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2. Head
Head in the “figure” task is drawn following the same algorithm as in the “Head” task: eyes, nose, mouth, forehead, analysis on the main intersections of planes, then neck.
Before you set to work over the head it is necessary to return to the sketch, i.e. to a live, direct perception. define the character of the model, his/her proportions, and tonal relationships. Check the binding of the head to the shoulder girdle. It is advisable to pencil the details not mechanically but con affetto. Only then the drawing will be vital and interesting. When analyzing the form of the head with regard to silhouette it is necessary to pay attention to the following: despite the fact that part of the head is covered with hair it rests on the form and subjects to the same laws: the plane changes – the tangency changes. This law operates in the case of tangency of the patch of hair and the patch of the face.
! Common mistake: The outer silhouette is more active than the contrasts on the closest intersection of planes.
1. frontal bone 1a. frontal tuber 1b. Superciliary arches 2. Parietal bone 2a. Parietal tuber 3. temporal bone 3a. mastoid process 4. upper jaw 5. Jugal bone 6. nasal bones 7. lower jaw
1. frontal muscle 2. Orbicular muscle of eye 3. nasal muscle 4. Orbicular muscle of mouth 5. Quadrangular muscle of upper lip 6. levator muscle of angle of mouth 7. Zygomatic muscle 8. Risorius muscle 9. triangular muscle 10. Quadrangular muscle 11. muscle of chin 12. mastication muscle 13. temporal muscle