How should your pricing differ, per person, for group sessions versus individual training? By Lisa Lorraine Taylor
So! You have your marketing piece, you know who you’re targeting and have gotten in a ton of inquiries regarding your services, but know you’re wondering how you should price yourself for training both individuals and groups and how they differ!
How should your pricing differ, per person, for group sessions versus individual training? By Lisa Lorraine Taylor
You drop your prices for both individual and group sessions. What has happened to many Fit Pros who do this is:
How should your pricing differ, per person, for group sessions versus individual training? By Lisa Lorraine Taylor
1. You get a ton of clients (yay)! Then…. 2. Your prices are so inexpensive (okay…cheap), that you’re working harder but not smarter (boo)! Uhhhh…. 3. You become resentful and try to figure out how to raise your prices! Then….
How should your pricing differ, per person, for group sessions versus individual training? By Lisa Lorraine Taylor
4. When you do raise your prices to what you would “normally charge” you lose more than half of your clients (dang)! Then… 5. You sit and do nothing until you’re back to square one! But not you…No, This Year…Nope!
How should your pricing differ, per person, for group sessions versus individual training? By Lisa Lorraine Taylor
What I’m going to do is offer you some ideas on pricing your individual and group training sessions that will get you energized to go out and add additional value to your sessions, without decreasing your bottom dollar!
How should your pricing differ, per person, for group sessions versus individual training? By Lisa Lorraine Taylor
Individual Training Sessions: It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Personal Trainer, Group X Instructor, Pilates Instructor, Yoga Instructor, or any combination of the above, you usually offer your services in 3 to 5 of the following formats:
How should your pricing differ, per person, for group sessions versus individual training? By Lisa Lorraine Taylor
1. In-home 2. Studio 3. Outdoors 4. Gym 5. Corporation 6. Online
How should your pricing differ, per person, for group sessions versus individual training? By Lisa Lorraine Taylor
As a Fitness Professional who offers all five (5) options, all my prices vary and I hope that when you see what your options are, as well as some ideas on how to price your services you’ll go forward immediately and if it doesn’t’ work, go back and change/upgrade your prices, but the most important thing to do is to just GET STARTED!
How should your pricing differ, per person, for group sessions versus individual training? By Lisa Lorraine Taylor
Now that doesn’t mean you can’t base your prices on your certifications, experience, degrees, but what you’ll primarily base your prices on your overhead cost, such as:
How should your pricing differ, per person, for group sessions versus individual training? By Lisa Lorraine Taylor
1. Gym or Studio: If you’re an Independent Contractor – cost that you pay the house (% of sessions, etc.) 2. Gym or Studio: If you’re an Employee of a facility (and can charge what you want), usually they reimburse you, what you need to make.
How should your pricing differ, per person, for group sessions versus individual training? By Lisa Lorraine Taylor
3. Outdoors: Cost of your equipment (wear/tear etc.), distance, gas, and, more importantly, time when training and downtime between clients. 4. Corporation: Time, distance, are you using their equipment? Bringing your own? Outside? Inside?
How should your pricing differ, per person, for group sessions versus individual training? By Lisa Lorraine Taylor
5. In-home: Time, distance, equipment, 30-45-55-60 minute sessions as well as how far they are from your home, other clients, etc.
How should your pricing differ, per person, for group sessions versus individual training? By Lisa Lorraine Taylor
Group Sessions! This is where you can make some happy, happy money, be able to help more people and get your name/brand out in your community (basically a total win)!
How should your pricing differ, per person, for group sessions versus individual training? By Lisa Lorraine Taylor
Cost? There are a couple of ways to base your cost in Group Sessions.
How should your pricing differ, per person, for group sessions versus individual training? By Lisa Lorraine Taylor
The awesome beauty of Group Session are the following: 1-on-1 (30-minute) session: $30 for 30 minute session Group Session with 4 people: $60 – $20 for 30 minutes session
How should your pricing differ, per person, for group sessions versus individual training? By Lisa Lorraine Taylor
Two very important things that I didn’t mention are: 1. Check in your area for the laws regarding group training in parks, recreation areas, etc. Many places will charge you a fee for using their area. 2. Make sure that your liability insurance covers EVERYPLACE you train.
How should your pricing differ, per person, for group sessions versus individual training? By Lisa Lorraine Taylor
Stay professional, stay friendly and always cross your t’s and dot your I’s…you owe it to your clients, yourself and your business.
How should your pricing differ, per person, for group sessions versus individual training? By Lisa Lorraine Taylor
Time to take your business to the next level my friends, and if you have any additional questions, drop me an email anytime!
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