2002-04 Toronto Computes!

Page 44



Evolution Music gives you a basic music studio By NESTOR GULA



Many people like all-in-one packages to give them easy solutions to the tasks they have t o perform. ear Although these packages are fully compatible within themselves, they are n o t always the best solution because there are always compromises made somewhere along the line. The Evolution Music Creator Pro 49C USB software/hardware kit falls directly into this slot. The package works well but there are some limitations. The main feature of this kit is the MK-249C keyboard. It has 49 regular touch-sensitive keys, 12 assignable dials for realtime effect control, an assignable slider and modulation wheel, USB and MIDI out port, 10 memories for storing presets and octave up/down keys that will take the sound out o f the range o f human hearing. There are three software programs that come with this package — Sound Studio, which is basic sequencing and recording software; M u s i c Teacher, which teaches piano playing; and Music Planet, a n easy-to-use sample music











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its components work well together. A nice bonus is that you can hook it up to the USB or the game port, meaning that older PCs without USB ports can use this package. The problem Lies in that the software is quite simple. In Sound Studio you can have 256 tracks o f MIDI b u t are limited t o four t r a c k s o f

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creator. The package loads without a hitch and

recorded audio. So you are stuck using General MIDI sounds for all your compositions. You can manipulate these sounds with one or more of the 14 controls on the keyboard, but this still pales to having really funky sounds at one's

B r i g h t O c e a n s I n t e r - Te l e c o m C o r p o r a t i o n Canada Branch A d d r e s s : 2 0 2 2 S h e p p a r d A v e . E a s t ( a t S h e p p a r d & B r i a n D r . ) K
















M O N - F R I : 10:30-19:00 S AT: 11:30-16:00 S U N : C L O S E D i l address: kelt_computer@on.aibn. cam H T T E : i l a m e b o c o . c o m . e n

W e p r o m i s e i f any p a r t has a p r o b l e m i n w a r r a n t y we w i l l exchan_ge i t w i t h a n e w one i ..... isInsIcall a . a n i n o l y e a r w a r r a n t y on b a r d

Intel Celeron 1G $ 4 1 9 Intel P I I I 1000 $ 5 9 9

r clereal.IG/1.2G/1.3G 5429/439/449 1.3-933/1G/1.IG /1.2G $409/509/519/619 Houston M756 MB 128MB PC-133 SDRAM 64M VIDEO sharded/56K Modem 20GB HOD ATA100 & 1.44M FD 52X CD-ROM & 180W SPK 16BIT sound card & network card AT X M I D TO W E R CASE 300W 109 WIN98 K B & M O U S E & P a d change araiaboard to AnisTUSI-M...+$50

AMD Duron800 $ 4 0 9

disposal. Music Teacher is basic and Music Planet is more of a curiosity than a real musical tool. The MK-249C keyboard can be used as a MIDI controller, sending MIDI information to other MIDI devices, but you will need to buy a power adapter for it to do so. When using it hooked up to the computer, the keyboard gets its power from either the MIDI or USB cable. The Evolution Music Creator Pro 49C USB k i t is an entry-level package for people who want a complete kit in one box. It works fine, but I suspect that purchasers of this system will soon opt for a better software package with cooler and more diverse sounds and better recording capabilities. •

P3-933/1.1G/1.2G S589/6091709 felon/1GO IG/1 2G/1 1G M9/419/529/539 ASUS T U V 4 X M B 128MB PC-133 SD RAM Rive TNT2 32M 4X AGP 40GB HDD ATA100 & 1.44M FD 52X C D - R O M & 180w SPK 56K M O D E M &16BIT SOUND AT X M I D T O W E R CASE 300W 109 Win98 KB & MOUSE & Pad cheese SDRAM to 25651+ 5 0 , 0 0

AMD TB 950 $ 4 9 9

Intel P4-1.6

$ 6 4 9

Intel P4-1.6G $ 8 8 9

P4-1.7G/1.8G 5 6 7 9 / 7 1 9 P4-1.7G/1.8G $ 9 1 9 / 9 5 9 P4- I 9G/2G/2 2G 5809/949/1269 P4- 1 9 G / 2 G / 2 2G61049/1189/1509 ECS P4 M B ECS P4 M B 128MB PC-133 SD RAM 256MB PC-133 SD RAM Rive TNT2 32M 4X AGP ATI Redeem 64M Dual tv out 40GB HDD & 1.44M FD&56k modem 40GB HD&1.44M FD&56K Modem 52X CD-ROM & 180W SPK 16X DVD & 24:10s40 CDRW 16 BIT SOUND & Network card P4 CASE& 500w subwoofer ATX MID TOWER CASE 300W 16 bit SOUND & Network card 109 Win98 KB&MOUSE&Pad Interact KB & Wheel Mouse & Pad change Meinboare to Asia P45* 1 6 0 rhea:eV:0114MM 5 +

A M D TB 1.333G $ 6 1 9 AMD X P 1800 $ 7 9 9

Evolution MK-249C $210.00 Evolution www.evolution.co.uk Requirements: Windows 98/ME/XP/2000, 233MHz or higher processor, 64 MB RAM, Windows compatible soundcard, DirectX, speakers

Intel P4 1.6G $ 9 4 9

Finch ve. Brian Victoria Dr. Park brtepo r a Av e . Intel P4 1.6G $999

P4A.70/1.80 $ 9 7 9 / 1 0 1 9 P4-1 9G/2G/2 2G $1109/1249/1569 ASUS P4B M B 256M PC-133 SDRAM ATI. Radeon 64M Dual tv out 40C:B H D & l . 4 4 M FD 16X DVD & 24x10z40 CDRW P4 CASE& 500w subwoofer Digital SOUND &56K modem Internet KB & Wheel Mouse & Pad ekagf.VDRAM la S l a l r $ 1 0 5

p4-1.7G/1 8 G 5 1 0 2 9 / 069 P4.1.9G/ 2G/2.2G 5 11 5 9 / 1 2 9 9 / 1 6 1 9 ASUS P4B266-C M B 256M Pc2100 DDR R A M AT I Radeon 64M Dual tv out 40GB HD & 1.44M F D & 5 6 K modem 16X DVD & 24z10x40 C D R W P4 C O L O R CASE&500w subwoofer Sound Blaster Live 5.1 Internet KB & Wheel Mouse & Pad c h e w to DDR AM S56 M to 512M. , ± 111 t ,

— .

Tel: (416) 493-3300 Fax: (416) 493-3308

HWY 404

a n t s } e a r s l a b o r on s y s t e m .

AVID XP 1800 $ 9 9 9

Intel P4 1.6G $ 1 0 9 9

poron850/900/950/165414/419/424/420 TB 1-1G/1.2G/1.3G/X71600 i412113915491589rB 9506/1 10/ L2G/X216005569/599/609/639 Tb950/ 1 IG/1 2G/1 3G $719/749/759/769TB 950/1G/1 2G/1.3G5929/959/969/979 p4-1 7G/1 8G 5 1 1 2 9 / 1 1 6 9 U1700/1200/1900/20011$5119/599/679/789 XP1700/11100/1900/20005449/659/729/849 XP1600/1700/1900/2000 5779/729/B79/979201410/1700/19011/2000 5979/929/1079/1179, TB 950/1 10/1 2/1 5/1 5 54551575155514991229 r e a .9G/2G/2.2G 5 1 2 5 9 / 1 3 9 9 / 1 7 1 9 Duront100/900/950/1G 5459/169/471/479 ASUS A7VI33MB ASUS A 7 V 2 6 6 4 MB ECS K7S5A MB Houston M810 MB ASUS P4T-EMB ECS K 7 S 5 A MB 256MB PC-133 SDRAM 128MB PC- I 3 3 SD RAM 256MB DDR RAM Pc2100 128MB PC-133 SDRAM 256MB PC-800 RD R A M 128MB PC-133 sdram& 180W SPK RI VA TNT2 32M 4X AGP ATI Radeon 700064M tv out ATI. Radeon 7000 64M tv oat 64M Video sharded/56K Modem AT I Rodeo. 64M Dual tv out Rive TNT2 32M AGP &1.44M FD 40GB ATA100 & I.44M FFD 40CB ATAI00 & 1.44M FFD 20GB HDD ATA d i 1.44M FD 40GB ATA100 S 1.44M FD 40GHD & 1.44M FD&56K modem 40GB HDD ATA 100 & 52X CD-ROM 52X CD-ROM & 180W SPK I6X DVD &24X10X40 CDRW 52X CDROM & 180W SPK 16X DVD &24X10X40 CDRW 16X D V D & 24.101[40 CDRW 16 BIT Sound Card&Network Card 16Bit Sound card & Network Card 16Bit mound card di network card 56K MODEM pet &32 bit SOUND pct 56K Yoke FAX-MODEM Sound Blaster Live 5 . I & 5 6 K M O D E M P4 Color case &500Wsubwoofer 56K Modem pci & ATX 300W CASE AT X MID TOWER CASE 300W ATX Mid Tower Case 300W AT X CASE 300W & 500W subwoofer Sound Blaster Live 5.1 ATX CASE 300W &HOW SPK 109 Wio98 KB&Mouse &Pad 109 Win98 KB & Mouse & Pad 109 WIN98 KB & Mouse & Pad Internet KB & Wheel Mouse & Pad 109 Wine@ KB&MOUSE&Pad Internet K B & wheel mouse& pad change SDRAM to DDRAM * 4 / 0 ehawwwelebeerd re ARM 47A266..+$20 pi..ego SDRAM en ',DRAM s 2 A change maixboard to ECSK7SEM+ $ 4 0 change meleboard to ASUS A7V266..+$19 rh..gAl MAI RI)RAMt V I I / + W A


15'NEC I 550V/17'NEC1700 5 3 9 / 9 6 9 15' Samsung 1515 white/silver 559/569 17' Samming171S white/silver 9 7 9 / 9 9 9 18'NEC 18500 1 1 9 9 17' Aquaview 7GS 1 8 8 17' LO 700S/E700B 1 8 5 / 2 2 2 17' Samsung 750S/ 75313F 1 9 5 / 2 3 2 17' Samsung 700NF 3 2 5 17' ViewsonicE70/E70P 2 3 5 / 2 7 0 17' Viewsonie075/P75( 2 7 2 / 2 8 8 17' NEC AS75F/700+ 2 3 5 / 2 8 1 19'Aquaview 9GS/LG E900B 2 8 9 / 3 5 5 19' Samsung 95013/955DF 3 0 8 / 3 6 7 19' Samsung 90ONF 5 3 6 19•Viewsonie B90/090( 3 5 9 / 4 2 8 19' Viewsonic PF790/090f 5 4 9 / 4 5 8 19' NEC AS90/AS95F 3 2 2 / 3 5 9 19' NEC Fe950+ 4 6 5 ,„,, 19' SONY 0410R/0420S 6 1 1 9 ' ? ' 21' Samsung 1100p+ 7 5 5 22' NEC AS520/FE/ 2505- 7 1 5 / 9 7 5 22' ViewsonicG810/G815 8 9 5 / 1 1 4 9 22'Viewsonie P220f/P225f 1099/1199 4 4


MAXTOR 20GB 5 4 0 0 m m m/720m 9 8 / 1 1 2 40GB 540Orpn1/720Orpm 1 1 2 / 1 2 6 60GB 54001.pm/7200mm 80GB 5400mm/7200pm 1 8 2 / 2 0 8 120013 / 1600B 540Orpm 2 8 8 / 4 0 5 SEAGATE 40GB 540Orpm/720Orpin 1 1 5 / 1 2 9 IBM (7200,114) 490/69*° 1 3 8 / 1 6 7




ATI tv wonder/DV/usb 8 5 / 6 4 / 1 2 0 ExtaligLA Socket 370 fP3-ctivrolll UPGRADE SYSTEM Nvidia Rive TNT2 32M 4xAGP 4 8 6330 K7T turbo-limbed-Raid 1 1 9 ASUS TUV4X/TUSL2C 1 2 0 / 1 4 5 5131 MSI 6320 K7T266pro/6320Rraid 119/128 I n t e l P4 1.60 /Alma P4B MB3 9 9 ATI Xpert128 16M PCI retail 6 9 ASUS TUSI-M(vga,audio,lan) 9 1 MSI 6380 K7T266pro2/RU 1 5 2 / 1 8 5 TB 1.333/Asus A7V133MB2 9 9 ATI Xpert2000 32M PRO 5 4 Soyo 7VBA+133 1 0 9 . K7N420pro,(0f2 vga,l,a) 2 3 2 ATIall-in-w Radeon7500 /retail 240/250 Houston 758(vga,aucho,modem.lan) *SCANNER* 8 9 MSI 6373 A.S k 7 ATIall-in-w Radeon 8500 DVI 4 8 5 MSI 6309/6337 ' 1 0 6 / 1 4 9 AsusK7VOlot A) 1 5 9 ATI Radeon 7000 /retail 7 8 / 1 2 4 Socket 478 (P41 Canon670U 1 A 9 ATI Radeon 7500/retail 1 6 9 / 1 9 0 Asue P48(adr)/ P4T-E(rd) 1 7 6 / 2 4 6 Soyo 5EMA+ (socket 7) 79 Ater 4300 6 9 ATI Radeon 8500/retail 2 9 9 / 3 7 0 Asus P4B266-C/P4B266(ddr) 1 7 6 / 2 3 6 HP3400/4300/5300 1 3 5 / 1 8 9 / 2 6 5 *SOUND CARD* Geforce2Mx200 64Mtv /Mx400tv 85/105 Asus P4S333M/P4S333(ddr) 1 3 5 / 1 6 9 PINE 326it PCl/ SB 128 PCI 1 2 / 2 3 Epson1250/1650/2450 1 3 6 / 2 6 6 / 5 3 9 MSI Geforce4 MM ddr 1 6 2 CDROM&DVD* Intel 850MD/MV 2 1 6 / 2 2 8 SB Live 5.1/Audigy 4 6 / 9 0 * P R I N T E R S * FuturePower57/LG 52X 3 3 / 3 9 peas Geforce4 64M ddr 1 7 9 Intel 845 HV/WN/PT/G13179/183/193/199SB Audigy MP3+/X-Gamer 1 3 5 / 1 3 5 Canon 5200/500/600/800 99/209/259/449 Creative 52x/NEC 4 52X 2 / 4 5 Asus V7100 Magio32MpureSE/tvSE 71/82 74,16547/6391 1 1 3 / 1 8 9 SB live Platinum Audigy 2 6 8 Epson CIO/COO/COO 6 5 / 1 3 9 / 2 5 9 Artec 16X /LG 16X DVD 6 7 / 7 8 Asus V7100 Magic 32M pure/t7 9 3 / 1 1 1 P4S5A/P4VXSD2 1 1 3 / 1 1 7 *FAX -MODEM* Lexmark Z22/33/43/53 85/115/174/220 Pioneer16X tray/slot 7 9 / 8 5 Asus V7100 Pro 32M pure/tv 1 0 1 / 1 1 8 ECS ECS IASSMG(vga audio Ian) 1 3 9 Pine 56K V90/1NT/PCI 1 7 L k 1 t 3 1 2 5 3 9 Asus V7100 pro 6451 pure/tv 1 2 4 / 1 4 2 locket A *CD - W R I T E R * ' . OPEN 56K PCI SV/PM 7 3 / 3 9 1 1 P 650/850/950 1 2 9 / 1 5 9 / 2 5 9 BTC 12X8X32.16X10X41.1 8 7 / 9 9 Asus V7700 TIVX 64M pure/deluxe 1 8 9 / 2 4 1 USIt 56K SW/HW 5ASUS A7V133/A7V266 1 7 1 / 2 1 5 LO 24x10x40/retail 1 1 7 / 1 2 4 Asus V7700 T164M pure/deluxe 258/275 G55/C85(s11-16-"e) 5 4 9 / 8 1 9 * N E T W O R K I N G * 26/79HP Brother HL1230/1440/1450 309/439/529 LO 32x10x40/retail ' 1 3 4 / 1 4 3 Anis V820012 64Mpure/deluxe 775/177 ASUS A7V266•Eirsid 1 9 6 / 2 1 0 Artec 24x10x40/Yamaha20810x40 109/174 A sus V8200 G3_64 r e / d e axe 4-4. 75195ASUSA7N266/A7N266-E 2 4 2 / 2 7 5 manned( 100/Dlink 100 1 5 / 2 0 Samsung ML 1020/1250 3 4 9 / 4 0 9 ABIT KR7/KR7-raid 2 1 9 / 2 5 8 3COM 905BTX-NM 10/100 Sony 1 fix10x40/24x10x40 1 1 8 / 1 3 0 open Sports HUB 5 9 49 All priccalrady 4% cash discount! w w 29/49/69 ECS K7S5A/K7S6A 9 0 / 1 0 9 Pleator 24)002E40/ 40X12X40 2 0 3 / 2 5 2 AlteeLansiogc w Soyo K7VTA-B . 9 0 3 COM Pirewall +4 ports Routers 1 7 9 All price subject to change without noticed. Philip 4x4x6(USB) 1 3 9 CambridgeFPS 1000 7 9 p ' 1 175/311 dvdnv 4 9 9 Cambriad FPS2000/2500 1 7 9 / 2 7 9 Houston 1,1810(vga,audio,modem,lan) 95 17-1:nk Firewall+4 prots Routers 1 5 5 Ch in a Hong Kong Sao Francisco New York U z b e k i s t a n T o r o n t o 2 1 7 2 0 0 1 4 TORONTO C O M P U T E S I A P R I L 2 0 0 2 c a n a d a c o m p u t e s . c o m



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