From Good to Oustanding

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From Good to Outstanding: A checklist • Are the learning objectives clear and framed in the language of assessment and progression? • Have you shared the expectations for ‘most students’, for ‘all students’ and for ‘some students’? • Are progress measures in student-friendly format

learning objectives

From Good to Outstanding: A checklist • Have you used a simple starter to engage learners but also to bridge to prior learning? • This can be a very simple visual or oral activity, but should include a level of challenge, imagination and must be engaging.

simple starter

From Good to Outstanding: A checklist • Have you made it clear in your planning how you are structuring the learning based on your prior assessment? • Are you opening up opportunities for students to assess their own work? • Have you used Assessment for Learning as an important learning strategy?


From Good to Outstanding: A checklist • Is work regularly marked? • Does constructive feedback help students to understand where they have reached, and how to improve their work? • Are students involved in peer review and self-assessment using assessment criteria?


From Good to Outstanding: A checklist • Have you grouped the students based on your assessment of their learning needs? • Have you grouped them to facilitate discussion or collaboration? • Have you used your assessment data to group students to aid the deployment of other adults?


From Good to Outstanding: A checklist • Have you differentiated activities to suit the needs of different learners? • Have you provided support to make the learning more accessible? • Have you provided more challenging activities for those who progress faster and further?


From Good to Outstanding: A checklist • Have you planned for other adults to have a particular goal and purpose in the support they provide? • Are they focusing a particular group or a particular aspect of the learning taking place? • Have you made this clear to them?

deployment of other adults

From Good to Outstanding: A checklist • Does your lesson include more than one sensory stimulus? • Are there a combination of visual, auditory and kinesthetic activities?


From Good to Outstanding: A checklist • If you are including group and collaborative work have you planned the groups, have you planned how this talk will support the learning? • How are you planning to support the quality of the students discussion? • Have you planned how this will be used in future independent learning?

scaffold the talk

From Good to Outstanding: A checklist • Where is the independent learning in your plan – are students communicating, demonstrating, sharing or developing their ideas independently? • Have you given students to communicate and demonstrate their thinking in an extended manner?

independent learning

From Good to Outstanding: A checklist • Have you made an explicit plan for how you will support any writing taking place in the lesson? • Have you modeled an exemplar piece of writing? • Have you modeled the writing process? • Have you shared the conventions?

scaffolding extended writing

From Good to Outstanding: A checklist • Have you planned the questioning you will use in the lesson and what you are using it for? • Have you considered how you will use higher order questioning to challenge students? • Have you planned how you will use a blend of open and closed questions? • Have you planned how you will use questioning to probe and scaffold thinking and understanding in your lesson?


From Good to Outstanding: A checklist • Have you planned to include reflection on the learning that has taken place and how it has taken place in the lesson? • How will your questioning support this? • Have you done this at various points in the lesson? • How will this reflection be recorded and shared?

reflection, review and plenaries

From Good to Outstanding: A checklist • Has homework been set? Has it been regularly checked and acknowledged? • Does the homework link to the learning taking place in lessons? • Does the homework extended and challenge learners, and offer the chance for independent learning?


From Good to Outstanding: A checklist • Do students behave in a calm and respectful manner? • Do they work well without the support of an adult? • Are they engaged in the learning? • Does their behaviour make a positive contribution to the learning?

behaviour for learning

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