Your link to career assistance, resources & experience!
Career Management Center Annual Report 2006 High Tech-High Touch EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This past year has been a significant year for the Career Management Center. We have continued to develop and deliver programs and services to increasing numbers of clients at a time and place of their choosing. We have created new events, moved to new venues, and have participated in of the creation of the University College. In addition, we have completed the Cyber Career Center with the addition of 24/7/365 LIVE service provided through our Virtual Career Assistant operators at Map Communications. We are the only career center in the country that provides live, around-the-clock assistance. We conducted our first job fair at the Virginia Beach Higher Education Center and made it a truly Virtual Fair by having employers interact real time with students at the other higher education centers and Gornto through the virtual classrooms. We added a Regional Diversity Fair and an Accounting Fair to meet specific employer requests. Employer attendance at our major job fairs increased to the point that we moved to the Ted Constant Convocation Center for the first time and set employer and student attendance records. In addition we added a series of Employer Recognition events to bring more employers to campus. CMC was called upon in late spring to take on the responsibility of the America Reads program. This program is required for the university to continue its Federal Work Study eligibility. CMC was required to recruit tutors and develop positions before the end of the fiscal year. This was successfully accomplished, the university’s eligibility preserved and the program’s growth ensured. CMC’s vision statement: To become a national leader in our field by developing and providing exceptional academically and professionally related employment services for students, alumni, and employers, is becoming a reality in that during this year 9 different presentations concerning unique CMC programs were accepted and presented at either an international, national, or regional conference. The report that follows highlights the year’s events in picture and text, but the work that produced those events and impacted the lives and careers of thousands of our students and alumni was done by a dedicated staff. From student employees and graduate students who performed above and beyond their years or normal expectations to dedicated classified staff who are the backbone of our day-to-day operations, to innovative Faculty Administrators who handle the daily stretch between working with individual clients and managing programs that are delivered to hundreds of clients, they are what makes CMC go and are the ones this report celebrates.
Tom Wunderlich, Assistant Dean
REPORT HIGHLIGHTS • 73.8% of students graduating in 2006 participated in at least one Guaranteed Practicum qualifying experience. • 1316 co-op, intern or practicum experiences were recorded university wide. • 70,705 unique visitors accessed the Virtual Career Center from 84 countries. • 1088 electronic communications were made with students and alumni from the Cyber Career Center • 6,244 Community Service Hours were devoted by Community Service Interns (CSI) to the Hampton Roads area. • 7,625 undergraduate/graduate students, alumni, and parents attended 478 presentations and seminars. • 1,932 viewings of the On-Line Seminars. • 78,873 student /alumni logins to eRecruiting with 5,234 resumes uploaded to 4293 active student/alumni accounts. • 9411 active employer contacts representing 5,224 organizations with 4,665 jobs posted in eRecruiting. • 1015 employer representatives attended 7 job fairs, 4 of which were held for the first time at the Ted Constant Center.
GUARANTEED PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE Learning beyond the walls of a classroom Old Dominion University is the only doctoral degree granting institution in the country that guarantees each undergraduate a practical experience in their major. In some academic degree programs, students complete a practical experience within their curriculum. These specific courses are identified in the catalog as a qualifying experience.
In addition, CMC forms collaborative partnerships with employers to design internships and cooperative education experiences related to a student's major.
Of the 5,864 qualifying experiences reported for 2006, 1316 were internships or cooperative education opportunities facilitated in some form by CMC. Students worked an average of 30 hours weekly in academically relevant Intern/Co-op positions, earning a mean hourly wage of $13.06.
Qualifying Experiences
Research Class
EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION EMPLOYER EVALUATION The CMC surveys employers offering co-op/internship opportunities each semester as part of each student’s evaluation. The evaluations are collected online using the Inquisite software. The chart below details supervisor satisfaction in a variety of work-related areas, using a scale of 1 to 5.
The CMC surveys students participating in co-ops/internships each semester as part of their evaluation. The surveys for Calendar year 2006 indicate that 78.9% would definitely recommend an intern or co-op experience for others. 73% report that the opportunities for employment with their organization were excellent or good. 73.8% of seniors graduating in 2006 participated in one or more qualifying experiences.
Intern, Lisa Wright ( on left of turtle), Summer 2006
CYBER CAREER CENTER CONCEPT What is the Cyber Career Center? • • •
A small group teaching and training facility. A communications facility similar to a tech support call center for Cyber Coaches and Assistants during both normal and after hours operations. A reception area during on campus interviews so that the students can log on to the employer's website that they are about to interview with to do last-minute study with the assistance of a Cyber Coach. A location that students can come to for individual assistance with CMC technology and resources and to receive peer support for career-related issues and information.
What are we trying to accomplish? To provide all CMC programs and services electronically to students and alumni.
Cyber Coach providing Assistance
How are we trying to do it? By developing electronic means for the staff of the Cyber Career Center to communicate to students and alumni and electronic resources to refer them to, in order to receive the same programs and services they would receive in person. Why are we doing it? To develop the capability to support the future growth of the University, to meet the needs of more of our local students who live off campus, to provide services to the distance population of students nationally, and to provide services to our Alumni population while recognizing the realities of our staffing limitations How will we know when we've achieved our goal? When we have an electronic counter part to every CMC program and service we provide, a trained Cyber Career Center staff who can communicate electronically to all of our target populations, and a Cyber Career Center staffed and operating from 8am until 12pm, 7 days a week, every day, the University is open for business through out the year.
Goal Exceeded July 2006! 24/7/365 LIVE !
VIRTUAL CAREER ASSISTANTS The entire CMC is supported 24/7/365 by our Virtual Career Assistants (VCA) who are provided by MAP Communications, a telecommunications answering service. The VCA answer all main CMC phone numbers that roll to them after 3 rings 24 hours a day. A dedicated number is provided for long distance calling 800-937-ODU1. The VCA have available on their desk tops a specific script developed with CMC that defines the interaction with the type of caller; student, alumni, employer, faculty or vendor. They also have access to our “Virtual Career Center” website, www.odu.edu/cmc, to assist them with answering caller’s questions. All calls taken by the VCA are followed by an email to the appropriate CMC staff member outlining the caller information, question and action taken or remaining action needed i.e. return call, set follow up appointment. The VCA provide a triage service in that they are not trained nor expected to perform career advising, resume checks, etc. but do perform basic information services, assistance with technology on our Virtual Career Center, directions, including directions to other offices on campus and live message referral. CMC is the only career center in the country to provide LIVE assistance 24/7/365 !
Virtual Career Assistants at MAP Communications.
CYBER COACH CHATS CMC has expanded services beyond the traditional face-to-face advising methods. Electronic resources were acquired to communicate to students and alumni so that they may receive the same programs and services they would otherwise receive in person. CMC provides electronic career assistance using Sametime, a web conferencing software and Live Chat (Instant Career Messaging), which are mainly answered through our Cyber Career Center, located within the main CMC. 183 Live Chats using Sametime and Instant Career Messaging were conducted during the calendar year. In addition, 905 emails were received and responded to by Cyber Career Coaches totaling 1,088 electronic communications from the Cyber Career Center to students and alumni during the year.
Cyber Career Center resources were developed to support the future growth of the University and to meet the needs of our local students who live off campus. Cyber Career Center resources also provide services to our distance student population nationally and services to our alumni population, while recognizing the realities of our staffing limitations. As indicated by the charts the majority of the electronic traffic to the Cyber Career Center is from alumni.
*Electronic Services includes Cyber Coach email responses from both students and alumni.
Students walking into the Cyber Career Center receive assistance with career exploration, development, and management. Walk-in services include assistance with:
For the calendar year 2006, the Cyber Career Center met with a total of 770 students. The chart below shows a breakdown of students by college.
CCC Walk-in Students •
Resume / Cover Letter Critiques
Establishing Accounts in eRecruiting
SCI 15%
Job Search and Internship Search Strategies
Graduate School Personal Statement Reviews
Mock Interview Assistance
Major and Career Exploration
Use of all CMC Technological Resources and Electronic Tools
UNK 6%
AL 25%
HS 6% EN 10%
ED 9%
BU 29%
VIRTUAL CAREER CENTER TRAFFIC The CMC’s Virtual Career Center is the electronic framework that allows CMC to put “high tech” and “high touch” together creating electronic resources to provide current students and alumni the opportunity to electronically receive the same quality programs and services that they would otherwise receive in person 24/7/365.
Monthly unique visitors, in most months, are equivalent to the entire student body of any other local 4-year institution visiting in one month.
VIRTUAL CAREER CENTER TRAFFIC Yearly Page Views 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 1999
Visitors from 84 countries from every time zone on earth show CMC’s Virtual Career Center’s Global reach.
Virtual Career Center traffic peaks during the month of the annual Spring and Fall Job Fair (March and October), reflecting the build up of CMC programs and events leading up to the job fair plus interest in information on job fair employer participants.
VIRTUAL CAREER CENTER CYBER VISITS 2006 VISITS REPORT For the Calendar Year 2006, the Virtual Career Center had 149,846 cyber visits for career-related services. This represents an increase of 20% over last year’s total. An increase in CMC monthly cyber visits during the summer months (May—August) over the previous summer is indicative of the university’s increasing year around operation and CMC’s commitment to serve our clients year around.
In calendar year 2006 CMC’s Virtual Career Center had 70,705 unique visitors from 84 countries who made 149,846 visits and viewed 447,042 pages of career related information and programming.
VIRTUAL CAREER CENTER ON-LINE SEMINARS The CMC self-paced, online career orientations and seminars were all re-recorded during 2006 and received a total of 1,932 visits. The Resume Writing online seminar was most popular with a total of 600 visits followed by the Internship and Co-op Orientation with 295 visitors. The CD version of the 2005 seminars, which was provided to all Teletechnet sites, was accepted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) for inclusion in their 50th Anniversary Time Capsule as an example of the state of the art asynchronous delivery of career information.
Online Seminars
Resume & Cover Letter Writing
Intern/Co-op Orientation
Interviewing Skills
Job Search Strategies
Career Exploration
Orientation to CMC Services
Evaluating a Job Offer
Distance Seminar
Graduate School Option
A total number of 78,873 student/alumni logins were recorded in eRecruiting during 2006. The highest number of logins occurred in the month of August, with 8,864 logins. In addition, 5,234 resumes and 1,888 cover letters were uploaded during the reporting period of February 2006 thru January 2007.
eRecruiting connects ODU students, alumni, mentors, and employers anytime, anywhere. At the end of the reporting period, 4,293 current students and alumni were actively utilizing eRecruiting. The charts reflect active student registrants by college and by student status.
CAREER CONNECTION JOB CENTER KIOSK CMC has developed a partnership with Career Connections that provides for a kiosk that is maintained by Career Connections at no cost to the university and provides direct access to all jobs posted by the Virginian Pilot both to view and apply to if desired. In addition, CMC has special screens to advertise on campus and part time positions. The Kiosk is located in the South Mall of Webb Center immediately outside of the book store.
NEW TECHNOLOGY OUTREACH INITIATIVES FACEBOOK Beginning in September of 2006 CMC developed a Facebook group which allows students and alumni the opportunity to visit or join to learn about upcoming events, conduct moderated career-related discussions, and view pictures of recent events. Currently, our Facebook group has 109 members and we are linked to 38 other campus organizations for targeted electronic marketing purposes.
MySPACE CMC expanded its horizons in the social networking community by developing a MySpace page in December 2006. Similar to the capabilities found in Facebook, the use of MySpace allows us to reach out to students, alumni and friends to share CMC programs and events and hold discussions in a moderated forum. This initiative has been an effective marketing effort. The link to the MySpace profile is: http:// www.myspace.com/oducmc
BLOGS During Summer 2006 CMC created Blogs for Student Interns. The Blog is used as an immediate way for students to reflect on their internship experiences in addition to sharing what they’ve gained with others. For some departments it is used as an alternative to the final practical experience paper.
WIKI The CMC currently uses a WIKI as an internal coaching forum and for the Cyber Log. This resource may possibly be used as a forum for implementation in the University College course (UNIV 120), Major and Career Exploration.
INDIVIDUAL CAREER CONSULTATIONS As an example of individual Career Consultation activity, CMC staff recorded in eRecruiting 1,868 career consultations for the calendar year 2006, reaching the entire span of academic classifications.
The chart reflects this sample of staff appointments by student status as of the date of the data run in eRecruiting for the reporting period of, January 1, 2006 thru December 31, 2006. There were many other appointments recorded on individual staff calendars that are not included in this sample.
Masters include 1st and 2nd year MBA students.
16.3% of appointments are for Resume Assistance 15.5 % of consultations account for Internship and Co-op Intake Appointments 9% of appointments account for Student Employment Consultations
The Career Management Center hosts a number of programs and seminars that involve various aspects of lifelong career management. For the 2006 calendar year, there were a total of 478 presentations and seminars attended by 7625 students and alumni. The chart outlines the increased attendance over the past 3 years. In collaboration with the Office of Orientation and Preview and the Admissions Office, CMC participated as part of individual college presentations to offer new and transfer students and their families an orientation to CMC services as well as having a presence during the Student Services Fair. As a result of this partnership, 31 Preview/Open House Presentations were conducted during the year which were In addition to CMC-sponsored events depicted on the chart.
Increase in Attendance for Presentations and Seminars
2006 478
Number of attendees
Number of Presentations and Seminars
292 6368
260 0
SIGNATURE PROGRAMS ETIQUETTE DINNER A professional Etiquette Dinner was held in April in partnership with the Business Honors Student Society, and sponsored by Cherry, Bekaert & Holland, GEICO, Target, and The Virginian-Pilot. Business attire was required and students had the opportunity to interact with potential employers in a social situation, while learning appropriate professional dining behavior. Professional greetings, handshaking, and business conversation were topics of discussion for the dinner. This program was facilitated by Judy White, previous Director of Experiential Education, with 66 students and 6 employers attending.
CAREER ADVICE AND A SLICE The Career Advice and a Slice program continues to be a successful CMC event. The series involved employers from a variety of local and government organizations who provided 9 seminars on various topics including Finding Your Dream Job, Job Fair Preparation, Networking, Marketing Your Skills, Dress for Success, as well as others focused on general job search, resume and interview tips. New employer participants included CTR Capital Markets Group, CACI, Coastal HydroKlean & Services, Paradigm Solutions and The Virginian-Pilot.
Job Search Sink or Swim and Senior Scramble are two CMC programs created to support the large number of students who wait until near or after graduation to begin planning for their job search. The Senior Scramble program was modified this year to include an employer panel discussion on various job search strategies plus opportunities for actual networking with employers during a luncheon. These programs are held at the end of the fall, spring, and summer semesters. Topics covered include a crash course on resume writing, job search strategies, networking, and interviewing techniques.
Offered for the sixth consecutive year in 2006, eEAP continues to be a valued program within the Frank Batten College of Engineering and Technology for incoming female freshmen. This Virginia Space Grant Consortium supported event allowed 10 incoming female freshman students to complete a hands-on engineering learning and bonding experience. The eEAP program participants spent an exciting four weeks working at the Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center (VMASC) in Suffolk. Under the direction of VMASC’s Director of Technology, Mr. Bob Armstrong, the students worked in areas including 3-D modeling, traffic modeling, and game-based simulation. The experience also introduced the participants to the ODU campus, past eEAP participants, and female faculty members in the college.
(ICAP) ICAP provides assistance to students seeking internships in an international setting. In 2006, 51 ICAP appointments were conducted. In partnership with the Office of Study Abroad, appropriate internship opportunities were identified. To prepare students for opportunities to study aboard, a new “Financing Your ICAP Experience” seminar was created to assist students in all aspects of financing their international internships.
As a result, 13 students completed international internships or other practical experiences, traveling to India, Costa Rica, Spain, England & Germany.
45 students participated in the Community Service Internship (CSI) program for the calendar year 2006. 6,244.7 Community Service Hours were devoted by CSI students to the Hampton Roads area. Using federal work study funds, the university paid these students an average of $8.49 per hour for their work. Total earnings for the year were $51,675.12. The CMC effectively managed the America Reads Tutoring program and placed 28 students in various school systems to work with early childhood and elementary school-age children in reading and math. Students worked a total of 884 hours, earning $8,848.75 in wages, at average $10.00 per hour.
Total STAT Earnings 63,745.94 70,000.00 60,000.00 32,236.45
50,000.00 40,000.00
30,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 2004
The Student Temporary Assist Team (STAT) continues to be popular amongst on-campus student employment programs. 98 students participated earning an average of $7.10 per hour. Earnings for 2006 increased by $31,509.49 from the previous year, totaling $63,745.94 in 2006.
PART TIME JOB LOCATION AND DEVELOPMENT In calendar year 2006, 169 students referred to off campus part time jobs by CMC through the Federal Job Location and Development (JLD) program earned an average of $11.20 per hour, working an average of 15.84 hours per week. This shows a $3.15 increase in hourly wages for the reporting year. Total earnings amounted to $412,795.50. Top employers for part-time students were Avid Tutors, GEICO Billing, St. Mary's Home for Disabled Children, Virginia Beach Parks and Recreation, and the Boars Nest Bar and Bistro located in University Village. The chart details an increase in student hourly wage and a decrease in total number of hours worked weekly.
Students working Off-Campus $20.00 $18.00 $16.00 $14.00 $12.00 $10.00 $8.00 $6.00 $4.00 $2.00 $0.00
17.25 $11.20
Average wage per hour Average hours per week
RECRUITING ADVANTAGE PROGRAM The Recruiting Advantage Program allows employers to provide opportunities that directly relate to one or more aspects of a student's career preparation. At the end of December, 9,411 employer contacts representing 5,224 organizations were active in eRecruiting. For the calendar year 2006, 4,665 job opportunities were posted for students and alumni to apply for, an increase of 580 opportunities from the previous year’s total of 4,085.
ON-CAMPUS RECRUITING For the calendar year 2006, 75 employers from private industry, government agencies, the armed forces, and public education conducted on-campus interviews. Jobs and interview schedules are posted in eRecruiting. Seminars are held throughout the semester to help students prepare for professional interviewing. 530 on-campus interviews were conducted 93 interview schedules were established 38 information sessions were presented by our employer partners 90 employers interested in partnering with CMC met with the CMC Recruiting Consultant
RECRUITING ADVANTAGE PROGRAM EMPLOYER RECOGNITION The CMC held numerous Employer Recognition Events throughout 2006 at the Ted Constant Convocation Center, as well as the ODU Golf Course. These events recognized employers for their continuous support of our students and CMC programs throughout the year. More than 280 employers attended the recognition events.
Employer Recognition Events
CMC 2006 JOB FAIRS CMC Job Fairs are designed to meet the needs of both students and employers. The success of CMC’s job fairs exceeded the capability of Webb Center, so for the first time most job fairs were conducted in the Ted Constant Center. With this change of venue 22% more employers actively participated than the previous year. Additionally, CMC increased its number of job fairs by more than 50% from the previous year, by hosting 4 additional job fairs in calendar year 2006, with more than *4,000 students in attendance. 507 organizations registered for one of more CMC Job Fairs in 2006 using eRecruiting, with 1,015 representatives participating in the Job Fairs. The Fall Job Fair recorded a record 172 employer participants with a turnstile count of 2,281 students. Held at the ODU Ted Constant Convocation Center, the Fall Job Fair fully utilized the entire facility including a full lunch reception with special guest speaker Wendy Larry, Head Coach of the ODU Lady Monarchs, and employer booths completely utilizing the main floor and concourse areas and after event receptions in the Executive boxes by several employers.
In addition, CMC combined its efforts with the University College’s Center for Major Exploration and offered the Major’s Fair in conjunction with the job fair. During this event students had the opportunity to speak with an employer directly after meeting with a College Advisor to make the connection between the major and a career. * Student/Alumni attendance numbers at job fairs are conservative estimates based on input received on one or a combination of the following sources: turnstile counts, sign-in sheets, and employer feedback (evaluations indicated #'s of students seen.)
FALL 2006 Job Fair
The Diversity Fair was held February 16, 2006, with 46 employer organizations. More than *250 students attended. The event was held in the Big Blue Room at the TED Constant Convocation Center.
*142 Students had the opportunity to interact with 49 School Systems at the Teacher Recruitment Fair, held February 22, 2006. Students met with the various school systems in the North Webb Cafeteria between the hours of 9:00am-11:00am. Interviews were conducted noon-6:00pm.
More than *700 students met 142 future employers at the annual Spring Job Fair, held March 22, 2006 in Webb Center. Potential positions available were full-time and part-time, internship, and co-op opportunities.
Students wanting the opportunity to participate in seasonal opportunities interacted with 26 employer organizations on April 13, 2006 for the Summer Job Fest.
* Student/Alumni attendance numbers at job fairs are conservative estimates based on input received on one or a combination of the following sources: turnstile counts, sign-in sheets, and employer feedback (evaluations indicated #'s of students seen.)
The CMC hosted a Midsummer’s Night The “Accounting Job Fair” was a sucJob Fair at the Virginia Beach Higher cessful collaboration between the ColEducation Center July 20, 2006. This lege of Business and Public Administraadded job fair, included two-way virtual tion’s Department of Accounting and video employer presentations to allow CMC. students, alumni, and employers to interact live. Students participated at the Approximately 150 students and 27 following Virginia Distance locations: firms attended the fair held September 21, 2006. The Accounting Fair was Gornto Teletechnet Center, Peninsula designed to provide students with the Higher Education Center, Northern opportunity to connect with local Virginia Higher Education Center. A networking reception was held for alumni accounting firms and discuss internship and participating employers at the Virginia and full-time career opportunities. Beach and Northern Virginia Higher Education Centers. CMC Staff served as Liaisons for the event at the various distance locations. * Student/Alumni attendance numbers at job fairs are estimates based on inputs received on one or a combination of the following sources: turnstile counts, sign-in sheets, and employer feedback (evaluations indicated #'s of students seen.)
CMC staff supported 3 additional departmental sponsored fairs to better facilitate internship and job search needs of our students, alumni, and community agency partners from specific departments. The Human Services Internship Fair was held on April 26, 2006, with over 300 students in attendance, and 15 local public and non-profit agencies. The Criminal Justice/Sociology Fair was held, January 25, 2006 with 35 employers and 300 students attending. In addition, the CMC collaborated with the College of Business and Public Administration’s Center for Real Estate and Economic Development to host the Commercial Real Estate Networking Event in early December with, 13 firms and 50 students participating.
TARGETED CMC FAIRS GRADUATE RECRUITMENT FAIR CMC hosted its second annual Graduate Recruitment Fair specifically designed to attract students with post baccalaureate interest in research, policy development, and college-level instruction. Representatives from 17 colleges and universities representing 28 different graduate programs and departments participated with *250 students in attendance. Degree programs included creative and liberal arts, health sciences and medical programs, law, education and engineering. Representatives from Virginia Wesleyan College’s Test Center and Kaplan were also present to share testing information with students and alumni present. Graduate Recruitment Fair 06
Graduate Fair participants included: • • • • • • • • • •
Averett University Eastern Virginia Medical School George Washington University Radford University Old Dominion University Regent University Strayer University Virginia Commonwealth University Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine University of North Carolina – Greensboro
• • • • • • •
College of William and Mary George Mason University Marymount University Hampton University Norfolk State University Shenandoah University Troy University * Student/Alumni attendance numbers at job fairs are estimates based on inputs received on one or a combination of the following sources: turnstile counts, sign-in sheets, and employer feedback (evaluations indicated #'s of students seen.)
ALUMNI ADVANTAGE PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS Increased involvement with the Alumni Office • Improved communication and sharing of information • CMC Presentation to Alumni Association Board • CMC presence on Alumni Website • CMC information made available through alumni print and web newsletters and magazines Increased Programming targeted to Alumni •Employer/Alumni Networking event hosted by CMC in December •Creation of e-newsletter for alumni “Connections” •Inclusion of feature articles on alumni and/or their organizations
ALUMNI ADVANTAGE PROGRAM At the end of 2006, 811 alumni were actively registered for services with the CMC with graduation classes ranging from 1969 to the present with each decade in between represented by multiple alumni . During the 2006 reporting year, several Alumni Mentor Events were held, as alumni were active and involved in the programs and services provided by CMC. 269 alumni were registered in eRecruiting as Mentors for students and other alumni.
Alumni at Fall Job Fair 2006
A record number of 102 Alumni were present at the Fall 2006 Job Fair, representing various local, state, and regional organizations.
Employer/Alumni Networking Event
An Alumni/Employer Networking Reception was also held in late December. In each of the panels and presentations, the alumni and mentors that participated were chosen so that a broad spectrum of majors and employment situations were represented.
Alumni volunteered as panelists for 8 events during the calendar year to emphasize the importance of maximizing time in school and how to make the transition from the classroom to the boardroom. Special topics included financial planning, careers in specific majors, job search, and other related employment topics.
Alumni / Mentor Panel 2006
2006 Alumni/Mentor Panel Topics •Obtaining a 6 Figure Federal Job Through the Military •C.S.I. Career Scene Investigation-Who are you? •Transitions: How to Prepare for your New Role:
Financial Literacy •Financial Services Mentor Panel
CMC PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS Tom Wunderlich, Executive Director, Laura Czerniak, Director, Information Technology, and Heidi McFerron, Assistant Director, Cyber Career Center Supervisor, Liaison to Distance Sites, “Cyber Career Center – Putting High Tech & High Touch Together” National Association of Colleges and Employers ( May 2006) Anaheim, California. Invited to reprise presentation via NACE national webinar (October 2006).
Laura Czerniak, Director Information Technology, “Career Assistance from a Distance: Connecting Curriculum to Career” Sloan-C International Conference on Asynchronous Learning Networks (November 2006) Orlando, Florida.
Alice Jones, Director, Student and Alumni Programs, and Liaison to the College of Arts and Letters; Heidi McFerron, Assistant Director, Cyber Career Center Supervisor, Liaison to Distance Sites; and Mary Helak, Internship/ Co-op Coordinator for the College of Arts and Letters, “The Changing Face of Career Services” Southeastern Association for Colleges and Employers (December 2006) Atlanta,
The Changing Face of Career Services Presented by: Alice Jones, Heidi McFerron, & Mary Helak SACE December 5th, 2006
Randy Shabro, Director of Employer Programs, and Liaison to the Colleges of Education and Health Sciences; and Heidi McFerron, Assistant Director, Cyber Career Center Supervisor, Liaison to Distance Sites, “Virtual Career Fairs…The Next Frontier” American Association for Employment in Education (October 2006) Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Randy Shabro, Director of Employer Programs, and Liaison to the Colleges of Education and Health Sciences; Article: “Employer Appreciation Event: Professional Baseball Game Patio Party” Innerview Newsletter (Fall 2006), Virginia Association of Colleges and Employers (VACE).
Alice Jones, Director for Student and Alumni Programs, and Liaison to the College of Arts and Letters; presented “Employers in the Mix Involving Employers in the Career Preparation Process” at the Virginia Association of Colleges and Employers annual conference in Richmond, VA, April 2006.
Employers in the Mix Virtual Career Fairs… Fairs… The Next Frontier Presented by: Randy Shabro & Heidi McFerron Career Management Center Old Dominion University
Involving Employers in the Career Preparation Process
Alice Jones
Director, Student and Alumni Programs M I N I O N
Involving Employers 2006
CMC PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS Beverly Forbes, Director of Experiential Education and Liaison to the Frank Batten College of Engineering and Technology, with Bonita Anthony, Assistant Director of the Engineering Fundamentals Division, presented a poster, “Engineering Early Advantage Program“ at the WEPAN (Women in Engineering Program and Advocates Network) Conference, Philadelphia, PA, June 2006.
Heidi McFerron, Assistant Director, Cyber Career Center Supervisor, Liaison to Distance Sites, “Cyber Career Coaching” Eastern Association for Colleges and Employers (August 2006) Norfolk, Virginia.
Career Management Center
Cyber Career Coaching Presented by: Heidi McFerron, M.S.Ed., NCC Old Dominion University
Link to your Future…Your Future Starts now!
Stacey Plichta, ScD1, Jewel S. Goodman1, Koren S. Goodman, Assistant Director, Liaison to the College of Sciences, Kimberly AdamsTufts, ND, WHNP, FAAN2, Mary Ann Notarianni2, and the IBWC-Norfolk Chapter, “Challenges in Pregnancy Prevention Programs for Girls in High Risk Urban Areas, presentation at the 5th annual meeting of the International Conference on Urban Health in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, at the Vrije Universiteit (October 2006); presentation at the 134th annual meeting of the American Public Health Association in Boston, Massachusetts (November 2006). 1School of Community Health Professions, College of Health Sciences. 2School of Nursing, College of Health Sciences.
Although the Calendar Year 2006 marked a year of transitions and additions for the CMC Staff, we continue to provide students and alumni with exceptional academically and professionally related employment services. Tom Wunderlich was named Assistant Dean for Career Management as part of CMC’s inclusion in the establishment of the University College. Judy White resigned her positions in the CMC and Beverly Forbes was named Director of Experiential Education while Penny Craig-Pickel was named Assistant Director, Liaison to the College of Business and Public Administration. Heidi McFerron was named Assistant Director, Cyber Career Center Supervisor and Liaison to Distance Sites. Andrea Harrell was named Assistant Director for Student Employment, replacing Janet Paulovich. Tiffanie Rosier was promoted to Assistant Director, Career Consultant and International Career Advantage Program Coordinator. Tina Subaba joined the CMC as the Office Coordinator for the College of Arts and Letters and the College of Sciences replacing Jessena Godfrey, who previously held the position. Susan Craig joined the CMC as the Office Coordinator for the Colleges of Business and Public Administration and Engineering and Technology, replacing Fran O’Connell who served more than 30 years with the University Community.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Jill Beatty-New Michelle Bennett Ayana Blount Camela Brown Rebekah Byrd Carrie Campbell LaVerne Carr Cathia Charlot Shabako Cooper Susan Craig Penny Craig-Pickel Stephanie Crockett Laura Czerniak Danny Daily Mario Edmonds Sarah Elder
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Shannon Eppers Beverly Forbes Jen Fordham Koren Goodman Andrea Harrell Mary Helak Monica Hinton Lynnell Hopkins Gaurav Jaju Leonda Jiggetts Morgan Johnson Alice Jones Terry Jones Patricia Lann Jonathan Leopoldo Heidi McFerron
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Conrado Melendez Patrick Murphrey Matthew Myers Fran O’Connell Janet Paulovich Sonya Phillips Mallori Robinson Tiffanie Rosier Randy Shabro Tina Subaba Katie Thayer Judy White Cynthia Williams Ramonica Williams Lisa Wright Tom Wunderlich