Oct 2009 Latest Word

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For the members, family and friends of the Downey Adventist Church

Going Deeper with Jesus by Pastor Mitch This month the small groups gather for a 7 week study called Footprints in Spirituality. The purpose of our study is to go deeper into a personal relationship with Jesus. There is still time to join in the fun by calling Letty in the church office at 562.869.6013 or sign-up at table in the foyer. The story of the four friends who went up on the roof of a house and lowered their paralyzed friend into the presence of Jesus (Luke 5:19) is one of my favorites. Jesus healed their friend and said to the man “get up” and he did. The story immediately following found in Luke 5:27 is the one where Jesus says to Matthew, “follow me.” The Bible records that Matthew

“got up” and followed the Lord. In the message on October 3, we’ll find the Lord is offering us a way to begin our lives again with him. The message is called How to Start Over. The Lord said I have not come to call the righteous but sinners. The Lord is inviting us to “get up” and follow him. We’ll share how to “get up” and begin a new walk with the Lord. How would you answer this question: Is it easier to give than to receive? Whether the gift comes in a nicely wrapped box or offered as a helping hand, what’s your response? There are some gifts that cannot be repaid. Such as the help a cancer continued on page 2

Each small group will plan two games to lead out at the Fall Party. We need games for all ages groups, from 3 to 100. We will also be having Mexican Food! So bring your games and bring some good food to share and we will have a great time. Autumn is here and that means one thing - the Downey Adventist Church 3rd Annual Fall Party. The Fall Party is October 24th at 5:30 p.m.

If you are interested what kind of fun we can have at the Fall Party, check out the pictures from last year’s party at www.downeychurch.org/ photo_albums.html. =

A Mighty Tree For some years now I have read through the Bible twice every year. If you picture the Bible to be a mighty tree and every word a little branch, I have shaken every one of these branches because I wanted to know what it was and what it meant. —Martin Luther


The Sound of Silence is on page 3 Amazing Grace on page 4 Ginny’s Kitchen on page 5 What’s happening? see pages 6 & 9 Surviving a Job Loss? on page 7 Kid’s Page on page 8 Our Church Family page 10

THE LATEST WORD Going Deeper... (cont. from page 1) called Condition Your life for LIFE. Like us, Peter’s life is filled with twists and turns and ups and downs. He begins His faith walk with the decision to follow Jesus. In Matthew 14:28 we find Peter asking to leave the safety of the boat in a storm to walk on the water to Jesus. Next thing we know Peter is sinking, taking his eyes off the Lord to focus on the stormy conditions around him. We may not have walked on water, but most of us know the sinking feeling we experience when we take our eyes off the Savior to focus on all the problems of life. Life maybe filled with potholes, wrong turns and

God gives “giftsWhen to his children

When God gives gifts to his children they cannot repay, it is called grace. On October 10 we explore how to receive God’s grace in our lives through a message called Welcome God’s Grace. We’ll explore the story of a woman caught in the act of adultery. The grace of God is clearly seen in Jesus through his dialogue with the woman.

they cannot repay, it is called grace.


On October 17 the message is

dead end streets but as long as we trust in the Lord he will guide us to victory. Mark your calendar and bring a friend to this message of hope. In the message on October 24, we’ll trace the life of Solomon and discover how his priorities shaped those around him. Have you thought about your life’s priorities and how they touch others? Are your priorities something you want others to follow? In one or two or five years, are your life’s priorities leading you to a closer, deeper relationship with Jesus? At the end of your life, how do you want to be remembered? I conducted a funeral some years ago that included a brief slide presentation of the deceased person’s life. Slide after slide depicted her lifting an adult bevercontinued on page 5

The Latest Word V 21 N 10


patient might receive from a friend who runs errands, grocery shops or plants flowers in the garden seen through the patient’s window. The person who gives like that is thought of as kind and loving.



LINDA AUMACK proof reading

LETTY DURAN distribution


address mail to: (we like letters!) Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd. Downey, CA 90240 office: 562.869.6013 fax: 562.622.1691 downeychurch@gmail.com www.downeychurch.com distributed monthly issue date: October 2009 copyright 1992-2009

October 2009 God, Webster & You

The Sound of Silence

by Linda Bewley ebster says “still” means “to put an end to : SETTLE . . . to arrest the motion of . . . SILENCE . . . to become motionless or silent : QUIET” (Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary).


od says, “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him. . . .” (Psalm 37:7 NIV).


Last week my mom’s television quit working, and I took her shopping to buy a new one. Knowing that the world of television has changed due to the recent switch to digital, I was both excited and nervous about buying something new. Excited to see what advances have been made in the world of technology; nervous because it seems I know nothing about how things work anymore. We made a purchase and took it home. I was amazed that it was very easy to carry and set up. But then the issues arose. One little issue was that some channels were not clear. The bigger issue was that

some channels had no sound. However, if we turned the television off while it was on the channel with the problem and then turned it back on, voila! the sound returned. I was convinced that the problem was not with the television but that it had to do with my mom’s satellite service. So I started making inquiries. First with the Geek Squad at Best Buy (I love that name!). Yes, they said I must be right. If it were a problem with the television, I wouldn’t be getting sound at all. Next, I contacted the satellite company. Well, the wiring could be old and if you want us to come out and fix it, they said, it will cost $95 per hour. I even made inquiries of my friends who are a lot more technologically savvy than I. I

Worship Schedule Oct . 17 Oct. 3 Mitch Williams How to Start Over

Oct . 10 Mitch Williams Welcome God’s Grace

Mitch Williams Condition Your life for LIFE

Oct . 24 Mitch Williams Priorities that Count

Oct . 31 Mitch Williams The Most Excellent Way

was at my wit’s end for a whole week, until yesterday morning that is. When I sat down to pray, one clear thought came to mind. Take the television back to Best Buy. So last night I picked up my mom and the television and went back to the store. I have to commend that place, because they are all about customer service. I exchanged the television, took the new one home and everything worked perfectly. My only regret is that I spent a whole week banging my head against the wall, so to speak, when the solution was so simple! I think I am like that with my faith sometimes. Given a stressful situation, my first impulse is to wrestle, struggle and worry. I’m not sure what happens but eventually something clicks, and I sense God directing me to do something simple. And even though I’m not sure the simplistic thing will fix the situation, I comply. Then I am amazed when I find out it was the best solution after all. I find myself in those times saying to God, “Why didn’t I think of that before?” Or “Is that what you were trying to tell me? Why did it take so long for me to hear you?” And truth be known, I’d like to kick myself in the you-knowwhat for having wasted so much time and energy. Can you relate? Perhaps that is why God counsels us, “To be still and know that [He] is God” (Psalm 46:10) =


THE LATEST WORD Before the Father

Amazing Grace

by Linda Fernandez “Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way. Lead us to a place. Guide us with your grace… To a place where we’ll be safe.” Lyrics from “The Prayer”


As I was going through my email recently, I paused to listen to a beautiful rendition of the song, The Prayer. As I read the words that flashed across the screen, the picture of that clearing I created last month came to mind. I thought I would share the chorus with you here as we continue our journey through some of God’s promises. On Sabbath afternoons, my husband and I have been watching a lecture series on the life of Martin Luther. Luther was very big on grace and wrote a great deal about the subject. One of the things he wrote was ‘Grace causes me to delight in God.’ I have been giving that some thought. Do I truly delight in God? Do I honestly

look forward to spending time with Him. I thought back on this past week alone. I had a lot on my ‘plate’, many meetings to attend, errands to run, family visit commitments; all that on top of the usual housecleaning, laundry, etc, etc. Now when I sit to write this article, study my Bible or go over the lesson for Sabbath School, I like to have a nice quiet, peaceful place without distraction or interruption. I have difficulty blocking other things out, so I try to make sure everything else is done before I begin. The problem with that of course is that everything else is NEVER done. Luther also wrote about ‘fleeing to grace’ which again reminded me of last month’s article of running from what has hurt us or what we fear to that peaceful place in God’s presence. In my anxious, hurried state of mind, many times I will stop and ask

Small Groups this Fall Small groups are forming again this fall. The series begins Saturday, October 1 and will end on November 21 with Celebration Sabbath. Our small groups will be meeting in various church member’s homes. Watch for information at church about where the small groups will be

meeting. There should be a small group close to you. If you are interested in leading or joining a small group, please see Pastor Mitch or Bill Aumack. They will help you meet some friendly folks who have a small group near you. =

God to slow me down, help me prioritize and seek Him first. In the chorus above, the last line says: “To a place where we’ll be safe.” At first, I may think of safety from fear of danger or harm. In my case, however, it is also being safe from me. Being safe from my tendency to sabotage my own plans or efforts. Safety from making excuses when proper planning would have made excuses unnecessary. Safety from over-commitment. During all these moments, and many others, I ‘flee to grace.’ It is only in that quiet, peaceful place near the heart of God that I can take a deep breath and gain the courage to step out into life again. Grace is my companion and my guide to that precious place. Of course, no mention of grace would be complete without reference to that wonderful scripture: “…My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness….” 2 Corinth. 12:9 Father, thank you for your grace which gives us the strength to carry on even in our weakness. =

October 2009 With Love From the Kitchen of Ginny Williams Scalloped Eggplant Casserole 1 medium eggplant, chopped into pieces 1 cup saltine crackers (crushed) ¼ onions finely chopped 2 eggs, beaten ¼ cup melted butter (Earthy Balance Organic, Original whipped) Salt Pepper

Peel, slice and chop medium size eggplant. Sprinkle with salt and set aside for l0 minutes. (This removes any bitterness in the eggplant).

Rinse salt off eggplant with cold water and drain in colander and dry off carefully with paper towels. In large bowl add: eggplant, saltine crackers, finely chopped onions, 2 eggs beaten, butter and salt and pepper. Mix all together and place into greased casserole dish. Dot with just a small amount butter. Bake at 350 degrees for ½ hour to 45 minutes or until golden brown. =

Going Deeper... (cont. from page 2) age with a group of friends and family until it seemed her life was an endless round of parties. I wondered if the final portrayal of her life was her goal or whether she allowed her life to unfold with little thought to her ultimate legacy. The morning’s message is called Priorities that Count. The Most Excellent Way is the title of the message on October 31. The message is based on 1 Corinthians 13 which is the love chapter of the Bible. Love is essential. Without love the greatest achievements are meaningless. With love the smallest kindness means everything. We hear the word “love” used everyday but what’s its definition? The Bible definition is simple and straight forward. We also learn what it is not. Most of all we experience how to put it into

practice. Bring a friend to this uplifting message on love. See you when the church gathers. =

October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Be sure to send a note, card or just tell Pastor Mitch and Ginny how much you appreciate their ministry.


Downey Adventist Chur ch Sunday







2 6:37 pm sunset

Visit www.downeychurch.org C.S. - Community Service S.S. - Sabbath School

3 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group







6:30 pm Band Practice

9 6:28 pm sunset

10 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group






6:30 pm Band Practice

16 6:19 pm sunset

10 AM C.S.

17 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams

1:00 PM Adventurers 7 pm Women’s Prayer Group






6:30 pm Band Practice

23 6:10 pm sunset

24 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group






6:30 pm Band Practice

5:30 Fall Party

30 6:02 pm sunset

31 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group

6:30 pm Band Practice

October 2009 Stewpot by Gordon Botting, DrPH, CHES

Surviving a Job Loss?

could take a minimum of nine months to acquire another job, so it certainly is fitting to get on a household budget, especially if you have not had one in the days and find out just what it has been costing you and your family to live per week or month. With this information, begin to work out what areas (i.e., food bill, utilities, telephone, transportation, etc.) you can minimize to make your dollars stretch out. And with “It is not sufficiently realized that work is a the assistance of every family great, if not the greatest, factor in keeping member, identify us well.” — Paul Dudley White which line items in your budget are panic and begin throwing ashes over essential and which are optional. yourself like the Patriarchs of old, take a step back and consider these 3. Plan Debt two important questions-what are you going to do while you pursue a If you received a severance pay new job, and how do you plan to get package, you may be tempted to pay that new job? off any charge and credit cards you may have, but during this uncertain time pay only the minimum required. If you are in the habit of What Now? paying additional money towards the principal of your mortgage, pull back to the bare 1. Current Benefits amount required by your loan company. Do not From the job you are leaving, add new debt, such as a you may have a variety of unemhome equity line of credit ployment benefits, such as a lump or bank loans, to your situsum payout or a severance package ation to assist in your finanwith a number of options, such as health insurance. Talk to your human cial short fall. Above everything else, try to keep your head above the resources department about your debt waterline. Remember, debt is a benefits and what you must do to problem, never a solution. activate them. Immediately acquire the documents you need to receive your government or state unemploy- 4. Suspend Spending ment remuneration. Put the brakes on your spending 2. Develop A Budget habits by cultivating new mantras such as: “Make it Do,” “Use it Up,” “Wear it Out,” and “Make it Last.” According to current statistics, it Like five million plus Americans, you or someone you know may have found yourselves singing the pink slip blues. But it does not need to be all doom and gloom, because out of seemingly discouraging circumstances often a better opportunity will present itself. You may feel a variety of emotions, from being downright angry to being terrified and simply afraid for your financial future and job prospects. Before you

In fact, have your children design these new family slogans and place them in prominent places in your home. The bottom line is: “If it is not critical or crucial to your new economic lifestyle, forget it.”1

What Next? With thousands of unemployed individuals looking for vocational openings in newspaper want ads or placing resumes on Internet career websites, consider some new careerseeking approaches. Listed below are four such strategies:

1. Volunteer Donate your time to a local nonprofit charity. By involving yourself in the day-to-day operations and signing yourself up for all their events, you not only get to know many of the paid staff, but your work shows your enthusiasm and reliability. You just might end up being one of their new employees. Even if you don’t end up with a job, one of the side benefits is that volunteering will continue to make you feel useful and productive.

2. Network This may be the time to write down the name of every person you have come in contact with in the last ten to fifteen years who has had something to do with, or is in some way related to, your previous career. Call, write or e-mail them, letting them know opportunity. Ask them to continued on page 11




October 2009

this month

Oct. Birthdays Mario Rodriguez - 3 Lee Ann Harry - 6 Denise Macias - 7 Jay P. Weaver - 9 Evan Aumack - 10 Martha Guerrero Patino - 12 Virginia Duarte - 12 Natalie Michel - 12 Evelyn Garcia - 17 Annie Mendez - 23 Kahlil Meade - 24 Victor Acuna, Jr. - 31

Upc oming Even ts 2nd Sunday - 10 a.m. Community Service 3rd Saturday - Adventurer Club Thursdays - 7 p.m. Women’s Prayer Group Fridays - 6:30 p.m. Band Practice Oct 24 - Fall Party @ 5:30 p.m. Oct - Pastor Appreciation Month

If your birthday is left out in the monthly newsletter, please contact the church office so we can put it in.

The Latest Word deadline is the 5th of the month.

Coming Soon

Small Groups are starting again in October. If you are looking for a small group, let us know!

November 21 - Celebration Sabbath December 5 - Kids Sabbath December 19 - Community Christmas January - Bible Marking Series


THE LATEST WORD The Latest About

Our Church Family Linda Bewley and Lucille Martinez just got back from an out-ofstate vacation. Be sure to ask them about it.

If you have a student who does well this year, makes honor roll, wins an award or otherwise performs in a stellar manner, please let us know so we can all celebrate with you.

Be sure to join a small group this fall. You will not want to miss the huge blessing of being in a small group. There should be a group close to you. It’s not too late to sign up. Talk to Pastor Mitch or Bill.

October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Let’s make sure that throughout the month Pastor Mitch and Ginny are made aware of our gratitude. Maybe you could buy them a meal, or send a card or note,


The Tell-Tale Lie Scientists are getting closer to being able to tell when someone is lying. Currently, lie detectors aren’t infallible. They can tell if liars are anxious because of measurable changes in skin and blood. Some people, however, may simply be so nervous that it appears they’re lying when they aren’t.

was told to lie and say it was a different card. The brain then became very active in ways it hadn’t when other cards were shown. The most increased activity was in the anterior cingulate cortex, which is ordinarily involved in making judgments. When the volunteers lied, the neural network judged the liar as guilty.

Scientists have discovered that people can’t mask the mental processes responsible for lying. A neural network engages when someone prevaricates. At the University of Pennsylvania, volunteers each received a playing card and were then hooked up to an MRI machine. A computer screen showed various cards. When a volunteer’s card appeared on the screen, he or she

Modern technology may make it harder to get away with a lie, but we have an even better reason to tell the truth. Centuries ago, the psalmist asked, “O Lord, who may abide in your tent? Who may dwell on your holy hill?” And then came the answer: “Those who walk blamelessly, and do what is right, and speak the truth from their heart” (Psalm 15:1-2, NRSV). =

or maybe send them a small gift. Wouldn’t it be great if they got were reminded of our appreciation each day of the month?

If you have any Church Family news, please contact the church office so we can get it into the newsletter. =

Thank you to everyone who has been saving Campbell Soup Labels for education and Box Tops for Education. That is greatly appreciated. On the Campbell Soup labels, all that is really need is the UPC (the bar code). You don’t have to save the entire label, just the UPC bar code. For the Box Tops for Education, please save the Box Tops coupon. Please give your labels to Linda Aumack. Thank you for your support! =

October 2009 Surviving a Job Loss? (cont. from page 7) forward your resume, along with the best way to contact you, to organizations they know of that are on the lookout for a person with your qualifications.

write a best seller or start your own catering company, or something else- take advantage of this down time to open the door to your dream

“God gave man work, not to burden him, but

Although to bless him, and useful work, willingly, networking can be a great job cheerfully, effectively done, has always been searching strat- the finest expression of the human spirit.” egy, you do not — Walter R. Courtenay want them to career. Past history has often demonthink of you as just another unemstrated that just such a situation has ployed individual, desperate for placed individuals on the bestselling work- better to contact them with a book list or launched them into succompelling new business concept cessful start-up businesses. that is either related to your profession or would enhance their industry.

4. Move

3. Dream Sometimes you are willing to stay with your current occupation because it provides you financial and job security. However, when you are let go, perhaps this is the time to cultivate your ultimate dream job. Maybe you have always wanted to

If possible, reposition yourself to an area of low unemployment where you would not be competing with so many other job seekers. On its regional website, the United States Department of Labor provides unemployment rates each month. This may be a dramatic step for some individuals, but look at it as an

opportunity to live in another part of the country. Rent out your current home while you discover a new world and opportunities beyond your current confines.2 Always remember, as you take the What Now? step with discipline and the What Next? step with boldness, to rely on our Lord, Who is with you always, even in loss of a job and in finding and beginning a new one. = References: 1. Some concepts from “How to Survive a Job Loss,” Debt-Proof Living Magazine, April 2008, pages 1 & 13. 2. Some ideas from “Yes, You Can Find a Job in Tough Times,” Bottom Line Personal Magazine, November 15, 2008, page 5-6

Build God’s Kingdom Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler (1870-1937) believed mankind would evolve to the point where everyone would love others. “There is a law that man should love his neighbor as himself,” he wrote. “In a few hundred years it should be as natural to mankind as breathing or the upright gait; but if he does not learn it, he must perish.” Wars, hate, prejudice and evil deeds make Adler’s hope seem impossible. Surely anyone heeding the daily news can’t trust the old

saying, “Day by day, in every way, humankind is getting better and better.” Christians look for God’s ultimate triumph over all evil. We pray for Christ’s return, for God’s kingdom to come and for his will to be done on earth. We await the shout: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign forever and ever” (Revelation 11:15, NRSV).

What are you doing to build God’s kingdom? Have you shared the awesome story of redemption with someone? Let’s be brave enough to tell people that it’s God’s idea to love one another - not something that we should evolve into. Who are you going to tell? =


October 2009

Ponder This... = “‘Faith working by love’ is the length and breadth and depth and height of Christian perfection.” —John Wesley = “I cannot imagine how the clockwork of the universe can exist without a clockmaker.” —Voltaire = “Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.” —Martin Luther

Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd., Downey CA 90240

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