The Paper of Record for Greenwich Village, East Village, Lower East Side, Soho, Union Square, Chinatown and Noho, Since 1933
October 13, 2016 • $1.00 Volume 86 • Number 41
With tower taken out, Landmarks approves Jane building design BY DENNIS LYNCH
he Landmarks Preservation Commission O.K.’d a much-revised application to convert two Jane St. industrial buildings in the Greenwich Village Historic District into a “mega-mansion” at a Tuesday hearing. Local preservationists applauded the revised proposal, which elimi-
Why We’re
nated elements that some said were wildly out of context with the neighborhood’s character. The director of the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation, whose group came out against the original proposal along with Community Board 2, called it a “gratifying outcome.”
JANE continued on p. 12
Inside: Breast Cancer Awareness Month special section. See Pages 3 to 8.
Driverless cars are coming, but will city drive them crazy?
Teachers, teams, tweens: Buzz builds for 75 Morton BY SAR A HENDRICKSON
ith driverless vehicles rapidly moving from sci-fi to reality, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer is out ahead of the curve, trying to get a better sense of how this new transportation mode will impact this most congested
borough — and vice versa. The tech-savvy B.P. is pushing discussion about the many gray areas raised by this major change that is surely coming. During a recent panel talk Brewer hosted on driverless vehicles, a representative of Audi, the German car manuDRIVERLESS continued on p. 10
Will Chin face a challenge? . ..p. 5 Before Hillary was Victoria ... p. 25
t the middle school fair last month, the 75 Morton school table was bustling with parents and fifth graders eager to meet the new principal, Jacqui Getz, and get an inside look at this highly anticipated new middle school in Greenwich Village, opening in fall 2017. M.S. 297 (75 Morton) is a new school, but Getz is anything but a newbie. Her 30 years of experience in New York City schools spans the gamut: teacher, literacy ex-
pert, assistant principal and most recently principal of P.S. 126 / MAT, a pre-K-to-eighthgrade Chinatown school with a wide range of family ethnicities and income levels. Getz is highly regarded for creating that school’s inquiry-based instruction, strengthening parent involvement and instilling teacher collaboration. Getz was even profiled five years ago in a New York Times article, “The Secrets of a Principal Who Makes Things Work,” that highlighted her talent in hiring inspirational teachers and chatting it
up with students during lunch in the cafeteria. “My principal says great things about her,” commented several parents mingling near the 75 Morton table at the middle school fair. P.S. 234 fifth grader Sara Khana admired poster boards with renderings of 75 Morton’s gleaming cafeteria and cozy library. “I would love to go to a new school, it doesn’t scare me at all!” she pronounced to her mother, Samjhana.
This Week’s Pink Newspaper in Recognition of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is Sponsored by
SCHOOL continued on p. 14