Downtown Express

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DECEMBER 29, 2016 – JANUARY 13, 2017

Downtown’s Year in Review This was a landmark year for Downtown, filled with grand openings and tragic losses. A multitude of parks, shops, stations and restaurants opened across Lower Manhattan in 2016, which — 15 years after the devasation of 9/11 — was the year Downtown came back better than ever.

But in addition to the triumphs, the year also saw its share of losses, from a deadly crane accident, to a tragic hit-and-run death, to the passing of beloved residents and formative Downtown leaders. In this issue, we take a look back at the major developments that made this such a transformative year.

File photo by Tequila Minsky

Associated Press / Mark Lennihan

File photo by Milo Hess

File photo by Tequila Minsky

Getty / Thos Robinson

File photo by Milo Hess

Photo courtesy of Travis Maclean

File photo by Milo Hess

Also in this issue: 9/11 artifact returned to new E-train corridor Page 5 File photo by Milo Hess


1 M E T R O T E C H • N YC 112 0 1 • C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 16 N YC C O M M U N I T Y M E D I A , L L C

Former CB1 chair may be ousted from board Page 10

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