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- LocalBusVideo Revved • A First Look at MS-DOS6.0
Desktop MUSIC Publishing
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Some New Hooks For 1993 I I (f one«a(» I IM u » . • I po eevseo w r( • • Ssasat AS< •(S \ as A u II A h « l s S rr « « • h I t a w e ree~ s e a u rsa u p W« s« e Aa r p «) M o de Rp A sa « ( ea W « A (h e As seusr
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• % III4I 7$MNO, Oftf ef Traa f %NACA-1
Ih« I o I era(pad 4 Sar ( «(vs(as hedds MS Assas • l«rdr taal« p a w a oa« s l~ Ssf Gsaae ps • a cha s (« e « a « l u ( res«sr (hstMrs h esrsasu ( I see « a re(s o« ho se fa s pr <sears' . sr Ro ' AA» r o shrr« (al rss r lp ( V e r«sr sreer« (s a a ua dr f I Zl I f Ms a aaa Cord liras ) • 4«area Ml War( W I « s I rtpsa el I I ' Id«ra r a pe I • (4 s lu r loe(rst Sd ' Msa arash uW$ Tb Mf W «h« s rr t lnsrshs«ae W su«a h hoe D( pl '««a r MeMardro lasusS I( sr h I s(seas I as lkds lt«y t(rosa«Cree
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v h « eee hh« ( « asses) erase«
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A( I wr (her RAM ' I ah«sad ~ v( 4 r ~ Set t ( r a » «s« e 1 I 0 tx)5 50 I r • sr I'ors( Mawt
exsn)pfes of our evefydsy pef(~ • In hlmdfedh of a)m place boobsf
5954 I&ID Ql-Il
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Some Of Our Newest Computer Systems
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' I SM(«ara VISA tash( a« l l s IS( Xat R h a a J Twaie hoer u ( • I vr IA llasd Dare s 4)W ICASI s 5«st( fora tr(M ( W s tufds 40(ohe hfse«s esfphsasae Osar • Meusla .' (PR ( a(he lsal«s seer«re err«I ea IC% fnehflnf( Arrt(es • l s. s w s a flea« l e ( vds
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8GO-st-AS 5
From the Editor
Corstesstecgy Cocttfsuting Recently, I » e t <if a iompuiu show in San iran<A<A. Tbc htg
trend I nosed wss the imreuon of <AAtcrii Iriti <<unpin(AR
Publish Like a Pro ......16
What do you mean by "content 7 F<N veal, tile iiiftwarc indi<sits has bccrt doniirlaicd by appb-
cation soflwar. Applkati ns an the programs dlu you huv
nimputcis for spreadsheets it • tabascs, word pro<assn<i. persona( tnfnrmation i n a n .
PageMaker 5.0 ..........24 FROM TIDBITS
stets, et<.
Personal DTPing .........28
At the show, I witnessed an invasion of a difierent type o( mftwaic vendor this yrai C u uipantcs like Sony, VoVagcui and Iitu<ixp werc <Ni hand (m tsg, lavish booths) Io demons(rale then grow(AR <o(lectkxts of everytlung you <an think
Straightforward and easy to use DTP Packacies BY DON WILKES
Common Grammatical Enwrap ......32
of on CD-RDM. When Sony gets mteiested. you know their mux be hig berks invohed. (these aie thc same folks who
u gnid Madocuu and Id<<had Ja<ksan kr mgermfb<m~ r desist Voyageur had discs ranging from Ales Hatcv ~ Auedwtfrsprn r suan . T f, lo Ihe scstks' A Hant fksy's %far
Be sure ( o avcnd the most common e ic' . BY GRAEME BENNETT
M55 DQ D « 5
6 e0
' TP
s• • • • • ss • • • • ss • • ss • • • • • • • ss • seeessseseseessss3 6
r uovic i n W i n« k l i me — a d i g i ta l m o vi e f o r ma t f o r Mann tmhm.
MS-DOS isr T ready (or the OS retirement home Jus( ye( BY GEOF VVHEELWRIGHT
Changing the wey books are used fbe tiooks werc intercmng because kou <an add your own
Desktop Music: Publishing ....................40
• utica te ariAotate Ihc text and do war<am oA wsrdk If. fof cxunple. you wanted m vcnfy the autberxkrty ol the tc<cn '
clove'. using the Asnifscgrcpay af Ssskuse A CD.ROLI
I.ocal Bus Video......................................50
<otdd mach <m pro<slat word eftscn<cs. Thn kuxl af usage • iould be Itwaluabk kx scbalady research into topaa. Given
Tc<rnics c nvtsn •
tlut classy of the Dead Wfdse lsale <lasers have pssssd into
the public domam. we aic teeing man) of t heir csdkctcd rks shovnn(t up on CD-RUM (Wdiiam Shakespeare. Mark
—pater buses Br ROEDv SF=Et(
PC Audio
Soak Reuteurs
(wain and Lewis( a<roll, to tume a few(
Soundboard Soundoff ..59
Gates ... • .••••.••.70
Solving the world's prob ~
Advanced Grave and Mi< rosp(( BY FRANk HILLIARD
Hovv Microsoft's MDB(.l reinven(eu
Game Review
an Nxiustry and made txstseff the
World Circuit.... • .. •••......64 T'w Grand P ii ' m~a'.cv BY GORDON GOBLE
AChest man in Amenca BY KEITH SC HENGllf-ROBERTS
Comm Tait
high s chool
ih v induc towards vontcnt is Aot lust dosnmucd ov ihe txg guyc (herc «al a kUOW tucked uvay In Ih< E<htmCP b<XNh sdbng a ihtc wish W the data m tbe wort<L WelL alelox. He sud that tbe PESSD D<v<ovcry <hsc<oetasncd tbc sales data
(thu Greige gush and Suan klebocuy were tgnonng u thc mceei Rm summit on the knvtmcxeent W it h a <oupk oi hc was cxp<xtiAg ilopuiatxui growth hgurcs kN Jape<i
(canada and <ompanng u to gasoline <oiiswnpuon in those two <ountncs. Ittcrc was histori< data, but mnic inter-
ly, it m<ludcd fxofc<ttoiu from Ihc IJ.N. I<x the nest 20 n (when cverytlung gets in ercsongJ. I'hh <src is targeted ihe high school mukct. The ustt h Io gct kkh domg thur n analpis (much hke Su<kmtnstcs Fugal's World Game dtd a • otesatkm bcf<sei. h's an cxcxhtg thee for students usd teachers akke — n<tcdddy boc dace uxl easy tooh so wocL
Why we Need Electronic Highways • •••.60
Windows for Dummies.71
From Nevvsbytes BY T BASS
Now Up-tr a ce 2.0 ......72
Art Expression on the Amiga ....................64
TTe mast advanced cakr '::- a.tiedu(in' p r o g r am i = v the Mac B'i GRAEME BENNETT
Beating the System ......74
if there h any question that the fututc ol education is
y wrapped up in <oinputen, It was answered by the aids ence of this CD-ROM ( A vailable ftom PI M D k du<atton rouP, 707($9i th iSI(. I
Sof(PC on the Iv4< Bv GRAEME BEl44TT
DE P A RT M E N T S Masthead,..... Mailbox . What's New. Tecf truques.
CfkROMs for the Masses If To<i ann't tuse a CD-R(iM yet, <omxkt gctllng <xle. Tbe pit<Ca have iixiiC doalil Suhsmnhafly uuf these Is a mastNC
Ap ple News . New sbytes.
.I 0
......73 ..... 75 .....92
U ser Groups
C( e sstReds. . btd sx of khrertmers. .
I T 0
C II I s O
L 5
• .C. Celr l o e
ISS(X kfsy '9$ T(PCS uaadnera'VI DS
~ Sts. <Nixp.
j utw xIS
SQR j u k '9$
T t à K S 4 a hannha • il <R<)SIRnintv(
( iiii n ~ D ~— ~ —. .„ii iii» i RC(hi Ci rnviws Swus, r in c l l u n I %annie CDPY LC1ASSIREDS Wcd Apr 7 CCWY L CLASSgREIS Svc t. Ifak S CASrRRA READY ADS Thun.. AIN. 4 CMRNA l%ADY Afkg Ihurs, kist 4
Khun Singh Khalsa Editor/Puhh shet
Ca lendar of Everes.. ......99 .
E 0
ammms ot data becoming avadabfe in very user.fncndty kN.
......6, BI
teals. Check it <NIL
i '
wl w uhoH 1 . v . i i
w ~
lW i
I ht i l
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NAIsoNAC Ao sesas
ee(r l ease lo«se
I09k Otf toa Nard Ne$ ~
rar«O~ NIQ ~ l 5 a l Teretea
• SANA¹o¹ M N NW Greases Saaaee
Se¹aae I 5 Alesl lrfel
oc Ao soles
m asoa
olal $eassl Cise
Gael wales«nre
NON ill %%I
a«ala sale arlalle
c(anamuIma ~
iJ losel 306SU2SMHA 64K C¹ kc. 4%I0 ILAM
J oellag Hsnl Dma, DRZXXS 6 0, i) scscao7 S Icdocovc LCD. 64ux4(kl, I gfay scale
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J .' senaL I psaagel peeaLPrana Iss Ease!eel kcyboasd osd Floppy lbsee U AA Naa baacsy Isa 3 bsassepcssoao J v n '1 e I'a I 2' l i ng la weigbl racbabng kaossNN
coaaa INoso
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aee carne • Ce
slane eaa Iasraalllo anaarl
Irate(are«arear wea frelrers
• MXgW~ Tee Casse nmcerto (ÃIKK
~ A AO ~ • «rale faraG«WI INTOtst-STIT csassrs T«lle • Nraaaem lani ese 155a lmleealm
~A M ' AO SAIIS arear ace«eat
(m«se Ne«la
(asn ~s~ ser«OWer
a e Grerm
cmcsAAnoa ~
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Oalas Oerer
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osncs IAITAoaa
Upgnsdoabic p(naca onnpadav
asemsrle 6
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J I 4 55'csA eroo4oscasaccd ca w
w r t e e l e el w m ~
Moodoa o 2amm Ntsv(eA osaoesba SNI I
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J . '3 Tea Waflamy, pans olid lsboTN
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rat (aaaa« e e« a « m eet aeaaaar re (aaaaa («care • ea«m a« t ete e arse« ea « I « r a«ear ma«al ae
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real«eeo Tlsss¹ s« ~ rll ~ M waswae am«leal' Nee sra Illa sa\ «I r«« a«er ceaeaa«aee« I N eater a«re«« e « cease Imaatr a«ar « a r a eweaaaaa ar «
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Tel Oeosrrrle seeueesef rrll
ONTAaea Saeee Ceeaaeea »e l eeeea aaa. 1«area ora«w arne IN lal NIN ~ l l m r aa lai n Tmesre ~ N « ease. (evea serac«Naeslo INN Aad (ser eeaaasa ease«»' arras • tralee a (mars enl I Isl Mae
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la .
1'I TFPrytys,ad
yigIrigr Dtylal Aitd2odFP2@yagy2 l anngd a Pria kqrso high, os lqb yycoyy 12IIgs'Iidios ayid Elle RIILIII2(22LIFvIdd ugryyi II. Nyiyoyayto 1993. 1< «s(ae 6 ¹r dean, Ner«negpaf ¹el Nw laseq~ a akadql
bsr a pema«padreead 6 m eel «Nr ¹a¹l waodasNaia Neve WNTll driael astsrredeg Igtlt sod pApae.„r I0kak¹ayseaa
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QE ttaeaa
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W b sWN t o aW IS • IlDW WD• laefN o stII • 1 ltw ISO « trw fOD• 5%b
noaow oRLDI5 54%ateer 1l, naeee
Reer yew flan't psst Tn Settle pnr 4 @swab tyahIM'I usaas esuna ~ tt n tssued»no we hear»Ile»pal»s st danepr»os. It doehnttrpntttt wsh ttw, 0opwt Is It»en»onronoputersIpeoTauItro setuoanTouwins — htthppetitt Destrtop orat ~ the lawpnon roa w»u. 5teNtaw
Tste»rsTDOL1 • ~ IS o ~
WD• 1$ tN «%4tt5 54
neaoarus • N s54 Instant I I, norns
rt86 s, atohoohs saul r30i <anputers —at
feery roenafenSyttoa En»na yyfthDsA 4yeehry SorefrrL 5otetK»e lmn 0opntw youse ot supelr»»lane. Inl • Israelwr6eearT0»sons»mrornpuew Tooaeonalilolt tNI eann tw pnis erattahe» tpsutnlee f» tears Ne - haa,tau Irm turlarrute ltn terat ef sorwcowt sepp»t b hostmeettow rrrerts ondha»tpols pnh only, pats enl lohaur, set t~ , » Nunft»sit snrnl»raine
43, Sass
f» awnnol lss,tou trn shn4» tppkoatn 5uppesh»nearpepsin softteW epp0esb»L Aa4 M raareaetoeo Satfopntstan - hr Wfstsi. 0otf 0el heshsDss»auowak wwon tor. Ir»Nairtnhly, nduutotsuppot roR»noewetaa5nun»tot', etoeaf ha ' Ingotowsseseue, l fethf sr, neln» 30iag, aetuesbhenssnh»t, nensrhed ueesstoe feteetft A Enk At M, wessl »s n tnaeutsIhesheet»to hest n carnputnpeefus. hrdetn4so, 0e$h 0tmenutn srsbwns lsaoIueddt ttennt customersuppsn -oral e eputatun ler hsoattroornrotr '~ tiers
Dimension by D44L.
le iC
C ALL 14 0 0 - 2 6 $ 6 8 7 1 P A X 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 8 7 - 5 7 L 1 ILesra M~
Bell Cotnputar ~a
Ns. I I p.w LnT.
sm. 12 lGawrtsrrr Dlrsse, Rnlueowd t tit.r.rrstdrnsLots INI
t tsrtsJnx • bstssntrari • Orisrwsr • T ore«ries o ~i
• V sr rarsaserr
Ci «svsessds«raav w a aal v HW a« • Err pv t»T bi«a rss rCra asaeeao vor va vabs ossrloarv ~ sev ev vsa rsrebv vdsebve cewrbaob«sd rbvvava call Dell AU psav «sd seer sbsasasv osbr«e eesboa «de ns aaboea a«see ~ e vsss«b « r«eo v sbs reao lassl ead losel lassdsbwa ve seal«a«i e arse«sea eod laeerna. bseeraeb, nrsreeos«as« s wa vd sraa av .I av ealeveda er loserGspasaas« ««ba ead sbeDse bna Inssanoo«sdDsveasav «e e ada«area Wlbn (' Gap«sass« XPI%I Den Den So«sos ae ~ ~ Dsu n a res«a • ee«evss aerm v sr
b ~ fleds asvba
s awvDannsvss s« .
.J v v d b « V
met Computer v • •
Osr Mth yaa Vi hunaeai Camealer «dmv mme ard SO COmet mc be aaend IOr many male arbiial Sa. d rau'm laahlsa iar 4 eutstr irIM.PC ameahhts a/steak (hath our
vstmasas ancm lam ta vsaaavt rear raasssmenis - ne hant sell • we wmald/ ansi yrmm«swamasgyour syasm aas«aad slshmmd what venom empaseirn wa da tm sau cometsystems are mstststs asssmaed andtharcuthiy tsasd AI camn syshmu w Sw sanemghantsy cameaaws m most br0er hrmd nsnwmsm¹ctulsrs AI hvsdm ssttv«35 ease/ elise, nmvimlar cam (amli IN Ihshae aim alinbhls), 200 mnt sawer missis, LED speed drtctsy, IOI alihaacsd Isyhaard 2 senal pets, salted scNL
Samesariasd dockaad 2tears pansasdnhaurwsnsar/ pncessheen rsetctcashar cheausdncaunt vlsA a Maasrcard3ts adaitxmal
Slot VESA Local Budb 486 DX-33 Fvtaet, wah a staedlrd Iahhsiud srd Itaaas adtanv Cards nailahk hxal thd mmes sama firn systemc«hm wdh I oumaad sssstul vL hm card wsh 140 RAM, 25$K
Unnecessary comparisons: IMiac vs PC I would like to point out an annoying trend
m llh Csmyutcr Peprr —a tap which many Inher publ«anons have 4llen into. That trend ts the promotion o( the Mac vs PC bank ' For quite a numbet o( us, it ts not
la iaai ald tram admne ald duh clmtlaew at al/ sau).
PC 'battle' fought an the pages o( computet magazines/papers is rceliy counter.produc tive to the computer industry, (c) How
many peopk havr actuauy been lnflurnced by such 'banles'7 (d) There are other p4tfonns in the industry span from thole O(
ttdd 3rdt stuck a((8 uudkculd($ systd/u/ Svv 4 3% lsdsy md vutrais lar me cast si the 4® csin lahu no emmsvomtw
kaad «admd ta acammadaa lnl idsox 50 chls when rev vpdrsas vau wd hsvsa tsbeaddad 4$IOX Syvtaa 3%OX-40, Izat ashe 105 MS ttad Dme 4MS RAM I(css X 7$$Sacer VGA Manam IM 1024X 7$$ Vsba Card
4$6SX-25 as above 'l ~ 486SX.33 as above 'l~ 4$6DX-33, asabove 'T ~ 486DX-50, as above 't ~
Upgr ade to 130MB Hard Orna % S (N Upgrade ta 120MB Hard Drive 'IMBED Up0r ade to 210MB Hard Orris 'TBSP UDDr ade lo 245MB Hard Onve UFGrada lo 340MB Hard Orlse
Com plete 366 SX-33 with VGA Colour I MS RAM 40 MS Haid1)riim, 14 vGA Colour Mamtar, SVGA 254S Via« Card a«snead-101Xsyaaara, 1 44MS3 5 Sane/. asiy-ie Iga N 3$$Sx 33.2MS RAM, $5hg)thrdDms. 1024s/$$ supervGA Maadar,svGA 51psvldes
6 Notebook 4%54 25, 120Md Hard Drive. • M8 RAM, 2sa
Math capracessor aid
UD Grada486 to OX'
olour 486DX-33 Notebook
md daamd tstnm sorts Suu-m trachhali. Haachi colour salem adsnmi I«mene idv. s«l I /baiadahla ta 4$6 DX2-$$ RAM eqmhdahts la 1$Md, Hard Doveslo 340MS
nalaas L act wrvcc
ACTIVE tgl ytt(XdÃi COEOlltf ttatf400/f St(Et.dptt(E • Cdtt fgr (N/Cdl Alimwuva iwmwrs vl mPs Ideal md Sisalmt 000 dtv 2MS RAM. R ( 1 300 shell dsy 45 saahls vsetaces Ilmnewstsndsrdmiasl pnamrs Calamari wsnsiirv
~8)ISS.N 'TZIRN Alar Syg(fdt/tu. /(P/fldtut/dttdr !area, Scgddd/0Sd(t /oktkt t)t(dtd/S.
ede in USA Modems
I«mat 2400 Ilesmedus
ir«mei $$00 tm/2400 mean w 005 saltwsm aai Whdu (sasnm Psciut $$00 tav2400 modem wDOS sw andWia/ u fstsmei paclul I 44()0 Iax/14400 m«nm w oos swad Iulatm txtsmd 14400 tm/I 44IN madan Isis«et 14400 hs/14400 madan Warmer an madwns b5 Vmrs «Csadmt msmadd
HoursMasts/nsml 550PM Sst IOAM )PM Voceslutahd tas 24 hrldar.7 dsrhvmea
Corner Computer Center ssss East (ttvd. Eecddth) 5/Rsscoilwr vsgg 35/4 PhOne Zghdod00
FOX 263-920$
cover I think it was a bad choler to choose
iuch 4 dark cover photo, wh«h might exp4ln why this problem occurmd. Dr an thc other hand your printing procem may be (4wed. Probably a combination o( these
two 4ctors caused this problem, I he only solution, I found, was to rip of( the cover page and throw it away. This probkm was not localized to )ust the paper I p«ked up, I noticed Ihis problem on three dlserent cop(eh Dn 4 di(fcrcnt note, I would ask that
you run an ante)c on cxp4)ning and optinuang the system.ini and win.ini Ales to gct the best performance out o( Windows kl l h i s inlormahon would be ule(ul to 4
lot of your readers, includingm yself. Gordon Chang v4 Mind Link'
Sditor's Comment: T/ranks /br )uur cam-
of the IOustrator 4 0 and the Winiiows envi. nmment. I wish he'd review his ankle, and in the process ask hinnei( If the intcgrtty of the article would su((er by )raving out aU rc(creates to the $4c(ntosh. My suggestion to him I snd • II you< othrr Contributors) il lo review Ihe product they want to, without rr(rrcnce to cross-
apr(m/z/nt W/rh/mn, nv /N(r 20 in this ilssd
p4t(ann products. If I own a Mac, the anicle would not make me go and buy • IX)5/Windows maihirw; or thc abscnCC of celtaisl (catules In thc Mac's vcrslon would
conlpctlrlg with thc Mai 'I ilhlstraior Thus, the battles' that some ol us want
ale simply a waste o( vahlable rctourors. If only Thr <.a«purer Paplr Can resiat this temptation, I believe it will truly be an
authoritanve pubhcanon in the near future. An thony Adesanya University af Manitoba,
Winnipeg, MS
P Laserjet IV
ment that came o(f very eanly and Clnled your hands aru( whatcvcf else tch«hcd the
mrnt. H/r, (oa. err i/ /rcssrt/ by /Ar rnk qua/I/y
to sae in your paper Df at all neccssa/y) arc those between competing products on 4 p4tform and not cross-p4tform The latter
40$ox 33 120 MsHantDmm,• MS RAM, 2 su I ea smt. cd svGA. Ieteead. Is/fmd
this recent issue (Mm '93/ was tenibk, in that the cover was printed wiih a black pig.
guest. It may be unintcnnonal. but the tone of his art«ie suggests Ihe overall supenoticy
able (or the Mac lacks too many features, I would simply turn to com peting products m thc Mac world. lbe PC's lgustratoris md
1 serharl, ert VGA
nad Dnvm la 340MS malahis (scat sauce Sama - 17 ssy nvmwc Ssrtudl
The 4test rptsode ts the art«ie 'Adobe Ulustrator 4 0 Ior Windows' by Nelson
as 4 Mac owner, I think the version wail-
tevthsad. Iuvsai aad dackmdsanda ports RAM mam«ar Ia ISMs 386DX.33 120/4 ~ 406OX-33 120/4 'OMAN
the Mac and PC.
not nuke me dump my h4c Cntiaze the product and leave the rest to the reader. If,
the advent of DD5/Windows; Ib) A Mac vl
hip Upgradable 386 OX-40
• p,
Ju\I a note to say I enloy your paper dui
L«a Iea mathmhamd aSShura hat Weh ISA Tndmd $$00CL 1st VERSO, Sahdara IIA IIO
erev •
only annoying but a definite turn of(. The lessons ala Ia) illa Mac and PC ale (ur«4. mcnally different machines — even with
caetiaxa card, Daeva I • zgds svGAmaaaar I zat ache, 125MShald dme 1 uscndr
on his hands
ache, ietsl 4$$DX-33 cma. 210 MS hald dmm, 4M RAM, 15 1024 I 7$0 Super VGAdch tatty cevil siisd mensa,
ashore than time
S dicor's Responsei I atrrr thor th v a l i
ma/or(/y ef Prop/r «clif going Ia switch p/ar. /bruit. Sut conshfrr this: rhr Iasr vrruvn af I us(rutor )br Wits(mrs was lmc/I wrakrr than thr Mdr wrshm. It (rxlm/ nurlnvmo /hs/urrs i(s Mdr I mttrydrt laud (Iokw conmds,rtc./. Tier /east IV. wrskm, an r/lr arhrr hand, is imih-
tudab/ysupra)dr Ia thc cunrwt Itsc wrsian 32; a Acehnb(t S.Olc/rdsr ibr rhr l(m tmms/ws lo Irdpftttg rhr Wtmfvwt wrulel )ct again). 5a,
cross-p/e/term camper/sans arr inrvRab/c Im(IIIE rra-p(a/(birn drwlapnsrrsr/s a rmshN tmaf rhrsr days, but /kw (it lwry/ Nodus(s arr /drn/bd( ae PC, Mdr, Am/gd ar whetrvrr. sslrfbrr, wr will centaur ra po/n( awt rhrsr
ditkrrrkcx %%d r amr //ertg, ir /rr(pt prapfr drc(dr w(rkh is /Ar (cst pksutwm io run dwwlcku(av furcr af so/hears an. chaos/rtg Ihr r(t/I/ so/Iuun is dt (mSS/ dS ilntonanr ar «hkh Aanc
uulr ir runs an.—tb
fuob(rms. Wr arr ucN4nt an a wdrdkm.Asfor
English Tutor I have a probknL I have been looking for a goud English iutor (or fore(gams and so far, I have no t t o un d on e F a t h v e ndor I
approach says that such a program is not avat4hk In Canada or the US. and I should look lor one abroad. Is thh the truth? Ii
not, could you give mc some advice on where to look7 My system ts a 36fi PC with l)D5 5 and Windows 3 I.
Wdhcim Uromacili Vancouver, 8 C;
gdl(or'I eesporss«yfsr H)frcr(,IN fo/(wide (:lan/Xrny iO(5-557)%210 or 800 126-5007/ rg)Vis a UStpa parkalr cd//rd Periods trit(die! /fast, OS iuu m)t)rt rsprrv, rru.hrl grit(IS)l ta Fral«aprumrl. ()ther /xsrkatn rrarb English /tum /atwn sc and 5/xsri/I/I The cam/xmr a/sir a/flvs fram ta Spnai txa4L(cs /race runes Ivi rien C(SI) thar premise to track Errni A or Jpdmls/I to Ant(op(xvia. Ai/ arr aio//ubir for
thr Marin(ash arhf rhr Pc. one m/ly trarirrr a(fawsd ussr u(//I d Irdcropfsanrwguippnf ttih ar )t(P(: hl rrxold Ah «h n a wn ndcr Uhr I/Sr Pmgram araf rrvn/xsrr /r ia riv Ixrrivr IPnllrrs' wdcr Edrh Parkatr rnchsfrs rwo CD rgsrs am/, as oah, mquiarl a E.f/-R(fkf dr/w I / ) prrt//ar has d /6.(ht(r cato/ag with e largr rrsmsbrr at
rcsndnaky pnccd after(nts A/I ownr»/rir d 30. iAry messrs bmk trrarunrrr. Srr(its Pub(is/rurt, a /lith/y rrcurdr J Pub. /ishrr af I hpsttr cwrws, Aushlrlrsrd somr at f(/prrC(ot's 4sntis4(r tutors. Orr(/lz nvw at)kvs U55I VVTh(NI (r T alk caursrs in Span/lb. Frrnrh, German and Imiian an (.'(>RDA( in «A/It/an ro Its 'Orr/ltz art(iud' corirsrs, sri/.
bm h/renttapes and books. Theseiatnurule ruble/d/I iur mr/y piN(o/ a sur(girt wdw af (.(kf(OA(-bast( rne(rrkd tfhd is just /siring thr nhsrir/ w r ' (I takr a .kncrv
leakdt ibr(ap(raf(/fs-g()M lnaur/unr 'mwi. r(mafia /ssur. —Sb
stloge letters' Cont/nard onPa/Ir 8 f
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Xal id
Scanis Sml IS
TI Unhcayey Wa • damp n cww ow«inmmv «mans • I asannavow c»deaf osco as c»w saw«ms I I •7I Iil mp w ~ • m~
~ca » IW $Ã1 cs
ITI On«cl«a apm«is la
is ~
aaa swnaw
1.44MB 3.5' Floppy Drive BOMB 19ms IDE Herd Drive 2 Serial, 1 Parsi}el snd 1 Geme Port Trident Super SVGA Csrd 512KB 14 SVGA Monitor 1024x768 28 dp Focus 2001 Enhanced Keyboard 13 Mini Tower Case 200W Power Supply Genius Serial Mouse I200- TOOOdpi) Microsoft DOS 6.0 zc Windows 3. 1
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aoisf Stsllaa
Iaasla»ca cpsasesrwn rscSsncnaaa is wm aa ~ n s o4%}zan rn was ~ IAw 4w l gÃ,15& cascssay scant Ic scstksacu» sac&Ita»ause caa pack Scsaasd lultdas ~ t
ns 4% lnw'418910i&Inc&I tostnoe
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Or der Mind-Expanding Material Through The Mail
Handeze Gloves paitmn Internauonsl hss (clos)cd a produ(s that may help pe(gdc who hive carpel-tun-
11 x 17 Printer fr lom Genicom
nel syndrome, a punful afBktion of the hn-
We missed t hi s One w he n it c ame o u t
gcrk which can be (eased by (epet)ttw tyfh
ing. Using non• llergcnic mite.
ln Sept '92,
rial, Patt(on's
Handcre gloves
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to<st pc I)pc< (i i c
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but it still
usks. Oni) 824.95 o )rio
p nnter f e a tures l i uil t i n P C LS, I B M
interfaces tnclude serial, par l le l snd Apptct • IL. The printer is targeted at ('Al)
usen and low~d 17TP sppli(stlom Contact 0anuam Canada tnc, la)6I 625-0770
Canlact Pasran orna • )aha), Ii)61 787 'i 225 Re<risc 12 I»lies fiir ontv $74 95 iiisA-lso )NrcaNA)) )NA) sov)
Packard Bell Announces 40 New Products
Send your che(guu(mousy order lo TNB C()f)IPtrTRR PAPFR Su((c 8, 5661 Weu 4th hw , Vancouver, BC VGR IP2
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w uw)
Cad •
1 in r o
top and minora»el. The new offerings fca. ture local bus v)deo, Windows accelerator cucuitry, Zero Insertion force proceuor upgrade slots, impruwd RAM c xpsndabih.
%%)NI'1 t)OIC
t ' «id i « i c
N J ttw o
( ol i
h I
Mal N o f C
Which fait)an would you iika7
A) ) o i u
6 (:
ty, cater))al <Klic and video RAM. I'a<ksrd
Bell has aho launched a support 885 as well is its exi~ting tech support available on Compuserve I'rodmss are svali ble lram lead)ng Canadian rctadcrs )a<iud)nd Sears, kfatcsti< Sound. Prt(e Club and C(ntco. Canted Packmd Sse (1 (6i 567-6706
S t)o iotu . T o i o ioo
The BestPrices 486DLC33MHzSystem
4860X 33MHzVESAlocalBusSystem True Imel 80466DX/33 CFU 4) AMI BIOS 2566 f sternal Cache Memory
AMI BICTS, BK Internal Cache 4MB Ran
4ssg RAM Expandddc to 32MB Ion boardl 19 Middle TosserCase with 200W Fo»er Supply 1.2MB 8 1.44MB f loppy Ohl Orive VI 324NI I i'l Host adapter»hh 25/IF/IG Furl
Adinitower Case w/200W PS
2 Serial I Parallel 1 Gene Ports 1.2vlB 4 1.44MB floE)f)y Dish Drbe
125M8 (|us(dam Hard Drive
12$MB Hard Dtsl Drive
M Nan Iruerlacd S' VGA Monitor 2 lhe Max Graphics Accrlerator «ilh IMB focus 2001 161 keys f chanced Keyboard
SVGA Color Aeonilor .28 1024XTGB
Trident 8900CL SVGA Card w/IMB
101 Enhanced Keyboard
$2059.00 i'sr i)lt (Asi) Hs <HAC<2 • lusts s(au<<) r(i 1 HAN(a wnH()U) N())Kl
P 11h Avenue
aCComp pf665 2AH( Video
Stii Avenue
W w t • m. w o w ~
Second awonr
Seanix fechnology Inc.. of Richmond,
)pwl io Pn Axon ot Gronvde Book
recently announced that a .I.year lith)ted warranty is now avaiiabie on its AS) 9000 personal computers. Seanix has branches in
Vancouver, Ca)gary, Edmonton, Toronto and Montreal
I t designs and assembles
in its Richmond facility. I he warunty applies io all ASI 9000 systems
com puters
Compulit celebrates tenth year M onk ( ) i t en , p r esident o f C o m p u l i t f)tstributors, 4 S C -based computer book dntiibutor, recently ga ve ' l Ot h An nivc hery awan)l to nvo Van<nowt ares merchants. Thc lint sward went to Greg Harder of Conti C< rmputer S y s tems i o r be i n g
Compel)i's finr ever customer — on On 22, 19tt2. I he second award was given to / i m
Allen at (.ranvilie Rook Company for Computer Rookseliins Fact)knee.'
New computer distributor group forms
maao e teoN OOAtraaao aa toot Iemaaey
D aoo yale toner cNltldee leave stean tinea or aoledeoa
Aro aoe tooates lor • eon)eeet toot etoem eooloo • wlr Oloenato ttmear
• iona tho V'm or isle Ooeey
Ia year teON dana)tv too i)ority
O . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ). a ,.
neve money on toeoey on D o yoe eastt io novo
Look No Farther!
Ne have t he A n s w e r s!
Contact Sauna Tecaeakgy inc 1804) 273-3et)2
From Socked to Software Mc) ( Jtuswlkr the former Social Crtdu nun)ster ol finance has landed on the manage. ment team of Ntw Era Software in Vtnons The compariy is the developer of IDIS — Iot Oncnttd Infonnauon System, a lot dcvdola
Service 4 Supplies for Laser Printers •
' .
Clfl f IIt TRhlFINI 1%lklNOFH$8h%XAIN~.
ment software package dcs)gncd for muninpalnlcs. Couvclicr has apparent)y had capo. <)ence in this area, as he is also the former
mayor ol Saaru<h, as wca as having bctn t he p r esiden l o f t he un i o n of SC Munk)pa)tots The package w)U run under Windows and prumi ~ io curn)anc • numbn ot func.
uons <unto()y done b) separate programs mto one pockage. As an exampk, LOIS 2 0 is abk to target an indivkiuai p)est ol prop. erty, draw a map of the area. show the name )I the registered owner, pull up the
Contort Johnny Tang 1804) 273ddfm
Dr Tomorrotftt on ~
Theprintis actually blacker thantheoriginal EP
. WfN NFNÃll~
6eyererveef se tt Cerper ef • Pv r s frese O rders a r e W e f t • rverfl Ii
assessment, ron)ng and bmiding permit inlormation and irxlude pholm, onginal letters and other inlormmion. IDIS is <urrently in use m a variety of muninpalities in SC. Ontano and Nova Scot)a.
It's Ibr)g %mph' HEU'
ContactNew Ero Sot)worn 1804)3SOWs
F rank Ogden, b etter k nown a s D r Iumonow. 4 symbcated newspaper colum-
nist who's writings locus on commg tech-
aalp slalma ra NW 4aCaoodda treat soSI • A tamam a ~ m e ssy emrimo,
nulogicai and socul dunge, has boned with Po4r 7 Enterprhes lo put more than 4SO of his • rtkies idatmg back to 19SS), onto a
Alter ten years at its 10th Ft Aims location, whkh ihe ptoprietor describes el humbk , SUkonnections Computn Rooks has moved up the street to 378S West lt)th Avc., in Vaniouver Sili<onncctions is one of the few stores dedicated a)most excluuvtly to
CO-ROM. The companv p4ns to produce only 777 d)s<s and each wdi be s)gned and
<omputer books. IOwner Hank Wool stiU stocks the odd historkal and business uue
can use royalty Iree lor newsletters undet 2.000 copies. Suggested reuil pnce h S2SO.
to fksh out the hnc) fhe new ~tore is much urger end <an no ionger be chere<tert<Cd as
Cords<i Peter 7 naorpnaoo. (S04) f)444x)0t
humble. The bigger store has enough room
teel uloN aafetooae ael oaa • aod oapNweao hl ew coaly
lhippcil since January I, 1993
The Western i anada Computtr Iststnbutor Society h a s r e centl y f o r me d i n t he Van<ouvm area the goa)s of the gntu)r art to rnts)uragt communication and buuneu development between memben, exchange <radii )nformat)or) lo rcdw t nedit nsk and cnn<h tht lo<lal activmcs arnoilgst corllpiiter d)stnbutors in Western Cmsa<4. Membcn roust be Western Canadian computer disiiibuturs.
Siliconnections moves to new location
Seanix announces 3-year tnrarranty
• os )4EIP~ V %% Q m etta Q
numbered by ihe author — they ihmk they
may have a worhrs lint — a coaecuble CI> R OM fhev also include clip lext — a var)ety ol artkk s tlut ncwletter publishers
Swm A HELP • IQ taranmom mo ferneoild am mm ~ t ray emr Sto
According to SCff, mort tlun half the cngH neers and technoiogists in Canada are no longer employtd in a technical capacity within flat years of gladuat)on. Marly move on to supervisory, nunagement and marketing positions — Raids m which they have no formal training. The khool's new diploma course alms to RU the void. It Is olfcnd part-time durmg the evenings so it is accost)ble lo lhose who art airtady working The diploma and advanctd diploma
can leod to a lucheior of techn ology dtgttc lhrough iht open learn)ngunivtruty.
HELp serneoe sere)ON IJA sta Em)teem tsarnatn ILc ssH Tt i ~
Contact SaconnectionoC<anputN Soaks It)04)222 2221
«ytvyaa)a ~ a ob ky trna ee m m row mratmrye aaeh ~ orna ~ a e kp sroutwearevsao Bs)atatk)ausombovgo
ic programssuch as WordPerfen and Lotus
222-44R I
l laa ~
• aat v aa sre mmam<4
BOT offers diploma in
working, progumming and Vmx. It also mainuin s a iree bulktin boa td system I BSS) that aUows you to log on and search a daubase of available computer book tltks. Idf)4)
• I Sas)Natam esg Td • msmm tftoaea ymo
a 4ml
lo expand an already extensive colknion of computer books. In addiuon to many of the mi>re mainstream self-help books for specif1.2-.l, SUkonne<ttons has a brood» k c tion of iiiies dealing with OS72, Macintosh, net.
eM aakla&io
• aroasmoaadk
• aay®®%~
Payrag FOrtRvsff))ATE ATTEND)N FAX THIS Ofg)nfl Ff)yvs
'J Send More Intorynation
'2 Send a Payrott t
I30 Ooy MOney Serai Quwonaei 'tCLP Peyrol %34SSS PST 32) 00
Poa)V Coda FAX I hare I I
TOTAL Seeded Choevo O VISA
$3OS 4S
Eagamon i %4 IH ~
what's new Commodore intros network server, color notebook, cuts prices on Amigas
computer o ffers
removable hard drive
small fo medium network servers SRP Is
Collect Commodore fkrsinses Macha>m ktd (4161 ass>-4262
Wyse Technology (t.anadai, recently «hied a numbet of new moni ton to iis cur. rent family of
Designed for the
Commodore has recently launched its rnmt (x>werrul Dt)S ba>rd system io date, the Lommr>dure T486-50c assed on 4 50 MHz Intel 4116, it hopes to sell lots o( them as 5 1,2>r>r, wh«h in> fudet • 250 Wait pOWer supply, Irvc drive hays, eight 16.bit kSA slot> and an Overnnve socket to accomnxxtate ihe future 100 k(Hz 486DX2 CPUs!rom Intel A t t h e same time. thc <ompany announred ihc 41165X-I IC n o tebook, 4 5 7lb <r>for notch>x>k lor 54,295 Commodore also announced malo< <ost savings on its new Amiga 4000 and 1200effective only until Manh .Il , 199:I Thc>r fiarsh>p 4000 can t>e had (or as low al SA499 bundled w>th two graphics packages fa savings of 51,695) Thc 1200 will be bundled with a final (:opy and De(us> Paint IV hu 5ti9914 54 15 saving)i Allo now available is Amiga Vision I'rules>i»nal, ihe fault i m plementation o( its icon-based auihoring tool
Wyse launches Yet Another Tax new monitors Program
computer user
monochrom e
who finds it tireI
monitors hew a re t h e 1 7 W Y-870, t h e 15 WY.850 in both sfandatd and low-emiss ion f . S v e r sir!ns and low.
(ries from their ponable <omput. cr t o d e s ktop c omputers, t h e new D a ta Train DPC' 4925 note. book hat
removable hard dnve. )hc hard dnvc can then bc plugged into a specially equipped
e mission 8 5 versions of their popular WY-&55 and WY670 monitors
dmktop unit. It features 4 2S MHz 486SX
m><ropro<cssor and weighs 4 9 lln.
la Mone Enferprises Inc. ol Vi<toria, hm upgrad<d iv Tax Suds fasy Canadian Tax software package (or the 1992 iax year h runs on 18M-PC or <ompatibln with 512k and one floppy dnk The menu4friven ux return program is in its seventh year <>( pro.
duction according to ihe company's press release. Crxrtarx 14 Mone Ercwprises Ir>c, 16041 )660426
Don t Toss those
Inkjet cartridgesRefill them! I rrl • g e
Coixaa yyyte T>d>ofogy icanaddl ur, 14161686-mys
Co n t ro l
Conuus Ssrvx>swoixs Oeeeuson inc, Truoreo
Corp., o( Etobi<oke, wants you
(416) 624-5644 Vancouvm gOlf 273-445S
Acer Announces Neve Server, Service and Support Programs Accr Canada recently announced the Acerframe SOO, an entry-level «iver using
fa<turcr provided end user suppr>rt is a mud for its business as well. Thc company
an k(SA bus and a 66 1>IHz 48( DX2. Pnccs
began the process in October 1992 and ts
si • (1 ai 52.29'> Us following 4 trend sct by Dell Computers and m<ently cnlulated by Compar) arid ISM mmmg others, Acer hm dc<fdcd that manu.
now broadening the scope to include all
to m us e )'out >1>l'nf Ink(et cartr>dges. It oi(ers 4 sencs of refill packets (o r t h c D e skJef, B u hbleJet. Siylewriter, ThinkJet. Quictfct, ih<onix and
various compatible printers and fax
products marketed under the Acer product
machines. they come in black, rcd, green, blue, hrown and violet ((or thme with garish tastes) with a suggested retail pri<e o(
lines to allow dire<) servsceand suppon
two for 525 Confed imeae Conird Corp. (416) 251-4%0
Multitasking Communications Networking So f tware Development
I ® • Is UNI X fe r you7
• •
l , •
• •
Cog Ua for o hee rternonatreaon or Itic POWER OFUJIJX At Co>ops>>a<mrs. we spec>cafe In Urus on the u>re(80xdo archnect>xe. wnh
a varietv of vnix iysteiru incrudtna consensyrv4 and u>teractfvd vnix. we
aha ofter aftordabie S/466 woAsfarlore, cong)fete wnh Vnu insfased. we pr>de o<xserves in otferino the belt suppon roraa Unar systenu. inciudino
SCO Our servtces v>etude vufaaatton, networtra>0. Cammuruccmons. UUCP trafnmo system aarnrn>strut>on. <u>d porrino appacarioru to 5/466 Unsr
Our hardware deportment comes h>oh-quoi>ty components far your vnix
sysrorr> inca>rdna SCSI adapiors. tape bacirup. CD ROM. fermi>>ats, ethernet boar d> and rrx>ft >pon 1/O boards
+ SgrnSo g > w u>ww» w s>v»
POSIX Og)erotintf ayatcsfn TCp/ip 8 Nor wortrc>0
Fort 386 wort(stot(on
$450 $ f 999
Phone or visit PC Comptfters.
FX W1LLABKE IT NGHT! 1Vealsosdl tbe LEObrand ofcomputers. For Service,Qnalitya~utReliability ComeSeeUs. lVe alsohaveagreat sekctionof CD RomTitles.
Opercmno system 01 Windows. TCP/iP. Nefworiuno 8 Develcpnsent systein)
Tum Your PC into o oMPIIY URU
full featured X Windows Teminol. Prascr SL, Vancouver A U QU$8201-4381 Ph: (606 J(r79-7166 MJCJK6Yt)TEJV5 tt-mail:
IS-IXOI(c. 2 JtttatkJtkhdtand,(J.C. SIX 2C2 (0228Kkt(t Gattftfa ISShtfaf, Stffftly, e.C. YSR2Y(S
• s.
Tal; JIN) 2768506 Fax: (IN) 27248182 582astg 582a278
Canon Printers BI10ex w/SF
IM20 w/SF Bl200 BI300 Bl330
85 5 515
FttrTaetrf' ere Year - $)stagsIklsa.
I • •
, I P/I G p r » Mcnc •
1. 144PDD 2S/I P/IG port
M nl-In« e l ce »
1 ~
1 .44 M H I D D Qvecclr» 5 2 - M n H D D SVGA Mn n csnr ( 2lkltn) S VGA elepnlcc w/51 K Kcyhc»nl
1 44 M H I DD
M Inc- Tower c«ec
SVGA Moncs r 1.2aatn) SVGA emphsce «/5 I K
~1 t l » 1 t r n
e ve IA cl nrn » / l l ) r M aryenwe
$1415 F ee Trelnl — See below •
, '
Networking e wl
51 10
% eo(ar s Inse»0000 c)1M ine e 51) l Inelel 0000 n/S I )S ~ m 1 le ) 1»lani 0000 e/ I ha
A n svai a ~ 1 sa a M »
A n v~
/I ae a M»
I // e ah »0 ~~ / thsesnl Salsa elise r /I Ml
assoc aesuan/ I We
n ltLM S I M S DCXI 1 o
512 0 $000 5/ 00 5075
$1955— See below
Free Trebti •
$21y I ISPRIISISAJepere $410 • shee 0105 tepee $ 2 1$ • mea2 404 124pnt $ 3 1S lees 2420 1240eae D eo e «» IP510 Ises»t $5 40 • eels Itsse $1105 • aces lr I 1 )0 (I I spec $1400 aueaaCXC00tstpea sy/5 auere Cna 10«ppet $1200 Ohep Cxe30 tetpe $1450 Iec $10/$ $)3/I
1 $55I/Sg FTISA524ee — See bow
lacsp • Gular lsm hml sas ua r Iel nal laama Re I eel, tel • 4 ream IRI PS Sea»Sec Sash satan aa ama Pmta Ie S a re a ym • rheeee Irp alee alma» »rase er I» IS ne ~ Sm w lr ea Im e»$1 aaaaea h Iaal ep tae taee)pcase s eeea h ~ e aps ice heel raepyaaeasrpaelesaaetemeeataaaeaasl Jaatleaa ls ~ % b e lal al es lese Iaaaae 1 teats le lala salas aaA, ~ eelamaaehMhhs '~ ee e eaem» ~ ma rs e tml wales pemelms s m ea
p & eaaaeaa»~ p aMSS~
IAMoesc Saner Kc 110 Ml/Psl IANs M ~ Aap a m IANaaec lal Winclt»
$2 14 0
Nasal 02 2
& C 3FGs 15' MS SVGA NK 1I G 15' MS SVGA
$135 5310
Aemosene 11' SVGA Aamaseeg 11' SVGA Nl
SVO A I I I C n h r n / I M n
sac K05
Wemm 0aeot 212ma l)Smat 5125 CMM 52)aa ll/ & 5100
c ra$45 11' svGA te
SVOA serene I
De»nm c~
Free Trelnl
Hard Drives5410
11' SVGA Nl.
I ee M s t D D S S/I tl la p m
De»em ce» avon as«err I smstl I
seer » an
M s Dos s o
Spawns 11' SVG A
I 44M S P D D
I rtl-M S H
$1299 Free Trelnl — See below
Split(la s m
• ma»nec Kgl Me
l I •
Aaacaa 245ml 115 set c3ecseem 240)AB 1I lme l Me»sar 130)/e 115 ms l
4 Mh S A s l
s vo A H e s e nc « I I M S
Ms ocss s n M.' • Iree
4 86 OX 2
• S IS I l A W
r « sn
I aa aes PDD
' IPII O S r «
4 86/ 3
eaK c«ee
I aa MS I DD
Free Trelrtbtg — See beIow
Free Trelnlng — See below
II »e r n » l cn Ml l H D D s vo A M n » r I Z l elp )
3 86/ 4 0
SVGA eeephoh « / 5 12K Kcyhoenl
Kcy In»lr
3 86SX / 3 3
Hn-MB HDD SVGA Monleoc 02ucepl )
Free Trelnlng —See befow
Free Trelnlng — Seebelow
Mo» - lon cl cess
its- Mn HDD
SVGA Monleor ( 2aepl) SVGA erePhlce «/512K Kcyhoenl
4 MD S A M ~~ K c a che I - 1.44 SDD 2S/)i '/ I G poem
12SK Cec+c
• IHD SA M . 1 2SK cache 2S/11/ I I) ports
4 8b/ S O
4 8b/ 3 3
3 8bOX / 4 O
3 8bSX / 2 5
aa l l ae e~ p h
$2/ 0 5205
CANCRI.ED l50 55 /0
I tys ) SO 215
Although lhe Spring PC Fesgval at lhe PNE has been postponed until next year, we al Versatile
still plan to offer a day of Special Prices lo welcome Spring So plan lo drop by our store
Saillrdtay April 3. You won'1 regret you did.
NETWORKING —Sf RVICE—Rf NTAlS l930 Ngsl Iroglwoy Tgl: 731-1930 f ox: 731-19d0 l-$00-dd3-llld3 Matrrll 030 La-4 rw Tmt„ tel Fry Sal. 'I isa-S r~ Bi gtltel C.OJLAJI 1JSBhler M( 4 igSB
fREE TRNNINO Qep 1: Buy a cempuler Qep 2: Get ocqucs inlBBd
For mony, npac54ing their hat haaa or alicecam pus can be contsang and nssealng. Beginning hsarch 1, Versohle eng prortde 0 FREEansday aaaung smaon lar aJ
bryan al VICSor Career sysaasa.
Thelashing, h4d m ourstassol lhe art douroam, enBcoew al BP assenaofs — ham
saeng up ycha computer and prinssr lo aagroms and geessg undaway Ow aaeucnss ore not ju» saembers of eall, bul leaned Faafsmaanafs. lrs just anatasr part al lhe wppart Venatge ls canumeed ID pro»dinges casa)aors
r I
• I
• I
Smart 386'OX33 System
$ l 1 75
IHILL3OAOV 33MH< (Pl 12lll Ties (a<be Memory Il aoir sr • rt) li' SepecT6A(alar 3lip Neairor 120NU fiutJ Orsh Oriut arch 32kl ( • cbe 2NI furr )les Sysrtm Nemo<y )»ion< Super 'yliA Viieo (oarroltr $12ll (PlUS el sroaieri lee<urus lisiei I
Smrrrt 486 SX2S System
$ 13 7 5
IHlfl400$3 2$NH< (PU li' Super VCA (oltr 3V Jp Monica< ITINI fee J Dish Deice srh 32TI (a<ha IHI fess )las Sysrem Nomury Irriear 4per VCA Alee (onrroltr $12ll lplU5 ell sctnierd Iterates I»soi I
Pro 486'DX33 System
IllflIOADA 33NH< (PU ' 12IUI 20ns («4 iitmtry ll-uei<.sr• r• I 14 Sept< VCAHoa Inter)acti ( • Ior flip Noe«or 130MI MAVIOI frrti Orcut urrbhill (ec4
INI furr fins SysremMemory Ali Wonier lift Vritt (enrr• lier INI IIA 1Mrlioa (nlo«sl IPLUS• H sseaiari leo<urer Iisiti )
Pro 486'OX2$0 System
IHIEL 4OIDV2 SIMH< (PU I fill Tins (t<4 Htmary ll-aeis-»tre) II' 4 ptr ICAHon iai • rl• <ei (olor flip Homier 20IMI WE5IEIH OI6IIAL fiuei 0<iruarch(a<ho 4MI fess 10as 5sttmMemory Ali6IAPHI($ ULIIA Trito harasser IMO VIAM IT(IS el stonier I Ittc«tslrstei I
Pro 486'DX2 SO System STANDARDFEATURES: AsPAQ PAO St»rs fe4 n<ei101 hty Keybeari IU)i15U I IIMI Hrlb Oeasrryfl oppyOrch0<ir • fUIITSU I 2MI Ii ThD»ry fleppyOi h I ne PIO Sess< Mini stat< / (les<i< Dtshrop (hears' 100 Weir (SAAppr• ueJ Tooer Supply Sysrem
2 Sar< • I, I PareUel aai I ComePari MI(IOSOf1 DOS$.0 Iles<alai aiib Selrrere I Manual) 3-It<se e House I House hi TWO TEAIPAITS l lAIOUI WAIIAHIV
Outa 5 •<arity Sptdal IOitf6A 3 5 farmer 2$0MI Iapt I •chuP Orn• lertrnel Orna re se year f4ppy lish (othello< is lope tor 5ystem loch• p
PAIIASONI( 24-Pi • Oot.War<in Printer 1123
Hp 2pu Laser)at Printer Illl i p l, Ipp, utter leclaJell
PANASONI(441 • instr Printer (300JDI, SPP, <tetr Iacleiti)
ualnu wau Hwe l e « c ruelarar s s s r aw( sra a a Jeaacral«~ < car 'usee a e 4 « te e s« s a « 4 Wl s <rre& & s ra t<ram<<Sr«rose& s r uuanreuusauu
ll lf l i l i l f $ l lyiir (PU 2$ill 20as •( <beNeso<T (0 ae» sr• te) If( If 63 IS Hill Deli• irrtn flat ScreenLer leiretiee Noa«or 245MI NAVIOI frtoi Dr<re a«bAlll (a<he I • II INI fess Plus ST<res Memory VE5Ale<el Ias ETIDOIAl 32»sr Trite (oarroHtr • se IPl1$ • Il srtaieri lee<urus I«ieJ, I
The UlTNIA TE486'DX2/66 System $249- IKSI HIE I ilil l 2 AAHH< (PU
OLLIVITTI )P-I SOW I• t-fot rit • Aasosoti< Cet Sbett feeler
lllll414012 SINHr (PU 120ll 20w (• <ht Memory (I-amc srtrt) Hf( 3161 )5 Hrlh Dulia«roe fit< 5<reea Lta ltii • iran Non<so< TDIMI WE5IEIH •ICITAI frrti Orire • rrh illl (o<he INI fess Tlat 5ysresMtme<y All 6IAPHI(5 ULIIA Trito Prectss« IMI VIAM IPIIS • 1 sea»le<i Intr»ts hsrei.)
CAO 486'DXSO System Wieiocus fen (ossaal<etlee Spa<le) 6'y( Till/2 400 beni rare<eelSeel I locate fet MoI em S.Tour W Wralec I» Wrnieas 5efraer• Ni(ll l l f i Wrnieus 13 I • rrh Soiraer• I Manual
$35 2 5
2$ill fi ns (t<bt Nom«y 10 aeit sioi • I AAMAEIHC I 5' Ulcc • TCA12I0< II24 lies $«oenMon<car 24$NOOOA HIUM 5($1.2 fiuti D<rre aiib 2SAII (a<he
I • PI
IMI lest fins 51<rts Memory ATIVf5A (teelles32 4<Ulllipll Tiioo Pre<tsar 2MI TIAM
UlfIASflt 34fTfSA4<• I lw 5($12 Hill hrfersaa<• (oar<aller IT(IS:aNstaaieri hera<aslistti.)
v(Fhat's new ra(raCedars
EIW gets Apple distribution, expands Vancouver Warehouse IMJ l)ata Systems Ltd., was recently selected by Apple C:anada inc., to d istribute Macintosh <omputers to the Value Added R escllers (VARsi. A<cording t o H e n r i Vehovec. pi<blent of Adam Peripherals, a
were also <oils(dered (or thc tasli, EMI was
branch. The (actlity has grown by 5,000
chosen. not (or its expertise m Macmiosh new market fnr Apple. FMJ a(so announced that it is expanding
sqiiare feet to • total 0( 15,000 square lect The increase wiU allow more stock in the west, to better supply western o istomen
conlacr EMJ Data systems Ud. (51si toy-
Macintosh.speci(t< peripheral supplier, who
its warehouse operations in its Vancouver
products, but because it opened a potential
taraaart Pmr V
aam Srases Dma It(apt (etta VP usr Jag'
Bat Frradsai rrga drdamwBlta iaaarnis
Windovvs NT Preview
Microsoft has recently announced its plans lor the release of Windows NT (New Technology) Aimed primarily at cunent h igh-en d t e«h n i c a l Window users, Windows NT will feel and look like
regular Windows, but it wiU be the h i g h octane v ersion of W i nd o w s a ccordin g t o Il w a y n r Walker, (ttre<tor (or Windows F(T Windows IC( will be able to addreu several gigabytes of RAM. and terabytes of memory storage It wiU also offer portabdi. ty across both intel and RISC; computing piativrm. Microsoft that nearly 3,000 dcvelopcrs • ie Planning tn launc h Windows NT appS. cations within the next war. took for m<ue NT coverage in t h e M a y i s sue of T h e i rarrpurrr Poprr
a o F 'r w 4 a 5
Font Directory for Windows geaver Pond Fnteipnses ts offerintt a refer-
e nce boo k f o r W indow s (o n t . lovers. O r i e nted towards the novice user, rhe iirst boi>k is called Tiir Font l)irr<tory a n d it sh<rws <iver Ave hundred samples o( fonts ~ ( fr)iii irlany ir i t h e
he best«lling FC software game in the wockL' From the adrenaline rush of a breakaway goal to the tenskrn of the Sudden Death overtime, WayneCn tzky ffcckry 3 will take you on the ice for the ulhmate test of skillL
suspicious suicide A chilling curse. A malevolent power. And a wicked dark secrek This is De(cero, legendary Louisiana mansiors—where against your better
furl grrlral t, you' re des wtl irlto a world
of shadows and eviL
most papular pack• ges ol sotnvare fonts, including those (rom Miirosofl. Adobe. CiuCI, Agta, (hgital and
airstream coruact, naavar pand Eruarprnaa !514) 2421500
11 hours from new Panasonic notebook
r • •
nd you thought F-15 II was striking! Squeeze mto the cockpit of the F.15 Strike Eagle this time and youll et parlance aerial combat so realistic youll be gasping for air! BecauseF-15 fll is far moce than an upgrade ... it's a whole new shooting match
ogec Wlko, the seiverse's favourin. janitcx; has bambocasfed his way through Ihe SlarcorsSpace Arcademy and taken command of his own stssship. He' s lean. he'5 ~ an d he's out Io clean!
Pssrof Drstfiny brings virtual reality to the PC, hurling you into intense battle between good and evil in which only you can save the world! See if you have the right stuff to accomphsh the most dangerous mission of the war!
panasontc has mtrodu<ed a notebook <omputer ttut otters up to 11 boun ol battery life. Weighing lust 5 Ibs and o n l y I 5 " thick, the computer u ses an A M D 1 5 6 SXLV running at ZS
he okl RepubiS< isgone. The Jedi
Kntghls have been eatermmaterL Now Brnpetcscseeks to crush Ihe Last remaining opposibon. Agnktst the overwheftrung might of gse stands a small but gtcrwing
.m e
as • S ggha FIkg
» » » » » » » » » » Klec fsurefc Arts
STRIKE COMMANDE R » » » » » v» » » x» » Ov f gfa ACES OVER EUROPE » » » » » » » » » » » Dystsa tris
Mi la, w it h a N i ckel.
Hydride ha 1i cry t hat <au be recharged In I hour and IS minutes. Coiitacr anaaoolc Canada (415! S24 5010
Rtoru What's Hew on fsaffe 34.
4S OO '3 Road, Unit 103, Richmond
B 7 8 -7 6 3 8
g V Ce h A g Rg g I g N N % T T
eh«re Nearly ag of the software Mac umis
coeur f«publiskmg ts nose — a soon will be — avaitabk on thc FC Itardware is, in most tares, cheaper and more plentihsl, and m on So what's nat to like'
FCs are nat as stmpk to use, with or without Windows Especially tncky are cxsendsd and expended necmor yannggrsra. tion problems. which the Mac doesn' t have A FC is much trickier to sct up and matntam. Software imteiieuon and iespc rialtyi un.inimgation an dremeiieahy ea»er on the M» Next issue, ln aui Ieaiurc stofv I'i<king Ihr Right Opcraang System. well exanune some af the tradeotfs that the easeai-use nccemrtatn, bst one lect remains: the M»
n ideally tuned for pubitshueg Thankfully, imce yern aee actseally in a program and uslrlg et bc it Pageklahcr Eacek «any mw af doaens af other muhL pladonn ntks. the FC vx Mac debate laces steam. With lew exceptions, thc petformancc and runrtians add up to a campanble expcrknte on either platform And the pan Ihat teally nsstten — the output tram a pnntcr or imagcscttcr — is vinuaily indisttnguishabk and can be itutte spectacular. We' ll look • t output a httlc later Right
now, I'L dhcuss a kw other buses af rekvance to FC oerncn Mac usen can skip • head t o
t h e section t i t le d ' P r i n ter
Car mtksaseans.
It goes without saying that the capabilities of desktop publishing programs have grown since the release of the first incarnation of PageMaker in the mid-'SOs. Indeed, traditional desktop publishing programs like PageMaker and Ventura Publisher now face considerable pressure from Windows-based word processors, whose graphical abilities encompass many of the features required in DTP applications. catures aten't everything when yme are looking ta ih r right DTI' applianan, bile then arc several kcv an'as Li con.
sider. (hooohe9 • Ccrrsspsrfor Itecse are campethng reasans to use a PC, rust m tteeec are grewr ruasaen so um a Mac. Amies. Unix eeorkstanan «evhat-have.vaer
Long-tune readcn will recognise my famd. iar retram.' choose your software tint. These devs, most DTP and graphics programs are available on both the FC and Mac. Either al these pktfarms represents • good choice for DTP appbrathms Despite Appie's resent tsphasss on loca~ M a ts. igM compatdtks me — assd villi pmbably remain — the kast expen»vc hardware
K Ituues It you
• I rc ad y
usi n g
Windows/GEM/Gcoworks, ctc., look t« a DTP applrcatum that works in yaur chosen
envtmrunent. For one thang, you'U save • considerable amount of disk space by not having to duplicate fonts, printer dnvers and thc athci accoutremcnts at two sepa-
rate graphtcat shcftx I« exampk, venean 3.0 ol Ventura Publisher lor Windows cosnes im nro disks — «se af winch cash Cma unslung but CumnpkL The GEM vem ncm, on thc achcr hand resp»res mare thab a dassm thsks.
As welk of coune. yauTI have less tb learn, as most applications far Windows • (etc.) have a»miler Ioak and feet. A secondary reason to stick wnh one graphical envuonment is that tt causes less probknn.
Dunng thc caune ot researchingthis arti ck. I spoke ta several users who had memory-related difficulties when ttying to use
both CEM- and Windows~ted appli thms im the same FC. DOS achhitess enough Inc»may c«slramts as b b wttti wi
Multi-function Software for DTP L OPS)Create
)nd udaa Indudea Isameaaardksu($()S ckpArt F on s i sot aphpr P a a m
Cr em e
Tant Faoe croup(ex (Faphke
Core(ORAW 3.0 WordPerfecl Word for Windows
company wtf) eventually supply these cppa-
complicating thc Issue One advantage Mac uscis have long «nioycd is 'Mn((terr )ona) printer commun). cations.' (his means that 3 Mac user can see an on-screen dialog hox with a message
bilities to Windows and network users.
Pyfottec cocsfrkcatfona I( you are on • ti g ht budget, you might wish to consider an ink-l«t pr i n ter. The
detailing the print iob's status, number o( pages to pnnt, etc. If the system is sharing a
er, but the crnt is a lot lower. Canon'1 n«w
printer with other uters on s network (all Macs have th)1 printer-sharing network capability built in), the user cin see who and what is pouting Networked PC users have no corpparable ability, i(though dng)e users mn purchase M)cvosoft'5 Windows Prtnong Syuem, whi~h pass)des improved per(ormince and bi< (tact)one( communications between computer and printer, when used with Las«riet i l . a n d I I I -s«ries printers H P '1 lascriet IV comes standard with bidirectinni( ci>ntmunlcationl c apih i l itles lor (3OS. The printer can report paper lams, paper out, low toner, etc. In addition the bundled So(tware provides a remote front p anel, f o r c o n f i gurin g t h e pr i n t e r. According to a «smpany Ipstkcspcrusn, the
StyleWntcr ll.) 4 laser printer. Mac users should get a PostScript mix(el; PC users can get away with an HP Laser)et or equivalent, wrth it l east on e m e gabyte o f p i i n te r R A M generation 1he Ser)es IV. Is by far ihc best
lhe ideal later punter (or ITTP ha) the (ollowing features: l) 6(X) ilats per inch or greater resp(ation. 30(kdpt models are on the wxy oui. HPS 60(ks)ps lascrfet IV is cheeper thin the 300dps Sense ill mode( it replaces. Note thol 600 dms per is)eh is actually 6(XI by
~a uo k ldl SkAS aok 40 ae 03$& a a ~i txa trIar Im As aok ee ah.0 Xae ( e erwst 3ash Ipx sk As eak oe rdi 0 we
atrmxtaeah w Is As aar, )se ark 0w&
ormxtexah Im sk As aokNm ah, 0 3$& 115S ~ 300 hAS tm A S eak isa ali, 0 NI& r e p)rwxtsaau As Ie As ark Ne art, 0 3$& atrm)x eclae As Im As ask ee mk 0 3$& tet eeoxtwae w ie, as aek 210 ak 0 xs& . Nu OSOI erne «4 ECAIa, W ea sm ak 0 uae 14 O • ttm))amah w Eak le w 8th ae ak 0 ~ N N • )trna Sme w $40v(sk w ae ae sdc0 ale iet sm))tm aeWNN2vtsk Warkaaakume t w OWN xme AS ENAaIVESArkk amirkerW 11 )e • twmmoe w mk mv(54 vta ae ak 0 44$ tie
Sav 1• 'Cru lucien 0' tmsn tac is' 0 )essesepsxtvau lac wi s «pa rl! Oman so nusss
tsuse 00 it FSI 0 mssss t)m 1 n 4 tom
uw4glgle ssosssesw sent iao ses 512nase 44 tsswr aet sne cdtpi Ionic 4 iue Stliu istic iial rraei slc)Acauv sue Fesasowbk iae ue iso 115 iri xi sscsn ceo aa her!Pi stele nil Os asar Lee ile sewl • sssno oche 3% Alt tee Fsa SSSACaa ms tier)l e leiaa nri Iaa FSOSSSA Cad sm ll etrte seas4 4 ri leo rsu 1sea SU5ccii sstrse viinsi ia ssnw SS ttasssa tesooeetkse ceoue aecus )ss i)eisa bessssrrttsastuse Qll scca sr isa 'nm 35
ttoaoN L Ne terostt gesesLwta
Yemen office Tel 545- I 300 Fax SLS0031 Hours; (PJOamhpmMomhy-Fnday. (Os'(pm Satunhy
Stetuoero Ute , R s eep et&step lftte Atcrm 8 tsl I IS 1st
L&f>n Pssestm 10 aaao T 0 bn I 15 an 3$5)425 i steam NE2000 aenpeabe 10 bc s addstorm 4)5 eso
• nueesmr dmso neoa ssasa Ae elnsorn)s Iermsns uesane oea Aasease eae eo cms asv, ae ta kx aue sea seato
Ha@I DEItfes & Conbeler e
Tap e OEI)fa & Case & g)tfftgf
we s 12ee oai I 21)IJS 3)K 4X. Nak tp iheaai 118ie oE iee aae 1rak 2)i .
Caaedo AWo 120,taps& ameeeei 31• Ceueds Aoea tm. 29)N& oepereei Omee st&%sr(s& OE, 1)lak 3$. 2)I Im ao Csaetem Teee 25Ca& arureeei mWn (kam aNO OE, 1)na 2 P IS couraae nf ne 04amd la 1stAmen widen osul s)ram))ts& oE, 15lllk)yt cerieu KE-10 emmd K Ie Juatnuce crees osm tiam34(a& of, 1ae, t p . S w lQ Ca)eeet FC 10 ure oeeee, 4 ckakae Faeu3)rtmaSS&F)2(X&Of itm .. S ee m ) I S celoeao Tc 15 lepoceanasi. 5 eesae oneae sea Sm& t~ ee e k tp )IN aeeceuna Ockrteta 418$)ms& Tau tmm sca tens tt3wexea, mm I p e e)ee aaeeceem 13(as a i 4u& Eto Fo iirsaa 1 &08 I 14Xia SCN tma haeme S) m t)20 w octam epe eaand04 «0& eeasdv Fs aeu SCO SN&52(XSL tste uml ts w Dctl 20 epe rat)eke IBN& atoocky EN 1 Itcs)OAaisie 20 W OCtl 20 Trpee, 5 iak oE 1 I toso IOSui asE 1P, 10 Oee)arp cmo aei Jock tadw eaae adpr OE )EISOeaasmt nae ae ec de OOS mst-~ ea e ~ o e itaawpane aepy )5 Aeeec 40)542 itASSA AD I)42 )OPO axesda Otme kedeso amer eeo nm 200wpone eaer Asksec ) so)sasw ia br Sce toFD acau rtn ae Fus oue eaer cw wt Iea, obese. w)w ps heck rSAENASCS)txxFO aresaa twsra
cpsee 24(o bad sne et 55 Ceneat 24(O baudesmrw 125 cadre?4(o bouc ai. sstsecse aW 110 censnet5$3324(N 501 tasmodes re 129 nw 14• )m eoane liiaden 510 ted Srkdoeca model4(otr(fu 555$18 II 3 eeeram, 240(km West )35)155 vs Ikeaeck 9(o(hca rtkxr 3)OSIS v 3 aenaca 14 e(L v 32 ba madan asei 0 S NObmtk 1• raa. V 32 te ie ssuennOWSWSI' 5 U 5 (kttnate 15ata DS, V 32ba s acr 5 45% 5 u 3 Ikttnnee Waiupoa 24(O padsetmOdan 2 )5 U 8 )ktbs)ace une)par « rx) packetsession 4 05 iapech Sme I Suoktpuw )SIO sacntrai "And a Dur Masse 110
tuosseo Lm st 1 tones-ns-porn ttoauan ol 80 Ccmpes Arctsa 8 be)5 br )5$6q Epsnnet Nf rixo 8 beeo2No 15bo aenpaiam tatutaa (same 10 arne.T nonstop earl 5 baI 14 ba . I 45stt55 10 ance-T 8 IL)AS I (00 . I AAA.441astrmewp Skac Eea 16 ta camtnns0 aaoo.t ihn )tuck petal 325 3cam 3ck(o 15 ba Eeaaei ced LPS 2504ANS(eadtteAAEOvAIPXNA Nenea 22 Istt05eua sees are)a&I@ISO%& Nstnee I 11 v sects«xr Ial smss 5 4 5 1 ncas2545tunanu 4e
Tel (ts0() 2794161 Fax (605) est-5510 BBS (ft02) 27945 l0
&&ogIa)ma 4 I I ee 1ilmae
Box 72 Mayne Island B.C., VON 2(0, Canada Phone 539-53(tl - Fax 539-5703
Ctstom Eject(Oaks Des(Ra • Rcscatob Hectfxmks • Data Acquhitfrm
54 Ikrink
• (xu)90 m0$$5 84( p ly5
A E KI ect r onI cs C or A d v a nc e d E n a i a cet i na
LAggteatk 4 .1, 2 twas etestep tdta
Sttam ur lee sSI tW tamsm el nsses Ianuae tc iar4 tttda 4 )tarn ro I a s
kp g~e
fast)Jets come In vsdous models. The latest
LA)Some 1st Wstdaao (por neacukl Esese a )sass sepnm 0 4) I 0 (pe smseiu 5 5n 19 LAtaosacz na(Serac Poresoi usexsun0) Its Nernaik Eyo (Careai any eman rasnatety) 149 LA)eeeecPeat Hub 5 pan 10arne. T cacateee 3 85 Adeah cArps sweats(nne pair ban) 550 xsocm pncsns Fstsesaranesttaeed oes 405I549
LAmaeec 8 te 10 ance T Oene keasad o
' g-N& ee
ea EO
If you are serious about (3 Il', youll want
Kl 219
curkm 15 bn Eoeiral 1141Acal t4ae tk&PS LANesec Kskadd Node AE.2 LA)karen Is br Eaemot nscadd Node
9'80 ' >~o ziv
gf 200 i) particularly impressive. (The e quivalent m odel f o r M acs I s i h e
LANteetlo fgetwoatsfsea Pvorlseta LANeas. Arssstsnss • 1 titus tssxtul
ge (p
quahty Lsn'I quite up to that id a laser pnnt-
130 10S
tm 4)stsas 295 20
im tie 1ta 128 SS
CM lOM fggNI Nscell~
o e use CT)rtou uas isisru sec 13S tn)u 04tier 4 ek tdc IiiA) set)era ced us aadrta rrrs )ea: 1 )cee Ii 4lke esse nlkeust tine 5001tbte
Ixx tsoucerca saau
Cu o(sc)0 Par a )re) xortnseo rece %Ko 0 1 otieaoa tostnee ttaesum Ompoi 101 a na tunh0m ctusseerlmo • ones kp ttecsisd oops petocecn CnesuFttrork nsrsdntaaa a(331 Fe AurasSpent an ) Sbo
Nk Iai 110 ia 4)
mti o
1 le tet icr i? 11$1N
Ceaiy m33)uavuxn) 50)1ixi ' V) ueeaesotch (hector srs)2 •m LesseeScarce 2)anoimsaaossuvta uenas iieet
te Dark)e a(O anna 300ap aS tas Oeaat OOCOS(O, 24 br csass tnWiW )EC 3(eeume OS Steeetre (Ccm s 9)8 tas Iaeakm 0P rppm 30(ktp ual '2% tes toursJei rv, «)pttkeoap tk& sk 5 te p% ' une pme eay ia Peec • ntrantty ced kr IV I&ru aep& Imesan!8 • lrtra 4 money Ced sa) )mpftt xem I & naut. int) Jedten ced adt tua kxI~ ra te kae dakota emp • ahcoe04 Pf • 0 Asxmcssrx r~ DL) 2M 24 pa peer nasecsux 450tn'5 Iaeu DLWN 24 prs )ssoo nostkxse 5)eras aeanpnS)029pn, ta) cpe 185 Aeon s pa,tssaom 'stcaus)F24.)Itsstaexe(xxt naen Cae ia )Ssae)5042s)cssna '4 Sorel ur lai Rosoa Asar
CofnIgtftor Syetems
)efe xpau IE)l. uueai bnnra. 44$ (tsa SS )r)IOa-4(pau SS) uaoai Sasak 44$ aao 0% rmoa 3$$u sft uoee Seed 454 aao t ~ 4%Ca ~ S a S eee aeeci Am aee )5% • son&Nab IE)L sosunauei4 AIS eoa tee • ?4 ts btxn Sn • 2 Sae ubuui 5 1 yee iere nen • (xam vso tso cora tthaa 1 25& Teac Ian)aae 19' stunts «,. cx)W'Na Satee 5 Ced
ua td wa ninesek mum sle es 3 1 oeesusu vcsncent w sw svGA 38 et xaam • 10 tsune i san Liana ien \» p K Jl )e i e loupe isas01 sai E)axe urine svOAasssna nan 5)e Lsatnsnst 9suas e'Ie ,ssstk 'ii it « i'5' N iten uW
4 i Les I\4 n isa) rstxrr %' a ' l« .' a wss Ari ies nkn m sat st)Au ssfs. syc i I' 0 nstn ')cs
mx) Ih n is nor douhie thc rtsotunan nt a Hxxdpi urut — it'< iituigy r<iurun>rs the number nr dnh. 2) Enhanced gmy scales for brrrer pont<>uts o( scanned photos IIP's Iisrrlrt IV has this feature I Yes. I iikr this pnnter'I, Apple'I nr w niodels have it, X antc"s Ac<el-a-Wnter models have it. as da those from IasrfMastrr Any pnntcr that docin't have ber(ed up gra) scales is gotng to look hke vld news pretty 4st )) pose><r>pt or it iemt the opikm to add n I have been quite adamant in thr past • haut i n s istin g u n ' true' A d o b e
I'c>IIS<rtpt. Re<cat tests, hvweirr, hi ve ic(t nir satishcd with thc pc'tformance arid compatibility of I rue(mage Jnd I'hi>c nixPagr PosIScript <lones fram Iksrr<stkstrr, Xantt and other vendors 11>e lksrf Mkster units o( i Itw ) ears agv had ivnie fairly malar compatibility problems. Today, they Jfr i l liailngly gvixl — thc liserMast<r Unity 1200XL'I IIUclrIlkgc Ihttrlrrctcr I tcstcii paved Jll my toughest PostScnpt rmulauvn Iesti with tiymg ivlafs iit rstn passed a (ew Irus that QMs printers with real Advbi' Infcrpfctcfs 4 iicd). Thcrc 1$ always i
dartger, hbivtvrr. that a P<»IS< ript done inll hive • p »>th a program that expects a genuine Adobe PosIS<npt inter.
A<eel-a-Writer B I 0 0 p r i n te r a f r ee
upgrade to PhrsrnixPage I.cvel 2, its I'ortScfipt.compatible intttpreter, Ihhcr
preter Adobr's Malt!pit Master fonts, for
iendors may have similar upgrade
exampk, cause some errors on iome PvstScnpt donrs (and Iivn uime vicki
option 'i t) II yau work in an officr envircnment where bath PCs xnd Mais will be Using thc printer, look for onc that has simul. IincoU'ily active port'i Jrid JUIamkti< port switch!rig. Si look fvr a pnntcr with ft<T<4blc toner ianndges Hewlett. Packard printers and most Apple models use Cinon printer engines, which hai<t toner canridges that aiiy be rxuly ICBII<sf ind ICO<kd vi lkir in min<I that, unlike ink-itt printcn, laser pnntcrs must have enough RAM to
'genuine' Adobe models, like Applr's liserWritef ills I Thest printers ncnl to have their ROMI upgradtd Io be able to use these ncw Iontsk The 4tcu generation vl POIIS<ntu ts known ai PouScrlpt Ltvtl 2. I( pnsuble, gtt a pnnter with
PmrS<ript level 2 ai an opt»>n Xintc now offers early purchasers nf its
hold an cntin graphscs page in niemory Somr laset prtntcrs come stan<4rd with
only S12K ol RAM. You will have to expand thc RAM o( thrse units to Usr them fnr dcsktvp publishing.
Other Herdwete No a>atter whi~h type of cornputrr yvu rnd up using lor DTP. there are a frw other hardwate components it shiiuld have Ii I( you regu4riv work on full pages, a full. page display n a good investment. large gray-scale monitor~ afe not that I xpen-
2) A color or gra) -teak scanner is in<std>bly useful I ' ve bern very pleased with I irwlei t .l'a<Lard'I Scan(et l l c . I h e Microtck ScanMakcr II and tlmax UCJ> tv models kfc popUIJI. Ioo Ofic caveat. Ihc Ma«ntvi h versi<in ot the Scanklakrr svftwifc has k bug tliki < JUsrs it to Irrrlc up occasionally when scanning large areas in bl« k and white, A M u r vtck tcchninkn venficd the exntencc nf thii hug, but said Ih» cvinpiny doesn'I p4n vn ruung it until "next )vaf ( i a ligure. As I meurivned in my August Iv<)2 irti<k Scanning for Scanners, I dn nvt recommend a hand-held scanner, nv matte~ how tight your budget ii k eep xi vill g Si Right after you gct a color scanner, )x>u'll be very interested in J large, 4st hard dfiic. I'vc hkd father a kit v( bkd el<Pen. cncts with SyQuest removable dnveu I iin'I iecornrnc nd them. II y<w need ieli. able rc <novable mms-storage, look iniv t ape b a ckup. m a g neto-vpti<al o r Brrnvulli dnves. In an upcornmg issue.
I' ll bc cvaluanng ihe new 21MB Aopn-
SATURDAY, MAY 22"o 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
cal tc< hnvfvgy, too Stay tuned t) II you usc a scanner, you' ll find nptual character rr<agniirvn IO( ki so(r»« c a rtai boon. I here «e wir ral piikigri vut there, l>ut my 4vvnte is one al the least expensive: <)mnrpage Dirc<I l h i i 5295 title for Ihi K .' and Mac is small and fait lt's too bkd It dv<u suih a h>usy iob with reading 4 xr i l u d o t hat, yuu'll nceil onc of the IUII-(ratured OCR appli<Jhons avaf4bk. Anothrr useful hardware «cessor) rs a modem With a modem, yvu <an wnd hks to your kxal service bureau, abta>n
fonts, cbp art and prvgrmn updates Itiun your favorite SB'I or inforniitinn service, g<q answers to tcchnical suppvn <lars.
tsans and more.
M acPhe rson C o n v e n t ion C e n t re 7 32 5 M c P h e r s o n A v e . , B u r n a b y , B . C .
t) An alternative to a scanner is to get i CL) IK)M drive and a Irw discs of clip irt
of scanned imagery. I recommend i drive that is compatibk wnh mulincs.
Information Call 671-9114
uon Photo CD discs. Read my March 'v I
article I'hoto CI) (or deuih, Conf!>rue<( vrr pvgr
Mi C RON I C S'C 4 A 0i H 4 t «0 E C ft IH4'HE C • C H I NOH •
cs m C CI
jt C
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* r.
te t&AU&& fr o& ajr sttbsn r Itl
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'I• & L MO I ~ SI M ' u I tttu& IUt • I I I M & O I I l l & I M &rt •
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04,9529 115,799 $4.198 /EDNA I:.Iccuonic lnc Iv Ifrcfud to enter it'5 ninth year provssltag high end, quality systems to intelligent buyers v ho are Ioctking for value as opposed to the lowest possible pncc ' Ale purchase of a ccvmputtr vvvtem Is an uilcsuucnt aod the ph~ . "You gelwhat vou pav for", has never been more aPPrOPriately aPPhÃthan Iti 5tnday in th» COrnPutartnduaary. GiW ua a Call H tJN nOWtn lease hOW little. QUALITY and VAL L'F Can Ccm 15,49SI
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OUT OF TOWN ORDERS CALL: 1800-567-1 176
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A fasHfmeitnfe oakxfr Uve vsMo wSNkwv contioeer and lfafne strabber that can be contfoged under V1&tdoafs or DOS This dtrdce is Video Ior Windows compatibkh bnngst8 gyeend st wdeo to Ihe PC '!em up ® Ihfee video soufcas
su I I
An internal PC add-on card that comtxnN Ihe ET-4000 VGA chp Rat wdeo fencsonakty together Io pnadde beadcasl quahty VGA-TO VIDEO output
stxe oi
An external pox which Inks the Vggk senal bah a fNAAMk, lapltah ot I f !
Mwyeur ~4i e ~
euaxata ~~
M ga ~ ~
® h a M ayaataaa Omr
• Ig l a S N «jr u M~
waaaf dao ~ .
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'ur e & &I i e e t& «4 ' ~ I UW U W ' M
4 ": A jj' '
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I4 ' E S ' A I t • A k '
Performance from a Windowvs 3.1
' %SIP
$1,115 Trison 386SX-33 I Meg RAM L3 I 2 andi 44 Roppy Dnve J 2 Senal I Paragel, I Game Port
J 101 Keys Enhanced Keyboard L 2 Su per VGA Monaor 1024x788 28 IJ 52 MB Had Drhe.17msec t3 Desktop cvlower case with J Tndent super VGA ctrd with I MB 200 W CSA approved power supply
The Computer Paper ran an article detailing the steps to optimize a PC running Windows, but that was backin Oct.
$1,18 5
T rtson 386DX-33
J I Mug RAM 101 Keys Enhanced Keyboard I J Su p er VGA Monitor 1024x7(EI .28 I 2 and I 44 Floppy Drw iJ 52 MB Hard Drwe-I?rnsec IJ Desktop or tower case vnth J 2 serial, I Parallel, I Game Port (3 Tridenl super YGA card with I MB 200 W CSA approved power supply
$1 T200 T rison 386DX-40 J 1 Meg RAM J I 2 and1.44 Roppy Drwe
IJ 101 Keys Enhanced Keyboard IJ 52 MB Hard Dnve-17msec
J 2 Serial. 1 Parallel, I Game Port
1991. Since the release of Windows 3.1, a few of t he s e t tings ha v e changed. Here, then, is aff updated list of things you do to get better performance from Windows
0 Super VGA Monitor 1024x788 28 fJ Desktop or tower case wsh IJ Tn d enl super VGA card with 1MB 200W CSA approved power supply
• Enhanced Mode or Standard Mode? If you run a lot of non. Windows applications w hile I n Windows, you' ll get better perfor-
mance and some additional capabili-
ties I( you run In 3 $6 Enhanced Mode In this mock; DOS applications
wtg multitask and can nui In a win. dow (as opposed to ful l -screeni. Enhanced-mode Windows can use disk space as virtual memory, too. The co ( or these advantages is speed
$1e29 5 lJ
Tr i son 4$6SX-25
1 M egRAM 1 2 andi 44 Roppy Onve J 2 serial 1 para(lel, I Garne pon
You' ll find that Windows rum 10 to
IJ 101 Keys Enhanced ~ 0 SuPer VGA Mongor 1024x788 .28 'J Desldop orfencer casewith J 52 MB Hard Onve.17msec J Tn dent super vGA card vugh IMB 200 W CSA approved power supply
• %sar
Tr i son 4$6DX-33
'J 1 Meg RAM J 101 Keys Enhanced Keyboard J Super VGA Mondor 1024x788 28 I 2 andi 44 Floppy Drwe • 52 MB HardOrWe-17meeC rJ Oeeldap Or tOWer Caae Vnlh J 2 Serud, I Parallel I Game Port I J Tndenl super VGA card with IMB 200W CSA approved power supply
IS percent faster if you start Windcnn in Standard blade with the command WtN /S. ( t n sluwer 3$6SX systems,
that 10 or IS pe(sent canrcaUy count. 2$6-based computers only run in Stands fit M(xk. • Add more RAM. I( you'vc got two megabytes nf RAM, yuu dellni tcty need nmre Consider espiiuling your comfsuter's menrniy Io $M$. You'U bc
surprised at the per(cumance gain. Sy the way, what was said above ii Mut
your hard drive acting as virtual memory does not apply here. You needreal RAM to gct real speed. Increasing Perfosttance with
SaaAITDrive •
rl '
• •
Serving Vancouver Since '87
SMARTDrive is a disk caching program that sets aside an area uf IVOt tn use as ternfivrary storage fui frequent ly accessed pieces ol information <letting this informauun Irom RAM is muih f • ster than retrieving It from thc hard disk every Umc you need it, Uric arc tullic suggesduil'i (or sfrccifis
machine conf igurations;use these
B C. EDITION THE COMPUTER PAPER APRIL '93 :)E, examples as a starting point, (you c a n rd l r CO N FIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.HAT or uny nf Windows' .INI flk s with thr editor lnchcdrd nirh DOS. Iii Jnud A(fTC)FAFC. SAT into rhr
editor, for crumple,)ctu'd rypr FDIT At)TI)FEE('. SAT ac rhr cs pn npr.c I ) 28 6 w i t h I M B R A M , A l t h o u g h
windows J.l won't run on th is machine. Windows 3.0 will — in Real Mode (a mode not Induded in Windows 3. I) Standard Mode pco vides better performance and m emory m anagement, bu t l l requires 2MB of RAM
allows applications to dynamically • )locate STACKS as needed, saving sotne conventions) memory. St Sp tfytng LAm)RNF E (e«. dep nd. ing on your hard drive configuration)
rary swap Se degradespcrf disk opttm)cation utility Such a Symantec's Norton Speed Disk or
C entral Poin t Software's PC Tool s i Optlrlliae ls a or t h whlk nve stmcnt
• nyway. Defragmenred disks are a faster than ones where data and gram ftksare scattered acccssa
permanent swap ble. Theoretically, il
surface •
you used an optimtaahon utility on a
6) Usc a memory manager program. Windows i n stalls a fi l e ca l l e d HIMEM SYS in your CONF)(LSYS file.
onc In mast cases, f)raugRV.
for 3S6 and 486 machines, third-pany cneniury managers (QEMM, 386MAX, Memory Commander) can frre up additional RAhl, as can htS-DOS 6.0's 7) ln W i n d ows' 386 Enhanced mode Conuol Panel is an option foc setting •
saves a scllall amoutlc of conventional aleatory.
regular basis, a temporary swap flic would be Iurt as fast as a permanent
Oct J one cllegabyte systeco, vau
won't have enough RAM to run ShIARTDrtve.
I n st e a d,
SUFFE15 32. This does essentially the same thing as SMARTDrtve, albeit less efficiently. It probably goes without sa) tog that a 286 is not an ideal machme on whic h to
run Windows. Walk, maybe. 2S6 users shouLd conrtder a less pawcrbungry graphical environment (Geoworks, for ctamplet, cn stick to character-based DOS applica. tions.
I»alga 4%4awuca
gggiRRR'SIINRRST 2) 38 6 5X wi t h 2 h l S R A M. S t a r t
Wlndo»s ln Standard Mode (WIN
IS) for the bert speed. Tcy setting up SMAKEDrtve like thist C:SWINDOWSKSMAKTI)RV EXE 256 128
gsttsaa0 aru000I cagsfar luusrtaaa 74shu0 uum • •
3 S61)X w i t h 4 M S K A M . R u n Windows In Standard M ode or
' 0
Enhanced mode. depending on your needs. Sct up ShtARTDrlve
like this. C.SWINDOWSSSMARTDRV )XI. 1024 S12
, ~wiwl
4) 386DX or 486SX wnh 4MS RAM Either Standard M<nk or Furhanced mode will work here, you won'I
n otice m u c h s l o wdow n f r o m
Mo d e .
B i n~
Rae '1@HY'
running Enlunccd mode if you' ve got the RAM anil CPU speed to pull it off. Sct up ShtARTDrive wit h
if tn. t~
l)RV FAE 2048 1024 Ciurturatl Optlmfzattlors Tigrs i)It )ou are rtcli unng Windows 30 lor, heaven forbid, an earlim ivrsion), upgrade to Windows .I I. It is faster and much more stabk.
;a •
~La '5T
waste conventional mcmorv.
I) If ) a u • re using SMARFDrive, reduce the number of SUE)ERA in CONE)C.SYS to 10.
nesscut nlln
t s%%4
van • sc
tuctuasssnift ssttcsac ~ 2) ln your CONFIG.SYS file (load lt into the editor by typing EDIT COVFIC SYS at the C> prompt), you'll find a line that starts with ch word FILES S 1 E)LES-3n. Ihss can lead to p roblems opening some applkations, addttlona) FILES
< o cr
RR- ®I
SMARTDcive like this: C.SWIN-
S) 3861)K-33MH1. 486SX or 486DX (etc.) with SMS KAM, lt ' s » o cth
4R 'e8r
M I P'
~g ~~' ll nnrs a in wwun
• n~ creams~ tncmm • mrs
ssv w
• lvs w Sav vv
can ~ rstmm
tav vv • aasv tar sv • save
4) If you are running DOS 3.3 or higher, set the Sl'A(:KS command In CONFIG.SYS to STACKS),0. This •
• athat t 1
Our new AIR YESA standard Local Bus Motherbosrds. feature three YESA compliant local bus slots for a total of eight expansion slots. As well as future Pentium Overdrive (P24T) upgtadabi[ity. All our SAS 4$0 SYSTEMS usc the premmm quality upgrxdcab)c AiR Motherboard. Iltese American "Overdrive Ready" mother(xIxrds are qux) Ity controlled for at least another 48 hours before the finishedproduct Is delivered to you, thus we stand behmd our product for 2 years. Our t»o year warranty covers both parts and labour, if any of the components has a longer warranty pened wc will honuur that as well, ln the event of a problem we pride ourselvesin the service we provide.
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Software Alley is Pleased to announce that we are now authorized NEC Ultra Lite Versa, New Power Mate Series and Compaq Dealers
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AIR (American) Motherboard
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4MB RAM [60na) Japanese
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Please call i
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OAC From $76mo
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AIR (American) Motherboard AMO 386DX40MHx 64k Cache 19" Tower 200W Power Supply
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INTEL OX2snd Overdrive Reedy 19" Tower 200WPower Supply
NEC 105MB IDE Hard Drive TEAC 1.44 or 1.2MB Floppy Drive I Parallel, 2 Serial, 1 Game Port(s)
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14 "SVGA Monitor [1024x768 .28mm)
14"SVGA Monitor [1024x768 .28mm)
Trident 8900C IMB SVGA Card
Trident 8900C 1MB SVGA Card 101 Key Enhanced Tactile Ke board
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OAC From $61lmo
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1201 West Broadway Vancouver, B.C.,V6H 1G7 ALLEY HOVI7S
MOII .Wed Sat 9 A M-OPM Phon e 739-9303 thIxs &I. 9AM-8PM FAX 739 -9398 Sun, Hokkrrs I IAM-SPM 8 8S 739- 9 3IS9 vis@rorc MAslsxcAxe Accwxcu wnr rm smcxcoao • xcw srxxocI lo Choco wuroLSuoxco
B C. EDITION THE COMPUTER PAPER APRIL 'g3 What's wrong with thfs f)(eh>ra?
Publish like a Ppo > ar>r>rwrl/ (rara />utr I(> A wtll-equipped DTP so(tware toolkit should in<la>k one af each of the follow-
ing J word processor. drawing prograra, publishing application, plu> a selection of fonts and clip art. Many so(twarc titles
On Ihr other hand, some people use a dmw>ng Jpplkatian (CordDRAW i> • popuIv <hai<t) as a page.layout p>agram I( your da<umrnt has morc Ihan one page, a draw. >ng progtam is usuafly r>at • good ( hokt', as
most cannot handle mul> documents. CorclDRAW Is better for gtneral D'fP talks than many of Its <ompetitors (Aldus Fr«ef(and, tor exampk, doesn't even u>pport tabs In tcxti, but aU of them suffer
I ngly slaw Io work wn h W a r >r, afl I he fancy rffe<ts I>xlay'I graphics program am
>s built in>o both the PC and Ma<. To use I ype I PostScript (ants on non-POIIS<ftpt
graphks are a powerful <ammunkator tlsc <hans, pflotogn>phs and/ar >ppmpfv
capable o( make >t extremely easy to as>cm. ble a pagf that amply won' • pnnt. For aU of i>s mentx CorclDRAW h onr of the wars> o>frndcrs. That sa>d, Ihere is dr(in>tc ly a place lor a drawing program >n your DTP arsenal Cafe(DRAW i.0 comes wi>h such an anay
printers, both systrms require a program called Adobe Type Manager (ATM). 1h>s utility comes bundled w>th some appfl<J-
• Ir <IIP Jrt Io keep )'ouf feadcfl ul>ertst-
<>h>r<ts are d>splayed on the s<fccn. A s<rcrn
Icvel Df V pragramsi, In add>tion to Its obligatory word processing functionality. Add to t h i s t h r s e le<t>on o ( s<alable Irucfype font> u><luded with Wind>xvs I I
(1ne p>oblrm w>th trying to usc a word processor as a>u> program is that it is rc(J>ivrly tough to set up hcadlmm, mul-
tiple <olumns,>nd gmphi<s on a page and mave thtm amund as yau refine your layout. PagrMaker and o>her kad>ng f)TP ales have what >s known as a 'pasteboard
metap hor Ih Jt makes It easy to drag >tems
o( <bp vt Jnd fonts that >t ts a nearly ine-
s>stable bargain When yau look closely, though. Corri()RAW's fonts are pfetty bad. Ihc owner ni local >rfvkc bureau I >poke to said, R ule nun>ber one: no ComlDRAW
venerable tc<hn>quc of Barrawing From
example). Ma< owners can call Adobt Systems (415-962-2100) Jnd get a copy of ATM Ior L)SS .SO as a result of a special dml Apple made w>th Adobe. A point, infndentally, is I/72nd of an Inch (J Pos>Script pomt, that is There are 72.27 ' trad>tional p o i nts per inch.)
The fkst (A.K.A. Copping Creat layouts Fram Famous Des>gncfs). Snefly, it wa kke th>s: yau sce same>hing you like th look of 14 a magax>ne, book or Ibex> af
wfl II to your <lief>ts. They lave >t Is II
dais Per inch, the more WYSIWYG (What you see...) yaur system is.
TogsDTP Tips I) Ou>put is tverything. Print out a docu-
yaur own style w>U start to take form,
Windows 3 I brought I'rue fype fonts io the PC, as System 7 brought them to thc Mac.
protestor as a page-layout program unkss
TrucType Is ihe most popular font format
ment on your laser, ink.)et or dot-ma>AS
your dmumcn> «mform> ta • Iypkal lrt>er
(or publishing under W i n dows, while PostS<rlpt type I ( onts are the dominant
printer and then have it printed aut at 2i50 dots per >nch Jt your local service
to do It wnh a word processor.
(onts In Trucyype, PostS<npt or both forInats On r>ther type al <ofr>puttf. Mast scf
v><e bureaus (<ompan>es where you can
als. You make a page that looks vety sastilar, but uses your v>x>rds and Images. You entirely ethical. I d o ubt >t. I.egal. Probably. Common? Absolutely. If noth-, ing cise, you will learn «hat makes a ' great layout. And before you know it,
ately see tht value In this way of doing thing> I don'I rc<ornrncnd us>ng a ward
each page. the more of a hassk it bc<ames
JU) ont a( those txpcf>s>vc dcs>gn aft>In
There(ore, the <loser your screen is to 72
What makes WYSIWYG?
standard on the Ma<>ntosh. You can use
S) What( — You'fe not J dcs>gncrs Try
tions (PageMakrr and WordPtrfen SQ, for
onto and off of a page, Any designer who has done paste-up )ob by hand will immcda
or book format The morc graph><s, headlines Jnd other fancy extras you put on
sans scr>f font (Hdvetka $(ack, far example) makes a good head)inc font. whde a sent Ion t (Times, rt<. I makes a better font for body lext. 3) Keep hevflmn shaft — stx words or less.
full ol (iflcd.and-stroked graphks is punish.
>though easily surpassed by most cntry-
Word Processing afsd DTP
As J grnrf Jl n>ic, J black of extra bold
feren<e between the pnnt qua)i>y of J 1rur fype font and a Type I vers>on of the same tvprfa<e. As mentioned abovt, TrueType mpport
from onr p»mary drawback. They are pain(ully slow when more Ihan a (ew
a rcasonalrlv <ornplrte DTP solo>k>n.
'frurl'ypr and PostScript Type I f o n ts are both s<alable autbnr fonts that allow you to display and print text at any point $>ar w>thou> )Jgg>ex' There arr sub>lr d>lkrrn<cs, but most users won'I notice a dd-
experienced designers can break rul and stlU ksok good, try to slid> la J maxk mum af fata different typeface per page.
4> it's AU Abou> Cammunkat>on. If your hrw'Ihne (anl >I so fancy or your layout sa flu>>r>rd >hat yaur pagt is hard to wad, yau'vr iailrd in ya>a ps>ma>y goaL S>mpk, powerful dcs>gns are better than busy, fussy one>. Remember, too, tha>
>n«orparatr two or more of these areas. Mkrosoft Word for Windows 2.0, lor example, indudes a dmwing module and reasonably sophisticated layout < Jp abilities
(o> W>ndaws for Workgraups) and you have
take files <reatcd with DTP programs to have pages printed out on h>gh-quality »nagrsc>ters) use fypc I fonts, thc>ctorc I rr<ammrnd that yau purchase fonts in tins fain>ai if you sre senous about dr>L>oppubhsh>ng.
and afl that bornnving w>U start to seem like what >s really is: a class with Mastm. •
bureau. Compare the two. Now guess wh><h one your d>ent w>U pay more for. 2) Less is more. If four fonts on a page is goad, will lorty be better.' Ho. Although
' ViewSonic"
('OMlM QN N: l Kiki LOC.lL4N M
C.ECRU%.4%4FlM ~
Express Micro 6 14" VESA N-I • 72Hzrefresh rate at 800x600 • 1924 x768ron-interlaced • .28emdotpitch aSwilChable b)etween110V|220V
• Multi-freq uencyanalogdisplay
• 4)g SX-2503 BX-XLSI OX2-550%6 CP() S>K kgl • WIR S-bk<k/(Yne-ga 2I. Car2S9( . • 2 vESA Local Bitsskgskpplyeg Bus Mash<Tat(tat>)sgy • spt>sg 26 MIps wtlh 132kikgsc max. Rkaskxfag
I% &k()()ssbsgN • 2x10EHJ>gDr>se 4 2 xBoggyDrves
Ukase SgfSCQgal 1sshr • Up Io? 5(SIgsvot d 3 I>()//UW usgs
• 2 x StftgRofls, 1 Pkrfgg pari 4 I Gamefot
• SCQ, SN-2FRRSCSsupgofls H.D >IGBN4s I
• Gr>ks Lo()>c 5(26 VESA4UI A(xa)Stator IMB • VESAshnCkd kxgt>re(ox>s<kx • VESA72)R IT(fssktW>4 (024 x 768 • 16 I%I TIIRF<dor ©gi0 x4KI • ssf>gofls 256 <0(txs 0 1()24x768 • 16 colors 0 (2(g) x1024 • gksta(N gf(sgfafl< (gs
• A(I I R22 a(2ue YRAM • VESA swt(heal issgle cNRISRC )f • VESA?AU2 Is(lash (UR0 12I) x (024
• (() Ig Tfaacdsf e 809 x6(g) • 65K (sg(xs 0 1()24 x758 • 256 c>)kak 0 (2(g) x 1024 NI • gktga(ag NNIR 22+
• ufms ~
WesternOhlelen Ra > IS, I) lg() Va>ss>Plm>
Ibt»s>xx( g C.VSVI 1 II (9)S)2)bsSSI Fkc (SOI) 2)bJRQ
s>>xaam cQI gvwa a) Vcs>rx
Ikfxsm Sss> S>ms Fs»s I Sf>am Im x Jms Safmu
sa>m s>amma<a»amn
fasts>w <w< (mwmn <assn La asst>aehsegmmm
' >a »tssws
S%%$ 7)SI>$ IS).7)% ISI-ISIS
I>a>tsstaut S>m S»tm>ss msms bfm>ss~ I >s>fs>f> Cmsvu> hsm> I>ssf>s a w I m ss hf>m>s Il>sf f>>4
xsaaa> atmsamat I> >
m> ISQ
saa tmtm saxa ~ St Osrt
I >a>fxxs ham>a sf»am m.
s>mfm m • ss>awk u
P roduc t
Pa e
Pre view
New PagelVlaker Features
a er F RO M T I D • I T S
t he
mo s t
• >w ssi> uuu>is> (
imp(essive upgrade I saw st M a ( w o rld w as Aldus PageMakc( S O. On th e w ho le , PsgcMakct's enhancements tail in thc >i>ego. K ry of l l 'i about time, but It's no( wnnh compiiimng now ths( they'(e hr(e I ' m >uir snmr people will w rite to t ell me t h a t Quark hP(css hi> hid su(h.and-such (ca>air fo(nigh on >9 ycii> and why ts it a big deil >hit I'igckfikc> has f>nally caught up ihe umpk sn>we»s that as fa( as I know, I'igekfskri >s sus the most lx>pul • r drsk>op publnhmg program around I'm nat gn>ng to gn through their ncw kmu(cs in any o(dci, snd umda>ty, I'm not g(xn(( (o (ilk sbuu ( ihc standatd things that haven'( chang«i I'i grMskcr has too many feitu(m to do that, and some would >sy that i'igrl uke( hss too many (esto(cs perl
• Horizontal and vertical
reflection of objects
s v t r uss (>su>sa> m>xssw • u>s (sit ii
• Enhanced Control Palette
• Numerically exact posltlon-
2 3/ -
O o tt >c>
cise taxi c4» >w»
ior exact position>ng
Xsncu>9>ullth 4
Cite>s • vtx
v •
lciac> I
• i a c9>»rsi ' • mw ,SI 9(usu
a vu
thts >n more applicat>ons. pageMakei 4.2 added the ability to rotate tcx( in 90 deg>ee u>(>cmcnts, but this teaturc was gcnctasy gtcc(cd arith dcrisinn — 9(l degree (oti t ion ls unimp(essive. PageMskcr $.0 should silence those oiti. cisms with >ts free (ati t ion o( text and g(aph>cs in .OI dcg>cc >nc>cments You can skew text snd graphics with stm>la> p>e(>. un>c Oh, and by the way. you can cd>t text <w g>aph>cs after t>snsfo(ming it, something that wasn't easy even with 9.2's Umitcd >utahan. Ihn news w>ll be welcome to ai y-
onr who does layout of pastcts ind (he Ukc I app>re(sic I'sg(Maker's ncw cspsbihtv
of printing non-contiguous pages. If you wi>h to print pages I, 5, g and 2I of a pufx
lxs(ion. you lust type the page numbcis into thc page >ange box. >cpa(i>cd by con>-
mas. Any applicat>on that pnnts should hi>c ihit laatu>c. Aklus finally implement-
ed g(aup>ng, sn (xt>emely common corn. mind tn gisphK5 p(ag(smx though only as sn Addi(x>n. TI>nsc were by fat the most (mp(ess>ve featu>cs I no(cd, but Aldus has a lis( of more — I' ll reproduce some of it here I don't wi'>h io in>ply thi> Aldus (ised everything ihat might be construed is a problem I n PsgeMske>. fo r i n stance. although Ah(us completely (c(ksigncd thc • wkwa(d modal print (Ualogs for the better. I lound PageMake( still ext>cn>cty modal,
cspecisxy in defining s text ruk In a paragraph style. Ibis processcan tcqu>te a Iud>. c(ous I(scene a( as many as fa(u n>ada ld>s-
bc n>adsl except (o( des>gnla«ac>s. My other problem with PsgeMiie( ts that even sile( high.end word ptocesso(s
l>ke N>sus, low-end word pronssors hke WnteNow, ind integimed programs like Wo(df'eifect Works ithc ex-SesgleWo(ksi
') K 7 O P
have implemented character styles, PageMaker lig> behind I'm >u>r it' • pahly (cia>cd lo Pagrui kcr's close (clationship w>th Muiosatt Won(, anothc'i notable lsg-
gsn(, but surely the (unct>anal>ty of character styles is cksr — whcnevc( yau warn to
• >s>gn • spec ili( style to one o( m>ue wnid>,
but not sn ent»c paragraph, you can do so
un • consistent umple level (x >ns(dc> thc words yau might want to do thts with. pro.
. •
G RAPIII(.b — l l f f , F I > . Halftime (k ('>xy 'i(ik ' (<en>sts (» R — m nsi (ont> vupportcd
graphics • Croppingof rotated graph>cs • Text mode of the palette vlsIble in layout or story editor views
•Numeric kemlng • Processwolor separations
log boxes. We have the K(een spice these days — tfu(e'I no reason these dialog> must
• Incrementally rotated inline
• Baseline shift
Ihc mi > n ncw festu>es I noticed >n f'sgchiikc( S (l are its capafxl>ties in moving o biects between documents snd roti » n g i>xl skew>ng lext and g>sphks. PsgeMake> I ii isn hnslly nprn n>un>pie documents at the same >>mr (welcome to th e I 9 >((>s, Aldu>! l, tiut nm content >n catch up to pso. g(sms finm thc last decade, AMus «%&d s trito>r I' ve only seen >n s fcw othe( programs . thr capitnhty to diag an obirct f(om unc document to i n o (he> w>thout copying an d p astin g I h e c n p y - pi >tc metsph> • i works hest in th e Un>F>nde( mrtipho> of the Mi ( I ' lusr>s, in lodiv's world ol multiple megabyte mach>nn, ls(gr snd m u l t i pl e w >rens. i n d c o n stant Mult>F>nde(, there's nn >caw>n why we shouldn't be ablr tu d>ig dsts between d(Ku>urn>>. >f not ipplkat>nn>, i 4 hkr tn >cc
Ing and rotabon of any object, from its center or any handle
M f
gram names, book titles, cominsnds in s manual and the Ust goes on, I' ll hap off my
inte>fice horse now, but we should p(sise
3496 Cambie Street •Tel. 876-5530 / Fax S76.8819
and conde(nn Aldus on inter(acc. Overall, I think the prese wins out, I'ageMaker s.o scam Ukr a u>hd upgrade to a popular pro gram.
of PageMaker text and graph-
ics, as well as imported CMYK TIFF, DCS, and EPS images — all without leaving
PageMaker • Printing scalable up to 16009k • Automatic centering of the
page on whatever paper you Use
• Overprlntlng for anyspot or ~ocess color or Unt
• Sf ot-to-process conversion at pnnting • Choice of printing Individual inks of process-color separations
• Automatic scaling of the page to the paper size • Separate line and fill attributes • Choice of transparent or opaque dash lines • Support for up to 18 lan-
guage dictionaries, plus any number of insiailable hyphenation dictionaries • New search-andweplace capab(I>ties for a character's pOSitlcn and Caae
• Sophisticated kernlng and track
PC Festival Canceled Sn>i (>«wh o h a s iw f I in ( or n n t o a nal i us(caesar%I > I mPv > I » > I e f s fw t h at i > dsr <'>fht>u>ff ffadc i(N>w (atslal >I ( acsa>IJ ga(eh • miint h goes by without at fc>sat ( nc >am(>uW( ih inv ghana iuganiccfs have bren
>crkn>g nrw vcnum ami lvvr ta(gctcd othr( mat»f <l(lcs h>aI hcif rvcnts Van<nuvrf i t ha'i beef> Mucak ha1 only <N>r lafgc <off>fili> Cr Stuns thr P>u(ft( fkm < > c ia>aff Sftw I N DI Wnuaftv in ianuaty gccrntfy lwo fo(M>t>v b ase>i <ompanies I oa>L 4 t u n a t ( h e Vancouvc( ma(ket. Induil fial T(adr and ( Onau>far( Shows (I I ( t t a n d Shnw f r i l I'soduitioni announced shows within twii s(eeks ol ca t h o t h e t in M a (< h I I ( >e apgeee<heaayhr (~~ f( f (v f I ODCt a> ', >>nonsoc fr - - - u ,>ra baar l —
i uuk ( ( u u f » ( r a ft>usable li>( thr f f'gula< > rmputr( 5» ap Meets In thr M i I'br(a<en i rntfc> and vtaowfcu ptudw.turn put on the (>f(fysdrf frit t h >w ITC V I f < f e s t>aal wai to br hr li l M a t c h ' D T i l t h a n d Shnwfmt f'(>rtu<tlnn'5 C(uspufff I <at w a s held Lfa(<h I I- I4, Doth sluiwi wr(c target.
rd at the l»w cnd of the ma(trt i • NnmOnla Lnown as • ( f efaaumc( abois I (adu >onagy, <onapuaec shows have been moce about tmw Icchfs>h>gy display said inf<uffsafsNI gaeheting than about buying actual p(oduct (» n i u mc( i tiiiwi a s defined by ( imapidrf Pr(i a n d v • (>i>us swap meets, a(r m o rc • bout hafdwafe and softwaae frwttcfs Pets ~ n g ar f iai f ee>tu<5 thai straw atteesdecs '>r, h rva a>c rfaf f> «»Irfv pce>-
an f x i i
neat show afe for Tfc< 5 at lhe Mg glee( '»hl If(r ft Fr s ffaul,howrsrf, was canic lr I • bout thfrr weeks pno( lo the show datr> Show iuganeecs sted • p oof tesponse that( rtlisti as the main fc>cairn for eag thr shura Tfscef paablfshcd nonce ffum 5hosr Managrr, ftfu<e statet l i n fnrtunasely, gfven the tttcse and a uppn(t available tn u i t h r g p n n g p ( I-esttval trit ihon of thew standards. galhr( >lian imrwrd with an rvrail that >segha
mutnf in the maw mcd>a and dfa» many l i(it lime pufi haar(1 I h c a l m oi p hr(r u f three shows is ultrn like M(ddlr l a i t etn harami « input<( T(>( «r » > aheaJ w ( ih a > me uK<css show ofga ii(cfi <4(m >hey lied 47 Irrsha, and appfua>mately II,. IDI attend(et A(>u(ding lo show i>(f ail>ref iai k ( • >ok, Ilaf'fr a>etc a Icw diag(untied <usfnin('(4, laa( tuufa(fy people looking lor Macintosh and am>ga c<snputCts — name u( whii ii i efe to be f(N(nd anysehrrc on Ihe show llisu Irmt • fcw people footing foc p( t>af>haafc wrte also dsapp>omscd by Ihc lcm>tnt selrtii>n — particula(ly whrn they paid ilw lull (rtml p(ue of 5g a tnkct Ihe luton«> ofganifcfs may havr iwe(. ihuc thcsa ptcdt<tsons liit the dsow fn theta fhcv had psaa(f(<aed >af> an 14 feel etscn(frr . ><n>• (>rr r a s . i ( . i > h r
(neCt y(eu(
rat>etta<sana We haVe dteeen
postpone I br event unlti tous talk fetunds «cfe arm out to rshtbstocs booLcd up until that lame
Comets ITCS fkfuce (ia>sra> (DISCI ~ ~s v ~ e>oa> ~ 1 (KIDD
BeforeYouBu~... Call Us. Year In and Year Dut IVe'll Be Here To8ive You 8reatValue and Service For YourDollar
Horizon I '
Vr(<e» >e',
.g p >r • •
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a>w ' t
• aeae sue e as
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486r 6 6 0X2 ' ,
Cg gle
L>ggn > er,paf, 8ug i. Ca(pef, DCS54
Leggg gADD( h Ggfttgf(erte • Supe( I
W'v!ow; 31 ! "' >«1 AD(tfe
fie d Ofh ce
• fDD45 493) PLLfS freya vl trII Nfooatf II GDCC(
IlerdDrives Monitors VideoCards Printers SS h(ae caa ( I te ihu SID>5<5>I 4»eua IDIDD scftfs>u »cb< ISIII 5(O>((was>ss
rsaaw 'ae >(Dae(ta re>ane 5>'u tfs' Ce>v (aea aa(mamf 14 4u&aa ada ( sf & > tar> afl al lt» S(eRC fea 5>lea . lip aee> Ib aegtasf >IS «wanetgayea~ IW v „. 5>am> «Catell a &a ll> Clef . vc he DR &I (se 045 Vre a ua ac e Seam IS<I x m a w : aa ca>s CID> i > . i I f ' I u e >N<MI > u eases I use
~ I DC
4829 East Georgia St Burnaby, BL.
3%-330X ......... g%4e • ~ IX .........C%% 4 %48$C ~ $ 3 8I I ass IIAk. 12QI8 >ta f>.1 ..e ~ C O 54,
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IEWIWogÃDDlglfel 17(se 641(1?It>5D(tv >3f( Wa('ar > 1 e IE(gfi ffDDLND JODDI Cue VLID fa(ggh
• Ctau Ah<IS r W Qlk'. >ea>f>u >(rs(v eae> , iI •C'Da >ae IefctR horns>eat Nls Ie'Deeleaa U I to(s>estDeas lac > fh(te cs tac(us(ace R mar i stares >us R husa 'ever r ' asHamatae Se VI Ca av I tvaeaaeae - ; e( v , > •>sa m(ca ", eC era er>uueee I' I' '>4 >, ec u>u 5> I('I > r Dsau >55(» m ase lysi 5555
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%® HOrt2III OX
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fe caw< aam >'(sf f. r >. 5ms» am>
Accessories Ilg f&llN Wm <%>so5 i asl&ve 5>, 1 . . ." 5 I ts> kat e 5>'1 v a a e 'a >a ', '5>w
ve s ~
ec usu u> edk~g gaaaa
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wr >ae>it 5 >e ' ates U,
ss 4id Ilftatta vx,vu muee CR m glee >I I'>5>s(eav 4'va, >e>Is fw(mass> Ifca • • .4 >v(aau <I" va, r> w iw vase l g g -erm asfa.o u t e r
'r ~
V -
~ EL SERIES 4MB Mt«tray Fxpatttdxbt» ro $?MB
Ex»»at»atCachf Mf «oay I 05MB IDE. Haad Daivc I.?MB 5.25' f loppy Daivf I.44MB I . 5' Fhtppy Daiv» ? x 5»alai poass I x PARAII»t poar
2 IMB capxcify pfa disk»rs»
k St»dc Iop Load»ritesMcchaittts«
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g MSCDEX Suppoassd
Up so shaft ri«f s Iasrca rluw siaxdaad
i PHOIO CD sc ppoarfd 4 Audio playback fuucritw
VGA Yid»o AdapifR wish 5 I2K
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0 '
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IOI -kfy Etxhaxcfd Kfyboaad
fact I-DA) DOS/Wtttdows laatttiix4 As
oua sruf of »4EAar facile
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4 Duss paoot «cchattis«
fhc txcxs~ttcaasioxt Noppy did( daivc desi>,std by lo«EV .
4 5?K Byi»s RA«Buff»a «E«oay
I4f Attsw»R foR rlf sksop pub4shsttct Aixd Wtttdows,
586D X
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f f MI I I S ) 6 8 9 5 40)4 (s~ ) 50 M H I S I 889 5 5/ /I (IA»t )
Q+ •
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I 2MB 5 2f ' AAd I 44MB f f' I btppr Dxtscs 2 t Stxtxl ptxm„ I t PAttAB»l putts I 0 I -kt> I «btttt td KtvtttNttd )2.bit V(5A Lore» VGA Vixbowi»4 7MB RAM I f' )0 7 4 7 8 d p Sup»A VGA Mttttits« MS-DOS 6 WiAdtttxs Ht Rt»OIL»»Olt St ttltl MOtat
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)OUR IMply CARIRId4t foa A stw ONf Ar ANY
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V.42bis is A tulI~ I U RId, EASY-ro-tst Modtu 14AI ls Iusr As fAS) ON YOUR
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i srt4aily Asd CCI11 V.42 M M N P 5 dAIA CoupafsvoN Ioa dAIA rhaotcehpur Up Io >1,b00 bps. OUAIiry is oNE Moat Aats whtat COMpaoMISE Is UNNECESSARY, bfCAUSE 14f
Spoarsrfa I 4,400/PC 4AS A full fivf. YtAR wARRANIY.
g SAY/I. ~gg'irJ
br<i ANd SMAII NttwORk.
SfavrcE 4( Suppoar . . . ANO has oNsirf ANd fx»Ndtd wARRANI» stRVICE\ 14AI ARE AS Closf As YOUR houf
oa officf. WARRAN(its Aat AISO AVAIIAbft fOR 141IKI pARIY COMpt'IER sysrEMS ANd
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ANO SURREY ANO CQQUITLARII I 1 12A, 12872 - 7B Avenue, Surrey, SC TIBS~ B 8 2 F 189445727 • 130, $200 Weetvvood St, Port Cocluftlern, SC T1$42~
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txrfravAI CAfhf Mracoay I OSMB IDt fbucd Dsivr 1.?MB 5.25' floppy Daisy 1.44MB 5. 5' floppy Daivf 2 x Sf alai pans
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I a PAMfhl poar
Youa Chafrs ol Dcskrop os Dfsk 1owra f aff I Dlv DE)S/Wlvdows IRAihivci AI ouR\1arf of 1hr Aar fafilirirs 5$6DX
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f f M H c S 16$9 5bosa (fbc 5 0 M H r S 1$ $ 9 5 by yl (>b/c )
4$6DX2 bbMHc S 2042 5 1) l9(fbi ) LOCAL BUS BUNDlE caivcac-accc accrro asaca)
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g PHOIE) CD sf ppoarrd
SCSI-1 stuipprd Maf icecoshcoacpurr Rs
4 Dusr psool arfrhaivisar
lhr crfccr~fccf Mrhac Hoppy disk daffy dfsfrcccfd by loarfrca.
k 5? K Byrrs Rara Bulfra arfcroay
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Pcrforcnuyrcc Rrl/uhfc
J, MSCDEX Suppoand
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j S iidf lop Loadccah Mrchuvcsar
Makfs dua auuvcv 4f acfvc 1Asv, haccdli v4 IAaryr hitsAicd rcufriplr paolf frs sfcapff, so you ref) sid of )oua dMwr a full of
4 f 5 0 M illcsccoicd Avraaccf Aft'fss eccl
4 t aaoa foascciiov wiih faasusf fucccrrov 4 Faff Ivsrafladov Aical Suppon
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a a a a aa a
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R 0
ANO VANCOUVER ANO BURNABY 380 West 2nd Avenue. Vencouver, BC T:$7~ $ $ $ F:$74480$ 3$7f Kinyewey,Vencouver. BC T:432-7077 f:432-1$$$
C E Canoe
SPOR TSTS 14,400
CCm l.32 hisWITHIN2 his
MaRC4 I - Ma y 5 I, 1 9 1I f ANd Rfffivf FRE t loaf R foR ONEytAR'I SiMply txr 4ANCTL
u Ii.
YIIUR I Mply CARIRjdht foR a s r W ONt Ar ANy
PeopleWhoThlnh LikeThe
ANO IOCAIION, It'hralvrR NECESSARY. Nor ONIY will yoU Rfcfivf IRII IONIA foR oht
YIAR, youlf bE CONTRjburiwl< IO CANON s Cltah EAR14 CAMpahjN, W4K4 4 SIRjvjvrr
HighSpee4 Fax:9$00 hps senli anil receiveerollp III
R f l URNfd f o R
RrcyclINcv CANON doNarts 0 I s h aafd btlWIIN 14t Wodd Wildlih FUNd avd 141 N arual Cohstavaarv of CANada. F o R IURrhlR paot,RAM dtlails, roNracr rhf ANO
PREMIUM ANO is AN aur4oairtd vt NdoR aNd
4 Maaiags Nvl ~
i Cas cara cesaklhvh NIA.
iht poRarsTTR 14,400/PC Wil4 V.42bjs Is h IUII~
I U Rfd, fasv-Io-usf
Mode.MThar 4 juv as easy ON youR budCIET. BUI 14'ls AIIORdablf pRICE
NOVELL, RAVIN, aNd I ENIIH . Nfssvoak SERvlcfs. . . With oveR 5000 Node iNsraf led AORoss
rht couNIRv, ANO's Nfrwoak INIORMA-
OR hdvaNCtd Itl.4NololjK'Al ItAIURI's. 14t
IioN Sysrf Ms GRoup cAN paovidf LAN
iwrtrrajly ANd CCITT V.42 bjs/MNP 5
up Io 51,600 bps. Ouaiiry Is Gst IIORt ARtA W4ERE COMPROMisf ls UNNECESSARY, bfCAUsf T4f
SpoRTSIER 14,400/PC has a full five
S~~s S ITT Sa ( IS eawdaKSAC)
SERvlcf 4 S u p p o R T . . . ANo has ONsjrf ANd fxrtNdtd waRRANIS SIRVKES 14AI hRE As CIOSE AS YOUR 4OME
oR ofhce. WARRANUts ARE alsoavallabft
foR Ihjad paarv cowpUTERsvsrf Ms ANd
0Y 2 C
S3 25u S415m
PROFfssiosutl Taai • jNEI ANO has 14E poofessjoNAI iNSTRUCIORS who Makt lhe dtfftRLNCL IN IEARNiNCI
ware of rhe aRI sofrwaRE. Lab Rt Nlrds ARI also available.
ANO SURREY ANO CO Q U ITLAM 4 112A, 12872 -26 Avenue, Suffoy, SC T6844682 F: 6$48727 0 1 30, 3200 Wostwood St, Pon Cofutitlom, SO 7 942~
F1$ 4 2+1 0$
SV D fyfl W I L I( f $
For rrlcfrry"udding desktop publishers, a lot of the extras that arrive with the likes of PageMakeror Vnrtura areoverkHt. Mouse in htrmitntd eager to dabble, they don't wantootiies of fontsandclipart, orcom plexity — not to nrention the extra cost. They merely wish — at least at the outset — to produce a decent newsletter, some ietterhead, a flyer, a brochure or a better-lookingform. What they seekis something straightforwfrrd anti easyto use. emending i n f l G A.VGA video
adiPtcr, most mid-range DOS packages include some fons ot tutof<JI, onscicen h elp and 4
<cia<non af el<part. Ample pr<nter wpport can bc capers<st, And, even though to this mou e-av<udcr it somehow seems inapproprM<e, <orna tundum without 4 mouse
Menu bars wnh pull down submenus are common. Ltmt of these packages don't require extenckd expanded memory, bu< you' ll need at least 64GK ol nnboard RAM
they • Il <o tha t cbffeied from others. ince S one extent or another dress uP text, just haw d<ttcrcn<cin <hey bcs Yct, there's usu- a Jgy something,be it significant ar at least s a p pmhng. For e xainpk, although everyone may niit gct exotcd about it, one provkks kern. ing to adtus< chamc <er spacing; another d oesn' t. Some working screens are simplet th an a<herc Possibly what else is in the box i s intnguing. Or the program n easier to u s e. Maybe the user gmdc and onscreen
W elcoming PCX and TIP graphic images, it o rone issu<ng AS<if.format text. Impon ImP orts and exPorts ASCII/DOS files and, int o P ll, cliParl or tont1 cJI< bc adde ddi n g value, ihrows In a Qua«ro pro adju sted or scakd. Several graphk imi pr e adsheet version and a bonus fan<tel<- ( IMG , EFS, PCX. GIW, PIC) supplement drJwing toolbox. pah otter.
Bey ond its DTpasptrations GeoWorks h 4 l i udable tirst-machine choice for same- B o n e GUI-indined but daunted by W<ndowL A l though external programs added to thc l ) O S.button screen can'1 access internal ma lt<-tasking, they can take advantage af t h e task.swapping capab<l«y ol onboaid
Acco mpanying the p rogram i< i t streim otter Jnd the included 'Dcu f l eas' produces common document ky< (s t mionery, coupons, newsleiter<, ad Ty pagrafica, found on another disk, crm ta i lor-made fonts. When the working screen appears it 4 main menu bar actossthe top (lite, options, page. style. text, graphics, hcl undo), • <ool box in the upper-kft car<
DOS S or ITS IX)S 6, and 4 couple of megabytes ol dhk space or h elp are better organiied. mon. Piet<lish it I Since in • competinve rnarketplme new One such DTPer~tbc<t more modest in W hi k GcoWorks offers a menuing function (frame, paragraph, text, graphics), J libra version> Jplwir w«h ever lncreaung system «ope — <ha< seeks kss Own 6N)XB< accomand i t s word processor better deals with demands, contact ihc company ar «heck window (shows what's in progress<Jnd
soi<wire <wile«regarding Windows versions or what'i required by the latest release rd whkhcvcr onc arou cs ye<Or <nteiest.
pauses 4 GUI dhtnbuted in C~da bv IbM GcoWO<ks Pro reciuircs 4 mouse ind it bun-
and m emos), Pl! is a dedicated DTPer l<s
mo r e standard text needs (such as Ieners p age kon (<dentitks page in usc) lowe< lc The user guide au<bnes memory-use, cd dks a banner maker, 'Sidekick'4<kc tools so u sers are encouraged to create initial text in helpful tips and describes some comm I<shed by some, commun<ca<tonk a dra th~ i r i a o d i c w o rd-basher, b e i t lmfiSs, A Pl' lite vis<en<isavadabi
bshefs f tfkd to tindsome<h<ngabou<cach
ing l aCil<ty an d a C OOPle O f g a me S .
War d peifCCt,WO<d,WO<dS<ar,a leW a<hen
j 4 A~~~ ~
4 re lO attn Sy~ 4 l e0 el
SnaecnH<c 1100
De<eve SVGA Oanvs SVGA <ecnanx
$105 $205 $205 51045
Dwws SVGA <r
Pensee<ac «2$ F<dmu OL1150 Caus <ds Leearae<%4' sdr Idea<fat 4 5000<e
r<RC 4FO 15
A<wan APO<05 Conc <A<0. $22$ Asvsa PA241d 24P< n $250 Cenan LL20 $205
Eventam SVQA
Vldso Cards Tndard 5000 <JO
Tndaie <e4I 22<c cans
A~T< em DXL
AT< <I® trna Pf<• AT< <SO tmu Pnxeacum
55fm, ~
$05 $00 $110 $145 5205 $545
, a Ss und
IdwuasR Ofm
Lessens 2 Ouse Cmunmm escvee
PCLe(PC 2400 tax Mufwn Zc<tru Fms<nriun Saw ~ Pne
scllN f<ueecrcxdux<00 12 u <Jl 10 llate<TSr<a • ID <em(uu 2 hue < ra<me <dunehm k Cau <GA<earn< Sm VSJCue <5<brxaxsdfar<acre <0<<cuu Cess Ssn iuvu $400
CersO<uw 2.0
$55 $240
Lusus <44 ftf I
was<a<kid Sx 0<1 t<et<L Pusaekeui i.d
ACCPAC Sin<sty Acck ACCI«JC Sentdy B<a.
pnam we easiest te ahsnse urn<std ac<ma.cnd lur mn <steat pi<a<no.
12 u <JJIo fixes Sne
12a <Jf kSlbmt Iure
JS Cats
2 ta<x I ludsi 5 1duse Ics $<SAcandu
<C +Cern
Si fr<arcedXsb<dd <0< <amC< m Roe Assufd<0
SRID 5%xdl dee I Istic <i<add • I Sdae Am IC $<54 leads
5$ Starred In<need
<01 bvu C<m
SOT fern fait
$ 116$
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ltorfoffoot Notice Osdbel in<i mc udSO
$ 2 00
<20em Of 15me Ouenuan <Ttusi Elf <erne WO $20 0
SJS OOS SD JO Windewe 2.1 Went fr N n t 0
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All systems come with two-year labour and parts warranty
105MB Of 1dms Ouwnum $250
2 <2lm <Df 15nw <A D 2 45JO Og 12ms Seassls
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$400 $ 405
2fees I a<u rn< 5 I GonaAm
$<%4Caer etude
Sue to our rapid growth, we are relocating tog 896 West 6th Ave. Vancouver Tel: ST94642 Fax: 879-8640
Our new location ia open from April t.
801-2065 Ne at 4t h A ved Vancouver S.
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• ursa> or rs. os>aMee suave r>om
Qiom> Coa>i>el samoa
tse ie ms
Soe>ewer • aero>%see
I:;t 88 I%
the expertise you expect in...
• o eo>u
saaaewmo mateo o A D V A I > L E T> • RO U U C T CEN TER
~ Local Area Networks e Multi User Systems
W Ma
Axr>ough not a Ius-sodded put>sst>tno >eeakosa Gout/vert>s pro odors scaieose rises, Ipar>reoa axf wrxd roceees>nd tur>ctione
Express Publisher vi/hite XP accepts the range of graphics
mat to PCX for impornng into FP and combining with intended text.
Beyond the basicsexpected, XP offers
While the user guide suggests the program will run within S12KBs, I w<>uldn't Count on it. Nor would I Operate thc program limn floppy-disks or with>>ut • mouse.
cditable zoom in/out pages, rotating anti scalable fonts and graphics, teat curving
Potentially hindering speed of operation. extended or expanded memory Isn't put to
and shadowing, overheads creation and
work by IP
nlaptcrs, it didn't like my HGA-clone conk prmpective per>haters may wish to ciarify their ad~pter situation before purchasing tt.
automatic kerrung icharacter spaclngl. The output of popular word process>>rs and ASCII-format can be imported. With dipan provided. the program han>lies TIF, EI'5, C( Sl, Gli, I'c.X, IMG>. AR I; MacPamt. »I>crosoft Paint , Pr in t Shop an d I irst Publisher graphic images. Laser printer accommodation in>lode> PuitScr'pt suppi>rL
The workmg screen n topped by a menu her to the left with th e m - usc file name indicated in the upper right corner. lust below. toolbox icons deal with such ncms as text input and wrapping, framing, draw. ing, teat linking, image ahgnment and typesetting effects. Rulers edge the board working window top and left «b ile scroll bilfs appear below and to thc nghi At the
DATA TERMINAL M A RT Phone: 444-4526 Fax: 444-4217
Graphic formats accepted ate TTF. I'IC.
20?A Brighton Avenue, Bumaby, B.C. VSA 3H3
MSP, MAC and Pt X. and a utihty called
Snapshot will capture unscreen images. Documents created in a number of word
proccsson can bc imponed and can be up h> ninety-nine pages long Bitstrearn typcfates arxf aslortcd fonts are Included, as arc
sample page layouts. One font, Cairo, n a coUcction of tiny graphk images that can be used to dress up text, create borden oi serve as a point highlighting bullet.
The user gukic mcludcs a qu uk-start section with another segment prawidmg morc Boning-started dctaU. insraaation is better described and prompted than manY I' ve
faced Surprisingly, however, after in~tailing
base of the screen, a message line provides
ihe program, the user ts mstrutxcd to access the root Ix)S prompt to create a woik file directory: I ended up wmoving it and treat.
lnfo[mahon about whit'i Ill Piorticss.
ing one under the program d>rectory.
• PghFirst Publisher
uncluttered (simplest one found). Acro>
Ihis lill'er i> a member of a IILTS/Windows software family A« umpanying the dcskt>5> program in thc lx>x is (icluxel'aint U from Flection>c Art. After using its graphic tools to ticatc a ih>>ical iiaiagc. J ton>vision utili-
the top, the main menu bar: Ok, page, text
A L I HO R I / I [ > E DUL AT I O N C T vr T E R
Underway, the initial workmg stvcen i>
font, style, basehnes, an. help. To the right. an 'elevator' bar to scroll unscreen content and a tool kit lor creating and editing artworkk.
ty (handles a tcw Tom>ats) shifts the IUe-for-
t.urus>ra>ra/ un Fatgr .I I
UNI X T r a i ning is our O nly Business Introduction io SCO System V (.'I deyx)
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'(y- Q>i epidemi I'edera
Standard International Systems Inc.
Pi>me •
• ee sm
pf 5 publishes allows Iou io browse duough axi vieuesy easel rrom ovw 200 dtp at
eneom a>tne an oeoery, es weil es a>y sr>eacsa clip an you ed>i Tsar>see
'«m io i
rei Oae FeatsSee r Vsaseea % YQ dtt Td r/rti>aszrvr>
ZIZO,L>mIah>o t ree 12 > Vf>a>met& Cdssr. IE>saaTX: Or> T d let %XSOON
sem o>L ~ lb . > • d sf Xaeeaeses time M NAN0 lie ters • t rstmbes, Itam hams>aria hhsaaa, ahas Tvi tta o hseae soma sts RO CSt
Td Res sisesis
To osoosoos
i '
VESh 1024 x 768172Hz
15-inch Flat Screen
CTX-3361 15 get'kreee 12OtOE 31-3O3/il O-i%it NO x iN/l2Hz
1r Hel kreee OB13i/IN 21<OtB( %4OtOIz l6i NO z iÃ/12Hz 95i IO24elN /l2Hz
Overscan Capability
High Refresh
ISO 9002 Certificated
133e ~y~y~t 0~
e• • • • • • e + + Je • ' • •e•• • L
1:.ven in the mo<st demand<ng engr«nmenLs, CfTL-3%63 Ls a proven price/performance winner of 15-inch m«n<t«rs in t«day's market.
F o r your budget concerrLs, CVX aLso pntvides CTX-2461 as an etonomical
altem<t<s< to CP(-1<r<1 w<th«ut saczitictng resolutton or c<ther advanced features.
Commi ttrd ro Xetlerrc<
CanadianOistributor 'tr< I«« lLrdsgsta~ <<re< Il.<<<ad<« :u~ j
t~ «e czx rv««««<N«screw <e«<sun
COMTEX MICRO SYSTEMS INC. vA s<(.ot 3'F0 1'ne • t<N - 15?sl <<uif« l<t pli«' ttl<<<<<<<<5 0 « Tct<ph<j«a' 60e LT ~
A<<<<+ v<<v z< qp I ax r<0427$.Z018
CALGARY IL<5 r7 - 5t<10 - 29th st<eec. st TL
< u <e < e«ede rt v sn
Teleph««e. 505 Z90-35156 Pee 40$ Z90-009I ~
a e g HW a l ~
<<A a e & a S NI ~
Personal OTPing <'anrirrurrl fiorrt PNfe 29
Within the File submcnu, the printing (>PUons screen deals with number ol copies, page to start with and end on, output quali. ty, waled or unscaled printing and fo< those I(Le me who often use single pagn, pausing at the end of each (deuult tet during installationl. For those not blessed with a laser,
IF will print to a hk formatted for a copied to Ihat printer from ihe DO5 prompt.
For those unprepared
Conduxion For those intngued by DTptng but unpre. pared to cough up any more dollars than
absolutely necessary, Sonkey's Kay Fubhsher can be tound in mnware outlets in the thir. ty-f)ve doUai range. Sauce their products are often repackaged well-known branded items, many purchasers have been more than satn(kd with what they acquired for the dogai 1 Invested.
Navtng explored the programs as a Iytpneophyte and based upon my more modest intentions, apparent ease-ofwte and genera(
capabUity, I fav(ued PIS:First 1'ublhher and, despite 8 retecring my vkieo card, Exptess Publisher. Both «ost around one hundted dollars and havr Windows versions •
gcwrcea Mort prouucaa are avmabaa M computer «4tats. F(x more ntrxmatam contacc EnVlaion Pubsahar (Btfs ahaauwwul
Expruau ubtfahhar oaoWorku Pro PFS: Ftrut Publisher
Sharawwa aatatis m I . I N0-38841474 power Up Ofttaua • 2828 Camfrua fbtvu 84n MMao CA 84403 USA by phono (41S34$. 5800 by fax (415)34().1358 HM Canar4, 3)00 Staataa Ava E, Ma(ahura ON L3rt 221, t-(8)0488-1234
Splnnuku solbawu 201 aroackuy. Cambndsa MA 021$) UsA. By Fnona (817)4()4-1200 er fax (817)af)4-1218
nawsuaAu 828 Acuuwny Or rstbtuoaA
80082 USA by phono (708)M8-1310 try Mx (708)Me-1388
Publiuh al Software Vision PO aox 1734, fhnasaa park. FL 34884 1734, U S A by pruxta 813-545-4384
Oon Wstaau u u (tanaauu ~
we t •
xupooltuaI• ksounu anu a lororuO.bnaad compuiur o(xrnawu
to cough up any more dollars than absolutely necessary, Softkey's Key Publisher can be found in software outlets in the thirtyfive dollar range. Ersv(aiorsPubtktasr No doubt a budding commerctal product, lnvision Publisher (F.P) is shamware. This means that you can get n from 885es an(f sltarewarx'suppUers lor rw at to nothing. EP has pua~ men us. dialog boxes, kons, push and radio buttons, pkk lists, check boxes, and scroll bars, ri provides [fll or klick on help icon' context-sensitive help. Being able to try the program before paying lor it should appeaUng to many A tutorial ac(run panres the manua I diskftle
FP displays and pr(nts tcalable and iat• ble fonts in sizes ranging from 4 liny 4 points (0.055 inch) to a huge 108 pomts
The less Expensive way to Advertise your Business
quality on laser. dot-matrix, i n k(et or PostScript printers. WYSIWYG editing is avatlabk at four magnification Ieveb (View aU, I(xrt(x 20fyt(a, 40(ytk). Drawn ob(acts can
use AU and line styles in 16 colors or grays(a k lave b. Seeking 45(tkfts of AAM, and exploiting onboard expanded ntemoiy, thme without
a mouse aran'I excluded. IShiftlltabl togKles Ihr Leyb(wrd simulated mouse ON or
OFF. Cursor arrow kevs are used to move around the working screen. IF71 toggles cursor moves between 1 pixel or 20 pixel tncte.
0N A L
736-3666 (300 to 14.4 Bps)
Services offered: ;: + E ntertainment;
.g)ver image. The primary goal In good. veftlslng is good Information.
+ Transportation; + Business Services;. + Government Information; + C ommunity Services; + Helpful Information; + Sports Line; (Le Club) e DateLine; (Le Club)
Info Plus otters to the business% advertisers difierent levels to promote:
products or services: from a simple. , displayed Business Card to a Full lntormatlon Screen and even a Listing Catalogue to download. All of these alternatives are ottered at a very competitive price.
.'4l .'4
+ Free Exchange Message Base; 0 C lassified Ads; + F ile Library (Download Files);
For more Information call 736~4636.
Access 24h a Day
7I A N R
(1.5 inches) that can be AUcd with several
pallerns. It promises PostScr(pt-Uke print
N 7 E
Today's customersare l ooldngforsubstanceoverflashand noise,information
'" + Upload Section; + B.C.Crime Stoppeqj..
rnenn. Ilul provides a 'doublechck'. IF9I toggks CU(L.(zrck ()N or ()Fl' IFIVl pro. vides a 'single. click'.
Bv registenng the program, users get the latest version, several scaiabk fonts, a pnnt-
ed user guide, hee techni«al support, a culkct(on of clipart, a number oi pubbcation templates and a quarterly newsktter.
Imneuprlnt For thme with minimal needs, lesser helpmates can also be fourul on computet bul-
letin boards ias can oodles o( chpart). For example, Imageprint, despite its restriction.
enhances a printed page. It doesn'I handle graphic images or non-Fpson-compatible dot-mains prinien. Embedded ccxks ln an
ASCII/Ia(SS fik use the backslash. I or example, '-02' provides elite characters (12 pitch); '-8' dehvers bold print; -G' selects dratt quality pnnnng while ' I.', causes the printer to take six passex for other formatting, dot commands ias in WordStar) are used. Or, Ior page-coding, thev can be added on Ihe cornrnand line in loading the purr(am. Pitches: 5 to 17 Fonts. 24.
I want to belong to 'LE CLUB' and have my GREEN CARD which will otter ma - Ungmged download - OateLlne Service; Sports Line - BC Govemmeftt listing, BC Ferry, Royal Seaatk - Safety Rle Storage - BUy a SegFree (T ad at ttte (trna. e awe max.) faiesse tgl o(S the following lnlormation Io get your GREEN CARD today FEel Name; Tel: Name:
- t Iew acosss onthe system;
Poet.oode; Prov tSlate: Please make cheqoe ot S 12kl (a year) payable to: INFO PLUS INTERNATIONAL Mailto: P.O.Box 94322. Stabon D', Vanooover, BC, VLI 4PS All memb)efshg) appgcation must be properly fille 0(g and a cheque enclosed wgh yow mal.
Sbwerell l a l e ... "Sfhca 1 eagl i NqTilaN iG fi S I
3 3 HEZ3 IE3
@Common Grammatical Errors
• Y (SRAK M f a f M M f TT
Whfte you are shapfng up your DTP stylings, be sure to avoid the most cornrnon gyamrnatical enors.
+ GRAPHlc DESIGN + B / I / C O LOR SCANS + Co l o R Ssl%RATIoNs
• Us e • . S
end ' I . •
Wider stilt is the 'em dash." li is
cor rectly
fbe former b correctly used in place of
the words "lor example; the lauer
f ROM TOUR DISKf TTf ! wi aa an eu>
Visit Our Showroom
123e Grnnville St. (oavief Vancouver, B.C. I>>az I Me
hkc the onc at the beginning of ihii
means In other wordx In both cases, be sure to follow the second period with a comms
sentence( than a dash or an asteriskto ti(ustrate a point. Windows has a loni call«d WingD(ngs that contains, numerous interesting bullet shapes The Mac has a similar tont called yapt Dlngbatx Most fonts have at least oncj bulkt haracter. ion the Mac, opnon8 produces the chamueristii bulks'
• Protser use of punctuation. Singk quotes ar» oiien used where double
quotes should be. Always use doubk quotes, un(en you are uung quotes. w(thtrm(votes, as you might if you are quoting someone who is, In turn, quoting a third party. In general. ahrays put pasods, commas, question
ural for in sentence crr>pt>xsls It Is beetsc to Use e bWie't (a doi
doi i
It a licsere protssrly used lo high-
light publ ication
nlaiks aild cx( )ania •
tron poinb mside quotauon markx %e only except(on to this rule is if the word or phrase in quotes contains its owil pul>ctuaboil.
' •
• •
'like these.' ll you are not sure how to create
than. check your word processor 'I nlanual.
• •
Use typographer's quotes 'like t h ese inuead of plain quotes
An error in your grammar or spelling will sabotage all the effort you put into design and layout. Correct grammar is of paramount importance.
W indows a n d t he
Maamosh have Kcy (ops acceuories that make It easy to see 'hidden key
Due to the tremendous response, we will be repeating our free in ( roduclory course Pl ease call fo r further details
~ ~
• I' • I'
I • • vg l
o e
Mention Itus ad to qua(sly lor al rates for upcoming ter Training Courses
. • •
Students Wtdcome>
Free parkmg at rear
It you rise a program (tlat autollMII.
cally types 'smart quotes, be aware that In caseslike 'Remember the '7th,' the singk quote be(me the seven will be fac(ng the wtong way. The conect orientation b an apostrophe. as shown above. The also applies to worch like o'ck>ck and 'til. Apostrophe-S denotes ownership. Ann(ha mistake nuny people make is to pui apostrophes • (ter pluralized words. (' We sell lbM's' is wrong.)
or book names,)
c d(tort • I co m ments, fore>gn lan-g guage quotationsi or occ asional words o( emphasis. You should • Isousc italics when a product name is >ried in a headline (e.g.,
W ill
t he
n cw version o i <lr>>mrna>L(»i r cr workf I.
Dort I sue eu>o spaces aft>ar e perte& Onc wgi do. M'rwr use underlines. • C spttalhaUon. All caps lsonly appro > prlatc for acronymi (e.g., SCil, ISM, DOSI. Do not use all caps (or emphasis. Use Ital(rs Instead. Do noi capital Ize wonb unless they are proper nouns (r>antes, Utlm, businessnames, etc. even when spc(bng out acmnyms. • A nd the number one grmnmatkal • nucy Speltb>g m(stakes. Even one -
typogra(>hkal err»i in • dh>tun>cnt ls onc Ioo many Relllcflibcf. your wold
pionssor's q>c(bng checker cannot tell it ihe word >x>w M mi»pellcd nor. Lct '
lcvte that the 's i n the "7 0s' exam.
tbe <omputci check the speWng Rrst, ostpk above is not preceded by an ap then real It over and look up any sus. rophee Ranernba that if a wind endpret words in a good paperdictionary. Ing with an I i equrles an apostrophe be especially careful with names, it Is concct to put the apostroph whkh won'I bc in Ihc dictionary. e after the s (cg., Mr lones'cari. Aho, "it's ha contracuonof it u Remember, desktop publishing is zll or li has — It's not the plural of It, about communiiation, An error in your nor docs it bekmg to it. gmmrnar or spelling vnll sabotage all the use hypheru and dashes correcey. effort you put into design and layout. A hyphen ls correctly used lo hyphen- Conect grammiu is of paramount imporate. It is aho connnonly used in tek-
phone numbers, Don't hyphenate word pairs in which the first word ends with l y ' ( e g, highly-tox« is wrong. I An 'cn dash* (so calkd because it is tbe width of the ktter 'n j ls slightly wider than a hyphen An en dash Is correctly used between two numben, dateL or t(mcx
These grammatical conventions are only the tip ol the Iceberg. There arc doans — hundzcdsl — of other common grammatical errors. Sfrunk br Wliirr's Elrmrnri nf Sryk. 77>cCh>rr>go Lf>>nun( r>f Sfyk and fowfcr's Lfo>fern gnglbb Umgr nrr good books on the sublecl. It is worth picking up onc if you arc tnterested in
creaartgdocumcrtu that work. I
T EC H N I Q U E 5
Ahollt th e Cover 9 Y 6 R A E M E 1 E fe Ie E T T
SOVa CamOILIV e LIma mnrral,
This issue's cover was created using a 35rnrn camera, Adobe Photoshop 2.5, Fractal Painter 2.0 and Aldus FreeHand 3.11. Here'show. fhe ongmal photo ithat's Trtr r.umpurcr Paper s eivn production manager lait Oriffin, hard at work i wes scanned on onc of our Miirvvtek cxslor scanners, yielding a 24-bit color TIFF, which was then loaded
into Phetoshop, where the image was cropped and its hnghtness, saturatten and contrast adlustcd. Uung Photoshop's selection and feathering tools, pieces of the wall,
I%siting print on water in a shallow tray. In Fractal Painter's simulation. it behaves exactlv hkc the real thing — it's lust less messy te work w i th , So convincing is Painter's simulation, in fact, that I Iliad aU thc traditional techniques iust as they av« dcscnbcd in craft books. One such book is
called Murluing Step by Step. You can find n,
frigg Pgg l ~
i Coupon For
e ani
•FetgeCerbidyee,Expligegggeteeff • Teeere. OrgetKUB,Dettelepete • RetteefecteregTIler Certrlggee
and others hke it, in cteh stores.
Another source of mar. is
bling i n f o rmation c o m es frv>m the makers of Liquitex a crylic p a i n ts. B i r ney I Smith Inc. publnhes 4 free brochure called Tccbnvvtur
sheer. Mavbhng rvlrrr Lktuirrx Arrytk Paints. You can get it by calling the company at 2 I S-2S3-6271. Although t h e P a i n t er manual contains very little
~wwnsu » rvcueucvs O » Afflhor)BN) Cleaning
lasegNetworks ~ NenrsegRecruer
• I lemr CerBBNm
Lwa 95
Call Today2735446 "
Tel:2734446 Fax T
11-12171 Brtdgep0lt Read.
Info on marbling, I had a look at a pierckasc copy of a booklet wntten by one ot the authors ol Painter, called I'uvnicr 2.0 Companion 1'hc booklet, wh ich w il l come with a disk of macios recorde d u s in g P a i n t er' s n e w
OUT~TOYFII CALL COLlECT Free Oeluvery wutun Lower aeeuuend
P layback Session .. I u m . tion, contains a matbhng tutorial section with ail the wttings you need to generate f irst-rate n orvtvaretls, g e t
pasted to extend their dimensiem, to better
gels, peacocks. bouquets and other quau-psyihedehc Images. The booklet and disk wih ship to ah rctpstercd .0 customers as soon as it's reedy. I heartily recommend Painter
u t t h e p age. T hi s ne w v ersion o t
2,0 to W indows and Mac users with an
Photoshop, incidentally, is great — much faster than versions that preceded it, with a bevy ot slick new teaturcs Although the version IVe bccn usmg is a beta release, it is
anistic fkstr. The company is offering thc program tor )usi US5299 iupgrades are
windowshade and desk were copied and
rock-sohd, Upgrades are US$129 IUS$199 for a Lli-ROM version with extra geedicsl. I
have a fcchng I' ll be writing more about it m commg issues I he Lrl'P sign was created in iractal Pannier 2.0 using that program's great ncw
"liquid ~ i ts' and text handling leatures.
US5791 until April 30. f he lent used lor the letteis LYTP i s called Tcknik lt ' 1 from Lctrasct's Fentek
scnes. Faces trom the Future family were used for the rest of the hcadhncsand other cover text.
vbts9 p 0 SS+
Color «patations were generated dhcctly from Aldus Freeuand and output to film at 12rv0 dots per inch.
Ihe technique used to achieve t he
ctlccts used lot the border and belund the letters Li flu is ceUcd marbling. It has been around since thc 12th century. fradituinally, marbhng is ihe process of
vv~is Vnvvvvv
Ccetect. Fiectei Oeeievt Core, 1 000 847.7443; Adobe, td0044.ADOBE, Aldus, t-e00-333253B, Letruset, 4 16-475-TYPE.
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OlrlPUtg) P82i) I'
s(theft'-n eW ...,. "" .-.
om u ana a~
Lexmark brings 600 dpi printing to Windows and 05/2 Users
2(N 2060eoa Shool,)ksusuror, 0 (. )(ST 2(I3
u(l epbeee.(4 0(J0)24044• fe te(40elIJN 200
386DXAO ' •
I 486DX-33 ' •
40%Cosbo 40 0
Since the recent Introductions o( pnntcrs by Hew)ett Packard, 60() dpi is being hailed as the ncw <orporatc stal sndard. Lexmark has been produ< ing a((ordable 600 dpi printers since )991. Now ii is seeking to regan «me o( its thunder by iniroduang a ncw Wfn<k>I>3 print ac<aerator that pumps out rugcs up to eight times ai fast with less
1200 Casbe 2$40 Cesbe 2$4Ã Casks
Si36 6
Sle e
• eel Ran (bpoodob( • ts 32el) ( Jeas)
• 1408 Sl%4 Cad • I r TooerCote • 200 Wposer sup(dy(CSLepprtaeJ • I O l guys eelaocal bayboord
• )csee IOC HerdOr(so • ).66 f(eppyOrfve
• IOEHO O/ f00 ederaa Wt?$, I P,I 0pofi • SSOl eeteor (.20dpi)
memory By using the prmc<ung power of
The January l991 edits>n ot flit< Xfae>fzfnr. has nam e d t he Act ix Sys t enis Uraphi<sfz>gine 32 the beu of ihc bunch Thc «ard uses the Ss 86ABI <hifx displatx resolutions up to 1280 x ( 02e noninter-
• cia( fouer(ose,Co(oa castor • Re(bee(d 0 cetus
Proeurkutaeo upemdolut, SeayCOiaa Ome,I CO's
order catalogue in Canada February was
the first mail. ing ol
i>w uvuiaf u <tu>e>vuuu >urn •
-.- '5© gc~s 6 I)fr CI I(iireel Crelircs 8 I( Leeieern eeiflees a rl)( P( Ir f(I(iefesi fereets
• usle 8 > u >a
new • II Canadian cata loguc dedicated exclusively io Ma < Users across t ile c ountry. T h e
catalogue corues ( r om lnmac, a f>>e.
year old mail
8 PeeeileOI1(CI.ceeleeeleeeeeerin
order market. ing company A casual fbp through the <atalogue revue)ed a inde se(ection of so(twafe and hardwan pcnph>rah (or ihe Ma<tnt<nb
• >a
MacVONK ships TeamAgendaMulti-User Schedule Management
Turn on your Mac I
Radius Software on Pivot, eliminates need for video card on newer Macs I(ad>us Inc, recrnily anru>un<ed the ava I ability of Softprvot 2.0, a soltwar< progra> thru allows a Radius Pivot displays to i usfd <>n the nev> Appie Macintosh <ompui ers supporting built-m video withoul tk cost of a 57 59 disp4y can(. Contact Radx>s mc . Canada (a16) 777-9900
First Desktop Software for Tracking and fstimating Menstrual Cycles Software publishers are often accused
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t ion 'I
purer late at night with a phone call al(ox users to access files. retrieve E-Mail or tean ler <4(a Contact Adam Pwu>txuutx (a16) 886-2326
ignonng the needs ol w<unen in their paxl-
Ma<VONK Inc last month ship(>cd a multiuser «hrduk management package for the Manntosh A <lient.server appli<at>on, the program alk>ws up lu Is) users to view an<)
' I
Canada by For efront C rapht<x Contact Fcrehau ree(>na ca
uct lines. Sudona, an Austin Texas company hof>cs to change thai with their Mensiat 2 0, a program designed to track and mii
Adam I'cnphcrals Inc., has begun distr>t>uI
laced, aid retails fcu 5400. It is b ein g d i stributed i r>
rn<>dify personal and work-grwp ><Sr<dole< ccruocl tdacvoNr< inc, (a03) 23285a5 I
Cuntao< Lexmau ( • 16) a)7 231i
and otlier peripherals, Turning on a <xfu>
Inmac launches MacOnly mail
recently lnkcd a deal wnh Dell < anode t distnbutc IBM.brat>d pnntcfs.
what'snew for Macintosh
5( <o'aLd
yaur fii6 Or BB6 COmpuier, y<>u<an Iu uaniially imp<os e print speeds with 1 ncw h >urdu In a twist of fate that <hara<tcrir toda) 'i comPuter industry, Le<mark ha
Byte Magazine chooses Actiec Systems GraphicsEngine 32as best of the bunch
• )eeRo ok1.60f00
o r Po werKey R emote, f r o m
Sophisticated c:ircuiis PowerKey Rem<>te electro>>i<ally presses thc power On Ley on any Mac II hne computer «hcn it re<rives a
nng ugnal on • siandaal phone line For earhcr models you have lo pair it with their
Pour>key circuit, which aHows you to turn on Ma< Pluses,Sfx etc as weal as m >xlems
mate Ir male menstrual cy<lex The pr<eran wits fur ()5599 and rum on • M acintosh corllpUtef (I)OS ar>d Windows versions af> in rhe works) Features include: <alendarwn entcd database for tracking menitrual cycl< events including Idccdtfig, basal ixxly ternf>rfafllre and <cfvt<alfvufvaf mucus, estillla' tion ol luture <y< lesand ovular>on. dairy diary, lunar calendar, birth planning and
password security are included The pf<s. gram requires Hyr>ercard 2,( and empl<ws fuzzy logic to predict fertility cyclei. included w<th the so(twar< is Mcnsta<k, a virtual booL f>>r <ulle<xlng and dlitnbuiin >nfofruatton pert>uning to the reruodu<x< ve <yclc Usersare cncourag<xl to add cntf><a
based on personal research, f amily isd tions and experience. C <amcc ~
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Maaoia ISJ.
fueasuDl 1150Crdo RounSISD 102/38an 9 an Rann2420256rsu
i irtpq H'n . Iye . r., u e
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Frusuatcd wch trw nrw lads ot Dtp' Tiadxsonal shopscail I answer tour qvcmornv put aw II vuars at DTP «xpenence iv work for yau we 'vt gat tin laoh and ~ to pr a n de tau weh prarmsuxsal, quater scsvrcc
ef gedtn~ mm hm p w ~ ph m ~
iha,~ a
Cticrosoft Windows has beett wildly successfulok' the pas two years — so much so that it has overshadowed MS-DOS
dipsal cahnsr pnaene m PwvaMaschcafaur praoh At Leer's Kdec yau • and mar errrr ta anne to deshmp ubeenvot CLvo vnr a molar •
w vvr drub'
hear's t'
9 5, II L% ,
as Microsoft's flagship operating environment. But don' count DOS out — it is not ready for the OS retirement home just yet.
96 )~ m
S-DOS is now in its twelfth gtalous ytu a rid has Inure than I O O m i l l ioa u sers
addwide. Since ns rekasc in leefr, the computer indastry has rhaaord dramstceoy — but ~ D OS cnnnnues socvcdvc and be a thnvtng pkchme.
mentx ThNe an't roan so bsc them am-
DOS to be a supenor pktlann for Windows
Seetsp nnd Ineknhekion
now that Windows has become such an unportant PC industry itandanL More than half of al l new PCs are shipped wnh Windovn and ihr number is graving — the Windows application mat-
Linc of ttic mata < i ltll ftms ailtlrd at MSDOS aver thi yean has bccn that it wss ron hard to usc. For that neson, Microsoft hai goilc to consuttrablc kngths to addrtss fh Ji from the outlet wuh MS-DOS 6.
auitdhtg an tht pourtvt tccrhtk ham the MS-DOS S upgrade inssal4tion pco.
gtem, Masoratt has made Ihe Ooccrhrst in
nrdagy fa improvements lo Windows as
MS.DOS 6 even cestcc nad sakr. Fa ~ pic. llS-DOS 6 includes a great deal of
vt U as bccaese mott tightly integrated
'atssodcstcttrm software bvnlt at — m that
snth Wauiows.
it caa aannnasketty detect what hantwast a
tlotwithstanding t h e s u ccess of Wmdows. Ia a host ot reasons M«rotott
uter IIQs and Ihiis docs IMc have to ask thc
knows that many pcaph vne be usmg only MS.DOS long Into the future, tvr example many u t c omtvrtabk with MS.III)S and thar MS-DOS appbtations — or idy on cert ain specific applications that ue na y e t Pacacd to Windavrx Same wilt srW utc a
The abovesygietoaiogtode:
of tmprovcnttrlts, additions arid It l l nt -
pksdy htrt. but vve trill Iry Io gwc a breed
• pplkauasn snsktt. Given the de sprcod uw af ~ M k tas att p4ns to «valve ~ over t hee to prondc thc base lech-
386 OX-40Kadcem reg. $136Q... Now $1250 486 sx 25Kadf2tmreg. $1560... Now $I,IIRQ 486 ox-u Kafhgt reg, $1,72Q... Now $I~ 486 Ox-SO Kadgom rei. $I III9 . . . Now $1.768
MS.DOS users while maintaining str«l
backwwds camtnnbility. W ot which bnegs as ai MSDOS &Othc ncw reheat at DOS It cancahss a bsn
kbcsaaft says that three kcy ant acerb camprlst Its vrssan for the futwc ot MS. DOS To start with, Microsoft wants MS-
ket n apptaaclung thc aae ot the ktS DOS
provute mare and benet functionality foi
cotnpukr that cannot run windows. Microsoft has made a public comnsit-
user stupid questions about what vf type dnpky, keyboardand memory the system has. MS DOS 6 is also more madu4r — you
can custvm rnstaU patt ot it and then add othtr k aturts 4tcr when you have moat hard disk space bee. It is aho s wart d
what other appecenons atc dtnng — ntdi as dsskcoeaprcsstrm sattvvast. cache unbtks
cicnt lo torment Io impravt MS-DOS to -AT I/O w/2 tonal, 1 prvaasL & I eorrw port IDO/Iqt gte han odoprw . Hwd drwe wot» 10S ssa Itoppr ipwvv I 2 ow4 I aa sae TRlDEM SVGA drpkrr I 102« X 768 I w/IM 14" 28dpi SVGA wuvvsor -Erauv«vd 101 kov tvvrboa/4 Savv lOwer anv w/LED 200w CSA ~ powe r svppfr Twv vvarv pert aoiiIouoor worraoSV
~ e eead Preehetee Waa Istereaee edeseaeeegPre ~
ECSsnaauad25 CASe gaeegPre • skekse 8 gfetlo ~
Sf +
E x es ~
Ft ehttrt SIR
GreatTechnologies lnc.
• ate isaVV t~ . f ar i earn SS mvvvorv.e& ~ V OW • u w u tu:faanmr~ rv a :tmaimt~ w vwrwvoivr w >
/Ca «Stun — C
Hara, oasibiaopeoe haa cuxcea«4 Ine eveaatxa eeo apace on a hant dickvatvma fram I etaB Ia 8 8MB
B C EDITION THE COMPUTER PAPER AP(tll '93 hlemhfakcr <Jui
CII • Qaveea
t i • Ip
will give you the choke of defaulting back v I ISQ
()me/Dr Fao
Fod Ceaegaon
to previous senings after a <old or warm
re hoot McmMakcr i s • Iso op t imifed ( or W indows — <ountlng on th e fact t h at
Sort by Sue
Windows will us. upper rncmofy in order to create more room for DOS appiicanons
when t h e y a t e r u n f r o m W i n d o w s. McmMJker will also take advantage of Ihe ability within MS-()OS 6 to load applica-
C3 Ih C3
(it wIII install SMAR I DRV Jutornatk Jlfy tof you lf you want Iti Jnd OS(2 iwhich It wdl rithcr deinstail for yr>u fu set itself up to fun Jlongsidei.
Hanl Disk Mana(gement I4rd disk nunagemenf tools have become morc and more sophisticated with each
new release of hIS.DOS — and tius one is
up to 200K of upper memory automan<ally, whik its dynamic EMS/XMS allocation system will allocate EMS and XMS memorv
mars<a is often an issue where compression applications Me <on<cfood. Microsoft has Defrag (actually J Nmple subset of Norton Utilities' Speenlsk, which rearranges ilies and frfe space on a hard disk so that data <Jn be wntten and retnn cd mfae quickly and <fficientiy. lt should be emphasized that all these
are options DoubleSpoce docs not need to be installed as part of the MS.DOS 6
your hard disk by 'crunching down' the
hhcrosoft did fncludc J number of new
existing <late Jnd bcirlg able 10 un<ruach It* on th » I l y w h il e you are working Mkrosoft says it Is safer than most thudparty compression utihnes iof which thne
memory management features In MS DOS
Stacker compressed dn-
ves can be roose<ted Io MS-l)OS 6 <ompressed doves without havmg to cxi |afW JrW fa<ofnpress that data on the drive in f)lfeltlofb
Aware that per(or.
upgrade — It n oniv one of the op@am.
fhese utilities ma(ac a Orat foe Mt<food(i
providmg both DOS and Windows veau in an OS upgrade. With MS-DOS 6 you uhhtks that wOI backup your data, c your disk for vinases and undelete Qfcs — le both Windows and DOS sessions
• S-VHS ao( foafaaito oetyot • With afaftiaa asti-hkkor riltar • VCA. SVCA, HCCJ(or VOA, XOA, Troakoo CafoePSPW
PPF • a: Ca
• f,
r: I-kit
f)fr Ail PNlaa Pofl4g,
• r lanrDIa
• all, 16g 26- I
(PC I s
5 — but admits they were not as easy to usc as the <ompany would have liked. So MS-DOS 6 boasts what Mi<fosoh calh an
lass a f
I aed i fI • lt Ieaaif ouoes aed 6~
video 6 ood ffovtNNb
o p, Heio
viib p f a$0 aotyot
N, P
wekfor aso of Iba psedaafa ee ae
s acr
c oooo<clot
lt k Shetl/SC Iyiacfnt< h
sdeaeafeeaf as aeeeescb
SR OF I PC 6f Mec:intoehl
- frame Ofebbef for aaofifeooff (C — Ouidfyfme spppoted (PKS)
basis posposa
fsynoSe esfeove vora - 008. 5-VHS outa<a saedaf for Sfeefooo 1V
SWOD Multim edia Inc.
Memory Manaeeonent
Hard disk management tools have become more and more sophisticated with each new release of MS-DOS — and this one is no different.
Data Protection
• Still iesf • coffer • • ltofioo flfaa racer(lot (2$+ fronoa/fool • fil • forest: PCX,(ARCA, Tiff, Olf, gltP
Included a dcfragmentauon utility ca)lcd
no dfffetent. Probably the single most Important hard disk utility Included this time n something calkd Double5pa<e. DoubkSPJ<e is a disk <ompfcsslon utility Ihat douhiel fhe Jmoufst o( space on
biiity wilh the popular Stacker disk compression Nlftware — so that
Finally, Microsnfi bas fnciuded Ih Microsoft Systems Diagnostic tool (which dfsif4ys a memoty map, among other in(of matlon) and an enhanced MEM <om (which shows detfnls of unused m blocks and inlormatb)n on the way a spoof I< JPPINJtNNI Uses memory)
A new EMM3$6 wfii autumati<aliy recover
Undofete cwi INIIO you recover ec<sdeffwly defooed aea Hovsovw lelsbe Ihe Unefase ubrey round rtl Norton Uirtibes. Mf<fooofro Undekoe nao house won Neo wnoee directoneo have also been deleted
however, oifct compeh-
applications runmng either type of mem without having to know anything about either memory standar<l
menNNy management uiility fn MS-DO5 6.
rs-DOS Deleted Dale' Uekeesan D e leted Tme.'Unknown P rerecord byl Patk C.S)afINDON(5 One CJ ofee of the caracas afe reuse by ether Idea
integrated fight Into Ihc MS-DOS kernel. l)oubleSpaf e dues,
from a shared pool so that users can ru
tNNfs into spccifk blocks of upper memory MemMaker is not Ihe only Irnprovcd
Ih iih
• re a growing number) because DoubleSpace Is
a m emory u>nflif t b) the
way It has sct up your system's memory. It
Tel . (J16) 502-1056
Fa x ( • 16) 502-1001 111 4ock Femwey, Waewdale. Oniano. Mgf JMS
Home Rute)(It(stion Sit)stems Telephone Voicemail
ergonomic mcm<uy management system that should take thc
pam out o( opfirniaing m emory
U I Jgc o n
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It n designed to prov ide up t o ) 0 4 K o f
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extra upper memory ovcf what was made available by MS f)<)5 S. Sak Iy il Jn Important part of this optl. fniaatkNI pfoccss.
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hntbvtrus. It inc ludes thc abilit y t o s c an bot h me m o r y a nd disks for known inhc i. cd vlnlscs. To gu Jrd against the Pnmibilit y of unknown viruses hitting thl' sti\Icnl. t h e
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ing thai Lcy tiles arc o( ttn ure they should be) and 4 mrmory-resident utibty Ialhet Vyctc that can contlnuousty guard against virubhkc be havior Ihe Undclctc utility, meanwhile, rs also licensed (tom Central point and hai b rrn signifirantly enhanced trom the previous vervain.
The STANDARD has arrived!
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software includes a
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enhanced them. The
at a great price
has wisely licensed the best o( ihe third party u til i t i e s ( o r d o i n g thew task s and
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compktcly, Microsoft
a kecmbaaemlc~
prr wd
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tsyessas by Lbrtracardawl Vbs phase add 2ce
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B.C EDITION THE COMPUTER PAPER APRlk 'el 3g> most Importantly, a l>irc>tory undelctc lus been ad>Icd to tecover dclc ted dirc> torim
VVockeroup Comput(ntj
Systorh stectup.
huge move to I'C network use through thr
Ibis adiirmws pri>i>ably onc o( thc th»iniest problems facing I)C>5 uicrs - — those c tiNFI(i SYS and AUTOFXFC . R Af f i l e s When installing ncw u>i>ware or hardware, thc>c I>les are o(tcn modifinl — and someurnc> don't work when you reboot. At the mi>ment, recovery from this is oltcn • rnatterr o( rcbooting (iom a l) t)S 5 system disk, L(l o( which, to bc quite blunt, n a pain. With the ncw c l e an start ( e a iuie In 5(5-DOS 6, however, you can boot up a clean s) stem by iu>t holding down the 15 Ley during rcbi ot. This will bypass ail CONFICi SYS and AIJTOFXFC.hAT comnunds and get you going aita>n quickly. I here ii also a new Interactive start whkh lets you ch>x>se which lines o( your Ct)Nil(>.SYS and AUTOFXFC RAT Alesyuu want to bypass dunng a l>i»blem reboot
• ttraction of Windows for Workgroups, Mkrosoft has Included a built-in network and electronic mail 'client wi t h i n L I S DO5 6 This allows PCs runntng M s.l)OS 6 to
I his is pontcuurlv useful when debugging mrmory and interrupt con(bets If you want to chrx>te (coin a variety of C t)NI'IC> SYS comb>nut>onS, yOu nO longer have to rebcx>t ar>d rename f h e " m ulticonfig fac)Uty within Ms I)c)5 6 lets you create menu i tems and correspond>ng menu blocks in C i>NFlt> SYS and choose (rom amongst a vancty ol buut comb>na. I>one And lastly, M i c rosoti ha s added a choice u t ility — which is a batch command that accepts Lc) board input and leb
In rccognitron of what is er pnicd io bc a
access shared fdes and printers froth any PC
running W i ndows fo r
W o rkgroups,
Windows NT, I AN Manager or com(>atibk network> — as well as commun icate over a ny n e t w ot k w i t h 5 ( i crosolt M a i l o r Windows for Workgroups post ofbces. (his sct of uuhtics also Includes a Ix>p. up n e twork Interface tliat can load as a memory-resident program and pop.up ii i other f)OS applications so that you can make network conncctx>m without kaving your worL, as well as an i nter nnk u tihty that kts two computers share data, applications and printcn over a paralkl or serial
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mtncv>dhcne Ihedt hd ocetacvsmuioet titus >eh 100', tem onecorn(de.0enandOomkiusymsm (T)9c stdrcdr~ tdk0(Rhtouutyhtna.Ruth)eau>eh anyVCR,Iatmesk, Rondo,Sunu>a>d Tv or vv)uuGmnu Sttct>m Convo>dona TV umoiyca)audcentum h eo
Std(UnaslON xG1100Usystmnuei gummedSound why mt ctuiruuu romsie)
for 1 FRFEdtoonuhuhon mymuunul hmm,diern> cotdndusIsrm puum aoom uete CSISTAL(NTFRTJNRll
sees )oydaewov
MS-DO5 6 represents a malor step forwunl
ITII(IITRPfii'cs -
27SO 783
8(m r ts Fscodtaok Omuvkne Vmy>eauueyu x a )kaama)V w R esuttun
for DOS men. It will make work>ng Ufe eas»cr in ahnost every respect fot Vmse running DOS applkattom, whik aho cnhanong the operation of Windows. I( you run DOS then ynu'll want M'5-DOS 6 •
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bound copes by rnday and g)e quasi( has Io be lop-no(eh g caid be phobcopeo iiocri vaN iostr orools ond ce(IGred btd vial lusf l$1)TThe pfolssnn)AOI nT)oge 'fou Ileed •
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WORDPOWER is pleosed lo announce Ihal it is now offering high resolution output on paper or film — up lo 2540 dpi So if you' ve gol Ihe 300 dpi blues, sei vp r fi les for alino 330 imageseller and drop by lor some razor sharp ovipvl
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3663 W Broodway, Vancouver. At Broadway and Alma in Kiisilano. Pa(Icing in rear
TEL 738-2661 FAX: 738-2625
g~ ~
~ 3(d ftaor-830 W.Peadgr 5heet be%+ I f 160di 681-177
• n vrsre <fve Crvrr tm <rvrf v •urer • vve rr r • • Nvr I sv<salxR e I n s o s • I urf s aafssfrfr m'ss o< • I uri • w w • aafsvuv r s • aM • vsrv I s 4 • aM • M • • vasss r • aeaNI r I s • 4r w I 0 sa M • <uo r 's e a M 7 % vv. •
Publishing playing an instrument and hav. < ng a n at t a i h e d c o m p u t er instantly transcnbe the performance as sheet muiu has bern • qurit cum <rarablr lo t hat for the I l o ly <ifall loday. w«h pitch-Io-MIDI converters • vailablr f ur gull • ii, vn il<ns and wind Instrumrnts, Lryboardists aren't the only ones able to <reste MIDI imusksl ini<ru. ment digital inter<me) music In 4 ci, some music lovers don't u x a n y i n strument athn than a « unputer. I hey input notrs dire<sly lnim rsiv<ing sheet mus<C Onto an on-screen staff and play the maire tuck with Ihrir P('.
Cakewalk pio lar W<ndovrs
i r vr
ss f~ f
<.isfs v srr sseveusa 4
T uv
<.I~ a lw
<here arr numerous products available
MIDI Envkonmentol issues
m e n t<Oned i n m y Au guSt re2
leaiurr Thoroughly Modem MIDI, Windows 3.1 has added a kvel of MfDI suppon tu thr PC's aperaung systs m ilut's nothing shaft ol mprrb Uecausr the detaU< were spelled uut in that issue, I wan't repeat ihem aU here, but briefly, Wmdows adds <y<trm.
level support rar sanspled sound, MIDI mapping and MIDI puyback lhasa features mrpass thrne found in any mher operating svstem. making Windows the best environment ava<lable for <omputer music rnthusi.
aire Although, as we'U xr a hnk 4 ter tn this
artick, PC MIDI software st<U lag) behmd some of the othsr platlorms in certain areas, thrre is morr MIDI software cunenily
in drvelapment lor the PC ihan for any other platform Because a Wmdows PC «qui pped with a sound canl can p4y MIDI files, Windows is the <Jeal n<ssmnmrnt for thux who want to mahr musi< with their <omputer and
nan-muss<un< who lusf want to enfay l<s. tening to mussC.
lt you do dedde to hook up a keyboard or other ex<etnal gest to a PC, Ma< or Amiga, you' ll nenl a hfU)l intrrface I hrre are numerous models on the marLct. For
the PC, we' ve heard that ihe Mus«<2urs< hill)l intrrfaces have the bcsl Windows dri-
vers that penmt proper multnasking and pott shasmg Musk <2urst MU)l <nterfa<es are ava<4bk in basic models, or wnh tape and SMPTE <<he Su«ety ot Musion Picture and Tekvision Fxig<nerrs< syn<hranifabon op hans Many audio canis and MPC add-un kits
a<su include a Mli) I mterfaceoption.
Missing Your Copy
Portebie NIIDI Prrtomung mus«uns might hrid a 4ptup or lunchbox' <omputn • wne investmrnt. Ue sure slut II Ius one or m<ue ssandasd PC slots capable of
su p po rt in g
of The Computer Paper f Irou6lef fndinlf The t'~mPuter PaPer at If <lou're hatrintv Tour /rfuiuunteslure, why not hat<Pi l rlelivrred rftfht toyour rufnpa n v. If you 're a cofnPrrn3f thai ran distr i6u l 25 or more coPiei Per mrfnlh, j uit rail r)ur distrilnrlirin rlePartment and ash lo hatre The CofnPIrter PaPer deliuered lo your ojf ire. i<lao affxa
S -uai uvv I<l u r
vsa ITT tr t wi t <sf<su I • • I rsv<I Tsssne
Snsns Omrs
• e-71 • I • vr vl
iruru <a <767<a T • 1 i wsi mfa<sr f r • i WSI TQ.N.'I
<twavav r Nlrr Is<w ~ is a k i t <La Trl Ta r t s<S Iss frs I w n fssm l
~ f w Iw Iw
• •
slppolt sar <<pie audio <aids af M<QI
irvvs Tars fresrv< ve
today that pramisr results, but performsixe and print quality vsnes wukly
• V G R A E M E 4 E PINE TT ru many musKuns, thr dream of
• OOO• | • OU • •
• OO • O• • OO • O•
uvrsrss anlrr avr-w sarrvv xvr
Toner uv uu q< 7 • I i<tat<<SISS< f•• I•Is<<as-a<TI
6 r%
Amiga models Itrfx<«edly, Ciinimodor nixed a recent attnnpt by a third panv repackage Amiga matherhaards in portable pacLage. PC Sound optbns U<M comiuhbfe< us<sally require an add-a canl to produce decent sound output, whi Ma<, Amiga and Atari computers hsv in<diam <Irirlltv aixhu r apalxhties built in AU these platforms have high-quaht sound options available. For ihe PC, I games software nurLrt has played a mala role in defining the feature xts and <om pshbilny i>t add-on audio cards I he cur rent standard n the Soundblaiter, whi< offe<s fairly low quality g bit digitif
sound input and output and a simpk Fh s) nthes<xer. Most I'C sound < • ids ai ndb4<trr compatible, although same
such as hucrosuft's Sound System, afe noi An r srher audio <ard called thr Adl ib i n<wr cansidrred obsolete, although som games st<U support it Setter sudiu cari<i are said to be ' 16 1st." When a manufacturer dahns that <t canl is 16-bit, or C D -quality, i t usiulh' means that tiir card plays back audio with
l e i <svevl
M 1Dl interface. S a y s o n Technologies 1606-273-73031 sells thr mo s t impreuive MIDI
p ortable I ' ve seen. It weighs • brief 20 p<xmds, but b o y , i s packed w it h
model I t e sted was loaded with
32 MIDI chan. nels, a Multlsound <ard, a Roland Sound ( an vs s <a f d
()PCO<te e Aud<eehae uaea Wl lÃOOOVaru<ar<a<bu<famaer fuarfa<e O<<ll lou<aUsea CO puyer ta rnenefN Ihe p<a)beck at «aso cDO and 6 bt
and a bevy of musk appf«at<an<. ft's almost I<Le having an orchestra in a lxu. Ma<in<ash lans~
'CofrlPllt p 232it
built-in MIDI ports, Thete • r<, at this time, no portsbl
greater fidelity tlun an 8-bit <ard <scapablr
ol Sume 16-bit cards, su<h as Advanced t h e-go have a wick
Crafts' U<tiaSaund card, came with th
<ha«e ol Powerbook and Dua models to <T<oox fr<en AU require sn est<mal MIDI
ability to play back 16-bit audio, but
I recently stoppsd Into a computer store, where a couple uf salesmrn were sirugghng to conAgure an UltraSuund card.
Atari users may be ablr to find one uf the dnconnnufd STa<y portabln around at a good price. I>ke aU Atan ST mixkls, it has
requiresnap<ionto record 16-bii xxiiuI.
What t0I00ft fop
Cassia 1 eaaaa tsaaaeee SISS «aas sa a w s a aao. Ias asaasem see a maaemaoo ps c aau ra s sa CweeeIseaa w cau s a Iatswaaw slu" mx sws io si1• saw oaae W aa caa 1• • ss a e sseaw as sw ~e x sa ut acme Ra Iaaa essa W a a eesms a W
in an electronic musical instrument or audio curd • tacit sound ithis is often refened to as Cil~uality and typically has • sample and/or plalbask rate of 4O I kiir ) ( z r d s
board and be coniigurcd so that difrvr.
whether built into the instrument, or a
don't sound as statistic. • I'Iayback of at l e ast sixteen simulta-
siueltty Th c sc u n i ts usually i n c l u de
neous vokoL • Multichannel MIDI playback. f h i s
of other sonic e ffects. Most p io k e y .
ea Csaeai ae S Caassaa neasws saaas
tnt sounih can be layered. • A diyltal multlwffects processor.
or modules with sampled sounds in ROM have the best sounding musical Instruments So-<Oiled Fhf synthcstxers
se a s si ps
• w we
~ tea us a a ~ xa w aoaase
piete of 'outboard gear, can dramaticxliy improve your instrument'\ sound
ps Iss
Ness ow -~ nn s
sa c s ea s a a assessaee
SS •
adckons to add similar capabtlltks in the future Ihgttal effects capabllttks, by the way,
• If you plan to u se I I' t au d io card for
recording systems have over tapeIMscd re«otders — BAT o r o t h e rwise. Even
are one advantage that harskdtsk based
playing games, look for Soundsfaster compatibility. No te th at n o t a l i
inexpensive audio-processing appltca tions like Opcode's Sra9 Audunhop for lhe Macintosh can «reste echo and flange effects with digitally sampled
'Soundttlavtcrwssmisatsbk' canh actual-
ly emulate it properly. • It is worth shesking to sce what k i nd
of software support your choice of instrument has, t<ax Editors, librari-
a udio data M ore mbust sampleM i t i ng
ans, ctr, can substantially increase thc versatility ol a supported imtrum«nt. • I ike computers, the hest instruments
Wave tor the PC can manipulate higher-
appiicmions hke Turtk Beach's IIS5149 qualitv samples with nunnlng results • Computer users don't need keyboards
arui sound coldS are expandab4 Ask
w it h
so p h i s t i c ate d
m ul t i t r ack
about available options and above ail -
sequencers. mixers, disk drives and
Ict Vous cars be the fudge
othe r r v d u n d an i i t e m s S of t w a r e
snmpivtvly touch- and velocityNorssi-
• esiuoncors and MIDI mixen a r e usuany easier to use, and will save
tlve. Setter uni ts can s p i l t
you inoeaoy.
• ii using a kevboard, look for one that is t he kev-
tnasIeae me
boards include digital multi-effects; n is reasonable tn expect PC audio cards or
play a piano sound on one channel, a trumpet on another, drums on a third, and so on. • General MIIII csr Cis compatibility.
Oaves sae Raa I Ic aeeaas ta
IttlOIIBD WIN VMVN RIIIVNON IMMDCII SIIIIR saunaeea aaei ~ea as 1I 1 x.~ a a IIN ue iiaaxss ~ s s a sw isoa a cae aa ws Ile asa I • ne ssc ou casessesoasacanons 1 sass• ossa ncaa ~ In SI PS Aaaws ta an sins eleasar s~ sesnIeaa ml aas %os sno swam saseaa a a rani cee xi% • wsaa Inl
sa m Ia s»
Qoate Ow
e a se oaa sws aaaOal 1 sr m t l i a coaaaa a taa Iaae
I was Isesnse ses 1
'399 '50 225 t a asa • e • • • a •
It Cxsrrt
$ 4 MS • R MI sl TA I 8 F sts t 4 IsaCllsOO - S MR V I C . LM S c x eaaoesveoemm eaonieao ncceaimm csaeeursao aaimceotresam.tlxcroaos causes eaaew
ISCSIMDSMO Suttstgv Sass Sstaesloses 10fs4400 e tk essgo wev Ssse seers RJ M 14 I I V
sAturcrs Music Csoncsscm hustm 'evmse wheee SO4papaw m Sfe a gaoodvtsnounont of irxxuc oftvsaxm
'549 s375
Veson 12
C-LAO Aston sk
Dcse rt
~C A
etre seeeseaavsaesw iaa sita iree m sama le •ueeea asseneesew ew ea aw scans ee cess as saanaa Insa aa cDeel as seams ee
sa se
+ TECH TlP 412 w
Perkxsnu • .01
Nese a I ea to aa an ee ia se w ee • oea cessea ' neIlmt ~ e I Ias I ee seems • sita s asw~ • s a w aw s a h s w la a a a e e
2343 MAN ST.flashes Ia I ant
esteem saves uaa Wl VDFIIVIRFIRO IIIADSIRF I&AN aa wesaeseianna aa ea e w eea' w v t ssaes CIFROM DRIVES : aevaeeae N» cc aa s eaaa aees event Siw aeee ulsos sva 've assaul • ae nanna ua ess W seta aoea swe sa 1ais te & & aa
•g)k ) '
Saeva ~
etnrfsm —lfsmteetmlfsr '
'550 '225
Mmtuuu om5 '375
ni w
eeeea e tws tvw ~ e a s m Sa Sac aaa Iaeaaaei mac Iei as aa Iass sl we aaLeas a ias We faa W u sa a Io asst fta • osaaes aseesua SI a sesaa > aw e~ a a t e s s s a~ ~ nssea Iax aaaa teeaa oea e ~ w ea • a SN naeaaseas IS ew a s at l e Wa u a seas a es senuu eae e In ie see Saws sincesms 1amass sea sesa Inlaw sia raeaw Oaas w aa ~ W t m Ia aiaa sa Fa a ae a W C mesne w e x nu S1S OCS us usesmane ussx mxesxaa raaxwna s sa aa ~ IMM'5 SPICIIL COVILIIE IIRS awe sa s a a se ~ Iassee e s saunaxa s I u Ia sa p1n seea saaw 'e • wa ium • i usse pe FLOPPVRISC SASEO PROGRAMS
NS: 224-5775 (now24ftrl Fax 8724I073
I4mmmtxu Tax Nessct
sc oe iaa ea
All of our music software is specially priced
sss sa
echo, reverb, chorus. flange and I host
means that the de~ice will be able to
cawwkp '380
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AM % '93 T) 4 Chnr t LffER PAltR 9 C H N l O N
Tres I seat 4na (Tt, 12nkn 1 a street ( eras • Mls R hM Rspeedcuc I I I M S • chen I 'I Ftcsppy (nsac e saran I Ta I I sea\ a)ll lied Dnae
h'i C'KS C om puter
I 44MSeernml ltepps drsac tsnlacm VOA ~ i so mccascy
rhe leoder in Loc(fl Bus Technology.
Idhn0$ $0 0 Warders prckodsd Sect4» maaclhca ner rur ctcpcawrasse e erserr I
' cocos I pwaasc 4 I t ~ pte a Tree» RCID IMa Retch <md
Tame )2-nn ' eu Stela 14 csee Dl Meaner In)da14A3amm dp says I • I a I .omssasd Les tamed re' r, s c »
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npfkacAL Sr$3AL(X hl nl n Pratpttt khlh Daemmlhaeos vis I Mls h accremm I I Ie rD Iseeeet I pssela am ca huhmcnear S i ns co sdncaepr • ' • 'ltsecsseeaesscnror Der Sleadt Tcesrrtsat I e ssr)LS IMtc retax(md Sca l e Tf cerrl c eerdtaelmeacm seI Star IRI se I(st I rale ()de, 'll! alt cap, ILSMn Skce IS
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12 cneon 2 2 rtsastac I • t~
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lee» Pea I coma
20 0 ca&tars
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lease $1 I 4 ~
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(u a telic Mcsars I ldrsdt
5 lec tar
impaleesariodt S M adneer Fu Menses
512e tar $2ee tat 512e ID Slee ID Stan ID 5 altD 5 I ac ID $1pe tkt $404 (D
Iespetm ea(ktddtxr Seed nueac Fu Medea FxsralopeIsa h seed llsmry Meeocdt ca mr I r Wmdcsee ter impalas haeanssek M kac c t kr casedeea ler lcspelm Deoaemk
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Maemrr Weskelse Wsedeoslertearadm Iasdsmn Cheel • Fudedce Merry tm % odors Ice kapete
t. oem nt torte o' hear )acct I.ceder I es a 1st X)er AecuhteccFeedm
440 • dn) 10 2 canoes can HN • 000 • 0$350 ccncrra 1024 ePSS 250 ccncrra 11$2 • 000 • I SI2$0 ctrtraa I2e) * 1024 1412$4 cetera Slaptaaa Pocaaaar S$M(4OS rrccnncd raaaan Rma 4PSLa(ntr 4 r2eu Lpaad LJaosse wanarsty 4I
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- 9 gsarscaa NN 10 pedi cor»om ~ P IOPraear X24E NN Epeon LOS 10 emaMon - Issga 50 K baesr - PNMd MNNcs »NI O' Osrabal cwns
. Imkmbr Mndssd Genoa Pnremg Ernpm • psgw par means prsnbng spesd N BXI dpi -512KBboe-m RAM memory ecp N2 5 MB - 9 s«NNUe and 19 ba mappedlonN - LelNISsgalaawekem paper prindng msdm - Smep de»Slop chasab - Epaon LO510rl oxl. IBM Ig24E. Oasis sm emslaaon . parassl sesrhc» sNI o parasd nable „- Fran Nam saran®ee Asr orm ssb»N seer. psseee eea Nr daNMl
Tlm lnsrl 4nb CPI7, AM I SNQS 4MB Tgas SIMM v psadsM« so 32MB I ~ K cas er+el ca«bc 1 44MB SS lboppr Olive Qasssam 17IBSB 15ms %7E Wed Ddsc 2 SmsaL 1 Pbsagcb 4 1 Gssac pons Tndcm SIKS IMB SVGA Cesd 14' Noe-mL Moalaa l(04s7gll.~ dp ssTC Enbsaccd Tscbbk keyboard 1O Mcdsam Tower Cem 200% CSA Power Supply Ycs f Psru ead Ldboaf
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sso dmN caps«sr »NI osnolel 2 nd 250 dlool g q SR' nebwa Insla INC beeare Apsd SMLSS
Manner s«s 14 M' MN INA (Issal%~ bl Ks sr Ibs N vSsa be»as asm IC csea 1IMal%7aw N sc svga wm nescNM» a l ldc g% ar m ssssa pebINM» • I lec db ll' Nssnm Ursa w Is»c»s M » I M II N n ~ N w m
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Frog on-line custolngr support Wi sil Shsrgwgrg 0 util{cps
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AP RIL '93 T HE (OMP()TER PAPER B C EDIT)ON P( M vsr>e<y. although x>me umh. >uih <hc ( Mac u(tr< both IA and P( M >ou
Oesktop Music Curd>rurru fnvn prr<, S(> 'Ihc veri>on u< thr S B()S x >Aware they used <dated IO/23)92<, It seems did no( drlw(r sn si<eptable level of Soundbkster <ompatibility. Thr nrwest vrrsx>n ol <he software <dated (2> 17/92) is bc<ter, but still
has a lot of problems when runn>ng gsmn, s«urd>ng <o testers. It appeari <1>a« hc Gravis is brner suited for play>ng M(DI filn
<han play>ng games. <Sec the Ultrasound rcv>ew by frank lt>ll>atd In this issue Ior
mo>r de<ad>—Td ) O<hrr audio <sids, su<h as Roland' s CM-32P and Turtlr lira( h'i M u ltisound
ADA It!>IC.b.C.
PASS PEART. GIV E AWAY for a limited time on<ythis Ieadmp cope company is offennp tree software when you purchaee One o( their award winrunp muse programs loi the Mac or PC
~ g g g lL
uuc <>asc ague(c Time - (gay andpnr» > nus>cw>th e<cepbunalease(See<)c>re —g recewe TEIAX gl Ireck
MIDI Record>ng Sh>(ko(a S>29value) - PREB>
purchasel(safer Tracks Pro — Profess>one< MIDI Record>r>gSoftware <sate L>m- g receive
aauekTimei• See>)mka> - F(aBBI
Qpg~ Hd P+
Avs>lahk Ior Mean<oak dPCcom puters All passport programsare W>ndo>rs 3 I and Sys<NII7 cori>peliblei Offe<Oeee al part>o(>a<>n g deders only wfaie supp(a<I Iaat>
f>u<»Carurare tu >mimi> u>ur mru u l4au u< a u>uaa»sruu >ut<v>u»s>uc i>u><<ase>sm
sri>w l uasr>eu<iu cuo uwc
nsu>ua>w w
<>ua>u u>w
um > uv>c
<o>v<asr)l au 1>1aa><
uv sr Cwuucsu> <u><a <kO>aa> snr>wu<>r>>>ra >u» <w >L>u Son>>ausar< «el >> sgl Cuuiuil> > unui><w>a is» Muur «»star> Comrv<uS>s • lu>vuull eru>u
Iw un >dwe Vduu Vduu
m<<>sam <
<>ut S <kO>sa> (»w >aarsauu Cww> <ruv Sound <vrl>r» Cu>u>>un
rouu rrluu vluafu mi> uurur>u
m< I i t s<
«><m<><<s> 1st rsh>eo
an>sar>re m<sff 19» >(Hes(as>l
a>><rara)> Nu1<a)ca <e<lrsf>sa a» <es < f>a
vsuusu u>nrru>w Ihllr>w>u
u>i vis» I>
uu at >ars <sl se <a<> au as><>> au %<%It
a» a) >111 1st ><(.saa a><wt-I a<>
gram <allr I Deck that turns any o( tbr>r boards into s ibgital multitrs<k re«i<der. A Mac version of Snsion B is said IO br In thc works, bu< a((ord>ng to one deal< there is (title advantage to >t over Icn r »pens>vr M a < -based s o l u t ions l i i r Aud>omed<a II w<t h Dr < k so ( >wan Although Desk is only a a-tra(k rr>urdr yuu isn bounce tracks to Isy down mor~ than four Is>rti. Th>s ter hnique, <alkd p<na pong>ng, «eates undnirable noise m a tra di<>onsl analog tape environmrnt, bu i because l>r<k ts aU digit~i, you should <v able to ping-pong any number of time> Audiomrilia and I h i k , <here(ore, should meet thc nc<sfs o( mos< Ms< uscn. <t>e coml>any hai discontinued >ts ver sions o( Sound Tools and Sound Iksignri so<'twme for thc Atar>
Virtually all,seqf(enceys and scori((g packageshave the abili-
ty to import and/or export socalled ('>tandard MIDI files. Them tiles allow a user of sny type o( <ornputer (PC. Macintosh, Atari ST, Amiga, et<.1 to ea<hange files wnh sny other. Thcorrti<auy, at least. Ma< ownen someumes And that they need to usc a program Uke Rcsfdit or DiskTop to <hange the flktype from ???? to Mub in onler
GS Standard r>eneral Mll)l guaran<en that yuu will hear a reasonable 4<simUe of the or<hn. >ration the <ompo>cr or mranger intended, ln other word>, General MID( ensures
to sce thc filn in <he standard (tie >circ. t>on (balog o( thetr favorite mux< apph<a-
may be.
uon. If the previous «nten<e sounded Uke Greek to you, don't pan><! Thnr are ubUties svailabk un G(me, CompuServe and elsewhere that help amply this pro(cdure Your dealer might be able to supply you with one.
song filn without any prr>blam, provided, o( <ourse, that the data mmes via modem
s>>isss>ea ml <><>0>e <o>siss>• >
<sans. (hc <ompany also >Hh a sohwan pru
oaf apestandardMllll files?
a>< aa<ama sa<casa<a>
> ' c - a>c a i i s<(aa((<tars<<
non-45 instrurnrnt to conform to the GS ( or any o t h er ) standard S o m e h i l l ) l sequence<> (Cubasc for the Atan, for one) ian dO thiu uu> Note that Roland also makn audio <ards and s<andwlnne rnoduln that use * LA synthrus Ih n e dun't sound as gaud as ihr.
vumwu vsw>wu vu>u>
d«e<t-todisk recordings on a PC and is sL> ed to re<aU (m abou> SS,UU(< — an ini bk >slue, In Vancouver, it n available ho Anne( Hi-te<h (6(<-ANNI.)(>
I )ig>drugn's Macintosh ol fr rings «urrenr-
IBM <ompatible, Atari and Am<ga computers do not have this problem. They can read each other's film and Ms<
au r)sais
hss recently annourxrd s PC product<sl Session B I< prom>ses to allow B.trar
ly >n(ludr thr $<595 Aud>omedia II, a (:I > quahty audio board tarsi ting n>rporatr an < multimed>a users, ai well as Sr>und Iooii and Pro Tools, aimed si pr»fns>onal mu>
3.1 users ian easily use <he operaung system's hlu)1 Mapprr fun«>on tu r«map any
Mann<>ish based aud>o <s<d> anil softwa>r
stored on ROM > hips) <hat can <reste more sp(»ahng muuisl tonn >i>an thme prov>dcd by xmple ESI synthnis. Thnr i ards or modul«s with sampkd sounds in ItOM are g ent rail) r • fr ried >o ss havin g P C M sound The Multisound was rcvicwcd m the Auguit '92 issue o( '(hr c;i>r>rpurrr paprr. A< that tune, I named the Mulusound, with its Proteus <hipiet, ss the b e st sounding Roland Sound Canvas. I thmk I <an >a(c(y say <he Roland sounds even be<trr. And br<su» n supp >rrs thr GS so und to<mat. >t >s supported by vittuauy cvcry srquenirr avmkble It is wonh noting that W>ndows
l>la>design. a Cab(ornia.basrd <ompa« <tiat markets a r a nge o f h i gh-en
card, pronde sampled sounds (prrrnanrn<ly
sound card we' ve heard. <4v>ng <nted tl»
Thc it>sadvantage of I'('5< >niululrs is i they may rrui I» sbk lo <reste spok>n vo es iu oiher custom sound rile> ii that a pots>btc > i<h game-or>en<cd <aids like <h 5>sundelastn I'ro o< trltrssuund.
or on a disk they csn read All these brands of computers can read 1 5 D(35format disks, although h<ac snd Am<ga <omputers need to run >pe<>al programs to do so. Your draler<an supply 1'ou with detaih. W>ndows 3.1, incidentally, d<reclly supports itandard hf(DI Ales. You can p4y hack MIDI >ones with any Windovn-sup. poned audio boanl.
6<<cAL(pea<>s«o <one<(((LO« I w( ave 1(t i(<a> 78>sail fla ia<6> f<1 5+I>4
that sound el will be a piano, no matter whkh brand the irntrumr nt or audio iard
Several <ompanin <including Roland. wh><h helped define the standard> now tout their MIDI gear as being C>S or 'General MIDI' mmpatlble. A suable <u(. lection of 3.5 DOS-format disks with h((DI per(orn>an<es <onformlng tu the GS(General MIDI stan<4<d are ava<4bk
Owners o( the latest generation u( elec.
troni< pianos can tran>(urrn their purchase into the '90s equlvaknt of s p4ye< piano. Computer.muii< enthusiasts, too, often f(nd the <ommer<lal oherlngs much r brttrr than MIDI material avmlable from
the public don>s in. Th>s fact 1>as not escaped <ompsn>es l>ke(IRS that own the r(ghts to old p4yer. piano rolh. Thry arenow busy <onverung the ><(ups to General MIDI format. Music
software publtshers too, are f>nding the market for the music al equivalent tu idp an a viabk one. Pa~sport Des>gnsrr<ently released Us lint <untcnt titln in C»nrral h(IDI forms> Other pubgshrrs sr< sure to follow.
8 C EDITION THE CC>MPUTE(>PAPEII Moc MIDI Appic has • sct oi system-kvei ut>i>tits hu ihc ciaon>oih known a> Min ( Manager.
nds soewa>t aaows the Mac to nsn uminp lc MIDI progmr>i\ and route the M I D I
input and output hoto paogmtn Io program v>a a patch bav desk ccessoorv. Thc MIDI Ar u gtr softwa>t comes bundled anth mr(>in>ugly kw MII)I appikat>ons. I' ve locked Ior it many times cnier the la>t icw years
and nc>vr once seen a copy in any of >he iin-line areas m w»>ch Apple typ>>a(ly dh. inbutts i» system so(>ware upda>rs. Many > tac Mini applxatiom I have seen rc(er to s(ll)l )>tanager It> their docuo>cn>ation, and one tra(« t k y M l ~ unn h t h ai M I D I
>tanager does do>m the coupuser a lot. I r>naey h>und MIDI Manager on Passport's rras >ask and the rumon west true MIDI Manager cfkcttvcty reduces thc pet(or>next of a Macintotfs yio wonder the wags <ail >t MIDI Mangler fo r tunately. you do not need to nsn MIDI Managtr to run a >snr>e MIDI application You tl want to usc a (nt Mac (with a 6803() proces>or o( bc(ter)
ii you have >o run Sllul Manager Mac MIDI In>cr(aces aii ionncct to one i I Ihc compo>cr> two scr>ai ports (one on the company's Ituo modch) This can kad
to a probkm i( you have other dcvxcs connected to these ports on a regular basis.
()>her common dcs>cts the me these ports include m odems, g raphics t ablets, Apph fall network otssnwcs>us and p>tnttrs
pcecia(iy uos>bkx>um u the uct that t>xoe of thcsc dcvxcs >grapbks tablets. Ior cxamplcl have tha r own softwa>e dnvers that con(bcs w(th Ml l)i. TI>cte must be d>sat>(cd >nd d>xonnccted bckue y»o can we MIDL I>sets o( ll(x and Quadra computers
have an a>>d>t»>nal problem. I he>r senal pons have two mo>ks ol oper»ion >aster
I~ >bk - G uess whxh onc dover work with MIDI
I s.
You stay luce heard >cpons o( Mliil • Ittchcs wbcs> running Iuuuc apphcat>or>>
oo Mac >astable or poeraook compo>c>s These psobkms esut, but luduly. >hc>t a>e a variety of solunons. Some pn)grams, such as EMAG(C's Logk cqucncer, spec(fkally add>ess these probkns in thc>r documcncslion and work amund them with programming tricks: ()Pcode avoided Ihe problem by replacing the MIDI M ana>(cr routines w ith >ts own superior set called () M S i'assport uses a similar method to gct around th e M I D I M a n ager slowdown.
Appk has acimowkdgcd the probksn and has uphedcd a Il>> to Its Appktink on-bnc scrvke Reportedly, only tbe yowcrik~t Mal tamxt use the patch Mac maemal a>uao uspport u asmtcd i ~ sa mpbng and pkybock (gxscrnal I> bit audio cards, such as D>glDesign'>
I •
I •
a i •
conserve our environment and save SSS at the same tinm.
Use Recharged oner Cartridges
100% M o n e y Back O uarentee
>XX>O MAcdU, ase avadable. but art not sup. (
ported by many programa.) Some mockh
have be>tcr audio (>de(>ty than others
Oidcr Macs had monophonic sound Around l987, Appk began producing mod. eb with drat>at>cai(y improved audio r>dchty. Mac II. Ilx, llcx, I k i , i (i s and SE/3() modeh haw thc best stereo mund ch>ps
Since ns tecent cmphas>s on low~ > Man, Appk has begun mcmpomt>ng less-
• we also cany other toners, developers a drum units.
es are testecfand completely d'sassembied when recharged we aLsorecharge canridges for. • bt)locep(eta
I mpressive sound c i tcuitry. Even t h c
• Ca>an Prsso>cscophs> L(eet pig>test
• Ig) L(Ref Je( I, I. N>. e.
• Param fRQO
Caen • tbt)eter • gaf • (>agS • kE v W
•sh(apZona Cour
Quadm usodeh um a cheeper sound ihi( than P>cvious gtncsm>on Marx Aud>o performance varies somcw hr Tbe LC >s>odcb> ior cxampk. msu the n>o sksco (hassock a>to a >sumo stgs>al Tbe ilu
5'. g). Ra • Apple • (met (a()tet
u general(y ag>md to ha>t the wont sound
of rtctnt owdels. accent llvx, I>owcraooi and Duo mode(s haw (aiiiy lama sound cirdi>card> it>c i I>anncl i»>t>y h>at
ADDA Technok)gies manufactures the AVer family of moduhr PC/Video add-on cards and adapters. AVar's product areas >ndude video capture, video overlay and VGA to video upgrades. AN AVer products can be used separately or can be linked together to add additional features. This approach pfc)vides the most flexile and affoftfabfe PC/Video product line in the marltetplace.
B r id g in g P C
A Ve r
a n d V id e o
A s»ter 2 0 0 0 A Ve r 2 0 0 0 P r o VG A A V e r P r o V G A AVe r H Q O A Ve r
Ke y
• >~ w v v a s s % & I ~ Lw J M
A D D A (C an
>vmm %%ET
a d a ) T e c h n o lo g ie s I n c
sr Ide — 13902 C At t e l e
» C)>CO> IuC'-HP%3hKX SC. VOV 2IC2 PSCC)Oaf (OOO) 2?e-322 t CA) c LbOO) ?ye-39OS>
of itrrro sound.
Atarl 84IOI Atan Sl and TC computer have built-In hrfDI pans. One oi the advantages of having built-in M ID I ports is thar there are frwcr mtrrfacrh cabks and power suppbes to fuss with and canscqucnuy, less that can go wrong (hr dawns>dr is tlut Atari computen only tu>r a single IN and OUI' port
— mast external MIDI interfaces have srvrr. al OUT ports arwl a 'I HRU connector as we(L focal dealers tepott tlsat sale\ al Ate>i hard werc and Mll)l software have fallen off
slurply. It's too had; the Ate>i mach>ncsarc simple to operate and very inexpensive yiiu >un buy an cadre Atari computer setuP (or about the same price you'd pay for a gaod Mac Mini intertace alone, Recent Auri modeb tuve tmprrsuve mtemal audio iapabilnks, bui these are nat well suppon. cd by appbcat>rmssoftware.
music dr>v!oper> continue to update and support their prnduits. Blur Ribbon 5aundWorks' Bars and P>prs Pro(ess>anal is a leading Amiga MIDI Utle. Srvnsl nunubcturers have rnultimcdu appUcahans tlut allow hllol and umplcd aud>o to be incorporated with the animation and graphics the Asniga is (U5UT(arl>aus lar,
Amiaa MIDI
Top SOftware Ttt(44-Scorb>S According to Sill brooks, owner of Noteworthy Musk in Richmond, S.C.. the most conunon rcqueS> is for an alt tn~ sequence> wnh notalion that >s inexpen-
l>Le the hfactntash, thr Amiga requ>res an
exrenul MIDI Interface to connect to MIDI devices. Mll)l software support Is fairly
poor, although some long time Amiga
11Yearsof Computer Experience Service, Otgality 4 Reliability YourBestChofcein ~ e c Selection
N ss
Tma 4$$OX~ ~ ac
Yraa 4NSOX~ N O Ca VRSA Lai l I l ats Syslsas
VR5A Lxscatl Seas Sysesgn • True Imd 486DX-50 CPU • 256K Cache. 4 MS RAM • Two vL 8>n Stats v 12 or 144FOOw>OE VO • 12OMB Hwd Drive (I Sme%4KCache) • 328n VESAVideo Card • 101 Enhanced Keyboard • 14 (28) SYGA >fan-interlaced Monnor • 19' Tower Case wQOOWPS. Of>t>orut 328>t vESAIDE Cache HcrFD Controller htax. 16M Cache Ior Coat>otic> only
• True Intel 486DX 33 CPU • 256K Cache. 4MS RAM • Two VL.SUsStats • 1.2 or 1.44 FDO «rtDEVO • 12OMB Hard Dnve (ISA>>64KCache)
T ta e 4 9 6 D X - 3 3 M l a ISA 8888 Syslegw • True Intd 486OX-33 CPU • 256K Cache, 4MB RAM • I 2 or I ii fDD • 105MB Hard D/ive (17ms/32K Cache) • OE HD>FOController
• 328>t VESA Video Caid
a ••
• 14 ( 28) SVGA >VHtnterfated MOnitOr
• 19' Tower Case wQ(NW P 5 Optu)nal. 328>t VESAIOECache HD>FDControSer Max 16M Cahe fo Controller only
• 386DX-40CPU • 105M Herd Drwe (17ms/32K Cache) • >OE HD/F D Controller • AT VO Card 25/1P/1G • 1MB SVGA Display Card • 101 Enhanced Keyboard • 14' SVGA Mon>tor
• 13 Baby Tower Case wQOOW
'(C 1
%%$X-2$ Notebog& • 3 865X-25 CPU •
• 12 or 1.44FDD • BOM Hard Dnve (tgms/32K Cache) • !DE HD/FO Contralkr • AT I/O Card 25/IP/1G v 512K SVGA Card • 101 Enhanced Keyboard • 1 • SvGA Mondor • 13 Baby Tower Case w/200VV
naietxxl to en FF se. tcr indus>cn ei ixhw documents
ave, easy to Usr and runs under W>ndows T)>ere ate several prog>ams >hm mert mmi of these requirements, although (ew a«hkve a II goab. • Cakewalk I'ro for Windows Is my pick as best-a(-Beld. It has • very good User intr>(ace, excelknt support for multiple audio cards ar MIDI interfaces, a top-natch
scqucncer and d>q>lays notation on-scnen. Un(ortunately, it does not print sheet music, • Iihough >h>s feature is said to be fonhcorning >n a iuiuir upgrade
15/1P/1KBD Port
10 Back L>tLCD v Ext. VGA Port
$g 75O
COM PRO IHM KIT • Lasermate CD. ROM • p ro Audio Spectrum 16 True16bit Sound Card • G roher s MM Encyclopedi • • Loom, PC Karaoke
(q ~
G u i nea M M
• R eference Library
• • •
tJ V v l v
• qii
• Musicatur >d>st»bated by Roland) b a credible scqurncrr with decent sionng abii iiieS It daeS nat uSe WinduWS and, deq>i>d thr fait t hat >t makes hcavy usc ui p ull •
down menus, dorsn't support a mouse. A m wse-aware version was pram>srd real
4 M R AM, 1 44 FDD
~xan~ n
r>cxp>er Sup
Sysa sggt
• 386SX-33 CPU • 2MB RAM
• 4MB RAM • 1.2 or 1 44 FDD
• 1M SVGA Card • 101 Enhanced Keyboard • I • (2S) SVGA Mon>tor • 19 Tower Case wQ(O>t>Power Supply
386SX- ~
• AT t>O 25/ 1PI 1/Gi
• 101 Eniunced Keyboard
. 1680 Sysa ~
sere 4 pipes profeeerenel can outp>4mue>c
t2QV ~
3 SSOX~ ~
• m
soon na w at N A MM l t h c N a t i on s( Asu>cist>or>ci Musk' Mr>shan>i show is thii
music industry's version of Corndcx> third ye~is aga, but still hai not appea>rd. Thii programwrnes to thr anginal d isL without warning during instalbtion.
• M»dc Time b a budget-priced no>atk)nt packagr I t h a s • s i mple four-irai' sequencer, but is primarily designed fo printing >her> music (3>c currently shippin version includes land rcquucsl Adobe M~nager and the he>at@tiint, hut • torth su>ning Upgraik will sub>>>tu>r • 7>urT) Ii>
nounan font of Pear t 's own drs>gn Mustc1imr is compatible with sianda
MIDI files and those <>rated with Pa>sl>urt' (rax and hfaster Tracks Pro I P>U4' scqucnrers. Add>ng Tria ta Musiclimr till
ihe b>ll as a budget sequence> wnh noix t>an. Currrntly, a coupon for a free copy (rat >s included in Paapart's hiusicllm and fncore packages. • Encore >s an all-grown-up vrrs>on Muucl>mr. 5»n>(arly, Master lracks I'ro i like (rax on steroids. 'Ihese am high.en
OINK)RIOR Atg(R(4 (403! 48$.1(46
p>agre>>>5'w>th a baUntl(UI ar>ay a( (rx>U — anil prke ugs ta matih.
~ Isl s g ~ ISSRS 11/I t»WA>IB11 >IS) t)>I60asf Avt Va>t(ou»ER RC Va RC>XI>EX. 4C Sgig)3 73544(S
fs fRS
(s4%8 S W W I M OFBRS
'>02>ala >fu!>>4>>t )as >>tCIO>t>AI(
• Steinberg Cubase has long been o
8 C EDTBDN rao Em
BAC11 to thc FUTURE
ir aoc
• UAC DM 3024 (irrftrrnal) DM 5024 (external) Drives 265rns. 300KB/sec douaks speed. scsl-a interface read c D-RoM xA. Kodak Mu~ phot o cD forpc compatikkes, ps/2 Mtcrochannel. Mackttosn
• Mitsumi CRMC-LU005s Drives 350mS. 150KS/SeC . read C D-ROM XA MulsikeaSIOn. KOdak PhOtO CD
• CD-ROM title bundles (Super Viue) Kodak pnoto cD Accms sortwcoer Loss« 123 tor wrndooos/hacroaon aocaspuar sacrcaon woiksfor WrndowrrMorrtr more. Iaeteuence. GcasteL Srcoacnvcr,
• Other dnves available •
• •
from MI D I. This is currently one o f t h o
start's scoring abilities. At t his veer's uAMM, Steiilbefg announced all iipgrade that wimld tee the same faunae set on all
mna ondely-asrd Pc scoring pogtaams. personal Composer Is another or the best-knosm PC scoring psgraaas. Ahhaugh early verssons af the program were in4 Inoas lar their poor nan«tqatons. the lat-
Iuppasted platforras I~ M ac an d start l Until that upgr«le marerializes. Cubase is an aho.ran on the PI . To be 4u.
est veisioa i s r eportedly q u it e good. Inctdentafty, the author af the program, hm Miller. dltd af caiuer 4st year
Mart platform. However. tbe Windows veruasasl aaslabie cunentfy do iua shase dre
it does share tht' escellent user tnter4ce of its Amri cousin Th e Wrruf<wos veniun also iuppict i k u i an d G S ' - compatible instrurnents or sound cardswritr a built in editor Ibis editor sports a slick cu r i n g board interface. but is not customtaable in rh e way Ihe Atari verssan is. Music Priater Plus. hke Encore and cfIusr< lime
127MB wit h < 4 2ms a c c ess, 12 7 MB w i t h 19ms access 550MB/600MB with 19MS access. also Jukebox available
paaapoii's tsusic Tunasuppans aeecr e«racnptaur trcm Met af Ihr iap sequencen with notation lor Ihe
Top Oftuuaaru Tftlaa-Saquencfna for ISM co m p s » b i es, there still i s n 't a standout sequcncer with Integrated scorepnnting Th ere are nusaerous standalon I
' : •
• Media-V board • Vldea Clpp8r 3 video source. stereo oucso in out Do s /wlndovork vkseo ovedav on tagn cedar ond nr0n resckraona. compatcNe vvttn Mcrasoft Mdeo Ior windours.
• Development Toolkit • Multimedia application and authoring software Oealerinqulrles welcome
quenceers with capon opnoin for scortnk packages and several notation pragrami wnh stmpastsr wquerorers, but muse thar
F Tel:(604) 279-9686 Fax:(604) 2799787
iu pp I ii i dI r e I i i r o n i c .riptu m
Photo-Realistic Colour and CD-Quality Sound aren't options they' re standard. Tnre 24 aa PhofoprapNc Ouaafy SVGA
QLT486-2SSX 4 2 1 75 I9 LT486-33DX 4 2 3 5 0 9 LT486-SODX 4 2 6 5 0 • oww ~
• o o c w o ow o o « c oo
>>o > scms fn r u <er
ucwv acoum
Ãicresoft' ~
g U A g T UM g
017IWasstfsa IIO 0 lIPTSS Ws ahr EITC llllaaaa 0 I I RHsr la ~d
vaoroawIvoosuv suacao Agg g ocasu« roast hassuuw
lfsseegreea f 1hle Id RR CD.4ikuaWy Sound 170MR fast Head Drhre 01 fbu7~ gmm/IMsl .s 'mw osunse racs ~srsmatm Staakbasad,StJIaam sam
0IW reka ssb h54l
VESA standard Digital Monaor
sai e ksnes k I Dua c. •
I g I-taf sskaatafksfissrd
at « R II
Atlm aprw» ~
o 1
or5 g g aa ' e 1 70 36
2MB . 4 2 5825
ATIGAGAslereo Frx
+ 22 0 4 15
CD -RO m
I MB -125 288 o t ss ~EX E L
oafsKRae/ASI Winr t f 2MB 0 180 rrldynl SVGA IMB 4 0 80 A DI 3e+14'Nl Dtgiasl 1024x768 +65 510 Aol® 4a 15'Nl Dtytal 1280x1024+125 570
ffaffi W • aaciOaasapgofitiasss
/ VeSSsin &ytai Cauusr 340 QB v 250 - ~
: • u I~
aalasaia ~
% R a . Rggaag. W Tfaaglaf taN ~
aa a~
s ,are. Se812.e0 XAeaaaaliale
&525 ~
~ ~
r o
0 Raaaa raaga eo' Nsllssagalaa caaraNRga
Caasnrssesrmuaaore gss a sam«sar rwv fm~s smssm rlT oah a Sssrasuw If,skgkssfkasnel fss/asgsa Tl l Tfga,kkstrisw,Sri%mstf Etrsf I
ag r
7 7 0 fsth 3 5l reet,~
voce rscmsa acaoouw
room co1socstuos«s ties scooar
u rasa«rowoi
V3N 3M4
Tas.Sn. IW
CD-ROM Mtfeattecaa Tales Ptiorp C~ AooeSS Wnuvare
CAA~ g• j %g • I
ca<el m both areas Tnal situation I • shaui ta <harge go>lb Steinberg Tones and I magic aic preps«ng Windows versions ul theis k i ller a pps;
Cuba>i and I s>glc. respects>cly .call Serac.33 .. I l a c saaas 33c .. lsap
in an an><k in ihe August, ls>92 issue ai 'Ihe I ompuier Paper, I named Stma berg'1 Cubase lot the Atari as the best overall
naa saac. s>ua <ass>swsaa• i w avaa <a>4 >saw
choice for sequencing and scoring. Amazingly, t ha t c onclusion hasn'1
>sa cs-33< . 1MS cara ts 3)c . I SCS avai ls-spc . tlap • w 44>c sae 4 is >am cawa>sssv> raus sw ua
l ee
4 Iia 4 ca>a I • >ul 4 awwoa 4 14 4 >war.
changed, alibi>ugh the ptopam has sevesal
lhaLQChgk SIMB loslSB ..... 330 'MB
•Allforms,T1,T25D fully interactive. •Sophisticated,articulate,
(S P>a pla Catw ,
iscsWwa 5 I I I.shcissii 14 Ba
• BectronicSlingsup port
1 ~is.s'
a >l s s
Arcass I 1st I N Psnaa Mcatsa>ZS 73 '
M 4acssauaua 17I ss aaa>u Qarau Ma>antstava I ll Mc anauiBr<su • as>assr Hpssot >IS Stra>>p>taa>
Q.$'5 ulrk CuL FAAOASEET( kgt LOCAL
ukcssic& 90ryr A PE0EALEA
II s tp
Pka>ccali lca updatePu ce
as Isaan sappan as 1-1766%6 1-377t> Tva yeas 4 as>sary va 14. Tak Syuama
120PHERA)GE fg) CA(g>.0)(TAR(Og0AIL)) g)13)335 2655 FAX fgt 3) Oklf(>I
e ol the kadcn
.33S I Me SIMM so tasw. Seal Fasu I aas lhcaap ~~ M e i t s La>sr passscnps I 'faa CD. ROM ... . Zstt
new compentofs Here • re capsule reviews
«617-402 tA Pcndcr St.. V6$1T6 Tcl (60l) 6S1.3330 F aa : (60a)6BI-373s)
Cu(asso Available lor the PC. Mac and Alan, only the Atari version 13.0) of ih n sequsnici iurrently prin ts sheet must<. The sheet musk output, lnddentally, has been dm. maticaily improved since version 2 and naw ofleri «ivan<cd huinslhrig functions for pnxlunng a pnn table score Score syinbols can be given a M ID I meaning and morc pf insets arc supportcck The program allows the viewing raid editing ol M I D I d ata in several modes, ini Iuding the real rime display ol standard muucal notation. Several ol Cubase's dis. play modes lilakc lt easy 'to <ut asti) paste Mli)I data much as one wouM manipulate teat wlilt 4 word processor. 11 sui>ports MIDI ti me code ot SMPII. Su optional interfaces. Ior Ihote users who need la sync to tape ot vsdeo.
Olt(ororst Versions ihe Mac and IE. rckascs 4re not yct ul1 tu thc irvel ol the Aian version 2.0, and lack other features found In Ihc Aiarl version. such asthe In tcraisivc Phrase Synthes>fcr and real-time MIDI input transformauuns Perhaps because of t tus, the Ataci version
c <>sts more, selling lur about 5600 I h
Windows versn>n, in tun>parison, retaih about 52 50 A l l v e r s ions have an cas Mac.hke user-interlace.
support I bird patty books, including an cacellcn one by ea.Steinberg empluyce and Cuba newdeiier editor c>folksy Rvie an avail able. There is an ar ea of G f n i c ' I M I D foundtablc dcvckcd li> Stclnbcfg product Then, users can discuss pn>bksns and les turfs and downk>ad demos and update> 1 thc u>(twsre. Online disiusslnn Indicat thai there arc nu substantial probkms >nt
the Atan or PC versions, but a few minu bugsin rekase I g for the Mac. A version o( the program called Cuhaie Audio n avaiiable lor thc Ma< that supponi integrated digital audio snd M i ii l dais recording. It is generally not thought to bc as good 4 i.hoice as its <ompckltois Digital rerturmer ru Stuibo Vision
Coss<lusioss c ubasc 3 ty loi the Atad Is my chain f a hest ovmall « q uencer lot any compute platform. TI>c PC sad Mac versions ha>c far proven io h ave a number ul bugs present in the Atari release If you are a ar Mac uter, you might want to be sureII prngram peiforms tu yo ur >stislactio beiurc buying
(goto(or Louie Along anth (.phase, Alar l iisefs arc fofttl nate to ha>c Nuiatus, anutt>ei program tha more than adequately (ills the bill fa Sequencing snd notation its printed aul put ts comparabie Io that uf c:uba» li.e good enough (ar all but the mast demand
HPERTECH DI PllTRDlllCS 4449 East Hastings St. Burnably, B.C. llSC 2K1 Tel: l604) 298-28'l2 F ax: (604) 298-280 5
386SX433IVIHz 2MB 70ns RAM
Best Oeal for 4&6 VL Local bus Pr oducts
1 2 (VS F)oppy Dnve or 1 44(VS Rappy Dnve 40 MB (OE Hard Onve 14 VGA Monitor 256 KVGA Card 2S, 1P and1G Port
101 Enhanced Keyboard Mini Tower Case 200 W Power Supply
• 64K Cache 256K Cache • 4MB 70ns RAM 4MB 70ns RAM • 1 2 M B Floppy Onve or 1 2 MB Roppy Dnve ar 1.44MB F(oppy Drwe 1.44MB Floppy Drrve • 105 MB IOE Hard Dnve • 105 MB (DE Hard Onve • 14 2 8 dp SVGA Mons(or 14 2 8 dp SVGA Monitor • I MB SVGA Card 1MB SVGA Card • 2S. 1P and1G Port 2S. 1P and1G Port • 101 Enhanced Keyboard 101 Enhanced Keyboard 4 Mint Tower Casa Mslv Tower Case • 2(K W P awer Supply
CaH Now.' MS SOS 5.0 8 INS Windows 3.1
486DX-50MHz • 256K Cache • 4MB 70ns RAM • 1. 2 MB Floppy Dnve or 1 44FV%3 Roppy Onve • 105 MB IDE Hard Onve • 14 2 8 d p SVGA Mani(or • 1MB SVGA Card 4 2S. 1P and1 G Port • 101 Enhanced Keybt>ard 4 Mlitt Tower' Case
• 2(XT W Pawer Supply
. . Supply
All systems come with two year labour and parts wag ranty.
• llUe eenrice (nonitore end stpktelne.
• We upgrade your eyetent. • Olbeiteend depot ee pince.
Free F.stimates Contracts Welcome
HOUns r((ron. to Fri.: 'lO • spfn Saturday: 1rty - Spin
8 C EDITION THE COMPUTER PAPER APRIL '93 ing perfectionists), Jnd lt dciivrrs on the promise of real-time notsti i>n. Above an, F<(Astor n s first rs<e scquencer, with more
features <fun mmt users could ever hope lo usc. I'he main compla)nt I Jnd many other Flats<or users have with the program is that As A>rmidsbk featurr set is nurrrd by a user interface tlut is regrettably complex and
accs<ionaay clumsy. It is fitting tiirn, that thc authors of F<(Astor, Gctiurd tangling and Chris Adam have (rr J<(vf s next-grnrr stion scquencer with notation snd a kilkf <a<fifa(c. Fin<star Lot(is (5675) is currently availsbk (ar the Marin<<»h. P(: and A<so vers)arb are due to be rcleaml be(ore summer. i)cspite s few quirks, logic for thc Mac Is <table and powerful. Its best feature is its uwr intcris<e, whkh docs an admirable Iob
of simpli(ying and conceptualizing the enormous amount of dsu that » MIDI.
rhe program lets you foam in <o sce >kts<l or room out, showing camponrnt> of ihe A>Usic to be viewed Jnd msn>palsied as graphical kans ur chunks o( data. This abilAy <o go fram m<crodrts>l ta overview is a valuable onr thu I expect to see more o( in ihe future. trad>ng MIDI programs often have s bewildebng array al (<stures. A
stn>ng user U><eris>e is eucntsal to harness ihJ< power Other MID I applications. like Vision snd (.Ut>asc oA tlie Msc Jlxl Cubssr art tile
A tan and PC incorporaie sunikr f o am
way to prado(e ihe custom ary
do<lblr turs st the md of a score and that the s lurs feature announced that i t wss not yet impkmenred when I <IU.Led on its kr>n in the menu bar Other notatiorui per(ectmn. isis wiU undoubtedly find their own reamns to complun, It's safe ro say that printing is nai ix>g<c's strongest >mt. Cubast on thc Atari, by rampart<(m. is much better, as is Fxxore on the Ma< I used to favor Ftnak on the Mac for its ability ta transcnbe virtually any musi( • I convrniion you could <Augh>r. but I n<wf rrslize that uutulity is s
more impo»ant valve <l>sn a dcvc<yth)ng set of fcstureS Perhaps a better plan is to crank out the basic notation with Logic, FJ<corc, Cubase or wlutcvrr snd then msn-
do It on computer.
GS Star<dard Several <ofnpsn<es iincludtng Roland,
which helped define the standard) now t out their M I D I gear ss being G S ' o r ( ienersl MIDI c o mpstibk. A suabk ( a llecrion ot S.S DOS.<orrnst d»ks with MIDI performances co n f u r m in g to t he GSN>cr>rial MIDI standard arc svadabk. It at ah passibk, get s musical instrument ar mund card that prom»rs GS or Genera) MIDI <ompstibthty. Although Kcyb(urd caJgaziric fecelitly u i i JA editorial qlles. tioning whether th e l o w est common
denomirutor appma(h to sound selection
tiun the others. It b certainly a contender
is a wo»hwhile goal GS and General MIDI clearly offet advantages to <he computer
include an algorithmic compos<<<an tool iiLc Cubssc's Interactive Phrase Svnthrsiarr,
nor does it luve the dim<.«schsk audio <ecarding cspsb<U<ies of Dqptal Performer, Stu<bo V<shu> Or (.ubsse Aud>a on the Mac. Iagx msy not be ss feature-rxb, but «hat' s
<hen» gene<shy weh-implement»i, Pcfforrrurxc b good, tou. MIDI tiiput b <ranxribed as natation almosi instantly
snd when yuu d<sg s note around on s staff, you can rmmedis<ely hear the eiirct. I hc only bogus lrsture in ihc version I <estfd was a (ont menu that dsd not xroh. I <.e, ordy ihr Iirst twenty <ants ar m ue visible ()I course, who needs more tlu n twenty iont> in s pirce o( muuc, Jn)svays) Already, an update (1.2) ts svshsbk that addresses
<rune bugs in the Initial release. LMAG IC hosts its own MIDI Raundtable Jres all ('F»k ( tyPe M I D I J t an y ( Fnie
prompt to reach thc MIDI arcs) where use» can share information, songs Jnd Instru. I<<en< ps<sheS. You U JISO (<rid Suppaft arras lor Sir<At>r<g-)ones, hsref<UU Software, Dr I " s, slue Rihbun. Kuf>weil, M y ) <»
user. In a nutsheu, General MIDI g<urantees that you wul hear a rrma<uble fs(simile ui the orchestration the composer ar arranger intended. In other wonh. Genera< ) <IDI rf<mres that mund • I v»U be a psano. no mattn w N ( h brand the instrument or audio card may be. in the lower munlsnd, Cannon Musx ( 604-27(>-v~l) has a Isrgr selntian W n h t itles like 'Sounds of the Seventies a n d
abc flit) of Dav>d laster, the content is predkfabfy Muzak-ish, but tlut apparently hasn't hurt u tes. A« a i d ing to ( sr<non's Tlm Tucker, the titles are es<irmeiy popu4<. ()warts af the lstnt genrratu>n of elec. trank pianos can transform their purchase
inta the 'u()s equivsknt of s plsyr< prana ( ompuier-music enthusiasts, too, often And the o>mn<c<(tsl affefings n>u(h better than MIDI matedal available (rain the pub-
Ik domun. This ls(1 has not esca(cd (f>A>psn<n I<Lr QRS that own the rights <o ak) pts)rr-prana rolls, fhey • rr now busy converting the scorn to General MIDI far«ut M ust> so(twarr pubfbhcfs <oo, are finding the market
hist 'content t<rks in C~ l MID I format > t Shun, Sound Source Unhm<ted, Oiher publhhfn are wre to foaaw •
Pce>cy, Legend and, sec<mung to thr Mini Roar>d table Iunrwf, more to (amc.
• Flrv(ed O<ffg)tsf lz>)I» Con s pieuy good Iab nl transcribing
a Mini perform ance
asintelligible <bert
niusi( and it w p p o rts an standard Mac
pr<nten, but is i<sou <put 'good ) l t is hard
to ulk sboui punted output ob)ectiveiy Ihcre will always be some users who w<ii nerd crass.staff beaming, ur «xis Au<EL or mmcthing th Jcs not in the program. I was disappointed that thrrr appcarrd to be no
lhe new easy, exciting, fun way to learn to play keyboards' PLAYING TO LEARN instead ot' LFARNINCI TO PI.AY
Works with IBM conipatibles, Amigas. Mac, Nintendo, Sega
i »U>»c t>tc»> i >U Pbfu
">w & >J»c>cw< V» I
IIUYERS ARF. O'AITINC< FOR GDOD USFD 286, 386 ETC' IB41 Compatibles from $ l49. Apple II GS colour system $799. Commodore 64's $99
Sony .I I A (.'0 ROM fF(
Thanks to Can< Ward ar Max<aware (J 18-7SS33< t). Steve sssr<v>al wsnfs Music nannsa«an I&as-hhs-23JS), Ksfry C<xisn ai
Anna« )4.<sch (thu4a ANNfX), Oevkl haysan af say<an Tach»a<as>UsIsoa-273-720(>), Bs< a<Oaks al NatewarthyMusk (t)<)J 270-3hga
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Sf>d Sa «>e (Xhsf t>sapk who helped rn a>e af<X>sdraaan, ursA)SA>le»< an(i pe<tufa>moa ai
this sr<< <<a
A P RIL '93 THE C04IPUTER PAPER B C EDITION grams, every word processing document spreadshee< and accounting entry. Hi«l
disks arr non-volatile. They continue to rcta>n thr I nformat>on «ven when the
power Is off (DF and SCSI are thr mou popular k>nds of hard disk, but you miy
mill find MFM. RLL and FSDI. Fi c h type needs a differeni kind of adapter cird of ekctmn>cs to attach it into the uunpu>er,
Most people err In putting too much money into the CPU relative to thc power
mpply, RAM ind video card. The other common error is to put too much money inta the bus without making a matching
>nvcstmrnt in the video card and hatd dhk mntmUer
Hkat>org>of ki>o e<aa
The original XT computer had only eigh< w>rcs on the bus for communkatmg dau The rest were for housekeeping. This aUowud the CPU to send one character (8 bit>< it a time ovrr the bus ta the hard disk or to the v>dco card. T he follow-on AT computer hi d I ( > w»cL t h is agowed the CPU to send da4
>wo ifuracte<s (16 brtsl at • <<mr. Since then the 80386 computers have >rained to wnd dit i <uur chmacteis at i time (32 b>ts), however, for ba<kwanl mm. pi>ibility, the ordin~ry bus snU mm at 16 bi>s aru> ii thr u m r >prvf — 8 k(Hr a> ii did a ikcade ago
The Cl'Us are naw 150 »mes faster tlun they used tv bc, but the bus n the ume old >peed (>uc(> when the bottleneck is now!
$<seeblnfz Around The Bottleneck Thcie are >hrcc approaches to ftxing thr bus bot<lrnr<L problrm l. In vrn t a new fastrr general bus M( A, LISA, VL ind PCI are examples ol thh ippi>u<h. 2. Invent aui il<ary propnctary buses
• > R t» »V 6 R • >tv
Mvw some compooenu onto them, uking
This nlonth l will explain the technical terzns for computer bf/ses/ I.'iA, Et.'>A, Mt:A, Local Hffs, VESA, VL and PCL l wf'll also t(>wc' on the rnksterious /RQs (Interrtupt Requests>, DMA (h(uufels and i/'o ports. To understfznd these, you will fzrst luzve to le(zrn a little more than you wanted to know about how the computer work~ under the ifood. l will try to make it
pai nless. Bot(fur>ed<a Bv ana>ogv, >(msnkr wiut hi lipens when a large famdy cleans up atter d>nner. <>ne p r>svn br>ngi th e d>shes to th e si n k A not hrr wmhcs them, Anothi r dncs them. Another puts them iwi y I h r speedaf the whok opera<>vn drpcnds on thc bottleneck >hr spec>I of <hr >towru prr>on. I f thi dish «ashcr Is the slo>vest, i> won't help to irs run i tiurr chsh dryer In the di>hwash>ng assembly hne, aU pcaplr > in work at vr>cr. In t tie irulogou> D(SS <vmputer assembly hnr, usually only unc <urn>>ur>en< ~ark> i> oner f k >wrvrr, thc botticncck effect is suU present. When vou are upglad>ng ~pend your money an <hr bur<ivor(k I' u t<ing n anywhere ehe won't buy you much I/ndrr U S/2, or other mu<ti-tasking operating system>, both the ( I'U and hard d>sk iin work • t vnir Slo w devices like modems and tapes run vvrrlipped in thr Iu>kground. H r r e i t pays <o buv smart
I y p i ciUy, a PC has a to 16 MB of U nr m r g a byte >s r>fu>valent to
1.068,576 characters RAM
memory N
>R>4>>k, i.e. wlwn the pm>er >huis oft, ilt is forgotten 3. Peripheral i/o Bus ot bus (or short. I ha <s thr srt of w>rrs on the n>a<herb»ard that connects the ( PU with the video card and the hard disL adapter I f y o u don' t Lnow what a v>dco card or hard disL adapter is. hang on, I'm getting to tlut I ( you look it a muthrrboiid, yvu >ng scr a >rt ol oght
slats (ar adapter cards you can also ser <hr IN>at>el copper traces connecting ail the hardware that can run stmuluncously with the CPU.
Belersck>9 Anvttur analogy r> • steiru system Don' t huy a 5RX>0 amptifkr and hang on a pair o( 550 speakers. 14(in<e both speed and
quality to max>m>rr your bang per buck.
dots wnh the CPU
I h c sc
>races Ioim the pe»pheraf bus. >L Video Card. T his is thc cardlul of electronics
>nude your computer that genrrates the v>deo signal to produce the picture on
your monitor.
I t sweeps
memory the <omputer uses (or holding temporary results vf its cakuiauons. If you wrre rd<t>ng a iik >nth your word processor, mos> of that file would be res<dent in
imouni> of inlornuuon, typkigy 80 to 500 MB. Heir n where yvu store ag your pro.
livre are ihr ma>n <ump»arnis, roughly in oider of >ac<easing cmt. tlut you need to baknie I Power Supply F ast mach>ncs need tlighi'r 4ual>trv« lir>tcl cooling <i>Is i>id smoother output I bc power supply takes thr I IS volt A(. nuins and converts it to 12 ind S volts DC (or the componcn(k 2. RAM Th >s is the li st, short-term
bus. Nearlv aU 803(ki mach>ncs usr thn approach for RAM R A M >hen <in run at full hit, almost as fast as the processor can go. ( 'ompanies such as DeU also usc pro. prietary husrs for high speed uiko 3 Be clrvcr Figure out ways to grt the uine lob done sending less in(urmition over the bus. Co.processed video and softWRre disL ci<h>ng ire r»ami><r> o( th>s ipp«>i<h
The New B<asee lhe o«ipnil IBM AI 16-b>t bus n caUrd the ISA ilndustry Standard Ar>h><esture) Iws M o st o( thr cloncs sold today u>e this b<n I h r v>ai>. dard vcr(>vn ol >he bus
Slost people err in putting too much money into the O BU relative to the
aut th r i m age about 60 t>lees a second. 5. CPU. Ibis is the chip on the mo<herboard that dort anthmet>c. A 50 M>tr machine is taster thin a 33 Mui machmc by a ii>K> of 50/1.1 A n N N 86 >s about 259b faster than a sim>lirty rated 8<>386 DX for in>cger of>era<>ons 6, Hard Dnk. ( h i s is a rotating set of magnetic platteis uird <o >tore mass<ve
The Components
the traffic a(i the mi i n general purpose
power supply,
RAlMl and video card.
w addles along a l 8 Mur, though rarely you <an twrik n up as high as 16 hlH z i f u( f t h e
adapte< cards can run >hit u >t withi>ut trip
p>ng. IBM, with it s PS/2 Une of tn>crvcomputers, invented a tutaUy nrw bus, with a totaUv new (anne(<or called » ICA, ( M i c r a C h i n nr I
Arch><esture>. 1((A <vrncsin several >ur>ants, bul none af them are <ompitible with ISA. Vou need lo use >pedal MCA i(4p<er cards Then is less choice in adapters and (.'a>i»»»cd on pug< 52
If you're net sure s 486SX PC te buy, ~as sr. [8I
%hai l '%4oaO
I Siaa%~
) ~ $.
s2249 '2967 '2424 el898
.. . ask your accountclnt. WHAT DO THESE PRKES MEAN.
( omputers, bul mosl i>i them know t h e
i » t.) (
valu» oi a dollar It's their ji>b.
I( i
i u >)gc ffaed
u e el
T>nits ( t u u((xt dirc» (I( 1)v ea( h manu(ac tun'.I du nn g ih e f i rst « e e k (>l Fet)aua(V
1()e) 1 We made ese»v ~ .
A t I P( , o u r l o b i s t o b u i l d a f f o r d a b l e
svsiems TLS( 3(I' a ( san)itlf as T»)aaabte ea(-h vendor has the(r o w n » t e a» »ha( a and (sn 1 VSandaru.
« ) m p u t er s w i t h o u t s a c r i f i ( i n g q u a l i t y o r
reliah(ht). And we' re the experts.
Nalurallv, ln( pa»es ~ ( » >( ace)>r s(aling pn( Iff iex(.epl in the ( ase or »F») sells J i i e c i l , Bu t w h a ( ever p n e
W h ile everyone els» w ,i s I)usy r u t t in g t h i s ,lnd cutting that (the middleman for inst.lni »l
Sou pay v()u c'sn i» m r e ol o ne )hing
sac 've balan busy finding ways to make IPC c (>mput( rs e ve n b e t te r w i t h i )u t c h a r g i n g
you more money. The IP(: 4SX/25 is a fine example i)f vs h,it vac»v» a«omplish»cI.
dollar t()r dollar TFC (Iuaex lhe I»«( v
The IPC 4SX/25 is I'ullv upgradable lo a 66/VIHZ 48r>DTFbased 4) slem.
Wc even pre-load the h.lrd drive with everything you need to he up and running right
From the upgrad.)hl( Intel 48F>SX ( PL>, I(>
. )w,ly — M S ' l ) ( ) S 5 . 0 , W i n ( l n w s l I , an d
t he g e n u i n » M i i i o s o i t m o u se , e v e r y I P (
s vorking mi >(fels o l M i i r o s oi t Excel , W i ) r d ,
4 SX/25 i s b u i l t w i t h t h » m i >st re l i a b l e «i m p o nents on th e r n . l rket l ( ) t h e rw ise they'd never pass our f(>ur tough qu.llity
Powe r
control lists 4
' So, it th c o n l y d i f f e r e nc » b e t w ee n o u r
Po iiit, and P ro ject. A ni l t he n w e
throw in a three year l(m(tcd w a rranty !
Iil lhi' ( oantoolw I n ' l usus rv hav(' Il an) u l f l('I IA. I(
« (x l
AYAILASLF. FROM Hen>ee I Ie»pe~ ( eduS(v IAO4) )AS I-a a
Sade( II Ovea a ( I»a)eeeL i voa) aoaas4(
lac»a M)((o s)eaaa Caeelaaa Oivea
Maaae Oaiaa Mead(la V ave»ca»
Isaac )O»4)a)4
OMF Olfde )a»ac • ffe(e Cff(eOe IAO41 SL) II >e
Idea»a Ted(
Iooa) saooo) •
com puters a nd their con)put»Is is the pnce. t hen yo u p r o b a b l y d o n ' t e v e n n e e d a n
;n®l~ il6i
,loci>ill)tant to llgUre it i) ul. IUst call u s t (xl lv Ms )4444'T.
WNI>O(VS. Ll ()e Toad
f or th e n a m e o f t h e q u a l ( f (eel IP ( d ( h ) l e r
nearest you. I 1()ll-free ot course! I
T)e w la d s»aa • •ed»leal »caw d w ce a e aee T)e AsIaaeea deca ea e(aaad eesaeae d As >laded' I)e Ca»ada lade» a (Mace» »awe) oeaaea e • eaeeeea e( ee(aee re»ace res»(ad( ~ ~ d ( M oe aaae (>ea (a»ca • a eaaeea ~ ee w aee ca»a)ee aeaee eeaeea d ad(Ice Geaev 4 a eaved d d) aae ac a(ave a»awe»add II ad lee»a ed ~ 4 ee ea 4 e ea eel dace e)eeaa»eeff eae » e we «e eeeaav a a w
A p ftll '93 THE COlvlpUTER papER 8 C EDITION
the puces are higher tor eqotvaient funcT tion. I IIM has parity abandoned M( A In
with a bus called EISA (Estended Industrv Standard Architniure), Thh bus allovn yoe to use both thc old ISA adapter cards an I the new lasier EISA adapter cards in the
f avour of the cheaper ISA, Ior its in»e nd
same machine
C.onrinsrd /rt»rr fhcfr S(y
local Bus
machines. A group of ISM's competitrrn came up
We Offer. • A custoiruzed computer system to suit your needs, instead of forcing you into a 'pre-packaged' computer • Only the highest quality COMTEX equipment, for guaranteed reliability • Software pacltages to meet your home or office needs
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A consortium of about (20 companies
called VESA (Vbfco gtlu(Pment hiandard
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Please Call or Fax us at (6(N) 325-4$37 for more informatfon.
' •
gsfs 81afrtbtrfsr
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yosg Eit 90Mptlf58 st(5550R%5Utt. tnuta Sakes Sr»I Sanest SC nt trt
Si Iuu Irhttat ru iue Irsttar
Ttatau e t ta. po See earls O epi Cut Throe Senses Cense Ve neewn • C Vr a ISW
saaleuaasses ras-ss s •
Do yotgr rom parison and casb in on otfr savtngsi!!
What's New in April?
I 386DX-40 $1223 4 $ 6SX-33 $ 1 419
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i4 86DX.33 $1546 JI
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CSU Us IN()W for s free quote on other
systems conf)gurstlun or s pr5cv IEht
48 6 DX2-66 $1896
osr sa AU prtre rtssg acftssse rsn srsastagt seh sa prbst sut(lect to cgattsse T tNbots ttrstfan
Ng tto INN
dA l e s
uca rt t v i l a vila es<stmtg vtgt vtga
Oilier, Rotter ea l 5dgfer Wie1owe Ylewigbl IS' and 11 Nan-IntgrlocedOititaf MuftiMcatMonftort H<ghResokrte, f lsc ka-free Het-Srfgere Scfoal los Rorfiatiaf<fm,;; ~ '(lnfdicft ttPR II Stoadfad)
hsso <at«m) fame up » i t h yrt an<chef bu> ea<kd thr vi e v l b u s v l sh>t.1 «>k r<>> bic s<andatd ISh of krkh ska(s wun i 1 1 pn MCh.bke case<<stun Ttus mean i > ' i >a><could >nnttnfw u> be uwl loe on<i iu n Is,( ur Og>< «tap<et cards, I ntel, thc peuplc who snventrd I h c <us<(<(> ff>d e<srg(> chq>s. >anw up with yrt ««ilt>ri l i ii drugn (sued I< I I I w un t he (i a>l • l>lr un ti l t t>e summr t u l 1 uu < If H>eve<, 4<Ke If>tc< rontful> <hc hear< ill <hc (ompu<rr — inrtuding inc ncw Protium <h<p, they may be able <u < «>r rvc<vo<w li> rday baa trscw way Ihes imp<»(use gmup or rompan<cs brh<nd R 1 t>»><dc( In<rl, imluding AM<>, (11, %>tarn»». < >n>pa>i, IIIM, «(I ( , T andv, I n h i h ( a n d
Leeiitbi lkye
Multigeelira yoglgfaeloly YafeoWiatfetr ah l%l to VQeeltfeytat
auto Wa ~
a m So~
Profesgioael Workztetnmk for Nuftimedta hoduct>on and Presentation
aetettsfe egsee(ta <'. «." iig ihr >umpara(tve sp<ed .t s»> rf gii« bi n k th e ma l l et w as 4" ' 1 (<u<«kg>nr i i i s Iu w >r ect, Iarvf, i : <i r i >ban fs . v I d ctenn<ne the niaikci >barr Hln >l»f
The Politics I »c 1>ui ii tt>r ha<des< pa(t of a «mi nute i > mpfuvr <vhen vou change th» tiui r » ii <tung c1>r <iai to»hange along Hi<h ictLIu< drugns a nr » 'hus. hi m u suade Ihuu>«>«h u< u<t>cf mai i i « f i> ri >'i<'• vaf>ai <'i I < tie>f adaP<cf a f d l i ' ' fi i tl » ncv> tiui V n t >l « laptev <aids • >» <><>I af><c, nu i iir w d l b uy ( u m l w < in wu h i h >
Picot Cl-RON
nrw bus. (ia<nuig the necessary «>nvrnsui n»M<emrty d<tf>(ult Tha t n wh y thc uhl <sh bus tata wfgni nip<erne. I vrn • giant >c Iebl (w bi nut budge <I will thr <c( nn
Network Ree1y fife Se<vtrt &Waksfot<(rn
>«uy t <ttiu M< h buc
benet a f tkgmgt Novell, f fartostsca W<ndotrt fet Waktflaua,
u yuu bsfy any or the <mptuvcd design i >' w afe tab<no • gamb(c I l mes tu >fl 'wf v wf (huf<c nops in the mark((p4<c, and >o tutu<r, vuu w>ll not be able to b u v ( tat><rf i anti lo ht the bus.
265 ms A(cekk
300 kb/k Oouofe-ktreedllertkf« SCSl-lt, hfaael er fvtentef letfek PkoloW (empefibig Ql AA, tkdtl'R<5<IXI
Windowt lfT ReudT
Crrster Oell I »<I ( i <i k fil i f i eck o u t a n i l g u r s\ i < i> h><utes i>I i Ji> 4> busec
Lh pram ran» wa be afo<md hu s Turfs <I tome ncw bu\ <asm nvef m, r > ethuafds w>ll st<It hair an tf«h iumps< b<litv 4>s( u< two lo hafidk thr uid styk adfp<r« a r d s I k h a d( i ir f i • rds a<» cheap <o tnanufactu<r, whiih assu<ci <hrm a li>ng life Vt$% it V l <s • I u « k and i hiap «>(ufo>f t u <h e h u i bn t t l e n r i k pt o b l r i n l'nlu<tu<>atr<v it <c<t<nfcs rsiepnn<wln iafrluf adap<cf (afd dcugn su b(' rrh abk V l i s <at(h<ng on tastes< h iafgc gf>n>p ut <oft>Pafi>cs — VISA — sup. purts VI M u l« - send<a>uf>i«nt hodr< writ lur lhe future V I « me s in lviu imi<i>ns, I2.b>t and Ihr (site( f>a-b<t, »hii h makes it mote huwafd.r<«>king
Lr A
A P fltt. '0 j TH E COMPUTER PAPER B C EDITION shan any nf the caanpni»on. The Vl tuss spccincatson documca'I Is very • sooty/Acesblc. This meal you can expect compatibility problems both your motherboard and adapter
CataclDibgW I l - AlCf%ICEAN
catch tsassi Ihe seine sctader to lob thr compatitlility problems otf o n h t m The low-ctsst design techniques limit the bus to either two or th r ee slots, drttcnd ing ori whether buffering I s •
a dva nc e Techn o l og y I n t e r n a t i o n a l i c e~node I n c . s
• •
SPgg /P+4 ll
• •
4¹ 0 I A N nega ae ~ I 1 & I 4 4 ¹ S J mtmame PD I¹ S I S I gaae gab Hunt shire meth-tuner w/Lal &10OW
ll$881I I PIDg ' ' I 40X l TIb UttattP 288 1.4Q I II N Plnaanit 8hrb/Clbr Rkhn II FuPtnt 8hck/Cger Iibbni II l44bb US AgbgigsSPNtner 8$10 l44bb 8OCO rÃr42 Fgtibgba C%.0 hjha OEll% 24pa Olla ~ Q IM theat 24PS tghr hair 1 %0 Caa @X0 Ptasr I4I5.1t
R AM nep. to aaga
1$¹ t Ceauual Cuebc
I> & 1.44IIS Jeoaaeae PD lyolga Idma Wb Hnnl shhtr Madtlbeecr «/Led &000W
1 nasal peeal 0 mme perse OVQA 1014CI¹ I 0 0 I & to»ac l~ St » I A Cent 100 Cebtm 101 hept ghh. ~
$ 04SN IAan Sue I; I I D S
1 Sana ~
& + s ee Pone
Sdam satan Sue Vbha Cant
lol ~
' e
M60 Pma bnasl ba Pear I
' e
n ak ~
Iamuuen Hewer
agb tucssat Faaaedna
i 89 89
¹ mo
AAaaeaed 1014 NJ.
leuoesae gg 1004 N.t. Vss t tstte OPO 15' Clat IT II Nl I¹ C g PG Naa-lea tse I
. $P G L W I I T
• o tns
01 • 11
Nrl Uheuo ~
~a ~
$, g ep
a g ap aeam • ap aeam nsp
ugan ~ s a / mm v naa ~ aa / mm v aaa e~ aa / m m
OS ' /
Pieanl lgg/I 1$4I 14P&s Psgaeu DLI ISO 14 calar Ptgaea DLI1$0 14 aah
N S a~
¹ a a I h m d shhu WJI. ~ I ya a NNC II N M S 1 $
laAC It%MS lyme CONNER I¹ a a i i gaa
' 43uaesum 1¹aaI Nma
$1¹ l ~ ¹IIO
¹mo '
¹ 1¹ I 0000
also 0100 • $40
HP Deahlct SOO
HP Deahlea gCNC H P 4 an al . ~
w D $0$ 0
me a 0$ esaghnps ~
peaas NNII/ ptgsmnma
m /0 sm aam Saa Suuww/man ma/ac amaa mo-vvaara/Nrr»
• ma Ola»g CMp. SWgntaatre &m d p u blica»ia/gaON • rm ~ geaa Capnaae Caus mrW Nemree eeea 4400 0tauuae tgtam tasse
I&m a y
Ima nm a / I / O vau
assn mrna 0aemaau
I g me
W ~
a eauaae ~ mae 0»au&a ~ rueu a M DC&am ees. ~ I X: atm ~
~ N E T WORKS ¹ 0 Neeeg ati (Io meat
4t stct I mm
problem ttut Vl docsnae — aueonea»c
P C I w o uld not I i l ety
begin m dominate untd intel came out anth a 64-b» version cbuclv »cd Io the Pentium chip. Mmt anaputcr builders feei nervous about intel's monofasty on the 486 chip. Th e y etc not l i k ely to
voiunurily hand over any morc precioits pelts ot thc srompurcr s ail«tome
Io latei's sctusive conuol. PCI a otf to a slow start bccainc they stsn have
nas yet decided wlut the sha cewsac• ar shou&i loatt bbc. ICI h a echatcaL tv sounder design chan vL though 0 may be dttncuh to adapt to new IINI MHz CPIIS lf a succcah, is wdl shaw up fu» sn high~ s t ones Itcan handle up to ten slats, at speeds hom S to 32 MHc. It is aimed at highl and4$6 and Pentium systems, not the older truafSX and SX, MCA MCA was the first of the alternative
buses. ISM was a Ut»c too gsccdy in
manufacturers pay soyalties fas p ma ISA bas deagn usa Though MCA wm erctwscalty devancceL mastutacsm. css shied as«ay hasa a dc»gss so daecly ca»teased by «me company Caaduany 1$M Isberalsaed its licensing polecat, but by then it was too l i t e I SM ' s recent ti n a n ci • I woes f urt h er h u r t
M(A's chancesol future success
m m 4 Ia a« etta eaa lf
~ mm am am
s t &maaaee mr m m
N .w
ma m « & e . c g
on full ISA compatibility in every sloe made It mote complex than it would have been athetwhe E ISA h nat as fast as VL but it ud d e s another pressing
mteen • .Ii Na eaan O ama
I '
• 0¹I
Im ~ ag N ma m NN »earn ag IIO taa» • I ia Neesn agtm saa»
EISA F ISAhas bren around e Iar while and has only slowly caught on. I nsisting
tbe asdy days. nsisting that MCA bm
O I¹ I 04¹ I
pnan¹a¹: ~
mea/am I&as&en ~ ~ ~ mao tawn»a ~
1 4$ MS
• «I
Cu h aJet u ughetpt
a m seta» maea h a I
Igeabtc I¹ a a i l nmn ¹J I I ytaga 1$ WD 1LS¹ I i gme
Arl I¹ eu Pmr ~
P uangtgd/1114 54teaamtta
ONID&lls 400/0¹ I
a te y ceml
Q% Nrl NL gmm
ggs g o
etemeeme 1I¹l gpmeaha
Aeega IIO4e740 NJ ~
leC 4PD ~
ninc, that atksws up to 10 cards, but whkh is bnuted to 33 MHa
as 32-btt V L
M & . l e«I. i V t i s) M S . W l iuf » sW s J As s Isuc .i « us<sly M S - O t tssv A c-. i tr t assist I'sarastssx
' OA
M O N I T O RS t~ VD A DASIU$ 1004»PW M
NOTEBOOKS NI&t}aokaggyg33IN. Ig¹ Neicb»0 jtang25 2atatll mlb Iracbttsg
you mey hy your cxpensnc CPU. In the nbasesed design. the nmlscd cttctrkal oomph of the 406 chip Ifassdnsst can dt tee oaly two slots. nesldes unbuf tered and buffered, there Is a third land of Vl bus. caned the mcau-
• Ct VL has a crmuaaesrnag lead oecr laaerI PCL H I isa't ceca oat at the blocbs yct 32-bst PCI a aha«a the saeae speed
Nartasb 4%0X32 Ik Bgf
Th e Vl. bui attachesalmost
directly ttr the CPU, without the Ustsal buffeting/ amphficr/duvet circuitry. This means if a board ou i f u n cttons,
14 i a a nna m d • I a nmame emu m ua gaea»a ema aesaeeW ~ C m
4mi • Im
atm atm OINI
I QK/IIIVE t:IS%%I %tart. Omseeey
r~ i
e rata a r e 6 a hstec
'Se caretul".Ail y ou iaa rett me is SC cafctuto
B.C E(3(TlON T HE COMPUTER PAPER APSIIL '93 5 5 ultimate bus (or future versions of iis
theory on the ATI W ith all those catds Unfortunately. when you put olde~ ISA fighnng over <ho<e few IRQs, with no arbi. cards in an FISA machine, they don't know
own Une o( computen, but some day it
tratioo schnne, other than the skdl of the
how to partiripate in the automatic agoo-
niay find its way i nt o th e M S-DOS clones is well. I t is <hrre Umes faster
<echo<clan doing the Installation. olten two cards end up trying to use the same IRQ a< once wnh di'iastrou'i results. (i ch card
tion scheme. so you have to handk them
Quickking Apple computer designed this
<han the aompcnt<on. aS<hcis ltcwktt Packard wis working on a local bus, but I have not heard much of
broad base ot manufacturcix OPTI, the chip.sct maker, invented a local bus <hat will likely no< survive the Yah onslaught. S3 also tried with its ACI
IRQ 2 is mmctimcs availabk, but then it Is
(Advanced Component Interconncctl.
really IRQ 9. i t sounds like Alice in Wondniand! (here are only two DMA channels free, u> the probkm is even worse there.
w ould have to be m uch (aster i n d
cheipcr than the existing designs and it would have to be supported by a
I think the mx h incs o( the future may
be polyglots — with an FISA slot, three PCI pure ISA slots.
My point n, ordinary humans haven't i hope in Hades of getting this right when
Modern day ISA niachines have • mixt ure of old XT-style S-bit and n c w A T . uyk 16-bit slo<s. I think we might extend the <dca to include a sprouting o( FOSSAand VL slots.
usually luck nut ind avoid mn0<cts. You are probably thinking W h y doesn' t <he computer sort ak this out itsc/t, auto-
slots, three Vl / I 'iA slots ind a couple of
tg(hy RISA Aln't Deed Vet it you have ever attempted to install a mouse, video card, CD-ROM, hard disk, stU)l muuc or<L modem, mulU-io, sonner or waveform sound card, you will Ukely have had a minor nervous breakdown AR
<turn cards<or<flu< Itscy light ewer <ntang<-
men< Ncctronic costs are dropping and pcopk costs ire increasing. Au<omitk «on(<go<at<on is here today in i LSA ind <SA ind
might be added In (uture to VL in some hailing wtm way. V L lacks the foundadon
to add auto configunng later. Intel's PCI bus has the baucs needed for auto configuring, so hopefully it may prevnl
Technogsebtsle I( you ever buy hardware, the Ins<al(ation instructions presume you under<and what an IRQ, f>MA channel and port address is. IT<ore of you not interested in lindmg out, hop down <o the next sec<iort aturu« he l6 MS hmlt. When people stop me on the stree<, the question chcy most o(ten ask h
'What arc IR<2h DMAs and I/O ports really?' So (or those people, herc is my short
matlcaky That's the sort ol thing a corn. puter is good at. Why docs the computer mike us feeble humans rack our bmins daung this?
<3<at is exactly what hid and F3SA do. You lust stick a new adapter ord in and run a utility program <hit (<Sures ak <his gob. bledygook out and tells each card which
IRQs for the Millions The computer has d u>ulders' the various
devices can tap. I'or exampk, every time a character comes in the modem, the modem card can tap the CI'U on shoulder <IRQ) number 4 This says, Ahem, excuse me CPU, but u>ore<hing very cxanng has (ust happened A character has arrived on lhe
ncw buses idd extm ones ind provxk ways for two unrelated adaptercardsto slwre in
(orcc Us to auto<<late IRQ/Port/DMA assign.
there are many adapter cards present. When there are ordy a few orch they can
ble computer resource~ called I k<2s IRQs, i/o ports and DMA channels to uw. Interrupt Re<3uestsi, I/o <input/Outputi Sauce IkQs are in such short supply, these port addresses and Dh<A <Direct Mcmoiy Access) channels. There afc five potrular <K<2<. <(« teen in
Instaking is becoming more complex by the day. In<<a<tat<on costs will eventually
must be told wh<ds IRQ to usc iry irtanglng
the patternsar( t<ttk (umper plugs over pan pain on the adapter ords There are hirarre rules for anigning these IRQs. For exampk, modems on COMI: <nust use IRQ a. M o dems on COM2- must use IRQ 3. Thc LPFI: printer must use <RQ 7, but in a pinch, ii can do without iRQs0, I, 6, Sand l6are reserved.
it lately. Any success(ul newcomer
minuiUy — bxk to square onc,
phone line. Please interrupt what you are doing, save this charact«r away in RAM, then carry on with what you were daung. Plcasc hurty Il a n othar comes in be(ore
El eCtrOniCS~.~~-- S
>86DX - 4ONP(z System 4 8 6 DX - DAN?fz System 4 8 6 DX - 50ptl-Iz System
you hindk it, I xrtk drop this one
The various devices — keyboards, modems, hard disk — pester the CPU, mtcrrupdng it h<tndrcch of tunes a second. lhc CPU knows which device <ntcrtupted hom the number o( the shoulder on whkh It (elt the tap This tapping nleaky (usta short, ekctronic pulse the device sends up the mr<ex(xrnd<ng IRQ srtre of the bus. When you install hardware, you must assign each dcvta tts oxrn prtv<ue shoulder
(IR<2I to tap. Some devices don't need an IR(L Some are hard w<rcd to um a pxr«cu. iar IRQ. Some on use one of a half4auen choices. I( you • «identally assign two devices to the mme IRQ, then the CPU becomes contused. One der<a taps it, but it <hinks the Mcond did I f nvo devkes want interrupt service, thc CPU always han. dies the lower numbered one (list.
OMA chennels for the RA((lions Soma devices sua h is (loppy drtvcs use a fa~ter method than interrupting the CPU e very time a a haracter comes m . T h e y
make usc of a smail auxiliary computer called the DMA conuoner to d(rect inco<ning data to RAM There are two DMA can. trokcrs. Feah can service tour devices at once. When you install an adapter cartf, you must specify which connoUer you vnll use and which of its (our 'channeh you will be working with. Again, i( two devkes tried to use <he same chanrcl, <t woukd overload the pea briun of thc DMA con. troUer
Channels 0, 2 and t am rcscrved. I and 3 are S-bit channels — the most popular or<re F i ve, 6. 7 are 16-bit — rarely used
~ ,~ ~ .n,s e~,
RealtOr SPecia l
x s<D 60586Dz aust<ra / 6 « c caatw <aux< uoa$6<rx 5$<unx w/lax% caatw <rxlr< ao486Dz ssa<nx w/asOK caatw D arius 486SX Computer assn kxru(txpruutxbk <u 3(a<it) <or e< Sosaosx ass<<<a cpci a am uxru (Kxxwrsa< a<x<x ao scare< axm e a u <sxrrwxuab<c<a x scam) 11s<B 4 1 assr<< Fuxppy <sr<ver < 'ste 6 t aax<e Ftvp<ry Dr< as axtu l4xu (Eutxuxu<xbtr m sasar<) t rath • t aiatn rtoeev <sr<van < roMe <rxvu <rrtve w/Sr@ car<w t ro ast< t<wa< tsr<vv «/}zk caasw t '6" m <tare <sr<va w/s~k cache lrua<u Fax< <rara<tsrrvc w/32<< cur<ra t tsm <6 biasuprr von Graf<a<ax card tsm <6un super vua Grupbtcx a'are <sle w<ux<vwx Aaaa<rcxavr svGAcard }, f <, aas<e Floppy Drive a serial/< Pursue</ t uanw Pons I Sa r <i(/t Pxru«al/t Game fxxrw l Sa cra</t Purukct/t Gwrw furw Trident <San su(wc Vux Graphics Carat <01 Xxhaunccu Lruvurrt trxruw leaa x 766 <xaexum dp Monitor te< trxhxnced Keyboard tot Eat<+need vs<<board Wru tower C'xxr veau <ower c~ Stux< <omar cave 3 huron a<ouse tots x 766 swear 'vGA storx«vr <O< trxhanacd Keyboard <om x 764 su<wr uon <toro<or toaa x sws swear vua saurxuaw f ll <ours rAxaupuwr clear Tra<xa<ox \ tt a auv cxuufaucr <<xcr Tea<ax<au< s Hours a:umpuaar Liver Train<no st s o o% s.o (prrlowsrd) l4 stvautw parse 6 Labour wxrrwxrv <4 suxrusw pans 6 tauour nsurxn<v aa stauxuw pi<ax 6 Lxboaw exrrwx<y U s Rabaucx <a.aoo tsxuxt tsuax/fux i var 0 1 97 9 9 9 sStodreaerkhv.jab<a, 5 1299.99 4 1679.99 ttaxurs Corupuaar user Tru<xxuxg I I it e gher( Q « orencnSale) aalienlhseans e t ~ w HEWLETTPACKARO P ' t S P
(tug<try 26U I rtar<h teoopLsr<per t t t a s te I< other <set ttun 2<tcp$ 4$<<Lo t rrrsmfxxuux<ra Toner ram(<am,3(roofs<,a rxrxer t 117<kse Brother <<L-tev sa00p<. <appM $
<at & <a r es • ~
rtxun uurvxexutx< $ ~ ~ i /l
Da riu s > 8 6 SX-25
Notebool . Computer uosruxax-isa<<a xchill
ssan Ram (Rxuaru<ubte us mm) as h<it 3s Ftuppv tsr<vv ue sm <Suw feet «are <rrtvv 6S Stxwae <O VOA <tuck<<i Saxauu a %carat e 1 <xxrxnc< Pons 2 Staatu<ar rxparuuxxu rxrmeurarwexxw . Ut<hawv<etu carry<un Cave S starets Cuaupuwr Uvxr Tru<xa<ue t st a uxatw pxuax 6 La<urer wxrvwxxy tat<sty Oe • vprxrvax<Sywuxu (txuv o(O<uroux Ass<tat<tv) ~
r j 1 799.99
~ ~ ~ ' ) B u uthovuu JS Vussurn Seosx lo..... .s 39999 /SAaJts)/Iedio i n Ltp9 Ncxc4 I(r< t<p 6 l l $ 4 M I Item U<ssraa< e t tasktrt 2ae.s • canon 8J400 seed«e cps stODpt 6 art.s) <m s /sr/x<s secs. Dvsasap casexw tw xc xw rv ~ ~ ae s i <3axu< t tet te <cx p 2123 2ipin 240cps super ouut t 266 )e <rw arsvsaueruuoxr xu vurr camuuw ourso p+++Uo+Ic <0<p 21<N stun 240cixs s<xre Kx-p 4410 512K sppM Laser panner t panasoou cola< v<xgraoe <cr< t St es irx<e /6$<v<h «0<i. xatntroxxv r CD s iiuwououwe ot souraeo<colxxo xalrwcxu gsrtoe<ow 5puu<olx I ftwa w A pa acqcuuories /Mouuu (/a S c a naxuru a(FCJPCI/r f6 Aar 102axraa S rlkft ant Word r<rrSatndows 20 a<SC afo <4 Flat <024xrea S Cavu<Oruw J.o r(KC afo tr f r at <faex<024 5 rats , te r ior(on<to<toes <hot crx Saeae 14 4pammSvo1 4 )Sa.)e Quamopro spicier Err</or< Cyrreaearrr ra" Now/nrw<acad 5VOA S acket La<(sr /r<«raa iur <Vina<owe S 2$.ee Lot(<tech True<xnan <rCo<neo S ee.fe (tairua raa< (I e aoxaao vGA t fl kt a ae croaoh Fnrwta<iuuwrr (rack t 26 ee Le<i<<urn rrucanxau (ra<sabre $1&.es (krriw 102414 <024r?eaSvdn $ 3<k t f S rury Rrsr(0(rrsaeox or<0 F 15 f 0 aecroaon as<usaw/(tarry Planner 5 acta fvn<pu(Loser o(pre<re) C<vLsc6 CD.<<C<v<Drive Our<usra26 ta arorvanrwracaa( SvoA $ Jrkse sony 24" r<fs 0<xr< box or re S (t.ef sec<neon Ba/rpoinrxemae (sar<us<126 rr (110r <0242eruru srr 5 takes rrcdofrcteee vsf aerrxsaeurwu f ra t es Lot<<tach Scaruuan 264 w/lurouetch s Jfe)e Oar(us2<2) 1< tall<a(024 auxo1 5 teak at trsnobouea<44 (Nrepax atoue<u $26ass Lo (leechscanman 266 w' catchword s Ã1a<r ' Seerrsovun s hhmr rxknr-ciuuvxe< (xgur rip (sax<< fur Soo
a<kept sppm
t 6 teaa canon sa.tekxsate psse«o<x< t
se t et
3OOO(rt 3(X/Xrrt Curer S NeCA I trkee CanOn SJZOO tta 2ak CPS SSODP< t ate ly
V «]c o a o r n a ) I r u u i n l a fr<<Nor rekr Super VGA Csrtr
E/nvu a S f x c ciax .. l
$ 1$ te aseruacrunee 62«UI wtK carrie $16fs rrfc <06AUI rema wrs2K0acne F rtkee an<doc 13oaUI <Sms wnaK carr<a 5 rakes etaxror 21 J<skl terna w4arc carr<a
5 tak t 9 pc L oy<c fu<xr saut( internal tat<<ram s aa as ~ sox ' sauucoccoirxscxwsxuru Ayrcharger 6<2<<Super v01 card $2ee ss l o om taoo UwdExternal v42 an<pe g akss err wonder rakl super vOA cartr s 36kas pc Look taoeeeee err FaxNoAe s ?Res h k r ucnocx srtu<rvrxuaso crtxsort<uu sr<tern 'o Arr tvorurar oxL rlkt gvc<A can( $ 4 6e a9 rxcLogic rio<seeoo F x Res<ram(tete/ j as ea x'reoioteo cDo<ovurvvrtasow tape rucorde Arr Graprxua 0<rmPrus <ekl sv<31 f Sse et st<as<a m (i<<lira< <7<raS weaK Cache 3 Stets PC Louie See<<Haut(<urwnar kerr<em Tree)e o 4 M<fk rucrvtsock sec<a re<see<n W<rxuuvn 3 . Ay(vere wuudwrXL24 1<<UI2a sri F <M ee suasrwnfr<<rrrar 2121UI <wear< cache Saaf st <rs Robotics sports<or 144 ate<ram s lesee m v o se aaaxuei 4 s ~ - A b o wer<ha (Nwuoru(sroarm <acr <t/tru(owx Ace gsekse ouwrnrm i?o<tki 1/urx w/JFK cache $ vs Re<so<<ca taa fsaturfax A<< <xssm 0 26e.fs M> 'ecorasivU crndeas<vx0 or~ Accuruou AVC<13 rani tv<or(owe Acc. 3 rekee Oven<urn 246(<UI remaurfetrt Cacrru$ aa<r.)e rxackaru Sell r foe Uauri I uarunotf t ja t ' <ate<uxor< Sooksheir tshv iiwx i wu» ooapuic r T r s >otnd a -lcxuucs SERVICE V/sGRADE 4' auxvtwco <crea ac w o w i " , 6 ~ m e , ,x , w i i x Corxcue Cia<aetio Focya". i vc, o CO<rise rr<X4OS tag (SOS RO ..5 ekee CONPVTER TR4(N(f(G g RENTAL a noxic ~ m c co m <xe a 0<urrsa rrrxaea svordrrerrae<4.t g rse . )e CELLULAR d FACS/Af/LES w ~n Y 4 cc o me 4'e re<cow ew ngrv <o ~. x~ - .axes S i~~ ~ . Vt ksud A<tm ~ ~ax a» etg <V<nrrowu 3 (- — g ence SO FTWARE<gPE/T/fxf(E/f(/(LS /OSA ii30<kx/rxoo Ax< Sumaos 6 C VSA 3H3 re<•70 3833 rax <21-3886 euvocu rxxLXS Mon Fx 6 Obwrr. 6 30prn, m i i . any ~ a, q So <reit's rorrnor Qua<coors
lD ITt OFI wiia < hsnncl
thr RAM otiose fsatfk F o r r sampk, yoo i snnsst ole Ihr rst«ndcd RAM iii iun onk nary UOS piograrnu only Winiliiws prO
Port Addresses eor the Mtlllono
Cm iff t.
Tlm .« . I ii cr bus i, Bk«s I • piuasc party
llawever nnly thc ISA bus has the ls M a hmit, tti« nr w o nes don't W h e n • smail hard olios fsNIImtkr inl th« ISA bits wants ta send dam Io RAM. It puts • pattern al voltages on the 24 addressing wues ae thc LM bus to tell Ihc RAM whhh kxatsoe B to be used to stare the dat • W i t h ?A • nscs thcfc atc anl'i ta t hc 24th Inswer • Id,y>>,216 Passltstr pattcms. I h l i meat» ths ilnk <anttnllcr i annot s cr s n y RAM stator 16MB T ' herc ii no posubir way oi
lusn • assign Iwn I i rtafent drat«as in ttu
Access K ataybet tbe 1lyHsh toayt
at. •
rxh lat every athn sant W h rn Ihc I FU i ciidi iiut 4 command, It pre/i sri with It with • l l e y PRIst I I a, ihn Is I ii I u " A ll Ihr fords hoar II lust ustly Ihe Pfiilts'f lluf41. et pint tPTI sespondk The CtU is attuak ly 4 hair matc krsc than that It would hnt say II » All the drvttes have thnvi h aratsrr unmet, called port addresses, m sile ot Ihe digitS 0 IO 9 and Irt trn A tO F I is iin I>00 ia ill Ih t s gives 1024 posstbk names Your wodd ttursk that srnb l024 ptmoF bk namn, you would br uahkely to arrtdrnially amigo two i>rs iirs Ihc sainc name. Unlortuiiately, dupluation is 4 iornmon ptoblrm because thc tnstallers usually haven t the taggkst tdm winch nnnes ate • heady m use. They mndomly try dut«srfu namri nil they find 4 srt that apprsii ta
Oar MABRETPSAQ teryke caeetttm • Shgi b Trades &rctiory • Pteductt (new b Ipccktascs) • Selvf(es • lor Sde/Real by Ossncr
fedosI maadasaskth 0
• Rg» b Csee
• ssrtbrk $sun an uuimd y..r
Ime Isowmg to i Msmaan tne Isasno ikfa io moivisoni on Ina Midufn dti
%- 9 1lII .< vi
9448O36 m. nm
lk Sea I68t-4400asau s s
• aassasnosmusma n sn aaosaea ns msnq nfy u n! I sr t r I'IOI'Stt liois
I vory mtspt«r casd hrors the curn.
WeDos't M C om pute! %C spctialue a i d e e~ upgrades for ttftty K
• aa tonus • ~
ia sna
«a ssau ~
fssn r a sataa sai sasnassm i ss ns sw «solar
s- Autodrsk 3DSaulo
.4uitwaIor Pro l3
Sonic devi«et nrcd • d ocen or morc n4iees I of caalepk. • ieadcm Ititght usc
i ui asmasaa a a ssss ua fons • a a a w
0 ~
Salest' aptarc aad Mats sWsssa aura w
'I ms
'i'I i s a
ama sa faa is i aw tws w-
usa na sassm sun a lorna nous
Ssa ~
can we dl of RAM k trdsausty coops ihc data Ifam law RAM to htgti RAM. This < iscrhcod slows down diik I/ a F u rihcr, usine older ts4twafc n unaware ut the ldMII haut and Itlpi over It
me name lar scsubng, another lor nsnvsng
The VL 22SA snd Mt> buses add ctgtn c stf • w i res to d i rectly address • l u l l 4,294,yrs>,296 iis Iwr g igahytes iil RAM, whii h insght to hshst yiiu far 4 Icw frais
When It Ooesn't aaetlee lb«i« • ir sanw ianh in i nur maihine that fun su dowh that Ihc speed al Ihr bus b nin an Issue. These Ini lude mnilrmu lairs, PrlnlCI Parta, natal laint and mkr Coen mast hard disks don't tas dse tSA Il • dnk fs»aws • I usNI RPM aad les >0 sri tan pcr Iras k. It ian denver
mss s s ~
nn w a w
Seta , a s
Ss ss a i ssou saasw
$119! I~
aa aw ~
Fm' Seminars
taibnrttcd i>eaters fur laa
a S . • .usa • i. s ~ Sasso
• sa
sn ~ • la
S af •
il, s grays" sau aaa
e a m ~
I)sceptre psograas makes theCtU Iwhlcb
I>sr Isst " i nas s in ncgntsyar RAM Imitt. something like tnr l a minar 640K Ilmrt (Snr reason Iiu the new tsuscs h Ia lo«sk B qm s $12 • % sea»kata I I ~ Ihs 16MB harrier 40 seconds/min • I044$14 krlaa/mk All buses have thc fs40K limit, inhrrncd Unit w hen ih r d isk has a hardware toom iampabbtety snih tine ohl BI»BI \ PU cathedocs the bsn became 4 battknecl Ther« is • o a x w s m td ts40R ae somvetslhc device that especially needs thc ttutial RAM Y o u cari add mate cstrndcd slcvst ol an uupriwed bus Is the video card RAM hut il m hanks Ini Isrrsgrams tn mien
put more than I f M h ol RAM ln an ISA mai nine H a w rvrr, il you attrmtst n. the hard disk hat to lait itt data stmsrwffrrr in thc hnt l dMB ol RAM. Ihen • special link
and anathrr whrn dr i i d ing wnrthri I o hang up Ihc phonr W h en you miign a name you afe olirn really anlgning the lint noser ol a cfutttnusnn bhxk al names Again, the key to success with pari • ddiesacs is to donsmenl whsch ports • ie already in use Th e n assign your new devises la Iree port ailill«ster
Ttse tg Me tbsslt ~
addsesung it This does m» nwara, tt ts uepaanbk %
u S si
s a aan i a • wi Isra
• aw w s u • wwa « 4 sm s s Ls a i lao aa n m u
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• os »natal
Ne h n t ikk ('IIIIIPtlter ( i l tCPhieb!
i t nm'
6$ 4 -958A
Best Price Best Quality Best Service
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OX2-50 $2138 O X2~
$2 2 8 8
enaKB Coafw nnntk Onh IIAM 212MB sDC Hami Onw I 2MB Floppy Ostw i antre Fktppy Om 251P IG Pore i MB I aea Syria ( 4 sd ftoss-Ise Sv«IA Monaar 101 Koya Cres Kayuoenl Io' Mfd Towns Caao
04KB ( o « fw
aleut ofiu » A M I chase IDB Hard Diiw I 2MB Floppy Oriw I 44MB Ffappy Dsiw 20 IP ffj ts fssss
1~ f e e s 'i v i iA Cero '14' 20 Sv«IA Monatu 101 Kayo gses Kaybaaw 15' Mini yfissai Casa
386SX-25 SX-33 S X~ DX-33/54K DX-40%4K IMB RAM
$718 $748 $79 8 $818 $828
af»ae lOCI Hnsd Dssw I 44MH Happy Ouw 2B.IF '0 Pe na 250ue VGA Cane tr snosas VGA Mosseu 101 isaya csn » oyooofu 15' lani towns Caco
8 C EDITION Presumai>ly th>s trend w>ll continue.
Cc«pcecessec( Video
last year I ad>ised m> iustomrm to stay away (n>m l<>cal bu> Instead I re c v m .
mrn<kd pn>pie u<c co-prucrsuu video cards an ihe at<barf txA bus Co-processor v>dco n stiu a tpv>d idea Fvr n>axnrml sfer<(, yuu might use a Vl. skit for yvur hard disk and cu processor video card. M ake' sure both adaptor cards at«' ln>gnrd f<>r Vl.. Or y<>u will ieceiie nubencfit Without a « « pru<nsar, r<miidrr wi>at happen when Windows pnnts a large ktter A on your screen while vou arr using the W ord I or Windows Word I'r<wr»or I h e kncr might tx 50 dots tall bv 50 dots wide 25>>0 d<ns >n au, Lash din rn>ght he vne v( 256 «>louis need>ng g bits of informal>on ta specify the <ol<iur It t h u s takes the equivalent o( 2500 x 8 20,0 0 0 b i t s o (
mformation to tully dncnbe that 'A
an ISA system, the CPU would calculate ilmse W.OOO bits, then send thrm m 1250 chunks, 16 bits at a time to the v >dco i ard. You begin tu >re why W ind<>ws ii su SI«W, CVen With a ati<> sv>th a co pruxe»or, thc c:I'U would irnd the co-processor a very short command D raw a A.' T h >s command flin i w rr the ilunLy old Pkh bus I he Ct'U then carries on w>th >ts work while, in the background the co processor generates ihr 3 I , tX>0 equi>alrnt bits panting the A <k>t by dut I he copr aces>oris a specialist at pamt>ng di>ts m u c h bcttxr adapted to it than the masn CI'V I'a>n>«>x I> ilvr ><> ten times h<irr th>u>ir >he t I'U did >t alone.
Where Coprocessors Fell Down t:» processors don't alwavs help. Consider what wauld haiuwn it yuu wrrr using Akin> Phutustylrr. Yau wanted tv show a group p>>trait at all your triends un the screen There is nu way the CPV could» >mpa<tlv describe that >mage to the cop<ocr>sar and it>II gener • te • Ii(e.liLe iiriage l t ha > tu
mort to sendmg thr >mage dot by dot, lust as tf their wett r>o co processor prncnt. Then, it really helps to have a fast bus to
speed up suchbulk transfers. 'When yuu are worL<ng with photo images, rather than text oi line art. the Vl. bus struis its stui(.
Ihh me~ns il yau p>cL a mutherboanl with an unpopular bus, all is not k>st. You will gct a chance lo change it agan m three craik You can buy a matt>rrbvard with one or two extra VL >fats for less than 5ltXI extra. Ih>s gives y ou a hedge for the iututr Y o u might elect tu huy an cxtrawost Vl, hard disL or v>dco card ior th< >l<>tnow, or you m ight l ust use ISA adapters nuw . V l adaptrr cards • re new. Industry kadcrs and
respected brands have not yet emerged.
s ive F ISA adaf>trr car<h tv go w>th it T h e y populate it completely w>th the LSA adapter
c'ards, I hey gct crrv speed bene(>t f<om thss. Only when you start to add the tLSA adap>rr cards dun i t go any laiter than a
hard disk l f you want a btg, powerful sy« tern nvw, guaranteed to work without ea4ness, FISA >s the way to go. Huwner, EISA's star Is waning
Il I werr uung Windows (ar word prosor video rank To hcdg< agnnsr the i>osstbility of lack of video dnvers for future ver-
sions ol Wind<«vs, I would go (ur >LSIa»><n. patib>lity ie.g. thr ATI Vantage and Ultra wrirsi I h e other common typeof vkku coprocnsor are thc 53 card> I hey dun'1 have aslt compatibihty, but some 53 cards arr u> Nst and su <heap, 1 might <till be tert> pied.
Leecrslclg eence Trrvor Marshall wrote a technical article Comparing the Var>uuSburn >n the CSCtaber 1992 gpfc Lfvturrnc peter aubcf aha wtatr o ne >n th e February I 9 9 3 e d i t io n o f car»purrr sr<v>rr>h For heavv duty tv<ha>cal inloimatiun. sre Michael Slater's articlr i n thc luly >L lo92 nl i t>un ul Mxv>pnxcsi<v ftrp<>ri. He d>d another anick on PCI for the December 9, 1992 issue. It ) ou want a
copy a( the Vl spec, all you need do n lorn VtSA (ar 510tX) to 5atXXI pcr year depending vn your <umpamr <oe PCI spec (or $100
Int el selh thr
Ccet(tts As usual. my lncnds on eia helped gather infurmatiun and find errors In the dmit. T hanL> go t o H a rvey Fishman, I. . I > Uraham, arian Hinklc, Wren kenworth>,
Sxmsrcsecy I we • parallx I between the emergence of Vl • r>d the danunanccvl lt>i disks. When li>i. disks came out, thev tacked standards, could nvt be properly tested and cvuld not bc re(ormatted in the field. T hn e problems are still much with us; however. thc dnves are so inrrprnuvr they have altnost com-
you use Mi:A, you have nn <hoice hut to btly LN A adapters Caveat emptor T here are Vl. cmds and <n<ithcrbaards that run li t t l e Ns ter than equr alent ISA canis. ( h r > , ire Vl in name <mly. Ih e hest way tn pri>tixt yoursel( ts tu insist that both the card and the mother-
and cheaper than its competitors. it is a temporary solution to a big problem becauseof the extreme d>lnculty of chang.
mas t ering.
Vl. tssimilarly crude but much faster
helps t>S/2 and prcsurr>ably future versions
and standard>an the connector R<>e<fti orner> «ixm curiam xouwsrs and r>st(> s
xtuii>rrix>afci pf>cn have t>rcn drol>pll'Ig su rapidly over the last (ew years, most people write mnthertx>ards ull after about two and
a hall years and smn k>*king fvr a rrI>lace.
< >t> <
I ll
• .'
I '
Data Products
POSTRCRtpr L+ER foho 111'u a r iitagg 4 'VAA RX7100) gi XX
VGA Cards from $39
Terminals Vision 2200
Wyse50/60/150 Data General/ Wang
10gt(u aD
wit h thh lad
Start atSee.OO Spegfal Mutt14aftguageWord Proceggefg. Tlabgtatlob
Prograrrtg IorFrench,Genaae d Spaeigh
VGAMonitors from $289 IIARD DRIVES 60MB...,...........$199 12NN...., .......$299 170MB ......... S 369 210MB............ $409 240MB ........... ... $449
VESA IXICal BDSSPedal 486DX43 4MBRAM• 12 t 1A4 FDD
•2Ser,1Par,1 Gameport 1MegVGACard TowerCase• 101Keyboard
•250MBTapeBackupor CREAMDrhe~ •240MBQUANTUMHard Orive +20RoppyDisks SuperVGAMonitor
H>xrust<>mcar>lpusw menue>ct>rang an>puny, Cnn<rrtwi> L4nd Products, had sa close <>tier
an d n>ystsrx>us, c>vemory dissppeer-
snces Hs wu bc an s can>P<aw.tice f<>trust until Msy 3 Aller thai, y<x> can reach hm ca
hams l goal 685-ea t 2 He wu be ntan»sly honoring aft Ct>IP warrant>us
SmartBo(dt...,.....%Ca% Jet Book...
people >ve> m>xcetlar>vous campuier >tr>barns
Monitor3 $149.00 USED
autocunliguiing VI, does nut have this. However, like the dandelion, Vt'st VL local hus w>ll prevail. i lowever, I am rocking fur I'c.l, presuming Intel gets tts act together
Where Should I Put filly agocseyt
ing bus standanh, the last thing I want is a tcmpomry expcd>ent that we will be stuck with for decadn. A n ew bus should have
Un(ortunalely, bu> ma>tvnng don l i ttle to improve IX)S performance, but it greatly
<>I IX >5/Windows
I•l >
cessing. or linc aft I would get J cop>aces.
pletely taken over themarkek
su p por t
t . >
cost of F.ISA adapter cards lor video and
< heap ISA. Ihe same al>pltn to VL systrnm. When
A full FISA system is quite a bit mare cxprnsivc. nprc>ally when you add in the
fulius Oklamcak and lay Vanderbilt. Hoxrv To Get Nothing For Yosar Money 1 nave snn pcoplc buy an exprnuve EISA motherboard,then refuw tu buy any expen-
I I'
1 I i
In the vear 2007, the global power urw.ture has been shattered by debt and the thirst tur pi~ ious oil. Bled dry bv tavern, ~ate atter state has ~@dad. leaving the U.S. a fragmented shcII of its fnrmer glory. lapan and ()PI C are the malor world pov ers, and Multinational have supplanted c.ountr~ as the supreme political entrt~.
In STRIKE COMMANDER you' ll command Stern's Wildcats, an elite cquxlron d mercc~anes try ing to fly straight in a world of deceit and violence You' ll pilot a staggering vanety of Bghter aircrsn, from ~he lowly P f 6 to the I 22 Lightning 2, as you engage oval squadrons, renegade third-world dic taturs, neo nazis, ancf the ann~ or thc dreaded IRS all in the servee of Corporation and Country!
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O IIn B o a
A Canadian company has sent a shot (Tcross the bow of Microsoft t:orporation just as the Anlerican software giant was in the pnxess of launching one of the most sophisticated soundboard packages in the
ftldffstry. he C a nadian c o mpany is Advanced
B r e v i s C o m p u t er
I'echnology Ltd nl Vane'ouver, and the shot is the 16-b/I ('ravis UltraSound card with wave table synthesis end 32 simultaneoen vruces Its target Is the M k r o so(t w i n d ows Sound System, the ATI Stereo i(7( board end all the other audio hoards on the market currently using ibl-syntheus. Hef synthesis, which creates efectront.
rally generated sounds, was the system used by all the early computer games and the f irst sound boards such as Adl,ib a n d saundblasirr I t h w a rhcuarteristk e l ec inenk q uet/ty without any of the complex tu//nonics of natural insrn/rrieilt'1
Wave-table synthesis o n i h e o t her hand. uses samples or patches of actual
sampling rates p/ikfuce the best sound, so ii '1 no accident that CDs are recorded at
table board. It's an (M-synthesis board withlo-btt recording capability and proba-
s o unds to Ovate complex Ml(II musk and 44KI(z special effects. To say that it's better than IM synthesis doesn'I do wave-table lumce. It's so much ol an improvement there is iiteraliy no comparison. Violins sound like vichtru, tubas like tubas end like heiicopterL Ihe sound Is crystal ckai and Ihe of let t is elect/rc. What's con(used consumers is that in add/tton to inakusg sound. Sou/td cards also record it by 4 completely separate process. I he se loco/dinge — depending on Ihe card — can be in 6-btt or 16-brt mode at I I, 22 or 44 LH2 In mono or stereo. The higher
Unfortunately, iugh rake also create the biggest files — files that can quickly take
over even the largest hard dnve. The best way to look at the relative sig-
ni6canceof samphng rate vs synthesis h to ask yourself u you plan to record studio qualliy music, or whether vou'rc more
proofreadmg function, 4 CD player, back.
interested in hstening to hklike muuc arid
sounds in p/ograrns you buy. If you' re in the second youp, what you want is a wavetabk board
b ly t h e b e st-I n tegrated c o l lection o f Window~ sound handling utilities on the market The list Inc(udes 4 master level conltolkr, 4 recorder, 2 sound ccuitrol panel. 4 ground solirlds ca ikd S otirldScape5 and finally, "Voice Pilot, a v o i ce aCllvated speech recogmteon system that is worth the
price of the whole package Itsei(. Installation of t h « M i c rosoft board is
racy because it comes with its own eel(-
Windows gouRd Systoyn The Windows Sound System is ncu a wave-
die gnostkx fust plug It in and it sets itself up, pre.
I in/tinued un Pqgr 62
ADP-3486DX-40 $> ADP-486DX-33 ADP-486DX-50
54501 5)01010
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sesskiss I I
wtsuw cMKw ur Imeruaa terr
$250 (NEWI
aoane 144/144 Fa I aknu/a Eat
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canhnu ee/24 FenI uoeua w I (ul wurfa 2.01 $1201 MS
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uen sparwiw 144 Nanna M I Eu tem wa/tu pact pnuetea 74, ee unseen tan spa/Ma awta 4 Faeaeaaea w I Eek Laehoeu uaueeeya I Ti\/elean h WeeaS40 uaueo Ie.nea Caraeaeo Tesn eaeeup 120125aam Oe A/earea Tapoeeokup aot2025eues w
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' gl
commtalk ..........,....., Tftffthy we need
~ g
The new uconomy Take J ><xL • 1 any knowtntg<«bawd <a>mps
El ectronic Highways
Ifffagfne an in(lnstri(fl etonf)fnr withfffft highkktfk'5, (tlitainiffg r<fip fnuteri<fls anil <listribffting fff<ffffflaetffred gofhls is e>fpen-
silc', slow anil ntit Lerk reliuifle. I'runsportcftifln bc'cfffnet un I <c>ffffmic lt frri c r to snc i et 5 un<i grff LLAM A. <iw <hanL <v • L<x<wuafge rscm. I <xny w»h<iut high af>rcd <4<a c omm u ni< • <iiini n r t w o r k s I h>a ii t«dsv i < an ada. I h r »ia>» agc fui r>uk<I < rt uwd ta»t In J Lnowlrdgr r. i <a >my <n>a<mat>ao
»»ra <v»n <x
u«d u a 1 I bc cbeapn • <ul 4tsn y ou cau txvh <euam and d<untauw >nlornunon lhe Le<In <itf you are hi i • r • i data <ommun« • t>»n goes, C'uisds ia tread>ng aking <he a • « Ir path, <xi< aru>sing thc wf>cc highwax
• <w r 'J>«xt < her w i
uy Jnd v w'd bc Isud-pleased to llnd otm that w<x«du'< bcoefk from being able lo move large amoums d >nlonnation fm p<Jtr io.p4rt chtopfy and qux Lfy Hase's a lraa raamfur< I I Yimr do<lot needs la ~ i <i you tii a h<«pii • I lur riugn<ti«r a ansn<c imaging Thr imsgri, ~ hach could rsuly t • Lc up hundred> <lf megabytes. Jir i><i>ply loll 4<gc to be tisnuntltnf over non«at ctcphooe Noes usonabie Ouse 'i »u< da« » < niusl h»< I Jn J ppointmenl 1«ala» itu' hoipifal and uir >brit compute< lo v iew t hc Im ag e s Re< auir th i s k>nd of rqu>pment is in high >rx><naf vou wait <base ri 1b> tur an af>pnatu. — »nl M c s nw bile, i Ch sprrd d ata I i n L c ould dr i i i c i t h i s t o
I ~
/7 , iq ' I I foonfgocl ln 5085 'I' ll &LI<aya < • < dlc ir n " < au , «r.uesd>h I • < . ,« vs,thssgi 'cvt> Jan><» '
ii Jddgxv<sl Tax <v iilscsand saoeageaapa< us
ru h u >d earth i ear'
IIBia Jtr <nrssutrd in at<ffeten< «.» • nue s corno«u<fy lsy tlir nu>nber «f ph«t>r Lri< a m Jdshle d»rsgi <Iisi r and vanrty «f frat<>tea stlNI)UNK'hs< 32 incotnine phono Ilnoo Jndnt<i<e>fisn 5 t.000
tnoecgsytou og filo space. slfa<' '' k <net the «<vkf
' <a
i« f h >ftg ' «
ic . I n l h>ets te< ' < aa J> no Add>gs«t>JI <xg, Iefllet Inao dgfafas>ss Ja< '
> nrre sa no k>ng dtsfsn<e ihargc', tfcees<t wgh pcc<pk
k>cgfh sn d Jf l i <iri < f « « ocfd t h r imgh fa<>f>l» tt>exhagea, pm Jtr >t>ehssf<ra. n Jl tin« i futa aod gsm<~
Ov ncd Jod <ii • rslrd by fit<i<ah (J>f<unlusna, MINI)UNK' <>ft«'s <tsaoy <>I the a<la Jr»age<<>f Ihe >oterltstu>nslwtv>ces Jl attract<Yepr><ra as kns Ja 5 I h 'S per nu>och for iiunf>kte Intemct ac<eh< i J:I hi« cc I Jndqx i k l o a J g kcvncc > pf>otfle ptese>gJ -.<r > J»s ' < J h fr<< hinds u r< I k c < 'ho<et<rue ' 1
glII p
• Inttemet e-mell addrese • 1 5,000+ moffgsbytog file space • 1000+ Ctscuggtot< groups indud<tttf UPI, Newgbyt>fyg df<d Usg>r<et • lfigcrgctnrc gott>co Nftcf chct
~f] o+
i534 5663 0 MODEM A c c e s s
TooAY'8 wAY OP oolfgG THING$
855 '70>
ways r k « « m x highways Takr a kxk Jt thr tradit>ansi fr<Ceno mumi <>air>s n>d»<try-, tckphonr <nmpsn>« ptovtdr J law.caps<>ty an-dern<nil Iin, f«vn mdtvidwl lo mdividwi l4 alui Jnd I'. provides a tugh < Jpac tv oise-wa7 IlnL fro< t he bcoackaitri to i >
Irli a<% <vxl'i 2> Yiiu <u«sn au<go r f » 1 an stud«i T h c
economy we require new highwayselectronic highways.
i n aou w an t o n - wst >how as • sana<su bails au scious. \ <au Ily thss ptnou m usd pul Ibcm in • h vrl la< s weeL It md< up rnstmg vuu th<ussnafs ai dol4ra h < I'> quality d>g<41 trir i ihiiiir i>nk w aukf f>avr Ict this pcnon it Ji • t h«i»r I < wuukf hsae saved you s bundk Jnd w<iukl hsw male ya>u< narrator mush happic< )> You'<e • sof<wa<c develops< and yuu'te Iookls<g Ioc informal>on on • nn da4 comtueufcm ead<auque Y<m pose oves • Il nt ihr <lade magagines but yiiu hnd no>hing You waste a wceL ot v<iur titne ><aking Io< an antwn Y<iu« us<i<mr<a ue
ma<ms. What ( ana<4 neu: is • high-capsi ity or demand link <hst cs» i»in two pr >fair ><Vctfi <'i J'i easily Ji a >boa
susd. We need • mub <ncd4 ready dais oei aaNh, <uw >hJ< wail hk us into thr <wa> arnh. >«'>thou< this Jiiiln <.JnJd J
i i N i l<<Ill<'<I 1
f>ca»me i » u n t<y ihai doei n» t h i n g bu' rcfiort l»w.vah>r nJ«u <f r rxx<c<ra sn I t h e , < duati u < r t « <r I
Dksoaour monopoliua l4>w i Jii < JfisdJ uua>ar i<i >hr >ht<vn<J»oc
age when wr live unde< thr tufa iil <cia phone ci>inpsnlcs thai thinL a <utuy»ggl
ph<mc qwLI>cs as 'basic ac<vsse '
You a»uld I>ave huf the Jniwrr tn hours ll Vuu had a<sea> la ui anluic f»<aun <m the
Wheir • <r we hea<kd when the C:FTT wants \ » '>pc<id 7cats Jpp<»sing telecommunii a<sans tetv>cea when oui southnn ne<ghboain and Ibe I • Ivnrw asc running nick> uiiund usa (Jnsds has «Jd>ttonallv hrrn J irulu in tlic trka<m>mun><a<>ons induitry f<L<'a »>ok at <awnfun>cs like No<them Teki»in, g r>its C~bk. Milei and Norpsk Wr u c » tu
of thc mint <able. TV weed countries >n tba
S> You< luctd Isas fusl «sack • <ww nxk a>ako You'rr nd t hat 4<oous so nunc d 1hc octavo<La sstlf pfa7 the vide<a You'te >u<Lv to grl on cat<apus cad>a S4>x<«a Yaw band starts >ts own bullrtin b«std iyslcm, but instead af niriasgra us<i sill. wsw y<iu tuve vkfcos Yau rc i<ulsn<ly im the J>c ht y»u'ic a home builder and you ic al a
world Whcse'i <he fibseopck nenso<k ' If ise sn uound and Ict thr ho<ease
«Jak show Insaasd of hutgmg uP Sr<tv>as v<w< usodef ho<octa you ntabfssh • bw i<dri f i n k from cour booth to the teal >hiiig Y>ut<va dont )ious <amna »fuss«u around thc house, lacking Jt ihings <hst pi< >U<ra i <iukl iirvc'< if>au
Efuctron<c fsftfhwuya
• Tolnot
inc<arm s<urn ra nn<uny we uqaun nrw itfg>
As our economy moves away from heavy industry and towards the
> iu i d<a i<a i iuficc in s
US g<wnnmcnts 4unchcd giant ini>isni, <o build highways <o connect oui tin> and cities T hi i both a>dcd and < ir Ji, en<i<a indus<«es As out economy ma>a fr»su <wavy industry atuf tnwuaii 1 .
Thr teihn»> igy csists fo< every cssmpir I vc ah«<wn Tbc ptablem is thc inlrsstrucnus to pscwsdr tbne use<<et t» pr >t>k lke
you and I fust doo t cguk I t's Jim to trying to <kbvn uasn i« x u h <nrs uung • bunch af donL<ng ilraws t aped l»grthr< Oc>nk<ng i<taws wrrr on r t drugncaf ni d<i that. Net<her is lhii natuu<'\ fek<o<I>n>ut>x • 1 >«fls nctsaa<IL In the Iu hos boih thc ( snsdisn Jnd
csegk Ibis Und af sysaco< lor us, weV t4
ap massing thr boat I b e wake-up <ail hgs sounded and t>nw is runnmg out
ksthere hopuy I was r r < r i i lf y I n v i ted t o a t t en d a n announcnnrnl of the Ontsno govemmc<il Ontario pi rm>rr gob gac ptcsented the
f>ndings ail Jn advisory committee oo Ontario's 4>ng lerm tekcammunta • <kutg
slsucg7 This rrixir1 a<hoed many of mv i<in. «erns • Ixmt <iiia ot >rkcommun>< J<><u>a m the fututc ei ix mtc g<owth af thc aii»nlry. Unfa<>»na>riv thn was not a fednsi pt a gian< liiit it <L<I J< kciawlccfge many <if
nsucs, bash Cultural Jnd cconost<u The ent>ic <sport is es plained lnTckcommun>cat>ons Enabling <>«ta<>o'a future <><de< fr<am «I6>3M M ' < ll i • iu ue ou<suk af <>nts<x<, ask ku an rat> • i t>7 Iot yout prov>na i • I gavcmrnrnt ref>creen<a t ive snd <nskr i u t c ahc or he readi i l . Ihcre't no <ra<an why lhe whuie «x>«tty
shouldn't be part af tins pian. •
T) Sec'ee!
'Pcehce! *
e~vi's Ra ven «~gg \ •
:= =:=:== -=:==-= I rl
PSNalue Point IBM PSNaluePoint
;at t.„,
~ ~ gQ
Systems are on display! Complete and
'" "F A S T!! VESA
l'.DlT k
c ><oicr:
C R~ ' T l V ~ s nee r
• • . I « c.
• •
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moose FAX your bus«ess cord lo
A R E H IR I N G !
3llpolng orosrlslorr nee I ~ led
uponesgs roc Sefse fyscseeeAWevw. Tschrsoens
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soerwor greco«I wang Gee«el Is« t egs er Ao Gswl peosc Gn«o
OUR M A R INE ORIVB OFFICE sn«o «Io seoeleree««s eers«os senses ««««s noose css Ier «er«N snuns fee«us s«russ« tue ««eoe«eee I« ~ lees««se eeeo I«reel «o ol• sr«conf IN Ines ~
o wn «r e u«o «c«e see«esse Io«s«slee
2227 Quebec Street 3 104 S.E. Marine Drive Vancouver, B.C. Vancouver B.C. gel A«ense
(604) 876-3198 (604) 437-8818 FAX: (604) 872-3618
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A o ee cosy eey oer«oseo sr«e « « n « « eseosoes I« ~ neo«sees «soo«««e«e «esses«S e. S 0 s
«o es n e
rf40sf con@urerwoe«house ls • dnrlsion ol seel pscsps Tfedssg Les
so g rdsnns
LI lar the moil lascmabng aspect ol Ihe f» i<d <I thr bull, in <f>etch <rcogn<t«>n hiiict<on Itcenied from l)tigon 'Systems. ini lv h al this doesis create vohe prints <w v i>rdi you g>ve ii ind thrn linL thee t o Wilidows ccÃn no<sikh li t e the nbb< n in Piograse Starugvi I<» rcimph I t o mtrum dropdoern mrnui hodr< li k, f )pl<<n<, Wmdow and llrlp. It v<iu douhle click on fi f e, you ge< Nrw
Soundboard t <vrnwunf /V<in furr 59 • anting «<tens In Irt you kn<ae win<'S hap. pening as i< goes along i In mv I < toilt , e vetything wi>rked first time « i t h t h e <k<auhs chosen by the bohnl. rvervthing was ckailv rs plained and a dam<> fuovtdsl bv the board inu<k Windows «ii I d ehght Il> use fhe Mid< luna taws 4 comparahk io, bu< nol bettet than, c<f<»vs<ra< lhl ivntheus iysle<ns
chcked on Ihe command In question. It a lso tespond< instantly ti> k f t , 'righ<." up anil Bo wn,' fust hke the arrow~ on ycwu Lay fu<t ff fik Is acevu. you luu sst R k a n d w oprm l h r n you can uv do w n an d t hr i<tive hi i <novas to
• nd lait w i n do<n. If ysm speak anv <w <hrw wonh. Voter Pilot does n kv v<v>,in>
I t CP t 1
I' .
• EEC!1Zs C. l.'LQHlaa<4k'
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pop<am tn kiin your personal <nfkc««, rven maintain • library nf voice m<xklu for Ihe iihyi«aiiy dluhtr<t I an y o n. who wants ie>w<wk with both hands an«v<ttot Ilei « o m puim at Ihe same Ilm S <v<r Pik,i v ill I v I wondr<hif ut<htv
Greufa Uftregountg ,S<fvan<rd « • v ii ii a Ganidiin ra<tv<<hi)eh «I success i«>ry that begin <n 1'I:9 whe< Grant guise il and Dennis Scott.fackson two young mr n h ooked on <umputr games, dr<<dr I tn build a bettrr toysttck Salva We<it from STS<),fgN the A<St year tC 5S Million iii fuv<), primarily • < • It\hi< oi user rtcummr>hfanionh To<fat n'I a publk <ompan), »i ih 1 unISh is ii <a<<<au <hate
,> -<Q
The software also includes "Patch Manager" under Windows that allows users to play every instrument with an on-screen keyboard. In addition. Advanced Gravis is promising soon to have a Midi cable adapter that will allow users to hook up any standard Midi keyboard to their computer. ffav<r>g a gimri ha<kg<au<hi, Ihr <um. luny decided lo go into sound le u«f< and t<r<ame the hnt nunufacturer to get • low<ust wave-taMe buwd to the American nsaa. Let — thn past Tanua<y gecause ol Ihe rush, the t «<Iasound card, called t>U S t o ><I lani, iu i l r i c d soine teething In >ut>les Although ihe turdwire worLrd l inc, <t was releiir d w<th • lunky software tha< «ouldnl « <vk with
so<se games ~
l lK G A' BER.'<ffE LU'
you can sr< Ihr recording kvrl, Irain <h.
Et I Sun Moon Ster
• dike.gark.~- = =
( ) p rlil Sa y t i k
yrs aml the command is activated. lhe <oinplrsit<es hrnrith all th is • Ie r<fuaftv a<tons<hing Vnu < in wt the degree o f recognition on a sliding teak f r o m AfT<eos<ma<aft to L sactty I n adcgtson.
<)pm. Sfme, ( opy, fkkte, P<opene<. gun
sv .
tia<lilg < e action lust as il )<hi Lad double
t ( » I)r )
s an d was <bftnsft for
moil users to Im<iii It was • Is<> rrlrieed with fu « l f > bil pla'<tuck, n<v >r«v<f iapabilny lA II <>pl<< nil I 6 - btt recording daughter board is p<um<<r<f f<i< A)vlf i that'I niou <d Ibe bed newt I h e gacag >was n trui ihr thar<I eight megabyte toftwae upgrade <s far easer Io initil l Ihan thr <n<tuf relet», aml II imlucks a Iv:-<nsuu. mrnl and soon<i )X M«f< ps<i i»ri ihil wdl Lniv k yo ur sock • off T h e <<wind demo from Accolade' • latest <pier a<fern<ore ginse '5<ar t ontml l l n s o d<ama<w ycm won't bet<eve v<nn ruth The software • iso includes P a i <h hlaniger" uiiile< Wuhl<nvs that • Ikiws ue<s <o play every <ni<rumrnt with an o n ui r r n keyboard. In tabb<i<en Advanced Gm»<i n p romising shortly to have a ht<d« a b k •dapter dut wtff plug <ntO the hah iu <he botel through its fort<uk p<in <hridapaer will allow uirfs Io hooL up an) s<rwida<d Midi keyboard to <heir iompu<r< The i m p rnvr d i n t e rface, • nJ t he
8 C EDITION T H ECOMPUTER PAPER APTtlk 'Pj 6 DsamoncysSosnc Pro Mene than 22 soltnrne
3 ,'
Learn Presentatktn Graphics
With Prafessional Trainhgl
Inannfactsnets. Inctlsdtng Accotadr, Btctronic Anu Mecroprose and Msdoott
are already ofknng or are expected 'io have tit les that support wave-table svnthesis by the end of the first itwr ter A ccord.
res(ance Pl~
ing to Gravu, another 1$ titles are expected before
q\R HC101P
idun Persuasion
o(t Pannsrpcnnt
necosnmendntions I( ynu ha ve 1 bu s in ess
ausho sequisensent. such as esnbeckbng voice nses-
Cs~ggg promise o( direct Midi keyboard access. makes the UltraSound board a very desir-
s ages, t he W ind o w s Sound Systens is easy tn install, easy to use and. with V o ice Pilot, v e r .
advanced. It you' re a home corn. pater user, and you like to
play games,thc UltraSoundboard will push
abk upgradefor any computer user. There's one exception. I( you love
your computer to new Ieveis d iealiun
games, you should k n ow t h a t d espite (jravis's best efforrs the bossnfs IM-synthc
r eallv excited about Voice Pilot but k i l l
And there's even good news if you' re
ds ensuiasor. SnOS. stin can't handle f.lS Stoke Iagk II tnnn Mktoptme.
want wave Iabk soured. Dragon Systesek inc Is banging out • device-bide pestdent venion caned Tens To Phn that wdl nk for USSI49 and wtn snciuds a mscsuphcnse
The aesrbet
Accotdeog to tbe companv, it will have
lhe nsarset. says Advanotd Gcavss, n nght
mote than «I b uihm soke nmmands
about wave-'tabk tynthestx
• Od wuf be abk tu «nt and nid a Sntaf d I,OSOconmsnnds.
A second wave d general MIDI~ • bk wave-table boanh n now conung out based on the Ana «h ipset produced by Siena SemKonstustsus. Among Aria-based h uards ai e G e n o a' 1 A u d iobah n a n d
Fronts ~
n a v c sursecsanacl aessw
Centersrwn n ISOsl ~ tees
522ecaatntfpe p(ocer, w tdcntcsoMsetc. ac. as (w5
YSICH 5VUL SYSTEM FAXM ® UTH -FAXM®UTH ee Ssaae W u w umsa ~ eases
• one w asaa w i aa ~
uaaw aeawn ieeeaaa aeaan u
- eseeusa raseeass iwaeuefw sa ~ ~ aaaea W u x aam Oae e s w t e l Sa el ~ w a s i us a aeeaas ~ u w s s ~ ua s u aa a e r iaaseea ~ » Suaaw aas a se iea mrna
'iscsuas anaae sw w ~
A MandA- ~ ~
ssm Snsa ~
H.STT neni - Can aseaatae
naas Lasea
r e sauced ~
aa s e n e w
• nnnnrsn sensate I se as • i%scene vtnnntr s M w • nKXSVenal Snsnntr S ~
- vwseat» • asuniaa
rale seam% ass aasaa
snsssanx scxnasr s an w anxroexr scsKKacssao anxcasan na ~ pns e a scmmannsvsenk
$2 495.00
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At Fomous Fumdo Computers inc., we manufocture coses, power supplies, keyboard and other computer accessories, In fact, we are the largest computer cosessupplier in Conada, our Doshing series,ronging from desktop to lower cases, are cwr best selling producfs thrcwghcwt Canada.
5 F amous Fumda Computer Canada lnc. Vcntcouuer 130 128bg aoiko Pknss ictnnond SC VbV 2H5
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la I bi 94b- I I gg dlbi 9diStnyb fnx
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aa ~ vreusr sM was
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538-5885 538-58N
av ~
e aa4 aa ~ SaaasO as m%1 aansiwesaseseee ~ Saie Caaann
APRTk ~3
TW , r r M P S)TER PAPER 1 C fO (T)0&f
1Norld Circuit The Grand Prim Simulatien NR V I R W R O • Y G O R O O N G O • LE • n><hera. Sar<»>d Ceca<a — f>w Qeee>dpnr «nu>econ W>ea> ma>m byesee>aftesp >IIM PC y>R> & t(xyas»>enf<e>a<>ae or t>ener w<m >MB RAM • Severe: O ne (vs oa>myoss») to e»e»tv sw (tave>&le e>ee<h
Ceps essseeeea Csee<sane >ace ah< • «be«her. <are<eau hah<<ere I»< > ®l (as»cant Dave Hurt Vaa»V Mary>ena Oes<hn and pra> a<em><<»<ah Geae (:<emmona product and U>rector. &seve penv • as>e> a<wy luce «fa»wt ew beef <mvers c> ew • auae at Way af Semen me<a< f <ca<< am \ cauem e(>t>M>ae 3 S 9>ear<eh Whack (<e<e<> I • pace&>te • ) •ound: h 5 >ewmh VV>> eats (< > N»ey. a <a»ere>Qvvt>eats
w! grad>so> rat sa the uppn cchchm of
a orld ( ri u i t < o m p ct>linn , a n d > <ante'i i helhnging M a gny ( iiurs <>«utl lay ahead Ha>>nh iun numerous 4ps hcn wah lesset coeiq» ii > iun, I hart karned the traa k >ntn<a<fn to thc bnt o f mv absbn. and h«l ecpeese<Uv ma<ahfwd the waup af mv < • i A ><>tie dnf>ee into <el>am i<i>ores bc(»<r harnmeting I h r h <akcs, ihonrmng the &cars a little, cabling some wmh — I knrw my < • < aml mv dnv>ng had t u bc noth>ng short of prefect when I ta k to thc teach wnh >he btg boys
• ddcssfy >I was ease Umc' fhc tmfvoaes
a<ac 1
On<c everything is tanning sm»a h >I's Ume ta srlr<l a &neer, de)car his dr(a name, and inwrt i i uts. I( three 4 to i . mare than onr ha><nun pa>ti<>pant, two ra<, will he srki trd • I Ih>i stage, and multip4> er mode ls initutcd <4 uit<p4ver <hade ki two hunun d<>vers take turtss belund ty. whcci of thnr ape<ttve «>to> thoau>ghoa practke. qual>fying and raring piayrr Or dr>ves a stint in his own <ar Ihrn hah<> oav< thc re>ni >» lus uppf>nrnt I>unnh th • <tuel race, the <a>mputn vnU take <rvr< on. p4ycf's <ar wh>lr thc second tnn to nu i up loa gra>end <w stoat hsrthn ahead Th is but ana h n » f many Warid Circuit Res< • h cs<c(Ice>< klra • I tllat — • <id >a soar tn hc followed tn ><or modem head u»hee i<lay>, On the i rei k. cvcry thing I<inks as ii should Othe< aan look bhr other can <Itasr all angfcs> snd «s ttkc real <an iraukl « t ) udg>ng by pr>»e rfh»ts in the sphr<r nf r« >ng «m»1>iii»ii, >hi< «as nnt a Ira> r>a>ii a ainmpl>ihrd a<«1 all the mair t r a i t I < World ( i«u>t'a h<nnh designrn and rngt
!» a a a»e 4 p i , u.w.' I «as upon i . m T<grthrr we rn<krted through thr h a i k a»a>hht. nose-to->a>l, anil as one, prrpa>cd tel b<akc (oe Adr4ktr ha><fera Iu nuke a long uiirv ihurt, on 4p twen. ty c>ght of th»ty the day in ft«><e, Ay>san <»rr>eu bsabcd catty. aaf I 4sh Tbe la<re of our rcsulnng <ohta>ne rnempkd hn rr ai •r><ig arid Ãs>t hte> i n >he ewclr>cr>cvaith • l>itk lurk I mana&cd to Leep my <ar im the i<«k, but took ttw Ital sport>ng uime >cveerly 4at>>aged ar «»Iy earn>ck
ond v><e»v. «<mmg tu hk»s Ib tenc ce<h nmr he >«rd m peas. Ikrgrl hnnhed test 2 seconds brh>nd the (rust>M«1 Rha>do, but all >ha d>dn't matter now I h« l e<nerged v«tonoua at thc tup level uf World (.I«u>t — with • sir k <ae'. 1 was w«>elk>g. World ( >scam Is the mnw eeehsttc r«c s>mu4Uan yn so be <onitrua ard The priaury v>ew ia from the « » Lpit, locking ahead into thc tall fear w>ngs and >h><k tarn of than< in Iron>. Two rear v>cw <nirrora
show the peas>m>ty of those behind
<s>aet)y penned. paph><ahy pkesing mww
4a heart dsappcd as I knew bah my
Aitcssusc v>rws (aerial tront and sear) aee a »allah)e al an y t i me , bu t should b e
al, dctashng much <d tbc <s>tnnt f»e>nsdh
rncrvni Ior thc nvnrtv secor>d replay lee<sue.
kahn>quck but n p r posely lean on aatual quahtymg and rear instr>><t>ons — less ing >hose de<loom to raih <ompe>iti!< Speaking of < • ic instructions, please • crept my I ' i p ( p f h e Day a t n o catt
top ipn d c o rnenng absUtv and leaking <ea<f>an I ra pre>en<cd at Ihe gncn lsght «i uid ncvn b e th r u m c w>th a bua>ed wuuhl sIow>v bc rcp4<cd hy • i>iihk pue. (« n t wing Pitting >hc iar would mran • pose w it><i><ig IT>c <ae wa'i fia'ihlemiiig lou aif • t least a do<ra pos>t>one, m tlu t well, and alth<iuah I would knc g<»und in wai <iut of thc qur it>on. and I q ui<kly some apaa. I'd gaun in othe« < ountkss learned ho» to nu rse • < ar around ihc I»art><c laps wrer pevang oU bu l a t thh I<« k >rect c« h <erne< eaest be <a<<ed Io perk<Through start/finnh w>th two Ieps >rft. i»an and <n thc ftcctcst mannr< posstbk If and I not<ard my Iced ovr< the sr<and. I >rt up — rvrn Ii» e m un d — I'd last pee. pl«rd ka n A kst wai now iust th<re >ca i ><<us ti>nr ondi. end hc » e i <I»a>ng 4Q I a»n><narra) I urn>uallv I « a<>kr<) mv way into a Iu bebv the <ar. knowing Aksi would v»m «imtortablr w i »nal ptaac a Ir w w<unda make h>a a<we My mirrors weve &lied»<ah twh>nd <hc tri nl.rennin& >uggeinaut of t he icd fcrran when I hnaily ovnsha • s ar>»n Scn« < inr t o p d < i i c < o n t h e turn i Iasa4 hend >, and both Aieu and ti»mule One i iiiu>t I yes <hasr»<wld Sf>an t«ii haik ma<ken (per<i •<udy 4pprd >eh> • lull tu)f hie r atra< <<>i• itl) a<a»<trd peat I <cga><>cdthc lap a»r< !ap fir« t v - 't>1 > hrrr» n e ><aik <iiiw in waunal. tiu> thnr wai mi <r t<u> tiir r< ma«»ng, vrt tour ac< i nda still «>ii»i up aheM iii • <at "»<»rc« u i I' o ppangi w < > I i i r c I n >hnr hunv tu gre bv me thn c « e s h end a n d »n i » ! l <r t>ont i >rais<it, I u w <anta<f bctweeei >hc >hire <a<crt, arkt l»ir hi<i> • hea d ( . I i i i r i >i l l < J< i< I'ig l>kc a i if Ihr ><><i was pushrat off >hc trask Ai I drmun wheeled past, m y I i » i i t<on i nd>< • t»< h ut w h a t » . i i i h> i ' S i r i ii n d < a < tiiem two to i nr h w as A)ru mitra( <i i i<re<rd nn t h r d >atant hi ir i<<in, and tn thr h<aw' • cerned to riacrgc witt> Scisna \ <nails>r>c 1st I hed I I/ a ai r<uit • lo the <he<sr<cd iui>ring «ut of tier pit 4nc. >lais drtvn acf flag ! he<sigh wast/Untsh to begm my h<ul <JI<i>i >a<I no< i\w<<>n3 im I<aft<a aa hr <c- Iap, I gian<cd • t >hr gap to second p4 r rntrird the t<«k I h ri t< »><heat and onc af k>< • rd i yeiirsr and (in ha>d he<ger wr<r thr twu vrai nim a)»nn>ng m >hr iiff i<a<k ia rapping It out )uit twu ica»nds behind h<ass ( au)d i><»ih>c( <ah>1>c» >><let Ii • vc mr' I br<augh thC haa k Urraght and inhi the been done in ha a lowty beck-nurkrrf Adr4kh' ha>rp>n anar aga>n — >t was time I sped pa>i <hr pa<averting <«ce. and I»< berger Io make hii mi i v c. I w ent i n ut»»i <hr>n u>at»»1 • <n <>N>st «kiss>l • sonic. dcrprr than I sh w>d have then nst hard «tut gau>tv d>aapf»»ntmrn> that indrcd i i r>ght undrr hcavy braking We sou<bed iim not Senna >k » e i s ill ahead, hut • h>tlr • lowed — I <lian'I — and Pat<rac >fr trna niiw a t kr ih r i < in>«l I > <at I l«r i<raked brtween ua i>nr hall 4p lear<, a<
>urn)m t
wei n«w a<Hi»at)ir
Uon of bcttn h<eph>as nuy be wonh u il's passe)y a pres<»aa>peelnenn
Ihe hn>sh )>nc, I h«l hung, un fa a .$ tcs
tach of Ihr uatcen anus) Ivel t ormula One vrnurs are dcpi<ted >n astonishing dctml — nght down to thc proper p4<cmenf of <urbeng And the la<I that that <ueb>ng «i i l i ke <a>bing ical ty docsrlghhng ah<catke» e> • prrlratfy dnvcn <ae. nct, or as <uhtung off spnd when <inr wheel is plaird upa>n it. Speak> vii>umcs on the pen>s>on of th>sprogram 4« <vpruic recommends e BI6 or bc(are m«huw anth at least IMU RA4 t»< Work& C>><tet, and lunng tnacd im both the ttslnimum <equ>eed n(uipmc<1> and my awn ah(< 33MH< SM& un>t, both are i(uiir « k q uatr >with t>ir ra<cpa>on of Sorer iktalf )oas iui
the famn> Opnung a Warld Ctnu>s >mason is an et»oh<id pia>arse, u>iona& thr ak>ll Inei ol Ihe i i impr t i » on , t<a< k of ah»i<c, ra< r kngth, mrth»d o( <ant<»f I • g<»<d )oystk k >5 h>ghly <ri iirnmcnded i, au>amati« i < manual tranimiiu<in and g<aphkal prefer ence. As>ak tron t h e usual a m o unt of data>l o p t i o ns. W o rld ( > « u i t u t te rs ad)ustabie ttame ratei , • I l uw>ng the
World Ceauit ai r « e inly a pntty s>ght, amf thnr Mc pic<it>ful il(l-<au>sr ohhsts Io usr • i rr(rren<cs Ioi a)wed and buk>ng I'hr trace af Moeua, thr va<hts at anchor in thr ha<have of 4on«o a nd the hafy spray <sc • ssd iei a i»ci rase • ic pa>t><elarly epfea~ • nd, for the hru <amc m a ra<in& unm4non. a(evan<m ahanges have bern au<ress.
tully >a<air(»urn«I Thc World ( ><suit package iniludes a
One scene, tracks aad Icems assd drtnng
<ha<UC lo you I pressing the upsh>h butte
t yke Ran>a> • I on mos( foyst><ks> wv. 1ttst>n Under ied hglil <anil>tkuas at the 'i>aft of a <«c vr>tl not <hang< gear< as II wih durtng the rair it s elf, b ut I n i t e l led w i l l t><»>st the engine's revs ) h i s tr i h n iqui anh wgh nat >ra<<abed >n the nunwl. will alt<iw for an « I i h iiainai baost when the <>ah>ng light'i iuii h< rcn I vc foi>nd >Iut • Up<us>matrlS 1> iaa> Rf»M»ill g>vr one' s arhii >e a I<ur cdgr iin the <ompct>l>on. Finally, Wo<>ii Clf<u>t is appealing to Ihr rcfh as wcl) »i the hastds and cyn The
high ptsdteat ba>rruw of • sosc> sscd Rru gsa i • ai K<CS>fate • ild mrsmcn<Nlg as t>ic ilronc < a uslh — a « it>i • ! >km, aonudriii>g unr i itr«ly cxpusurc tii Ihne >auniii I towrar<, >I wm>)d bc a Ifcu< Ia> 1>c able lo mpcf>riiac >hr ungtng rngt<ir note af on t<«k )»a <a
• s they arc peas«) i or asc passen&) As «CIL
meU<egy agape lo each cue h>ne. ba>t il the • egh>aUy 1>nny nght hames pee ascend
• gsadauted, <<i<»r prone<an<ed>lee squeal undr> hard br • k>ng»ould be • pus»>vc • dat>I>on fhr <r)rase ot Wotid C'i>ault haa bien ant><ipatcd by dig>1 • I ranng fanattai for umw time. and thc wast has bnn un<ond>nonagy waethwh>k lt ts Ihe nenrnt <ri»rn )rv<c( m <an >les>ra» I sinseknims
dcfaii)'I on • t >6 bnoee>cs a<i annovan<c to tome, thcv <e<> ihuanc to bump it to, say, tcn l h uuhh th>i peo<cdu>c will slow thc
On<dan Gebk • e lie«>S>nce w<aee end <fem. hip f>ua»shw (in<kid>ah a hire fee< ss>sf aa a>e f«e>dert Io cake»<a> • based on Tress aa<><r
• arne a tad from ml tllbe, thc compca&a-
e>at>hhrace>g i>segs>r<net
human >u drank how many <Imm nght to twenty.hvc (<an>rs/second) w>ll u tag acr<>ss Ihe s<rcn> As «uh every othct kad>ng cdgc <otefwtce gan>c. Watid C>«a» I will auto.
lV(J Bui.l i Fuil 2 ycai f~a s A Labour IVa rra nty
Computers 1'
4 McSabtta n NAIA 144M5 I-I IFcy Drive I7CiM5 12ms IDE Hard Dnve ' e erie t / 1 Fbrallsl / I Gatne prrt I" /' M tdi ower case w/LED J CL toy ir r ppciv I ' Lt Ao .'. It ttter 5uppti ' nc 'IMI3 5VCiA t a ro . " . I r f t r . Ccmm Dot F ' . n; - - n z d Monitor 101 Ennoi -oct r~s rd
VGA 25mm Dot I itch 14 Coiottr M w I' m
IM5 5VGA Card 72Hz Refresh 765 x 256 C&ours ) ancsol Tactile Koyooard al Mouse ' Mouse M
l Megabyte SIMM 45 50
ases Ca
.t Domony wrr ea M O O Wa s ' ' ". zr rhvr. ; run- t *Starts /2 fans
Lx 4. 4
I I M ov o r
I tait I
rot M o or
I -onr t l
.t t a Mou o ti llrtl
Ir t~
zt 'i o ti I• Motor
u/h ~ «ee Dy ¹
Izs t cotxti
w ' I I IZ SI cwttt
cr6 Dli 5 I I ~
ca che
Lx nO I ayea aaotw 4'6 Cail 66( Z lset cacao er s
K eyboa rd s Ix
I Z5 175
• tt t .i
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• x ' 'I
Axrr /ttxi /octo 24 t 5.'X tovtaotttw or th 5rt I r r t t A~ Zotrr l4 4 5,I f ~
toH n • Lt Dnv tot c at a n nrttvo' Not' t w t x r
mrs ntw t 'Ol nhrocaCI utt 4 ICIO Noo Tooter
as Ot t
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isa IS
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12ms Auro h I 2ect onboard cachr
I le
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ta t , « x
tM5 13ms NE I HSII
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Pre>duxx Ai l g)em«un 1 W Preen: gog -toga> ~ I ~ ~ <r 3 1• M a ~ aet>uuroa Anxge as> ups»eh )MB mvuory » xh two g<p p>ae>, arh>eaDOS I 3. 3 x oe 3 x Hvd duvu vxi I hi B (d Ctup RASarmxx>vnwxlud Price; Vgg aao, apacm( Sx>xu>g nmy t>• • eaasst • >rough Power Up
As a Pirgestfc'aftr usc'r for sonfc time, rnaki ng Posters, ness")lc ttc rs, etc., l w(rated tu
get a Is a l front boring, straight-line p rin t — i t sec meit c Iiclent that some-
thing ksas neech(l to make mp (lchuments a little more
appealing. 'I > W>Vturn >e>u<hu>a ax thr >ax>>Vr >W» th>osx(h
»>x(d > hxsghhl ra(ka(uxs ~
ss uxk>»s txe fuxt »>uiu It iiiwi sxxrmd br»hst
d>r >>»rduh s(VRII v>d I( ()' yrhrthrr s<x>i tvx>w
Ihr Nsvkv t<n m>cur >a xx wxh uAA> xh(ys >uw
ihr Inruuue (uke I Sa(r ix iiv fhps(pure I S(h
iv h fuks(AS( tsads • 1 ISsgi »v havr • x x 'uwi r
orms >sm-s«xb
(I> s
S axxv Seu>dum sr •
>ea ndv(h
» >u'll
i > r * ah eo ' (N>h - gu uii - »
wd> S(AI(>h»
••• a
. w» vr x 1 <x, »xxe shah >
~0utxx> Smagvrtrradddr uii <hvvhus
psra ees w>e
hmt rrdxctum Vhu > ruuugh '>hh>h()drugs 1
ve>«d»(x»> uefxv>actus i uiipiiafu • ' » iili
' " )ache)asses
T h e an sst/er
turtle(t ufft tO be a ffc SS u ffer-
ress ion
i ng rfr tlc cl A rt I .r p
from PageStreufn publisher
fr > <kcr Iree Iggg 1 10)4 uhra-h>xr>
u >hr » x x »
Art Expression on the Amiga
Richmond 8 C vc)X 2W8
il I ipeessson I • a wand-alone ragcstrram-<oml>an(>tr dia»ing iong(am, It I liuws lhc <(ration u l i l r u Ctu(Cd d ( s w i ng s a e
opp >srd Io rraekodenscd hitnssp pl<tume. Thcie draw(ngs — nlduding (e I I — can be stwsihcd, <hskuscd and peintcd at any sue »i(tuiuf k>si id iesohitkm An I • l>iriik ui I S
similar tu pi o g (ams likr ( u >elt)RAW, Adohr Illiiitiatur or Aldiii I ir r t land on o(hri pl • 11> imi
CADI(he feetsares ( sil a «ill du» ' • ih» 1» uns Io thole found in I'agcsticam, unr trcli immedmtelv • I humr except li>i thr pagr layout » h en ii'iiiig nitcn I ( ic<1111 a hi(le 1((ange at flic( lx mg Icvenrd, that ii (hr (up ol the page Is ihc 3' mack and» uiki d x n Thc mantsst g>ws un tu say the n the standard way f« p«>(risional illus(ra( iiin and CAD proc>am> I he «se Iratuir « 1 Atkhke dra»>ng iaiiw( that stands uut n lhr (up <ommandlinr display of an uhte>1 or line giving l foiir /Vcit stailpiiint, lluiw,/Tri t c n d poin( and the total Jntvii r ilrng(h bi I)ne, u( star ol a(stet I hi> Ii is awith adlustabtc snap to gnds. coom in • ixi ur(t hom 30 I» I' >gris, Undo and 3rd i, make lor great • <>U(a(v <Ni h )1>un
> i I > as lllislilcs'1 1 • > I'1
>Ntk>lu>rss graph»<
Tert Menlpssletloes hi shu» n in the v i >un Puny ing dlustea(k>n. t ex« a n b e w a r pe d a n d m ade to t i t inskfc, lollosr, or fill any Suet Of Shape. (iong su(scop( Type I i>uthne h)asts (the drski~ n hing u rn>hid un lhe PC and kt«n>tosh), text <an br inadc iu tullu» >nv <uevr and can a)su br filled with any tint i I i >I >I these loni) ian l>r seal») from 0 1)(),(xx) po(nti, although thr manual hugh.
• bly lrosesses such a minuscule nnnunum u)e '»uhout lose ol drhruuon. Uh huh Icn Pus(5<np( Iypr I o uthnr lonts are Im»sdrd with the pa<kagr. rai h inth the u sual iiahi/buld varhiiuns Itutaling ' 15 k>iiti I. A dhk ion(vning seven more tunis
(and <lip art) is p(«n>sr>I lice up m return. ing Ihe leg)stra(lou < Jnl
Isvspeset emd grtsort ( i • 1>hu > <v> tir Iuadrd and saved horn Att I <I>irsekm II'5 files, hdi>lir Illus(tato( gg II'5, I(id III' Ult2I) liu(1>a( Aeg(s l)raw tiles <an bc imp«i(cd One uf Ihr in<iudcd pro
( unr(nunc im P>
486DX/33YLLocal Bus . InMR)4860X33(PUMII Sos 8 KS berrrnl mdn mtmary 256 KSectured cache mnnary, arsndstue br I IN
4 MS RAM(Iom I spsnddes se32 MSIonbrnnfl ESSE D MedoraOlodal ((1m) HardOrle • I 2 IN w I M IN sappy dnw - 32VLee I I 8)Ehad sds¹ar bu2 fD /Mt - 32baUS OtoantMN IW stern Cardn/IETM calws
2 sere( I psrtasL I oammparts 10 Ibdi srww aN ay 230wCSAassumederase stools . LED Dnplsy at CPUSpent
CompansonSpeeds torISA vs.VESA Lot¹ Bus V)deo Cards 488DX33 VESA Local Bus 25SK Cache4MB RAM) Video Cards Wtnbencb 2.5 (Wlastatbs) Trident ISA I MB ATI XL/241MB ATI VantaOe IMB US Db)ttal 8500 1 r/IB VLB
I 2mrll 2 Tmdl 5.8mrll IS 2mis
Oismpnd Viper 32btt VLB
• nasl80466OKdd CPUAMI Shn - • KS Irasmal carbs memory - 256 KS sternal csdw msnwry, prnadsats Io 1MS
- 4us RAM (senti wosndable Io 32 IN lan homo
- 2M w wedsseO toaat(t trna)Hmderne - I 2 MBm I 44 MSdopey dnre
- 11 IOEhan adtaaar lor 2 fD / 2HD • 32+l US StpastSIN I M VMea CasawhI TM cense - 2 tarsi, I psrsnll. I osmm ports 19'uubtowel am wr 23(ha cSAsarmwd power supply - I ED Dnplayol CPUSputa . Non nlwisced SVGAMannor (1024 s788, 28mm dp)
- t tn nsced svGA Mender (1074r )TIL 20nrm dp) - fang 20)t 181-lnyssnhsnmductet soybean
486D X/66YLLocal Bus
- Facus 20011014rsys enharasd csddslwytmnd
DiamondViper 32bit VLBcard
486D X/33ISA
- Intel 004865X/25 CPU AMI Bras
- Intel%4%0X'33 CPU AMI Bms
- 8 Ks tnswnetcache nurnory
- 0 KS Innrual adw memory - 128 KBsstemst ache memory. expendable loI MS . 4 MS IWI (60mt mpsndduelo 32IN lan beard)
- 64 KS«derrel csdw memory. «qpnutabu to I MS - 4 MS IWI (60nsi erpsndable lo 32 Ms (on board) . 12MBor I 44MBnnppydrwe - 120 Mo IOE Hmd Orlsa - Ifrba I 'I IDE host adapter lor 2 FD / 210) - 2 set¹, I parallel, I dames ports
13 Mrotower cern ny 200W CSAssprrnrtd power supper . LB) Dts¹ay d CPUSpeed . Intertsced SVGACOLOR Manner (1024 s 786, 28mm dpi . TRIDEHT6000 SVGA IM S Vrdea Card I ol.eey enhanCed keyboard
I 2 MB or I 44 IN rtnupy dram
- 120alo IOEHard Ortns 18 brt 1 I OE hrnt adapter tar 2 FD / 2HD
•2 senal,IoaraaaLIOsmaspar ts . 13' MubInner caseW 200WCSAapprwed power supply - LED Dsolsy ol CPU Speed • Ineartsced SVGACOlOR Monsor (1024 s 766. 'Vtmm dp) . TRIO(HT 8900 SVGA IM B Sdea Card - I 01-Sey enhanred keyboard
sx/2s'1399ol(2 /so'1798 was'1S99ol(2/ss'2059
486DX/50ISA InUI MH06DX/50 CPUAhoSrrn - 8 KS Intern¹ CaChememory 256 KB sslefllQI cadw memory. • Sssde¹e Io IMS
. 4 MsR AM160ns) ~
lo 32MS (ou beard)
12MSor1441N(tata '.nw - WESTEtnl DIGITAL 2a8 W Hmd Otlse - 16-brt 1 I IDE hosl adsptm lor 2 fD . IIIO
2 tonal, I pamlha. I omrssepans • 19' Muh towercaN wr 230W CSAepona/ad power erst(du - LED Ora¹ey td CPU SOaed - Han Inmrlscart SVGA COLOR Mamlor 11024 s 788, 20nm do) TIUDEHT 0900 5VGA I IN V dao Cant - 101 -ley enhanced hsybaasn
'2149 Options
7Q Q S
6 Q f l5
- Mo nitors - Sound Cords - Printers
- Modems - SCSI Card
Apa fk '93 T Hf Cob(PVTTR PAPER 8 C f 0(T)opf
Apt Expression i .Cuurvrd rvuu
sc«seed a d)gstsul pbcmigsafsuk a noes. Iy othsx furs hom pa)nt Sograsnk Vtrlth its
nrsr ao
• rams. called 'Convert' converts (Cold Desk s) Pto Dcsw t~ nk ms o )FF ISR2D. a newer IF) (mwrrtixnsr rik Ionnat) (Uetype which is usable b) a r t F xpression. An Adobe iliusiraiui import module is aiur included Ioi Pxirstream use« Ior use in that program.
u iap)ified tool • you can crop. ed« o r touchup w it h r e lative ease. I t i s also Ho(Links compstihk, winch automatscally c onnects back into I'aseStream (Il , o l
course, you have the Hot(inks program. • ho trom Soli.l otpk). RMF's num use with An Fxpresuun is
the onvesuon uf bnmappni P«s m strucAutofredmb
tured drawings with a function called
i ee pax sage ahe mC)ader a Separate PSO.
AuaoTsae. A erpwster gadget fm aw Tmce op(atm has sadrn that oanesol Sample Rase. Curve RR,and None F)her. The Sam(le Rase Bee rttx)nes tbe nsmsber of pomts mecL the
Can canc) gktk. srluch staads im brtmap )~
W tth th h program you can retmsch
C«Ve FII deadea tbe SeSOOilmem Of Cutvea
and tbe Nisse Hher compensates for background nohe (stray pbie)sk Cempksrd trac. ings be saved as a DR2D p« tor usc in PageStr eam and of tonne can be p(eked up by An Express)oik
Manual Two we(l-Ia)dcsut manuals are provided One ts • la<on manual w)th dilktent tay-
oun «sd (tdbnvekmg mstiucttrms lor cseutmg theet. The other h the nsasn nsanual. which goes over ab the hsncnons. The po. gran's beas4n bdp and • igukk efesence casd pscrvtck last took~ w it h out gong
I!Ala kNXc~ ™
2MB memory with two floppies is suggested, but Art Expression (like everything else l) is much better on a hard drive. through the manuaL Art Expression Is compatible wtti AmigaDOS I I, 2 x and 3 x, on inter)aced oi non-)nterMced Workherich screens. It also works on Amlsxs with the new ACA ctupw) (At(xx), A)200) btn these are limited to Ii cokes. I Mb of Lh(p RAM:s tecaasmerider!' but it wi ll wart o n o lder machines w(t)
only 5)2K of thn valuable commodny. 2MR esenoep anth two bappses is nsg gestesL bur An Expaesnxm (bbe verytbhi else!) is much better on a bard drive lnstal)atmo onto hard task is umpk wsa the new requesters, you have testa)(stum choices for beginner, i ntr rmediate oi
WES-Mfcro Elecfronfcs fnc. has been in the computer i)dusfry ance 1990 and has sold mare fhan 11.000 cxtmpufee systems. Our expenenced sahs sfaff and krsowfedgsbh ecch)ical supporthsam offer nafftsrsgbuf the 8EST praducfs and servscee ussd) Snot))ay. Itanaa)y arid (%CSenCy We beeeVXI rn
cusfomer sahsfacbani
advanced users. Chonung b eginner' would do everything but I( you have harddrive partitions you need to go to 'interme diate' to locate it m the psnition needed
The advanced opuon allows complete custolsuaatson of the ilsstaaanon psocesL Pnsnillg n 1uppcussd ni any Pteftsencxv or P ostScript-compatible p r i n t er A s t
Bpressson can ptsm duectly so cohu pstns ers with four~l o t (RCR a C MYK) aag merharucal epuranon opt)ons — we(L tba ore«cally, at kast I muu mention here that
I am having trouble with the Preferencts pr)nt)ns, but the readily accessible (and live)) techmcal support group klh me that a seve(on .(LI n coming out n ext week so correct this knowll prob(elrl •
Ran barman rnw
fMAX sysiems Me peurbusmess sfaufrans xwer aembdfy. ababxkfy, (x)ngxsfg)s(rfy and consrsfer)cyaf ffte mast rmssanabb) pace. Our product iris h Aepf up fo date tet(()the rapcsy cf)anging fechnofogy What you gef fram WES-M&ra rs nad)rng short of va)ue and safrstacfran.
AH WES-Nfcra staff members are phased fo serve pou mfaafung far If)a nghf sysfem that best suit pour needs. ) I asever budge(, wtatevt)r ~ and eftafevce uesaabtns pou may have. phase last k) ote sabxs represeraseves taf)o are faofung larssrard lo be af paui' service
b ixa
tsmase m a bac a
Sighttttgs nmm M ammcn
M v
Sweeps)toes «e so(d nabontdlys(
Wes-Micro Electronics Inc. •
3 n . )a u g Caritas Romf, O)vtxxuf(3C kgVZNS
Phsne leaf)Z79-)age Far (gas)Z79-(IR)7
Ellortbnn Hotseecgeenmg frenctuees, The shoes, with elhktttc shoe insohs. ere purported to make carpel sweepsig tasks seem lees Isuawork snd mare klaa turk
' • •
316 SX-33 384 OX-40 486 SX-25 M ONITORS AMI Bios I MS rom I 2 MB or I 44 MB Soppy drive I/snitowsr co» 200 watt p/I
105 MS h/d(10ms, VC b4k coclw) 2 serial/I poio4 I/ I game ports 'I 01 enhanced keyboard I 4' . 28 dasperh, SVGA mouser Acumos R 512K Windows Acc vubo crud
< 1058
AMI (hos I MB rom 70 n/s,b4K cache I 2 MB or I 44 MS 4ppy dnve Minisowevcase 200 woe p/s 105 MS H/D (1%ns, V C 44k «ochei 2 senal/I pam4I/ I gamepons 101 enhanced km/board
APtg Bios
4 MS ram 70 n/s SYP I 2 MBor I44 MB Soppy dnve Mrtutower case 200 wae p/s
105 MB H/D (lgms, V.C 04k coche(
ActsnosI 512K Windows Aee v dso conf
2 send/I paro4I/ I gome pcuts 101 enhanced keyboard 14' 28 dot pitch, SVGA monisor AcumosI 512K Windows Acc vdeo card
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4560M3$Ahelhe 480 O x- S O
AMI lhos, 4MS rom 70 n/s 128K cache (eup to 25tgq NS I 2 MB ar I 44 MB Sappydnve Minisower ease 200 wae p/s 105 MB H/0 (10ms, V C b4k cache( 2 senal/1 parollel/ I gama ports 101 enhanced keyboard 14' 28 dot Pitch. SVGA moneor
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AcumosR 512K Windovn Ace vdso card
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128K cache lesp so250K( I 2 MB or I 44 MB Sappy drwe Minisoww case 200 wce p/s
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book review SY
r c g t T cf S C II K I I I B I L I • flo lkf A T S
a es
How INicrosoft's Mogul Reinvented an Indusltry — and IVIade Himself the Richest Man in America. In this tshaustiscly rcscarcbcd book. • uthon Manes and Andrews tnwtvrewed ihli Gates. many of Ius assoaatts and hai access ro the Mkrosnit archive%. Tllis Is iloi an authorized biography however, and ciurri offer • a critical look at the way Mktosoft was buik. Iht story of Mscmsoft
Wlrile fnafly large cofnputer compafries are cutting back
just to keep in business, I
Mi cro soft is thriving with
record profits. This is the stuff that business bi ographies are built ofr, and Gutes
is no different. In fact Gates follows hurd on the heels of lust year's Bill Gate's biographv Hurd Drive.
n aho the story of the pasonai computing Computerurterme smce INs 'tccns, 4U Gaan and tdkcmsob ssfoundn Pasd Ales Wnet a vesrcrm Ol tbe BASIC PrOSiuaaauing language for the bnt popular personal cno. putts. Iht Altar. back Iri 197S. By this tittle
4B Gases had ahealy staned hu Birn informatkrn-tered company TISIW Data. wbkh male machines ihst could automaticaiiy
count how many cats passed by a road over a given amount of litic . T o gt t thc soft. ware right for their httlc car-counting
bcaes, Gsan and msoctams made a psogmm im a targrr PDp-10 compuser dsat nutmciud ics ursctsom. The Acct wm bmcd on a stmda peocesaru and when Gases and ams.
HP 95LX Palmtop PC
States eatimd this, they stt about huikbng a program to its function@ With that ie
hand, Ihty created a BASIC that could run o n n, and got Altair to sell it. T h u s microsoft was born, thanks to some smart programming on a borrowed computer.
best reading In the book. I t aho looks n the increasingly strained rel • IIonshic between Miaosoft and IBM that stttt«het to brtaking point over the dtvelopmcm
stages of Windows and Ihc I )Sf2.0 Thc book offtn a real insight into hou
f rom thi • point on i n
Mrcsosoh operates. and
che biography Bgl Gaea • nd 46aosoft aaencsagy
what It n l i ke to sruti
lor tht tmmpany h b r corporarsrm thar thdvts rm hiring highly rncafkgent. ccunpentne peopk «ho art wit tutg to put u
btcrmie the casse thing. One o i ' t h t mo rc interesting secttons ol the b o o k lo o k s a t
Microsoft's long and
4ing hours — in othn w ords, l us t l i k e S i l l GJII5. Tht down side o'I this b th ma n y cases or
often stormy relationship with IBM. h begins with Microsoft coming
up with cn operating synem lec tbe lainch of the IBM PC back in
• mpioyccs b u rning out by c b e demand pksced on thea
• Bf ~
19B I W h en M saosoft
was apptoad ted by ISM fm an opcsanng syssmb f or I h e I BM 1 ' C ,
• •
Microsoft didn't have o nc. Rea l i z in g t h e
bl the end this b nre
so Iuuch a bhgpzpby or Bill G a te s b u t oc Mksotoll
i t d ail CAm
Iasanstutg msd, but BI Gaits Ihe CEO ls rattly
potential oi selling an operating system to IBM. BIII Gaws bought out stattk computer's c2Dos c I2ukk and
okf Biii Gates. Then again, after reading
Dirty Operating Synt m ) , m ade some minor changes to its code. and then sold Bccnsbtg rtghn lor the nevr lflaosoft DOS
muse of his compcctton> that these Is nmhing phrn about Bii)Gates. In short. wiulr
co IBM. The oear.legenday story in the computer indusny u wimdnfufty Ootraycd by the audson. and makes for serac of the
Mksosob •
srparricd horn fust piam thn book you11 probably agee (along with we do not Bnd terr much abmrt the prfvaar 411 Gatm, chis h a grat 'bsography ot
~nth ' LotuS~
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bctwien Windows and rhr programs inter-
actmg with IL This helps to determine the
p roblem one may experience in t h e
PCs, DOS, Windows For Dummies Fioat:
fc>see> Retulg:
Andy Ra>hoar>e, a>aha HV»>crows For uucvvncee Oen Goakn, auma >6 DOS k>r Dummcw. anu bees co-aushcrea PCI A>r Dwumwe IOG Backs Wactctwcde Isc, >368ovetAd, Suaea>0, Saa Memo CA 64402, 4 13-336-1 230 gt6 9 6 . R21 63 Canada 4 0 (ac esc>deal 1~ t o
on e of t h e l i t t l e kn ow n f u nctions of indows called D r . W atson W i n dows ha > a utility thin will log the enors madr W
system ai>d>ar ktS-Wkcdmm, but ao >car Imaa
warn quaeaone lo wk lar lear af loatcetg petane oreg af pue sense The gt6 93 auggee6 • 6 rema plica ta vmy
Ia wtlm yau rf
W>ndc>wi environment Th r log mav not make sense Iv yvu, bu> the ln(ormation it important to anyone in tcchnical mppoit lf you ate comfvrtatck vnth cvmpu>eis
u>ed m bookstores such ee B O e l t ane
and youc friends ask you hvw to ques-
wtdenbaEcus end mast arly stern acm car>lac
AVAILABILITY IS> RsG Ba>ace ae seas Caam b • ompcaer boche campURA, 60(sag I 7636, hm ew ear>ac kr $13 65 each
I>am all the time; suggest these books •
RE V I E W E ( 3 F O R N E W S • Y T E S B Y T . S A S S
Rat(IIB USEFULNEss (4) Thew books cut It»au>2h Ihe Is>gart ia apt»ceca campuw basks csea> a»eat. cern end pc>ad humcr II you need Io wack wm • acmputer urer has 008 3 lar a dies apc>cate>0
Careact IOG 4>5-312CXII4
CcccunmF. IOG'4 C>ccvcuw sense ol backs ae traa>mat>ve ac>> I hwpkct tcv tnaee wQ taae a cco comps>> w eseccecccs
an Gook>n n corn>dered • IN)$
expctt and hai 4 couple vf other books aut on the cub(mt. Hc'I
inside Norton Desktop for DOS $33.9$
goi a great sense of humor, which helps to bghten the mood whtle impacting information f h e th ree books reviewed hew, Wimkccvsft» f>ummce>, VV5 for f>emmies, and PCs far Vvmmirs, alia f eature cartoons by Rich T e nnant, a nat>c>nally syndicated computer cartoonist. Andy Rathbone is a Windows expert who
lim Sccvmour s PC Productivity Bible $3(.95
inside Norton Anti-Virus $33.9$
firn Seymour's On the Road $34.95
aiio spec>slices in MIDI-related muuc corn. put tag. Pr.s fur Vmmelrs by both authors is des>gncd tn give the novice computer user
the basics. (rom organising one's work.
space to troubleshoot>ng a PC prof>lcm FCs fw f>s»cccc» es is divided into f>ans such ai, Introdumng Your Compu>er; Winking with 4 Cur>>Ice»cr, and I1>e Parts of I'ens, >he various chaptcn walk one tluough Ihe components and external parts, lhe deter>pitons show yvu how to turn the machine on, use thc keyboard, load the dnvcs and other basic cipc rations and con-
cepts 'fhere are also important nps, such your keyboard is nut a coffee filter, whkh add>esses a common problem with lwving dnnks and lood around yuur corn. puter Ihere are very >eadabk exp(anat>ons ol DOS, software, LANs, Windows and
acranyms normally used. Finagy as In all
Inside Norton Utiiilius $32.95
Peter Norton's DOS Guide $31.9$ Peter Norton's Advanced DOS Guide $32.9$
Portaote Selling $43.9$
Portable Communi calions $31.95 Winn Rmch Hard~are Bible $43.9$ Winn Rosc3>
port abk Power $37.9$
Ihc I t ummccs' series, there is a list vf Ien do's and don'ts on venous PC->elated mbIectL
The second book tn the IDC's Rooks for Itummles series ts I >05 fa f)umcuus by I>en Gookin, whiih targets beginners afmid ot
LicI$ and computers. II>c bc»>k, appi >ach-
E X C L U S I V E L Y A T'
ing Ihe tubfect of I)OS with humot, starts
with the basics and moves into nuue ccunpks areas, breaking down ideas into s>mple cknwnrc Chere >s aho • list a( P O $5
cccmmandk includingIhvsc thai Iic ural
(requer> sly, Ihc>se used those which a>e nevm used and a>e best
infrequently and
ehminatcd Vcsy few books give much advice as Io what cimimand files yvu are better off without I h >i book w>fl be a gteat
help if yvu are afraid ol LIT>$5, yet you wish to experience uncncumbcred IIISS spccd. DOS programs run faster than the
Windows»>Iten>cdvctsionk 'Ihe third book, Ivfr>Jc>ws fc» (>urn>mrs
by Andy Rathbone, is sliced into six sec. tlons as was ihe IX1$ 5 book of thc serks
It mtroduces Windows basics, inr.luding
I'rentice Hall C anada
5 Paramount Puhhshmg L'ampanv
ApR TL'93 T H f COMf>UTER pAI%R 1 C i O fTfON
ms to< <seat w>u
Now -to- ate
w «><
' "<n
• aw
Ver. 2.0 •Y
' n]life ' [ajg g • ~
• ~
6 A A E bg g • • tt II g T T
lk>'OW SOftWure Inc . h<tS reSpOnded lO I ritiCiSmS and uddreSSed
virtually ull ~hart«lrnings of LY rlion l.0 of its I ult <ndur progrtfrn. As a result, Now Up-to-dat( 2.0is the rnftst advanced (alt ffd>tr and .c(lff dfding application available for the Mac, p>ugremc ftw Lip.» o ma- $ .0 t»em s> o w Sobs>oe aic
< ii< Lii'ig ut> lite >i>>sr dl>play >I> ihe Inane br i rnu>twntanfy dtafdays Ihr dear C3ktlag
• ga>n reseals a stopwascb rstenston gut
>< most users, ihr »tarn benefit ol
tun<t>un. This traturt a»>omat>calls fili>>ties yu<i uf any <Uif<'iit >0-do
i < >4<h>ng a messagt >n the menu bar, <ir>>estd>ng on you> <unhgu>atmo attic>gc
d>gita> <l<nk in thr mrnu hai Iske Iht weU. k» w » M a « ha t r w arr t itir Suf<c« locL.
grm>ndr< has other trxks up its tkesu by hold>i>g down '>hi' nnwir iiu>t<M, • dropdown >ninu appears that <iint • >ns two i pt>uns N ew Lr r n t " and f dl t Iw nts . T h us, hum w»hin any fxogram • I any time. you can rn>ri iii be >»termed Reminder comm>m>ca>rs wttb tbe >stab>
dai I >Lr >s>>nally rwis <nhr< aspect ot the fxug>am, It mat be tummuiiid with a kcybuaid ihiiit<ut for csampir, >I yiw wen m
a wu<J processor and tecetwd • phone call
Jai It's a nifty feature and R works welk
loc • luncheon appointment, you could pre>a • key cotebhtatt<m tf usr (~ Shift.g, but the chotce n custom>rahk) to < • II ep thr gem>ndet d4k>g f rom thea , r<w can rotc> the date, t>mr, • t>tk and a pa>agtaph detailing you> mr<>age When y<w ( II<L (>K <x press Kn>r<, grmi»drt adds your entry to the cunrn« a k i x4 > and thr d4lug <k>srL You ni y thrn <unt>n>a yo>u worl.
When tbe op< • >nard tmte aolh atoun>L grmtndrt wdf <hsplas the osesaage It you open up the main Nuw Vp-tu-Date pto. gram, you can watch Rrminde<'> mrssages • pprai hkr magic in yuui prix<»el <alen-
bttyrtod of Ofsflona x<.nnv<nn rnhn cett>eats haw bten added un< r wts>un I 0 of this prog>am Most fall tnt<i Ih r < a t r goty o f <u n l >gui • tiun ufnk n< Yiw can, lor e<amplr, now speck Ir that only D one o r N u t I> inr T o-Dm w>il hr J><played in Vkws Y<w <an <res>r fw nts that soll appear only in thr kluhi-
i>er, Dey and fast Vkws bsu winch wsfl not <tenet the Month atsd Wtel V>rwc A ~ plr < • lender included wt>h thr program uses thn teatua l o display muon phases Vrtakm T.O IS Smatter, tini. alXWt hOW It tS
wr <xtually use a pmgiam I>kr inn W hen
AppleMacintosh PcnverBook Am 250 computer >g>
The Apple
s fa<stu>s>h pou<erffoob D<x> M < o mpuaer >< A;>pk <
h<gheu fxv%%d nnancr fSu«<vfkxd< dock><sft <susvn. <df<vsng y<iu (ix. i <ni« iin itic' <if a notefxx>b «n nfx>tet fslu< >tk' ii» ><i<>r alnlity t<i tak< a<ha»L>II<' < a yinir <f<wktop «xnf <i>>< i s I>i< x <tofag<v .»><I a< i < s«<t>es llx p<>we>8oof> t%» • nx s wsth a s+>tx g<lx it< <ea)s0 ox<nip>in<~wit ii < f>o<sxvfof anJ fa<t At>J you Q n i fxz ne If<xi» b> ot l2U nx Iaaf>tsc l>arJ Jr<I< Jn<es 1Txr fxvf<awsttxr <d t h< p«u<vfks<k Duo 2k>»s «i n i i u r a l>h tii inir h>ich-e>xl af.i«i u i n f i if J est<top «i i»fw(um Y <v >t wu>gii< iiniy
0 t5 fx>onJ~ B est ut aR. «fsen few re fxt<k at the»fyf<e. dte poa>etfk i 4 I >U t b > I < L<. <c ot lth> K at» ntegraf patt <it y<ls>tdesftaop <on>pU>i'f
AO AWTAGZ g Computers Ltd.
Apple's Color PowerBook, New Products At Macworld (I>Kyth JAPAN (NB) — Apple Computer i avl I i h a s i h i p pr d i t i 1 0 millionth
A new Maontvsh I.C, thr IC I II, is an In>proved model o( the popular Macintosh
Maiintvsh c iimputir . At ih e enormous Macworld Exposition held this week m
(okyv, Ihe comp>ny also Introduced eight
LC II, whlih Apple says was iis bestw Ikr in 1992. fhe Ill, priced at CS(,695 has a 25 MHr Motorola 680 U) m«vvpracrssor. a )2-
tems — thc Macintosh Centa l 6 10 and
nevi pllvdui ls, Inc)uifing th» long awated
bit bus architecture and comes standard
Macintosh Crntris 650 — both equipped
color Powerbook notebook computer, five ncw desktop systems and two new laser
w>th 4 megabytes (Mb) af dyrumic undom access memory (DRAM) — expandabk to 36 MS; as opposed tv the IC II whkh was o n I y expandable
with Ihe Motorola 68040. The Ccntris 6)0 ts reuU pr)ccd at C52,560 while the Centns
to 10 MB An 80 Mb or 160
MB h a rd dr>ve i s a va i l a b l e
for thr LC III and an LC processor direct slot IPDS) is
(or special)red ra pan. sion capabdines such
Apple says thn is Ihe tint time it has uunchcd new pmducts rwtskk thr United Slates and over 100,000 visitors are on hand in Toykv attrmiing the Mal world shaw. Thn Is also the 10th annwersary of
the company's Japanese sobs>dary, Apple
)spa n.
Now Up-To-Date ( vnr>nuc>ff ram P> ttr 72 yvu are modi(ying rrpraring I vents, a dial og bvl a PPcais asking it yv u w an t t v change One, All or Future occurrences in ihe iepcatmg srr>cs. You can nvw m >vr an event (a missed appointment, for example). hvm oni day or time tv a>Other simp)y by dragging n there. Another great ncw fratures is the addluon of I a D o items and a list vkw vl ab calendar and To Do items. In the lint ver-
sion ol the program, ea'h item hal a date avu>cured w>th It 1hn meant that anything nvt vvmpktrd vn a )urt«alar day hal to be
manually dragged forward. Now the pro gram allows, through the use o( a check bvx, a ( o D o I tem Iv be carved (vrward auto>naticatly as Ihe date changes. II Is fx>saibk to create Up to IO categories to clasufy ncms. Thc dc(ault settings are High, Medium and Li>w Yvu might add Urgent, (vr yi>ur really pressing commit.
as Ethernet networking. Appk Ile emulation and )TTSC vi~ t and video iaptuir, On. board sound input and output is also ir>eluded. as is a small
f he new M acintosh (".entris line i s
drscr>bcd ai midunge computers geared loward raainstream business and profesuonal users. The Centrls Une oVen two sys.
650 carries ac5 3.690 pnce ug Thc Quadra 800, a new add>i>an to the company's top o( Ihe line computers, Is the
most a) fordabk Quadra, wllh • retab prkr of C56,310. The 800 has a mini tower design and offers a 30 percenl Increase in performance over the current entry. level Quadra system, At last, Apple has Introduced the promised color Pawerbvak. the PowerSook 165c. with a pasuve matnx dnplay. Apple says it has the all-in-one design of thc Powerbook )45, 160 and 180, and h retail pnced at 54,790. Apple has added two new configurations Io Its Powerbvok Duo System. Thc Poweiaoak Duo 230 offers 4MB of RAM, a 120MS hard disk drive, and camas with an
hlc >t lvr some reason, installed into the system faldcr where Irw userswill think to look ior >t. There are a hast o( other Mac>ntoshbasrd calendar applicativns. including Alarming Fvrnts, I>aicbaok Da)Maker, Easy Alarms, 1)rst Things first and LapTuck b fimcslips III Now Up-to-Date can import
You' ve heard about the new LaserWnter Pro 610 and 630. arid the ktrst news Is that Appk will ship the 610 w>th BMB af RAM a ll the ttnie, wh i i h a llows t h c 6 1 0 t o A W pririt a i 60 0 dp i Check this before yvu
buy one, though, )ust in case. The t>)0 and 630 expand Apple's printer offerings on the high end; Apple's new LaserWriter Select 300 and the lawiWr)ter Select 110 fit
into Ihe lvw end of Apple's printer offerihg'S.
mcnted in an addendum at the bak of thr
1hn serial)y4x>nncctcd 300 dpi LaserWnter
other programs the abilny to ras>ly switch
inks can be draggrd and dropped into
tv (lp to Bale. And w>th vers>vn 2.0, It s a
nrw locatk>r>s, sv the things that are impor. rant to you are tn>nt and center. Using this
woithwhilc endeavor This program may not be as sophist)rated as a dedicated organircr like DayMaker, but because of Its
tahnique, yvu can create a vanrty ol v>cws Ot yOur I o Do and Calendar items,
Hat Help The p«>gram has many shortcut key-commands. luckily, yau don'I need to memorlre them. When yvu place the pointer aver eah o( the available vpbans, a feature the crunpany calh Hot Help indicates Ihr kry-
~trong orientat>on to shanng the infarma. tian over a network with other members of
your wart tram, it Is weU worth looking at. Nvw Up.lo.(NIC Is the tnost usable cakndal
and scheduling application avakblc for the Ma. •
standad leatures 600 dat~ n n ch ldpe resolution and th c company's Phviogra
Reports Wreng News reports that Ihr LC I II c vuid Iahe
siagk Nubus card are wrong. The Cen 610 can ukc a s>nglr Nubus cad as lang It's short enough, but the LC III is hsm Iv arl LC.sty Ir I l)5 slot
StyleWriter Qwners Beware Don'I trv thc h ra i c leaning vpnon Iro the StylrWriter II dnvrr on • Stvksvntrr The prcx.ess ruins the ink cartridge This
probably why Appk isn't mak)ng the
this purpose and the prr«rdurr is dc«u-
Clearly, Nvw waits Io give marl o( them
Apple is upgrading Ihe tatsdaurd configuration ol thc Apple (~ ter Pro 6(X) to include BMb of RAM Usem who uuchased Lasnwriter Pro 600 pnnlers gat SMS but it
New LaseWVriters LC III News
sl>rt vut your fa lk> lit a littk morc. cl«king Ihe titles • I Ihe toP. ISh>(t«hcking allows sort>ng by multq>lr sntlna) and Ihc
LaserW>trrr Sekct 310 is C5),459
Apple News f .,n-~
Included as I>an oi a Sample Calendar (or
Lasclwr) ter Sekct 310 The ncw printers ae aimed at affordability and offer Apple, Photograde and Finepr)nt, and Adobe Postscript imaging technologies. The Laserwnter Sekc4 300 Is C$1,109 and the'
6 88$2 math co-processor and I M B o f
ments, then throw In r atcgvrics like Persona), lang Icrm Prolects etc., to help I he list view can bc sorted by double
The company's laser printer luse a)dad t hc I w scrwrttc r S e lect 3 0 0 a n d t h e
The new Macintosh Duo Dock stat>on
LaserWriter SelectZOO
data (rom all ol them Import Templates ac
Le a der
teChnology sundard.
afkrs a 230 Mb hanl dnk drive, a Motorola
Unfortunately, thn RFA)) hlf. addendum
P o wermerge by
Technologies, sa users can auionuiically update files cantainrd an the Powerbook Duo, the Duo Dock had drive or a network server to the latesl vertu>n.
9600 bps Th e i nternal Express Modem with 9 42bis dau cam >ress)rm capabditrcs af up tv 4 I can ach>rvr data throughput of
up to 57.6(X) bps. Retail pr)ce h C54,120.
Thr ilwilua) is Inacr Urate ih vrvrfal plaes, but correct Information is contained in a READ Mt file. Most of the Inacuracws are minor. For cxampk, the manual nates that yvu can Iind an Unrrcvnc>led Fvcnt bv choosing Find... t r a m the Fwnt menu and t)Tung ' ' I n f a t . you musk ty)>r '>' to Snd an Unrccvncikd f w'nt; v' is the M ark f o r an u nr ea d P u b li c E v e n t .
was a spec>a) offet The 600 abo nvw has
A Ma>ntvsh Ii. Ill Upgrade Kit is available far C5649 to Macintosh LC and LC II custvnwl\ whv wish io upgrade, Appk u)IL
I'owerboak Duo notrbook at additional sc>st. Thc Duo Dock cvnfiguuiion wifi also ' ' include the file reconciliation software
internal (ax/modem capable of dat • trans. ler speeds of up to 14,400 bit e>cr-second (bps), and >md and receive fax speed of
computer systems interface (SCSI) port
board shc>lieut> Ii>ar yvli san ulr iv aiv>ill plish Ihe desired action m the future and avoid the dialog bol
video random access memory ISq(AM) for (aster video and support (vr up to 12.000 colors on Apple d>>plays up to and mdudIng the Madntosh 16 Color Dbptay lhe new Duo Dock Is 51,975 and rrquires a
tep)avs the LaserWnter LS. Linhke previous Ia»rWI>ters, it uses a luli Xerox engmr that pants at five pages per minute, and it holds three optional paper tuys tvr a grand total o( SIX> sheets The LaserWritrr Sdcct
%0 Includes I inrl'iint and Grav5hare and can br u pgraded I o P o ltScript a nd I'hvtv()lade, but its main Irature n its dirt-
che~p pr«r — 5819. This might be a good printer in a limited number of spccillc used bui we st>ll (erl that II makes mvrc sense tv either buy a chea prr Iniqet pnntrr ar to ante up the doll>>i for a mine versatile, normally netwarkable. I'ost5cnpt print.
StvleWriter ll dnver real>lv available an dacsrl t ecamtr>end Out yau iise >I with t
Canadian System
StyleWriter I.
7.1 Upgrade Canadian user> will br I>ira>cd tv hear thev can bvs ihr 5vsicm 7 I Update Ki 5 49 d i r ec t f r o
T 1 :"-'brit>7665-2 7 .'t)0 Io vnier
cankers Atsbaacanada, Ixxka)86-z775 mt
APR (l '93
Ramie wu) Vtixtuau
Beating the System • Y Ci n A g M g • g RIN • TT w"ve )sobabiy sseu tbe ads us PC aiad MJC Xaagaatnrv On the C(Wer o l the b uwncss ir i ( i o n o f T l r (ilobr axd Ma (l and r l s ewheie
Whv wwc orat IRM Compuiri ' txx)td be A MJ(tntcnh. I h e puch begins. acccxtspsnud by a la(su(e of a lauului lcxsn I-2-3 scram running on a Puwrr)4xii p a t a bk
. Run a whale w(xkl ol MS-DOS software.'
and S(ru IC Viol gas(sary. Parton(awe u on(y 'ba. Ovwi ixi Iu()b Jnd Maaa. bus Siu pros)wit nwr ba m a Ia)im bi ()sa• saacviutu I (cvnoutw past (orporato PC ivt v aurcna(vnu rauuvwivxm
oa)u Upon (lea r
m p ecikas, Ibough. we
scovescd tbe cttpphog wcubneas ol mls At lint RLnir, u n an attractive pmpoution l i i l i i r h a ~ ing two computr() i n
two-headed b(uil You rails buy a vr I h ii
slow Indeed, u vrrm( I bi( strange — turn
ing a Ia(Rr) (( nail( • Into a very iiow 2(u) usa oM
clone. Sttkr )x((ixo)sike Is dearly nol Ihc main issue brie, let's lock at the rcasotu why Mac uwiv might want to run D(R( or Wadows Jpptk J(x)ns I ) A Ie(psrcd apptkauou u (xdy Jvatiabk for DOS or Windosrc 2 I The uwr wishes Io learn {or stuch) nor cx mon Ixv or W)ndowsapidkat)on( I) The uwr wi)tws Io sites( data on I Ir .. Only fin(i(iy disi «I ('ll-ROM Ci The uiri w i i h ri I n a ccess data on a Novell netwoi I SI COrporaae puic haae Iespauementa Snpu. late that a(I iompulers must be INd cost)pat)bk aixboe be capabk of runIsing Mksoson wusdosrc ()I The use( hai 'i'xiii(it(I from J VC ili • Macintosh, Iiut has a considriatiir )Ores(men( In I X )S Or WmdOWS iuli ware Jnd wiihri to m ake thc most <)I
t ha( in i r i t m r o i
Theta J(e und wbtcisy other reason@ but these. I un(us( arr the suais awa Ag • re worthwh))r a l t hough performance (on\iderat)ons macr no n - mission-crit( cal uses the nxiv( vublr once
And trtu Apph t)rgtgphu(k-m o)k r ii i Rmes&r)k u ~)uun(t, wth (he Pc)hefts • Ik t(A',
vtteo dnxc Tu the Ino(t powerful nr Tntxv of theEsnlly, thePntsefttrr)k t)E).«furl) ic»lea 2 fgsvaate uTeellto t)oE(tIl and shufp youtube D sect Dtehetet Pks 4 Igs3nf(shtttuedkr)k i i rnfxgefs Rfae s(tu ap(k)rial ea) Ek (ca(ster abk(y ~ f3( I S ,
thenesvc» memtrT (if(he P(tuefttrr)k ta)n(tf It kti
worse alit ski)n(ak, (hmks (u (hr t)tsktn
y(x)pie»rt s iur iles tn %i cokrs —IR) (taster tahe(e y(tu wnrk Each memtxr <4 the l4Ontsh PDuerfka)k
SupefthN( Afat ra) mg(er whete (ca)ate,you
h() Ind(er h tw hr utu (ea(ef, t()via(I Iisn
anyptire ss()s(rg m)fkptte wgh Iheltm, nehmr(ci Appk'Kasuoah P)tucvtkak I ep o s Tt u vr e p(IRAQ c w Ri Iac', /1 l o anpgg)h srlh gh Ma Ts uh
cst ssutkuth Jflease ne(uofk ()f ((rt)putefa-
3{gcssruh, %ek)sss, su(nfesneR esen trustsenam-
fgrnttr hRIcornstang ir utu. Pmn the Poucrtkr )k
Ret byg(khnt(App+TII(' Rem(re A(resssou(se
I sc,Apple sns JI Jtk riht)te lhus eeE((vhn)mpttcr To Ihe tbueltk s {( I(( I the th» tbaeetttrak uth vtdeoout ess(tb)nR I( ai b) r()nne(T D ful «kr
%hr Isrr sop hi brkfr) Tel sh()b ust host a lbarcytkad( (»I ~ yo ubc a p(rrturihe tiers g noun(assaop,g) Tou de fn)m yr)ts d(bkt)p
Sim p ty , V4C
tk(c Jfc siliii(' uvrs (liat Softp( I s nex Jppcopriatc for I I Dc(i)oust(J(xiii( of applkalkxu — cllwciany graphkv Intensive (xus 2 ) App(katk)ns where pr cesalsig a d t l . p(Jv tpxd ii • Priiuc cosscrru. 31 because of s ii running on obrkwsly I kxistandafd Iiaiilwaic, So(IP( i l h i r an )deut chixir lur icsung PC x>hwJ(c, Jilhough Siil(V(. • Igii'Jrs to bc Icniafli. biy comps(ibk ( r r tamly, k u I na(v proprutc lu( any Ir: Jppbcatxx)s ihat dcpcni( upon we Jd(Sons i Mll )I, a udio cards. I(kol a a Za . tnt vxk o , p)ystkhs, ctc I, ivtth tbc cacepuou of floppy d)saettcs, (:D-ROMs, ss)ode(us and pnntcis
Issafunufhxa I les(cd colt('( I ' i olrss(unai and S il(V( with Windowi I t w manuals forbcxh Ixcv grams siitfcr (iom • 'tlight vagueness of
Ituaanason psoccdutes, but ouiy Ibe liner coo(a)ns cnmpktrly wrong Stf(xmatsou fhe manual In(In)its the uset to copy •
nk caged 'Sor(V( I)ata Io the hani (btsv as part ol Ihc Inst • II • (ion process As it turned Out. I had to copy 'Softprl) • I • and 'Softy( I) Jt J2' Io i tie C(ivc in onk( I» gct the InsLILI I< n Ixixess to wcxi as out I)ncd m the dix umrntanon. Dunng Inst Jl. Ltx)n. the sytsem buibh • yik that simu. 4 (es a PC bard-dtsb partition. I h h t l k
needs to be 15 Mg or larger. Softy( does not actuagv paninon wxu Mac hard drive
A ()iaocs ar Aiu()om
uww i,
w ' '' vw • ' vvvmwA •
v « Vi a O w vw W 'L
COesfi(yuruth)ls Ai shipped, Soft('(' with Windows is win
figured to e m u latr a 2 $ () w i th o n r
wvva • lhwaa awev
( '(x(nnunf ar( Pvgr )n)
newsbytes ......,..
Let us help you llfl J> '! that Mac you Ilot for Christmas
Haw Isrepress Tool
TimeSTWO >eEuzdee fr>»UU
Aldus TrapWise For Windows
I e Uu e>»am>& a» f Iwoefwo wfu~
SEATT I.k, WA!iHINUTON >tdb) — Aldus
nght inks and JI>o managei thr preprcss
Carporatlon says it >s nuw shipping soft-
worksow. Opcmtors can aeate piedcfmed,
ware Ior Wind(tws thzd will allow prep>res
cust<fmized sets of trapping configurauons
proff~onals to spot and process color trap. ping on color conlorming encapsulated
for use on particular Jobs and paper stocks, much hke • word pruccss>ng operator neat-
Pas>SEf>pt flIes Aldus spokespf >son b ra d 5 >eveni
>>lb J 5>andJ>d dixumcn> fora>a> Jfid Ic.
uung it. Aklus says lrapWise can trap hks pro. duced from any computer platform ttut creates cvtorxx>alarm>ng EPS files„>nciud-
cxpuined to Newsbytcs that (.olor trappmg Is the process thai keeps Jdizcent colors
from o v e rlapping or se p arating, I'raditionaay pcffomml by J person caUed a \trippcf ifi f>iar>UJI pf>a>>rig vpcfattalis, the program iabcd Trap>vise performs thc necessJry adiustments automatically far
computer-gene ratedwork.
UC630' W >.MAX emt • v>aopff ueouff 1>w awai I wu»ia x Uceaa co>ear Ital>fed seoooef >fora L Mal( cae de>ivvf chap. Iu»uuloEe
Oy Iot>ecoero heonootfy
printing presses. Trapped files can also be
to the program fast year.
copy of the program Aldus says U expects
the U.S. Jnd (Und>4 Jnd carr>cs • suggested
both pr>xess and spvt culm print>ng by handling all three color ink scenar>osspot to spot, apex to profess and prfxess to process. It w>U also handle complex trapping situations such as graduated fibs, very
hertz (Muzi 4864>ascd pets(mal computer
with 24 megabytes EMU> af syst»n memary. J 200MU hJnl drier. a EX>tof I>>Of>i>UrJf>EIJ mouse. Howrver, TrapWisc w>U run on a 33 kf Hz 486 based system with I Wvt 8ut RAM
3ult $5& CAU. TNM yl TEL I /god/ 24&87$® FAX:(8043 2468789 Or r ra«r CrdOrder u» - f>t Cm>ef>efau
I N T R O 1 a t I O P4
Cal user intr>tace ut the same name, has announced it w>U double ifs work form by this iun>mer aad is on a tight product>on scheduk anth product expected m the mid 199(yc
Cauo wdl ship unt>i the end of 1994 Jnd that NeXT can beat both companks lo thr punch
Ek «~ g w
p •
ff (
ware Um mttoduced in 1988, NcXT is
reorganiz>ng and laying o>l 280 employees, leaving a work force of 200 Canon, which vwns 17.9 percent of NeX I', has reportedly Invested US5165 milhon and w>U take ovrr manufacture af the NeX I'step lutdware. NeXT uid it will f>U the orden it tus until >rica>e of the Intel eris>an af thc NeXTstep oper.
1 ;- t 1 ~uI It u u
ISUXTUTEP lar Inlet Poaaooafu du>ivv>mtho pean>a» Urafu»CS>UO» auartuau, ana Ihu paeverUI at>tart-CO>• a>ud NUXTSTEP»ct>doc>urn la UI>of baaed PCU nne >1 that founder Stree Jobs el»ms the
company is ranng laltgent - the hnf>tvenlure af Apple and IUM — and M>crasaft far dominance of ihe next.generation graph>cal u>cf interface market,
hh XI' says it will release an Intel proces sar version of the NeX I'step opetating systern on May 25, 1993. Minosoft'1 next generation graphical user i nterface, nr Windows 4.0 as samr caU it, is code named (Jthi
' 81829P
CNISINED IIHNVASLE STWEST ERAaun» Rzufsa>xf umcsbath 44R ggMBaffbid aul DAT DRIVE •2 GIGASYTES
and is expected within a year,
faligent, which is developing a graphi.
over Tahgrnt, which has yet to rckase any product, but Mii rosoft Window> hai l>ter aby mdlions of uscn. The Intel ver-
s>onof the NeXT>tep operating system w>U be iclca>cd In confun(>ton with NeXTwnrkl Expo, wh>ch ls set for May 25.27 tn San Franc>sco The new product will run on Intel 486- and Pentium-based personal computers (PCsl. Intel has nat yct iekascd its next generation I'ent>um ch>p, but is expected to do so th>sycJ> aan>t>sct Ab>acn Thomas~ 1620. If>x 8> 8-98>-4230.
, 8 18 Qtt I
$ $QQQ 94J
• Puzr 12ms uxxss umc
• RIFu Vivum
• Software R cabkb >rufudcd
• 1st Iu Desktop Db>guasf5cd
$gyy BS
ufRK 7/Sf 4 CUATFU/PT4BlE, 54 /f
u >aakf>rf Jk I Cl>>On L CO ON CIII%ll V
4 I9 ~ I / I I • I j eg , g>w«e 0 I aae « , I »ao » > wE«ee>
Jtifig system.
NeX T save it lus a 50,000 ussr lead
ln dropping the workstation hard. ti
Uru 188. 1>ruo Uoyoou>e woy, ccooofnvd8 G. Uu>(
Jobs, who co-Iounded Apple computer, sa>d neither Taligent or
fx •)I. !':Ru-
l4ooiiof lar Macf
Sony Mul>CScan > fvfS, IT Catouf Mum>or & a lut video card tur aulv $ 18 9 S . M
• I vev
Recommended system configuration
S O N Y.
MaeUeer liduore Choace - beet I •
Irxludes Windawi 3 I v f 4>cf, J 66 mega.
NeXT Out Of Hardware Business
8- wQ
d cfatz fcxt cz7arc fry . drpeoi
FaxMocfum only $395>»
srnJU text Jnd >curial In>cr>cct>ng colors I rapW(se can be used on labs us>ng up to
RFDWOOI) ( I IY, CAI li ()RNIA (Nbl — tt > alfinal — NeX f has announced it >s droll pmg out of the hardware game and will ol>ly i>iarkc'I NcXl 'i>cP, Its gf JPU>cal, able((o riented software enviriinmrnt W h a t i s
Moo 14A/144 8>domal
of Riprrcp wgf JU>arnJUCJUy Iccclvc a Iree tv ship J Mac>ntv>h vers>vn in mid-l993.
Maeyaenf ond
• I
retral pr>m of US$4,995. Registered owners
The company says TrapW>se traps almost any obpct withm a color-conforming FPS file, producing Precis>on tmps for
1 Amoucvvtdurfo >tuumo taR>ofvev :I Jtac >facafvnu erdaueffxcsu tfv srf r~ 4 afw>f uu a av &rem lace>O>df>uru .. H>he fHU>ooa mo>jou i>mac» hoer>iecao hahrui>cua>0 cemro rt f abhor P»menrpXW. Oer ven»
including imagesetters, plaicscttcrs and
Thc program H curtently shipping in
»Uuea a>aaf>de Iodedaa ptuuveavop Za bef, Sievfu>
output >o any Postscnptxompa>tbk devtm
passed to other Macintosh at W indows • PPU(atifxis Iaf IUfthct Pfo(rss>ng
VUUU(Z Ufe uw a v « l a i d deice,eaeeo>daf epuae> dfrve nopoea>dec. e eev>«e Ee Uefeoobf coeootae MEwv vuui drive e Eoievu>m he>waco aaep ef>an, eed OSf A VS Elude>ed >OOUvale. tutu ~ o fvee l I V wefr>fu& «ee bex S>mes
tng M» I nrush, W>ndaws and Unix. Once fxixcssed, the trsultmg EPS pages can be
ffapwbe is designed for use by servke bureaus, prep>en houses. cfunrncrc>al print ships, m-plant produnior> drpartments and publishing opera>iona. The program was formerly markctcd under the name R>pPrep by ffraphic fzfgc. Aldus aequi>rd the rights
• Wfnl >tu>mtub I
f Ik(3>fh>sukbvfxt~z « ( >bb OCUbu>eog; ~
I 8Q• 99
$$1C 00 aaw I • (hCS ~ Qm>f UU>tas $ 1C L Ra Ce I
& o» « ' n e >
/ dgkPRU> 1$ I ~ i ox ~
I • (h>xfa(btt>y ~
f aI J l»x
$3Q QQ I
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In-Floe» Design bnd Ptochsctaotk
TOMORROVPS GRAPHICS 3615 Kinffsvyby, Vbflcouvef, BC V S R 5M1
Phone: 433-8433 • I'ax: 433-9@P
Fractal Design painter 2.0
HyuenCamlian Enterprise Ltd.
ffrf(ys i ( I I FORF((h i .Ri — fca iai l»x8-f :i suade to xlcax a mapfr upgf Jdc lo the I'ofnlcf ptogfaiti frt boih the Mas fnsosh and the Windows versions. Vcrston 2.0 ol Pabstct wtg bs(orporax mme than 70 neer Ieatufn In 1991. our pnmary goal ivas to (nake PJlfitcr emu4te the natural tools tound in uabttonal painting gut wi th P ain(i r 2 0 we have taken painting into thc nest century by merging natural media with tricks thai ortiy thc i
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MNtmum orcef 50 boxes ncNdifTglabels. sleeves. tabs 4 white box - I I I b gfIHegH ieI{ {Reck aha waRaHe Ie 525 "
Dealers call for special volume price Ortkcxcall {684{ 27848yig Fax{N~4278.8888 If you are not (omplcleiy katf(iieo wtih any purchase from us relum 8 Ior ere(fsi a refund!
At Last... Ts ~
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Income Tax Software for Windows
screen space htany users
a i i i i I x i » I ia i l i » » i i l r
» >ttwarv I or I l( h i I't ' i a nd , c unifat tfflcs that l«ts veu s ivw Jnd edit fnufti/ffc hirmi t er I» ih y ou J»d v iiur off(fuvr Jt th« same time I n l a( t. thvx iii t h r s a m e h i g h f i nality R evenue J iia(4 J p f)roved llfffffs that 'ivinf a x p rint » u i s e u ' l l t n i n xht J t h i u n i i n J ii i i i i i f o i i n i c nt v fnf J ffi Jd i k f f e w Uixl I 4
Il l tc f
ti l e • f r lffuf lt s t f e m
i (l u f t J 'i
Inlf>rmatfon s hp s an d V r i n Tas w i l l t ake c a r t i if t h i ' re s t f'( f w cf fu l valtdatieft J ii d i i i i fiftttaatiuft features i'fi'sufi' t I'i Jt nii l ( fff is v ii i y i i u r t 4 s return hc ( f >rf(xt, i iu t s o u w i l l Jlsft fife t h e m ( fxt b c nc l h ia f t a x r i turf; Fxfssifffc iwit iii'ul i l i v dtifigi
If yeu run up tu 3 busffxsses, havi
i lx l f s c i t s c Jss l i i
if\i' l ul l f armmg e r hs h rng i n come, J f i « m tii st »x i » fisc help n a s Jflaeec hu trvtstcrnng RR SP am ounts, t sa ' f . " x - s f n c n hu m arid ut t cfligntt m(ur red ( a ptlaf 8Jt ns. n e e if i»
• x t s sf%I llriftg up utt t e f atcsf , t • Jnd hemi fr ith a srftsfdc punt ,xi k ff p(vatten h ta x s u m rtsars » m e » s htsstxt wc t fff h etumbnc at J, lame, vsd rwcrni4 h l i tt (4ds maLa it tii » s t h e J(fs JfttJxn fff d i l f i r e nt •
»l iat i f
' i \ i f L i f ff
( Jku i atc ( f unpuund accrued m ' on ( h e s o r w a nt t o <4tm
(rivi'f JI I ii f i ( i ( if I J S n fxxfs
l cl l h c p o wer a n d s implicity u f
58{n Tax gu tu week focruu. pkb up a cupv nl vouc fucnf teenilee uc call as • l 148 . Sbh-8831.
— F rectal Design has added
An example of this is I ractal's Liquid M e d m lhcse tools simulatr t h e viwal e ffects of vuwing pfctufn through mme sort ol ltquuf. for initancc, you can new your work m if it
thine as welk I he Mar fuff»If version ol I'amter 2 0 was dcmonstmtcii at ftu' M Ji World iliifw in san Man«x o and is being iliippcd The Windiiws vcr.
n behind a pane d houcd
time this mont h
84$ . There are a total ol
who purchvcd the psogrvn
uon will be shipped someA n yone
nsne (hNerem Isqutd bnnhes in thss ncw
aher Ncvcsnbn l . 1992 will receive J Iree
ierstrm Also(bet flew fcJturc is thc abilrly to save bnash xstufn a wxr (senses. Frarsal Design has nnaled a bnuh «Jthd fix wh i ch adds yelhsw vsd orange hfghi cliff tn a pi(tuic and aho (scatn a wavy
upgrade Thme ufho purdased the Program prim so that dase wtg be abkf lo upgmde to 20 hu U h 579
Canadian Product Launch Update IORON IO , O N I A RI O ( N R I — R ecent C anadian launches by intcniauonai (oml onies in(lude ncw Ifrrxfu(ts fram Computer Associatn, Aier and Toshfba, Jnd • n c w
J fnoun(ed CACRppcr 52 at the ~ t ime Js its US. p f e n t f osnpany INn n b y tes. ~ 25I L ist pri(ed at (.5795 in Canc(4 C A ( lippf'r 5 2 is evadable to fegistcfcd CAClipper developers Iof J li m i t ed t i m e at ( 51;9 I h c fimncd-time oNer aho provides the company's ( A-dbfau database devi iofx ment soft»air Ior W mdews, CA-( tipper Tffots, or the CA-( Iipper/(.Ompilr' Ktt for dl4ie IV foi Jn Jdduffutal ( 5SO CA has nor sct a date for t he expiry of t his offer, a
spokesmansaxi Ux n o t fuhn X basc syucms, st»h m k f tcrosoft' s f u r Pr o or go rla n d International's dl4 sc. (J n receive t h e
JIefadc vuf mx of the above produces lor ( $225 on reghtratimt
CACRppv fooh, hsr fad(ed at L5850, Is
musing C SPcnscs V s tn l a x I t as l i x pe»cr to ha ndle it I n t a i t , Vvin fat • miiri t h a n ti l t s R e v e nu e ( J n a (fa J fff>f(fv(xl I f l f fffs Jti d x ( h c (fufcs W i ll
halle requested Jdditional test aflli itf sight edge tools
Computer Asso(mtn C anada Ltd.
turc and place them somewhere on the screen Then rhe user can dtspox of the c rstirc loof palcltc to Q s c
i S 4futcd wftwafe texllcr
t JanatLJ's first personal I n ( u rn r t a x p r o g r a m f o r W i n ( t uw s.
a nd thearea above the fire seenss
m have hcut waves cn it. Another cnhanccrrscnt n the additson ol a sct ol image mantpu4(rcn lectures ( oior fcpafatinns, phiuo f o m positing and magi( wand allow the uxr to Jdd Iiftfuo imagn into the art»virk and gct the final wink read@ for printing. Fra(taf Design has also added the fapanty for a user to tcJr oil a bfush of J tcs-
atwe cchntqun that tfvai tonal artists and photo i etou<hen c o u l d o n l y dmasn ot tmtil miiv, smd
Carsadmn office fiu 5ottw are Spectrum, 4
IntrtFducing Win Tax.
• omputer can do — ne-
klvk 2hnmer. Pestdcsu ct (renal Deugn
k Jt x s r i f > i 'eo Jif f T h c effect loots like lire poking its head into the I
Jv • (4fde to rqgfstercd wxn d ( A / 1 t pper Tooh R i tofmcfh Nantucket Todsi ar a spe. dai pnce of $179 .h(ef Canada robed out scfn(c and sufx p ort progfarris Jnnoun(ed carin( m t h c United Stain INcwsbytn, February 91 Accr will new pros idc xrvtfe Jnd support direnly for its A(erPower 48(fc. A(cr ACR()5, ArerAnyWJre K38C6 Jnd V Ig((5L notebooks Jnd its Acnfa( product linc( t h e program inrludci a limited cne-yev, on-ute warran-
ty. Phrs eekphonc mppmt for as hmg as the
(ustumer owns the system itoii-lrn. Ior the First year only).
A(cr cise offers facsimile- vid buiictinboanl support servi(n Jod a 24-hour sys. tcsn tep4(nnent program fm owners ot its
notebook (imtpuatn To support the ncw services. Accr Canvla upgraded its ielr pbcoe sysacm, saymg u (an resolve 95 per orate ol (ufaofncr inqinnes inthin 10 mu»
ines Ibe I n f ormation Svstems (iroup ot Toshtba d Canada I td, m M vk ham. Ont, began shipping a new version d its f(f4W p ortable u sing a 5 0 m e gahertz I n t e l 48(fDX2 Professor Ih e f c 400/2(IO (ufffcs wnh a 200-megabyte hard disk and four megabytes of inimury, and a color vcrsiiin, the lff4(xx'J2(x), u aiio availat>lc. I ist pff(cs a rc C 5 7 , 149 f o r t h c T C 4(fo/20(t J n d ( 510.(f49 lor the I(fhtXX7 i(XI finally, 'xittware Spectrum, thc lfai4sbascd soft»are reseller, upencd its first Canadian iitfke i n T oronto W i t h a n nual
sales ol nnt qmle U55140 uulgon. soli»are 5pccttum has e4ttonshsps wuh most af the m a{or i o l t w are p u b l i i h cn . i n ( l u d i n g M icrosofi , I o t us. I g kl . b o r l an d a n d Wfffd Perfect
Cwuuct Ccmput« a aoraataa Canada, • IS8796700 Access ~ r v Afa r cncnda. Jf(k250-5mI, tar • 16-250-79(N. Taanefu Cannon • t6- • 70 3478, tns 4 t~ 70-354 t,
stat»urnspectrum, 2t4 864-SQ5& tar2ia 884 7878
Cost Of GUls High, But Worth lt,
Survey Says
5fhTI I.E,, WAS( IINGr()N (Nhi — A survey
ments, despne the fact that most of those
carried o u t b y t he M ic r o computer Mmiagement Association (MMA) rays that
surveyed were IBM personal computer users. Corporate Amrrlca ls expected to impkment fastet, more powerful penonal computers, rap(ac)ng 286-based PCs. Whik
the real cost of moving to a graph(ca( user interface (GUI) is high but is worth it in the Iong fufi
In 4 survey of 402 corporate informs
u ser (nter(aces on the rrur-
mOh OPdafa ting
System 42n d t o D O 5 i n
he migrat Io n
Laptops Notebooks 4 Palmtops
)20 MB range up into 4IMB to
((4s(s), but. only 6( percent of the PCs in use were nenvorkcd, the MMA said MS-l)(35 remains the most common
~»5 Mon, Tw, Wsd, TIIu: 100m - Bpm Ffi. Sst tosm - Bpna
Sun: 1pm -apm
A usocwaon, 2(2-7871122, tsx 212.5a).tprd
366SX 25MH 2
lash Dsasny $4' dtutwnsa 1.44MB SO&os Double Dsosuy raor( Dwuease i(ueuu
3%0X 33IBu spwl
Coassr 8(BS H Dnva 4 IS RAM, 638i, (sarmal I Dme
VGAgadSL Iusw TackgaaMasts Canytap Cats. DOS 50
386SX-33 MHz 386DX-40 MHz ColorSVGA28dp Most(or
•IMB SVGA Gras(usa Cud
DX2 5(MHT 256Kcacfe OX 50ha(z 256K(pcha DX25680(f 256K cade
DX 3350(( 128Kcad»
IDE(uds couauar v52(X)
128(( Cade,
' i 4( I i aa RS91 (M( Brass
' ueereu tat 5810asaanal • hatuu T~msam pI ' I sue( Wi ua taaa uM'
Lease $63 TSE(g.XT45NigQ TVGACdftr)
SX 335)8(( 126K cICha
lo 2554S HD 5119
tuas(Dda(255ks Rani Drive
486 ISA Model
• 19' Town Cats 200wagPS • (253 tcs(ap Staadardoa5(sdu • )pppah) lo BIS RAM51)0
Intnxiucing CanadianMade
hsurwscaaaas stmaasad • tm) ~ 3 a a t aa (Nm • VEEA is(as 8X ~ sm ~ ( S M • all Gnpaxalaa PssVE SI lm SIW ~ 58m ausadda u ~ P)trhm(aaad 2%%)MO Bma
4MB RAM Windows Aces( 1MB Hun-th(ensue Mundw (QX-33ISI( CPU515() more)
Lease: $58
486 Systgfns Standggd Fegluras
4IS S(MM RAM Qradum ( T(aS Hurl Disa • M' la h ri acs Mouaw 28dp
asa aae asa aads • los aaeo
Ridunond Branch 61204140 No 3 Road. Richmond, B.C Tel (60I( 2734016 Fax (60I( 2738017
Lease: $47
Tower Models
486SX-33 ((u)(Vz
128(( Cacht Duaaaim 178MB H 4MB RIM 1MB SVGAcan( 'A(or SVGA28 dp Musd or
Mtcmsua DOS e o uop ad Ruppr Dove 5 25' i 2 MB PC Lo(pc Fauiodeni MOOD(sadousurnsi u s Roaoucs i 4 4 uearnw Fawsaodsm Sound Commander wuh spssuws Ravwl 24(a 24pin, isxtops Raven 24oo 24pm. coror capable Raven Lp $10 Lasw, appm, stare
I ta( Ca(ba
(05MB Rsrd Dnva 4MB RAM 1IS SVGA CNd Cour SVGA 0 28 Musd(u ()ettdop oi 13' TowN
Vancouver Branch 3092 Camb(e St, Vancouver. B C. Tal (606( 877-1812 Fax (60ll 877-2223
System Upgrade Spec(a(si
3(36OX 33Mhz
388SX 25MHr speed Cousw 804S HD. 2IS (SSM(1 RAIL Backat VGA SupatanL I 44 IS ID
' 1 sbrt SVGA Card (1024 x 7(RD • Super VGA monhor 11024x780 2smm) 13' Mini Tower case wAED (Bap(ay ' 200W powersupp(y • 101-kay enhanced keyboNS
hvvvus wuvo uuuoue vvoou u w
to IX)5 m ught, Prlscilla Tate of thc MMA tokl e w sbytes. However, the migration to Windows i s e x p ected t o c o n t i n ue Surprisingly. even though Wmdows NT hasn't shipped, one-fourth of those sur. veyed sard they pkn to use Wmdows YT in the future.
*di All systems include two year parts Bnd Iebour warranty ~
operaung system w use and there'sno end
• 40SSX-20(12SK • True Intel CPU and AM( BIOS • 4MB RAM • 1 2 MB 4)V(7 1.44 MB hoppy drive • 130 MB (DE hard drive • Super 18brt VO adapter • 2 awisL 1 pere(tet. 1 puma port Trident 8900CL. 32 bit SVGA card wit MB Super VGA monhor (1024u788 28mmi 13 Mire Tower case vwLED dmp(av 200W CSA poww supply 101 aury enhanced keyboard 14.4 V.32bvs inL modem Free copy clip holder snd mouse
the stcc of h ard d i sks will i ncrease from th c 2 I M B t o
canyrsa caps 8 58L 3ar aat
meg abvtes (MB) of RAM and
I 86DX~
• 2 sana(, I psiahel, I Dame port
used lo cal ar ea n e tworks CO h t fn L Ia.
GU( implemented in corporate environ-
• 4MBRAM l70ns) • 105 MB 1DEherd drive • I 2 and 1.44MB Japanese hoppy drives • IDE HDDIFDDadapter w(26, 1P. IG port
36DMB ca par ny Nearly • II those surveyed
ket. the MMA said that the usage of OS(2 20 0 expected to increase. Apple Ma cintosh use is expected to decrease, however. Mac users surveyed %aid they were extremely satlsrierf with their operating s>stem, but that they didn'1 sce Mar hi(usher as playingan important part of t h e ir organ(cat(on Ho w ever, the number of Rl'.k. (reduced instnscnon «t computing) t o mputi rs and Un ix-based machines is expected to the(ease slightly. Mirrimdt W i ndows is the prcdnminmit
81238 • (rue/AMDCPUand AlugBIOS
b e(orna predominant w i t h i n the next 12 months I nvestmc nt s i n m e m o r y and larger hard disk storage is ahi> expected to increase in the c orporate environment I n 1 2 months ihe m aturity of P c s w ill h a v e e i t h e r 4 or 8
cos(s 53,600 per user to
place A l so , i h e s u rvey results offcrcd evidence that ) ncreased productivity i r t o(fsetting the cost of the fnovv over (litle. O( thc various graphical
vey said 486 based PCI are expected to
t he MMA (i~(ms that it RI15.pp 5 r a m Sins
competitive In the market
386-based PCs will remain in use, the sur-
(1Ãl technology rtianagerr,
move to Windows on average Himever, of those surveyed. the maimity sa)d the mosv was 4 strategic rute tu inake their company more
PRICE LHSE $ 1619 $ 1739
$ 60 $65
$7 1
$ (%9 $ 2099
$7 4 $ 76
All s(fatsrngc(xtpleh BINI' 101 enhahaadseybdard 3 5 1 SS Sappydnua
2 rrtautsxnagats,I pnrdar, I Ieta+
$ 1(09 $ 1969 $ 2129
$6 6 $ 73 $ 79
' 24 hour leash(k ntatatuta
$68 (Geese 24 bd)
' 2 yap)a paha Ml Q)t)r at(gap
$ 2389
$ 66
26) WagCSAposer ngxgy • Cug)taa(ad (su(B alm(at auagaga
4317 prsssr Bt.
Vnncotruer, B.C. VSV404
I iyg-yssy
Fax: Ised) 072-2$26 •
r '
I i
Top Selling CD-ROM Titles PALSIPPANT, hfvv ILRSI v lhsi — l hr ft>I!oaths 11 I i>st of tnr Inf> trtt best ttlhni C D-ROkl titles accordtn s to Tht Settee of Effta a n t
pebhshtns. tenet The asnae camas • latlft nasnbfr of tndtpendtsafy pablhhfd titles. thh fist b a Rood >tprrtrntaOon of the favotttt ccmnnnrr CD ROM titles. 1. Street Anne Dstamemappne aaestlsvei ous>stcr ew U 5 i pet
Holmee Candu irma
a Monarch Notes, au>eau Devehf>mart
Dmocllve, loom
Tlw errtre 200pk>s Monarch Notes oe>
sheets ol Iwnan novels Ior PC and Mac, 5100
5 tacreeoa aookahee IE>c> oeoa Seato >et • >ence mats • ctudtte ea>whee, snd acao.
I A f [ l < L ; . I , < ; « 1i ,lF.t
nay lo> PC. Mac atd wyttdow, STM.
S. Whee ln We Wend ts Carman
A Qasm&a, rtmwa Geayaphc Saiegr
Oo uaaeot Gecfptahy lessons atl tee esvne lo>PCe.
>MNSIJtL,« -„l~; /
vn som end au>etta d ete wwlm Its IGnes Onset V. Sane On-Lrw DSD.
I stetaart pC. 5131
type ccesnrase Snsmlor PCs
S. astemnce Ubrery. Tlw Soawam Todwonn Genera >claw>tn wort lsr PCe
N ew CD-ROM t i t les ftom Sutt au
Development Include all of Charles Dh kern and Tht Complrh I warm(Mars Twain) for PC ot Macintosh systrms, pncedat 5)0 rath.
• •
' s •
contact bureau Development, 500e29.
sutta>mra»cet Itcmvotocimc. i
I,NS wtstw ot ~
, u I'/, t<urth Vali '<tisvt r -3LC,Cdiid<1'3 IPTJQK '
1 L i .i i
.l";- 8 12 1 — 7
l yea ce 201 -Wmaete.
t. Orna! iteranee. au>em>Devote>os>a w>t ers I>w>t ate peaL
PC aed Mac, 5 I at
! >' / 1 2 1
z cj~a fefa7 ~v 5 M
n d S t r ee t
/sec>per I
MVL 386-OZ 40 MVL 486SZ33 MVL 486 DX 33 MVL 486 OX 50 MVL 486 DX250 MVL 486 DX2 66
$1779 $1999
Fo ur Neysbytes RAN (7ffna1
$213 9 $2379
t> 4 f .dd HO Ffoooy On!Pcs 17f f NeoabytesIOE Herd difw
t29a Cache /ANI BIOS
2 Sonless/I Parelfef/1 Game 19 inch N>df Tower ttpLEO
2 tfb 5Va«ptnw Supply
S2bteTeeng ET4999 SVGA Cent le etch ieceobtNrt~t No n bor I pl aey Sott-Tac«te Keyboard abcrosott Septal Nouae
N~ . W e» v
ettr L t )) • acta A >L tl AAF- > l
~ • A
Keyb oards
W >M e a>e t t e
Opeisbn9 Systems lj
t e eu e
tet ~
> vM>t a>et>tea rt>a
M apw>te ~ F W
MAO t>' Fat
2 Weaaa ttpt>ee> tn auva>ee )> Greece
aeetr Fvv aeac
Vv Auec»e
Tape Bacav p I/nits ~>aee 0„
seve>ae 5.1 a t peee
r 'r e tel
>e . Aen>tree ) ' rtd >w
• I' •
l Me>esca> AA IS' r t MA ' v!' Mrt)r
Awte tF> I >etatsW
l nc jr ' • w.
t 9 inch Nftb Toteep w/LEO
2ffff lyett Plotter Salty SVGA 1NB Accadeisled bfdso f dinch Ieosoaltertsced NonWop tfft asy sotl-Tactde Keyboard Nfcrosott Ssrtef Noose
M TC 386 DZ 40 MTC 486 SZ 33 MTC 486 DX 33 MTC 486 DX 50 MTC 486 DX2 50 MTC 486 DX2 66
$1599 $1875 $1949 $2219 $2169 $2339
Fioppy Orfwe vtnt eW 'Jn> l 'e I
' Fr w
ase Speaber Sets
. >A>e
M i > . e t » d>t>te> e tepe
>tvo >>toper sa ceeweee FC tc ~ S peal Adorer E>e Ma>wee In
pa shorncaa suhfactss ctttatga ta«vsu~tnceaa
>>)Met 10E ISS Ave>A»»cote> tee>Mee ot Auetwe ctatel '70 Stat E% les >aM 0 >e>ce> nr SueICE seat>et 2*) Mel ICE Atete>e 0>etei )eo Mee .'I. Fv>nee92>) Mel SCS>: 1 t I Its
Laptecn Feel Ma>ee l Ae>te>IA >w>ne 'e > w tt e »>F
o, -ww
Super VGACards
Prineers (Inc~
wvclet ot>etae F eet>>et
An VGA 2e a am >Ila>ee An ut>aA rlw>'Sm >Meter
wet N
Ih ISFO G>ur
>Ltt> n -
SMNt ~
9 . A:0 te w v Aepn
tm tree e rute eveevn
9 pate weal am>SG>w ) Pete a>M>a • Sap ID>e> 9 pvee eton>te etesetaw 9 paste maaSr
' lt>O SCS
ol , • e J >AA>et leeF K>ete>es>e -
~ 0 v>swee 200 Met ()9 >ws et aae
Bacavp Suppdes
In>etal '. 'a >
>ntr LCMevee CIA M>F>W >~
I «t >
Herd drfws
Ecl'e I e> OS Fea> • %XX. V >mlw eeeel »t I D eli>Gale vea e v lat>e - v F a vMee> e t t e eew>ten Fwe >asar
Wl t t
129k Cache / ANI BIOS Four ife9abyfes RAN (70ttsj 1.2 4 l.dd HO Ffoppy Oriws I 79 Ns9abylas KIE Hard drive 2 Se / I P srsl ei/ I Gates
btfsineI $279 Esternsi $329
• t Y> a t a n e>
/a ~
EP5 5 - a afa 2 2
r Fr «r ,
V.SSE 4sr >S
USRoboacs has psst dropped Ihe pnce of h>9hspeed modems, The sportster Sne haa dropped inprtce bga whotpmg dttfk Sportsfer t A F loder n
>ttte>t> I > '
s of
. Ve , a e
S u r rey
Late w s
33 IbptlotlCS SIEyy lower prfces
Q orri P
z cA
vvt>et leeeta'
Iso >veepone tee>t>tdSyetae ? I S tttaeeee pape Wte
•s 115 ISS
Keynote Address: Concentrated PC Power A Concern rt>R(INTO, ONTARIO t NS) — The Power of
ihe personal e iimputer industry's biggest
play<(5 is becoming a worry, Pi; World kfaturinc Chiel Phil I emmons i„id a conference. In panicular, (rmmons uid ln the Industry Keyneue address in the PC Woild(Network World Canada, that
However, he said, it probably will not happen because each vendor would want a second one of its own produos in the bun. die — lotus would irant to include lhe Ami
Pto word processor, instead of Wordrerfe<L fur imtance.
Mtciuso(t's power thee~tens mulkr players and could lead to reduced choices for PC
On the chip side. Lemmons said it would take a ma(or PC vendor such as Compa9 Computer placing a bulk order
wnh one of the maken ol Intel-compatibk
The other maior power that could be a cause Ior concern ls chipmaker Intel Corp., Lemrnons uid. Noting that Microsoft's profits exceed the revenues of many of its competitors, Lemmons said the software nuker ts the moat powerful entity in the industry, espe. cmny with th e i mminent arrival of wmdows Nr, its poruble operating system,
proceuors to ensure the survival of a vuble Intel compentor.
whkh will increase Mictosoft's innuence
osvi Intel because it can run on other vendors' chtpx
Lemmons also said he would like to see Microsoft's three closest rivals in the
applications software business offer their flagship products as a bundle to counter
similar deals from Microsoft. l .emmons acknowledged that b o t h
sat<voto(t and Intel fnve their customers good value (or money and invest for the
PC vendors need to ensure the survival
lk said tlut whik ISM nsay have same.
of an alternvte CI'(I (central processing
thi/tg to fear from Mkrosoft's Windows Nl',
until, lrmmons uid, but he was doubiful it
Appk does not tn the short term, became
weli ha ppen Touching on several other poinl •,
the Macintosh's user interface still outs(tines tliat o( Wl ndowc
lrmmons was pessimistic about the future o( Taltgent. the operating. system (oint ven-
personal computer users ared tnfonrutton
ture between I bM a n d A p ple. The Windows instaned base wt(l be so large by the Bme Taligent appears in the market tlut it will be lunl (or Taligent, whatever merits it has, to be<ortk senous(y compeutlve
He also calkd for cooperatkm between systems professimals. Ef(ective use of tedt. nology can neither come spontaneously from below, nor be unposed autocratically (runs above, he warned.
SER VICEISREASON TODEALWITH BYTECOMPUTERS. Maintain your Best Maintain Tbe Pond to be yofu Bert with: • Fast turnaround • Servic done right the first time • Friendly, Apple-trained technicians
k>ng term, something he noted is rare in the industry today H o w e ver, he said,
they' re in such a strong positron now that they can simply render their competitots incompatible by evolving the standards that they control
I emmons suggested some moves otikrs in the i n dustry could m ake to reduce Mie'rusoft's and Intel's power. though he admnted he i nnsidirs them unlikely tu
tupikn. ISM should consider renaming itsOS/2 operating system "ISM Windows, he said. A ment court ruling that Micmso(t cannot <opyiight the Windows name, while still
open to appeal, makes that appear possible. I think it would clunge the psychology of the industry, Ir m mims sa(d. upeople who ask lur Pcs with Windows must specify whkh one, he said, choices will be nude more on themerits of the soltware. Another possibility is t hat Ap p l e Cumpuki could port its Macintosh operat. ing system io the PC ardutecture If Appk dkl so, Irrnmons said, il would gain significant market slure within a year because the Macintosh's user interface ls still superi. or to Windows or anything else avauabk oil tlk PC.
lrmmons also uid he would like to see Microsoft's three ckssest rivals in the applications software business — I . otus Oevelopment, WordP<rfect and Sorland International — olfer their flagship products as a bundle to counter similar deals from M t<toson.
Convenient locations No (natter where youbought your Appleu computer
system(Macintosh", Lisa" or Apple'll series)
Byte w'll ensure it is alwa}s working to perfection, • Field senlcc contracts • Depot sersice • %arranty andoN-war( anty work • Scheduled appointmentsavailable • Open Saturdays fordrop oN orpick up
AppleCarewarranty expired? Take advantage of new low renewal rates. Complimentary inspection for hppleCute rents& Phone for rates and details.
Ehm Cubi uses 2t51 Bur(ard SL
vancouver, K 738-2181
200th DouglasSL Vtc(orna,BC 383448$
l vv w & II W l l v w o
• wvewvwv. w uwvwX eevv C ~ ua. • xhW s s m n e w v w w ww m uermavwv a a cuvv a a aaw • I~
a Jw v c ~ gyg~
l i t
Our ASI 9000 Systems Inctuder Processor Upgradabie Motherboards 220 or 250 Watt Power Suppty Gehuene TEAC Ftoppy Drives Desktop. I g' or 24' Towers 2 VESA Local Bus / 48b CPU's FT48su Quality Keyboards
• e
Example Cont)gula))ons:
Pricing )nc)uding AJJTaxes:
386 DX33, 4MB )JAM, 128K Cache, J20 Hofd Drive, Desktop Case, ).44MB F)oppy, 14 .28 d.p. SVGA: 486 DJ.C 33. VESA, 4MB )JAM, 128K Cache, )20 Hafd Dflve, Co-Pfocessor, Desktop, ).44MB Floppy, 14 .28 d.p. SVGA: 486SX33, VESA,4MB)JAM, J28K Cache, )70Hard Dftve, Desktop, 1.44 h 1.2MB nappies, 14 .28 d.p. SVGA WlFSJet Wdeo Processor / Accelerator, C/w 1MB: 486 DX 33, VESA,4MB )JAM, 128KCache, 250 Hard Drive, )9 Tower. 1,448 1.2MBFloppies, 14'.28 d.p. SVGA Wnlet Wdeo Processor / Accelerator, c/w JMB: 486 DX2/50, VESA, 4MB JT A M, 256K Cache, 250 Hard Drive, 19 Tower, 1.44 8 ).2MB F)opp)es. )4 .28 d.p. SVGA WinJet Wdeo Pfocessot / Acce)efatof, c/w 1 MB: 486 DX2/66, VESA,BMB JTA M, 256K Cache, 340 Hard DF)ve, 19 Tower, 1.448 1.2MB F)apples, )4',28 d,p. SVGA
fvkcrosoft DOS BT Windows
Mouse sr Mouse Pad
fvkcrosoft DOSS /fr Wlndoixa 3.1 FuS CSA System Approval. ( Not Just the Power Suppiyt )
western CNgxal or Quantum
Hard Dltves 2 SerKSI, ) Parallel. I Game Port
AMI's Freshest TBOS
LacaSy Assembled DekJxe Padded Shipping Cases
ferns Buitf fa yaur Speciftcason I MegaByte Shareware Package 48 HOur Burn-In and Testing
3 year Parts sr Lcdtour Warranty Unconditional Hardware Support
VESA CJFFM s logic Video Accelefatof, c/w
$1619 $1849 $2129 $2259 $2579 $3429
level I Mi t s umi CRMC CD Diive - 350ms acc e ss P hoto-CD Ready clw In t erface Co rd 8 ca b l es. Audio ports. 3 CD's ca m ptan's ramey Encyc Br i t t an i ca F am Ch oice F a m i ly Doct o r
$439 level 4 TEKEL Multispin CD Drive - 265ms occess. Photo-CD
c/w Mediaviskrn Pro Audio 16. Ampelled Speakers. d CD's. Cump ton I Encyc . Lotus 123 Windows. Carmen San Diego Kada» Photo-CD. Other l itles ovolloble
5 1199
S 129 $199
Soundeiaster Deluxe SoundBlaster Pro Deluxe . c/w S Ware TOOIWorks Encyclope d i a Gravis Ultrasound 32 Voice W a v e T able Synthesis Mediav lsron Pro Audio 1 6 Stereo ddKhz, SCSI Intertoce
$199 $269
Sc~eenBar Amplitied Speakers Ma n i l o r Mounting Mo n e t i c a l l S h i e l d e d c / w P o e r " u
g 49
M roeott Mouse 1 44 TEAC floppy 1 2 TFAC floppy siMM R AM I M B MM RAM - 4M8
rnaant 8900 Videa I Me inJei Accel Video I M B Cheetah VFSA IM8 Video lamcnd stealth VtSA 1MB
il usia ProvfsA 2MB
5 50 5 75 5 85 5 40 $200 $09 S 175 $219 5 239
5 580
ADI SL I • ' Digital Monitor 5 510 MAG 151 15' Digital Monitor 5 859 ADI 4A 15' Diglral Monitor 5 650 Sameung 17' Digital Monitor $1320 MAG I /F 17' Digital Moreror 5 1580 Star 104 0 Corer Printer 5 250 Star 24 30 24 plh Printer $359 Star 5EX laser Phhlai 5 1349 IJ S Roaotice 14 4 Modem/f A X5 279 2yxei I 4 4 Modem/FAX 5 520 Tewel Duarsprh CD . 265ms I 5 610
I /ir
tum 127 1 7 rrs hrh I / O - I / m s rixn 240 . 16ms. 256K Cocher A rh 425 - l en s idsru 105 - 18mr 3 Y i
5 289
S I200
jNsu 330 1 2rrs uxeu 525 - 12rrs
256K Cachel or 125 1 5 ms. 2 Yr D Tlder 60 - lbris. 2 D Ca vrrrr 170 1 2 m s
D Cover 210
D Caviar 340 12TTN 44 - 20rra, 2 Yr Carhidgs
ha SCS KS a I C~
el 88 - 20ms. 2 yr
IChpvaakr Carredge
rxa SCS KN 8 1 C art
oehtta 8/elver SCSI2. 12 rrs. S5'. 5yr cetera 12 G8 5CS 2, 12ire 3 5 ' 3 Y i
I lms 3 5 ' 5 Y i
M or e B y t e f or Y o u r B u c k ! AH P r i c e s E n c l u cfe G . S . T . PHONE: (403) 4~ Tha Byte Track Inc, 5001 5
PA Y N O P .S . T . S
066 F A X : ( 4 03) 424-29$2 To l l-Fsiee Canada Wide: 1~
10 1 S t , E dmonton, Atberta, TBH 20 0 O P e n '10 - 0 W eekdays, 10 - 8 T h ursday, 10 - 4 S a turday
puters I transfn the work, I shut the one with high emission down. In addition I
tns o( apology (mm major «cualpUtcf chains
always shut down Ihe video when nm in
then nothingl So the idea went on hold
ge: Radiation Risk, February 1993
Since then I have struggled through acquiring two systems (or my business
I do not agree with the artklc puhlnlwd in thr Icbniary lsuse. In 198ri I got hold of a Roentgen meter and tested the emisdon o( two monographic and onc <:GA Iype roloui
monitor. Ihc cmissions ol the monographic monUors werc tnsrgnifkant — no reading S inches from the snccn. However the mctn readings on Ihc CGA monitor extended 3 I/2 lect in front o( the screen. The avr rage dtstanic from thc screen to thc operator's
(ace is about 2 I/2 (cet. Many of these older monitors are probably 'handed' down to school children and should be tested. As I lmt the records and am no expert in Ihis Beld, I do not know if the radianon is significant or not. AU I wish to point out is that there are detectable X-ray cmnslons ar»und some normaUy working Vlyl"s At the moment I a m using a 3ito/CO with a I C S V G A monitor. My emission
truing equipmcnt is rather primitive. using I <heap battny operated radio Placed a fool
Horst Ruthcr Vancouver. 8. ('
138IV33) about two vcan ago. I again had to do aU thc lvcuk of putting the Individual
EcStor'a l Uagaunuei ir h uriaursgtu Ui rkuf ?raus wus(Ac us/y irrrrr wc scciwaf if(
parts into a paikage systnn (Yes. the dealer
fkr riuirss mudr is that satiric — rfuisu tkaa wr' frit wrrr borh dubiuur usd piuauruiivv. Tlane cur SUSWrrso uifrrr Staabn I(rut diapurr usd rrurbudr'it ikr srvrsrsgfy om</Us/sv find.
Most recently I bought a new hard
isgs fvnrsrrrf is rirur issue,Srvrnai of ibnc riiagn wercmini'used is us urtfcir iw akr sub
none I ended up phoning 3,000 miles to Ihc inanU(acIUres fep. Io gcl JUrrl per SctUp data — incredible.
VDTs,but ul nxr did, und dseartrsf su X-nrys. As rkv dfsrkaknrr ut tka kmd af asu urltrfr uutrd, we wvkiwu sudrrs' vinn m d m rusrrra venial sabfaf. — Rb.
Frustrated and Angry
conditions (standard programs with no
the computer industry U the prrxtucts were
graphical interface) there are no detectable nnissions. It took me some time Io recon. ltruit the conditions under « hlch amis. Uom start. Apparently the video tube has to br hot (at least two hours in Usei and the
not so Powerful and Useful, I would have long ago fonaken it in disgust.
up Io live feet in (mnt of thc screen. Again I
drive I got thc unit In a bag — with no documentation. Further the dealer saki hc had
Rrrsrrsbcr, rfrnugfr, tku( rfrlyrrrsf VDTs wiii isne df/Jkrrrri irs(slim bvcb. Tbr Ruvcrra mast study isuy kuvc tnrcd rsusorfrrursr
I am orwe agam (nistiatcd and arrgry I son. tinue Io be appgcd at the attitude I see in
are two to three detectable (rcqucncy bands of emhuons. thc cmiwions • re detectable
put tiw hardware trrgeiher.).
/rct is rfrc Frb.26, lttp3 iuur af Tlu Gmrgfu Struigbr
trom the screen, I!ndcr normal operating
program uses a g r aphic i n terface i&pending on thc program used — there
Ior IotaUy ignoring my inquirin. but even
My Ust ol Uutdcnis is too long to dna' bui I will provide an outUne. Six ycun ago I
was mtrigucd by the idea of drung fullwolor printing and copying using a computer. I even had a printer identt0cd that wm, lor its tink, cxsvpttonaL Over the
lollowing two yean I searched Iur any vcn. dor who would put together a packaged
don t know 1( thc col lsuoru are ilafillhll iu
scanner, punter, software and computer
not — but they cxbt. As I have Iwu com-
systcirl. None would. I cacti have a fcw Icl-
1 uili have thc idea for low-run color printing floating around and have now scen • new printer thai Is a dream come true. I will be doing a system Ibis (aU to Iruplemcnt thb. come hcU or IUgh water! II appears. with some shining exccpUons, that thc attitudes of six yean ago an stiil these. I get no, I mean absolutely no
mppon on puning a package together. At luaat 90 prr cent of the compames I call for information am m incapable of even dealmg anth brochure mquests that I would not buy their product To date I have called at
(or compattbtbty? I may be unaU pomton to thnc companies, but wdl I always be? Can they afford to actively of(end potential cuslomcrs so casuaUy? John Humphrey, Owner John's Books Trrul, S,C. galkoc'a Ruagaoaaao: Osv rruum iusw pmpb cxpirtrscc pmMCUU wftfr thor uuwfsuaar is I/Uu they skup far lowest pdrn. Tfrfs by aaraaauy, feuds Ifarm m puss ovrr the sacuifrd fin( tfrr usd 'm a nd tier aesdun — isrcisuriusuf ur sut(usaf rorspusws csauwwnrd far tiarfi srrvkc usd wpport — is furor of third-Ucr rcgiusuf
rufur bwmd ur ur /brut(ac(rv kuuf sraramw' nrppf/crs, As tkc ufd raying Rises, iuu usuuiiy gaf whua lcw puy far. CuvaadEmptur. Osc wuy to upprourfr rhc iinwstiou is tu dcul wdb u spcriuiilf is yosrr rbusn /i cfd. TIrcsc sprcru(Isis, ruiird VARs (vulur-uddrd
rcsrffcrsf cuir uascrsb(c usd Insruii u ruaapfdr sys(rm Arr Iasa TIsry I?pilaf/y ssgridy tkr lasses wert, so/hvurr usd vuur(US ymrT( puy Baru ruisptrtc sufrukm und tfrur's wkut u Baud VAR will drfiwr. Musy laarsrdrusts ura VA(b; kuk rfrruught tbc smuffci uris ur the bruk uf Tlar
least 80 companies, on my money, as the
Cumpuarr Puprr fbr spcrfufists is DTP usaMar
$00 numbers do not wotk in Canada for
the pr(siirtg vudr. Sursr oowputcr rmwpurdn
moat of them At least <S of thne compsnin I will never speak to again, much less actually buy from.
(IBM, /br rsarl iruvr busrrwsspurmcr ekaffaa>
It still seems I must, anth at bnt sketthy
data, put together a system which is compatible and apablc of doing what I want. It is a great pity that the linc work of
skips with VARs. Tlat rompusv will recom-
mend ppupp»su VARsusd supply tbc isformunus iuu sred Iu crsrbact rhrm. (urgrr wbub cn susrrtirsn work witk VARs, aao fs auur ruse, u crssprm? rwigfrr work mih wrtfr u <iaiiiir is tfrr pubfisirfrkf Vudr. — Rb
software and haniware deslgnen ls m poorly served by tbe peofde who purport to sell their products. Why is it so hard (or someruw io actually r8scuta syuem rcquunnents I
65((6 Vt(gora Ops, tncotfvbr, B.C. VSP3X9
327-2®3 3274787 P LU S
' fac 3V~
ts r»ws«wnuia wuwa ravrmiui
aum ~
25 SX MHz, intel ... ............... $5(0 33 DX MHZ,bNd/eyrlx .. 8 60/$585 50 OX2 (NH2/50DX ifi(e1 . Q70/41025 66 DX2 MHz ............................... 8JJ25 25 SX MHz/25 13XMHZ.....$34 IJ/$389 33 DX MHz ................................. 84l9 40 DX MHz .........,.„...... .....8A39 Ibud 0atvca 0 sr vwraua. wurw ruaubaa vsa I . Sam ITAC iaaam taua .
• auaar~ I T vm tab, tsara. Utdu ' Cue W tm WCSrxl ' Iurkam)evil Itcaawu ass taok vaaa local las IU • 10 I wy waaawu avrawini
' I aruaavas tdNuriva (i2amaua ak I aust •12ausauaaaf) • fk»xrruwu wmuu via wtuuw Swua'nmuaka awu
' raawuwua, rowauw vlvawa' raraarcuvwwuu I r wwwrr'ruruaabwa
S360 vaa oax/i»ural ia ail vna cuu »/silk (la% •'ll si To OaGRADE lo Skipgk VGA a&I
mc l s m iaaa Saiaur ttm mu/taust tarn asaslwtaum iiua
alai/Im IUU
'stum tkaa/SI4lm llus' I laafJ40 (auuwaatsm ltisaf Iaiam itua I fn® Iuvaataur laua rais(ala WD m a m laaW tlSUS iaua . . IS IS/SIS SSS araas ltmta tswUIIQQ ilua SuatraCi ISIUUr t Isa/Suam tbal
outw svaw cvav Ii' vGl uaaavr ialialm, ~ I aaw vuiu«r
Happy Uafvea (Iaivasuua. faaiw aafaw> ~w aww vwrwa I2am~o uur aa»uua I Ium
Tu lPQME lo VGA auu$275
I/O IID/ED aaaabugcaCaud
VakUaa/tuursaatu iam Ca»i«f lsaa ii VCA aawaa II uu ruUU(auaura> I Vm ~ tts aswi Ta Waiwu WVox wr ta m VCA Cm v/ISIU I r KAawau I rvua wimaua auu Sita
Call/FaX to dleeiE quantity discounts. Uwvur/a»un svn auwrrsrawurvmwruwv
, 3 2 74828
~I Im UAII 0ausaut a55,umauu am)
SHOPPNG HOURS:Man - Sal 1000am-830pm kbmbumttr muU rsawtakrauwl
A ll M(3deh Feahue: t~ ~
' ' l l
Isripito —la/ iti ICla m vila rmtt/I pert
as/tc/tc tarn vaagcu/raut . .
. Isuvsas
Uwswtmtr taxi wruarurw VuvwrW a lcda (i ir wur.i I il I al wamua
fax sNC/suaNL
Sim ataauaur taaaawwSVGA IUGAVRW rtt TR. I» IVII sa Ul/aa wiauruia rue IIUI/ uc ls
paluaaaa (2avw wauauia) Cauwvm tt amttsa . stmrama I lsu/ltaa (wm cvaar ui) I4sav i r SWliaatwmudwaatrj. Ia taiaam aawn St m 'Iuu (cvtwuuiuu) i Sla tra?%a st tartras stasraua
asuvsra sais
isaac Prhkcaa sawlellpacawu• ' I aau( 5, a aaw a a Q s i
as ll
m' Iaaaumvrv liaaw,
auuruau aams ~ ' I am 1laaw a
sst5 sacs/sm .. Itmsm
tgdco ~ aor Iiaa/tarncuaataaaarcuwuw
Ilk I auras avuwa hwwaaaura .. tuduru UvvwuwuSwrUva . .
Iaara7 t Starata
%Car sis tamm.iavaaawu wvua cW • I raau Um lwua urusauu muw lxsa~ ~ i i l a ura aiav waaaicasa IK' i ai rax wwwl at araat '.s
IISgaaded/baamllsdsm (rww •
, • msar
alavar txwwuuu tvr aautwraauurauww Suaatr staaatw M sauuaw
! kgadaccSmada
sa m u .
D amuasUxmu tim %setaÃ/aana ami. smxtrsa wtlsu i' .
. Siss salt(UI Im/sas Imkuis
sm als l atlfats
l54/ta Staa / alia
ah twvr IL iim ~ Um Oal iim Jlaaawau tswak sa um
an@OSSa Cwaasrw wruvu Cuai . Ulauvwas l itudrvra suuuw — Uvula uv tsv V Imwrwua Call
TrlWW SIV lam
auv atam
SURauacc4, unpen
kimb Cwpa~
ttuu sua vawuuai
• statsL IU saaa mu SraataUam ama . tasak UL4I auu
aab tac
.— — SUVS%
Case turn IID)
aura>aua blair»a Ii l Ili
. Sla Ita
Tape Backup Catwaua U 1 is IUIlaa Ni Cotwaaa I) 1 ta labsm am rvur ubawwa Srmuwuuamarwwawaa,awrwaravurmrwu
l ll ~ 4l $5$4 Isaxr lml .
Sbm um Iaaassw Fa r/klodcm
ar laubtum sauk»i aauaauaum Ialvla auruaua SrvktkvaaaIaaurw it ir wur)
Power Sayply IIU waa (?fr mwulla)I taaa taar wwrwaa)
Keybumda i I ai eaaaarvui ataua iul vacua tmu tmt.
xavwm ilricy avowsml ttwtauaw Ouuma IW
Small Office/Hame Office Sales To Ballaan 0
N ITRwFI 1, MAssxc t l crsFT/s ( N s ) -
machines have gotten increasingly incx-
Pusher( bv sr>eral, cconomi<, dist«button and product trends, the U S SOHO (SmaU D(hcr/Home Ofhcei advanced Iechnok>gy marker will soar Irom a current level ui US5 lo 2 bine>n to USS IS I cullion by 1996, says a nrw study by BIS Stratrgr< pensions The trend towatd worL>ng m home and buv ing tr> hnology m rctmi stores took hold in the tetr l'>Sos, and since that timr, prod. acts such as computers, printers and fax
pcniivr and easy io use, explained BIS' Raymond Boggs in an interview with Nrwsbytes. Around 19S/ o r 19BS, large discount
and drpa«ment stores began to adopt sug. gestions (rom vendors liLe Sharp and Canon to group technological and other office equipment together into I single stoic alt J, Boggs told New>bytes. Shortly aftr rward, I h e n u mbers of
h»me-hami busincsse. starred to sky rocLei. nung from 13 million in 19S9 to a current
Ngure i>f 20 mUlton, hc added. Movements toward product inexpensiveness and ea>c-of-urc arc manikstml by now in (ax machines that sell tor undrr
US550(f and handheld compute« Ukr the Sharp Wrxaid and upcoming Apple Nrvnon, the market analyst notrd
PC» now hold Ihe largest shate o( SOHO prcxlu>t saks, with printrn coming in at
numbet two, and these prod>u'ts will main. tain the i»mr resPccuve ranks in 1996, thr BIS study says. Aho over this period, tele-
phones will show the most dramatic growth, estimated ar le percent per year ( r Ruler and other Ixuiabk phones err predntcd to be especlaUy populas. Among dist«bution channels, retail is
rxpected to be the fastest growing by far, but the SOHO ligures aho represent some
sate> through VAR> (value-added rcsclkn/, systems intcgrators and mail order, partlcw oducts Before thc rctau sl >res were rrorgantrcd,
lariy o(
advanced technology and other oflice equipm ent tended to be w>defy dispersed throughout the Ao<u, hc told Nrwsbytcs.
CO M P U T ERS Sc COMPUTER PRODUCTS AT DISCOUNT PRICES . • • 1459 West Broechfuey, Vancouver, BC T EL:(0504)731-7880 F A X :(604)731-7844
PII I II and Pla(F I
SPffD. ~ ~ GU f D.
$ 'I g4Q
40MN Mf uh 2OI IOSMA (echo Nerd Drive, SuperVGA Adapter u/IMb 14' Sapor VGA 1I M onitor, TOT (sheared gayboord 13 M i • 1 Tower (eie, Snead (oetaondar Muhi Media fit Sony 31 A (D AOM Drive, Snead (oeeeader ho (erd Phsto (D Svppsrt 4 ( 0 T itles Set ol 1 'Speaker
YESA STAI>IC mt/ sx-(II I Lr>r AL BUS SYSTEMS Ssrl x(.35>ktl'i/2 rt ( Ic C.I t I I; ..I n m Ix(l t(.5r(ktti//2 srt ( st( I t ll 5... $2II.~ Ixt I M Fe pstl I/a ~ I ( sc( I t IF sosog poocf5500 25ss cAcsf oeo whoof, 4MB
Hi S p e e d M e m o ry
i.2 Ot 1.4 FIOppy Drive 105MB Cached Hard Drive 2 Senal/I parallel I Ga m e S uper VG A w / 1M B 1024 Color SVGA Monitor 101 En/>anced Keyboard
Vv'i(h Sx slcni Purchuic
386SX-33MHZ . .$1200 ' 386DX-40MHZ .$ 1 290 '4865X-33MHZ . . S 1490 486DX-33MHZ . . S 1618 '486DX-SOMHZ. .S 1810 '486DX2-66MHZ...$ 1948
Hthuni (0-l(HAIttoecnall hive Sol. lacbrdol: lb bil coaoelel Features: Mitlum edOiaal ' St>dotap .
LootOR OCbaanisni, Photo(0 Seppta(, 50msAveiole A(cele Tme.
FreelasktlaNoa .. 5 340 Oaten24li24piagdMm Fmm..525l
hnn 240i 24 Pin((doc4pebk... 5 290 05 labohcSON(Oaf14.4 5/Iag.Fox w>/V.33bbV.44bs ..535l ibidem Sea Oisae leo 1 h s A aiaals . 535 Poaasraac ' Fhgrpy hive S herlock Ne(rm (osssHiaf Deter two . 5 3 5 5.25' 5OS 1.44III35. 555 I.2MO Solkrtno rehsrorhs: WoddafhtslerNgndom 540 Solteor • Jshsbss 14 farnssl . . 532 lrtgberHl 10Vloser hiisw... 51400 Mixed ap Mother Goose. Sierra . 529 lOPPM30h3000PI, IMO Exp Io SIIO Sierra i 5i eiier 1 W>ng (sumandar cad Uikina Vl lhe Fa mily D sr i sr
(aaonrmMulkraaOo a/dtaetfe ler Nhtdem... 595 -r . r ~
~ >' r>>v
HPHlP(l5, O4level Grey Sc ok, 12 Scaloble, 24ONtnopItnok 2TI Wanon(T I IO (3eeentitieo Laef l l
.edti et>re or(if ~
Tt ri F>rrr cpe
Memory Upgrade from 4MB gh(B 5 1 7 0.(N 16MB . . 5 630.00 256K (:ache memory.. S 40.00 Itarddt>k Upgrade from 105MB 120MB.. . 5 48 00 170MB 5 88. 0 0 240MB , . 5 210,00 hticcoSoft Bundle . . $12»0.00 htS DOS 5.0 Windows 3.1 Senal Mouse (( t>mpupaneci System Accrssones CPU Fun for 486/50.. . S 35 R emovable Flacddrxk kil, S 48 L(3('AI. BUS Cache Contn>lier With ZhlB Fxp 16hlB . S 245 2 Tr. part A Labour Vr seve nty... FRF.N
Thc change took lens of convmong on the part o( ihe vendors, bui the H ares
found that sales ps<Lcd up nicely when the oflice cela>pmcnt was consolidated, he
rcportccL TT>r new store layout> lent an increased v«ibility I hai also contributed to sales growth, he suggested. "The lcchmere ichs-
count storr) chain, far exampk, put IBM PS/ls on display at the end o( an mde. So even il yr>u came to cashmere to buy recur>f
albums, you'd sell receive an advertising impression, he said fhe ncw BIS study abo ukntifrcs several factors that influence users to buy SDHD products in ret»U stares. Along with low prices, effective merchandising programs and broad product and vendor selection. the Ust inc ludes<cmvrnicnt hours arxl loc»iions and attic<(i>e post-purchase support and rrtllfn pots<les
cantata eis su»teats ckctmms.Sip ooa 0500
J okkoNiznrd Ths omort woy lo play
Lotto 6/49 end BC/49 ' osasrsm optimal eeollunaoons ' Complete to nary draw history gasy te uae dsaabaae updslinn ' Oyiuuutctre>tuency Srsphs ' Humorous stsostks and (seas ' Sxcsnent euick Pick loot
' Seve / Aecsar Check ytcksm ' Xkknssve a>vane twin ' Powerh>t Wlndaws 5 s OUI
Only $24 Puce V>ck>dm GST, PST, S S H .I tia' and 6 I/O' nap(>res inca>dsd
nsrdarus fxock>cts cast aver S50 rkrcpnrsa VV>ck>ws S x VGA, mause
Rush Ino a copy now I Name Address
Poets( Code send Chmpre ceMoney anlsr tu
ACTIVE TECH SYSTEMS Suite M2 - 722 Slxlh Street
New Wealmlneler, BC Vgk 3CS
Price s sub(eel '0 efrcnvpo wrtrhout r>alice
A PRIL "83 8 3
Autodesk 0$2 "Patch" For DOS AMtoCAD hAI/SAu(l!, CA(/i
i >KNih ' i >
h» > a>r>I i> i> i >,
t>as sun«usa«rd tlut peaches are no • bk m nrn Autoc~ R c kutr 12 lor DOS under IbM's OS/2 2.0 Pressing system The pitches enabk users to nsn rnuhiple vertu>ns of Aut«CAD as web as running alber appttcst>ons wtth thc popu ur computer>>dad dcugn I('AD) pacluge. Tire company is creat>t>ng i co(4borsiive rriart between Autndesk. ISM ind Phii Isp s«ftwire (or thr itrvriopment o( the two pitches now avii i i b k How ever, Aut«desk
attcmpbng \» w i he (4.
Oae patch. tbe Autodesk/Phar Lsp Extender patch, C)S2PCH.ZIP. enables AutoCAD to bc nsn as a DOS app(ication
under og/2 in thc IRM Dos • atecsed Made inkdacc IDPMn and h muatbk ku dmm load vu modem an Compuserve in the hutaCAD («turn IOO A(AI>> library 9.
An ibM DPMI patch for the urnc purpose Is sv sllat>lr on th e I b 'vf OS/2 Compuwrve fiirum as well is in the OS/2
Serai>r(>sk svs>lsbk by request by caUing
uys it ha> not offtctsby supported OS/2 as
UIM's Hei pwarc line.
sn operating environment fot AutoCAD. AutoCAD company officials arr also wirn. ing usen tt has iu>r extensively tested the pi>ahri. Iucuntnx mrn are an thctr own In
Contact lutaauak atba32-23ss, ua • ts.aat830S. RRS Hull>wtrv $%.772-2227
Complete Scanning Package For General Office Use ShN(A C L AR h i ALi i O R Sl h , N R
CM,AX Trc(ta>a(atpes n shrpputg Sano(bare, a complete scanning package for gtncrilpurpaae o(Ace use Scanoffice prov>des pto. ductivity tools fot uscn sa that they can cirair a broad artsy <>r' documents mch as
irwoiccs, invitations, (lien, certificates. p>cture> snd newsletters, the company said ScanO(tice users can siso employ OCR i>S»ical character >tant(nitlon) to replace or
reduce typing
S cano(fice t ncludes
hf>etna«It's Publnher lor Wtndo>rs lor desk. top publishing, M icrogra(a's Window> > graph>c> drawiaa Draw LE ver» r
pragruui aud Pkuase Pubhshec LE vrrsum 3.( lar image cdhhtg, a(so baau l4sae>gta(a. Aho Included is Typbcader vers>on I 01 from (ape>vs»anfoi OCR text scanning.
Hardware lor Scsno(T>cc is the new OA-
I, a UMAX f>txla300dpi gray-scale image s canner T h e O A - I s c a nne r c a n b e
enhanced thr«ugh software to ach >rvr a res. «lath>n of I20>>aI KOdp> and is upgradabk to cob>r. Scanofficc supports the tub range of personal computers including Ibki PC/AT and PS/2 The ScanOttue package m sugxritcd iv crd i', L'5
ltw two ompan>ucs ii>intly developed the new chip in hopes it
»>b rrp4ce Inst( s ab6 i>Id Pent>um chips as an imhrstry uandard.
IRM and Apple src reportedly ahead ol schedule on t hr (lilxrvlt opctallng sys. tern lor thc nrw chtp.
It has been rumored that Ihn «berating syv
As xpccsccL Appk un>reed its 4tgest new prodwt tnttaducttan 4» month This timeframe wus chosen io nutk the month the 10 mtlbanth Maaxntosh computer wus sold. Thc arw raodels
Apple unveiled its largest new product introduction last month. This timeframe was chosen to mark the Tnonth the 10 m i l-
lionth Macintosh computer was sold.
tern will incorporate the best features «I Ihe Mii >«tosh ind OS/2 sy>trn>L If I hi> is uur,
the new chip ind operaung system may be ihr hnt to run sb Msnntosh and Windows
applications an a stngk p4tlorm Il ab of «iii huncttaru sveU in a powerful ccunputrv si • compel>tive pncc. Intel and kbcaasaft
w>b be 4ccd wtth substantul catnpenuan. Whde the home cx>mpukr market has never hved up to the expects»ons of the u>du>try. It wus • malar canbtbutor Io thr success of the Macintosh LC ll 4st year During 1992, mote Msantosh LC II's werc sold thin any other single model «( c»m-
puier. According Io hppie, mnie tfun half af these systi tnt were purchs>rd for home uw. Irwet thin i>ne.Oft h wem used in busi-
ness ind kss than one-quarter werc used in
s your PC Tebooting itself just for kicks? Bombing you with incomprehensible eryor messages? Eating files? Br~ i t in to the data products repair depot at BC TEL Systems Support. We'll wake things right. fast!
Computer Trends sxia IRAN> tsa i i L h x tra/RI>IIA iNb r - IRM and Mocoraia are attempnng aa tctnvent the microcomputer indu» ry. Their ncw CPU «,ii, , the PowerPC, n currently bring >hipped in Umited qui nt>ties for drvriopmcnt purposra I srgr quant i t ies are raprcted to be avail. a ble within th r n r a t vrar
lt weuld call us.
priw>de mare color and power at lower pncrs
than cvcr before. The ncw Ccnuu hnc al add. r ange computers i s e xpected to h i v e t h e
giaasest iuapact an the
use d
Mactntoshcs. Thc Centns a10 u ses a
That goes for IBM PCs, compatibles and Macs and for that matter, montto(s. printers, fax machines, pagels and modems. Ask about our loaners, 3 month warranty and extended service plan. We' re BC's top data products repair centre. For information. call us ac 444-BBBB - ext, 11, or toll free 1-BlXHi63-3330- ext 11
vboi0 chip and camrs a .'ist p r ue of on ly I/SSI,bsa Resale vahiex
o( used Macs may not
y ~
0r>f t» r
Eaua»aea u>vv
fab immediately, however. du r t o l i m i t e d svmlibihty of the new
machines. Component shortages have p4gued most miior msnuisctutrrs ircrntiv
As proht msrg>ns luve bern squeezed in the computer indu»ry, some manufacsutcrs have nrrncd to the laser printer marker far greater margins Whik Hcwkn-Packard and Appk have bern the leaden in this ms>kcc Corupsq is increasing its usarket share UntQ naar. over 80 per cent o( Ihc cng>ncs in all of these pnnters wete made by Canon. Xeroa has now rxrtctcd the pnncerrng>ne bus>ness. Thts compctmon should force pr>ccs kwvrr. Far exsmpk, the late» Apple prinkr wdl >ne the Xcn>a engine Its list price is only sttla, or 51,079 w>th Postscript
Mr -
a »l vN>ooa at
BC TEL Systems Support 7000 Laughuua H>0t>way Bs>maby. 8 C VSA aths
d id2 t d d A i i t t 2 i i 2 J 4
UBC offers course in Operating a Successful Software Business lfttrcPfeneufs, eie<uiivCS uui nunagerS Or surt-up or high-growth software or other high tc<hnoiogy <fvfrpanics are o(ten overwhelmed hy the <omplcxlty o( Ihe proh-
iems faring them. They become stymkd by laiL of expertise in pani<ukfr missionmitt-
<ai areas. A new wminar heing offered by USC hopes Io address thts challenge. The <nurse, Operating a Su«essful So(tware Susiness, is scheduled lor May 2$-29 at USC. Thc <oursc Is aimed at individuals (rom both iei h ni<al and business back. grounds who are thinking o( startmg their own 5oftware <oropany I t will also be of
ielcvan<e to managers and researchers in cstabhshcd high-lech companies sccking a
more mtraprencurial approach. Cunent and
Novelt Netware 4.0 Arrives WASHINGTON, D.C INSI — Novell has
<35(2 will be available asan aden p roduct ihortiy afier the release of NctWarc 4 0
try, or government employees involved in
made its long-awaited announcement o( NNWafc 4 0, which will ship Marih 3 l. A
the high-lech senor isn all benefit from the
beta tester tells lfewsbytes that users ot
that autonuie thc trans(cf o( in(ormanon from older NetWare bindcrifs to the new
pofcnnfi Insvsfofs of hanLers for the indus.
older versions o( the produii
s h ould be
Upgrades <fmld be nude easier by utiiUIcs
The <nunc begins with the strunurc of the software industry and marketplace.
prepared for an adwnture
5tudents will Ihen be taught how to search systcmati<afly (or innovative oplxfffunftics
work operating System in the Lastfcw years,
A r af t of th i r d party c o mpany announcements arc expc<tcdIn the wake of
almost as scruff in its niche as MS-DOS,
Novell'I itatcment that it is working <loscly
with in(onnation technology and how to
and Novell has sought to extend its operat.
with dcwfopcrs on what it <aUs NetWare
evaluate them as entrcprcnnrnai ventures.
ing systim reach by purchasing ATFr T'5 Unix Systems Labs and Digital Resear<h's
Izudabk Modules, or NIJV(s. Some will start
Other femures of the <nunc are Innovanon nurfagemcnt, finan«ng methods, software
R(SD, stratcgk allian<es and bftnt ventures, Cmt is 5495 per person, ru 5445 for two or more pcopk from the sane ofgaruzanorx contncf Usc FJfofxftxra progfmrxnoa, Famfff
of Cammarco, USC IS04) 022-84<e
The Postal CodeLookup Program
Net W are4.0 directory.
NetWNc has become the sundard nf t.
under NetWare 3. I I Nl&s and be <ornpati.
DR-DOS in recent year< The ncw version Is a huge upgrade in <apabilitics and will requite hours o( wruk for system administrators, a« or d in g to Newsbyscs sources, wlio afc experkn<ed NetWarc users and have been beta-iesung the produck Sut the ef(on
customers to upgrade and usc the new <apabilities, said it will have
will bc worth it, they say,
C ertifie d
beiause o( a host of ncw featurn, which arc imple-
ble with • 0, others will
be designed around ncw 4,0 <apabiili les like NetWare Di r ectory Scrvkes. Novell, aware o( how much work ft will be (of
Net Wa r c
tr a ined
through authorized edu<atfon <enters, ready Io
ificritcd iri an obp<IERlcAt-
ed manner, making other network improvements easier to impie.
help with 4.0 on the day the produ<s ships. They'll bc ready with a
Fast, easy, Canadian postal code lookup forju st $89. *
ment. The new software I • so large and <ffmplex that Nowll has begun distributing ft to beta festers on a CD. ROM disc. life most Important fun<sion of the ncw NetWare, however, is its integratton fnth
three-day update fof experien<ed network administrm ors, • twoday wi>rkshop on <on-
• Simple to install, Uses 3Mb on disk, 7K RAM. • Pop-up windowswith complete on-line help. o InCludeS eVery pOStal COde in Canada.
Unix, which Novell says tnakcs it a <om.
• Look-up any code in seconds, even on an XT, • Copies the code back to the application. • Network version $159 per file server. • Monthly updates available. 30 Oay AfOFFey-baCk Guarantee: If you are not satisfied with PoCo for any reason, return the disks for a fulI refund. Call uS F:OIleetf 0-418-83f-4227 SeCtOr PubliCatiOnS InC,Box 738. St(I C, TOrOntO, ON. M6J 3$1 ' frkrutax, Nxf ss ssH, Intrfxfucsory paon ovanalxo tern tutus 30, 1990. MsL' 550.
pkte enterprise solutxm lor its <ustomen.
Nrweg says this means the product can now provide network sefvl<cs rcgafdkss of time, disun<e, location and network diversity, combining multi. server, multi plm(orm, multi. lingual networks into a angle secure
(iguring a Net Ware4.0 «rwr and a fourday network administrator course. fran<if,
Italian, Gernun and Spanish versionswill bc available shonly after thc nuin produ<f ships, and a Japanese version should be announ<ed Imcr this year Prices start at
U551,395 for ftw usen and rise to 547,995 fof the I 000 user<on(iguration Novell also introduced its NFS Gateway,
a scrvet based system to extend th e NctWafc cnvuonment into the Unix worM.
A key new <apahiiity is <alkd NctWare Directory Services, or NDS. This provides • single view o( the network, fedudng administrative coN$, Thcfc arc ncw i<runty arid
This means users <an a«css Network File System servers on remote Unix systems as ofsdy as Ihey now a«ess NetWare icrvcn,
Novell utd. All o( this u done using tooh
auditing <apabibnes usuig pubb< key <fyp. tug<aphy, Improvements in Ihe usc o( band-
pfovufcd Ily the ii5cr 5 ilativc operating sits tern, even Mt<rot<fit Windows and MS-DOS.
• fidth Io fcflu<c Illc <ONS 0( WMC area nct.
The gateway also allows for centralized administration, and security is handled
working, ncw nurugcmcnt <afubtlities and sup(urn fof muiupk <umputcr languages. Niwcll is iisirig thi5 vcfiion o( NclWare
to get its arms around every other operanng syucm, and ncw target service agents in this rekase allow <ustomers to backup DOS, Windows and OS/2 clients, as well as NctWme .I. I I and NeIWare 4.0 servers. Nct Ware 4 0 can aho run in • no n ~ i< a red mode under OS(2 2.0, NCIWafe 4.0 fof
through NetWare. Iffe gateway <onsifts of
':ctWarc Loadable Modules, or NLMs, written (or NeIWare v3.I I. A version (or Net Ware 4.0 is under development. Prices range from 5I,500 for five uscn to 5 I2,495 lor 250 users. and it becomes avaiiabk April 5. Comnrx ftovus, Nf I/42s.t5009
• •
f g •
• *
we s tern(hgxaf Hwff orivu (tgnvui
' I • • I
I • •
2 Serialf I Pafmxf (1 Ownao Parts
IIEYT(40fncs fot snhmfroo I<oyhoanfRam(ah Ifsni
: i
TRIOEIST Aooelafaaaf St(QA iMS VldaoCafff IIIISUSISIS M 5024<744 SVGA Oolfx iaoffxff N I I SS pnrh)
I I I I • I
Mvv Tvwm casa i200 wfmf P/5 csA Appfovwg Ms-Dos 5 0 f sas-wtNDows 3 i I saoUsg 2 - YEAR PA(ITS S LASOI(fi W RIIAICTY
Carel, IVlotion Works In INarketino pact VANCOUVIR. SRITISH COI.UMblA INS)Mouon Works, • develoPcr of multimedia tools and Cl)-ROM rrrln. liar • Ilnaullced a marketing agreement with Ottawa software
developer Cocci
Under the agreement, Corel will take aver the marketing or Moiran Works' prod-
ucts, Icavmg the Vancouver firm free to concentrate on development.
Macintmh and Microsoft Windows ai wdl
as one compact disc read-only memory ICDROMI title. the Paine Time CD. Motion Works will focus on developing ncw productx particularly further CD-ROM trtkn, he sard building a marketing channel lur small
«amparucs is one ot the biggest chaUenges after development,' M<Cabum saul. by piggybacking on Corel's established presence, hc hopes Motion Works will bc able to ~void same of thc problems smaU compamcs often face m bnnyng products io mvkei. M<K<on Works had revenues of about C51 million in 1992, McCaUum said.
Tlsanks to the Caret drat, the company hopes io meet or exceed revenue pro. Icctfons of C54.S million to C55.7 mU. lian in 199.1, he addesk
0 Ii s a mvnage of twa comfsarrics»iih indivi<luai strengths, said Sob Eundc, a
spakeunan (or st»non works. Randaii McCaUum, chwf execu<we ot Motion Works, said thai Corel will use its iirong marketing organization to seU hii c ompany's e x isting p r oducts, w h i c h include animation software lor the Apple
Motion Works had carber licensed animaaan saftwve and other multimedia technology (about which the corn. pany wtb n<K release details) to Corel. we' re solidifying our relarionsh<p wKh
Carel more and more,' McCabum sard. Whtk the deal euentiaUy remaves Manan Works from the day-today sebmg of iis products, M<Cabum sard it wUI noi mean any oi the company's present marketing staff lose their prbs. Wnh a view ro lust such a deal. he said. Minion Works has been careful to hire marketing
people who could step into a market research cole in a development-oncnted company The deal yves Cocci the right ol first refusal an ail tuiure Motion Works products.
Present this ad when you
urchase one of our 3*or 1lHr emanufacturedCartridge
Programs and Receive 5000
sheetsof H.Q. Bond Paper FREE! Our Toner Cartrfdgc pragzuus arc fuUT guaraateetf by the largest office eqalpiucut coutlraay la tbc Lower gtttalaarL Dur rcutauufrsctstrIug prtscass offers genuine parts, high quality tooer, waauutexl worfsusausblp aad at least 30<ttssavings over
Pleasr call jos or Mihc for mare in formatlou or to place your order
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IBM Canada Unit 11<c Ambra Enterprise hne consists af six
MARKHAM, ONtARIO (Nbi — lzperCamp servues, the clone-making subsidiary
models, ranging lrom a 33.megahertz
af Ilk<<I Canada I id., ss braadenmg its hori-
3$6SX-base d computer to a 66-megahertz
zonsio include mid-sized corporate buyers as well as thc home and small buuncss our. Lcr. FxperComp has launched the Ambra Izrwrprtsc and Enterpnse Max lines ot perional computers, which have hardware specifications ssmdar to those of its exssnng models but ve aimed at corporate buvette Fz pe<Comp has aho <chosen a different div tribution approach lor thc new modeh rather than ielUng through deals as it does with its Hurdla and Spnnia desktops and
4 $6DX 2 m a chine. P rices range f r o m telephone order lme While home buyers tike to iouk ai PCs
before they buy, said Andre Turgcon, chief operating oflicer of lzpcrComp, corporate buyers usually know luii what they want What they'rc looMng for n a convenient
way to acquire tire product Turgean said that while the new models cover about the same range of processors as other Ambra madel<, they tend to have mare features than the machmes vmcd at home and small. business buyers. Ior instance, he said, the f n t erprise and I.nterprise Max Pt:s have full PS/2 keyboard~ and are generally shipped with larger hard di~ks and mare memory as standard equipment.
-~ ~ Set ': tIFHAN
coovent lonaf dispasablc cartrftlgcL
Ambra Enterprise PCs From
Trcka p<sitables, ii »ib market the inierpruc • nd fnierpriic Max machines through a
C51,699 i a
Sybgbflt COnBgtst860n
C 5 3,399, Turgeon said.
4 MB RAM 1.44583 8 12ll PDD 26/I P/1G Stgtsr lt7 Gstd
Machines in this tine come with three bays
tar hard drives and other storage devices and three expansion stats Four megabytes of memory is standard, and 100. or 200megabyte hard disk drives are included, depending on ihe ruadel, Ail Ambra Enterprise madcii are suppbcd wuh DOS 5.0and Micro<oh Wind<»vs 3.1 The Enterprise Max line bas stx models, based on various 4$6 processors ranging from a 25-megaheuz 4$6SX to a 66-mega. benz 4$6DX2. Six expansion slots and ux dnve bays are standard. Depending on the model, the Enterpnsc Max machines come with four <u eight megabytes and • 100. ar 200 megabyte hard drive. Prtces range from C52.149 tu C53,799. The Enterprise Max models ve sold with either Dos 5.0 and Wrnda»s 3.1 or, optionaUy on some models. IbM's OS/2 2.0, AU ihe models include an Ultra VGA display marutor, a mouse and a 3.5-inch, I 44-
m egabyte diskette drive. Orruacs ExparCamp, 1 4IN.AIZBRA4$ 1$00. 2$2-72051
14' SVGA PBllfhl
1MB TrtgstgVGACbfd 105MB HuzfDrive ihtt Tow tftf/200 Wuh 101 Enhsnasd toybostd
Local Bus System 4 86DX~ 128K 4 86OX-33 256K 4 86OX-50 256K 4 86DX MRS 2 5 6 K
8198 8 8201 8 821 8 8 822 9 8
Weare the le+ling 'ham in Multi-Media sk<aazam vtoca cuxt ~ s atrstaxam cab»arcs fuaafc<m COttOtA<wavw taCD tuc 4 Sb pttQ skzutaaa<sAv Persia< Iwaan yrxz uv<xaa ulrrao<u<rs0l 4 <rtav as<wow<vr <urwrwv auz a&wan ~ <I
$~ • t r av sroaa
< I I
+ LEASSIG ANDFS4AFICING AVARABLE + + 1 YEAR PARTS8 3 YEARS LABOUR RRJ WRFFAAITV 6 v pIKEs arutszsacz rata<area amex/r <crr«t v
ITROIICIIPQTERINC. 101-1926 West Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. V6) 1Z2
Tel: (604) r7394438 Fax: (604) 739-0436 HOURS Moor-Fru 10 00-0 00 Bat 12 00-6:00
9 1739
12% oaehe
New For Unix - cc:IMlail XAOO Gateway VANCOUVER, SR(TISH COI.UMSIA (NS) — Oslware has announced Messenger 4(XI Gateway to cc Mail. a gateway from Ixstus Development Corp.'s cc MaH electronic mail software to the X.400 sandard lor SCO Unix, Sun SPARC and Tandem Integrity fault-tolerant Unix plat(rum>. While cc:Mail X.400 gateway software exists for Dc& machines. said tonic Chang, product manager for the maker of X.400 software, customers have complained that
The gateway will be of interest rnaetfr to 4rget organizations with extensive mail
systems that Involve multiple hardware and sohware platforms, Chang told. OS)ware also offers other product> based on Messenger 400, including Mes«nger etw RFC ug? I ateway (to Unit mail systems); Messenger 400 Gateway for Micnnoft Mail; Mes«nger 400 Fax Access Unit; Messenger 400 Physical Delivery Access Unit; Mcs«nger 400 APh for gate. ways, applications and network Interfacn, and Mcs«ngcr 400 network support modules for X.25, TCP/IP, and asynchronous nerworkc and IHrectory 500 (X.S00 services),
DOS machines cannot handle Ihe message Ifafllr ol larger hetenrgeh<urs networks
$)fgt(H88 featgfc:
based on Oslware's Messenger 400
X 400 transport. M400 Gateway ro cc-Mail
can be configured to run as a dedicated gateway node. In coniunction vnth other
Oslware Kmeway proucts, or as an optuutat add~ to existing Messenger 400 message transferagents IMTAsi.
$28tDIBS f88tNTD:
mule tie eleve ROSer luc aaa iir
- 4 MS RAM50NS Iaxaaaeahlo lo 32 Mg oa Roerel • 25SK fxtoraat Cache - I.?MS 8 '1.44MS fteaoy OiokDitto - 105OO DIOE Hard Driv
Lgr c
Cairo iu, Laf T SIDE"
• IDf HostRooster oiar FDOcoattellar (LealMs?l
- AT Multi IiO etta 2S IP+tg (leal Sag?l
- loaoi gesvGAcae uuh IM
• Saasuag 14' SVGACeiat Moaiar (1824 s 7T4)
. IH Keys fohsaoedKeyhearg 18' Tower Case mth lf D Same Dtsolay
- 205 wallscsAaagrevodpacer seoeiy
5t5 •,
e ComPute> OOk @pe
•>• On Cetect~
ar pu 55
ttg ~ atsc o
422>~ ~
ots t ts
0~3eof Optort(orf p >q05
o fM
Vt~ao ~7 E)
Phone 222-'2221 I
bbor-I Oriarstod g n
642~~ wrtffe quan t ftfes last o
ff tttxtxttff
r c rrfces vaffd until 4prft 30. To(73
8 '3 a 5~ 2 2 2 B4 48gkj (24POwbP w
A PRIL '93 8
Canada Product Launch Update II)R<)N(O, ON1ARIO (NS) — This regular feature det~ils Canadian launihe< by tn<ernational comtun<es. (his month brought new database and work>i • tron products <rom ISM ( anada and Micr<Holt Ofhce on (.ILROM. I he followmg provideS detaih fru
include hvo new nehrork interlaces and an eight milhmcter tape library announced in ihe US. ISM Canada also mnounicd i)atabase2 OS/2, a vers<on of iis relational database
the ( anadian market to supplement other
system, a nd D is t r i buted Da t a base Connectio n Se r v i i e s/ 2 Ye t <io n 2
New<bytes coverage ol ttie<e annourueilicni< ISM Canada an nounced 4 range oi work<rat<or< pro<lucis on tile ianie day as it<
parent company (Ncwsbytek February 2).
I he new Sl'I parallel procesung system is the (itsi product (tom I S M ' s Highly
on local-area networks and <n un<vent<res. Prrces start at CSS,27S and ava<iab<hty is set (or late March. IBM also launched ihe Xstation ISO, an X icrin<rul meant for use on Iocul area networks. It is priced at C53,9SS and is due to
ship m late March. Several new servers also loined <he R S/6000 li nc I he I'o w e r N e t w o r k ltuta<erver supports thc Network Fife 'ierver (NFS) standard and ISM said <t will support a< many as 200 c l i ents. Prices start at C$171,)<l I arid shipment is planned for the
er>d of hprd. three new models av<ulable as wockstar<ons a as servers become the highest-pcr. fornunce memben of ihe KS/600() line. Thc Powers<ation/I'owe<server W) arid 170 are phced at C519,675 and C527,600 re<pec<ixvfy lhe 570 ha< a (:$5<),69S PC<Ce tag.
IbM Canada has also announced thai enhancements to its 9708, 9808 and S80 mudels apply in Canada as well a< the U S.,
and new graphin options are aho avadable here. The Canadian anncwncemeni d<d not
(New<bytes, January 28) Ftnt cx<stomer shipments of DS2/2 and l)DCS/Z Version 2 an pu n n ed for March
26, lbM sard. The single. user edit<on of Db2/2 will cmt C5538 rhe client/server version < • C53,(SS plus C5103 per client
venion of L)DCS/2 is C5633. and the rnultiu<er version is C$5,92 5 A s i ngle-user upgrade friim Vcrskui I i) to Venion 2 0 of DOCS/2 is C5 103, and th e mu l t i - uier n C595 7. Microsoft Ollice (or Windows on CD-
upg rade
ROM (Newsbytes, January 6) has now arrived in <he Canadian nurket. The CDROM includm the suite ol busineu aPplica. lions complete with documentation on onc CD. ROM disk Now available, <t has a mggested retar I pnce of C $899 Brokers of Caruda. of Also, C Toronto. announced 4 Canadian distribution agreement with Hercules Computer Technology, thc Franont, Cahtomu, maker ol graphics adapten foi Penonal computcn and Iw)ikstat<orrx (.8( w ill ill<tribute three Ikr<ules product l<neR the Supentation Xr wotkstation card.. the Chrome dual-page, 24-bit color display card tor I'Cs; and Graphite, < Windovn accelerator card,
om puter
Sof t ware
• Computers
• Digitizers • Plotters
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(outset pc(ces on computersystems f
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Needsanalysis; Turn-keysolutions for CAD Osystelns Training• Networking Februaryis MutohThermal Plotter IHonth In Victoria call 380-6465 In Vancouver call 669-8178 I n S.C. call 0 -800-6614 5 5 8 u
250-5855, tfua CunadR 1 NN(<5<E).2<38
crc<aevuMarku<msNetwork ku uxrtur<e Canada. • <8-53scu)sa
CALCxARY, ALSIR I'A (NS) — Cantax is n >w shipping the 199Z tax year venion of it s Canadun income tax preparation software,
march by typing feature w<tl respond as the usertypes m the name of a form or file by
Can<ax Tl. New features this year include mouse support and online help. T he o n l in e h e l p mcludes tax preparation pany's tax specialists aml <nlormat<on from
kt ten lypcd. The new release also adds a functionkey template for t h e computer keyboard, onIcmen clock ard calen. dar and compatibility with mom laser printen
Revenue Canada's tax g uides Can<ax ofhi u l <
put fiom its package is
(umpingto the (irst name that matches the
<.antax said the outapproved foi submission
said tlclp wnh uung the progra<n <tself is also included, and thc help Is
of computer-phntcd tax forms to Re v enue Canada The software needs a personal computer with 512K bytes o( memocy, 4 h ard disk an d D O S Version 2.0 or later The suggested retail pnce is
Another new le<uvre is the 'expand option, which lets the user <elect any data fi«ld calculated by thc sonware and dn. play the form where the calculation was made. 'Ihis year's release aho ackts a IXSS shell (e4ture so users can enter DOS commands without shutting down the lax preparation software. A new Oo I'o" feature lets usen mime to a form by selecting R (rnm a list. A
ccuuacxoompA<u<i<<rais at cane<ex 416-
Canadian Tax Prep Package On PC Ships
lips gathered by the com-
management <ystem for the OS/2 operating
I'arallel Su p ercomputing S y stems The upgrade price for 1782/2 single user ftom OS/2 Fxtendcd Fait<<on n C5267. and laboratory. While it was announced in from OS/2 Extended Services C5130. Canada pricing and availability in(orrna. The cost t o u p grade t o D S Z/2 tion weren't available. client/sen er hom OS/2 Extended bht<on is fhe announcement< aho include three ('52,04( and from OS/2 Fxiendcd Sen<ces technical worksutmns. the Powerstaiions 3SL 36Sand 375. Ihey range in base puce with Database Server C$854. I he purchaseprice for ihe single-user from C819,125 to C531,6SS. The PowerStation M20 is meant to be used as an integrated graphics workstation
Combheo CADD Station cunsrxkc<J Jof
C$69.95. co<Russ Cenlex, 1-800-285-3800, lax 1-4032534128<
486l l X ~
8 i829
4 8 6 SX - RS O'KSA
4 i gbyCP
ckte RAM<UI' TO SEMR< JAI'. 1 t 6 <.44 FDD 'S<48 IDE HDD PAP. E 5ErL 1 PAR. 1 GAs<E 'Hl-R)5 '.ivi' A Mr>N)TOR
toew csA p<>wER <01 CLICK REVii<>ARD
( sssowwu vms o/ s x4so.oo i 4864<sVms 486ua~s 486nam $ i07 0 $ x580 $ f399 256K CAC<<E <tax GAGH)<Up Tx) 255K) 44R C.ACHE<UP TO txkXI 4MS RA)<<UP TD SEMR) JAI'. Id rr <.44 FDD JAP. 115MS IDE HDD 5 %EIL I PAR. I GASCE Hl-RES SVGA MONITOR IMS TR<DKA<T SVGA MtN1 Tt>WER>DESK TX)P EOOW CSA POWER <0< KEYRO*RD
4MR <LAM<UP m SEMR) JAP t.t ar 1.44 FDD JAP. <OSMS ID) HDD 2 5th. 1 PAR. 1 \'Aiur, lll-RLS 5VGA MONI B)R I MR TRIDENT 5Vt;A
M)Nl TowER/t>ESR rc>p t<)ew CSA POWER 14< KEVSOARD
4MR RAM<UP TO st'uu) JAP. I3 ik 1.44 FDD
tuow csA powER 14< REVSOARD
3288 CAI41BIE ST., VAN., B.C. V5Z 2WV4 TKLI(aO4) IS78Pdba44 F A34(SP(S4 ~%
Canada Product Launch Update 'IDRONTD. DNf ARID INbl — Dn January 25. only 4 few >471 behind its psieni >om. pan) i n t h e U S., Sun M i crosystc ms of ('ansds unveiled its Network Terminal Server i ewsbv»s, January 211, saying the system will soon bc sva14b» C510, ISO Sihcon Gisphks Canada launched the
borland Canada Software said Paradox for Windows (Newsbytes, January 281 is avu4bk i in Csnsds. The intro ductory pr«e in (.snsda is C5167 95 until April lb. 1)avid McC4ughtin, president of bor4nd Canada, said the bst price «10 risc to a bout C 5 5 7 5 a f te r t h at , a l t hough
company's Onyx advanced graphics super.
upgrades snd competitive upgrades will
coinputns and the new Indigo? lx trcme
nn>sin in the C5170 range
woikststuui (Newsbytes,January 2(>), as well as its Challenge and I'ower Challenge serwrs, in ihe ('ansdian market on January
borland Canada shn announced a 90day pnce prom<>iion on ns (2uattro Pro
27 Prices h>r the Extreme wrukstst>r>n will start st less than ( 514,000, ihe <ompsny said. Prices for the top-of-the-line Power
Challenge supercomputing servers will bcglll at about C5170,(xxi
IVlicresaft Oenied a Trademark on Windows Name WASHINDIDN, 0(. (NS) — A preliminary
different types of creative properties and
decision by the U.S. Patent snd Trade Office hss dealt 4 setback io Microsoft. by
offers differen In«ters>on. Patents must be granted by 4 govern-
denying the company'1 spplicmion to make Windows a protected trademark name. Although thc decision is urdikely to put
ment sgen>y, sr d to bc approved they must either contain new ideas or processes, or incorporate • msior improvement on
much of a dent m Mkrrnoft'1 massive share of Ihe marLet, hsd it gone the other way, it
not only from dupUating a patent«d ptod-
spreadsheet software, which will be avail.
could hsw been signifksnt lor other pub.
sbk lor C5124.9S unul Apnl 30.
li\Iiers. Windows '
then arguing to be ftce of patent c4lrns. Trademarks musi
Contrux Sonand cs>uuss, 4 14-229. IIK) 1 cx>I i41, 4x 41$.22$4122, Sakon Orat>nia Csnuuk 41(F425%747. Sun Csnsdn 4 1 4-477474
Had been
p etitors i o m a r k e t Windows.Compatiblt
Says Dataquest
program s.
slin b e i n d i v idually
granted by the federal government and only protect the use of a name. su c h as Kkenex. and not the
scIusl pro(loci.Thus, many compsn»s make
I n d enying t h e spplksaon, tl» Patent
US53,37$,900,000 in 1992. The estimated
application softwaie for I h e M i crosoft Windows operating environment have tnc»ssed s whopping 2.N percent in 1992,
total revenue Ior wttwarc spplkxtions was up 60 percent owr 1991 to an all time high
O ffice said I ha t ( h c
of US57,1kt4,S(N,OOO In 1992.
Just too generk to wu-
Of all software spplkations, thc top five >endor(. Mi cron>lt, Ix>tus, Wordperfect, Sc>r4nd and Symsntec controlled 74 pcr. cent of thc market in 1992 I )stsquest ntn mates Ihst Mi>r>mdt's revenue for software a pplication s n e a rl v do u b l ed , t r o m US51.1'>93,200,00 0 in 19 9 1 to
uct, but from making slight changes snd
approved as 4 private trademarL it would have made it much more difyus>tt for com-
Windows Software Hot In 'I992,
acco rdingto a suiwv re»used by I)stsquest.
exi>ting processes. Patents prevent other~
tissues, but only one
can scil Kkenex. A copyright, which
N L J > 4 Mien ~
word wlndcnrs was
I op ~
software born piracy or IHegal copying, can
devouring competition through scquiution borland said in a recent announce. ment that software was becoming a com-
mnt granting Mkrosoft any t»demark protection, which would have silo>red Ihe company to bkuk other soltwsre publishers from adveniung any
modity, and I)atsquest says pnce wan wne
p roduct with the word ' wind(un ' i n I t s
permanent foun — whether the author ii writing 4 book or (scat>ng a word processor
This would have made it difhcult for competffors to ptomote then programs,
program Software can be patented, copynghtcd, sndlor protcctcd by trademark Microsoft Windows is already copyrighted so ii can-
Kesselnng says the top vendon ktep
stsncd by ihe herse competition between I bc Iop vendon. Cantucx. Ouumusm 400->L77 SS12
w hich are designed to operate in t h e Mktosoft Windows cnnronment.
She dexssion does not sifcci Microsoft's ownenhlp or copyright protection of Its Windows program in sny way, and II temsins highly illegal lo copy snd scil Mkrosoft's programx What the decision docsaffect is thc wsy Micxosnft utiilnes and spplkstions program> Csn comPcte with
third-puny dave@pen. Many people confuse patents. trade. marks and copyright Fsch usually coven
recetw ol Octal iecogriltlori sild registration,
but actually hss legal standing as soon m sn author records text or Informanon In a
not bc copse(L but ihe wonl 'Windows' is
not protenrd Minusolt, which had been up sharply before Ihe announccmcnt of the ic»Dion of the company's nademark application, wss only down slightly scx>n attn opening the next dsy, mdicating that tl» news hul
little impact on investors I'he com pany an still appeal the ruling.
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con«cured with hivtb o< et<ended memory, I loaded the Windows READMF file into Write by double-clicking its <con Ii took
As e v er y W in d o w s u se r k n o w s, <«K<osot<'s environment wants to have
Send with check for $79 f o :
fifty-two seconds e) lust to draw the type more land <nose<i RAM than one uegabyte. on-screen — arid this <5 iu< an ofuirnalll So, as sooa as the SoftPC <n<taaat<on was aa<bguml Qaadra wah extended memor< impact<ac I losowed the d<Kmnaaatbm's and Sma<tortve< man<diana cas how to boost the amaum of To make a long suxy short. I recomRAM avadabk ur ~ by uta e a i'ng mend SartrC only lor those users who need Soft PC's a<emory allocation to lgMA I DOS cmnpaubsbty as a rue<bodof get<sag a then booted softpc. once loaskd, it dis- Mac purchase approved. Only <nasochtsts Pknn a typical DOS screen. would wuay want lo i.» ii •
Newsbytes News Network, CD- ROM offer B22 ArkanMs St., Son Francisco, CA USA 94101. Or coif for more informat ion: 4 I $-$$0-7334.
Dos 5 0 <1 <ncluded with tbe p<ock<rt
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Mo Networking, Mail For OOS 6.0 RF DMOND , W A S H I N G TO N ( N b i Contrary to w i dely published reports, MK<<uo<t apparently haS derided nat tO
~ to ps ovuk a Ink <o Windows For Wckggouppa, kf<c ~ '5 r ecently rekused network-<n-a-box W i n dows lor Work
mchuk network and mad iunct<osn m its soon <o be released DOS d<fk hcmnhrg lo i absttsy reports. Corp ua<e users af odser aetwork<ag systems a sked
groups was f«n<ally introduced late lan Ocsuber and usdudes hie shanng, draoan K a<ail. <shedu<<rig. cakndanng arid support for <haamsc data achange IDDEk
M icrosoft t o p u l l t h e n etwor k f u nc t i o n s However, it appears <hat
those funcuons will be
available as a se f<a<ate moduk. C)ne PC maker lold Newsbytes it <5 presently <n negot<atkxss with M<croso(t to inil ude DOS t 0
with <ts sysaems and <t plans to indmfe the acta<aking luatures. whether they a<e pan ol the bmic DOS AO package oi srdd sepo cutely. Tbe network and m ail code was
gg • X
M i c r o s o f i Cba<rman bill Gates • < the ragout that t he p r o d uc t c o u l d
b e come
u u ': a iu m n
M Cans • mM < l u <~
25uiru <fmarN
<a<I<a<am swam<
m tavu v C< • <au '
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lsu iru smsssw M <ta aaa CsunCua ufas<% trial<aCmu un<us <Smramsbw u< am<Or<name m« ~ u auma Cm
uu anN scua <Qa«m<tamaa C<uv mN< Slmfamemw <av<su<in hmsl csn
er, <nth saks <each<nb one m<thon copies in the brst 30 days. Whde Waosoh does aot <ukase spectac sales Rgures, tt appears that WFW may nat be meeth<g M<aoaoft's sales
Choosing the Right
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iuas sm ts <i'
ram tran <N <uu<IP<skin< im ~ u 3samam ~ mi<n«uSu
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lbl kgaakg sa nldl k Cts<agbbrag«IS. 4<l nsahr rift 4 bassaI tS L<4 5 IT<<< rasp 1 W 4 tbma
t ab
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Help Save A Tree & Plant a Tree for the Future Ztpcads the top soihng addram vanecabon program and the Nahanal Coaunumty Traa Fouadatian will oPer y au 450 ln a amng
iowanls a purchase af this ennrmaontal lriaadly computer peaduct and help plass s trsa in yaue ~
acme conuob and dnven for Oath. These' • bo • windows 'arpkrt that aaows fine • oaad d all cfmamd vohsmes, bma, ttebar balance and ocher lemma. System lerfutremcnts Indude an 14M. compaude PC sung a 386 m higher mino pmcessor, DIIS 3J or ~ . W i ndoln 3.1 or betus lor windmn usa 64o dlobytcs of system memory Ialthough 2MR ale tecum.
otsadmas lb. a sound bond diat tbe cmn-
psm. Says offers kcpldny sound Ior personal computers Soundman 16 Incorporates Media Vtuon's 16-1st Spectrum chtp sct and u the first Iogttech product io result Irom an agreement briween Iogitech and Media Vision II also incorporates Yamaha's high. end OPL3 sound syniheui chip
produce • board virtually anvnnc can mits il, sa Ys Pelton. The board features software-seleciable IRQ, D M A an d 10 ssritches have to be set by the user.
Soundmao 16 has lacks tor ueroo input for devices such as CD players. and has
nest Iew Years. Lofptcch also markets poinung devices and handheid scanners (or the personal computer aurkeL fhc company owtu 43 percent of the outstanding shares og Advanced Gravls. a Canadlklsfsased compaa ny whuh psodums UbraSoutuk 4 Iugbcnd
• mpiiiied 4-watt output for speakers or
headphones. Thne's • Iso a mono microphone lack snd a combmatum MIDI/Ioytack port. Oa tbc bond. an anay of pim provides cmsaectwuv with numnosn silas of Insnnal CDROM audhk and a hardware assn oems mbatuhsal ooaaol d IM. Roam. mumal CD aiabo4m lbgaal muso msd masopalosu asdo. The boanl pnvndes suppon for both
sound calti that Incorporates wave table
syttthesh technology.
curmm togauasSSI5ysbaass scum vulva. at5-57lHPOO
• actosdt Wuadtan I I and DOS, with wls
Matsushita 8 Sony To Agree On Digital VCR Standard TOKYO, jAPAN I Ng l — A n a t temPicd industry staiidard for a ntst-genclathat dig-
The actual standard will be the taPe's w dt h o f o n l y sis to eight m i l limeteis
Ital video csswrte tape ncordcr I V( Ri will
imm), which is unaiiei than VHS VCIL lhe carnconler venion of the digital VCR will japan's motor electronics firms, also be small and d rspcctcd to fit into a Matsushiu Bectnc and Sony, have wachcd h and A h o, the wcordlng time wIII be lour an agreeisent to set up thc digital VC R hou r s lor regular TV programs and two be set m the near future.
standard other snss ase aho eapcncd to Sss these aran undm Ibc
Ra duco lfaturnsd MOII
Ro cycl • Your 1992 Phone Book or Canada Pmt Directory far ggev
I homson ale also capel ted Io fom m the future.
I gok461-1440 Rsr ZIPCoda Intonnattsm aa a ~ • ~ d ao c sarv mmaw stoa ss svvsm
alive annourwed an R eenlcnt that allows Iogitech to incorporate Mcdu Viuon's multimedia ctup sets and other OfM prodults in a variety of insiiel.h produns over the
addressing, meaning no Iumpersor DIP
have propincd the standard to other electronics makns. It is said Httachi and Japan Victor (JVCI have also agreed to loin the saunce. Dut«h-hated Philips and France-based
Ne ver lack up another Possai Coda
Soundmao 16 will ship later this moath arid carrtcs • uggisatd usad puss of 52$9. That simtsld slake tbe suect pnce. or Ihe prate buycn can ecpen to acasalfy pay. undn 5200 accosdmg so llmacbeft Logbech pmsident Pterhagl 2aflpacosta says the PC ambo market has ucnsctuhms pmennal Ncmly two tmlbon sound caids wcse shipped m ISS2. and abc' fom aalhon are fmeca» ao slap @us year,' be sahL Moam tule, Logisech and Medal Vision
Dave Pefton. Soundmao 16 product manager, says tbe auaouused mstallanoa psoccu n a kcy advantage. We leveraged our vast esperience from scanner and asome bsn bond insullation and design io
tbe signal p rocessing
input. I he company lays a Srplate OPtion. al <able will be available for connecting a MIDI dcvitc or internal CD-ROM drwe. Sample sound files are Included with thc board. T imer heff t o l d Ne w s byte s t h a t
1st audio playback and rcconhng, guaranteed Somsdglastm fd cosapstkQlty and a vancty af software and bauhaus cnhancemcssrsdeugncd so opnislu etaghason and
Tree Plan Canada. So here' • 450 Is tlunb about racychng and make sure your old phono beets asd pastel cade ibrscaanaa and ap m a blue bsn
E v ery Penial Coda an 4 Ehakottas
a microphone or other audio device for
told Newsbytes thai Soundmsr, 16 offers synthesized and digttind sound foi penonal computer usen and provides 20.voice kiiDI supporL 44 ktlohcnz dlglluation, 16-
• otb Ibms have Iepon-
mended>, one full length 16 bit espsnlion slot, speakers or headphones for output and
Iogttcch spokesperson Serge Tlmacheff
t y ul s aagsactian with
Tes 3 Waaf to Save a Tree 4 Plant One for the Pulifre
sww ~ Ivor avu assoar ~
fRLMOIST, sAUPOILlIA N as — iogstcda, best kluuvn for Its polhtiilg devices and
hand-beld scanaen. has announced
1 r
Logitech's Soundman 16, Alliance With Media Vision
ho urs for high definition Tv IHDTYI pns grasas In estingly, It u
INatsushita and Sony want to a void ~ at f n 9 ttMgig QH5 VyrStgS
Beta f>ascos 4 I g ' " ~
COnfMSIOn in thy Ind4$try.
Matsushita and Sony are currently dis.
comptgsie with a vus-
< d N lyfv ~ regardless of whether they ar e jap nc s c. American or fauopmn Thc digital copying wig be «Ponedly Iunitcd io only a dogie time i n order to proteit t he
copvnght oi programs or
softwa re
A p p • I e n I I y, Matsushita and Sony ws n i Io avoid repealing thur VHS versus
cussing the details of the device's future
be t a basco, which ouscd confusion in thc
ltandani such as the ncoiding metfusf and thc tape's width. nseb propiucd uandald will also cover digital calncordcrs. 'Horeovcr, thc dence tnll be equipped with
mdustiy. The first digital VCR products ale
iaaturCS IO tranima m d b m picture data
Cmn ate Stmaaima Bmau. ve t ~ t23 2 • at ~ -2 7 7%. goay. eOt &Ssad.22OL
espcctcd to be tekascd as early as the cnd ofncstyeaf
Canada: Long-Distance Talks Break Off In Alberta FjTMI) YTQN. ALBERTA, CANADA (NB)N ational l o ng. distance carrier l i n i t el C,irnmuni<ations In<., of f o r onto, and
inustfd that Unitel connect through AGT faiil ities i n E d m o n to n a n d b y p ass Fdrnonton Telephones, which serves the
AT,T the telephone <ompany wrving most of Alberta, have broken oft discus stuns aimed at bringing k>ngnfisfan<e <om-
niy, he said — and because AGT would not
priition io the provfrue Unitel said it will
flic an application with federal regulators tor <I >mpennon under the mmc terms fmpoml on phonf « >Inpanies in seven other provmces earlier
pnw>de Umtel with Rnanftal in(urination the I'oronto <ompany said it needed. AGT spokesman Ron liepen would not o>nflfm nor deny thc spc<lfl<s, saying the company did not want Io n egotiate in public, b u t he did say that t he fact t hat Edmonton i s
a nd
phone company is a <entral testa. AGT <antes the cost
Ielacommuni < atton s
of serving rural Alberta
I'>Immission ICR I'C I gave Unitel the green light tu compete with established provincial a n d t c g i onal phone <ompanies in British Ciilurnbia, Ontario, Quebc<, N cw Rrun sw i <k, N ov a Scot i a ,
• nd receives no otfsctttng
he remarkable new KlSS-10 Executive is smal enough to be incorporated into viftualy any oNce environment regardless of the oNce's size. With it youcan communicate quicldy, clearly and concisely to any group or audience
served by an Independent
this year In June, thc Canadian Radio-televisio n
u rban r evenue f r o m F dmonton, he said T h c
Tla Kiss E>fcaacs Isdeeisnedls se asuesai
other sifable nry, (algafy Jane<ek noted that recent
F d war d is l and , an d
Ttcwttuindland I hat de<iuon did nl>t I Ovet Alberta because at thc time oi Umtel's ongi-
nal appli<ation AGT was owned by the
provin<al government and not subic<t to prl>uinCial regulation. The government has since sold the <ufnpaily Soon after the CRTC decision Unitel and AGT announced they were dls<u«ing terms for Unitel to <onncct its network to A( I' and offer <ompetitiw l ong-distance sefvue In the province. Un>tel spokesman Peter lane<ck saul thc ulks broke off over disagreeinents about the mr thdd of intei<onne<tion — AGT
't> 4 5 4 4 4 4 'L 5 5 'L 'S 5 5 'L 5 4 4 'l 'S
an vinualir any aes alrieas
province bas only one
Call nowfor afree oneweektrial
polls found 7 7 percent of Albertans In favor ot longnfistan<e <ompenuon. AGT. for m part, ts not laying anything against the idea ol <ompeubon• prepared statement from the company
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said n '<ontinues to suppon <ompeutlon In the langnftstan<C market. AGT Said itS
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concern n over fau payment from Unitel foc connection to its network. Several other telephonf <ompanifs have appcakd to the CRTC portions o( the decision dealing with the way the cost ot inter«>nna tmg ncswtuks h to be distnbutcd.
Tla paper n>• is uss r Ia issass
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>a>>>cueoc>v ncue
occ ~
a sic nman > hcdu>s unan
I f>f>esfsn 'Oef na»cnfl • h>canlcw nncca <a>Ia u>lau Isla deca an an c nasa>-duse laftcflIs<heat ' ihc dnlue ocr nawwd e ~ n m af> i bc>i Ic>cnasnafu-anent
<iuccsa ihblcnt <acier> pcu oal Na>uenj <a> hca acaalc bca elc
APRSL '98 THE COMPUTER PAPER 8 C EOITIOyt ADAVOcta%t vmesa Sand Sam rla SWI SIN. S(XT Ve t W 4 0 potnptes (Ren oondos, sctsoo, Oanesan doors eN odcnowtn hr pit I • ants ISNL Orwcen Seek dc vs( lie ROO ISOIOI Ghhusrnt (VFCUu ad Fn Adonnnce AIRGA USER GROUP (Pensntnttfs tmtte Slitnl Iheiadltn IPP-tips ssau mooaol pisa w nnrNsaat ntnnp S One (Rei e Nl orna to t 140 It Ihnel Hadr Otr osot ms GLNTNc CAOOLSEIS GRDIP ms • elaao 21I Rm as 27 It(st
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Leam about these fuuuisuc developments mcomputer
Ancpdrf cr USERDROP SSNONht Noo oro Co Sch Lord OILOOI ro co ss t s cpoeti or RNGN alto • llfftm oohnna ONWNIN TSTNI HELP (% sc INSTITUTEUSOI GROIP oooi lenod Pnntdo lnoeod shoots ASTUTE-AIASO ST sto Ie Ttm 720 •eol • tsrele o aran sr Nu ws perse Hotow conte cs oam 4204710 aono PNos «Ill tau asipole tean ho A TANtnfrrs vaoh p 0 na stl uen • I» Once, Von • C VOS SYI nh tannaat a ~ MR
c(nnmunlcauans. Ausnew caro(e 6etd ls wide open fnf innavauve
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Sy lnnrc than onc key Are Cauli hendtna. I( potu chtn nc tacks, recall ncntccs Arc corn gcncrl lcd liir clcryiinc trtcctcdt hv Ihc chlnyc
mtnntg tier Alminl ttntnthcthtc chiitc 1 n
hcttt nrgenuc lnd «intnil Ynnr kcvc Ih» t X)S hvwit pl • gtJm L line i flite Ice ten 4.
ttw \ l lurrtt c ci rico(tv p& kt gcd in il
mott(. luck.ihtc kcy h tx, And incluctcp ITICiUnllng tc tdtth, hll Cnurhtitlg llhlt tie
nutnhcring Tnur kcvs. catt t c ttmtNchcnsvc Eslnk htctk Ttic system ct tote J m tntn > typcc nr nrhcc hut(Itin((. manu-
one t n t t pd rs rnnct tn , ifl iillililn c t n ct fein tc
vtc pock Jyc ()n unc Hurries «ctt.
ts atttlltctcctturn
i ten icl l i U k mno « hn hm nhich kc Yc .Intt tc ,csc « i h c. rccttcclttc Jic Js in )iiUI clcnpivlr
ttclurtng tntt mhintc-
since lhc fct> N ik. .txnctt iii nnrk (hc o tt ncnplc t h i n k l h i cnt
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lhc c n t irc pocktgc ~ th hir 5ISR 25 Anct n
( 't(Ct ' R I T Y
Lets m l c lc r L e t s , t ntt r Lc i t wl
l C l4l .54l-3944.
t i r i tt r ttrcr
rhino G«we Std Theo rvhntm. 4N Tltrt Uter nyhl (I cn aoTI ISS 'ue A Il' RD Ion I JRGAts(XI VIER GR(XP Fos haut • I lr 1410 vanond rt votsn» 1st Thrit I SO p in Ot PIO N m s 2O
• St TRACE yhtttnes Sat Chin TlnooPan cnnn Ct 27247O leI hd lnn 7SO 090
APPLfS SC COVPVTER SOCIETY A leali oolot hr aoau vm Steep Is usmNA aol opto ho GAEATfR LccrorhhPERSONAL COS serooet neoetn et ei deo wnseoos • Vrfn UOEIS ASSOC • 0 Scn IPO VNtoxxrvfn Enslss Fseh M OII4 N t4cn nonlh, s no Atadco Clro. ~ d u naa tm ol Gaata arras
• Global Nettfrorkinr,
hsve developed camputer gamrn, intcractho mulumcdia progttttms,
ne Rn 022 Are IR Tart TtaNO lhd
Sohses W 1400 Dai ION 4SSOO
Ooshsno TS Hosncenn Ch
amE Haanyn
Ewcoon stars(a daM DEG Xo • 90 isrt Glnnena patient rlthnosl
LOTUS 1.2 9 SIG Loll Tin (5lp SNI.
Nrt ~~ 4 IRN
weenns ln sro
CRTA PROCESSING VANAGES(NT A SS(XXATXSL DPIS ~ RW d n ne notes come anne App Wmxt a cynic DATASAIE ISERS GROUPS IVPCUSt nel Item O I lol patns o insi U
ot 4lo pnsn
ronltt ec mm 1st le Thrrnspw
VANCOUVER AGCPAC USERS GIODUP snl Ton Ssnsr knh fanon Ftr rat fare e Si SS4SS
vlsxxhtfn Avrocto Lmrs soQETY. uxr, ndh IA Rom \ to, IN wodel ra ncot 1AI Re Geon mewl coo. 120 • UO laont VANCOWER CLIPPER DEVELOPERS ASSES INTNN rpk po t r t onoteo 9l Vai 04141(n
tnnwt nsaiUf sa op(asl VANCOWER ELECTRONIC PUOL ASSOC iltsW ltdi Veansatwt Nl
reed fern( cs Sssoo Ion ma
Graxp Is so Fei Rscw lae vtroeea
solano vhncowfR foxpro UOM5 Gnavp (VfUGI Sld Tes
IS O hatt 1001171
w aodnw oo(teswtt t2 VAIEXXIVERtarlhopf Usffs GROLP (YNU(a, I e ~t soo stos dvoe ut Amt hdsoho VANCOWER PORTASLE COIPVTER
(VPCCTAIOS11 Ier Says Ispl 7 I(Ok Unym 5(n Cen saneis 921 CLUS Lecosto Ihdeatnt ac. vrc ot 271 %!OLaaeut s tare ISN
c LANGUtyfsIG phono si nm on4 CARA(rvpNRIUN ROIODSmofrv tahw toot hho oet • Iaw Ni se acn nlw amc eid lnaeenc noseos • INNt rm inst atshv N SI I po Hens Sl CoeNII Dsth Dln4on rrrmty hr ORIS e cn at Vh IWept tw OTuam (xnn(ht ss Ivpctta Ue wlo rsun a Letoee un Gmns Eoml rsr oo okLSRAch (ovvoe(su colpvlf rl CLUS IC C C C I 0 70 Ceaanhnnayl PO Slo • IS Seal • C Sat IAI
IN wet Cs Steat vai, os
TANIS Also(SAR(PL Slo O(LOmenA 'AA.GC O02141f sasu %
ths Geon tsa Oare aoaot ON2 Om nm Ctssn Spptsn
~ G
KAVESIWufv COSODONS (XLSL I• ITACSCCme Stead Ph OI RIH, lai Tno Nsaoo SNNN tailir CO INN OO 0990 Vola w at held • Thl Co0 Wa sw Ots ceelr rhm ops e 090 IN snn wow SC INTERGRAPH USERS GROUP N I ll pn snot Naneo N1at pa CNI (SCIUGI cpcon hhtt Sano 020 • Ss Nr oenrnth 040si nonnoeon toshtsw e 02020NIf Nl hr raanwln canal near ottoencwotdns IN ~ nests RAYPRO UsfItGROIPNANCOWE R • C Un oe Ca tarn Gaw potuhslcotpvrfn(xlokado . N Colon mRmn a~try 1 ho taro Scans conor Islncsr gros I cPAG frl 1010 dc lus(SouLnfpu(uxxp socerv LASDRATORY PC USEIIGROUP lls • I Nocto ponwe tnon enon Ironer SIO, SC Chape '4 tnspol vrncstm on si Stenos o I oo 7 in pe, tost 2nd Wod teocopl 4th I 5i(trodi Hnoocst ms 412 • C V AXNTO Locel Unlit S toop gtCVAILUGI aom on dit wcctd coieaNNI N twh iisdi Isapl taowl
vtncovtfnAcowoanpfs Cannda
pc vsErt s soctfrv Nr aaiaat nwos PD vANcovvfn 1st rhetor 700PN N stets Iselnyr aa wcd IvKUSI Wall les (licsc SL Venose pae Vooac ad Wtn oah nniet hontnn Gonna Orlop oie Saces 720 ps GNRNOPcoc Lsar Sstor •monte p o t t iilsito W m S tn thlr canas Pns TonrGeant od 2110 a • wanes, pD torero 4oo ltwtovt Soc Itosa Sent Woo I Nsan toooems vonassto NIIT Isfn GIOSIP SNtay INI Wod
nsei I o pa N aeostw scans LO: rhndSOO farwn0014 Orla 4VNQ NONCESO(VPCVOL~ Oar WIW
ISOICNtnda roa
PQ Sto 4 01st
Vacorm SC v7X iAI hdsnnm Isr mxt VAN Sere(pin VSEIS OSORP, rsm sndp aol ft taann cosa G • .GN4 oya ua (rp(xno hr «to 7 ask er Iharotu Ol ONI • vosu Asost noir wlor YNRNRna spit sonnet Dani vp • DRT coo c e s p vrfn c ( l s - SC VO Std SO Sinaanl W NIO, Dos tmn conn!L swwld . Hslnyl cairn Cpaeale. «Nyl • Ids te I SN T~ 720 pt. Ihe tot Gwyl Foehn 0 Soc CO, RISE Haauo Sent( 1%0 ~ n n Pe l CoeWah VERSACADUSER ORCLP RN lcn Cn tso (tee OQ 42O CAN Snnaa tc Ot 4OI lv NS ISIS(ATION IECI40CALUtfn OR(XP VCTOIOA SKINTOSR Uyfps MOIP (RTUSLte wahoos N onernaw, nh ~ O e e 720 s l00(ON ei pa osnl • NtTlni ac o a ae sal ol Doisas rtorror id osn nao N rs nno an n vacnnei.5 c vK i ho stoop cnnnterschsl No Getoo SLvtchm f ti ~ s s plant Rwn r~ N o 2 Qsnr (non Gnovp Goal ottoholo SO Rm spocwhoes ooopl tnan seo T I ottt covpstf pls c Isei User• vpctn • thehta l oam rt ~ 4 SG a NtLoop (han Ntn rttro 7 10 pa f • tanOO Goons Ernau 797 Olt
Scot 1® llAM • t o 24toMBHard Drwo • Ehtamdl K(fpybOOX d pfut • 2 Sortat 1 Parauat • LC rktrtv Statron sea(labia
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l(t NSGUI Battery. 9 Ib mtn r
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pno(ESS Ayii l20 20 yl ceuocl • dean lan ostsnrew es dtoncsn Thsoo eo enny se cail loca a su • Syonl tacna Fttopaa In" te SWOON e ¹otns»yy Ooe 0» asar • • torenatn 0 • deoan 01 ep stdusayouyore ~ SNC ad l a e Sa. t~ G oadsFL Insytao Tsa AWLLENGES OF ALOD Fa ntdnl Is ea iaeaIaw oeoawa teyao • td IN etd nels Lna aaeaanat Coned ne thar Ueaysew Co lnc I Hel an Qnnll WIN ASVSE INTIO IISORNI I IK(XSIPLACE Wtyr SO0 21, SS Ltnmd CIWATING Anl DEVELOPING SElf. ISCRO foGVS USERS C(NWERENCE UANSGlttt OXXIX TEAUS riwnana DAtnaASE WORLD COIWEIIENCE • d ne RanaosRsnsaoan Hcn Geon Peon»ace Ial 20 l Xt oaco. Oonsiny • sscaily acoaut¹w U oy I IS I I 1 00 2 S ua a v¹ l s EXPO Aw SSAIT I, l~ l a don, IN rsonaa pnsyate vsC Td ntdow e sc»Goatda FL lros hdsro It tnt caaerreneefrcyna Ln: TN Sawyc Rssoech Cane Gstarwno aee alnalana apsl Caeonta aa Fa SW4400 lass sssrantsy caasct Isca Fona 0220I(rra Fa 0220IR Coapae fr~ e d S y sesl 44-Ines Cedeaae Noasyanopnr Ahh wwcnst TEGOI(ILOGYTOUAFO(ET l¹ys Idnn tatt,tms Gnsd aunt CA TN • ISOR TWO USCTTVITY a na tandy «ml S a li t ed tllslaenonsndsco THE P ROIECT U ANAGEUENTCoons Iostsaaeo la Gonads e Co loni20.20 02 conlsd loss cA nan ea» I»alt mtdtaes swan, eul Rolls Utrrase Ie PROCESS sfalt (0 02DWEn VELWEFIS (ON coeaar rreaaa Ihoaraa, IK Te WSdeht e Ue Ueaaana son»a oa lola 204 Ga anne L d sant vsdsy leant ai swan aa fsfnNCE Sn Jao GL INO 0 el ~ Fsn ntdoas • c Expo As¹204dyt t~ I a a Yaa new taeytaaet Desto l oaodo Ns Asssytttvoass F0R UANIGERSwv WORLD COUPUTER LAW CONG% as • Ssyrsl NY ntte mosnn t s»W Nat a» Shan caao v~ Ga w Nasal' • a 5 ol Ccnaa Eanan Pneona 02 'Gssaol Soccoss in Xa Coeytne rreaso» • SSSSII Toaan inta SC taxstm Lm: TN 0224I(0 e fn Sndoyl lao»sf Pueny 0» ararno, loyal esl thsl WORD E(PO Ssn Fteeoco CA Usy lo 12, IOOO Shoe a nssoorn f utty IO(SC % Ady mes ~ S n scac • d(EINNTIIn SELFUANooatn Woya wlolns Rssotscn TCSAr Ata ls f t~ CA Sh oo onoasaon SEYSOLDSEWNARS Sl Sard ll-l •, Tanws nn oaocao eaa canona 01 Salmi How Dsl Guona¹ sn nays Wont Syo Gsp Noyandan Coaasw Fa ans uer anal Nchosl c(nanxnsuts As»ah GA Usy saty. 1124 Iml Hpeo Ccaa, Sloao, Iih A sna nd hoa asy ds il Uoy il • 14, vn slant outa hanna a a aawnyss Cease EOSnaus Proaan, VSC TOI D lant, ws»l Conytse Lw Consrsa Ims n»a nnnsylal hara» Oay ata Imatm noGRAFH thcsn Aigw 5544 01 Tdoydan Qtaaae fat nt ysla Ra And»a( GA Gnaat uy a 0» laaeoas edy ee NEXTWOIED EXPO I¹y, lmy Watt(eus WORD ocean GA Uw 24ne ISIS • ornneo ad 4 rvosy ol rntauerone (ESIGNf(N CEn(lop p tmmanNoose¹ Coiiusa»n Coiita, Sari \ 002 5hoe snnsoasn t traayoco Una Oe aou» frwn» An aoa oewnna • scalp atsw fe nao no ln aaa CSSSWo UACWORLD EXPO-EW OCWW 04, e OHXCSTOXW • eo adoronco,ina Coaeeu» eid • Gnoe atydoymn ISSS asossn UA Cannot tatn Has atxÃN GnnptocsExpo I pt y Aaotwa at T~aaat troon Ihsacas I «n lsl tsn tanmyns FORTIO IIEWUINIGER saw Sacn Ia ttm Oeo ntno syd 1 • ss crnes Esocsaa fioyaa, na oprasvstssnExpoosasaeP EN» • 12421. t Inc Te nt4aea Fa IR!44N yat w Gsaae SLvenana sc T~ 10 It I m s Andton, cA Ceeacx USC SHOW GtylOO K Ase 54 tm t ptsscnsn cone hw soosmmts • snsoNAL Howstnacnttoe SXXLS nos con¹cl ne shoe nnsysaal co lnc Roton Fee Sltmayns FOR UANAGERS Aad I • ll, SS ond OPERATING A SVCCESSFIA SOFT IISOW4111 tI 15 0 2 ConradEncraso Wan nlnmn Ua 20 a tael na ELECTROIPC ART l DESIGN Ssn I NTEROP fal SuryW ll-t l I & Rota» (nc ta sndenafa nt ~ . Ran»as GA cannes ln Daa 41044 pal ea ei nota cao tardy d Frawco, CA Apd 22-25. ISSI Soon (xxdannn Ecyyxxem nnsw Odyl nontanea seine sc. 4osan (WN SIANnn Arr» 5-• laos Ga»yo, K ~ W aaraoaNI tochroew f4r ees Ins LDTvs woRLD asy I • tool Hyrns aee nee saw naaone lnduntn WNSSOWS l OSFIEON AOOW 24 t Cacao lactate proyreas,tnc Tol ceneeanCeas. Stoats IIL waloap lan salon w Gawt Ima a24lal Fa andtn Coeyusny Tochns¹w onaswonL • GESNICERCOIWERESCE • Ehnn- Eenooow 4lsoatttn TIDN Jae 10, Ims saws ieh wuor • 224tne foc SSNCSS Woroutd N i olic4hon am rNTanwaTtoNRL THE PROJECT U ANAGEUENTCont ol Ha»sror, Ootaaty A000 (usoaonl. ae Todeolslr Troops eerssansat fthysnalar ca&nsas UN.
lro rronu DracoShoe ad Susaen Io yuenW Eao, Usn Taaai Conronae re»aaoii Iioui • 2 all oi 0 pn each Sca. 10 w a 0 an Ianh idol Nlnnaon lto fe ttclo ns W iII O eaol41
WAtiutotn IIANISOIO sycrnntd Oy sop¹ Cnodo voncounr Trods • Gnieenri ceNe syts tats I notes 1011 e •rotor 4101
•nc ss Tle Iaanacrn ssnoaan ado ows • oalaresa hn N ErddsonFN¹ tlssas Ontelo ASI4 20-10, I000
Caennl Gsnfun oaod ~~ CON elle(st loan ooaaat
s(fywnyn ovnvtv Asstsahcs Ne Tsstyn A Na av aesny anon Nna iri0 ei onrw lnaioo eto ~
ssantelo le snesay osaseo eeet a ve»aue et 2 laaateus fond sa Usy IOL eid Uoy1 • 0 llxn esnaonStoonan asses» at Oso(odd GST) Tuia de Css SPC Usnheshe St»un 181t101
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I U l i in l i l l i ,
Doppler Corrtputer Centre