2008-2009 Student Handbook Volume 1, Number 5 September 2008 This handbook was prepared by The Art Institute of Portland, 1122 NW Davis, Portland, Oregon 97209. The information contained herein applies to the Academic Year 2008-2009. The Art Institute of Portland reserves the right to change the policies contained within this student handbook from time to time. Notice is not required for a new policy to take effect, however The Art Institute of Portland will make reasonable attempts to notify students promptly of any policy changes through website or email posting, mail distributions or other methods deemed appropriate by the college administration.
The Art Institute of Portland Local: 503.228.6528 Toll free: 888.228.6528 www.artinstitutes.edu/portland
About this Handbook The Art Institute of Portland Student Handbook is a valuable resource for you as you progress through your academic program. Use it as an appointment calendar or simply as a source of reference. You will find valuable information and many important policies in this handbook. In addition, the planner section includes many important dates and deadlines.