The Paper of Record for Greenwich Village, East Village, Lower East Side, Soho, Union Square, Chinatown and Noho, Since 1933
January 12, 2017 • $1.00 Volume 87 • Number 2
PeopleWay? No way! Villagers fear trafficfree 14th St. scheme BY DENNIS LYNCH
embers of the public and of Community Board 2’s Traffic and Transportation Committee last week discussed solutions to the expected transit nightmare that is the looming L train shutdown, particularly Transportation Alternative’s PeopleWay proposal. That
plan would shut the thoroughfare to cars and trucks to make room for protected bike lanes and increased bus service, which proponents say is the only way to handle the volume of travelers that the L train currently moves along 14th St. Many at the meeting supPEOPLEWAY continued on p. 20
Activist Roskoff dubs Cuomo ‘king of mercy’ for Clark clemency BY PAUL SCHINDLER
weeping clemency action by Governor Andrew Cuomo on Dec. 30 — in which he commuted the sentences of seven felons, pardoned five others, and conditionally pardoned 101 nonviolent youthful offenders — came as welcome
news to a longtime gay activist who in recent years has made freeing rehabilitated convicts a key mission in his activism. Allen Roskoff, who has been active in L.G.B.T.Q. politics since the immediate post-Stonewall years, is the founder and co-chairperson CUOMO continued on p. 14
A woman at Samsung 837 watching a 360-degree VR promotional movie, showing basketball players and dinosaurs in action and travel destinations. The images projected behind her were not related to what she was seeing through the goggles. See Pages 8 and 9 for ar ticle and more photos.
Building a movement vs. construction harassment BY EILEEN STUK ANE
anhattan Borough President Gale Brewer and a Lower East Side-based tenants coalition have a message for property owners who try to drive out rent-regulated tenants by doing renovations without required protections: “We’re onto you!” On Tues., Jan. 10, Brewer
teamed up with the Stand for Tenant Safety tenants’ rights / legal services coalition to cosponsor a jam-packed town hall meeting about “construction as harassment” at the Municipal Building at 1 Centre St. The frustration in the room full of a few hundred people was palpable. The discontent was mostly directed at the Department of Buildings for what
critics said was its lack of interest in changing its culture. Brandon Kielbasa of S.T.S. asked for examples of construction as harassment from the audience. Many of the issues expressed had been heard before and are ongoing. Audience members spoke of gas shutoffs, front HARASS continued on p. 23
Anti-nuke activists go ballistic over Trump ..... p. 11 Verse versus Donald: Poets strike Jan. 15 ...... p. 13 Paparazzi pup freeze frame ..p. 22