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Another one of my roles was to look into different ways of submitting to the lookalike competition. We wanted all children to have some way of entering. Instead of entering by post the kids have the option of entering digitally. In this day and age more and more

children have smart phones and access to the internet, so I mocked up different examples of the kind of devices that the competition could run across, and how it looks on each device. When designing for web I tried to stick with Churchill’s style.

This part of the brief helped to build my Photoshop skills, as beforehand I had rarely used the program so it was nice to have a play and experiment with the tools. This has resulted in a clear representation of how it would work across all media .


I was also in charge of promoting the whole campaign, I decided it would be best to have large scale advertisements in busy cities, so children are likely to notice the big advert and associate Winston as a grand farther like figure.

The best way to do this I thought would be to have large projections on buildings that instantly create interest, people like something a bit out of the ordinary especially children. By having the competition publicised all around Winstons face will become

known amongst the kids. Guerilla style graffiti adverts will attract a younger audience as it is becoming more and more popular these days. Train stations and bus runs would also be a good place to advertise as many kids travel this way.


out cut rea ea whit

use the tabs to stick the boxes together glue each tab according to the side it matches up to

cut round the edges of each of the nets

cut round the arms then fold & stick them together cut through the white lines

out cut rea ea whit when the arms have been assembled, slot them into the arm slits on the body

stick the 2 hat rims together so that black is showing on either side. Then slot the tabs into the slits on winstons head.

My main roll was to design the flyer which has the cut out Winston on the reverse side. This was a fun task that involved allot of trial and error. I experimented with many nets until I found one that looked good and was small enough to fit on an A4 sheet.

when I first started designing the nets there were too many components so 1 figure was filling up a few sheets, in order to reduce the size I made the nets smaller and used one large longer cuboid for the body with only a few additions, ie: arms & hat rim.

I wanted to use a small colour pallet, so decided to use black and white with the British blue to represent England and also to match Churchill Insurance. The flyer has all the necessary information is fun and gives the kids something to interact with.


I was chief crafts man on the project too, so I got the pleasure of cutting out loads of different nets! the first Winston had too many parts. He consisted of a body, head and a separate hat. This meant the nets fit onto 3 A4 Sheets which was too much.

After a couple more alterations I had finally condensed it all into one sheet which was perfect to go on the back of the flyer. The net is still easy to cut out at that size so the kids won’t have any problems when it comes to building him.

I am happy with how Winston has turned out. I wish I had been able to change the colours as they came out allot less vibrant as they were on screen, but due to time restraints I was unable to do so. But he definitely resembles a squarer Churchill.



We each went away and did seperate research Mikey researched apps and I looked at visual material and also nets. There wasn’t that much creative visual research about winston churchill to be honest.


But it was helpful to get an idea on colours and how people have illustrated him, as I needed to try and accuratley produce an image of Churchill that was cartoon like but recognisable, also without being too offensive.

I also researched into Winstons histroy and all the things he had achieved in his life, he was a master painter, brewer, writer and leader. This also lead me on to research WW2 propaganda, which I have taken inspiration from to create the flyer.

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