Dow Brazil - Sustainability Report 2008

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Executive Summary Dow Brazil Sustainability














Dow Brazil shows its

The company stands

The company

Diversity and

Ethics and respect to

involvement in

out in the chemical

analyzes its


the human rights are

community and the

sector due to its good

economic, social


priorities for the

values leading its

safety and

and environmental

management and

company, which

relationship with its


performances and


encourages the

public relations

management indexes

publicly shows its

development are Dow

adoption of these

position concerning

strategy’s three main

principles to its



production chain

About This Executive Summary The content of this publication is in line with the information available in the Global Reportin Iniciative (GRI) Report 2008,

profile; human resources, customers and partners, society; and

Dow’s worldwide report, which used the third generation of GRI

environment. The report covers the period from January 1st to


December 31st, 2008. All the information and GRI indicators

The document reflects the first effort of The Dow Chemical


Data has been organized into five pillars: corporate

mentioned herein refers to this interval of time, unless otherwise

Company’s group of companies in Brazil to systematize its

determined. The online version of this Executive Summary and

economic, social and environmental performances and does not

the GRI Report 2008 in Portuguese language are available at

intend to finalize this theme.

Executive Summary


2008: a milestone for our sustainability Photo: Lau Polinésio

In 1995, when The Dow Chemical Company launched its goals of reducing the environmental impact and increasing the products safety for 2005, these issues – which have always been part of the company’s culture – gained a new dimension. Our plants accepted to work in order to improve a number of indicators up

Concerning the

to 90% and started to invest scientific, human

assurance of the human

and technological resources into solutions for

rights, however, we

the proposed challenges.

noticed that we could

During this period, we have learned that,

have done more. We

through innovation, it is possible to reach what

decided to add our contracts

is apparently impossible. We have understood

clauses intended to prevent

that sustainability is a synonym for constant

children’s work and those analogous

reflection and learning, and that a sustainable

to slavery in our production chain.

future depends on solid partnerships with our

We also invited suppliers, partners,

public relations.

customers and the community in order

Following these principles, we have

to discuss how to progress. The

reached almost all the estimated goals

promotion of the Semana Dow de

for 2005 and we have exceeded some

Sustentabilidade – América Latina

of them. In the following year, we have

[Dow Sustainability Week – Latin

established more challenging goals for 2015

America], in July 2008, was an

– establishing objective parameters for issues

important opportunity to show that we

such as environment, health, power efficiency,

are committed with the creation of new

relationship with community and safety.

sustainability standards.

Particularly in Latin America, 2008 was

The financial crisis at the end of the year

a key year for our learning process. At Dow

led us to other reflections. It was an important

Brazil, we conducted internal and external

opportunity to reinforce our values concerning

sustainability evaluations, through which we

the health and the wellbeing of the employees,

could confirm our qualities and discover factors

communities into which we are inserted and

to be improved.

the planet itself. Certainly, there is still much to

An element that made us feel proud was to note that we are a reference for the chemical

be done, but 2008 stands as a milestone in our ongoing challenge.

sector in terms of environment development, safety of products and social responsibility.

Pedro E. Suarez President for Dow Latin America

Dow Brazil Sustainability



Chemistry serving life To use chemistry for human development. This is The Dow Chemical Company’s purpose since it has been founded, in the United States, in 1897. Currently, the company is present in

4.8 billion

of reais was Dow Brazil’s sales volume in 2008. Around 2,400 employees worked at its 17 plants and five research centers

approximately 160 countries, with 46 thousand employees and annual sales accounting 57.5 million dollars. In Brazil, Dow operates since 1956. In 2008, 2,400 employees worked at its 17 plants and five research centers. Their sales accounted 4.8 billion reais. By associating science and technology to people’s potential – the so called Human Element –, Dow Brazil offers a wide range of products. In general, consisting of raw materials or additives for the transformation industry, which are added to items that are present in people’s daily life. The chemical area provides consumption materials for the paper and cellulose, food, cleaning, paint industries and medicine. Its plastic line includes, among others, packages for food and industry. Dow automotive develops plastics, adhesives, fluids and acoustic treatment materials for the automotive industry. And Dow AgroSciences manufactures and markets products that


contribute for a most modern and safe agriculture.

SUSTAINABILITY GOALS FOR 2015 Sustainable chemistry Products designed to solve worldwide challenges Power efficiency and preservation Focus on climate changes Contribution for community success Commitment with product safety Human health and environment protection


Executive Summary


and for involving the various teams in the

The company commitment with sustainability

implementation of sustainable projects.

is reflected in the way it elaborates it products

This group was responsible for the

and relates with society and the environment.

idea to develop the 1st Dow Latin America

The company is signatory of the Programa

Sustainability Week still in 2008. The event

de Atuação Responsável [Responsible Care

included, among other activities, Dow

Program] – a voluntary initiative of the chemistry

Sustainability Forum – Latin America – Planet,

industry through which companies worldwide

People, Future, which gathered around 800

are committed in improving their performances

people from the United States, Colombia,

in health, safety and environment areas.

Mexico, Brazil, Chile and Argentina. They

In 1995, Dow published 11 ambitious

were customers, suppliers, employees, public

sustainability goals to be met until 2005.

power, third sector, community and academy

Most of them have been reached and some

representatives, together, in order to discuss

have been exceeded. Emissions of priority

on ways of balancing their interests with the

compounds have been reduced in 84% (the

planet’s needs.

goal was 75%); chemical emissions have been

The Week led to important decisions,

mitigated in 51% (the goal was 50%); the

such as the establishment of local

production of solid residues decreased 700

sustainability goals in line with those

thousand tons, among others.

established for 2015. These objectives,

In the following year, new challenges were

including the development of cooperative

postulated for 2015. The intention was to

projects with customers for the creation

strengthen the relationship with the communities

of more sustainable products, decreased

into which the company is present, to improve

ecological impact, a renewed performance

the products management in order to reduce

before the community, among others, are

environmental impacts and to contribute in

directing the company operation in 2009.

order to solve global challenges related with the lack of water, food and with climate changes.

GRI Indicator

LOCAL STRATEGY 2008 was especially important for the



Net earnings



Operating cost





Salaries and benefits

company’s sustainability in Brazil. Besides




Operating Profit/(Loss)**



de Atuação Responsável, Dow has established

Income tax/Social cost



a work group and adopted the Ethos Indicators

Net Profit/(Loss) of the fiscal year



on Corporate Social Responsibility for self-




evaluation. Forty people were involved in the

Economic Profit/(Loss)



conducting an external auditing of its Programa

process. The 18 executives comprising Dow Latin America’s leading team are responsible for designing the company’s sustainability strategy

Community EC 1

* Economic value in million of reais. ** The Operating Profit/(Loss) does not include R$ 39 million net earnings from financial interests (2008) and R$ 62 million (2007), besides R$ 90 million of extraordinary items (2008) and R$ 244 million (2007).

Dow Brazil Sustainability


Photo: Ron Sim


Priority in the Human Element One of the key dimensions of Dow’s global

In 2008, Dow Brazil was mentioned for the 12nd consecutive time in Guia Você S/A Exame – As 150 Melhores Empresas para Você Trabalhar [Você S/A Exame Guide – The Best 150 Companies to Work At].

To establish a connection with those

operation is the people-centered development

who work for the company and respect the

culture. The company considers that the most

employee since he/she has been hired are

important element does not appear in the Periodic

also ongoing concerns. One of the results

Table: the Human Element (Hu), a position through

of this effort is that, in 2008, Dow was

which Dow places the individual as the core

recognized for the 12nd consecutive year

agent for social transformation, able to suggest

by the Guia Você S/A Exame – As 150

solutions for the large global challenges.

Melhores Empresas para Você Trabalhar.

The company’s strategy is based on three

In order to attract and maintain qualified

pillars – diversity and inclusion, performance

professionals, Dow adopts a market competitive

management and leadership development. The

remuneration policy and offers a number

idea is to create a motivating work environment,

of benefits, including: local and global life

with which everyone can cooperate, besides

insurance comprising business trips and work

stimulating people development.

accidents; 100% reimbursement for vaccines; private pension plan on which the employee




LA 7

Accidents and illnesses rates with employees and third-parties over 200 worked hours



LA 13

Percentage of women among the employees Percentage of women as specialists and leaders

20 29

22 30

LA 14

Base salary ratio (plus risk premium) between men and women



Indicador GRI

*The increase resulted from the acquisition of companies this year.


Executive Summary

contributes, on average, with 5% of his/her salary and Dow with 150% of the amount paid by the employee; and reimbursement of up to 90% of the value spent with medicines, including those used in anti-smoking treatments. Since 2002, health insurance companies allow the enrollment of same sex partners.


Health and well-being areas are also a priority. The VivaVida Program was created

Diversity values, of equal opportunities and

in1992 in order to spread information to

respect in the work place, are described at

employees. This action has well-defined goals

Dow’s Corporate Code of Conduct and are

and was acknowledged as a model-iniciative

intrinsic to its operation. A review of the

during the World Economic Forum in Davos,

professionals’ performance is conducted on a

Sweeden, in 2008.

yearly-basis, focused on career plan,

Conducted by Dow’s department of Health,

development improvement and promotion and

VivaVida should reduce the obesity and

bonus by merit, regardless of the employee’s

sedentary lifestyle rates at 1%, and the smokers

gender, ethnicity or social class.

rate among the employees at 0.5%, per year,

In order to encourage the female development in the organization, Dow Brazil

once they increase the risk for other diseases

created, in 1999, the Innovation Female

such as cancer and heart problems. Throughout

Network. The group encourages the creation of

all these years, an intense educational process

leadership capacities and an environment and

has been implemented. The company started

policies favoring the insertion of women in the

to provide balanced meals at the restaurants of

work market. A similar initiative was

all its units, to conduct lectures with nutritionists,

implemented in 2008, this time in order to

Weight Watchers groups have been created

discuss the integration of people with

and fitness centers have been implanted in

disabilities. Fifteen volunteers participate in the

some units. The company still conducts labor

Disabled Employees Network.

Photo: Lau Polinésio

until 2014. These factors have been chosen

gymnastics sessions and provides a financial, legal and psychological assistance program family members. In 2008, 15% obese, 33% sedentary at Dow. During the same period, according to the Ministry of Health, the National averages were 13%, 26% and 15%,

Photo: Ron Sim

people and 9% smokers have been identified

The company valorizes diversity, respect, health and safety at work. Since 1992, the company develops the VivaVida Program, acknowledged as a modeliniciative in the World Economic Forum 2008 in Davos, Sweeden. Photo: Lau Polinésio

24 hours a day for it employees and their

respectively. No fatal accidents involving employees or third parties directly contracted by Dow have been recorded. The general accident and illnesses rates per 200 thousand work hours, however, increased from 0.09 in 2007 to 0.22 in 2008. Such increase resulted from the acquisition of companies. In 2009, a short- and mediumterm goals plan was created in order to equalize these companies’ performances.

Dow Brazil Sustainability



Sustainability Alliances and Employment’s “black list”, i.e., on which people working under poor conditions have

Photos: Lau Polinésio

been met, also started to be withdrawn from the suppliers registration files.

COOPERATION PROJECTS Another relevant initiative in 2008 was the conduction of the Latin America Dow Sustainability Forum. At that time, Dow’s

Divulgação Ethos

customers and suppliers, besides specialists

Members of companies, communities, public power and specialists, like Claudia Costin, professor at the University of Quebec, and Ricardo Young, president of the Ethos Institute, attended the Dow Sustainability Forum.

and representatives from the public power and from the communities on which the company is present, were together in order to learn about the subject. One of the renowned guests

For approximately ten years, Dow has

was Adam Werbach, president of Saatchi

established criteria in order to select its

and Saatchi S, one of the most important

partners and customers, requiring the supplier

international consulting companies in this area. The event consolidated the understanding

to meet their labor and social security obligations, as well as high operation ethical

that it is not possible to reach sustainability

standards. In 2008, the company noticed that

alone; it is necessary to establish solid

it could contribute on a more intensive way

partnerships in order to meet the solutions

in order to guarantee the human rights and

required by the current challenges. Concerning

to improve the environmental performance of

this, Dow created, in 2008, the Latin America

these public relations.

Customers Academy. The action is intended

The main action fronts were focused on

to develop innovative projects between the

inhibiting the occurrence of children’s and

company and its customers. These are always

hard work in the production chain. Thus,

initiatives that could not be elaborated only by

Dow started to include clauses in the new

Dow or only by the customer – most of them

contracts, through which the identification of

with focus on sustainable products.

this type of situation in the supplier’s chain

Another example of cooperative work which

leads to the automatic and one-sided contract

tries to enhance the dialogue with the customers

termination. Current and future commercial

and to create long-lasting and consistent

partners who appear in the Ministry of Labor

relationships is the conduction of forums intended to listen to the demands of these actors. The

GRI Indicator Description HR 7

Operations with significant risk of occurring work that is analogous to slavery

* The indicator started to be measured in 2008.


Executive Summary

2007 2008 *


meetings are conducted throughout the year and may discuss, among others, issues related with Brazilian political and economic scenarios.

Photo: Ricardo Benichio


Commitment with community

In 2008, Dow Brazil conducted 25 Corporate Social Responsibility projects, such as the Embaixadores do Meio Ambiente [Environmental Ambassadors] (photo) totalizing an investment of 906 thousand reais.

One of the sustainability goals globally

The first of them was established in Guarujá

established by Dow for 2015 is to contribute

(SP), in 1992, becoming a model of efficacy

for the success of the communities into which

in terms of dialogue with the communities

the company is inserted. The company has

throughout Latin America.

been working in order to find innovative and

The company also maintains panels at Vila

sustainable solutions for the challenges in these

de Matarandiba (city of Vera Cruz, BA) since

regions. The initiatives are collectively elaborated,

2002 and in Franco da Rocha (SP) since 2005.

directed to the social and environmental

In addition, it actively participates in local entities

development and to the improvement of the

directed to the integration with other companies,

relationship with the local actors.

public bodies and civil society groups.

The Community Consultive Panels are Dow’s main interaction channels with their neighbors.

The panels contribute for the establishment of local action strategies, especially in

Participation in associations

Association; Brazilian Packaging Association; Brazilian

The associations from which Dow Brazil participates are

Companies; National Association for Plant Defense; American

important representatives from it. They are, among others:

Chamber of Commerce; State of Bahia Industry Center, State

Brazilian Association of Great Industrial Consumers of Energy

of São Paulo Industry Center; Federation of Industries of the

and Free Consumers; Brazilian Association of Alkali, Chloride

State of São Paulo; Ethos Institute for Companies and Social

and Derivatives Industries; Brazilian Chemical Industry

Responsibility, National Plastic Institute; and Plastivida.

Association of Human Resources; Association of Biotechnology

Dow Brazil Sustainability


Photos: Ron Sim

Development of the solidarity economy Launched in August 2007, in partnership

To encourage the sustainable development among the 700 inhabitants of Vila de Matarandiba, in the city of Vera Cruz (BA), is the objective of Matarandiba Sustainable and Solidarity Economy (Ecosmar) prject.


Executive Summary

The merchant Valdir Estevão Pereira adopted the ‘concha’, Ecosmar social currency, in his small supermarket and stopped to sell on credit. “The important is that the revenue does not leave community and people buy more.”

In 2008, approximately 25 inhabitants

with the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA),

were sensitized by the theme, 12 attended

the project was designed on the basis of a

computer courses and 15 learned how to

diagnosis which identified the local needs and

conduct social and economic surveys. Six

established the main production relationships

local agents were qualified in enterprise

existing in the community. Its strategy is based

management, the Community Association

on the creation of enterprises that are able to

(Ascoma) was restructured and the Community

promote the economic, social, political, cultural

Information Center (Infomar) has been created.

and environmental development in the region.

The Ilhamar Development Community Bank

It is intended to establish a solidarity economy

(BCDI), using a specific currency, the ‘concha’,

chain in order to generate work and income

in order to provide microcredito to local

based on the local traditions.

entrepreneurs with no bureaucracy. The initiative was awarded the 5th Top Social Award in the category of Promotion of Social and Human Well-being. And helped to increase the community’s self-esteem. “People feel they have much to provide, teach and learn”, considers Bárbara Nazaré, monitor at the Infocentro and member of Ascoma.

environment, well-being and safety areas

selection process, is that the employee donates

of the community. Thanks to discussions in

one working day conducting action of interest

these spaces, a number of Corporate Social

in communities where the company operates.

Responsibility (CSR) projects, such as Ecosmar.

In the last year, 78 volunteers participated on a

(know more on page 10).

collective effort in the construction of 32 houses

In 2008, Dow developed 25 projects

in Vicente de Carvalho (SP). The initiative was

in the cities of São Paulo, Guarujá (SP),

developed in partnership with Habitat para

Candeias (BA), Camaçari (BA) and Vera Cruz

a Humanidade, Caixa Econômica Federal

(BA), with a total investment of 906 thousand

and Guarujá Town Hall. In Candeias, 130

reais. The resource generated direct benefits

volunteers repaired the Papa Paulo VI Municipal

for 6,538 people. All the programs follow

School, where EducanDow – Science

Dow Latin America’s five pillars of social

and Technology Education – was already

investment strategy: volunteerism, partnerships

developed. With the help of the Federal

and potential to develop projects; education

University of Bahia and the city’s Secretary of

programs and science initiatives; public

Education, the project built a laboratory and

awareness; support in meeting the needs

provided the teachers with training to use it with

defined by the community; and innovations in

their 2,268 students.

businesses and contribution for the solution of the large worldwide challenges. One of the company’s main volunteer

The company also promotes environmental education programs in Brazil. Inside Guarujá Industrial Complex, e.g., it maintains projects

initiatives in 2008 was the SolidariDow. The

such as Mangue Limpo [Clean Mangrove] and

idea of the program, which occurs since 1997,

Embaixadores do Meio Ambiente, both directed

but was renamed in 2006 though an internal

to the preservation of the local ecosystem.

Photos: Fernanda Fioravante

Through SolidariDow, Dow Brazil’s corporate volunteer project, employees can use one day of work conducting action of interest in communities where the company operates.

Dow Brazil Sustainability


Approximately 500 people participated on the survey conducted in Candeias, Camaçari and Matarandiba.

CULTURE OF VALUES The values behind these actions and Dow relationship with its public relations are integrity and respect to people. This is why the

Photos: Ricardo Benichio

maintenance of ethic and moral standards is The Embaixadores do Meio Ambiente project has built a camp inside Guarujá Industrial Complex (SP) in order to sensitize the students to preserve the mangrove, the local ecosystem.

continuously reinforced inside the company.

Mangue Limpo is conducted in partnership

professionals should look for their immediate

with Santa Cecília University, from Santos (SP),

superior, the Ethics and Global Compliance

since 2002, and the Embaixadores do Meio

Department or the company’s legal

Ambiente in partnership with the Ocean futures

department. Dow’s Ethics Line is available

Society, founded by the environmentalist Jean-

24 hours a day for clarifications or to receive

Michel Cousteau. This latest action consists


All the employees being hired by the company, besides new managers, undergo a training in order to make them aware of the Corporate Code of Conduct and stimulate its dissemination. In case of doubt, the

in a camp with total infrastructure, built under

In the last three years, the Code of Conduct

strict environment preservation standards. The

training is reinforcing its anti-corruption content,

place maintains programs with a variable

which includes subjects such as conflicts of

length of time (from one to five days) in order

interest, questionable payments, relationship

to make students aware about the sustainable

with governmental bodies and responsibility

management of natural resources.

of the employee in maintaining correct

Still in 2008, Dow started a research in ten

financial data. In 2008, more than a thousand

industrial complexes of four continents in order

employees (around 50% of employees and

to evaluate the communities perception about

100% of leaders) underwent these trainings in

its operation and establish short-, medium- and

Brazil. Overall, 12 presencial courses have

longterm directives for its CSR programs. Aratu

been conducted at a number of places.

(BA) Industrial Complex was one of those that


have been analyzed.

In 2008, Dow Brazil also decided to


GRI Indicator


EC 8

Investments in public benefit (in thousands of reais)

SO 3

Percentage of employees trained on anticorruption policies and procedures

Executive Summary







enhance its relationship work with the public power. The company started to further study the government plans in order to identify areas on which it can provide suggestions to government bodies.


Protection of ecosystems There is no economic development without

strict and restrictive. The company is committed

preserving environment. This is why Dow

in assuring maximum safety at all chemical

has been working in order to increase the

material manufacturing, distribution, use and

understanding of its impact on ecosystems and

discard steps. This concern is especially strong

how to use the natural resources on a more

in Latin America, which historically has the best

efficient way. Since 1990, the company globally

safety indexes of global Dow.

reduced its emissions of Greenhouse Effect

In Brazil, of the highlights of the safety area

Gases (GEG) in more than 20% - a number that

is the Olho Vivo na Estrada [Keep an Eye

is higher than the required by the Kyoto Protocol.

on the Road] program, with the objective to

For the period of 2005-2015, the company is

prevent unsafe behaviors in the transportation

committed in reducing 25% of its energy use and

of dangerous goods through qualification of

in producing innovations intended to decrease

drivers. This program reduced the number

GEG emissions, among others.

of serious accidents with bulk transportation

The company’s environmental operation

at Dow, from five in 2001 to two cases in

is based on the legislation of the country

2008. Considered as a model, the initiative

where it operates or on global standards for

is adopted by the Brazilian Chemical Industry

environmental management – whichever is more

Association since 2005 and by other institutions

Photo: Wesley Oliveira

In partnership with The Nature Conservancy, Dow has been working on the reforestation of the Cachoeira, one of the reservoirs of the Cantareira System, which supplies 9 million inhabitants in the metropolitan region of São Paulo.

Dow Brazil Sustainability


SELF-EVALUATION The comparatives of Dow’s safety and environment indicators indicate a performance that is higher than those of the other actors of the chemical sector. In 2008, however, it was identified an opportunity to further improve it: to sensitize the human resources on environmental

The Cachoeira project

and sustainability education actions.

will plant, until 2011,

It was noted, for example, that, although

Photos: Wesley Oliveira

more than 80 native species, in 350 hectares

Guarujá Industrial Complex, on the coast of São

of the Atlantic Forest. An

Paulo, developed action directed to environment

investment of 1.5 million

preservation – some of them with volunteers –

of dollars.

approximately 800 employees who worked in São Paulo’s central office poorly participated on

related to the cargo transportation in the

the activities. For 2009, a strategy to involve

country. Additionally, Dow promotes, since

these people in a number of actions has been

2001, the DowGOL Award, which annually

developed. The employees, and even the

recognizes safety in transportation and storage

outsourced ones, are being encouraged to

operations of its suppliers.

contribute with simple local ideas and solutions intended to reduce the environmental impact or

In 2008, Dow Brazil has not recorded significant environmental incidents resulting

to increase the company’s safety index. As a result from Dow Sustainability

from its operations. Also, it has not been fined due to nonconformity problems with

Forum – Latin America, it can be mentioned,

environmental law and regulations. However,

besides the association with other companies

its environmental performance was affected by

for the development of innovative and

the world crisis. With the economic downturn,

sustainable products, the announcement of

the company’s plants started to operate with

the partnership between global Dow and the

reduced capacity. The consequence of that is

social organization The Nature Conservancy

the generation of a higher volume of residues

for the recovery of the Cachoeira region. The

that, between 2007 and 2008, had a 5.2%

Cachoeira is one of the six main reservoirs

increase, from 62.3 to 65.5 tons.

of the Cantareira System, which serves approximately 9 million inhabitants from the metropolitan region of São Paulo. The project


GRI Indicator





Total weight of the produced residues (in thousands of tons)




Value of significant fines (in reais)




Number of accidents with the transportation of dangerous chemical goods



Executive Summary

estimates the use of 1.5 million dollars intended for the reforestation of 350 hectares inserted into the Atlantic Forest. More than 80 native species will be planted between 2008 and 2011, with the help of the communities. An initiative which reflects Dow’s continuous commitment with the future of the planet.

Lau Polinésio

Dow Brazil Sustainability Ron Sim

Ricardo Benichio

Executive Summary

Editorial council of this publication Pedro E. Suarez (president – Latin America), Pablo Edelstein (Finance director – Latin America), Paul Oakley (director of Institutional Relationships – Latin America), Lia Azevedo (Human Resources director – Latin America), Osvaldo Kalaf (manager of Commercial Excellence and Training – Latin America) and Maria Lucia Bechara (manager of Health Services – Brazil) Coordination Department of Institutional Relationships: Paul Oakley (director of Institutional Relationships – Latin America) e Regina Moura (Communication manager – Latin America) Department of Environment, Health and Safety: Amin Salloum (Sustainability manager – América Latina) Collaborators Adriana Moutinho, Alexandra Zenke, Carla Reno, Daniel Cintra, Douglas Araújo, Eliana Dinardi, Elizabete Delazari, Estela Gurgel, Fernão Silveira, Half Antonio, Jorge Buckup, José Rubens Claudio, Laila Pinheiro, Larissa Lopes, Luana Martins, Lucia Kobayashi, Marconi Oliveira, Mayra Mezzomo, Rita Carvalho, Silvia Dobrowolski, Thais Carloni, Viviane Kao and Walter Figueira Editorial production Cross Content Comunicação: Marcelo Bauer (director), Laura Giannecchini (projects manager), Cristiano Rosa (art director), José Dionísio Filho (designer) Cover photo: Ricardo Benichio. Contact us If you wish to comment on this report or submit suggestions, please contact us by the telephone number (11) 5188-9000.

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Dow Brazil Sustainability


Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated Company of Dow. Responsible Care is registered service mark of the American Chemistry Council.

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