Month 2016 The Last Word

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For the members, family and friends of the Downey Adventist Church

Of Greatest Worth Give!

Be Not Ashamed by Cary Fisher


ave you noticed that being a Christian in today’s world is becoming more and more difficult? We are living in an increasingly secular society that seems to mock many of our beliefs. Today’s culture is constantly belittling and discrediting the Christian faith with the media is a driving force in influencing a negative view on those that subscribe to God. The reality is that we are feeling the effects of a worldview where the Christian

has become the minority. However, praise God that most of us are not being physically persecuted for our beliefs as of yet. All that being said, this isn’t the time to hide your experience and relationship with Jesus. Think of the passion that Paul had in sharing his faith. Paul seemingly had no inhibitions as he writes, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone

La Sierra’s Roots


abbath, May 21st, the La Sierra University Roots will be leading out in our worship service. The Roots is a student led traveling ministry team. Their mission is to share the gospel with churches and school in the Pacific Union. Make plans to be with us on this Sabbath and bring some young people with you. =

who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile” (Romans 1:16). The worldview during Paul’s time was much more hostile to the Christian faith than what we are experiencing today. It seems to me that the more distant society is from God the more passionate the Christian becomes. Again, Paul said that he wasn’t ashamed because of the power of the Gospel. Being in a socalled Christian culture for continued on page 2

Not what I get, but what I give, this be the gauge by which I live. Not merely joys that come my way, but the help I give to those astray. Not the rewards of money and fame, but the loads I lift in mankind’s name. This be the pay at the end of the day, not what I keep, but what I give away.

INSIDE Easter Pics page 3 The Last Word page 4 Taste & Inspiration on page 5 What’s happening? see pages 6 & 9 Our Church Family page 7 Kid’s Page on page 9

THE LAST WORD Be Not Ashamed ... (cont. from page 1)

May 21 - LSU Roots - La Sierra University’s student-led ministry called Roots will be providing the message for us. This should be an inspirational Sabbath as collegiate youth share with us their love for Jesus.


May 28 - What is Important? - During this

Memorial Day weekend, we remember all those that sacrificed their lives in order for us to be free. We can often forget what truly matters until something or someone is taken away from us. As we show our gratitude to all those that died for our freedom, let us live in a way that also honors their death. See you when the church gathers. =

The Latest Word V 28 N 05 BILL AUMACK


such a length of time, we also don’t do our faith any in this secular world that have been lulled to sleep favors when we pressure we live in today. in thinking that everypeople on morality which one around us relatively is often done when we mix May Messages believes the same as us. our faith with politics. Our senses to witMay 7 - A ness to our neighbors Mother’s Love To be effective wit- - The closest comhave become deadened. However, we nesses for Christ in parison of God’s are living in a time love for us may be today’s climate takes of opportunity. An compared to a mothcaring for others through er’s love for her opportunity to witness the power of child. The prophet our humility, love God as we share our Isaiah writes, “as and service faith with others that one whom his have never heard mother comforts, so To be effective witor never truly understood I will comfort you (Isaiah nesses for Christ in today’s what Jesus had done for 66:13). For this Sabbath, climate takes caring for them. we will honor our mothers others through our humilwho have shown us what Although, we do need ity, love and service. As it means to be loved and to change our approach. we become personable to be cared for throughout We don’t have the influwith listening ears, we will our lives. ence that we once had have opportunities to show when we were in a posipeople the power that May 14 - All the Time tion of power because of comes from God as He God is Great - It is easier our majority status. We brings them salvation even to be a Christian when we are in church, but what about in our workplaces or schools? This message will reflect on how to not only let God into every aspect of our lives, it will teach us on how your life can prevail when you let your faith be known where ever you are?

responsible for this

LINDA AUMACK copy editor

ALEX AUMACK paper distribution


address mail to: Downey Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd. Downey, CA 90240 office: 562.869.6013 fax: 562.622.1691

distributed monthly issue date: May 2016 copyright 1992-2015

January 2016 Easter Pics

Worship Schedule May 7 Cary Fisher

May 21 Cary Fisher

May 14 Cary Fisher

May 28 Cary Fisher

A Mother’s Love

All the Time God is Great

LSU Roots

What is Important?


THE LAST WORD The Last Word by Bill Aumack

I In 1988 the Downey Data went to a monthly format. Since that time a church newsletter has been published every single month.

Looking forward, there will be a monthly handout to pickup at church with the highlights for the month.


n the early 1980’s the first newsletter of the church was started. It was called the Downey Data. It was published on a semi-monthly basis for several years. In 1985 Bill Aumack transferred to Downey Church and shortly there after began helping with the Downey Data. In 1988 the Downey Data went to a monthly format. Since that time a church newsletter has been published every single month. In 1990 the title was changed to the The Latest Word. There have been a lot of changes over the years. There have been different formats and layouts of the newsletter. As computers have improved, we moved from producing the Downey Data on a typewriter to the computer. And in August of 2003 the first color edition of the The Latest Word was produced. Many people have contributed over the years. But three stand out over all others. Linda Fernandez started her popular Before the Father articles in 1994. Apparently this inspired Linda Bewley who started the Webster, God and You series a year later. Both of these series

have been reader favorites through the years. Also Linda Aumack has been helping with and proofing the newsletter as long as Bill has been working on it. The Latest Word used to have a fairly diverse readership. Not only was it mailed to church members and friends of the church,

Good-bye, Downey

but also to the other pastors in our community, the Conference leadership and it was also posted on the website. You never know where you might find The Latest Word. Annie Mendez reported meeting an individual at the Downey Library who had photocopied part of The Latest Word and was handing it out. Several soldiers have reported that newsletter helped lift their spirits and that they often shared it with their fellow soldiers. You never know who might find an article interesting or helpful in finding their way back to God.

However, society changes and things do not remain the same. You probably have noticed that print media is rapidly declining. Newspapers are going out of business. Magazines are shrinking and disappearing. People just don’t read like they used to. Despite printing the newsletter, putting it online on the website and on Issuu, emailing everyone that it is available, providing it in a mobile friendly format and in our app, readership is at an all time low. So that brings us to where we are today, the very last issue of The Latest Word or The Last Word. Looking forward, there will be a monthly handout to pickup at church with the highlights for the month. Be sure to pick yours up starting in June. Also a few of our articles will continue in the Wednesday email. Pastor’s article will be sent in the first Wednesday of the month. Phillip’s recipe will be sent in the second Wed. email of the month. And we may add a few others. So make sure you are checking for the Wed. email. continued on page 5

January 2016 Taste & Inspiration Strawberry Bread Preheat oven at 350 degrees.

Dry Ingredients 3 cups all purpose flour 2 cups sugar 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp salt

Wet Ingredients 20 oz washed, stemmed & mashed fresh strawberries 1 cup Canola oil 4 large eggs beaten

Procedure Lightly coat with shortening or oil 2 8x4x2 inch loaf pans then coat that with flour. In a large bowl combine & mix dry ingredients. In a separate bowl mix wet ingredients. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients bowl and add wet ingredients. Mix well. Pour mixture into prepared loaf pans and bake for an hour or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.

Pilar & Phillip by Ginny from a charter member of the Downey Seventh-day Adventist Church, Clarice Murray. Clarice passed away

recently. Clarice & John Murray were a lovely couple that touched many hearts and we all look forward to the Second Coming and seeing them again. Enjoy! =

This recipe was submitted as a special request

Memorial Day The Last Word (continued) It’s hard to believe that I’ve been working on the newsletter for our church for about 30 years and now it’s over. I hope the newsletter has been useful and have helped you in some way. It’s been a lot of work, but it has been fun too. If you have ideas on how we can improve our communications moving forward, I’d love to hear them. =


emorial Day emerged from the grim shadows of the American Civil War. Before the close of

the war, women began decorating the graves of soldiers who had died

in that war. The practice quickly spread, and a few years later May 30, 1868, was designated as Decoration Day — a day for placing flowers on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers throughout the United States. In 1882, Decoration Day became known as Memorial Day, and soldiers who died in other wars were also honored. Over the years, it has

become a day when all loved ones who have died — in war and otherwise — are remembered. In 1971, the United States Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday to be observed annually on the last Monday in May. On this Memorial Day, remember those who gave their lives for our country. But also pray for those who continue serving to keep America free, especially those who are in harm’s way. =


Downey Adventist Church Sunday













7:40 pm sunset

7 8:00 am Breakfast 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Pastor Cary

7 pm Band Practice

7 pm Wed. Fellowship






2 pm Pathfinders

13 7:45 pm sunset

14 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Pastor Cary

7 pm Wed. Fellowship




7 pm Band Practice



20 7:50 pm sunset

21 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship LSU Roots

7 pm Church Board

7 pm Wed. Fellowship






7 pm Band Practice

2 pm Pathfinders

27 7:55 pm sunset

28 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Pastor Cary

7 pm Wed. Fellowship



7 pm Band Practice


Visit S.S. – Sabbath School

January 2016

Upcoming Events May Birthdays Chris Martin – 1 Dudley Meade – 1 Victor Zamora – 4 Linda Aumack – 6 Michael Fernandez – 6 Grace Huinquez – 10 Byron Molina Jr. – 11 Bill Aumack – 17 Ray Munguia – 18 Frank Duran – 23 Mimi Gonzalez – 26 Michael Parras – 27 Alex Aumack – 28 Phillip Mondragon - 28

Wednesday - 7 p.m. Wed. Fellowship Friday - 7:00 p.m. Band Practice May May May May May May May May

7 - Mother’s Day Breakfast 8am 7 - Pathfinders @ 2pm 8 - NO Pathfinders 8 - Mother’s Day 19 - Church Board @ 7pm 21 - LSU Roots leads Worship 21 - Pathfinders @ 2pm 30 - Memorial Day

If your birthday is left out in the monthly newsletter, please contact the church office so we can put it in.

Coming Soon Be sure to keep up with the latest news by signing up for the Wednesday email. You can sign up here or send us an email at DowneyChurch at gmail dot com and we’ll add you.

June 18 - Father’s Day Sabbath June 25 - Pathfinder Investiture June 25 - Parking Lot Movie Night July 18-22 - VBS


THE LAST WORD The Latest About

Our Church Family Graduates needed! If you have a family member who is graduating from Kindergarten, 8th grade, high school or college, please let us know. We would like to honor their achievement and celebrate with them. Email the office and let us know the graduate, the grade level and the school. Thanks.

VBS is coming! This year it is July 18-22. Please contact Bill Aumack if you would like to help out. Thanks! If you have any Church Family news, please contact the church office so we can share it. =

Thank you to everyone who has been saving Box Tops for Education. That is greatly appreciated. For the Box Tops for Education, please save the Box Tops coupon. Please give your labels to Linda Aumack. Thank you for your support! =

A Mother’s Example A Mother’s Prayer


hen I think of my mom, especially on Mother’s Day, I recall a scene I witnessed many times during my childhood.

fell asleep I often saw my mother praying. Her face was beautiful and aglow. She radiated holiness and serenity, and I was deeply affected.

Late at night, just before bedtime, my mother would sit in a rocking chair in the darkness with her head bowed in prayer. When it was nippy, the glow from the space heater revealed a lovely scene that fascinated me.

I never once talked to my mom about her prayer life. I was only 17 when she died. As traumatic as it was for me, I wonder if it weren’t a rather easy transition for her. After all, she seemed to live with one foot in heaven.

My bed wasn’t far away, and just before I


—Charles Ferrell


ear Lord, thank you for the blessings of my children. Help me rely on you for guidance, patience and even-temperedness throughout my days. I want my children to love you, worship you and serve you as best they can. Grant me the wisdom to know how to influence them to live godly lives.

Prevent me from provoking my children to anger and from manipulating or nagging them. Fill our household with abiding love and respect, and help us all be united in purpose to do your will. In the name of Christ our Lord. Amen. =

January 2016


January 2016

Ponder This... = “Nothing is too great and nothing is too small to commit into the hands of the Lord.” —A.W. Pink = “A mother knows what her child’s gone through, even if she didn’t see it herself.” —Pramoedya Ananta Toer = “We are not called to be successful. We are called to be faithful.” —Mother Teresa

Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd., Downey CA 90240

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