the villager

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The Paper of Record for Greenwich Village, East Village, Lower East Side, Soho, Union Square, Chinatown and Noho, Since 1933

January 26, 2017 • $1.00 Volume 87 • Number 4





‘Hear us roar!’ Yuuge anti-Trump marches ‘grab’ world’s attention BY LINCOLN ANDERSON


oday is the first of many days to take a stand against this monster!” declared Erik Coler, the young new president of Village Independent Democrats, from atop the steps in front of the Gandhi statue in Union Square. As he spoke, Coler, 25, handed out pink

bandanas to a group of 200 Downtowners who mustered there Saturday morning. They included members of V.I.D., Downtown Independent Democrats and a new outfit, United Through Action, that formed last month. Most donned the pink squares as neckerchiefs and N.Y.C. continued on p. 10

Senate sacks bag bill, saying city doesn’t have legislative right BY DENNIS LYNCH


contentious battle is brewing between city and state lawmakers as a state bill reversing the city’s plastic-bag fee initiative has passed the state Senate and is now in the Assembly. The city legislation would mandate that retail and whole-

sale stores charge customers “at least 5 cents for each plastic, paper or cloth carryout bag provided,” and is set to go into effect on Feb. 15, according to the city’s Department of Sanitation. Those in favor of the surcharge argue that state government has no right to override BAGS continued on p. 15


One of the hundreds of thousands of faces of protest at the Women’s March on New York City this past Saturday. It was the world’s third-largest anti-Trump march.

Too big to fail: Women’s March is the resistance BY SAR AH FERGUSON


or Donald Trump, size matters. So it was immensely gratifying to be part of what turned into the largest demonstration in the history of the U.S last Saturday — as more than 5 million people here and around the globe rose up to denounce Trump and his misogyny the day after his inauguration.

Don’t believe the media outlets lowballing the turnout. In Washington, D.C., at least a million women, men and children showed up to protest — a veritable tsunami of pink hats — united in our opposition to Trump and his retrograde administration. Organizers put the final count at 1.3 million, while satellite photos show a sea of protestors filling the avenues around the While House

— far larger than the paltry crowd that came out for Trump’s swearing-in. It was so big, it was hard to move or find anyone. At 10 a.m. I set off in search of a large contingent of New Yorkers marching with handcrafted Statue of Liberty torches under the banner of “We Make America.” But I could not get to them. The metro was flooded D.C. continued on p. 4

Moore, Blaz, Alec: We must resist ‘bigly!’ .........p. 3 Skenazy: It’s crazy to always blame Mom ........ p. 18 Eye on the inauguration ..........p. 6

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