

New For PC: Canadian Tax Seftware Files Electronically C.:

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T OR O N T O , O N T A R IO , N O V 1 4 (NB) — Gntek Development has announced that the professional version of its Quick Returnsl Canadian income tax software now support Revenue Canada's Efile electronic filing service. Ontek also plans to offer electronic filing to individual customers early in the new year. Revenue Canada's E6le service currently allows tax preparers and accountants in Quebec, the four western provinces and the territories to send returns to th e t ax authorities electronically. The sexvice is to be extended to O n t ario and the f o u r Atlantic provinces in early 1993. Julie Tinson, marketing manager for Gntek, told NewsBytes that the professional version of Quick Returnsl, designed for tax preparers, will now allow those with the necessary connection to Revenue Canada to use the ESle service. Early in 1992, she said, Ontek plans to provide taxpayers who buy the individual version of Quick Returnsl with a number they can call by modem to have Ontek relay their returns to the Efile system. The software will check returns for conformance to the Efile rules before submission, Ontek said, and will prompt the user for any additional information that is needed.

The standard version of Quick Returnsl costs C$59.95, while Quick Returnsl Professional sells for C$199.95. Both are able to run on any IBM or compatible personal computer with at least 256K bytes of memory and a diskette drive. Contact: Julia Tinson, Ontek, 416-767-2775, fax 416-76N)720.


Canada Expanding Electronic Tax Filing OTTAWA, ONTARIO, NOV 7 (NB)Revenue Canada, the Canadian income tax authority, is gradually expanding the electronic income tax filing program that started as a pilot project two years ago. By 1995, plans call for the Eflle service to be available across Canada The program started with a pilot project in Winnipeg and Brandon, Manitoba, early in 1990. In the first year around 5,000' income tax returns were filed electronically through participating tax preparers, a Revenue Canada spokesman said. Last year, 146 tax agents filed returns electronically for more than 100,000 individuals in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and the Northwest Te111to11es.

Early in 1992, tax preparers in + xebec and British Columbia will be able to file 1991 ta x . r eturns f o r t h e i r cl i e n t s electronically, and in the following year the program will be extended to Ontario and the four Atlantic provinces. Up to now, only tax preparers and accountants have been able to file returns electronically, said Greg Cartier, manager of communications and marketing for the Efile program at Revenue Canada However, said Cartier: "we' re looking at ways to make it available to the public." Cartier said that some tax preparers might choose to offer electronic filing as a separate service, allowing taxpayers who prepare their own returns to bring them to a tax preparer for transmission to Revenue Canada. This year, Revenue Canada expects more than one million tax returns to be filed electronically through about 1,200 agents, Cartier said. Contace GregCartier,Revenue Canada, 613-95405B1.

New For PC:Retrriny Wealthy Helps Plan For Future LONDON, ONTARIO, NOV 14 (NB)Canadiansnow approaching middle age and loohng forward to a comfortable retirement on government-provided pensions had better think again, according to Phoenix Accrual, a Canadian software house. Phoenix cites the multiple problems of an aging population, an unsustainable federal deficit, and a crumbling economy make it less and less likely that pension benefits will be there for any but the most needy. Already, taxlaws are in place that will take back most of what many people do get in pensions in the future. So, Phoenix says that you have a choice — work until you drop, or start saving now to provide for your own retirement. If you choose the first option, there are lots of PC software packages to help you slave away more productively. But if you prefer the second, Phoenix claims to have some software that might help. Called Retiring Wealthy, the DOS-based software is designed to help plan savings strategies by assisting in calculating net worth, projecting the value of registered r etirement savings plans an d o t h e r investment options, and predicting the benefits a person can expect — if any — from the Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Pension program. Phoenix Accrual is packaging the software with a new book of the same title, wdtten by Canadian finandal writer Gordon Pape. Sieg Pedde, President of Phoenix Accrual, said the p ackage should be available in both computer stores and bookstores by the middle of November, at a suggested retail price of C$49.95.

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Comdex ReportComdex: Windows Products Big Winner for 1991

Microsoft Powerpoint for Windows was selected for PC Magazine'sBest of 1990 award and also got the magazine's Editor' s Choice award, in addition to PC Wccls's Analysts' Choice award, and was picked by PC Worfd asthe best buy. Microsoft Works for Windows got the Gold Award in the integrated software category at the Windows Forum earlier this )fear.

exhibiting Super PC-Kwik Power Pak~ . Fin a l l y, Dan Janal, public relations spedalist, said that he had sold 2,000 copies performance enhancing utilities which tnclude a word processor and a graphic o f his book designed to help others in PR display of cache activity while running d e al with the press. Janal said this is a good Windows 3.0. Shipments of DR DOS 6.0 now perfonnance for a self-published book. include the Super PC-Kwik disk cache Corltact: Dan Janal, 408-7342092; MultiSofta John standard, they noted. SourceMate offered AccountMate, which P. Davis, 503-644-5644; SourceMate, Hewitt Jackson, 415-381-1011; Reference Software, Leis it called the leader in pricegerformance Tfgns 415 5410222. Raosoft Mcpoia Rao 206 value in accounting software, based on a survey by the eminent Sheldon Needle.

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, OCI' 28 (NB)Microsoft Windows applications were a big hit this year, winning many of the major awards at this year's fall COMDEX in Las Vegas, as weil as a number of other major awards. Excel for Windows version 3.0 walked off with the Most Valuable Product award from Contact: Karen Meredith, Microsoft, 206-882PC Cosnprsting magazine, as well as the 8080. P roduct o f t h e Y e a r a w ar d i n t h e applications software category from Systcnss Integration MagasinaBoth awards were in the spreadsheet category. Excel for Windows w as also j u d ge d t h e n u m b e r o n e LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, OCI' 28 ( )spreadsheet by PC Wrack,Softfoare Digest,and At Comdex, you do demos for breakfast, the National Software Testing Laboratory, demos for dinner and demos for lunch. and was cited as the highest rated product Following were some of the products offered at a recent Comdex noontime. by InfoWorfd. In the development tools category, Raosoft, of Seattle, WA, showed Raosoft . Microsoft Visual Basic version 1.0 for Survey, a database to analyze surveys. The Windows won the PC MagarincTechnical product is designed for market research Excellence Award and the Most Valuable fixms and based on MS-DOS. It costs $395, Product Award from PC Computing.Visual and an add-in called Survey-Entry allows for Basic had already picked up Best of Show remote or multiple site entry of data for and Best of Spring COMDEX from Byte in $ 195. For a n other $ 50, you can g e t the windows development tools category at templates for Real Estate. spring's COMDEX in Atlanta P at Meier Associates Inc., of S a n Bytemagazine's Best of Fall COMDEX in Francisco, CA, rented a restaurant called the application category went to Word for Piero's, ac ross t he s t r eet f r o m t h e Windows version 2.0, which was unveiled Convention Center, and offered the press a during the show. In addition, Word for free lunch in exchange for a l ook atWindows collected By te's A ward o f products from its clients. The p ress, Distinction, InfoWorkrs Product of the Year needless to say, ate it up. award, and PC Magacinc'sBest of 1990 Reference Software of San Francisco was designation. showing a new PC-based college dictionary Project for Windows walked away with and thesaurusfrom Random House, based the Best of 1990 award from InfoWmkf,Best on its Grammatik grammar checking Buy award from PC World, Best Project software.It replaces a 1,565-page hard cover Manager for W i ndows from PC Wccir, source book. It costs $129, works with most Editor's Choice from PC Magasinc,Readers' DOS word processors, and requires 5.5 Choice from Byte,and was chosen as the megabytes of free hard disk space. number one product by Sojtrcare Digest M ultisoft o f B e averton, O R , w a s

Comdex: New Product Roundup


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IBM: It's all INultiMedia

If IBM was showing products that were not multimedia, this writer could not Snd t hem. I B M ' s w h ol e t h r ust w a s o n Multimedia. It seems that the Big Bluettes have seized upon multimedia as the one REDMO N D, WASHINGTON, area in w h ic h t h e y h ave significant OCT 28 (NB) — Byte Magazine advantage over everyone else. The power of and the Interface Group named the Micro Channel architecture is its ability Microsoft Local Area Network to handle simultaneous tasks. This is put to (LAN) Manager version 2.1 the the test in a multimedia setting and IBM can Best Connectivity Product at this really make their equipment shine in this y ear's Fall C O M D E X h e l d domain, It is extraordinarily powerful, their October 21 through 25 in Las gear really hums and now all we need to do Vegas. is to think up some new applications that Awards for outstanding new productsare need the power of multimedia. Other than held every year at COMDEX by magazines for presentations and encyclopedias, what and by the Interface Group, the show's sponsor. COMDEX is the largest computer do you do with multimedia? trade show in the country. It was striking t ha t C o m paq was "Shellys," as the Best of COMDEX/Fall altogether absent from Comdex, but it was Awards are called, are presented to new . the height of irony that Dell occupied products or technologies that meet the Compaq's boothl Industry watchers chortled criteria of being innovative, show strong to themselves that Compaq not only lost potential influence and impact on business market share to Dell this year, but lost computer use worldwide, and have a strong impact on C O M D E X a t t e ndees, the center stage at the industry's premier event. Things were obviously so bad that Rod Interface Group said. Canion got the boot and it looks bad for Microsoft said LAN Manager version 2.1 Compaq. They do not have a distinct market has enhanced Windows connectivity, Novell advantage anymore. Netware con n e c tivity, M ac i n t o sh connectivity, network management features, Apple's Powerbook line of portable TCP/IP internetworking protocol for wide computers are a lot better-looking than the area connectivity and simple installation and Mac Portables they replace. High time. administration. While thePowerbooks have more power Microsoft, one of the largest software and a smaller design, the Apple folks seem companies in the world, had a strong to be married to their mouse and in a presence at COMDEX with its Windows 8.0 portable it turns into a trackball. The software, a popular graphical user interface decision to put the trackball in between the for the IBM personal computer platform. user's thumbs below the space bar will Contact:Tanya van Dam, Microsoft, Tel: 206-882- delight some mouse-happy users and enrage 8080, Collins Hemingway, Waggener Edstrom, Tel: everyone whose hands are uncomfortable 503-245-0905, Fax: 503-244-7261. with a mouse in the middle of everything. Sales will tell all. Stay tuned.

Best Connectivity Product of COND EX


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ATI VGA Wonder XL ............. Colorado 120MB tape ........... Coral Draw............................. dBsse IV ................................ Epscn LQ-570 ....................... Intel Sstisfaxtion ................... Logitech Scanmsn 258 ........ Microsoft ExcelNew ..........., Microsoft Windows 3.0......... NEC 3DS Monitor .................. NEC 4FG Monitor .................. Okilsser 400 .......................... Summssketch 12 x 12 .......... Wordperfect 5.1/Windows ...

.......$235 .......$315 .......$425 .......$510 .......$385 .......$475 .......$355 .......$325 ......... $70 .......$675 .......$975 .......$780 ....... $465 .......$295


Egghead Software Releases Holiday lift Picks List

ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON, NOV 6 (NB) — Egghead Discount Software has released its annual "top picks" Christmas hst for computer software and accessory gifts. The list includes personal productivity products, items for the traveling executive, games for both kids and adults, and even a computerized version of "The Far Side" cartoons for the person who has everything. Each year the discount chain designates "eggspert" buyers who select software and accessories for sale in the company's 182 retail outlets. They picked items this year in fo'ur categories — home office u sers, traveling executives, children, and "the person with everything." In the home office category, items selected included th e $ 1 69.99 Z oom internal or external 2400 baud modem, with fax sending and receiving capabilities for the Macintosh or IBM and compatibles. Another item in this category is the Scan Man 256 hand-heldscanner from Logitech. T he scanner, u sed wit h a n I B M o r compatible, can scan up to 256 shades of grey, and sells for $519.99. Also selected for home office workers were Microsoft Publisher at $159.99, a lowend desktop publishing program running under W i n d ows 5 . 0 on I BM an d compatibles, and Works for Windows. Works is an integrated package containing word processing,database, communications, spreadsheet,charting and drawing modules. Works sells for $159.99 and runs under Windows. Microsoft Money, at $59.99, is a finance management program running on IBM and compatibles which tracks expenses and budgets and can even pay bills with its electronic checkbook feature. In the traveling executive category, the "eggsperts"picked On-The~ S o ftware Set, selling for $69.95. The program includes checkbook, accounting, spreadsheet, list and mail management and word processing. Also offered for the traveler is Automap Road Atlas, a $59.99 item which, once given a starting point and a destination, will figure out the best route and how long it will take to get there. A irline t r a velers m i gh t l i k e t h e Trackman Portable Mouse, a $119.99 device that dips to the side of a laptop or notebook computer and replaces the conventional desktop mouse. Stacker, a device which compresses files so more information can be stored on a hard disk, also made the hst. Stacker is for IBM and compatibles, and sells for $109.99 Christmas is big for th e k i ds, and Egghead has listed several items for inclusion under the tree this year. Ecosaurus ($29.99) is a program that teaches kids about recyding and conservation, while strengthening their reading and thinking skills. It is for children I'rom four to nine years old , a n d ru n s o n I BM and compatibles. There is also Kidz Mouse, a smaller version of the regular mouse, but with blue ears for buttons. Kidz Mouse comes in IM and Macmtosh versions. Other programs for the children on Egghead's est this year are: Kid Pix, a Mac paint program for the Macintosh with color, and Supersolvers Outnumbered, a learning program for kids y to 14. There are also three programs from Walt Disney Software: Mickey's ABCs: A Day At The Fair; Mickey's Colors and Shapes: the Dazzling Magic Show; and Mickey's Crossword Puzzle Maker. All are classified as 'edutainment" programs selling for about $80. For "the person who has everything, Egghead suggests "The Far Side Computer Calendar," which NewsBytes reported on in October. It is a computer version of the popular cartoons by Gary Larson.

(Prices are in UQ-EeL) COntatt:Megan McKenzie, Egghead, 206-3916266.

Goinci OnlineTalk is Cheap by John MoConnick WASHINGTON, DC, NOV 8 (NB) — This c olumn d e a l s w i t h us i n g onl i n e communications services and will focus on details involving costs and necessary equipment. With talkcll-you-want services, anyone can stay online for up to 12 hours or so every day, paying only one small monthly charge plus whatever your local phone access charges are. GEnie's star services, for instance, let you

send and receive an unlimited number of messages during non-peak (nighttime) hours for only about C$6 per month. IBM and Sears' joint Prodigy venture is a fixed-price system which, after it got started, began charging extra after a certain number of e~ail messages and, since it is mostly a shopping service anyway, it isn't much use to most disabled subscribers outside that potentially very valuable advertising feature. Other services have special rates for evenings, and many private BBS systems allow e-mail messages without charges. So, given the inexpensive talk~e, how expensive is it for users to get online in the first place) CompuServe was the first service I

subscribed to many years ago;.back then Radio Shack was selling a combination terminal/modem in a configuration that soon after became a Color Computer. The least expensive computer you can buy will probably have some terminal capabiTities allowing you to get online and send messages to others. Until its demise last fall, the Color Computer was a good low-end choice, with a $200 computer and $20 SO&baud modem being enough to get you access to BBS systems (the modem has built-in terminal software). If you can findone lying around in a C oniintsod on a 2 8









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will cost in the vicinity of $20), a telephone line (for personal use you will probably just Radio Shack store's warehouse, the final use your regular phone, so no added dearance price was $100 for the:computer expense here u nless you don't h a ve and $10 for the modem — a great deal since standard RJ-11 phone jacks), a terminal of it connects to your TV. some sort (usually a computer ranging in Many of these systems are available used price from $20 for a used system to $500 for in good condition from people who have a brand new PC compatible), and a modem moved onto Madntosh or IBMwompatible costing less than $100. systems. With a bit of shopping through a local Ahnost any other discontinued computer newspaper's "for sale" ads you can probably with a built-in modem or just a serial port get online for well under $100 and get a will serve as the basis of a communications taste of communicating with the world. system, as will most laptop computers, and lots of working but no longer stateMWeart Special Services computers are available used. Although you can spend years online In new computers, Tandy's $600 Model making friends and sharing information 102 has climbed in price to the point where without anyone learning that you are many full floppy disk-based MS-DOS disabled, many choose to come out of the computers are less expensive. (Tandy often doset and join one of the discussion groups sells complete systems including monitors geared to those with spedal needs. for less than $500.) But the 102 is a useful CompuServe has long had a special computer complete with built4n modem interest group for the disabled. (GO HUD). a nd it o f ten goes on sale at a m o r e G Enie has r ecently added b ot h t h e , reasonable price. unlimited Star Services pridng scheme and Even the $550 WP-2 word processor has enhanced its disABILlTY services. gust type terminal capabilities at a reasonable price A BLE < E N T ER>.) D e l p h i a d d e d a and all you need to do is add an inexpensive disabilities forum last $11 and you can spend external modem. 20 hours onhne each month for $20. Assuming that. you have selected a All of these specialized services provide computer of some sort, if it doesn't have special information and camaraderie for one built in, you also need a modem. those with spedal needs. There are many powerful, fast, and expensive modems on the market, but unless you are a very fast typist and reader you probably can'tkeep up with even a 1,200-baud modem unless you plan to by John McConsi4 upload or download a lot of fileL You can easily find inexpensive 1,200 WASHINGTON, DC, NOV 15 (NB)baud external modems for sale in magazines Braille is, of course, the raised4ot printing like Computer Mostkly.Unless you hear a. lot method which the visually impaired can of static on your phone line (pick it up, read with their fingers. Braille output press the number "1 and listen for a few devicesare avamable for computers but since seconds) you can probably use a very many visually impaired people use Braille so inexpensive modem. much it is also a natural way for them to Let's total that up. input data for such devices as portable You need membership on a system (this speech synthesizers.


The Enabled Computer — Braille

APH, The American Printing House for the Blind, P.O. Box 6085, Louisville, KY 40206-0085, TWX: 810455-5449 or voice 502-895-2405, offers a wide range of introductory computer books in Braille and

One such program is Stephen Neely's TRAN, which produces barely recognizable speech through the tiny speaker on my IBM PS/2 but does a better job with some other MS-DOS computers whose speakers are a bit large type, including Apple II computer larger. manuals, books on computer literacy, and I have found that after a few minutes' BASIC programming. listening I can understand it much better, so For $5, you can get the Apple II gs I suppose that it could prove usefttl for some Owner's Guide on a 5.inch disk, either to people, especially since it is free and print it out in large print or to read via a available on many BBS systems. Braille display. Also for the visually impaired are the As you could probably guess, APH professional voice synthesis products from specializes in Braille products, and one is GW Micro, whose standard business cards the APH PocketBraille, a $905 battery- are thoughtfully Braillewmbossed. operated portable seven-key Braille-toGW M icro develops PC and Apple speech computer with a 224-kilobyte (K) software as well as selling complete tahing memory. laptop systems and a voice synthesizer board Most of their pr o ducts that aren' t for PC compatibles. accessories for th e PocketBraille are Vocal-Eyes is a $450 voicewccess system intended for Apple II users, such as the for computers running MS-DOS software, $8.95 rigid plasfic model of a IIe keyboard which takes up only 42- to 62K of memory with Braillewmbossed keys, useful for those depending on the predse setup or as little as learning the keyboard, and the $59.50 set of 2K of lower RAM memory if expanded or five thin plastic Braille4abeled overlays for extended memory is available to hold. the the Apple Ilgs keyboard. rest of the program. . Documentation on disk, in large print, Speech Synthesis or on tape, as requested, is provided, along' Turning text into recognizable speech with onhne help and pulldown menus. has long been a goal of many people Speech can be regulated for speech rate, working with computers, either because they pitch, tone, and volume, and these settings wanted to make them accessible to those can be made independently for both who can't read text on a screen or just characters read from the screen and the because it would provide a good alternative keyboard. A hard disk is supported, but Vocal-Eyes to reading hour after hour even for those only requires one floppy disk on the system; who have no visual impairments. An oftenwverlooked point is that there it works with most commercially available are a great many illiterate people who could speech synthesis hardware, and it is not copy benefit from using computers that can talk protected. as well as present visual information. SoundingBoard isa $595 internal voice All really useful speech synthesis systems synthesizer fo r M S - DO S c o mpatible involve both hardware and software, computers with the standard PC bus (not although there are some public domain ~ Micro Channel) which provides spell mode, p rograms t ha t w i l l g e n e r at e f a i r l y 10 speech rates, 10 pitch levels, 26 tone comprehensible speech right through a l evels, f o u r punc t u atio n m od e s , computer's speaker. Cotstinmd ma page 90

Joia fLa oatfor om' let Annual CLrietmas aJI kana ¹vnabca 29 Daasmalmr%4, 1991

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3B618 SX 2 Mb Ram 200% Fj8 Desk loop Csee i AT VO Cattl

l.oao cio r

IDE Co er 101 Keyboanl .

3BO-25 Dx

,, ~ ',' "


2 Mb Ram 200W' FIS Desk Top Case AT I 0 Card

1.oNf Flo

517 $30 45$ 11$7

1199 5100

STOCKING STUI'FEES 112 rmdn Half ofF selected

printer r i bbons, accessories, and softwaresll Come

5 710

aitlni f' or you..

Customhie ur own s tern

1% 310 33$

16 P IISbtaab fortlolL

101 Keyboalvl

IDE contre er

5 480



Bacon 9101, VOhi, 195epe Becca 5416' ,19000

5 609 749 949

386 Sx



hcctuhcc about our bear Ibc of VIF 0 b u for 1$02.'Ihc VIP hi can douay of cpluar ubcl laabbhc dcbb/cob®lib Ihat lu bcdhcul lhb be&calvhic Ncucublbc foubct fb lhc

Qaanaan $ZMb, 17can 64K, IDB Qeaacaca10aea 17can 64K

SN 399

'Hna 1 Maaaer

35$ 360 310 460 7DI

l es, 64K, IDB 19 aoe, IDB

Mercer 1 1$ con 64K Mercer 31SMia 1$can 3SK Maacca 340Ma 13can 3SK

1310 i4

l n and se e w h at g reat d e al s a r e


~ mOmTORS Baaahco 4' SVQh ASDP 36S hCC 5VQh 1004 X 160 3$9 haccchcr 14' SVQh, Secor'Hebe 5 719 haacaah5 Naaicccahao6SVQh 5 4N hams 17' Neaolaocciaaod 1NO Qab 5 VQh Qcetbhn lhc6 47 'Hihac 1Mb 5VQh Coc6 11$ hlI Woahr Qlb W iMeaea 0$7 Caalaal 7N 35, 760 Cehca 53$

30 THE COMPUTER PAPER D E C '91 the Toshiba 1200 is available for $5,295. The Sounding Board LT synthesizer used in these laptops is also available separately for $595; the main difference between it and the larger Sounding Board is the substitution of a pair of headphones for the speakers. If you want to translate. text for Braille readers, Braille-Talk PC is a $195 MS-DOS program that will translate standard ASCII text into accurate Grade 2 Braille. Output is saved to a disk and can be reproduced on any standard Braille embosser. GW Micro is located at 310 Racquet Drive,Fort Wayne, IN 46825, phone 2194884625.

capitalization alert, and other important features. This is a fulllength PC board with built-in speaker and a separate external speaker. Those who want one~top shopping can purchase complete 286, 586SX, or 80586 desktop systems from GW Micro, complete with Vocal-Eyes, Sounding Board, and tape, print, and disk documentation. A laptop based on the Toshiba T1000 and complete with Vocal~ca and a headset weighs only 6.4 pounds and lists for $1,749. A similar but bigger and faster, twofloppy system based on the DataVue Spark lists for $2,695, and both systems come with audiotape documentation. A 20cnegabyte hard disk laptop based on


Sierra Lures Kids With $1IN Ed Sofbeare Spend

OAKHURST, CALIFORNIA, NOV 14 (NB) — Sierra On-line is entering the educational software market, investing more than $1 million in its first three educational software titles that are fun enough to steal children away &em television, the company The three new titles are expected to be available before the hohday season this year. Announcing the packages, Ken Williams, president and chief executive officer of Sierra, said the company's plan is not to build software for schools, but create entertaining software which will increase children's interest in learning.



The educational games Sierra plans to release for the holiday season indude: • Mixed-Up Fairy Tales, a sequel to MixedUp Mother Goose, which won the Software Publishers Association (SPA) 1991 award for best early education

program. Designc;d for kids age six and up, the game is built around agewld f airy t a le s a n d i s de s i gned t o unobtrusively build reading skills. Suggested retail price has been set at

$49.95. • Ecoquest 1: The Search for Cetus — This game is an environmental learning game that takes place completely underwater.

Children aged 12 ance up help Adam and

his dolphin friend, Delphineus, battle a multitude of enviromnental hazards on the way to save their king. The added 'bonus is the scenes are hand painted by Sierra's talented art staff aud are quite spectacular. Suggested retail price is

g9.95. • Castle of Dr. Brain — Analytical and problem~olving skills are the focus of this game, also designed for children 12 and up. Suggested retail price is $49.95. Sierra claims that its initial marketing strategy targets its best customers — upward of 700,000 Sierra fans. Of thatgroup, according to Williams, 30 percent are under the age o f 1 8 a n d b u y a t l e ast two Sierra/Dynamix games per y e a r. A n additional 29 percent of the company's most loyalbuyers have children under the age of 18 who play computer games. Williams plans to produce four new educational titles per year, with five new titles slated for next year, as only three are being released this year.


Contact: Anita Greene, Sierra On-Line,Tel: 209683~8 , ext. 504, Fax: 209483-3924.


a • •





I •


I • I I



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ROUNDUP: Steries Carried By Other INedia WASHINGTON, DC, NQV 15 (NB)-

Roundup is a brief look at some computer stories carxied in other publications received here this past month. November's Data BasedAdssizorexplores the world of really large databases. Lotzss magazine for November tells readers where to get help with their Lotus problems. DEC Pr%ssional has its $25 Annual Buyer's Guide dated the October issue. The October 28 Infosmationseask outlines the battle between retailers and truckers over the need for more uniform data exchange standards. November's CommssnicatiosLIfothc ACM indudes stories on the use of computers in molecular biology, a look at the Sist (1990) ACM chess championship with a full game described, and software fo r p a xallel computer L October 28's NctsuoskWorld says that the price battle in frame relay services is heating up, with Sprint Data Group preparing to compete with CompuServe, and the

newspaper saysprices are going to fan. Compn tcnuortdfor the Nth watches Rod Canion being moved out Compaq's door and looks at IBM vs. Comdisco. Cmwpstcr Ilcsclcr Nenssdated October 28 also looksat Canion's ouster and says other companies will also be hit by Hying shrapnel in the ongoing price wars. December s Mactuorldis, of course, devoted to the new Madntosh computers recently introduced at COMDEX. PC Magazine dated November 28 cames the eagerly awaited 8th annual printer review', which takes a critical look at 108 printers. Sharing the cover are the new 800 dpi IBM Laser Printer 10 Postscript printer and the tiny Citizen PN48. Compntcr Rcscncr Nosesfor November 4 headlines the changes at IBM, Apple, and Compaq, as the three giants strive to regain preeminence. Informationsucckfor November 4 carries a story about Rod Canion, founder and foxmer CEO of Compaq was recently ousted. The November 4 Telephony exploresthe ISDN puzzle, carries a special on wireless networks, and comes with the 1991 Pro61es of Top Telecom Executives. Thc Seyhsdd Itcport on Desktop Pesbtizhing for N ovember 1 l o oks at th e Apple/ I B M alliance and tests the new IBM l a ser printers. Also included is a look at Copal's new 900 dpi laser print engine. The November 4 Eefcral CompsstcrWeek s ays that t h e U . S . Depa r t m ent o f Commerce's N ati o n a l T ech n i c al Infoxxnation Service sent out a stoned virusinfected disk to 85 federal agencies. November's ItczcNcrWorld continues its tutorial on selhng to the federal market. The November/December issue of PC AI concentrates on Decision Support and a review of IF/Prolog. Thc Officefor November looks at getting it on paper, Rom fax and copiers to desktop publishing. Technological Horizons in EdsscationJusssna4 dated November, concentrates on school administrative software. November's Netsuorking Managementsays that recent telco outages should be a warning to network managers of things to conic. Esther Dyson's Release 1.0 nevrsletter dated October 51 looks at handwriting recognition and penkased computers. Commesnicationz Weekfor November 11 says that "Windows is the key to Microsok's networking strategy" and r eports on response to user d emand fo r b e t ter performance on S i gnaling System 7 networks. Netsuork World dated November ll says that IBM and SynOIptics have devised a

Boardsuatch Magazine, the BBS bible, explores Internet in its November issue. December's Unix Wsqfkt looks at the top 10 Unix suppliers for 199IL Tekpkonyfor Novexnber ll explains the recent AT&T outage in New England as a mistake made during a routine maintenance pf occdurc. The University of Minnesota's MIS Quarterly dated September carries an interesting paper by UC-Irvine's J. Yannis Bakos titled "A S trategic Analysis of Electronic Marketplaces," which explores pridng strategies for information vendors. — John McConnick

The U.S. Department ofCommerce'sNational Technical Information Service sentout astoned virus-infected disk to 85 federal agencies. proposal for the IEEE 802.5 whing scheme antI features a buyer's guide on ISDN scrvtccs. Thcrc arc only thrcc cxchaxlgc listings, ATILT, MCI, and US Sprint, and seven local Bell offerings. Compntcr Itezeller Nesusfor November 11 carries two front page stoiies on the impact of Compaq's recent moves in the reseller channel.

i I

November 11's Compestenuorldreports that NCNB supcxTegional bank has turned over its msiin&ame processing work to Perot Systems and that IBM has delayed its notebook's introduction into the U.S. market, reportedly because the company did not think it would be competitive in this market.


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KICKS 386DX-25 System

- True Intel 386SX-16 CPU - 2MB memory, expandable to 5MB - 1.2MB or 1 A4MB Floppy Drive - Quantum 52MB IDE Hard Drive 64K Cache - I serial, I parallel, dt 1 game ports - Oak 256K 16-bit VGA card - 13" Mini Tower case w/ LED Display - 200W CSA Power Supply - KPT 101-key Enhanced Keyboesd - Darius 14" VGA Monitor 640x480,.42mm

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KICKS 386DX-33 Cache System

KICKS 386DX-40 Cache System

- True Intel 386DX-33 CPU, AMI Bios - 64K Cache,256K optional - 4MB memory, expandable to 32 MB - 1.2MB or 1.44MB Floppy Drive - Teac 105MB IDE Hard Drive 64K Cache - 2 serial, I parallel, St I game ports - Trident 8900 SVGA card 1024K - 13" Mini Tower case w/ LED Display - 200W CSA Power Supply - DFK-191 Enhanced Keyboard - Darius 14" SVGA Monitor 1024x768,.28mm

- AMD 386DX-40 CPU, AMI Bios - 64K Cache,256K optional -4MB memory, expandable to 32 MB - 1.2MB or I A4MB Floppy Drive - Teac 105MB IDE Hard Drive 64K Cache - 2 serial, I parallel, dt I game ports - Trident 8900 SVGA card 1024K - 13" Mini Tower case w/ LED Display - 200W CSA Power Supply - DFK-191 Enhanced Keyboard


- Darius 14a SVGA Monitor 1024x768,28mm


KICKS 486SX-20 Cache System

KICKS 486-33 Cache System

- True Intel486SX-20 CPU, runningN 25MHz - 8K Internal Cache; AMI Bios - 4MB memory, expandable to 32 MB - 1.2MB or IA4MB Floppy Drive - Teac 105MB IDE Hard Drive 64K Cache - 2 serial, I parallel, tk I game ports - Trident 8900 SVGA card 1024K - 13" Mini Tower case w/LED Display - 200W CSA Power Supply - DFK-191 Enhanced Keyboard - Darius 14" SVGA Monitor 1024x768,.28mm

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AII aboveprices are for cash und carry ordersonly. Please add 2% for Visa nnd MC payments. Corporate or Gov't P.O.'s are welcome O.A.C. Prices may change without nodce; please call for the latest pricing.

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Cohrado EdomslNtw/FC.10hr DJ 20


12' TTL Ambermcnihr 14' TTL White crAmbermcnihr Gold Star 14' Grayscale VGA monitor 800x600 Samsung 14' Grayscale VGA monitor 640x480 14' VGA monitor 640x480,.41 dp Darius HRV-1024 SVGA monitor 1024x768, .28 dp Legend.2 14' Trl-sync VGA monitor 1024x7N,.28 dp Legend-214' non.inL VGA monitor 1024x768,.28 dp NEC 4FG 15 Multi-sync VGAmonitor 1024x768,.28 dp, 70Hz ViewSonlc 6 non-int VGA monitor 1024x788,.28 dp 70Hz Sony 1304 Multiscan monitor, 70Hz IDEK M511717' ncn4nL SVGAmcnlhr 1024x7N, .25 mmdp

$1N.OO $129N $179.00 $13$.00 $275.00 $349.00 $359.00 $459.00 $939.00 $569.00 $S45.00 $1239.00

PC NaganfseEditur's Clw ger

$1349JIO $2495.00

IDEK M521717' ncn.ht monlta 1024x768, .2$ mmdp, 70Hz IDEK M5221 21' nonAN.mcnlhr 1024x768, Sf mm dp, 70Hz

CohradoExternal ew/AB10hr DJ 106 DJ20 Pabht 250 (120250MB capadly) w/ DC2120Tape Cwtrldge Pakht Tapeadapter for Dual FhppySystan 3M DC2000TapeCarbidgo 3M DC2120Tape Carlrkfgs

Miscellaneous AT Multi I/O cwd(1S, 1P, 1G) AT Mua I/Ocard (28, 1P,1G) Sound Bloater SoundBlaslsr Rofssshnal Grsvis Joysgck Ycahhhr gams port SMpphgBcx

Memory Chip & Module

Video Graphics Adaptor

$20.N $59.00 $63.50 $79.00 $ $5.00 $14$.00 $179.00 $199.00 $259.00 $549.N $725.N $875.N

Manademo Grsphhs cad Oak 16-bit VGA card 256K (800x600) Tridsnt8000SVGA adaphr 256K exp.to 512K Tridont9000SVGAsdaphr 512K Tridwri MOO SVGA adapter 512 Koxp. h 1MB Tssng Ltdrs 40N SVGAadaptw 1MB(1024x768, 256cdcws) OEM ATIVGAWander Plus adapter 512 Kaip. to1 MB OEM ATI VGA Wonder XLadaptor 512K sxp. to 1MB ATI VGAWcndsr XLadapter 512 Koxp, lo 1 MBw/ BusMouse ATI GraphksUgraPlus VGAadapter 512 KVRAMaip. h 1 MB ATI Gmphhs Ulba Plus VGA adapter 1 MB VRAMw/ Mouse Natonal Vchnls AT 1000Graphhs Adsphr w/ 1MBVRAM PC Aragozarv Srigor's Ckekr

Mouse & Scanner

Mkxosogk~s bus«swhlmcussw/MS Psht $1N . OO Miaosofl hi-res bus or serial mouse w/ Nndcws 3 lcgltsch serialMouseMan lcgksch busMouseMan lagoch ssrialMeso Manw/Nndows 3 Lsgsnd 3hogan swlalmmss (400dpf) lay'tach Scanman loglt sch Scanman 256 Pmlab 256Grayscale HendScanner Pmlab Cola HandScanner

$1 59.00 $75.N $NJO $129.00 $25.00 $2N.OO $33$.00 $839.00 $5N.00

Floppy & Hard Drive (Bare) 5.25' 1.2MB floppy drive 3.5' 1A4MB floppy drive Quantum 52 MB(17 ms) V.C. IDE w/ 64K cache Western Digital 84 MB (17ms)V.C. IDE w/ 84K cache Quantum105 MB(17ms) V.C. IDE w/ 84K cache Tmm 105MB(1gms) V.C.IDEw/84Kcache Quanisn 120MB(15ms)V.C. IDEw/64Kcache Maxhr Ial MB (15ms)V.C. IDE w/ 84Kcache Western Digihl 212 MB (15ms)V.C. IDE w/ 64Kcache Alcgror brands,SCSIasdEBDl hnnfdrivsspleaseCsl. fAllharddifvosIuwo am /a/mum2//r wmwlyJ

$75.00 $75.00 $239.00

$339.00 $395.00 $355.00 SI38.00 $4SLOO $6N.N

256K Video memory (4464<Ons) 256K Video memory (442564IOns) 512K Video memory (4425840ns) Each 1MB upgrade using 1MB 70ns DRAM or SIMM Each 1MB upgrade using 256K 80ns DRAM or SIMM

Modem Zoom(OEM)2400bps Intsmalmcdwnw/Pmccmm Cangrxd2400baud htomal madamw/ Rashlhk Cardhal 2400 baudexternal modemw/ Rashgnk &Cable Cangmd9600Sand/mdove int. Isx/madamw/ Rashfak Cangnal 96008/R hl fax/modemwhMntax Pe v2.0 Cardinal 9600 internal modem wI V.32N.42bis ATI 9NObps external mode mVA2Bb w/cable US RcbafcsHST14A htwnal modemw/V.42 bh US Rctxrics HST14.4 oxhmsl modemw/ V.42 bls w/ csbh

Math Co-proccessor Intel 80287XL Intel SON7SX-16 Intel SONTSX-20 Intsl 8035743 Cyrix NS87-16 Cyrix NS87.20 Cyrix NS87-25 Cyrix 83D87-25 Cyrh 63D8743 Cyrlx 83D8740

Keyboard KPT Enhanced Keyloud Dahccm DFK-191EnhancedKsyboanl Fcas 2Nf EnhancedKeybowd Focus 2000 Plus Enhanced Keyboard Fcas 5001EnhancedKsybowd Fsjlhu 47N tacblo Enhanced Ksyboanl NorgtgateOmnikoy101 NcrgtgateOmngmy 102 lcahgate Omnlksy Qta

$199.00 $139.N $355.00 $55.00 $25.00 $29.50

$14.00 $20.00 $129.00 $259.N $45.N $$.N $15.N

$18.00 $12.50 $25.00 $59.N $65.00

$69.00 $89.00 $135.00 $129.N $199.00 $429.00 $469.N $8$.00 $N9.00

$1N.N $159.N $179.N $24LN $149.N $165.00 $1 79,00 $233,00 $229.00 $289.N

$39.00 $55.00 $55.N $62.00 $1 19,N $N.N $125.00 $125.00 $'l79.N

HO/FD Controller to-bk IDE HD/FD amacyor


16.bil IDEHD/FDctri w/ 2 sar, 1 psr,1 gameports Intelligent IDE HD/FDccnbollor /Mother bands andlypos c/conocrorRsssoCar.

$36.00 $N.OO

Tape Drive Colorado DJ-10, 60/120MS capacity w/ DC2120 taps Cohisdo DJ-20, 120/2NMS capadty w/ DC2120 tape CohradoAB-11arlsmal tape adaplcr kgfcr DJ10 (2.2MB/lnh) CohradoFC-10hpe adaphr (4.4MBhnin) hr DJ20

cable for connecting Colorado taps 8/U for 2-floppy system

$365.00 $435.00 $4$..00 $105.00 $25.00

Computer Case Doskhp Casew/ 2NW CSAPaver Supply 5 LED IS' Mini Tower Casew/ 20CWPower Supply 6 LED IT Mwgum Tassr Cess w/ 20CW Power Supply 19' Tav«Case w/ 200WPower SuRriy6 lED Display Ful Szo Toww Case w/ 220W P.S. 5 lED Display

$N.00 $69.00 $13O.N $1 19.N $185.00

Dot Matrix Printer (6' printer cable Included,

Before you invest....Investigate Customer beware of sly and dishonest merchants...... Make sure you are buyitlg from a honest 8r, respectable dealer; m



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2 year Canadian Warranty) Cigzon 200GX 9-pin printer Citizen 200GX colour Idt Citizen GSX130 24-pin printer Citizen GSX140 24-pin printer Citizen GSX140 Plus 24-pin printer Citizen GSX130/140 colour kit Citizen GSX145 24-pin wide-carriage printer Citizen GSX 145 colour kit Epson LQ-570 24-pin printer Fujitsu DL1100 24-pin printer Fujitsu DL1100 24-pin color printer Fuptsu DL1100 color kit Raven 9101O.ph prinhv Raven 2416 24-pin phhr Raven 241824~n printer Raven 2465 24~ wide cwlsgo printer Raven 2465 24~ wide carriage 'Ouist' printer Raven 2466 24-pin wide carriage printer (100/300 cps)

$219.00 $65.00 $329.00 $339.00 $3$9.00 $65.00 $519.00 $75.00 $369.00 $349.00 $389.00 $65.00 $169.00 $289.00 $369.00 $469.00 $599.00 $729.00

Laser Printer (6' printer cable Included and toner) $1095.00 Epson EPL7000 Laser w/ 85-in-one font ~idge $549.00 Hewlett Packard DeekJet 500, 512K, 3 PPM,300dpi '$1425.00 Hewlett Packard Laser Jet IIIP Laser w/ scalsblefonts $1999.00 Hewlett Packard LnserJet BI Laser w/ scshble fonts $1899.00 ffEC Silent Writer II Model 90 Post Script 6PPM $149.00 Pacific Data 4 Memory for HPLJBP/IIIP/IB/BID wl 1 MB $199.00 Pacic Data 4 Memory for HP LJIIP/IIIP/IB/IBD w/2 MB $469.00 Pacifh Data PacificPage Postscipt emulation cartridge $995.00 Pzurific Page XL Fast Posheript emuL csrtridge w/2 MB $799.00 Okidsts OL400 Laser w/51 2K,4 PPM $113$.00 Raven LP400 SPPM, HP Series 8 compatible, parallel $1639.00 Raven LP-1100 11 PPM, HP series II compatible, parzdlel Raven LP-1170PS 11PPM, Postscript, HP series Comps5ble $2599.00


ACCPACBedford Intergratsd Accoungng (GST) 3.4 ACCPACBodfad hr Nndows Adobe TypeManager hr Nndcws AMusPagwnakor4.0

Borland C++ hr Nndmm3.0 Borland C++ for Windows w/ Application Framework Borland Turbo CH 2nd Ed. Coral Draw2.0 dBass IV 1.1 Digital Research DR DOS6.0 Eiockcnh TemplateSystem Gsnoric CADD 5 Halmd Grsphhs3.0forWhdmm lohs 123 V2.3 Lohs 123 V3.1Rus lohs 123 hr Wimhss Miaaell DOS v5.0 Miaosog Enhrishmont Packfor Whdcws Microsoft Ofgco Integrated Software for Windows 1.6

Mkxosog ~ Pa c k hr Nndmm hfxxosog NndmmVoishn 3.0 MkxosogWad 55 Mkxosolt Wad hr Windows Micmsol Wmla 2.0 Mhmso8 Works for Windows MkxcsogExcel3.0 fhrkm Anfi Vkus 1.5

fhram Backup fhmm UIMos V6.0 PC-ToolsDeluxeVomica7.1 Quwtwdsck Dmxlvtsw3N OusrtonlsckQEMM386 v. 5.1 WinFsx Pro v2.0 Wad Perfect Vmslcn 5.1 Wad Porioct hr Windmm

$139.00 $139.N $79.00 $579.00 $369.00 $559.00 N!9.00 $445.00 $519.00 $79.N $25.N $369.00 $479.N $3N.00 $4N.N $469.00 $79.00 $35.N $549.00 $55,00 $1N.OO $259.00 $335.N $119.N $169.00

$33$.00 899.00 $95.00 $119.00 $145.00 $169.00 $79.00 $79,00 SSI9.00 $3N.OO

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What Does It Take To Nake A PC AMultimedia PC?

(NB) — The a n n o uncement o f t h e Multimedia Personal Computer in New York on October 8 was heralded with much excitement and some confusion on the part of IBM personal computer (PC) users who are glad the MPC standard for the IBM PC is available, but not sure what it all meanL Multimedia — or video, sound, and graphics — are fast becoming the new standard for computer software. John Roach, president of Tandy Corporation, one of the companies participating in the MPC standards, said: "Multimedia technology is a reality and will soon be a part of every computer." However, part of the confusion stems from the fact that many users understand they could make their PCs meet the MPC standard, if they knew what it was. In an efFort to educate users, Tandy has released a booklet entitled, "Multimedia, More Than You Imagined," with a listing of the minimum standards for a computer to be called an MPC. Those standards are listed by Tandy as: a 1 0 m e gahertz 8 0 2 8 6 A T - t yp e I B M compatible PC with 2 megabytes (MB) random accessmemory (RAM); a 4 bit video graphics adapter (VGA) card and monitor; a 5.5-inch 1.44 megabyte floppy disk drive; serial, parallel and joystick ports; a 50 MB hard disk; a compact disc readilymemory e

(CD-ROM) drive with compact disc&gital audio (CD-DA) outputs; a 1014ey keyboard; a Microsoft compatible 2+utton mouse; MSDOS 5.5, 5.51 or 4.01; Windows 5.0 with multimedia extensions and Audio support. Audio support is listed as: an 8- or I&bit DAC converter, direct memory access (DMA) and intemxpt, an 8- or l ait linear analog-toAigital converter (ADC), music synthesizer, a digitally controlled analog audio mixer and MIDI-in/MIDIwut. Boiled down, these standards are a 286based computer with a CDROM drive, a sound card, and the Multimedia Extensions software for Miicroso6 Wmdows. Almost any 28$4xased computer purchased today comes with VGA, a 5.5-inch drive, serial and parallel ports and at least a 40 MB hard disk drive. A joystick port is necessary only if the multimedia software in question requires a joystick Many vendors, including Tandy, are offering full MPC systems to users. But just because a computer has the MPC logo on its outside case doesn't mean it will run any software that has the MPC logo on its outside packaging. The MPC standards are the minimum and many software vendors are requiring more. Microsoft, which hosted the New York City MPC event an d w hose product, Windows 5.0, is the basis for the MPC environment, is developing MPC software that will not run on a PC that meets the minimum MPC computer con6guration. Realistically, users need more horsepower under the hood of their PCs, M icrosoft said. V i d e o e s p ecially i s demanding of CPU speed and capability as well as of hard disk space. Microsoft's newly announced Multimedia Works CD requires a minimum of a 586SX CPU, the company said.

What should a user dot The rule of thumb is "more is better." A much larger hard disk drive (like 150 MB), more RAM (like 4 to 8 MBs), and a 6Lster CPU (like a 586) will guarantee the average user can pull nearly anything labeled MPC off the shelf and run it on their computer. Users also have the option of upgrading their computers to meet the MPC standard with upgrade kits. The kits usually come with a compact discreadily m emoxy (CDROM) drive, a sound board that is installed i n a s lot i n t h e c o m puter, an d t h e Multimedia Extensions Somme version 1.0 for Windows. Microsoft offers the following list of companies that offer MPC upgrades. They are Compu&dd in Texas at (800)827-1967, Media Vision of California at (800) 8456870, Headland of California at (800)2584101, Creative Labs of California at (408)986-1461 and Tandy of Texas at (817) 590-5700. One vendor, Media Vision, said its MPC upgrade kit retails for $995 and includes a Pro Audio Spectrum sound board, a Sony Internal C D -ROM d r i ve, M i c r osoft's Multimedia Extensions on CD version 1.0 for Windows 5.0, Compton's Multimedia Encyclopedia on CD, and thegame "Jones in Fast Lane" from Sierra On-Line on CD. Installation instructions are included, Media Vision said. The companysays it sells the upgrade kit through retail outlets and named Compusa as one of its retailers. Though perhaps somewhat confusing, the MPC standard has the advantage of using much of the existing hardware users already own. 'The speci6cations will lead to practical, a6brdable multimedia PCs," said Tandy in its MPC brochure.

Multimedia Sound, MIDI And CD-ROM Modules

F REMONT, CALIFORNIA, OC T 2 9 (NB) — Video Seven daims it can turn any IBM or compatible Intel 80286; 586- or 486based personal computer (PC) with a minimum clock speed of 10 megahertz (MHz) into a multimedia workstation with its three modular products, the Media FX, Soundengine and Multimedia CD-ROM Kit. The Media FX is a multimedia audio board that allows users to add sound to business presentations, spreadsheets, or even database applications. For game use, the card plays sound from all the popular PC games, and is hackwmd compatible with the Ad Lib and Soundblaster audio cards. The SoundEngine enhances theoutput Rom the Media FX card for MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface). Soundengine, a daughter hoard for the Media FX, can be installed without a MIDI breakout box to generate lai t stereo sound in contrast to FM synthesized sound, Video Seven oi6clals said. Soundengine features sample playback synthesis, 52-voice polyphony and 215 sample presets. Both the $549 Media FX and the 4599 Soundengine carry three-year warranties. Video Seven's Multimedia CD-ROM Kit is a CD-ROM optical disk drive designed to be connected tothe Media FX card or any other fully Multimedia P~ompatible audio aud with a SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) port. The kit is pxiced at $749 for the internal drive and $899 for the external drive. All products conform to Level 1 Multimedia PC speci6cations, the company claims.

Contact Ray Berardenelli, Waggoner & Edstrom, Tel: 503-245-0905, Fax: 505-244-7261, Media Contact: Maria Kertzman, Headland Technology, Tel: 415-623-2636, Lisa Kimura, LSI Logic, Tel: Vision, Tel: 80M45-5870. 40~337715, Fax: 408-433-7150.

• S




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Home INultimedia Computers On Display At CD-I Show





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and the slowness of the response to the user to be troublesome, though some titles were clearer and faster than others. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, NOV 5 Philips claims that i t h a s a lready (NB) — Multimedia computing has come home in the form of computers introduced introduced an industrial version of the CD-I by Philips in mid-October, disguised as player, which come;s with a 5.5-inch 1.44 MB home entertainment systems, and called CD- fioppy disk drive and a mouse. The system can also be equipped with a SCSI port, and I players. Looking much like a VCR and available an Ethernet adapter. A Philips representative told NewsBytes through retail outlets like Sears, users can that the company sees compact disc purchase a CD-I player, hook it up to their television with one cable and take a tour of technology in three separate veins: CD the Smithsonian, play learning games with Audio fo r m u sic; CD-Interactive for Big Bird Rom Sesame Street, or play golf in Multimedia; and CD-ROM for text-based Palm Springs to the commentary and advice pc,rsonal computer applications. CD-I is a different format than the other two, and of sportscasters. CD-I players are computers with a although CD Audio CDs can be played in a Motorola 68000 or 68070 central processing CD-I drive, CD-I titles cannot be played in a CD-ROM drive and vice versa. unit (CPU), one megabyte (MB) of RAM Philips is no t t h e o n l y c o mpany and compact discs with optical technology d eveloped b y Phi l i p s , a Phili p s developing CD-I players, but was one of r epresentative t ol d N e w sBytes. T h e several companies represented at the first industrial players come with a high capacity CD-I One conference for developers and 5.&inch drive, can be equipped with SCSI publishers held at the Westin Bonaventure (SmaU Computer Systems Interface) ports Hotel in Los Angeles. The focus of the conference was dearly on the home market or Ethernet adapters for connection to a network, and can use a mouse as well as a with Philips in the lead. However, Yamaha also had a CD-I player on display and Sony remote control for data input. and Kyocera were displaying portable CD@ The players come complete with a players, both not much bigger than a remote control with a thum&controlled joystick" built' for moving the onscreen portable audio compact disc player. Sony's player included a four-inch pointer to onscreen choices. Buttons to c onfirm th e c h oice ar e b u i lt-in a n d d iagonal television screen, while th e Kyocera player did not. The portable players duplicated in four locations around the thumbcontrolled joystick for easy access. A had all the functionality of their full-sixe counterparts as well, th e c o mpanies regular joystick is also available for the CIM player, as is a child's track ball, a Philips claimed. Both companies said they expect the players to be available in Japan in first representative said. Philips introduced the home CD-I player quarter of 1992, with Sony specifying March. to the mass market in midWctober and is FCC approval is holding up the introduction offering more than 50 CD-I titles ranging in of the Sony unit in the U.S. and predictions price from less than $20 to f 60. Sears carries a re more t ha n a y e a r f o r t h e U . S . the Philips CD-I player, which is priced at introduction of the portable players. Some CD-I titles now available indude: less than P800. However, NewsBytes found the lack of "Treasures of the Smithsonian," "Sesame sharpness in the television display of the CZ)4 Street Numbers," "Stamps: Windows on the

World," "Rand McNally," "Battleship," "American College Testing's College " Time-Life 5 5m m Search," and Photography." Many firms at CD-I One demonstrated CD-I titles in Japanese or French, that were not yet available in Enghsh. Some CD-I title production companies were focusing on medical markets with howco CD-Is, like how to inject insulin. Others were focused on business management training topics. One D u t c h c o m p any, I n d u strial Management Force b.v. (IMF), offered a CD-I in cartoon form for management training in how to implement change in a corporate environment using the metaphor of implementing change in a fishing village on another planet. MJ. Franzen, marketing director for the company, amusingly said t hat the t i tl e was available i n t h r e e languages, Dutch, English and American English. Several companies offered tools for authoring CD-I titles, in'eluding Script Systems of New York, Post Modern Media of Santa Monica, Opthnage ofIowa, and the Valkieser Group of the Netherlands. The Interactive Support Group of California, demonstrated the Cassiopee Board, a CD-I board for the Apple Macintosh so CD-I development can be done on a Macintosh. The ISG is hoping that the Cassiopee Board will become the standard platform around which all CD-I development willbe done. The company also announced that i t h a s signed a distribution agreement with Microboards of Japan for the Cassiopee Board. Contact: John Hartigan, Philips, Tel: 615-5214638, Takeo Ihashi, Sony, Tel:+81-0303458-7148, Fax: +81-03-3458-7919, M.F. Franzen, Industrial Management Force,b.v., Tel: +31-1720-95343, Fax: +31-1720-92966, Sytske Damste, Valkieser Group, +31-35234858, Fax: +31-35232711, 5. M atsumoto, Yamaha, Tek +81-539-62-3107, Fax: +81-538-02-5269, Interactive Support Group, Vincent Le Chevalier, Tel: 818-7097387, Fax: 8187094160.

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These survey responses could not only be interpreted as a desire to upgrade, but could be used to argue the point that computers already modular However upgxadhxg a CPU on a standard comxruter usually i nvolves replacement o f t h e e n t i r e motherboard, rather than just replacement of the CPU, as on the Tendon modular



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Virus That Wrecks Oiskette A p c~




for c ed Q een s

Umversity to rePlace diskette drives ln thx'ee p e r sonal computers. A fourth infected machine was caught in time to save the

Doug Crowe, manager of computing services at Queen' s, told NewsBytes three a comPuters from a Pubuc hb wem H d d es a r e upg d e d lessofen.but P s o n brought in with their diskette drives "just of 4 surveyed sard they upgrade the ~~~k~d APperently the virus • a vaxian hard drive about once a year, Tendon the 15'I5 virus also known as the Green added. Tendon reported respondents were Caterpillar virus. forces repeated accesses to more in favor ofchanging parts of the computer rather than the whole computer drive mechanics if not stoPPed in time. Crowe said the IBM diskette drives cost would change the configurations of the ~ 5 5e h r P Publicly'accessible coxnPuters atQueen' s computer snore of'ten if it were easier to do are protected by virus detection software, Tendon concluded upgradeabiHty and Crew» said, but the software failed to catch an end to "obsolescence" are now key this Parricular virru pxiorities to coxporate computer buyers an ~ D q q U 613

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often. Tendon also said it thought the survey


computer con6gurations also ranked high aruoxlg cornpaxly system Inarragers Though what Tendon has done in offering modular computers looks novel and is Jeflnitely a smart move on its part, the issue of modulaxity could mislead some


856 Classic Books On Single WASHINGTON, DC, NOV 12 {NB)The Second Edition of the Library of the Prrture CD-ROM has been released by Vlforld, Library of Garden Grove, CaHfomia. The product oifers 950 of the English language's best~own books in frrH The US$599 edition contains all the books that were on the Srst edition, plus

There is some question as to how an investment in modularity now will work when the 586 CPU comesout. This means a user purchasing a 586 = CD ROM storage 85ows Inaxly volumes of - Q~~'„.i'~,",.: .„ -.4-';: ~ i~ ,' . Taxrdon moduhr computer can upgrade the CPU t a 4 8 6 , but someone buying the text to be placed on a single plasuc disc.



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not be able to upgrade to the 586 CPU Intel y super i or to print versions. Not only can you browse through the books, reading is planmng to release~ them like any book, but using a computer Contact SusieLornelino, Tendon, Tei: 214/443- screen, users can also search for every 9901. occurrence of specific words, dates, or

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THE COMPUTER PAPER DEC '91 39 names, allowing the computer user to perform searches in minutes that would take a team of scholars many weeks. In addition to text and search software, the Library of the Future also includes any illustrations that were in the original texts. New for the second edition, in addition to more text, is the ability to view two works simultaneously on a split screen. Sample titles induded in full text on the disc indude: "Don Quixote," "Moby Dick," "The Iliad an d t h e O d yssey," "Little Women," "Tale of Two Cities," "Dracula," "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea," and "Tom Sawyer." Also included are the complete works of Shakespeare and Edgar Allen Poe, and the complete Sherlock Hohnes series. Important religious and historical works are also included, such as: "The Koran," "The King James Bible," "The Book of Mormon, "The Life and Teachings of Buddha," Thoreau's "Civil Disobedience," and "The Declaration ofIndependence, plus philosophical writings by Plato, Aristotl, Bacon, and Milton. Poems Sum Keats, Whitman, and Wilde share the disc, along with children' s favorites such as "Peter Pan," "Alice in Wonderland," "The Wizard of Oz," and

The Jungle Book." Contact Valerie Hustwit, World Library,714-7487197 fax 714-748-71 98.

Unix To Lead CADICAII, CAE Revenue 6rog8rth — Study

Apple Heralds A/UX 3.0, Explains Poweropen Connection direction and intentions with regard to A/UX and Poweropen. A pple says its implementation o f Poweropen will be A/UX. As Poweropen is planned to be an open architecture, Apple says both it and IBM will implement a "core" of Poweropen for each company's own system. Poweropen is to be based on the Open Software Foundations OSF/1 kernel,

NEW Y O R K , NEW Y O R K , OCT Sl the ( NB) — In co n j u n ctio n wi th announcement of its newest version of the Unix-based A/UX, Apple gave up some more information on its joint venture with IBM, explaining how A/UX version S.O ties in with Poweropen, the Unix operating environment previously announced with IBM. In recent announcements, IBM and Apple have said Poweropen is expected to be at least two years in coming, and Poweropen applications are two to three years away. However, Apple has released what it calls a "roadmap" to define its

Apple said. Much mention is made of migration by both IBM and Apple, with Apple saying A/UX is a step toward the migration to Poweropen, as it provides many of the features planned for Poweropen. Apple says

Poweropen will integrate A/UX and IBM's AIX and is planned to available on a wide range of computers' from desktop to large enterprise servers. Thousands of Madntosh and AIX technical applications will be available to Poweropen customers, Apple asserts. Because of the integration of A/UX, Apple says Poweropen users will have access to the Macintosh interface. Apple, as part of its sales pitch for A/UX version S.O, says A/UX S.O users can have many of theplanned Poweropen features today. Specifically outlined features in version S.O include a Macintosh graphicsbased desktop, simultaneous access to Madntosh, Unix, Posix, X Window System,

Gmtineaed onPage 41

H OW Saver en ouu a e

e Hew%or ec g Upgrade toWordPexhct S.l for Wiehnes


Word Perfect

WO gtNI 810 on the upgrade every WordPerfect user has been looking forward to! It integrates the familiar features of WordPerfect 5.1 with entirely new ones that take advantage of Microsoft Windows 3.0. Assign commands and macros to mouse-activated icons on the new ButtonBar. Create as many different ButtonBars as you.need. Work in nine documents at once. with WYSIWYG display! Hot-link data Format with your mouse. Import and export to previous versions and to other word processors. t Reg. Egg Price will bt 119.99 For IBM from WordPerfect.

for Windows'

CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETrS, NOV 8 (NB) — North American resellers and systems integrators who provide computerImlzo azine t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •e aided d e s ig n a nd m anu f a cturing Senalnumperandtitle pageoi yourWordPertect manual, anyversion. requiredtor speoiai upgrade (CAD/CAM ) a n d co m p u t er-assisted engineering (CAE) systems will get as much as S4 percent of their revenue from Unix systems in 1992, according to Daratech, a • SRtt8 $30on the full product. for those new to Wotdperfect. Intlo Upgrade Price research Srm specializing in CAD/CAM and Price willbe $349,99 For IBM from Wordperfect. CAE. That is double the 17 percent of revenues those Sans took I'rom CAD/CAM Iatgro Fzlop o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • J and CAE last year, Daratech said. The Sgures are based on a survey of 117 Xi~ resellers. Daratech found that some of the larger resellers expect more than half of 8 Ask your storeEgg orMajor Accountsoperator how you can g their revenues to come from Unix systems. these 13 high-quality, scalable fonts with your purchase of WordPerfect • Thomas Greaves, vice-president of for Windows t upgrade or full product)! For most printers supported b Daratech, said he believes Unix systems are Microsoft Windows. (Regular Edition I 09.99 For IBM taking market share away from DOS systems from Bitstream. in CAD/CAM and CAE applications for Sit atialIerice .. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pncenot iraiid onregular, non-promotionatedition ot FaceLitt torWindows. several reasons. On e i s the technical advantages of Unix workstations, such as t heir gr e a te r abi l i t y to handl e multiprocessing and networking. One is the rapid drop in workstation prices in the last • QNmdPerfect for %mewl Syecial EdMo ' two years. Finally, Greaves said, resellers This speciaL Eggsclusive promotional edition identifies tend to make better margins on the sale of and suggests changes. Don't miss this special price with your Unix systems than on PC sales, and to W ordPerfect forWindows (upgrade or fullproduct)and corn realize more after-sales gains from service tration form. For IBM from Reference Software. and support, so they have an incentive to sell Unix over DOS machines. Daratech also asked the re'.sellers it Reterence Soiteare's currentrebateotter on Giammatitr Windowsnot vatid onthis special ed ~pot(ccL + p n <or <> Wordperleottor ytrindows. surveyed what company would be the ~ttotts. , 0(4 0 t dominant supplier of Unix workstations in . ioiio .,z ~c6 "' the next five years. Just under half (49 hs gqqg percent) picked Sun Microsystems. Next was Oto" 00 IBM, named by less than 10 percent of the 5g,6 respondents, followed by Digital Equipment, Lbc Sut Sate 480 when you buy either of these bundles along with WordP Qt Hewlett-Packard, Silicon Grapiaics, and for Windows! Get everything you need to make the most of Word ~0: ~qP 91 Intergraph. Just over 25 percent of the for Windows: the Microsoft Windows 3.0 graphicai environment an g 8L6 gee respondents said it was too early to telL Logitech Serial or Bus MouseMan! For IBM from Microsoft and Lo .grltpA~ 10:.~co Daratech said resellers and systems %aheem et tssseer gQ Lo g:( gee e@ WedSsSc ttre zed, zl pHce Ztteeeerrea rrhettteerdt ttuartte integrators will need to support more than 10; Surrt~ ~ g.55 one workstation platform, but most will find geC ~ 8t %hmhW85.0 and 4. g gea5 "~ it diSicult to support more than two. So, the > ~ Sro'" g 99'll Serial liomsemla ..... . . . . $249.99.... . .qI7 company said, workstation vendors will have or Windows to address such issues as price, availaMity, <0+" ws for tmlII$149.99I margins, generating sales leads, and I aS MO188Maa .. . . . . . . . . $ 259.99.. . . . , avoiding conflicts between resellers and the vendor's direct sales staff if they are to Retail Sales Major Accounts compete with Sun.

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ontinued pmm page 39 rpen S y s t em s Fou n d a tion/ M o tif 3SF/Motif — from Integrated Computer olutions), and Microsoft DOS (MS-DOS) pplications using SoftPC from Insignia alutions, Apple said. Macintosh System 7 functionality is rovided in A/UX, Apple said, as well as a ew Finder for easier access to folders and ocuments, a Data Access Manager for built1 access to remote databases, and the alloon Help feature allowing users to learn 1 they work with A/UX. Apple also pointed ut the availability of the Truetype font tchnology allows users access to fonts in ny point size in Macintosh documents and 1 the A/UX Unix command shell. System 7 capability under A/UX also rovides users with easier network access as allows built-in file sharing, so a server is ot needed and users can share Macintosh nd/or Unix files with other network users, ,pple said. A pple- also p oints ou t t h a t n e w fsplications that take advantage of System s Interapplications Communication (IAC) iii allow users to keep information up-toate in automatic links between documents. 'he automatic links provide for changes in ne document to be automatically reflected tt another even on a network — for xample, a spreadsheet linked to a report, o changes i n t h e s p r e adsheet a r e utomatically refiected in the report. Apple recently announced the Quadra 00 and 900 computing workstations based n the Motorola 68040 central processing hip, Apple says A/UX version S.O shines on he Quadra, which has faster processing, dgher storage capacity, on-board Ethernet n d on-board video and i s a imed a t nterprisewide computing customers. ,'ontact: Jackie Promes, Apple, Tel: 408-974609, Fax: 408-974-641 2.

"A Launches promised Unix Push

GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK, NOV 8 NB) — Following through on its statement sst January that it would aim for a leading rresence in the Unix market, Computer tssociates has announced a dozen Unix oftware products. They include systems aanagement, database, and business .pplications packageL CA put particular emphasis on CAJnicenter for Unix, which came from a :ooperative dc,velopment agreement the ;ompany announced with Hewlett-Packard n January. CA-Unicenter is designed to nanage Hewlett-Packard's HP-UX Unix ystems. Its capabilities indude automated torage management and production :ontrol, data center automation, resource tccounting, and security features. CAJnicenter will be available for HP-UX ystc;ms in the first quarter of 1992, with trices f'rom $4,500 to 448,000. New database ofFerings include CA-DB 'or Unix, a relational database system lesigned to work in a client-server setup rith the company's CA-DBJPC Client oftware or the newly announced CAlB/DAL Server for Unix, which links Apple <Iacintosh computers to Unix systems. available now for HP-UX, IBM RS/6000, kTtcT StarServer, Digital Equipment VAX tnd RISC Ultrix, and NCR/S000 systems, A-DB for Unix costs $665 per user, with a ninimum number of users on some systems. ~ A-DB/DAL S e rver c o sts 4 SSS p e r ldacintosh user, and CA-DB/PC Client is FSSS per PC user. CA also announced CA-DB:Generator 'or Unix, a C l a n guage source code Ienerator, available for the same list of tystems as CA-DB at $665 per user. CA said CA+byX, a recently announced query-bycxample package for Microsoft Windows, will let PC users query the Unix

Conti mscd on Page 42

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42 THE COMPUTERPAPER DEC '91 database system. CA+byX also provides a link between the Unix database and CACompete, a f i n ancial m o delling and spreadsheet package for Windows. The announcements also indude a line of business applications software for Unix. The CA&lassie/Open suite includes payroll, personnel, and benefits management modules. Pricesrange from $85,000 to $240,000depending on number of modules and number of users. The software will be available by the end of 1991 for HP-UX, RS/6000, RISC Ultrix, and NCR/ 8 0 00 systems. Contact: Chris Maynard, Computer Associates, 516-227-3300 ext. 71 29, fax 516-227-3937.


Sunsoft Ships First Solaris 2.0



80 (NB) — Sunsoft, a newly formed

subsidiary of Sun Microsystems, has begun volume shipments of its first Solaria 2.0 operating system distributed computing components. The two components are the Openwindows version 8.0 application development environment and Deskset version 8.0 multimedia desktop metaphor for the Spare platform. Aimed toward developers for the Solaria operating system, the two new components operate in the Solaria 1.0 environment now, and allow the opportunity for developers to create applications that easily migrate to

Solaria 2.0, Sunsoft claims. Software applications written using Openwindows and Deskset components require only a single recompilation to move from the Solaria 1.0 environment to the Solaria 2.0 environment. Sunsoft claims that Oracle, Cadence Design Systems, Informix and the SAS Institute have announced plans to use Openwindows version 8.0 and Deskset version 8.0 in their migration to Solaria 2.0. - The company also claims more than 800 software developers are evaluating the components. In anotherannouncement to encourage development for the Solaria 2.0 operating system, Sunsoft has announced that it plans




to release the Openwindows Developer's Guide 8.0 in December of this year. The Openwindows Developer's Guide, already available for Solaria 1.0, allows developers to visually design interfaces using objects without writing even a single line of code, the company daims. Sunsoft maintains that advantages to the Openwindows Developer's Guide include reduced development time and cost, while creating a common Open Look interface for applications developed for the Solaria operating system. Solaria, Sunsoft's operating system, is based on AT&T's Unix operating system. Sun Microsystems, the parent company o Sunaoft, develops and manufactures the Sun Sparcstation based on reduced instruction set computer (RISC) technology. The OpenWindows version 8.0 and DeskSet version 8.0 c omponents are available as a single package on a compact disc and, as of December, will be induded as a part of the Solaria 1.0 package. According to the company, current customers of Solaria 1.0 can upgrade to the OpenWindows version 8.0 and DeskSet version 8.0 with a right-torose license of $50. The p r o ducts wit h m e d i a e n d -use documentation are available for f125, while the Developer's Guide is priced at $895 with media anddeveloper documentation.

Contact: Shernaz Daver, Sunsoft, Tel: 415-3360678, Emily Wanderer, High-Tech Public Relations, Tel: 41 5-864-5600, Fax: 41 5-552-5738. •

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REDMOND, WASHINGTON, NOV 14 ( NB) — Microsoft has announced th e availability its Multimedia Edition of Microsoft Works for Wmdows version 2.0. Works is Microsoft's all-inane product with word p r ocessing, database, and spreadsheet applications built-in. Each portion of the product can either stand alone, or can be easily interfaced with the others for uses like producing reports or mail merged documents. While the title may lead some users to believe they can produce multimedia documents, spreadsheets, or databases with the new version, Microsoft has explained the new product incorporates multimedia in its interface to the user, specifically in the Online Tutorial and reference sections. T he a d d i tion o f dig i t a l s o u n d animation, and pictures is to make the learning process easier and more engigmg, Microsoft said. Announcing t h e p a c kage, S usan

Boeschen, general' manager of the entry

business unit at M i c r osoft, said: "It' s eapedally exciting to see how pictures and sounds make it firn for fi r s t s c ompute buyers to learn what they can do with the software." Microsof't said that users need a IBM or compatible PC that meets the Multimedia Personal Computer (MPC) standard, with an addition. The addition is the computer must have a minimum of a 886SX central processing unit (CPU). Th e 'Windows multimedia extensions have to be version 1.0. Microsoft says that the Multimedia version of Works For Windows is expected to be on store shelves by the third week of December of this year. Retail pridng is set at $199.00, but sources at Microsoft said end. user pricing is expected to be 25 percent less. More information is available from Microsoft toll-Bee at (800) 4269400.

Contact Karen Meredith, Microsoft, Tel: 206i882 8080, Alison O' Brien, Waggener Edstrom, Tel 503-245-0905, Fax: 503-244-7261.



Borland Ships ObjectVision 2.0 for Windows SCCYITS VALLEY, CALIFORNIA, Nov 11 (NB) — Nine months after releasing the original OblectVision, Borland International has begun shipping ObjectVision 2.0 for the M icrosoft W i n d ows g r a p hical u s e r environment. The company claims that ObjectVision 2.0 allows nonwechnical computer users and application developers to create business applications for Windows without using a programming language. The companymaintains that, among the product features, there is the Object Bar which provides the capaMity to "drag and drop" available objects into ObjectVision applications. Additional features indude: one~many

data structures and multi-record display in table objects; event trees; rulers and adjustable grids; database filters; password protection; support for custom DLLs (dynamic link libraries); and object linhng and embedding (OLE) support. According tothe company, the runthne version of ObjectVision 2.0, which allows users to distribute applications that can be run but not modified, is now provided free with each copy of the product on a separate "Runtime and Applications disk Each application created indudes three fundamental design elements in the user interface, logic and links to databases. Contact: James W. S trohecker, Borland

International Inc., 40$439%765.

DelrinaIntros TwoNew Perform ProFormFiller Options T ORO N T O , O N T A R IO, OC T S O (NB) — Users of Delrina's Perform Pro forms processing software, which runs under Microsoft Windows S.O, can now fill in forms on an Apple Macintosh, or with a pen under Microsoft'0 Windows for Pen because the company has introduced two new form filler options supporting those systems. Users can fill i n f o rms created in Perform using either filler option and transfer the data back to PerformPro. In the Windows for Pen filler, they can also annotate the form, for example, by cirding an item and writing a note beside it. The freehand drawing feature in Windows for Pen is also supported. "We' re seeing more and more people

worhng in the pen+ased environment that are talking about f o rms," said Josef Zancowicg, a spokesman for Delrina. What Perform Pro Pen Filler provides is the ability to integrate pen4ased systems with desktop machines and move databack and forth,he said. Perform Pro Pen Filler is to be released when Microsoft ships Windows for Pen. Perform Pro Mac Filler will be available in the first quarter of 1992, Delrina said. Both will be priced at CS2S9. Delrina is also working on a Perform Pro filler product for Go's PenPoint pen-based operating system, Zancowicz told NewsBytes. Contact: Josef Zancowicz, Dolrina, 416M1-3676.

Presenting Matrix Layout 2.0 1b ~ h o ur.1b aa~

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Secret¹3: Graphically Speakt

Layed sdmphgmpbhmtctf youtbcpowcrtoctesmcomphtc,professionalsptssty stritwsm on)tom )BMPC i • tnrwnunc S emy to learn stealdmPh tousn Sut mela powcrfd tbsnever. ~ Mar sh Layca lmportsngy,it dhwsyoato~ udn d ~ ~ ~ M a b ~ & deh~ sh 20,~ t b ~ dp %% ~ . 7oar ownpmgtams. Secret¹1:

The CASE of the OOP Flowchart

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HP II P+ 4ppm,.......„.„.................„.............,.. $61.00/month* HP III P 4ppm......•......................................... $76.00/month' HP III

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So you want to buy a printer? Canada'8 Leading TonerCartridge Remanufaoturer REMANuFADTuRED TONER CARTRIDGEs 100% Guaranteed 6 Recycles Guaranteed with New Drum Free Pickup and Delivery

ny discussion of which printer you should buy must examine both the purpose it is t be used for, and the budget you have awtllable. This arucle will attempt to addre oth of these issues as it proceeds from the low to the high end of the prio spectrum. Each type of printer has its own range of prices and its own set of strengths ant weaknesses. After a brief description of the major types, each will be discussed in mor detail. If you run across any terms you are not Suniliar with, refer to the glossary at the en of the artiCl.


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Dot INatrix

Price range (all prices are approximate, and represent the average, not the "high-end"): $150 to $500 Consumables: Ribbons ($5-15), tractor-feed or singl~heet paper ($5-$15/1000) Cost per page: $0.03-$0.05 Pros: inexpensive, fast in draft mode, versatile paper handling. Can print labels, multi-part forms, single or tractor-fed sheets. Wide carriage models available. Widely supported by software. Some models can be upgraded to support color. Cons: Noisy, slow in NLQ or graphics modes, poor print quality compared to inkjet or laser printers.

REBATE: $359.99- $25.00 =$334.99




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Etjrostile (E)Ih Cttlliisi)


Inklet {B&W)

Price range: $300 to $750 Consumables: lnk cartridges ($20-$30), smoot single-sheet paper ($15-$TO/1 000) Cost per page: $0.05- $0.08 Pros: extremely quiet, inexpensive, near-lase ality print, HP models havecolor upgrade path. ons: slow,per-page cost higher than dot matri and some laser printers, no tractor-feed option o many models, can't do multi-part forms, inkje occasionally dog.

Color Inkjet

Price range: $900 to $2000 Consumables: lnk cartridges ($20-$30), smoot single-sheet paper ($15-$70/1000) Cost per page: $0.20- $0.30 Pros: fairly smceth, vibrant colors, extremely qule inexpensive, near-laser-quality print, can print o paper or transparencies, HP DeskjeteeskWriter modelscan double as a 300-dpi monochrom pnnter. Cons: colors notaccurate enough for proofinc slow, moderately high per-page cost, inkjet occasionally dog.

aper ($5-$70 per 1000)



ere)aawav C) ~

Price Range: $700-$1500 Consumables: toner cartridges ($29-$115), dru ($115-$265), photocopier or other single-she




Low-cost Laser

v incl udes Noitttn vtaities V 2 Y~ we~



L ASER PRINTER SALES now ma noooaomoado





os: excellent (300 dpi or higher, non~udgini print qualiS/, fairly quiet, may be upgradeable an networkable Cons: fairly expensive, moderate consumable cost, limited fonts and graphic capabilities, n colorupgrade path,may need RAM upgradeto d full-page graphics.

PostScript Laser

Price Range: $1,600-$10,000 Consumables: toner cartridges ($29-$115), dru ($115-$265), photocopier or other single~he paper ($5-$70 per 1000) Pros: excellent (300 dpi or higher, non-smudgln graphics and text quality, fairly quiet, upgradeab networkable Cons: expensive, moderate consumables cost, n color upgrade path, PostScript can be slow to pri graphicsintensive pa~.

Thennal %ansfer color

Price range: $5,000 to $10,000 (and higher) Consumables: thermal transfer film rolls, spec paper Cost per page: 51 - 56 Pros: glossy, vibrant colors, moderately quiet, lese quality print, some models are Pantone-certifle upgradeable, net-workable. Cons: expensive, colors not accurate enough fe

proolng, high perte cost, 300dpi output c cause banding or "douy" appearance.

Dye-subilnation Color

Price range:$12,000 to $18,000 (andhigher) Consumables: dya,specialpaper

Cost perpage: $5- $6

THECOMPUTER PAPER DEC'91 45 Pros: near-photographic-quality, glossy paper, and scalable fonts. (More about scalable the C-Itoh 8510 are twe examples, aloag ultra-smooth blends and gradients, moderately fonts later.) with some oMer Okidata units and many quiet, can be used fer some proofing tasks, Another notguiteaspopular standard is others. In some cases, you may be able to upgradeable, networkable upgrade a printer with a new set of ROM Cons: high equipment and per-pagecosls, limited that of the IBM Proprinter. The Propxiater resolution, colors may appear shghtly muted or XL is the Spin medel, while the 24XL is the (readilymemory) chips. The C-Itoh 8510, 24-pin one. The IBM Graphic Printer' s for example can be converted inte a dark. reasonably E p son-compatible (IBM name crops up fairly regularly, tooespecially in older programs, but, like many Proprinter) machine by installing new Color Laser Pdce range: $28,000 to $62,000 (various options older printers, it suffers in the resolution ROMS, which also happen to give it a aew, hnpreved NLQ font. (an unabashed plug: I can push the priceto $150,000I) and features departments. Consumables: color toner, paper or transparency happen to have an extra set of these ROMs; There are printers on the marketSlm. espedally oMer medels — that are not Epson contact me for details). Cost per page: $0.50 I also recoaunend against purchasing a Pros: near-magazine-quality, smooth, vibrant or I B M Pr op r i n t er c o m p a tible. I recommend avoiding any dot- second-hand dot-matrix printc;r, unless it colors, moderately quiet, can be used for many categorically proofing tasks, very low p e r-page cost, matrlx printer that is not compatible with has not sc.en much duty. Because; printers upgradeabla, nil e one of the above names. The NEC 8025 and are largely mechanical items, there are Cons: high equipment and connec&iity costs.

several key components that can — and dowear out, especially the print head and paperkeeding mechanisms. I have also seen wear~drear problems with the belt and/or gears that makes the prin-head move f'rom sidewoeide. Unfortunately, repladng a print +ca in a dot-matrix printer is usually almest as expenxive as buying a whole aew printer. For example, I was recently quoted a price of $210 for the parts aad installation of a . replacement print head fer a printer that now seHs for $199l Note that printers generally do not come with a c able fo r c o n necting to y o ur computer's parallel pert. This cable is

There are also other high~ad output devices that are outside the scope of this article. Briefiy, some of the notable devices include Canon's color BubbleJet, which caa reproduce (and enlarge up to 20' x 50') scanned or computergeaerated images ea 2' rolls of paper at a cost of about $18 per 22 x 55" section, ~ a l led continuous tone imaging devices such as DuPent's 4Cast (an 11" x 17" print on photographic paper can cost $40-$50), a n d i m a g esetters by Linotronic, Agfa, Varitype and others for ultra-high-resolution output to film or paper. For most people, it is more practical to consider having color and other higLend output done at a service bureau. See the March 1991 issue of 1%cGnspuxsr I'Oper for more details on service bureaus in your area

First time-buyers Most first-time computer buyers choose a dot-matrix printer, usually for reasons of economy. These printers are called dotmatrix because they form characters when a series of moveable pins in the unit's printhead strike through an inked ribbon, producing dots on the paper. The most inexpensive aad common types are 9-pin, while better models are usually' 24pin. The designations ~in and 24pin refer to the number of pins in the printhead, aot the number of dots in each character. Years ago,printe manufacturers found that by moving the print-head slightly and overprinting another series of dots, the characterscould be made to look more solid and, hence, less "dotty. T his is usually referred te as near4etter quality (NL Q) or LQ (letterguality), and today, virtually all dot~trix printershave one or more hag or LQ modes available. When perusing the performance or specifications of a printer, be sure te nete which mode it is in. The SLster draft modes of printers can be 200 characters per second (CPS) or faster, but NLQ is usually much slower — but pxints with better quality. Depending on the number of pins in the pxint-head and the graphics mode they are in, dot matrix printers have various graphics resolutions. There are many possibiTities, but some efthe common ones are: 9~ : 1 20 x 144> 240 x 144, 240 x 216 24pin: 360 x 360, 180 x 560, as above Note that most printers are capable of emulations of various printer standards (Kpson FX, LQ and IBM Proprinter are popular) and, as such, their resolutions may Most dot matrix unitsarc equipped with an industry-standard Centronics parallel port, and many are said te be "Epson compatible." With the myriad of models that Epson has released over the years, this term has all but lost any real sigaificance, unless categorized by spedfic models, as in "Kpson FXWO" or "Epson LQ-2500. T h e -FX is pretty much the de facto standard for 9pin Epson emulation these days, while Epson

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have anenhanced form

of this language. Called ESC/P2, it adds features like an enhanced graphics mode





Ontario/Quebec Residents add Sales Tax


LQ compatibility (a language correctly texmed Epson ESC/P) is common for 24pin units. The newest printers from Epson such



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" " : :: = - " ' -





" e" -: :: ' ~ " ' - '

~ " -: - -

S18 OlĂƒ S BIl

...now you' ve got affordable options.

.' Set IIP ".fe

Move up to the afFordable qualityof When' laser output at 300 dpi is what you' re looking for, start with the affordable answer, the HP LaserJet IIP. When you needfasterthrough-put,advanced paper handling or even better print quality, move up to the LaserJet IH family of printers. The LaserJet HI, HIP, HID and HISi all feature Resolution Enhancement technology and come with Adobe' PostScript' and Apple Talk, so it's just a matter of plug and print.


HP PaintWriter

HP ScanJet Plus

HP DeskWriter printer

00 * If you and your Macintosh' computer are in the market for laser-sharp text and crisp graphics, all at an affordable price, consider the HP DeskWriter. With built-in Apple Talk', scalable fonts and 300 dpi resolution, it's the affordably perfect printer for today's desktop professional. When youreally want to putsome pepper in yourpie chartormake your spreadsheet boldlystand up and be counted, add a dash of color. Ask your HP dealer about the new HP DeskWriterC. Laser-sharp black Hnd white printing with color on dsynamt.

Necfcmfd magazine calls the HP ScanJet Plus '...the most flexible scanner on the market'. With greyscale and color image-editing software already included, youll see why in an instant. It makes short work of either text or graphicsand of course,getsalong vefy well with your Mac. '

. '::::.:::'.,:::::::::: :;::;:':,::-:,':::;:::i::;i':

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Ityoui carr pr inting needs require an even

The new HP ScanJet HC offers fast, accurate single-pass color scanning with greyscalesat 400 dpiand advanced OCR capabilities. Ask your HP dealer for a demonstrNon in color today.

e htSHp-ftp detder prlcea may vary. Contact your authomedHp dealer today. Apple andQteApple tnfn are nttastered ~ of App l e Computer, Inc. ~ laa~ of App l e Computer, Inc. Adohe and ~ are tttanned trademarha of Adobe Syntemn inc. in theU.S. andother countriea. Pantone, lnc.'achechenandatd ~ for color.

For your nearest authorized

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Practically unlimited color t'rom an affordable printer is avaih&le f'rom your HP dealer now. Full Mac software compatibiTity, Pantoneo certi6cation plus color matching let you create impressive multi-color illustrations, graphics and text on your Macintosh and print them on continuous feed, letter size cut sheet or transparencies.

Department 148

more impressive performance, consider the HP PaintWriter XL It offers all the features of the PaintWriter, plus faster print speed, higher volume and advanced paper handling.


THE COMPUTER PAPER DEC '91 47 usually referred to as an IBM printer cable (even ifyou are connecting an Amiga 5000 or Atari Tl'), and shouldn't cost more than $20. It might also be called a Centronics parallel cable. Ask your dealer what cable you requirefor your computerkmd-printer combo tf you are not sure. Macintosh computers do not have a parallel port, so some special considerations are necessary (seeMadsrach Oprioas,later in this article) if a parallelknterfaced printer is to be used. In office environments, dot matrix printers are especially suitable for the printing of invoices or other informational d ocuments, listings, etc., where t h e appearance of the text is not an important consideration. It is not appropriate to use a dot matrix printer for producing graphics or text intended for professional publishing, resumes, important business letters or other "formal" documents. Nor is a dot-matrix printer appropriate in environments where noise levels are an important consideration. Two of the most popular dot matrix brands are Raven and Panasonic. What a lot of people don't know, is these are essentially the same printers. In Canada, Raven simply r epackages the Panasonic uni t i n a cosmetically different case and sells it into a different market than Panasonic pursues. By far, these printers are the most common in Western Canada, and the availability of ribbons proves it. If you are considering purchasing any printer, phone around a dozen places or so and see if they have ribbons (or, in the case of inkjets or laser p r i n t ers, t h e cor r e sponding consumables) in stock. You' ll soon see which models are market leaders. Avoid units with hardko8nd supplies. Mac versions of the Raven pxinters are also available, complete with a paralielkoserial adapter cable and an OEM version of GDT's PrintLink software, discussed in Macintosh options.

and several so-called "color dithering' choices, which help to create the imusion of thousands or even millions of colors by creatmg patterns ar clusters of dots. Drivers for a wide variety of color printers are available for the Amiga. Some are included with the system, and many are available from third parties and sources such as GEnie, CompuServe and other BBSes. The Fred Fish PD/shareware collection has a large selection of drivers. System4evel drivers are also available for the Atari ST that allow anything mewed onscreen to be output in monochrome or color. An Epson FX driver is standard with the system; color drivers are available from user groups and PD software sources. The Mac, too, has some system-level support fo r c o l o r p r i n t ing. A p p l e's LaserWriter driver supports color PostScript, but even the venerable ImageWriter II printer can be equipped with a fourwolor ribbon. When used with software called MacPalette II (U S$69) by Microspot, it outputs color at 144 dpi. A color driver for the ImageWriter also ships with Adobe PhotoShop 2.0. Mac drivers are also available for many thirdyarty color solutions, including other color dot-matrix units (the Epson JXWO is supported by the Grappler and GDT's e xcellent P r i n t L in k s o f tware), t h e aforementioned HP offerings, and virtually all higher~d color output devices.

zrxet. MODEM/FAX U-1496E

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Second-hand Lasers

Secondhand laser printers are not quite as problematic as dotknatrix units, although, as Chris Small from Superior Laser Supply points out, used ones can be hard to Snd. Many companies, he says, just give it to workers in another department when upgrading. Small says that laser printers generally have a good resale value. The drum component of a laser printer (the cylinder that carries the toner to the paper) is an expensive component that requires replacement periodically. Drums Color Dot-matrix can cost upwards of $250, and sometimes Although color is an option on several are part of the toner cartridge assembly. brands of dot-matrix printers (A'pple, . Laser printers also consume toner as part Citizen, C-Itoh, Epson and Fujitsu come to of the printing process. Replacement toner mind), my experience has been that the cartridgesrange from about $50 to $265 quality leaves much to be desired. Users who (although the drum "tunektp kit" for the only need to put a line of text in red or blue Qume is a whopping $900). Laser printers may find dot-matrix color acceptable, but that use Canon engines can take advantage for graphics, forget it. Unless you will be of wldelyevailable recycled cartridges. (Vista content with uneven patches and bands of Laser says it will also recycle IBM, Minolta color with varying intensities, save your cartridges.) money for a color inkjet instead. Not only are these cartridges better for You need software to print multicolor the environment and less expensive, but in images. Unless you will be content with signs somes cases, they even produce better that are all red or all blue (in which case you quality than the originals. Superior Laser, could have just bought a colored ribbon for f or e x ample, s e ll s w ha t i t ca l l s a your black~dkvhite printer), you' ll only be "supercharged cartridge" that promises able to o u t pu t f r o m p r o grams that blacker print than that of a new one. Solid specifically support the color-selection blacks, of course„are important if you are commands of your printer. In the case of planning to reproduce laser output via DOS, printer drivers tend to be application- traditional methods such as offset press or specific. If, for example, you wanted to print photocopier. a color banner from The New Pmtt Shop, Remanufactured cartidgesare available you'd have to make sure that your color with an enhancement sometimes called a printer was supported by that particular "Super D r u m . " T h is rep l a cement program. drum/toner cartridge assembly is available In Win d o ws , t hi n g s imp r o v e for any Canon SX engine (used in Hewlettc onsiderably. Because, u n lik e D O S , Packard Series II, IIP, III, +MS PS Series, W indows supplies a m e t hod fo r t h e Apple LaserWriters and m an y o t h er operating system to share resources amongst printers). The $115 Super Drum produced compliant applications, it is possible to have clearly superior output to that of a standard one printer driver used by all Windows drum — in fact, during our tests, I picked a programs (although all features might not Super Drum-produced page as being be exploited by a particular application). superior to that of a 6$Mpi printer — at least Many color printer manufacturers include on first glance. Although a dose inspection drivers for Windows and the most popular revealed the inevitable jaggies in the %0dpi DOS applications. unit's output, The Super Drum produced System-level drivers are available for clearly superior toner dispersion, with many computers. For example, a color crisper edges and less toner "splatter." Most printer selected by the Amiga's Preferences vendors warrant Super Drums for several tool is available to all programs that call the recharges (refiUing with toner). Said to last standard A m i g a s y stem r e s ources. at least 40% longer than the OEM part, Preferences supports a variety of printing Super Drums are rated for 40,000 pages. options, including image size, print density Given the choice between a Super Drum

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and a new one (which costs about the same), I'd definitely pick the Super Drum.




Life Expectancies

The life expectancy of any printer, w hether d ot-matrix, i n kj et, l a ser o r o therwise i s u s ually s t ated b y t h e manufacturer (sometimes as MTBF or mean time between failures), along with its recommended duty cycle (i . e ., w h a t percentage of the time ia it actually used, or how many pages will be pxinted per month). It is important to have a printer that is capable of standing up to the tasks you require of it. Most inexpensive printers are lightAuty units that 'are not appropriate for steady use, day-in, day-out, as might be required of a heavyeduty office machine. Canon engines — a workhorse at many offices — have a life expectancy of between 800,000and 500,000 pages, usually ata 25% duty cycle. Chris Small at Superior Laser Supply r ec o m mend s pre v e n tative maintenance every 50,000 to 100,000 pages or, he aayso "at least a good, thorough cleaning." The Minolta engine used in the NEC Silent%riter2 Model 90 and the Epson EPI 7000 and EPL-7500 has a MTBF of 8,000 hours, with a life expectancy of 180,000 pages, assuming a duty cyde of 8,000 sheets per month. A good dot matrix printer should have a MTBF somewhc;re in the neighborhood of 4,000 hours at a 25% duty cyde, with the printhead lasting 200 million strokes per wire. Another consideration is the cost of consumables, such as paper, ribbons, ink„ toner, etc. To calculate the costs, you must figure out how many pages per dollar you get. A toner cartridge for IBM'a laser rinters, for example,,seems like a pretty d deal at $265 until you figure out that it gets 20,000pages per cartridge, compared to the 4,000 or so from a $100 Canon toner Thermal Ransfer Color Several models of high~uality thermal cartrMge. transfer printers are available, from a' Some color printers have very high consumable costs — in the case of some number of vendors, including (but, as in all of the other categories, certainly not hmited higherwnd dye sublimation units as high as US$4.50 per pagef Obviously, although such to) Seiko, @MS, Tektronix, and Oce. a unit could perform everyday printing Okidata used to make low-end consumer tasks, it would not be appropriate or cost- models called the Ohmate 10 and Okimate 20. Unfortunately, they broke a lot. effecfive.

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versions also apply to the Mac versions, except where noted;) They work via a process correctly termed "thermal ink transfer," where ink is heated and vaporized through 80 small nozzles on the print head. There are two main differences between thc. PaintJet models and the Desk Jet C: the PaintJets have a maximum resolution of 180 dpi, while the DeskJet C outputs images and text. at 800 dpi. The second major differenf:e is the way that the units print black during color printing. The PaintWxiter has a fourwolor ink system -(cyan, magenta, yellow, and black), whereas the DeskJet C uses only three: cyan, magenta, and yellow. This means that the DeskJet C must simulate black by overprinting all three colors. Fortunately, when all-black pages are required, the DeskJet C can substitute a single black ink cartridge. This arrangement does, however make "mostly-black pages somewhat inconvenient. Like all inkjet printers, these units benefit from smooth paper stock (I' ve found HammerMill Laser Plus to be the best), although they can also print on plain paper and transparency film. Although earlier HP inkjets used watersoluble ink, the new cartridges uae a waterresistant. ink that r'esists smearing and SBLudging. There are other color:inkjets on the market, too: Sharp has a unit called theJx780 and Tektronix has its Colorguick Both of these printers use hydraulic pressure provided by a piezoelectric diaphragm to force ink onto the page. Both printers are. noisier than HP's nearlyMent offerings, and use more ink Kodak also makes a lowed printer, called the Color 4, while at the highend. (about $50,000), the Iris Graphics 8000 series of continuou~olor inkjet printers offer an effective resolution of 18OMpiand ao they shouldf


HP's PaintJet, PaintJet XL and newest DeskJet C printers are the undisputed market leaders in this field. (Mac versions of these printers are available, called the PaintWriter, Paint%xiter XL and DeskWriter C, respectively. All comments about the PC

Dye-sublimation and photographicpaper printers are dapable o'f producing striking, photographic quality images. Leading vendors are Eastman Kodak, Metrum Information Storage, ColorImage (formerly Colorocs), M i tsubishi and RasterOps.

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Figure 2(b). An enlargement of the same file, output from a MicroSoft Truelmage interpreter.

Outline Fonts

One of the biggest trends in printing is the use of scalable outhne fontL Once only found in the domain of expensive units such as PostScript pr inters, scalable f ont technology has gradually filtered down to the mass market. HP now supports outline fonts through its PCLS language, and scalable fonts are available as software for virtually all computers. The newest Epson dot-matrix printers even include scalable fonts as a built-in feature, or you can use outline fonts with the help of software fxom a wide variety of sources. In actual practise, it matters little which method you choose. I generally prefer softwme~ d f o n ts, which makes it easy to add or remove fonts, or improve the driver as software technology improves. On the other hand,hardwarebased solutions are often faster and less troublesome to set up and maintain. Software outline font options include Adobe Type Manager for Wmdows and the Mac, Bitstream FaceLift (for PC), and all software PostScript implementations (see PostScriptErarslexioa Sopusrroon this pageEd.). The forthcoming Windows S.l will reportedly indude TrueType, a scalable font technology already available as standard System software on Apple-brand machines. In all cases, be sure that the applications you use support the chosen outline font technology. For example, ATM for Windows only wor~ s t h en ame suggests — in the Windows environment, so DOS WordPexfect users would be better off with FaceLift. Hardware options for outline fonts indude HPGL 5 and Adobe PostScxipt (and its dones). When it comes to PostScript, I prefer hardware-based interpreters as opposed to software implementations. I am often asked which PostScript cartxidge I recommend. I categorically recommend a true Adobe PostScript interpreter, preferably one that supports (or is upgradeable to) PostScript Level 2. I have seen too many third-party PostScript clone anomalies to trust any of t hem. I f t h e r e a r e a n y v e n d ors o r manufacturers out there that think they have a perfect done, send it to us, and well torturotest it...but be forewarned: none but Adobe's have ever passed all the tests. One of the toughest for many clones is a file available in CompuServe's DTP forum called LYLES.EPS. Figure 2(a) shows how an Adobe interpreter prints it; Figure 2(b) shows how the same file (enlarged to show the detail) p r i n ted w it h M i c r osoft's TrueImage PostScript clone. Note the bizarre anomaliesl There may be other problems, too, including font outlines that do not match Adobe's.

rc k-'


.=.-.~+~~~".: '=-OPEBATING SYSTEM =~~~;w;-'-

' MSOOS 3.3 4.0 6.0

Figure 2(a). Our test file as output by Adobe PostScnpt.

PostScript EmulationSoftware

There are several programs, both commercial and freely-available, that pexform a software emulation of PostScript. The best of these is Freedom of the Press, for PC and Mac. It supports e 1 fonts. (For more info on what a Type 1 font is, see the glossary at the end of this artide.) F reedom o f t h e P r ess comes i n a n inexpensive hte" version, supporting most opular monochrome printers,for about 100, and a full-blown professional version t hat s u p ports c o lo r pr i n t er s a n d imagesetters, too. With the proper interface, it can even turn a Canon color laser copier into a 4(Odpi PostScript printerl UltraScxipt, also available for the PC as RavenScript, still does not support Type 1 fonts, even though Adobe went pubhc with the Type 1 file format over a year ago. Versions of Ul~ pt a r e also available for the Mac and Ataxi ST/Tl'. I recently tested a freely available interpreter called GhostScript (for Unix, PC and Atari ST). It supports Type 1 fonts and can display PostScript output to the screen. Unfortunately, it has the kind of user interface that only a Unix guru could lovefull of command line batch files, parameters and "/" switches. Versions are available on GEnie and UseNet, but be forewarnedGhostScript is big. Eapect to spend a couple of hours downloading it. Other software PostScript clones include C ompoScript a n d GoS c r ip t (bo t h c ommercial p r o ducts f o r t h e PC ) , PixelScript (Amiga, commercial), Post (Amiga, shareware) and Teletypesetting's TScxipt (Mac). One interesting feature of TScript is its ability to act as a network node, so that other Macs on a network can print to TNcript as if it was a standard Mac laser printer. T4cript can also output PostScript to the screen and' even save it to disk as a TIFF file.



Computer Departments


New Westminster 1270 dpi — 2540 dpi

Macintosh • IBM • IBM Compatible

+ film + paper + onyx printlny plates

It's about time,. u Postscript Imuyesettiul Sertfice Sureuu for Hew Westminster,

Suruuby, Surrey

50 THE COMPIJKR PAPER DEC '91 c ommercial p r o ducts ' for t h e P C ) . Pixelscript (Amiga, commercial), Post (Amiga, shareware) and Teletypesetting's TScript (Mac). One interesting $eature of TScript is its aMity to act as a network node, so that other Macs on a network am print to as if it was a standard Mac laser . pxinter. T4aipt am also output PostScript to the screen and even save it to disk as a TIFF file.


InIrjet (SIrN) DeakJet 500 — {500 dpi). At less than 8500 these days, the DeskJet 500, and its predecessors the DeskJet Plus and original DeskJet, are popular alternatives to midrange 24-pin dot matrix printers and lowend laserL The DeskJets have excellent print quality that dosely resembles laser output,

never want to hear another dot-matrix scf earner agahl To its credit, HP retroactively extended the warranty on all DexkJets to 5 years, and shipped a free kit to all DexkJet owners who requested it that improved the efficiency and life of the ink cartridge. It also has maintained an upgrade policy that allows owners of older models to upgrade to the new, improved models for a very reasonable

C anon Bu b b l J e et B J l o o and StyteWritor — Whisper~ilent, the BJ10e is about th e size o f a s m al l n o t ebook computer, and, at 560 dpi, prints with quahty that rivals or even surpasses that of laser printers costing ten times as much. Speed — or lack thereof — can be a

model. The HP spokesperson I spoke to didn't have an exact figure available, but 'said it was between 8500 and 8400. With olicies like that, this company got my em For Macs,an AppleTaikmquipped model called the DeskWxiter is available. It, too, is

four fonts, pexfoxxnance drops substantially. The StyleWriter took an abysmal 22 minutes to accomplish this test. For comparison, an HP DeskWriter did it in a little over 6

sobc.ring thought. The BJlOe and its Apple equivalent, the StyleWriter, manage only

about 5 pages per minute when printing fee. This policy even applies to upgrading a text. When set to a gxaphtcs4ntensive task, DeskJet 500 to the newest DeskJet C color such as a fouryage Excel spreadsheet with

minutes and a +MS-PS 410 {PostScript)

laser printer took only 5 minutes. Similarly, a fivegage Word document contatnhtgfour good paper handling, fairenvelope upgradeable to a color model. According to fonts took 15 minutes on the StyleWriter, handling.and reasonable speed (except the the company, the upgrades require sending but only 5.5 minutes on the DexkWxiter and two on the laser. old original DeskJet, which was as slow as the unit to HP for modifications. Although I know several people who molasses). And inkjets are quiet. You' ll

swear by this diminutive unit, I experienced several problems during my tests. Most troubling were thc: subtle but frequent distortions in the printouts produced by the unit, such as bumps and spikes in lines or characters that should have been straight. I also found the paper handling to be rather weak, even with the optional sheet feeder (standard on the Apple version). The unit uses water-soluble ink that smears easily. Replacement cartridges sell for between $20 and 852 around town. Unlike the HP inkjet pxinters, the BubbleJet (and StyleWriter) cartridges do not indude a print head, so long~ pri n t quality may suffer more than with the HP units, which completely replace the print head with each new cartridge. Nevertheless, it does provide near-laser quality in an AC - o r b a t tery-powered portable unit at a price that is hard to beat, and is the best bet for anyone who needs a portable printer — and doesn't mind waiting.

Free XINas GIIt Pw~t for Kids (with purchase of 386 DX-25 system or

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Low-cost Lasers: Best Buys Under 3800 OkiLaser 400 (See review, Oct 91). LED engine, comes with a good selection of fonts. A best buy, espedally if you purchase thirdgarty RAM. Note that this additional RAM is required for full~ge graphics. Under $1100 Epson EPL-7000. Using a M i n o lta engine, this fast printer has good print quality. RAM upgrades are inexpensive (it uses commonly available SIMMs.) It has trouble with envelopes, despite its nearly straight paper path. Under S1600 HP's IIIp has new PCL level 5, scalable fonts, an d r e s olution e n h ancement technology (RET) for better print quality. The new 4029 series of printers from IBM/Lexmark, ' including th e $ 1 5 9 5 LaserPrinter Se, also have a feature similar to RET.

PostScript Lasers

I n a test conducted by NSTL for th e April 1990 PostScript laser printer issue of PC Digs' t Ratings Rcpmt,seven of the most popular modelswere compared and rated for overall performance. The results were as f ollows (higher i s b e t t er, w it h 1 . 0 0 representing the average): 1.60 Epson EPL-7500 1A6 Apple LaserWriter II NTX 1 .16 QMS ~ 1 0 1.16 Texas Instruments MicroLaser PS35 1.05 NEC Silentwriter2 Model 90 .92 Hewlett-Packard Laserlet Series III .75 Apple Personal LaserWriter NT The Epson's RISC processor gives it the blazingly fast performance that rates so highly in the performance test. All of the o ther machines ar e b a sed o n C I S C processors — typically a Motorola 680xo series CPU. When rated according to overall output quality, a different picture emerges (based on a subjective zero to 10 scale; higher is better): 8.4 H ewlett-Packard Laserlet Series III 8.0 Epson EPL-7500 6.6 A p ple LaserWriter II NTX 6.4 NEC Silentwriter2 Model 90 5.8 QMS PS-410 5.8 A pple Personal LaserWriter NT 5.6 Texas Instruments MicroLaser PS35 Although the HP LaserJ et III's RET (resolution enhancement technology) gives •r exacts a it the best-looking output, it performance penalty. Nevertheless, we still rate it a best buy. Of course, at the rate the computer industry moves, several of these companies now have new, improved models on the market (@MS has the 600Api PS-815R; Apple has the LaserWriter IIf and Ilg with vastly improved handling of gray scales and other enhancements; TI has new, faster models of the MicroLaser it calls the MicroLaser XL Turbo, etc.)

Best Buys Any of these models is an excellent choice. Overall, the Epson is the top-rated unit and a best buy. Based on a Minolta engine (the NEC SilentWriter2 Model 90 is, too), it also comes in a non-PostScript model dubbed theEPL-7000 (which may be upgraded at a later date). The only problem I have found with the Epson is its poor performance when printing envelopes (despite the printer's nearlyetrarght paper path, they tend to wrinkle and have poor print quality). For this reason, I only recommend it if pdnting envelopes is not an important requirement. For those wanting the best unit for printing envelopes, look no further than the IBM Model 30 (one of the LaserPrinter 4029 sreies). With its optional automatic envelope feeder, it has a mechanism that spreads the fuser rollers and blows air in the

envelope's path. Sure enough, they feed

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52 THE COMPUTER PAPER DEC '91 smoothly and more reliably than any other unit we have tested. The Model 50, like several other new PostScript printers from IBM, has a maximum resolution of 600 dpi For users who want the beat gray scales fiom a 500dpi printer, the LaserWriters lIf and IIg are worth checking out. However, according to M a lcolm Powell at Byte Computers. both PageMahm 4.1 and Qmrk XPreas 5.0 currently have trouble with their "PhotoGrade" gray scales.

Macintosh options: using PC printers on a Mac

option...or is there) Despite font outlines that are not as well~awn as those of its Because Macs lack a parallel port, most aforementioned competition, Expressive +MS printers. Both mades can be hooked Apple dealers will tell you that you must f onts have one b enefit t hat may b e up simultaneously, and the printer switches either use an Applnspecific (serial) printer aignificant to Mac users with 1MB machines. automatically, evm when the optional HPGL or one that connects via AppleTalk, the PrintLink and JetLink's Expressive Fonts plouer emulation card is used. create smooth fonts at any size on your Mac's builtm network connector. Some other pxmters, such as IBM's 600. One alternative method is to use a printer, but are not used. to draw the fonts dpi Model 50, have automatic emulation o n-screen, hen c e , the m emor y parallel-toaerial converter, such as PaxxxLink switching (software is retiuired), but can r equirements ar e m u c h l o wer than or Grappler, and an appropriate printer only switch ports via the fiont paneL TrueType or ATM, even in their minimum driver. These components, available for between one and two hundred dollars, allow configurations. Even those with so little Under $2000 Best Graphics ou to use virtually any printer with a Mac. memory (or ao many system extensional) NEC SsentWriter 2 Model. 90 — Rated a Although the LaserWriter IIf and llg ot only does this jve you a greater choice that PrintLink can't work in conjunction BestBuy in our March 1991 issue (worth a have compatibility problems with the of printers, but you ll often save money, too. with ATM will find that their printouts need read if you' re interested in more details current versions of the two top Mac DTP not suffer if they try Expressive Fonts about desktop publishing or the vartous applications, once these problems are PrlntLink — In general, these are the beat instead. Of colxrse, those with enough RAM laser printers on the market), this PostScript ironed out, I w i l l h ave n o p r oblems to use ATM or True Type should do so. drivers for most dot-matrix printers. One printer is still a solid performer and pxiced recommending them. As the figure at the PxintLink and JetLink work admirably with caveat: be careful, when examining the lower than ever. lef't shows, the PhotoGrade outputs beats compatibility list, to aee if the printer is them. See the June 1991 issue of Thc Texaa Instruments MicroLaaer — Based even that of a QXMpi printer. supported in its native" mode. The 24pin Geaputcr Paper for a full review of JetLink on the Sharp engine, memory upgrades and Fujitsu DL8400, for example, isn' t, and can ExpresL other supplies for this PoatScxipt pxinter are Best bang for the buck Steve Gully of GDT Softworks said the widely available locally and by mailwrder. There is a dear trend towards higher only be used when it is emulating a 9pin company had "no plans" to produce a Epson or IBM. This causes the printer to resolution output, 400- and 6OMpi engines output graphics 8c fonts (sent Rom the Mac) driver to allow the DeskJet C to be used on In INixed Environments are becoming common and some, such as the Mac, as it has done so sucesslally in the +MS 1%410 — unusually fast graphics t he Pro-II a n d P r o -II I m o d el s f r om of lower quahty than it should. past with its JetLink Express for the Worse, the print comes out the wrong performance and a slick feature called PxintWare, go as high as 1200 dpi. monochrome DeskJet, LaaerJet, BubbleJet automatic emulation and port switching Upgrade options are available for some size, causing margins to display smaller onand other normally PCwnly printers. He screen than the final printed version and makes this printer one of the best in an pxinters (usually those that use Canon SX or indicated that they are "considering it," other annoyances. A good 24pin printer environment where multiple users might be LX engines) to increase the resolution. For though. sending it a combination of PCL4 (the IBM and compatibles, DP-Tek, Inc. has one should be able to pxint at a resolution of In other GDT news, the company is 560 x 180 or 560 x 560 in 24pin mode, but "native tongue" of an HP LaserJet SeriesIl) of the better ones I' ve seen. Its PostScriptmay only work at 120 x 144 in Spin mode. planning an upgrade ofthe JetLink and a nd PostScript commands. O n m o st compatible PCmnly interface prints 256 As with just about everything else, though, PrintLink software to coindde with the Jan printers, you would have to manually set the shades of gray at 600 x 600 dpi. '91 MacWorld Expo. At that time„ the printer to receive data on, say, the parallel At 600 dpi, the $6,695 QMS 815MR and remember that specs aren't as important as company hopes to release a version that is how it is to use and how the end product IBM 4029 series (600Api models start at featurewompatible with its enhanced $2,595), and the new 12(e x SO%pi LBP4 looks. BetterWriters pxinter drivers (now available Plus ($1595) and LBP-8 Plus ($18'lg) as a replacement driver for standard Apple JetLink Expreaa — For my money, the models from Canon'represent the next pxinters). best product of its kind by fiu. The product generation of laser printers. It is interesting The company also hinted at future to note that their prices are approximately supports the HP LaserJet, DeskJet and developments that wiill allow PC printers to Canon laser and BubbleJet pxmtera equivalent to what 500-dpi PostScript be used with increased efficiency on New that Apple is giving away models were selling for only a year ago. In standalone Macs and networks. highguality printers and computers, it is and Adobe is giving away Adobe Type Left: s sample grayscale image from the tsseAVritar Zg dear that buying leadingwdge equipment Manager for the Mac, there is little reason (actual Nxek In the center, 6054p| output fromthe QNS to use its scalable "Expressive Fonts' Cowtixssscd on Pcxgc102 represents the beat value. 0 815MR, and st right, 3$4lpi output fssm aQMS-2200. port and then reset it to receive PostScript on the AppleTalk port when a Mac user wanted to print something. Not so with the



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THE COMPUTERPAPER DEC '91 55 ATM — Adobe Type Manager. A system extension for Macintosh and Windows computers that allows PostScript Type I outline fonts to be used on display and output devices. Included with new Macs, and soon to be incorporated into System '7.l. AppleTalk — a network standard built into every Macintosh. At 275 kilobits per second, Appletalk is slow compared to many other networking standardL Centronics — the name of a company that devised the D-shaped parallel connector found standard on most prints,m. CISC — complex instruction set computer. Intel's 80x86 series and Motorola's 680xO s eries CPUs ar e e x a mples o f C I S C processors. Motorola processors are found in many laser printers, often a 16MHz 68020 or 68080. Not as fast as equivalent RISC processors See also RISC. CMYK — cyan, magenta, yellow, black. The process by which colors are printed via ofizet press and most color printers. The "K" is to difFerentiate black kom the B usually used to denote blue, as in RGB. Dot Matrix — a process in which text and graphics are formed when a mechanical printhead causes tiny pins to strike the paper through an ink~vered or carbon ribbon. Dye-sublimation — an emerging c o l or printing process (long used in the screenprinting business) where a special solid ink is vaporized onto the page. The term dyesublimation refers to the fact that the dye, a translucent solid ink, does not become liquid, but turns directly from solid to gaseous and back again (similar to the way dry ice evaporates). Dyeeublimation printers produce photographic~ality images. Ethernet — a networking standard common in the Unix world, and standard on new laser printers and h;gh-end computers from Apple. Ethernet is available as an option for virtually all computers. Because of its higher



throughput, it is prferable to slower network standards such as the Macintosh's built-in Apple Talk HPGL — Hewlett-Packard graphics language; the command language of HP plotters. Sometimes available. as an emulation option for laser printers, enabling them to output drawings from computer-aided design applications such as AutoCAD. Imagesetter — typically a digital graphics and photo-typesetting machine capable of producing extremely highquality PostScript output — in a process often referred to as "outputting it to Lino" (a contraction of the brand name Linotronic). Imagesetter ouput can be to film or photographic paper, at various resolutions, including 1270, 2450 or 3300 dots per inch. Inkjet — a type of printer in which ink is sprayed onto the page, either by thermal vaporization or via a hydraulic pump. MHz — megahertz. Often referring to the speed at which a CPU operates, the term means millions of cycles per second. Pantone — a color-matching system. Paralel — a port found on printers and most computers. So called because data fiows from the computer to the printer on several wires simultaneously. See also Centronics. PCL4 — Hewlett-Packard's printer control language found on LaserJet Series II (and compatible) laser printers. PCL5 — an updated printer control language with impmved graphics abiTities and scalable font support. PostScript — a page description language developed by Adobe Systems. PostScript is an interpreted, stack-based language said to resemble Forth. PostScript has various version numbers; the newest is called PostScript Level 2. It has improved support for color and enhancements such as data c ompression, w h il e r e m a ining f u l l y compatible with L e vel I co m m a nds,

according to Adobe. At this writing, only a few machines with Level 2 interpreters are available, but their performance would seem to validate Adobe's claims. There is also a version of PostScript optimi.ed for screen displays, called Display PostScript. It is used on the NeXT and some other computers. Reportedly, the new operating system in development by the Apple/IBM a l l i ance will u s e D i splay PostScript. Many current printers have a PostScript (Level I) version known as 52.3 which, like Level 2, uses an improved font-rendering algorithm called Adobe Type Manager. Older printers such as the original Apple LaserWriter had early PostScript revisions that contained certain bugs; many PostScript clones also contain anomalies from "true" Adobe PostScript. RISC — reduced instruction set computer. A type of CPU that typically delivers faster performance than CISC processors. Weitek makes a RISC processorfound in many of the fastest laser printers. Serial — a communications standard in which data is sent serially, one bit at a time. Several serial standards exist, including RM32, RS422 and MIDI. A bisectional seriallink often relies on the communicating devices sending signals such as "ready to send" and "clear to send" to control the fiow of data. All Apple Macintosh computers have two serial ports for connecting to devices such as printers and modems. IBM compatible and most other computers may have one, two or more, bu t u s ually u t i lize a p a r a l lel connection for the printer. PCs can also use a serial printer, but because of the necessity of setting up baud rates, start and stop bits, flow control and other settings, PC users may find serial printers more complicated to set

up than parallel ones. Thermal trasssfer — a process in which a waxy film of (usually colored) material is heated by a thermal printhead, drum or other print element. Most thermal transfer printers uses separate rolls for each of the four colors, but some use only one. The heat transfers the color from an acetate carrier, usually to a special smooth paper. Because the color is transferred Rom the film during printing, a roll of the color material can only be used once, hence the consumable costs are sluite

high. Truelmage — MicroSoft's PostScript level I done. Our tests reveal certain anomalies in its PostScript emulation. TrueType — ohipping with System 7 and freely available as a system extension for System 6 on the Macintosh, and soon to be a part of Windows S.l on the PC, TrueType displays outline fonts onwcreen, and outputs them to the printed page. See also ATM. Type I f ont — a PostScript font format defined by Adobe, now therfofacto outline font standard on most computers. Type I fonts may have "hints," which help define their shapes at low output resolutions. CI Contact: Adobe Systems Inc., 415/961-4400; Apple Canada, 416/477-5800; Benndorf Verster (Canon vendor) 604/872-0131; CalComp, 416/635-9010; Canon, 604/278-1431; Citizen America, 416/498-3636; Colorlmage Canada, Inc., 604/669-8341; DP-Tek, 1-800-727-3130; Andy Yacob, Epson Canada,416/881-9955; Fujitsu Canada Inc., 1-800-26M716; Steven Gully, GDT Softworks, 604/291-9121; Hewlett-Packard, 1800-387-3867; for IBM printers, call Lexmark at 604/664-6742; Linotype-Hell, 416/567-7111; Kodak, 1-800~-KODAK; NEC Canada, 1-800NEC-INFO; Okidata, 1-800-OKI-DATA; Printware, 1-800-456-1616 ext. 35; Greg Fleck, Raven, 604/273-4453; Seiko Instruments Inc., 408/9225800; QMS Canada, 1400-361-3392 or 6048720631; Chris Small, Superior Laser, 604/942-5512; Tektronix, Inc., 503/627-7111; Texas Instruments, 1400-527-3500; Vista Laser, 604/273-5446.


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Dvorak's Guide t o . =; ™.= ; ; . -








permission of Bantam Books, a division o Bantam DonhhchyDcl Pnbh'shing Gbvnp, Inc.f All rights rcscrvcd. Avaiiablc at bookstores cvsryrakcroor by caling (212) 492.5hf79. Thanks to John Christie at Fricndlyruarc Computers(60&97-9113) tcho bronght thc book to onr attention; it sccms hc ma¹agrd to pick np a signed espy at Comdas.

by John C Dvorak and Pctcr Spear

Why This Book Came To Be

n a way, this book is about guilt. Not the deep, soul-wrenching kind, which sends us either to tears or the shrink's couch. We' re talking guilt that's deeper. We' re talkmg the Rind of guilt that prevents grown men and women — some of them highly educated, successful professionals, survivors of corporate wards, academic infighting, and the streetcough attitude needed to earn a living in the 1990s — & om admitting to certain secret things. Things like an inordinate f o n d ness fo r m i c r owave burritos — for b r e a kfast. H a r l e q uin romances. A favorite shirt or pair of slacks always worn a day or two too long. Biting o ur nails. Brady Bunch r eruns. T h e Philadelphia Phillies. The music of Barry Manilow. The guilt of pleasures outside of the mainstream of adult, professional life. The pleasures we shouldn't indulge because they areperceived to be somehow beneath •


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We all have little secrets, and while most of them are nothing at all to be ashamed of, we hesitate to admit them in public, or in polite company. Playing computer games falls into the category of secret pleasures. Few people admit doing it, yet millions of PC games are bought each year, and all the research done on who is doing the buying agrees on the same fact. Computer games are mostly purchased — and p l ayed — by ad ults. Children and teens buy their share, to be sure; but the average PC game player is well into adulthood. That person could very well

be you.

Think about sex aftermarriage for a moment. That'slong enough. Few people come right out and talk about doing it, but babies are born all the time. It's the same situation with PC games; adults don't come right out and talk about playing and enjoying them, but more and more are being bought all the time. We' re not psychologists or sociologists able to draw fine theory out of contradictory evidence. We' re just two guys who work with personal computers in order to make a living. We don't know why PC games are a secret sin and a guilty pleasure. We do know that we spend more time playing them than we mn comfortably confess. We suspect the same could be true for you. Don't worry about it. It's okay for grownups to relax and have fun occasionally. It' s good for you. It relieves stress. It's healthy. It makes you more productivein the office (see below). There's absolutely nothing to feel guilty about. We can hearsome of you right now. You are saying that you never play computer IameL Never. Well, sometnnes a httle btt of fill in th e n ame of th e game you' re thinking of here." And that's the point of this book — nearly everybody can fill in that blank. Many of us can fill it in more than once. A book that made sense of all those names, and all the

different kinds of PC games was necessary, and there was none available. (Many of thcsc gamssare also available for othercomp uterpkstforms.— Xd.)


Games in the Office: Dvorak's View

Games in the office are too often condemned by management. The litany is simple: You can probably find better things to do with your time. Worse, you may accidentally release a nasty virus on the network thus upsetting corporate bigwigs and fellow employees, especially if files are destroyed. The fact is that in most places the sanction against game playing in the ofSce is as result of a general prudishness and underlying fear that an employee may actually be enjoying his time there. When I was the editor at Iafowerkf, I'd encourage the reporters to play games as much as they wanted and as often as they wantc.d. Writer after writer, when feeling burned out or su6ering f'rom writer's block (or just plain bored), would traipse into the socalled "game lab" and play games for as long as she or he wished. The first thing we discovered was this simple fact: when people take time out f'rom their work to relieve stress, they make up for it with better quality work, and they work longer too. Since then, I' ve talked to over 1000 people who play games in the off ice an, without exception, they are the most producfive employees. I' ve sense:d increased sensitivity and improved intelligence among them. I suspect that their IQs have somehow increased through t hi s activity, too, although I c a n' t p r ove it . P erhaps a government study should look into the mauer. Games do exercise the intellectual facets of the brain. They require problem~Diving, hand-eye coordination, and complex thinking. These aspects are fine tuned and carriedover to humdrum day-tra y office work The game player is more creative and a more forward thinker in the modern office. He or she is destined to go to the top. Ahnost all multimillionaires who run today' s gigantic software companies are avid game players. Ask them. Executives take note: Games in the office are a route to improved productivity. Employees should be required to take as many game breaks as they can manage. In fact, while. we don't condone spying on the minutewo~ u t e activities, we recommend that corporations make their employees log into the game machines and show a certain number ofhours per week of game playing. It's the patriotic thing to do. As for the fear of viruses, a company can set up computers dedicated to games and place them throughout the office. If we are to beat the Japanese in the world marketplace we are going to need to play more computer games. It' s just the way it is, so let's enjoy it.

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gajhdaEjlanaa ............................................8545 Nakla P4000 ......... Malarala NS ... ...............................................81095 Okl 900 .................................,...................„...,.. 81195 FujasuPocketCommander .............................. 81195 . . „ . . „ O25 Maxlar 80MB 17msIDE ..........,........,..........,...„,O25 „8410 Naxlor 180NS 15meIDE Quantum213MB15msIDE ............................... 8680 OuanfumNMe 17mo IDE . .


„.879 Supm$00-Inmmal Supm 2400- Exlemelw/cable ........................... 8109 Zenrlx Send/RecehreFmdNodomInt ... 8109 The CampleleFax/Madam................................. 8369 .................................. 8469 Intel Saasfwdkm . .


Sierra On-Una $59.95 IBM/Compatibles/Tandy, Macintosh; Amlga (LSL 5 is IBMwnly) Hardware requirements vary by title: 512K440K RAM, 8-10Mhz or faster (AT class machine for VGA LSL 1); CGA/EGA/VGA/MCGA/Hercules mouse (for LSL 5 and VGA version of LSL 1); harb recommended; drive Roland/AdLlb/SoundBlaster/Game Blastar Copy Probecbon: Look up a word in the manual or documentation Difficulty: Varies by game; sae balcvv



khaU)liana{m me)

Leisure Suit Larry Series I-V

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DK '91

Why These are Special When N~ maga z ine ran its hottest haven't heard before. However, people who Cbrisunas gifts Snr 1990 stoxy, the fixst item are not comfortable with this subject may mentioned in the headline was 'a naughty refer to skip these games, since they all computer game. They were writing about . ve the same theme. It's their loss. Leisure Suit Larry. Newsweek knows that sex sems. So does Lnxxy-these games are among A Taste ef the Games the most popular computer games ever We don't know about you, but we published. wouldn't wmt to be psychtcamy stuck in the Sex is one subject guaranteed to get polyester, leisure-suited, disco-dancing ahnost anyone's attention, and that's pretty seventies. Larry Laffer ts, and he is not a much what the Leisure Suit Larry series is all prisoner of those times, but a volunteer. He about: Larry's attempts to find true love and is also a loser of the highest order~ac who make it with women, not necessarily in that doesn't know he has lost The combination o rder. N o t th a t w e ' re d e a l in g i n is often Mariouh pornography here. The material is absurd, As with the King's + test series, these self~ocktng, comical, and somewhat risque; adventures can be played in any order. It' s but you' re not l i kely to come across more hm, though, to do it by the number, as anything you wouldn't see; on prime time you can follow the story line and Larry's television, or, for that matter, a bad joke you misadventures f'rom game to game.

Rgb- ~

Gold Sox Series:

That changed in 1988 when SSI licensed the ADaD name from TSR, Inc. (the owner of ADSsD) and began publishing two series Strate9ic Simulations (SSI) of games based on ADaD settings, while stickmg closely to ADaD rules. These games Why These Are Special packaged in gotdwotored boxes; so they Computer role-playing began as an are are known as SSI's Gold Box games. attempt to play Dungeons a Dragons on a The ADaD universe is very complex at computer. It was a perfect marriage of concept and technology, and Computer first scan. While the rules of creation and rol~ y tng games have always been among combat are somewhat fixed, the events and the best-selling titles since they first stories take place in d i f ferent AD8cD appeared. However, the name Dungeons a universe~ach with its own unique reahty. Dragons and it s successor Advanced The Gold Box games consist of two separate sexies, each set in a different universe. One Dungeons a D r agons (ADSsD), are vexy nice feature of both of the two series is copyrighted and trademarked properties. that characters can be transferred f'rom one AS a result, dozens of DungeonsSsDragonsstyle computer role-playing games were game to the next within each series. That created and sold to great financial and way you don't have to start a party from scratch each time you start a new game. The critical success, but none could use the games don't have to be played in order, but name legally. playing a continuing stoxy is part of the fun.

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DEC '91

The Psygnosis programmers have said more than once that they don't like easy games, and ifyou' ve had a chance to play any of them since Barbarian, you know they' renet kidding. Lemxninga stems at first a departure, at least for a while. The SO screens of Fu n l e ve l a r e a p a i n l ess introduction to one of Psygnosis's best and most original games.

A Taste of the aame Lemmings floaxxauatriraucrorxrxtus) are small rodents known mostly for mass migratiens that sometimes lead to mass drownings. In Lemmings, your task is to guide as few as two or as many as 100 of the

suicidal little dumbbells to safety. Af'ter the heavily en strategic considerations, even the Fun level, the game begins to get difficult. most inspired strategy witt go for naught if The lemmings drop from a door in the you allow your movement and point/shoot sky and then walk areund blindly on responses to waver. The headings that platforms. You have to change as many as appear prior to each new screen provide necessary into diggers, blocker, dimbers, hints on how to approach the upcoming parachutists, or bridge builders, so that the levek Pay attention to thexn — you' ll need all required percentage safely reaches the exit the help you can get. before time runs out. There are 120 levels in all (Fun, Tricky, Taxing, and Mayhem each SimCity have SO levels), and the obstacles and Maxis $69.95 enviromnents of each level are diFerent. 512K (640K with EGA) IBM Compatible All controllers are supported but a mouse works best, and the strategies you' ll CGAIEGNrandy Graphics Copy Protection: Documentation look up/lew have to invent to cenquer the game become contrast papof ever more foxmidable. While the game relies

Why This ls Special

Have you ever wondered how cities such as New York, Detroit, and Philadelphia have so degenerated? How often have you questioned the decisions of the geniuses that run City Hall? In SimCity you get the answers to these questions. H ere's your chance to plan a city from the ground up. Evexy action you take has an immediate effect on the growth of the city. You decide when and how to bring in a new business, new industry, and new citizens. Here is the chance to prove once and for all that you can do a than the elected atiFs.


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A Taste ef the aame In SimCity, you become a combination mayor, city council, planning commission, and environmental protection agency. You are able te wield considerably more power than any of these government ofitdals and readily beceme addicted to seeing your own power take on a life of xts own. SimCity ofFers the satisfaction of doing m any different t h ings with your c i ty shnultaneeusly. For instance, you build f rom scratch, starting with an empty map, then zone the dty for development, and build the infrastructure to support it. You make the decisions that affect the city's growth and quality of life, such as how many pollutants will be tolerated, when to raise and lower taxes, what funds to allocate te which budgetary line items, and when to add seaports, airports and stadiums. SimCity even offers the satisfacfiion of cleaning up another mayor's mess, such as an impemble trafiic situation or a nuclear meltdown. If you don't allow for adequate police protection, crime grows, resulting in loss of commerce, industry and p o pulatien. Without prepcr fire protection, fires burn out of control, causing huge losses in revenue, which makes unhappy taxpayers. Clther challenges include responding to earthquakes er even an attack by a Godzillalike creature. SimCity does not end at any particular oint and. except in the various scenarios, ne specific victory conditions. Instead, you check the polls to see what yeur simulated citizens (aims) think of you as mayor and which aspects of city life most need to be impreved. Peruse maps that indicate where traffic bottlenecks are occumng, where crime is rampant, where pollution is epidemic, and where population is massing; call up reports to review the hiatexy of cities and watch sections of the map grow a s p o p u l ation i n c r easea, commerdal/industrial properties develop, and traffic (whether air, land, or sea) • zpands te fill allotted space. Many people design their own cities, save them to disk, pass them to other SimMayers, or print them out. Most SimMayors are proud of their customized cities and feel a new appreciation for observing urban and suburban development after playing the •

1. htroductiontoKO SystemV .....,......................................3 days,$595.00 2. S(:0 VNIXSystemVI386Administration ..........................5 days, $1295.00 5. New SIXEMX System VAdministtation ....,.................5 days, $1295.(I 4.BasicSystem V Communications ........................................2days,$595.00 5. KO System V NetwtmkAdxninistration ...................... ....5 days,$125.00 6. Shellpmgramm ingfor Administrators ................................3 days,$995.(I 7. OpenDesktopGraphical OperatingSystem ...... .,..........5 days, $155.(N 8. AppliedSystemVAdministntion Vorkshop .. . ...........5 days, $1595.00 See coIamlutet calexdat in this issue for comsehfetaucha




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The Carmen Sandiego Series

Bredo*und Software $49.95f$59.95I$79.95 ( Deluxe Where in the World..." edition) IBM PC/randy and 1009o compatibles; Hercules, CGA, EGA, VGA (Deluxe "World ) Copy Protection: Leek up word in manual Ago Level: Varies (per game)


Why These Are Special Carmen Sandiego is one of the most popular software characters in personal computer history. Kids have been searching for the elusive grande dame of international theft (and her notorious gang of thieves) since 1985, when Broderbund first brought her to software life. There are now five Carmen Sandiego programs, and nearly two million copies have been sold. Now this mysterious mistress of crime has her very own spot on Saturday morning television. Kids love Carmen Sandiego because the programs are fun to play; parents and teacher adore Carmen because the software teaches as well as entertains. Game rules and objectives essentially remain the same from one package to another, yet crooks, crimes, clues, suspects, and educational content differ with each new release. Some titles emphasize geography; other focus on history, politics and culture. Colorful graphics, whiz-bang c r ook-detecting gadgetry, and amusing sound effects motivate kids to play again and again. Every program in the series is a winner.

Their Finest Hour

Gunship Kampfgruppe Mech Brigade Might 8c Magic M.U.L.E. Pirates Starflight

Bards Tale I Chessmaster Dungeon Master Earl Weaver Baseball Empire F-19 Stealth Fighter Gettysburg

Ultima III

Ultima IV War in Russia Wizardry


A Taste of the Games Players begin each game as enterprising rookies for the San Francisco-based Acme Detective Agency. They are assigned a case when beguiling Carmen, or one of her V.I.L.E. (Villains' International League of Evil) rogues, steals a valuable landmark or national treasure. Gumshoes must track the thief, obtain an arrest warrant, and capture the criminal before time runs out. By questioning witnesses and deciphering dues concerning the thief's identity and travel destinations, players soon pick up enough information to c r ack th e c ase. Each program featuresa valuable reference book to help make sense of the clues. Games become more challenging as detectives gain experience, and fastyaced action prevents boredom rrom setting in.

The Adventuresof Captain Comic

(Arcade/Action) Michael A. Denio $10-$20 EGA

Why This is Spedal Certain arcade classics have inspired a whole style of computer games, with Mario Brothers being one ofthe more popular cases. Captain Comic follows this general game style with all the action and challenges that anyone would want. It's also one of the most attractive shareware arcade games you' ll find anywhere. Captain Comic consistently ranks as one of the best and most popular shareware titles of all time.

• 1 Mb RAM

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286-16 386SX-16 386SX-25 386DXW 15.9




Power meter (MIPS) 2.2




Norton SI

A Taste of the Game The adventure involves Captain Comic searching through the planet Tambi for three items: rare gems, a sack of rare coins, and a jewelled crown. Along the way there are eight levels of obstacles as well as objects that aid the quest. Be on the lookout for cans of Blastola Cola (fuel for the fireball gun), keys (to advance between levels), and shields (to recharge Comic's defensive abiTities). Reaching the end willkeep any arcade game player challenged for quite some time. Play is possible with the keyboard, where you can choose your own control keys, or by joystick The EGA graphics are colorful and very dear, making playing a real pleasure.





VCA Colour upgrade .28 dp ........+96 85 Mb hard drive upgrade.........+]19 105 Mb hard drive upgrade.......+1 70 120 Mb tape backup ...................369 2400 baud modem......................+99 Additional RAM/Mb .....................+73 Mini-tower case...........................+45 .t1 7 Power bar. .+79 Windows 3. .t99 Geo Works.



Raven 9101 9-pin ...................189 Raven 241 6 24-pin .................309

Raven 241 8 24-pin .................409 Raven LP800 laser printer .......1199 (with system) ..........................1099 Canon Bj10e bubble-jet............424 Canon 300 bubble-jet............699 Canon330 bu bble-jet............869 Canon LBP4+ laser printer .......1199 Additional 1 Mb RAM ..................260




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DEC '91

Introduc tion

but so far they have spent only a little touting Magellan. Technical people have probably ignored Magellan, thinking that, because Lotus wrote it, it must be fat and slow and ponderous. It is large, but graceful,

This month I am going to tell you about three eagles, a turkey, and Microsoft Windows. My picks for the best utilities of 1991 are Magellan,Stacker and DES @view. The turkey is Central Point's PC Tools. Windows is simultaneously brilliant, infuriating and complicated so I will leave that for last.


like a Disney dancmg hippo. I use MageQan many times a day. It is xny one indispensable utility. When I tell you what Magellan does, you will probably say to yourself, I don't need that. People who had never used electricity thought the same thing. You have to use it before you realize why you need to uae it. Let us first exainine soine if its niore mundane capabilities before I get into the real reason you would want it.

Magellan I really like Magellan. It is like a tropical paradise that. the tourists have not yet discovered. Lotus (the people who brought you the 1-2-8 spreadsheet) wrote Magellan. Lotus has an unhmited advertising budget,

Magellan as File Manager

Magellan is much like +DOS, Norton

Commander, DOSShell, PC Tools desktop, XTREE, File Director, etc. in that it lets you copy, move, delete, vie~ rename and print files using a simplified menu system. You just point the cursor at filenames and hit function keys. It abo lets you create, delete, copy and move whole directories. So far, nothing special until you look at its polish. For example, it warns you when you are copying a file on top of another of the same name. It gives you fuH details about both of the iles to decide which one to keep. It will even give you a hst of differences in the two files.

Magellan Viewers

ac ort e oi as~ BVe



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Magellan has Sle viewers. If you look at a spreadsheet Sle for example, you don't see hexadecimal giMaerish, you see much the same as you would see if you had loaded the file into the spreadsheet program. Magellan has over forty viewers to handle most of the major types of file. Prograimners can buy a toolkit to write your new viewers, so even more viewers are available from third parties. Some competing products (e.g. Norton Commander) also have viewers, but cannot handle as many Sle types. The advantage of a viewer is that you can see the contents of a file in a fraction of a s econd. In c o n trast, to l oad a l a r g e spreadsheet into the spreadsheet program might take minutes. When Magellan is displaying a list of files, you just hit a single key, the down arrow, to have a peek at the contents of the next file. Magellan's designers worked hard to keep the keystrokes to a minimum. One special piece of magic is that Magellan viewers can see inside compressed 2XPfiles without having to decompress them first. You can treat compressed files alinost the same as uncompressed ones. In addition, you can compress and decompress with a single keystroke. Compressed files take up much less disk space.

Magellan as File Finder

However, Magellan's forte is Qnding things. Here is an exainple. You named your file INIERCOM.BAT but you cannot even remember what drive you put it on, much less the directory. You can ask Magellan to searchevery drive,and every directory for it, and in a twinkling there they all are. (You might have several files with the same name.) Magellan can find files much more quickly than other utilities such as Norton FileFind because Magellan maintains its own upcoAate private index of files. Magellan uses efiicient techniques to keep that index up to date without wasting time rebuilding it f'rom scratch the way some competitors do.

Magellan asLookup Engine

Other programs can find files, even if more slowly, but they cannot handle the following tougher problem. Let us say you have S,OOO invoices, each prepared with a word processor. You want to get hold o f a c u s toiner. You canno remember his name. All you can remember is that he lived on a street that reminded you of royalty; it could have been King Edward, George, Charles, Elizabeth or perhaps Andrew/Andrews. You hit the F9 "explore." key. Then you narrow down the types of file of interest. Y ou select "invoices" on t h e m e n u . Magellan's presets know which drives, directories, and extensions potentially contain invoices. Then you type in the following list of words "King Edward George Charles Elizabeth Andrew," In a few seconds Magellan will give you a list of invoiceswith the best matches sorted near the top. To view each invoice, hit the down arrow key.When you find the one you were looking for, hit the F7 "launch" key,


Stacker and Olive Oyl In a classic Popeye cartoon, Olive Oyl peered into an Arab's small tent. Inside was a huge palatial room. She was just as puzzled as I was about how Stacker could pull off this magic feat. Here is how it works. Let us say you have an 80 MB disk formatted with DOS 5.0 as a single C: partition. You allow Stacker to create a 60 MB fil e cal led CMTACKVOL.000. This leaves 20 MB on t he C : pa r t i t io n f o r oth e r fi l e s . STACKVOL.000 is a perfectly ordinary file you can copy, back up, view etc. At the same time, a brand new D: drive mysteriously appears on your system. If you


does Stacker manage to squeeze 120 MB of Stacker is Boring data into a 60 MB file? It takes advantage of Using Stacker is boring because you the fact you repeat yourself in most of your simply ignore it. You never even type any files. It makes up abbreviations for your commands to it. You just treat it as if you had common words and phrases, and shortens an extra disk partition or extra disk drive. the text byapplying these abbreviations. However, I like boring utilities. They just It automatically and tr ansparently work. abbreviates (compresses) and fluffs up (expands) as you read and write the D: disk Stacker's Catches Some files it can compress tenfold this way. There are three catches: Some it cannot compress at all (e.g., ones 1. Stacker software takes up 40K of RAM. already compressed with PkZip). However, Stacker Compression You can load this into memory above Stacker is storing all the information on on average it can compress to half size. It 640K, though. the &ke 120 MB D: drive inside that 60 MB can compress all types of files including' 2. Stacker extracts a slight speed penalty for COM, EXE, WK1 spreadsheet and GIF STACVOL.000 fil e on C:. its use. That still does not solve the mystery. How graphics files. S. If the files are already compressed, they won't compressany further and Stacker does you no good. It takes Stacker time to compress and expand the data as you use it. To my great surprise, Stacker volumes sometimes read faster than ordinary volumes. This is because Stacker can read a tiny bit of densely packed information from the slow hard disk, then expand it into ahuge amount for your program. On a non-stacker volume, DOS has to retrieve the reams of fully expanded data from the slow hard disk When you are writing data, there is always slight slowdown as Stacker fiantically examines your data loohng for repetitions to abbreviate. look at D:, it appears to have room for 120 MB. You can use this new drive perfectly normally. You can copy files, run programs, backup, index it with Magellan, run Norton Utilities, etc. At this point you have the remaining 20 MB on your C: drive plus 120 MB on the new D: drive — a total of 140 MB when you started out with only 80 MB. In other words it magically expanded your disk by 75%.

Don't Get Ibpp


by Mr.C


Speeding Up Stacker On a 586 DX you will hardly notice the Stacker slowdown; however, on an 80286 or SX, the time to compress and expand is

considerable. For thorn machines you can


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Shrinking Stadcer

Stacker software takes about 40K of RAM. If you use the compression engine, you can cut this in half. This is the second reason for buying the co-processor card, even if you don't need the speed boost.

Abe Uncoln and Stacker There is a utility called SSWAP.COM that comes with Stacker to let you temporarily rearrange your drives to swap C: and D: so that you can run BAT files designed for C: on your Stacker D:. Abe Lincoln watned us: "You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time." This wisdom also applies to faking such a drive swap. Don't use it. Some utmities see through the deception and read the wrong drive. There is only one other thing to worry about. Don't put your Windows permanent swap fil e on a Stacker volume.




buy a n auxi l i ar y sp e c ial-purpose compression processorcomputer that fits on a card inside your machine. It helps your main SX CPU with the compressing and decompressing. I allow Stacker to compress part of my drive I call the "attic." I put files there I don't use every day. I put the files I use all the time on a noimal uncompressed drive so I can accessthem at full tilt. There are now two new co-processor models givingyou even more of a speed boost. The latest software promises even faster and tighter compression than before. However, Ihave not had a chance to try these new versions.


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You should find Stacker for under tt120 and Stacker with co-processor for under $225. The alternative might be to buy a new 40 MB voice coil disk for about $275. Stacker really pays off when you use it to double the

size of a $475 185 MB hard disk

77-81 container pott Bead, zwsi chung, HongKong


I did not discover DESQyiew until this

THE COMPUTER PAPER DEC '91 65 year, though the program has been around a long time. Now, I spend nearly all my time at the computer using it to help me run several programs at once. Why would I want to do that? When I heard about this "multitasking" I said to myself, "Who needs iti" I thought, "How c onfusing it would bei W ouldn't t h e programs just get in each others' hair)" After some experience, I have completely changed my mind. DESQview is a necessityi I keep a copy of Magellan, Microsoft Word, the Telix modem program, and several copies of the Norton Editor (each editing a different file) running all the time. I can flip f'rom one program to the other in under a tenth of a second. There are many other utilities that allow you to do this, induding Windows. However, what makes DESQview special is that all the programs can continue to run, almost normally, in the background because DESQview manages them so efficiently. DESQview is not magic. If you run three programs atonce, then each runs roughly one third as fast, since the three programs must share a single CPU. To combat this slowdown effect, I give the foreground program extra priority, at the expense of the background programs. You can even pause programs running in the background so that they use no CPU cycles at alL This means, for example, that when I start up a file upload or download with my modem, it can continue in the background while I do some word processing in the foreground. With acouple of taps on my right Alt key, I can look in on the download to see how it is doing, then go right back to my work I write custom software. Sometimes I need to run long programs called compiles that don't require any intervention. I used to take a coffee break when I ran those. Now I just run them in the background and continue with something else. The same

principle applies to long print jobs or long database runs. It is like having an extra computer to use while mine is tied up.

DESQview versus Windows

DESQvfew and Windows both tackle the problem of running more than one program at a time. DES Qview excels at running multiple ordinary DOS programs. Windows excels at running graphics programs tailored for use under Windows. DESQview is lean and mean. Windows is bigger, slower and loaded with options. Windows works best on a 886 DX with 4 MB or more of RAM, and cannot do multitasking at all on a 286. DESQview gives acceptable performance even on the older slower 286 and SX computers with less RAM. DESQview menus are spartan. Windows is decorated like rococo miniatures. You run DESQview mainly from the keyboard, though some programs support a mouse as well. You run Windows mainly with the mouse. Both are difficult to install and tune. Windows is newer and more complicated internally; thus it has more bugs. However, once you get the base working, installing new applications into Windows is easier than installing into DESQview. Both let you see two or more programs at once, each running in a reduced window on the screen. In practice, multiple visiMity is not nearly as useful as the ads would have you believe. To interact with an application program, you usually want to see its full display. It can be useful, however, to run a program in the background in a tiny window just so you can keep tabs on how it is progressing. If you primarily use ordinary charactermode DOS applications like WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, Lotus 1-2N, Magellan or a text editor, you will prefer DESQview. If you primarily us e g r a phical o r d e s ktop pubrishing programs like Corel Draw, Aldus



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Pagemaker, Ventura, AMI Pro, Word For Windows or Excel that are Windowsepecific, you have no choice but to use Windows. If you are a fast touch-typist, you will probably prefer the faster response of DES+view coupled with character mode applications. If you like to use a mouse, you will prefer Windows.

DESQview Summary

You should be able tofind DES @view 386 for under $170. This package bundles

• 1MB Ram w/2 Serial 1 Parallel

• 1.2MB or 1.44MBHoppyDrive • 52MB IDE Hard Drive • 101 Enhanced Keyboard • 14a TVM SVGA MOnitOr

• ATI VGA Card

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Why Windows — Really'

Windows provides: 1. Printer drivers with DESQview. You should be able to find 2. Screen drivers just plain DES+view for under $95. On an S. Highmpeed access to RAM above 1 MB SX or 886 you normallycouple DES Qriew 4. A consistent user interface. Most readers will not even know what with QEMM. On a 286 you couple it with the +RAM memory manager and EMS 4.0 these points mean. You soon will. Drivers don't have much sales appeal, but these are „c xpanded memory hardware (extended RAM alone wJ1 not work). You should find the most important reasons for buying ' @RAM for under $60. In theoiy you can run Windows. DES+view with just plain DOS memory management, or with competitive products The Trouble With Printers like 586Max, but I would not recommend it. '; Consider how m any t h ousands of different kinds of printer there are. Every PC Tools cme has its own private printer language it To paraphrase Winston Churchill, wants the computer to talk to it in, to make Central Point, with PC Tools 7.0, "snatched it change type faces and sizes, to turn on bold and italic, etc. For every new printer defeat f'rom the jaws of victoiy." ' g, Peter Norton and Paul invented, i n t h e ory, every computer In the be Mace had the utihties market sewn up. program in the world must be adjusted to learn yet another private printer lingo. In C entral Point challenged them with a ~ l e idea: "Offer more features for less money. practice, this does not happen. The major They were very successful. The only programs may support a quarter of the catch was, they dick not realize you can have printers extant, but the minor programs too much ofa good thing. They kept adding only supportperhaps a doien of the more feature afterfeature after feature. The popular printers. What do'you do when the program you programs ballooned larger and larger, tahng up more and' more RAM, and more want to run does not speak your printer and more disk space. The programs ran language? You have only a few options, none slower and slower. T hi s is known as of them satisfactory. "featutitis." l. You can beg and grovelto the program manufacturer to teach the program yet The box that PC Tools comes in reads another language and send you a like a combination Ronco cucumber slicer, toastc,r oven and answering machine ad. supplementary set of printer drivers on M any other famous programs have fidlen fioppy into the same trap, but Central Point made 2. You can sometimes hire a computer a second mistake. They did not adequately programmer to adjust the program for beta test the programs. yolL Thc PC Tools programs work fine on S. Usually, you just expeiiment with similar printer languages till you find one that some computers sometimes. However, on many computers, sooner or later they fail, almost works. with catastrophic results. One classic 4. You can sell your printer, and buy one example was the compression utility that that is alrc:ady supported. What is worse, you go through this hassle could squeeze your files down, but could not always fiuff them back up again. Gigabytes of almost every time you buy a new computer the world's data went down a black hole. program. You can avoid the problem to some PCCACHE, the caching program, would suddenly fail, leaving your hard disk a extent by buying a very popular printer complete shambles. PCBACKUP could back brand (such as Hewlett-Packard or Epson), up data to fioppy, but you could not always or an expensive standard PostScript printer, but you cannot escape the hassle altogether. restore it. PC Tools probably did more damage than all the viruses put together. Ironically, the PC Tools checksum+ e anti- Windows as Interpreter viral program could not detect even the Windows acts as an interpreter between most massive damage to the files. your program and the printer. Internally, all Granted, many of these problems were the programs think they are talking to a side effects of other programs interacting h ighly i n telligent p r i n te r t h a t f u l l y with PC Tools. But that is what beta testing understands Microsoft's complex printer is for, to resolve these oblems. 1 eg Angry users poured their complaints into The Windows printer driver interprets Compuserve;. Bug reports came so fast that the 'commands for this hypothetical perfect Compuserve did not even have enough printer into the real-world lingo of your room to store a single day's worth before actual printer. This way each application they had to be erased. Central Point reacted program needs to learn only how to control by offering eithc;r a fiiil refund or to send a a single ideal printer. Further, once one new version, 7.1, at no charge to people who application program works with your phoned in complaints. Normally after such a printer, they all workl fiasco, a company would automatically send In other words, once you get Windows to an apolo a n d a f r ee update, with the work with even one application program, problems ed, to all its users. installing all the other programs is a snap. By shipping PC Tools 7.0 before it was There are st'ill three catches. The first ready, Central Point blackened their already catch is the Windows repertoire of printer tarnished reputation. It may be a while drivers is quite: limited. Teaching it new ones before many people are willing to trust PC is fairly complicated. Microsoft expects the Tools again. To quote Shakespeare's 94th printer manufacturers to do thc work of sonnet, "LiTies that fester, smell far worse writing the printer drivers to handle new than weeds." rinters. So far, the printer manufacturers ave stubbornly resiited. Make sure the printer you buy is one that Windows already Windows M icrosoft W i n d ows i s t h e most understands. One advantage of this state of affairs is successfully marketed program of all time.

QEMM (a memory management program)

Available in the Following Modeb:

Customers say to me, "And I'd like a copy of Windows. By the way, what is it for?" You have undoubtedly heard t h at Windows is a GUI — a Graphical User Interface. You may have heard that because it shows you little pictures called "icons" instead of words, this makes it easier to use. The icons are window dressing. The true value of Windows is more subtle.

WE COMPUTERPAPER DEC '91 67 that it puts pressure on the ptinter makers to start standardizing the printer languages, rather than inventing a fresh one every time they design a new printer. The second catch is that something is lost in the translation. Typically, Windows printer drivers do not fttily exploit all the features of a printer, with the result the printing is, to be charitable, speedy as a snaiL The third catch is, Windows printer drivers only work for programs specially tailored to run under Windows. If you run ordinary DOS applications under Windows, you are back where you started, individually configuring each program.

with two smaller 16-bit numbers. As you might guess, this faking takes more than twice as much time as doing it directly with a single 52Wt number. Future versions of Windows, coming even later, will also have this 5Nrit aMity.

Consistent User Interface

If you have ever used WordPerfect, when you are familiar with Microsoft Word, you will detest it, and vice versa. Why) Because they use completely different keystrokes to do the same thing. In most programs you h it ESC t o g e t o u t o f a m c :nu. I n W ordPerfect sometimes you hi t F 7 , sometimes ESC and sometimes Enter. There are no official, standard ways of doing things. Windows Screen Drivers In Windows there is much grea'ter Wmdows has a similar scheme to printer standardization. To start working on a file, drivers for i n terpreting the p ainting commands between t h e a p p l i cation you type Alt@ 0 (for File Open). All native programs and the screen. The f reedom to Windows application programs work this invent new types of screen "languages" has w ay. This m akes i t m u c h e a sier t o resulted in a burst of creativity and new remember. It also means that once you have learned one program you faster hardware, such as . are well on your way to t he gr a p h ic s co4~ a T • learning another. process« that In Windows, there are discussed in my October standard ways for sharing column. Without the data between programs. Windows scrc.en drivers, You can cut information there would be almost ous of one program and no prog ~s paste it into another. You this new fancy hardware. can even automate this so Now, the manugsemrers et your word processing need only write a single report is automatically screen driver program, updated with the latest and instantly nearly all existing Windows applicafion programs run spreadsheet figures every time you pmtt it. on the nc w hardware without change. Windows screen drivers have freed the The Dark Side of Windows writers of application programs from the Despite all the nice things I have had to thankless task of endless modifications to s ay about W i ndows drivers and t h e make their programs run on new kinds of consistent user interface, Windows is one of v ideo card. The b enefit for you, t h e my least favorite programs. It gives me more consumer, is a huge array of programs all headaches than aH other programs put running ona wide choice of hardware. together — including the ones I wrote myself. Windows is wasteful of c o mputer Windows and Clark Kent resources, slow, complicated and buggy. If you buy 4 MB of R AM , very few programs will even know it is there. You first Sometimes it is duck simple to install, but need to install an XMS (extended) or EMS other times I have wasted days getting it to (expanded) memory manager like QEMM, work It needs expensive, fast hardware to perform adequately. 586Max o r H I M E M . SYS b efore the Mousing is a motor skill you need to programs can make any use of the RAM. learn, like riding a bicycle. I still have not Even then, programs flnd getting at the fully mastered it. Anyhow, going back and XMS and EMS memory clumsy, compared with accessing the conventional base 640K forth between keyboard and mouse cuts my productivity. RAM. Like the rest of us, Windows should There are three main generations of improve and mellow with age. CPU chip: the XT4088, the AT40286 and the newest SX/DX486/486. When you run DOS, the Supermen 80286 and 586/486 Windows Summary play Clark Kent, pretending they have no You should find Windows for sale for special powers. They fool themselves into under $110. Some companies provide it thinking they are lowly but fast 8088 "free" bundled with your machine or computers that can only access 640K of another program. Keep in m ind t hat RAM. Windows is not a s preadsheet, word Windows unleashes the 80286-level of procc;ssor or desktop publishing system on power. Here progratns can directly access up its own. You also need to bu y some to 16 MB (16,777,216 characters) of RAM, Windowmpecific application programs to but only 64K (65,556 characters) at a pop. go with it. Windows is sometimes tricky to In a way, this is a backward step from the install, especially if you have third-party 8088, but in practice it fi'ees programmers screen, printer, or mouse chivers. Try to talk f'rom trying to perform a ballet in a phone your dealer into installing it for you. booth. To you the consumer, it means large, ParCin9 Advice featurnrich programs are now possible. Though the utilities I have talked about are easy to use, they can be quite difficult to Windbws versus OS/2 set up initially. If you are inexperienced, get However, under Windows,the 586/486 help. Later, after you have used them for a chips still conceal their full powers. When while, again ask someone experienced to OS/2 2.0 finally comes out, we will at last give you some tips. He or she may have use all the power of the 586/486. 'I%en, the some ideas that will make using them more computers will be able to directly address enjoyable and efiicient. 0 memory in stupendous-sized chunks. About the Author Further, they will be able to handle 52+it Roedy Green, president of Canadian Mind numbers as large as 4,294,967,296. Under Products in Vancouver (604) 684-6529, builds Windows, they normally can handle 16-bit custom computers. He also writes custom numbers only as large as 65,556. When computer -software, primarily for non-profit Windows programs need to work with organizatians and charities, and offers training and CohsUIbll9. numbers larger than 65,556, they fake it •


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One Of o IQQ,$t fgvOrity ~rOgt

APYX 486DX 33MHZ 64K cache)2399 4MB RAM,12MB &1A4MBFloppy Driv.es,125MBWestern Digital15ms HardDrive Trident1MBVGACard, AOC14'VGAMonitor.28dpi(1024x768), Tower Case,200W CSA PowerSupply,1 Serial Port,1 Parallel Port,1 GamesPort

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f riend i s c u r r e n tl y u s i ng . Yo u c o u l d surreptitiously borrow a blank disk, but he or she probably doesn't have any. • A cool shareware program. If you have a modem, you don't even need to leave your house to ge t i t — talk about a r m c h air shoppingl Just put it on a disk, add a festive label, and Bob's your un'. If you'd rather purchase a shareware t has .been sai d t h a t y a c hts ar e a disk, there are several companies that bottomless hole into which we throw advertise in Thc Computer Paper.Look in the money. This statement could easily have index of this issue for the one nearest you. been made about computers, for they, too, Pricesrange from $5.75 to about $6.There are constantly in need of new and improved are games, clipt libraries, fonts, utilities. software, books and supplies...a high-tech you name itl Most companies also have a money pit. By definition, then, there can catalog to help you pick one that your Mend s urely be n o c o m p u te r u ser wh o h a s will enjoy. everything. (But it sure is fun trying — Ed.) Here are a few suggestions for holiday Computer Memorabilia gift~ving. One of the most interesting things about the personal computer phenomenon is how people start out as as users and often end up as enthusiasts (some might not be so kind • A box of disks. All computer users seem with their terminology). One of the outward to require an endless supply of disks. A signs of fondness for one's chosen computer variety of festive colors are available; just. be is a collection of memorabiTia. And, thanks sure to find out what size and capacity of to the ever-intrepid marketing departments disks you are supposed to be getdng. of the major vendors, there is plenty to Floppy disks are widely available at choose from. c omputer s t o r es , h o m e el e c t r o n i c s The most sought~ e r i t ems are those d iscounters, stationary supp l i er s a n d with "collector appeal," such as the logo of overgrown drug stores. There are several their favorite software company or brand of kinds (of disks, that is), in both 5.25" and computer. T hese are usually common 8.5" sizes. The best plan is to write down the giveaways at computer trade shows and details of what kind of blank disks your

,' Under $10: It's the thought that counts

Gnsfinued on Page 70



rf g

130 —12888 Clarke Place, Richmond, B.C. V6V 2H5, Tel:604-244-9505 Fax: 804-244-950f


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AM HOS , 4MB 7Ihxs RAM arp. 82/64MB 12 cx' 1.44MB JAPANEK FD 19i MB 15ms/64K JAPANESE HD Icy' MrS-Tbwcr Case w/IZD 2 Saba Baal & Game Bxls 16 btt IMB 256 cdor SVGA Gad ICMa?68 28mmOo)or Mcaxlxr

., <.-: 2MB 7Ihxs RAM exp 8cIB :"'-~ 12 cr 1.44MB JAPANEK FD


90 MB 17ms/64K JAPANEK HD 15Thb) Tbwer Gare w/IID 2 SahL Baal & Game Bah 16 b)t IMB 258 cokr SVGA Gad 10?Aa?88 28am Oo)cr Monarr

2MB Shs RAM eap, 8)4B '-:"'- - 12 cr 144MB JAPANEK FD 45/82 MB 64K JAPANEK HD I~ lbw e r Case w/IlK) 2 Srahl, Ibxal & Game Bah 16 bt IMB 258 cokr SVGAGad 1024a?68 28rxanOo)or Mcaxaor 101 Raaxood

• Il




AMI BIOS 4MB 70ns RAM exp. 1.2 or 1.44MB Japanese FD 120/130MB 15ms 64K Jap. HD 19" Mdi-Tower w/LED & 200W 28exials, Parall & Game Poxts 1024x768 .28 14" Color Monitor 1MB 256Colar 16bit SVGA Csxd Fujitsu/Focus Enh. Keyboard

AM HOS IMB RAM eap. 5MB 12 cx 1.44MB Japsmxe FD 43/45INB)82K/64K) Jalsease HD 18' BabycOase 2 SahL Petal & Game Bala 1024a?68 29 ealGA Oo)or Mcmaxr 512K SVGA Gad 101 Rhbaxaxxl Eeybcaad


I 386DX-40, K


3 86SX-25/ 2 0

f;;,g' AM aCS

AM BIOS 4MB 70/60ns RAM cxp. 64MB 1.2 or 1.44MB Japanese FD 180MB 15ms 64K Japaxxese HD 19" Mdi-Tower w/IKD & ?AXW 28ex)als, Paxall & Game Pnrts 1024x768 .28 Non-Inter. Monitor 1MB TsengLab4000 SVGA Card Fujitsu/Focus Enh. Keyboard

BIOS 70ns RAM exp. 64MB 1.2 or 1.44MB Japanese FD 120/180MB 64K Japanese HD 19" Mdf-Tower w/IED & 200W , Para)l & Game Pnxts 1024x768 .28 14" Color Monitor 1MB TsengLalAOOO SVGA Card jitsu/Focus Enh. Keyboard


AM BIOS 4MB 70/60ns RAM exp. 64MB I> or 1.44MB Japaxmse FD 200/210MB 15ms 64K ESDI HD 23" Full-Tower w/LED & 230W 28exhr)s, Pareil & Game Poxts 1024x768 25 SEIKO Non-Inter. 1MB ATI XL 32KC SVGA Card Fujitsu/Focus Enh. Keyboaxd




: ;:


TIIL1469 1024x768 .28 AOC385 1024x768 .28 Eccenlata 1024x768 .28 . AAxnazlng 1024 Nan-lnt. AOC386 l(04 Non-Int Vlewsoxdc6 1024 Non-ln. Se8m 1450 Non-lnt..2 5 SONY 1304 Non-lnt..25 Nanao 16" Nan-lnt..2 8 1MB TRIDENI' card 1MB TsengLab4000 1MB A'lI VGA card 1MB ATI XL 82)x color

88 1

.- ' " .

878 ¹I ¹I ¹I ¹I 81

80286-16 8 S)ols Exp. SMB ¹105. SSSSK-20 8 slots Exp. SMB ¹940 8888X-25 8 slots Esp. SMB ¹280 886Oix-25 8 8)ots ahp. SMS ¹Sao 3 86DX-SS, 64tx Exp. 64MS ¹ 4 8 0 $ 86DK-40. 64h Esp. 64MB ¹ 5 $ 0 4 S6SK-20, 64h Exp. 64MS ¹ 7 0 0 4 86DX-SS, 64h Ercp. 64MS ¹ 9 $ 0 4 86-SSEISA mslnbosnl ¹ 2 8 00 Pcr Mego RAMO)86,1M,4M) ¹ 65 SRAM asr Cache ¹


c 1180 9pfn 1123/1124t 24pln nlc 1624 24p)n LX-810 9pln LQ-570/1170 DL900 24pln DL1100 24 color DL1200 24 colar DL3450 LQ-7000 KIDATA 400/800 IIP+/ III 11 90 Pos)Scxipt


Sound Hhster Pcn Gnwh Joycdlch IDE contmlhr AT I/O aud 2nd Salsl mt IDE & I/O card 101 Keylcosnl Focus 2001 / Fu)ttsu Ullxsstor 12F ESDI Utlrsstor 12c ESDI 1MB Ullrsstnr 22C EISA 1MB

¹105 80287-XL 808S7-SK16 ¹145 80$87~ ¹175 ¹248 80$87-mt25 ¹255 80$87-DESS 80$87-DX40 ¹290 Daaa Mouse SB ¹25 Eccecdsm Mouse SB ¹25 log)tech 38 mouse ¹75 ¹90 Mtcmacdt 88 mouse Iel)tech ndce ar.Whcdows 8 ¹140

¹255 ¹45 ¹ 20 ¹12 ¹ 10 ¹ $0 ¹ 80 4XI10 ¹ 650 ¹970

I • •



Bdrhct 40-120cnh TEAC840 48MB 23ms S200 Fujttsu 45MB 25ms ¹285/ Brhlot lnt. cocdrn))er Quantcxm 52MB 19ms .'w'-„'.:Pstdot Eat. case ¹I '.. . TI WC380 85MB 17ms ¹810 ¹21 ¹S l ~~~". Cohmdn 40-120MB ~j'.~; Fu~ 9 0M B 1 9ms ¹380 ¹350/¹ NEC/Tbab)ba 105MB 15 ¹ 870 :::-.-:-; FIxjttsu 105MB 17ms l)l880 SM DC2120 120-250Mb 2400b bct Csrdhul ' . Quanhnn 105MB 15ms ¹380 2400b Erct. Csrdhsd ¹1 CONNER 120MB 15ms ¹ 440 9624 S/R FsxMcdmrdtldts) ¹11 ~ 13 0MB 1 7m s 0 440 81 9624 8/R ~ Csxd lncd) F ujttsu 135/18OMB ¹ 490/ 5 9 0 8790/I 9800b Modem (am}hud) Quantum210MB 15ms 8720 1090/I 9600b Robotrcs hct/Erct. V82 ¹MO/ Fujitsu 330/660MB 1830 / 1 4 50 14 4M Robotrcs bxt/Erct. V42 ¹690/ l)ll


N cwell 22 (5 Usem) ¹ 680 Whdo was ¹5 N cwell 8.11 gM) uscss) ¹8780PccgeMsher 4.0 ¹89 N cweit 2 user ArcNet ¹ 8 8 0 C++ acr Wlcshsss N o re)t 2 user EthaNet ¹980 Cocel Dmw 2.0 8 b t t AreNet aml ¹ 95 Esse) 1 6 blt ArcNet aud ¹ 110 DBASE IV 8 btt EthaNct Csni ¹ 140 Wtud acr Windows l ab t t EOcerNet Cad ¹ 160 Wnnlpceacct Por Windows ¹I Lsnhcsttc 2 (SP ha) ¹ 180 PCsnywlcere 1V Ntyl%800lla, CD4)ONs N e twcshs Rcmcwe Ctrl ¹ 1 6 0 ¹80 BM tcaaN884, INC SONIDas QEMM 386 cr5.1


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70 THE COMPUTERPAPER DEC '91 conventions. Unfortunately, they are hardly the kind of items you' ll find at the local superstore...but it is a lucky person who finds one in a stocking on Christmas morning — and a sure sign of prestige around the office. • How about a designer mousepad? In what seems to this writer as one of the best gift ideas going, you can snap up a limitededition piece of original art (signed and numbered by the artistl) simply by being a WYSIWYG Graphics Inc. customer. The cost of this great gift will vary depending on what job you have done, but just think you could lay out your own Christmas cards with any program that can output to PostScript and make thatthe job you have done for$80 or

so. A little Christmas clip-art, a color laser print, and it's watch out, Hallmark By the way, all WYSIWYG Graphics customers also receive their choice of one of two different complimentary 1992 calendars (PostScriptgenerated, naturally), designed especially for WYSIWYG Graphics by Steven R. Gilmore, who also designed the objet d' art mousepads. Every WYSIWYG Graphics customer who produces color PostScript files is also given a complementary Pan t o n e -to-process reference chart. Needless to say, these giveaways are a trend we'd like to see theother service bureaus in town follow. Contact WYSIWYG Graphics at 6044846466. • Computer user groups are another

good place to enquire after computer memorabilia. For example, at the recent NeXPO ( t h e N e X T c o m p u ter s h ow sponsored by Advantage Computers), the local user group (VNUS, 6048224429) was selling pencib (80 cents), cofFee mugs ($4), T~hirts ($5000, and you get a FREE NeXT computer), even $80 Cross pens (ooh, ahhl) emblazoned with the NeXT logo. Other types of computers have similar goodies. There is a list of user groups at the back of this (and every) issueof The Computer Paper. • When I was in Mississauga recently, I found a great selection of gift items at the Microsoft University — sweatshirts, T-shirts, sunglasses, books, pens, mugs and more. Microsoft's phone number is 4166680484.




• Apple Canada advised me to contact Apple Computer in Cupertino (California) at 408-996-1010. Apparently, the company maintains a complete store that sells nothing but Apple memoramia • At various times, the local Amiga user group (PaNorAma, 597-1746) has offered sweaters, Tehirts and disk labels.

Other inexpensive gift ideas in dude:

•A disk case— ranging 8 om a few dollars to quite a few, you can get plastic, metal, or what looks like and may even be wood. For travelling types, there are soft floppy wallets (made from Goretex or some such material) for a dozen disks or so. A variety of weird schemes for storing disks exists, including modular, rack-'em-stack-'em gizmos with foldout doors and whatnot. Try to get the same kind that your friend currently uses. • Printer paper — perhaps in a fancy color, or luxurious parchment. Especially if y our f r i en d u s e s a pr o g r a m l i k e Broderbund's Print Shop, fancy papers are a welcome gift. Besides, practically no one buys parchment for themselves. Many software stores carry a good supply of unusual papa. • Printer ribbons — if you cannot manage to "borrow" one, you' ll need to know the brand and model of printer. There are specialty ribbons available for some printers that come in colors — ideal for printing banners and signs. There are even ribbons that make printouts you can iron onto a Tshirt. • A docutnent holder — there are several brands, i n c l u din g t he T hin g i I I manufactured by Advanced Gravis in Burnaby. These things either stand on the table next to the computer (but who has any desk space next to their computer?), or attach to the top or side of it. • There are also various gadgets that stick onto your computer to hold a mouse (seems a bit dumb, actually). Other cute-butdumb rdiftsare t', ase little ostumes o dress a computer mouse up in so that it looks like a real mouse. Oh, pleasel • Really dumb, but fun is a product for the Macintosh called Shark Attacki "The screen saver that's also a game." You get some software that blanks the screen so that your pal's screen doesn't fry its phosphor and best of all, an incredibly stupid shark fin that sticks on top of his or her computer.


• For a Mac~phile who wants a screen saver, I would suggest After Dark (if they' re really special, throw in the optional package called More After Dark). Definitely a winner, except nearly all Mac users already have bought it. Mac users love screensavers.After Dark is also available for Windows users. If you' ve ever seen all sorts of weird things drifting, bouncing, swimming or crawling around on their screen (while they' re not using the computerl), you probably need to think of a different present — or call the

exterimnator s.

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• If your friend uses one of those nifty little hand+eld scannesa, they' ve probably noticed that it's fiendishly difficult to drag one across a photo in a straight line. A device is available that provides a straightedge for it to slide along. • A monitor stand or printer stand also

makes a nice (boringl) gift. For the same

amount of dough (about $80) you could get them the gift that keeps on giving. a modem (1200 baud is pretty slow, but hey, it's the thought, right?), a serial cable and a shareware telecom program. For about a hundred bucks more,you can get a better modem that is faster (2400 baud) and might even include hx abilities. With either one, they' ll be able to "log on" to bulletin boards, electronic shopping services,information services, heck, even the library. Who knows what they' ll be into after that? Not your bank account, we hope.


Under $50

Software Policies

Software Goodies

What you need to know

• A n e w g a d get — Heaven knows, computerphiles love thehr gadgets. Probably because of this, there are a million to choose from. Here are a few that they might not already have: • A wrhst rest. For anyone who does a lot o f typing, a wrist rest can mean t h e difference between comfort and carpal tunnel syndrome, a debilitating af8iction that attacks the nerves in one' s, uh, carpal tunnek A locally made product called Wrist :" Doktor does the trick nicely, and it looks ' pretty good, too. • A new product called the Foot Doktor -' promises to reduce strain on one's lower back resulting from from long sittings at a '!r computer or desk. With happy wrists and a ' happy lower back, even Scrooge would probably cheer up. • The same company (Orbit Industries, also of Burnaby — is Burnaby turning into the hub of high-tech manufacturing, or what?) also makes the Disk Wimsrd, a 5.5inch Soppy punch that turns DD disks into HD disks. Read about it in our Sept.'0l issue. • Special colored ahceta and metallic foils are available that can turn a black~dwhite laser-printed (or photocopied) page into something of an extravaganza are available. One brand name is Color Tag, there are others.

I. What type of computer is it? (IBM compatible, Macintosh, Apple II, Amiga, Atari, Commodore, etc.) 2. What type and size of disk does it uae? (Although there are several difFerent disk standards in the PC world, many packages only come with one. Usually, you need only to know whether the computer has a 5.25" or a $.5" disk drive.) S. What type of monitor display does it have) (This question is primarily relevant to PCs, which may have VGA, EGA, CGA, Hercules, etc.) Macs and Ataris only have to distinguish between color and monochrome Inonl'tera

Some stores sell seftware with a "no At this time of year, many manufacturers add extra goodies to the packages too, like returns" policy, while others have a moreTwhirts, posters, maps, badges, spc:cial offers reasonable policy that allewa refunds if the package is unopened. Still others (Egghead or other goodieL For kids, the best software I' ve sc.en is Software is one) have a generous software Kid Pix, a paint program where every tool refund or exchangepolicy: you can return it has wacky special effects and outrageous as long as it is in original and undamaged sounds. Kids just leve blowing up their condition, within 50 days. You must, of urchase and all pictures with the Srecracker tool. You get course, include p original packaging. I recommend that if yeu the idea. About $50, it's for IBM or Mac. Gary Larson fans with IBMs or Macs will are considering buying a software gift for undoubtedlyenjoy The Far Side computer someone this season, that you purchase it at calendar, a software version of his strange a place with such a policy. brand of humor. Continsted onPage102



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Software There are so many software packages out there that the choice can be bewildering. Of course, most stores offer gift certificates, but many people would rather give a "real" gift. Here are some guidelines: If thc. person you are buying for plays games, you frat must determine what kind of games they prefer. Seme enjoy the intellectual challenge of a good strategy game (cards, chess, maze games), while others go for the more visceral thrill of a great shoot-'em' . Avid players will usually be found tightly dutching a jeyafick to the endless sound of computer laser- or g as their on-screen hero faces hordes of marauding foes, aliens or monsters. Still others prefer a simulation game (flight simulators, golf games, car radng, etc.). Kids may be encoiuaged to explore non-violent pastimes, or educational games with, one hopes, some redeeming value. Many games are a combination of one or more of these types (Le., Sight simulators with elements of military strategy are a popuLtr subcategory. There is even an educational typing tutor game where you must learn to type, or be attacked by monsters &om space. Really.) Your next challenge is to Snd a title they don't already own. One sure-fire way to probe them for this information ia to observe them playing a few games, until yeu am identify one of the above categories, and then ask them — or better yet, one of their computer pals — what the latest, greatest [strategy/shoot-em-up/ s i m u l a ti on / e ducational, etc.] i s for t hat k in d o f computer. If they' ve already got it, they' ll be sure to trot it out for you to ogle over. While I h e sitate to m ak e spc.cific recommendations, there are dasalcs in each genre that are sure winners. Most stores maintain a 'Top 10" list that can help you pick a popular title. (See also Dvorak's Guide to PC Games," this issue — Ed.) The last thing you need to know is what kind of computer equipment your friend haa. All programs have certain "system requirements." In an ideal scenario, your choice of software will take full advantage of the computer system it is going to run on. For example, if your friend has a S oundBlaater sound card and a V G A monitor, a game that takes advantage of these options will certainly produce better sound and graphics than a game that does not. As before, one of their buddies can help you make a list of what equipment they have. Here'a a(notherl) list of what you need to know:

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72 THE COMPUTER PAPER D E C '91 advanced table-making o r g r a mmarchechng, and go for it. Of course, the big developers would never agree to pool their resources and come up with the ultimate

or er ect o r i n ow s Another Right Tool for the Right Job


Windows word processors are such large programs with high development costs, each developer focuses on the features that they feel will sell the most copies and toss in the extras to be able to say they have everything the other packagesdo. With one package being better at, for instance, creating By CsthefypcnLabppcreSelirh outlines (MS Word for Windows), one that Wonlpcdecl - ocomonll • onmodnlod comes with Adobe Type Manager and makes !o 5k F d lt S ce L opool ?nolo Pld ampblco Mome 5indmv aclp equations easy to enter (Ami Pro R.O), or * 'C7 W ' - ' M m ~ ;, :. ..'Cl„.' ~~-: 'F FIFF H L". 3'e Q3 one that imports and automatically fotmats "-:v ' coco . -dmo . pco'." Foc p o ne odomo Excel tables seamlessly (WordPerfect for Windows), how does a user settle on just one7 Well, I can't settle on just one program anymore. There are several Windows word :.~foIWtnCreoe processors that are deserving of space on my '-;, +iXWIdolacewonswemcomomoomlell. hard drive: MS Word for Windows, Ami Pro Allljjacloeomd. 2.0 forWindows and now WordPerfect for Ucooooibcoboc';-@ IWPSMleeoote Windows. I can hear those recession:Pncoa ~ ..1 1IOOIPI. pinched voices now, "But Ms. LabonteSbcmdd fb ilobnv occ IililNtOI:. Smith, how can I afford more than one word-processing package?" I say it is worth the price if you can streamline your workyou wouldn't catch me using a star-headed screwdriver bit in a cross-headed screw. But for most users who want to compose, edit and print, any of the full-featured wordProducb WordPelfect for Windows is similar to how Windows word processors processing packages will be more than Publisher: WordPerfect Corporation, 1555 N. should be used; the right tool for the job. adequate — I don't mean that any of them Technology Way, Orem, Utah 84057, U.SA. are inadequate, I'm just an efficiency I'reek. Since the full-featured Windows word Tel: 801-225-5000, Fax: 801-222-5077 System Requirements: A 386SX PC compatible processing packages can read each other' s Now, on with the review: computer or higher processor runnirig Windows files, and all of them use style sheets that you 3.0 or higher, with 4 megabytes of RAM can make identical from brand to brand, WordPerfect for Windows: Iecommencled. choosing just one word processor to do all A Good Tool Prlca $495 tasks would be l i k e u sing a P h i l lips WordPerfect users wh'o have been f you look in your metal toolbox in your screwdriver when a square-headed one is waiting and waiting for the arrival of this garage, you will probably find one of needed. Windows version of their favorite program I'd like to see a modular Windows word can be assured that this is a solid program. those see-through screwdrivers that have a handle full of screwdriver bits. The way processor, one where you can select the The a dvantage fo r t h e s e d e d icated this handyman's multi-purpose tool is used features you need for the day's work, like WordPerfect users is that the program can '.






=Pi6idPerfect' ' , :




toggle between the function keys for WordPerfect v. 5.1 and Windows functions keys. Also, WordPerfect Corp. assures users that not one feature of WordPerfect v. 5.1 has been left out of W o rdPerfect for Windows v. 5.1. I' ve never u sed ch a r a cter-based WordPerfect; to m e W o r dPerfect for Windows is a n o ther g o o d W i n d ows application and I need never know the complexities of WordPerfect's codes to enjoy thisnew package. WordPerfect for Windows has the full complement of features, like the standard WindoWs user interface containing all the basic tools for opening, saving, and closing files. Plus, all the intermediate features like columns, style s heets, macros, s p ell-checking a n d thesaurus. Bu t h ere are some of the features that WordPerfect for Windows has been innovative with, and why this program earned a permanent spot on my hard disk drive, as pa rt of m y W i n d o ws word processing toolbox.

Button Bar

The Button Bar in WordPerfect for Wmdows will bring out your creative nature. Buttons can be created by selecting Button Bar in the View menu and then a little hand icon clutching an over~ized button can be dicked on any menu item. The menu item will then become a button appearing in 'the Button Bar. Multiple Button Bars can be saved and loaded depending on which B utton Bar you need at the time. T h e buttons on the bar can be shifted like one of those child's word slide pussies, and can also be assigned to execute macros.

File Manager WordPerfect for Windows has induded a Navigator and Viewer feature that looks very close to the one found on the highwnd NeXT computer. The sleek-looking File Manager box allows the user to track down


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applications and files throughout the system, and use the Viewer to look into a file before calling it up. The Ffie Manager has its own icon in the WordPerfect Windows m enu, and can be nm as a standalone file manager as well There is also a standalone

Quick List

Quck List is a customizabte feature that lets you put in a tmnmedAown list of files that you f'refluently open. Also, puck List cm be used with the Ruler; for instances you can have the Font box on the Ruler list just one font, or as many as you normally use. spell~hecker and a standee thesaurus The advantage of using Qdck List on the icon included in the W'ordPerfect menu. Ruler bar is that you L n' t have to scroll through lengthy list boxes to get the one item you always use.


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Another window with little icons all in a row haf b een d e dicated t o j u s

p op a g r aphic i nt o t h i s window and rotate, enlarge, crop and do all sorts of other graphic things to it before you pop it into a document The one thing about the w indow t h a t' s a lit t l e disappointing is that there are no drawing tools, as you get all this lovely white space and you just want to starf doodling, but alas you' ll have to wait for th e W i ndow! DrawPerfect program f'rota WordPerfectbefore -you carl

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WordPerfect for Windows has a windotf dedicated to just table-making. O t h ei programs do have tabl~aking features, bu they usually work for only a very simple table with just a few columns. I mentioned the magical transition of an Excel spreadshee to a regular table within a WordPerfect foi Windows document above, because I spenI last week rewntering Excel tables into M2 Word 5.0 (the character-based version), Anyone who has tried to fool with the Sm Tab in MS Word will probably send mc sympathy letters, as MS Word 5.0 is ver g ood a t c r a n king o u t t e x t (I st i l recommend it for large document p rocessing) b u t it i s se v e r ely t a b handicapped. My bloodshot eyes puddled up with tears when I saw how WordPerfecf for Windows just pops in that spreadsheef tout dc suite,


Yes, I was impressed with WordPerfef for Windows; it is a MMedged applicatiu and wellwonceived, as it should be afte such a prolonged development period. Jia like the movie reviewers give stars for Sick I'm going to use the standard rating fo reviews now. So, Igive WordPerfect fou fioppies outof.five; a good product by company which is always ranked first in th number of packages sold, is known to giv excellent customer support, and has million of loyal users. Four ftoppies out of five because I have to leave room to go up, an the perfect word processor is the one ths hves in our imaginaions.

C'ethalynn LabonQ-Smith is a Vancouver-base





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War For Wol' 5.0 by fire Malery Pruduch Word For Word 5.0 System aeituiramunts: 18M and compatibles, including P5/2 systems. Also available in a Macintosh and a Windows version Publlshar: Mastersoft, 5991 Camelback Road, Suite A-320, Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 602-2770900 Prlca $149; registered usersof earlier versions can upgrade for $39.95

Summary Word For Word 5.0 struck me as a program that some people would love to have, and others would never in a lifetime use. It converts files from one format to another, e.g., from MultiMate to QUA Write, WordPerfect to WordStar, etc. If you do have occasion to translate file formats from one program to another,' I can' t imagine anything doing it easier than Word For Word (WFW). It's not just for word processing files, either, but will convert spreadsheet Slee to word processing formats and will even convert from PC to Mac formats.


WFW's instaUation procedure conserves the amount of disk space required by allowing you to instaU only the conversion routines you need from its list of 90 recognized formats. If you install aU 90, you would need about 2.5megabytes of hard

disk space. WFW can also run from floppy

several different versions of Lotus without any problem. We also converted between Lotus, QscA 5.0, WordPerfect, and ASCII. WFW handled each without any difiiculty. When converting spreadsheets, an option allows you to specify the conversion to be formatted with spaces separating the columns, tabs separating the columns, or each cell being placed in a separate column. There's even a choice of currency options available, so you can select the currency symbol and the location of the period or comma decimal point. Dollar signs can be placed before or after the amount with this option. AU of WFW s choices are available from pull<own menus or function keys, and pulling the Help menu down will allow you to select help for any feature you want The help is dear and "helpfuL WFW will batch-file conversions if you select the automatic recognition option.Just select the files you want to convert by highlighting them and pressing ENTER or clicking with the mouse, and press Fg to start the conversion. The converted file is named by WFW using some or all of the original file's name, plus an extension of ".NEW," unless you have specified a diEerent default extension for the converted files. You can also rename converted files from within WFW. WFW will show you a horizontal bar g raph depicting the p r ogress of t h e conversion, and after all files have been converted, will display an error log if any conversionerrors occurred. We forced some errors and found the error messages to be quite specific. There is also a list of the error numbers with their explanations in the back of the manual, although they wouldn' t generally be necessary, since the on~creen information is so spedfic. WFW even allows Sle conversion directly from the command line.By entering WFW plus the source format, target format, old Sle name and new fil e name, you don't even have to make your selections from within the program. We found it easier to load WFW, then make our selections. WFW does support font translation, and has a nice section in the manual explaining which font selections work and which work in a limited way. WFW will convert PICT and b it-mapped graphics between all t h e supported Madntosh formats, and ignores graphics when doing PC formats, or when converting either PC to Mac or Mac to PC. WFW does not interpret macros. It will handle tables between WordPerfect 5.x, Microsoft RTF, and Ami professional. Programs that do not have a table command will convert columnar data in the source document to whatever column mode the target format uses. If there is no column mode in the target format, WFW will convert the data by separating the data by tabs. WFW handles PC-to-Mac or Mac-to-PC conversions, but you will have to get the data onto a disk that the source machine can read. For example, if you want to convert a Mac Sle to a PC format, you would have to send the Sle to the PC via modem or on the network, transfer the Sle by direct cabling, using something like LapLink, or use a spedal drive such as the SuperDrives some

disks if you don't have a hard drive. As you select the formats you want to install, WFW will tell you how much disk space will be requirecL After selecting about a half a dozen formats we wanted to test, it was just a matter of selecdng the desired Sle, selecting the desired target format, and pressing F9. There is an automatic format recognition for the source file(s) which was very accurate in Newsbytes' tests. If you want, or if the a ut o r e cognition ha s t r ouble recognizing the format, you can manually specify the format of the source Sle. The available formats that you have loaded appear in a window on the screen. While we didn't try any huge Slee, the p rogram does seem t o b e f a st, a n d Mastersoft daims the program will convert at rates up to 5 pages per second. Of the 90 formats available, Mastersoft says in an addendum to the manual that WFW is 100% accurate with 50 of them,. including many of the popular programs such as Lotus, WordPerfect, QScA, Excel, Ami Professional, Microsoft Word for the PC and the Mac,WordStar, and others.The company is up front with the user, stating in the manual that there are some features and commands that do not convert from one format to another, due to differences in those program. In that instance, WFW marks the exceptions, providing two methods of tracking those exceptions. If you Macs are equipped with. The WFW manual has a nice section have selected Embed Exception Codes from containing information about the various the Options menu, special codes are inserted into the target document to mark formats that require any special information. the features that could not be converted. If you chose Create Exception List from RATIN6 PERFORMANCE: 4.0. It's easy to use, the Options menu, WFW creates an ASCII file Usting the exceptions. We liked the and reasonably pnced. It's also easier to use "embed choice, since it was easier to look than some of the earlier programs we have at the converted document and see that used, and will recognize many more formats than those programs did. there was something that didn't come USEFULNESS: 4.0. WFW does exactly across, without havmg to access a separate docunlellt. what it is lied to do, and it does it quickly, One of the conversions we did was to neatly, and elegantly. It handles enough convert some Lotus files to various other difserent formats to satisfy almost any user, formats. WFW handled Slee created with Corsfirstsrd oN


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customize the heading line and font but otherwise the report format is fixecL If you wanted any other type of report or calculations you would have to export the data to a spreadsheet program. The reports are formatted very nicely und whenever you choose a report it comes up with a window showing a preview of the report, which you can print out if you choose.

Quicken Compatibility

The program is designed to provide the same basic functionality as-Intuit Quicken, a i s program i s a m em b e r o f popular MS-DOS character~e d financial Microsoft's Solution Series which also management package. Money even allows includes M i crosoft Wo r ks a n d you to import and export files in Quicken Microsoft Publisher. The objective of this Interchange Format (QIF) . H o wever, series is to provide a set of extremely eaa)sco- Quicken has a few features that Money use programs for Microsoft Windows that doesn' t, such as electronic bill-paying over' a wouiPd be very useful for personal home use, modem and an optional Payroll module. home business and small business. You will probably findthat many new computers Lack of Windows Connectivity come bundled with MS-DOS, MS-Windows One thing missing from the program is and some of these programs. any sort of connectivity with other Windows programs. T h ere is no Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) or Object Linking and Easy To Use H owe v er , t h e This program is very simple and easy to E mbedding ( O L E ) . use. Features were kept to a bare minimum usefulness of these features to the average so that the program wouldn't get cluttered b eginning user would be minimal. O n e like some of the large d~ verything word possible use for DDE would be for Payroll Calculation. Money lets you do Payroll-type processing packages that h ave b e en appearing. This way all the features are easy cheques with what it calls split transactions, to find and easy to use. Each window has an however, you have to figure out the Income icon bar. The window's icon bar gives you Tax, CPP and UIC yourself and enter in the quick access to the other windows, a search final amounts. It would be nice if there was a facility, other views and the Windows DDE connection, so that a Windows Payroll package such as KIS Payroll for Windows Calculator program. could be requested by DDE to do the payroll calculations and return the values to Money. A nother use would be a DD E l in k t o Windows Terminal to allow electronic billpaying and government Payroll remittance 'I over the modem. You can exportreports JQfSNIS MA 'from Money, however, it simply saves the report in an ASCII file with the columns oe\NAst: o o o separated by tabs; it would be nice if the program could use OLE to allow you to i mport t h e r e p o r t m a i n t aining i t s formatting. Simple %ansactions Each transaction consists of a cheque number, cheque date, payee (or payer), memo field, category,subcategory and Nllm IWJ%&l1N:uP W amount. Money fills in defaults for some of les these, such as the current date and next Js4% cheque number. You choose the payee, %as@ I4wv I wA~ ' .% M i category and subcategory from combo l Ills IMm boxes (dro~own lists) or by typing the first lnsnss few letters of the name (and then Money I» C~ filia in the rest). There are three ways to enter financial transaction: 1. the ledger window where you enter Summary the data directly into a ledger; All in all, the program is very easy to use, 2. thecheque window where you fi ll in a and nice to work with. If you need to track cheque template with the data; simple household expenses or expenses for 3. the future transaction window where a fairly simple business, this program could you schedule regular transactions that you be quite usefull. The main thing that can make every month. These three windows ut people off using such a program is are easily obtainable from the icon bar or aving to enter a transaction into the menu. Money maintains lists of payees computer every time they spend some (payers), transaction categories and money. However, ifyou find yourself transaction sub':ategories; these can be spending more than you' re bringing in and edited on the fiy or fi om separate screens. want to find out why, then this program will be a great help. D 4

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Money can print five types of reports: Cheque Register, Income and Expense, Tax, Budget and Net Worth Reports. You can

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Producb Microsoft Publisher, Version 1.0 lNanufacturer. Microsoft Corporation System Requirements: MS-DOS or PC-DOS operating system version 3.1 or later; Microsoft Windows graphical environment version 3.0 or later, Personal computer using 80286, 80386SX, 80386DX or higher microprocessor; 1MB of RAM (2 MB recommended); One 525" high-density (1.2 MB) or 3.5" highAensity (1 A4 MB) disk drive, and a hard disk; EGA, VGA, 8514IA, Herculesgraphics card, or compatible video graphics adapter and monitor (color recommended); Microsoft mouse or c ompatible po i n t in g dev i c e (mo u ae recommended); Printers, piottefa, and networks supported by Microsoft Windows (no special network version required) Price: $249


en "desk top publishing" first became a reality, many people p redicted th e d e m ise o f t h e typesetting, graphic arts and printing industry. Today, of course, these activities are still going strong, powered in part by the same DTP activities which were supposed to destroy it. When Aldus Pagemaker first appeared on the scene, it altered the way people prepared all kinds of preseatation material aad documentation. Rather than doing the Xerox/cut-aad-paste ahuff1e, people could compose documents in electronic form and print a fully finishe w ork once, without the terror of laat~ u t e editing. Glueatick sales fell sharply after the first DTP program appearedl Since then, the struggle for superiority haa beea between Pagemaker aud Ventura, the two gargantuan DTP software packages for the PG platform. The race between these two has always been to add more and more features/functions. The only real constraint is the hardwarel In the near future, we may well see these two programs reporting such things as "can handle 1,000,000 pages per documeatl" or "can import TIFF images up to 20 gigabytes in sizel . For those of you in the DTP industry, this would make the heart race wildly, but in most office environments, desktop publishing means much snore mundane tasks. In many cases, 20 pages or leaa, with a few charts and graphs, or maybe a haadArawn diagram or two.Hardly the mahnga of a fuGcolor, coffee@ablehardcover! Oaerhll is the operative word here. Enter Microsoft Publisher. At Brat glance, one would assume that Microsoft is trying to bite a big chunk out of the two established giants of DTP. But upon closer examination, you realize that Publisher ia designed fora type of DTP user who does not require the power of Pagemaker or

Ventura For years now, if you needed DTP software, you had to pay lots of money for a lot of features you would never uae.

Installation Installation of Mi crosoft Publisher follows the current trend for software installation of Windows products by asking you to start Windows, go to the "file' menu in the program manager, and click on "RUN". At this point you enter "A:setup" and the software is installed directly into Windows PubHsher comes on three disks in both 5.25" high density (1.2MB) and 5.5" highAenaity (L44 MB) formats It does not t ake an abnormally long time. O n ce installed, it appears in ita own folder and is ready to run. Simple and relatively fool proof.

Performance MS Publisher is fast. Of course, since Microsoft also produces the Windows environment under which it runs, one would expect it to perform at maximum effidency. This is not to say, however, that busy documents iaatantly appear and that zooaung in and out is breathtahng, but it is comfortably quick ia all but one of ita functions (PageWizarda). The main executable program of Publisher is only 670K bytes, as opposed to Pagemaker, for example, which is around 1.6MB in size. Overall, Publisher is quick and easyto uae, perfect for a great many of the tasks which require speed aad simplioit.

, "',.~p Biisgnei,,



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Every time you start Publisher, you are presented with a selection of four options. These are PageWizarda, Templates, Blank Page, and Open (files). The first one is PageWizarda, which automatically creates a publication for you. It's hind of like a macro that you run and it asks you a few questions and then builds a publication. If you' re unsure of your owa d esign abilities, PageWizards can simplify the task greatly. The only drawback is it took almost 15 minutes to build a two-page publicationl After that, this reviewer was not prepared to try a 20-page newsletter. Aside from the length of time, the concept ia a good one. PageWizards also haa a learning feature that lets you w atch h o w i t b u i l d s y o ur publication. Once it's fi nishe, you can modify the publication to your owa tastes. The second option ia Templates. These are more traditional in that they are finiahed

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AutoCAD r.11 for the 386 ...



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Product: AutoCAD release 11 for the 386 induding AME (edvanced modeling extension). Publishers Autodesk, lnc., 2320 Marinshlp Wey, Seusellto, Callfomln, 94965, USA. System Requirements: 80386 (step BO or higher) or 80486 CPU; 80287 or 80387 meth co-pro; 640KB system RAM plus 1MB extended RAM (recommended: 3MB extended RAM); 20MB herd drive; 005 v3.3. Prices AutoCAO 386 - $3500; AME - $500. utoCAD comes with the AutoLISP progratnming language and ADS AutoCAD Development System). The AME is also induded in the software but you only get to use it when you pay your $500. AutoCAD is also available for many other systems like the Madntosh, Xenix, Sun, OS/2, IBM 286, etc., but it may not come with all the bells and whistles, so be sure and check it out. For an explanation of terminology used in this artide, see my artide, "Intro to CAD," in the September issue of Tt Io Computer P~.

ADS reference manual, an AutoUSP manual, and an ADS reference manual. You can see AutoCAD would have a fairly long learning curve and it might be worthwhile to take in some short introductory course if you are new to it. You can probably learn the basics of 2-D drafting in a week or so, but it will take considerably longer to become very profident at it, espedally if you are trying to master it on your own.

Drafting with AutoCAD

AutoCAD provides a full complement of commands and variables for you to use. The screen is set up in very straightforward fashion. On the tight hand side is the main menu and along the top is a pulldown menu. Placing your mouse cursor on any of these commands initializes the command and usually takes you through a series of subnnenus. You can also respond to the Command prompt at the bottom of the screen via the keyboard. The first thing to do when you enter aenerai Overview AutoCAD is set up the parameters of your AutoCAD is the most widely used CAD drawing such as the scale, limits, grid size, program available. It probably makes up at snap points, and viewports. least half of all highwnd PGbased CAD sysViewports (which are most helpful with tems out there. I n t h i s latest version, SD models), are like having a number of difAutodesk has improved the 2-D and 3-D ferent screens on your monitor, each of aspect of AutoCAD in a number of impor- which can be set up with a diFerent view of tant ways. the wire4rame model. For example, you may It indudes both ADS and AutolISP, draw a line which only is only a couple of which can be used to write, simple macros or inches long and looks parallel to your xy highly complex commands to customize axis, but on checking another viewport you AutoCAD to your particular needs. ADS is a discover it is drawn at an angle and extrudes progrntnming interface that allows high- into the z axis. Viewports are not usually level C programtning, although you will necessaty for 2-D dtawings. have to buy a compiler for it. AutoIISP, There are over 40 diFerent drawing and which has also been hnprcrved, and doesn' t editing commands with which to produce need a compiler, is a simpler progran!ming your drawing. Each of these has additional language that has been included with submenus. The Arc command, for example, AutoCAD since the mid '80s. indudes 11 different ways to draw arcs. Release 11 also indudes AME, which simThe layering system allows you to apply piifies 8-D construction and is capable of various layers to diFerent line types or assocreating solid S.D modeh. This version of date diFerent colors with line thickness. You AutoCAD aho allows networhng — up to 128 Imn also apply layers to different sections of useri, but you need to have the same memo- your drawing and then breeze (they don' t ry configuration for all workstations. You show up on your screen but stBI exist in the also get a file lockmg system. drawing editor) or unfreeze them according to dadthsg or plotting use. Installation and %'aining Blocks and nested blocks (blocks within Like m ost p r o grams t hese d ays, blocks) can be inserted and manipulated AutoCAD is just about selfmstnlling. You according to scale and orientation and easily insert disk 41, type install, and it does it all created as you need them. You can keep foryou except for maybe three or four ques- them in your current drawing or copy them tions it asks you along the way. Then you go to a main directory for use in other drawthrough the configuration menu which has hsgs. drivers for just about any hardware you AutoCAD a lso i n d u des a ssodative might have. The whole process takes about dimensioning, which changes your dimen15 minuteL sions as you make changes to your drawing. AutoCAD indudes six manualm a referThere is a large array of hatching patence ~ over 600 pages long, a tutcmial, terns, a dozen Ihfferent ways to zoom or

an instalhtion and perfIoxxnance guide, an

pan, a Shell utihty, and enough other com-


mends and variables to draft just about anything within reason. Those of y o u w h o a r e w o ndering whether i t i s w o r t h u p grading f'rom AutoCAD release 10 might want to take note of the next section, in which I summarize some of the additions and changes made to release 11.

Release 11 AutoCAD release 11 has improved on many existing areas of release 10, but has also come up with a number of brandmew features, some of which I would now like to concentrate on. Release 11 includes a simple text editor. In previous versions you had to re-type the entire line or write an AutoLISP routine. Release II n e w works in paper and model space. Model space is what AutoCAD has always worked in, whereas paper space is provided to help in setting up and plotting a drawing. Paper space represents the actual sheet of vellum or whatever material you will be plotnng onto. Up to 16 different viewports areprovided, each of which can be scaled differently. You make each viewport active and manipulate the drawing into whichever view or scale you wish. For example, if you want to produce a sheet with a floor plan at 1/8" scale and a detail at I/2" scale you would activate a viewport, make it l arge enough to accommodate the I / 8 " floor plan, and then make a smaller viewport in which the detail fills the viewport, In previous versions you would have had to copy the detail and then trim off' the lines you didn't want and then insert it or make a block of it if you wanted to insert it in another drawing. You can use AutoCAD commands in each viewport to turn layers on and off, etc. External references can now be used. This means you can pull in another drawing



and not make itpart of your current drawing. It is similar to Inserting a block but only using it for reference. You can manipulate the reference drawing the same way as your current drawing using the editing commands, by turning different layers on or off, or by snapping to objects. You can also attach and detach secuons or elements of the reference drawing tothe current drawing. There have been enhancements made to most areas of the software, making this release a substantial upgrade compared to other upgrades.

uo ae v.2 with AutodeskRenderMan


3-D Drafting In release 10, creating 3-D models was a rocess. You somewhat could use the "mesh" commands, but often you had to create a wire-frame model line by line and then create 5.D faces to produce objects that emulated a solid object. Release 11 has changed all that. Now you can u s e t h e f e atures of "AMElite" (which is induded), and use simple geometric solid 3-Dobjects such as cylinders, cones, spheres, and wedges to create your solid models. If you have the full AME (for which you pay extra) package you can easily combine these solids to create one solid object. You can then edit and analyze your solid object. Commands are provided to produce 2-D Block References by liÃng off" 2-D faces, or taking a slice through the solid object at any userwpedfied angle. A rudimentary Shade command is now included. It is not nearly as complex or Qexible as the AutoShade package, but it does provide ashaded image of your 3-D model with a single light source stationed at the same position as the viewer. The AMElite commands are induded with the software, but the AMK package

timeonsuming p

Continuedon Page 89

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by ErfTd chroeb Product: AutoShade v.2 with Autodesk Render Man for the 386. Also includes AutoFlix v.2. Publisher. Autodesk, Inc., 2320 Mannship Way, Sausalito, California, 9496S, USA. System Requirements:80386 (step BO or higher) or 80486 CPU; Intel 80387 or Weitek 11i07I3167 math co-pro; 4MB Rem (6MB RAM recommended); 20MB hard drive; DOSv3.3. Price: $1200


utoShade can b e b o u ght w i thout RenderMan for about half the cost. What RenderMan doesfor you isgenerate photoreaiistic images by applying different textures and surfaces to your model. In some cases these textures come very dose to emulating "real life" textures. You can also use three different light sources, which provide some interesting shadows. I admit to being very impressed with the results. With AutoShade aloneyou are able to have colors of your choice applied to the surfaces of

s •

your 3-D model. Rendering a model with RenderMan also takes a lot longer than shading a model does.

Installation and Configuration Like AutoCAD, and most current software, A u t oShade is Configuring can be a bit more complicated. RenderMan is not very well supported and both it and AutoShade will use the default 320 x 200 resolufion if you want to use 256 colors (which, of course, you do). It took t he help of a "computer programmer" friend of mine to get the whole package working at SVGA resolution. Low resolution simply does not allow you to really make sense of the RenderMan renderings as they use such detailed and complicated surfaces and textures. AutoShade does support enough drivers so you don't have to buy any new ones. RenderMan doesn't come with any hardcopy supporting drivers but it does support TIFF files.

self ~stalling.

Setting up in AutoCiLD The first thing you do is enter AutoCAD to draw or importyour model. When you are readyfor shading you set up your model with the view you want and then load the Ashade menu, which provides you with the necessary tools. AutoDesk uses terminology borrowed from the movie industry, which is a good idea in that you don't have to learn a -whole new jargon. You set up lights (point, directed, and spot light) and then position your camera with the lens (flsh~ye to super telephoto) you are going t o u se, which determines the way the model will appear on the display. Different light sources and cameras can be used in the drawing but be sure that when you are placing them you are working parallel to the xy axis or you might Gmfinuad on Pagr 82



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eneric V. • Q Err Tcichrocb

send your drawing elsewhere for plotting, you can create plot iles on disk These iles can become quite huge. The utiTity for converting iles and the 3-D package have to be purchased separately. It would be nice to at least have the filewonversion aMity induded in the basic package.


With this latest version, Generic CADD has provided a surprising amount of features ProducbGeneric CADD Version 5.0 Publisher. Generic Software,Inc., 11911 North at a low price, and for those who don't need Creek Pkwy., South Bothall, WA 98011 the power of a high~d CAD system, it is a INInimum System Requlr'uments: IBM PC, XT, choice definitely worth considering. 0 AT, PSi2, or 100%O compatible computer, 640K memory, DOS version 3.0 Price: $549 AutOShade sanf Pom Puga79

Overview Generic CADD is one o f t h e m o re impressive lowed CAD systems available. With the recent release of version 5.0 Generic has started to dose the gap between itself and some of the more expensive CAD systems. For the price of the package you can't expect the a dvanced features of AutoCAD or other high~d CAD packages, but you do get a powerful set of commands.

get some unexpected results. After you have placed the lights and cameras you create "scenes" by picking one of the cameras and any number of lights you want to use for that particular view. The last stage is creating a filmroH fiie, complete with aH the different scenes, which is copied to AutoShade.

Using AutoShade

In AutoShade you open thefi lmroH and pick the scene of ch o ice. U s ing t h e Generic CADD is very simple to install Fastshade or Qdckshade will give you an and doesn't rewrite any of your .BAT iles. idea of what you are going to be looking at, You can have the program installed and run- and when you are satisfied, the FuHshade ning in about five minutes on an IBM or command will give you the Snal product. IBM clone, as it provides supporting drivers AutoShade allows you to change the paramfor most hardware. eters for hghts, cameras, and the view. There are three manuals inClude, aH of ThankfuHy, the software also provides a which are well writ'ten and laid out and igus- Smooth command for smoothing out awktrated with helpful examples. Besides the ward wireframe models. reference manual there is a user guide AutoShade doesn't have the aMity to which is primarily concerned with configur- create shadows. Surfaces that are facing the ing your system and a tutorial guide which light source are brighter than surfaces that walks you through some basic exercises. are fiicmg away. However, you can set up the light parameters to have the light become Functions and Features dimmer as you move away from the light Generic CADD has aH the draw and edit source. commands you need foreffi cient CAD proThe software's commands are aH set up duction. You can create your ovm fonts if as puHAown menus and submenus. you don't like the ones induded, plus it gives you macro capability up to 255 charac- Rendering in Renderlan ters. Generic also has a few features that are RenderMan works much the same way as not always found in lowland CAD systems. AutoShade. First you apply the surface Double Auto-fifieting allows you to draw shaders and textures and create the filmroH two parallel lines with the arcs automatically in AutoCAD. Then you copy the flle to trimmed for the correct radiua This feature, AutoShade and create an RND filewhich when combined with the Intersection Trim you render. Just like in AutoShade, there is a command (which cleans up crossing double menu for adjusting the shadersand even lines) is quite useful for drawing waHs on changing to a completely different shader, Soor plans. There is also an Undo and Redo although you won't be able to set up aH the (to undo your undo's) that aHow you to original parameters as in AutoCAD. You can reverse your commands up to a limit of 25. also apply shadows, and if you use the With nested commands you can begin a line Spotlight option you can come up with at one end of adrawing and then pan or some fairly complex shadows. Be warned zoom to the other end to complete the line. though, where it will take 15 seconds to The Like command is also helpful in that shade a model it wiH take upwards of 15 you can change values, angles, color, etc., by minutes, and longer, to render the same pointing to an enfity that has the desired model in RenderMan. The results, though, property or status instead of having to type it are very impressive. in or lookhtg for it through the menus. You can also save the drawing in text form for AutoFlix use in text editors. AutoHix i s a n a n i mation p rogram induded with the AutoShade software. It is Limitations also usuaHy available on bulletin boards and Genedc CADD allows you to start and shareware, although you have to send in end drawings within its drawing editor with- some money to get the full worhng softout having to go back to a main menu, but ware you have to be sure and stay alert when it This piece of softwar'e is installed sepapromptsyou fora new drawing name. Itcan rately f'rom AutoShade and utfiizes both happen — and it probably will one late night AutoCAD and AutoShade to produce fuHwhen you are tired and bleaxycyed and blown animations. First you enter AutoCAD nearly Snished an extremely important pro- to produce the B-D model you want to aniject — that you wHI miss the appropriate mate. Then you definethe anhnation path, prompt or make a mistake typing in the new set up other objects for movement, and drawing title. When you end the new draw- adjust the number of frames you intend to ing it will be saved over the old drawing, and use for the animation. AutoHix sends the since Generic CADD does not provide an Sle to AutoShade, where each hne is shadautomatic backup drawing, as other CADD ed. After this you use the "player" provided

Getting started

systems do, you will lose the old drawing.

If you don't have a plotter and want to

Corstintssd onPage 89




: ,::::g. .,:.<,. „

Lass I fl f Q Lindcc Rc/crbncdg I Produch Sony Laser Library; The Complete CDROMStart-up Kit System Reqttlremantsi IBM Personal Computer (IFC) XT and AT or compatible systems. Best with a hard disk, a mouse and a video graphics adapter (1/GA) display Publisher. Sony, SonyDrive, Mail Drop T1-11, Park Ridge, ItU07656; EastCoast (201)368-3774, West Comt (714)82645410 Price: US$699



he one word that comes to this parent's mind to describe the Sony Laser Library is exciting. Geared for families with preschool and school-age children, it was trouble4ree to install, and for the moat part, very intuitive to uae.

Bookshelf 1991 Edition, Languages of the World, National Geographic Mammals, Mixed-Up Mother Goose from Sierra, and t he Sof t w ar e T ool w o rk s Wor l d Atlas/Installation/Demonstration disk. I was pretty excited about getting it installed, but I anticipated problems because I have two serial ports, an optical scanner, an internal modem, and three other drives connected to my I B M-compatible AT computer with ahard disk and 640 x 480 video graphics adapter (VGA) display. I took longer to install it than I needed to, as it turned out, because I read carefully through the installation instructions and the manual loohng for a statement like, "this won't work with...." I didn't find one, though there w ere i nstructions o n h o w t o make adjustments to jumpers on the card if conQicts occurred, so I went ahead. Sony provides a screwdriver that adjusts Rom Phillips to standard for the installation. Not an expensive screwdriver, but it was there and I used it. I took the cover oK the computer, found an empty slot, inserted the SCSI card according to the step@y~tep-withpictures Read Me First instructions, dosed up the computer, installed the software, and it worked.

HP 95LX Palmtop PC with

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PC power in thepalm of your hand Built-in: • Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2.2 • Complete set of organizer tools • HP financial calculator • Data communications • Plug-in card slot • 512K RAM Link to your PC with the optional Connectivity Patck

The software requires 11.5 megabytes of

hard disk space, but 8 of that is the demo program which can be deleted after it is Review I have two schoolschildren, girls 13 viewed. The installation was easy and selfand 7 yearsof age, and hke most parents I e xplanatory, bu t i t d i d c h a n ge my know, I'm quite interested in their academic AIlTOEXEC.BAT and CONHG.QS files progress and I want them to be able to and required me toreboot. Once I rebooted, the Laser Library navigate a computer. So the Sony Laser menu appeared on screen, and looked Library waa right up our alley. The Sony Laser Library, The Complete much like a Microsoft Windows application. CD-ROM Start-up Kit contains a compact In fact, the Laser Library will run aa a disc (CD) memozy external chive, Windows application and thc; installation a small computer systems interface (SCSI) will detect Windows and install itself there as card to control the drive, and six program an icon as well. Once the menu was on the screen, I disks. The disks include the Compton's Family Encyclopedia, T h e M i c r osoft Continued on Page85

rsttwsrs~, PrtntGraph, and Translate are not included g

" """'*" ""-"'"'" " " " "

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Laser Library ~ni.p


p g 83

pictures as welL We asked, "Why is the sky blue?", "When do wisdom teeth come in?" and we looked up Cats.I'd heard we could type in questions in sentence form and the encyclopedia software would bring us the answers, and it did. The user interface on the encyclopedia is easy, but text oriented. Just looking through the pictures at random gas was quite interesting. We looked through the Software Toolworks Atlas, and looked at California topographically, then played with the Microsoft Bookshelf looking through famous quotes, but my youngest really liked the National Geographic Mammals. It was graphically oriented and she was able to figure it out and find the animals she was loohng for~ h eetahs. It allows you to hear the animals if there's something to hear (there isn't with hamsters which we also looked up, and all dogs sound pretty much the same after a while), and it even has video clips of the animals in some cases. While the resolution on the clips wasn't as <k'I! nice as I'd like, you certainly get the idea how the animal b'ehaves. A game is available where children look for a specific animal with specific characteristics for a zoo director. My daughter liked the game the best, after she learned to navigate the program. Pronunciation for some terms is also available, and I found it helpful for r: . 'i it. I won't spoil the demo by describing it, those troublesome scientific names. Also, the drive allows the hook-up of since I couldn't describe it well enough anyway, but the demo is mostly just for stereo speakers in the back, which I did. The Y, showing off the capalities of the CD-ROM sound quality was great and the stereo drive. After a few sound and graphics speakers really enhanced our enjoyment of ig'g experiences, the demo goes into a tutorial the system. Now, however, I' ve switched to of sorts for what a CD-ROM drive is, how it using the yPe of sPeakers with theh own works and what information is available on battery power that my daughter uses with her Walkman, because of their size. CDs in the Laser Library. I understood the CD-ROM player could Once the CD-ROM drive was installed be used for music es well end i wes trying to „'-":.:. ';.' : and working, I got my kids involved. We asked questions of the Compton's Family figureout a way to borrow a CD, but Ifound Encydopedia and not only got answers, but I didn't need to — music was on the demo

decided to try out the demo program. The drive has a stereojack on the front, and comes with a set of stereo headphones, so I plugged in the headphones and put them on. The CD disks have to be taken out of their holders und placed in a CD caddy, a plastic case you squeeze on both sides on the front to release a clear plastic top that opens so a CD disk can be inserted face up. Then the CD caddy is inserted into the drive. The drive accepts the CD caddy quite enthusiastically, and at first I thought it might take my fingers with it. After closer inspection I can see no possibiTity of getting pinched fingers, but it startled me at first. Complete pictorial instructions are supplied for how to use the CD caddy. O nce the C D d isk with th e d e m o program on it was in the drive, I selected the demo from the Laser Library menu. I was unprepared forwhat happened next. It was like being in a movie theatre. I showed it to everyone who came around for about the next week. Thinking back on it, it wasn' t that the pictures were so shockingly real, though the sound certainly was, but it was coming from such an unexpected source, my PC. That's when the excitement started for my family and we haven't grown tired of

A •

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Hard Dfivee ® Conttoiierl

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Pslriol120, 120MB oomprssssd, 2yrs wsrrs nly..............3 265 Fuiasu 45MB25ms,IDEw/64K,3yrwwrsnly ...........$225 Psbhi 260, 250MB compressed, 2yrs wsn Qusnhsn52MB 17ms IDEw/64K Cache ...............,.285 s n ly ................ 346 Psehl internal tape drive contellsr, 2yrs ............................60 SBIsub lshl66MB 26ms ....,...... ................... ....25$ Pslrhl syasmg4 case hr Pslrhl120/250 ............................ 106 Msxhr acMB1$ms, IDE 1'high, 82K2yr. wslrsniy .32$ 86$ C ohrsdo Jumbo120,40120MBCsp. ..............................316 Fu)ilsu105MBaems, IDEw/64K,3 yr.wgsrwgly.. CohrsdoJumbo260, 120-250MBCsp............................,366 Quantum 106MB, 17msIDE w/64K2 yr.weraniy .. 365 C OhredO KE49 eXtemalldI furtumbc/drl .......... w..............86 Fuliau 185MB2ena, IDEW/64K3 yr. Warranty.. ... 4$5 Cohrsdo KE-10extsmsl la for Jumbo/clrl ...................,....130 WsstwnDIBllsl 2CCMB,14msIDE 2yr. wwrsniy .... a}5 CohrsdoAB.10lsPecanaoller (22MB/Inln) ................o....69 Qusnhsn 210MB, 15msIDEw/56K2 yr.wsrrsnly 6I FulasuEBDISSCMB5 yr. wsyrsnly 5yr.wsnsnly 1570 CohrsdoFC-10tapeamedler (44MB/inln) .......................95 CohrsdoTC-15lspe gMveclrasr, 38MB/inln .............,.....229 IDE 164yII1:1 HD/FDosnlruasr .................. 1750 Archive 55408V40MB2.4MB/Inln w/tope Inl...................315 IDE ND/FDCanlmllsrworkswith anyoldBIOS ..54.50 Are@vs 554060/40MB2AMB/min. wHD/lpe Eia..............445 .205 USrsstsr12F,E8DI HD/FD,1:1conlreller ........ 3M DC2000 tape csrlrtdgs40MBesp............................2450 Adoptee 82bll, EBDI EISA,SCSI-2 1:1 Orl ......,...,57$ 3M DC2120tape osrlrldge 120MBosp..........................2750 Uarssla 22C, EBDI, EISA,1MBcache 1:1Orl .........$7$

P rinter s 8

U ti litlee

NEC Slsnlwrilsr II/$0 Pouhcrlpl6ppm .....31875 HP Lsssrtel IIIP, 4ppm,300dpl 1MB..........1850 HP Lsssrtel III, appm,800dpl 1MB............ 1$50 HP Lasertel Illsl, 17ppm...........................4825 NP Dsshtel 500,sppm, 800dpl ..................66$ HP IIP/IIIP hw» papereeyhh.....................179 HP memory card w/1MBfor IIIP/III ................129 HP toner csrlddgss nl/6IP,.....o................ 115/99

PsdacPsge PE4.0PoatscrlpI ....................,..425 FulasuDl3450 24 pin240 cps....................505 Fuilhu DL3450cohr Idl .............. ...............110 CmzenGBX140+ 24 pin 220cps ................369 Rswm9101 9 pin, 192 cps............................ 165 Raven 241624 pin, 192cps..........................259 Raven 241814 pin.......................................379


Monitors ® Video Cards Evsrdsls/Dsrhs 1024x766.26mm dp ........................345 sony 14' CPD-1304Mgsllscsn nonlnI........................$15 NEC 3Ds14'Miahync.26mm dp,............................ecs NEC 4D 16' 1024x766 ..............................................1145 NEC 5D 20' 1260x1024 nontnt .......................o......2750 Nsnso 16' Rwrsosn1024x766.................................1275 Mano grsphlc card ............o..........,.........................17.50 Osk VGA cardwsh512K ..............................................69 Psrsdss VGAcord wllh 256K ......................................95 Tssng LabeET4000card wah 1MB...........................145 ATl OEM XL1024whh 1MB .......................................175 All XL 1MB/Inouse.....................................................250 ATI grsphic ullrs 1MB,mouse..................................696 Pixel Turbo FjX1MBVGATssng tubs....................... 199 Sllcon Grsphlcs Iris Vision 24bll/3D/2MB ...............8575

IIodeme I Mice


5.2Ir frsme ...........$70 Csrdnsl2400bsudlnlsmslmodsm..........................865 T u se 1.2MB 1,44MB or delve wlsg A T I/Ocsrdwllh18, 1P, 16/and cNPsel.............. o...15i@ Csrgdngs 2taslbsuld exlsmslmodem........................125 CsrcSng4 96003endfax Int modem............................ 10$ 1 m ' 9 8IMM,70ns .........................................„......SS/MB CsrcSng4 $6008/R faxmodem....,...............................129 ln l sl 3673X-16MNzf%7DX48MHz ...................,.160/260 55 Csrgdnal2400 MNP5lnlsmslmodsm........................ 18$ F i c hu 4700 Keybosrdo,........,....,...........,...., Csictnsl 2400MNPS gwlemal modem..............---- 185 Fo cus K01 Ksybosrd ....................... .......................,.55 j 1$ Csndnal$1KOV32Inlemalmodem...........................465 N o rthBsie Cmnikey 101 ..... .,....., . Csrgdnal$600V.32/ A2bs exl. modem..............w...o455 N o nhgsle Dmnlkey Plus................ o.w.o.....................135 US. Rcbodcs$600, V32 bhlnI/gsd....................S$5/675 N gudyBsle CmnlksyUles ............................................ 169 • U.B. Robolcs14AKB, V.42bls Int/eye....o..........695/850 P ower bar bush ange proholhn .............................6.$5 II.B. Robodcs dual sld, V.32 bioini/eye...............919/849 P o wer bsr Nil swge proteodon ............................... 1tL95 tgyglteoh BerlslMouse...............................................o.75 D e sldop case wlh tubs SOWpowersupply ..............95 Loghech BusMouse...........................-......................as M i dgdze lower casewsh8$w power sgsgply -----. 135 Mlcrosoa3srhl Mouse...............................................o65 F d & z elowsr osse wah23IW PowersuPPly ........... 1$5 MlaOSCIIBueMOuee ......................o..........................110 P d nier Sherln Suh SWitCh 2 end 4IO1 ...... ..........3080

Complete Systems 26 6 -12MHz VL61, ModuyrBoosrdAMI Bhs ..........3625 3363X teMNz hlsl, MolhsrBoosrdAMI Bhs.........715

886DX25MNzaoyo, MoswrBoosrd AMIlaos.......575 386DX48MHzsoyo,MosgwBoosrd/Sdi Sos .......9$$ 336DX~zsoyo, Mosls rBoosrdAMIBhs.....10$9 486DX48MHzsolio, MudgerBoosrdAMI Bhs.....1495 486DX~ " I M rahsr Boosrd AMI Bhs....... 1495 • 24 luna bgsninlesl F u)hsu FKB4700 1014urygmhsnosd ksybosr

4hk aveA~ @,512K sveA sh dp mn+r p sysdigs csy OEM d,512K, SvaA ~ dp monlhr ..415 Tssna labs H4000osrd th8,8yeA 26 dPm onllor. 475 A T I OEM XL nsn4/ser, 1MBSNA iuyn+amanltOr....4$$


Laser Library ~ f . fme page85




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the Laser Library Menu and a full screen graphic of a very realistic CD music player with speakers and buttons came on screen. I used the mouse to press the buttons, just as I would on a real CD player, and here came the songs provided on the demo disk. I was impressed, both with the way it operated and with the music Sony chose to Include. The most difiicult program disk was the Languages of the World, whose interface is not the least bit standard or intuitive. In fact, I thought it was a damaged or buggy program. To get into the program, I had to press AltSpacebar, although the screen says "Press any key to continue." When I pressed any key the first time I was put back in the main menu, and the second time the machine locked up. I had to power off to get it back I called support and they explained that the program instructions have all the necessary keystrokes. They do, but it would be necessary to spend some serious time learning to use the program. It depends heavily on the right and left arrow keys for paging through the menus and pressing the Enter key produces an error message. I did f ollow the i n structions and go t t h e iranslation for the word "tree" in French. By far the best program in the set was Mxed-Up Mother Goose from Sierra We' ve all played it, and the graphics, sound, story line and the interaction were the best of all the programs included, as well as exciting and fun. My seven-year-old is into it the most, however my thtrteen~arwld wants to play as well and the two of them will play for 1 to 2 hours at a time. Though I understand the programs all run in 640 (K) hlobytes of random access memory (RAM), more RAM is better. The Microsoft Bookshelf and the Languages of the World Programs are memory resident and will require more than 640 K if run with a word processing program, which is a - reasonable way to want to use them. I found I had to reboot after using them to switch to another CD program, because I ran out of memory. Also, an addendum is included which states MS-DOS 5.0 users will need to add the line DEVICE~&OS SETVER.EXE to the CONHG.SMI file, if it is not already there, to run the Laser Library System.

Intel Hand

canner by T. Bass Product Intel Hand Scanner for Intel SatlsFAXtion Manufacturer: Intel Personal Computer EnhancementOperation, CO3-7, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Pkwy, Hillsboro OR 971246497, 5034297354, 800-538-3373. System Requirements: PC-AT, 386, 486, PS-2, and 100% compatibles with one megabyte RAM, a floppy end hard disk with two megabytes of free space, MS-DOS 3.2 or higher, and a VGA, EGA, CGA, or Hercules-compatible monochrome monitor. In order to use Ansel, the image enhancing software provided with the package, Windows 3.0 has to be running. Prke: US$399.


Intel's 256 gray-scale hand scanner works, but the interface may be shaky with uncommon motherboards.


It was a bit scary installing the scanner b ecause of m y p ast h istory with t h e SatisFAXtion board. Readers will recall last year how it caused my system to crash repeatedly. However, the scanner installed without a hitch and everything seemed to be doing fine, for a while..... This hand scanner was much easier to use than the ones I reviewed a year ago. It was a pleasure to scan items for clip art. I also created by scanning a p e r f ectly acceptable 256-gray scale rendition of a color picture of myself and my mother at 400dpi with the DOS scan feature. Later I viewed the picture through XSoft's PCPaintBrush 1V Plus. It was beautifuL I played with various features, Includingdots per inch, DPI, calibrations of 100, 200, 500 or 400,and black and white gray-scale settings of 16, 64, or 256 shades. I was enjoying myself with just the command line scan command. This command was induded with scanner drivers ' and can be included in your DOS subdirectory. Its parameters govern the size of scanned image and provide various file Rating format extensions. PERFORM A N C E: 4. Ifound the Sony Then I installed the LogiTech's Ansel, CD-ROM Leer Library to be outstanding. It is well thought out and I n o t iced no which is packaged with the scanner. Ansel is performance penalty in speed compared to designed to accept scanned graphic images ) what I normally get with programs loaded into the MS-Windows 5.0 environment. ( Ansel proved to be an excellent program for on my hard disk USEFULNESS: 4. The drive itself is manipulation of scanned images. I was confident that all my previous, useful as more CDs for software are becoming available, but so is the software problems with the SatisFAXion board were that came with it. I would recommend this water under the bridge, so I shut off the for kids over a set of encyclopedias or other computer. Later, when a fiend came over to see the scanner, I turned the machine reference books without hesitation. The price is actually $599 instead of the $699 back on — and was crushedl My computer went crazy. Something was corrupting the seen in several advertisements from hardware vendors. I think it would be an CMOS. Over the next couple of days I spent excellent family holiday gift, and one of those gifts a family would spend aII year hours on the phone with various techies Rom Intel Corp. trying to get the board and telling fiiends what a smart purchase it was. MANUALS: 4. The documentation is s canner back up. Every time I cu t m y excellent. I found everything I needed in it, computer off and rebooted cold it would go especially for instailafion, which was one of h aywire. Whatever was going on w a s my concerns. It's a good thing for the user happening between start up and the PowerOn Self Test. that the documentation is so complete, Finally Intel's technical support people because, though technical hardware problems are supported at just the price of said that they would send me another board. the phone call, software support is offered If this did not resolve the problems they on a 900 number with the first minute f'ree, would have me send my computer to their laboratory. Their engineers could then but after that it's $2.00 per minute. AVAILABILITY: 4. No problem here. perform tests directly on my computer to see Since it's from Sony, I'm sure it will be what was causing the problem. When I r e ceived the new board, I available everywhere. I haven't had any noticed an updated chip in the U22 slot and trouble finding it and my contacts in the major chains, like Software Etc., all say what looked like a resistor soldered between two terminals. Much to my relief the new they' re getting them in soon. 0 board worked. The modem, FAX, and scanner all functioned as they should. LirrrfaRokrfrorsfIs rrrrirss f or N~ te s .


• • •

On follow up, I talked to several of the Intel tech suppoxt people, who stated that there were occasionally problems with S atisFAXtion's i n teraction wit h l e s s common motherboardsand/or their BIGS. If you are having problems, it is best to communicate with Intel's tech support — a helpful bunch. If they can't get it to work



Configurations 4 Upgrades

for you they will give you a Return Material


Authorization (RMA) and take it back

PERFORMANQI8 (S.O) Once installed, it performs flawlessly, a credit to both LogiTech's scanner design and Intel's SatisFAXtion board. H owever, I never received a satisfactory answer as to what was wrong between my computer and the board.


386dx-25 .... 729 386dx-33c ... 839

286.20 511 386$x-16 .... 599 386$ -20 ....619


148543c .. 1243

Online Information Systems Inc .

IIN alldlxa u$ $$, atlelo. (01 $$ I I IN • IO Ccaasdsr IO (ti, fa Ioi

USEFULNESS: (4) T h i s de vice in combination with the SatisFAXtion board has many, varied uses. It opens up a new world of chp art, gives you the abiTity to be creative in styimg a logo for your letterhead or fax cover sheet. It also can perk up your ' newsletter or an y desktop published document.

286-20 ........ 89

386 d x-33c399 ....

386sx-16 ..... 175 386$x-20 ..... 204 386dx-25 ..... 326

4 8 6 $x-25 ..... 660 486 d x43c 799 .. 4 8 6EISA-33c . 1800

40MB .......186 Quantum 52MB. 223 WDBSMB ...„.325 Fuytau 90MB.299

Toshiba 105MB356 Futitsu 130MB 440 WD210MB ..... 669 Fujtsu 330MB1265

MsSMatl rraa

MANUAL: (5.5) The manual is short and to the point. The directions are clear about how touse the DOS scan program. There could be a little more infoxmation as to thechanging DMA info when there are possible conflicts. Interestingly enough - there was an addendum already, addressing incompatibilities and conflicts. A separate manual is provided for Ansel, the scanning and paint program. AVAILABILITY8 (5.5) The Intel Hand Scanner for the Intel SatisFAXtion Board seems to be less readily available than the SatisFAXtion facsimile/modem cards, but 'can be special-ordered from the same retailers. Obviously the diKerence between suggested retail and street price will not be as much on a spedal order item, D


th ~ o~ C K L W K / / /

.28 SuperVGA. 325 Panasotxc VGA. 420 Non-Int VGA... 410

gg 14 MonoVGA 13g .42 cotor VGA. 245 9 pin ........'I75



99 24 pin ......... 272 16 M athCo ...... 149 QkiLaser 400...769 25 MathCo ......229


HP II W/Toner 1298 33 MathCo ...... 240

gorget your 'lV, f ire up your ~C!

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FAST 486DX-33MHz

Intel 486DX-33MHz C.P.U. Running O 33MHz Built-in Math Coprocessor 8K Internal Cache, AMI BIOS 64K External Cache Memory 4MB 70ns. RAM (exp. to 64MB) 105MB 19ms. IDE Hard Drive IDE HDD/FDD Host Adapter 1.2MB or 1.44MB TEAC Floppy Drive Trident 8900 1MB SVGA Card 14' Super VGA.28 mm 1024 x 768 Monitor 101 Key Enhanced Keyboard 6-16 bit Slots, 2-8 bit Slots 19 Mid Tower Case 230 Watt Power Supply









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FAST 386SX-25M Hz AMD 386 SX-25 MHz CPU Running O 16MHz Socketfor Math Coprocessor AMI BIOS 1MB 80ns. RAM (exp. to 8MB) 40MB 17ms. IDE Hard Drive IDE HDD/FDD Host Adapter 1.2MB or 1.44MB TEAC Floppy Drive OAK 256K VGA Card (640x480) 14' Super VGA Monitor .34 mm 101 Key Enhanced Keyboard 5-16bit Slots,1-8 bit Slots 14' Mini Tower Case 200 Watt Power Supply


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AMD 386DX-40MHz C.P.U. Running O 40MHz Socket for Math Coprocessor 64K External Cache Memoly 4MB 70ns. RAM {exp. to 64MB) 105MB 10ms. IDE Hard Drive IDE HDDjFDD Host Adapter 1.2MB or 1.44MB TEAC Floppy Drive OAK 512K SVGA Card {1024x768 non-interlaced) 14 Darius SVGA Monitor 101 Key Enhanced Keyboard 6-16 bit Slots, 2-8 bit Slots 14 Mini Tower Case 200 Watt Power Su I


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Full burn-in testing on all systems 1 Year Parts, 2 Years Labour %'arranty Prices on basic systems COD cash A carry.

For 386DX-25(sameconfiguration) $1,599

eel • •

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Quick Muif Vereioh. 2.S

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• IDMtlmr arm Ier w Mm nwwmmwnni1r nrwt • •~ remm I e~ e mn nmmr



tr fm

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SSNNleO et Nm rmanl I mh IMel Slllml • I Caemltm SmmfllS

Nonmemono. Ismelveet Ot TNlmt CS TIDEVIPS, SN.

tEroctuch QuickMall 2.5 Like the last version of QuickMail, this tGubiishar. CE Software Inc. P.O. Box 655BO, Nest Des Moines, IA 50265. Tel: new release supports the sending and 515-224-1995 playing of audio messages as well as written ones. Maes with microphones can create audie messages; all Macs can p1ay them. Date: 12JOti91 By the way, did you know that using thc To: All staff FILE button to file all those QuiekMail From: System Administrator Subject: New QuickMail 2.5 mc:aaages that you don't want to erase is a great ideal Here's why: Please note that a ne w version of When you Sle your messages, you move Q uickMail w il l b e i n s t alled. on a l l them off of the server onto your local Madntoshc:a in the oaice next week. No machine. This speeds up QuickMail, AND major changes, but there have been several reduces cengestion on its beleaguered hard subtle improvements. drive. The most notable ones are: Here's how to do it...Srst, make sure you System 7 compatibility, user interface have a messagesfolder {QuickMaS's menu enhancements, such as the ability to has a FOLDERS... command where you can conveniently select message types Som the make one o r m o r e) , t h en se lect a l l keyboard, and an improved QuickMail (Command-A) and click QdckMail's FILE Remote program fo r d i a l -i n a c cess. button. A dialog pops up with the name of QuickMait software for the PC is also the folder you just created. Click it to Sle induded with the package. 'em. By the way, you can still accessthose The biggest changes are to do with thc messages in the same way f'rom program's storeosndkorware mechanisms. It They just appear in a sub-folder named as now gives the sender a choice of forwarding above. a message 'as is," or with changes. Changed, Please send any replies to your Siendly too, is the Reply option, which now includes neighborhood network administrator. several options not present in the last Qxestions may be forwarded to me, or version. Endosed, you will Snd a scrapbook directly te CE Software'a excellent tech e illustrating the changes. support staff at 515-2244534. They am also so, any enclosures you may wish to be reached by leaving them a message on send to your coliegucs, such as graphics or their own QxickMail network or virtually any d ocument f i l es, a r e h a n d le d m o r e of the major online services, inclu'ding e fficiently — addressing a comm o n CompuServe, GEnie, AppleLink, MCI Mail, complaint with the last version. Connect aud America Online.O


AutoCAD ~r.f

p~ 7 9

rccpiires an extra DUO or so, tor which you get your authorixation number. This number is entered in at the appropriate prompt, which inittalizes the full AME package.


The manuals include:d with AutoCAD are thoughtfully laid out and indude wellpresented illustrations. If you are new to CAD it would be beat to go through the main tutorial, which provides you with enough information to get started. The main reference manual is a large hardcover book ever 600 pages long, but it is welt4ndexed and is one of the most complete and easy~ d e r stand CAD manuals I have worked with. The only issue I have with it is that it doesn't show yeu where to Snd commands on the menu. The manual assumes you will type in the conunand, and because the menus are quite large and usually have many subgenus it ia often quite a laborious task to Snd a given command, especially when it ian't where you would expect to Slid it. The Vicwpert commando for example, is explained in the chapter on Display Controls, which you would expect, but in the actual software you won't Snd it

under the Display menu, rather, you will Snd it under the Settings menu. The other reference manuals, such as the one for AME or AutoLISP, also indude short tuterials for beginners, but you would p robably have to buy some third~ tex t s to gain a full understanding of the software.

Conclusion With this new release, AutoCAD has provided nearmain&ame CAD for the PC. It is now easier to use than ever and provides impressive S.D abiTities. Any oSice that does a large amount of drafting and/or very repetitive drafting such as elecuical or structural could put CAD to good use. AutoCAD is by no means the only CAD software available, but it is certainly worth considering. 0


unCOmpleX buSineSS

AMS has become aunique POS thatcan handle our routine andcomplex needsall in 'ONE'program. Ken.A. Spanow Ptesfdent, Boundaty Oll Products Umited

Computer Sy stems ARETE 386SX/20 A RETE 386/25 A RETE 386/33 ARETE 486SX/25 w/4sauRAM

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with AuteHix to play your animadon. If you have a fast 886 or a 486 yeu ean get surpiiaingly good results.

Conclusion Overall, I would give this software high marks. The tuterial waa very helpful, except for the last chapter on applying texture maps. Other than that, and the lack of e nough drivers b e ing i n dud ed i n RenderMan, it is worth investing in this

hnd of somme if you want to impressyour clients with some realistic images and animations. 0 E8 Mchceeb runs a draftin9ECAD business. Ha has extens ive experience in manualand computer design/drafting and likes te dabble in animations. Contact him at 6048274430.


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Syetem Uygrmhe: (Pttsuhcssewith Syutesso

• 16-hit Tddent 1MB VGA Ccxtd and 14 SVGA Color Monitor 1024 /68.28mm .................... $300 • 8-bit OAK 2 K VGA Ccnd and Mactncrvox 14' VGA Color Monitor 640'480.42tnm..................... 170 • 105MB Ctuantum IDE Haxd Disk Dxfve 64K ~ 17m s . ...................168 228 • 120MB Maxtor IDE Hard Disk Mve 54K ~ 15ms 75 • Mnosoft DOS 5.0 (Crpexntlng System)... 58 • RAM per MB 2 Years Wcmanty on VGA Monttoxs

Pdnhee (urtth aable):

188 • Roland Qtxven 9101 9-pin Pdnter (192 cps) . 288 a Roland Rnven 2415sp i n Ptlntst (240 cps) . 388 • RolandRaven2418 24-plnPxjIiter(300cps) • RolandRxvenLPSOOLaserPxhter(8page/mtn).............................$1188 • RolandRenrenLP1110LcaerPrinter(I1 pacIe/min.).........,...,..........$1688


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om ex„,e HE MOTHER OF ALL TRADE SHOWS" was held October 21-25 in Las Vegas. Comdex is the largest trade show in North America with 125,000 plus attendees and over 2,000 exhibitors. It fills seven major exhibition halls and takes the full five days just to walk through every aisle. The typical Comdex report begins with a moaning about how ' sore the reporter's feet were after wandering the halls of technology. I am not going to do that. Sure I was a Zombie at the end of every day as well, but I was back out there every morning as interested as ever. It is just such computer heaven to go to. Comdex, around every corner there is something new and

inte resting. Having had a few weeks to digest the material I brought back, I thought I

w ould give my

ort •

Document Processing The idea of the paperless office, or least an office with a little less paper, continues to gain momentum. Many more exhibitors were on the floor showing i n novative solutions to document handling. The basic idea here is turning paper into a digital image with a scanner to create a file that gets stored on magneto optical d r ives and p assed a r o u n d com p u t e r networks as images on a computer screen instead of the kind you can bend, staple and mutilate. Many of these solutions were tied to Windows t'ront ends and required a fair investment in hardware (fast scanners, big h ar d d r i v es, f a st ' computers a nd f ast 4 networks) an d s o ftware









anag e m e n t programs). But the

Pen-based Notebook Computers

pricing is creeping down

' These units seem to be ", about where notebooks were I,, last year at this time. Lots of big ' ' lans and units announced,


Q $100,000

ut nothing shipping in"

volume yet. There are still bugs to the operating system to work l out as well as bottlenecks in some of the components such as the writing pen tablets. By summer, we may actually be able to buy. these units. I saw an interesting: version of PenDOS demonstrated

at the W acorn booth which


overlayed apen4ased handwriting recognition technology on top of DOS. The demo involved crossing words out of WordPerfect 5.1 and having th e m dele t e d . A representative f r o m Kur t a , . another pen m a nufacturer, commented that he felt both PenWindows and GO Corporation's PenPoint were still too slow. He declined to pick a winner.

t he

ran g e,

towards the $10,600 range. For ' many otfices, the savings in storage space can quickly make these systems cost effective. One of the most i n n o vative demonstrations I saw w a s fr om Westbrook Software (205-599-7111) with their Imagic im a g e -management s oftware'. You can scan i n a document, then select an area at ' the top of the document with ydur mouse, havethe computer do OCR on just that section, then point to a , database field and the text is dropped. into that field.. This seems like it would be a real time~vtng feature in a high-, volume doc u m ent-processing environment.

s iJ


::':O@~R:,::: ""' ADDAN CARDS '"'.": PERIPHERALS for you! Your hest choice tor I' c omputer Add~ can& and Peri •

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16 bit RealtekVGA w/1M • and much more

utilities, optical char'I aeter recognition soft-

version of what I saw as. the bigger trend's.


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GW Computer Systems Call Samsonlb check december speciali

You will be pleased with our krctory price, krctory CK, hrctory service, and factory inventory All the Good-Work with Yout (OEM Welcome) I




• •


No,this is not the Editor after his trip to Comdex. It's actually from a brochurefor The Case, from Garizia (213) 763-2184.

• • ) I •

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FINALLY a super high resolutionGENIGRAPHICSservice

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popular soNware programs.

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depot warranty. (onsite warantyavailable)

QptlenL' One1.44floppy . $65 DOS 5.0 $7 5 U pgrade to105MB HO $158 Upgrade to 135 M B HO $260 Add 1MB RAM $70 Oexxa INouse $30 PIIatNL

R aven 9101,9pln, 80 column $ 1 85 Raven 2416, 24pln, 80 column $ 2 95 CIzen200GX,9pln;80 column $230 CIzen1800, 9pln,80 column $200 ' Pdces subject to changewithout nolce

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Full colour slides, overheads, andhardcopy. 24 hr turnaround, plus custom design andproduction. 8000line resolution.

V ISION : Vision Presentations Inc. 200-1380Burrard Street, Vancouver V6Z2H9 (604) 682~6 FAX (604) 6824792




Ih8ndows Everywhere e 0

OS/2 may not be dead yet,but the dominant operating system being displayed at Comdex was d e finitely W i ndo~s. Everywhere new Windows applications and utilities were on display. I was reminded of the early days of the Macintosh, when innovation was still possible and every little software niche didn't have five packages competing. The difference on the Windows side seems to be that there will eventually be 50 companies in every software category. The potential market is just so much bigger so the competition is, too.

' •


Your Partners in Electronic

Publishing 6 Prepress



ScanNlaker soozs

CalComp's RISCp


Colour Thermal Printer:

600 dpi Colour Scanner: $2,250.

Hi9her Resolution Laser Printers

I walked bythe IBM/Lexmark booth on the day PC Magrszsrse came out with their • High speed RISC printing annual printer survey.The reps in the booth • print area for full bleeds were grinning like Chesire cats because the • Adobe Postscript compatible IBM Laser Printer 10 won Editor's Choice • Pantone™ Certified award for best laser printer. IBM is following 400 dpi laser printer $2,995. • Ethernet, SCSI compatible a trend towardshigher resolution for laser • 400 dpi,4.0 MB Ram, RISC based printerL The current oKce standard of 800 • SCSI and Ethernet options. dots per inch (dpi) resolution will no doubt be increasingly challenged by laser printers Exdusive distributor of that approach 600 and even 1200 dots per Service 4 TechnologyLeaders inch output. Units are now available from lmageselters 8 RIPs Call andendouihow Western QMS, Apple as wem as pioneers NewGen and imaging canfulllll your elechonic Seybolds Reports Fastest LaserMaster. The advantage is not always The Canadians publishingandprepress requirements. There was a large Canadian contingent lmageseller in lhe lndusby dear~ f o r once environments, where 800 dpi is often "good enough," but in any hnd d isplaying their : wares at t h e S a n d s of graphic arts or desktop publishing uses, Convention Centre. V ancouver-baaed Hyphen u n reeetler pe l bo x Cr o aneld PS nrnrreen See CalComp S n cmtek Sc anMahermore is better. In a d dition to h i gher. h ardware v endor, D a r i u s ( T K - I D M , resolution, there seemed to be a fair number 604/654-1880) was shovring various PC of larger format, ll" x 17" capable printers incarnattons as well as a new continuousform Laser Trac Printer. It manages to being shown. combine laser output with continuous form paper.Tucked into the corner of their Palmtops booth wa s C o m m ercial E l c;ctronics Mmtops, computers that fit in the palm (604/669-5525). showing th e S c r een of one's hand, were at a m uch m ore Machine, a videographics board developed conceptual stage than Pm&ased notebookL in England t h a t o f f ers . multi-media There are some specific implementations developers awesome, capabilities. Advanced that you can buy today, but most suffer f'rom Gravis (604/484-7274) introduced a new PC s ome major limitation, f'rom the lowe d , G amepad, mousestick and t h eir n e w calculator-like Sharp I Q (or Wizard) and Ultrasound board. Incidentally, sister (or is C asio's BOSS u n its, w h ich a r e n o t it aunts) company, Swiss4sased Logitech had compatible with major operating syst'erne one of the hottest booths at the show. They and lack me m o r y for storage or | rl rl were demonstrating a mouse that workers in sophisticated applications, to the Hewlett 8B, combined with 8-D goggles to create,a Packard, Lotus 1-2-8 spreadsheet etiuipped virtual reality environment. They also had a RkIII 95LX vrith its tiny keyboard. The Porpret has camera with which you could take pictures • 20 MHz 3868X CPU a dece n t ' ke y board, but suffers from a and then upload them directly to your • 40NIB HD • 2 kg relatively high price and insufficient memory - • VGA Display computer' and a m'ause designed for kids. It as welL Glimpsed at the show wes a unit had to have been cme of the busiest booths from Sharp called the Palm Executive S HAR P show. (where do Trey get these names'rr This could at thc; The Canadian Gcrvernment buys a big deteriorate quickly.) which had a decent' piece of Comdex real estate and subsidizes sized keyboard and 1 megabyte of both space for budding Canadian high-tech ROM and RAM. Hints that this size of unit For those who are eadyto join companies. Qlrorum Computer Group was will become commonplace came from a demonstrating their Semng with Software the movementto portable small Hong Kong company called Palmcom power, Sharppresentsa marketing program. This inexpensive computer oftruly emszlng International Ltd (852) 75808&0. They were p rogram. allows c o mpanies t o u s e propoftiona Weighing amere showing a prototype of their Pabncom which multimedia .to pr'omote their products or 2 kg endmeasuring only8.5'X employs the AMD 266LX tower power c~. services. (604) fj794886. Aho in attendance 11.0', the ell newPG4340 is Chips and Technologies was also displaying small endgghtenoughle fit 'a complete 286 computer on a credttward were MotionWorks, Quality' Learning Systems, and many oeh'er Western-based comfortably lnyour brlelceseyel sized board ready for versdors to make softwareand hardware developers.Judging powerful enough to rival a Ieger laptop or a palmtop u n i t s . T h e obs t a cles . to f'rom the other country~pect ac displays, Sharp pG-6340 desktop PC.lheSharpPG4340gives youthe commercializing this size of unit seems less powerofanulhn-fest324N886SX-20MHz Canada' has an acuve and vibrant computer severe than those which face pen-'based mlmopfeceteor, thespeedof s fnpht-eccess40lrtB industry. computers. In fact, hard drive sizes. are hard diskdrive, plusthe impactof ingnnwhNeVGA shrinking rapidly as well, such that it may Other Cool lbinls display. Not tomenhons wide nmgeof connectMty options not be unreasonable to expect 20cnegabyte includingsellsl, parallel, CRTendtotsrnsl thfve porta Aboutthe As a pubhsher, I was interested in an palmtop computers by next Comdex. only thingyoudon't getwiththe Sharp PM840 is anotherphce of emerging technology that ties a computer luggageto softy, soyoucantravel lightsndstgl havelol» of dont. directly to a high-.volume photocopier. Color Laptops These units can pump out 100 pages a • i• I • i I i Color screens were also a hot item in minute and have up,to five spat coiors on ' laptop computers. Toshiba, NEC and Sharp hne and in use. They can. be tied to collaters r I ' 'I I I ' I were am showing off models. The best screen and stapling units so that true desktop technology to me looked to be Sharp's T$T publishing becomes more of a reality. ~ type. These models are still prohibitively was showing their 1570 and 1575 Copier expensive for all but specialized use. They Duphcators. do, however seem to be mastering the power T he N ada C h a ir . offers relief f o r consumption requirements to levels where individuals with lower back problems who they can be truly portable. have to sit at a desk all day. The sling shps


• Includes Adobe Photoshop • Transparency option available

NewGen 400p

Service a Suppert


Trceel LightBut Stia Carry Ample Weight





Apple, of course, got a lot of pubMIy by to give lower back support. Price was gJS announdng their new notebook Hne, ncw around the back and attaches to the knees

89s95 and available from NadaChair htgh~d Q l adra machines, and the Classic IL Thh we covered elsewhere so I wIII just (612) 6284486. The Waldenhouse folks werc telling lcsvc it at that. Wowing the crowds as usual was Newtek, eople about their building in New York. ey took asixt y buII4ng hs downtown with its VIIleo Toaster. Once an Amigaronly New York and, custom fit it with all the peripheral, these canny marketoers are now ushing w'hat Tsssohfogosine called "the trappings for a high-tech multimedia conference facility. Companies lookhsg to ottcst thing hl video as a companion fox' hemch videos, high~ products or put on any 286 or betterPC. The company did •mall conferences om rent the space end do much the same thing last year when it their thing. This place had everything. brought Video Toaster technology to the


Madntosh. We wonder if Mac or PC owners

Contacn Walden House (212) 274-1441.

Atsri was in Sdl bloom at Comdex. Stout hssse figured out that it's an Amlga 2000 with and centre were demos of Ataxis Mng used a Newtek sticker on it siuhsg on their desks.

There were a Sew vendors showing the in desktop publishing and xnusic applications. They offer a very cost- new 2045 megabyte "floptical disks. These competitive alternative to the traditional are modified floppydisks with an optical track that allow much larger storage than

Madntosh route. In the booth they had

the traditional Ioppies. One vendor, Bxier reproduction unitL Also on disphsy was an Sales and Marketing Group, claims 85 Sr Notebook, new 886 PC compaslxles, and millisecond access speeds, rsvailhsg hard them linked up to lines and other Idgh~d

dxivc access times. Contact: Brier at (404)

Atsri Unhr.

4ti45550. 0


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oc" % T e a c R O ppy soseoeseaeo oessesess e Add 1 e2MB 5 25

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- Rs



4 4 seB



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s c xs cauccscwucs secern xsxexan-

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N O sls x TOIC -




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xH B NO N xT Q R


Q r N U L T XS C A N

— 8 a b a ca

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a wa m s c

sv G A

s ws T ERAI — e

sep6 A

ms vs TEsc

layouts and designs. The idea here fs to replace the sample text and pictures with

your own. The third option is a blank page

and the f ourth fo r o p ening existing documentL Publisher has extensive online help, induthng a fimction called 'Introduction to Publisher which teaches you the basics of page layout within Puibssher. In fact, the Help ftmction from within the program seems to be designed to be the main source of help. The printed manual is well wrhscn, but a sparse 288 pages — very thin for a software manual Obviously the idea is to move to morc "digital "hypertext" type of manual/help. This makes sense. All the text~diting tools you will need are btduded: builWn word processorfor entering text tlfcctly mto your documcnto spell checker for correcting your sloppy spelling, search and replace funcnons for maMng global changes to hnported text files for example, automatic word wrap for vrrapping text around blocks of text or graphics, importing text from most major

word processing programs including Wordperfect 5.X, MS Word, Wordstar, ASCII files and more.

Nord For Nord ~t p and we found no limitations except that there are probably some obscure formats it im't sct up for. MANUAL: 4.0. This reviewer seldom awards our highest PUMA rating to a manual, since many requireyou to know how to use the program before you can understand the manual. Others occasionally leave out a critical piece of information. Not so with the WFW manuaL It is «asy to understand, and we didn't find any errors in it, The manual has a professionally designed cover, iseasy to read, and is understandable.

1. 2 6 8

386$X — 33NHzsr'64M

masaaca mva m

3869X — 48NHssr'64M

a aaaaa sawav m

4869X 3 3 NHXo iZBR



rS a.semen



— KSSSmecB X TCitcea


xeAse tl&xsLJx xx =

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mmmm mmm mmmm

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parallel-@+serial converter. With this option, you can use the Grappler as an interface only, and use a third-party printer driver (available separately) to actually control the printer. Other 0- and 24-pin drivers include the now-defunct Epstart and Printworks from Softatylc. Other Mac printer drivers for HP and 'ble printers include Printer Interface co ' t, and HPDJ. The last ls shareware 5, and is available from GEnic, Compuaerve and other PD/sharcwarc sources. 0

a .Si+,as > aDASC - XSC

Sec page 55 for mntsct information.

mmmm ommmmm


- amlst-Xaatspaea Caae g « a . t at xsUsa x NEs s Ho UR s o pE N 1 8 8 Es T o x 8

— eQisK-2Qasa/acx cAcHE

s sn r

The program also has very good online help, although you probably won't need it much. AVAILABILITY: 4 . W F W c a n be purchased direct from Mastersoft, and is also available through maQwrdcr channels from such companies as Tiger Software, 1800 Software, Egghead, and Corporate Software. It's also available to retail outlcta through the normal reseller charms.ls. Mastersoft provides unlimited technical support at no charge. When ordering direct, Mastersoft accepts Visa, MC, AMEX, COD. The company offers a Sl ay money-back guarantee on Word For WorrL 0

mmmmmmm m mmm m r mm mmmmmmmssm

g ga g g g m mmm m m m m mmmmmmm mmmmmmmss

•mmm ma


mmmm m mmm m m m m m m mmm m m m m m

mmmma ps mmmmmmm mmmmgmmmm m rmm r m m m m mmmm mmm mmmm mmmm m SS

mmmm • mam m a m J mmmmmmmmm ss

m mmm m m m m

mmmm m p m mmmm mme


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Microsoft Publisher is a surprising software product. It has several features not found in any other DTP package. It is deigned for the nongrofessional and the indrIental user. It is priced at less than half the existing DTP software. It is very easy to usc, without being devoid of all the essential functions needed for producing good output. Overall, it is the first serious competifion for the monopoly held by the two giants in the desktop publishing arena Good product, Microsoftl 9

mmmmm m om m m m m m mmmmmm m mmm m m mmmmmm mmmm mmmmrm mmmm rm mm mmmmrm mm mm mmmrmm mmmm mmmm mmmm m mmm mm m mmmm m om \ m m m \ mmmm mmmm ommmmmm mmmm mmmm mmmmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm

— azasplxs MY SE ~8Rs s ~ Q R Ap H xc c A x e x ss — z xcaceB w c x s e n s - x.sea v e rs c a l a I s + eras • ccswse%$% xseaccxtxs c - alNiaa-aclais — msax~ s e x crxsix cax.iar ) ass.m — naiax-2QHs


Helping Camrdians bgrM a betterfullre tItrough informatiort technology


~ Q Ke » aa

r m mmmm mmmm SS

Another interesting feature is Note-It. This lets you create electronic notes that you can place anywhere in your document,Just dick on a note «nd up pops your comments. Importing pictures Is easy, with all major graphics formats (TIFF, EPS, CGM, PCX, DRW, WMF, BMP) supportecL As well, there are over 100 eh@art images included with the package. BorderArt is another feature which lets you e a sily add borders of patterns, geometric shapes and many others. The drawing tools included let you add lines, ovals, and boxes. Layout pMes and movable rulers also help in pminoning objects, text and hnages in the document.

— e a + a .a


~ 52

Orange Micro's Grappler (versions available for most popular 9- and 24-pin, Inkjet and laser printers) uses a standard Apple printer driver and translates the commands into the appropriate ones for the printer. For example, if you are using a DeskJet, you vsould use Apple's hnagcWritcr LQ driver. Unfortunately, the ~' s 2lfaefpi resolufion is visibly lower than the SOIMpi that the DeskJet is capable of when using other drivers. Luckily, the Grappler has a transparent mode" that simply passes the data through untranslated, acting only as a mmmm


kg n

Mac Options ~f. p


Publisher ~t p

Contacts Shirley Friesen-Nicol, Executive Director, 1TAC-BC ¹506- 1190 Melville St., Vancouver, B.C. V6E 3%1, tel: 682-2I84, fax: 684-9837.



60% of the

Learning Styles Have an Impact on Computer-Based Training fry FranzFi



ave you ever wondered why some

people think c omputer-based training (CBT) is terrific, while

population falls Learns best .

by experiencing & doing

analytic learners. In contrast, a far greater segment of population falls into the Diverger and Accommodator categories, where there is a greater reliance on concrete experience than on abstract conceptuaFization. Among Divergers and Accommodators, for example, there is greater reliance on

personal experience and other people for information rather than on one s own analytic ability. S i n c e D ivergers and Accommodators learn best from their own experiences, they are called experiential learnerL By its very nature. CBT appeals more to Assimilators and Convergers (40 percent of the population) than to Divergers and Accommodators (approximately 60 per c ent). P e o pl e who gravitated to t h e technology of CBT and became its early advocates were often analytic thinkers. To them, CBT offered a solution to the many challenges fadng education and training. Unfortunately, these early advocates were often the last to recognize the isolating and dehumanizing effect CBT had on certain

typesof learners.



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T hose people who r egard CBT a s







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dehumanizing are primarily Divergers and Accommodators — learners who need more ersonal interaction, group discussion, and uman interventions. They feel that selfis dull and uneventful, and study l that being isolated in a learning carrel is punitive. Analytic learners, on the other hand, think diat worhng alone in a CBT learning c arrel is terrific. T h e r e i s no one t o interrupt their studies, no fellow students to ask irritating questions which slow down the dass. no boring reiteration of concepts and ideas with which they are already familiar. For so long as they wish, their learning environment and experience can be

Franz Fauley is director of the National Computer Training ' Institute in Hawthorn Woods, III. He can be reached at (708) 438-8271.

by watching & thin king






LA'(G:": -,.', NE

go Iall lllgll g[gg

' '


b y thinking . , & doing

ou tn suspense have

Quest.. IBM

Diverger and

watching & expenenclng



The most realistic & intensePolice

into the

Learns bestby

Fortunately, for a small investment in thne and energy, human interventions can be built into almost any CBT course, to broaden its appeal t o D i v ergers and

others-using the same courseware — believe m odator s. i t i s b o r i ng , t r i v ializing a n d e v e n Accom T hese i n t erventions r e d uc e t h e dehumanizing? The clue to unravelbng this puzzle lies in dehumanizing factors inherent in CBT and individual learning preferences or learning activate th e p o w erful p r i n ciples of styles. Capitalizing on learning styles will articulations and collaboration. 0 broaden the appeal and effectiveness of your computer4ased training. David A. Kolb has probably written more on learning styles than any other social scientist. His research shows that each individual has a preferred style of learning. He has dassified these styles into four major groups: Diverger, Assimilator, Converger, and Accommodator. In layman's terms, the Diverger prefers to learn by watching and interacting with others; the Assimilator prefers to learn by watching and studying on his own. The Converger learns by reading, thinking and studying on hi s own, and b y t esting, practising or "doing something to verify ideas. The Accommodator learns best I'rom real-world experiences that provide ample opportunity to pracdse or actively partic*ipate in the learning process. Just as the general population is not equally divided among left-handed and right-handed persons, neither is it equally P 0 divided among the four learning styles. THE ADVEN. Available data indicates that only 40 per POLICE TURESOF c ent of the p opulation falls into t h e QUEST3 WILUE Assimilator and Converger learning styles. The Kindred.

These people are best described as being

. ,

' "

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Computer Calendar MULTIMEDU 92 PACIFICEXPOSITION AND FORUM, Tnsde showonthe latest In technologyan dproductsavailable for professionals in visual communkxs$onaConferenoeand prcgmms. Contact Jal Cole 418/880-2491. PACIFICRIM COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATIONS SHOW 1992, January 14,15 a 16. Southex Exhhl$ons 604/433-6121. CONSUMER ELECTRONICS SHOW, Las Vegas, Janussy$.12, Elechonhs IndustrhssAssn.. 202/4578700.

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AMIGA USER GROUP (PaNorAmA), BCIT, Rm 1291/L Gen. Meetln9 hd Wed 7$0; Programmess 4th Wed 7$0. Bill Wanstalf, 897-1741L APPLES B.C.COMPTffEA SOCIETY. AUser Gmup for Macintosh,Apple Iysand Uses. Msclntoshmeelngs suethe lastTuesday In each month at the Unihsrhsn Church In Vancouver. Novhrs meetingsandspecial interestmee$ngsare heldmldmonth. Call BethGhsson2814N2 for Informatkxt. Apple II mee$ngsfirst Mondaycfeach month. Call Al Grout 5214618 or Klyoshi Masuda 4$740$5 for Inlonns5on. ARCHITECT USERGROUP(Mselntosh). Call Glen Schlller or KalGill, Byte Computers, 7$8-2181. ASTUTE-ATARI ST. Meets' tet Tues.,7$0 Hastings .Comm. Ctr. Dennis48HI71 0. ATARI USERSI Vantarl, P,O. Box$814 MainPost ONiee, Van., B.C., V6BSY6.Bill Sulherhed 9881450, Don Hatch 4334055. Meets 2ndWecL,700, Hastings Comm.Ctr., 3096 E. Hastings.

This is as low as fax gets.

BEAVER VALLEY COMMODORE CLUB,1stTuea, Montrcse SchoolLibrary. Cell JohnVink367-842L B.C.INTERGRAPH USERS GROUP (BCIUG) Ouarterly Meeting, ILC. HydroAuditorium, $70 Bumud St„Vsuuxwver, December 3, 1991, 5$09$0 p.m. Contact h$kegames if)s66$-S862 for

Informa$on. B.C. REGIONALUSERS GROUP SOCIETY of Hes/le$Packed Users. ContactRandyCIN forinformsdon 881404IL B.C. UNIX USERSGROUP DinnerMeetings. 681- ' 4473. CHIUJWACK COMMODORE COMPUTER CLUB C.C.C.C.) - $76, Suppor$ngCommodore Amigo, .O. Box 41 3,Sssdls, ILC..v VSR 1A7. DATA PROCESSING MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION, DPMA dinnermeetings4thTuesday every month, Stanley PsukPavilhn. Next meeting November26th e5$0 p.m. PETER WATSON, ofThomas Intema$onal wll be discussingJob Rt and Productivity. Contact FnsncesDickson or Suzette Havens — 6808668 to register orGall Nicols880053S for infonnatlon. DESKTOP PUBUSHING USER GROUP —bimonthly meetlnga For information,call Karole Doner, 929491 8. FORTH-BC meets 7$0, 1st Thurs/month, Rm 1A424, BCIT mainbldg. Discussions,demonstra$onsand

Irdcrma$onfor psogrammlng/applyingFORTH (hardwareandsoftware). GREATER VICTORIAPERSONAL COMPUTER USERS' ASSOC., PO Box5309, Station 8, Victoria VBR 684.General meeting hit Wed.Also, special Interest groupmeetings3824034. INDEPENDENT COMPUTER CONSULTANTS ASSOCIATION,Box 820,Statke A,Van.,B.C.682. 2747. Fax 9%-1336. ITAC/SOFTWARE B.C., $400-1190 Melville St., Van., B.C. 884-7432. Meetings at Stanley Park Pavilion, Doors open at 500 pm, Buffet dinner at 6:15 pm, Guest speakers at7:00pm,825 formembers,840 for non-nwnbe». January18th meee$ng:Topic: Expert panel review of alocal hightech company businessplan. KAYPRO USER GROUPNANCOUVER PORTABLE COMPUTER CLUB,3rd Mon., at Kwantlen College Richmond(DOS a CP/MI 271-1519. LABORATORY PC USER GROUP, Rm2J38,BC Children's Hospllal, Vancouver. 7:00 pm,every 2nd Wed. (exceptJuly a August) - 810lyear 266-79$9. MACWEST COMPUTERSOCIETY, 2 monthly mee5ngs formembers,plus PD copysession. General Meetings - 2ndWed., Contact: Phil Beati 8558274or Edmund Hshh583-5799. 790 pm., MscWest NewUser Meeting - 3rd Wed., 730 pm,

Guik$cxdPub. Lh., Surrey.%) Copy sessionsa meetNewUserGroup.Computer UserGroup, 2nd Toes. cf every month,hLR Sr. Secondary700. USER GROUP, $22+198, POCO, 1379 Laurler, Hyele Creek Centre.

ORACLE USERS GROUP,1055 W. Hastings275-8902 Lawrence Clark evenr 3rd Wed.of each alL month

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VANCOUVER AUTOCAD USERS SOCIETY,BCIT. Bldg. SA, Room110, 1st Wed of the month, 7S P pm. Contact Robert Cheek, 684-9311 for info. VANCOUVER CUPPER DEVELOPERS ASSOC., 1st Tues.. 7 om. 800-1190 Hornby SL, Van, 685-6645.

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$4,728.00 $5.658.00 06,5N.OO N,518.00 09,448.00 010 , 378.00 011,308.00 012 2%.00 $15,598.00 016,58I.OO 017, 4 58.00 $18,N6.00 $19,318.00 $20, 2 48.00 021 , 178.00

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$8a,248.00 02$,288.00 $30,328.00 031,3%.00 032,408.00

286 12NHz

No. of Workstogohs ,'

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Irehot Topology DlsklossBoot $30>478.00

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266 1 211ltz

BhoraetTopology DisklessBoot $33,448.00 $34,488.00 $35,528.00 $36,568.00 $37,608.00 $38,648.00 $3$,688.00 $40,728.00 $41,768.00 $42,808.00 $43,848.00 $44,888.00 $45,928.00 $46,968.00 $48,008.00 $49,048.00 $50,0N.OO $51 • 18I.OO 052.1N.OO $53,208,00 $S4,248.00 $55,2%.00 056,328,00 $57,358.00

FILE 0ENVER MINBerm MT33525DXOWS.,4MB,12MBRappy, NMB10mslhnhBak, MonochromeDhplay,EnhaacedKsybeard,2 Paratsl 010edslParts,Arcnetcard. CONROIIRATION: N oveBNsbuork0psm 5npSyaism, AleSewemunder10ussrsareinshtedae NON.DEDICATEDNesenem. WONKOTATION MId aorm MT200 12MHaOWX, 1MB(Max4MBonboartt, Monochmmeasphy AmnsttANeard.1pnnUlel. Enhanc«IKeyboard,disblccs,20'cable




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RemoteRleSenor/ WorbahtkonBddB in5....... ...31SN plus modems IBM Bhialmm e32725hottsesion SNAGahaayConnec5on..............33050 IBM Mainlrame 327040hostsesion SNABatatay Connec5on..,.........37550

Networking Software: daase IV1st User... .0646 ACCPAC PLllo each add.s users. .. ..Nes OVL • -------- - suue WordPerlect1st User uaue each add. user. ..0229 trc suuo aaa Wont1st User. .......$276 J/0 ....... . . ..........071$

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What tO BLIy ~t. p

pa ga

Most of the above advice also applies to computer books. Unfortunately, it seems that most books are a tough thing to buy wisely. The trouble is: most populai subjects (say, WordPerfect, MS.DOS, etc.) have dozens of books wxitten about them, most of which are rehashes of the oxiginal manual anyway. The comphcatmg factor is that each book is written at a different level, and it's hard to know what your Riend does or doesn't know about the topic (unless you taught theml) So, I'd advise staying away Rom informational books, unle'ss you overheard your Riend whispering a spedfic .title in Santa's ear. A gift certificate from one of the' city's computer bookstores is probably a wiser idea. Siliconnections, The GranvilleBook Company and the Book Warehouse are some of the best local sources for coniputer books. Soficoverbooks are usually under $40; hardcover titles escalate Rom there,

• esse epee • • • e


t)gdo $0

• ez • • Nlsl t • ee e st, t

Under $%00

• If your friend isn't afraid of flying, they'd probably get a lift from' Flight Simulator. It's by Microsoft for the PC and Mac, or Sublogic for the Atari and Amiga PC users can even get a tres cool gizmo called Flight Yoke, which is basically a' steering wheel designed especially for .'Flight Simulator. Could they stand the . excitementit We spotted one 'of these at

Doppler Computer Centre.

ulh ' mh

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SMART START BUNDLE MS-DOS 5.0, lotus Works & Dexxcl Mouse (Ioct.word processor. database. spreadsheet. S i commUnications, graphics package)

e The best possible gift, of course, is a subscription to The Cernprster Paper. They'll . like it, we' ll like it, and they' ll recognize you as a fiiend with impeccable taste.

Happy shopping( 0


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By Graerae Bennett his issue's cover was created on a Macintosh Ilfx using Aldus FreeHand S.O and Adobe Photoshop. Everything in xhe illusuation except 1%eGrraprstsr Paper logo was drawn in FreeHand. I wanted the logo to have a glowing effect, as if the star on top of the tree was illuminating it. To do this, I needed to get the logo. '(a FreeHand drawing) into Photoshop, which docsn't. properly rasterize FreeHand EPS files. It does, however, work correctly with (Adobe's own) Blustrator format' EPS files. I used a new unTity by Altsys (makers of


486C SS MHg



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logo is actually behind the bittnap hnage; The file was prmted as color separations at IR'rO dpi (100 lpi) on a Linotronic imagesetter a t

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FreeHand) called EPS Exchange. It allows . the saving of FreeHand images in A,dobe Illustrator foxxnaL Once converted, 2 used Photoshop's aMity to xasterhe EPS files to create a highresolution bitmap..I then selected the background ofthe image and pasted a wood burl texture into it . T h e bo x a r ound lettering got a marble texture (both were color scans). I also enhanced the shading and highhghts on the letters to make them look more me'tallic and threedSimensionaL Finally, I determined where the bright spot was to be on the image and made a drcular selection. By feathering, I was able to make the background, marble and letters look brighter in this area. I then saved this file as a TIFF and imported it into my FreeHand illustration. I made a radial fill around the star and placed it ixrhincf thealreadyfaded logo. To complete the elect,' I then pasted a copy of the radial fili inside the outlines of the "Nerar arearisla(ete) lettering, which helped disguise the fact that the radial fill below the






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9944 19949249hIRhh — =

hh - 41 9 .1225

EysonEPLTSN,Sppm,2946K =. 20 3 5 EppesEPLTSN,6pym,mHSK,FS 2N RavenFR010190In192cps =3 13 RaenPRSttg lkph 182 cps RsvsnPR341ggh240cys 119 .579 RavenPR246524yh,192 cps,wide .1259 IhwsnLPSNgppm,30Nyl, 512k ....1330 Rane LPII101fppm,30Myl, 512k . 2759 RavenLPI170,11ppm,gNdpl 2MB, PS . 363 OIO390, 34-plnl130cps . $99 OKI OL4004pym,3Ndpl 512k. .. 12 N OKIOLNSgppm,gggdpl,512k .1569 OKI OB20gppm,3NdyL512k OIOOLSIOSppm,3Ndpl = .2249 ... 2NS IIEC Model N,3Ndpi,20lgk 1550 HPLsssrJstSIP,4ppm,3Ndpl 1024K I r




ccs s1 135m

HP LsssrJst SI, Spam,30gdyl, 10SK ... , .21N HP lsssrJct IBSI, 17ppm,3Ndpl 1624K ..........5799

l)95j)ISN) 1WA4TEIC Roppy Drive .. 42NIB tgms Votes Coll IOE.. 8$NB 1gn»VoIceColl IOE 105MB1hnsVohsCall IOE. 2NMB1gms VohsColl IDE .. 330INB SNI VC10ms(bare) . N gNB Nil VC 16ms (bsre) . . 1010MBSCSIVC13ms .. ToshlbaCD-ROIN.






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..75 ...........225 .. 369 .399 ....739 ....... 1560 .. 19N ... 3499 .....1NS













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Madsr1288 Rswrltabls CD.

RsmstdfcxNN 6/R (Demo) Csngnsl SsnsfoiI24Nbps nedsm InhdSatbdaeon CempldsCommunlmter z ciimr NNNtNNx .


20 39


Arcnet 16 bgNIC (mor .................................$145 Arcmd 8 bit NIC(Sar) .........,......................$05 Btwnat 6 bit(NE1OOOccm pahitde ..............$195 Bhamot16bit(NE2OOO ) ccmpafible .......$279 Bhernat 16 bit 1OBase Card .......................$279 Bhemat 12 port 1OBasaT Concentrator ...$995 Arcnet 8 poft Aclvo HubCoax .....................$385 Arcnat 4 port passive Hub..........................$29

33OMB 15ms Vokm CogHard Drive .................... $1,560 NOMB 15ms Vohe CogHard Drive ......................$1,988 104OMB13msVoice CcgHard Drive ...............$$,499

Fhppy DiskDrive

• 101 koy enhanced keyboa2d • 14 mini tower coco, 200W CGA PS • Oak SVGA 1024x760 /256K • 14 SVGA monitor .39mm

1084x760 Wmm

ms "2t9295m

NN $4 7958N


• 8 Internal cache

• Smhesmsl cache, 04KB edamel cachememory • Socket hr Wehnk 4187 Ccpwcmsor • 4MB RAMexpandable

• $$0NB 15ms SCSI thud Drive • BusTck EISA Host Adapter SCSI • 1~ R M ve

GEX 38$IIX 25MHz

• Intol80400SXM CPU Running@2NBSMHz • Sultan nudb

• Inta)8048MS CPU Runnhg@$$lgtz • Bugtin moth

• Intol00488DX4$Ngtz, • Bugtin math coon+easer, 8KCache • 4MB RAM (expadableto

GEX 386IIX 40MHz

CEX 48$SX 20/25MHz






.. 330 Colo umbo 2 QIC40 .... . 3N ColoradoJumbo250MBOICN ...N AB.10 Admhrhr Jumbo 120/250. Exhmal Stfor 12SNi0 ......139 . ...... . . 3 4 3M OC2120 TapeCatrldgo .. .



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14 Darius & (1624766) x ... .. . 349 14'IsuuulngSVGA26mm ....370 11'Lsgsnd SupsNGI, 2bmm (1624x7N). ..359 1 4'Lagsnd228mmnsn-Inhrhcsd . . . . 439 14'Balks14402gmm 10R4xTN) . ..Ng 14'Sage 14502gmm [ 102lxTN) noninhrl.. ....gN tlr Nanao RsmcanNTOi.2gmm (1NA x7N) ..1440 1T OahhalnDC617Dtmm (1034 x7N) non4Nw 1195 1T hhMysms NIF5117 26mm(1024 x7N) non-Intcrl265 2ITTidung CM-2000.3tmm (1280xt024) nonlnter..2375 .






...69 O sk16bltVGA snl(gggxg00) C 256K . . . ..139 ATI Intsgm512K OEM A1l Wondernomauss(1024xTN) 1024K ..1N Tdcem 10bit VG ACanl(1024xTN) 1624K 149 A TI VSA Wondsrw/Mouse (1GMxTN) 1024K 3 4 9 ATI VGA Ulha &514 (1024x TN) 1024K 7NI . 1 19 TrldsntN908VGAw/1034K .



.350 Nomg Nstwsrcuh2 &user .. . 1 3 99 Novsglhbvsrsv2.2 10-ussr . 3 3 33 Ihwsg lhbssm v2.2 50-ussr ....... 5 240 N cvsg Bslwsrsvs 1NHwr . . . . 32N Novelllhhemvg.1120.ussr. N cvcg Nstwsrov3.11100ussr . . . . .......6675 Haeg thtwsre v$.11 26&uscr. .... ..110N Emsndd RIP525 Intsrnsl525MBSCSI, Rovell .....3209 Emsrafd RIP525 fxhrnal 525INBSCSI, Novell .. .3509 .466 I PC520ES I528VA) UPS -- . . AIIC 450AT(45NIA) UPS ..3N ... ......99 Powcmhuh w/bsblsNovell ... .





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