2007-05 HUB/The Computer Paper

Page 23

Hub 2.0 The Web is driven by communities and without them it's basically a gigantic

On the forums, you can directly interact with our editors and columnists

strip•mall with infinite parking. Considering this, we've designed the new hubcanada.com with tools and functionality to provide you with the best

regarding past, current and future features. We want your input on any

online experience and allow you to share and interact with our community and our editors. Welcome to our community and the Hub Canada team! While we can't supply you with free donuts or coffee (we're working on eDanish), we definitely do want you to help us make hubcanada.com the best digital living online community anywhere! Let's take a walk through the site and go over the fantastic features we are certain will help you help us continue to be the best at what we do and ensure you always find the information you need here at hubcanada.com.

Forums The hubcanada.com forums are to communication what a Swiss army knife is to camping. They're the cornerstone of our community, where you can express opinions on features or issues and engage other Hub community members in lively discussions on any number of digital living related topics.

number of issues and carefully consider your suggestions for the site and our magazines. Having forums means a feature is no longer a linear process where we write it, edit it and then toss it up and walk down to the pub to celebrate our creative genius. Now, a good feature is only the beginning — it will generate discussion in our forums and will often inspire a writer or editor for their next subject. A really thought provoking piece caul(' generate discussion for some time and might (at the discretion of the community) literally become a "never ending story." Another really beautiful thing about the Hub Canada forums is how they allow people to nelp each other with digital lifestyle issues and interests. If you are new to our forums, you'll be amazed at how quickly you can get excellent answers to questions on any number of technology issues. From digital photography tips to understanding why Vista is doing the voodoo that it does, the hubcanada.com forums will certainly become one of your most important online resources.

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May 2007


H U B : Digital Lrving - B.C. L o w e r M a n i e n d S e c t i o n



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