Jul 09 Latest Word

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For the members, family and friends of the Downey Adventist Church

Promoting Faith in Children by Pastor Mitch Whether kids are outgoing or reserved, boys or girls, we want them to grow in faith in Jesus. Many factors contribute to a child’s faith development. There is, however, one factor that stands above the rest. Let’s call it the monkey see, monkey do factor. Or children tend to do as their parents do. Ginny and I were visiting some friends we hadn’t seen in a few years. As we entered the house we were greeted not only by our adult friends but by their two boys ages 10 and 12something. The boys hung around and joined in the conversation and all the laughs. The boys helped with the snacks and when we left they said goodbye as if we were part of their

family. As we traveled home we commented on how the boys were just like their parents; kind, hospitable and faithful. There are several Bible examples of kind and faithful young people. Timothy was a young person who traveled with the Apostle Paul, helping him accomplish his missionary goals. In fact, there are two Bible letters named after him: 1 & 2 Timothy. We know something about Timothy’s home environment as he was growing up. The Bible says: [Timothy], I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother continued on page 2

VBS: Studio Go! Vacation Bible School will be here soon! This year VBS will be from Monday, July 20th through Friday, July 24th. Please note that we are starting on Monday night this year, not Sunday night. Each day at Studio Go! the kids will experience God’s Word, meet real-life servants, create funfilled crafts and play

challenging games. And, through it all, they’ll come to understand that with Jesus, everyone wins! Join us each day at 6pm for a kid friendly supper. The program will start at 6:30pm and finish at 8:30pm. Call 562.869.6013 for more details. =

Grace is a gift When we work an eight-hour day and receive eight hours’ pay for our efforts, that is a WAGE. When we compete with an opponent and receive a trophy for our superior performance, that is a PRIZE. When we receive something in recognition for our service or achievement, that is an AWARD. But when we can earn no wage, can win no prize and deserve no award — yet we receive such a gift — that is unmerited favor. That is undeserved kindness. That is GRACE.


Biased or Unbiased? on page 3 A Firefly Fourth on page 4 Ginny’s Kitchen on page 5 What’s happening? see pages 6 & 9 Our Current Crisis on page 7 Kid’s Page on page 8 Our Church Family page 10

THE LATEST WORD Promoting Faith (cont. from page 1)


of the service. Also, plan to stay for the luncheon following the service. The second opportunity to encourage faith in our kids comes at the conclusion of Vacation Bible School on July 25. On that day, we’ll see and hear songs and reports on what the kids learned during their week at VBS. Also, the kids will present what they learned and a few God-stories. Let’s not allow any child to be left behind, but included in every opportunity to build their faith. July 4 is a very special day in America. It’s the day we celebrate our Independence. It’s the day we celebrate our right to rule ourselves. Political freedom is a great thing and our right for religious freedom is absolutely wonderful. However, in continued on page 5

The Latest Word V 21 N 07


leadership skills. This is best accomplished when children are encouraged to take part in the Sabbath service that is fun and builds self-confidence. All do the same children are welcome to with our kids. It is participate in Timothy mirthe Kids’ never too late to rored the faith Sabbath develop faith in our he saw in his according to grandmother kids. their abilities and his mother. and desires. We can do the Since most same with our kids. It is never too children are naturally shy, just invitlate to develop faith in our kids. ing them to stand-up in front moves This month, we’ve set aside 2 spethem along in the process of taking a cial days to help our kids grow in more active part later as they gain faith. confidence. It is my personal goal The first day is Kids’ Sabbath set to assure that all the children who for July 11. Our purpose as a family participate in the Kids’ Sabbath will succeed. Give me a call at (562) of God is to train our children in 869-6013 to make your child a part Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands” (2 We can Tim 1:5-6).



LINDA AUMACK proof reading

LETTY DURAN distribution


address mail to: (we like letters!) Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd. Downey, CA 90240 office: 562.869.6013 fax: 562.622.1691 downeychurch@gmail.com www.downeychurch.com distributed monthly issue date: July 2009 copyright 1992-2009

July 2009 God, Webster & You

Biased or Unbiased?

by Linda Bewley ebster says “judge” means to “form an opinion about through careful weighing of evidence and testing of premises . . . to sit in judgment on . . . to form an estimate or evaluation of . . . to hold as an opinion” (Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary).


od says “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Matthew 7:1-2 (NIV)


I took a vacation day last week. I had plans to see a friend visiting from New York. She is a friend I had not seen in about 27 years. You know me and my never-ending love of snooping around till I find people I’m looking for. Well, she is one of them. We attended junior high school together back in the 60’s and then moved in separate directions. Her family eventually moved to Ohio and the last time I saw her, I

went to visit her there. That was in 1972. I have to admit I was a bit nervous at the thought of seeing her again after all these years. What would we talk about? Is it possible that just because we were good friends then that we would feel the same now? And underlying all of those thoughts and more was the fact that I knew she was of a different faith than mine-a faith which I do not understand. I am aware that people of this faith have a reputation of being very zealous in their attempts to convert others, and I wondered whether that would be an issue that day. On any other day of that nature, I think I would have been consumed with thoughts of “where are we going,” “what are we going to do,” and “what on earth should I wear?!” You know how we women are. Uncharacteristically though, none of those thoughts concerned me that morning. Instead, I found myself

Worship Schedule July 4

July 18

Bill Aumack

Gustavo Ortega

In Dependence

San Felipe Expedition

July 11

July 25

Mitch Williams

Mitch Williams

Kid’s Sabbath

VBS Closing Program

praying over the day. Although I was not thinking about what to wear, I couldn’t help but feel that God was talking to me about how to dress for the day. I was reminded, as I have been several times in the past couple of months, of the verses in Ephesians that tell me I need to wear God’s armor-not the kind of outward, impenetrable clothing of a solider, but the armor God provides. Truth, righteousness, a shield and shoes fitted with the readiness that comes from the Gospel of Peace. On top of that, the verses I read told me that I needed to clothe myself with the Lord Jesus Christ and that would include humility, compassion and kindness (Romans 13:12, Colossians 3:12 and 1 Peter 5:5). I was not sure why God was reminding me of these things but felt I might see the reason later. It was in that frame of mind that I went to meet my friend. We had a lot of fun catching up on our lives, and it didn’t take long for me to realize that we are alike in many ways. I was completely flabbergasted when we discovered, for the first time, that we had similar circumstances happen in our young lives just prior to the period of time we first met. It was something we had never shared with each other before. But I think the most important thing that happened is this. After all was said and done, I recognized that my friend was wearing the right clothing, and I’m not talking about her physical dress. I mean to say that I recognized in her the very things I had studied that morning. It hit me at the end of the day, and I felt as though God were speaking to me again. “Don’t judge a book by its continued on page 5


THE LATEST WORD Independence Day

A Firefly Fourth

by Darlene Hight Every country has a celebration that signifies patriotism. In the United States that holiday is the Fourth of July, Independence Day. I am a huge fan of Fourth of July fireworks. This fondness for fireworks is part of my fabric. It stems from pleasant memories of childhood.


My dad was a proud United States citizen. If we attended an event where the National Anthem was played, my brothers, sisters and I had better be on our feet with hand over heart demonstrating respect. We grew up in a patriotic home and celebrated Fourth of July in proper form. The holiday started with a trip downtown to watch the Fourth of July parade. We continued the celebration with a traditional barbeque shared by family and friends. The day ended with the family piling into the car and driving to a predetermined ‘perfect location’ for fireworks. As an adult, I find it hard to believe that some people do not celebrate the Fourth of July with the same enthusiasm as I do. Many years, my husband chose sleep over watching fireworks. For the first few years of our marriage this was a friction point. Eventually, I decided it was easier to leave “the party pooper” at home. My children, all or some, attended fireworks with me, but some years I went alone. I am a diehard! For me watching fireworks is a deeply significant experience. As I stand under a darkened smoky sky with flashes of brilliance dancing before my eyes, I am reminded of my privileged position. Not just as a United States citizen with all the

freedom due one, but as a Christian and an even greater freedom. Being a free citizen mirrors the freedom that I have in Christ. Whether I am a U.S. citizen or a citizen of another free country, it is a high calling and should never be treated lightly. Watching fireworks is a yearly reminder of that privilege and much more than tradition. As I look skyward, I’m also reminded of my station. I am not Creator. I am created. It’s important to remember that in a world where so often things get out of order. My freedom in Christ is free to me but my Savior paid a very high price. Likewise, the freedom that I enjoy is a gift bought by hard sacrifices and courage. So I celebrate. One year on the Fourth of July, I broke with tradition. My family spent the day working around the house instead of the normal festivities. Many projects desperately need our attention and we decided to forego the barbecues in order to knock out some of those necessary tasks. I had been battling a summer cold for several days prior. A better plan would have been to get some much-needed rest but that is not what I did. After putting in a long busy day of work, I was exhausted.

When nighttime rolled around, even though, I desperately wanted to go watch fireworks, I didn’t have the energy. I resigned myself to the fact that I would be missing them. Before putting my weary disappointed self to bed, I made a cup of tea and stepped outside on the porch to drink it. There was a field directly across from my home. I often watched the orioles feed there. It is likely home to many a rodent, snake, insect and other nighttime creature. On this night it was aglow with fireflies. The field glittered with a God designed fireworks extravaganza, a heavenly display. As I sat watching the fireflies dance and flash a beautiful Fourth of July pageant for this tired audience of one, I felt both insignificant in the presence of such beauty and humbled by the lavish gift. I had never seen that many fireflies at one time and I haven’t since. The conductor of the universe had orchestrated a firefly fourth, maybe in my honor or maybe just because that is what He does. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like the shifting shadows. (James 1:17 NIV) = Darlene is a writer who travels with her husband, Mark across rural United States as he builds power plants. Article Source: www.faithwriters.com

July 2009 With Love From the Kitchen of Ginny Williams Red, White & Blue Rhubarb, Strawberries, & Blueberries & drop of vanilla-yogurt 1. Rhubarb: 3 cups of cleaned rhubarb and cut into ½ inch slices. 1 tsp. cinnamon spice, 1/2 tsp. of fresh grated ginger, ¼ tsp. sea salt. One cup of water with l T. of cornstarch dissolved. Place all ingredients in a pot. Bring mixture to a boil, and cook on low heat for approx. l0 minutes, stirring to prevent burning. Stir in 2 packages Stevia. Stir again. Set aside to cool

2. Strawberries: 1 large package of fresh strawberries cleaned, and sliced and smashed in another bowl. Add 1/3 cup Agave (found at Trader Joe’s ). Add 1 T. maple extract. Stir all these together in bowl. Then add to rhubarb mixture and stir well until blended. Chill! 3. To Serve: Spoon into a decorative dish, rhubarb and strawberries mixture. Add 1 T. blueberries on top and then 1 T. vanilla yogurt (Yoplait Light, Fat Free)

Promote Faith (cont. from page 2) our celebration of our independence it’s important to remember that we are dependent on God. Join us on July 4 as Bill Aumack brings us a message entitled “In Dependence.” In the land of plenty, it’s far too easy to forget about how dependent on God we are. We tend to think we did everything ourself. Let’s take the time to remember that we need God. Did you know one of our leaders was selected to take part in an adventure called San Felipe expedition? Gustavo Ortega was invited to be part of the expedition and apply his geological knowledge and training to scour a coastal shore for any evidence of a sunken galleon. The expedition’s discoveries are on display in San Diego at the floating museum, the Star of India.

The expedition searched the central Baja Coast for evidence of a galleon out of Manila and bound for Mexico City. The galleon, San Felipe, sought safety from a storm in the port of Acapulco after 6 months at sea. It is thought the galleon went down as the crew lost control of the ship’s steerage while the wind pushed the uncontrolled vessel into the coastal shallows. On July 18, Gustavo will tell the story of the San Felipe expedition as part of a Bible message. Bring a friend to hear God’s word. See you when the church gathers. =

Note: If you don’t want to use Agave or Stevia, use 1 ½ cups of white sugar. =

5 Webster & God (cont. from page 3) cover.” Clearly, I had approached the day with preconceived ideas about someone simply because of their chosen faith. It makes me think of the times when I share the fact that I am a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. I hate to say this, but I often wonder in what kind of “box” they will immediately place me. What stereotype belief or personality will someone automatically assume simply because I am an Adventist. And that makes me uncomfortable. Yet that is exactly what I did. OUCH! Well, lesson learned. I am glad that God revealed all of this to me and very thankful for the day I had to reunite with a long lost friend. It turned out to be quite a blessing, particularly considering we were dressed alike! =

Downey Adventist Chur ch Sunday








4 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Bill Aumack

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group


3 8:08 pm sunset

Visit www.downeychurch.org C.S. - Community Service S.S. - Sabbath School






6:30 pm Band Practice

10 8:06 pm sunset

10 AM C.S.

11 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Kids’ Sabbath

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group






6:30 pm Band Practice

17 8:04 pm sunset

Park Event

Fellowship Luncheon

18 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Gustavo Ortega

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group






6:30 pm Band Practice

24 7:59 pm sunset

Pathfinder Carwash

9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship VBS Closing Mitch Williams

VBS - 6 to 8:30pm







31 7:54 pm sunset

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group 7 pm Church Board

6:30 pm Band Practice

July 2009 Stewpot by Gordon Botting DrPH, CHES

Our Current Crisis

There is no question in any of our minds that these last twelve months have been a tumultuous period, particularly in the areas of

Answer: c. If you chose d., you are correct for those in the first four months in 2009. Interestingly, there were only 3 bank failures in 2007 and none in “One who thinks that money can do 2006. (Source: Internet - Bank everything is likely to do anything for failures & money.” (Anonymous) Assistance, April finances and employment. The eco29, 2009) nomic statistics the United States government has been reporting to us 4. During this current recession, over the last six months have been approximately how many individstaggering. This short quiz cannot do uals have been laid off? justice to the figures that are daily a. 2 million c. 4 million thrown at us, because there are so many, but see how you do on these b. 3 million d. 5 million items that have been in the news. Answer: b. (Source: USA Today, April 23, 2009) 1. As of May 2009, our Federal budget deficit had reached… a. $1.8 trillion c. $2.8 trillion b. $2.4 trillion d. $3.1 trillion Answer: a. To help you get your mind around this figure, consider it as 1.8 trillion seconds - and that is equivalent to approximately 57,000 years. (Source: Bottom Line Personal, May 1, 2009) 2. What would you guess is the national credit card debt? a. $580 billion c. $970 billion b. $690 billion d. $989 billion Answer: c. This is 50 percent higher than the last economic slowdown in 2000. 3. How many United States banks failed in 2008? a. 21 c. 25 b. 23 d. 29

5. How many credit card accounts had their interest rate raised during the period March 2007 to February 2008? a. 30 million c. 70 million b. 55 million d. 85 million Answer: c. During this period nearly one in four consumers had their interest rate increased, resulting in at least $10 billion in additional financial charges. (Source: USA Today, April 23, 2009, page 28) 6. The Dow Jones (stocks) is down approximately how much for the first four months of 2009. a. 5% c. 15% b. 10% d. 20% Answer: b. (Source: USA Today, April 23, 2009, page 67)

7. What percentage of Americans over age 45 would like the government to assist families who are facing foreclosure to stay in their current homes? a. 83% c. 71% b. 78% d. 68% Answer: d. However, if you chose a., you would have been correct for assistance for those who had lost their employment to keep or purchase health insurance. If you chose b., that would have been correct to provide unemployment benefits for as long as people are looking for work, and if you chose c., you would have been correct to make home mortgages more affordable. (Source: AARP, May & June 2009, page 68) 8. In the first four months of 2009, how many houses in the U.S. defaulted into foreclosure? a. 1.3 million c. 788,750 b. 988,765

d. 678,940 Answer: c. As of the last day of April, according to the Center of Responsible Lending.

9. Which state leads in the number of default or foreclosed properties in America? a. California c. Florida b. Nevada

d. Arizona

Answer: a. California had the continued on page 11




July 2009

this month

July Birthdays Ewan McMahan - 4 Pilar Centeno, Sr. - 7 Bonnie Iversen - 8 Lileth McMahan - 10 Lucille Martinez - 11 Alfie Macias - 18 Susie Munguia - 21 Wayne Lewis - 21 Kristelle Meade - 26 Ethan Morales - 30 If your birthday is left out in the monthly newsletter, please contact the church office so we can put it in.

We are Going to the Park! Save Sunday, July 12, for our party at the park. There will be food, games, and activities for the whole family. Mark the date and plan to bring friends and family for a day of fun. Watch for more details at church.

Upc oming Even ts 1st Sunday - 10 a.m. Community Service Thursdays - 7 p.m. Women’s Prayer Group Fridays - 6:30 p.m. Band Practice July July July July

11 - Kids’ Sabbath & Luncheon 12 - Park Event 19 - Pathfinder Carwash 20-24 - VBS 6pm to 8:30pm

The Latest Word deadline is the 5th of the month.

Coming Soon August 1 - Teacher Dedication August 29 - Summer Concert September 5 - Communion October - Small Groups Start Up


THE LATEST WORD The Latest About

Our Church Family Congratulations to Virginia and Erik Concha. Rane was born on June 4th at 12:04pm. Rane weighed 7lbs 13 ounces and he was 20 inches long. Erik made it here in time for the birth. His unit let him come here ahead of time and he arrived on May 31st. Praise God! Congratulations to Amber Macias and Christopher Rayas.


Amber gave birth to Marley Lovae Rayas on June 13, 2009. She was 8 lbs. 1 oz. and 21 inches. Congratulations to Evan Aumack who is San Gabriel Academy’s Student Association President for 2009-2010. If you have any Church Family news, please contact the church office so we can get it into the newsletter. =

Did you know that you can get Downey Adventist Church sermons on iTunes? It’s true. Do a search for “Downey Church” and download sermons to your MP3 player or computer. Too cool!

Congratulations to our Graduates Congratulations to our graduates! They have put a lot of work into their studies and we celebrate their achievements with them. May God continue to bless you in whatever is next in your life. College LOURDES ORTEGA UC Davis Major in Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning Minor in Communication SUSIE DURAN Cal State University, Long Beach B.A. in Education & Teaching Credentials Honors: Magna Cum Laude JANETH CUYUCH-PEREZ Medical Assistant Degree MELISSA ARCHILA

Downey Adult School Licensed Vocational Nurse RICARDO MARTIN GONZALEZ Rio Hondo College AA in Fire Technology High School SKAILER GODOY Warren High School VERONICA LOZANO Manuel Arts High School CALETTE GARCIA Los Altos High School Eighth Grade EDUARDO LOZANO Horace Mann Middle School KRYSTELLE MEADE Adventist Union School with honors

Pre-School MICHAEL A. RAMIREZ Pre K Robert Hill Lane Elementary =

July 2009 Current Crisis (cont. from page 7) highest total number with over 57,000 in the month of April. Florida was second with 30,000+ in January. However, Nevada has the highest rate in the nation. (Source: Bloomberg, April 29, 2009) 10. Which city in the United States has the dubious honor of being the top foreclosure city? a. Sacramento b. Orlando c. Chicago d. Las Vegas Answer: d. Sacramento was 6th, Orlando was 8th, Chicago was 3rd. Florida has four cities in the top ten, followed by California with three. (Source: Internet, May 2009) 11. Because of the changing economy, how many individuals have decided to plan to work five additional years before retiring?

Answer: c. If you chose a. 11%, that would be the number of individuals who are planning on 1-2 more years. If b., that would be the number who are planning to work 3-5 more years. If d., these are not changing their retirement plans. (Source: “Money,” USA Today, April 22, 2009, page 1B) 12. At the end of 2008, what percentage of Americans over 45 were confident that they had enough money to retire? a. 73% c. 59% b. 68% d. 45% Answer: c. If you checked b., you would have had the correct answer when AARP asked the same question in April 2008. (Source: AARP, May & June 2009, page 68)

a. 11% c. 24% b. 19% d. 46%

Pathfinder Car Wash Bring your dirty cars to Downey Church on Sunday, July 19 for a car wash. The Pathfinders are raising money to go to Oshkosh Wisconsin for the Camporee.

13. Which of the following names is not correctly named as one of the top financial bubbles? a. The Dutch Tulip Bubble b. The North Sea Bubble c. The Mississippi Bubble d. The 1920’s Bubble Answer: b. The real bubble was entitled the South Sea Bubble. (Source: Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises, Charles P. Kindleberger & Robert Aliber)

How did you do? Did some of these questions make you think about your own economic situation and what you need to do regarding your household finances? Next month’s Stewpot will be dealing with how to survive this downturn and stay afloat during this recession. =


July 2009

Ponder This... = “America stands on two great pillars — faith and morality. Without these, our foundation crumbles.” —George Washington = “He who has received must give; it is better to give much, but it is essential to give a part at least.” —Giovanni Papini = “The road of life twists and turns, and no two directions are the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.” —Don Williams Jr. = “You’ll never get ahead of anyone as long as you try to get even with him.” —Lou Holtz

Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd., Downey CA 90240

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