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Preserving local history

The path to landmarking historic homes




Norman Rockwell’s iconic masterpieces idealized the American small town, his memorable illustrations carefully weaving aesthetics, history and nostalgia as the fibers that compose the solid fabric of a community. Among the most significant of these are its architecture: the dwellings and buildings which make up our history. The stories of our lives are written under their roofs and in their rooms.

History is happening all around us, including in Downers Grove. Did you know that DG has 28 historical l a n d m a r k e d homes? The path to landmarking your historic home is easier than, ever and free assistance is available to gather the necessary information. There is no cost to landmark your home, and those that choose the path of preservation may also be eligible for a multi-year property tax assessment freeze through the historic preservation division of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Initially, historic preservation in the village began with a program in the 1980s known as the Centennial Homes program. Forty homes, all of which were at least a century old, were researched and designated by the Downers Grove Historical Society as homes of significance. One such home was the Blodgett House at 831 Maple Ave., the site of the Downers Grove Museum.

The proverbial ball began rolling in 2008, with the preservation of the Donald Drew House, (5256 Carpenter Street,) designated the first historically landmarked home in town. Mr. Drew’s sister Mildred Drew petitioned the village council to have the 1888 Gothic Revival-style home preserved. Ms. Drew, who grew up in the home, still lived with Mr. Drew at the time of his death.

According to the ordinance, in addition to being at least 50 years of age, a home must fit into at least one of seven criteria (see sidebar). Since Donald Drew was both a 102-year community resident and a founder of the Downers Grove Oratorio Society, now known as the Downers Grove Choral Society, the property was found to be of significance to the community, having belonged to a noteworthy historical figure.

Since then, 27 homeowners have followed suit. Selma Moberg, who has resided in DG for nearly three decades, decided to landmark her home at 844 Maple Ave., “so this part of history would always be here.” Her moment of realization came one day as she drove down Maple, observing a new building rising a block from her home.

“I know I’ll be gone someday," she said, “but the life, love and memories my family made here in the Lyman Clifford House will remain. It’s not only for my family, though; it’s for this street, this town—the whole community.”

What was once an arduous process is now much simpler, after dissention arose due to a very lengthy application and residents’ fear of home and property modification rights. In 2015, applications were greatly simplified to just a few pages, explaining the process and the application itself. “I know I'll be gone someday, but the life, love and memories my family made here in the Lyman Clifford House will remain.” — SELMA MOBERG

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CRITERIA FOR HISTORIC HOME PRESERVATION • Home must be 50 years old or exceptionally significant • Possess at least one of the following:

– Significant value to community – Significant person – Architectural characteristics – Master builder – Archaeological resources – Civic pride – National Register of Historic Places

PLACES TO RESEARCH YOUR HISTORIC PROPERTY • Downers Grove Public Library • Downers Grove Park District Museum • DuPage County Historical Museum, Wheaton • DuPage County Recorder's Office, Wheaton

PROJECTS FOR LANDMARKED HOMES THAT DO NOT REQUIRE VILLAGE REVIEW • Driveways • Fences • Painting • Landscaping • Routine maintenance • Interior renovations • Any side or rear façade work

PROJECTS FOR LANDMARKED HOMES THAT REQUIRE REVIEW • Front façade window and door replacement • Demolition • Additions visible from street • Attached garages • Changes in roofline height or pitch


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The restrictions were also considerably loosened, with the new ordinance containing many more provisions to protect property owners’ rights (see sidebar).

If you are interested in designating your home as a landmark, determining eligibility is the first step. This can be done with the help of historical society volunteers. From there, a preliminary meeting is scheduled with the village's community development staff to discuss the proposed project. At this meeting, the homeowner gains a greater understanding of the nuts and bolts of landmarking, and has a chance to hear the experiences of other preservationists. Then, the homeowner can apply for landmark status, with assistance available each step of the way, if desired, either through the historical society or Friends of the Edwards House. Applications are available online at http://www.downers.us/ public/docs/historic preservation or http://friendsoftheedwardshouse.com. The application is then submitted and reviewed by staff, followed by a public hearing at the monthly meeting of the village's architectural design review board (ADRB). Typically, staff and homeowners jointly present a brief outline of the project, such as pictures of the home and past residents, as well as the plat of survey and a legal description of the property to the ADRB. The village council may ask questions of the homeowner at this meeting. The final step is consideration before the village council.

If accepted, the homeowners are presented with a bronze plaque several weeks later; most recipients hang the commemoration outside the entrance. The homeowner decides what to name the landmarked property. While most homes are named for a previous owner, this is not always the case. The Century of Progress Home at 1324 Maple Ave., for example, is the namesake of the Century of Progress exposition. This house was built as part of a national architectural competition to demonstrate innovative home construction in conjunction with the 1933 World’s Fair in Chicago.

From its humble beginnings among the Potawatomi tribe, to its citizens’ Civil War ties, to the present-day, Downers Grove is a community steeped in history. We are bound to the lives of the people who passed through the heavy doors of these historic homes.

“These are solid houses; they are tangible pieces of history,” Moberg said. “I’m glad mine will remain.”

The writer gratefully acknowledges Chuck Holtzen, Kelly James, Christine Martin and Shannon Tully for assistance with this article. ■

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