Who are they

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BA (Hons) Graphic Design OUGD502 PPP2


Markets, Audience and Analysis

What is marke,ng? “The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements, opportunities, profitably & success”.

Chartered InsLtute of MarkeLng 2010

MarkeLng roles 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.

IdenLfy customer needs to develop new products Develop pricing strategies Promote products to a target market IdenLfy distribuLon networks Add value to your product through customer benefits Monitor the performance of the products

THE 4 P’s •  PRODUCT - A product is seen as an item that satisfies what a

consumer needs or wants. It is a tangible good or an intangible service.

•  PRICE - The price is the amount a customer pays for the product or the overall cost of a product.

•  PROMOTION - represents all of the methods of

communication that a marketer may use to provide information to different parties about the product.

•  PLACE- refers to providing the product at a place or in a context which is convenient for consumers to access.

By the numbers…… 87% of design businesses employ less than 10 people 16% of design companies are in the North of England Only 23% of design companies are in London 57% of design companies say they collaborate with other companies or pracLLoners on client briefs 28% of designers are free-­‐lance.

Income pa4erns in the visual arts

Arts Council 2005

What is a creaLve entrepreneur? Owner Entrepreneur

Designer Director Project manager Coordinator Collaborator

Owner Manager

CreaLve with assistant Small Studio of CreaLves Co-­‐operaLve Studio Retail

Owner Worker

Freelancer Designer Partnership

•  Only

16% of adults in Brazil are entrepreneurs.

•  Only

6% of the people in India are entrepreneurs


•  United Kingdom the figure is only

What kind of creaLve are you? EvoluLonary





Risk taker

Ideas and OpportuniLes

“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people” Eleanor Roosevelt

What is an “idea”? •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Can occur at anyLme Can occur to anybody Can happen anywhere Can be inspired by anything Is generally random Seldom materialises Rarely succeeds

“In the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm…..in the real world all rests on perseverance” J.W von Goethe

“Everyone is a genius at least once a year. Success comes from having brighter ideas closer together.” Fred

What is an “opportunity”

• The People are Right • The Place is Right • The condiLons are Right • The Time is Right

What is an “opportunity”

• The People are Right • The Place is Right • The condiLons are Right • The Time is Right

The wrong Lme InvenLons before their useful Lme.


Flying machine

Machine gun


Why did they fail? PoliLcians could not see any benefit Economics were fragmented Society had no need Technology too primiLve

What went wrong? PoliLcians could not see any benefit Economics were fragmented Society had no need Technology too primiLve

posiLves & NegaLves PoliLcal factors Environmental Factors Social Factors Technological Factors

Where do opportuniLes come from? •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Trends Technical developments PoliLcal change Economic boom and slump Human need Problems Research

So you think you have spohed an opportunity? •  Skills –  –  –  –

Technical PracLcal Conceptual Professional

•  ApLtudes –  –  –  –  –

Teamwork CollaboraLon CommunicaLon Project Management People Management

•  PredisposiLon -­‐ Risk / CauLous

-­‐ EvoluLon / RevoluLon -­‐ Manager / Opportunist

How do I know if this is a good opportunity or not? •  Look at your compeLtors –  How many are there? –  How well are they doing –  What do they do well? –  What could you improve upon?

Will anyone “buy it”? Market (Demand) Customer Factors


Dying market

New market or Market in decline

Specialist market

Low prices


Compe,tor factors

Industry (Supply)

Assessing the compeLLon. What are their Strengths? What are their Weaknesses? What OpportuniLes have they taken? What Threats do they face?

Assessing the compeLLon. What are their Strengths? What are their Weaknesses? What OpportuniLes have they taken? What Threats do they face?

S.W.O.T Analysis


What are they good at? What makes them good at it?


What don’t they do? Why don’t they do it?


What are they bad at? What makes them bad at it?


What could go wrong? Why could they fail?

Internal environment Micro environment • Your Skills • Your Resources • Your Lifestyle • Your network of friends and associates compeLtors and other pracLLoners • Your suppliers • Your

Macro environment

• Your local community • Stakeholders

• World market condi,ons – currency – populaLons -­‐ cultures • Economics – exchange rates – wealth -­‐ debt • Technology – supporLng – emerging – alternaLve • Social Trends – trends – Behaviours – demographics -­‐ needs • Poli,cs – legislaLon – tax – war -­‐ populaLon • The Environment – polluLon – conservaLon -­‐ sustainability

Assess the quality of opportunity For the customer

For me For the planet

For other stakeholders

What is marke,ng? “The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements, opportunities, profitably & success”.

Chartered InsLtute of MarkeLng 2010

MarkeLng roles 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.

IdenLfy customer needs to develop new products Develop pricing strategies Promote products to a target market IdenLfy distribuLon networks Add value to your product through customer benefits Monitor the performance of the products


What are the chances of success?

•  SWOT ANALYSIS How good is the opportunity? •  PUSH & PULL •  SUPPLY & DEMAND

What do I have what do they need?

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