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3. arms. Pelvis

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4. Knees

4. Knees

When drawing paired details (hands, knees, feet), the main detail is penciled more thoroughly, while the second one approximates to it in terms of accomplishment as much as it is needed. Both details should not be penciled with equal care. fingers are usually grouped together and there should be the main and the secondary ones among them. Keep in mind the tonal stretching in the lit part of the arm from the shoulder to the hand. The shoulder and forearm should be S-shaped. When penciling the pelvis haunch bones and trochanters are accentuated because they define the axes.

! Common mistake: Fingers are penciled with equal care, tonal disarray between light and shade. Shoulder and forearm are straight.


1. Humerus 2. ulnar bone 3. Radial bone 4. Carpal bones 5. metapodium bones 6. Phalangeal bones

1. deltoid muscle 2. Biceps muscle of arm 3. triceps muscle of arm 4. Brachial muscle 5. long radial extensor muscle of palm 6. Brachioradial muscle 7. ulnar extensor muscle of palm 8. extensor muscle of fingers 9. long abductor muscle of thumb

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