24 minute read
Evolution Music gives you a basic music studio
By NESTOR GULA 0 0 : 0 0 : 0 2 : 2 3
its components work well disposal. Music Teacher is basic and together. A nice bonus is Music Planet is more of a curiosity than
Many people like all-in-one pack- that you can hook it up to a real musical tool. ages to give them easy solutions to the USB or the game port, The MK-249C keyboard can be used as the tasks they have to perform. meaning that older PCs a MIDI controller, sending MIDI inforAlthough these packages are fully ear al...•• without USB ports can use mation to other MIDI devices, but you compatible within themselves, they are not always the best solution on. s +.20 nor • n this package. The problem Lies in that will need to buy a power adapter for it to do so. When using it hooked up to the because there are always compro- the software is quite sim- computer, the keyboard gets its power mises made somewhere along the ple. In Sound Studio you from either the MIDI or USB cable. line. The Evolution Music Creator can have 256 tracks of The Evolution Music Creator Pro 49C Pro 49C USB software/hardware kit MIDI but are limited to USB kit is an entry-level package for falls directly into this slot. four tracks of people who want a complete kit in one
The package works well but there box. It works fine, but I suspect that are some limitations. The main fea- III 1.1 1 1 1 purchasers of this system will soon ture of this kit is the MK-249C key- opt for a better software package board. It has 49 regular touch-sensi- with cooler and more diverse tive keys, 12 assignable dials for real- sounds and better recording time effect control, an assignable slider capabilities. • and modulation wheel, USB and MIDI out port, 10 memories for storing presets and octave up/down keys that will take the sound out of the range of human hearing. recorded
There are three software programs audio. So you are stuck that come with this package — Sound using General MIDI sounds for all your Studio, which is basic sequencing and compositions. You can manipulate these recording software; Music Teacher, sounds with one or more of the 14 conwhich teaches piano playing; and Music creator. trols on the keyboard, but this still pales Planet, an easy-to-use sample music The package loads without a hitch and to having really funky sounds at one's
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Evolution MK-249C $210.00 Evolution www.evolution.co.uk
Requirements: Windows 98/ME/XP/2000, 233MHz or higher processor, 64 MB RAM, Windows compatible soundcard, DirectX, speakers
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AMD Duron800 $409 AMD TB 950 $499 AMD TB 1.333G $619 AMD XP 1800 $799 AVID XP 1800 $999 Intel P4 1.6G $1099
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Pine 56K V90/1NT/PCI 1 7 L k 1 t 312 5 3 9Asus V7100 pro6451 pure/tv 124/142 Asus V7700 TIVX 64M 189/241 locket A 5ASUS OPEN 56K PCI SV/PM 73/3911P 650/850/950 129/159/259pure/deluxe Asus V7700 T164M pure/deluxe 258/275 Anis V820012 64Mpure/deluxe 775/177 A sus V8200 G3_64 re/de axe 4-4. 75195* 5 rg «AlteeLansiogc w w w 29/49/69 A7V133/A7V266 171/215 ASUS A7V266•Eirsid 196/210 ASUSA7N266/A7N266-E 242/275 ABIT KR7/KR7-raid 219/258 ECS K7S5A/K7S6A 9 0 / 1 0 9 USIt 56K SW/HW*NETWORKING* 26/79HP manned( 100/Dlink 100 1 5 / 2 0 3COM 905BTX-NM 10/100 open Sports HUB 5 9 49 G55/C85(s11-16-"e) 549/819 Brother HL1230/1440/1450 309/439/529 Samsung ML 1020/1250 349/409 All priccalrady 4% cash discount!22' ViewsonicG810/G815 895/1149 Philip 4x4x6(USB) 1 3 9 CambridgeFPS 1000 7 9 Soyo K7VTA-B . 903 COM Pirewall +4 ports Routers 179 All price subject to change without noticed. 22'Viewsonie P220f/P225f 1099/1199 p ' 1 175/311 dvdnv 4 9 9 Cambriad FPS2000/2500 179/279 Houston 1,1810(vga,audio,modem,lan) 95 17-1:nk Firewall+4 prots Routers 155
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