The Villager

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October 20, 2016 • $1.00 Volume 86 • Number 42

The Paper of Record for Greenwich Village, East Village, Lower East Side, Soho, Union Square, Chinatown and Noho, Since 1933

Save Gansevoort files suit vs. Landmarks, developers; ‘Agency is not preserving’ By Lincoln Anderson


ave Gansevoort — the group fighting a full-block redevelopment project slated for historic Gansevoort St. between Ninth Ave. and Washington St. — last Friday filed a lawsuit in New York State Supreme Court against the city’s Landmarks Preservation Commission and the project’s developers.

The community-based group seeks to overturn L.P.C.’s decision to allow what it calls “a massive, out-of-character development” in the landmarked Gansevoort Market Historic District. The developers being sued included Aurora Capital Associates, William Gottlieb Real Estate and their affiliates. Save Gansevoort notes that gansevoort continued on p. 8

Neighbors still trashing Triangle memorial design; ‘Would be major intrusion’ By Dennis Lynch


oping to compromise with locals, the group behind a planned memorial to the 146 victims of the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire presented a significantly toned-down design of the memorial at a public meeting at The Cooper Union on Thursday. But opponents

only doubled down on their criticisms. The architects of the memorial replaced the mirrored metal band that would run up the corner of the Brown Building, at Washington Place and Greene St., from the ground to the scene of the fire on the eighth and ninth floors with a matte stainless-steel band after Triangle continued on p. 15

Photo by Bob Gruen

Bob Dylan playing an acoustic set at the Newpor t Folk Festival on July 24, 1965. Things got wild the nex t night when he “went electric.”

The times are a-changin’: Dylan wins Nobel for Lit By Lincoln Anderson How does it feeeel? How does it feeeel? To be on your own Like a rolling stone Like the 2016 Nobel Prize winner for literature?

Lightsaber super soaker �������p. 35

Of course, that last line wasn’t actually in Bob Dylan’s ’60s anthem “Like a Rolling Stone.” But, yeah, it must feel pretty good! … Or

so one would think. But after winning the world’s most prestigious literary award last Thursday, Bob Dylan so far has remained silent about it. He hasn’t said a word on it publicly. He hasn’t responded personally to the Swedish Academy. He’s currently on an American tour, but hasn’t uttered a peep about it while on stage, either. It’s not even known if Dy-

lan will accept the award at the Nobel ceremony on Dec. 10 — or decline it, like JeanPaul Sartre in 1964. At this point, you could say, “The answer is blowin’ in the wind.” But the musician’s fans note it’s just par for the course for the always-unpredictable artist. In interviews with The Nobel continued on p. 6

Trump Zoltar foresees the future — Oh, no! ������p. 3 ‘Thinking twice’ about Freewheelin’ Suze ��������p. 21

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