Sept 2009 Latest Word

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For the members, family and friends of the Downey Adventist Church

Mentors Are Needed by Pastor Mitch We often refer to our congregation as a family. In the book of Romans, chapter 8 and verse16 it says, “The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.” No doubt about it, we are a family and God regards us as his children. Just like any family, kids are influenced by those around them. My cousin and I watched as one of our favorite uncles took a bite of tobacco and began to chew. In a few minutes he was looking around for a place to expel his mouth’s content. To two young cousins, the thought of chewing and expelling looked like fun. So we ran to the kitchen and, after an excited conversation, settled on coffee grounds for our experiment. We soon

discovered that chewing coffee was not so hot. What memories do you have of imitating the adults in your family? I’m sure the stories would be captivating and in many instances hilarious. However, some might tell stories of a person in the church family whose impatience and forceful words sent discouragement into the heart. After Ginny and I were baptized, I found myself appointed as a deacon. At that time, the worship service was conducted in the fellowship hall. The first day on duty, a lady came into the service and it was my job to escort her to a seat. Because of my inexpericontinued on page 2

Small Groups this Fall Small groups are forming again this fall. The series begins Saturday, October 1 and will end on November 21 with Celebration Sabbath. Our small groups will be meeting in various church member’s homes. Watch for information at church about where the small groups

will be meeting. There should be a small group close to you. If you are interested in leading or joining a small group, please see Pastor Mitch or Bill Aumack. They will help you meet some friendly folks who have a small group near you. =

Awesome God When our lives are focused on God, awe and wonder lead us to worship God, filling our inner being with a fullness we would never have thought possible. Awe prepares the way in us for the power of God to transform us, and this transformation of our inner attitudes can only take place when awe leads us in turn to wonder, admiration, reverence, surrender and obedience toward God. —James Houston, The Transforming Power of Prayer


Hanging On! is on page 3 Profound Peace on page 4 Ginny’s Kitchen on page 5 What’s happening? see pages 6 & 9 Jesus’ Last Will on page 7 Kid’s Page on page 8 Our Church Family page 10

THE LATEST WORD Mentors Are Needed (cont. from page 1)


The message focuses on the Lord’s lifestyle and what that means to us. The message is called Living the Life. With the Bible as our guide, we’ll see how we can let go of trying to be “good” and simply follow the example of our Lord’s lifestyle. The message for September 12 asks the question What Is a Mentor? To help us answer that question, we’ll open our Bibles to 1 Samuel and review the story of God’s call to the little boy, Samuel. The Bible says, “One night Eli, whose eyes were becoming so weak that he could barely see, was lying down in his usual place . . . . and Samuel was lying down in the temple of the Lord, where the ark of God was. Then the Lord called Samuel. Samuel answered, ‘Here I am.’” (1 Sam 3:2-5, NIV). continued on page 5

The Latest Word V 21 N 09


ence, I didn’t realize that when speThis month’s series of messages cial music began, it was inappropriaims to encourage us be mentors to ate to walk down the isle of the serall those around us-especially the vice to find a seat for the lady-which kids. I eagerly did. On Throughout my way back, the New feeling very With the Bible as our Testament, proud of my guide, we’ll see how we can Jesus is conaccomplishlet go of trying to be good sistently menment, I caught toring his disand simply follow the the annoyed ciples. A wonexpression of example of our Lord. derful example one of the leadis found in ing elders. John 13:14-15: Although I was “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, young, his facial message came have washed your feet, you also through loud and clear. My deaconshould wash one another’s feet. I ing days might have ended right on have set you an example that you the spot but for the kind words of a should do as I have done for you.” godly gentleman who witnessed the unfortunate encounter. I don’t recall In our first service on September exactly his words, but his compas5, we celebrate the most important sion encouraged my heart to continservice of the month, Communion. ue in my new found faith.



LINDA AUMACK proof reading

LETTY DURAN distribution


address mail to: (we like letters!) Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd. Downey, CA 90240 office: 562.869.6013 fax: 562.622.1691 distributed monthly issue date: September 2009 copyright 1992-2009

September 2009 God, Webster & You

Hanging On!

by Linda Bewley ebster says “persevere” means “to persist in a state, enterprise, or undertaking in spite of counterinfluences, opposition, or discouragement” (Merriam Webster Online).


od says, “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him” (James 1:12 NIV).


On my way to work one day, while driving at about 35 mph, I noticed something hanging from my car’s antenna. When I came to a stop light, I realized it was a spider rolled up in a ball and connected to its web; and the web was stuck to the antenna. As I sat at the light, the spider unfolded its body and tried crawling to the antenna, but then the signal changed, and I was off again. The spider curled up in a ball once more and seemed to be hanging on for dear life. Part of me wanted to

stop the car, get out and rescue the little creature, but the other part of me (the part that was on my way to work and already running late) said, “oh well!” and kept right on trucking. Each time I came to a stop, I checked for the spider. He was still holding on. By the time I got onto the freeway, I was almost holding my breath for the little thing. Would you believe, it managed to hold on until I got to my destination and parked my car? I did not have time to check it out but instead ran up to the office. By mid-morning curiosity got the best of me. I took a break and walked down to my car. The spider was still there, alive and well. I took that opportunity to put him on the ground so he would not have another wild

Worship Schedule Sep. 5

Sep. 19

Mitch Williams

Mitch Williams


A Second Chance

Sep. 12

Sep. 26

Mitch Williams

Mitch Williams

What is a Mentor?

A Window in Time

ride when I got ready to leave for home. Don’t you just love lessons from nature? Well, here goes. There have been times that I have heard about spiders and webs in connection with our spiritual lives. The examples I’ve heard, though, have been about sin or being caught in Satan’s web. However, the spider and web attached to my antenna had another lesson in store for me. The spider’s lesson was about holding onto God. That spider showed characteristics none of us should be without. Tenacity, perseverance and strength. God asks us to be tenacious and to hold onto Him against all odds. When it seems difficult or impossible, we are to persevere. But we are never required to do it in our own strength. Just as the spider’s web provided strength for it to stay attached to my antenna, God provides strength for us to remain connected to Him. Perhaps a man named Asaph said it best. “Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever” (Psalm 73: 25-26). =


THE LATEST WORD Before the Father

Profound Peace

by Linda Fernandez “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1


As we continue (re)discovering the promises of God, I see a picture in my mind of someone running through a forest as if being chased by some unknown predator. Ducking low hanging tree limbs, slashing through matted undergrowth, sweating and panting, she looks back toward an unseen pursuer. Fear mounts with every twist and turn in her effort to escape. Frantically she jumps over fallen debris and exposed roots, determined not to fall, lest she be overtaken. Feeling as if she has been going in circles, so tired and unable to take another step, she comes upon a clearing in the woods. Should she enter? Will it be safe out in the open? She hesitates for just a moment, but the clearing calls to her somehow. With her first step, there is

peace. Wonderful, glorious peace. She no longer hears her pursuer crashing through the trees and brush, she knows only rest. Fear is gone. Was this place here all the time she was running? It is immense, why did it take her so long to find it? Dr. David Jeremiah wrote a book titled, “Captured by Grace.” He describes a traveler in a similar situation. He is not frantic however, but rather searching. His clearing was in the shape of a cross. I liked that. As I was reading, I saw myself in the illustration, not as a seeker but as someone seemingly hunted with no apparent way of escape. I guess that’s how I felt for most of my life; running from memories of past mistakes, trying to be better on my own, always afraid of making the next big blunder with my ‘enemy’ always close behind. I still have a tendency to allow

myself to return to that harried, worried state of mind. Life can be so hard. The difference now is that I know where that clearing is and I know the way back no matter where fear and uncertainty may take me. My desire is to remain in the clearing always, but I know that I must live life and that trials are still out there waiting for me. I have found though; the more I come to the clearing, the easier it is to face difficulty. The Message Bible puts our verse like this: “By entering through faith into what God has always wanted to do for us-set us right with him, make us fit for himwe have it all together with God because of our Master Jesus. And that’s not all: We throw open our doors to God and discover at the same moment that he has already thrown open his door to us. We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might be-out in the open spaces of God’s grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise.” v.1,2 Father; Thank you for that wonderful place of peace you have provided in Christ. =

Monday Morning Prayer The alarm clock has wakened me, dear God, but I want to talk with you before it rings again. I need to thank you for this comfortable bed and a good night’s sleep, for good health and strength, for an enjoyable weekend, for a wonderful church and worship service, for friends and family who care and love, for you

and all that you bring to our lives, for the opportunities to serve you. Be with me throughout this day and the week ahead. Let me do my work honestly, willingly and responsibly. As I meet people, help me to see them as your children and your loved ones.

I know you will lead me in whatever circumstances this day holds. I look forward to the adventures you and I will share together. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. —Peggy Ferrell, from Prayers, Hymns and Poems

September 2009 With Love From the Kitchen of Ginny Williams Ginny’s Park Wraps 1 package, Mission multigrain flour tortillas 1 6oz jar of artichokes drained and whizzed in a food processor until spreadable consentiency 1 small carton of freshly made Hummus. (purchased at Trader Joes or Fresh & Easy market.) 1 medium size, red bell pepper, cut into long strips. 1 medium size, orange bell pepper, cut into long strips. 1 package of sun-dried tomatoes (julienne-cut). 1 package of spring-fresh-salad mix, in a box from the market. wax paper or deli wrap -paper Foil Add one teaspoon of cumin spice and l teaspoon fresh lemon juice to

the Hummus and stir all together. Lay a sheet of waxed paper/deli wrap-paper down and then lay a flour tortilla on top. Fill tortillas with : 2 Tablespoon of Hummus 1 teaspoon of artichoke spread 3 strips of red and orange bell-peppers EACH About 4 sun-dried tomatoes One small handful of spring fresh salad

These will keep for a few days. So make ahead and keep in the refrigerator. =

Roll each tortilla up with mixture. Wrap with wax paper or deli wrap-paper. Cut in half on the diagonal. Then wrap all in foil.


Mentors... (cont. from page 2) From young Samuel’s response it seems a conversation is about to begin with God. What comes next might surprise you. A Second Chance is the title of the message on September 19. What if you would like to be a mentor to your children and those around you but you don’t feel qualified? We may not realize it but all of us are mentors in one way or another to those around us whether adult or kids. All of us have experienced the positive influence of family and friends as well as the church family. Unfortunately, we’ve also felt the impact of the opposite attitudes

toward God and man in our lives. Some simply feel they have nothing to offer for they were not intentionally discipled when they were young. There is good news of A Second Chance. Just as the Lord God brought the people of Israel into “flourishing cities you did not build” (Deut 6:10, NIV), so the Lord is willing to bring us along with Him to a better understanding of how to be a mentor. A mentor is a person who loves Jesus and follows him. Does that sound like you? This message is for all of us.

The final message on September 26 is called A Window in Time. What do you want your child to be when he or she grows-up? No dream is too big for our children or ourselves for with God nothing is impossible. The Lord is opening a window of opportunity for all of us to grow in him. How to seize the day of opportunity as our own is the gist of the message. See you when the church gathers. =

Downey Adventist Chur ch Sunday









4 7:16 pm sunset

Visit C.S. - Community Service S.S. - Sabbath School

5 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams Communion

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group







6:30 pm Band Practice

11 7:07 pm sunset

10 AM C.S.

12 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams

Office Closed


7 pm Women’s Prayer Group





6:30 pm Band Practice

18 6:57 pm sunset

National Grandparents Day

19 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group






6:30 pm Band Practice

25 6:47 pm sunset

26 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams

7 pm Church Board

First Day of Autumn




7 pm Women’s Prayer Group


6:30 pm Band Practice

Fellowship Luncheon

September 2009 Stewpot by Dennis Yoshioka Director, Trust & Property Management Did you know that Jesus had a Last Will and Testament? Look at this, from the writings of Ellen G. White: “The last words of Christ were, ‘Go ye into all the world…’ This was Christ’s Last Will and Testament to his followers who walked with him during the years of his earthly ministry, and to those who should believe on him through their word.” RH, 11-06-94. Okay, I know that this is not the kind of Last Will and Testament you were expecting. But the concept is the same. Christ’s last words were His legacy to us because He knew if we followed His last wishes, all He worked for while on this earth would be realized….the salvation of man.

For Those Who Follow After You see, the purpose of a Last Will and Testament is to leave instructions for those who follow after. In most cases, the Last Will and Testament leaves instructions regarding assets and their disposition. But more importantly, the Last Will and Testament is the testator’s last opportunity to influence those who come after.

Jesus’ Last Will and Testament Conditions Reflect Value It is very common for conditions to be placed upon bequests (gifts from a Last Will and Testament), and it is these conditions that can have a profound influence on the beneficiary. Very often, we have grandparents who leave educational trust funds for their grandchildren with the condition that the children receive the funds only if they attend Adventist schools. And as a parent who has seen all three of his children through our Adventist educational system, I can testify to the value of Adventist Christian education. Hence, the Last Will and Testament is the means by which those who come after us can know what we value most. And in the case of Jesus’ last words, it is quite obvious that He wanted us to follow in His footsteps. Why? Because He knew that to do so would bring us great joy, peace, and eventual salvation. In the same vein, our Last Will and Testament can have a profound impression on our children and heirs. The instructions we place in our Last Will and Testament will identify what we want for our children and what we value most of all.

Ellen G. White Take the example of our Lord’s servant, Ellen G. White. I know you have enjoyed her writings, which have endured long after her death in 1915. And the reason why we continue to be blessed by new works from her 100 thousand pages of writings is because she recognized the importance of having a Last Will and Testament.

Her Last Will and Testament. At the age of eighty-four, Ellen White prepared her Last Will and Testament, bequeathing her writings for “the improvement of the books and manuscripts held in trust by them, and herein provided; for the securing and printing of new translations therefore; for the printing of compilations from my manuscripts; for general missionary work of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination; for the support of mission schools, under the Negro Department of the Seventh-day Adventist General Conference; for the support of Mission Schools for the illiterate whites in the Southern States,….” If you ever wondered what was important to Ellen White, you only need to peruse her Last Will and Testament to find out. Other than providing for her children and grandchildren, the bulk of her estate went to the Seventh-day Adventist Church for missionary work. And what effect do you think that Last Will and Testament had on her children? James Edson White and William C. White were both continued on page 11




September 2009

this month

Sept. Birthdays Pilar Centeno, Jr. - 5 Pat Novinski - 6 Will Stephens - 6 Kean Aispuro - 9 Elora Chavez - 9 Ingrid McMahan - 10 Shelby Jackson - 11 Roxanne Chavez - 12 Dolores Gamboa - 13 Amber Macias - 15 Mitch Williams - 19 Hector Archila - 21 Enoch Aispuro - 22 Partricia Jackson - 23 Eloy Luna - 23 Dennis Navarro - 26 Jackie Licon - 29 If your birthday is left out in the monthly newsletter, please contact the church office so we can put it in.

Upc oming Even ts 1st Sunday - 10 a.m. Community Service Thursdays - 7 p.m. Women’s Prayer Group Fridays - 6:30 p.m. Band Practice Sept 5 - Communion Sept 24 - Fellowship Luncheon after the service Sept 26 - Church Board 7pm

The Latest Word deadline is the 5th of the month.

Coming Soon

Small Groups are starting again in October. If you are willing open your home, let us know!

October - Small Groups Start Up October 24 - Fall Party November 21 - Celebration Sabbath December 5 - Kids Sabbath December 19 - Community Christmas


THE LATEST WORD The Latest About

Our Church Family Congratulations to Ethan Morales, David Guerrero and Martha GuerreroPatino. They were all baptized on August 1. Be sure to welcome them into the family of God. Also welcome Charles and Minerva Racho into the Downey family as they transferred their membership to Downey. Welcome!

Congratulations to Alonso Ortega who will be studying abroad in Italy for a the first semester this year.

If you have any Church Family news, please contact the church office so we can get it into the newsletter. =

Saturday, September 5th Invite a friend to this renewing service.

Thank you to everyone who has been saving Campbell Soup Labels for education and Box Tops for Education. That is greatly appreciated.


Be Transformed Labor Day weekend — it’s a time to rest from our labors. But this is also an opportunity to reflect on our daily work and discern whether our effort is thankless and uninteresting or something that gives us deep and lasting satisfaction. God intends for our work to be much more than a job, much more than a daily grind. It should be, instead, a vocation — which means, quite literally, a “calling.” In Romans 12:2, Paul challenges us with the words: “Do not be con-

formed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God — what is good and acceptable and perfect.” The apostle’s advice, then, is to be transformed by the renewing of your minds. Paul says be transformed by discovering what the Lord God is calling you to do. = —Homiletics

On the Campbell Soup labels, all that is really need is the UPC (the bar code). You don’t have to save the entire label, just the UPC bar code. For the Box Tops for Education, please save the Box Tops coupon. Please give your labels to Linda Aumack. Thank you for your support! =

September 2009 Jesus’ Last Will (cont. from page 7) bequeathed for their lifetimes “10% of the net proceeds of said properties for (their) sole use and benefit…” However, shortly after their mother’s death, these two sons relinquished all claims from their inheritance, leaving the funds to work exclusively for the benefit of the church.

Her Trust. Not only

the Lord Jesus Christ would be perpetuated till His coming. You and I may not have as extensive an estate or as noble a calling as Sister White, but we do have loved ones who we want to our death. This can only be done if you’ve made preparations beforehand and in such form that they will be carried out.

did Ellen White have a Last Will and Testament, she also created a Trust with her will. Her Trust appointed five trustees to manage the estate. The original trustees were William C. White, Clarence C. Crisler, Charles H. Jones, Arthur G. Daniells, and Frank M. Wilcox, who were charged with the management of the estate for the purposes identified above. The trustees were appointed for life, but she also provided for vacancies from this Board of Trustees to be filled by the Executive Committee of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, in the event that the then sitting board could not agree on a replacement.

The Benefit. So, as you can see, we benefit from the continued writings of Ellen White because she had the foresight to set her wishes to pen and paper. And by creating her Last Will and Testament, she ensured that the words given her by

California will decide who raises your children. And although the courts will undoubtedly do the best job they can to place your children in a loving home, the people they choose may not share your Adventist values or lifestyle. So the only way to influence the decision of who raises your children is to have a Last Will and Testament.

Where Will Your Assets Go?

State of California Without a Last Will and Testament, did you know, for example, that the State of California will consider you an atheist? I say that because without a will, the State has no provision to give any portion of your estate to charity. It doesn’t matter if you have been an Adventist for the past fifty years and returned tithe all your life — without a will, none of your estate will ever go to the work of the church. And if you are a parent with minor children, without a Last Will and Testament, the State of

Small Groups Starting Again in October! Our Small Groups will be starting up again in October with a study series called “Footprints & Spirituality.” Watch for an opportunity at church to sign up for a group near you! Let us know if you would like to help facilitate a small group.

Remember, there are only three places your assets can go after you are gone: family and friends, charity, or the government. If you would like to give only to family and friends and your favorite charity, you must have a Last Will and Testament. Otherwise, your assets may go to some of your family, or to the government, but never will they go to your favorite charity. So if you haven’t already done so, please take the opportunity to make your wishes known. Get your Last Will and Testament done. Just give your local Conference Trust Department a call and I am sure they will be happy to help you. Remember, Jesus had one, Ellen White had one — shouldn’t you have one too? =


September 2009

Ponder This... = “It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty of work to do.” —Jerome K. Jerome = “God gives us the ingredients for our daily bread, but he expects us to do the baking.” —William Arthur Ward = “Conscience is the perfect interpreter of life.” —Karl Barth = “Education is an investment, not a cost.” —Eddie Basha

Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd., Downey CA 90240

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