Dec 09 Latest Word

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For the members, family and friends of the Downey Adventist Church

Merry Christmas! Du ring thi s Chris tma s sea son, be su re to take some time to wors hip the King. Join us for the Commu ni ty Christma s Program on December 19th. Pleas e bring a friend to t his uplifti ng service.


Training Our Kids to Lead by Pastor Mitch In his late teens, Tim was one of the leaders of a growing church. His leadership skills grew out of on-thejob training. His Holy Spirit led life engaged the cooperation of those much older in years. As the time passed, his name became synonymous with the famous. The Apostle Paul wrote that Timothy was “my true son in the faith” (1Timothy 1:2). Moreover, Timothy is mentioned as the “co-sender” of six New Testament books.


Whether the first century or today, kids whose hearts are ready to serve the Lord have a mentor they emulate. For example, there is a parent or grandparent who lives their faith in God and intentionally passes that faith along. We know that Timothy grew-up in such a home for Paul wrote, “I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first

lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also” (2 Tim 1:5, NIV). Some years later, Paul wrote to encourage Timothy in the service of God. He desired Timothy to think back on those who meant so much to him and taught him God’s word. Paul wrote: “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim 3:14-16, NIV). Disciple making of our young people continues here at the Downey Adventist Church. Almost every week, we include young people’s

participation in the worship service. In addition, there are several services entirely led by them. On December 5, is one such service we call Kids’ Sabbath. We’ve invited David & Elora Chavez to open the service with a welcome, announcements and a Bible reading. Ethan Morales is set to lead us during the intercessory prayer. Evan Aumack is preaching. Alex Chavez is calling for the offering. Throughout the service other young people will sing and play to God’s glory. Also, Adventist Union School will bring a few of their students to join in the service. This is the service to bring all the young people in the neighborhood. Through the story of Joseph and Mary a clear message of God’s blessing and peace unfolds for those who rearrange their lives When God Leads . . . . On December 12, the message that day is called When continued on page 5


The Invitation is on page 3 The Greatest Gift is on page 4 Ginny’s Kitchen on page 5 What’s happening? see pages 6 & 9 They are Just Kids on page 7 Kid’s Page on page 8 Our Church Family page 10

December 2009 God, Webster & You

The Invitation

by Linda Bewley

od says,”When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze (Isaiah 43:2 NIV).


Babylon. Three men walked out of a blazing fire today here in Babylon. We arrived on the scene just in time to watch them walk out of the flames completely unharmed. We were able to interview those involved. Apparently the whole thing started when King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold. It was ninety feet high and nine feet wide. The king instructed all people in his kingdom to fall down and worship this image. “I warned all the people that if they refused to worship the image, they

would be thrown into a blazing furnace,” the king told us. Yet there were three men who refused. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, or Hannaniah, Mishael and Azariah, as they were known at birth. These three men are Jews who were taken captive when King Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem. “We told the king that we believe in the one true God of heaven and that the king could do whatever he wanted to us, because we would never serve his gods or worship the image of gold,” said Shadrach. The men were convinced that their God was able to rescue them from the fire. “But we were determined to stand our ground even if God did not save us,” added Abednego. “The king then became furious with us and ordered that we be bound and thrown into the fire which was seven times hotter than normal,” said Meshach. An eyewitness told us that the soldiers who took the men up to the furnace were killed, because the flames were so hot.

Worship Schedule Dec. 5

Dec. 19

Mitch Williams

Mitch Williams

Kids’ Sabbath

Community Christmas Celebration

Dec. 12

Dec. 26

Mitch Williams

Bill Aumack

When God Leads

Left Out At Christmas

When asked how they survived the fire, Shadrach gave us this account. “Well, we were actually thrown into the fire, but once we were inside, our Lord was there with us. We then heard King Nebuchadnezzar saying that he could see four men inside the flames and of course we knew who the fourth person was. We then heard him calling us to come out. We were no longer bound, and we walked out of the fire unharmed and none of our clothing or hair was burned whatsoever.” Truly a miracle has happened here in Babylon today. The three men do not talk much about what it was like inside the fire. They prefer to talk about the outcome. Meshach told us that he was happy because “the king acknowledged and praised the true God of heaven and realized continued on page 4 The Latest Word V 21 N 12


ebster says “fire” means “the phenomenon of combustion manifested in light, flame and heat . . . fuel in a state of combustion . . . a destructive burning . . . severe trial or ordeal” (Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary).




LINDA AUMACK proof reading

LETTY DURAN distribution


address mail to: (we like letters!) Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd. Downey, CA 90240 office: 562.869.6013 fax: 562.622.1691 distributed monthly issue date: December 2009 copyright 1992-2009


THE LATEST WORD Before the Father

The Greatest Gift

by Linda Fernandez “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3

There is no doubt this will be a very different holiday season for many, believers and unbelievers alike. We live in challenging times and are being forced to check our priorities at every turn and with every decision.


As we think upon the promises of God, we look around and see earthly promises made and continually broken. Thankfully, we can be sure the promises of God are trustworthy and powerful. We may look to the past with a certain longing in our hearts for the way things used to be, but that does us no good. Rather, let us look toward the future with hope and certainty, even in these uncertain times.

The road ahead may not be clearly defined and may contain many crossroads. Even in good times, life is full of unanswered questions. Will I have a job in the near future? Will we be able to make the next mortgage payment? Will my health continue to be good? As we look back on the year as it is passing us by, let us check again for the gifts we may have overlooked. The joy of being present when a great-grandchild is born. Somehow finding a way to finance one more college semester for our child. Celebrating another wedding anniversary when so many are calling it quits. These are truly wonderful gifts, but let us turn our minds now to the greatest gift we could ever hope for or receive: the gift of eternal life through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. According to

The Invitation Cont. from pg. 3 that no other god would have been able to save us from the fire. And he made that proclamation in front of all people. That’s the real miracle.” I asked Abednego what happened to the fourth person in the fire. I wanted to find him for an interview. Abednego told me, “Well, sir, I do not believe you will be able to interview him. He is the Lord our God,

the Holy One of Israel, our Savior. If you’d like, please come home and break bread with us, and we will tell you all we know about the Lord who is able to do abundantly more than we could ever imagine.” That was an invitation I just could not pass up. =

the apostle Paul, eternal life is but one of the wonders we receive when we choose to live in Christ. In Ephesians, he reminds us that we have been blessed with redemption, forgiveness of sin, spiritual wisdom, grace and peace, purpose in life, revelation, understanding, and strength. If that were not enough, we also receive lowliness, gentleness, unity and spiritual gifts, change of direction in our lives and the armor necessary to protect us against the spiritual attacks which come our way every day. As we consider what we can give to others during this holiday season, why not share these gifts with those who wonder at our peace and joy as we too face uncertainty, loss and hardship. Now may be the time to remind ourselves as well that……

JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON Father, give us the courage to share with others the wonderful promises you have given and the peace they provide. =

December 2009 With Love From the Kitchen of Ginny Williams Christmas Brittle 1/3 c. roasted almonds (roast in the oven 8 to l0 minutes at 350) ½ c. Fiber-One cereal 1 c. quick oatmeal 1/3 c. oil-roasted peanuts (available at Trader Joe’s) Pam spray ½ c. blue raw Agave 1/8 c. maple Agave 2 T. lemon juice 1 t. grated lemon peel ¼ t. salt 1 T. butter DIRECTIONS: Mix together the almonds, FiberOne cereal, quick oatmeal and oilroasted peanuts. Lightly spray Pam on baking sheet. Spread mix onto

baking sheet. Bake 12 minutes and stir twice. Bake until oatmeal is golden-brown evenly, but be careful not to burn. MEANWHILE: In a pot, add blue Agave, maple Agave, lemon juice, grated lemon peel, salt and butter. Heat and stir and bring to a boil. Cook about 8 to 9 minutes. Check with a candy thermometer for 325 degrees. Remove pot from heat and stir in butter until melted and blended. COMBINE: nuts/oat/cereal/peanuts into pot of liquid-syrup-mixture and stir and blend all together until all is totally coated. SPREAD a sheet large sheet of waxed or parchment paper that has

been sprayed slightly with Pam. Spread entire mixture over paper and top with waxed paper or parchment paper. Flatten or use a rolling pin to roll out thin. Cool for 45 minutes. STORE in refrigerator in a covered Tupperware casserole dish with lid. After it has cooled and set-up, cut into pieces with a pizza cutter. =

Training Our Kids to Lead... (cont. from page 2) God Leads . . . . Be sure to have your Bible handy to follow the story of our Lord’s earthly parents as they adjust their lives to follow God’s plan. For example, the Bible tells us that Joseph planned to quietly break off his engagement when he learned Mary was pregnant. However, when God is allowed to lead his life and decisions, he changes his mind and took Mary as his wife (Matthew 1:18-25). There are many other “Christmas” examples of When God Leads . . . and how we can learn to listen and follow Him. Jesus said: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will

never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). The Community Christmas Service is December 19. This year’s service features seasonal hymns and readings of the birth of our Savior. We have several specials from the children’s choir and individuals pointing to the birth of Lord Jesus. The theme is Jesus is the light of the world and each family will place a lighted candle on the altar. Following the service, the families will take their candle home to use as a reminder that Christ is the light in their homes and in their hearts. Bring family and neighbors to this service.

We’re all familiar with the Nativity story. We know all the players and their parts. From the shepherds, to the wisemen, to angels, to Mary, to baby Jesus, they all seem to play a part. One person in the story is strangely silent. Yet there is much to be learned from the character in the story. Join us on December 26th as Bill Aumack brings a sermon entitled, “Left Out at Christmas.” See you when the church gathers. =


Downey Adventist Chur ch Sunday










4 4:43 pm sunset

5 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group






6:30 pm Band Practice

11 4:44 pm sunset

7 pm AUS Christmas Program @ Downey




9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group




6:30 pm Band Practice

18 4:46 pm sunset

10 AM C.S.

19 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams Community Christmas Celebration

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group






6:30 pm Band Practice

25 4:49 pm sunset

26 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Bill Aumack





31 Visit C.S. - Community Service S.S. - Sabbath School

December 2009 Stewpot by Gordon Botting, DrPH, CHES

They Are Just Kids

Dr. Tony Campolo, well-known in the previous twelve months and author and sociologist, recalls this they were only children (italics propersonal story. One day while visitvided).” ing downtown Philadelphia, he got Campolo stared at that remark the idea to visit his old boyhood with disbelief and exasperation and church. Since the time when he was thought, Wait just a moment, I was a small lad, he knew the demographone of those three kids! And further, ics of his subI know the life “Our children are the only urb had careers of all three— changed a num- possessions we can one spent years as a ber of times take to heaven.” missionary in Africa, from Caucasian — anonymous the other became a to Africanseminary president and I personally American to Asian and now to nothgave my life to Christian higher eduing in particular. cation. What do they mean, just He drove to what had once been three children!? He felt he had his a familiar site but was now a deterianswer as to why that church died: orating building with plywood covbecause they had the mindset that ering the once picturesque windows those new of his boyhood house of worship. members This current condition saddened “were just him, but he was also curious and, as children.” a sociologist, he began to mull over Beginning the questions: What destroys a conin 1954, gregation? What makes a once thrivNovember 20 ing church slowly die? is designated as “Universal He decided to make his boyhood Children’s church a special case study. By inquiring with past leaders, he found Day” by the United that the old church records could be found in the basement of the sanctu- Nations.1 ary, and using a crowbar to open the Jesus, too, was bolted down door and dusting off the a true believer in the value cobwebs of the filing cabinets, he and imporlocated past annual reports. tance of chil“Where do I begin?” he said to dren. You will himself. “I know—I’ll start with the remember this year I gave my life to Jesus Christ.” declaration He opened the pages and began to from Him, “Let the little children read. It was not a particularly great come to me, and do not hinder them, year for the church—the attendance for the kingdom of God belongs to was down, offerings were in decline such as these” (Mark 10:14 NIV). and mission activities were dismal. Three of the synoptic Gospel writers Then he noticed this comment: included this account. Luke, being a “There were only three conversions physician, called them babies (Greek

brephos), whereas the other two writers used the Greek word for young children (Greek paidion). What makes this incident so important is that in the over one thousand days of Jesus ministry, this single gesture and those few words from His mouth were powerful enough to be included in the few illustrations of our Master’s life here on earth. Although this incident has been used as a sermon or presentation by pastors, Sabbath School teachers and TV and radio speakers, few have captured the real essence of what took place that day. Few spend even a moment on the intense expression in Mark’s account which says that, as the disciples began to push aside those youngsters, “Jesus was indignant” (Mark 10:14 NIV, italics provided). After all, the Pharisees and other religious leaders at that moment were in a deep discussion on the important issue of divorce. We are not told how long our Lord tolerated His disciples as they tried to control the crowd and especially the children. What caused our Savior’s reaction? Was it the hurt expressions on continued on page 11




December 2009

this month

Dec. Birthdays Adam Lunetta - 4 Laurel Haglund - 8 Yesenia Molina - 8 Michelle Lunetta - 9 Ray Fernandez - 10 Johnny Macias,III - 12 Briana Chavez - 15 Alonso Ortega - 16 Lourdes Centeno - 17 Cheryl Gilbert - 17 Tim Beckmann - 26 If your birthday is left out in the monthly newsletter, please contact the church office so we can put it in.

Upc oming Even ts 2nd Sunday - 10 a.m. Community Service 3rd Saturday - Adventurer Club Thursdays - 7 p.m. Women’s Prayer Group Fridays - 6:30 p.m. Band Practice Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec.

6 - Kids Sabbath 10 - AUS Christmas Program 19 - Community Christmas 25 - Christmas Day

The Latest Word deadline is the 5th of the month. If you are looking for a new, fun way to read The Latest Word online, be sure to check out the newest format at Same great content in a richer environment. Be sure to check out all the reading modes. As usual, you can still get read it at our website at

Coming Soon Jan. 15 - AGAPE Feast Jan. 23 - Living with Hope Small Group Series begins (Bible Marking Series) Mar. 20 - Celebration Sabbath


THE LATEST WORD The Latest About

Our Church Family Congratulations to Eddie and Sarah Rivas. They were married on Nov. 8th at Downey Church. Be sure to tell them congratulations. Congratulations to Eddie Rivas and Byron and Isabel Molina. They were all baptized on Oct. 31 at the Downey Church. Be sure to warmly welcome them into the family. Congratulations to Evan Aumack who made honor roll at San Gabriel Academy and to Kevin Torres who made honor roll at

Adventist Union School. If you know of a student who has been on honor roll or otherwise recognized, please let us know. Be sure to sign the cards of appreciation for our church staff at church. If you wish to donate towards a gift, Bill’s pocket is available for donations.

Thank you to everyone who has been saving Campbell Soup Labels for education and Box Tops for Education. That is greatly appreciated. On the Campbell Soup labels, all that is really need is the UPC (the bar code). You don’t have to save the entire label, just the UPC bar code. For the Box Tops for Education, please save the Box Tops coupon. Please give your labels to Linda Aumack. Thank you for your support! =

If you have any Church Family news, please contact the church office so we can get it into the newsletter. =

10 Community Christmas Program The Community Christmas Program is December 19th. This program is a perfect opportunity to bring a friend to experience Jesus. Jesus said: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). The theme is Jesus is the light of the world and each family will place a lighted candle on the altar. Following the service, the families will take their candle home to use as a reminder that Christ is the light in their homes and in their hearts. Bring a friend or two and experience the light that is Jesus this Christmas. =

December 2009 They Are Just Kids (cont. from page 7) comes to Jesus requesting that in the the children’s faces or their expressions of sadness? Whatever it was, new kingdom her two sons be placed suddenly Jesus stopped in the middle on thrones next to Him. Jesus does of the debate and declared, with not miss a beat, but takes a young emotion and fiery passion, these boy, has him stand in the midst of paraphrased the disciples, words, Let the “Children: God’s apostles, day by and after he day sent forth to preach of love little children gets their and hope and peace.” come to me. attention, He Don’t you dare — James Russell Lowell firmly hinder them! asserts, “I My kingdom belongs to such as tell you the truth, unless you change these! and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of In writing of this experience, heaven” (Matthew 18:3 NIV). The Wess Stafford has written, “What Master was not talking about a slight Jesus did and said that day were modification but a definite turn in extraordinary. After all, He wasn’t a political candidate out on the stump, the theological road: “You demonstrated out on the road that each of kissing babies for the television you have the childish part down, but cameras. He had no ulterior motive for his action. He simply reached out I tell you what I am looking for is that you become childlike” (author’s to children for their own worth, and paraphrase). Matthew continues in a it no doubt startled everyone.”2 grave and serious tone in verse 6, “If On another occasion, our Lord anyone causes one of these little one reminds us yet again that children who believes in me to sin, it would are significant when the mother of be better for him to have a millstone Zebedee’s sons (Matthew 20:20) hung around his neck and to be

drowned in the depths of the sea.” I believe Jesus was looking ahead to our time and the great harm that is being done to His little ones in North America through child exploitation in pornography, incest and dysfunctional homes, and further worldwide through child slave trade, child soldiers, the scourge of AIDS, lack of immunization and hunger. Since we are stewards of our families, may we as adults dedicate ourselves again to the protection, nurture and love of our precious children, not only during the holidays, but every day, week and month of the year. = References: 1. universal-childrens-day 2. Too Small to Ignore, Wess Stafford, Waterbrook Press, 2009, pg. 197. Concepts and illustrations taken from Dr. Wess Stafford’s book, Too Small To Ignore, Waterbrook Press, 2009.

Living With Hope Our next small group series begins January 23rd. It’s called Living with Hope and we’ll be learning the fine art of Bible marking. If the Bible is an instruction manual to life, shouldn’t you want to read it? Life’s big questions do have answers, and give us a framework to understand the world we are living in. These answers are a rock to stand on during the chaos that swirls around our homes, careers, and relationships. This unique series will give you the tools to understand God’s word, as you learn proven techniques for studying the Bible effectively. In each session you’ll highlight key verses in your own Bible that will be an inspiration for you and your family for years to come. =

Series begins January 23rd.


December 2009

Ponder This... = “Whatever the surprises of the future, Jesus will never be surpassed.” —Ernest Renan = “The mystery of the humanity of Christ, that he sunk himself into our flesh, is beyond all human understanding.” —Martin Luther = “Through Christ we understand God as far as our human nature could bear and our human vision endure. Looking at him, we do see God. Through him we understand God as far as the finite can understand the infinite. He is the one Word that makes God intelligible to us.” —Anonymous

Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd., Downey CA 90240

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