The Paper of Record for Greenwich Village, East Village, Lower East Side, Soho, Union Square, Chinatown and Noho, Since 1933
December 1, 2016 • $1.00 Volume 86 • Number 48
Peace in the Middle East? How about fixing the heat? Kushner tenants skeptical By Joaquin Cotler
resident-elect Donald Trump hopes that — where so many others have failed before — his Orthodox Jewish son-in-law, using his political savvy and business connections, will be able to bring peace to the Middle East. Jared Kushner, the young real estate mogul from Livingston,
N.J., is being considered for a “special envoy” position, The New York Times reported last week. This role, an unofficial post within Trump’s administration, would specifically task Kushner, 35, with making peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. “He knows the region, knows the people, knows the players,” kushner continued on p. 5
Toledano 12th St. renters try to light a fire under landlord to get back gas By Amy Russo
ow did you cook your turkey this Thanksgiving? For most of the residents at 325 E. 12th St., it wasn’t with an oven. For the past six months, the East Village building’s apartments have lacked gas, just one sign of the declining living conditions that tenants say have prompted them
to sue their young landlord, Raphael Toledano, and his Brookhill Properties. A legal agreement reached Nov. 22 between Toledano and the tenants states that the gas will be turned back on by Jan. 31. However, a spokesperson from Brookhill Properties did not comment for this article regarding the restoration of the gas. toledano continued on p. 10
Photo by Bob Krasner
Love trumps hate : A young girl — fittingly wearing a hear t shir t — posted a thought on a stick y note on the “therapy wall” in the 14th St./Union Square subway station. The panoply of post-its has been an outlet for straphangers’ fears, anger, uncertainty and even hope, following Donald Trump’s election.
South Village’s last leg is on track for landmarking By Dennis Lynch
he Landmarks Preservation Commission heard its last round of remarks from the public concerning the proposed SullivanThompson Historic District — a.k.a. phase three of the South Village Historic District — on Nov. 29. The agency’s 11 commissioners could vote as soon as Dec. 13 whether to landmark the roughly 10-block
area bounded by Broadway and Sixth Ave. and W. Houston and Canal Sts. The majority of the roughly three-dozen residents, property owners, business owners and other stakeholders that testified supported the district’s designation. The area contains buildings from as early as the turn of the 19th century, but also includes numerous tenement buildings where immigrants from around the world and particularly Eu-
rope first lived. The Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation has spearheaded the designation campaign over the last decade. So far, the first two-thirds of the proposed area has been landmarked. G.V.S.H.P. Executive Director Andrew Berman evoked the neighborhood’s immigrant connection in his testimony. district continued on p. 4
Eliz. gardeners tell Blaz: Come on down! ����������p. 9 Presidents who did make America great ........p. 15 Earth-allelujah! Billy’s back..p. 17