The Paper of Record for Greenwich Village, East Village, Lower East Side, Soho, Union Square, Chinatown and Noho, Since 1933
December 29, 2016 • $1.00 Volume 86 • Number 52
Lobbyist Capalino now working for old P.S. 64 dormitory developers BY LINCOLN ANDERSON
t turns out that Jim Capalino, the top lobbyist who has been at the center of the storm over the scandalous Rivington House sale, has been lobbying on behalf of none other than the owners of the old P.S. 64 — the former CHARAS / El Bohio.
Andrew Berman, executive director of the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation, said it was only discovered “very recently” that Capalino has been lobbying on behalf of 9th & 10th Street L.L.C. Records from the Lobbying Bureau of the Office of LOBBYIST continued on p. 6
Rivington House buyer ripped us off big time, must pay big fine: Squad BY DENNIS LYNCH
tate Senator Daniel Squadron has asked the state attorney general to investigate if the Allure Group — the current owner of the Rivington House building — can be sued for defrauding the city government under the state False Claims Act. A
successful suit could see the real estate company pay huge fines for its role in the sale of the former AIDS hospice to a luxury housing developer. The False Claims Act statute allows for penalties against companies that knowingly lie to the city or state in such a way that affects payment to FRAUD continued on p. 22
Looking like some sor t of mash-up of the burning bush and one of the Heat Miser’s fireballs, this image of a menorah-Christmas tree combination (the tree is behind the menorah) in Stuy vesant Square, at Second Ave. and E. 15th St., was created with t wo superimposed time-exposure photos (and, yes, taken without a tripod, for you photo buffs.) If only there had been a Kwanzaa kinara, too!
‘Up in the air’: How big will rebuilt Pier 40 be? BY LINCOLN ANDERSON
n what is being hailed as a major victory for the community, the agreement for the St. John’s Partners project recently approved by the City Council states that no more development rights from Hudson River Park may be transferred into Community Board 2 after this one megaproject.
However, on the other hand, the agreement does allow the Hudson River Park Trust, the park’s governing state/city authority, to use the currently unused socalled “air rights” of Pier 40 on the actual W. Houston St. pier itself. The massive former shipping pier boasts significant air rights, and there is already disagreement brewing between the Trust and the
community over whether the authority should use all of those on the pier — or just a portion of them. To that end, Terri Cude, the new chairperson of C.B. 2, said the challenge on Pier 40 will be to strike a balance between “the needs of the park and protecting the community from overdevelopment.” PIER continued on p. 3
Artist provocateur held at U.S. border. ..............p. 8 Carmen Pabon, 95, ‘Godmother of L.E.S.’ ........ p. 10 Not ‘dyin’ ’ for Don to start .... p. 13